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From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com> Date: September 26, 2015 10:20:01 PM EDT To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
i went to wholefoods today, i bought groceries based on a recipe because i felt i was getting thin of spirit, so i made a walnut pesto and white and green linguini, freshly grated parmesan, a little piece of rustic bread with real butter, and it was really good, with a fruit forward and vibrant cabernet, and then belgium chocolate gelato. very satisfied.
upon entering the store to do some shopping, a man in the foyer handed me a pink slip, and asked me if i would like to buy items for the food bank. i told him curtly that i just got off food stamps. he said i look really really familiar, i said i have a cute dog, and he is like 'no' he says he knows me from some where, and i say (although i look nothing like i did then) from trader joes, and he exclaims 'yes'
here is the fucking t-hing-e- seen in my re past a/ke in g~0ing f0reward e at e
when i was shopping IN wholefoods i saw pink notice hung in fact by the pasta bought, and i saw them around the store, and i am like "fuck-you" for asking any 0ne to b-u-y int0 this-hi-t- 2 by-e-t0-0-
when i worked at trader joes, that afforded me food stamps, -and- i watched them throw thousands of dollars of food -0- way each and every day, and 10,000 at holidays, "b.c." the people that drive the charity trucks do not apparent-ly-e- "work" on that day.
so food is thrown a way frequent-ly-e- as a lie ye-A/s-t-e-
and, when i "got" to go to c-our-t- for having art in the art room apparent ly e, the public attorne ye service s-aid- verbatim in court no less, that they would not be representing me. i went to b/at at lib and impromptu at that (and kept the c/as/e on the fence for 4 hrs, and a month or 2 beyond) data ditto that, as i built a website in tribute to hey/ head'sup, this could be you dum-b-f-uck - ) and h/ave aided in the enjoyment of my time and peace of mind where i pay rent on my di' me
the same public attorney service that would not represent me on their di-me- told me that they couldn't because my website was too personal. truth, i built the website, already knowing the de-c-k's- would be set against me, and could prove no matter what the attorne-ye- was per-sue-in-g- that he was c-her-ry-e- p-ick-ing-
that same public service to represent me in court, but couldn't based on the premise my website to represent my self was "too" per's 0/n e all, also runs the distribution of my food stamps. and i sent them notice of my website as with 1000 other people in this t/0wn. and, my foodstamps got cut, b.c. my thinking apparently e didn't -a-f-f-0-r-d- me nough money e to have t-hem-
ie, the food stamp system here is that you have to be working x amount of hrs, and i was working for me, against the competitive "time" the rent-all-co-m-p/an-ye s-0we-d- again-st-me
ie i had to spend the time to build the cot ton picking web site to prove the bull's hi t in the gaps, that it didn't have a right to re claim without a w/h0le package, no assumption, just, if you want to wear my virtue, let's see you to/o proclaim thus my h0st0reye, from the vi ew/e point of eve, as t my e g0/d e/b t 0/m e a.d. & meaning fully e
no food stamps for me, while i am working without money to stay in a place b-u-y a rent-all agency, that also build's s-hell-ters-e- for 'women" ie ab-use-d- women. and no representation in c-our-t- which gave me more time to not use making money to pay my rent, and the c-hi'm-e- attorn-ye com-men-t-'s he can't believe i waste my time this way, on a website (without his bull shit in it, i p~lan to lay e w/(h)as~t/e
tired of the dum-b-f-uck t-r/i-c-k's-
there should n't be any need for c-ha-r-i-t-ye- there is enough food on the planet un bespoken and it is wasted to buy the grocery company a bet-t-a(i)re competitive -h-edge- as the lame ass management at trader joes, i can at/test 0ne day in tre p0se
i have kept the paper work to pay it forward, among other things that don't s0we, but keep back the h0/ne 0n/e per-p-0's-e-e-
let us not be deceived : charity does not b r/ea.d e/b t 0 w/ any e 0n e "charity" is "one" x "way" perp-e-t-u-ally-e- w/as -t- e (and it can only waste w/hat h~as and ew/e t (h)at a.d.
it is about recognizing the difference of sel l i/n g/(l)0ve t a w/(h)ay e
h~ p a.d. d ye in t'd~ate
i d0 be l~ea f i/n c/r~aft an/d e/b th'~s t/e p's~
the craft to the raft g/able s/s i/n g's~ tis t/he (p).r.0~0f e y0/u/r/e m~0(u)nt f~l0 w/(h)er (e) i/n~g'~ s0l i.d. l ye A s/t/e ther e b/r e.a. d i/n g0/d c0/m~p an ye
i remember reading about a scientific theory about why the dinosaurs went extinct, and it read it was because they ate all the floweres and thus removed the steppes. i thought this intriguing, and have bandied about it to rich in the past, any way i think relatively speaking, crafts are set (h)r0ne fl0weres, and seeing the step p's i' syn/the vita ll ye
i am very p.r0 doing your own thing and following it thru e
c~r/aft are set (h)r0ne fl0weres, and seeing the step p's i' syn/the vita ll ye p a/s t/e & pat/h~e may/k~e di fi/n g ea. r~i/n~g e late just b.c. an/s w/(h)ear t h/at
ps i'm excited, i slept last night without a sleeping pill, and i slept fine. actually really fine, and the hall's here are really quiet, not that anything on the outside has changed per se, however, i feel at peace in my apartment and the t-re-m0-r-t-, of the rent-all-a-gen-c-ye- is re si`de in g f0r/m/e peace able a.d.e & my t i'm(e) is t re st/0re d (e/b) t(h)0/m e in g f0r/m/e a.d. e
it your e p/at/h~e s0w/r~ye i'll get to that all rig ht
g0/d ew/e 's hi ne tu`de
s~p.r.~ink le d ew/e t (h/r) u e = true & hue
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com> Subject: th~e m0ther e s~hi.p. (h)as t L~an/de a.d.'s~t/ra(i)te ve/n'~s~0w/(h)e~n Date: September 28, 2015 10:30:51 PM EDT To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com> |
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From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: September 28, 2015 11:55:02 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: September 29, 2015 4:11:05 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: September 29, 2015 4:36:33 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Subject: the deb~0ra~w/h~ey e
Date: September 29, 2015 4:32:00 PM EDT
To: talilan@zedat.fu-berlin.de
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: October 1, 2015 12:55:15 AM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
dp= displaced person all e/pt = P~~~~D = P/aid i/n ten t~i 0n e(a.)l~l i t00 the c~ke(y)e~p (heave n')s~0w/e i/n~(k)c~2 db ye t0/0 d aye w/(h)aye & w/hey~e
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: October 1, 2015 3:56:51 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
se/t/he re past path
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: October 1, 2015 1:14:23 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
pa(i)r~a. d.~i/c/e. g.~a.m.~b le w/(h)ale ye w/(h)at~ta(i)re~r~un t0/0 & t0 w/hey~e tu`~(g)b~ring i'v(i)ew/(h/u)e & w/het c~ar~t~he w/(h)0~re a. r/0~d r~0/r 0r 0 r0r 0 r0r 0 ve the r0 a.d. e/b t0w/Hi.d.e~ w/(h)rite & rig.ht a way e di-c-t 0/0 zer0/d~e/e~p.s~lee p f/0r~t re(a.)t~e ll i/n g t~at~e tu` de b/t a/nd e l(l)ta gi've t a way 2
per s0/n~e/a. ll y e, i have laid many creativ~e. g. g's~an kn0t 0/ne has been given ta re in~ven t i 0n e 0n/e ve(i)n~ just sayin~s~0w(h)e~n/0w/e~ave n & w/h~e/a.ve n (t)d's~en d's ag/ga i/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n/n an/d's's's's's's's's~p.r.~e/a.~d's's's's's's's~