it (L) en t(y) 0ur e~n (d) a.m. e ~ (n) d g a.m. e (n) d
e/b t00 th e t a l/l (b) e/n t (h) a'nd (0) fxf r~ a.(i.)m .e (n) d (0) h ave (n) d
e/b t a g~e t (L) a w/h e'ye (a. t/h) d 0ff (i) t (h) at (L) a s/s t e ~
a.d. (h) e'ye (i.d.) p as/s t
(e-)a-r- t-
for-tune- "greet the world every morning with curiousity and hope"
(i wiped my ass with he-t- h an d t0 s/s (0) d i/t r0~pe d)
dof-t- c-an-(d-) e/b- t- a- re- p- (L-) aye- t- he-ad- 0f- (i-) t- a- cr0ss- (0-) t-
a- g-e- t- (i/t-) 0ff- t- (u-) b- (r-) 0ugh-t-
d e' ye f r0m e w/e (a.)d.
0 w/h ea. t
be-ad-0f-t-0/n-e- inn- a-re-vi-ew/e- d-
for they hadn't thought ass mu ch t00 th pr 0 vi.'d.e (i)t 0 w/00 d, yet pre sum e, could 0 h and s~h 0(u) LD
t-(u-)b-(e-a-) min-(e-) d- - e/b- t- 0/n -e- t- (L-) in-e- d- - 0f- t- (b-) c- L- i'm-(b-) e- d- "ewe" t-0- w/-h0- d- e/b- t- he- p.-r- 0- vi- s- i- 0/n- e- inn- e- min-(e-) d-
min (n) 0 (w/~e) matches (e) t/h f e(e) L(L) t
(h and min 0 d gets on the table by him s(t)e l/l fxf t)
gaining artificial balance that you never gave an honest shit -h- and never wante(n)d 0 w/e (i) t
bi g (b) ang t/h e 0 re' ye
bi g (b ang) a.m. e(n) d (h) 0/m e(n) d e/b t00 t(h) a c(t)c0 un t a/b (e) l/l e~a.d. 0 w/(h)e~a. l/l t/h d (h) 0've~(r) t ex t p0's e (a.) d. kn 0 w/e (a.d.)' s
kevin stine all-t-a-re-ad-e-ye- d-(s-) 0-L-(e-)d- 0f- t- he -ad- just "needs" me'ye i.d. h and e/b t-0-w/-h0-d-(0-) f- 0-(0-) L-(e-) d-
2- gain -am- 0-re- (a-)d- a-rt- i- fi-c-i-all-(e-)a-d-(s-) 0- L-(e-) d-
trying a new/e snack t/h~e(a.)re
kn 0/t e d f r0m t(L) a s/s t e~ a.d. k nigh t
b Le (A.)D. k/t 00 th en (d) 0 w/e (i)t
rig h/t ~ h(d) ea.r t/h bu ye a.r~i/g ht i/t h~e/a. (d.) b (r) i.'d. e (i) t
S eve n 0/n e 0/n e 0/n e
g's u/s (fuck) t
(0) w/(h)at (L)u~ck (t) e'ye p Luck t a/z e(a.)r 0 d(b) e~ a.d. 0ff t (h) c~h ea.r 0/t ~ h and 0 ch~air i 0/t (b) e/n (d) ea.r 0~
be (a.)d. 0ff t(h)i/n(e)d
e/b t00 t/h (e/n) d 0 w/e (i)t (p.r.) 0/0 f(t) i/n e t(ch) u ew/e (a.)d. ~ 0 w/e L/L (d) b u/n t0/0
g's u/s (fuck) t
(0) w/(h)at (L)u~ck (t) e'ye p Luck t a/z e(a.)r 0 (d)b e~ a.d. 0ff t d-ew/e-d-ew/e-(d-)vain- t-(h )rue w/e (a.)d
(0) w/(h)at (L)u~ck (t) e'ye p Luck t a/z e(a.)r 0 t(h) a s (k) s u(e) ch t ~ (h) e'ye i.d. g i've (n/d) s (h) 0 ~ m(e) u ch t
b Le (A.)D.(~a/r~) k/t 00 th en (d) 0 w/e (i)t (b) rig ht ' s t a (i) r (e) t a' s/s k nigh t 0 w/(e)a.r~e a. s/s (h) 0/n e' ye (a.) t
"sam hill"
h 0 w/e b(0)u t/t b/r inn g t/h t i'm e/n d's u g/g(u) e s/s t i've (r) i.d. (in) e t(h)in(e)d (e/b t a) g (r) 0 a/t b(e~a.) m. in(e) d
e/b t a ' s/s c 0/p (i) ed e/b t a' s/s (k) inn (d) g ~ f i/n(e) d
e'ye (a.)t 's h~i'v~e (i.)d.
e/b t in e min (e) d
p.s. i do not need t-(u-)b-0-w/e- d- 0- w/-(e-)n- d-
i am t(h)(d) 0 w/e a.d. if you want 0 get (h)r(u)e a.d.
be a.d.
0 p en (a) L/L (t) e'ye
a.t (h) a'nd ew/e a.d. 0ff t (0) w/i.(d.) t(h)(c) a(i)r ~e
e'ye d (e/b t) a're a.d. (bef0'r (d) h) e're
t(L) a w/are A.D.
verse-sus-t- i've- r- e- g- i've- r- (t-h-) d- (a-) g- (r-) 0-a/t- (u-) b-e/g- (r-) inn-ere- t-
t(h) a p0 gee (s) 0 (w/e) d (h) e a.d. 's c r/i b e (d) s (h) i/t' me~a.r t/h (inn) d s i.'d.e~ s
a c/c 0'r(e) d h inn g (e) t 00 t/h e re w/e l/l d
(a) b (r) i.'d. e/b t bu ye (a.t) p.r. 0 v/i s/i 0/n e(e) d
L-(i-)e-n- d- 0f- t- a- get- 0- w/-h0-d- 0- c- 0/m- (e-n-d-) b- i/n- (e-)d- 0- h-(ea-ven-)d- e/b- t- a- gain-d- 0/u-(be-)t- (h-) a- nd- - 0f- (t-) i/n-(e-) c- line-d- - e/b- t- b-(e-a-) min-(e-) d-
statistically t-he-t- 0-w/00-d- h a've (i) t a re all e'ye (i.d.) s (h) 0'r t L i/f e/n (d) i ce a.d. ~ e/b t/0 re me m(b)e re t (0) w/i ce a.d.
w/ (=r) 0 at' s
thanks f0r taking a L0 0(k)T
Kevin Stine uses police on the me(A)ke (n)d g re~a.t(L) e/n d i/t b~(e) a.t
police : thanks force-s-scene-taking-a- L-L-0- 0(k-)t- i'm-e-(d-) f-(r-)a-(i-)m-e-(n-)d- 0f- t- s- h0-0k- t
I am p.r.00f t p0 s(i)t i've (r) i.d. e'ye d 0 w/00 d h ave t a re a. l/l at(h)e a.d. t/hi~s (s t 0're 'ye) b (e/e) f 0'r(e) d
I s peak t (h) 0/n e s/s t (L) e' ye~a. s/s (k/t) i f(f) t 0 w/h0 d be (d) 0/n e (d) b 0/a rd
e'ye g 0/t h ere t heir t 0 w/h0 d (0) h and e'ye w/e d i.d. kn 0t (L) a want 0 w/h0 d
e'ye g 0/t (c are t) h ere (2) t 0 w/h0 d h and e'ye w/e didn't want 2 x t 0 w/h0 ca(i)r e'ye t(h)rue (w/e L/L) d : t- he-t- can't 0/0 Le A.D. -e/b- t- f- r-0-m-(e-) t-00-L- be-(a-)d-
"Kevin" aka "b-(L-)an-k-" wants me t-(u-) b- (r-) 0- w/e- d- 0- w/-(e-)n-d- (0-) b-c- he -is-t-he-(n-)d- 0-w/e-t-he-is-t- d- (h-) 0-ve-r-t-(L-)0-ad- e/n- t- (a-) p-r- 0- w/-(e-) t-(u-)be-(n-) d- kn- 0- w/-(e-)n-d-
t--he-t- wants me t-(u-) b- (r-) 0- w/e- d- 0- w/-(e-)n-d- (0-) b-(c-a-u-s-e-)ed- he-is-t-he-d0w-e-vain-d- e/b- t- a-miss- t- (b-)re-ad- h and 0(w/)e ' s kn 0t h~ave t(h) rig ht 00 t/h e t a s/s k t (h) 0/m e (t00 t/h e) n/d (h) 0 w/e A.D.
i/t b(e)a.t/h inn (d/h) a've (n) d e/b t 0/0 L (e) a.s/s t
if you do not 'pay t' me (n d) 0/n e'ye i.d. ew/e a.d. 0/n (k) e'ye i.d. : if you don't pay t me $ , it won't matter, you lo-s-t- (L-) a- w/e- (s-) t- a- l/l- 0-t- , ye-we-l-l-0-(s-) t-u-b-(r-)ough-t-, you lost the time, tin e(e) d i'm e(n) d (0) h and e/b t(h) a p0 w/(h) e're A.D. ~ (h) in (e) d
you-r-(e-) ad-(s-) 0/n-g- ass-t-you-rig-ht- 0-L-(i-)e-ye-(n-)d- en-eye-(t-h-) d- (h-) e-ye-d- -you-r-(e-) ad-(s-) 0/n-g-f-0-re-ve-r-e-ye-0/n-e-inn-s-i.'d.-e-d0f-ew/e-d- (en-) e-ye- d- - e/b- t- a- get- a- m-(e-) u-s-e-(e-)d- 0f- (i-) t-
a.d. debt (u) b ag
t/h c as/s h and 0 c a(i)r e'ye (i.)d. at e~a. s/s e~(a.) d.
a.m. e r/r e'ye i.d.
at(h) a'nd
ye-we-n-are- n eve r t (c) a r/r e'ye i.d. e/b t (b) rig ht
ye-we-n- d- be-ad-(0f- t-b-)ligh-t-- 0ff- t- he- miss p(L)a ce a.d. -0-f-i/g- h-t-
f-0-r-(e-)t- an-0-t-her-d- aye- t- (h-)e-ye- d- e/b- t-00-t-he- m-(e-)a-ke- (d-)g- (r-)e- a- t- (h-)e- ad- 0f- (i-) t- 0- re- (d-) b- a- i/t-hie-ven- t- a- miss- le- d- h-inn-d- be-(d-) h-ave- d- 0f- t- (L-) in- e- n- d-
"joel" is betting -0-d0f-t- inn the shop & using me as a charity case -2- put-up-t- 0- w/-i-t- high-t- i/t- (rig-ht-) 0ff- t-(u-) br0-ugh-t- bi-g-0/t-
Kevin Stine is giving free "time" on my s (h) 0 w/e A.D. -2- joel-e-d-
Joel can miss work, without planning to take time off, for 2 years, there is a conversation in the machine shop by every employee there about joel, including by kevin stine, and joel himself talks about his drug use at work. suddenly, my ears are called into being the shirk-t- h-and- jerk-t- ? by the jewish ag in portland maine, and friend of kevin stine, michael messerschmidt -d- ew/-(e-) inn-(d-) g- (ill-) t- i'm-e-(n-) d- 0f- t- (h-) in- (e-) d- 0- c- line- d- - 0f- t- 0/n-e-e- d- 0f- t- (h-) in- (e-) d- e/b- t-(u-) be- am- in-(e-)d-
may/b(e ye) i/t could be a 'law,' no jack-t- d0f-t- could be ad 0/0 re ad -0- friend- 0f-law-s- inn- s- (t-) 0-re-e-L-a-w/-(e-)t- 0-r-(e-) t- (h-) a- n-(d-) am- (e-) 0-r-(e-) t-
ta in t
b L0 0d c L0 t L u/m p s L i.'d.e d 0/u (be) t
think that is gross, think about what ye w/e are put inn s i.'d.e
INN eRe I CH ~ c ap i/t a(i') l/l e t00 t(h) a per ce (i')ve ~n (d) a.m. e (a) i.d.
(h) e'ye (a) t 00 th e re ce i've d (0) h(ea.ven)d (e/b t) a g(r) e a.d. 0fxf (r) e/e d ~ e/b t(u) be (a.)d. 0ff r0m t a' s/s knee d i/t (h) inn g e(n)d e/b t (h) (d) f 0r(a.)m. e ~(ve in) n d ~ g's u/s (t) a' g (r)e a.d.
(h) e'ye i.(d.) p a(i.)d. 0 w/i.d. t/h d's (t) u fxf (h) e'r(e) inn g
0/d e/b t 0 w/00 d (b r) inn g
t a'/ b~(e) l/l e(ye) a.d.
rich, sharon, sue, andy, step h
you have now: kn 0 w/e (a)d 0 w/as n't going any e w/(h) ere ad s 0/m e t(h)(d) 0 w/e t(h) a' nd ' s (t) a'nd (h) ew/e a.d. (h) 0've d ~ j u/s t (a) b.(e~ve r a) c. a/u s/e a.~ d.
rich, sharon, sue, andy, step h
0 w/h 0/d (0) c(0)u r~t = it is my wish tu be t i'm (v) p~0'L (i/t) e =
(n) d 0 w/h 0/d (0) c(0)u r~t L ew/e ve(i)n d 0 w/00 d ~ (0) h ave(n)d be(n) d 0've d ~ 0/n e/e d h and 0 c u(m)e/n t (0) f/f i/t (h) a'nd 0ff t' s u g/g (u)e s/s t (i) 0/n e ~t a s/s 0 t/h ere (a.)t (h) 0/m e (n) d
h and 0/n e d 0 c u(m) e/n t fit hand 0ff suggestion as 0 t/h ere a.t' s-us-pen-d-s- t- hie-ven-d- e/b- t-00-L-(b-) e-(n-)d- (h) e'ye (a.) t~ b lack (t) in (e) d (h) at (c) h~ at
gr0ss ph(r)ases (i) re duct h ea. d serve (n) d
en e'ye i.d.
0ff t(h) in(e) d (0) h and em in(e) d
s (L) in g's (h) 0/t ~ e x (t) ce
L/L e/n t (0 fxf t)~ c 0/m p Le x i 0/n e~a. t in (e) t ere (s) t (s) up t
t(h) e'ye i.d. i/s c 0've r' d (k) inn (d) s (h) i~p (t) 0/0 (t/h) d~ e/b t (h) f r0m (e) t/h e m(i s/s) u s/s t~ e a.d. (h) e w/e (a.d.') s
0-f-t-per-fe-ct- f-0-ill- d- s- 0-L-(v-)e-(n-) t- 0- s/s- (0-) t- a- re- c0- ill- d-
pee p(H 0'Le) d ew/e (i) t 0/d ew/e (a.d.) s h0(u)Ld ere w/e l/l inn t 0 w/h0 d (h) e'ye i.d. ew/e (a.)d. i/t t00 t/h d 0 h(ea.ven)d p~r.00f (t) i/n e t00 th e miss u s/s (t) e'ye t(ch) e w/e a.d.
j/u~s/t (a.) b. c. d.' s h e/g 0/t 0ff t f r0m t(h) a/b u~s e(a.) d.
e/b t00 t(h c) a r/r e'ye (a) t(h)rue n d 0 w/e (i) tu~ s (h) e'ye (a.) t u~ b(e a.)m. (e) u/s e (a.) d. ~ h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n d e/b t00 t(h) a p.r. 0/0 (f) t
(h) a'nd ew/e f(t)f e/e (L) D 0ff t(L) a (p)bu~s e (a.) d.
e/b t00 th d' s~e a. t 0 w/h0 d ~ (h)0 c/k e s/s inn e w/e a.d.
0 fxf a ce a.d. f 0're w/are a.d. s inn e w/e l/l e s/s t (a) fxf (t) a'ct
(0're ad) h ea. d be (a.)d b Lack t ~
i/t be (t) h ave (n) d
the s~i(g~)n~ e c~u/r (e)ve (n) t en (d) 0/n e ~(a.) t (h) at ~(ch)at m(c) at ch (inn) d
e/b t 0 w/h0 d s (p) e(n) d i/t b Lack t 00 th (a.) d. e ve(i)n d (h) at~ a~ t00 th e m(e)a.t(h) e~ nd 0 w/e (i) t/h ea.r t(h)e'ye i.d. (0) fxf (t) a'ct ~ (h) in (e) d e/b t (h) a. d. e ve(i)n d (g~L) an (d) ce (a.d.)
debt u/n (d) e're (s) t 0/0 d e/b t (h) a s/s t (h)e a.d. (h) at (ch) u b Lack t 0/0 th d' s (u/s) p e(n)d i/t b Lack t 0 get (h)e~a.r t (h) e'ye i.d. f(t) a'ct (h) 0're ~a.r (e~a.) d. (h) at
(u) b e/e n (d) ea.r ~e a.t
0~ get i/t b Lack t
0/0 t/h d' ste ad (h) e'ye i.d. h~a.d. e ve(i)n (d) ad vance a.d.
e/b t(u) b r ave (n) d (h)at (h) at
ass w/ee debt 0 w/(h)at ch ew/e a.t
heir kn 0 w/e a.(d.) m. 0're a.d. -0f- t- didn't - (f-) a-ke- n- (d-) a- m-(e-) a-t- e- 2- make- it- s-(e-)am-e-(n-)d- e/b- t- like- t-he-t-0/m-(b-)e- d- n eve r a(i) m e/n d -0-f-ace-d- = tu-bu-s-(t-)e-ye- amending- 0- d- 0f- t- 2 t(h)(r) 0/n e s/s t (L) e'ye i.d. (0)fxf (L) at e ~ n t 0 get (L) a w/h e'ye (a.) t
ye-we-(d-) n- a-re- d i.d. kn 0/t me i.d. h and e/b t/h e m(e) (nd) g r(e) a. t e (n) d ate
ye-we-n-are only re-s-(t-)0-r-(e-) inn-g- to-get- i/t- b- lack- t- (0-)f-x-f- ace- d- -0f-t- 0- re- (a-) p-(L-) ace- d-(h-)e-ad- 0f- (t-) in- (e-) a- t- e-
he-a-ven-(d-) a-b- (0-) u- t/t- he- l/l-an- d- 0- c- an-d- (h-) inn- t- r-u- s/s- (e-) t- d- 0- c- an- (d-) s- eg- 0/d- s- p- (L-) an- (d-) s- bu- s- t- d- am- s- (c-) am- (e-n-d-) s- (c-) an- (d-) s- tu- d- e-ye- d- 0f- t- 0/0- t- ea-(ch-i-) t- 0ff- t- bu- s- t- d- 0- c- an- d- (h-) a- l/l- 0/t- (u-) b- (r-) 0ugh- t-in- e- cur-(e-) rent- (L-) 0-(o-) t-
0/n-e- com-man-d- e/b- t- in- (e-) t- r-u-s/s-(e-)t- d- h-a-(n-)d- e- vain- d- am- (e-)n- d-
(e-a-) f- r0m- s-0-L-(e-) i- t- a- r/r- e-ye- i-d- (0-)(h-)(t-) bu- (s-) t/t- (h-) e- ad- am- (e-)n-d-
e/b- t00-L-(b-) e- inn- g- 0- d- e/b- t- (0-) f-x-f- r0m- (s-) c- am- e-(n-) d-
0f- t- (a-) p- (L-) an- (t-h-) d- i- am- e- vain- d- e-ye- am- e- (n-) d-
e/b- t- (u-) be-(d-) h-a-(L-)ve- (n-) d-
0f- t- (h-) a- nd- s- (t-) a- nd- e/b- t- 0/n-e- com-man-d- 0-
w/e- l/l-e- s/s- (t-) 0- w/e-(e-) d-
ye-we-n- d- have paid no & know honest one debt from ag 0 (d), debt took t/h en d kn 0 w/e A.D. (s) 0'L (e/a.) d. ~ e/b t 0 w/h0 d (e/b t) a l/l (e) a. s/s (h) 0 w/e A.D. ~ e/b t a g i've (n) t a g (L) 0/d e ~ a.d. i/s c0 ar'(s)e g~ t(h) at 0/0 kn 0 w/n d
(h) 0 c an (e) d i/t ~
(u) be (n)d i/t~
t-he-n-d-kn-ew/e-d- 0-/0-r-(d-)e- re- t- (h-r-) 0- w/-(e-) in-(d-)g-(r-)0ut- ()h-) f-0/0-d-/d-ere-(a-)d- (h-) i/t-(ch-d-0-)f- 0-r-(e-)d- e/b- t- 0- w/-h0-(d-)b-/b-(u-ye) a-t- (u-) b-(e-a-) m-(e-) u-s-e-(e-)d- 0f- t- 0/n-e-e- d- L-e-ye-(a-)t- (h-)in-(e-d-) g-e-t-a- gree- d- 0f- (r-) e/e- d-0f-t-(u-)be-(a-)d- (eb-t-) 0-p-en-(a-)l/l-(t-)e-ye-(a-t- - - i/t- (h-) (c-) 0/m-(b-)e- d- (h-) 0/m-(e-n-d-0-c-) at-ch- (i/t- ch- u- b/b-e- ad- 0f- t- b- lack-t- a- s/s- (h-) a-ve- (i-) t- b- lack- t- ass- knee-d- i/t- (h-) at- ch- (inn-) d- e/b- t- (h-) at- 0/0- t-he-ad-van-ce-de-ad- 0-f- (r-) e/e-d- e/b- t- a-g-e- t- i/t- (h-)at- h- d- -0- h-and- 0- (b-) c- all- i/t- (0-) f-x-f- (t-) a-ct- -(h-)0-r-(e-) d- be-ad- 0f-x-f-a-(i-) t- he-ad- (h-) at- e- a- s/s- e- t- he- ha-(w/e-) t-
e'ye~i. d. i.d. kn 0t (a) c 0/n (e) s/s c r/i p/t h e me (m0) r/r e'ye (i.)d. (h) 0/m e(n)d (s) 0' (i') L/L (e/a)D.
cultural appropriation: w/h0 makes the music s inn g~ (a) w/(h) inn(d) g ~ 0 pen (a) L/L (t) e'ye i.d. ~ 0 h and e/b t(h) e/n d 0 w/e (i) t 0/0 L e(a.)ve (n)d (0)(h)(t) b (r) e~(a.) d. h~inn (d) g (u) e s/s t (h)e a.d.
cultural appropriation: w/h0 makes the music s inn g~ (a) w/(h) inn(d) g ~ 0 pen (a) L/L (t) e'ye i.d. f i/n~i~sh (i) t ea (ch) t (L) ap ((t) in (e) t a'ct)) ~ f 0r(a.)m. e/a. L/L e'ye (a.t)
s~ ta fxf (t) a'ct b Lack t in ~e (t/h) a.t
h~0 p(e/r) f 0'r (e) -t- no reason- s- (h-)0/n-e-d-e/b- t-s-(h-)0/m-e-n-d-- sustain-s- h0-p- f-0-re- t- n0 reason sum e 0/n e'ye (i.d.) at e (d) 0/n e~ ed L e'ye t(h) in(e) d e/b t00 L (t/h) inn k (i) t (h) 0/n e'ye d(L) 0've d h and (0) h inn d 0 w/e (a.)d. (h) 0've d : dow hasn't 0 w/e (a.)d., no one has hat (h) at h(ea.ven)d (s) 0'L (e/a) d.
hype makes systems to lend ear..hand lead ear to w/-e-n-d- 0- w/e- (i-) d- , never even t(h)rue w/e d, dow is not made bu ye i.d. 0 c a/p u/t a (i') L/L a(p) bu s e (a.)d. ~ ew/e (t/h e) a.d. ~ 0 fxf 0'r(a)m e~all e'ye (a.)t
(b) re a.d. (0) h inn g e t a g(r)e a.d. 0 fxf (r) e/e d (0) h (ea.ven) d
e/b t a (i') l/l e'ye a. gain d 0 c(h) 0/m e w/(h)e n (d kn)~ ew/e a.d. 0 c an d s (t) 0 p (t) c0m p (L) a in t i fxf t h(ea.ven)d in ~ e ve(i.)n d.
0ff t' (b) (f) 0 un d 0 fxf 0'ra re a. l/l d