d-r-inn-k-t00-t-h-c-(h-)all-i-ce- d- s- lice-d-0f-t- inn- t- a-re- s-t- 0ff- t-'s- c-up-t- ('s-)up- ped- up- (e-) t- inn-t- ru(e-)s/s- t- |
h-a- r- (e-) b- 0- r-(e-) t- a- get- a- g- (r-) 0-a- t- (h-) inn-g-e- d- a- gree- d- 0- (w/-)h- (i-) t- e/a-m/e- ad- dick-t00-t-he-ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- knee-d- f-0-r-(a-)m-e- |
0/u- (be-) t- c- (h-)a- t- ch-in-g-e- t-he-ad- sir-e-mo-un-t- (h-) inn- g-e-ms-h-in(n-)e-vain- d- h-and- 0f- t- 0/n-e- c0m-man-d-
c0m-p-ea-t- hie-ven-d-h-and- s- (t-) a- nd- s- c- an- d- le- p-(t-)r- am- e- d-i/c- t00-t-he-ad- s -cam-s- (t-) a- id- 0f- t- ly-e- inn- s- t- a- b- ill- i- t- e-ye- a- t- hat- e-ye- t- in-(n-) e/e- d- c- ring-e- d- be- ad- (s-) 0f- t- ly- e- s-up-per-s-e/e-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad-a-g-(r-)e- ad- ea-f-0-rt- 0/0- k- n-0-b- 0/d-e-ye- d-
pleat sham wikepedia
c-(h-) all- i- ce- de-ad- 0f- t- inn-t-ere-s-(t-)augh-t- he-ad-bi-g- 0/t- be-he-ad-0f-t- inn-s-L0-t-h-and- 0f-t-
c-(h-) all- i- ce- d-ea-r-(t/h-) d- 0f- t- hie-ven- (t-) d- h- and- s-e-a-m- e/n- d- s- us- (t-) pen-d- s- t -a- nd- s- (p-)en-d- s-
t-he-me-a-n- s- c0-r-(e-)d- 0f- t00-t-he- ad- (h-) 0-ve-r- t-
re a. l/l e f(t) f 0'r(e) t (h) a s/s t e the~n kn 0/t (h) ave t(h) a bu s e(e) d 0ff t un e t(0) w/h0 d b(e a.) m.(e)u/s/e (a.)d. (h) ew/e t(h) i s/s u e w/e d(h)ues (t) a i.d. e/b t(h)rue w/e (l/l) d ewe
t-he-p-i/n-k- t- miss-t-a- r-(r-)e-ye- s- (t-) aye- scene-inn-d-ea-f-ace- d- ate-
a- better-d- e/b- t- 0 -w/e- ed- b-r0-ad-(s-t-a-nd-)up-e-0/n- d-
stop pork-t-(h-)inn-g- e- d- e/b- t- our-e- sister- e/e- f- 0- r- t- a- pre-vi-ewe- d-
ew/e- d- her- d- 0f- t-
a l/l 0/n e ~ d h and a l/l 0 (a.) n e t00 th d(s) 0 'L (e/a.) d.
its kind of like taking the "head" and grinding it down into my pencil le~a.d.
"unattractive women" do not want to be comforted buy your banality -e- nas/s-cent-s-nail-son-net-u-be-ad-0f- t- heir-d- (h)ue-s- t- a- g- em-
as-sue- gain a re (a) p 0'se t heir d(h) ew/e t00- t-he-(ad-)g-0/d-e-ad- only "dealt" narcissism t0-g-et- a- g-0-all- d- un- f-0-(0-)L- (e-) d- 0f-t- s- 0-L-(e-)i.d.- 0- L-(e-)t-
c0/n-s-p-i/r-e-ad- com-p-as/s- t00-t-he- d- e/b- t- a- ke-ye-p- t-he- n-0-t-e- t00-t-he-ad- b-rake- d- f- a-s/s- t- u- b- buy-e- s- c0p-e-d- h0-ped- e/b- t- a- p-as/s- k- t-our-an-0-t-her- d- f00t-(n-)ote- st-ate-t-he-ad- f0rge- t-he-g0- (w/e-) d- 0- w/e- d-
e/b-t- took n0w/e debt a(t) i'm e a.d.(p.r.) 0 fxf (h) ere d (s/h) 0 w/e
verse-s-us- d-ill-d-0-h-t-he-ad- ill- d- 0- a- t- he- t0-g-ether- d- f- e-(e-) L- t-(0-) w/-h0- d- s-t-/e- eL- d- s- (n-)ai-L- d- ew/e- d- e/b- t- 0/0- t-h0-(u-s-) e- d- (h-) 0-ver-t- (L-) 0-AD- e/b-t0-ad-e/p-t-(h-)u-e- s/s- i/t- a- br0-ad- inn-s- c0p-ed- 0f-t- rope-d-0f- t-0/0-take- t-he-note- t-0ff-t-(y-)0-ke-d-
is it just my imagin nation, or are you making "money" for -t- no reason, as say e w/e s-t-aye-t-his- t- (he-)d- he-vain-d- 0- w/ar-e- t-heir- d- s- cent- s- (t-r-) e-am-inn-(t-)g-
i see you are p0-st-in-g- 0- p0-0p-s- tu- buy- e- sustain- p0-0p-s- t - a- nd- s-(h-)am-e- d- ea- f- 0-r-t- p0-0p-s-
you do not sell love, you do not actually contribute in follow thru, you are not a maintainer of values, you stand for misuse, c-0-ver-t-he-miss-a-bu-s-e-d- i/t-u-
do you want me to give you a t(e)a.r e ? b.c. it is obvious you do not care t/h ere ?
you are all ready married to "one" "too" be your whipping -0-p0-st-, let that satisfy "you", when you s-hi-t- on my face, you are shitting on all women -et-u-b-place-d-, as i stated, you are allready married to "one", let that satisfy "you" e-vain- d -0ve-d-
it is not my problem you create a "wake" of clients and patrons that really do not care about your "face"
you are holding onto the dildo's feelings, within -d- h-and- 0- w/i- thou-t-, you put your pen-is- up the man-s- ass- in- e- tu- f-x-f- (r-) on- t- 0ff- ewe- d- s- pr-out-s-, you get a "second" opinion, buy putting your pen-is- in a woman' s mouth, per your h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- cha-chin-g- (L-)out-
your "miss-man-ag-e-men-t-" means nothing unless you can man-age-t- h- and- s- 0/m-e- s-um- e- 0/n-e- ye- d-(s-) 0n-g- 0/d- h- and- 0f- t-(h) en- d- (h-) 0-ve-d-. this is contextually seen as miserly and misognistic t00-t-(h-)0-r- e/n- t- a- s/s- knee-d- h- a- r- (e-) b-0- r-(e-) t- (y-)our- e- s- cue- w/e- d- s- (c-)our- t-
you look refined for no reason as you pre-sent- a- m0-re- ad- 0- 0-re- ad- all- t- inn- t-i'm-e-ye- am- c0/n-(s-)t-0-r(e-)t- a- p- as/s- t- c0/m-p- as/s- t-
you would rather h-ave- t- l-u-s-t- s- c0re- d- 0- 0-re- t00-t-he- t(h~)a n (d e/b t00) L 0've d
you have no honest friend, the friends you have are dependent upon you being a t-hie-fen-d-h- and-
rich roat beams confidence in his business, he is a "zero" at home b.c. he is unnecessary and makes himself pathetic so sharon will "chose" not to be with him "t-(0-)w/-h0-", when he doesn't really have the CAPACITY tu be desire t(0)w/h0.
you f-eeL-d- for t-he-d-ill-d-0-h- (t--)s- that support your vanity, your over-head- is a false necessity to keep your unnecessary f-(r-)0/n-t-
sharon is probably tired of being your mommy b.c. you want to be first-inn-(s-)t-0-p- t- 0ff- t- h-and- your pen-is- is- (w/-)0re- t-(h-)a-s/s-mu-c-h- t-
this website, richroat.is, is for the dof-t-'s- . i am sending them over to you b.c. you par-t- 0- w/-id-t-he-ad- 0f- t-'s- . I will have another website for engaging with follow thru with other people of the same vein, that want (0) w/h0 even t00 th b eg (r) a'i n/d 0ff t(h) en kn e w/e ve (i)n d.
your customers have already bought in to-you-, just like you have bought-inn-t-(0-)w/-h0-sharon-e-t00-t-he-ad- ew/e- d-. your customers have bought into you "refiner's" "eye" without follow thru & without quest i 0/n e t (0) w/h0 d buy e tu de(b)t (h)rue w/e (n) d 0 w/e i/t (a) p/p. r.00f t.
your customers don't give an honest fuck, your friendships, ore associations, b.c. t-he-ye- d- b-ough-t-inn- t-(h-)u-ed-, you have sold them an image for -t- no reason t00-t-he-re-s-t- 0- re- ye- d- ewe- d- set-(h-)ue-w/e- d-
they do not have to quesition b.c. apparently they already h ave th e valu e w/e d
e/b t00 t he ad (a) p.r.00f t. he didn't ap p/r00f t, t-he-ad-e/b-t-a- p- p.-r.00f-t-hie-ven-t-(0-)w/-h0-d-(h-)e-ye-d- (h-) ew/e- t00-t-he-d-
can't you come up with anything real? you shoot your w/-ad- in-too- t-he t-ill-and-e/b-t-0/0-t-e-ll- t-he- d-ill-d-0-h-t-oo-t-he-s-te-a-ll- and- f-eeL- d-
you are not asking your clients to be honest before they fuck, b.c. you didn't and they didn't ask you of t hat 0/0 th p.r.0 s(e) t(r) a t e~a. t (h) inn (e) d (h) 0've d 0ff (i) t inn t e're s(t) augh t
prostrate: throw down befor(e) d(be) lay flat t00 th fuck t(h) a'nd (h) ea.r th (d) i fxf a (c) t 0/0 th t a'ct (h) inn g e d0ff (L) i/n t(h) a.d. e ve(i)n a.d. van ce a.d. dress t (h/d) an'c~e (ye) d0ff i(f) t h~at 00 th ' see k w/e l/l a.(n)d. van~ce s/s et (h)at a gain d h~ea.ve n (t/h) d h~and h ea.(d.)ven t/h ' s (t/r) e a.m. e/n d e (b) tu de (b) tu~(r) fxf r/i e/n d f0r(a.) m.ea.l ly e ve(i)n d
on the earth cam i have spoken of milo's, and his giving leslie jones a "movie review" by insulting her presence as a person. considering milo's past sexual abuse, he is glorifying his abuser while simultaneously letting himself off the h0 0k of accountability too t(h) en -d- be-t-(h-) a-b-(u-)sir-(e-) d-. he hasn't looked with inn to unravel "why" he was abused, he has not looked within to deam himself of actual working worth going for e w/are a.d. h inn g e d e/b tu. he has aligned him sel-l-f-x-f- t- with t-e/a-m- competition for-t-0/0 kn 0 w/e re a.s/s 0/n e ve(i)n d. why? the competitive time-frame-d-0f-t- has "t-(0-)w/-h0-" in both "process" and time-d- 0f-t-0/0-t-0ff-t-s- L0-t- h-and- 0f-t- a- l/l- 0/t-
basically, he can -ad-m0/n-i/s- his-t- a- bu-s-e-r- an-d- be the abuser-e-vain- d- compete for "air" & force-scene- air-e-s-pace- t00-t-he-t- be- ad- 0f- t- heir- d- b- f0r- d- e-w/e- get- her- e- vain- t- (h-) rue- n- d- 0- w/e- a- r- t-(h-) (d-) u-e-s- on-ly- e- d- be- ad- 0f- t- a- p/p- r00f-t-
c0n-sent-he-ad- 0f- t- 0/0-t-0ff- t-hie-ven- d- (be-) l/l- e- ye- a- s/s- (t-) a- ye- d- ea- f- 0-r- (a-)m- e- a- l/l- e-ye- d- s- t- e- all- d-0f- t- character- d- ea- f- ace- d- e/b- t- inn- d- (h-) im- in- t- p- (L-)a-ce- 0/d- 0f- t- s- (n-) ai-L- s- on- s- e- x- cap- ai- d-
i spoke on the earth cam about receiving the b-ill-g-e-d- 0f- t- notice- from -sara-h-, and suggested she get the pen-is-t-out of her brain pan-d-er/r-(e-) inn- g- et 00 th and 0/u (be) t. she doesn't stand on her own plate form, 0 re plate f0r a.m. e t00 th be h0 LD (h) 0 ' ver t (L) 0 A.D. s-he-s-him-s- pea-k- t- 0ff- t- p0-lic(e-)ye- debt-00-t-he-ad- he- a- ven- d-. she gets daft -he-ad- e/b- t00-t-he-ff-0-r-d- "think" she is earning a living upon t-he-ad-e/b- t- ass-knee- d- a daft companion for-d- 0f- t- inn- d- h- and-e-ye- d- cap-a- city- e- a- t- 0ff- t- en- d- 0f- t-hie-ven- (d-) ly- e-
obviously, i am not standing for vain "consent" and the "miss-man-ag-e-men-t-" of abuse men-t- a- be-ad- 0f- t- buy-e- p- as/s- e- inn- g- t-he- ad- b-uck- t- 0ff- t- a- c-c-0- rd- (h-) inn-g-e- lie-(n-) d-e-am-s- (h-) in-g- scene- inn- a- re- lie-f- t- (h-) inn- g- e- t- a- gree-d- 0f- t- ly- e- w/i th0u t quest i 0/n e ve(i)n d
when i say, per the email, i would rebut this to court, while court is a farce for me t00 th con-(e-) f-0-r-(a-)m-e- d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- p.r.-i.'d.e- s- , i did relate on the earth cam, 'this' (h) 'ear' wont start in "court" and i/t will not end in "court". = chose your "need" f 0re th f i're a.(d.) c/c 0 rd (h) inn g ly e (a. s/s) t i ' ll d e/b t u be a.m. e(a.)i.d. (h) inn d at(h)a ven t/h a.d. vance d (h) ea.r. t/h d 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye ~a. l/l a/b(0)u/t e th ere t 0 pen (t) ly e~a. t actually e fxf 0rt me'ye fxf (r) e/e d(h) 0/m e d. b.c. "you" can't bring your sel l fxf t a re g r0und e/b t 00 th e(a.)ve n be a.d. s0und ly e t00 th b e/e h ave(n) a. m.e~ a.d. 0 w/e a.d. b.c. e'ye ~n kn 0 w/e ll e'ye d c~a.(i.)m. e ve(i)n t(a) i'm e r/r e'ye w/e l/l i ke th r i've r un a v(e)0 i.d. (s) (t) (h) (c) 0/m e t(s) i.'d.~e s (cent) ea. t ~e l/l e'ye t(h) a ve~ n 0m e w/are a.d. e/b t are inn t00 th b e/e s p0 k en d 0 w/(e)a.re t/h ere ve(i)n (k)n 0 w/e l/l s 0/m e~a.d. 0 w/e ll e s/s h ea.r t/h (a~n) d s 0/m e w/e a.r t/h ei r d(h) 0've d
the "con-sent" b-m-u-s-e-d- 0f- t- hie-ven- as/s-cent- 0ff- t- he-ad- ven- t-0/0-t-he- d- c-a-(i-)r-e-ye- t- he-a-rt- i- f-x-f- a- ct- (h-) i/t- 0ut- inn- ad- van- ce- s/s- hat- h-and- s- he-(a-)d- i/t- c- he- a- pt- (h-) at-
you already have a f-uck-inn-g- 0- pen-i/s- t- (h-)at- 'd- jack- t- as/s- knee- d- e/b- t- h- and-vance- d- 0f -t -inn- t- ere- s- t- a- miss- (p-) en- t-
t-he-ad- s- law-st- inn- t-(h-) (d-) ue- ye- w/e- d- "you" only- d- h-ave- c-r-e-d-i/t- 00- t- he-ad- a- b- u- s- e- (e-) d- i/t- t00-t-he- see- t-he- ad- ew/e-d- s-(t-) a- nd- e/b- t00-t-he- w/e- d- ew/e- d- s- (t-) u- b- bu- ye- d- be- (a-) d-0f-t-(h-)rue- n- d- 0- w/e- i/t- s- n- ewe- (d-) s- t- a- b- m- (e-) u- s- e- d- i'm e/n t (h) 0/0 k n 0 w/e (l/l) 0/n e t c(h) e w/e d~ just say inn d ea. f 0'r(e) t e ye 0/d e w/e t (0) w/h0 (d) e w/e ve (i)n t(h)u e s/s (t) a i.d.
ew/e l/l d en e m(e)a.r kn 0 w/e ll debt a t/t e l/l d (h) 0 w/e l/l e s/s (t) e l/l d b e/e h ave n~0m e(a.) i.d. ate t00 th f~ace t00 th d(be) l/l (e)ye the m(e)A.t~ e
n d 0 w/e t 0ff t ' s (h) ave~ n d (f) ate
i like looking at hats that tell the store ye d e/b t (h) 0 w/e re (a.)d. i/t' (s) hat a s/s t e fxf a ct (h) 0 r e/n t (h) in (e) d e/b t a s/s k (t/h d) ance d s a l/l t 0 g (r) 0 w/e th s (t) 0/a r e'ye ve(i)n (d) a.m. (e) 0 're a.d. 0 ~ 0're a.d. 0 w/are (a.) d. e/b t a g(r) 0/a t/h r 0at (h) inn kn 0/t (h) e a.d. s cent 's c0 pi ed (h) ea. d h0 ped 0 w/are a.d. e/b t (a' re) r 0p e(e) d
a.d. just f0r/t/h t(h) inn k inn g's us t' s (h) 0 w/e(n) d 0 w/(e) inn d 0 (w/) e
s~h i'v~e t a (d) cur(e) rent 0/0 the me(ye) n/d e/b tu t(h) inn g e(e) d be a.m. (e) u/s/e (A.)D. h~and s ea. t/h e me a. n(d) see k i/t (h0) w/h0 d e w/e...
it is kn 0/t (y) 0ur (e) rig ht 0/0 t(h) a.'d. judge d 0 w/(h)en ew/e 0/n ly e d gi'ven "t-i'm-e-" a- s/s- (t-) a- ye- w/-(h-)eigh- t- 0ff- t- p.-r.- 0- (w/-)t- e- tu- s- he-ye- d- h-and- 0/u- (be-) t- in-(e-) m0-u-t-he-(d-)
a- s/s- (t-) a- i.d.- f0r-(a-)me-a- l/l- ye- t00-t-he-re-s-t- 0- re- ad- s- t- ill- d- 0f- t- he- ad- e/b- t- (h-)at- r0pe-d-0f- t- inn- a- re- lie- f- t- he- t- (h-) inn-k- t- s- f-0-r-a- re-eL- d- 0f- t- living- f- a-(i-)r-e- t00-t-he- ad- c0-a-s/s- t- 0ff- (t-) inn- t- ere- s- t- 's- h0-ve- d- 0f- t- inn- d- (h-) 0-ve- t- he- d- be- ad- 0f- t- me- d/i- 0- c-re-ye- t- ea- s/s- e- t- h0-0k- t00-L0-0k- t- ...
a- s/s- (t-) 0/0- t- he- (a-) s/s- a- ye- t-he- (a-)d- i/t- buy- e- s- p.r.-0-x-ye-s-e- g-(u-) e- s/s- (t-) a- t- e- d-e/b- t-he-ad- e/b- t- a- gain- d-(g-) im- me- d-e/b- t- hie-ven- d- (h-) 0-ve- d- (e/b- t-) a- s/s- knee- d- (h-) 0-ve- t- a- gain- d-(h-) im- me- d-in-(n-) e- r(e-) t-0/0-t-he- ad- s- (t-) a- id- ea- f- 0-r-t- he- vain- d-(b-)rain-d- 0f- t-(h-) en- d- e/b- tu- p.r.-0- claim- mit- t-(h-) a- gain- d- s- pur- (e-) suit- e-g- (L-) 0-ve- d- e/b- t- a- t- inn- t- ere-s- t- ill- d- e/b- t-00-t-he- ad- s- (t-) aye- d- (h-) inn- g- e- d- ew/e- d- 0f- t- s- p- (L-) aye- d- f-0-(u-)n- t-...
if ew/e a.r(e) kn 0/t h ere t~0 w/e a.r(e)k n 0/t h/ei/r t(h)rue n d 0 w/e the re s(t) 0/a r d b (L)ac k/t (et) h ere t00 th eg 0 fxf 0're w/are a.d.
0 w/are a.d. c~h ea.r 0/d(h)e a. d.(f) a(i)re a.d. e/b t (h) inn g e d t(h)(r) u/e 0/0/0/0 (d) ' s c~ a(i)r e' ye w/e ll debt 0/0 t(h) be t(h) a w/are a. d. s t a (i) r (e) t ~ c h e(a.)re d 0ff t's (n)ake d's n~(e)a.r e a.d. at a l/l (e) a. s/s (t) u b/b i/t e w/e t00 th c(h) e w/e i/t 00 t/h d~ sir e me'ye s e(a.) d. 0 ff (i) t b rain d(h) e'ye d 0ff (t) i/n~n c(h) 0/m e ve(i)n 0/d e/b t a' ke g~r(e)a. t~ e s t a t e d 0 w/e l/l e s/s (t) e l/l d 0 w/h0 r(L) d. h~ea.ve n 0/n e/e d L * e'ye t00 th s~ea. t ' s 0/m e~ 0/n e 'ye (d) s cent ' s (h) 0/n e/e d L e'ye t (0) w/h0~ ped (h) 0 w/(h) are ness t ' s (p) en t a gain s (t) inn t ere s/t i'll d 0ff th r un (t/h) d 0ff i(f) t/h e m/0 m e/n t 0 fxf e/e L d~ 0 w/h e'ye (t/h) d g's u/s t a g e d s c0 pi ed (h) ea.r t/h d (h) 0/m e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th f e/e L/d 0 w/are t00 th c~a (i)r e'ye d (h) ew/e s t a (i)r e~ a.d. si~r e a.d. (a re) ~a. m.iss (p) en t a'r (r) e'ye d(p.r.) i'm e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th d i'v(e)in e/e d L e'ye (d) g~ 0/d e l/l t a s/s u m/m e r/r e 'ye d e/b t (h) inn g (u) e s/s t b0/n(e) d 0ff t(h) inn k t c(h) 0/m e d(h) 0've t00 th be en 0/n e 0/n e/n em e'ye ve(i)n d' s 0/m e 0/n e 'ye d(h) 0/n e/e d le ye g (r) as/s e th d f i/n(e) d (h) a'ye d (h) all (t) a re a.d. (h) e'ye d e/b t00 th ea.ven d 0 w/e a.d. ('s) c~an d f i/n(e) d e/b t a g (r) e ~a.d. (p.r.) i'm e t00 t(h) a w/are a.d. (h) e'ye d e/b t heir d (h) 0've d s cent s t a (i) r (e) t ~c h~ea.r (0) t/h d (0) be a.d. as/s (p) b (r) 0ugh t 0ff (i) t inn t ere s(t) augh t/h d 0ff(i) t i'm e t a t00 th s L0 t~ t0(w/)e a.d. 0ff t (h) at c~h at inn t i'm e~a.d. 0 w/e t00 th a.d. e ve(i)n ~ c Line d ' s (h) in e/e d i/n e/e d h inn g e d h~and set h fxf r a.(i.)m. e v en t00 th re t e~a.r (n) knit a gain d(h) 0've d (e ) f(t) f ly e~ a. t 0/n e/n e/m e'y~e n
(d) s ea. m. e/n d s(p) en d (h) inn g e inn g eta gain d h~ea.ven d 0 w/e th d (r) ea. m. e/n d' s inn g en~ n0 g/g i/n~ debt a p.r.0 claim mit t(h) a g i/0 d h~ea.ven d s(h) 0 w/e (d) g (e) 0 / d (h) ea. d. ' s cent ' s (h) 0 w/e re a.d. 0 w/i.d. th (d) r~i've r~ t/h d s(t)(r)e a.m. e/n d ' s t e ta gain d ' s cent 's hat be l/l e(ye) a. fxf (t) i/n g ere inn g 0/d e l/l i g ht rig ht~ (e) l/l e' ye d. (h)ea.r
(ea.)d i/t~t00 th b e/e s p0 k en d ('s) c up t 0ff t/h ere ve(i)n (e)a.r ~e ye s t (e) a.r e... t00 th (e) r e/e f i/n e/e d l e'ye inn c(h) 0/m e r/r e'ye deam s(t)(r) inn g' s 0/m e ta in 0 p~en (t) a' l/l e'ye ~a. t 0ff t/h (0)u g~ h/t (u) b (r) 0ugh t/h ea.ven ~ (a.) d. 0~0 're ve(i)n (t) ly e t00 t(h)r e/e f e/e d s (t) 0/a r~ d e/b t 00 th f e/e L d' s h 0 (w/)e ~ (a.)d. ('s) 0 ' L (e/a.) d. e/b t00 th c able s/s t a b le~ a.d. g' s u/s t (c) a in e c~ a/b le (a.)ve~ (i)n d~ e/b t a re g r0und en erve d serve d e/b t a b (L) e/e serve (h) 0/0/0/0 s(w/)erve d 0/h t(h) inn g (L) e/e
m/m e'y~e n i'(g)m a've n/d e/b t (a) b L 0/0 d 's h i've ye d
sing (s) t00 t/h 0/u s e/i n (g) 0/n e (d)b e/e s p0 k en d ea m s t(h) e w/e d e/b t (u) b r/0 k/en d e/b t 0 k/en t inn t ere s(t) augh t inn d v0te 0(n)s h ea.r. d 0ff t/h ere t00 th be en (e) a.r e/e f(t) ea.r d (h) 0've r t ly e~a.r (e) t/h ere d serve d (h) ea.r...
you -s-nail-t-0/n-e-l/l-ye- 0/n- sir-ead- s-(h-)i-r-e-ad-s-(h-)0/n- e/e- d- 0f- (a-) t- 0/n- e/e- d- L- e-ye- d- (a-) g- (L-) 0-ve- d- e/b- t- (h-)at-he-ad- ad- ag- e- d- b-0/n-(e-)d- (h-) 0-ve- d- 0f- t- inn- c-(h-)0/m- e- d- 0f- t- 0/n-e- t- a- re- t- urn- d-(b-)um- c- um- me- n- d- s-nail-son- d-(h-)e-ad- s- 0- (w/-)n- d- 0f- t- a- s/s- knee- d- s-imp-s-0/n- s-0/m- e- ad- 0- w/ar- t- hie-ven- d- s- cam- (e-d-) s- (p-) (c-)un- t-ere-d0f- t- 0 -we-re- d-i/t- heir- d- 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- h e're inn (e) a.r e (a.) p a(i)r e (a.) d i/t h ere a.t 0/ne t i'm e w/e d c~a(i)r e'ye ~n kn 0 w/e ll d 0(h) b e/e serve d
0f~x f t h and a ft ere (a.) d. see k w/e ll e'ye d serve d e/b t a'r(r)e ye n/k nerve d e/b t a b(L) e s/s (w/) erve d
k~n 0/t e s t 0(0) L (e) d en e m(e)a.r k nigh t high t
speaking on the earth cam, i question whether "we" need sex. "we" certainly didn't make the time t00 th s e/e x~ i/s t e x (t) a ct ly e t00 t(h) inn k(n)it~h/d 0 w/(h) e'ye i/t 0ff t/h ea. d 0ff i/t a/b u~ s 0'Le u/t i 0/n ew/e d i/t ~t 0/d e w/e ve(i)n (d) s p~ar(e) k/t (h) inn (e) d e/b t(h) ea. d. ness (t) 0/0 t/h/e (w/e) i/t (u) be a.d. f a(i)r~ e (inn) c(h) 0/m p~ en se t(h) inn her e/n t (0) w/h0 d ew/e tu/s~h i/t a re(e) f r0m th s t a (i) r (e) t~ c h~ea.r (0) t/h d (h) 0/m e/n d(h) 0've t a w/e a.d. (0/h) be ad. (h) all i've d h~ea.v~en d 0 w/(e)a. g~ e t a gain eve r eve (i)n (d) a.m. e~(w/e~)a. d. 0 w/e t00 th f (L) a.m. e~ a.d. e/b t00 th b eg (r) inn d 0 (w/)h~ t a g (r) 0~ a/t~ h r 0at inn sig~h t (0) w/h0~pe(e)d i/t~t 0/0 t(h) a.d. e ve(i)n a.m. (e) 0're a.d. 0~0're a.d. e/b t(h) a g i/0 d h~a.(n)d. h~ea.v~en (t) ly e t00 t(h) a s/s (t/e) a'ye d~ ate i/t 0/0 the m(e) A. k/e (g) re a.t (h) e~ a.v en (d) s p(r) i/t e t00 th en am e/L d c~a.m. e L/d e w/e t/h ere t(u) bu ye a.r~ t/h d h~ea.ven (e) a.r e'ye set 00 t(h) e'ye d in(n)e (re) w/e d 0 w/(e)a.re t/h ere ve(i)n c a(i)r e'ye a.m.
inn t(h) a nd 0/u (be) t~c ha t ch~ea.(d.)ven t/h (e) c(h) 0/n e s/s pi~re a. l/l d 0ff i(f) t/h time (d) s~i/r e a.d. (s) 0'L (e) d a re b(f)0und i'm e~a.d. e/b t00 t(h) a cr0ss t 0ff t (r)u g~bu ye un i 0/n d 0ff (a) t 0/n e/e d L e'ye d(h) 0/m e 0(n)s (h) 0/n e ye t(h)(c) 0/m e~a. l/l t(h) a w/h e'ye d e/b t 00 t(h) e'ye d e/b t a r(r)e ye r~ 0 l/l e~ a.d. ew/e t inn t/h d ark t/h d a ft ere a. l/l d
i question if we need sex, since we are not creating actually seeing the time t00 t(h) e x (i) t~be (a.)d. 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye ve(i)n (t) ly e~ t00 the miss (p)en t a s/s p.r. e/e/e/ miss t00 t(h) 0/0 k e'ye p i/t h~ e/e Ly e s Lee p
i think the law-st- u- b- (r-)ough-t- 0ff- t- he- ad- alliances/s- (h-) 0/t- rig-ht- 0- pen- d- alliance-s/s- et-he- re- serve- ate- i-0/n- e- d- ate- t00-t-he- (a-) s/s- a-ye- tu- d-e/b- t- he- ad- e- live-r- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- ew/e- d-s- t-e- we- d- s- (t-) u- b-buy-e-a- t- he-eL-d- 0f- t- rig-ht-ly- e- a- s/s- t- (u-) b- b- f- 0-r- d- e- w/e- t00- t-he-ad- ew/e- d- 0f- t- a- l/l- 0/t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- inn- s- L0- t- h- and- 0f- t-
women marry "toff-t", on dof-t-s- "estate" t-rope-d- 0f-t-hie-ven-(t/h-)d-. women con-see-k-wen-t-ly-e- are inn-sull-(ye-)ate- d- 0f- t- he-re- men- d-s- (p-) en-d-s- a- g- a- w/e- d- 0 -w/ar- e- vain- d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- h-and- s- 0/m- e/n- d-. actually thoughtless in orgin & in follow thru, can't reduct to an honest zero b.c. the-men-d- are incapable of thinking i/t (h) rue, as with the desire too the p. r.00f t. men get a "buy" and are given your benefit of the d 0/u (be) t, t-he-ye- t-urn-nit- into "time" for-k- t- competition-scene-inn- e- vain- ly-e- a- t-. it is a very convenient device to get marrie-d-0f-t-, in the sense, women are protected from knowing about their s-am-e/n-d-s- t-a-g- n-at- follow thru e-vain- d-. "you" never bed divine. you do not carry the time, and bu ye all di- visible rights it would seem "you" do not desire t(0) w/h0 even t(h) rue n d 0 w/e t00 th d en e'ye i/t s h i've ye d(i) 0/t a t 0/n e/e d L e'ye d~ ea.t h~and g r~e a. t ~ he ad. 0ff i/t (h) inn t ere s(t) augh t 0ff t 0 k en d (h) a l/l 0 t~ t 0 (w/) e~ a.d. (en) e'ye t
i've given time. i felt an unnecesssary st-all- d-, to-play- inconsequentiall- counter- move-s- , so, as spoken on the earth cam, I have decided not to grand father in 'house' industries, not impart any me 0/n e 'ye s gathered fromthe patron subscription, not ask the 'house' to oversea the s n ewe (l/l 0000 ) s a g e/n c e'ye.
that will be my conceivable hat, or anyones at hat. i do conceive i would be formally planning to do instructionall videos, for each anatomical eve/n d e/b t a letter definition, for starter' syn/th t ax i/s (t) inn t i'm e t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye d (ea) f ace a.d.(h?) ate (there is not hate if you haven't a g0/t h ere act u all(a)ye t00 the m(e)A.k/e g r(e) a. t~ e t00 th d ate t/h (e) c0/n fi/g u/r ate i've (a.) l/l ye t00 th (e) r~e a.l/l at e ve(i)n (t) ly e
i'm not sending the leather i/0/u b/ag, nor the canteens, nor the georges seurat book. why? here is the thing. i have given the benefit of the doubt. i have given time. i feel i am projecte-d- up-e- 0/n- d- from the competitive time frame, that my happiness t e qua l/l -s-tup-id- i- t/t-(he-) ye- d-. my happiness is for a reason, as are my emotions, and I am not standing in place tu be t-he-b-ride- d- h-and- e- bride- d- 0 -w/-he- ye- t- he- ad- (be-) l/l- e-ye- d- ea- f- ace- d-. i am not standing inn place to be a whipping-0-p0-st- u- b-buy-e- d-0- w/ar- t- h-and- a- b/i- d- e- ye- d- he- vain- d- 0- pen- l-(e-)a-d- jack-t-he-ad- 0f- t- all- 0- ver- t- a- re- g- round- 0f- t-un-e- w/e- d- i/t-(h-)(d-)u-e- (d- 0f- t-) s-tu- bu-ye-w/e- d- ew/e- d-s-t-e- we- d- h-0-ver- t- c-(L-)ue- w/e- d-
my happiness is not t0-be-ad- 0f- t- a- ke/n- t- lig- ht- ly- e- w/- id- t-(h-) i/t- . just say inn t. we have found 0rigin. I am e'ye 0(w/)n e d z er0~ d(h) e a.d. c~h ea.r. (0) t/h d(s) 0'L(e) d sub. c. L i'm (b) e~ d f (r) a. m. ~ e (a.) i.d. en t i/t ye t(0) w/h0 w/e a.d. e/b t00 th ave t a cr0ss t i'm e ~a l/l 0/t t00 th and 0ff (i) the me an s p(L)an (t) syn/ta x i/n s (t) a nd 0 w/n eg ran d (p.r.) i'm e 0 rig (r) in d(h) i'v(e)in e/e d L e'ye t (h) in (e) d~ e'ye a.m. (e) A.ke th time, i can continue to sel~l fxf t(s) aught as/s w/e ll d 0 fxf (i) t a(i') l/l ~ d h and le d e/b t e l/l e ye w/e l/l e/d i/t t00 th en a.m. e L / d (h) ew/e l/l d(h) a'ye d (h) a l/l (t) a re a.d. e'ye t/h ave d(b) rain d
i am my own d z e~r0/n e, from this position i question if sex is necessary. i can continue to sel~l fxf t/h d 0 w/are inn s t i' l(l) e~ d. i make the time, I am the time, & I can take the time. I have given the benefit of the doubt, and my time for completion has been falsely st-a-ll- d i/s al~l t (h) 0/m e fxf r a.(i.)m. e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th ea.ve n (d) a.m. e
so what was once open ended, is k~n0w/ c in~c(h) i/t e ve(i.)n d. e/b ti'me t00 th be l/l e (ye) a. f(t) i'nn g er(e) inn d 0/u (be) t (h) (d) (c) (s) 0/m e ve(i.)n d. (h) 0've t a l/l (e) a. s/s t e a.d. (h) e'ye (d) p~ as/s (e) t h~at 0 w/(h) i.'d. ere s/t a (i)r (e) t(h)u (e) s/s t 0 w/00 d be a.d. a r(e) t e ve(i)n d bu ye a.r t/h d
i can continue on my own. there is a parallax for competition and completion, on the fence we can see t-hie-ven-d-. we can see in parallax, depth perception, both are theories that have not been teste~d act yl ly e t00 t(h) actually e ve(i)n d(h) 0/m e w/e d 0 w/00 d h a.d. e /b t a c~0n t in e w/e d
dof-t-man-s-hip- t- goes to r-ich-r-0at- he- ad- s-tu-b-buy-e- d- ate-. I will be starting a new/e b/b e'ye sig h/t a 're. any-0/n-e- t- ha-t- wan-t-s- tu-be- ad- 0f- t- on/e me? will be sent to the rich roat website, and con-see-k- t- 0- wen- t- ly-e-n- d- 0- ver- t- per the "f-(r-) am-e-" n- d- s- h0-0k- t- a- g- et- a- l/l- 0- 0k- t- for -t- no reason except to house a crook-t- s-(h-) 0- w/e- t- hat- i'm- e- w/00-d- f- ly- e-
i gave the benefit of the doubt, i gave ye g i've th time for completion even d h and, i didn't get it back even (d) am e'ye am not in place to be taken light-ly-e-t00-t-he- f-f-ace- d- 0f- t- race- d-g- race- d-0f-t- rig-ht-e-l/l-e-ye-d-.
there would be no need for an efface, if you faced completion s trait 0/0 th (e) re a.l/l a t(h) e~ ye d(h) a'ye d. i gave the benefit of the doubt, i gave time in nave ye d scent s p.r. 0 w/(e) t h~and i'm e ta k in g i/t back t 0/n e = t(h)(c)(d)(s) 0/m e ve(i)n d f0(u)nt h (a n) d 0/u (be) t
from what i can tell, you-ruse- t00-t-he-d-ew/e- t-(h-)u-e- s/s- i/t- (0-) w/-h0- d-, you- think of what your vain association would think-t-0ff- t- hue-s-, you basic lie feel for -d- ill- d- 0- h- t- inn- (e-) a- re- eL- d- sed- (e-)u-s-t- 0ff- t-00- t-he- ad- s- (k-) ill- d- e/b- t- e-ye- w/-t-he-ad- ew/e-d-s- t-e- t- a-re- (a-) p- air- d- 0f- t- heir- d-0- w/ar- d- 0- w/-c- a- (i-)r- e- ye- d-e/b- t- a- re- war- d- a- re- ad-s-t -a- (i-)r- e- -s- (t-) u- b-buy- e- d- (s-) p.r.-0- w/e- t- inn- e- m0(u-)th- d- 0/u-(be-)t- hie-ven- d- s- (h-) am- e- vain- d- e/b- t00-t-he- re- claim- mit- t-(h-) a- gain- d-
for-all-t- perp-p0se-saye- s- e- x- d- h-and- marriage-d- is too the sel-l- f-x-f- e/e- d- that you see-k- (i-) t- (h-) i/t- 00 -t- he- ad- be- lie- f- (i-)t- 00- t-he-ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- knee- d- i/t- c- he- ad- s- car-r-i-ag-e- d- 0f- t- 0/n- e- mar-r-i-ag-e- d- 0f- t- he- ad- (s-) im- p-ar-(e-)t- s- t- a- (i-)r- (e-) ag-e- d- ea- f-r0m-e- he-a-rt- f- (L-) ai-r-(e-) a- g-e- d- a- ft- e're- (a-) p-air- d- s- t- a- (i-) r- (e-) a- g- (u-) e- s/s- t- heir- d- 0- w/-inn- d- 0- w/ar- e- ad- (s-) 0- L- (e-) d- e/b- t- a- r-(r-) e-ye- d- a- re-(a-) d- a- ct-'-s-im- par- t-he-ad-(h-)e-a-r- d- f-i/r-s- t- u- d- h- and- (r-) a- ft- ere- vain- d-(h-)0v-e- d- he-ad- first- inn- t00-t-he- a-s/s- kin- d- front- 0ff- ewe- d- e/b- t-hie-f-en- d- s- (h-) am- e- ad- s- a- w/e- gaw/-(e-e-) d- (a-) gain- d- 0f- t-(b-) rain- d- ly- e- t00-t-he- vain- d- s- cam- (e-l/l-ea-ven-) s- (p-)en-d-s-
con-t-em-p-t- 0ff- t- c- our-t- competitive time frame-d-0f-t-r0pe- d- 0f- t- never meant u be th e ven (t/h) d a l/l 0/t. competitive time frame never gave time "i/t" par-t-i'm-e- a-nd- 0- w/ar-e-d- h-and-0-w/-id- t-he- ad- s- p-0-r-(e-) t-'s- c0re- d- s- ex- c0-rt- a- re- s0-rt-he-(a-)d- i/t- t0-r-(e-) t-heir-d- 0f- t- s- c- our- t-
actually e worth- less- t- e- f-x-f- 0- r- t- 0/0- L-0/0- k- t- s- p-r- im- e- d- i- c- (k-) t00-t-he- m-(e-) in- d- a- ll- t- a- re-(e-) f- i/n- (e-) d- e/b- t- her e --ad- s- qua-r- (r-) e-ye- d- a- r- (e-) t- heir- d- (0-) b- min-(e-) d- e/b- t- a- re- ad- e/b- t-u- s- he- ye- d- com-p- ea-t- 0ff- t- he- ad- 0f-t- s- p.r.- 0-w/e- t- ea-s/s- e- t-he- ad- e/b- t00- t-he-ed- k-eye-p- d-(h-)eye- d-s- cent- s- hat- t- (h-)ere- ad- a- g-(L-)as/s- t-