h0me ye tu be t/h's p0 ken t 0(w/)e

may 17.2016

b/La~c/(K) 0n e w/h i/t e~L/L e'ye t00 t/h t 0/u c/h ~e w/e t/h(c)up tw/h0 t/h(r)e~e fxf 0(u)r~e t/h e'ye f/f i've ta s/s i'x 's e~ve/n d e(L)~igh t 0/n i/n~e t en d e're l(e)ye

s i'~m pull a.d. di/t ~i 0/n e t c 0nt i/n u~e w/(h)0~0 le' ye s w/(h)ea.t e're g ai~n e t(h)rue duress f reel ye a.gave t/h' succulent a n/n ea. L/L e'ye A.s t e're s~L0 t~t0 (w)/e ft d/ark t h/at c/a(i)/n e t/h' arc all a r/0 u/n d gi b/b 0/n e X t~en s i/0n s~h0/u L(0/r)D e're m e w/(h) e~a.ve n a's 0 i'll e'ye t l e'ye


the irony of d-ave's com-p/l-i-men-t-'s is he is b-e/re-ft- of (t) a w/are


-&- p.r.e ten d's 2 b(e) f a(i)r e ly e


the irony of d-ave's com-p/l-i-men-t-'s is he is b-e/re-ft- of (t) a w/are


-&- p.r.e ten d's 2 b(e) f a(i)r e l(e) ye a.s/t


the irony of d-ave's com-p/l-i-men-t-'s is he is b-e/re-ft- of (t) a w/are


-&- p.r.e ten d's 2 b(e) f a(i)r e ly e


the irony of d-ave's com-p/l-i-men-t-'s is he is b-e/re-ft- of (t) a w/are


-&- p.r.e ten d's 2 b(e) f a(i)r e l(e) ye a.s/t a(i)r e


t 0/r(e) c 'h' the p/l~ace





several appts at the salon, and i am training 2 people. christine inquired about a lice costume (i thought it would be effective for marketing presentations) so may be sitting at the sewing machine by the end 0 the m.o./n t/h~


so, had a conversation with kevin this morning. he wasn't sure where my email was going, and he said whatever program i sent it with, had curious charactors~


i briefly explained to him my anatomical language and going to court and representing myself as Eve eve(i)n. the conversation per d-ave- // i do not want to do harm to him, however i feel awkward regarding him regarding me, and it is because we got off on the wrong "foot"...


what came of the conversation with kevin is i linked "love" ie i am reading dave's body language, and he regards me in a way that makes me self conscious in all my denim overall un glamorous eg l0re ye. his adulation for not my value, ie to misread my value to me actually, is pity ie pi-t-(e-)ye- which is actually s-pi-t-(e-)ye-


i talked about avoiding him as there is no value for me to build on him misreading me as someone to be pitied ie loved for no reason inn 0.ve


kevin didn't understand it at first. he is good natured and good humored and i talked about the cross transference of communicating from different wor(l)ds. he is very comfortable in the engineering world, he is mind boggled trying to keep up with my par/a ll el, which he finds curious, my contextual position as Eve and i don't believe in god. funny, rig ht;)


here is the thing, and i haven't communicated to kevin. i think, today, jeff is pissed at me, annexing dave. the point is jeff is not really interested in how dave impacts me, and "etc" and jeff is also a bit manipulative. he is an anchor in the shop in his own way regarding fabrication, and he as w/e~ight. he manages the turn around in a (s)way.


i am not discounting a thoughtful temperment, and he is a good teacher because he doesn't pity me, however i can see him articulating principles of what is to be in his be have. i subtly get the politics of how things are played out in the shop.


he is a prominent problem solver, as an example, and wishes someone else would man up and do the difficult jobs. we have gotten on as good enough friends, working in tandem on the frames, and now he in the teacher position. i am needing less instruction, and am now taking initiative to launch projects, get direction, and operate the machine comfortably with principles i have learned (edge finder, center drill, pilot drill, ream, tap & thread, counter sink + what speed to operate for the drill and the material and what direction).


i sensed today jeff was miffed at me. it is true, me bringing this up, i did it because i felt dave was thinking that he was the value producer and i was the unappreciative snit. my words, the feeling though was that he thought i was off the mark, and therefore, i sent kevin an email. dave doesn't get to "feel" that way about me "and" feel he is a value producer e ve(i)n.


i am owning my feelings. this is awkward for me to be around this person. i think he is attracted to me, and his solicitations come with the right to/o love another one, and i can't be more adamant that he not cross this line with me, in my 0(w/)n/e time.


this is the thing, his advances, if i read them right, would have competed on me, among the other guys i work with, that are my friends, and i would have been annexed, from the service of L/earn i/n g.


the thing that bothers me with dave, and what i sense about jeff today, is there is this t-rite- of-faux-n-o/re-ship-


i have mentioned, jeff has helped me, directed me, taught me, shown me, however, i have brought too the t able attention e tu pay able. and i can Ta/ke t/h at w/h e're ve r (e)ye w/an T : it i/st mi/n e capable


jeff has a girlfriend of 9 years. it is a prerequisite she must drink and smoke. i get the com-fort- man-i-pull-at-(e-)i/on-s-(2-)c0pe-


i talked with kevin about not making money off the marketed website, and the inappropriateness of dave's affection, if that is what it is / was, because, he doesn't get it / me, and it would be work for me to have to teach a person that is so certain of their contribution in "my" misread he-ad-


the result, i could visibly see today, dave does not feel he is the value producer among me, and i felt transparent and free to be. and jeff felt i was annexing dave, for no reason ap-pare-rent-l-ie-n-0-w/-e-in-c-


i have simply brought my own provision too the table, and ke/pt it c/a/p(lace) able


this is the thing, his advances, if i read them right, would have competed on me, among the other guys i work with, that are my friends, and i would have been annexed, from the service of L/earn i/n g i've n (t) d's en d/i n(0w/e)g


f0r/m/e d-ave's-love = 's- p/i-t-(e-)ye- too-t-he-re-st-0/re-ring-


kevin asked me how long, i have been thinking, writing, building this concept i shared with him in conversation, i said 3 years (2013 right? perhaps 2012), he said it seems like a lot longer. i said i think the working relationship was all ready there, i just didn't know how i fa(i)r e until i had someone to communicate t/h ere


c 0/m m/u n c/i all e t/t a(i)r e i/n c~h


c 0/m m/u n/i c at/e ther e ye w/h ey e


un c/i all e's lit/te r(r) a/e~


this is the thing, his advances, if i read them right, would have competed on me, among the other guys i work with, that are my friends, and i would have been annexed, from the service of L/earn i/n g i've n (t) d's en d/i n(0w/e)g & service able ad e/b t l en d 0 w/ in n/am/e ve(i)n


this is the thing, his advances, if i read them right, would have competed on me, among the other guys i work with, that are my friends, and i would have been annexed, from the service of L/earn i/n g i've n (t) d's en d/i n(0w/e)g & service able ad e/b t l en d 0 w/ in n/am/e ve(i)n 0. g/g i/n c/am/e


i'm messing with you;)


i'm going to sleep, to prepare for a long day of work and class.


forgot, and remembered. we spoke of narcissism today, kevin and i, and i use the word a lot to describe other people. narcissism to me, is using scot peck's terminology, and it means to not consider another person as having an emotional reality, separate from their own.


i may be thought to be narcissistic by my coworkers, perhaps, however i do not consider their e-motions- for no reason in the framework and fretwork too-t-he-s/t-e-all- actually e re all: they have not related with any 0/n e to get where they are t00 t/h fe el




g i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


i g i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


e'ye. g. i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


g i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


i g i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


e'ye. g. i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


e'ye. g. i/s t e X a.m. p le t/m(e) a.d. ge/t a g/ave t/f x f r/u i/t f/r0m t/h' p lan e' sa~nd p lace 0 p lain s~ ag gain st 0re r/ing ' s h~0/r e r/ing r/ave t fi/n e a.ll (e)ye t/h a/nd m a.(i)d.e b and e p t/h' s a.(i)m.e


g i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


i g i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


e'ye. g. i've t/h i/n c/h t00 t/h e're lay t


e'ye. g. i/s t e X a.m. p le t/m(e) a.d. ge/t a g/ave t/f x f r/u i/t f/r0m t/h' p lan e' sa~nd p lace 0 p lain s~ ag gain st 0re r/ing ' s h~0/r e r/ing r/ave t fi/n e a.ll (e)ye t/h a/nd m a.(i)d.e b and e p t/h' s a.(i)m.e ye f/f 0re (t) f(r)a.m.e a.nd f(L)a.m.e


(t) re(a.) p0's e a.m.


e'ye. g. i/s t e X a.m. p le t/m(e) a.d. ge/t a g/ave t/f x f r/u i/t f/r0m t/h' p lan e' sa~nd p lace 0 p lain s~ ag gain st 0re r/ing ' s h~0/r e r/ing r/ave t fi/n e a.ll (e)ye t/h a/nd m a.(i)d.e b and e p t/h' s a.(i)m.e ye f/f 0re (t) f(r)a.m.e a.nd f(L)a.m.(e) a.ve n t/h 0 w/(h)ave n' t/h e/a. ve n(0 w/) e're f as/h i/0n e t a.m.e 0n e w/(h)i Ld' s/ave


e'ye. g. i/s t e X a.m. p le t/m(e) a.d. ge/t a g/ave t/f x f r/u i/t f/r0m t/h' p lan e' sa~nd p lace 0 p lain s~ ag gain st 0re r/ing ' s h~0/r e r/ing r/ave t fi/n e a.ll (e)ye t/h a/nd m a.(i)d.e b and e p t/h' s a.(i)m.e ye f/f 0re (t) f(r)a.m.e a.nd f(L)a.m.(e) a.ve n t/h 0 w/(h)ave n' t/h e/a. ve n(0 w/) e're f as/h i/0n e t a.m.e 0n e w/(h)i Ld' s/ave t/g a.m. e ye t/m.~0.re t00 t/(h) re (e) s/t 0r/e


jeff doesn't pity me, at work, so i can learn from him, however, in that and too the extent he pity's himself, his "love" is "a/i" d-0/p-e-d-g/r-ow/-e-


0n e m(e)ye t/r 0p e d~g r/0w/e in s c0 p(i) e d 0 w/ e


b lac k & w/hit e ta t00 t/h tw/h0 & k/n0.w/e ve(i)n s~0w/ e


b lac k & w/hit e ta t00 t/h tw/h0 & k/n0.w/e ve(i)n s~0w/ e tu/b c0/m p l~e a.t e. g. g0


b lac k & w/hit e ta t00 t/h tw/h0 & k/n0.w/e ve(i)n s~0w/ e tu/b c0/m p l~e a.t e. g. g0 LD


b lac k & w/hit e ta t00 t/h tw/h0 & k/n0.w/e ve(i)n s~0w/ e tu/b c0/m p l~e a.t e. g. g0 LD en 0.t e




good morning, w/h~at is up


you had a party or gathering last night, i fi/g~ged, i w/as kn0t in vi t/e d


any e w/h eye


per fe ct f/r0m t/h' st a r(e)t


c(i)t(e/ye) si/t & sit ye c 0/m f0r/t a/b/l~e a. d.


w/(h) ea. r i/s t~g r/i s/t~ye a. r/t


e ve(i)n you can't be h/ave, i can pre ten d e/b tw/h0 w/an ye w/h eye


e ve(i)n t/h 0/u g/h you can't be h/ave, i can pre ten d e/b tw/h0 w/an ye w/h eye


e ve(i)n t/h 0/u g/h you can't be h/ave, i can pre ten d e/b tw/h0 w/an ye w/h eye t


doe-s- t-his- so-u-nd- f-am-ill-i-ar-e-


tires, i am buying next saturday, 700 for 85,000 miles. i am hoping this is a good investment of 3 to 4 years (plus?) for my used car. 2 weeks later i have dentist exam and eye exam to buy contacts, as I am using my last 3 to 5. 3 because 2 grimeye one's are in the contact container, but I might need them before the eye exam and the new vat of contacts get here. there will be more dental appts, most likely to put a crown on. i haven't decided if i should call lac megantic canada, to have them price the work and see if they can get me in sooner than the dental school.


i am becoming a patricia nash purse collector, it would seem. ;) and i really like them all, 5 to be exact. shoot! the distraction has me looking at boot~ie's and denim dresses. we'll see. trying to avoid owning too many things i don't really desire for me. additionally, while i scope denim dresses i like, a part of me would rather fashion what i wear for/m/e ad/de


so w/(h)e ye there is t(h)at


i am becoming a patricia nash purse collector, it would seem. ;) and i really like them all, 5 to be exact. shoot! the distraction has me looking at boot~ie's and denim dresses. we'll see. trying to avoid owning too many things i don't really desire for me. additionally, while i scope denim dresses i like, a part of me would rather fashion what i wear for/m/e ad/de liberate l(e) ye


oddly, i don't know if explained this throughly enough, the kaizen b/ag. simple yet original graphic art design, that no one can apparently re c~0/g n i'ze, as necessary in any sustainable way per the creator too th' d ate. it's "odd" like this, i am scene as naive and "well meaning" with out an ounce of "relativity" too-t-he-make- and my $2000 plus investment to f/as h/i 0n/e t/h b/ag "0" passes bu-ye-t/h'-d-rain-


i am complict lie, over-lo-ok-e/d- as adding nothing to the b/r0 0k.


now that my kaizen b/ag has t g~i/r~t/h e (a.)ve n, n0 0ne "odd-l-ye" can claim my meaning as t/h ei r sel l fxf (&) t/h e're sel l fxf (&) t/h (e)i/r e sel l fxf e i/r 0/n e'ye. iron i c/ally e t/here is no place f0r/m/e, again, sustainably. i am over looked because i h/ave t~meaning.


your -e- "people" that "like" your "house" f-ace- p-ag/e- continues to g-r-ow/-e- 0n e me w/h0 u/t c0m p/en s ate i/0n e f0r/m/e. apparent l ye. look at my page for referencing and the "likes" that stagnate on the f/ace 0 me.


w/h en e'ye in f/a ct, e'ye a.m. t/h c(i)t(e/ye) & sit ye t00 t/h' L a/s t eye/i n/g.


so kaizen, for/m/e now that it apparently has t/r ans par e/n t meaning t0 me a.n~s w/(h)ea.r 0 p/en l ye, i am met with indifference t0 me'ye t me/ans: now that i have meaning, people don't know where to put / place me, and just avert t-heir-e-ye-s- so they do no see their o(w/-)n-e- undesire-ability-e-, ie t-h-eye- just avert eyes to quote-un-quote- give "attention" f-reel-ye-


bu-ye-t-he-w/-h-eye-, your in de p/en d/en c~e, is a(-d/d-)lie on me.


do you h0 ne st l ye need me to p0 in t 'h' is 'h' 0ut "2" your -e- f-r/i-e-nd'-s-


is sharon desiring to make the "less fortune-ate-" dependent upon her ... miss stake ?


eye imagine, it is b.c. you c an d count on t-h-em-


you (r) are the full crum (b) e t00 the s-0 w/-n 0.re s~0 w/n


c 0uch if e'ye like t/h at w/h eye


th' fu~ll crumb pre-ten-d's-0-w/e-g0-ad-e/b-t-a-b-r-i.'d.-e-

t/h e p0 in t 0/n (e) w/ hi(t)c~h a l~e ve/r e re st's (t)0r i/s~s~up p0 rt/e d a/nd 0/n e w/ h/i t/c h i/t pi v0 t(/e)s (ea. tw/h0' se/e d/e liberte l~l ye)


has sharon always standed on false friend's


has sharon always st(-r-)anded on false friend's


you t/h-r-ow/-e- par-t-(e-)ye-s- t-(h-)at- 0/n-eve-r-e-nd-


you t/h-r-ow/-e- par-t-(e-)ye-s- t-(h-)at- 0/n-eve-r-e-nd-e/b-t/0-g-et/her-e- vain - a- nd-


you t/h-r-ow/-e- par-t-(e-)ye-s- t-(h-)at- 0/n-eve-r-e-nd-e/b-t/0-g-et/her-e- vain - a- nd- 0/n e m(e)ye h ea. d e/b tw/h "0" b scene vain in st e/a. d.


you t/h-r-ow/-e- par-t-(e-)ye-s- t-(h-)at- 0/n-eve-r-e-nd-e/b-t/0-g-et/her-e- vain - a- nd- 0/n e m(e)ye h ea. d e/b tw/h "0" b scene vain in st e/a. d. e/b t-rite-t-he-le-ct-r/i-c-


you t/h-r-ow/-e- par-t-(e-)ye-s- t-(h-)at- 0/n-eve-r-e-nd-e/b-t/0-g-et/her-e- vain - a- nd- 0/n e m(e)ye h ea. d e/b tw/h "0" b scene vain in st e/a. d. e/b t-rite-t-he-le-ct-r/i-c-0/n-e- f/f-r0m- r-0/d-e-lig-ht-


you t/h-r-ow/-e- par-t-(e-)ye-s- t-(h-)at- 0/n-eve-r-e-nd-e/b-t/0-g-et/her-e- vain - a- nd- 0/n e m(e)ye h ea. d e/b tw/h "0" b scene vain in st e/a. d. e/b t-rite-t-he-le-ct-r/i-c-0/n-e- f/f-r0m- r-0/d-e-lig-ht- pee-p/h-0'le- &- l-a/nd- pee-p/f-u-ll-


ll in t-i'm-e- = t = fu-t-il(l) e-


you are in vi t/e d t0 me par t (e)ye, any ti'me you feel capable, ironically you would have too stand on your own de sire t00 th 0 pen l~y e. & t00 th 0 p/en l~(y)e a.d.


you are not leading, you are following, di-s-t/r-a/ct-i/n-g-l-"e/e"-


c/a/p(l~a/c e) a'b' l~e.

verse-sus- c-ape-p-l-ace-abel-&-l-and-ab(b)le-t00-t-he-be-am-a.(-i-)d.-e- ad-ju-st-he-s- a.(-i-)m.-e- in- f/i-re-ye-t-fi-t-he-make-








k-i/n-g-(0-)all-t-h-st-ag/e- scene -un-t- ill-


t/h ere is kn0t a man a.m. 0.n g(u)y~e leading fa(i)r e le a.d. i/ n/g 0/d e lig ht 0/0 t/h c(i)t(ye) w/e l~l a/nd we'll


t/h ere is kn0t a man a.m. 0.n g(u)y~e leading fa(i)r e le a.d. i/ n/g 0/d e lig ht 0/0 t/h c(i)t(ye) w/e l~l a/nd we'll 0 p/en l(e)ye t00 th t e/a. t/h


t/h ere is kn0t a man a.m. 0.n g(u)y~e leading fa(i)r e le a.d. i/ n/g 0/d e lig ht 0/0 t/h c(i)t(ye) w/e l~l a/nd we'll 0 p/en l(e)ye t00 th t e/a. t/(c)h all a/h ta l(l) 0/n g


c a rd & d/e a. lt ad dress t/h~e el 0 w/0 rt h~0/u s/e e k/eye/p i/n g' set h~


c a rd & d/e a. lt ad dress t/h~e el 0 w/0 rt h~0/u s/e e k/eye/p i/n g' set h~s 0/n g's~ynth sig ht in st (e)a.(i)d. e


c a rd & d/e a. lt ad dress t/h~e el 0 w/0 rt h~0/u s/e e k/eye/p i/n g' set h~s 0/n g's~ynth sig ht in st (e)a.(i)d. e re l~e/a. fxf i/n c/l i'm(b)e


you think i am vice, w/-h-en- it- is your-s-ore-lie-fe-


you think i am vice, w/-h-en- it- is your-s-o/re-lie-fe-


you do not have a w/aye & w/h eye (h)0 u/t with0ut m(e)y/e re st 0r/e g0ing f0re w/are a.d.


& w/h~a re a.d. e/b t f/r0m a/nd f/0re


paul drinan assuming to be the pretence for every e woman's desire, is just a stage for dispensing "0" pi-t-(e-)ye- at the first g l an(d)ce. if he c-over-sup- t/h t rue st, he can pre sum e, he is the prime me mOver t(L)a s/s 0 w/e g0.


paul is absolute ly h-un-necessary- e- too th ea. r t/h


he exists apparently & constant lie on a mistake too t-h/e-r-a-ke-


paul is absolute ly h-un-necessary- e- too th ea. r t/h e(a.)ve n's 0w/e


he has "2" mo-vi-e- f-rom-e-w/-0-m/en-t0-w/-0-man- too k-eye-p- (h-)is-s/i-t-u-ate-i-/on-pr-i'm-e-


i don't desire to sleep with paul, to have se(e-)x-, and this is an insult to his (g-)nat-u/r-e-at-b/e-(a-)st-


i desire to do my work just the same. this is an insult to his prime mover e alla round, with out an earnest de c/k too stand on 2, unless it is s-e/e-qua-t/t-i/n-g-t-rue-


i am "needed" for -t-his- ve/rt-(h)u-e- s-owe- he can c-as-t- his-(h-)or(e-)t- au-n't-ye w/-h0-


paul is negligible to every woman he c/k-n-ow/e-s-


paul is negligible to every woman he c/k-n-ow/e-s-0n-ly-e-s-0w/-e-g0-ad-s0-ap-


as much as your desire befriends paul drinan "2" fort your "one" no re as on, the reason the website is not updated, is b.c. i do not ad d00r e t00 the x pr e s/s i/0n e mu c/h in re g a/rd.


i have no need as desire to express on paul drinan's fe-e-d-


so please understand, you think he is doing you a favor, you are s-imp-ly-e w/-ea-k- in the occasion of your -e- f-un-e/r-e-all-


your problem/is/h = you put "h"-i'm-t-h-e're- on e me as u/r e f a(i)r e.


f-rom-t-he-w/-a-il-l-aw/-e-re- t00- t-h/e-dg-e- jig-al/l-0-


from bein-g-(un)scene-




you put these "people" on e me, to de all a with n0 0n e pre sent L ye


you are not inn love, so if you can't fig-ht with your "desire", you wit-h-d-raw-


but-t- ye a.r e st ill s-tup-id-


you are not inn love, so if you can't fig-ht with your "desire", you wit-h-d-raw-


but-t- ye a.r e st ill s-tup-id-0-lt-he-t-i'm-e-


on e me with0~u/t de si re


me ye d/e si re, is t00 t/h d ate ye


so you are on b 0/a rd, sharon doesn't know her place, maybe t/h-r-owe, a-par-t-ye- or-tw/-h-0-e-


the par-t-ye- w/-as- your -i.d.-ea.-


ha-ha- sharone can't share on you to me ye t0 bi/t' serve


we'll fi/g u/r e th 0/u t, mainly b.c. i have t/h fait h i/n~d 0/m e


min 0 b r~e a.k

p/h 0ra h0 u/r e


the website is not for paul drinan, you understand, i desire too knot express mu c/h as long as he/is t-int-e-re-st-sub-si-de-s-a-w/-ar"e"- which is to say, "i/t" w/-ill-a-w-h-eye-vain-s-owe-


"h/e" h-as-t/0-w/-e-bu-ye-"2"- con-fi/g-u/r-ate-i've-l-ye-s-p/0-k/en-t-high-0-w/-aye-tu- = - h/e- h/a-s-"2"


and his necessity unspoken too th' d ate 0n e me ye p(L)at~e, is p(-r-)00f posit i've too t-his-un-necessity in t/a ll t (h)ing (e)'s b(-e-)s/p 0/k e- & - c-a/s-t-e-t-r/0-p/e-


your sup-po-rt- for -t- his- tor-eye-d-op-e- a.r(e)ns aye w/e a n0-p/e- a no p(-l-)ace in vain


t-ank-s- ag-gain-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-


you w/-roat-it-h-at-a-way-e-pr-a/ct-i-c-all-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-f0r-a-re-all-p-lig-ht-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-f0r-a-re-all-p-li/g-ht-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-f0r-a-re-all-p-li/g-ht-as-s/on-e-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-f0r-a-re-all-p-li/g-ht-as-s/on-e- u/na-war-e-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-f0r-a-re-all-p-li/g-ht-as-s/on-e- u/na-war-e-t00-t-he-be-he-r/d- comp-le-t/e-


your -e-fe/e-l-in-g-s- t-a-nd-0(w/-)n- l-(i/e-)ye-t/h-s-a.m.-e - rationalized -in-s-co-p-e-d-re-ad-f0r-a-re-all-p-li/g-ht-as-s/on-e- u/na-war-e-t00-t-he-be-he-r/d- comp-le-t/e-t-a-ll-t-he-t-i'm-"e"- - - (0n e t/h de/ed)


your f(r)ee dome tu, e t00, e 2 par t (e)ye, is not L en d/i n/g i/n te g/r i/t~t(e)ye


you/r f(r)ee d0me tu, e t00, e 2 p/ar t (e)ye, is not L en d/i n/g i/n te g/r i/t~t(e)ye


in r/i vi s/i 0/n e (i)ther e


in r/i vi s/i 0/n e (i)ther e 0n e the pi ct u/re p lan e p lain


it would appear your heart is sus-c-e-pt-i-b/ill- from the start


good thing i got 'h' i/s, b.c. we can now see, those that apparently do not know be t/t a(i)r e, n/owe do not desire th' s 0w/e in di/g nan t l ye c0m(m)a t0 (e)s ea. tw/h0 se 'e'


"i. d. id. n't k-no-w-e-" is not longer a vi able X cue se/e


it is an expression of a lack of desire on purpose & per-p-0's-e-too-th-re-(e-)p0-s-e-


it is an expression of a lack of desire on purpose & per-p-0's-e-too-th-re-(e-)p0-s-e-par-ate-l-ye-t00-t-he-se-e-t-h/e-e-


per 0 ne c0/n e, kn0t s ea. t


l e.g.


L-e-g- fi-b/u-l-a-p-i/n-




you lack t0-0'le-s- ?




for-t-g-rave-ye-t(e-)ye-s-c-en-t/e-re- all-t-he-t-i'm-e-ye-sup-po-rt- on e me ye p.r. 0ut e


for-t-g-rave-ye-t(e-)ye-s-c-en-t/e-re- all-t-he-t-i'm-e-ye-sup-po-rt- on e me ye p.r. 0ut e-nd-ea-r-e-t0-g-ether-e-


for-t-g-rave-ye-t(e-)ye-s-c-en-t/e-re- all-t-he-t-i'm-e-ye-sup-po-rt- on e me ye p.r. 0ut e-nd-ea-r-e-t0-g-ether-e-s-aid-e-libe-r-ate-2-fe-at-he-r-e-


f x f ly e t (h) en


c0/m(m)a t0es


ta/ke t/h at w/h0 y0u/r d0-c-t/0r-e-


min 0 we g0


h0 ne st l ye paul drinan is a di's-t/r-a/ct-i/on-e t0 u/r 0/ne ne ce s/s i/t (e)ye in y0u/r h ea. d.' st e/a. d.'s 0p en d e/b (u/ye) t/d e/p t/h (e)a. d per' sue t al~l0 w/(h)e t(h)ru~e in c/an s w/(h)ea.r t/h a/nd


h0 ne st l ye paul drinan is a di's-t/r-a/ct-i/on-e t0 u/r 0/ne ne ce s/s i/t (e)ye in y0u/r h ea. d.' st e/a. d.'s 0p en d e/b (u/ye) t/d e/p t/h (e)a. d per' sue t al~l0 w/(h)e t(h)ru~e in c/an s w/(h)ea.r t/h a/nd ey~e ra is e em in p.r.aise t/h f(L)a.m.e & f(R)a.m.e w/h ea. t m.0.r/r~0w e. g. r/a~c/e


h0 ne st l ye paul drinan is a di's-t/r-a/ct-i/on-e t0 u/r 0/ne ne ce s/s i/t (e)ye in y0u/r h ea. d.' st e/a. d.'s 0p en d e/b (u/ye) t/d e/p t/h (e)a. d per' sue t al~l0 w/(h)e t(h)ru~e in c/an s w/(h)ea.r t/h a/nd ey~e ra is e em in p.r.aise t/h f(L)a.m.e & f(R)a.m.e w/h ea. t m.0.r/r~0w e. g. r/a~c/e 0/n 0w/e & w/h eye & w/h eye t/e


your weight cur-rent-l-ye- isn't e ve(i)n s/0we


and you have the g-all, to hold me ac-count-able- to-u/r-e-di's-ad-van-t-ag/e-


and you have the g-all, to hold me ac-count-able- to-u/r-e-di's-ad-van-t-ag/e- vain-e-g-0-


and you have the g-all, to hold me ac-count-able- to-u/r-e-di's-ad-van-t-ag/e- vain-e-g-(L-)0re-ye-g0-t-(0-)g0-


"graciou-sly" t-anking- t-he- g-ho-st-


sharon -e- w/an-t-'s you to f-eel- he-r-e-p-(l-)ain, t-hat- is -w/h-ye-a-st-aye-


f-a(-i-)r-e- c-all-t-he-c-lim(b-)e-vain-


your demonstrated f-an(d-)b-as-e- is ironically encourage (i/ng) -u- ye to/f fi/x your mess-ag-e-, i doubt they are "liking" your p-age- f0r/m/e, but f0r-t-he,


and my j/0 b, as a female, is to be the antagonist to produce a p ea. r l in you, as you do not due unt0 me 2.


you earn an apparent living,while i keep on g i've i/n g. gain a f-an-b-as-e-, g-r-ow/e-in-g-t-0-e's-0-w/-e-g-0-




t-h-eye- t-(h-)ink- t-heir- gee-sus- is going to re-p0- t-heir- k/n-ow/-e-s-0w/-e-


you make "money" looking the par-t-, and i get set back in t i'm e, for you sup-po-rt-i/ng- paul drinan, my e.g. appolog(-u-)ye, your g-appology-e- 2- sup-po-rt-ye-nerve- 


you make "money" looking the par-t-, and i get set back in t i'm e, for you sup-po-rt-i/ng- paul drinan, my e.g. appolog(-u-)ye, your g-appology-e- 2- sup-po-rt-"ye-n"erve-


sharone listen's too "the bespoken" as if t she is not t-r-0p-e/n- 0/n e t me ye t i'm e


the "es"sense of your mar-r/i-ag/e- in- vain-de-lig-ht- h-ave- an0-t-/h-ere- par-t-ye-t0/n- i'g ht


w/ h en, is your ne x/t vacate i/0n ?


i haven't been on one in y-ea-r-s-e-


your "rep" point-less- st-rug-g-le's- sharon -t- allow, paul to t-ax-e=on-e-b-ro-ad-si-de-,


and you do not have to feel the re all p(L)ace of your -e- p.r.-i.'d.-e- in t i'm e


le-t-paul-a/nd-0-le-pt-bu-ill-d-a-d-e-c-k-i/n-g-f0r-t-h-(e/e)'d- 0 p/en l ye


your -e-x-cue-see-, as-him- is 0/n e me 0(w/)n L ye t00 t/h av~e ye f0r a re as 0/n e t/f r0m t/h' st a/r t


paul is without issue, he is with "issue", he seek's se(e)-x-, on-l-ye-, and punish's if -t-he- c-an-t-ge-t-w/-h-at-he-w/-a-n't-


making me live monetarily too the tooth of his re port, and providing me no support for bein g (a) meye word additionally e t00 th s 0we in sig h/t c h a.d. & h a.d. e gain an/d 's en d


you get the gam-e-, paul's face value is to be scene as desirable own-l-ye- , as if t re all value w/ere see n 0w/e, he is seen as t(e)ye fitfully unnecessary in re all i tye


you get the gam-e-, paul's face value is to be scene as desirable own-l-ye- , as if t re all value w/ere see n 0w/e, he is seen as t(e)ye fitfully unnecessary in re all i tye


his-e-g-g0-"made" the- p(L-)ay-e- 0/n e me "nature-all(e-)y-e-"


and s/owe, you are taking "it" out on me, as you f-eel- you h-ave- be-en- miss re ad?


check your intension, l0 gi c, w/h ere ye t's h0/u Ld be


in t/h 0 p/en e nd




"e-ven" still, the ma(i)le in e mar-r(i-)age- lo/ok' s t/u b. c.ontributing w/el l, w/h en i/t in re all i t(e)ye = st-ill- contributing- w/-h-el/l-en-d-well-


rich' sup-po-rt- "p"aul "d"rinan -st-y-le-as-e/e-s-0w/e-ar-e-in-t0-g-et/her-e-


as per paul, he can put on a-s- s-h0/w-e- & i'll put on the n0' s h0w/ e.


his "love" and "like" (you/r-e-w/-rit-e-) is pi-t(e-)ye-too-t/h-e-x-2-s-pi-t/e-


mar-r(i-)ag/e- t-h/at-e-x- plain-s-e-t/h-e-r-ag/e-


0f fa

0ffa ll en t/r ai l's

the quest i 0n e ye t/h be t w/e en

0f fa ll in te st i/n e's fe ll t rig ht


w/-rit- not rig ht

a writ of co-u-rt- is kn0t rig ht

w/right is kn0t rig ht if-ft-ma(-i-)d-e- w/-rit-e-


you have n0. p.r.es/s u/r e c/an d/e fi/n e ye t

you have n0. p.r.es/s u/r e c/an d/e fi/n e ye t/h a/nd' s 0/m e.g. ave

you have n0. p.r.es/s u/r e c/an d/e fi/n e ye t/h a/nd' s 0/m e.g. ave r/i c/h l ye t(c) a.m. e r a re r0 0m t00 t/h' s k(e)ye ll 0/v e t/h' s um


f x f ly e t/h en b/i rd in/n e t/h a/nd st e/a. d(e)ye p as/s e c(i)t(e/ye) s~i/t (e)ye p.r.e t/t (e)ye t/be au t ye


t/h' dues 0f t g L~0/r'e ye


paul, tells me to "keep on going" and so i keep on going, and he withhold's me m(e)0ne'ye t00 t/h, and bu ye the w/h ey e, he c/an p.r. 0 vi. ' d.e n0 w/aye, yet he k-eye-ps-p.r.-e/e- t-e/n-d-i/n-g-a-bout- 0n the miss treat -e/d- e/b - t- he- st-a-nd- f-ore-p-(L-)ay-e-ye-


w/h at' sup w/it h y/ou/r e g/ran/d' st a nd ?


di's-h-arm-on/e-ye- ?


di's-h-arm-on/e-ye- w/e- b/e- c-0/n-e-


miss re a.d. e/b t & d e/p t/h at bu i'll t a c as e a. gain & gain st e ye t(h)rue the mis~s ta/ke fxf 0r(e)t c 0re


miss re a.d. e/b t & d e/p t/h at bu i'll t a c as e a. gain & gain st e ye t(h)rue the mis~s ta/ke fxf 0r(e)t c 0/re bu ye t rut h/u/e s~p ark l~e 0/n e


sharon -e- has made her t-r/ad-e in competing for-t-f-ave-0/r's-t-i'm-e-ye-


she is pointing who st-ol/e-n-t-i'm-e-


oh, i see it now. before, i didn't see m' comments in the visitor's post, however i wondered why i felt paul's p.re-sense- was hear.


i get it now.


having trouble getting a life, of your own, paul drinan?


thank you bu ye the w/h eye fxf 0~rt fi.d.~d le ye in g


why don't you just "keep going" paul drinan as you "say" and "mean" t0 me.


you don't e X a/ct l ye h/ave t/h' s c r/i pt


rich can't e scape the miss under e st 0/0 d, as he doesn't have love at his b/ac/k with-s-him-


bough t a/n'ye

a l0/n g l ea. fxf le s/s f~l0 w/(h)ere' s ta~ll k e c(h)0 me i/n g 0/ di r/e ct l ye f/r0m t/h e r0(0)t r/0d aye. g. gain 0re a. gain st e


en j0y e'ye. g. get 0 e/a. t fxf ree ly e ve(i)n s0/n e & s0/m e tu~


en j0y e'ye. g. get 0 e/a. t fxf ree ly e ve(i)n s0/n e & s0/m e tu~ t/h e re st 0re 


the son doesn't e X i/s T i/n (e)ye re man's i/0n -e-in-t-rust-


the son doesn't e X i/s T i/n you/r-e- man's i/0n -s-hear-t-


the son doesn't e X i/s T i/n you/r-e- man's i/0n -s-hear-t-at-c0m-ma/n-d- as-p-be-f-0re-


speaking of which, "is-is" is using religious law to "one" have se-x- s-lave-s, and t-heir- women as mothers (f-ucker-s-) are sup port ing, t-heir -e- so/n-s-, and take the enemy's women to the doctor to make sure they are not pregnant, per the religious-law-e-t0-g-ether-e-,


the women s-lave-s- are bough-t-, and t-rad-e-, with a c/an t0ting a p ill 0w-e-. ie the women are put on contraceptives, and sometimes abortion is premeditated with a chemical cock-t-ail-e-too-th-fe-at-he-r-e-




ass a society, we have t-urned of-f-all-e-tu-be-he-ad-i/n-g-


the logistical pre-miss, is the stupid dof is t-ill- t-here- as his prostitute, lies in per soot-h-e-




ass a society, we have t-urned of-f-all-e-tu-be-he-ad-i/n-g-


the logistical pre-miss, is the stupid dof is t-ill- t-here- as his prostitute, lies in per soot-h-e- f0rt h e r/e li fe... w/here it doesn't matter 2


just sayin, s owe your e/pony/miss can re lay t i/n g t00


in fam ye, is avoided, however, you do have fam-ill-e'ye-


as you are not getting t(h)rue


just sayin~


per h/aps e the p.~r.00f e inn fxf am (e)ye t0 g ether e tu


i/t is k/n0.t inn fxf a.m. (e)ye


the a-version is w/att ye see th-e- trust- in/n-


(paul drinan i/s-ever-ye-w/-h-ere- virtue-all-e-ye-)


his pre-miss- is to be the de-sire-ab/le-ad-er-e-ve-in-s-owe-


butt he cannot s(h)0w e


his pre-miss- is to be the de-sire-ab/le-ad-er-e-ve-in-s-owe-


butt he cannot s(h)0w e in c~0n t r/a s/t in t i'm e


b la c/k 0/n e w/h~i/t e fxf i/n e 0/n e t/h 0 ne st L i/n e


re (a.)d. ye ll 0w/e th 0 live t b/ran/c h te ll 0


you can think i am waisting your "time" however i am p(L)aying t00 the p(L)ay e just fi/n e


are you weighting in vein


sharon is read ye, rich is in the po-rt-house-


what do you think of a sticker : he'll y ea. h


i'm not into plastic stickers, per se, however, i know you do stickers, and eye could be in favor for a plastic elastic sticker.


elastic pertaining to rheology st r e/a.m. e w/here the elastic de f0r/m ate i/0n f l0w/ = s pi r i/t' s h0 w/e


i get it is absurd, however, con text u ally e, it is saying s0/m e t/hing e ve(i)n a/nd


0r a : b re a.d.


are you afraid too t r(e)ye


a plastic elastic sticker t00 t/h i/c/k/e re


a plastic elastic sticker t00 t/h i/c/k/e re ap plan at quick e're


w/hat d0 e'ye w/an't


are you a fxf raid you won't have the sup p0 rt?


if you may k i/t, will you lift the bar-rag/e- on y-(i)/o/u-r-e-we-b-sig-ht- so w/h eye c/an per c/has/e* i/t ?


set/h t0 r~ai/se t/h ' bar (e) a. g/a~i/n st~c u/r(e) y~e n/s are t 0/0 t(h) aw/e ar.t/h be re sin e m/ai/d en t rue st ar e & st a(i) re t0 me nd's A w/(h)0 r(L)d~0~b e t/h le h/em s(w/)erve d e/b t00 th' s~ta/g a/r ba r/r ag/e miss p0ken d'(ear e) art!~ bu ye t/h ea. r t/h' s i/n k f~0d/d e're f0~0d e/b t(h) cc (L)0ve r 0ne th in' si.' d.e ye w/e

you like the i.d. ea., sharone thinks the opportunity would be shallow and fleeting.


is and ye a fxf raid t0 r/ig ht 0/n e me?


the c a rd 'says' the ability to full fi'll p(L)an s (&) us/e (the) m en t a ll c0/n t r/0 ll 0ve r e m0ti0n s


i'm taking a wee b rake


interesting, christine wants a lice costume for (her) business (together) by easter.


interesting, christine wants a lice costume for (her) business (together) by easter e make


y e/a. st e're m e/a. t e


these are random e notes (too the) well. i have a growing pile on my desk, and little notebooks that sit in the top pocket of my cover e alls.


circa, i don't know e:


bunch of misfits, w/out a fig ht i/n g w/0 rd

take away from you, not magi, did not birth immaculate one

cannot "po-w/e're" on e t(h)rue


maybe your marriage is a mistake if it can't contain its b-rakes on my p(L)ate


eye gate the g ave

and the pearly e gates

are my teeth bi t(h)e w/h eye sp ea. k



no gardener

too the

plan t with

and 0 w/i.(d.)th t0/0


didn't birth the messiah (mess-i-a-h-)

make (me) work on you/r

vert-u- for -k-no-w/-e- re as 0n 2 x t0/0


paul has cart blanche "opportunity" for me to see him as a value for no reason or damn me in his "pre-miss" e vain, w/ him holding the re-ins- too the m0ney & thus "empowering" the decision may king for him to be scene bu-ye- "seen"-ow/-e- as le'ye 0f a value alwa(y)s progressively in the making (bu-ye-t-he-ta-king-)


c0/m f0r t a/b~le

verse-sus- vi-ew/e-for-eve-r-e- t-rue-


with0ut a. m. i/r r0r e fxf 0r t w/h0


paul purchase prostitute b.c. he likes as-i-an-(debt-too-t-he-make-)f(-L-)ave-0re t00-t-his-ave-(-i-)0r-e-ap-p-ea-r-


not pay me to do his work on his job site

his job isn't legitimate and stands to due when re all value getting thru e in 0ne re f le x i/0n e c0/m p (L)ea.T (a) g/0


& re-f-le-ct-i/on-e-ye- l/law-st- com-p-as-s-as-t-as-s-


the mast is me at

never h a.d.e the vein

"had" hade-shame-too-t-he-continue-



your e val-ewe- is to be a moniker for nothing up (t) right


p0 w/ e're (a.)d. e fi/n eye t/i 0/n e = re c0 g ni(g/h)t i/0n e


s un d ay e

r un s a.m. e

in s/p ea k 2

l0 ne p ea. k


vain pursuit of recognition for your job description = re-cog-nit-i/on-e-


can't j/u dg e (t) b.c. can't t/ea.r/n w/(h)at ta(i)re int0 w/in e nough eave n


made the unnecessary feign re-lie-f- in eating the "miss-tarry" / mystery for no reason too the s/peak f0r-t-(e-)ye-


don't give paul the ti'me, only the "time" he has re-t-urn-e/d- as "mine"


t00 th e.g. i've


paul purchase prostitute b.c. he likes as-i-an-(debt-too-t-he-make-)f(-L-)ave-0re t00-t-his-ave-(-i-)0r-e-ap-p-ea-r-t/h-ea-r-t/h-ea.-r-


don't give paul the ti'me, only the "time" he has re-t-urn-e/d- as "mine"


t00 th e.g. i've -t/d-i'm-e-


you are mining, are n't ye t00 th di/g~gi/n g


you endeavor to re/ad me be f/ore ye pro see d


not paul on his -0-p-en-t-i'm-e- given providence too th s0und 0'le t/h' s0w/e s-0re-s-0w/e- t00-th-e- b-c-on-t-


"fine" p.r.-i'm-e- at-a-llaw-st-be-con-e-


"fi/n-e" p.r.-i'm-e- at-a-llaw-st-be-con-e-s/t-i'm-e-


a f-l-as-h- in-t/he-p-(l-)an-


a f-l-as-h- in-t/he-p-(l-)an-e-tu-


a sus-stain-e/d- f-l-as-h- in- the-p-(L-)an-s-e-t/h-(r-)ue-


as sus-stain-e/d- f-l-as-h- in- the-p-(L-)an-s-e-t/h-(r-)ue-


f re e a. g/en c ye




i just went too the gym, i though t i could slip in a work out.


the clock outside read 7:25, and the doors were locked. when i called, t/h eye said they were open until "8".


i am knocking on the locked glass doors, the shades are drawn, i look thru the frame slips, and see no one is at the desk.


the employees have depart d in c are for the word t/h eye p ly e 0n e me.


i walked min0, and saw someone coming, out ,and held the door, so min0 and i can now/ h enter. i asked the employee about their hours, stated, and apparently misread,


the employee, employeed, ba sic ally e, in the g r eye, that he was doing what the owner b spoke to w/him. i had to b ea. r d 0w/n 0n i'm and his ba-sic-all-ye- r-u(s)e- t/h ap par e nt lye t (hr)u e.


he was accompanied by another b?lo?ke?, i miss state d 0/u/c/h e.


i said, b ea.r i/ng 0/ d/0w n e th t i'm e, I have spare time to you's your facility, i work 5 plus days a week, attend class 8 plus hours a week, commute 12 plus hours a week, work a second job, and teach, and have little time to work out, and when you say and state your facility is 0 p/en t0 eight, i expect it to be o pen to eight, and not doors closed at 7:25, with no employee on the floor, so i can drive around and stare at your locked (for no reason) "do-or(e)-s".


he kinda appologized, ba-sic-ally-e-, and i said, you get my automatic payment every month, and i've got someone smirking to my rig ht and some one patiently putting -t-up- with me to my le ft, and that is not rig ht for my di' me. and if you want me to speak to your employer personally, i would be HAP PI t0/d0 T h at f0r/t/u (ne X plain e/d e/b t brain).


it makes me think, something about the "eight" and ' s 0 p/en l-ye-


smirking to me ye rig ht "2" and patient-l-ye putting -t-up- to me ye t le ft on "to-u/r-e-"


g0/d j0/b a/nd 0

w/ hat eve r a gain


i do take exception, that you think i am incurring pointless struggles when you go on vacation without e/nd.


you think my scope out of bein g am e/t br0-ke in t-i'm-e-, is funny d0-pe-d-e/b-t-(you-r-e-)t-r/0-p/e-d-


just saying 2.


as you know i have n't h ea. r d f/r0m ew/e


in c


in c 0/re p 0/re at/e dg r0w / e ' d c~0n t r/a ct u all(e) ye


s~p ea. k i/n g i'ven (t) d's en d's a gain (st/e)




once and for e all, i think your mar-r(-i-)ag/e- is a. "m.in-0/re" de-c/e-pt-i/on-e-


too t-he- c-all-


your in-sole-n(-t-)c-e- you carry-ap-art-


tu-b-/e- kin-d-


w/-hi-t-c/h- o/n-lye- re-lay-"t"-'s-0n-e me ye t i'm e tu t-(h-)rue-




more notes, circa, i don't k/n/ 0w/e :


kn0wn & unkn0wn p(L)ace setter (e)


letting people right / story, write that do not have, the rig ht 'h' 2 'h' ea. ven s 0w/e




be-h0-Ld- e- ed-


more notes, circa, i don't k/n/ 0w/e :


kn0wn & unkn0wn p(L)ace setter (e)


letting people right / story, write that do not have, the rig ht 'h' 2 'h' ea. ven s 0w/e




ag/e n/c ye d0 (w/h)ing fi r/e ye p.r.0 de/u/x a par t i/c u l/ar e fxf e ct b/r ave in dia n/d g/ave t/g r/a~c/e



ag/e n/c ye d0 (w/h)ing fi r/e ye p.r.0 de/u/x a par t i/c u l/ar e fxf e ct b/r ave in dia n/d g/ave t/g r/a~c/e ' set/h 0 p(L)a~ce


why do i get the imp re ss ion that you can only in debt a funeral


why do i get the imp re ss ion that you can only in debt a funeral to your ne-e-d- c-l-e/a.r-e-ly-e-


c-h-i'mp- c-ape-a.-b-le-d-a-par-t-abel-lye-t00-th-de-c-i-eve-


L aye D r i've r t0/n e t/h pi/c t/u/re p (L)an e


L aye D r i've r t0/n e t/h pi/c t/u/re p (L)an e & pan e' t(c)h' s a.m.e


the de all, i am working from the tip of the morning to probably past my be d time, class mid week, and research, design, get materials and construct a costume this next weekend, with probably salon appointments as well.


i have p0sit i've things to contribute, however, i like p(l)aying wit h u/e a.d. ju st f0r e fxf un ere all 0p serve d


c 0/p en l ye


t/e ll 0 ver d well


i can't get the photo's of definitions of l0p and agency e t0/0 l0 ad.


l 0/p = re move b-ran-c-h's- f/r0m t/h t re e


a g/e n c/ye = d0 (w/h)ing as se ag/e n/c ye d0 (w/h)ing fi r/e ye p.r.0 de/u/x a par t i/c u l/ar e fxf e ct b/r ave in dia n/d g/ave t/g r/a~c/e ' set/h 0 p(L)a~ce, 0f t/a g/en t




w/e c/an re lay t any e t i'm e w/e ar t w/an ' t ew/e e k/n0w e


0/n e p/en i/s at a t i'm e


An artist’s pencil drawing of a nude Donald Trump has resulted in what appears to be an indefinite ban from Facebook. In mid-February, Illma Gore, a self-described “gender-fluid futurist,” uploaded her NSFW artwork to a private Facebook group, but soon received notice from the website that her account was temporarily suspended for violating community standards regarding nudity. Since then, Facebook has been periodically blocking her from accessing her profile, although the work still remains on the page. Gore has also received threats of lawsuit, allegedly from Trump’s own legal team.

“My last suspension (three days) stated that I could face being banned permanently for the image,” Gore told Hyperallergic. “Since then I have not been able to log on. I was suspended about six times consecutively before this point.”

While the drawing, which features Trump with what some may describe as a less-than-average-sized member, recalls the real estate mogul’s exchange with Marco Rubio about his manhood, Gore actually drew the work before the US began talking about small hands.

“The idea was to take a man who prides his image and reputation and confront him with it,” Gore said. “To evoke a reaction from people, good or bad. Because I do not believe your genitals define your gender, power, or status. Basically, you can be a massive prick despite what is in your pants.”

She has also tried twice to sell the original drawing on eBay, but the e-commerce company, too, repeatedly removed it, citing violations of their policy on “images of nudity and nude art.” The guidelines note that “frontal nudity is allowed in Art categories when the item is considered fine art, such as Michelangelo’s David, vintage pin-up art, Renaissance-style paintings, and nude cherubs.”

Gore, naturally, is frustrated by the entire situation and the seemingly arbitrary way websites react to different images.

“Who decides this hierarchy of ‘fine art?'” Gore said. “And why is this value judgement being placed on artworks for sale in an online market place or social media (you can find Michelangelo’s David pretty quickly on a Facebook search)? More importantly, why other than an attempt to try an censor the image, should eBay or Facebook ever prevent me or any other contemporary artist from selling or posting their work?”

Among those attempting to censor her include someone identifying as a member of Trump’s legal team, who called her and said that if she were to sell the original work or any prints she could “face charges of obscenity and right of publicity,” according to Gore. In response, she posted a hi-res version of the image on her website as a free download.

“It’s crazy, but no way am I backing down,” Gore said. “I’m going to put it up on eBay again today, and I am donating $100 to Bernie Sanders every time it’s taken down.”

Hyperallergic has reached out to Facebook but has not received a response.




it is difficult for f-ace- bo-ok to serve as the value of authority of n0 0ne in pur(e)suit; the value b-as-i/s-t(h)en-t- c0n-t-r0ll-e-d/u-p-e/w-e-


donald t-r-ump can create a scene on every e b0/d ye, and she cannot be see n 0w/e fxf 0re a.d. just b ein g ave t b/r ave in de ed ate




facebook can create a platform (v) place for donald trump to get t(h)rue , and not her apparently 2 x too. donald trump gets too look progressive, and her exceptionally g0/d work gets too look short shifted and a stubby stump at b/ea/r t/h (on you-r-t/u-r-f-x-f-) un-a- e-x-plain-e-d- in the call-i-bur-r- of -t- m/e-a.r-t/h- 0- mo-ld- b-light- a/nd-e/b-t-u/r-f-xf-e-ye-re-t-urn- 2 no re all re as 0/n e tu g i've t b i/r t/h except on a prolonged mistake you can k-e(a)r-n- &- "kerf" th' daye w/-h-eye- (and think your vacations are independently earned as a self made value in the b-rake- on- b-re-ad-e/b-t/u-


for you, for donald trump, for any man, anything non essential "goes" t-(h-)rue- on the backs of women and nature vain "2" -x- too- living- 0- p.-r.0/0f-e- (on the destitute)


aka your vacate-ion-


p-lease- do not abuse me in your fee-l- ing's "too/th" as t rut h, as if t ye s/p ea k f/0r e very e b0/d(e) ye "n"0w/-e-w/e-


your little vacate-ion, f-uck- you-t/h-, that is what i have to say about your "destination"


to/0 cut with a s~aw/e ap par (en) t l ye


k/n 0w/e t man t aught me ye s k i'll syn/th e w/h f x f all 0 w/e t(h) r/u e


e'ye f 0ra n'ye h a.d. e/b t/h de si re 2.

and no man can claim it as p.r.oof e 0n e me


e'ye f 0ra n'ye h a.d. e/b t/h de si re 2.

and no man can claim it as p.r.oof e 0n e me tu e ven t0/0


(un less e'ye w/an ' t w/h0)


this is what your "love" has t-aught-u-




s 0w/(s)e a.m. eye in vi t/e d tw/h0 your ne x/t p/ar t (e)ye ?


w/-hat-e ve r


your vacate-ion, and p-ar-t-(e-)ye- are on me ye f e/a. t/h e/r e n/e st 0 g ether. "p-c" mu-d's-ling/er-e-




if i stop rig ht ing, do you think your vi ew/e re would 'like' my face book page too, or would they notice 2? a.d. just the sa.(i)m.e


seriously, you have pro-cur-e/d- e/b-t- f-ace-

a re all lack of sup p0 rt


thank you for letting your followers b-a-st-a-rd-ar/e-ye-a/s-t-(h-)rue-


are t-h-eye giving you si-l-en-t- vert- (h-)ue-


on the g-round-s- t/h-eye- b/ough-t- you-r-e- p.r.-0-d-u-ct-


on the g-round-s- t/h-eye- b/ough-t- you-r-e- p.r.-0-d-u-ct- "0" p/en L YE


it would seem your only "g0/d" for diminishing virtue from being seen,


s-p.r.e-en-0-p/en-l-ye-t00-t-he- com-p-let-e-yew/-e-inn-form-all-(e)ye-


well why don't you say s 0/m e t hing e, if you h-ave a-diffe-r-en-t- op-in-i/on-e-


so, eye do all the instructing, and teaching, and spend my time (without moneye aka apparent virtue to pro vi. 'd.e meye w/hey e too t/h apparent l ye, and you get to "0" L0! 0K ! like the value producer for doing nothing, but let people reflect on you for no reason).


vaiNITy be com's ue




"0" pinion, you are not the light in f/light, when ignorance is your b-light-


the s-kin- f-lint- share-r-one-


need e'ye say m.o.-re- for -t-her-e- t-ort-


if i h-acte-d- "pc" we would get tooth "2" k-n/ow/-e-ar-e-


which is to say sharon, you are st ill, an unaccountable miss-tarry-


next "t-i'm-e-" you "think" eye am me-d-/i- "0" cry-t- ,


think of yoursel-l-f-x-f- (L-)a-pt-l-ye-


i'm thinking quite rig ht ly, you "guys" ore "Lay-D's" are losers, and i don't think ey/e ver need to meet you in person too know this i/e ve(i)n


it's true, rich, what you are thinking too


you can be afraid of your sel l f,


on your own account actual ly e.


currently, you are abusing every indigenous b/0d(e)ye


with your mishap-en pre-ten-see-!-*-&-%- $-


lou, what is your fucking po in t, with your fee-b-le-t-oo-t-he-


just thought i would let you know how your problem g-r-ow/-e-s-


on my cultivate D ' S 0'le


w/h en are ye g0ing t0 get a girlfriend ?


t00 t/h e* re st 0re


g0/d e nigh t f/rom fa(i)r e t'w/h eye




i am tallking about the w/-het-her- on your face book page. if you do not like the "a-pt" w/-het-her-e-, it is an a f-x-f-ron(-e-)t 0 me an k-n0-t-0-g-ether-e-


share-r-one- likes you st ill

share-r-one- likes you s/t ill


eye get wh(e)y(e) sharon is annoying, her f-eel-i/n-g-s c-art-em-p-l0-y?-i/n-g-


"like" a r(n are) a b/i.-d.-ump-awn-e-t-(h)re-e-


con-cock-t-ed- 0- w/-e're- t-b-a/b-ie-s-


con-cock-t-ed- 0- w/-e're- t-b-a/b-ie-s-0-p-en-l-(e-)ye-


sh-e- fee-l's- alt-0/h-0ver-alt-he-p-lace- w/it 0ut quest i 0n e


put-t-i/n g -t00-t-he me in constant quest-i-on-e- ac-cord-i/n-g- "h"er de-l/i-berate-i/on-e-


that was not fun d ed bu ye (h)er e as 0/n e


that was not fun d ed bu ye (h)er (0ne) e as 0/n e


put-t-i/n g -t00-t-he me in constant quest-i-on-e- ac-cord-i/n-g- "h"er de-l/i-berate-i/on-e-


that was not f/un d ed bu ye (h)er e as 0/n e


that was not f/un d ed bu ye (h)er (0ne) e as 0/n e


"like" a r(n are) a b/i.-d.-ump-awn-e-t-(h)re-e- &- cam-e-


the "room" look e th a/b-u/s-e/d-


"like" a r(n are) a b/i.-d.-ump-awn-e-t-(h)re-e- &- cam-e-


the "room" look e "t/h" a/b-u/s-e/d-e-f0r/m-at-i've-l-ye-


in f/un ct i/on & c0n j/unction in-(k-)nit-


basic ally, eye am f0r/m e all (e) ye ll e tt i/n g ew/e a. k/n 0w/e, you do not have a rig ht too/th you/r e person all i (gh) t(e)ye


t0 e ve(i)n "like" or not "like" t/h ap par e/n t ll ye


t0 e ve(i)n "like" or not "like" t/h ap par e/n t ll ye X p0 ' s e(e) d


the see d you didn't "know" -s/eg- "grow" nore w/an ' t 0/0 t/h' s~0 w/e


in/n t/h 0 p/en (0) h0 e


b/ac/k up

b/ac/k Up. r. un/ne t/h 0 ver (t)


b/ac/k up

b/ac/k Up. r. un/ne t/h 0 ver (t/h) e're


i've been there all the t i'm e, b.c. be f/0re t/h e're & bef0re your e "c hr i/s t" act u all(e) ye


i've been there all the t i'm e, b.c. be f/0re t/h e're & bef0re your e "c hr i/s t" act u all(e) ye s h0 w/ e ar t/h and 0 w/h ea r t/h' s a.(i)m.e ve(i)n c a.(i)m. e 0/n e me/ye 0(w/)n fxf r a.(i)m.e n/ t g/ave t b re in s(h)ave


do eye sound con t en t, ore is "i/t" what i am lookin/g at: the (you-r/e-) g-un (p.r.-0-vi.-d.-i.d.- e/b-too-t/he-se-e/m- is the same as the "gun" p.r.0-c-r/e-at- i've- L- ie-n- 0w/-e- ' -d- con-t-r-a-ct- u- all-ye- t/h0u-s- e/e -d- e/b- too-t/h-e- p.r.0-se- ed- e-


your "feelings" matter on me, if you d/e-n/e-ye- me su s/t en an(d)ce "0" "p"en -L-ie- x - L-ye- all the t-i'm-e- 0n e me


denying m/eye t00 th' sup(p)er (t) see d (L) i/n g


s 0we if you do not e-le-ct- 0re e le ct 2 speak t0 me, you re ally should not be speaking to any e b 0d (e)ye


& your par-t-(e)ye-as-e- are the con-script-e/d- "heigh-t-" = "h" ate, of vain-nit-(e-)ye- con-fi/g-u/r-at/e-i've-l-ye-


& your par-t-(e)ye-as-e- are the con-script-e/d- "heigh-t-" = "h" ate, of vain-nit-(e-)ye- con-fi/g-u/r-at/e-i've-l-ye- s/p-ea-k-i/n-g- for/m-ate-i've-L/ie-n-0w/-e-


ju st thou g*ht eye d le t (e)ye (k)n/0we


the par t(e)ye he/i s/t w/h e're ve/r (e)ye g.g 0


the par t(e)ye he/i s/t w/h e're ve/r (e)ye g.g 0/d' sp 'el/l' 0w/e


the par t(e)ye he/i s/t w/h e're ve/r (e)ye g.g 0


the par t(e)ye he/i s/t w/h e're ve/r (e)ye g.g 0/d' sp 'el/l' 0! w/e. g. 0


the par t(e)ye he/i s/t w/h e're ve/r (e)ye g.g 0


the par t(e)ye he/i s/t w/h e're ve/r (e)ye g.g 0/d' sp 'el/l' 0! w/e. g. 0/n e w/(h)e re as 0/n e t00 th' s h~0w/e


h* ei/s t 00 t/h e r/0 b~b e're ye




are you fo nd of sharon


your e re lay t i/n g t w/e ll, wouldn't happen without me.


additionally, you beconed to me, that you wanted l0ve, and i expect you to give my image back to me.


is sharon going to help you do your feeling and thinking regarding this matter ring


i am not competing on sharone, however she is open to comp(L)eat on t0 me.


that said, if i get the faulty indication that you are miss-re-ad-, that you do not stand on your own, i really should press on


b.c. you lie in your heart as st-one-


sharon likes the gam-e-, as she owns your f-(r-)am-e- t00-t-he-make-


so, if you are not happy with your industry on meye account, i think you need to look at your unnecessity b-ag-gage-


i am not going forward, so sharone can o pen ly e steal, my spirit, via co-pt-i/ng-


just saying, you "2" -x- too- couldn't do this on your own.


just saying, given s owe


you haven't been able to get to o love.


i am not doing this so you can have 'love' too the exclusion of me ve(i)n, -0f-f-t-


as for the people that "like" your face book p-age-


why? why do you get to where my face value in t-i'm-e-.


why am i put to the t-e-st-, money witheld from me in-n-ad-vance-,


until i can apparently follow thru.


i would like to punch every "one" of your sup-po-rt-ere-s-p.r.-out-e-


for as "long" as you have had a good image, you have been squatting on me "with" re-v/i-s-i/on-e-, for no reason. you st ill sup-p0-rt- no reason.


your -e- "people" are supporting your goo dim age. a master of the h-a-nd- over-t-i'm-e- without showing your face too th' f(L)am e


an honest mistake? for good ness sake?


you be-nd-i/s-g-/r-ace- on my face tu be re c0/g ni~z able t0/d ate


you got tit wrong.


as far as i am concerned, you have pr 0 ven, nothing but the 0 r(e)ye "too" th-a/b-u/se- (in un seen follow t(h)rue)




you haven't ever created value, just hazing in resh-ape-in-g-


your g(-u-)ilt as "k/new/e-s-" ("2" -x- "too")


so while you are bending and ear, please understand the basis of your relevance too the make c le a. r//


if you are not in this for e love t0 me, beyond the theory, we shouldn't p.r.0 see d.


and you and sharon can go back to your d(-g-)awdling -t


andy-e- cru-x-


s-hut- f-uck- up




should i take the website down, as you think i am w/-ea-k-


your bravad0 w/is t m(e)ye p*l~ea.sure


i have things to say, but you haven't ear/n ed e/b t h/at a way t


i am not enamored bu ye tonight, perhaps another time


your emotions aren't your fe at h er(e) t0 g ether e


instead of spending time for no reason h-ere- i am going too look at denim dresses.


and if i see "one" more "like" on your face book p-age- i'm not coming b/ac/k


i have things to say, but you haven't ear/n ed e/b t h/at a way t f x f/0're all e tu

im-age- t/a-ke-r/e-s-

i'm so bored with your e-rose- p-a(-i-)r-e-

i'm so bored with your e-rose- p-a(-i-)r-e-p0-s-e-

th ere is not acheive men t on your ac/count

just saying, too th you/r e-lay-t-i/n-g-

just saying, too th you/r e-lay-t-i/n-g- 0ut-

just saying, too th you/r e-lay-t-i/n-g- 0ut- s-well- s-p0-u-t- (&-) l-0/ut- (&-) l0-use-p/t- m0-u-th-e-maker-e-pr-0ut-e-

th ere is not acheive men t on your e a.c/(h)/count

im-age- t/a-ke-r/e-s-a/nd-f-aye-c-are-s-p.r-0ut-e-


you are "a w/-are" you don't have to do anything as -a.- man- and make an apparent living from the ta-king-

you get that t-rig-ht- ?

you haven't earned your b re a k i/n g i've i/n g re at e

these are not 'minor infractions' share-r-one- in your re-po-s-e-g-n0-s-e-e-0-

check se-b-s- an-0-s-e- ye t0 ld (e)ye s 0we

the 'H' ea R/t 'H' ave t/h e matter, rich, you haven't given (k)nit.

you "h"ave given-nit-too the repo se sas 'ye no-se-

you h-ave only ta-k/e-n- from me and given to t-ho-s-e- t-(h-)at- "lik/e"-ye-

you -h-arb/or- e- m'eye (t) me 0ne ye.

if 'moneye' isn't your value too th' s/k(e)ye, then pass it 0/n e t0 me ve(i)n eye i/n t/h 0 p/en d's 0 p. r.0~vi. d.e in a/nd i/n e in t i'm e

with y0ur (ea.r) w/0 rd as say 0/u r/e sel l fxf e 0's 0/n ne t/h e/l i/n e

w/(h)0ve t/h 0ver t i'm e

ju st re (a.) member e t w/h0 g~i've~t/h ea. r i/n g i/n t 0/0 b/ein g ea. r t/h (r)0u (g/h) ti. 'd.e w/e

ju st re (a.) member e t w/h0 g~i've~t/h ea. r i/n g i/n t 0/0 b/ein g ea. r t/h (r)0u (g/h) ti. 'd.e w/e a. r/i ng t(h)rue

b ere b ea. r ti. ' d.i/n g('s) 0 ver th®ue

is t/h ere virtue in the co l 0/re s e'ye pur(e) sue

t0 w/- ea. -r- e- ve(-i-)n -t w/-(h-)0-

t0 w/- ea. -r- e- ve(-i-)n -t w/-(h-)0-e-ye-w/-

t0 w/- ea. -r- e- ve(-i-)n -t w/-(h-)0-e-ye-w/-t-0n-t0-0-


c-lan- a/nd-see- th- co/m-mu-nit-ye-

w/-h-en is your next par-t-(e-)ye- tu b fa(i)r e

share-r-one- "roat" wor-th-com-p-lain-i/ng-

i'm making a lice costume today. i was out of sorts friday. did a tarot reading as obviously who else am i going to tall k 2.

basically, well, it says this:

(and the odd note at the end, i have de e/m 0/n s, that i can't trig and r i.d. 0/ne meye 0 (w/)n e) curious way to end a reading. like, t/hat sucke day)




take down the website // how to deal with rich et al // not sure what to do for me


the devil

most encouraging card in pack despite its name, if you want to understand what the devil is about, first of all get rid of holly wood house of horrors image it conjures up, tempt you into evil ways with an offer you cant refuse.. this kind of devil, is the one more appropriate to the saying, the devil is in the details.


it is in the detail that most people encounter there own particular devil, become enslaved and most people end up selling their souls, end up feeling your whole life is one more round of if this then that and i mustn't forget that, we tell ourselves this is virtues and it is true to be aware of the importance and relevance of certain factors in our life is a very virtuous thing as long as we also have an over view, stand back from our situation, forgive certain parts of it, forget certain parts of it, and see the difference between what matters and what doesn't matter, when people get too narrowly caught up in something that is very specific and precise, they forget who they are and what they are and what they are apart of and their judgements start to become very confined very tight and this can 2 effects, first take a great deal of fun out of life, make you feel enslaved, and all that is going for you is one thing you are focusing on, and all that matters is what is relevant to or not relevant to this thing, then there is this possiblity that you may do things which are not good for you not good for other people simply because you have lost all track of the bigger picture, and so this devil is telling you you have become enslaved, you have sold your soul, not in a generally exciting wicked activity, but something that is grinding you down holding you in one place, and beginning to wear on health and well being and cause you to make questionable judgements for what is good for you and for others, and b.c. drawn card now see you are waking up to way you have been caught and so now you can get the better of the devil and you can start rising above the things in your life which are causing such a drain on you, there is going to be some discomfort in that, the devil in tarot terms, isnt something you cannot over come it is very much something that if you recognize it you can free yourself from


the priestess

blank canvas, staring at opportunity, waiting for muse to take you, some area of your life creativity is called for, intuition, something inside you has to reach a point of understanding, and come up with some inspiration, and then act on that inspiration yet at the moment you do not know what to do, there comes a point in every creative process, and the truly creative and truly intuitive person welcomes that moment when you do not know what to do, embraces it, is glad of it , almost anxious for the next one, b.c. it is such an exciting place to be in, and it is only the people that feel they do not have the answers, that they are going to be in trouble, do not allow them selves to get in that position, they allways fill their life with the first most obvious rock solid propositions, so they do not have to come to that moment when you go 'i don't know'. if you can reach a moment that you do not know, you can reach you do not know, then you can reach inside your self and find the answere and then you can find out you do know, and then something wonderful can begin to take place. inside you is the answer to your question, if you want to answer your question satisfactorily you must begin by accepting the fact that you do not know the answer and you are waiting to find out, and that it doesn't matter, then like a whisper on the wind, something comes to you, a little idea a little thought so subtle so faint you could easily ignore it. but that is the see d of t your answer. if you are sensitive, subtle, if you are humble enough to accept a faint answer that comes from nowhere you can begin to seize it build on it and learn from it, let it be, there will be the answer, let it be, very much the spirit here, let it be the way that it is until you see suddenly the way it should be, and how to make it that way, this card is telling you will be able to turn what ever you got now into something solid as long as you accept now that it isn't solid, and it can go one of a thousand ways, and need to wait until something whispers in your ear, try this.


queen of coins

sexy, smart, attractive, wise, acting in your life as a helpful benign influence in your life at the moment, you can be more appealing attractive, more able to aspire admiration from others that you currently are by taking a few more risks, there is something rather sexy about a risk but nothing sexy about a danger, so you need to know the difference about a risk and a danger, and you do know the difference, maybe you think you don't, and maybe this is the reason why this card is in your reading, b.c. perhaps you are feeling at the moment you do not want to take any steps that are incautious or unwise for fear that they go wrong or backfire on you. actually that is not a sexy position, you don't want to be overly cautious, hiding behind a blanket afraid to go noweare, afraid to go walk out into the world and make things happen, you have to stride for e ward purposely youve got to trust your own judgement and wisdom and youve got to decide your independence is a powerful thing and something you are entitled to and something that can have results and something that can be good for you and other people too. and the more independently you act and operate now and wise while (re) claiming it, the more successful you will be



is the right thing happening, have i made the right choices, are you allowing the right things to happen or are you continuing a process which you have been engaged in for some while and which has negative consequences, there is negativity attached to an aspect of your pass and you are not entirely sure that you have drawn the right separation between the past and presence, as you look at where youve been and what you have been thru, and what great cost has occured in your life one way or another, part of you is keen to move on, you are very much wanting to develop a different set of standards by which to live your life and to adhere to a different set of routines and to represent to yourself and to others, a shining beacon of what can happen when some body really gets to grips with there own negativity and turns it into positivity, and to not fall back to into a pattern to easily returned to, so on one hand there is that concern, on the other there is something unfolding now that looks most encouraging, then the question is how encouraging is it, or could it even be, that what you are nervous of is something good, something seemingly so good could have the potential to turn out worse than anything that happened before. so lets be clear about something, talented people always have issues, and in fact the more talented they are the more issues they have and often too the closer they get to the potential to self destruct in some way or undo theirselves, it is the same with people that are talented not just artistically or intellectually but spiritually, psychics, for example, often find themselves wrestling hard to cope with the consequences of their own sensitivity, which is why often some of the most amazing intuitive and clairvoyant you ever wish to encounter, are not behind their crystal balls working away in there studios giving readings, they are down the pub, or worse they are engaged in activities that are very powerful and dramatic and somehow shut them off from the intensity of their own abilities b.c. it is almost as if they find it too hard to handle. it could also be some of the success you are now enjoying is a result of something about you that is exceptionally good yet at the same time the concern is that with this success / with this good thing that is potentially coming into your life there is more of the trouble that has plagued you up until now, ok we have asked this question enough, you have asked this question any howe, the answere is, things will work out well, the answer is ther will be a constructive conclusion to what ever situation you now face and one which you profit materially as well as emotionally, but for there to be a true lasting profit, you have inner deamons to deal with and to tackle them you are going to need some help.

// deem o/n s

re claim (i/ng) i/t as/s w/el l


(didn't post: didn't copy)

the preceding comment didn't post as i apparently didn't copy.

per the costume, the li(-e-)ce costume bu y easter.

i had to organize the back room at the salon, get rid of stuff, organize and consolidate, get storage off the machine tables, erect the thread holder, plug in, thread, and dry run (they are running and ready to go) move a sewing machine from the art room too the salon, ie consolidate my sowe ing machines, or run back and forth to complete a job :( i liked moving the sowing machines to (r)one location.


bought the materials, besides the fabric store, a trip to the home goods, for pipe and buggy like tubes and drain fittings. min0 ate my lovely broccoli cheddar scone, from the bag on the counter, and left a poop for me :(


i went to whole foods to get another lovely scone to go with my soup, the combo is really fulfilling, and they were out of the lovely ones, as i tried the pesto basil and they are just so-so. sconeless this evening, i went to get some tonic kevita that is on a modest sale, and all the flavors i like, that i think are too odd a palate for others (apple cider cinnamon, kale and lemon, tumeric and can't remember) were all gone. there were still plenty of pesto basil scones to choose from. apparently i am not the only one that knows which one is s0/n~g.


the roasted olive and garlic roll, was gone as well, the back up for the scone. any e way, t eye t ell.


i sketched the costume on a clean work and cutting surface table, and thought about how to design it so that one can get in and out of it // how to get it on and of/f too...


i.d. ea t00 the per suit.




i still think s-lice, is a meta p(-l-ace) h-at-f-0r-e-


what is unnecessary. per the ecology of the food chain, nothing eats the lice, and it cannot live more than 2 days off of a human host, it eats your blood and e/b t-s it c0-h0-st-


d e/b t-s it c0 h0 st "a" de p0 s-i/t-g-ave-


lice occupies your peace of mind, the stat(e) u/s t/00 t/h de fi/n e in 0 p/en d~0 w/ in s/trai(gh)t and 0/n ar(e)~r0w/ e b/b. c. l i'm (b)e a.m.(e)in e


po-lice "i/s" una-void-ab(b-)le- t00-t-h/e' -s/t-ate-


s-h0-rt- a-nd- ye-w/-h- ap-p-eye-




"of-fi-ce-r-e-"bliss" h/as kn0w/(h) t hing e 0/n e me


except hi/s- ig-no-ran-ce- 0 - p/en- l-ie-


t00-t-he-be-lie-f-x-f/e-e-d- en- sel-l-ye- a/s-t-


"2" rise up and c-all- me "im-material" t0 me


p-"aul" makes a c-"l-aim" on me, for-ce- stinting my integrity from being see n 0 p/en l ye t00 the per si eve, "as-if-t" all my a ct i/on s have n't be/en f/0re be L ea. f x f i/n t i'm e i/n g


p-"aul" makes a c-"l-aim" on me, for-ce- stinting my integrity from being see n 0 p/en l ye t00 the per si eve, "as-if-t" all my a ct i/on s (h)ave n't be/en f/0re be L ea. f x f i/n t i'm e i/n g i/n g0/d's en d e/b t00 t/h p.r. i'm e i/n g


paul th(-0-)ug-ht it would be an easy era-se-g-re-at-e-


"go" my "own way" with no money i earned without a t-r-ace-


"go" my "own way" for no re as on to re lay t 0/n e me t0 me'ye fxf ace : meaning, paul can make any e -t- reason- e- t-hinge- he- wan-t- s/0n- e- me


the p0 in t is, be s/p 0/k e/n l (ye)a. d. : p-"aul" has no one to ta/l k 2 a/ct u all (e)ye


b/be t he didn't see th at c0 me i/n g


ta ct i c/all ye


w/h en (e) c 0/m e t (a) gain a/nd c a.m. e t g/av~e fxf a/ce t00 t/h f a/ce t00 t/h av en a me a.d. e/b t w/(h)0~ve fxfe ct fxf re(e)ly e t/h a.d. e liberate (L)Le ye


0/n e/a.nd' sa.(i)m.e ve(i)n l(le) ye t00 t/h b/r ave


in dia n/d 0 w/in e~


in dia n/d 0 w/in e~g ave


in this inn stance, you are my neg/ate/i've & at my in si stance, the f x f, are 0 f/t = f (0/0) t (u) b/all an(d)ce = same wore t/h c0n fi/g u/re at i've (l)/ l ye


why do you feel you haven't earned t/his, configuratively e/a.t


you have abandoned success?


i think me feeling en s(L)ave d, isn't because of en-s-(L-)ave-d-, it is the reflection you freely do not g/ave = d0 -k-no-t-


it seems, it see-ms- ac-cord-i/n-g-le-(y-)e-


we will get too th/is. there bu ye t/heir hasn't been 2, own lie "2" too the "p.r."00f-


i. d.0 expect interest p/aid f/0re & w/h at i/s t fre(e)ly e g i've n t i/n a ve/in


u/lt/i'm(e)ate/l(le)ye we'd bu ye & we d c~0n t r/a ct u all(e)ye t00 t/h per c/i e/v/e n ly e


making sure, sharon understands me, i am h ere t0 we d e/b t/h e fxf 0rt f0r/m/e a.d.


you get t0/0 L0ve (t) bu ye g i've i/n g t/h rig ht 0 pa s/s ag/e, verse-sus-p-ass-age-


verse-sus-p-ass-age- g-at-l/a-st-

t r/u st 0/ft a c'h' i Ld

t r/u st 0/f t/h' c'h' i Ld

le t rig ht bu ye re r/0ne w/rite

p.s. we s lee p t0 g ether e

idealism used for sell fish en d's.

how do you me an d?

you feel like a vi-ct-i'm-e-?

prisoner of the prisoner e's (e)ye h-ave-ta-ke-n-

sharon feels about me : indefinite delay, and i have to ask, you know, w/-h-(e-)y- e-

you set the st-age-

fee-l-ing rich and comp lace sent x cent all the w/ay e t00 th d-ate-

st-0l/e-n/t- f-rom-e- y'0u-t/h-

h ere is the thing, i can g0/n e nd less l(e) ye,

the frame work and the fret work are the same w/ 'h' eigh t, s~0w/e t/h e re verse all c/an be a.m. a.(i)d.e

0/n sig ht

ironically h-ate- sounds like w/h eight,

why is sharon dissappointed ?

w/(h)eight & w/ ate & w/-ai-t-

st 0'le n/t h b/all an(d)ce t0 me all t/h t i'm e

st 0'le n/t h b/all an(d)ce t0 me all t/h t i'm e ye s ea. tw/h0 se e/m e

g-en-e-s/i-s- t-0f-f-(e/e-)d-e-l-a-ye-




g*r0/0m se.g. ave t/h (e)a.ve n a.m. e a.d.


p.s. i am not giving you the dedication of my time un t i'll you are re a.d. (e)ye


re a.D. (e'ye) P.r.i'm/e


re a.D. (e'ye) P.r.i'm/e t0 me a.n d


re a.D. (e'ye) P.r.i'm/e t0 me a.n d/0 w/are


re a.D. (e'ye) P.r.i'm/e t0 me a.n d/0 w/are i/n g 0 p/en l ye




co-ho-st-in-g-a-par-t-(e-)ye- is ineffectual in the l-(y-)e/a.-s/t-


0/n e m(e)ye p.r.0 w/t


t-hen, you have the "nerve" too the re-lay-t- b-ad-s-0d-d-(s-) e/b - t-0 m(e)ye p(L)at e


for in qui r(e)ye in g ate


tas /s h~0n e



& t-re-e-

w/ -k-no-w-e-t/h0-u-s-e/e-d- e/b- t0/-d-e-ed-


the key to your independence is t-inking- i/t - apparently e-w/-id-th-



t/h (i) ere is n0 tricker(e)y'e re. your comp-le-x-i/t-(e-)ye- is your involvement-simp-l/i-c/t-(e-)ye-a./s-t- a-nd-sig-ht- co-/m-p- ea.- t- a-nd-ate- 0-f/t- he- e- d/e-ed- e/b - t- (h-)r/u-e-


w/e ' d bu (e)ye t/a. m.er/ r(e)ye d


mer r(e)ye t/h' s ea. t w/h0 s e/e d at(e) a'b' le (a.)d.


it is ironic that sharon thinks i cling to 'outdated' ideas.


h ere is the thing, i am not inclined to wan t' bu ye peri 0d.


as sig/h expect w/at you h/ave t0 f/fer is-0/d-d-


checking my motivation, and you can comp a(i)r e this to your c-hr-i/s-t- e ve(i)n, i am not willing to follow t(h)rue, to be on vi ew/e, w/it h0 u/t a re as 0n e = de si re tu per (e) f0r/m A. m./U~n t 0/0


scene- od-d-


your independence is a f-x-f-/r- au-d-r/i-ve-n-0/d-d-r-0/d-e-


checking my motivation, and you can comp a(i)r e this to your c-hr-i/s-t- e ve(i)n, i am not willing to follow t(h)rue, to be on vi ew/e, w/it h0 u/t a re as 0n e = de si re tu per (e) f0r/m A. m./U~n t 0/0 t/h e/a. ve n t/u = e v/e n t(h)rue


your independence is a f-x-f-/r- au-d-r/i-ve-n-0/d-d-r-0/d-e-w/-ha-series-t-w/(h-0-)0-e-


the po-w/-ere- t00-t-h-(e-)d/r-0-/n-e-on-e-


is up t00 t/he h-i/s-t/0r(e-)i-c-all-(e-)ye- a./s-t-e- f-x-f-0/r-m/e-w/-(h-)i/t-


m-e/n- h-ave- al-la-w/-h-eye-s-el-l-t-0-d-ay-e-t-/r-ad-di-t-i/on-all-(e-)ye-


his-stor(e-)ye- f-a/ct- (h) f-ace- too-t-he-ma-ke-


his-stor(e-)ye- f-a/ct- (h) f-ace- too-t-he-ma-ke-g-re-at-e-


inflation, iroNICally, is "cause-d-" bu-ye- establishing value for no reason along a contin um -b- u-ye- w/-out- re- s/e a/s 0/n e


establishing a competitive value, without a de si re too th l0 v/e, t-ho-u- s(e-)p ea k 0 f/f i/t mu c 'h' in (re lay t? ed) dust r(e)ye s-up-up-t-


his-story- (h-)e -x-i/s-t-(s-) 00 -t/h-e-r/a-s-e-(e-)qua-l/l-(e-)ye- t00-t-h-(e-) de-fi/n-e- p.r.-i'm-e- t-i'm-e- w/-(h-)all-i've-


bu (t) ye n/eve/r e st a/nd 0/n (e)your o(w/)n e

at the same t i'm e ye am t(h)' be s/p 0/k e/n t/r 0/p e

just saying, per your s-co-p(-i-)e-d- ho-p-e-

the t rut h ave the matter e, is you do not e x i/s t for de si re in te r/e st

the t rut h ave the matter e, is you do not e x i/s t for de si re in te r/e st in knit, w/-h-en- you caus(-e-)ally cause-d-i/t- her-a/nd-t-w/-i/s-t-

woo d love too th s tay, however i am going to try too make the g/r ad e t0 w0rk in the sn0w e

h eye changed my min d.

i have a little head cold, and wincing stomach cramps. i think they are from moving my industrial sewing machine, by myself, up stairs. i had to figure out how to do this on my own, eventually tipped the machine on its side, and winched one side on to the step and then the next. i "in-ad-vert-en-t-ly-" used muscles my s lo t/h in the market place hasn't (in) re qui re d.

w/hat are ye (t)d0 w/in g t0/d aye

i have a little head cold, and wincing stomach cramps. i think they are from moving my industrial sewing machine, by myself, up stairs. i had to figure out how to do this on my own, eventually tipped the machine on its side, and winched one side on to the step and then the next. i "in-ad-vert-en-t-ly-" used muscles my s lo t/h in the market place hasn't (in) re qui re d 0f(f) a'm/e

a.d. ju st h' s a.m. e r/r'ye

i have a little head cold, and wincing stomach cramps. i think they are from moving my industrial sewing machine, by myself, up stairs. i had to figure out how to do this on my own, eventually tipped the machine on its side, and winched one side on to the step and then the next. i "in-ad-vert-en-t-ly-" used muscles my s lo t/h in the market place hasn't (in) re qui re d 0f(f) a'm/e ye t

i have a little head cold, and wincing stomach cramps. i think they are from moving my industrial sewing machine, by myself, up stairs. i had to figure out how to do this on my own, eventually tipped the machine on its side, and winched one side on to the step and then the next. i "in-ad-vert-en-t-ly-" used muscles my s lo t/h in the market place hasn't (in) re qui re d 0f(f) a'm/e ye t a.(i)m. e


s 0w/e:

h ea. L

h ea. L t/h t(0/0)t/h as/s well a/nd 0 w/e' l~l


w/(h)ea.L t/h


h 2 0're L~ay(e) t at/e


the whole truth about moving the sewing machines t0/n e location, i first separated the pieces, the solid metal machine head, unscrewed the thread holder, from the body of the table even, and drained the oil from the pan, then moved the parts with an even hand. the table, with the engine still attached, i turned on its side to move up the sta(i)res with my back in front position e at last too lead the re si den ce.


there was a point, when i tried to muscle the machine table with heavy metal motor that throws the balance off, from beneath and behind the table, but i couldn't get it up the stairs, and i couldn't muscle to lift it, then i thought to turn it on its side, from behind, and it was still hard to get it up a stair, and i thought to myself, it may be smarter to find someone else to help, i mean, the same amount of industry to find some body, then i turned it on its side, got in front of it, leading the way with my back too the f ray, and winching one side then the next to fallow me on minor pins as legs.


once i got it level on the carpet, it was easy to drag into position, in the newly organized work room.


i'm happy about the transition, only because, i can remember the sewing machines in andy's basement, and depending on his dis-po/sit-i/on-e-, if i had work, i d-read-ed- going over t-he-i/r-eve n.


i don't dread the space in the salon. christine thinks it is ironic and pronouncedly funny that i am making a lice costume in a lice salon. i think it is ironic it is tu be finished by east er e.


notes at (miss) stake:


i'm not giving you the dedication of my time un t i'll e'ye are a.d. (e)ye 0ne t00 th de fi/n e in t/h 0 p/en (d) L in e


i'm not giving you the dedication of my time un t i'll e'ye are a.d. (e)ye 0ne t00 th de fi/n e in t/h 0 p/en (d aye T) L in e


so while ye learn about machine ing, please understand i do not have a reason to ad just my industry in the market place hu(e)s/s e/e-d- in- diffe-r-en-t- l-ye- a/s-t- 00-t-h(e-) be- g/i-n-


knowing the per-p-le-x-= (c-)i(t-)ye- re- deem- ey~e (a)st ate = d-m-c-a-


(ye still have created know thing too th(e) d ate, except on e meye p(L)at e)


so while ye learn about machine ing, please understand i do not have a reason to ad just my industry in the market place hu(e)s/s e/e-d- in- diffe-r-en-t- l-ye- a/s-t- 00-t-h(e-) be- g/i-n-eve-r-ye-b-0/d-(e-)ye-vain-l-ie-ce-


recalling the "love" in "house" f-rom- a- b0v-e-


notes: that is a sub-t-l/e-ye- , that you stud ie d the material in t i'm e, and passed 0f as t/h- in-'d-, l0~(0) king fi/n e w/k n/0we l/l in k's (t)00 th' de fi/n e (h) 0/n e's t/h' same l(0ve) i/n e


you are not independent when you diminish my value, you are in-de-p/en-d-en-t- in- t-i'm-e-


too s-q/ua-t-as- a-b-en-e-f-a/ct-0r-e-ye-


more notes, out of 0 rd a(i)r e:


re p u t/able

re 'ph' ue t/able

re(p) f ew/e t able

re fute able


p(lace) h = f t00 the mis~s ta ke


di's (e) a.b le (a.)d. en c0unt ere d(e)ye

fxf 0ra 'i' (a.) m.iss le(a.)d. 0 ve r/t i'm e

sat is f/a ct 0r(e) i'll ye 0n t/h L/i n/e


fxf 0ra 'i' (a.) m.iss le(a.)d. 0 ve r/t i'm e

sat is f/a ct 0r(e) i'll ye 0n t/h L/i n/e c 'ess' ar(e)ye t00 the m(e)ye p.r.i'me


the g-u-ye at work, i can e-l-a/b-ore-at-e-


his - "love" is- pi-t(e-)ye-



s-p-ea-king - t0 me an s w/ea.r ing 0/d e fi nit* i've l ye


*nit "2" t00-t/h-e-0/n-i-g/h-t-sig-ht- a/n(d-e/b-)t-i-/c-i-pate-i/n-g-r/e-a/t- ri(g-h)t- e-


l0! A.M. eYe t/dr i've in g ye p.r. i'm e


l0! A.M. eYe t/dr i've in g ye p.r. i'm e all t/h t i'm e


w/(h)a.d. ven t u/r e


of t late


w/(h)a.d. ven t u/r e

t0 g ether e


the sig n e're fait h f0r eve r


de-liberate-l-(l-/e-)ye- in-c0/m-p-le-t-e-, w/-e- st- ea-s-'-t-


i may not like the competitive disgrace taking place in china to-b-serve-t-/h-f-ace- however, th-eye- are only trying to catch-up-t-w/-h0- the di'-service- t- c- a.m.-e- (-&-) th-e-me- m(e-) a.(-i-)d.-e-


"bu-ll" -e- t- plan-t-e/r-e-


c0n vi ct e/d


c0n vi ct e/d e/b t/u t/h c0 pi l0 t (h) rue

A. D. A./M.iss S. Take

in re L/L ea f x f~


a g/en t p.r.0 v/(e) 0 c/at e u/r


c 2 se(e) 'a' T/e


f ave 0re t/h ' f (L)ave 0re


it is interesting, at work, work h ere 'ye' = thou, and at work machining we speak of (t) measurement in 'thou' (s~ sig h/t 0/n e s0 u nd)


thou ('s a/nd) = 'k'


"paul drinan" as an-s-"e-x-" am-p-le- t- h0-p-e-d- e/b t0 me


we can e X p/e/(c)t "k-n0-w/-e-" m.0.re from in-fan-t-see-(t-he-)


i stopped at a gas station on the way to class, sunoco, it had no garb age, it had no place to put my garb age, t/hat it provided in s um e 0/n e.


paul drinan provides lu-st- in- t-ru(e-)st-


he is "ok" if you g-i-n/n-em-u-st- (as he is reclaiming his bu-ye- p.r.-0- d-/u- ct- )


w/ f-ave-0/re- &- w/ f(L-)ave-0/re-in-g-


my orthotics, increasing 70 dollars in a year, due to the price of f0-am- comp-on-en-t-s-


f0-am-i/n-g-at-he-m.0 -u- t/h- t-00-t-/h- be-lie-f-e-e- t00-t-h(e-) f-e-e- d- en- sel- l(e) / ye




w/ as h (e) d' ye'0re h a/nd' s 0f fi/t


s~0 /fxf i/t h' a/n d'~s(t)a nd~

b~e (L too)L~0 w/e ar. t w/h~i/t


b~e (L too)L~0 w/(h)e ar. t (w/)h~i/t e ve(i)n s~0w/e. g.(g) 0 all e


b~e (L too)L~0 w/(h)e ar. t (w/)h~i/t e ve(i)n s~0w/e. g.(g) 0 all e/a. p~ f0r/m e/a. d.


b~e (L too)L~0 w/(h)e ar. t (w/)h~i/t e ve(i)n s~0w/e. g.(g) 0 all e/a. p~ f0r/m e/a. d. in e m(e)ye s lee p*


L a(ye) Z(e)y e


verse-sus- lay-z-e-e-e-


L a(ye) Z(e)y e


verse-sus- lay-z-e-e-e- t00-t-he-"misread"-e/b-t-a-gain-


a fi/n-e-line-miss-r-ea-d-


b-ough-t- on-t-he-s-am-e-vi-ne-vain-t-i'm-e-f-r/i-e-nd-


en 'A' b le~a.d.'s ay/e


en 'A' b le~a.d.'s ay/e. g.(r)0w/(h)e at La st e t/h 0' s~c/0p/e & s~c/0p/(i)e d (e/b) t/r 0p e


you "guys" can't listen to each other heart, on a competitive vain to be some "one" on(a)par-t-, w/(h)it h0 u/t me in g ea. r's e p(L)ate

i/n g 0/n e a.r (t/h) ea. r (t/h) ere t/h ei r


you "guys" can't listen to each other heart, on a competitive vain to be some "one" on(a)par-t-, w/(h)it h0 u/t me in g ea. r's e p(L)ate


i/n g 0/n e a.r (t/h) ea. r (t/h) ere t/h ei r ev e(i)n st i'll e.g. t (g) 0


t0 e & t~0 w/e


"likes" don't g i've (h)u/e the p0 w/ ere 2 fxf/ace & fait h and f/a~ct may/ke t(c)'H' eighT


b.c. 2 e~a. T 0/n e t0/0


b.c. 2 e~a. T 0/n e t0(0) g(g) 0 de fi/n e/d ate in t i'm e t00 t/h *e* may/k~e. g.(X) gain s a.m.e ve(i)n


paul drinan-s- miss-tarr(e-)ye- is con-t-ag-i/o/u-s-

i-even-s-0w/-e-st-ay-e-in-p-(L-)a-ce- for-t-he-re-as-on-di-s-g-r-ace-


paul drinan-s- miss-tarr(e-)ye- is con-t-ag-i/o/u-s-

i-even-s-0w/-e-st-ay-e-in-p-(L-)a-ce- for-t-he-re-as-on-di-s-g-r-ace- "0" f-x-f-' sel-l's e.g. ar(e) den -0-p-en-l-ye-a/s-t-ar-(t-)i/n-g-


p-(L-)en-t-(e-)ye-t- w/- h0-


hype-n- me ans not standing 0/n 0w/n (0w/e) ad ju st f(r)a.m.e ,

& not standing on own spoken word as s/0wn apparentlye too th' d ate, and not standing on ow/n 0 w/e(a)ven 0ne t00 t/h' s (h)0we tc a.(i)m. e


hype-n- me ans not standing 0/n 0w/n (0w/e) ad ju st f(r)a.m.e ,

& not standing on own spoken word as s/0wn apparentlye too th' d ate, and not standing on ow/n 0 w/e(a)ven 0ne t00 t/h' s (h)0w/e tc a.(i)m. eek bu ye w/ee k


hype-n- me ans not standing 0/n 0w/n (0w/e) ad ju st f(r)a.m.e ,

& not standing on own spoken word as s/0wn apparentlye too th' d ate, and not standing on ow/n 0 w/e(a)ven 0ne t00 t/h' s (h)0w/e tc a.(i)m. eek bu ye w/ee k t00 th' (e/i) st (p)e/e p~le a. n (0w/e in c f/0/u/r/e l i/f e ye in c/0 re p 0/re at e/d (e) fxf l0 w/ e're (a.) d.e serve d



m.0.r/e n(t)0te's a k/e



"you" use to improve you-r- si/t-u-ate-i/on-e- "&" "2" re-move- m(e)ye t/h e/s it i ate i/on e "too" be-lie-f-e/e-d-en-sel- : l-ye- f-x-f-0r-e-war-d-


tu b scene for no re as on e creating a par-t-


"creating" 0p-p0sit-s- w/ "o/on-e-" p0-in-t-0/f-ft-vi-ew/-e-bi-g-l0-s/s-e/e- ye- "0"-w/-e-ac-cord-i/n-g-lee- = "creating" a situation t00 the a-b-u/se- only on one's (e)in/t e.g.r i/t (e)ye


"creating" 0p-p0sit-s- w/ "o/on-e-" p0-in-t-0/f-ft-vi-ew/-e-bi-g-l0-s/s-e/e- ye- "0"-w/-e-ac-cord-i/n-g-lee- = "creating" a situation t00 the a-b-u/se- only on one's (e)in/t e.g.r i/t (e)ye. g. i've n's 0w/e very e t(c) hing e in re lay t i'n g's p/ea/k


ching c as h i/n g' st i'll e ft rig ht fxf 0/re all 0 ne re.g.i/s t er e i/n (0) g e/e 0/n s/c0 pe db rig ht 0/n~eye. g. ht


ching c as h i/n g' st i'll e ft rig ht fxf 0/re all 0 ne re.g.i/s t er e i/n (0) g e/e 0/n s/c0 pe db rig ht 0/n~e'ye./i g. ht


a c 'h' e(i)v~e m~e/n t


imagine being misread to achieve this t-able dressing.




search all day for something to set you a par t, and the de-sign-ere- t-urns- a- t- able- dressing- int0 w/-ar-t-


int0 w/-(e-)ar-t-


i can probably make this dress with my eye's closed. the big checked gingham fabric is common at the local fabric store. poly e(a.)ster e cot-ton b-(L-)e-nd-


scope ? too 'a' new/ -e- t-/r- 0p- e ?


the "p.r. -i-c-e-" is-t- d-/0-p/e-(e-ye-)


"i'm a. d.e sign er e can t ye see"


-a/nd- i'm a bu-ye-re- nuanced in t a/s t/e de fi/n e at e l(le) ye


a l0 t of/f de sign g0e synth 2 0w/e very e t(c) hinge ta sign if i c/an T l(e)ye : yet my x & 0 is over lo-ok-ed-e/b-t-w/-it-


"&" w/-r-i/t-


w/-r-i/t- t-en-it-


"&" w/-r-i/t- t-en-e-t-(c-/t-) w/-it--0/n-t-en-an-t-w/-it-0/n-t-0p-0v-'i-/t- 00-t-h(e)-counter-t(h-)rue-


p-0-v- on- e- comma-nd- e/b- t/a-ke- t/h- comma-nd-e-sign-ag-gain- e- w/-r-i/t-e- t00-t-h(e-) c-0/m-e-.g-a-gain-

int0 w/-(e-)ar-t-s-0-w/e- ' don't k n0 w/e a.r th~e w/ee k~en d's e/a.m. as~s 0 w/(h)e a.t (a.)m. a~t/h~ew/e ave n ta t~han(d en mar) K (ing')s ag a/i n/n e w/e a.r t/h~ea.r t/h e a.ve ns~0/n g a L/L 0/n e g(r)ate th' tee t/h dg ri/n d a w/h (e'ye L/L e'ye) d~e f(t e/x t) f ly aw/ cc R~ 0's's 0/u/g~h/t c r/u X c/i f e'ye w/(2)t hi/e ve 'st ea. d e/p t'(h') a w/(e)are t with a cross fig e're ing's and fi x i/t 00 th tea c(h)t s0we the 'ye interl0per e c/a(i)n e re ce(i)ve' y(e) a w/(h)are miss~p0 ke~n f/r0m th t a(i)r e r~(e) ye in be/e (t/h air e) t w/e~e n eve r e La~st(r)i/n g (((t/h ere (e) fxf 0'r(e) t))) gi/b 2 b 0/n e. g. g~r a/c~e 0/n sec0/n d's 0/n ~ne t race syn/th' be/e s b0/n~ne t in t p(L)ac~e 0 p~ass dg as~sp in t a/ct

like a standing e mir/a/cl~e t en d 0/n e in place cast (e w/e l )le too the coun (tc ell')sel~l 0 a.m. t 0/d (e) we'l (b)lac (k) x b(L)ack th~e f/f ra.(i)m.e's peak e very e A.M. ~a/n/d P.M. ~a/n/d B.M. in t be we/e n fxf /r0m r un d 0/n e in (e) t(h)rue st 00 le 0(w/)n e w/(h)0 pe/t ~r 0p (h)e(e)

th' s ea. b~e/e. g. i/s t 0 ken t0 me a.d. 0 w/(h) 0/n e'ye t00 t~h rue the valu~e w/e can e pr0claim i/t u per (e) ce(i)ve in g' t(h) ai re (e) fxf ai re t00 t/h eaven s b~a le a. f~ f~ 0re ye w/e in knit 0/0 d e w/e


t00 th' t(h)ru t/h e* n a.m. e/d i/n e. g.(g) r/aCE


pi v0t(e) t ea. r n's (h) ave t00 t/h e* re lay t i/n g/r aCE


interestingly, this is a common dialogue for me at the lice salon, the comb, i say, will see better than the eyes, and i give countless examples: a family came in to have their older daughter treated for lice, i asked about the 2 year old boy, and they said they checked his head, even for me, it was evident too the observe, in that the boy had fine whispy h air. i proceeded to run a fine (k)nit c 0/m b thru his hair, for which i couldn't physically see any b-ugs with my eyes given s 0we, however, the comb on the wet nap kin, yields results, i can't see with my eyes even s owe.


another example, a woman brought her daughter to be treated, and i did a comb out on her, and found a few lice eggs / debris there, and no egg layer. i asked when they first noticed the lice, as i wanted to ascertain how long the eggs could have been present, per the treated daughter, as it takes 7 to 12 days for an egg to hatch, and are they, per their home treatment, out of the hatch window. i couldn't justify a $195 treatment for the mom, but still kept the quest i on e th el i/n e, and said, when she reschedules her daughters complimentary re head check, i will comb her out again. and i did. her daughter was fine, and for the mother i found a few eggs / lice debris and no evidence of anything wiggling or an egg layer.


i asked if i could keep combing. she had long, thick, curly hair, and she said i could. the third time i combed it yielded a nymph, a wiggler, and then i could confirm and answer the quest i on, she had lice. and we scheduled an appt from t here.


people in the salon sometimes want qui-c-k- an s w/ea r 's (e/e'ye)

and i take the time (as e(y)e may/k i/t), to (w/)in/n f0r/m/e t/h em, and how to reliably pro fan e, and do t here & t/h ei r one h(ea)d check e ve(i)n. too trust th' co/m~b at lar ge in char ge


* char is to partially burn an object, and it is a fresh water trout like fish and chai tea in en g land.


people in the salon sometimes want qui-c-k- an s w/ea r 's (e/e'ye)

and i take the time (as e(y)e may/k i/t mi/n (e) d)


your e/s cap e de p/en d's 0/n e m(e)ye (t) di's ap/p ea. r/i~n/g w/i.d. t/h (r) u/e


t00 t/h c~0/m b p0 in t


i always emphasize the wet napkin, as a dry napkin will not yield results from the comb, the nap kin needs to be w/(h)et, for the contents of the comb to stick to (w/h) it.


w/ 'h' et/c 'h' f0r/m. 0.re


curiously lice can't live off of a h0/st for more than 2 days, as they e/at your blood meal to th-ave- and fee-d-babie-s- in-de-p/en-d-en-t-ly-e- too-t/h-s-k-(e-)ye-


what else, they breath out their gill's, but can hold their breath for "8"/ ate hours "2"/ too. i talk about 0 live 0 i'll, and how that is intentioned to suffocate the lice, again they can ho-ld- their breathe for a longer time, in water, too. di me t/h c0/n e, doesn't suffocate the lice, however it will kill the lice in an hour (if the 'you' apply, and a half an hour if the 'we' apply), not by suffocation, as the lice also need to e-x-press water (h 2 0/n t/h t/r 0p e) out their gills, and it is the mo le c/u lar (e) size of the dimethecone that won't let them t-(h-)r/u-e-.


dimethecone is a petroleum product used in lotion and cosmetics to make application smooth. i speak of this, b.c. with the treatment schedule, one can treat lice for $15 bottle of dimeth. per the salon price, and a bit more in the re-t-ail' s-t-ore-


speaking of which, it is a white collar marketing crime, to compassionately state, an effective way to get rid of lice, with a plastic wide tooth comb, setting futility in ad vance, of the per suit. and on constant "hi" ale-rt-


d-um-p-ing- money- int0 thin are f/0re t0/0 k/n 0w/e (a.)p/p r00f e in c le~a. r/e i'n g


curiously lice can't live off of a h0/st for more than 2 days, as they e/at your blood meal to th-ave- and fee-d-babie-s- in-de-p/en-d-en-t-ly-e- too-t/h-s-k-(e-)ye-g-ave-th-in(e)-d-


dimethecone is a petroleum product used in lotion and cosmetics to make application smooth. i speak of this, b.c. with the treatment schedule, one can treat lice for $15 bottle of dimeth. per the salon price, and a bit more in the re-t-ail' s-t-ore-ye-


which is to say, treating s-lice, is within bud get all th' t i'm e

which is to say, treating s-lice, is within bud get all th' t i'm e'ye(a) me t

which is to say, treating s-lice, is within bud get all th' t i'm e'ye(a) me t/u


*h* isn't the providence of "he" or "s-he"


it is the providence of T/H U/e ve(i)n t0/0 x 2 & t w/h0 2 re lay t (h) r/u e


like the t/r an s g/en d ere d, desiring to w/h an(d)s w/ea r t/h eigh t, as the people that consider themselves "apt" b.c. they apparently have a "ho-use-" for-t-h-at-(e-), aren't really pre sent l(e) ye.


the *H* i/s the pr0vi.d.en/ce of an/n(e)ye 0/n e in te.g. r/i t(e)ye w/(h)i/s per e. g.en t ly e


s-lice l-(0ve-) i-c-e-





i'm not able to do this on my computer right now, load a picture, without my iphoto crashing before i can get the picture off it.


sow/h imagine, s-lice l-(ove) i-c-e-


and : l-(ove) : take the 'e' in l-(0ve) and cross it out with an 'x'


'e' now has an 'x' over it, as if t eye made a 'mistake'


s-lice- l-(0v-)i-c-e- too the misspoken mis s/tress is a mistake to re-rake- & c-e-0ver-t-w/-i/s-e- par-ate- l- ie- n- 0w/-e- in- c-


2- see- t-i'm-e-in-g-0ve-t0-be-g/i-n-n-


without ever e paying t/h at ten t/i 0/n e


t00 t/h every e b 0/de ye


there are 2 systems of di's courage m/en t going on (h)ea.r




contractually speaking without a re all a relationship b/re at hinge

contractually speaking without a re all a relationship b/re a.t hinge t00 the re c0/g ni(eye)z e it

ze i/t g/e i/s t 


t i'm e tu b pre sent 0/n (e) t/h (i/g*h) L i/n e

t i'm e tu b pre sent 0/n (e) t/h (i/g*h) L i/n e. g. i've n t0 me an s w/ea. r i/n g' s c/0 p(i)e

sup p~l(e)ye d


the -ad-ep-t- n eve r/e a.d.

e vain re f le ct e/d 0/n e (high)ye

the -ad-eb-t- 0/n eve r/e a.d.


e vain re f le ct e/d 0/n e (high)ye

s(ee) h (e very e thing e) mis/s t a/te d

in de p/en d/en t all(e) ye


just saying, what has been writ-ten- has never been at the sa.m.e t i'm e. g. i'v/e n (t) d's en d's

s/trait a'n arrow e

in a re line t00 th f a(i)r e 0's

'en' & 'em' the size re lay t's t00 th' 0c/ c/u pied ' sp/a ce

but you only have 'misgiving-s" in the competitive m-e-ark-e/t-p-(L-)ace-

the-ye- i-0-u- set-h-st-ag-e-

and gave the "ag" independent r-an-g-e-

t/(h) ea. r

we t ea. r , thru t/(h) ea. r

and gave the "ag" independent r-an-g-e-t-0/0-d-due-x-cue-se-(e-)m/e t00 the mis-s-us-e-



he h0-p-s-t-(h-)em-au-l-




a-man- f-0re-very-t-0-c/c-as-i-on/e cel(-l-)e-b-rate-i-0/n-e-w/-e(e)-d-g-i've-n- (t-) d-s-00-t-h-e-re- "due-x-" i-/t- he- r0-l(l)-e-

reduce = make smaller or less in amount, degree or size. (for no re as on tu bu ye w/(h)all i'v e

ve(i)n ti. d.e


are your follow/ ere's thanking me ye sat on your e f/ace, and not me t0 me f/ace

are your follow/ ere's thanking me ye sat on your e f/ace, and not me t0 me f/ace

e fxf a/ce in t i'm e t00 t/h era/se g/rate

your follow/-ere-s- apparently, are st ill throwing me ("a.") w/-h-eye- t-

a-nd- e-ye-thin-k- i am the de-l-ay-e-

a-nd- e-ye-thin-k- i am the de-l-ay-e-a-g-ate-

c0 pi c0 pi an0 & re lay t (f 0r t) c 0nt in u/i ties ay/k~e. g.re at e

there is no reason to de-le-g-ate, an ano too the 'mistake'

t h ere is a reason ' t0 me t(h)ink's 0 p/en l ye

there is no reason to de-le-g-ate, an ano too the (ye-t-) 'mistake'

s-un-less you w/an t0 re claim-i/t- in-d/u-st-r/i-0-u-s-ly-e-tu-g-a-w/-h-eye-t-(h-)rue-


& "8" y-in-y-ang- i'l(l)t(e)ye fxf(r)a.(i)m.e n/t(a)g ave t i'll u st r i0u s le ye

t/h' d0/0re f®a.m.e

t/h' d0/0re f(r)a.m.e n/d f(L)a.m.e t/h c' s~a.m.e (in) ve(i)n



t00 th at ten d.

don't take it for g-ran-t-e-d-e/b-t-h-en-

"even" if silent "ly" g-ive-n-(t-)d's-en-d's-ag-gain-


s/c~0p e an d/e' s/t r 0y e


h era ld r(e)ye m/p l0' ye(e) t00 the makere' c0y (0at e)

w/0 man's till


i have a wee bit of work today at the salon, probably 4 to 6 …


h era ld r(e)ye m/p l0' ye(e) t00 the makere' c0y (0at e)

w/0 man's till awn daw/n e-g-ras/s-on- d'0 (h) le pt 0n (e/0 's 0/n~ne t' s 0/m e
