t(h) 0/m e w/e A.D. (h) 0/m e(n) d 0 w/(e)a.re c(r) 0/n e w/e
ad 0'r(e)n (d) e/m e/n t h~ea.ven d 0 w/e (i) t (s) a ga( w/e) in d e/b t ~ 00 th a p.r. e s (c (L) i) e/n t
~h/d be (a.) d. as/s p.r. e s en t h(e)d (h) i/t ~ ch (inn) d (e/b t) e'ye (i) t
00 L(b) e/n d a p.r. e s (c (L) i) e/n t00 L e(a.)ve (t/h) d (e/b t) b re A.D. (0) bu ye (a.) t
ad 0/0 'r(e)n e/m e(ye)n t /h (ea.ven) d ~ h a l/l t a re a.d. (h) e'ye s (p) en t i/t h~e re ~(a.)n D. a re (n) t i/t b Lack t00 t/h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n (d) a.d. van ce s/s (t) 0 fxf (t) act ' s t a x (i) s' (t) e x t en d (h) at ~ ch (a.)d. i/t (b) 0/n (e) d e/b t00 th b (L) e s/s t ~ (h/d) 0(w/)n e
b- (L-) a-c-k-t- p-a'ye-t- (he-)a-d- van-ce- s/s- (t-) a- id- (0-) h- inn-g-e- n- t- a- c- t- he-ad- (b-) i/t- ch- e- x- a- c- t- he- ad- e/b- t00-L-(b-) (e-) a- s/s- t- (h-) e- ad-
t/h- (d-) f- L- a-w/e- l/l- e-s/s- t- (h-)e- ad- s- (c-) am- (e-d-) s- - (h-) at- ch- d- e/b- t-(u-) be- (a-)d- h-ave- (n-) d-
your religious freedoms rest in the same vain-d-0f- (r-)e/e- d- (h-) 0/m- e-w/e-(d-0-w/e-) l/l-a-we-s-(t-) u-b-bu-ye- (d-) g- i've-(n-) d- f- (r-) a(i-)m-e- (n-)d- g- am-e- (n-) d-
you ? can't honestly reconstitute the frame-d- that was given in vain-d-
p.s. dof-t- doesn't need love, dof-t- "needs" L0-ve-t0-w/-h0-d-b-0/n-(e-)d- e/b- t00t-he-ad- (0-) c-a-(i-)r-e-ye- d-(s-)0/n-(e-) g- 0/d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- s- t-(r-) 0/n-(e-) g- e- d-. however, your relationship cap u t a(i') l/l ' d 0ff t, does not a re d(e)u/s t 0ff t h/d (0) be (a.)d. (0) b (r ) 0ugh t. ye-we-(re-)d- are not relaye t in (e) g t0 w/h (f) an (d) n e'ye i.d. 0/n e ve (i)n t e l/l e'ye (a.) t
you are "really" own lie -be-am-s-(m-)i-r-(e-)ch- d- 0f- (i-) t- - he- ad- 0- f-e/a- t- her-e-a-r- e- a- d- e/b- t00-t-he- t/h- ere- n-(d-)ea-r-e-(a-)d-"i/t"- ch- ("i/t") d-
0-h-t-be-t-he-a-ven-(d-)a- s/s- (c-) en- t- s- (e-)am-(e-d-) s- - a g-(r-)e- ad- 0f- (r-) e/e- d- e/b- t-(u-) be- (a-) d-
basic lie (n-) d- , un-i-f-e-ye- d-e-am-s-(t-)in-(e-)g-s- get-(s-)- a- gree- d- 0f- (r-) e/e- d- - h-and - e/b- t-he-miss-u/s-t- a- g- (r-)e- ad- s- (t-) a- id- e/b- t- (h-) u- b/b- u- ye- w/e- (e-)d-
0 p~en d 0 w/e (i) t00 L (b)e (a.)d.
d-i/s-ass-t-(e-)a-r-e- t- a- i-l/l- d- (0-) f- as/s- t- (e-)a-r-e- d-
ye-w/e-d- don't get a s/s (t) a'ye d h ea.ven t(0) w/h0
d i/s (t) 0 w/h at i/t c(h) 0/m (b) e d (s) 0 w/(e) n (e) t (0) w/h0 /n e (d)g (e) i' ve (i.)n (d) 0/n e ~ t a gain (s t a n') d (0) h a.(n)d. e t(h) a p/p L(e)a.n~ D ~ e/b t(u) be (a.)d. f r0m t(h) a p (L) an t/h d
d-0f-t- is kn 0/t (a.) m. e'ye d e/b t00 th e (a. p.r. e) miss' t a ke (n d) g r(e) a. t (H) e ~ A.D. At e
ad-0-0-r-(e-) inn- d-(s-) k-eye- p-(t-) inn- (e-) g- s- (c-) 0- r-(e-) d- - e/b- tu-get- hie-ven- (d-) am- (e-) 0-re- (a-)d- - i/t- t00-t-(h-)(f-) 0-r-(e-) d- 0f- t- e- s- t- (e-)a- t- (h-) e- ad- 0- 0-r-(e-a-)d- e- vain- (d-) am-(e-) 0-re-(a-) d-
d0 (w/) e s' t a g (e) i' l/l (e) t/h (ewe) d
e/b t a k~e 'ye p t/h e n(d) ew/e A.D.
0 (w/)e s ' t a g (e) i' l/l i/e (d) be t (b) re a.d.
(e/a.) f 0r(a.)m. e~ a.d. (0) be (a.) d. s'(h) ave i 0're ve (i.)n (d.) a.d. (h) ea.ven d' s p(L) an (t/h) d e'ye (i)t (u) b Lack t
t (h) (d) ea.r s e g/g' s 0/n (e) g' (u) e s/s t a g e w/e A.D. (h)(a) g (i) 0/d e w/e
i'm trying to be efficacious inn 0 what is necessary to g r 0 w/e a.d. e/b t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye (i.d.) A. T (e) in e s/s t (h) e a.d. (i/s) p (L) a ce A.D. (0) fxf a ce A.D. 0 fxf (i/f) t/h eg race A.D. e/b t a gain (s t a' (i)n) d (0) h ea.ven d (0) h a.(n)d. e/b t00 th c0mma nd
i hope she can make some thing of her life -d- . not trying to be repugnant with sentiment. i am simply trying to be realistic k/t
and now, same page, same day, same broad cast news, the memorial day reading list -0-d- ew/e- d- s- pur- (e-) suit- s- (t-)u-be-(a-)d- f- 0-r-(e-) d- ew/e- d- s-
you that believe any 'one' laid down their life for 'you' didn't not think it h(r)ue w/e (a.)d.
if you thought i/t (h)rue, & had to speak on e c knit 0 w/h0 d, i think you would lend a different process and product bu ye design (0) d ew/e.
you haven't thought it h rue, and your sentiment for-t- no reason for-t-i-f-x-f-e-ye- d- ew/e- d- s-tu- bu-ye- w/-(e-)inn- d- e/b- t- in- e- t00-t-h-d- (0-) f-i/n- (e-) d- ew/e- (d-) s- fiction-nail-too-t-he-ad- a- bu-s-e-(e-) d- i/t- t00-t-h-d-
p-r-a- b/b- L- e- - (ye-) i-d-
ran into nina at the gym, she says she sees right thru me, and that i would make a great nurse, and am i pursing getting my credits from college transferred to go to nursing school this fall.
i looked into that, students, conversations about printed underwear.
she says i read into that shit , that is a bad habit and i am not going anywhere. i expressed, the conversation of reading into the containment of talking about "printed underwear" comes from experience, when I was going to school to get certified as a registered nurse.
anyway, she said i was silly and again i wasn't going anywhere. she said that she ate carbs and now had to go to the gym, i called that g i' l/l t motivation, she said she was not guilty, i explained it to her as si ft you breath e d i/t. . . she said i was silly, and she wasn't having a ve (i) t. she got a little , well, ferocious in her 'conviction', i'm not going anywhere and i have bad thinking habits and i read to much crap into things and that is getting in my way, and i am not going anywhere. i egged her to give it to me, stood on one leg, announced i was on one leg, and to go ahead and bowl me over. she laughed. i said i didn't want her pit(h)ye,as i stood on one leg, one pin, on one leg, in the bowling alley, she walked away, and i said i didn't want her charity and she looked back, and then i danced around on two legs as one in the 'bowling alley'...
she is into tony robbins, tony robbins is just another vernacular to p-it/ch-d-
i've been looking at Mason Jules at Macy's, into the charm and french / parisian nostalgia, the price is accessible, and the navy cherry print laser cut scallop top i am wearing is from that brand. It is curious, that is what I do with my down time, after thinking for a living.
i really like this watermelon and dot's print.
0/n e d e/b t00 th f an/n e'ye i.d. e'ye (i) t a re c0m pen ce A.D. h inn g(u)e s/s t(h) e A.D. e/b t
ye-we-r-e- s- (t-)ave- in- g- 0/d- 0f- (r-) e/e- d- e/b- t00-t-0ff-t- s- (h-)ave- d- 0f- t- s- (p-) e/e- d- s- (p-)en- t- 00-t-e-ye-(a-)t- - -0ff- t- be-lie-f- t- 0ff- t- 0-get- i/t- b- lack- t-0ff- t- (h-)in- (e-) d- (h-)ad-van-ce-s/s- (e-) t-(h-) d-
a. m.iss T (a) re a.d. h (ea.ven) d
e/b t0 re p(L) a'ye t/h e m (e) a. t (e)a. gain d
you-r- not making your w/h e'ye (a) t h (ea.ven) d e/b t(y)our e (t) c0mma nd
t-he-re-f-0-re- d- ban-k-t- hie-ven- d- e/b- t00t- he- ad- 0- 0-re- d- a miss ta ke n-d- e/b- t-(u-)b- f-0-r-(e-) d- h- and- (0-) f- L-0-0-re- d-
see-k-t-his-t-0- with n0 re all inn t ere ven t i 0/n e ve(i)n t/h (r) 0ugh d
force-scene-d-e/b-t-a-g-i've-(i-)t- a- g-0/d- e-
ve(i)n t/h (r) 0ugh d (b)e a.m. e ve (i)n d (b)e a.d. 0(w/)h d
my thumb is swollen and out of joint from assembling the petego bicycle trailer, and the index finger is feeling the pain of fileting skin running up the side of the nail bed. the plug, in the bottom of the trailer bed, the plug was difficult to fit, to seat in the trailer bed bottom, and then when i got it in (after pushing my thumb out of joint) the nob wont come out. it is like an entirely useless feature, except my hands still bear the marks of struggling with what looks like would be thoughtful assembly.
while the components, the materials, the style, design, hardiness, of the petego trailer were compelling to me, to want to like, the zipper being stuck on one side because the fabric was too tight on the frame, and then the zipper crimping / kinking / the coil from the back side, which didn't allow me to utilize the zipper fully, merited a decision to return.
that and the stroller option i ordered seperately, the metal of the handle to turn the trailer into a stroller, had a gap in one grip when assembled on the trailer, and it was crooked.
still, i liked the petego quality, hurt hands and all, however, for the full price, top of the line item (i still got on sale), the obvious zipper fails and crooked handle... defeat the (good) sound features.
if this were given to me, i would most likely, and happily make d ewe. I may even take apart the fabric assembly from the frame and fix the zipper. It is an undertaking with the screwed and welded parts on the frame. 0r, I may decide to work around the zipper, that is not working fully.
I have ordered a solvit trailer, and a kinbor. I will be able to compare features in the market place. Write now, my hands hurt, and I am hoping my thumb resolves its original position, per alignment sans swelling.
I am not entirely sure, that pursuing a pet trailer / stroller for my bike and rollerblades, is a worthy distraction. Meaning, this w/ hole effort may inform me about market make and opportunities - - - - that i may ultimately not be satisfied with, so it is ulltimately a distraction. the only take a way i can get from it then, is not to do it again.
t-(L-)0-ad-0f-t- 0/n-e- pre-ce-d-e/n -t- ce- s/s- (h-) e- x- pr- e- s/s- t- (h-) e/e- d- e/b- t- a- p-(r-)e- fer- e- (i-) t- heir- d- s- qua- r-(r-) e- ye- t- h ere -ce-i've-r- t- (s-)augh- t- he- d- 0- c- a-(i-)r-e-ye-d- ew/e- (d-) s- pur- s-u-e-w/e- t-(h-)rue- w/e- (l/l-) d- s- t- e- we- d-
e'ye a.m. e/g (L) a.d. (h-)e 's kn 0/t a (par) t 0 fxf t a. m.e'ye i.d. f L0 c/k t h(ea.ven)d 0 w/are A.D. h a.(n)d. e ve(i.)n d. e/b t 00 th e re (a.) p air d h~and 0/u (be) t ~ (s) e x t en t h/d (s) 0 fxf (i) t ~ 0 p en t a (i') l/l e (ye) A.D.
(e/b-t-) a-r-e- r/r- an- d-
s-(h-)u-c-k- t- i/t- up- t-
h-e-(g-) r/r-an- t- (c-) ap- u- t- a- (i-) l/l- (d-) at- (h-) e- a- rt- i-f-x-f- e-ye- d- (0-) f-(t-) act- (a-) p.r. -0- w/-(e-) t- a- get- a- re- g-round- 0/u-(be- )t- out- a- m-0- (u-)n- t- h- d-
t-(h-)at- (L-) e- s/s- (t-) h0-ve- d- h-(ea.ven-)d- 0-ve- d- 0- w/(h-) 0/n- e- s/s- t- (L-) e- s/s- t- (u-) b- 0/n-(e-)d- (0-) for-ce-s/s- (h-) (f-) a-ch-e-r/r- inn- g- all- a- w/e- (d-) g- 0/n- (a- d- ) g-
i/t (s) u/c k t00 th be (a) d (h) all 0/n e-g- 0-d-
w/e a.r (e) t (h) a've inn g t/h e c0/n (v) e're s (t) ate i 0/n e ve (i)n d h and i f/f ew/e a.r (k) t 0/n e~c kn 0/t 0 f/f t/h (eg rain) d, ye-we-d- c-an- t- s- (c-r-)e-am- an- d- s- h0-u- t- hie-ven-d- e/b- t-0/d- e-we- d-s-(h-)ave- d- i/t- 0- p.r. -0- claim- y-t- he-ave- n- am-e- vain-d-
s ~h a.d. e/b t/h d ew/(e) inn (d) g (i'l/l) t i'm e d
re a.d. d 0(0)r n a.m. e/n t 0 w/h0 d 0 w/00 d
talking a b(0-)u/t 'honeye' does not make t 'honeye' d ewe A.D.
talking about the 'honey' does not make 'honey' (ore d (h) 0/n e ye) d ew/e a.d. just sa(y) inn t (h)rue: ye-we- are not a really endowing your conceptions kn ewe (a.)d. e/b t00 th f a l/l (0 w/e) t (h) rue (n) d
fi-g-u-re-ad- e/b- t-00-L-(b-) e/n- (d-) ew/e- d- s-pur-s-u-e-w/e-tu-
t0-r-t- 0- (r-) qui- et- ly-e- re- p0-r-(e-) t-
h ere
i had a dream last night. i owned a truck, it had cargo in it i had to deliver. it was a nice truck, white. and apparently you could divide it into 3 parts, the shell, the middle body / bed portion with cargo, and i presume the main frame underneath comprised of wheels, steering rods, engine / structure. in the dream i needed or asked or was directed to have the vehicle parked, at a business, i presume, and there it was divided into 3 parts. when i went to pick up the truck, that is when i noticed it was parked in 3 separate parts, so the parts had to be put together again, and i needed to locate someone at the business who was responsible , i presume, for separating the parts of the truck, to put them back together again, express an urgency to get this done, (as I am also in business to fulfill my end of delivering at least on the steel shipment / container : i don't know what the cargo was however it seemed nice and shiny and convivial : it was a fun truck and cargo : very appealing to look at). I also noticed, where the middle cargo portion was parked, that even if the wheels and outer shell were attached, this portion was parked tightly behind semi's , semi trucks, in the narrow gap, and i wouldn't be able to move the truck, meaning, i needed to find someone to move the semi's, to make room, to get the truck out of the parking lot, should it be assembled.
why the thought to ask any one? i didn't unassemble the truck into parts. the assumption then is that someone else did.
my over riding question from this dream, is who parked the car / truck / the vehicle in 3 parts? (is this standard, when you have your vehicle parked at a parking lot?) who disconnected this truck / cargo to park in part's ?
are they that disassembled h ea.r t ? i do not know as i woke up from the dream.
currently I am working on the page following : kevin stine is a-d-i/p-s-(h-)i/t- . i have not been able to fully load that page or the one before it due to "internet-culpability" : the internet here is sometimes slow, and unrewarding , meaning i can't always upload and update the website, as the internet conk's out...
working the kinks out with www.iherb.com, sent my 13 bob's red mill bean soup (6 bags) with 3 busted in the box, and the royal bee honey with pollen and ginseng, with a busted cap, then i contacted them on their online chat, and explained the problem and they sent me 3 bags of beans , without the honey, so i contacted them again, and said they would need a picture of the box, and i don't have the box, b.c. it was not cited to need it the first time i complained of the drop-kicked- box- good thing i kept the honey with the beans in it, so i could take a picture of that and send it 0/t. i kept the beans in the box, b.c. i could soak and wash and cook them, and felt confident about the 'stature' that they would still be nutritious. and the same with the honey. honey is antibacterial. min 0 and i have been enjoying the honey, even with the beans, i work around them and spit out the hard beans after i suck the honey off. min 0 gets a little squish in his indented (where the marrow is, was) elk horn, then self entertains with a little bean found on the floor, tossing it around and nosing it to bee (t/h) found silent inn t (h/d) 0wn d 0 c as/s t (h) ea. d 0 f/f t (h) 0/n e'ye t (u) b ea.n d b u n/n e'ye (d) g (e) 0/t
h-at-ch- i/t- act- he-ad- just- (a-)b- c- d- he-a-ven-d-sound- (h-)e-ad- e/b- t- ag- round-e/b- t00- t-(h-)a-nd- 0/u-(be-) t- 0/n- e- t- he-ad- (b-) u- b/b- le-(d-)g- (u-)e-s/s- t- u-re- d- ew/e- t00-t-he-ad- (0-) f- 0- re-c- a- s/s- t- (h-)e- ad- (h-) ues- (h-) i/t- e-ye- w/e- d- 0- w/ar-e-(a-) d- e/b- t00-L-(b-)e-(n-) d- seL-L- f-x-f- a- t- a- gain- d- : ye-we- are just speculating f-as/s- h-i-(0-)n-e- d-
tu-s-(h-)ave- (i-) t- b-lack- t- 0-w/-h0-(d-) c- air-e-ye-(a-) t-
(u-)bu-s-h-(a-)t- e- (n-) d- ate-(n-) d- e/b- t-0/d- e- l/l- i-ve-r-ate- a- s/s- (t-)e- t- he- general- l- a-miss- (t-) a- ke-(n-)d-
0 - w/-he-ye-(a-) t- (h-) en- d-
c- h- i'm-(e-) inn- d-
e-(a-)f- t00-t-(h-) a-nd- (be-) L- (L-) e- id-
"lead" "s- (t-) u- f-x-f- (h-) er-r- inn-g- t0- get- i/t- b- lack- t- f- r0m- n0 w/it (n) e s/s t (h) inn g e t a g (r) e a.d. 0 fxf (r) e/e d.
rather- h-and-g-at-her- d- g- 0/d- 0f- t- a- gree- d- 0- f- (r-) e/e- d- e/b- t- (u-) be-(a-) d- 0f- t- 0- pen-(a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye-a- (s/s--) t- u- f- x-f- (h-) e- r/r- inn-g- f0r-(d-)g-e-re- g- (r-)e- t- (h-) inn-g-e- t- i/t- b- Lack- t- he-ad- 0f- t- he-ad- 0- f- 0-re- war- d-just- (a-) f-x-f- 0-r-t- he- matter- d- 0f- (t-) act- i/t- u- b- lack- t- in- e-t-a- n-ad-vance- d- 0f- (t-)act- i/t- b-lack-t- 0- w/- i- thou- t- any decency "he-t-" could think on his own free will and time and dime eve (i)n (d) s t e a.ll d : he-t- doesn't give an honest shit for a re a.ll -and- 0- w/an-t- e- ass- t- ip- t- he- t- ill- d- "inn" f-(L-)ave- i- 0-re- ad- "he" "wants" t-0-w/-h0- "steal", steal from the real to support his- t- eeL- d- 0f- t- s- nail-son-s- f- ee-(L-) d-
t-he-ad- 0f-t-he-very-e- id- a- ft- he-ad- develop-men-t- s-ho-(u-)ld-(s-) h-ave- (i-)t -s "time"(n-)d-0-w/e-(e-)d- (h-)e-ad- (h-) a-t-(f-) a-n/n-e-ye- (d-)g-(e-) i've-n- t-L-) in-e- d-
h-and- s-(h-) 0-w/e-(re-) d- (h-)in-(e-)d-
spirit is not a p(L)aye r (e) inn d e/b t i'm e(n)d. no matter what 'you' say, you are addressing the s-am-en- d- s- 0/n- e- t-(L-) in- e- d- h-and- h- inn-g-e-(n-)d -0/u-(be-) t- (h-) (d-) f- (t-) i/n-(e-) d- "law-s-t-" supports t-he-i/s- t- a- me-ass-u-re- inn- k- inn-(d-) g-
0 h(ea.ven)d 0 w/(e)a. g 0/n e/n (e/m e/ye n) d
e/b t (h) a s/s t(h)e a.d. s p (L) an (d) s
t-(0-)w/-h0-d- e/b- t- a- g-i-ve- t-h- f- 0/0-d- 0 -f- 0- e- (w/e-) d- 0f- t- (a-) b-(e-d-) c- 0/n-e-(n-) d- e/b- t- (a-b-)re-ad- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- (g-) 0/n- e- (n-) d- e/b- t- a- m-en- d- s-(p-) en- d- s- 0/d-
p-ass-e- d- 0f- t- 0- get- a- l/l- 0-t- b-(r-) ough-t- 0ff- t- (h-) a-nd- 0f- (i-) t- a -cr0ss- (0-) t-
making -food- h-and-e/b-t-making- s- (c-) up-t-
source de # references
d e l/l i've r d(e) u/s t00 t(h)(y) 0ur (e) t (h) 0/m e(n) d (h) in (e) d (c) 0/m e(n) d (s) 0'L (e/a.) d. ~ e/b t (u=b) re A.D. e/b t (u=b) 0/n (e) d h and e/b t00 t(h)(r) 0/n e/e d ew/e A.D. (h) 0/n e'ye (i.d.) a. t e~a. (ch~i) t' s (h) 0/n e d e/b t(h)(c) 0/0 k (t) n 0 w/e (A.)D.
e/b t00 t(h) (d)(s) 0/m e (t) 0/n e t00 th ew/e A.D. ew/e ve (i)n (t/h) d (s) 0/n (e)g~g e d ew/e 0/n (e) d
I completed the kinbor bicycle trailer, to be outfitted with a level floor for my pet in t 0 w/e a.d. 0/m e(a) s/s t i c~(k) i/t e'ye (i.d.) a. t e t(h) e'ye i.d. ' s.
modifications: birch wood floor encased in ballistic nylon sheath & swatch of yoga mat, cut the mesh and added a zipper for the front entrance, and cut solid back and installed a mesh 'window' for complete air flow, that can also draw a shade, and be solid, a bolster in front for reclining comfortably e ve(i)n s(h) 0/n e t 0 w/h e'ye t0 g 0 (all) d e l/l i~g h/t (b) rig ht 0/n e (t) ye (a.) t e x (t) a ct h(ea.ven)d (s) 0'L (e/a.) d.
I made nude / tan rip stop nylon tarp / parachute covers for the trailer, then the seat and the basket, as there are 'love doves' / birds, in the covered parking area. At first I wanted the cover for the trailer, for winter, as the kinbor off gasses, and so i do not plan to store it inside, as i do my bike, nor in the car, because the 10" wheel for the stroller conversion, which I do store in the car when not using, does off gas in the car. Basically, for now, the material used in the wheel of the kinbor off gasses, and it is uncomfortable to have indoors, so the cover was to provide for better wear thru being stored outside. However, I remembered the love birds shit, and have hit my seat and inside of the basket, so i have made easy covers, nude / tan, from fabric sent with an order for tarps by dave 0 at 0 ware. dave sent an extra layer / sheet of fabric which i then used for the c 0ver t 00 th d e l/l i 've r t/h (d) b(e~a.)m. (e) u/s e(A.)D.
the last thing i need to do is take the bike to the bike shop, inquire about the quality of the tires, (will i need to purchase soon, and what course to take) and to install a thorn proof lining inbetween the tire and the tube, and put slime in the tube. should there be a puncture, the slime fills the gap of the hole, and keeps the tire from going flat.
and, i remembered, riding the bike without mino to learn how to ride with a trailer, tracking the position of the trailer, by looking back, the trailer does not center behind the bike, it aligns about 3 feet in from center, towards the curb, or my right. i get to think of the comfort of the trailer going over bumps, rail road tracks and picking the line for the bike tires versus pot holes, and the trailer to follow... i didn't ride my bike last year, and forgot the 5th gear jumps eratically, falling out of gear. so i have saught to ride the bike in the 4th or 6th gear to get around this malfunction.
the bike is shaft driven, has no chain, and disc brakes, and fixing the gear, i imagine is going to be more difficult than a regular bike, so that is why i have selected to not ride in the 5th gear.
i thought while i was at the bike shop for the trailer, to have the bike's 5th gear looked into to see if i can get that fixed.
i find this interesting, b.c. as a runner i would say i have 4 gears, and i know people that have 5 gears.
i am not running as much, which is a modest consideration to be active (impact exercises build bone marrow density) and not over doing it (i have 2 bunions on one foot, and am trying to avoid surgury). the bike comes at the right time to pull my w/(h) eigh t 00 th b (f) 0'rd, bu ye s t i'l/l d' s (t) a'ye inn g 0/d e/b t00 the ta c't(h)(r) i've d be a.m. e'ye s(t)(r) i.'d. e ' s (t) e l/l t00 th d e l/l i've r e~'ye a.m.
my thoughts taking the bike to get the trailer, i forgot how much fun it was to ride a bike, (as i didn't ride all last year, and walked with min 0). then i thought hitching the trailer may not be as much fun, then i thought i could always unhitch the trailer, then i made the covers, hitched the bike, assessed the position of the trailer and how to ride with it (without min 0) and not hit anything, and realized the trailer is fun, smooth.
now it is just about getting min 0 used to i/t un f urL (e/a.) d. e/b t00 th e m(e) a. t(h) e m e(n) d' s a (w/e) g a (w/e) g ain d ~ e/b t00 th f a l/l t (h) e/n d h(ea.ven)d~ e/b t0'0 L(b) e(n) d
e/b- t00-t-he-ad- i- p- s- hi- t- 0/n-e-(e-) d- 0- (w/-) h- t- (b-)rig- ht- hie-ven- t- (u-) s- (h-) 0/n- e-(e-) d- 0- (w/-) h- t- he- miss- t- a- r/r- e-ye- (i-d-) a- t- he-ad- 0f- t- 0- f-x-f- (i-) t- a- cr0ss- (0-) t- (b-) r-0ut-
n-i-c- k-(t-) le- d- im- (e-n-) d- (h-)in-(e-) d-
e/b- t- a- re- t- urn- d- 0- c-ap-u- t- a-(i-) l/l- d- s- (n-) 0-b-serve-d- h-and- 0-ve-t-he-r/r- (0-) d-
up date: bike gear has been fixed, mr tuffy thorn proof lining is on the way, the trailer with the lining an slime in the tubes should be ready on wednesday: hump day.