m~aye 16 th 2016 m~aye' fi ft / h ap~p ea r/an' c~e at e'ye c(r)e a.t (h) ea. r (t/h) ea~ven s~h ea. r/e in h~a/nd ea.r th ave n a.(i)m.e~ sup p~l(e)ye d' fxf r a.(i)m.e nd' schlep t f/r0m e'ye 0(w/)ne st/h~and's en d's a g a/i n st a/nd g raise th(e)ye (h)a.nd as/s(t) pb e fxf 0r(e)t c/(h-)u p -tu-p d e/a. r e/a. r's e. g. gi rt'h us/s t0 g e/th/er e (e) f/f~an d 0f- i/re-st ea. r t/h in s ai d e/b ta kn 0w/(h) 0/n e' (th 0u/gh t) prision-ere-s-c/c up
e~w/e~e tu de in/n p.r.i/n~ce'ye p(t) a L/L e pt a gain s/t all a~nd' st (e)ye as/s t aye' re st (0)a~re
c0ntinue ing t00 th' up l0 a.d. i/n g en/e's(t) 0/0 t/h/e R 0/n~e
sow/e-d'-sold(-i-)er-o/n-e- f-a/s-t/e-n-t/0-g-ether-e-vain-a/nd- fore-t-old-in-pro-vi/s-i/on-e-re-
sow/e-d'-sold(-i-)er-o/n-e- f-a/s-t/e-n-t/0-g-ether-e-vain-a/nd- fore-t-old-in-pro-vi/s-i/on-e-i/n-g-'sim-pull-e-ave-n-in-g-
sow/e-d'-sold(-i-)er-o/n-e- f-a/s-t/e-n-t/0-g-ether-e-vain-a/nd- fore-t-old-in-pro-vi/s-i/on-e-i/n-g-'sim-pull-e-ave-n-in-g-0-p/0-t/en-t-i/all-
sow/e-d'-sold(-i-)er-o/n-e- f-a/s-t/e-n-t/0-g-ether-e-vain-a-b/road-
f-annie-w/-ad-l-eigh-t- ste-all-ing t i'm e f/rom (e)ye c/lock f/ace f-0/re- hi-re-
f-annie-w/-ad-l-eigh-t- ste-all-ing t i'm e f/rom (e)ye c/lock f/ace t0 g ether e tu be/a.d. f0r/m/e a.d.~e
paul drinan aka "p.d." : it's my business to p.r.0m.0~te (a.) m.yself t0/0 x 2 like
i had an idea, b-as-e/d- on the perpetual marketing s/c/am, run m(e)ye business (((anal0g0us))) into~0 th e. g.round e w/here all p.r.0 see d('s) e/b tu be the f0 u/nd 0/n~e' s0 L i.d. g/r0und p.r.0~p/0rt~i/0n (e)at/e t0~g ether
the hat-e-full-at/e- my d/ea/r
the hat-e-full-at/e- my d/ea/r e'ye
why don't you speak in bi/nar~e ye c.0. d.e t00 the c/are r(e)ye 0n e
in vein ye n~0w/e
t i'm e in ta tru(e)st ie & st/ick e'ye
paul isn't plagiarizing* any other females, b.c. they do not have something to give t/he m/apparently e ve(i)n s/0we ft p.r.0ut/e t00 the t~e'ye~in/n f/as'h' i/0n able a.d. 0/ver t (i'm~e)
verse-sus- st0l/en-t-par/a.-d.i-c-e-
st 0le = c 0ver t0 x 2 & c-0ver-t-in-ven-t-i/0n-e-to-x-2-
*which is to say paul isn't w/-ill -2- plagiarize other fe-male's- as t-hey-e- ar-t- w/-ill- aw/-s-0w/e-ft- p.r.0- c-L- a(-i-)m- e-
*which is to say paul isn't w/-ill -apparently -2- plagiarize other fe-male's- as t-hey-e- ar-t- w/-ill- &- w/-all-s-0w/e- ft-0-g-ether-e-s-0w/e- j/u-st- 0-le-t- ye-n-ow/e-
t'h'e way i see it, paul's amore is without re all effort too the c0/m b~i/n e.
is paul contacting me when he keeps my money for/t/e no reason? yes, he is keeping me 0ne ye to-re-lay- "T" in-t0 me apparently-e- vain-a.m.-0.-re-ten-d-e-re-
he is keeping my money too-t-his-0/b-serve-t-on-t-i'm-e- (hiding, iro-nic-ally, that his hi.d.e is not apparent as~t mi/n e pre sent)
when traci at trader joes bla/med- me fore h/ave ing eye (s) too the see i/n g, s-he didn't make the par t, but she claimed i/t 0 -pen- l/ye- as-t/he-re-p/as-t-l-a-st-e-
an'ye gilt~ye a.m.0/n~g e'ye t/hat c/an T (a) c a/s t~the fi/r st 0/n e
sandra b/la~nd, the case was determined against the arresting officer, the officer lied on her, used her baasically to-re-lay-"t"-ow/-e-2- & her consolation in her "c-e-l/l-" was to provide ho/sp/i/c/e for/t/he -no re as on e vain.
she hung her sel~l fxf in "her" c-e-l/l- p-(l-)ace-d- e/b-t-here- bu-ye- a-men-d's-en-d's-
she hung her sel~l fxf in "her" c-e-l/l- p-(l-)ace-d- e/b-t-here- bu-ye- a-men-d's-en-d's-e/a.-m-i/n-g- 0-ve-r-t-ea-t-i/n-g-
we are t-augh-t- o- g-i'v-e- the-re-spec-t- 2- officer's for no reason, to tow/ a/n d 0w/e, however the officer for no reason, like paul "p.d." in -e- se-a/s-o/n-e- is established narcissism as/s-aw/-t-rite-0-P-ass-ag/e-
t-hey-e- do not t'each, & w/hat-e- t-hey-e- due-t/o- pre-serve-t-heir-c-alling-all-i/n-g- is t k/n0/t c0 0'le d ew/e. t-hey-e- actually t-each- depravity - too-t-he-x-is-t-for- no re as on e -&- k-eye-p-i/t-c0/m-e-i/n-g-0/n-e-
sandra b/la~nd existed for a reason, each ft p(l)aced per pet u all ye. she wasn't living "grand" bu ye t-0re- st-a-nd-a-rd's- & the officer compete-d- o/n-e- h*er for no re as on, which is too-t-he-s-aye- he has a "free" license to w/-ill come-place-s/cent-l-ie-n-ow/e- in-g-ill-t-e-ye- (added may 16, 2016)
n-o- "w/e" t-hat-e-full-at/e-g-re-g/i-o-u/s-(t)oo-t-h-e- "h" in "e'ye" s-h-are- tu-gaw/-hey-e-t-(h-)rue-
the officer for no reason, like paul "p.d." for no reason, gets their ri-ht - to-e/n-a/ct- on life through you k/n0/t b/ein g ap parent l ye t(h)rue ve(i)n t~0/m e a.d.'s en si b l(e) ye
i like your lucid interpretation, you get it~
a re all a/r~t i f/a~ct be t/t a(i)re t00 the m(e)ye net wor(e)'t/h' in my re p/a s/t (h)ru~e t'all c/hem y/e (the f-ore-r-un-ne'r-i/s-t-de-ad- 0/-re-de-ed- if-e/we-pre-fer-in-s/t-e-ad-)
t'h'e a/rt 0f t~ran~s muting me t'a ll's~yn/the re s0 u/nd
t'h'e a/rt 0f t~r/an~s muting me t'a ll's~yn/the re s0 u/nd
t'h'e a/rt 0/f t~r/an~s muting me t'a ll's~yn/the re s0 u/nd
t'h'e a/rt 0/f t~r/an~s muting me t'a ll's~yn/the re s0 u/n~d
t'h'e a/rt 0/f t~r/an~s muting me t'a ll's~yn/the re s0 u/n~d b~0/n e c0/m~e in p(L)a~c.e.
let's lee p 0/n i(g/h)t
thoughts from last ni(g/h)t 0~0'le t's~0w/e g0
trick-le-d-own- doesn't work b.c. didn't p/ay in full w/0r(e)t'h' and people not competing tu`b-scene own-l-ie-, pay the t-rue-p.r.-i-c-e- of y-ew/-e-re-t-up-b-ring-i/n-g-0/n-e-g-0-Ld-
i'm integrated, i don't get -ill- , i get e ve(i)n 0/d~e/b t/0 m/e ye a.s t f0 0d in/n ta k~e 0/n e
fait'h' t0 w/(h)all k 0/n e w/(h)at~ta(i)r (e) in k/n0~w/(h)0~ve ve(i)n s~0w/e t'h'e. g.0/ d~g/r~0w/e
i wish i could do more with my skill set, but t-oo-k- opportunity e t0/0 L'ea.r/n 0w/e, with my me 0n~e ye t00 the re pre sent
r i/s e very e t i'm e r e'ye' s ea. m.ay/ke w/e t'h'e a. d.awn & d~0/n e t i'm e/n~0~u/gh t00' s hut 0f/f e
the of-f/i-c-e-r- e- lie-d- o/n-e- (w/) *h*e(a.)r & g-ave- her no-t-hing-e- too the L/ie 0/n 0 pen ly e = L(~0/ve) i*e* 0n ea. r i/n re t ea. r/n 0w/e L/L0 vi~n g's 0w/e d~0 e ve(i)in t0(0) k/ey(e) 0
L0 v(e)i /n~g' sp re ad e.g.g ave t'h'a.d.(e)' s(h)ave i'll ave i'll 0 t~w/a~s'h' c/an~s w/ea.r t'h' s a.(i)m. e a. c.r/0 s/s ag a i/n/n
saw/ e.g.g a i/n/n
if you are apparently come for t able in life at-h/is-t-i'm-e- , it is specifically b.c. you rue-in-n- p.r. i'm e
a/rd/u/0/us (e/e) in k n~0/w/e
i didn't c/a(i)re andy was dying, he didn't c/a(i)re that I was b/a(i)re ly living, well too sir-cum-ven-t-g-i've-i/n-g-
which is to say i am integrated in my own t i'm e t/hat i g~i've t/as t~g/ave
it is not paul's rig ht to set me up for no reason as-s-uch-, then judge me perpetually out of m(e)y(e) 0wn se a.s 0/n e & align w/-(t-)h0's-e- d-e/b-too-t-he (-t-)rust-i/n-g-o/ve-t- vain-l-ye-s-p-ea-kin/g-
st 0'l~e/n T in~s i.' d.e
st 0'l~e/n T in~s i.' d.e /b t00 th' be c0/m e all s 0we
r-ich takes face value off of me without re p(L)acing i/t act u ally e. t-here-f-or/e- annex me from speaking / being pre sent apparently) on h-is- for-m-at-(e-) , on you-r-e- f-ace- bo-ok-p-ag/e- man-u-f/a-ct-u-re-d- c/a(-i-)re -&- re-s-h/a-re-p.r.0-g-r/a.m.- for-t-he-com-for-t-too-t-he-pee-p-ull-t-heir-e-
you person-all(e-)y-e- ke(-y-)ep-t-i'm-e-w/-ea.-r- t/h-a(-i-)r-e-
i can't fi/x i/t 0/n e me y(e) 0wn, so i mu/st be con-sign-e-d- & de-fine-d- bu-ye-t-me-di-0-cry-t- 2- ap-p(L-)ease-
if you are going to have a g0/d I'm ag/e you/r e going to ans w/ea.r t0 me t0 w/hi t~e 0/n 2 db l~a. c.~k
s0w/rye, i can't, i c/0nt ap-paul-o-g-u-y's for you-r-e-too-t-he- & i don't "choose" -2-c-over-t- h(r-)ue-
c/0n t
c/0n t 0/ n i(g/h) t
c/0n t 0/ ni(g/h)t b rig ht
c/0n t 0/ ni(g/h)t b rig ht 0 pen e c0ntemp0raneous b/r0~a.d.'s i.' de n~ea.r t 'h' ave n/0 un
saga~(s~)city e
s~aw/e.g.~a/s c(i)t(ye)
if you think i am producing negligible results, t-i/nk- w/-hat-a/ve-t-p.r.0t-0-(0-)c-all-e-ft-fi/r-st-in-t-u/r-f-x-f-
i get too swab t-he "de-c-k" without t(h)anks ap par e/n t ~y e
w/-i/t-h- (y-)0-u-r- e-/a.- m.e-s/s-ag/e- (t-g-)all-over-t-me "A-ND" with n0 0ne accounTable A.D. ire 0/n ~i~ c/all ye t00 t'h~e sup(p)er see d's~
& sup(p)er ~e~ see d jerk-cou-g/h-ing-e-
w0und is t0 w/~i/n d & w/-0-/u-nd- sound's w/-00-nd- 0/-te -a-nd- t-0a(s)-t- c0-a/s-t-0/0-t-h'-c0-(h0-)st-
so i am to be blamed for you s-qua-t/-t-i/n-g- 0/n-e- me
h/ow-e- you keep st/a(-y-)'s-is- is bu ye not doing anything necessary e to w/n
the most delicate way eye can put this is you st-i-nk-
p.r.-o-t ("h") o-c-o'le-
f i/r st p/ag e
f~ ly le/a. ~f
w/-i- fi-
i con keep re lying on you b.c. you have your image too the p.r.o te ct -2-
pro-verb- r-ea-p w/hat you s-0w/e-
notes from my desk
in/ga-s-scene, ni(-gh-)t's as i f/t too the s(s)ay e w/hat is important isn't' taking ta k i/n g p(L)ace
people can have some spoken value's but not to me 2 eve (i)n p.r. i'm e
t 'h' e~ye /for/ i~s e* very e t/hing e w/? 'h' ey'e w/? 'h' ea. t (?) o/o t 'h'? e (a.)d.ay t(?) p.r. i'm e
f-un-n'ye- you f-le-s'h'- 0ut shapes of letters but not people pt be t/t a(i)re
meca struggling a-m-0-/r-al- institution that can't keep quality teachers heaven th-0-
i didn't put time-t/able on me to feign your innocence in righteous ness as a "need" too/the compete (be-spoke-n/d- in-de-ed-)
dn(e)a. rn(e)a. d.n(e)a. rn(e)a. d... & re m e/a. d.
you set up the "time" again-st-me "&" too-x-2-not be present in i/t-(h-)rue-
meca can't keep good teachers too the be 'h'a.d.(e n~0w/e)
meca can't keep good teachers too the be 'h'a.d.(e n~0w/(h)e at a (t a) l/l e/a ve n t'd a(i)r e b/0 d/(e)ye
where does me-s/hell- get "strength", f-rom- e- r-use- in pur-e-vi-ew/-e- "make" too-x-2-t0-e- &- t-re-ad-0/n-e- me f-or-e-(e-)f-re-e-l-ye-a/s-t-e-r/e-
missing mac-k-
z-ach-t- do "job", he can't do "job" unless i give him my face value to wear as his sty le t/here
f-annie-w/-ad-l-eigh-t- & the "second" "com-i/n-g-"
the pearly e.g. ate's (t'h' teeth d0t'h' e make)
t hem, the fi/n i/s 'h'~ed e/dg/e, turn i(gh)t 0 w/0n der e
paul continues to create a scene on me for no reason "b.c." he is a r-0p-e-d-0/p-e-t-r-0p-e- (& he p.r.-am's- with s-c0-p/e-t(h-)rue- in- 2- be scene eloquently e b.c. t/here has been d-ate-r-ape-d- of/f-i/t's vert (h)ue 0n p.r.-i/n-c-i/p-le- pt-be-"h"/ave-i-o-u-r-e-m.o.-re- in- f-(L-)ave-0/re-at-ta-i/n-able-
what paul is doing is passing the buck art-full-(e-)ye- = l-i/e- tu-b-scene on principle
address "friend's" of paul in my season = f-(r/i-)e/n-d's- too-the-com-place-s-cent-lie-n-ow/e-ye-
and with a w/'h'ey e 0n my virtue (b ein g my w/0 rd i/n re all i t~ye) t0 me.
w/ 'h' ea. t ye s~lee p
nobody' s p erfect 2 rig ht a/nd e/b the re st 0r/e
i am not putting huss band before cart court. i don't have one to shoe f0r e the re-po/r(-e-)t-
the mo-vi-e- rose in an ill manner pre di's-p0se-d-
we only make movies on w/0men we do not k/n~0we
des(s)ert's ea. tw/h0 s e/e
principle cc (-h-)ain (-t-) be-lie-f-t-d-ate-
do you want to do the art work on me post c/a/rd, to give free ly e tu & t00 the p0 w/e're x p0'se (t)d~0/ve ye n 0w/e
t(h)rue in/n (0) b/0 d(e)ye
ok, how do you want to do this together tu
eddm postcard sizes
it is a.w/e d. 0/n (e)a t(e) i/0n e, 0f t i'm e t0 g/ether e p.r. i'm e un be s/p 0 k/e n tat 'h' apparently e~s a.(i)m.e t(h)y/me
you were dishonest in financial af-fairs as your one-l-ie "c-ho-i-c-e-"
you don't h/ave tu-b/e- going for e ward 0 pen l~ye t'h'0u~s e/e d
the emails and tweets, i sent out regarding paul contacting the police for no reason (person-ally) 2 be.
was the basic format / content
if i blanket portland, and elsewhere, rest assured, we go f/f like a b 0m b (verse-sus b-om-b-i/n-g-0-pen-l-ye-)
using "real" "names" of (t) course, drawing "paul" the "ass" and the "p.d." at his di's-pose-all-("t"-pro-fan-e-g-am-e-)
it is stating, i don't need "protection" from the "law-st-", and the "law" nor the "p.d." do not act u ally e protect me from t-he/m-e-de-s-cent-o/o-t-he-fi/n-is/"h"i/n-g-
repercussions on paul's f-(r/i-)e/n-d'scene-s-e/n-d's- 0/n e m(e)ye nd
should i continue with my notes, that could be a ma(i)d passe too the re-t-o/r-t- 0/n e me in th' 0 pen i/n g am. e
my notes in t ru(e) t 'h' , c/an g0/n e f0r eve r a n/d' s 0w/(h)0/n e st a gain
i'm saying, if you get on b 0/a rd, it makes my di'm passe notes on you for no reason "2" -x- too- a thing of my past' set u b/e a. m.eye 0/n e b/a.c./k i/n g
f/0re t 0'le d
fait 'h' full e
fait 'h' full fait ac co/m p(L)i
fait 'h' full fait ac co/m p(L)i g() t
fait 'h' full fait ac co/m p(L)i g() t de fi/n e~d en sel~l (e)ye
fait 'h' full fait ac co/m p(L)i g() t de fi/n e~d en sel~l (e)y~e a/s t/e r~e bu (ye) b(e) f/0r(e) t a/s t/e w/e l~l in (g)0~ve
p-(L-)i/t- fo-ld-
fo-ld - lo-rd-a-do-ore-
a g(-r-)0-0ve -t-r0ve- t-cut-i/n-t-he-f-a/ce 0f a b 0/a rd in t0 w/-hit-c-h- t-h- e-dg-e- 0f- an-0-t-her-e-b-0/a-rd- i-c-e- y(-h-)e-(-i-)s-t- fi-x-e/d' -sub-p.r.-i'm-e- al-l/t-"h" t-i'm-e-
the lo w/ere par t 0/f the w/(h)all 0f a(g) r 0/0 m
fi~e L(0/r)d
f(y)i~e L(0/r)d
(e/b) t00 t'h' 0/ve r/t (hr) 0w/e
e~ye f/f 0ra n/i (gh) t~
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0 p.r.~0/p~e(a.)r (e) ly e
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0 p.r.~0/p~e(a.)r (e) ly e re~s~i/n(n)
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0 p.r.~0/p~e(a.)r (e) ly e re~s~i/n(n) t0 me w/~0(re)Ld
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0 p.r.~0/p~e(a.)r (e) ly e re~s~i/n(n) g(g) le. g. g/ ave
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0 p.r.~0/p~e(a.)r (e) ly e re~s~i/n(n) g(g) le. g. g/ ave t'h' en a.(i)m.e in s~'h'e a.r/t (h) e
com mo/n yo/u w/ould like to 0 l~aye 0/n e me~a~d's~0w/e g~0 p.r.~0/p~e(a.)r (e) ly e re~s~i/n(n) g(g) le. g. g/ ave t'h' en a.(i)m.e in s~'h'e a.r/t (h) e re r/0ut e very e t 'h'in~ge 0/u/t a t/0ut a ll 0/n g's 0/n~g*
g r0ut g/r~a/n d 0'le t'h'e a.rt (r )0ut
g r0ut g/r~a/n d 0'le t'h'e a.rt (r )0ut de fi/n e~d e/b t(h) i'm e a.r t/h ave n a/ve n (t)d's el l/y e
yet th'o/u ~s~e con ditions the s(e/e)c~0/p~(i)e~ very e t (h)i/ng e t~a/g r/0 w/e
there is no w/here to e/go except e/ve (i)n 0/n e~;)
there is no w/here to e/go except e/ve (i)n 0/n e~(;2;) k/n~0w/e
there is no w/here to e/go except e/ve (i)n 0/n e~(;2;) k/n~0w/e
ne~c(2c)k~n~0w/e ft fxf a.c.e.
there is no w/here to e/go except e/ve (i)n 0/n e~(;2;) k/n~0w/e
ne~c(2c)k~n~0w/e ft fxf a.c.e. 0/f/f e a.r(t/h~)e~r~e
n0~ve(i')l a.m. b~i/t i/0n's
there is no w/here to e/go except e/ve (i)n 0/n e~c/all'~s 0w/e t0~e
&' s0/n~s0~w/e &'s0~w/(h)e t~0/e in na.d.v(8)an~s
there is no w/here to e/go except e/ve (i)n 0/n e~c/all'~s 0w/e t0~e
&' s0/n~s0~w/e &'s0~w/(h)e t~0/e in na.d.v(8)an~s at L~a s/t 0(p)/b (e) s(w/)e/rv/e~
simple/r : ...
&' s0/n~s0~w/e &'s0~w/(h)e t~0/e in na.d.v(8)an~s at L~a s/t 0/b (e) s(w/)er(v)e
simple/r : ...
&' s0/n~s0~w/e &'s0~w/(h)e t~0/e in na.d.v(8)an~s at L~a s/t (r) 0/b (e) s(w/)er(v)e rv e~ye
simple/r : ...
&' s0/n~s0~w/e &'s0~w/(h)e t~0/e in na.d.v(8)an~s at L~a s/t (r) 0/b (e) s(w/)er(v)e rv e~ye re ver/b a, vi g 0/r~e t00 t'h~rue & t00 t'(hr)u~e*
fxf 0/r/m. 0/f(f)e X p.r.ess i/0n e tu`& t(h)u~e
t-heir is e` difference between r/0-b- et-c- & (st) r/0 b~e t(h)c~all
f/L~as/h f0r a. c./a.m.e/r~a (gen e'r~a/t(e) i/0n e X (u/s) i/t
f/L~as/h f0r a. c./a.m.e/r~a (gen e'r~a/t(e) i/0n e X (u/s) i/t (h)ype g*
i' ve(i)n 0/n e
f/L~a/s 'h' i/n te/r (e) mit/t~en t ly~e
the lig ht 0 ft'h' fi/r~e w/0 r/k's~st r/0~b/e~d en fait (ac) c0/m~p (L)i f(a/i)t full (e)y~e
lig ht as if~t wit~h a st r/0 ~b/0'~s~(e/e) c/(c~h0 (i/c.e.'s))0/p~e
lig ht as if~t wit~h a st r/0 ~b/0'~s~(e/e) c/(c~h0 (i/c.e.'s))0/p~e t(c)0 g e~t/h~er e
lig ht as if~t wit~h a st r/0 ~b/0'~s~(e/e) c/(c~h0 (i/c.e.'s))0/p~e t(c)0 g e~t/h~er e t/r~0/p~e (ye)n (verse-sus-p-e-in-c-0/m-e-)
e~ X i/b i/t (e)
0/r e. g.i'~v/e t/'h' e~re r/i s/e t/(c)0' st (r)0 b~ein/g
r/ich gets high off of thinking he is really rich
however he has his head up other peoples -as-scene- he can't get t a (d) j/u st b ein g w/ t(0)m(e)
t r/a.d. e m(e)a.r/k~e/t pr0blem's-
t r/a.d. e m(e)a.r/k~e/t pr0blem's- p/rig-ht- g-0/t-t-ye-
-0-"H" com-m.o/n-(eye-)
in-fi.-d.e-l-i/t-ye- ?
s-hare-r-one- c-an only give t-i/t-up-
wit~h0 u/t me as s~0/m e (tc0) much
mu~c 'h' t0 me
mu~c 'h' t0 me all's~0w/e. g. 0
mu~c 'h' t0 me all's~0w/e. g. 0 t/0 g/0
mu~c 'h' t0 me all's~0w/e. g. 0 t/0 g/0 t/0 g/0 t~i/n per's 0/n e
mu~c 'h' t0 me all's~0w/e. g. 0 t/0 g/0 t/0 g/0 t~i/n per's 0/n e w/(h)i/n g~e
ew/e inn
you have no person all i t ye "b.c." you have your ass up other people's-t-(r-)0p-e-
and you take what would be my vision of nice ness, and give it to others that haven't earned it actually e ve(i)n k
so the c-a-rd- i drawed for sharon is that she sees me a business as usual, un aware of "larger" -e- p.r.-es-s-i/n-g-(t-)issue-s- a-nd- e/b-t-a/ve-are-ice- &- g-ag-ree-d-
c0/m e`.g. a i'n
(you n eve r 0/n e)
(you n eve r 0/n e c/ a(i)r~r(e)ye )
(you n eve r 0/n e (t) c/ a(i)r~r(e)ye )
(you n eve r 0/n e (t) c/ a(i)r~r(e)ye t00 t 'h' ea. ven s~0w/e 0n e'ye t
(you n eve r 0/n e (t) c/ a(i)r~r(e)ye t00 t 'h' ea. ven s~0w/e 0n e'ye t ie
so see this is hap pen i/n g
pre par e ye sel -f-a/i-t-ac-com-p-(l-)i- n-n- st-e-a/d- d-le-ad- r-0t-t-en-l-ye-
ge-t-all-you-r-d/e-fen-s'-s- tat-your-e-com-man-d-e/b-too-t/h-i-/s- in/k-
ge-t-all-you-r-d/e-fen-s'-s- tat-your-e-com-man-d-e/b-too-t/h-i-/s- in/k- e/y-e- a.m.-
ge-t-all-you-r-d/e-fen-s'-s- tat-your-e-com-man-d-e/b-too-t/h-i-/s- in/k- e/y-e- a.m.-r- a/n-d-
ge-t-all-you-r-d/e-fen-s'-s- tat-your-e-com-man-d-e/b-too-t/h-i-/s- in/k- e/y-e- a.m.-r- a/n-d-ye- g.-get-0-g-ether-e-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-rain-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-d-(en-)'s-aye-k/e-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-d-(en-)'s-aye-k/e-g-a-i/n-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-d-(en-)'s-aye-k/e-g-a-i/n-t-per-pet-u-all-ye-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-d-(en-)'s-aye-k/e-g-a-i/n-t-per-pet-u-all-ye- t00-t-he-per-s/i`-eve-
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-d-(en-)'s-aye-k/e-g-a-i/n-t-per-pet-u-all-ye- t00-t-he-per-s/i`-eve- n-a.d.-a.m.-0- pen- l(ie) ye
w/- you-r- w/-0-m/en-t-i/n-p-(l)ace- you can re-l-ax- i/s- t- you-r-e-b-r-ain- t- com-e- for-t- able- a- d- b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e- b/t-he-e*-d-(en-)'s-aye-k/e-g-a-i/n-t-per-pet-u-all-ye- t00-t-he-per-s/i`-eve- n-a.d.-a.m.-0- pen- l-(i/e-) ye-
you-r-e- w/0-rd'-s- de-'s/i`-eve-
you-r-e- w/0-rd'-s- de-'s/i`-eve- 0n-e- ye-r-0ne- 0(w/-)n-l-(i/e-)y/e-
you-r-e- w/0-rd'-s- (i-) de-'s/i`-eve- 0n-e- ye-r-0ne- 0(w/-)n-l-(i/e-)y/e-
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0se
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm see se~th 0 u/s/e i/n~g
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm see se~th 0 u/s/e i/n~g th r/0 at (e)
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm see se~th 0 u/s/e i/n~g th r/0 at (e) day t
you don't actualLY lo/ve th
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm see se~th 0 u/s/e i/n~g th r/0 at (e) day t i/ns c~0/p(i)e (d)
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm see se~th 0 u/s/e i/n~g th r/0 at (e) day t i/ns c~0/p(i)e (d)e live r t i'm e
you don't actualLY lo/ve th (r) 0ne in k n0 w/(h)0~ve t r~0ve t re as u/r~e r0's e 0n (e) m'ye w/h~i'm see se~th 0 u/s/e i/n~g th r/0 at (e) day t i/ns c~0/p(i)e (d)e live r t i'm e w/'h'ey e ™ i'll k(e)ye t00 the a.d. ate
may 16, 2016, your logo has 2 points / positions of light broad cast across the surface 0/f t integrity e x p0 s (ai) d0/n~0se t/h a(i)re : the dog star, drawing on recollection, is thought to be a spiritual entity of 2 mysterious stars, that reflect from behind the sun. if i can intuitively pick up a tas/s and face too the me(a)k/e, perhaps the intuition that clothes as well as dis em b/ark 's (t) all that ail and e/p t/h ail e'ye, in "one" way or ano/th/er e, i/s t a/ngle t00 k/n 0w/e. g. gi' ve n(t) d's k i/n d e w(/h) i.d. e & s w/(h)eat i'm e tu de in~n(e)ye s~up py'up : you do realize, if i am working making money, then i am in denial of my emotions, and if i am working on this website, in your e.g. r a/ce t00 the re st 0/ are, i am still considered bu you to be mindless and meddle s um, in my expression knit in your e name t0 g e/th/er e. ad. ju st ~s taying: you like to feel s a.d. d0n/t ye, but you are write, i am applying myself with premeditated gust0
stale-(pt-)mate- b.c.-u-e-
want 0 w/-in-
you are not re lay t i/n g t0 me on the same line t i'm e, b.c. you do not want u p.r.i'me, ye-t- you "wan-t" e-very-o/n-e- tu- t-h-ink- (e-)ye- = p.r. i'm e tu b/e t i'm e ye t/he/e
you are not re lay t i/n g t0 me on the same line t i'm e, b.c. you do not want u p.r.i'me, ye-t- you "wan-t" e-very-o/n-e- tu- t-h-ink- (e-)ye- = p.r. i'm e tu b/e t i'm e ye t/he/e d's t(h)at w/ i'll 0 b/e
cut off the (f)en d's as they e se/am (t/hat a miss can't be / con-t-r-a-ct-l-y/e-)
cut off the (f)en d's as they e se/am (t/hat a miss can't be t/heir e f/0re -/- con-t-r-a-ct-l-y/e-)
w/-(h) i-t-c(h) un -t-
di.-d.- e/b- the -t- an-d/ye- vain -&-
your e love of the brother h0/0d isn't g/round i/n/n s/p i/r i/t f/r0(0)m e n~0/ve
th' t/re/e L eave's t i'll a/nd be l~ea f(t)e
your e love of the brother h0/0d isn't g/round i/n/n s/p i/r i/t f/r0(0)m e n~0/ve
th' t/re/e L eave's t i'll a/nd be l~ea f(t)e fxf all 0w/e in c
your e love of the brother h0/0d isn't g/round i/n/n s/p i/r i/t f/r0(0)m e n~0/ve
th' t/re/e L eave's t i'll a/nd be l~ea f(t)e fxf all 0w/e in c/0 p/i e (d)
your e love of the brother h0/0d isn't g/round i/n/n s/p i/r i/t f/r0(0)m e n~0/ve
th' t/re/e L eave's t i'll a/nd be l~ea f(t)e fxf all 0w/e in c/0 p/i e (d) g/r a.~c. e. 0' fxf u l/l ye b/b e 0/n e
your e love of the brother h0/0d isn't g/round i/n/n s/p i/r i/t f/r0(0)m e n~0/ve
th' t/re/e L eave's t i'll a/nd be l~ea f(t)e fxf all 0w/e in c/0 p/i e (d) g/r a.~c. e. 0' fxf u l/l ye b/b e 0/n e.g. g tu b/e c~(h)0/n e
your e love of the brother h0/0d isn't g/round i/n/n s/p i/r i/t f/r0(0)m e n~0/ve
th' t/re/e L eave's t i'll a/nd be l~ea f(t)e fxf all 0w/e in c/0 p/i e (d) g/r a.~c. e. 0' fxf u l/l ye b/b e 0/n e.g. g tu b/e c~(h)0/n e st (h)~ing
b re a.d. e/b t "h" en
b-re-a.d.-e/b -t "h" e/n- am-e-u/se-em-e-vain
b-re-a.d.-e/b -t "h" e/n- am-e-u/se-em-e-vain-say-m/e-
w/(h)0ve yew/ kn0w/ hi/t c~h b0ugh t e'ye w/ea.r ich
w/(h)0ve yew/ kn0w/ hi/t c~h b0ugh t e'ye w/ea.r ich th er~e ye
w/(h)0ve yew/ kn0w/ hi/t c~h b0ugh t e'ye w/ea.r i/c/h th er~e ye
w/(h)0ve yew/ kn0w/ hi/t c~h b0ugh t e'ye w/ea.r i/c/h th e(i)r~e ye (L a/n d)
w/(h)0ve yew/ kn0w/ hi/t c~h b0ugh t e'ye w/ea.r i/c/h th e(i)r~e ye (L a/n d be f(L)0/r e t'h'e/e
e r0se p/ar ate L/L ye
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye t00 t'h' (e) re lay t i/n s~p(L)ac.e.
your -to-ken- "creativity"-e- w/-0ut-e-n/d-
st/a/nd i/n(e/in) line
you-r-e-creativity-e- w/(-H-)0ut-(-i/s-)op-t-i/on-i/ng-0-d/0-u(-b-)t- without a. d.oubt 0/n -e-m(e)ye (s)p.r.0ut~e
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye in 0/n e(0) h/a/nd i
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye in 0/n e(0) h/a/nd i a/t 0/m
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye in 0/n e(0) h/a/nd i a/t 0/m~(e)a.c.~e. 0/u/s L~ye
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye in 0/n e(0) h/a/nd i a/t 0/m~(e)a.c.~e. 0/u/s L~ye s e(e) L/L ye 0/n (e) fxf a(i)r~e a.nd c0mma nd
e r0's~e(e) p/ar ate L/L (e) ye in 0/n e(0) h/a/nd i a/t 0/m~(e)a.c.~e. 0/u/s L~ye s e(e) L/L ye 0/n (e) fxf a(i)r~e a.nd c0mma nd' s~e/n d's a.(i)m. e.g. ga i/n/n p.r. a.m.
cut in tw/h0 = t0/0 c/u/ t(h)ru e
cut- in- tw/-h0 = t0/0- c-u- t-(h-)ru- e-
an/na ve na/an/na
r-ich- gets too-the-lie on me & then gets too-the-lie on me -2- e vain b-re-in-
rich saw nly what he wantd. i've in re pa(i)r e w/out a re all woman (d) t here
some-t-h0-u-se-t-h- f0r-ge-t/t-
my 0nly be g0t~t/en 0/n e c~(s)0/n e
my 0nly be g0t~t/en 0/n e c~(s)0/n e b(b) e c0/m e
fi/g/u r/e fi/g f'ear (i)n kni t/u` ne w/hi~t w/he~t w/h(e)i (g/h)t all 0 w/e t all0w/ (h)0/n e (s)t peep *H* 0'le
fi/g/u r/e fi/g f'ear (i)n kni t/u` ne w/hi~t w/he~t w/h(e)i (g/h)t all 0 w/e t all0w/ (h)0/n e (s)t peep *H* 0'le pt p(L/ace) *H* = f x f u l~l a/nd fxf ew/e l~l i/n g'~s e/e (x, i/t) s ea. t s at i/s f/a.~c.t 0r(e) i'll (e)ye
j/u d/a~s i/s cHari0t fxf a(i)r~e i/n~g's~
h afxf ni(g/h~t i'm~)um
au/ld l~ang syne
au/ld l~ang syne w/y(i)nn ye w/(h)en t i'm e 0/n t' l~i/n~e a.t l~a/s t re e t'(ea.)c *h*/ave t ye th~0~u/s e i/t i'm e
since germ any'(e)s e X is t a/n(d)c.e. 0 p.r. i'd~e b/t (*H*)ru/e
au/ld l~ang syne
au/ld l~ang syne w/y(i)nn ye w/(h)en t i'm e 0/n t' l~i/n~e a.t l~a/s t re e t'(ea.)c *h*/ave t ye th~0~u/s e i/t i'm e
since germ any'(e)s e X is t a/n(d)c.e. 0 p.r. i'd~e b/t (*H*)ru/e i/n/n p~a(i)r~e us/e t(h)c t00 t*h*e (a.)d.e fi/n e ye tu`
au/ld l~ang syne
au/ld l~ang syne w/y(i)nn ye w/(h)en t i'm e 0/n t' l~i/n~e a.t l~a/s t re e t'(ea.)c *h*/ave t ye th~0~u/s e i/t i'm e
since germ any'(e)s e X is t a/n(d)c.e. 0 p.r. i'd~e b/t (*H*)ru/e i/n/n p~a(i)r~e us/e t(h)c t00 t*h*e (a.)d.e fi/n e ye tu`g~aw/(h)ey~e w/y(i)nn e t(u) b(e) f/0re ye~s
since germ any'(e)s e X is t a/n(d)c.e. 0 p.r. i'd~e b/t (*H*)ru/e i/n/n p~a(i)r~e us/e t(h)c t00 t*h*e (a.)d.e fi/n e ye tu`g~aw/(h)ey~e w/y(i)nn e t(u) b(e) f/0re ye~s e/e n~0 w/e
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all a
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all (a) i/t ye
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all)
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all) e.g. t0/g 0 all e.g. i've n(t) d's~e/n d's~p/ar t ye
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all a
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all (a) i/t ye
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all)
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all) e.g. t0/g 0 all e.g. i've n(t) d's~e/n d's~p/ar t ye a.r/e
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all a
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all (a) i/t ye
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all)
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all) e.g. t0/g 0 all e.g. i've n(t) d's~e/n d's~p/ar t ye a.r/e miss re a.d. e/b t0 me a.(i)d.e
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all a
r-ich-can-t- accept f a(i)r e t/0 g ether e ve(i)n a.m.(e) 0.re f(L)ave 0/r~e f(e/a.)r (t/h)'s h/ea/r e s0und i/n g (0/d) ea. r~e p.r. i'm e m0/u(n)t~h a/nd's i/nk t00 t(*h*)c 0ve r~t i/n n/a.~m.e d/u~all (a) i/t ye
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all)
n~0w/e' s (e/e) h ea.r (t/h ave t e're all) e.g. t0/g 0 all e.g. i've n(t) d's~e/n d's~p/ar t ye a.r/e miss re a.d. e/b t0 me a.(i)d.e n/s~e(a.) t00 the se l~l (e)ye
fxf 0/r/m/e a.(d.)c.~e.
t "h" e're t *h*ei r, is only one way f0r e w/a~rd & t/hat i/s t/m (e) ark/e t©
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e. g. 0
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r ace
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~ et(h)c a/r t 0 pen p(L)an e~`
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~ et(h)c a/r t 0 pen p(L)an e~`t00 t*h's ea. t(h)ru~e st 0r/e ye
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~ et(h)c a/r t 0 pen p(L)an e~`t00 t*h's ea. t(h)ru~e st 0r/e ye bu ye s*h* ea.r t *h*'s t~a/r ~t
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~ et(h)c a/r t 0 pen p(L)an e~`t00 t*h's ea. t(h)ru~e st 0r/e ye bu ye s*h* ea.r t *h*'s t~a/r ~t ' b i/r *t/h*
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~ et(h)c a/r t 0 pen p(L)an e~`t00 t*h's ea. t(h)ru~e st 0r/e ye bu ye s*h* ea.r t *h*'s t~a/r ~t ' b i/r *t/h* e/m~e'ye t/m ay/ke. g.re at e w/*h*eigh *t*/u
& you can choose how you want 0re bu ye pass i've ly e t00 the ni(g/h)t~e y/e re st 0r~e & re t'e(a.)r/n ally e/ve r/e (a.l)l~a/s t(r)ing t i'll~0! g0 all e. g. g/race i/0/u/s ly e ~s~0 & s~0 w/e ft fi/n e. g. 0 t/r a.c. e. i/n g's~ et(h)c a/r t 0 pen p(L)an e~`t00 t*h's ea. t(h)ru~e st 0r/e ye bu ye s*h* ea.r t *h*'s t~a/r ~t ' b i/r *t/h* e/m~e'ye t/m ay/ke. g.re at e w/*h*eigh *t*/u p/per' sup/per t(h)ru~e
break the pi-t-ye-(too-t-he)-scene
b.c. it if you d-i.d.- not kn0w, it b.c. you do not Want t0/0 k n~0w/e apparently e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-
break the pi-t-ye-(too-t-he)-scene
b.c. it if you d-i.d.- not kn0w, it b.c. you do not Want t0/0 k n~0w/e apparently e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d-
break the pi-t-ye-(too-t-he)-scene
b.c. it if you d-i.d.- not kn0w, it b.c. you do not Want t0/0 k n~0w/e apparently e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d- & you do not want t0/n e m.0.~(0)r~e all c *h*em (e)y e
break the pi-t-ye-(too-t-he)-scene
b.c. it if you d-i.d.- not kn0w, it b.c. you do not Want t0/0 k n~0w/e apparently e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d- & you do not want t0/n e m.0.~(0)r~e all c *h*em (e)y e a./s t 0r/e
break the pi-t-ye-(too-t-he)-scene
b.c. it if you d-i.d.- not kn0w, it b.c. you do not Want t0/0 k n~0w/e apparently e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d- & you do not want t0/n e m.0.~(0)r~e all c *h*em (e)y e a./s t 0r/e in~s *h* e(a.)d. i a.~m. t0/r e s(c) en t i'm e's hin(n)ye t00 the be g* i*/n/n A. m. en // d's
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d- & you do not want t0/n e m.0.~(0)r~e all c *h*em (e)y e a./s t 0r/e in~s *h* e(a.)d. i a.~m. t0/r e s(c) en t i'm e's hin(n)ye t00 the be g* i*/n/n A. m. en // d's en d's c~0/p (i)e due t(c) 0/n e t i'm e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d- & you do not want t0/n e m.0.~(0)r~e all c *h*em (e)y e a./s t 0r/e in~s *h* e(a.)d. i a.~m. t0/r e s(c) en t i'm e's hin(n)ye t00 the be g* i*/n/n A. m. en // d's en d's c~0/p (i)e due t(c) 0/n e t i'm e w/e & w/ *H* ea T a' l~l'~s 0w/(*H*)e T c a/r/t 0/n e
which is t00 the s/say e're de s/i` re le ft *h* bu/i/ld i/n g -fo-r-t-de-ad-i/n-re-l/ie-f-e/e-d- & you do not want t0/n e m.0.~(0)r~e all c *h*em (e)y e a./s t 0r/e in~s *h* e(a.)d. i a.~m. t0/r e s(c) en t i'm e's hin(n)ye t00 the be g* i*/n/n A. m. en // d's en d's c~0/p (i)e due t(c) 0/n e t i'm e w/e & w/ *H* ea T a' l~l'~s 0w/(*H*)e T c a/r/t 0/n e c/enter e bu ye de s/i` re 0 pen i/n A let t~a(i)r~e
re j (c/h)0 i c.e.
fi/g~i f/t 0/g et*h*er e
fi/g~i f/t 0/g et*h*er e j~ (c *h*2 *h*)0 i/c.e. s~et *h* t00 t*h* fxf a~ct 0/r~e st 0/r e
fi/g~i f/t 0/g et*h*er e j~ (c *h*2 c*h*)0 i/c.e. s~et *h* t00 t*h* fxf a~ct 0/r~e st 0/r (e) i/n g's e.g. g/r~a. c.e. in/n a.m. e
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e-
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e- &- 's-c0/p-(-i-)e/d-e/b-t-r-0/p-e-in-t-i'm-e-
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e- &- 's-c0/p-(-i-)e/d-e/b-t-r-0/p-e-in-t-i'm-e- (f-)0ra-ft-f-un-e're-all-a-st-0/n-e- bu-i-ld-0/n-e- c-um-
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e- &- 's-c0/p-(-i-)e/d-e/b-t-r-0/p-e-in-t-i'm-e- (f-)0ra-ft-f-un-e're-all-a-st-0/n-e- bu-i-ld-0/n-e- c-um-0/n-e-ye-s-um-
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e- &- 's-c0/p-(-i-)e/d-e/b-t-r-0/p-e-in-t-i'm-e- (f-)0ra-ft-f-un-e're-all-a-st-0/n-e- bu-i-ld-0/n-e- c-um-0/n-e-ye-s-um-e-0/n-e-
the f/act of the matte.(g.)r, is (t) um i/s s(i)0/n e
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e- &- 's-c0/p-(-i-)e/d-e/b-t-r-0/p-e-in-t-i'm-e- (f-)0ra-ft-f-un-e're-all-a-st-0/n-e- bu-i-ld-0/n-e- c-um-0/n-e-ye-s-um-e-0/n-e-
the f/act of the matte.(g.)r, is (t) um i/s s(i)0/n e in e m(e)ye (t) 0wn e t i'm e ve(i)n a/nd~'s ag a~i/n/n
what do you think of the retched chup reference, along with checking your as/sp and fan d it, too conceptually woordy? i am thinking of simplifying...as 'h' eye tm ay/k i/t(c) up: an 0b ject, w/i th0u t an 0 b 0/d e'ye t/a L/L k i/n g ab(0)ut it mu c/h (up 0ut war d l-e-y'up-)
th' D/h~av'i.~D. & g's us t/h' D T a. L/L k i/n g t(a) be~'t/h' le 'h'~em in K/e ff ra.(i)m.~e n ap directi0n e' s 0(h0h0)L/D's w/(h)ea. t 's le/a. p(h) ea. r(e) L~(e)ye cc/all e'ye b/b a/c K t00 t(h) 0/m e ta re st 0/a~re g.g(u)est~as/s~0/n~e t/h eave ns ay~e c(h)0~ s up an/d c/up (t) a s/s 0/m~ e a. r~e
you are being de-fen-s-ive- that is why you t-urn to her to create your wor-l-d- as-h-ye-a/s-t-o/n-e-pre-miss-(-i-)on-e-c-k-&-ne-c-k-in-c-u-r-l's-ay-e-ar-t-he-r0-u-nd-u/e-
d-'s- hare-on-put-ye-up-t-a-t-i/t-ye-w/-all-ove-t-w/-h-e'ye-ff-r-0/n-e-t-m(e-)art-0(w/-)n-e-ad-mire-s-0le-ye-0n-up-t-ag-t0g-et-he/r-e-t00-t-he-s-(-h-)ave-ye-s-p0(u-)t- -a-t - 0ut-yank-&-t-hanks-fu- (e-) lie-in-t-ouch-e-ye-0-n-
you haven't created a value in reality t00 th e l0 0k u/p 0/n e cess ai r(e)ye n (b) 0ugh t 0/d aye
why don't you ju-st- c-all, when you nee-d- apr/0-p/0'se-d-ta com/ma nd perceive ye s um t p lan (i'm the for biddin' c/an)
bethlehem v p.r. i'm e t' be t*h* le hem i/n de fi/n e/d's~
c-(i-)t-(ye-) of-f- k-i/n-g- d-avid-'s-c0/p-e- &- 's-c0/p-(-i-)e/d-e/b-t-r-0/p-e-in-t-i'm-e- (f-)0ra-ft-f-un-e're-all-a-st-0/n-e- bu-i-ld-0/n-e- c-um-0/n-e-ye-s-um-e-0/n-e-
the f/act of the matte.(g.)r, is (t) um i/s s(i)0/n e in e m(e)ye (t) 0wn e t i'm e ve(i)n a/nd~'s ag a~i/n/n (0/re) st e
de fi/n e my t i'm e~
i'm de fi/n e i/ng a specific b/al~l/ance in m(e)ye 0(w/)n*(e) t i'm e a.d. e/b t00 t-he-e-
a fun-e/r-all fora nother day e ?
a fun-e/r-all for a nother day e/r i.d. e (a.t) b~re a./s t e t*h*0's c0pe t0 fxf i/t rig ht i/n/n~
s~te t*h*0's c0~pe t r/0 p/e
s~te t*h*0's c0~pe t r/0 p/e re p~a s(s)/t
s~te t*h*0's c0~pe t r/0 p/e re p~a s(s)/t 00 t*h*y (i')m e
s~te t*h*0's c0~pe t r/0 p/e re p~a s(s)/t 00 t*h*y (i')m e all (a) t/*h*at in st e/a. d. e/b t*h* 2 0 w/e de fi/n e
i have work at the salon till after dinner time, then get ready for an early morning followed by another t in t i'm e
p.s~ t-ye w/-hi-t-c-h- make the w/-itch-un-t-s-h/ave-t-0/rt-i/n-g-
w/hat stands is the land, sel-l-ed-0-w/-n-0w/e-g-g0/d-l-ye- in- p-(L-)a/ce- (f0r-t- k-no-w-t-hing-e-)
p.s~ t-ye w/-hi-t-c-h- make the w/-itch-un-t-s-h/ave-t-0/rt-i/n-g-
w/hat stands is the land, sel-l-ed-0-w/-n-0w/e-g-g0/d-l-ye- in- p-(L-)a/ce- (f0r-t- k-no-w-t-hing-e-)t-(c-)u- e-
like i said in the beginning, the land once meant the people ve(i)n l(y)e/n t all s 0w/e, and competition for no reason has t e -x- (t-) p0se-d-0h-t-(h-)u-e-
& like i said in the beginning, the land once meant the people ve(i)n l(y)e/n t all s 0w/e, and competition for no reason has t e -x- (t-) p0se-d-0h-t-(h0-)u/s-e- ed- l-i(e-) /n-g-
cur-rent- is-t- y-0u/r- af(-t-)f-a(i-)r-e-
cur-rent- is-t- y-0u/r- af(-t-)f-a(i-)r-e-
cur-rent- is-t- y-0u/r- af(-t-)f-a(i-)r-e-
cur-rent- is-t- y-0u/r- af(-t-)f-a(i-)r-e-
cur-rent- is-t- y-0u/r- af(-t-)f-a(i-)r-e-
t00-t-he.-g.-i've-t-he-ni-t-e-le-ct-r/i-c-b-rig-ht-germ-any-e- ye
note from today
it's just d-ick-t-i/on-e- w/-0ut- conviction
you want to protect for the "reason" you haven't L en T
you want to protect for the "reason" you haven't L en T i/n sum e ve(i)n
why don't you do some thing that can't be ma(i)d-up-(e-)0/n-up-
why don't you do some thing that can't be ma(i)d-up-(e-)0/n-up-t/i-(al-)le- t- 2- t- ea.-t-
t rut h 0ther wise you are making a ge-lo/use- (t-) mistake
gi the t rut h 0/n t/h fi/r' s/t d aye t'p l/en/t ye t00 t/h be gi~n/n
tell me w/hi(g/h) 2 h(i)r(e) t(h)ru~e ye
t ea. t ea. c~ *h* 2 (h) 0 w/k en (t) d's~en d's 0~w/(h)e n
r/ich a/nd e ve(i)n 0/n e probable pt (b.) c.au's~e th c/an~s
f-uck-e-r's- get too- th-inc- 0/n-e- me per-pet-u-all-(e-)ye-t-ho/u-se-ed-e/b-t- f0r/m/e bu ye not b ein g t here, as your w/0 rd e fi/n e's 0 pen ly e t00 the re lay t 0/n e th' s0l i.d. i'm/e t l/in/e
peT P.r.0~j/e ct
T rut H 2 0's~i/nk
w/(hey~e)t c/a~r/t make ge/nd e're fxf ace
le-a./t-(h-)e/r-e- (e-) f-e/eL-a/nd-fe-ll-0/n-g-0ve-r-t-due- t/u-
so, if i re lay t with you during the day, it is highly likely i will need to sleep with my notebook. notes tarted around 3am, well there was a midnight interlude, twice, where i really wanted to eat crackers with this palmetto dip. bottom line, tired at 5 am, slept in 20 something minutes, and crafted a c/ave in my would be workout, which i did after work, and after a little grocery shopping. then making dinner, defrosting the candied ginger fro yo... made the fresh fruit salad for the week, you know.
tomorrow i start 4 hr class, with a drive 30 min's beyond work and portland.
i have notes from last night and from today at work. i got to do something other than paint now. i am starting to train as a machinist, working the manual machines vs cnc which is computer aided numerical design.
what i found is i spend a lot of time in my head, i am practically hypnotized by me. this only came a practical awareness when i did repetitive machine behavior, grinding each pass on back and forth on the x axis, and watching the digital read out, to raise the table on the z axis to the grinding wheel, that i first dressed with a diamond. y was determined at a certain depth, and was held stationary in place by not touching the dial, however sometimes it moved, and i had to be cognizant of my clothes, or if i was raising the part to aggressively into the grinder, not sure, first time using the machine, i just paid attention to variables, then used a ? measuring device that measures into the thousand'th's, each side of the flat edged hex.
the work today was taking a hexagon tool and cutting a hexagon chamfer, too make the tool usefull, i presume, for inserting into a receptive hexagon screw.
we should talk about the 'hex' respectively = he-x- , even rope-t-do/pe-on- 6-6-6- & t-he-(a-)d-evil-
so, i am going to endeavor to keep up with my notes so they do not become passe` in passing (away t--), and to perhaps keep my desktop from looking like mount all t/hat
today it occurred to me about being in my head, as i was supposed to watch the digital readout to arrive at a certain thousand'th's, and sometimes i was inside out in my thinking ie i was thinking about the meta (re) f/ore in what i was doing, and started dialoguing, and seeing how i would shape the language. i do this when i drive, when i paint, when i sew, at the salon, etc, however, being a new machinist in training, those #'s kept slipping by, and sometimes i made the side of the hex to chamfer // i took too much off.
sam remedied the 5 ish i blundered, by grinding them down and i could start a new pass as if a mistake had never been last.
this is difficult to do, i catch glimpses of the inkling, yet it absolves me to be in 2 places at once, and in this for A, i find myself hardly doing solitary justice to either to be servicable a.d. as/s 0w/e at least yet
overshooting those numbers, put me in touch with how i'm on auto pilot. reading symbo(w/)l ~ d/i vi n/e
symb0(w/)l (s~s/ai)d/i vi n/e be si.` d.e' s~s e/e n symb0(w/)l p.r.i'me
notes in my overall's at work :
ha/rd w/heel (a/nd e w/ell)
i thought it was interesting we used a hard wheel on the manual grinder, and dress it with a diamond first. the diamond is used to cut the width of the wheel on the y axis, going in and out making the wheel a perfect diameter then to make perfect parts (if i do my par t watching the a/rt).
sam i have to say, is a thankful person to teach, and what i mean by that is, i think he understands this is difficult for a person new to this, and you have to have a certain approach to be a teacher, as there are many layers of information (the x, y, z, what they do, the machines, what they do.do.do.do.do. types of metal, hardness, be aware not to get injured, always wear your safety glasses, the repetitive, and for me the hardest is the one thousand'th's measuring. i get confused with so many numbers behind the decimal. not natural forte. fractions, divisions.
sam reminds me of rick, older, near or passed retirement, teach aka being present to complete, not compete. he is the right person to teach me, in this involved process he says i will never out grow learning inn.
quantum mechanics & in/finite movements
you want to protect for the "reason" you haven't L en T p/L en T y(e) in re f/le ct i/0n e tu -vs- in-n-re-f-le-ct-i/0n-e-
i/n a ve/r'ye (in)ternal(l) w/ay e'ye d0
h/ea/d t00 the make g.re at e. g.r/ate
i learned today while grinding (c) 'ar t/i f/a ct's' that dust interferes with measuring tolerances.
L/in/e (a.r) (t) L/0ve/r t/u
0r(e)a. l/l fi x at(e) i/0n e
your not in(n) love, you only th-inc-u-r/e-
let the (b)rains (and b/re ins) w/as h the pla(i)ns
h 0/p e tw/(h)0 bu ye t0'0 d aye T(h)rue
i thought this was interesting, but i couldn't dwell inside on it at the time concentrating on the outside: to dress the wheel with the diamond, you start the grinder wheel, which spins clockwise, and it is best to dress the wheel from left of center, as if it is right, the wheel wants to climb on it, so position after its appex to dress it well.
s0 L i.d. e/b t m.0~0/n e ye n0.w/e
the duality icon sample i sent you, each L/abel is laser cut
too the t(c)ell
m~e s(ea.t)h
le/ft 0/ft c/en~t~er(e)
see th e
s ea. t/h
the duality icon sample i sent you, each L/abel is laser cut
too the t(c)ell a/nd' sel l/ave & f(l)ave 0/r~e ve t'd re a.m. c 2 sea. t~w/h0 see s~0 w/e. g.~ (t)g 0/n ~e/n d le s/s e ll e ye
m~e s(ea.t)h in s/i` L en t de v0te i/0n e
a.m. en ;)
a.m. en d's
a.m. en d's~0w/e
a.m. en d's~0w/(H)e n d's
a.m. en d's~0w/(H)e n d's en d's~ en d les~s ly e tu
a.m. en d's~0w/(H)e n d's en d's~ en d les~s ly e tu gaw/ h/ey e t(h)rue
if i were to have a child, i would have to ask the wo(r)ld what it wants of my child w/h en it wants nothing from me f0r/m/e all ye
if i were to have a child, i would have to ask the wo(r)ld what it wants of my child (0) w/h en it wants nothing from me f0r/m/e all ye
when you th-inc i am vain striving to opt to keep my life in balance, in direct regards to your d-m-c-a and every m(e-)/an-s-a(w/)-ll-s-0we- // p-l-ease- re-member- you can only re-c/la(-i-)m your -e- vain bu-ye- a/r-t-
bein-g- a- pissy- fe-male- suits your -e- p-(L-)ay-e-
i mean putting value into me, systems, people, that return my value vs putting into you so you can act like an i.d-i-0t- at-large- // is there a quest i 0n e 2
class was canceled. why are you suc-king-
m(e)a.d.'s~0/n e
why b(-r-)ot/her
i like that i have originated unique pre sense, and if this is a problem for you, i think you are looking at developing your opportunity errant. to express 0/n e me would be unique in e'all the w/0(r)ld, b/ring your de si` re bu ye (s)~h ea. r/t (h)
t/hat is how you h/ave th u(e) n~i/q u/e
t/ hat g/ave t/(h)~r/u~e
0-re- ye- c-an-ad- j/u-st- go-on-de-fi-le-in-g- 0- pen- l-ye-
t/hat is how you h/ave th u(e) n~i/q u/e
t/ hat g/ave t/(h)~r/u~e 2 x t0/0 th' fxf a~ll 0 w/e t(c)u~e
p-ain-t won't st-ick to w/ould
f0r/m (ea.) L/L ye
my only be got ten 0/n e ye (i)n s0we
p-ain-t won't st-ick to w/ould & w/(h0) u ld be/ rig ht be/t r/i all b/all~ance
in g*(L)a.d. ness 0w/e ve(i)n sum in t i'm e
trying a new recipe, roasted cauliflower, garlic, parmesan reggiano, a little olive oil, salt and pepper.
t rut h in d's ig h t make. g. r/e at e a.m.
t rut h f 0re sel'l fxf e/e de vel0 p.m. en t may/cue
w/ h al(l)e t'l~a nd
inn c0m e i/n~g
paul doesn't have a L e.g.g too th' st/a/nd awn 0/n e.g. g/ave bu ye de si re t' h a.d. e may/ke
d e(a.) L/L t00 t/h 's e(a.) L/L
i'm making my sel~l e fxf t00 th' t up t0 me in si.` d.e
the only n/ewe's t/(h)at c/0/un/t's
i reiterate, the competitive marketplace is not t'ea/c/h i/ng e the make, and hold's me accoun-t-able for not re-cog-ni-z-ing authority as a value to me fxf/ace (for no reason e tu b/e trial~l b/all/ance & p.r.00f e a.t r/a(i)te
people at the "p.d." are not accountable to any one / no one in de/st/i/nation e ve(i)n
people at the "p.d." are not accountable to any one / no one in de/st/i/nation e ve(i)n l ye 0/n e pre sen/t a/b/le a.s t bu ye
f ly e w/i nd
t0 w/i n/d e/b t00 th' d ate ve(i)n (t) d's ea. m.(e) i/n g's
paul is not capable to (w/) h ea. L/L on you-r-one-
b(L)eat (in) double je/0 par d'ye
b(L)eat (in) double je/0 par d'ye t de serve d e/b t'ea.r n
b(L)ea.t (in/n) d0/u/b/le je/0 par d'ye
i (e/ye) set y~ew/ e hup f/0re f/all0w e t(h)rue
b(L)ea.t (in/n) d0/u/b/le je/0 par d'ye
i (e/ye) set y~ew/ e hup f/0re f/all0w e t(h)rue ve(i)n s0w/e t(c)u~e
b(L)ea.t (in/n) d0/u/b/le je/0 par d'ye
i (e/ye) set y~ew/ e hup f/0re f/all0w e t(h)rue ve(i)n s0w/e t(c)u~e int0 0 the r i've r~e
may the fl0/0d e w/as h 0(w/e)ve r/u~e
pope so busy setting up church f-ore-any-o/n-e- t heir t here t heir is (k) n0(w/n) 0ne
huss b/a/nd ?
sb = 'stolen bases' -ore- st-0-l-en-t-b/as/e's-0-w/e-
huss b/a/nd vs eye t beau t'ye
b ea. u t'ye
be/au t'ye
maybe need eye 0 beau t'ye h ere (yet) h e~a.ve n 0w/e
s0w/e tell me w/here ist my f all t f/0re l0 vi/n~g ew/e w/(h)all a.m.(e)ye~s 'h' ea. r/t
s0w/e tell me w/here ist my f all t f/0re l0 vi/n~g ew/e w/(h)all a.m.(e)ye~s 'h' ea. r/t a' ll i'v~e
s0w/e tell me w/here ist my f all t f/0re l0 vi/n~g ew/e w/(h)all a.m.(e)ye~s 'h' ea. r/t a' ll i'v~e t/h' s0~0 t/h (e)' s~saye r(e) ve in s~0we
s0w/e tell me w/here ist my f all t f/0re l0 vi/n~g ew/e w/(h)all a.m.(e)ye~s 'h' ea. r/t a' ll i'v~e t/h' s0~0 t/h (e)' s~saye r(e) ve in s~0we pt p (L)~aye r(e)
the connection of t ct
is you can't head a call to war in your home to g/ether
it needs to be a-cross-t-i'm-e- t0/0 -x- 2- d-ue- s-owe-
it is the same dynamic why you can't call your relationship for e ward e/b t0 g ether eve n bet ta(i)re
it has t 0/0 be a.c.r/0 s~s t i'm e
i think of this b.c. tanya that used to live here before she was abused by me-s/hell and a/ve-st-a-, asked how things were going here, the question automatically brought me back to the rug-ged- a/rt-i-f-a/ct- which at-t/em/pt-e/d- too-the-p.r.-e-ve-ill- 0/n e me t i'm e as the-di-vi-n/e-
tanya was put off by going back to reflect on t-hat-on-e-my e re p/a st. she did ask the question, and i answered it. however i realized our relationship, is dour, as we are k/n0./t c/all i/n g/i t a cross t i'm e in t i'm e
i can't call our relationship for e ward on the pre-miss- a/ve-st-a put on me too th' apparently e d/e a. ll with (n0 b/0d ye)
n0b-b-(e-)ye- r-ich-
"T" 00 -t-he-ta-ka-w/-hey-e-re-scene-in-n-s-l0-t-(h-) e(a) -r- e -h -(e)a-re- &- par-t-i'm-e-w/-t-h-at-(e-) very e t h/ing i've n's (t)00 t/h/e/ sur(e) vi ve t(a)b re at h i/n g
i made myself t c/up ap parent (e) l/(l) y~e re st 0r~e ye
& se(a.)t my L ad/d e/r e bu ye t(h)c a/rt e
w/0 u ld en 0.ve & d e/n 0w/e g.g 0 a L/L e
th' e X a.m. p le ye'd th e.g.~g t/hat g/ave
th' e X a.m. p l~e ye'd th e.g.~g t/hat g/ave t00 th' si/n~g~i/n g's
c/ar(e)~r/y~e tc tu ne/e & k ne a.d. e
c/ar(e)~r/y~e tc tu ne/e & k ne a.d. e.g.g en t le ye re b re a.d.
c/ar(e)~r/y~e tc tu ne/e & k ne a.d. e.g.g en t le ye re b re a.d. tu`
maybe i can't call i/t f0r e ward by recalling the p-a/s-t- in-f-l/i-ct-e/d- at-a-g-lance-
maybe i can't call i/t f0r e ward by recalling the p-a/s-t- in-f-l/i-ct-e/d- at-a-g-lan(-d-)ce- t(c-)u- e-
i don't mean to be exclusionary, however you haven't earned your e living bu ye the me a. L/L 's 0w/e ye
t r/u th t00 the re st 0/re ye a.s t b/r~ave t par t a w/ay e
i don't understand it, and it makes me want to with hole/d a gesture to get eve in k/n~0w/e
he can't do anything on his "o/n"-e-
verse-sus-t- b-/e-
it makes me think on his e-nd- i/t- is an im-mature gest-u-r/e- to get at ten ti 0/n e (mi/n e) f0r t-h-i/s- (f0re no re as 0/n e t~le pt f/r0m i/n e
i don't have any quick and dirty an~s w/ears. i am trying to prevent the on slot of decimals and fractions and drill bit sizes from overwhelming in the present you / u~se e
do you want me to set this p/ag~e w/ are t' rig ht 0/n e t~L i/n e~
i'll think on this.
i am not motivated by paul. paul is defunct material. if i do postcards now. i don't have the preference to address on the website, ie i would have to take time off of work and possibly class and if i miss class i miss chunks of sequential building information.
so i don't want upsetness. do i think i will merit "i/t" , paul is stupid, as his g0/-d-e-m(e-)as-k-, so i would say in his be-h-ave- that it is a possibility, so i either go in strong t0~w/n~0w/e or i don't. finances play a part of this. the finances i need are not out of reach currently.
padding i would like, finances, emotional support, whatever, = preferences, that truthfully, i am mostly indifferent too the que st in si tu p as/s
padding i would like, finances, emotional support, whatever, = preferences, that truthfully, i am mostly indifferent too the que st in si tu p as/s t l~(e)a. s/t i/n g's~ 0w/e l~l e t's j/u st ge t d/0wn e tu p.r. ag mat i/c's~
padding i would like, finances, emotional support, whatever, = preferences, that truthfully, i am mostly indifferent too the que st in si tu p as/s t l~(e)a. s/t i/n g's~ 0w/e l~l e t's j/u st ge t d/0wn e tu p.r. ag mat i/c t/'h' en~
tm work is going to be very physical and unkind. it is fixing a cnc job with a hand held machine tool. i get to do it, because i don't know better. it may be like sculpting in metal, and i have been for warned little metal chips will go everywhere. i actually have a few in me today. little, fit in your pores. stick straight out of them. i am told sometimes they are fire hot.
i go for t m
colloquially speaking -em-pt-ye- thou-sup-per-see-d- 0- w/- n- l- ye-
it is kind of castrating like a man would look at the built-up-on-e-c-h/ar-ms- of a woman for no re as on. i'm saying, bein g p.r.e t/t ye to look at, for no reason actually, is not any better than not being p.r.e t/t y ap par e/n t ly e
yet you have a "number" of people following you, and what c a(i)re the me
all you really have is something dishonest, too the pre sent w/-
your crafting the scene to be dishonest in re lie f
i've been busy, however that is only half i/t. saturday was relatively ok, 9 hrs of grinding. i say relatively ok because, afterwards i played frisbee with min0 and i stretched my arms, wrists, legs a lot. and then went grocery shopping, and had a vague awareness even though i told mysellf i felt pretty good for 9 hrs of grinding, i still found myself just staring in the shopping aisle, and weaving inbetween steps, kind of like passing the point of knowing you are tired, however, the weaving i know, i know this about me. so i was tired, but i didn't feel it. sunday, i felt. grumpy face. no going to the gym because shoulders were taxed, chest was taxed, and my grip, my hands, s0re, so why would i go to the gym if i couldn't afford to grip anything. motivation waned all day, another symptom of being tired, is i am not good at making decisions, and the most trivial decisions, i get hung up on, can't make, or do make and feel positively uncertain. i got on a jag, i washed my little cube that i put my dirty clothes in, and apparently it is cardboard lining, and it is now a lumpy cube, and it bugs me. i thought i would make another one of nicer fabric and i have material, forgot what it is called, big sheets used for mapping plaster samples, that will wash if i want too.
i couldn't get around to it, thought maybe i couldn't afford the time, so i looked on line, all ding dong day, didn't see anything i liked, thought i was seriously going to go mad in the head, and then i found something i liked. and, it is not in stock and know where to be found in the virtual universe, alas, the other part of the quest when i finally found something i liked, that i spent time not finding it.
i figure i was so tired, i couldn't talk myself into a decent upright attitude, i didn't study at all either. i inadvertently looked at winter hats on line. 2 compulsions right now, laundry holder and thee winter hat, that i wear 24/7 if i want. pistil, i like, and icelandic designs chloe, possibly, this is where i am hanging out. looking at things yesterday, after looking at a lot of things that drove me bat sh*t because it e x i/s t e/d.
2 narrow misses yesterday. did you know the grinder has a handle, that unscrews? i found this out, when the grinder fell from the handle i was holding, shot into the mold (think of the shape of a miniature skate park) and whisked out into mid air, and dropped like a tank to the ground. nice it whisked directionally away from me.
be it known, the handle unscrews and can be placed on either side of the grinder, for a preference in grip position. now i positively know, and know what a loose handle means.
the next near miss, too fast for reflexes, so again, very lucky. there is a narrow part of the aluminum mold that i endeavor to lightly fit but not wedge the grinder into. i think i wedged it, and it kicked back immediately, right out of my hand, flying blade and all. missed me, landed like a tank. curiously, i did some measuring of the surfaces with clay to mark the highspots with the wooden mold insert, and a pen, and then grinded some more, and the same place it kicked back on saturday, it kicked again, however, i held it in my grip.
i have to say, i am putting in some long hours with the grinder, and while this does not make me an expert, i have a few slits on my gloved hands (the side of the grinder slices like a jagged rock edge), today a little knowledge gained and knowing, that flying blade could tear me apart, i was a little more aware and somber today with the reality of grinding. apprehensive? i didn't try to go there. i don't like to operate with fear, and i don't feel it is part of a positive zeitgeist in the re t ear/n. just an utter em b/r/ace i/n g 0ve re all i tye.
good news, the person that did this before to the last mold, i am told, it took him 3 weeks. i finished in a day and a half. not a full half, and there will be some tweeking when a new deburring / air grinder part comes in, for the narrow passages i can't fit a grinder in, but it is done. i took it down.
it is down, and i am bouncing back, energy wise, and that feels great. bu oy ante in f/a ct i /n g (see origin / buoyant = buoyante s~p an is h)
jeff, look i am covered like a tinsel tree, and i was using 2 grinders on saturday the light and little one jeff taught me, and then his burley one, about 3x's bigger. it is a lot to master, including body position. jeff commented, as i don't think he likes to see me do this. i suit up, and what gets on me, does wash off, and i have a little cubby where i park my work clothes and shoes, and leave them at work, but jeff said, for a place with quote unquote 'men' ... he felt one of the "men" in the shop with tons more years of experience could be doing it. thank goodness i got pd time and a half, as that pd for the day of doing nothing. anyway. it is a bit of work that whent a wrye with a bit of missed calculation, and i know that it will make people their feel better to get this job done and booted out the door. i did my part to make the s/c/0re
so, do you just sit at house, or home, and twiddle your fingers, tinking of tings to say e w/h-ey-e-t-
just wondering, because it looks like that. people, evidenced by all that "liked" your "love" : you are not having a conversation. do you get that. you are a com-men-t- f-a/ct-0r-e-ye-
and a big bullshitter too the ye & t high
a leg of grace my ass too the make.
not one of your "people" would "like" my comment, "and" would think something is wrong with me, for not bein game on your tinkering t art e to re lay t i/on s k-no-t-make- at a constant steady, t-ra(-i-)te-
your scene c-0/ver-s my value to be A. M.iss Re A.D.
you are gleaning my 0 pen relati0n all value (for no reason)
you are "seen" as the purveyors of making domesticity hap pen. and it is not the truth e(a.)ve (i)n~
being a greedy sham does not make you a bet ta(i)re me a.nd
the dynamics of your "a/rt" are ho-k-ey-e-
you are insincere and honestly do not care 2
should i leave you as you are
only the w/-ea.-k- c-an- en-d-0/r's-e- t-his- t-
you are no different than the military you pretend to set yourself apart from. you do not de live r /e value . you h/ave no value to impart. looking b -a/c-k- or for-war-d- ye- a.r-t-
bull shit. bull shit. bull shit.
no man has be spoken with a w/0 m~e/n
just saying. you are full of bull shit and so is your fee-b-le-t-oo-t-he-
for as much as you-r-think women are c-harm-s- too the t-ea.t- it is you a-c/t-u-all-ye-
you yourself make the fucking bull shit c-i-t-ye-
bull shit.
you haven't earned the right 2 a g0/d i'm age.
h/ave you?
i'm not being supportive. your f-act-0re-ye im-age- offends my eye sigh t.
you can't help but be vain, so -t-, stop b-lame-in-g- shar(e-)-0ne- fora p(L)ate t/hat can't gr0w/ (h)at t/a n'ye r/a~te
your good image for no reason, takes from me tu b/e seen act u ally e as t 'h' 2 value 0 pen ly e.
you, your presents alone for no reason, crucifies value.
you support every "man" among you, including andy c-r/u-x- on my value.
st-0p- g-i've-in-g- my value t-a-w/-aye- & w/-h/ey-e-
you "righteous" dumb fuck.
not one of your supporters view my value as remotely necessary, as your scene ste-all-s- for no reason.
you have not follow thru and you do not desire it 2.
fuck you.
you do not have re all value you have produced, o(w/-)n-l-ye-st-0le-n-t-(h)rue-
i do not support you reflecting on me as with any b/0 d~ye, an image of virtue without desire t00 the p.r.00f t0 me t00.
if you are open to love, then take down the barrier so i can breathe my point of view on your "face book page" 2.
you did not provide for this platform, uploading images of no re all worth, i don't care if you spent "time" on it, taken from ... i can name some 0/n e.
This 'Love' 0re 'colloquially,' is knot yours to give.
st-0p- pre-te/n-d-i/n-g-
you h/ave no rig ht 2 L i'v~e. own l-ie- 2- L-i'v-e-
so i went to sharon's twitter, and i am blocked. however, before i signed in, i read she "tweeted" about "romance"
there is no r/0 man c~e.
fuck you sharon, with your narcissistic embellishments for no god damn fucking reason.
in my opinion, richard sachs, when you reflect on rich with your opinion of "house" your opinion is not necessary.
you think that is f a(i)re that you can reflect on me with your image, and deny me the rig ht 2 see.
you are a blight 2 all of humanity
& you "b-lock" me from stating this on you personally. my person, ie with my person and with my right 2 be personally, and you "exist" with my face value, facetiou-sly-e-
you have earned the value of virtue, at all. you are rigged to be scene, and you admonish me from existing as i am, as you have reflected on me, and how that makes me feel ear n est ly e.
you are a scab on any one you see -k- too the see-d-
haveNOT earned
you haveNOT earned the value of virtue, at all o pen ly e, you have just L-earne-d- too-t-h-act-it-
why is there not a man among you, rich?
i mean, you are setting me up to do your work, as well as sharon's as well as andy's and his "be-st-ow/-all" of love to "whomever", to lou's fee-b-le-t-oo-t-he-
i can "count" on all of -ewe-
no sharon, you do not get to move foreward with resolve, with actions, that b-lock me off.
dumb fuck
you don't get to t-ink- you-c-an-s-
you can't you dumb fuck producing dumb fuck's-
dishonest is accurate, and you w-ill wear that as your's too sel-l-
hear is the thing, i don't have to continue this story. so if you want me to live apparently in behalf of you. pay me with your virtue, in that your desire would be f0r (t) due
go ahead, dumb fuck's
you didn't earn your me 0ne ye t hat way, and you do not ca(i)re 2
not matter how you "raise" your k-i.d.'s too be polite for no reason. as they then get to wear my value in earnest, they didn't earn from you. swear your allegiance all t-he-w/-hey-e-t-(h-)rue-
by denying me for (-t-) no reason you speak on me "to/o" -x- "2"
it is, honest ly, a form of harrassment and bullying.
ironic, i look like the ill tempered dispenser for no reason.
you take the t i'm e ye t made in re p0 se -too-t-he-g-r/0-w/-e-
for-t- no reason "sow/e" you can re-ap- w/-hat- you-s-0we-
own l-ie- g0-
i do not respect your whole hearted lack of value.
will you be making love this valentine's day?
we'll have you re cent l ye
is rich admonishing sharon tu be "love" vs just erose, for which he will "produce" an original claim with a -d-m-c-a- on me just the sa(i)me
rich is just a con-t-roll-e-pt-free-k-
for no reason. and sharon goes along with him "b.c." she be-lie-ve
s the blurb about "love" and she intends to collect s-um-e-
no rich, you are not safe, pretending you are just a little panty waste... on your "own" account, of no t-a/s-t-e-
that is where you go, t hat is who you are, le-ft- oo-t-y-ew/er-one- de-vice's-aye-s-
a "prominent" panty waste. so good j-o/b- with your me-ark-e-t-i/n-g-
it's my best intention to take time off of seeing your s-c-h-lock-
i'll see if i can't do it for eve r
these are my thoughts on me-ta/ll- and the military. i informed you in my own time to/o x 2, and you use them against me as-si-ft-(h-)rue-
you bear down on love, with no value ve(i)n 0ve. you hi.d.e my fact & face t 0/0 t'h' f/a ct w/it h. you show yourself as the bearer and originator of lig ht, and it is with my lig ht and rig ht.
you got this 0 r/i g/i n' all thought f/r0m the me, and you do not claim it t0 me. you "c-laim" it as a vehicle of pi-ty-e- that you are not original act u ally e -&- in doing-s-0w/e- you steal my face value as with inherent value "prime-mer-r/il ly e.
none of us "need" your s-love, as a "be-stow-men-t-" of "g0-0d" though-t-, nor the im-age -0/ft- k-no-t- on per-p-0's-e-d- 0/f-f-
shar-one- hell-ps u/e- "0" "p/en" l-ye- t-ho-u-se/e-d- 0n e me.
those are my thoughts f i/r st L YE.
you have no rig ht, to b-ring-t-he-m- too-t-he- lig- ht-, wile simultane-u-s-ly-e- not allowing me to re p.r.e sent my sel l fxf i/n line with my i'mage at the same time, on your 0 pen face in the T I'M e, you claim t00 the p.r.0 vi. d.e
you are not the mi/t, you are not the mi/n e, you are not the mi/n d. you are a castigator of-f-i/t-e vain- t-i'm-e-
stop giving my value to speak apparently true, when you re-f-use- tu be t rue
stop giving my value to speak apparently true, when you re-f-use- tu be t rue the me t0/0
stop giving my value to speak apparently true, when you re-f-use- tu be t ('h') r~u/e the me t0/0
stop giving my value to speak apparently true, when you re-f-use- tu be t ('h') r~u/e t'h'e me t0/0
t-he-i/r- is know law that protects me from you-r-d-ate- r-ape-d- be-have-i-or-e- w/'h'en you ste-all-as-s- your 0/r i g/i n all value. at the same "time" not allowing me to represent myself fe ll t00 the w/e ll, on the same 0 pen face t i'm e.
u ste-all my value too-t-he-d/e-fi/n-e- as if you have and t/here fore give me p.r. i'm e.
you use my value to sup-po-rt- your wife-e- for no reason, and your children for no reason, and your frie-nd's- for no reason, and your k-in, for no reason, and your d-m-c-a "e-t-c-" all on my t i'm e for no reason. you ste-all, on my face with your reflection and image for no reason, for me to be simultaneously toothless 2 de fi/n e.
you appear as value be-cause you r-ape-d-i/t- f/rom e too th 0 pen ly e, you define your self as a value apparently (as you do not all0w what is of re all value tu/b e s/s e/e n(0 w/e) verse-sus- ta-i/n-0-w/e-
your no-t-i/on- of "love" without any 0/n e competes on me for no reason too the se e/d
your no-t-i/on- of "love" without any 0/n e competes on me for no reason too the se e/d 0/ve. speaking a-bout- "love" is not the l0ve ve(i)n t0/0 k/n0.w/(h)0ve
you are not the love if you speak of it with no reason in/n d0 ve.
you are colloquially satan.
in es'sense you are not make i/n g (L)0ve
you are just staging -i/t- on me -in/n- k-no-w/-(h-)0ve-
st-a/g-e-i/n-g-en-d-les/s-ly-e- too-t-h(e) at-ta-i/n-g-
you have given no credit due t/0 me, yet you take my thoughts as if they e w/ere you/r 0ne u/s/e/ e/d
when you are doing no such t hing e, only t-(h)ing-e-i/n-g-
you are not my friends when you are intentionally w/-ea-k- on e me. your vain-i-t/ye- is a never ending u-you-r-use-
you have never spoken 2, your wife in the competitive marketplace is to shield your systematic value to-pe-r-use-
and you have no tact earned with f/a~ct
of all things, you claim "love" too-t/he-k-ill-
your colloquially correct compositions, sit on women, uni-verse-al-lye-speaking (f0re & of no reason)
it is why you can't make love to your wife in any se a.s 0/n e
ho-use- e-d- e/b-t-he-d-0/f-f- 0/n e me, and hol-d- me accountable to your good image for no reason you see-d-
vain L ye
vain L ye t00-t-he-b/e-l-ie/ve-
vain L ye t00-t-he-b/e-l-ie/ve-n-d-les/s-ly-e-
vain L ye t00-t-he-b/e-l-ie/ve-n-d-les/s-ly-e-si-eve-
sharon is not the si eve t0 me a.nd e/b t be/e n/e(i)ther e ye
you are in-d-0le-n-t-c-e- too-t-he-de-si-eve-
c-r-a-ft-ye- on e me 0/n l ye
your wife could care less "hue" see-d-
so (-t-) she can s-qua-t- ad-mire-able-ad-
you g-u-y's e.g.-eye's- are just housing derelict conviction
bu-ye keeping the military a-war-e- with no re all reason to sp/ar/e, you can speak con love t-he/ir-an-d-e/b-t-here-
the "he-i/r" is always a man, it is s-own in your competitive plan-t-, and s-owe, you will always win del ta for no reason, tu be "f-ore" ora gain-st-e- the me-me-ill-i-tarry-e'ye-
does this not st-ate why and's- how you c-an- suck see-d- with no re all 0 r/i g/i n all i t/ye. you only appear original to the naked eye without my appearance at the same time on the same line you w/-(h-)uss-(e-)ye-
shar-one- is me-re-ly-e- putting up a resistance too the. g. l0-at-e- i/n-g-
she has no re all rig ht too the (a.)de fe/nd as s w/e ' ll e a.ve n (t)d's
you a/re -p-(L-)ace-ing f-0re you-r-e- cont-em-p-(l-)ate-i/n-g-
all your "moves" ea-r-n- ew/e- interest for no reason to be w/, only w/-
for no reason as de si re to be with
you have no desire, and yet you false sell lie, "want" to be seen for no reason producing value on me, at the very least, too the le a.d.
i'm going too fast again for -k-no-w/e-b-0/d-ye-
so how do you feel about sharon making pleasantries she hasn't earned
i get the dishonesty in financial matters, however she is shielded in her apparent earning's thru her association in marriage with you, ie marriage, generally as a r-u-le- "e-qua-ll's" virtue. but we all know you do not actually have love between you nor to give 2 x t0/0.
t here f/0re, her indiscriminate "love-ly" contributions for no reason can be deemed spite, to p-ass-o/n-e- very e b/0 d/ye
can be deemed "for/m/all-e-ye-"
please note she is blocking me from apparently seeing her scene, as if she has the right, f-rom-e- ? ye?
she is b-locking the all~ey(e)
for me to be see ne w/ a v(e)a.lu e in just bein g.
no leg to pass on e t(c)her~e ye th ink
so your in-fan-t-i'l(l)-e- m-m-ing- mar-r/i-age- s-hi-t's-0n-e very e b/b 0/dye
you have no virtue to make you have no virtue to glean, you have acting -t-own-l-ie-
you have no virtue to make you have no virtue to glean, you have acting -t-own-l-ie- n-0w/-e-de-em-
she is b-lockinG (the) ALL~ey(e)
as long as you do not "feel" to be seen 0 pen ly e with your stint, you are "o/k-w/-h-i/t-"
you are ok in passing the b-uck you didn't make with i/t.
you are ok in being scene as i/t, "and" passing the b-uck you didn't make with i/t.
you only have a system to keep the b-uck-in-p-(L-)ay-e-ye-
which isn't actually fa(i)r~e t00 th' d ate
t/here f/0re you are stealling for no reason, from other people's p(L)ate with your re-p.r.e-sent-ate-i/0n-e-0-f/t-L-at-e-
p.s. the only thing you can be thankful for is that your customers are prominently stupid, in the wake of your cu(e)p-i.d.-
p.s. the only thing you can be thankful for is that your customers are prominently stupid, in the wake of your cu(e)p-i.d.-
your "w/o-rd" is not g0 (al)L d t0 me
n/either is your w/0~rd 0 pen ly e
your "w/o-rd" is not g0 (al)L d en t*0 me
n/either is your w/0~rd 0 pen ly e
*d en t (a/LL e pt b aye b/b e)
your "w/o-rd" is not g0 (al)L d en t*0 me
n/either is your w/0~rd 0 pen ly e
*d en t (a/LL e pt b aye b/b e t'h' em in e me
your "w/o-rd" is not g0 (al)L d en t*0 me
n/either is your w/0~rd 0 pen ly e
*d en t (a/LL e pt b aye b/b e t'h' (le 'h') em in e me
in d/u s/t r/(e)ye (t)'h' as/ s/p 0 k/en t0 me an s w/ea.r i/n g's e/e n~0.w/e
verse-sus- see-n-0w/-e-
is all you h-ave c-ape- a-b-le-"ad"
you don't have to "be" the m-ill-i-tarry- w/-h-en- you -r- the m-ill-i-tarry- in re pre sent ate i 0n e vain.
"&" share-on- st-a-nd's- to p(-l-)ace a f-lo-w/-e-r-e vain-
if you do not have w/ i'll, you have w/-ill- e- t- c- st-e-a.l/l-
at no cost too th your apparen-t-ill-
your true co h0 st, just goes law-st-
on account of how you f-e-e-L-
uni-verse-all-ye-spea-king- as-s-0re- you-r-t-ea-ching-
uni-verse-all-ye-spea-king- as-s-0re- you-r-t-ea-ching- c-ha-(-t-)ching-
bum mer t0/0 k n0. t be /e necessary in an ye w/ay e t/u~s e 'e'
bum mer t0/0 k n0. t be /e necessary in an ye w/ay e t/u~s e 'e' (&) d/e~
now you can see why the "h"inge of-t- "h"inge, t-ouch's "0"/n e me.
or -e- p0-lie-t-ly-e- b/b-lock's- th-e-g-all-e-ye-
you-r- t-ea-ching your customers to see/k the value they haven't earned e/b t w/e(a.)ve (i)n. and have the gall, and gall-e-ye- to teach my teachings separated from my body.
you-r- t-ea-ching your customers to see/k the value they haven't earned e/b t w/e(a.)ve (i)n. and have the gall, and gall-e-ye- to teach my teachings separated from my body e 0/ft re si eve i/n g~ a(i)nd re/c/eiving
ie, not one of your sup-po-rt-e/r's- re c0/g ni z/e me in my 0wn rig ht, as necessary e t(0 0'le pt) 0/m e
with the same consideration for your sel f in e w/ viability interest's
you can be pointless "f-i/r-st-" for no reason, if you th in/k these are pointless struggles i am bringing up for no reason.
it's like this, you can be so thankful your customers are so stup-i.d.- as you have no love to give th and sel l e/a. ven, and your customers sup-po-rt- you e vain
it's like this, you can be so thankful your customers are so stup-i.d.- as you have no love to give th and sel l e/a. ven, and your customers sup-po-rt- you e vain t00 t(-)he " ' " live
it's like this, you can be so thankful your customers are so stup-i.d.- as you have no love to give th and sel l e/a. ven, and your customers sup-po-rt- you e vain t00 t(-)he " ' " live 0/n e t m(e)ye t i'm e w/h~0ut c 0/m p en s ate i/0n e
it's like this, you can be so thankful your customers are so stup-i.d.- as you have no love to give th and sel l e/a. ven, and your customers sup-po-rt- you e vain t00 t(-)he " ' " live 0/n e t m(e)ye t i'm e w/h~0ut c 0/m p en s ate i/0n e r/a.d. i/c all (e)ye
the ruse of providing concern, safety, consideration, thought, protection for people that are not e(a.)ve n (h) ea. r, is ju-st-(h-)at-, a r-use-, -0-re- c-r/u-x-
the ruse of providing concern, safety, consideration, thought, protection 0/n e me for people that are not e(a.)ve n (h) ea. r, is ju-st-(h-)at-, a r-use-, -0-re- c-r/u-x- i/n-g-
and doing this on you-r-one-t-i'm-e-g-all-e-ye-d- i/s a c-lever- too-the-se/a.-l-eve-r-t-
basically you are teaching per-version, -a/nd- "saying" e'ye h-(g-)ave nothing t-0-/due- w/ (the half) "i/t"
"and" x "fee-l" ore "f-eel" entitled for no reason to call on the law-st-with-it-
"b.c." you earned your me-on'e-ye-vain-
"b.c." you earned your me-on'e-ye-v/a-i/n-it-
i pick my own fig/hts bu ye picking on my own tu/r fxf i/n sig h/t
your scene of dupl-i-city, with no re all 0 f/f e/r ~ring is a false friend' ship in de-ed- ye- t00-t-he-t-ea-t/h-
s-0we, you fee-l- go/-d- about not loving sharon as your interest (-e-)
a-nd-of-t-course- she is -0-(t-0/0-)k-w/-i/t-
seeking truth where only f-a-ct- c-an-b- fo-u-nd-
bull shit. we all know you do not h/ave follow thru e.
isn't that the way "you" ta/k(e) "i/t" out on/e person e too bu ye "2"
t/he re verse e qua ll's tak(e) i/t 0ut -0/n-e- tu bu ye tm e 2
ps as a men, you are s/t/ill in quest i on e w/hy m(e)n
one quest i on/e, one man too th an(d)s w/ear th e/a.ve n (t) d's y st em ?
one quest i on/e, one man too th an(d)s w/ear th e/a.ve n (t) d's y st em at a ll
one quest i on/e, one man too th an(d)s w/ear th e/a.ve n (t) d's y st em at a ll e a.ve n (t) d's a w/a~re ven an (d e/b) t en d's~
at least i am (e) willing t00 th em pL(0)ye verse-sus-w/-illing-em-p-L-(0-)ye-ar/e-t-in-t-i'm-e-
m~aye 16 th 2016 m~aye' fi ft / h ap~p ea r/an' c~e at e'ye c(r)e a.t (h) ea. r (t/h) ea~ven s~h ea. r/e in h~a/nd ea.r th ave n a.(i)m.e~ sup p~l(e)ye d' fxf r a.(i)m.e nd' schlep t f/r0m e'ye 0(w/)ne st/h~and's en d's a g a/i n st a/nd g raise th(e)ye (h)a.nd as/s(t) pb e fxf 0r(e)t c/u p d e/a. r e/a. r's e. g. gi rt'h us/s t0 g e/th/er e (e) f/f~an d ew/e s t ea. r t/h in si.(ai)' d.e n'e ye t00 th eave n~s w/ee p t00 k(th)ye p d ate ad inn st e/a. d. aye ar/t (h0/u ) h ea r t/h e'ye * a/st r~aw/e t b/e t/h' b/rake in~th' l/l~ea st~e'ye as t aye w/e r etch ' s pi t/t le w/e d ew/e~e 0/n s(t) a k/e 0nt high (0) w/h~aye w/ee c/c a(i) r/r~e'ye 0n e mt hb rake t(h) i'll en t 0/0 t(h) u/e w/e an d c0 L 0re ar e vi ew/e t/h~ave n a.(i)m.e t~(g)a ve n (s) t(h)rue w/(h)eaven s h0 (w/e)~e
e'ye th/in k but th/in~k n0 t 00 th' (e) r~e L~at e as / s' t(h)e be(e) Sp0ke n (c/h~arms) 0~w/e in g(u)e st ate' ye in~n 0ve t d~0v~e ta mis_take (in un sp0ken re fer en ce ) 0 nt/h e mer it 0 'e ye ff ace w/0(e-)u(ye-)t radicalle'ye s q/u are i/n g~i/t t 00 (c0/u) th t/r~a ct i/0n e gate' c law s/t a/ll 0/n e c a./m. e all 0/n g i/n/n re c~e(i)ve i/n g i/n t r/0d~u(e) ct i/0n e a.r0und' s aim e'ye f(t(0/me/0n))f un ct i/0n d r~aw/t haw/ t ('s) um~me'ye re t c(h)u~p ((in qui et me an s cup (L)ea. t 0/m ea. d. in sit u t/h~a.d. e ve(i)n l e'ye t00 th'ye pr0se ed en~(e)ye a.t a.d. dress in the s~c0p(i) ed 0 w/h0 d e/b t00 th in c~0/m (e) met a g/ai/n s~t(h)rue 'hym' nigh 0/n ly e sin/g t00 t~hy/me besp0ken t a s/s i ft e'ye c/c L0'se r a's/s 0 w/e di vi.'d.e & c0/n q/u e're p0 w/(h) e're me an s~ee k en d' s (t)00 th ea)) t /h r 0/ne in k~n 0 w/e ~d/h~(t/0 w/) h 0/ne in ~a/ s tea dy e.g.g(u)e s t at/e g0/ing 0/n e g/g 0/n sus~(s)p en di.d.' st ate s & ' h~all marker the s/ai/me di.d.' sp(L)endid 0 v'er e cast('sel)le g(r)0 (w/)n e w/(h)e well 0/0 kin~g's pe(a)ll ((e~ pt back t00 th' fxf 0re all)) 0~ve n's en d'~g r 00 m e/g' sum mer g(th)e g r/ass 0/n (ap/p(ea)le nt a(i) re-appellant's- Law-st-raw/-s aw/(h)e y~e' re t0 g e/th/er e ta) net'(s) a.m. p/L~i tu de' s un 0/n (e) t/h/e m/e a.s s~u/r(e) a.m. ew/e the meas(s)ure in k' s ~ee k th ea (Le).v/en t/h' (e're) s(t)and' s(t) ai d r/e p(L)ea.t i/n g ('s)t 0(w/h)0(w/h)0' (is)sh0 e' ye w/e t/h~un~derstan~d i'm (e/t~a) bu' s(t) 0/0 the re st0 ar'e ye, a.h aw/e in c/our(t/h)ag~e in g(u)e~st a k(nit y)e a s/s w/(h)eater an/d e w/(h)0 0'~e ye 0n t c/c l0 t/h be cam e' ye as t~em in t0 ken s'um~mit' s 0/f t a/nd' s/t 0m a/c~h' sel~l ea.fxf t0 me an s~(h)~an~d e'ye t i'm e ff/r0m e ye t L i/n t i/n/n e me t/he meas~sur/e n/ewe t/h~e m/easure g r 0/0m ew/ i.d. th in K new/(h)e av~e'ye w/e n~ta c0mp(L) ea.t w/ h av'i ew/(h) ea. t (h) r/u~e w/e very e t hing(e) in recepti0n e tu'de w/he tu t 00 th e'ye as (/t) ai d i/n e in~n em ea. s/s u/re g.g ave t(h) ave n a/i me tu b e're sin s ai me
s 0 w/e 0n t b/all an(d)ce she put it up
2 b/r ea. st's tu bu~ck e'y~up t...
a/n0. mer i/t in t ru(e) st em the mer r'ye s up
ta give t~h~ i/t a t~r(e)ye
it's about can e c/a~i/n & want what ye t r0pe t 00 th d0 p/e :
I can t0w/e ye just like a n0 'se c0/n d 0 w/i fe ye ff/r0m a ff/ a(i)re ve in s um/e 0n t e'ye ta n ai re t/h air e'ye b/be/c(K) 0/n e in sig ht (h) a.d. e/p t/h e mer r'ye p.r.0 c~(L) ai m/e~
before s-0d-of-t-y-0re-p-a-l-ate-g-ain-s-(t-)in-t-it-
t00 the re-f-le-ct-i/t-s-c-u/p-t(p-)a-s-s-cup-c-(h)up-
min 0 is e th' L/L am be re sin t(h) 0 LD (e) w/h 0/0 LD (e) in 'h' un/derest0 0d 0 (h) all a r/0 u/n d bu y~e/t/a. M.is~s Underest~0/0~d ew/e
t/h 0 w/l and be t/h's p0 k/e t a/i L an d's ea. t~h e w/h 00/u LD c L0 th e v er'e ye c/c 0/n e t0 g e/th/er e s 0/m e w/in e w/(h)0v~e y/e t a/ g ai n s(t)e a.m. e r'e p (L) ea. t (0/n e) c0mma nd
sharone s (h?)ag a l(l?) 0/n e g
sharone s- h-ag-a-gal 0/n e
sel~l f i/s h, she may have swallowed all of your e m0ti0ns because you gave her n0 vi ew/e in the first s p(L)ace , or did she mistake, mis/s-take you/r 0 as-saw/- a/n o. & no d/e vote -i- on e-ye- in actually seen s um - mo/n- e'ye-s-(t-)ai-d-
a sis t
ass is t
a cyst em which t have ye t/b ough t... a re p 'ye (t) m0/t... a'ugh t
the bon mon t carried the re p ly e in t 'im e nd's 0ugh t b 0ugh t augh t = di vi de = w/h ere you show necessary e m0ti0n s(t) 00 th' b r/i. ' d~e/b t0 me an s wearing your e X a/ct ell e ye a s(t) Lay e w/h'e ye t00 th' 0 w/h0 0'le ye 0/be t/h' le h/em serve d/ t00 th a.d.e pt g r00 m, if (ye) t h/ave (t) it in ew/e in c(i)t(e)ye t 0/0 d0 w/h0
just trust you can app(ea)le 0 f/f ann(e)ye t i'm e w/ea.r(e)t*h~e w/an ' t 0/0d at~e w/e
*ff ann(e)ye t i'm e w/e (a.r(e) t*h = t i'm e t 0/u/c h~e ye' w/an 't
just trust you can app(ea)le 0 f/f ann(e)ye t i'm e ff 0ra re all "b0n"x "m0/t"-ex-t-a-(s-) ste-all-a-"0:"/t-rust-bu-ye-t-making-t-r-action-a-bu-st-i(n-)t-bu-f-x-f-u-s-s-0-f(f-)t-
t-hat-a-way- no on i s/ce/ne as a c-r00k-t00-cou(p-)t/h-0/0-k- w/i-though-t-a-g-aff-t-warning-charge-ye-ff-r0m-th-e-yup-s-cup- (c-)t(-)rick-le-d-0w/-n-
it is the p.-r.0/te-st-ate-i/on-e-ye-k-eye-p-too-t-he-sel as s/ee/k as s/ave i 0re the-w/-0/r-(L)d-as s/ume ing the 'would' w/h as h (i/t 0/u t) ' sup p ly e/d in ad vance of g(u)e st ate ing w/ the face t00 th f/act & t/act w/(i.d.)th in knit
think 0f(f0) n0.i/s e* (very e t hing e t00 t/h ea r i/t 00 t/h em p L(0)ye w/(h)it a gain) when you think of m0v(e) i/n g the doc(k)/u m/en/t in your h(ea)d i/n g(u)est ate ye wh0 p/en d
'~s(t) at e ff 0/rt' h e're p lea sure ring
i pre sup p0se t0 ye came from erose, i(k)n0(w/) you love, i wait for you to contest your e s0l(v)e & sell c0un(t) sell's~(el)l0ve f/r0m t'h eave n(s) ai me t~a/b 0ve t0 me an s un sp0ken s h0ne st a. m.er r(e)ye ve/in si/t u/s ~l0ve ta(g) l/l 0~ve n ea r t 00 th d 'a'ye (w/h) 0ve
aste/r is k is s w/at ye w/(h?) e/dg/e ff/r0m. the symbolic ewe has never been e tw/h0 n ew/e t(h)r u/e w/e in c~0're~p ~0're~a.t/e d~e w/e: s-0w/-e- being marrie-d- gives you the "hones/t-rite-ta-rig-ht-, and judge others for (y-ore-)no reason on sig-ht-" given the fxf ra(i)me an-0-t-her-e-(e-)f-x-f-rig-ht- = t-hat-a-w-h-e-ye- you can be scene as the protectors (with indolent per-man-en-t- capab-ill-i-t-e-ye-as-e-t/he-path-to-me-an-s-) = no one is accountable among -u- ye-
can't say i didn't consider 'it' as/s i consider i/t be f/0re ye(s) c/an s w/(h)ear th all a/nd th t i'm e an d' sig/n 0/re *A
d(0)b ea.rt(h)aw/e in c
What g(u)e st ate is your tine ...in/n (e)ye t i'm e r~e sin g am
it is n0 ir0nye t0 me, i have identified the leg that binds him ie min0 0cassionally, it is his back le ft le g.