re t ea.r ~n 'a' l/l t00 th p.r.0 w/t (h) 0/m e~a. gain/n differ en ce s/s (h) a.m. e / d e/b t00 th' d ate ve(i)n ly e's-(t-)a'ye- d- 0f-t-en-d- e- vain-d-
p~(Lace s/s) Lain s pea k t00 t(h) c(L)0've r~e : these are the communication i wrote for benefit of the c~a.m./e inn t~0 a/t h (0/u) r 0 at rig h t's a'ye t a gainn d 0 (w/)e desire~a. t 0/n e~c K nigh t (b) a're ~s c0'pe t heir d0've
s(e/e) L~a i'n ea.r~ th vi 0 L e/n t t00 th v~e/L 0 c(i)t(e)y e ve(i)n s~h0 (w/) e~ d a t a~b le s/s (t) 0 w/e d : d e/b t~h i g/h v0 Lt ag/e d 0 (w/) e
these are notes and c a.m. ~e's h0 t' as/s w/e ll e t00 th's lee p i'nng ' s (h)e ~ ll t i'm e tu p~as/s t
th er e/i s n0 w/h0 n/0 re inn (b)L e/a. d. inn g a f-x-f-l0-c-k- t- 0- f-x-f- t- c-he-ap- t-(h-)0/m-e- d- 0- w/e- d-
pi-t-e-ye-t00-t/h-f-x-f-r/u-i/t- w/- 0/0- d- e- ye- in-n- purse-sue-i/t-
pi t 0/0 t/h fxf r/u i/t 0 m/e a. n~s w/ea. ring b rig ht 00 th f a.m. i'll (e) ye
eg d(g)e t
stand 0 st~a/n~d 0/u (b) t (inn sh0e~s e (x) p0's e(e) d) you mend bend flex again d : vi's c0 e~l/l~a s/s t~i/city e. g. ar(e) b~ ag/e d (f) a (i)r~ e d (0) b~ rain d e/b t00 t/h' sum mer de
serpent sir(e) pen t~0 me an s qua re (a.)d. e/p t (0/0 t) h~ 's u/r e v~i've d u/e w/e t e'ye t w/h0 d's c e/n t 0 w/(h) ere ve(i)n s~ h0 (w/)e d ew/(e) inn e w/e d e'ye d 0/u (be) t 0/n e th b(i) line d i'nn s~i/g h/t (h) a.d. ~ e : "ewe" can't get your 0 th/ere f/r0m the g-sus- t- c-rush-ere- d-
the p0-lice- d-0 f-x-f-vice-r- t-he-c-hie-f- e/e- d- ea-t- hand- 0/u-(be-)t- he- re- p - (L-)ea-t- 00-t-he- t-/h- 0-ve-r-t- i'm-e- d- e/b-t00-t-he--s-e/e- d-(h-) 0-ver-t-a-gain-d- en- e-ye- (t-) d- i'm-e-d- 0/n-ly-e- malfeasant inn t i'm e
i am using this space to catch up on me'ye n~ k/n 0/t e's (t) a'ye re levant 0/0 th (e) r~a i/s e/e d(h) as/s w/e~ll (e) d inn a.d. vance s/s h~at all 0 ver t a cr0ss t ~ a' nd inn g 0 p.r. a.m.~ e /d 0 fxf t en~ d (0) b.c.~e'ye c/an d~ le 'ye 0n t00 th ' d en e'ye d 0've d (0) c~ L e/a. r~ e ly e'ye a.~t h~and 0 w/hype t/h t~ a'i l/l e/n d e~a.r ~ t w/ise inn re (e) fxf le (x) ct i 0/n e inn t en t i 0/n e d
"ewe" are t00 the n0w/e me'ye p.r. e'ye fxf 0'r(e)t n0 de sir/e ye can present f0r/meal/ly e 0n t(h)i're d /g~ ave d (0) h~ave d
en e'ye r~e s/t 0 r/r e (a.~r) d 0/0 're ve(i)n d~ g L0're 0 w/e d
t-heir- is no contradictory characteristics to be brought to g ether e buy your -e-miss-i-0/n-s- (h-)0-w/e-d- 0h- t-. not one of you at the portland po-lice-de-par-t-men-t- can turn around the docuement- "ewe"- ll- e/n-t- for-t- no reason -d- inn- s- pi-re-d- i'm-e- d- : your only concern is too keep your document for -t- no re ass on, too the feed your face-t- for-t- no re ass on -d- e- vain-d- 0f-t- he- c-(h-) 0-st- 0-f-x-f-(i-) t- .0/n-ai-l-ye- t00-k-eye-p-e-ye- d-e/b-t00-t-he-t- a- l/l- e/n -t- a- com-p-ass-t- 0-f-x-f- t- be-h0-(L-)d- ere- t-urn- a-n0-b-le-g- i/t- u- p.r.e-serve-d- f-x-f-0-re- yaw/-e-
sit on your tup-pet- and make miss-tarry-e- your mup-pet- to fxf r/a ct i 0/n e d-0f-t- : your compartmentalized disfunction for-t- no reason, does not may k ew/e ve (i)n d inn re f le (x) ct i 0/n e, "ewe" only sit on your ass to gather inn come for-t- i/t-u-d-u/e- w/e- d-
your thinking is t miss-(p-)en-t- w/-i-t/h-e-re-serve-ate-i-0/n-s- : you abort of f/a~ct "ewe" never made memory ease inn c(h)0/m e d 0've d h~and' s (h) 0 w/e d e/b t00 t/h and le x pe/ct ate i 0/n s -ewe- c0n-t-r0ll-e-d-0h-t-0-a/t-'s- c0p-e-d-e-f-x-f- 0- r- t- (h-) 0/0-k- t- 0/n-e- re- as/s-0/n- e- d- em- i's-e-e-d- u-- d- e-w/e- d-
ed/d i' (e'ye) s p (L) a/ce m e/n t un e ve(i)n (t) d (0) b~ar e a.d.
let's tall k a b(0)ut (h) are d 0 w/ai/t w/h eigh t/h eave n/s (t) a't e: your -e- pack-a/g-e-inn-g- f-0r-t- no reason, has nothing t 0/d ewe inn me'ye s ~e/a. s/s 0/n e ve(i)n d(h) 0've d
"ewe" live only to give you-r-ig-n0-ran-ce- s/s- (t-)ake-d- (0-) b-rake- d-
you-r-e-pack-a-g-e-inn-g-0/n-e-ve-(r- e- )t- c- (h-)a(i-)r-e- d- t00-t-he- m-ate- s c0 re d 0 fxf t en d e/r/e c0m p en s e/e d-ea-r- t- he-i-r- d- bu-ll-e-ye- inn- g- ea-r- d- i/m-im-e-d- 0f-t- 00-t-he- t- 0-s/s-0d- 0f-t- i'm-e- w/e- ve- d- be-h-ave-d- as/s-h-e- d- t-he- t- (e-)a-re- "h/e" isn't "h"ere "d"
nor-ea-r-e-d- 0f-t- h0-r-(e-)n-s- inn-t-ere-s-t- u- b.-(e-) c.-0/n-e- d- e/b-t-00-t-he- d- e/b-t-00-k-eye-p-t-/r- e-ye- inn-- g- u-ye- d- h- ave- d- n0 0ne p.r.i'me d fxf un d a.m. e/n t a' ll (e) ye s i/r e me'ye s~
c a.m. e/r i c~a. d. e/p t h~eave n/d h and
(t) he X ? p0' s e(e) d ? g (r) 0 w/e ' s ? w/-h- i -t- c -h- as/s t e ll as/s 0 w/e -d-
d/r a ft' d we ll (e) d well e/ n t/h (d) 0 (w/) e d
mark h-i/n-d- e-am- s- c-he-m/e- d- character isn't really as-s- t- ease- see- t-he- d- compete for-t- no reason even inn f-x-f-eel- i/n-g-sus- h- all- t- 0- w/-ere- ad- s- he-ave-n- ad- s- c-ad-s-
u/e-w/e- d- h- ave- a.-r- n- e-d- you -r- e- living- with0ut p.r. a.(i.)m. e/d g~i'v e/n d g~ ea.r t/h~ (d) fxf i/r 's (t) a'k e re a.ll a gain d.
"ewe" h/ave not given living first 00 th e w/e~a.r~ t h~and 0 w/(h) e~a.r t /h eave n/s 0(u)nd e/d as/s h b eg un~ d
you have never given character a wearing e/th/er ~ e just force the saying- feeling- thinking- a- w/ar-e- war-d- vainly in re-f-le-ct-i-0/n-e-mu-st- (u-)bu-st- inn- t- r-ag- i/c- t- hie- ven- (t-) d-'s- (p-) en- d'-s- a- ga/in- d- e- m- ag- i/c-- t- : you are making money for -t- no reason and as soon as say you face that fact, you can start earning a w/e re a.ll i've inn g (e) i've inn g
"ewe" h/ave not given living first 00 th e w/e~a.r~ t h~and 0 w/(h) e~a.r t /h eave n/s 0(u)nd e/d as/s h b eg un~ d h~and 0/u (be) t~ c~ha (t) c~hin g/e d 0've d p.r. 0 w/t w/i th0u t a.d. 0/u t
t-he-miss-take-d- carried- e/b -t00-t-he-d- b-rake-d- 0f-t- he- pre-sense- s- a- w/(e-)t- f0r-t- no reas0/n e d i've d u/e t w/h0 d.
t-he-miss-take-d- carried- e/b -t00-t-he-d- b-rake-d- 0f-t- he- pre-sense- s- he-d-em-a.d.-e- s-ai-d-ate-d- buy-e- m/iss-take-nd- f-x-f-ai-t-h-and- (-0-) f-x-f-a-ct- 0-re- r- a/i-s-e-(e-)d- g-raze-d- (0-) f-x-f-0-r-t- re-p- (L-)ea-t-i/n-g- a- gree- d- e-vain- d- s- e/a.-m.e-inn-g- 's- pea-king- t0- f-x-f-t- 0p-e-d- 0-ft-
-he-miss-take-d- carried- e/b -t00-t-he-d- b-rake-d- 0f-t- he- pre-sense- s- he-d-em-a.d.-e- s-ai-d-ate-d- buy-e- m/iss-take-nd- f-x-f-ai-t-h-and- (-0-) f-x-f-a-ct- 0-re- r- a/i-s-e-(e-)d- g-raze-d- 0 p/en - (a-) l/l- (e-) ye- inn- t- i'm- e- d-s- tu-d- u- dud- l(e-)ye- a- s/s- t- re-a.- t- m-eek- t- w/-ea-k-t-
(s) t are = pack a/g e inn g 0/d 0 fxf t/h f a(i)r e t00 th (e) t a' k(e) t c~ a(i)r ~e a.d. 0 fxf t h/ei/r d 0've d a(i)r~ e s/t a(i.)r~e (a.) d.
i'm kind 0f tired of t pee-pull-thinking- me'ye w/(h)0 r/k t is a me/ss - t- (a-) g- e- d- : your work -t- (a-)gain-d- as-(s-a'ye-s-) a. m.e-an-d- is-l0-(u-)t--h-and-s- (h-)-0-w/e-(re-)ve-n- d-ad-(a.-) t- a- cross- t- i'm-e- le(e-)-s/s-t-(inn-t-)L-a-w/e-st- --"ewe" don't miss what "ewe" h ave' n /t b(r) 0ugh t : "ewe" most like-ly-e- miss your do-f-t- "ewe" pushed- ad-e/b -t00-t- 0 -f-x-f- t/u-p-ai-d-0f-t-
e'ye b/b r~each (e) d the time i/s t me'ye t~ heave n(d) s ea.m.e inn g u'ye t a gainn d inn sat is fact i 0/n e ve(i)n (t 0/0 th) d ~ s (t) at e fxf 0'ra re a.ll (e) d~e/a. l/l t00 t(h) 0/n e (ye) w/h e'ye (t) d p.r. 0 t~e/i'n~n s(t)a'ye d e/b t00 t/h ea.ven (t) d' s e/e n 0 w/e inn d be Le~a. f/i n/g ' s~(w/)ing inn g' s~ (t) a'nd be L~a'ye ve(i)n (t) d~h and
what is given free is equall too th' d en eye d 0 0're p (L)aye me t w/h0 sir e c0me s c/rib (u)e'ye d e sir/e tu b~ f 0'r(e) d en e'ye d
g0 ahead make t-hie-fen-s-hi-t-up-t- b.-c.-ewe- d- have no sole t's 0 le d 0fxf t
D ear buy-e-g0-t- - - - b-i/g-0t-
Th que en be(y)e 's (h)0 ld e ye t h0 u s e a.d. e ve(i)n t x d c0n t e/x t u al~ly e a.s/s t's p/0 k/en d f 0're the m0 Ld as/s (h) a.m. e a. l/l (e) d inn s/t/e a.d.~
Eye do not put~h em t heir a/ft/er e all e'ye re put e th (em) er~e
H ave n/t really given s c0pe. d-h-ave-g-i've/n-t-r-ump-e-t-a-b-s-p0-k-e-d- 0- w/-h-eel- and- s-0-a-k-t-a-x-app-(ea-)le-g-0-(a-)d-s- (h-) 0- w/e- (re-)d-'s-u-c-k-t-up-t00-t-he-d- h0-p-e- d- f-u-(e-w/e-)ll-ye- d-e/b-t- r-0p-e-d-s-he-d-s-c0p-e-d-
B rake inn g the "law" f0r m(ey') a w/ t00 th ab i.'d. e ye t w/h ea. ll t/h ' d 0/u (be) t 0ut a gain d & a.d. mit i g/ate inn t i'm e t00 th ea. t i/t b(L) e/n d a'ye a. g~ai'n/n d
t-he-d-s-u-c-k-t-up-d-h-0/p-e-d- e/b- t00-t-he- d- (h-)carry-e- t- r-0p-e-d- : unchallenge-d-0-(w/-)h- t-
f-r0m-e-d-(h-)0-ve-t-00-t-he-s-h0/u-LD-ere- d-e/b-t00-t-h'- b-0-(u-)Ld-ere- d-s-p.r.-0-u- t's- i/t-e-ye- w/i- thou-t- (h-)a-!- d- 0/u-(be-)t- hie-ven-
d-(b-)(c-)um- c-r-um-b-c-am-e- w/e- d-