(L) a.m. b(i) e/n t ~ (u) b (L)e a.t~h ere t (r )e a.t/h ere ve(i)n (e) a.r e
(L) a.m. b(i) e/n t ~ u b e(a.)'re ye (d) r a ft ere a. l/l d e/b t00 t(h) c all d (h) ea.r
t/h d 0 w/are~ a.d.
"d-ad-" is p-(L-)ay(e-)inn-g- t-he-ad- f- all- t-(L-)in-e- d-
not e f/f i x i'n g the m0/m. the sis t ere = vain-d- 0f- t-(h-) 0- w/00-d- e/b- t-00- t- 0ff- t- inn- c-(h-) 0/m- e - d- 0f- t- a-ll-(0-) a- n- d- ap-p-l-i-(e-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-r-(h-) 0-/m-e- (g-) r-un- t- be-ad- (h-) a- s/s- t-(h-) e- ad- s-(f-)o-un-d- en- d- re-ye- f-0-r-(a-)m- inn- t- (he-ad-) 0- w/-n- d-
e/b- t00-t-he-ad- e-w/e- t00-t-he-ad-(h-)ue-s-t-(h-)e-ad- e/b- t-h-u-(e-)s/s- t00-t-he-ad- s- u/s- t- hie-ven- d- s- (h-) igh- t-he-ad- s- t- (h-)e- ad- 0- l/l- (e-)a- r- e- s-(p-) i/t- (h-) e-ye- d- a- p/p- (L-) en- t- e-ye - t-
h-and- e/b-t-(h-)e-ye- t- a- re- ad- e-ye- a-ll- (e-) a- s/s- t- a- me-n-d- s- t- he- miss- (p-)en- t- (0-) w/-h0- s-(t-) e- n- t- inn- (e-) a- re- s- i.'d.- e/n- t- cess- e- x- ces/s- d- i'm- e-at- (h-) at-
h-and- e-w/e- d- a- must- a- nd- h- and- a- miss- a- p/p- L-i-(e-) d- e/b- t- inn- t- i'm-e- t00-t-he- get- i/t- b- (L-) ac-k-t- 00-t-his-t- (e-) a- r- t- i - f-x-f- a- ct- (h-) 0-re- (a-)d- i/t- (c-) h- at-
t00 t(h) en d en e'ye t(h) a.d. e ve (i)n (kn) a.d.
e/b t00 th b c a.m. e ve(i)n d h and L 'eye ~a. t ~
e t/h ere a.(d.) miss t a k/e (nd) g e t a g(r)e a. t ~ e ye a.m.
e~a.d. e/b t00 th be l/l e (ye) a. f(t) inn g t(h) at (a) i'.m. e
s-im-p- u- ll- a-i-re- d- u- ct- i- 0/n- s- n-are- s- t- a- (i-) r- e- s- t- a- r- t- hier- d-
a re ver's e (g) s u/s t a (i) r (e) t/h ere ve (i)n d
"actually" not seeking 0/d e/b t u be (a.) d. honestly s(t)augh t 0ff t, does not make you a be-t/t-a-(i-)r- e- t00-t-hie-ven- d- alliance-s/s- (L-) 0/t- h-and- 0f- t- h0-ver- t- p.r.-i'm- e- d-(y-)our- e/n- t- s-(h-) 0/t-
you are not innocent, and you do not care where or how you s-(h-) a- c- k- t-(c-) up- t- heir- d-
your "relationship" i-s/s- t- a- ll- a- w/ar- t- 00-t-he-ad- s- t- (h-) e- ad- e-ye- d- a- f-x-f- a- (i-) r- e- (a-)d- i/t- s- nake-d- s-nare- (d-) s- n- ewe- (d-) s- fi-ct-i-0/n- a-(i-) l/l- e-ye- t00-t-he- t- a- r-(r-) e-ye- d- s- cent- (u-) s-h- are- d-
he x cess t(h) e~ at h and get (y) 0ur t c a.m. e l/l (d) b (L) ac k/t 00 t(h) at
"you"? ye-w/ar-t- ad- just- passe- inn-g- t- (h-) at-
(h-) 0- get- i/t- b-(L-) a-c-k- t- inn- (e-) ad- van- ce- d-
march 13, 2017
had hysteroscopy surgery , for an benign endrometrial polyp which was causing me to blead profusely during my period, and after, which was a kin to having a whole in my bucket, for which i became anemic, and had to have an iron iv transfusion, which changed my skin color...
after the surgery i was informed that a fibroid was found, however uninvestigated prior to the surgery, while it was ablated (scrape d) it is not known whether the fibrioid is extending from the inside of the uterus, growing thru the wall from the outside, and thus the proper course of surgery cannot be determined at this time, to address the fibroid from the inside out per surgery or from the outside the uteran wall in.
the measure of the success of the surgery is that i will not have a blood flow / hole in my bucket, and quite possible the fibroid will sink of it s on accord during menses, and a reduction in estrogen.
still waiting results sent to the lab to see if it is a benign fibroid.
in the picture, the liquid is dark, and the white is the fibroid finger like projections which, like the polyp, cause irritation in the lining, causing more blood to shed than a normal period.
prior to surgery, i met the anestheticians, and was asked to open my mouth. they wanted to see what they would be working with, as after anesthesia they put a breathing tube / apparatus in your mouth to give you oxygen. it was commented that i have a mouth like a 'boa constrictor', and that dentists must love working with me...
i took oxycodone every 4 hrs for the first day, and generally floated... while i did work on line, then slept the next day, during the snow storm.
min0 got a real biodegrade able , compostable poop bags, they cost about 3 x's as much as the 'green' recyclable bags. inn essence, min0 will be getting another dime or 2 to poop freely , with not extra cost too th en vi r 0/n e m e/n t a l/l e'ye t00 th s(e)a.m. e
t-(h-) a- g-(L-)0-ve- d- i-(c-)(k-)t00-t-he- ad- s-h0-ve- d-ick-t00-t-he-ad- be- ad- 0-ve- d-
perhaps it is about i'm e t(h) at (h) a s/s t(h)e a.d. c(h) 0/m e~ a.d. per (t)h a ps e~ i/t is about giving a. m.e'ye se l/l fxf t(h) a' s/s per miss i 0/n e/e d L e'ye as/s (h) e l/l debt 00 t(h)(c) 0 'ver t/h (d) s w/e ll (e'ye i.)d. e (a.) l/l t a (l/l eve r~ t a) re ~a l/l (e) a. s/s (t) inn g~ s' s/us (n) a~i' l/l e(a)ve~n debt a' b/i t~ ta t/t e l/l d 0ff (t) a re s(t) e l/l debt 0 g e/th/er e~a l/l d e/b t00 th b e/e h ave~n d as/s (h) e l/l d e/b t00 t(h) en a i' l/l d
inn-s-t-(h-)e- ad-0f-t- not caring about the desert, you desert-he-ad--h-and-, reclaiming the dessert you didn't inn stability & com f0r t ab (e) l/l e'ye d provide ve(i)n d.
who is mona lisa speaking t(0) w/h0 ? the reason eye a. s/s k-t- s-(e/e-) c-i-fi-e-(ye-)d-ea-t-(h-) a-(nd-)gree- d- 0f- t- s- peak- t-(0-) w/-h0-d- e/b- t- a- re-we-in-t-(-) w/-h0- d-...
science our an s w/ea.r (d-) s- 0/n-e- w/-in-e- revelation- d- im- suggesting the "we" lay the inn-form-ate-ion-debt-(u-)be-ad- 0f- t- a- s/s- t- a- g- em-s- (p-)en- t- a- gain- s- (t-) inn- t- his- t- a- re- vi-s-i-0/n- e- vain- d- h- a-(n-)d- e/b- t00-t-hie-ven-d- (ea-)f-(r-) am-e- d-(h-)a-re- ad- dress- t- a-(i-)re- ad- s-
science our an s w/ea.r (d-) s- 0/n-e- w/-in-e- revelation- d- im- suggesting the "we" lay the inn-form-ate-ion-e- t-u-be- seen- (d- ea- f-0-r-t-s-) 0/m e a. n (d e/b) t (h) inn g e (n) d 0 w/(h) e re inn g inn t(h) a s/s p.r. e/e fabricated fabric8 i.d. fabricat(h)e (a.)d. 0 w/e (a.d.) b less t(h) e a.d. h (an) d fe L (e'ye) L (H) ea.ve~n (d) Ly e
this 0f t c0urse d h and c0 arse d has (n)ever t (h) a p/p en d in (e) a. re a. ll i f e/e d en d (r) i f(t) 0 r (a.) m. e (i.) a.d.
d 0 c/t (u)r inn (e) d e/b t in (e) d h and h inn g e t00 th be l/l e' (ye) a. f(t) inn g i've~ (n) d
you want 00 t(h) 0 LD 0/n e c0urse (i) t (h)(d) u~es ea. m. use (e) d (H) ues t(h) e miss (d) ewe (t) s
with "dues" t-a-nd- hues- t- a- nd- 0- war- you are trying to get at something that you didn't provide the premiss too th actually be t(h) a g(L) 0 ve d. just saying nail-son-net-b-c-0/n- e- d- 0f- t- 0/0- t-0ff- t-he-ad- s- 0/m- e- t- 0/n-e- d- s-u-(b-)m- mit- t0ff-(i-)t- he-ad- 0f- (i-) t- 0ff- (i-) t-
be-re-ve- t-00- t-he- ad- b- r- ave- d- a-re- ad- e/b- t- heir- d- 0f- t- en-(d-) s-n-are- d-
honestly this is d-ewe-d-s- t- (e-) a- ll- k-inn-g- t-(0-) w/-h0 -d- ewe- d- s-. your "sci-fi-d-" is scene-inn-d-(s-) 0n-g-(L-)0-re-ye-vain- d- e/b- t- 0- w/-i- thou-t- e- x- t- p- an- s- i- 0/n- e- vain- d- 0- (w/-) h- t-
landing on the m0 0n is an m e t a p(h) 0're t(h) a t "yew" haven't actually provided the time, debt h e ye a.r t00 th (en) d 0 w/e i/t (a) p. r.00f t/h ere in (k) n ew/e (a.) d. i/t (a) g ea.r t/h d s 0/m e t (h) inn g t(h) rue w/e (a.)d. (h) ew/e
competition is a theory that has never been tested. "i/t" exisits without boundaries - t- (hi-) e- ven- (t-) ly- e- a- t- 0ff- t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- hie-f- en- (d-) ly- e-
the only thing that can test competition is a theory for c0m p (L) ea. t i 0/n e ve (i)n (t) ly e~ a. g (r) e (a.) d. i/t ~ t00 t(h) en e/e d L e'ye (i.) d. (ea.) f e/a. (s/s) t (h) e~ a.d. (h) e'ye d
i am s(t)ayinng, s-c-i- fi- s- t- a- g- (c-) e- men- t- (u-) be- ad- 0f- t- (a-) me- (a-) id- up- e- t- (0-) w/-id- t- (h-)in- (e-) d- i/s- p- (L-) ace- d- 0f- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- d- ate- t00-t-he- ad- (f-) at-e-
these "accomplishments" of d-ewe-d-s- peak-in-g- 0/n- ad- ewe- d- s- is-mear-e-ly-e- a -distraction- ewe- d-
"i/t" is another "way"-t- off- t-he-ye-d- (h-) inn-g -e- d0f- t-he-re- vi-ewe- d- e/b- t- (u-) be-ad- 0f- t- a-s/s- k- t- a- p.-r.00f- t-
we need to talk about "com-0d-e-ye" and -0-w-(h-)at- tis- f-un-n-e-ye- d- . when we do not have a basic i t e ye not set to fund a lie, and call it fund-a-men-t-all-i-t-e-ye- a- t- br0-ad-s-i-de- b- t- a- (i-) l/l- e-ye- d- 0f- t- inn- (k- t- ) c- (b-) line- d- e/b- t- a-re- p-eat- a- re- (e- ) f- i/n- (e-) d-. there really isn't a reason to be funny at this time. your com-mo-d-e-ye- is-mear-e-ly-e- re- (a-) p/p-0-s- (e-) inn- g- (t-) inn- t- he- s- (h-) am-e- d-0f- t- s- a- con-t- a- in-e-re- vain- d- e/b- t- hie- ven- d- 0- w /ar- e-as/s-u-re- ad- 0f- t-(h-) inn- (e-) d- be-lie- f-(t-)inn- g- i've-n- d-
so all that -he- t- a- ll- k-t- is- t- u- b- c-u-t-e- , but lets try a re a. l/l t a re (a) purse w/e t 0/0 th e ve (i)n (k) n ewe (n) d 0 w/e i/t (h) rue (w/e) l/l a~n d (h) ew/e
"you" as-s- am-en- d- can only distract your self from the imp-as/s- e- d- 0f- t- (h-) a-nd- a- b-(0-)u- t- he- l/l- a- nd-
we have not star t ed. 0 w/e need t(0) w/h0 d s t a r (e) t
a syn/the (ad) s i/s (h) if t(h) (d) u e s/s a p/p Le~ a. s/s e t/h d
please understand -h0-s-pi-ce-re- ad- is -(h-) a- ll- 0- w/e- d- bu-ye- l/l- a- w/e- s- (t-) u- b- b0rn- debt- 00- t-he- ad- be- en- d- a-rt- he- a-rt- s- t- a- r- (e-) t-. please understand, "spicer" as-s- an -e-x- am-p- le- g- i/t- hie-ven-d- parts (t-) 0- w/-id- t-he- ad- e/b- t- a- l/l-a-w/e-s-t-. "t-hat" is where he gets his "spirit" t-(0-) w/-h0- L-e/n- d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- hie-ven- (t-he-a-) d- e/b- t- a- re- s- (t-) 0-re-vain- (d-) s- (h-) 0- re- ad- 0- w/ar- (e-) t- i-f-f- i- (n-) c-(h-) e- s/s- t- (h-) e- t-(h-)en- d-
i am saying, anything can be maid -up-e-t- inn-t-r-u-s/s- (e-) t- 0ff- t- hr- u- s- (e-) t- he- ad- bu-(s-) t- t- ere- d- 0f- t- a- (i-) l/l- 0- ("a") t- he- ad- be- ad- 0f- t- (u-) b- (r-) ough- t-
(L) a.m. b(i) e/n t ~ (u) b (L)e a.t~h ere t (r )e a.t/h ere ve(i)n (e) a.r e g~ea.r t/h d e/b t00 th can (e) ce l/l d e/b t00 th s(t)e l/l (e'ye) i/t ~ a p/p L e'ye a. ce (t) inn (e) a. re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s e x ces/s t (e) a.r~ e
d e c(h) 0/m e w/e a.r (e) t/h ea.r t/h d'
s a p/p a r(e) t (u) bu ye a.r t/h d (h)ea.r t/h d (h) ew/e n d e/b t00 l/l (b) e/n d
sean spicer isn't seeking t(0) w/h0 d s cent s peak t00 th (f) a n/n e'ye (d) 0/n e.
he is using grammatically correct words, that he does not care to using meaning fully e t00 th d serve d act yl ly en (d s) erv~e d i/t (h) inn (e) d h and h ea.ven d 0 w/e a.d. s a w/e g a w/e t00 t(h) a g(i.)0 d. (a) g i've n (d) a.m. e w/e ve (i)n (d) a.d.
sean spicer is -me-a-re-ly-e- s-qua-t-(h-)inn-g- e--d- 0f- t- 0 w/(h) 0/m e/n d be a.d. 0ff th 0ught -(s-) u- be-ad- 0f- t- a- b- (r-) ough-t- 0ff- t- inn-s- (t-) augh- t-00-t-he- ad- dress- t-hie-ven- d- s-L0-t- (h-) a- nd- 0f- t- all- 0- ver- t- he- ad- 0f- t- a- pip-rig- ht- hie-ven- d- s- (p-)en- d- s- a- w/e- gaw/-e- (e-)d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- s- cen-t- s- a- p/p- r-0-ve-ye-s- i- 0/n- e- (e-) d- 0f-(a-) t- 0/n-e- d- b- (r-) ough- t- 0ff- t- s-0-(0-)n- d- h- and- e/n- d- 0- w/e- i/t- s- um- e- 0/n- e-ye- d- (h-) 0v-e- d- h-and- 0-ve-t-a- g-0/d- g- (L-) 0-ve- d- e/b- t- rig- ht- a- l/l- 0-ve- d- 0f- t- 0/n- e- d-(s-) 0- L- (e-) d-
think of -i/t- his- t- 0- w/-a-ye- t-, spicer d-f- (r-) am-e- shree - d- e/b- t- a- s/s- e/e- k- (t-0-) w/e- ll- d-(h-) e-ye- d- e- am- s- inn- g- (s-) 0/d- ly- e-
spicer as a "man" is squatting 0/n e w/h 0/m e/n d, h-and- basic lie, can make this lie- s- lie-d- br0-ad- s-ide- s- (t-) inn- t- i'm- e- (a-)d- i/t- t00-t-he- be-en- t- i'm- e- d-.
spicer can be-h-ave- as the prosecutor of the indians land, to tell them one thing, and then s-(t-) a- t- e- debt- a- ke- ye-p- i/t- ye- a- w/-he-ye- d- e/b - t- a -p- a- s/s- e- t-he- ad- be- (d-) h-ave- d- . the illusion of grace, the illusion of carrying consciouness e t00 th d ate.
all this ill will, "we" all - get to f-fight- again-s-t- inn- t- he- w/-(h-) 0-r- (L-) d- is brough-t- 0/n-e- d- bu-ye- "one" lying -a- me- an- d- e/b- t- hie- ven- d- .
bu ye displacing this woman for -t- your no reason to dat e ve (i)n , you are displacing the indian, e-t-c-.
you are not a ware and you do not pass the value w/e t00 th s t a (i) r (e) t/h ere
you h ave no contribution to make, and you re-mar-k-t00-t-he- get- a- g- (r-)e- a- t- in- (e-) f-x-f- ace- d- 0f -t- e- s- t -a- t-e- . you "desire" to get laid, for -t- no reason, and for- t- no effort h ave t a me(a)i.d.
you "re-m-(e-) a-r-k-t-" 0- w/-h0- deceive- ye- a- r- t-he- r-0- d- e- b- t- a- re- s-(t-) 0- re- n-ear- 0- d- e/b- t- a- b- f-0r- d-
p.r. -0- b- (L-) um-
if you want to use the word 'perfect' you need to earn knit t00 the re (a) p/p (ea) le i/t 00 th e re (a) p/p (r) 0 ' s e i/t
0 (e) th ere wise re m0ve (n 0) mit fr0m your -e- (e- ) f- ache-r- d- e/n- t- 0/n- e/e- d- (h-)e-a-d- e/b- t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- s- peak- t- hie- ven- (t-) ly- e- a- t- he- ad- a- re- (a-) p--eat- heir- d- ea- t- (h-) a- nd- (a-) g- re- a- t- he-ad- be- (a-)d- 0f - (a-) -t- 0/n- e- w/- id- t- he- t- purse- (d-) ce-i-ve- d-
i/t (h) (d) ue s/s t (h) e w/e d 0 w/00 d(h) ew/e
i be lie f ewe
f-u-n/n-e-ye- d- (y-) 0ur- inn- d- e/b- t- inn- t- en- t- i-0/n- eve-r- t- he- ad- 0 ve d
(L) a.m. b(i) e/n t ~ u b e(a.)'re ye (d) r a ft ere a. l/l d e/b t00 t(h) c all d (h) ea.r
t/h d 0 w/are~ a.d. 0 w/e t/h ere t(u) b f0r'd e t(h) e/n (d) e/e d i/t t~0/0 th s up (t) per (t) s e~a.( t/h) d.
building en-t-er-(e-) t-a-in-men- t- o/n- e- s- (t-) ill- d- s- cent- s- t- eeL- d- a- f-(t-)f- eeL- d- a- r-eeL- d-
a c/c e/n t (a) g av~e 'ye (i.)d. 0 w/h e'ye (t/h) d e/b t00 th (e) t a ke~ g r(e)a. t ~ e
g- ag-e- d- e/b- t- he- m0-u-(n-) t-he- d- e/b- t00-t-he- re- t-(h-)(s-) i-re- m-0-u-(n-) t-he- d- he- ad- h- and- 0/u- (be-) t-
b- r/0- t-(h-)e- r-e-
"we" don't think that a w/h e'ye d all t h0 u/s/e- ye -d- ate- t-he-ad- b- rake- d- 0f- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- w/e- ed- (h-) e- ad- his- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- am- t- he- ad- b-m-use- d- g- ave- d- ewe- (d-) s- t00-t-h-u-(e-) s/s- t- (L-) e- d- ew/e- t00-t-he- (a-) d- i/t- t-(0-) w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- d- 0f- (i-/f-) t- he-ad- 0f- t- a- gain- d- he-vain-d- h-and- e/b- t- a- p-(L-) a-ye-re- miss- (t-) (h-) i- re- ad-
w/h (r) ea. t/h e're a.r (e) t(h) em p (0) L e d/g e d 0ff (i/f) t~h ea.ve~n d (0 w/e~n d) s (p) en d' s a w/e g a w/e t a gain d ' s (t) (e) a. m. e/n d 's
s(e) a.m. e/n d
s t (e) a. m. e/n d
h and e/b t/h e ve (i)n (t/h) d e/b t e fxf 0/r/t/h/ be l/l e' (ye) a. f(t) inn g (0/d) en ~ d r/i e'ye f 0r(a.)m. ~ e/n d
w/00 d e/b t(h) at c ar(e) t (a) c a(i)r e'ye d e (w/e) b t (0) w/h0 d e/b t00 th c a(i)r e'ye (d) s e~a. t (h) a nd s e~(a.) d. i/t ~ t00 t(h) inn g e t a g (r) e a.d. 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a. t~ 0ff t/h d (e) s i'r~e a.d. (0)(h)(t) b r~in(n)g ~ 0/d (e) l/l (e) ye t00 th (d) b (r)ake d e/b t00 th (e) t a ke~ d s cent s (n)ake d ate debt (s) 0/0 th (e) re~ a. l/l a t (h) e~ a. ve~n (t) a/b (r) i.'d. e~a.d. h and (0) (h) (t) b r~i.'d.(e) l/l e d h inn g (u) e s/s t a t e th (e)re s (h) a t i/s (t a fxf) a ct i 0/n e/e d L e'ye d e/b t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye n(d) e~a.r e (a.) d. i/t t00 th a.(n)d. e/b t 0 s/s 0/d 0ff (t) a' re~ n t00 t(h) c (r) 0 s/s (t) augh t 0ff t/h d e/b t00 t(h) a nd 0ff t
s-u-e-w/e- d- (ea-)f-0-r-d- h-and- f- 0-r- t- rig- ht- hie-ven- d-e/b- t00-t-(h-)a-ve- t-0/0-L- (e-n-) d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- ea- f-(t-) (h-)inn-g-e-t- a- p- as/s- e- d- (s-) 0- (w/-)n- e- t00-t-he-a-rt- (he-ad-) a - rt- (0-) w/-(h-) 0-e-d-
0(e)d (e) 0' s~
(h) 0 w/e i/t ~ 0/0 t(h) a g(i.) 0/d e/b t00 t(h) en d (en e m(e)a.r) k t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.)d. (a) g (e) 0(d) s ~ 0/m e t00 th r 0/a t ~ h ea.ven (d) s 0/a k/t
0 w/h at e~ve r t (c) a.m. e~ l/l (d) b rain d
e/b t h~ea.ven t00 t(h) a. p.r. 0 claim (e) mit t(h) a g(i) 0/d e/n d (r) i' f(t) f 0 r(a.)m. e/n t 00 th d' s t (r) 0 ye (a.) d. i/t t00 th d (e) p (L) 0 ye ~a. t e fxf 0'r (e) t (a) l/l e s/s (t) e l/l e'ye t 0/d a/t e s/t 0'r e'ye d(s) 0'L (e/a.) d e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 (w/e~ a.d.) s~ e~a. m. e ve (i)n (t) ly e~ a. r (e) t (h) a nd 0/u (be) t (h) a re (a.) pack ag e/d e/b t00 th s p.(r.) 0ut ~(e) in e m 0/u(n) t/h d
de (b) r i.'d e/m e/n t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye d 0/u (be) t
inn t i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th d(h) i'v(e) in e/e d L e'ye t(h) in (e) d f0r k t0(u/n)g (e) i've~n d 0 w/h ea. t h~ ea.ven d
(d) un (e) b (r) i.'d. (e) l/l e t/h ' s t a (i) r (e) t h ~ea.ven t(h)r ue ve (i)n (k) n ew/e (a.) d.(h) ew/e