a cr0ss (t0) w/t (h) a nd le (a.)ven d s h 0 (w/) e~ a.d. (h) e w/e t00 t(h) 0/0 k e'ye n e/e d Le ye t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e ~ l/l a nd (s) 0'L (e/a.) d. (0) w/e l/l d
march 18, 2017
un u/s u all e (w/e) tu~
s(h) e'ye t 0/0 L e/a. d.i/s c 0/u/r s~e(e) d (h and) 0/u (be) t c~ha t' s~ ea. t (a) c~ a t ch inn g (e) 0/d e/b t00 th e m~ a w/e d 0ff (a) t 0/n e (d)g ag (r)e a.d. h ea.ven d 0ff (i) t a c(r)0ss t(h) e a.d.
got a new email today at proton, tired of icloud- with automatic back up that then charges you too keep the mac email on your mac computer. ie you can "select" the back up feature (which did this automatically for me) or you can spend time to figure out how to deselect this feature, that will eventually charge you for storage, and in the event you diselect, i do not get functioning use of using my mac email on my mac computer. which "means" i have to select the icloud back up service, an additional charge on top of buying the computer for digital presumed use, to use the mac computer functional ly ap/par e/n t ly e ven? d? t/h ere d?
in truth, i get "nothing" back for -d- buying in-t-0-w/h0- d-, h-and- e'ye- get "drop-t-kick- t-0-w/-h0-" par- t- a- ke- d -h-and- keep-in- e- t-0ur-inn-d- h-and- e/b- t-inn-t-ere-s-t- 0ff- t- hie-ven-d-
digital awareness (-t-) u- buy-e- d- h- and - e/b- t- a- g-et- (0-) w/-h0- d- be- ad- 0f- t- s- tick- t- (h-) and- ick- t-00-t-he- ad- a- p-(r-) e- vi- ewe- d-
kind of tired of buying into a product that now drop kicks me to continue to p-(L-)aye- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- e/b- t- 00- t-he- (p-) re- sent- i/t- (h-) rue- we- d- a- bu-s-e- d- e/b- t- a- constant- lie- d- a re present -i/t- he- ad- e/b- t- a- l/l- (b-) e/n- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- (i-) t- a- gain- d- e/b- t-(h-) inn- k- inn- g- i-ve-(n-d-)vain- d- e/b- t- he- ver-a- cause-a- t-0ff- t- ye- a- r- t(h-) a- b/i- t- e- w/e- d- 0f- t- s- pur- sue- w/e- t- i/t- heir- d- ew/e- d- s- ap- p.-r.00f- t- hie-ven- d-hue- w/e- d- s-(h-) am- e/n- d- s-(p) en- d- s- (n-) ake- d- e/b- t-(h-)rue-vain- d- s- (p-)ewe- d- 0f- t- (e-) l/l- e-ye- a- t-
i do find an inherent "problem" for selling a product for digital connection, and the product that is purported to handle this, is not upon buying into w/ i/t, sufficient, and you have to buy an extending b-subscription- too keep the orginal "stated" intention of the product as service meant to provide, even d h and.
it is "like" creating a virtual world that is premeditated to re-t-urn-a-d- em-pt-e-ye- d- h-and- e/b- t- a- gain-d- 0f- t- inn- c- line-d- 0- bu-ye- d-sign- (a-)d- a- d/d- (L-) e-ye- d-0-w/00- d- con-vi-ct- i- 0/n- s- n- ewe- (d-) s- t-a- nd- ewe- d- s- u/s- e-we- d- e/b- t- inn- t- c- line- d- 0f- t- en- d- (p.r.-) i'm-e- (a-) d- i/t- (h-) inn- g- e- t- a- b- (e-) l/l- e- ye- a- t-0ff- t- me-(a-)n- s- (n-) ee- k- (i-) t- (0-)w/-h0- d- 0- t/h- s- up- p-ly-e- d- i/t- her-e- inn-ven- t- (0-) w/-h0- 0-Le- w/e- d- e/b- t- a- cr0ss- t- (h-) e- ad- i/t- 0- g- e- t/h-ere- (a-) d- i/t- t00- t-(s-) e- l/l- t- i/t-(0-) w/-h0- d- i'v(e-)in- e/e- d- le-ye- w/e- d-
"you" don't have to honestly think much to be in "provisions" g-r-an-(d-) s- (t-) a- nd- (h-) inn- g- e- vain- (s-) t- ill- d-0f- t- 0/n- e- d- 0-ve- t- a- g-et- i/t- b-(L-) a-c-k-t- for-ce-l-love-d- 0f- t-(h-) b- ride- be- t- (a-) i'm-e- t-he- ad- s- t- (p-) e/e- p- le- d- 0f- t-hie-ven- t-hr- 0-a- t- h-(d-)ea-r-t/h-d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- s- cent- s- n- as/s- (t-)a- ye- d- 0f- t- 0- w/-(h-)ere- d- e/b- t00-t-heir- d- a- re- t00-t-he-ad- be- ad- 0- w/ar- e- war-d- he-vain- s- (h-) 0- w/e- d- i/t- 0- get- i/t- heir- d- a- p.r.-e - sent- e- l/l- e-ye- a- t- force-scene- g- r-(e-)a-t-e- s- t- a- t- e- d- 0- w/-ill- d0f- t- s- (p-)a- id- e/b- t0-re-eL-ate- vain- e- m-(e-) a- t- e- s-(t-) 0- w/e- t- (h-) at- he- ad- be- ad- 0f- t- sir- e- com-e- stance- d- s-(t-) augh- t- 0ff- t- hie-ven- d- alliancess- e- x- cess- b- (r-) ough- t- a- gains- t- (e-) a - l/l- 0-("a") t- (h-) a- nd- 0f- t-
"you" keep moving hyperbolic s-hi-(f-)t- a-re- g- round- so you don't get c augh t, that is how "you" keep the semblance of continuity without inherent e valu e w/e d b(r) 0ugh t as/s t (e) 0/n e. you do not cast one. "you" cast "one" alla-re-g-round- ew/e- d- s- he-a-ven- d- s-um-e-0/n-e-ye- d-(s-)0/n-(e-) g- all- 0/n- e-
b-(e-) ad- f-0-r-(a-)m- e- d0f- t-hie-ven-d- 0-w/-a-re- ad- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- s- que- s-t- i - 0/n- (e-)a-re- (a-) d- i/t- hie-ven- t- (h-) 0- w/(h-) e-re- (a-) d- i/t- he- r/r- in-(n-) g- e- t- a- re- p- (L-) aye- d- (s-) 0- (w/-)n- e- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- 0- (h-) (t-) be-en- (t-)e-a-re- ad- (e-) c-0/n-(e-)see-k- t- 0- w/-en- t- (e-) l/l- e-ye- (i.-) d- 0/u- (be-) t- a-(i-) re- m-0/u-(n-) t- he- ad- a- re- put- e- d- 0/u- (be-) t- in- e- (m-) c-0/u-n- t-hie-ven- t- s- i/r- e- m0-u-(n-) t- hie-ven- d-
// sent previously apparently with no mention from rich bianculli-e-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- be- lie-f- t- he- doesn't need accountability e t(0) w/h 0/d f a n/n e'ye b/b 0/d e'ye (i.)d. - e/b- t00-t-he-ad- 0- w/(h-)e- ed- (h-) 0/n- l-ye- s-up-per-e-see- t- he- ad- 0f- t- c-re-d- i/t- he- ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- (k-) nee- d- s-(t-) ill- e/n-t- e- l/l- e- ye- w/e- ed-
dylan- d- por- t- (a-) l/l-a-nd- po-lice- d- p- t- hie-f-en-d- 0f- t- he-mar-re-ye- d- ea- t- (h-) a-nd- (a-) gree-(t-he-) d-
previously sent from m(e)a.r s'e t(h) ea. r t/h d
people that do not care about relationship will kn 0/t re a.d. e/b t inn t par t.
t-he-ye- d- h-ave- t- a- re- t-(h-)(f-) i-re- d- 0f- t- inn- t- par- t-he-a-rt- hie-ven- d- e/b- t- a- pre- t- en-d- e/b- t- (h-) at- he- d- c-0/m-e- t- a- gain- d- cur-(e-) rent- e- l/l- e-ye- t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- par- t-(h-) inn- g- t- i'm- e- t00-t-he-ad- a- b-(r-) i.'d.- e- a- t- (h-) a- nd- (a-) g-re-a- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- s- t-(h-)e- ad- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a- t- a- gree- d- e/b- t-00-t-0ff- t- a-s/s- knee- d- i/t- (u-) be- lie- f- t- re-ad- g- s- u/s- t- a- g- e- d-(s-) 0/n- g- am- e-n- d- ap-p-ar-(e-)n- t- (e-) l/l- e-ye- (i-) d-
"responsibly" t-he-ad- s- cent- s- (c-) h- i- t- w/-a- s/s- t- (h-) e- ad- p- as/s- e- d- 0 w/i th0u t any 0/n e present (h) at a l/l(e) a. s/s t.
t-he-ye- with no heir among them "under-e-g-0-(a-)d-" were con-t-en- t- 00-t-he- passe- t-he- ad- be- ad- 0f- t- (b-) uck-t- f-a-(i-)r- e- am-0/n- (e-ye-)g- ag- 0/n- (ad- h-and-) s- 0/m- e- 0/n-e-ye- vain- d- 0-ve- d-of-t- (b-) c- um- me- d- ick- t00-t-he- passe- ye- s- um- e- 0/n- e-ye- d0f- t-(h-) en- d- (b-) um-
the elect (r) 0/n e principal i/s t 0/n e cess (t) a (i) r/r e'ye t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye d i/t t00 t(h) en (d)k nave d i/t t00 t(h) b c a.m. e ve (i)n (t) ly e inn (e) a.t e
t-he- el-e-(x-)ct-r-on-e-(d-) principal-e-x- i/s- t00-t-he-min-(e-)d- i/t- (h-) inn- g- e- t- (h-) i/t- re-ad- i'm- e-d- i- c- (k-) t00-t-he- ad- com-b/i-n-(e-/e-) d- i'm-e- inn-g -a- g- (r-) e- ad- h-ave- d- i/t- (h-) inn- (d-) g- ave- t- (h-) a- t- e-ye- t- s- (h-) a-ve- d- forming-race- b.c. you are not the grace nor th ave nor the honest s(h)ave d e/b t00 th (e) re a. l/l a t(h) e a.d.
let us not be so glib in our b-ran-d- e/b- t-(h-) inn-g-e- d- when you are only providing t-hie-ven- d- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t-(u-)be-(a-)d- s-inn-s-e-a- t- he- ad- a- re- (a-) p- (L-)ea- t- he- t- a- s/s- knee- d- ad- 0- 0-re- ad- his- t- (a-) b- (e-) l/l- e- ye- d- f- e-a-(s/s-) t- u- buy-e-a-r- e- ly- e-re- t-(r-)ea- t-
your only "for-(a-)meally" e- be-ad-h-inn-g-e-d-0f-t-
he-re- verse- s-u/s- (t-) "inn- for-(a-)meally-" e- d-be- t- 0ff- t- (he-ad-0f-t-a-l/l-0/t-)
t00 -t-(h-) a- ll- a- re- ad- (h-)e-ye- (d-) g-0/t- (a-)b-/i- g-0/t- he-ad- 0- w/e- d- 0f- t- un- en- (em-) (e-ye-) a- r/r- 0- w/e- (e-) d- (h-)e-ad- set-(h-) 0/0- t-he- re- ye- s- a- g-a-(w/e-)in- d- e/b- t- he- ad- a/m- ad- am-
you are not a g en t (e) l/l e/a. d ere r (h) an d you don't c/are ap par e/n t ly e th ere
you speak t00-t-he-n- d- e/b- t00-kn- 0-c-k- i/t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t- a- pe/r- fe-ct- (0- p.-) r- 0p- ed- 0f - t-
your not actually looking for value too the ad b (L) e/n d. you are "looking" too- "look" t- heir -d- (0-) f- 0- re- s- t- (h-) e- ad- 0f- t- inn- t- i'm-e- lee- p- f- a-s/s- hi- 0/n- d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- 0-b- (s-) h- ave- d-up- (e-) t-
a-ll-c0-h-0-Le- d- 0f- t- hie-ven- (d-) am- (e-) 0-re- ad- s- (h-) 0/n- e- t00-t- (he- d-) 0- w/- n- d- (s-) 0-L-(e-a-) d- (h-) e-ye- d- i/t- a- re- g- round- s - 0- (w/-)n- d-
g-ap-paul-drinan- d- thinks you are a better c-r-0-w/e- d- e/b- t- f- e/a. -s/s- t- a- f-x-f- e/e- d- her- e- t00-t-he- n-kn-0- w/e- (e-) d- c- h-ang- e- t-he- ad- f- a- s/s- h-i-0/n -e- t00- L-(e-) a- s/s- t- u- buy- e- a- t- 0ff- t-00-t-he- ad- ate- r- ape- d- 0f- t- 0/0- t-0ff- t- a- re- s- (t-) 0-re-ye- d- (g-) out- inn- t- 0/n- (g-u-) e- s/s- t- a- (i-)r- e-/n- t- 0- p-air- d- s-(e-) am- en- d- s- (p- ) en- d- 0f- t-
your bu si ness -t- isn't a re all ye(a) valu e w/(e) inn (d) s 0/m e ve (i)n d
e/b t 0 you- d- 0- w/00- d- ew/e- d- s- (e-)a- m- en- d- s- t-a- ke- ye- p- a-id- b -rake- d- 0f- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- t-he-re-eL-at- e- d-ate-
f-0-r-eeL- e-(a-)ve-n- d- (b-) lig- ht- he- ad- sig- h- t- he- ad- 0- w/rit- e- a- s/s- t-(h-)-e- ad- 0- w/ar- t- a- gain- d- 0f- t- en- d-
you are prostituting a. m.e'ye s t e -ye- d- e/b- t00-t-hie- f- en- d- sig- h- t- hie-ven- d-
(ea-)f- an- d- (ea-) f- unction- d- e/b- t- inn- (e-) a- re- s- t- (h-) e- ad- (h-) e-ye- d- a- re- d-u-ct- i- 0/n- d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- b- eg- (r-) inn- d- h-inn-g- e- t- a- gree- d- e/b- t- hie- ven- t- (s-) e- l/l- e- ye- d- s- cent- see- k- (i-) t- i/t- 0ff- t- hie-ven-d- s-(e-) a- men- d- s- t- (e-) a- men - d- ea- f- 0-r-t- 0/0- k- n 0 w/e re a. s/s (h) 0/n e /e d L e'ye t (h) in (e) d(h) e/e d (h) 0've d 0ff (i) t a g(L) 0 v'e d en d (r) e'ye d f0r(a.)m. e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th b ei n g a.m. e ta t00 th pr. 0 claim mit ta gap per mit h~ea.ven (d) s h 0 ( w/) e d (0) b 0/n (e) d
e/b t- a- n/n- a- (i-) Le- (t-) p-ag- e- t- a- w/-he- ye- d- 0f- t- inn- c- line- d- e/b- t- b- min- (e-) d-
ye-w/e- d- e/b- t-00-t-he- m/m- e- d- h- inn- g- e- t- a- miss- i- re- ad- 0f- t- en- d- 0- w/e- (d-) g- 0-(a-) d- e/b- t- a- gain- d-
d-ad-d-e-ye-(d-) s- gif-t00-t-he- r/r-0- d- 0- w/-(h-) 0- r- (L-) d-
yes "easter-eg-g-" e- d- h- un- t- woo-d- be- t-he-t- rig- ged- force-scene- d-0- w/--h0- d- s- c- an- d- s- h0- w/-h-up- e/e- vain- d-
you don't have spirit too t(h) act u ally e d b (L) e/n d "except" speak- t-hie-f-en- d-
c ru (x) c (i) all e(d) g (e) 0/d e/b t h~ea.v e/n d 0 w/e b 0(u)L(e) d ere t(0) w/h0 d be h0 Ld ere (d) g r e (w/e) a.d. e/b t00 th be (a.)d. h and b re(a.)d. e/b t00 th s 0 un d en d re' ye (i.) d.
f0r(a.)m. e (r/r e) ye d ~ 0've
a c/c r u e w/e (d) g (u) e s/s (t) a t e d (h) 0 (w/) e s
c a (s/s) t 0/n e /e d L e'ye t (h) in (e) d en (em) (e'ye) a. r/r 0 w/e t00 th d 0 w/(e)a.r e~ a.d. 0~0're a.d. s cent s t i' l/l e(a.) d. i/t (0/0) t/h ere ve (i)n d e/b t a. m.iss (d) un d ere s t 0/0 d 0ff (i) t00 L(e) a. s/s t ~ a c/k/t i/t 0/n e inn her e/n t (e) l/l e'ye (i.) d. c a(i)r e'ye d ew/e s a cr0ss t
a x i/s t 0 s/s 0/d 0ff t/h d ata b (e) l/l e'ye d 0 w/are a.d. c a(i)r e a.d. 0~0 're a.m. 0're t a l/l d e/b t00 th be t(h) a w/are ve (i)n d e/b t 00 th s t a (i) r (e) t/h ere d 0ff (t) inn (d) be l/l e (ye) a. f inn g er(e) inn g
's u/s (c) a t/t ere d (g) e t00 th (e) re g a t/h ere a. l/l e'ye d
0ff t(h) at b 0're a. l/l 0/t ~
t00 th c r/u x 0/r (e) i. all d (h) ew/e t inn s (h) ed 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye a. (s/s) t ' s p0 r(e) t inn g e t00 th c a(i)r e'ye t/h ere