s-(c-) e/n- t- s- um- e- 0/n- e-ye- d- (b-)um-c-(h-) um- me- d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- |
the only t-(h-) inn-g-(u-)e- s/s- t- a- b- le- ad- is miss -t- a- t- he-ad- (s-) 0- L-(e-)d- e/b- t- a- ke- t- (h-)/0- k- n- 0- w/e- d- 0-w/ar-t- 0- w/e- ed- (m-)e- u/s- t- a- g- 0/d- e/b- t- a- re-r0ll-d- 0f- t- c-(h-)um- me- d- h0-ver-t- L0-ad- 0f-t- he-ad- cr0ss- t- 0/n-e- s/s- n0- b- ill- i- t- e-ye- d- e/b- t-0ff- t- (h-) 0/n- e- s/s- t- (e-) a- l/l- 0-("a") t-he- ad- s- (t-) a- nd- 0f- t- b- f0r-d- (h-)e-ad- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- e/b- t- a- (i-) ll- (d-) 0f- t- 0- w/e-r-eeL- p-r-e-sent- s- t- a- (i-)r- h ere |
i've said it befor d. t-he-a-s/s-t-e-re-g/g-e-d- h-un- t- 0- w/00-d- be-ad- 0f- t- rig-ged- bu-ye- who could s(h) 0 w/e ve (i)n kn 0 (w/e) d e/b t a g 0/d e/b t 0ff t inn 0 cent (s) augh t inn t (a) i'm e t00 t(h) b (r) 0ugh t
e/b t00 t(h)(d)(f) a l/l t
stand on your 0(w/)n e ven (t/h) d g's u/s t a g e/m s (t)(r)(e) a.m. e/n d 0 w/e (i) t(s) a g a inn d 0ff t inn c line d (e'ye) a.m. e ve (i)n (d) a.m.e ~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) be l/l e(ye) a. f(t) inn g (eta) c a.m. e l/l d h and h ea.ven d e/b t00 t(h) i/t (c) h e/a. d. inn (t/h) 0 p en d e/b t00 t(h) a s/s (t) e l/l (b) e/n d i/t (c) h (e) a.d. e ve (i)n d (h) e'ye (i.)d. i/t ~ t 0/n e s/s t (i) b i' l/l i/n e d e/b t inn t (a) i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) in (e) d h inn g e min(e) d i/a. m.0/n (e) d (p.r.) i'm e~ (a.)d. i/t t00 th en (kn) ave d e/b t00 th b e/e h ave (n) d e/b t(h/d) 0 w/are t00 th c a(i)r e 'ye d e/b t00 th (d) s qua r/r e 'ye t/h ere t don't need the-re-f0r-t- heir-d- s- cent- s- p-(c-)un- t- 0- w/-he-ye- d- ate- ye- t00-t-(h-) 0-re- (e-) f-x-f- ace- d- malfeasantly- (e- s-) inn-t-ere-s-(t-)at-e-a- miss- (p-) en- t- all-a-w/e-re-ad-ye- t00-t-he- (a-) s/s- (t-) a-ye- d- . "you" h/ave never h ave d. "you" do not have the right too t/h and e'ye g i've n t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye d. "you-r-" debt is m-aid- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- (s-) 0- L- (e-) d- you h ave no soul t00 the be g(r) inn d 0 w/e (i) t. "you" st-a-nd malfeasantly e t00-t-he-ad- a- b- 0-rt- i/t- a-re- t-0-rt- i/t-
se-(a-)l- l- f- t- (b-) m-aid- up- e- t-hie-ven- d- e/b- t- (a-) cr0ss- t- 0ff- t- hie-f-en-d- 0-w/ar-e- t00-t-he- re-ad- (h-)e-ye- d- i/t- inn- ad- vance- s/s- (h-)e- t- a- g- (L-)ad- d- Le-ye- d- e/b- t- a- re- ce-i've-d- 0f- t- a- gree- d- 0- pen- d- e/b- t- 0- w/-i- thou-t- (a-) l/l- (b-) e/n- d- h- inn-g-e-d- 0f- t- a- re- (a-) p-air- d-0f- t-heir-d- 0f- t- 0/0- t-0ff- t-he-ad- (0-) (h-) (t-) be- lie- f- (t-) inn- e- m(e-)a- t- e- d-0f- t-
"d" e/b- t00-t-he- m-(e-)a-t-(h-)e-ad-
wile -d- i/s-(L-)am-e-d-0f-t-inn-(e-)d-(y-)our -inn-(d-e/b-) t- ere- s- t- 0ff- t- speak of the time you s(h) 0 -t- 0 gat her d-0f- t- rig ht h ere
there is not a star in the sky for your b-le-s/s- t- (u-)d- h-and- u- d- (e-)a-r- e- t/h ere ye a.m e'ye t(a) i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e ve (i)n d a (i)r e/e f i/n(e) d (p.r.) i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th d i'v(e)in e/e d L (e'ye) a.m. t00-t-(h-) 0-re- lie-ye-inn-g-i've-n-d- a- g- r-an-(d-) s- 0/m- e- vain- d- h-and- 0f- t- 0/n-e- c0m-man-d- h-inn-g-e-t- inn- c- (h-) 0/m- e- d- vain-d-
you do not have honest courage to b less t inn dh a've d h ave n (d) 0m e(a.)i.d. h and you call your sel-l-f-x-f- t- b- r-ave- d- 0-w/-ad- am- i-s/s- t-a- ke- n- d- 0f- t- a- r-eeL-ate- d-ate- t00-t-he- h-ave- t- he- f-ace- d- 0f- t- s- per-mit- eye- g- ate- d- 0f- t- 0/0-t-0ff-t- he-ad- (h-)at- e-
so we have "coun-t-re-ye-s-" fighting 0-d-0f- t- inn- t-i'm-e- d- b.c. you politician, legal s-pur-s-e-w/e-t- 0/n- e- are not the t i'm e ven (d) e'ye d. you teach to not make love but too-t-he-ye- d- e/b- t- a- (i-) l/l-e-ye- d- 0-w/ar- t- (h-) is- t- (e-) a- ll- i- fe- (e-) d- s- lice- d- 0f- t- 0/n-e- t-a- c/c-(0-)un- t- i'm- e/n- (d-) i-ce- d- you are not the savior, and you have not mended time, you shouldn't be speaking as if t (0) w/h0 w/00 d e/b t in e/e d i'm e/n d 0 w/e (i) t a p.r. i'm e t (a) inn t (h) in (e) d.
' s (c) e/n t s peak (i) t 0ff t(h) a l/l (e)a. n d
ye-w/e- d- ew/e- d- e/b- t- his- t- inn- t- a-n0-t-her- d- aye- vain- (t-) a- ill-ye- a- t-
s-h0-we-d- h-and- s- h0-(w/-)e- d-on the only me-an- (d-) s- w/-inn- (e-) d- le- d-(h-)im-cur-rent- inn- t- i'm-e- d-0f-t- he-ad- e/b- t-(h-) 0/0-k- t-0/n-e- d-0-w/ar- t- 00-t-he-re- s-(t-)0-re- (a-)d- i/t- a- m-0-r-ed- e/b- t- a- s/s- (h-)ave- d- a- b- 0-rt-
he-we-d- 0- w/e-t-he-d- i/t- 00- t-he-be- lie-ve-(n-)d- (h-) e- ad-
your "debt" didn't raise even one (d) n a.d.
"you" only speak-t-be-lie-f- t-he-h-ad- , you force war to restore-n-d- 0-w/e- t- he- g- ran-d- s-t-a-nd- inn-g- am- bi-t/t-er(e-)am- s- (t-)u-be-d- 0f- t- 0/n-e-t-he-ad- be-ad-0f- t-0/0-t-0ff-t-c0-(h0-)s-t- (h-)e -ad-e/b-t- 0ff- i/t- s-up- p-(L-)ie- (ye-) d-
e/b- t- (h-) i-s/s-(h-)u-e-w/e- d- 0f- t- r/i- f-(t-)(b-) uck- t-a-p-e/e-ven- d- (h-)at-e- vain- d- ate- r- ape- d- d- le- d- 0f- t- s-t-(r-) e- am- en- d-
your "debt" didn't raise even one (d) n a.d. (h)ea.r e ve (i)n d 0 w/e i/t a gain d s(e) a.m. en d
you peddle-d0f-t-0/0-t-0ff-t- oo -k-eye- p- (y-) 0-re- cur-rent- s0n- s- (L-)(d-)augh-t-ere-(a-)d- 0f-t-(u-)be- h0-LD- (h-) 0-ver-t- (L-) 0-ad-
t/h e're a.ll y e is no f-ea-r-d- 0-w/-he-n- d- 0-0-re- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (r-)0ugh-t-0ff- t- hie-ven-d- e/b- t-(y-) our-e- s- (t-) 0-re- d- fi-ct- i- 0/n- d- 0f- t- he-ad- a- b-0-rt- 0-r-(e-)t- 0-rt- inn- s-(h-)0-rt- - he can believe any "campaign" he-w/an-t-(ea-se-t-)s- (t-) a- nd- can -d- f-(r-)am-e- i/t- a- gain- (s-t-a-n-) d- e/b- t- inn- t- ere- s-(t-)augh- t- 0ff- t-he-ad- 0f- t- (u-) b- (r-) ough-t-0ff- t-hie-ven-t- a-(i-) l/l- (b-) e/n- t- 0ff- t-00-t-he-s-t-a-nd- 0f-t-(0-) w/-h0-d- h0-n-0-re-ver-t-(h-)u-e-w/e- d- 0- w/ar-t- (a-) b- m-(e-)u-s-e-d- 0f- t- a- re- vi-ew/e-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- a- p/p- r00f- t- i/t- s- u- (e-) s/s- t- (h-)e- ad- ew/e- d- s-
u-e-w/e- d- can -d-push-t-he-s-(h-)am-e-d- i'm-e- a- re- g- round- h- inn-g-e-d- e/b- t- he- w/00-d - be- ad- divi-n-e/e-d- Le-ye-t-(h-)in-(e-)d- e/b- t- a- gree- d- 0f - t- inn-c- line- d - e/b- t00-t-he-re- s-(t-)0-re- ye- am- 0-re- (a-)d- i/t- (u-)b- f0r-d- inn-g-e-t-a- d- i'm- inn- t- c- line- d- 0f- t- he-ad- e/b- t- 0- g- e/th/er- e/n- d- i'm- (e-) in- d- h-and- 0/u- (be- ) t- 0ff- t- (he-ad-) -0- w/- n- d- s-cent-s- p.-(r-) 0- w/e- t- inn- t- eg- r/i- t/t- e-ye-a- t-0ff- t-he-ad- 0f- t- e- l/l- e-ye- see-k- (i-) t- (h-) rue- w/e- d- (e/b- t-) un- e- t-(0-) w/-h0- d- be-am-u-s-e-(e-)d- 0f- (i-) t- (0-) w/-h0- d- e- l/l- i've- r- ew/e- d-
my digital clock will not allow me to reset according to time/savings, so I covered the readout with tape, so that i do not artificially look at (h-)at
inn essence t/h b(L)ac k/t (h) a'nd 0 w/hit e w/e t(h) u e w/e d(h)ues i/t (0) w/h0 d
i bought these red shoes with my tax return, and i am elated. i like them, they have adjustable velcro straps at the base of the foot and ankle, allowing me to customize the size for the foot with 2 bunions, and the foot without, and they are cute with good arch support and comfort.
i related the symbolism of the 'red shoes' via carl jung collective conscious archetypes, on earth cam, and my dream journals i kept on a lark, and had 2 dreams of the red shoes, before i was aware of carl jung archetypes.
... and i bought orange blossom honey lotion that smells wonderful, and compression socks by sockwell, a division of goodhewe, and they feel like having a massage.
e'ye w/a s/s h ea.r (t) (h/d)
a rt (h) 0/m e ve in d s(h) 0 w/e a.d. (a) g i/0 d
s-peak-t-(e-)f-x-f- 0-r-(e-)t-(y-)our-e-s-(h-)e- l-l-f-x-f- t-
the night after i bought the red shoes i was delighted about, i had a dream, a recognition, that if i get t(h)rue ve (i)n t (0) w/h0 d e t(h) en d e/b t(h)(f) a n/n e'ye w/(h) 0/n e c 0/u Ld. turning t ea.r n (0 w/e) inn g t/h bi t/t ere d c up t.
f r 0 w/(e) n t 00 t/h e (a.d.' s) m i'l(l) e/n t inn (e) t r/i bu t/t e
pr-ea-r/r-an-g-e-d-e/b-t-(y-)our-e-mar-r/i-a-g-e-d- (g-) i've- (n-)d- e/b- t-(y-)our-t-he-ad- jack-t-a-s/s-he-vain-d-s-(p-)en-d-s-a-w/e-gaw/-e-(e-)d- i/t- a- gain- d- e/b- t00-t-he-re-s-(p-)en- t- i/t- hie-ven-d-h-a-(n-)d-
e-p0-s-i/t- a- p-(r-)e- a-r/r-an-g-e-d- f- ac(t-)he-r-(e-)d- 0- pen- a-(i-) l/l- ye- t- in- e- w-(h-)e-t- pr-0-vi-s-i-0/n-e- vain- d- e/b- t00-L-be-lie-f-(t-)in-e- d-he-a-ven-d- e/b- t- hie-ven- d-
re x a ct (e) l/l e'ye g ea.r t/h d e/b t a l/l e'ye r(e)inn (d) a re verse ve (i)n d ea.r t/h d
w/-(h-)0-r-k- t- 0ff- t-he-ad- 0f-t00-t-he-(re-)s-(t-)a-ye-(i-)d- e/b- t-b- rain- d-(h-)e-ad- e- vain- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- com-e-t-a- gain- d- 0f- t- en- d- (h-) 0/n-e-s/s- t- a- b- ill- i- t- e-ye- s- (L-)e/n- d- e/b- t- e- f-x-f- 0-r- t- (n0) re-a-s/s- 0/n- e- t00-t-(h-) a- s/s- t-(h-)e- ad- (e-) c- (h-) 0/n- (e-) s-0-rt- hie-ven- d- e/b- t00-t-he- s- peak- t-hie-f-en-d-
e'ye d h ave n (d) 0 me re g(r) et' s
t(h)e a.r t e'ye f act inn t(h) a ct ' d at (h) at ~ c(h) 0/m (b)e d 0ff t~(h) ea. ven d s (p) en t' s inn sense d
vain-d-a-b-u-s-e-(e-)d- only makes -t-he-vain-d-a-bu-s-(e-)am-e/n-d-a-l/l-i-an-ce-s/s- t- a- bu-s-e- t-(h-)rue- t-(h-)in-(e-)d- e/b- t -a- ke- t- hie-ven-d- s - c- (r-)e- w/e- d-
t-hie-ven-d- ab-u-s-e-d- seam-s- t- a- ll- e- ss- t- a- bu-s-e-d- in-e-(a-)r-e-vi-ew/e- (e-)d- e/b- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- a- p/p- r00f- (t-) inn- t- (0-) w/-h0-d - (h-) e-ye- d - ew/e- d- s- pur-s-e-w/e -tu-
kn-0-t-(h-)in-g is t a really happening on the cur-rent-a-i-ll-b-e/n-d- e/b- t00-t-he-t-a-r-(r-)e-ye- d- heir- d-0-w/e-ll- d- h-and- be-ad- 0f- t- f-a-(i-)r-e- ad-
com mon there is no real vetting among the lawyer-s-t-hie-ven-d- e/b-t-hie-ven-t-h-d- all prostituting-t-0ff-t- he ad- e/b- t-(h-) ass-t-(h-)e-re- s-0-(w)-n- d- hand cast -0ne-vain-d- (r-)one-d-
the d-0-cue-men-t- never e a l/l a ye d aye , inn se(e) d (e) u /s t -(hi-)e-ven- d-
you didn't l aye d aye ve ~ (i)n t00 th su c h/t s e a.d.
e/b t e'ye d b(L) e (a) d.
you desired-0f-t-0ne- me, now which did you want, too- toff- t-o-r(e-)t00-t-he-ad-be-ad-0f-t- (u-) b-(r-)ough- t- inn- t- i'm-e- t00- t-he- re- c- a- s/s- t- (e-) a- l/l- 0/t- t-0/0-t-0ff-t-
you desired-0f-t-0ff-t- 0/n-e me ad all 0/t, h and don't need -0f-t- u b eg r an d 0ff t h ea.ven d s(h) 0/t
do e'ye need t 0're a.d. (h) inn t00 th i/s me t(e)a
c~h (i) t (u) b (r)e (a.)d. i/t ~ t00 th' s pea.k t ~i/t (a) re a.d. i/t c~h (e)a.ve~n (t) Ly e
"you" d-ew/e-d- e/b- t-his- t- inn- (t-) a- ve-ye- d- ate- debt- a- s/s- t-(h-)rait-. "you" d-ewe- d- t-his- t- with a more "civil" garnish-e-men-t-hie-ven- d- (h-) e-ye- d- 0f- t- inn- t- c-line- d- 0f- t- (h-)in-(e-) d-
female genital mutilation ? d-0f-t- hie-ven-(t-) a- (i-)- l/l- (b-) e/n- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t- inn- c- line- d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- i'v-i-n- ed-
"you" w/-(t-) a- s/s- t- (h-)e-ad- e/b- t- c- him-e- d- 0f- t- inn- t- c- line- d- 0f- t- (h-)in- (e-) d- h-and- 0/u-(be-) t- 0- g- et-he-re- d- 0f- t- inn- t- i'm-e-d-
law-st-u-bu-ye- d- 0f- t- e- s- t -a-t-e-d- e/b- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- b-(r-)ough- t- 0ff- t- inn- c- line-d-
your "law" does not de-b-ai-t- crimes of spirit your "law" t- (h-) a- s/s- t- (h-) e- ad- (h-) e-ye- d- e/b- t - a- l/l- (b-) e/n- t- 0ff- t - 0- pen- (t-) a- l/l- e-ye- d- a-gree-d- 0f- t- s- peak-t-
Your "law" s-up-p0-rt-he-ad- c-r-i'm-e-vain-d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- not one of you are t heir e ve (i) n d, h and ew/e th en kn 0/t (h) a l/l 0 w/e your "people under god" 2 have t a me r/r e'ye (i.)d. bu ye -a-t- 0ff- t- a- gree-d- 0f- t-(u-)be-(a-)d-
e/b-t0-ad-ea-f-0-r-t- (n0)re-a-s/s-0/n-(e-)d- h and i.d. kn 0/t see k t/h ea.ven d e/b t00 L e(a.)ve~ (n)d ~ ea. f/f 0'r(e)t h ere s(e)a.m. e/n d's (p) e/n d 0ff t/h cu(e) f/f t
d-e/b-t0-ad-ea-f-0-r-t- a- g-r-an-d-ea-f-0-r-(e-)t- (n0) re-a-s/s- 0/n- e- t-h-(e-) a.d.
"you" simply do not look as banal in a coun-t-re-ye- 0/n-d- (h-)0-ver-t-(c-)(s-)e- l/l- d-e/b- t00-t-he-n-ail- d- e/b- t00-t-he-t-a-(i-)l/l- (e-ye-)d- (0-) w/e- ll- d- t heir t/h ere is n0 h 0/n e s/s t (h) e a.d. cur(e) rent s ea. t in (e) t(y)0ur e s(h) e ' l/l ~ fxf t (s) augh t a s/s (t) e l/l (e/n) d (s) 0' L (e) d h and (e) l/l e x i c 0/n e ve (i)n t 0/0 t 0ff t a s/s t (c) e l/l and (0)(h)(t) b 0/n(e)d e/b t00 th s pea.k t 0ff th f(r) e/e d(h) 0/m e w/e b (r) 0ugh t 0ff th e(a.)ve (i)n (d) s 0/m e~
"you" only care to keep your nail-t- in-e-p-lace-d- e/b- t00-k-eye- p-(y-)0-re- nail-t-a- s/s- t-(h-)e-ad- (s-) 0/n-g- ill- t-i'm-e-d- be-ad- 0f- t-(h-) in- e- d-
h-and- e/b- t00-t-(h-)in-(e-)d- c- line- d- e/b- t- (u-)b- miss- (i-)re- ad-
your d-ea-f-0-r-t- (n0-) re-a-s/s- 0-/n- e- d0f- t- inn- e- t- he-ad- c-0/m-e-vain-d- e/b- t-a-re- a- s/s- u-re-e-L-e/n- t- i/t- (a-) re- ad- 0f- (i-) t- hie-ven-d- be-t- heir- d- h ere ve (i)n (e) a.r e~ a.d.
"you" are only happy with what you can pi-s/s- (t-) 0/n- e- d-
you are aware this takes no real skills i e~ve n/d e/b t(y)0ur-t-be-lie-f-(t-)inn- g-e- t- hie-ven- d- . this is your "c-are". that 2 do not me at ass "you" say -e-w/00-d-be-t- heir- d- 0/n e/n e m/e'ye s t(h)rue r~ 0/d(h)e a.d. f a(i)r e a.d. h ea.ven t/h ere (a.)d.
the "tactician" is not really e re inn ven t inn g the w/heel -d- he is t just re inn ven t inn g i/t 00 th f- e/e-L- d- (0-) w/e- ll- d- (h-)e-ye- d- e/b- t-(a-)b- (r-) i.'d.-e- l/l-(e-a-)d- im- e-ye-(i-)d-
typ-(h-)0-graphic-t-s-p-(r-)ea-c-he-r- (e-)d-
h-a-re-ve-s-t-(h-)e-ad- e/b- t- in- e- re-eL- d- a- re- s- i.'d.-e/n- t- ce-s/s- (t-) e- x- (t-) ce-s/s- (t-) a- id-
he-vain-d- h-and- e/b- t- a- gain-d- e/b- t00-t-hie-ven-(d-)
ad- just- (a-)b- c- d- ate- s-t-(h-)e- ad- e-ye-a-r-(e-)a-t-e-
debt-00-t-he-m-(e-)a-t-e- t00-t-he-nail-d-0f-t- p-(L-)at-e- t00-t-he-f-e/e- L- d0f- t- 00- L-(e-)a-s/s- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- vain- (t-) ly-e-
nu b/u c/k t (0) me ta t/h 0ugh t 0ff t
nu b/u c/k t (0) me ta t/h 0ugh t 0ff t/h ea.ven d all i an(d)ce s/s (L) 0/t t(a) b(L)e a.d. f 0'r(e) d e/b t(0) w/h0 d (0)(h)(t) be a.d. 0~0 're a.d. 0ff t/h e t(a) i'm e a. s/s u re a.d. s(t) augh t b(r) 0ugh t
m-(c-)at-c-he-d- 0/n- e- t- 's- imp-a-ct- he-ad- 0f- t- a- (i-) l/l- d- 0f- t-hie-ven-t- 0ff- t-
ye-we- are only a f-(t-)(h-) a- ct- 0- re- t00-t-h0-re-s-up-p-(L-)i-e-d- h and e'ye d f rank ly e do not need more -d0f-t-(y-)our-e/e-lie- d- e/b- t- a- (i-) l/l-e-ye- d- 0f- t- inn-c- line- d- b- min-(e-)d-
i think the problem (k)n 0 w/e ! is that you thought you w/00 d, but 0 would not (h) a 've (n) d e/b t00 th p.r. 0 vi.'d.(e) i.d. e/b t (h) in (e) d h and e/n d re ye d f0r(a.)m. e/n d 0 w/e (a.)d. i/t (a.) m.in(e) d h and e ve(i)n a l/l e'y(e) a. p/p (ea.) l/l e'ye (i.)d. just for t (h) inn k inn (d) g
you-r- t-0-w/-ill-t- is to stand-0f-t-a- b- u- s- e- (e-) d- be-ad- 0f- t- in- e- t- (-0) w/-h0-d- (h-)e-ye-d- ew/e- (d-) s- pur-s-e-w/e- tu-
s-(h-)u-e- d- s- hat-her-d- p0-t-en-t-i-all- e-(d-) g- (L-)e-w/e- d- = d-sir-e-(a-) p-r00f-t- hie-ven- d- (h-)ues- t- a- g- e- w/e- d- 0f- t- en- d- e/b- t-he-m-(e-)u-s-e-(e-)d- i/t- t-(0-)w/-h0- d-
your -e-s-(k-)inn-d- countenance -d- is anything bu t/t ere d k inn d 0-w/-en- d- (y-)our-e-s-t-a-nd- 0f- t- hie-ven- d-e/b- t- a-re-s-up- p- ly-e-s-him-s-he-vain-d-(0-)(h-)(t-) be-en- t- 0/n- e- d- be-lie-f-(t-)inn-g-(e-) i've-n- d- im- e- wile not thinking of any e 0/n e a.t (a) i'm e
p-l-ease- do not speak to be -d-0-b-serve-d-
you didn't d 0 w/(h) ea. l/l t(h) in (e) d serve d
i'n(n) e d
u-be-ad- d0f- t- hie-ven- d-h-and-
rich doesn't think sharon gave him expression f0r (t) a re~a. l/l d
choose your pois(e) 0/n, d h and choose your e s(t) e l/l
e(a.)ve~(n)d (h)ea.r ~ d
w/h at a cu(t) e inn (s) u l/l t 0/0 t ru(e)s/s t he-d-can-d- on-ly-e- p-r-e-sent- a- b-(L-)ed- 0f- t- Lu-s-t-(h-)e-ad- 0f-t- a-mu-s-t- a- nd- 0f- t- inn- t- ere-s-(t-)augh-t-0ff-t- b- (r-)ough-t-he-ad-0f-t- a-(i-) l/l- 0- ("a")t-he- d-0f-t-he-ad-e/b-t-a-gat-her-d-0f-t- in- (e-)t-ere-s-t- (h-)e-ad- 0f- t-0/n-(L-)e-ye- "negligible"-d-0f- t- 0/n-e- c0-(u-)Ld-be-(a-)d- (0-)(h-)(t-)b- (r-)ough- t- in-e-cur-rent-s-(L-)0/t- h-and- 0f-t- 0/0-t-0ff-t-hie-ven-d-s- L0-t-(h-)a-nd -0f-t- a- re- put- e-s-t-a-t-e- d- 0- w/e- ll- (e-a-) d- 0f-t-
you are not speaking for t/h fact. you are speaking for th fact "you" didn't (b) lend at (h)a t~ (c) h ea.ven t/h ea.r t/h d at (h) at~h and you do not want i/t b(L)ack t
damage-d- claim-e-t-(h-)a-re-ve-s-t-(h-)e-ad-
we-see-k-t- 0- w/e-ll- t- inn- t- i'm-e- t00-t-he-t-(s-)el-l-t- - - i/t- d- (0-) w/e- ll- d-
structure-d-0f-t-0-w/-(h-)i/s-he-d- e/b- t- heir- d-0-w/-(t-)c-a-(i-)r-e-ye- d- e/b- t- a-re- d- s- (p-)ea-k- inn- (d-)g- f- a-(i-)r-e-(a-)d- e/b- t- h ere
(s-)h-ark- t- c - (un-) t- 00-t-he- re-eL-a-t-e- t-he- me-a-n- (d-) s- (n-) e/e- k- (i-) t- (h-)u- (e-) s/s- (t-) be-(a-) d- (h-)e-ad- 0- w/ar- e- ye- (i-) d- 0- c- a-(i-)r- e- (a-) d- i/t- br0-ad-s- t- 0/n- e- d- h-and- s-t-a- (i-)r- e- s- t- ill- d- 0f- r0m-c- (b-)um-me- d- 0f- t-hie-ven- d- e/b- t- a- re- ce-i've-(n-) d-
0- h- t- s- (h-) 0- w/- t- (h-) u- s/s- t- (L-)e- d- 0- w/ar- e- t00-t-he-t- em- p-(0-) Le- d- 0f- t- see-k- t- 0- w/e-ll- d- e/b- t-(h-) y-ped- d- e- l/l- e- d- am- e'ye- t-- 00- t- he- s- h0- w/e- ed- f- (a-) i- t-he- d- (h-) 0-ve- d-
you can -speak-t- off-t- parting time with desire, you can't part time with desir e ve (i)n t/h r 0 a/t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d(h) 0/n e t (h) 0/n e s/s t 0/n e ve (i)n t 0 w/(h)e re n eve r s(h) 0/n e
s/s t a (i) r (e) t (h) a t ~(c) (h) 0/n e
'ye a.m. e'ye ve (i)n (d) s 0/a k/t 00 th b. c 0/n e/n e/m e'ye sel l t(h) e'ye d 0 w/(e)a.re th (un t) b ride l/l i've r e'ye (d)
a.r e
t/h e(a.)re
g(u) a rd h inn g e t/h r 0ugh (t) 0 w/e d f a(i)r e a.d. a s/s h 0 (L) e d i/t heir d (0) c a(i)r e ~ ye d ew/e s t a (i) r (e) t~ a re (a.) p/p r. 0's e p a(i)r e (a.) d. i/t heir (e/n) d 0 w/e (i) t 's h (i/t) a' re
a.d. e/b t00 th d a(i)ries n are (a.) d. i/t inn t(h) a' nd h ea.(d.)ven t a gain d (h) a're a.d.
i've all t a re a.d. (h) e'ye d g i've n t (a) i'm e ye w/h e'ye t a ll (a.) m .e a.l l i/f e
(e)d i ce (a.)d. s et (h) 0/0 th en (d) i ce a.d. (ea.) f e/a. (s/s) t 0 w/i ce d
e l/l i ver e'ye a. t b e/e s p0 k en d (e/b t) a s/s k inn (d) g 0 p.r. i ce a.d. s peak (i) t(h) 0/m e a.d. 0 w/e bu ye d h and (h) e'ye d g' sus(t) inn t (L) i ce d 0 w/h ea. t b (r) e (a.) d. h ea.ven d s(p) en d h and s pe(n)d i/t t00 th e t a(i') l/l (b) e/n d
(e/b t00 th d) e'ye t
t-his-t-a-p/p- t-i-tu-d-e/b- t- 00-t-he- miss-t- con-s-t-r-e-w/e-d- ew/e- d-(h)ue-tu-
l/l -i/p-a-re-(a-)p0-in-t-(h-)inn-g-e-t-a-gree-d- 0f- t- (0-) w/i th0u t h ea.ven d h and e t(h) a c/c 0/u n/t a b i'l/l i t e'ye d(s) 0'L(e) d e/b t00 th s peak (i) t(h) rue (n) d 0 w/e (i)t s(h) 0/n e ve (i)n d
you can d be ad funny ap par e/n t (e) l/l e'ye a ft ere ye w/e g et (h) 0/n e'ye d bu ye (i)d be in g t(h) 0/n e'ye (i.)d. 0 p en al/l e'ye (i.)d. ~ f 0r(a.)m. e/n t a (i') l/l e'ye (i.)d. g's u/s t a~ g(r) e~ a.d. 0ff t(h) (c)0/m e~ve (i)n d (h) 0/m e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.)d. (s) 0'L (e/a.) d.
cur-rent-ly-e- are diss-miss-(t-)inn-g- 0/n-e-pre-miss-t-e-w/e- d- imp-a-rt- 0- w/-id-t-h/i-t-
you as a female -d- h-and- a- mar-re-ye-d- 0- w/ar- t-00-t-(s-) e- l-l- d- , get a free ride of positioning for -t- (n0) re-a- s/s- 0/n- e -d- 0f-x-f-e/e-d-ew/e-(d-)s-t-(u-)bu-ye-w/e-d-.
you didn't a reason t00 t(h) 0/n e s/s t(h)e a.d. s up p (L) ie d e/b t00 th ea.ven d. you get a false sel-l-ie-ye-d- "free ride," of false positioning to po-in-t- the fingere-d-, h-and- not be pointed (h-) at- e- ye- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (L-)ac-k-t- inn-(e-) ad- van-ce- s/s- (t-) a- id- 0f- t- pal-(l-)ate- d-e/b- t00-t-he- miss- (t-) p- lace- d- i/t- h ere inn s(t) a'ye s-i/s- t- e-re-ad- e/b- t00-t-he-miss-t-a- m-(e-)an-ag-e-d- e/n-0-w/e-men-t-hie-ven-d-
this is an "aptitude" d-0f-t-con-s-(p-)i-r-(e-)inn-g-
you sel-l-e- g- 0/d- ly-(e-)a-p/p-t-i/t-u-d-e/b-t-(a-)be-ad-(0f-t-) s-up- p-Ly-e- inn- g-
this is an "aptitude" of lying for w/-(h-)ea-l/l-th-d-, and your love is fiction you invit(h)e a.d. e/b t an0 th er(e) inn t(0) w/h0 ped e/b t (p) a s/s (t) e l/l e(a.)ve (n) d e/b t(h) a nd (e) l/l e d(h) 0/m e t00 th b r in(n) g
"aptitude" = "vi-ct-0-r-i/u/s- ly-e- 0/n-(a-)ill- am- e-ye-(i-)d- 0f- the whole "me-a-s/s-t-a-r-e-(a-)p- (L-)an-(d-) s-(t-) e-ye- t-(a-) be- h0-LD- (h-) inn-g-e-d- e/b- t- hie-ven- d- g-0/d- ly-e- b/be- lie-f-(t-)inn-g-u-ye-(i-)d-
scene-d- bu-ye-we-d- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- (a-)g-(r-)ew/e-d- 0f- t- 0ff-t-(0-) w/-h0-d- keep pretending without a re a.ll p0 in t (a) i'm e
sharon doesn't p0 0p a p/par e/n t (e) l/l e'ye t(0) w/h0 d(h) e'ye (i.)d. h ea.ven d 0(t)h s up p Ly e(i.)d. h inn g e d s k inn d c0 un t en (d) an ce ve (i)n (d) e'ye (i.)d.~ 0/n e a.t/h s(e) a.m. e t (a) i'm e
making up a "reason" for lying -0/n-e-we-d- = ver-t-(h-)u-e-w/e-d- ewe-d-s-pur-s-e-w/e- t-
you invite your apparent lover into t-his-t-e-w/e-d-e/b-t00-t-he-s-peak- (i-)t- 0ff- t- hie-ven-d- h-and- i/t- a- gain- d-0f-(i-)t-he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-)bu-s-t-(h-)e- ad-
you-dance- not for love, but for-d-s-(h-) 0-w/e-d-0f- t-(h-) 0/0- k-n0-t-(h-)e-ad- s- c0p-e-d- h0-ped- 0-(w/-)h-t-0- you- s-up-p-ly-e-d- e/b-t0-ad- e-t-(h-) an- (d-) e- c-(t-) d- 0-h- t- hie-ven-d- (0-) b- (r-) i.'d.e- l/l- (e/a-) d- 0f- t- inn- c- line- d-be-ad- 0f- t- (h-)in-(e-) d- e/b- t-(u-) b- min-(e-)d- s-cent- s- t- (d-) an-ce- d-s-(t-)u-b-(s-) i.'d.-e- ad-
d-0f-t- 00-t-he-s-t-0-r-e-ye- d-0-0re-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad-b-(L-)e/n-d- i/t- h-(i-)e- ven- d- e/b- t- a- miss- a- p.r.-e-sent- he- ad- s- (c-)0-re- d-
you wag & wage your vag on "principal" you le-d-0f-t- 00-t-he-re- s- (t-)0-re- d- on your husband- s- (t-) 0-re- (ye-)d-, h-and your vag for -t- no reason, spent- en- co-re- vain-(d-) ad-0-0-re- ad-
you hang 0 pretty e ness t 2 h-ar-(e-)b- 0-re- (e-) fi-ct- i- 0/n- aiL- d- s- (p-) 0- r- (e-) t- s- e- t00-t-he- re- s-(h-)0-rt- 0- ye-w/e-d-a-b-0-rt- (h-) inn-g-(u-)e- s/s- t- (r-) e-am-e- d-
being pretty for-t- no reason, kind of puts off t he fact you have nothing too t off er e ve(i)n d
0 w/e (i) t/h ea.ven d
"you" would rather h-ang- c- h-arm-s- (t-) inn- s-ea-s/s- 0/n- e- d-
you are hiding from the fact, you prefer lying -e- t- (h-)at- e-vain-d- s-(h-)at-
this is the ce-men-t- you call love -d- 0f- t- kn- 0- w/-(h-) 0/n- e-d- (h-) 0/m- e- vain- d- a- b-r0- ad- h0-ped- e/b- t- (h-) a- s/s- t- (e-)d- (s-) 0- L-(e-) d-0-LT- inn-s- 0-a-(p-)t-00-L-(e-) a- s/s- t- (u-)d- h0p-e-d-he-ad-(h-)e-ye- d- ya-w/-(h-)ad- 0f- t- (c-) ya- h- (d-)
if "you" weren't "hiding" "now" from being "reel" debt-a-gain-d- i wouldn't be doing your work t/h ere t0 g e/th/er e~a.r (e) t 00 th f (r) e/e L ye (s) t i' l/l d e/b t in (e) a. re ve~r 's e(e) d (g) ea.r t/h (ea.r) d h and h ea.r t/h d (0)(h)(t) b e/e serve (n) d 0 w/h ea. t 00 t(h) 0/n e'ye n~er(v)e d h ad e/n er (v) e (t/h) d e/b t00 t(h) be a.d.
not being "truth" among the "t-rue-d-" constitutes a -miss-u/s-e- d-
when you think you can be true, you d serve d 0ff (i) t (0/0)L0've t(0) w/h0 ' Le' ye (i.) d e/b t (h) r u e/n d 0 w/e (i) t (0) w/h0 d b f/f i t/t (h) inn g e t(h) u (e) s/s t(h) e a.d. in (e) a.re vi ew/e (a.)d. h ea.ven d e/b t(0)w/h0 s(e)pea.k t e fxf 0'r(e) t (0) w/h0 d (e)a.r e (a.) p. 0 r(e) t
let's not play to stage vain games that you "matter" "one" "way" "ore" ano-t-her- d- ew/e-d-s-pur-s-e-w/e- tu- d-e-(b-)tu- perp-et-u-all-ye-d-b-m-(e-)u-s-e-d- 0f- t- hie-ven-d- s- p- ew/e- d- 0f- t- (0-) w/-h0- Le-ad- ew/e- (d-)s- p0-r-(e-) t- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d-(h-) e-ye- d- s- cent- s- h- all- 0- w/e- (e-)d- s- pur-s-e-w/e-tu-t-hie-ven- d-s-um-e-0/n-e-ye-n-ew/e- (d-) s-u-i-t- inn- g- e- t- a- gree- d - 0f- t- s-(p-)ea-k-t- a- p/p- (L-) ea-s/s-u-re-d- a-re- s- (p-) 0-rt- (h-) inn-g-e-d- 0f- t- (0-) w/-h0-d- e-ye- w/e- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (r-)ough- t- 0ff- t- a- s/s- mu-c-he- t- 0ff- t-
your "love" is vainly pursuing what you can't make eve(i)n d
0 (w/)h t
h/d e l/l i g ht 0/n e s/s (e'ye) t
h ea. d 0ff t inn (e) sig h/t
ye-w/e-d- be-ad- e/b- t-he-m-(e-)a-s/s- t- a- r- e- d- e/b- t- a- b-(L-)e-ad- a- ft-ere- d- h-and- r- a- ft-ere- d- i/t- t00-t-he-m-(e-)a- s/s- t- a- r- e- d- i/t- (h-) inn-g-e-t-a-gree-d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- s-(e-)a-men-d- a-s- u-(e-) s- (p-)en- d- 0f-t- en-d- s-a-gaw/-e-vain-d- 0f-t- hie-ven- t- a- l/l- 0- (a-)t- he- ad- (0-)(h-)(t-)b- (r-)ough- t- 0ff -t- he-ad- 0f-t- s- L0-t- (h-)a- nd- 0f- t- a- (i-) l/l- 0/t- he-ad- 0f-t-he-ad- s- (L-)at-her-d-(h-)e-ye- d-(0-)(t-) he-a-ven- d- (b-)rain-d- 0- w/e-(i-)t-a-gain-d- f-(r-)am-e- vain-d- s-c-am-(e-d-)s-
"it" didn't take a whole lot of trust 00 th imp-a-rt-i'm-(e-)u-s-t- a- nd- (e-)u-s-t- 0ff- t-00-t-he-ad- imp-a-rt- hu-(e-)s/s- t- (L-)e- d- 0f-t- s- (p-)ea-k-t- inn-t-ere-s-t-(h-)e-ad- 0f- t- a-gain-d-e/b- t00-t-he-ad-be- g-(r-) inn- (d- h-) inn-g-e-d- h-and- e/b- t-hie-ven-d-(0-)(h-)(t-)be-g-(r-)inn-d- a- gain- d-
r un, not how fast, bu t/t hat e'ye i .d. can e c a in s up p ly e the m(e)a.r k (e) t in e me'ye d 0(w/)n e t (a) i'm e a.d. h and (0)(h)(t) be t/h e(a.)ve n d(h) 0m e ve (i)n d s (h) 0/n e' ye (i.)d. h ea.ven t e l/l e'ye a. t~ h ea. d. 0ff t 00 th s(p) ea. k(i) t(h)u be (a)d.0ff (i)t e l/l e'ye (i.)d. s t e (ye) w/e ll d
h ea.ve n/d 0 w/e (i)t a gain d' s(e)a.m. e/n d' s (p) en d' s a gaw/e t00 th (a.)d. e/b t h ea.ven d s(t)e l/l e(a.)ve~n / d
at (r) a ct i 0/n e ve (i)n (d) e'ye (i.)d.
c rue x i/t u m/m e'ye d 0/n e cru c i all d (h) e'ye (t/h) d 0 cru c/i/b le a.d. e l/l i g h/t 0/n e ve (i)n d s (t) inn k t00 th inn d e/e p en d en t a l/l e'ye (i.)d. b f0r'd h inn g (e) i've n ~d e/b t a gain d h ea.ven d e/b t00 th e t a t 0 s/s 0/d 0ff t/h ere ve (i)n (d) s nare d 0/u(be)t rig ht
a re t heir d
c rue x i/t(b) u m/m e'ye d 0/n e s/s (t) i g h t (a) p0 t e/n t i all d b 0/n(e) d 0ff (t) inn c(h) 0'm e a.d. 0 ff (i) t a cr0ss t 0ff (all) t a s/s t (e) a l/l k tu b me'ye t 0/0 th c a s/s t(h)e ad e l/l i g h t (0) w/h0 d h a'ye d(h)e a.d. un e t c(h) e w/e a.d. e l/l i g h t b e l/l e'ye t
h e/e d
0 w/are inn d e/b t/h c0m f0r t a g0/d g ave t/h e/e d h and a. m. e r/r e'ye (i.) d.
c0m f0r t a/b(e) l/l e (ye) a.d.
be (a.)d f0r'd h inn g e
th cru c(r) i/b le ye (i.)d. a.m.(e)A.k/e (ta) g r(e)a.t e ve(i.)n d. e/b t00 th d ate the miss t a ke(n)d e/b t i/t h(r)e a.d. h and a re a. l/l a t(h)e a.ven d e/b t a. miss i. re a.d. h (e)a.ven d h and f r0m th c0m f0r t 0ff t (h) i s/s t be (a.)d. e/b tu b re a.d. h and c a s/s t inn t/h p.r.0 v/i s/i 0/n e ve(i)n d e/b t a gain d
h20m 0(0)re d bu ye d si re a.d. i'm e~a.d.ark nigh t (a) i'm e ve(i)n (d) a p/p(ea.)L e'ye (i.)d. (s) ea.t 0 ff(i) t00 th ea.ven d s(h) 0 w/e~ (d) g (e) 0/d e ~ a re vi ew/e (a.)d. i/t t(0)w/h0 d a p/p (ea.) L e'ye i.d. e/b t(h)(d) a l/l t a re g r0und ark t 0/n e t(0) w/h0 d e w/e a.d. i/t ~ t 00 th d e/b t(u)be t(h) a w/are a.d (c L) a s/s p s0und e/b t a gain d h ea.ven d(s) 0'L(e/a.) d. (en e m(e)a.r) kn 0 w/e l/l e(a)ve~n t/h (0/u) re a.d. 0(w/)n e~
c rue x i/t(b) u m/m e'ye d 0/n e s/s (t) i g h t/h 0/n e'ye d e w/e
ve(i)n d un e t(0) w/h(0) e 'ye d 0ff (i/f) t/h cr0ss t00 kn 0 c/k (i) t 0ff tu be h0 Ld ere tu s/h 0/u Ld ere t00 th b c(L) 0've~r (t/h) d e l/l i've r t/he m0/n s 0(0)n e~ ve (i)n (d) e'ye (i.)d. (e)u/s t 00 th d e c(h) 0/m e w/e d ~ h and (e) l/l e x i/s t 00 t(h)rue
h20m 0(0)re d bu ye d si re a.d. i'm e~a.d. ark nigh t (a) i'm e ve(i)n (d) a p/p(ea.)L e'ye (i.)d. ea.t 0 ff(i) t00 th ea.ven d s(h) 0 w/e~ (d) g (e) 0/d e
c rue x i/t(b) u m/m e'ye d 0/n e s/s (t) i g h t/h 0/n e'ye d e w/e
ve(i)n d un e t(0) w/h(0) e 'ye d 0ff (i/f) t/h cr0ss t00 kn 0 c/k (i) t 0ff tu be h0 Ld ere tu s/h 0/u Ld ere t00 th b c(L) 0've~r (t/h) d e l/l i've r t/he m0/n s 0(0)n e w/e d(e)u/s t
ve(i)n d un e t(0) w/h(0) e 'ye d 0ff (i/f) t/h cr0ss t00 kn 0 c/k (i) t 0ff tu be h0 Ld ere tu s/h 0/u Ld ere t00 th b c(L) 0've~r (t/h) d e l/l i've r t/he m0/n s 0(0)n e w/e d(e)u/s t 00 th ea.ven a p/p. r.00f t
c rue x i/t(b) u m/m e'ye d 0/n e s/s (t) i g h t/h 0/n e'ye d e w/e (i)t (e)a. r(r) e' ye (i.)d.
e l/l i g h/t
c rue x i/t(b) u m/m e'ye d 0/n e s/s (t) i g h t/h 0/n e'ye d e w/e (i)t rig ht (e) l/l e'ye (i.)d (h) 0've~r/t