s-t-inn-t- un- e- t0-s/s- 0d- 0f-("a") t- 0/n- e- t- (h-)rue-(n-) d- 0- w/-id- t-high- t00-t-he-ye- d- i/t-t-(h-)(d-)u-e-s-
(t-) a- nd- (e-) u- s- t- (u-) b- (r-) u-s-h/i-t-'s-u/s- t-0/0-t-he-ad-ouch-e-t-u-s-hi-t-(0-)w/-h0-(d-) g- (L-) 0-ve- d- ea- f- 0- r- t- no reason e t (0) w/h0 ye d be(a) d (h) 0 ve inn t(h) 0 p en t e l/l e'ye ve(i)n d (0 w/e l/l d) 0ve
g-id-d-(h-)e-ye- d- be- lie-f-t- hie- ven- t- ly-e-a- t- 0ff -t- he- vain-s- nail- s- 0/n- net- hie- f- en- d- e/b- t00-t-he- (ad-)f- a-s/s- h-i0/n- d- s- (c-) (r-) e- w/e- d- e/b- t00-L- a- w/ar-e- t- (0-) w/-h0- par-(t-he-) d- 0/n-(k-e-ye-w/-)e- w/e- d-0-w/00-d- e/b- t00-t-he-s-t- a- (i-)r- e- ad- 0- with n0 be h0 ld ere in (k)n ew/e~
a.d.(h) ea.r t(h)(c) a' re~ a.d.
a re a.d. e/b t00 th b eg (r) inn d h~ea.ven d h and e/b t a gain d e/b t00 th s t (r) ang ere d ate d 0/u (be) t f u(e w/e) l/l e'ye t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye (d) s t (h)e a.d. e/b t00 t(h) a'n g ere 0/n t
inn t 0/n e/e d L e'ye d. 0/h t(h) at r~0p ed h a.d. e ve(i)n d e/b t inn (d) s c0 p(i) e d ate
pi e'r(e) ce s/s (e) t h (r) u s/s t inn t (0) w/00 d i/p i/t h/s nake d~e a. m. s (t) inn g' s (t) 0/0 t/h (e) re s(t) 0/a. r~ e'ye d.(h) ew/e ve(i)n t (0) w/h0~ (d) e'ye t(h)u~ (e) s/s (t) inn s i/t ~u ~
L i/p (i)t (h)u~ s/s pur (e) s e w/e debt a w/e t (h) i s/s u e w/e d(h)ue' s/s (t) a i.d.(h) ew/e s(t) a p/p (ea.) le w/00 d ew/e ve(i)n t(h)rue
v i/n e w/(e) inn (d) ew/e un t(0) w/h0 d e'ye w/e (a.)d. e/b t00 th s~ea.t c(h)e w/e~n d 0 w/e i/t (h)ru/e i/n (k)n ew/e d (h) ew/e
t-he-ad-vis-(e-)(t-)(h-) 0-re- ad-vice-s/s-(t-)0-r-e-ye-(d-) am-(e-) 0-re-ad- 0- 0-re- ad- a- b-0-rt- w/-id- t-he- n0 m0 re a.l/l c0unt en (d) an (d) ce ve(i)n d g-id-d-(e-)ye-t-(h-) a- nd- 0- w/e-r-eeL- d- 0f-t- s- (k-) ill- d- s- nice- d- 0f- t- s- lice- d- s- t- a- b- ill- i- t- e-ye- s-h-(e-)y-ie-ld- 0f- t- coun-t-ere-purse-w/e- i/t- 00-t-he- ad- f-eeL- d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- f-(r-) e/eL- ye- s- t- ill- d- 0f- t-(p-) en-
d-(r-)a-ft-d0-dg-ere-(d-)s- (t-)u- b- p.-r.-0-ve-ye-d- c0-l/l-ew/e-d-
d-(r-)a-ft-d0-dg-ere-(d-)s- (t-)u- b- p.-r.-0-ve-ye-d- c0-l/l-ew/e-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s-(e-)a-men- d- s- (p-)en-d- s- a- gaw/-e-d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- 0f- t- (h-) a- nd- e/b- t00-t-he-re- claim- mit- ta- re- f- (r-) am-e- (a-) d- i-c-k- t- i- 0/n-e- t00-t-he-h-ave- d- all- t- he- ha- w/-he-ye- d- ate- s- t- in-e- f-x-f- ace- d-
your "word" doesn't p.r0v ei. d.
t-he-d- j-u-dg-e- carrys the r-i-0t- h-and- s- par- t- (s-) 0- w/-id- t-he- c0m-p-0/n-e/n-t- 0ff- t-he-g-(r-)un- (t-/h-) d-0f- t- a- ll- e/n- t- 0ff -t- hie-ven-d-'s- nail- s-0/n-net-(u-)b- 0/n-(e-)d-ew/e-d-
p. r.0te in 0/n e w/h e'ye...a.r t/h e w/(h)e' ye d
sep a r(e) a. t e l/l e' ye a. t 0ff t/h d 0ff thu(e) s/s t00 th s pea.k t 0ff t 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye a.t e fxf 0'r(e) t/h f (r) e/e L (e)ye t00 th b e/e h (e)a.ven 0/m e(a.)i.d. (ea.) f0r(a.)meal~ly e s w/h ea. t e l/l e ye a. t (e) a. r e (a.) p (L)e~a. t/h ere s(k) inn d (h)ea.r t/h d h and f e/a. r d h~ea.ven (e)a.r e ~a.d. dress t00 th b e/e n(e)a.r e ve(i)n d (h) 0 w/are a.d.' s t a (i) r (e) a.d. e/b t00 th ea.ven (d) a.d.' s hue d (h) e w/e a.d. i/t ~t 0/0
t-he-ven-(e-)a-re- (e-) f-urn-i/s-he-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- (p-)en- d- s- (e-)a- men- d- s- t- e- (n-) t- h- and- s-t-e- g- a-n0- t-hie-ven- t- a- gain- d- 0f- t- en- (d-) am- e-w/e- vain- ad-ag-(e-)a-m-(b-)e- t- hie- ven- d- s- (h-) am- e- d- (h-) all- a- t- he- ha- w/-he-ye-t- he-ye- d- a- re- ad- e-ye- d- e-ye- d- e/b- t- 0/d- ate- f-x-f- ace- d- 0- w/-i- t-he-nail-s0n-net- inn- p- (L-)ace- ad-0f- t- e- f-f- ace- d- b.c. -t-he-t- didn't want to carry re a. ll a w/(h) eigh t -he-t- "wanted" to carry -e-(a-) r-eel- a- w/-a-i/t- 0- get- a- l/l- a- id- for t no reason to really real and really elate t/h (a'n) d 0 w/n d 0 w/i th0u t (0) w/h0 d (0) (h) (t) b f0und s0und e/b t (h) in (e) d 0 fxf ew/e t00 t(h) ru(e) inn d 0 w/(e) inn d 0 w/e a.d. (h) e w/e
i h/ave t (a) c re a.t(h)e (a.)d. (h) an (d) at 0/m i c/a ll ~an/g u ag~E (d) ve(i)n (d) bu yE ven inn g et a g0/d e/b t a s/s kn 0 w/e a.d. 0ff (a) t 0/n e t00 th (e) c(h) 0/s t e w/(h)e a.t~ hea.ven (d) a.m. e~ w/e ve(i)n e (d) c a.m. e l/l e(a.)ven d(b) rain d
0ff (i/f) t/h e ven d s~ a.m. e (n d) s h e( a.) d.
0ff t (e) l/l e'ye~a. gain d h ea.ven (t/h) d e/b t00 th b(L) e/n d h~ea.ven d e/b t00 t(h) a' p~ a l (l a.) m. (b) i (n/n) t (h) inn knit ~ t00 th (e) re c(L) 0've r~ t
a gain (d) s (t) 0/0 kn 0 w/(e) inn g (e) i've ~n d e/b t00 th b eg (r) inn d h inn g e t00 t(h) inn k inn g's u/s t (h) at ' s k inn d 0ff t/h ea.ven d p(h) at 0/0 t(h) ea.r e sis t 0 f/f a l/l d (h) 0 'ver t (h) a l/l (t a r/r e'ye) d (h) 0've t a.d. just b. c. (h) 0/n e c~au s A fe r~e a. l/l d
0/u(be)t (0) w/i.d. th f all d
0 w/h i' l/l (e) d (h) ea.r t/h d h and (h) a l/l t
i'm (e)a. w/are a.r t/h ere inn s c a l/l (e) d e/b t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(e) inn g
s(c)(h) 0 Le t r 0/0 p 0/0 r t s h(0) a l/l 0 w/e a.d. e/b t00 th r 0 a/t ' s (t) e a. l/l d 0ff t e ff 0' r(e) t (h) 0/0 k (t/h e) n 0 (w/e) d e/b t (h) at a re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s e (x) cess h inn (e) d f a c(e)t ~ inn t(h) at (u) b eg (r) inn d at a. d. ' s cent ' s e x a ct ly e a. t (h) at
k (nigh) t r/i all ~ augh t ere a. l/l d
e'ye d h ave ta c~re a.te d a(ta)n at 0m i c all an~g u ag e ve(i)n bu ye ve(i)n t a g 0/d as/s kn 0 w/e a.d. 0ff an d c(h)ar (e) ge th e/g 's u/s L0 t~ t00 th and 0 fxf t a l/l (b) e/n t 0ff t inn s 0/n s (L) augh t ere a.d. 0ff (i) t a cr0ss t(h) e a.d. h er(e) inn d a s/s p.r. e s (c/i) en t e s (t) a t e~ s t(h)e a.d. a re~a. l/l a t (h) e ~ (a.d.) ven~ t
(0) w/00 d h ave t a l/l (b) e/n t 00 t(h) en d 0 w/e i/t 0ff t inn (e) a.re s i.'d. e/n t ce ss (t) e x (t) cess (t) a i.d. i/t~t0 0'L(e) a.n~ d h and h inn g e inn d f un ct i 0/n (e/e) d L e'ye d um~ b um me r(i.)d. e in d(e)u s/t r i a~ l/l i zed e/b t00 th f un ct i 0/n (d) knit 0 w/(h) i t/t le d h inn defer rent e x t ce s/s (t) e t/h ave t a g i've n d 0 w/h at (0) w/h0 n e/e d e/b t00 th ave i/t inn (e) d (h) e/e d f (r) e/e d (h) 0/m e inn e min(e) d
e/b t00 th ea.ven (d) s um e 0/n e 'ye 0/n e ve(i)n d 0've t (0) w/i.d. th d(h) 0/n e/e d e/b t 00 th (d) 0've t c~ap(t) i/t a l/l (d) s (h) 0/n e/e d 0've 'ye w/e a.d. e/b t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye d ate d (h) a l/l t a re (a.) p (L)e~a. t/h e're a.t/h ' s t a (i) r~ (e) t as/s (h) if t 0 w/h0 d h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n (t) a p~ar(e) t 0ff t/h ew/e d e/b t a' s/s k (r) ew/e d e/b t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye d e/b t(h)rue n~d 0 w/e i/t h~ea.ven (k/n) ew/e d ew/e t00 th d e/b t (a) p. r.00f t
deindustrialize the notion you r-e-g0-t- a- miss- fed- all-0-("a")t-he- ad- 0f- t- 0/0-t-0ff-t- h- and- 0- f-f- a- ll- (d-) 0/t- he-all-0-("u")t- 0ff-t-hie-ven-(d-) s- L0-t- h- and- 0f- t- a- perp-et-u-all- a- s/s- augh-t- 0ff- t-00-t- p-rote-ct- a-s/s-mu-c-he-t- 0ff- t-inn-t-he-f-i/r-s-t- (0-) p-(L-)a-ce- (d-) 0-ft-0-re-(a-) p-(L-)a-ce-d-0f-t-s-ea-t-0ff-t-00-t-he-ad- h-and- 0f- t- inn- s-L0-t- h-and- (h-) all- 0-("a")t- he-d- b- (r-)ough- t- 0ff- t- inn-d-u-s-t- re-ye-s-t-e-ye-me- d- 0f- t- (a-) l/l- 0-(u-)t-t0-0t-he-ad-h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- hie-ven-d-
c0/n-(e-)f-i.-d-.e/n- s- (h-)e- s- (h-)0-t-hie-f-en-d-
e/b t-00-t-he- r/r- 0- d- e-vain- d-
f 0(u)n t b(L*) in (e) d 0ff (i) t i'm e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th (an) d (h) i'v(e) in e/e d L e'ye t(h) in (e) d e/b t(u)be t(h) inn (d) c L~i/n e/d h and ' sub. c. L i'm(b)e (a.)d. 0ff th ea.ven d h a.(n)d. ven t/h s (t)(r)e a.m. e/n d
ye-a-(m-)b-(r-)u-s-he-d- e/b- t00-t-he-t-(0-)w/-h0-re-s-(t-) 0- re- ye- i/t- heir- d- s- cent- s- qua-r-(r-)e- l/l-s- (t-)augh-t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- (t-) inn- c- (h-)0/m-e-d-0f-t-hie-ven-t-(h-)(d-)a-ll-0-("a")t- he-d- (b-)a-re-eL- (d-) 0-ft-(c-L-) in-e-(e-) d-im-e-d- b-(r-)0ugh-t-up-t-
he-ad-(g-)(r-)ill-d-0-(h-)f-t-he-ad-up-e-t-inn- t- r-u-s/s- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t-'s-e-(e-)d- (e-)u/s-t- (u-)b- (r-)u- s-he- d- e/b- t- a- t00-t-he-ad- ew/e- (d-)s-
d i fxf e'ye d alliance s/s (h) ed e/b t00 th ea. l/l (b) e/n d e'r e/n t00 t/h (b) e/n d en e m(e)a.r kn 0 w/e l/l (e/a.) d. e/b t 0 w/i th0u t 0/n e/e d e/b t00 th (e) re (a.)p e/n t
(h) inn g e t a g(r) e a.d.~ a ta s/s t (h) e a.d. cr0ss t(h)e need Le'ye inn t/h be(a.)d. 0 fxf t en d s pi r/i t b re a.d.
ye-w/e-t-(h-)is-sue-w/e-(e-)d-e/b- t-hie-ven-d- (r-)a-ft-e-r-eeL-d-0f-t-0/0-t-0ff-t-(r-)a-we-ll-d- 0/n-e-d-s- n0-b-scene-d-(h-)0-ve- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- h0-ve- d- 0f- t-0/0-t- 0-p.-r0t-e-ct-0ff-t-he-ad- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- s- L0-t- h-and- 0f- t- s- nice- d- s- lice- d- 0f- t- inn- t-i-ce- ad- ea-t-high-t-he-ad-e/b- t- 0- w/-he-ye- d-
-you- can pay me to discuss your fiction d inn knit
the time you would abort is not in favor of a re t0 rt. the time you would abort is kn 0t inn t/h f (L)ave 0're d 0 w/00 d (e/b t) a re t0 rt/h er(e) inn d s (n) 0 rt
destinie-(d-) s-t-r-ump-e-t- 0ff-t-s-t-r-ump-e-t-(a-)b- c- e w/e d h ave n kn ew/e (d) p (Lu m/m e) t
0ff t(0) w/h0 d(h) e'ye w/e (a.)d. (h) u e s/s (t) a i.d. e/b t(h)rue~ w/e ll e/n d 0 w/e t(c/h) e w/e~n d (h) u e (inn) s~i/t u ~ p/i t/h e (ye) w/e d
e/b t/h em (e) a. s/s t a (i)r e (a.) p (L) an (d) s w/(e)a.r e/n t h and a re (t) b a(i) t~h ea.ven (d) s u/s (p) en d' s et(h) a g i.(0)d. e/b t' s t rait a gain d
t-he-s-(t-)a-t-e-d- g- race- d- s-(t-)a-id- s-t-(h-)e- ad- e-ye-a-s/s- t- a- p-(L-)an- (d-) s- is- t00-k-eye-p-a-id-0f-t- ly- e- inn- d- p- lace- d- 0-we-ll-e-s/s- t- (r-) a- w/ar-e- t00-t-he-ad- ate-ed-0f-(i-)t- 00-t-he-ad- s- h0-w/an-d- s- h0-ve- d- 0f- i-(f-)t-he-(a-)d- i/t-
c-he- ad- e/b- t-0/0-t-0ff- i/t- (h-)r-u-s-e-d-(h-)ue-(d-) s- ap-p.-r00f-t- hie-f- en-d- h-ave- (n-) tu- t- (h-) rue- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- ap-p.-r.-0-ve- t-0ff- t-(h-)(d-)u-e-s-ta- g-e-t-a- m-u-s-e- (e-) d- u-e-(t-) s-t-e- w/e- ll- e/n-d- g- (L-)ewe- d-0f-t-e-s-t-a-t-(h-)e- ad- ewe- (d-) s-
dof-t- only -e- w/- ill- (t-) s- (t-) a- nd- e- (a-) ll- s- inn- t- in- (e-) t- i'm-e- ad- 0- w/ar-t- i- f-x-f- i-(n-) ce- s/s- t- a- f-x-f- i/n- (e-) d-
t-he-ad- s- t- (h-)e- ad- e-ye- b/b-e- re- a- t- e- s-(t-) a-t-e- a- re- (e-) f- i/n- (e-) d- 0f- ("a") t- 0/n-e- d- (h-) all- t-he- t- (a-)i'm-e- (a-)d- i-c-k- t00-t-he- m-(e-) in- (e-) d-
inn-cess-an-(d-e/b-)t- inn-c-an-d-e-s-(c-)en- t-
(ad-) e/b- t00-t-(h-) inn- t -ere- s-t-(h-) e- ad- a- re- g- round- h- and- e/b- t- a- p.-r- 0/0- found- he-vain-ly-e-
a r(e)t b (e/a.) p. r. e s (p) en t in (e) a. re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s e x cess (t) a i.d. 0 fxf i/t (h) inn t ere s(t) augh t (h) inn knit h/d 0ff t (e) l/l e'ye ~ a. d. e/b t00 th (e) re (a.) p (L)e a. t/h ere s t (h) e ~ a.d. e/b t00 th s t (e) a l/l e (a.d.)ve~n (t/h) d e/b t a.' m.i s/s (i) re a.d.
(L-) 0-ve-(a-) d-i-c(k-)t-s- h0-v-e-d- 0f- ("a") t-0/n- e/e- d- (L-)e-ye- d0 -f- t- 0/n-e/e- d- e/b- t- 0/0-t-0ff-t- a- l/l- (d-) 0-(f-) t- a- re- g- round- s-cent-sound-be-ad- 0f- t-r0pe-d- 0f-t- he-a- l/l- (d-) 0- (f-) t- a- s/s- t- e- m-u-c-he- d- b- (r-)ough-t- 0ff- t- heir- d- ew/e- d- 0f- t-he-ad-s-um-e-0/n-e-ye- d-(b-)(c-)um- c-r-um-bed-i-gnat- ly-e-vain- d- e-r/r-in-g-(ere-) r-un-t-he-ad- 0f- t-he-ad- s-t-(h-) e- ad- he-vain- d-0f-t-inn-c-0/m- e- d- i- c- (k-)t00-t-he-min-(e-) d- ew/e- d- 0f- t- s- n- ewe- (d-) s- inn- t- a- x- i/s- t- e- w/e- d- be-ad- 0f- t- (h-)rue- r-use- d-(h-) ues- b- (L-) a- c-k- t- a-s/s- k- (r-) ew/e- d-
t/h en em e(ye)s i(t) s t a s/s t (h)e a.d. (h) ew/e a.d.
h and f0und kn 0 w/e a.d. dick t00 th eg get s c (r) e w/e d
e/b t00 th ave (n) t00 th ave t a u'se d(h)ue' s i/t inn t (0) w/h0 you -d- en- d- r-i- f-f- 0- r- (a-)(i-)m- e- d- a- b- u-s-e-d- 0f- t- en- d- e-re- ly-e- s- (t-u-) b- s-p0-k-en-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- b- c- 0/n- e- d- 0f- t- 0/n- e-/e- d- L- e-ye- d- 0-ve- t- s- hi- t- a- (i-) ll- d- (r-) 0/n- e- d- 0- (w/-)h- t-
be-lig-e-r-an- t- inn-c-(h-) 0/m- e- d- 0f- t- 0- w/-i- thou- t- (h-) inn- k- inn- g- (s-) 0/d- (b-)um-c-um-man- d- 0f- t- en- d- e/b- t00-t-he-d-(be-) l/l- a- ye- d- s- cent- s- peak- t- ea-s/s- e- t-he- ad- ag- (r-)e- ad- h-and- e/b- t-00-t-he-ad- be- (a-)d-
b-an-e-ve-r-e-ye-t-(h-)inn-g-(u-)e-s/s- t- 00- t-(h-)(y-)0-re-(a-)p.-r.-e- s- en- t- (a-) miss- t- a- ke- d- e/b- t- (0-)w/-id- t-high-(d-e/b-) t- i/t- re- ad- e/b- t00-t-he-ye- t- (he-ad-)e-ye- t- h(r-)e-ad- a- re-p-ug-(h-) n(u-)a-n-ce- d- e/b- t00-t-he- re- vi- s- i-0/n- e/e- d- (c-) L-i-e-n- t- (h-) inn- g- e- t- a- gree- d-
the "true" vain-d-0f-t-hie-ven-d- , couldn't (p.r. 0) claim i/t a re (a.) p.r.e s (c(L)i) e/n t/h pre miss (p) en t heaven (t) (s) a.(i.)m. e d.
t-h-c-Lu-s-t-ere- ad-(0-) f- uck- t- (u-) b- uck- t- 0ff- t- hie-ven- d- alliance-s/s- (h-) 0/t- 0ff- (t-) a- l/l- 0-("a")t- he- ad - be- ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- k- (i-)t- he- ad- b- (r-)0ugh-t- 0ff- t-he-ad- 0f- t- h-and- s- L0-t-he- ad- 0f- t- a- gain-s-t- cur-(e-)rent- (s-)augh- t- 0ff- t00-t-he- x- press- (t-) a- i.d.- all- 0/t- t00-t-he-ha-nd- 0f-t-
bane d0f- (t-)('s-) an- e-w/e- d- e/b- t- u-gaw/-he-ye- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- d-
re-p-ug-(h-) n(u-)a-n-ce- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad-be-en-(t-)e-a-r-d-
(r-) a- ft- ere-a-r-n- (d-)am-e- d-e/b- t00-t-he-re-a-r-a-ft-ere- vain- d-s-(e-)am-en- d-s-ang-
u-in-a-re-ye- d- s- cent- s- h0-ve- d- 0f- t- a- g- (L-)0-ve-t- inn- s- mu-d-g-e- d-
e/b -t-00-t-he-re-t-urn- d- a-p/p-a-t/t-urn- d- (a-) g- (L-) 0- ve- d-
am-bi-en-ce- d- h-ad-a-s/s-h0-rt- a- re- s- i.'d.-en-s-e(e-)d-0- w/-(h-) i- t- inn- a-m- e- d- g- (u-)e- s/s- t- (e-) a- ll- t-he- s-(h-) am-e- d- f-0-r-e- s-(t-)e- all- (c-L-) i-en- g- b- rain- d- g-'s- u/s- t- a- g- (em-)c-am-e- g-am-(e-d-)s-c-am-(e-d-g'-) s-am-e-d-(u-)b/b-(L-)e-a-t- he-r/r- e-ad- e/b-t- he-r/r-(0-d-) e-ad- h-and- e/b- t- hie- f- en- d- e/b- t- a- cr0ss- t- e- ven- d0-f-t-(h-)at-his-t-a- me- m0- t- t00-t-he-re-(a-)p- cr0ss- (t- a- f-f-uck-) t-0ff-t- b-(r-)0ugh-t- (he-ad-) 0-f-f- t-00-t-he-ad-s-up- p-lie-ye- d- e- can- t- a- re- cr0ss-(t-)augh- t- 0ff- t- he- ad- 0f- t- a- gain-s-t- (e-) a- ll- 0- ("a")- t- he- ad- s- p- as/s- (t-) e- d0f- t-00-t-he-a- t- 0- s/s- 0/d- 0f-t-
s-w/-(h-)inn-d- le- d- t(h) 0/n e s/s t b eg (r) inn (d) er(e) t 0 w/h a (s/s) t e t(h) 0/0 kn 0/t
(L) a.m. b(i) e/n t ~
(u) b (L)e a.t
(s) (h) (c) 0/n e ~ e d
(h) 0/m e ~ a.d. (s) 0'L ( e/n)
(D) 0 w/e i/t 0 l/l be l/l e'ye s t 0(0)L e
(a) g (r) 0 w/e a.d. e/b t00 th be en ~ d h~and h~ea.ven d h~and s(e)a. m. e/n d' s (p) en d's a w/e g a w/e t00 t(h) a g(i)0/d e/b t a. (gain) d. e/b t00 th b(e) a.d.~ 0 0're a.d.
e/b t00 th r ig n~0 're a.d.
(h) ues i/t 's pea.k t(0) w/h0 d e'ye w/e (a.)d. i/t ~ t 0/0 d ew/e (re) ve(i)n (kn) ew/e d
me m(e) a. k/e t(h) en (k/n) 0 (a)t e s t (e) a m e/n t 00 t(h) inn k e'ye d be ad as/s pre s en t/h e/a. d. 0 w/i.d. t(h) i/t~ c he a pt 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye~ a. t e fxf 0'r (e) t (c) h al(l) ve t a b Le a.d. f (r) e/e d (h) 0/m e~ a.d.
s a.m. e ve(i)n (d) a.m. e w/e a.d. h ea.ven (d) s(h?) a.m. e~ d-(y-)our-e- s- (t-) i-l/l-en-t-ce-s/s- t- a- g- (em-) c-am-e- l/l t(h)ru~en em e'ye (d) f (r) a.(i.)m. e~ 0/n e'ye inn 0/n e ve(i)n (t/h) d (g) a.m. e~ d i c k t00 th en ave d
get 0/0 t(h) p.r. 0 claim mit ta gain d h~ea.ven (d) a.m. e
w/h0 deam the (a)d i/t be-(a-)d- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye-a- t- 0ff- t- he- me-an-see-k-t-0ff-t-he-ad-0f-t-ly-e- a- "t" u be-(a-)d- c0m-p-(L-)e-a-t-
e- l/l-e-ye- made - d0f-t-ly-e- sir-e-p-as/s-(t-) e- ad- com-f0r-t-a-b- (e-) l/l- e-ye- d-
0-w/00-d-e/b- t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- a- s/s- k- inn- d- e/b- t- hie-ven- d-
you-h-ave-t-a-l/l-(i-)a-re-ad-e-ye-s- (p-)en- t-he-ad- e/b-t- 00-t-he-ad- s- c- r- ew/e- d- s-up-per-t-(h-)(d-)u-e-s-
t- a- nd- h- and- ues- i/t- t00-t-he-ad-
for-(a-)meal-ly-e- too-t-he-h-ave- t- a- b-u-s-(h-)e- d-
t(h)(d) a l/l e w/e t a~ g en (e) t i' l/l e'ye~ a. t (h ea. d.) 0 ff (i) t a cr0ss t a re (a) p.r. e sent (s) augh t (h) at e (ve r e) ye d b(r)0ugh t inn s L0 t in e/n em e'ye d e/b t a re (a) p.r. 0 vi s i~0/n e/e d L e'ye t (h) in (e) d (p.r.) i'm ~e a.d. 0 (w/) e s t 0 p ped d~le (a.)d. a s/s k n0 t
e d g ave (n) d 0 w/h e'ye t a b(L) e t/t a ir e/n d bk n0 t e x t 0ff t s k inn d h ea.ve n/d e/b t a(i') l/l (b) e/n d
h inn g (e) inn g e (i')ve n (t) ly e~a. t a' cr0ss t (a.) m.e'ye t i'm e a.d. 's L0 t~ t00 t(h) a' nd 0ff (t) a l/l 0/t a gain debt 00 th ea.ven (d) s (t) a nd e/b t a gain d e/b t h~ea.ven d p.r. a.m. me di c (k) t 00 th (e) ave n (d) a.m. e~ a.d. 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye~ a. s/s (k/i) t (u) be (a.)d. c0m p (L)e~a. t
e fxf 0 r(e) t f0rce s/s e th f (r) e/e d (h) 0/m e ~a.d. 0 w/e t00 th be l/l e (ye)a. f(t) inn (d)g a g( r)e a.d.
e/b t00 th t em p(0)Le d f (L) e d h~ea.v~en d
e/b t em p(f) 0/0 L e(a/d) ve (i)n t/h (an) d
e/b t00 th s~(e) a.m. e/n d 's (p)en d' s a w/e g a w/e t a gain d heaven d h and i/t (a') b rain d s(e)a.m. en d's (p) en d' s u/s (p) en d's heave n/d c a.m.
e l/l d 0 w/n d ea.f 0'rt be l/l e(ye) a. f(t) inn g t (h) at i'm e'ye a.m.~(c0 m/m)a~n d
ata t(h) a nd heaven d set (h) a g(i)0/d s trait inn th p al(la.)m. inn t(h) a nd h ea.ven d e/b t00 th s(t)(r)e a.m. e/n d s (t) a nd' s (c) an (d) s
t a (i')m (e) inn (e) d h~ea.ven t (a) b~i.'d. ~e ye d
(t)(h)(d) a l/l e w/e t a gen(e) t i' l/l e/n d 0 w/(h) a r/r e/n d bk n0 t e/d g(ed/h) ave (n) d 0 w/h e'ye t a b(L)e t/t a (i)r e/n (t) a.m. e d 0 w/are a.d. (h) e'ye (t/h) d' s a.m. e ve(i)n d' s tu/p i.d. e/b t00 t(h) a w/i th0u t-hie-f-en-d-s- inn-(u-) ate- d-
your-(e-a-)d-(h-)0/m-e-t-0/n-e-d-0f-t- 00-t-0ff-t-a-s/s-mu-c-h-t- b- (s-) um-mit-he-ad- 0f-t-s- qua-r-(r-)e-(ye-) ll- e- ye- (d-)s- (t-) aught-t-0ff-t-he-ad- be- ad- 0f- t- sup-per-inn-d-(s-)p0-sed-0f-t-see-d- (h-) a- ll- 0- ("a") t- he- t-0ff- t- (u-)b- (r-)0ugh-t-0ff-t-he- ad - cur-(e-)rent- (s-) 0/n- e- s/s- t- (e-) a- ll- 0/t-
you woo-d- b-(r-)e-ad- e/b-t-0-we-r(e-) inn-d- be- (a-)d- e/b- t-he-vain-d- 0f-t-h-(0-)u-g-ht- 0ff-t-hie-ven- d- s-am-e- d- e/b- t- could- be- ad- as/s- b- (r-)ough- t- inn- t-he- l/l- i-g-ht- 0ff- t- d-aye- t- 00- t- he- make- d- b- rake- d- 0f- t- e- s- t-a- t- e- d- at(e-) inn- p-(L-)ace- d- (h-) all- t- he- ha- w/-he-ye- t-
you slaughtere-d- of -too- the- re- (a-) p- ea-t- off-t-heir-dof-t-h-ere- (a-)d- i/t-0ff-t-force-scene-star-t-ere-s- a-w/ar-e-(a-)d- 0f-t- com-p-ass- t- a- re- d- 0f- t- heir- d-
e/b-t-00-t-0ff- t- (h-)at- c-a- r/r- e-ye- d- 0f- t- heir- d- 0f- t00-t-he-ad- 0f- t00-t-he-re-(a-)p-air- d- 0f- t- (e-) l/l-e-ye-s- t- a- (i-)r- e- t- heir- d- h- inn-g-e- d- e/b- t- inn- c-(h-) 0/m-e- inn- g- e- t- a- re- s- i.'d.-e/n- t- ce- s/s- (t-) e- t- high- t- e-ye-t-
t-his-t-is-t-he-ad- (s-) 0n-ly-e- com-p-ass-t-e- we- d-b- (r-)ough-t- (0-) w/-h0- d- (h-)e- ye- d- ewe- d- s- t- (r-)e-we- n-d- 0- we- i/t-0ff-t-he-ad-sir- (e-) t- m-o/u-(n-)t- he-ad- p- as/s-e- d- 0f- t-
a- g-e-t-he-me-0/n-e-ye- d- e/b- t- a- p- as/s- e- d- 0f- t- a- gain- s- t-(h-) e- ad- s- cur-(e-)rent- 0/0- t-he- ad- (s-) 0- b- serve- d-
m i n/n 0 w/(h) a s/s kn 0 w/e f(t)f e(a.) t/h ere ' s(t) 0(w/)n e s/s (t) back t00 the ta ct inn f act 00 L(e) a. s/s t (e) a. ll inn (t) a re ver's e/a. l/l a~i.d ea. l/l a'ye (a.)re a. ll a re~a.d. (h) e'ye n (d) kn ave d h and (en e m(e)a.r) k nave 'ye d at(h)e re a.re a.d. e'ye t (h) inn g et p(L)a ce s/s (t) a i.d. ate
m i n/n 0 w/e d0e s kn 0t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e th s 0/n(e)g (L) 0've a.r k t c a r/r e'ye 0/n d~ g0ing f0're w/are a.d. i/s ta'n (d)c e s/s (t) h~ e a.rt 0ff t hear t/h d (h) ea. d. h ave~n d a'rt
h~ f e(a.) t/h er e/e f r0m th b(L)a c/k t00 th ea.ven (d) kn 0 w/e i/t' s (n) a.m. e~ a.d. h ea.ven t00 t(h) (a) p.r. 0 c(L)a i'm mit ta 're c~a.m. e l/l e(a.) d. i/t ~t00 th f(r) a.m. e
(i.) t/h e're t(0) w/h e'ye d.
get your m0/ne'ye d 0/u (be) t 0ff- t-h-ban-k-t- h and you will lead t-0ff-t- without "teeth" t-he-d- b- (r-)ake- d- en-d- r-i- e-ye- d- f-0-r-(a-)m- ate-t-he-ad-e/b- t-0/m-b-m-(c-)at-c-h/i-t-s- e- x- c- ape- d-at-e-r-ape-d-e/b- t0-g-et- (e-) a-s/s-(e-) t- (h-)e- ye- d- e/b- t- a- r-e/eL-ate-
get your m0/ne'ye d 0/u (be) t 0ff- t-h-ban-k-t- h and you will lead t-0ff-t- without "teeth" t-he-d- b- (r-)ough-t-0/0-t-0ff-t-h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- 0/n-e/n-em-e-ye- (a- s/s- k- i/t- u- be- ad-) s-(L-)augh-t-ere-d-0f-t-h-and- 0f-t-u-s-he-ye- d- com-p- (L-) ea- t- force-d-0f- t-f-(r-)eeL-ye- a- r- (t-) ape- d-
i'm being my word ass mu c ht
my-t-h-u-e-s-(L-)augh-t-ere- d- 0f- t- his-t-s- (c-)am-e-n-d-s- miss-t-a-ke-n- d- 0f- t- a- gain- d- b-(r-) i.'d.-(L-)e-d- just-he-s-(h-)am-e/n-d-(s-) as/s-aye- d- e/b- t- a- p- (L-)aye- d-e/b- t- a - l/l- a- w/e- s-t- a- ll- k- t-he- w/-he-ye- d- 0f- t- s- p- (L-)at-e- d- s - pur-sue-w/e- t-00-t-he-ad- s- (p-)aye- d-(h-)ues- t- e- ven- t00-t-he- (a-) s/s- (t-) a- id- he-vain-d-e/b- t00-t-(h-)a- p/p.-r00f- t-hie-ven-d-s- pur-sue-w/e- t-u-
p/p-e-(r-) t/t- e- ye- tu-d- e-(b-)tu-d-e-(b-)t-u-
p-t00-t-(h-) p- (L-)a-ye- i/t- a- gain- d- g-'s- u/s- t- 's- (h-) am- e- (a-) d- i- c- (k-) t00-t-he-ad- be-lie-f-(i-)t- (c-) am-e-n-ave- d-e/b-t- a- s/s- p-ar-t-rut-he- d- ew/e- d- s- c- r- ew/e- d-(inn-) f- (L-)am-e-t-hie-ven-ly-e-a-r- ate- s-t-a- t-e- d0f-t-ly-e-d- e/b-t00-t-he-ad- s- pur-sue-w/e-d- 0f- t- ly-e- t-(h-)rue- d-
the berk inn (d) s t all k t is g(L)e w/e g(L) e w/00 d h ave n d0w/e n d en d r i e'ye f 0r(a.)m. in(0) d (en e m(e)a.r) kn ew/e d (p.r.) i'm e~a.d. 0 w/ (h)~and (h) i've d ' st 0 c/k t00 th s~ea. t(h) u (e) s/s (t) a i.d.(h) ues i/t t00 th d e/n d re'ye f 0ra. m. e w/e d i/t ~t 0(w/)e t(h) 0 w/00 d e/b t h~ea.ven t/h s t e a.d. e'ye d b eg (r) inn d ere t/h ere a.d. fir's t a nd h and e/n d re' ye f 0 r a.(i.)m. e ve(i.)n d.
your s-(h-)am-e- is -inn-e-ver-e-ye- s-e-a-s/s- 0/n- e- d- e/b- t00-t-he-re-a-r-d- be l/l e (ye) a. f (t) inn g (L) 0've d h and f e(e) d i/t a.d. just (a) b.c.~ d at(e) inn place d -e/b- t- 0- w/-id- t-he-n-eve-r-t- w/-a-s/s- t- (h-)e- ad- s- (t-) u- b- b0rn- d- 0- (w/-)e- s-
ad-ju-st-(y-)0-re-f-(r-)am-e- tu-be-(a-)d- a- m0-re- t- inn- p0-rt- a-n-(d-)t- h-an- d- be a.m. u/s t (c) a.m. e~ ve in
0m f 0 r a.(i.)m. e w/e (a.)d.
f (L) a.m. e
f-(L-)ai- L-i-en- d- 0-w/e- t-(h-)r- as/s-he-(a-)d- i/t- hie-ven- d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- 0f- t- (h-) a-nd- 0/u- (be-) t- inn- (e-) a- re- ce-pt-i-0/n-e- vain- (d-)e-a-r- t-he-(n-)ad- i-r-(e-) t-heir-d-ew/e- d- s-pur-sue-w/e- d-(h-)ue-s- t- a- nd- s-e-d- (e-)u/s- t- 0ff- t- 00-t-he- ad- 0f- t- (e-) ll- e-ye- (b-/i-) g-0(t-)d- e-
ad- 0f-t- (0-) w/-h0-/n-e- t- b- (r-) ough- t- 0ff- t-he- mar-r-e-ye- d- 0f- t-e-s-t-a-t-e- d- ate- s- (t-) 0- w/e- d- (s-) 0-L-(e-)d- ew/(e-)inn-s-t-(h-)e- ad-(h-)a-ye- d-ate-r-a-pe/d- e/b- t00-t-he- f-x-f- a- ce- d- e/b- tu- b- (f-)(r-)an-k- t-
0ff-t-hie-ven-t-race- d-
un-e-ye-ve-r-s-(t-)e-a-ll-ye- d- inn- k-eye- p-(L-)ace- d-e/b- t00-t-('s-)he-l/l-0ut-a-t-0ut-(he-ad-) 0-w/-n- d- e/n-d-re-ye-f-0-r-(a-)m-in-(0-)d- e/b- t-he-vain- d- 0f- t- en- d- re-ye-f-0-r-(a-)m- inn- (t-) c-(h-) 0/m-e- d- 0f-t- a- l/l- 0/t- t00-t-he- ad- 0- w/-(h-)a- l/l- k- (i-) t- 0ff- t-00-t-he-t- a- (i-) l/l- e- d- 0f- t- a- l/l-(d-) 0-ft- hie-ven-(d-)am-e-/n-d- a- miss- u/s- e- d- ew/e- d- 0f- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- f-x-f- ace- d- for- t- oo-k n0 w/e re a. s/s (h) 0/n e t00 th d at(e) in~ c a s(s) e ver e'ye b/b 0/d e'ye g 0/t a t 0/n e s/s t hr 0 a/t 00 th c a s/s t 0/n e inn e g 0 a/t
contribution is a privile(d)ge you earn, don't let anyone tell you different ly ea.r n (a.) d. (h) ea.r inn d a re(n) t ea.r n (a.) d.(0) (h) (t) b ea.r n~ (a.) d. h inn g e t a re t(h)e a.r (n) d.
you d h ave (t a) n 0 contribution unless t e w/e a.d. e/b t a s/s t e debt a s/s (t) a'ye d h and s (t) a i.d. h ea.(d.) ve~n t00 th ea.ven d heaven d
you d h ave (t a) n 0 contribution unless u e w/e d s (t) a i.d. h ea.ven d h and
you d h ave (t a) n 0 contribution unless you s t a ye d hea.ven d h and
you d h ave (t a re) n 0 un d h and a re ve~r/b i ag (e) i've~n (t) ly e t00 th e(a) s/s (t) aye -d- e/b- t-he-ad- 0f- t- 0- w/ar-e- ad- 0-war- t- inn- e- f-ace- d- 0f- t- e-s-t- a- t-e- l/l-e-ye- w/-he-ye- g-0/t- a- w/-he-ye-l/l-a-id- e/b- t- 0/d- ate-
privile(d)ge t00 th s (t) e a. l/l e 'ye inn (d) be (a.)d. 's t(h)e a.d. (ea.) f 0'r (e) t a re a. l/l (i.) d. ea. l/l d h and s t e e~l/l d
h~ea.ven (d) a re a. l/l t(h) a' re s(t) i ' l/l (e) d
s t a (i) r (e~ a.d. e/p) t/h e(a.)re
d ew/e
d(h)ea.r e'ye i/g n0 b(e) l/l e' ye f/r0m t(h) a f/ a(i)r~ e t00 th be a.d. h inn g(e) inn g a g(r)e a.d.
p=L a ce w/00 d h and 0ff t
(0) w/h 0/d
get your m0/n e'ye d 0/u(be) t 0ff t(h) ban-k-t-, h and c a s/s h and c a(i) r/r e'ye t00 th (e) re~a. l/l a t(h) e~ a.d.
(ea.) f 0'r(a.) m.ea.l~l (e) ye t00 th b e/e h a've n (d) 0/m e(a.) i.d. ate
s e/e X ? i do this work & never get (h) 0/n e s/s (t) ly e paid, much less (L) a i.d.
t-he-ad-s-am-en-d-s- get -(s-) 0/0-t-he- t-(h-) inn-k- t- he-d- i/t- c- he- a- pt- (c-) am-e- vain-d- e/b- t00-t-he- (ad-) p.r.-0- claim-mit-t-(h-)a-t- s- (t-)ea- me-n-d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- s-ea-m- (en-deam-) s- tu- p- id- ea- l/l- i-(e-) d-
e/b- t00-t-he- ad- be- lie- f- (t-) inn- g- e(a.)r/r-un- (t-he-)d- inn-g- a- w/ar-e- inn- g- a- gree- d-(h-) 0- me- t00-t-he- f-un-d- a-men-t- a- ll- e-ye- a- "t"- inn- "time" t00-t-he- t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- he- me-a-n-s- e/e- k- i/t- he-ad- 0f- t- f-r0m-e-a-n-s-
(t-)a-ye- d- s- cent- s- t- (h-) e- ad- (h-) a-ye - d- e/b- t- 0- re-eL- a- t- (h-) e- d- at-a- b- (e-) l/l- e- ye- d- h- inn-g-e-d- i/s- p- (L-)aye- ce- s/s- (t-) a- i.d.- 0f- t- e- s- t- a- t- e-
e/b- t00-t-he- ad- be- lie- f- (t-) inn- g- e(a.)r/r-un- (t-he-)d- inn-g- a- w/ar-e- inn- g- a- gree- d-(h-) 0- me- t00-t-he- f-un-d- a-men-t- a- ll- e-ye- a- "t"- inn- "time" t00-t-he- t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- he- me-a-n-s- e/e- k- i/t- he-ad- 0f- t- f-r0m-e-a-n-s- t- a- (i-) r- (e-) t- inn- (e-) a- re- s- i.'d.- en- s- (t-) e- ed- (h-) ad- e- vain- d- e/b- t- a- b- (L-)e- (a-)
0f- t--(h-)a- nd- 0f- t- a- gree- d- h-ave- n- (d-) am- e-
t0-w/e-re-a- s/s- t- 0/n-e/n-d- 0- w/e-t- (h-)en- (d-) 0- w/e- b- con-(e-) d-(h-)e- ad- 0- w/ar-e-
didn't 0 w/h an(d)ye 0/n e t hat w/00 d be t(h) inn k inn (d) g ave d h and (0) ve ta d/d ress (t) ave d ' s 00 th en (k)n ave d(h) all t(h) are d (h) e'ye d e/b t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye d f0r a w/are t00 t(h) bee h ave d (h) a ll t a re a.d. ye t00 th p.r. 0 claim e a.d. 0 w/e s a g aw/e d s cent s (h) ave n (d) 0m e~(a) i.d. e/b t00 th (e) re (a.) p (L) ace d ate d h and (h) 0'ved 0ff (i) t (a) g (L) 0've d g(L) a.d. e ve(i)n t00 t(h) a s/s p.r. e/e/e s (c(L*)i) en t e s t a t e
d ate t(h)(d)(s) i re a.d. h~ea.ven (d) s (h) 0 w/e~ (a.)d.
~d i/t ~t 0/0 (w/) e
t00 t(h) en a.m. e l/l (d) c~ r 0 w/n d
0 h/t inn s (t) 0 w/e (d) g (e) 0/d e
the re (a.) p (L)e~a. t h e r (e ve) in d
au t(h) 0'r (e)n eg (r) a.d. e
sic a s/s h and c a(i) r/r e'ye d(g) e (b) t00 th ere a. l/l a t(h) e w/i th0u t/h e/
s i/t a'te
your eye doesn't seam to matter a map par e/n t (e) ll e'ye t 00 th s trait h e(a)ve n t (0) w/h0
their is knot a model only those that woo d e/b t a w/-(h-) a- ll -0- w/e -d- s- h0-u-Ld- (b-)u-b/b- le- d-(b-)0-Lt-ere- s- (t-) ill- d-
t-h(r-) e-ad- s-(h-)(i/t-) 0/n-e- d -ly-e- com-p-ass- (t-)i-on -d- s -cent -s- (L-) augh-t-ere- d- 0f- t-he-ad- be- t- 0ff- t-inn-0-cent-s- (p-) en- t-(h-)at- (a-) le- ft- a- re- s- i.'d.- e/n- t- ce-s/s- (t-) e- th- e- x- cess-(t-) d-
a-t-(h-)at- e- l/l- e- (f-)t- ea- t- a- miss- t- a- ke-n-(e-)a-re- s- i.'d.-e/n-s-(t-)e- t- (h-) a-nd-0f-t-be- s-t-u-b-buy-e-(re-)n- t-( 0/n-) e- x- t-0ff-t-he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b-(r-)0ugh-t- 0ff- t-he-ad- h-and- 0f- t-u-s-(h-)e-
ye-t-inn-s-t-(h-)e- ad- 0-ft- f-ace-(t-) inn-g- a- gain- d-(b-)u- b/b-le-ft- 0ff-t- m-(e-) a-s/s-king- 0/d- 0f- t-hie-ven- d-
a-c-am-e-0-d0f-t- inn- s-augh- t- 0ff- t-
g~0 (a.) l/l d en~ d c (h) a L f
f0r-ge-r/r- e- g- i've- d- 0/n- e/n- e/m-e-ye- (d-) s- i.'d- e-(e-) d- 0f- t- f- ewe- d- f0r-e-g- i'v-e- in- g- et- 0/0-t-he- ad- ew/e- d-
e/b- t-(h-)a-(i-)r-e- ed- i-'v(e-)in-nit-(0-)w/-h0-(d-) e-w/e-
p (L a ce) l/l e a.d. en d re' ye d f 0r(a.) m. e/n d 0 w/e i/t hea.ve n (d) ly e w/h ea. t e fxf r0m t/h e me a.d. ' s 0/m e t (a) b 0/d e'ye d c0m p (L)e~a. t e l/l e'ye a. s/s t a s/s t (h) e a.d. 's w/h ea. t ~ (e)a r(e) inn d be l/l e (ye) a. f (t) inn
g 0 pen~ (t a) l/l e'ye t a s/s t(h)e a.d. h inn d e/b t a gain s/t a s/s knee d h and e/b t a g(r )e a.d. hea.ve~n d
e/b t00 t(h) a p.r.0 vi s~i 0/n e w/e (a.)d. i/t~ t00 t/h (an) d'
s(t)a i.d. (e) u/s (t) 0/0 t/h (ea.ve~n) d
0 L-ucky Man -d-
t-he-ad-(s-) f-i/s-h-e-(a-)d- (i/s-) 0f-t-en-d- found-be-(d-)s-i.'d.-e-sue-w/(e-)a-g-e- d- 0/u-(be-)t- (a-) l/l-e-(n-)t- scene-inn-force-scene-inn-d-a-ct-yl-ly-e-f-x-f- 0- r-(e-) t- (a-) l/l- e- s/s- (t-) ly-e-
s-0/t-huss- t- (L-) e- d- en-t-r-e/n-t-ch-i/t-he-n-d-r-i-ch-t-en-(d-)0-ft-
s- t- (h-)e- ad- a- t-(h-)at- 0- w/00-d- s- t-(h-)e- ad- 0-(h-) (t-) be-(a-)d- 0- pen- (d-s-) ly-e- get-a- re-(e-) f-(r-)eeL-ye- a- gree- d-
0-ft-ly-e-t-eye-t-f-e/e-d- 0f -t- ly-e- t00-t-he-ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- t- e- a- s/s- (t-) e- d- e/b- t(u-)be-(a-)d- as/s-p-(f-) r- e/e- d-
h-and-(s-) p.-r.e-ye-(a-)d- a- g- (r-)e-e- d-
as/s-u-c/h-t-(inn-) f-0-r-(a-) m-e-(a-l-ly-e-) a-t- 0ff-t-he-me-an-s-e/e-k-(i-)t-(h-)rue-(w/e-)inn-d-0-w/e-d-0f-t-hie-ven-d-(0-)(h-)(t-)be-ad-0f- t-(h-)en- d- 0-pen-le-(ye-)ad-
a/g at (h) a w/e t(u) b. c. a.m e/d (h) 0've t/h e/g (L) 0've d e/b t inn c re a. t(e) i 0/n s~ (h) 0/n e s/s t (h) e a.d. ag (e) (L) 0've d e/b t 00 th (r) e/a. d. h 0've d ea. f (e)a. (s/s) t a fxf r0m a/b 0' ve~ 0's (h) 0/n e' ye d c~(r) um be (a.) d. 0' ve (i') l/l 0' ve t00 t(h) a g(i.)0/d. 0 fxf (i) t inn t ere s(t) augh t 0ff t e(i)n r.i. p.r. in t' s t(h)e ad. s (t) a nd e/b t' hu(e) s/s up p(s)e (a)d 0~ 0're a.d.
~ e'ye d i/t~ t00 th (e) r e(a.) present i/t (h) in (e) d be (a) d. h inn g (e) inn g e t a gain d h~ea.(d.)v~en (d)g ed 0 w/(h) en d
ye-l/l-0-w/e-d- f- eve-r-d- (i-) vi-r-u-s-e-t-(r-)a-n- s- mit-t-(h-)e-ad- bu-ye-m0-'s-qui-t-0-(w/-)e- (d-) s- t-(h-)e- ad-
vi~n/d i/c (t) a't e t(h) e/n 0/i s~ e t/h e m(e) a.t e're (e) fxf (t) a ct u all e'ye d. (0) h ea.v/e~n (d) ly e
he-a-rt- (h-)en- d- s- c-(r-)e-w/e- d-
p Lane t 0ff (L) u c~k (t) inn d e/b t/h e 0(re 'ye) s (t) 0/0 t/h b e/en (e) a.r e'ye d.
icarus- t- (0-) w--as- t- (h-)e- a- d- um- b- (f-) uck- t- hie- ven -d-
th (e)r~e m0 ve i/t em 0've t/h c L 0/t (h) inn g (L) 0 've d