t-he-m0-r(e-)t- a- ll- c0-i-ll- d- doesn't a re cognize "i/t" (s-) 0-i- ll- e-(a-)d- i/t- t-0-w/-(h-)e-re- t00-t-(h-)em-p-0-w/e-re-ad- s-nake-d-(h-)ad- van-ce- ad-e/b-t- (h-)in-(e-)d- e/b- t- make- debt-(b-) a- l/l- k- e- d-(a-)g-e-ta- b- (L-)a-c-(k-)t- 0- w/ar-e- (a-)d- i/t- inn- s- (p-)en- t- inn- ad-van-ce- d- e/b- t- inn- t- em- p-(0-)-le- d-g-e-d- e/b-t -a- gain-s- (t-)i-p-u-l/l-a-t-(he-)e- d- (h-)0-ve- t-he-re- rig-ht- 00-t-he- ad- s- h0-ve- d- (a-) g- (L-)0-ve- d- "i/t" a-re- (a-)d- i/t- inn- t-he- (ad-) h- and-0-cue-men-t-i'm-e-ye-am- e- d- i-c-(k-)t- inn- p- (L-)an- (d-)s- (t-) a- nd- "z-ero"s-e- e- t-he- d- s- (c-) an- d- z-er0-s- e- p- (r-)ate- l/l-ye- vain- d-am-me- d- (h-)up-e-t-00-t-he- pet-he-u/n/i-verse- d- im-ag-i/n-e-(e-)-d- l-e-(a-)ve- vain- d- (h-) e-ye-d- - - 0- (w/-) t- 0ff- (a-)t- he-ad- 0f- t- (a-)g-et- 0ff- t- inn- t- russ- t- s- h0've- d- i- c- (k-) t- inn- a- re- verse- ad-(a-)g-e- a- r- t-he- (a-) d- i-(c-)t- s- (L-)and- ere- t00-t-he-ad- be- ad- s- p.r.-0- 's-e(t-u-)t-he-(ye a.) m.-ag-(a-)i-n/d- c-a.m.-e- ad- (a.m.) a-g-i-(ft) c-t- hat- c-hat-tu-rd- 0f-t- (h-)en-d- kick-t-he- (a-)d- i/t- t-(h-) 0- w/e- d- 0- w/-n -d- e/b- t- he- ad- b-r0-ad-e/e-p-en- d- en- t- a- l/l-e-ye- a- t- a- g- re- ad- 0f- t-(y-)0ur-e-(a-) p-air-e-(a-)d- 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- s- up-p- ly- e- ad- e/b- t00-t-he- t- a- m-ag- i/c- t- hie-ven- d- se-am-e/n-d- s- (p-)en-d -s- (t-) inn- t- h-ave- t- a- gain-d- (h-)inn- d- inn- t- he- h0-p-en- d- e/b- t- a-in- t-(h-)inn-k- t- hie-vain-ly-e- a- (s/s-) t- 0- p- en- (a-)i- ll- t- e-ye- debt- 00-t-he- ad- s- t- (e-) a- ll- (e-)a- d- f-0-r-eeL- d- 0f- t-hie-ven-d-e/b-t- 0/0-t-0ff-t-(s-) inn-t-ere-s-t- a- b- (L-)a-c-k- t-(s-)augh- t- a- gain- (d-)s- a- w/-eg- a- w/e- d- s- cent- s- par- t- a- in-nad-vance- d- 0f- t-00-t-he-get- a- re- i-c-he- d- a-ft-ere- t- hat- c- (h-)at- e-ye- (d-)h-ave- n- d- e/b- t-00-t-he-vain-d-e/b-t-a-ke-ye-par-t- inn- a- me-vain- ly-e- a- s/s- t- a- ke- d- (i/t- )he-a-rt- hd- (h-) 0-ver- t- (h-)a-nd- (h-) 0-ver-t-00-L-00-k-eye-p-(h-) i-s/s- t- par- t- rue- inn-t- (0-) w/-h0- debt -a- s/s- et-he- f-(0-) l/l-0- w/e- (n-) d- 0- w/e- e(d-)g-0- ad-g0-at- there is no debt in proclaiming a song withou/t end, if you never actually proclaim the currency too th (b) lend heaven e vein t inn th and c an d (s) le p/t a~ p an (d) s pan s t00 th ta pi/n t(h) a ll e/d e/b t00 t(h) u l/l e w/(h) e/e L' (e/n) d 0 w/e a.d. just (a.) b. c. d.eb(ai)t e.ve~r y e t(h)inn g e t0 y0u' de~a.m. s t/h r 'ewe' t00 th s0und 0ff tu/s (h) e'ye tu d e(b) t u d e(b) tu d e~w/e a.d. hue s/s e(a.) d. i/t t~0/0 t(h)0/m e a.(n)d. 0 w/e i/t c~an e w/e the w/(h)a t/t ere t00 t(h) (d) a' re vi ewe~ d (g) ea.r t(h) inn (d kn) ewe d e(b)tu th (e*) s a w/e ll e/n t a cr0ss (t) 0/0 t/h s p/i r/i t in/n t00 t(h) (0) w/h0 l/l e' ye w/e holly is (w/) hale spirit too the tale nd hand tail e'ye d ew/(ha l/l)e d e/b t u/n e inn t(h)ue s/s (t) a i.d. (h) ew/e s/s ' d 0ff(i) t(h)rue n d 0 w/e t(h) a' l/l (b) e/n t~u d e(b) t u d e(b) tu d e w/e d 0 w/00 d ew/e n d 0 w/(h) ew/e (t/h) d e/b t a' h0 (b) e/e serve d i/t ~t00 t(h)en erve debt a t 0/0 n~d s (c)en t' s (k) i/t h~and i/t f/r0m (e'ye) mit ta re vie we (a.)d. i/t (c/h) 0 w/i.d. t(h) i/t inn t 0 (w/) e~ a.d. ag (i) 0/d~ e a.d. just (a.) b. c. e s/s et (h) i/t s (h) 0 w/e a.d. ag i 0~ a.d. a.m. (e) 0're (a.)d. 0~0're (a.)d. e (a.) l/l t a~ t 0/0 re~ ye s c~0/r (e) d (h) ew/e 's (t) 0/0 t/h (d) c~h ea.r 0/d e w/e ' s (t) a'nd s ~e t(h) a' s/s p.r.e/e/e/ vi ew/e ve(i)n d |
pe(i)n e p(e)in (t/h) d p lein a're ve(i)n d |
t-inn-(s-)t-in-e-/ed-l-e-ye- (a-) d- 0f- t- e-s-t- a-t-e- t0-get-mar-r-e-ye-d- e/b- t-0/0-t-0ff-t-(h-)en- d- e/b- t-hie-ven- d-(h-)e-ye-d- |
t-he-m(e-)a-k-e-re-lie-n-ere- t-(h-)a-s/s- t- (h-) en- t-he- nee- d-s- a- c- L-e-a-n-er(e-) in-n- d-(he-)ed- |
th e m(e)in (k)n ew/e th(e)a.d. e/b t (a') me w/e m/u/s/ t (a) pur(e) s(h)ue w/e d (h) 0 w/e~ (a.)d. (a.)g e/e d 0fxf t's p0 k(e)in d ly e~a. t 0ff t/h e me a.n s~ w/(h)ea.r in(n) g~ a g(r)e a.d. e/b t (a) c L~e a.n e th (e) a.d. (r) eve n ly e w/are t a b e/e h(e)a.d. e/b t 0 w/are t a gain d bu z/z s a w/e g a w/e t inn t(h) in (e) d h~and f 0're w/are a.d. h~ea.ve n (t/h) d |
d-ewe-(d-)s-h0-(w/-)e- (d-) s-(t-)00-t-he-ad-(h-)ue-s-ad-e/b-t-0/0-t-a-b-0-rt-(0-)w/-h0-d-(h-)u-u-u-e- s-(d-)in-e-w/e-d- |
t-he-r/r-an-d-e/b-t00-t-he-ad-be-lie-f-t-hie-ven-(t-/h-) d- e/b- tu- t-he-n-eve-r-e/n-(t-he-a-)d- |
there is no value here, is it impolite of me t00 t(h) a' s/s u/me (tu) ta s/s k (i) t 0/0 t(h) in (e) d e/b t em p(0) L (L) e w/e t a t 00 th in d e/b t a t(h) em p0 l/l e d 0 (w/) e s (t) inn s i/t u d(e) u/s t 00 th d hand c hat hat (h) inn (ge )s/s me t a' s/s t 0/n e~ e` d l/l e'y(e) inn kn e~a.d. ~d ll e'ye d(h) 0'm (e~a. d.) c(h) 0/m e t a t00 t(h) e'ye d e/b t 0/0 th c~0/n(e) t (r) 0 l/l e~ (a.) d. i/t (h) inn~ k t c~h ea.r 0/d (h)e~a. d. (h) ea.r t/h d h and e/b t(h) c~h ea.r 0/d~e l/l t a t(h) 0 w/e (d) g (e) 0/d e/b t00 th e w/e~n e ve~r a~ g/g e d a ft e f/f 0 r(e) t/h~ f/r0m t/h d e(a.)f /t (h) 0/0 k~nigh~t 00 th d(b) e l/l a'ye t 00 th d e l/l i~g ht a re t(h) rig ht e s/s t (e) a. l/l (e) a~ s/s t (r) a w/e t a s/s t e' ye t/ h~ave th e me' ye t (u) b eg (r) inn d (h) 0/n e s/s (t) ig~h t 0ff (a) t hat (c)h~ debt 00 th be (a.)d 0ff (t) a'n g~i/t b(L)ack / t 0/u n/ged f0r k/t i/t 's (h)at ch (r) ap t 0're (a.) d. 0 f/f (i) t/h f a(c)t (0) w/h 0 re (a.)d. i/t t/u n/e inn (kn) e w/e (d) ag le t hat h/d ate d (ew/e) ft p (L)un d ere s/t 0/0 d 0 w/(e)a.re t(h) a're t (0) w/00 d be~a. ch (i) t ('s) e'ye ('s) t 0/n e ch e/e k i/t s hi(f)t~ sig~h(t) 0/0 k e'ye p(t) 0/n e'ye t/h~ea.ve~n (d) s (h) 0 w/(e) inn g 0/d 0 w/e t rus/s (t) i/t 0 w/e ll e/n d 0 w/e ll e~a.d. en e'ye (t/h) d' s cent s p.r. 0 w/e t a gain (a) d (a) g e (i/0) d (a) g ave e/p t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.)d. h~and 0 w/(ad) ag 0/n d ew/e t(h)u~en d ew/e t(h)u~en d em e w/e~n d ew/e (a.)d. i/t t0 yew/e s h0/u LD e're (a.)m. (e)a. k ere a.d. 's c u(ll) p t~u/re a.d. e/p t/h (r) e a.d. e(a.)m s~e/a. t(h) 0/m (e)a. t~ e t/h ere t00 th (e) c(h) 0/m p (L)ea. t 0 g ether (e) 0/n e s/s t~e m p(0)le d/g e d 0 w/(h)0 r(e)m~ s i' l/l t(h) 0/0 k (i) t's i' l/l k (t) e'ye s (t) i' l/l (be l/l e)ve r d(e)g r ewe ll b(p) 0und e w/e t 00 th ea.ve n (d) e w/(e) inn t(0) w/h0 / n e s/s th ea.ve~n (d) s 0/u n/d f/r0m th eg r0und (g r) 0/0m en em e'ye s m0u(n)t h/d e/b t e(a.) s/s (en) t a. m. en t a me t eRe~ a.d. em (r) ete r e/n t (h.d) 0/u(be)t~ a gain nd a. m.iss (p)en t 0 ('s) e0 h ea.ve inn d e/b t00 th p.r.0 claim mit ta (re) p~en t (h/d) ance s/s (l) e p(i) t (h) a 'p/h' r ai se th' s 0/m met u t(h) a p L(b) 0/m b i/n (e) d (h) inn g e qua l/l (d) s~ 0/m~e 0/n e'ye t~u m/m ~ e'ye d(b) 0/n(e) d~ a p/p le d p lu m(m) e t e're m e/a. s/s u/re a.d. s t e a.d. 'ye inn c(h) 0/m e inn d(y) 0~0'r(e) h~ea. d. f 0/u n/d (h) inn (d) be(a.)d. e/b t00 th be c(h) 0/n e miss (t/h) re a.d. e/b t a gain d e/b t a t(h) inn k ewe 's (h) e d i'm e/n t h~ ea.ve~n d e/b t (a)in t (ad) ven t a g 0 be en t a's/s h 0 w/e ll and kn 0 w/e ll 0 w/e d (h) 0' v(e)A.r'ye ve (n) t 0~ a.d. e/b t 0 (l/l e) a.d. 0 w/(h) i' l/l e/g be guy e l/l debt a' s/s a'ye f 0r't a s/s t a' re t00 th (e) f~0r t e'ye fi e'ye t (h) a s/s a'ye w/c~a(i)r~ e (a.) p. t00 th (e) re (a.) p a(i)r~ e w/(e) in (k's)n a're (a.) d ew/e t(h) ere |
"you" don't really "need" sex, given time, "you" are really just eating o-o-o-f-f- the principal -a-w/-are-ness-t-, that no one is given d (pr)ime d e/b tu cause a w/are t (a n) 0/n e t00 th sea. t i/ t i'm (e/n) a r/r 0 w/e t00 th c0m b. i/n e c. L i'm(b) e~a.d. ((h) as/s a'ye s e'ye t/h e'ye (a.)d.)) ((d w/e ll d e'ye d (h) a ll t(h) a r(e) inn knit (0/0) time a.d. 0 w/e t00 th ave t/h (r) i've d (h) i've d)) (h) i'v(e)in e/e d l e'ye t(h) in (e) d e/b t(h) inn k/t (L) in (s) e/e d p.r. 0 s(e) p eRa t(e) inn d(s) in e min(e) d e/b t a t(h)0/0 k~n 0 w/e l/l' s e~a. t(h) a re p0 's e/a. d.(h) a re (e) fxf i/n (e re' ye) d (h) e'ye (d.) g~ 0/n ly e a. s/s 0 L (e)i t a r/r e'y e b. eg (r) inn ere 0/n e 'ye w/h e'yew/ h e'ye d (h) all the t(a)i'm e |
L(L) 0've a.~r(k) t |
siddharth-a-venkataramakrishnan-d- you have ridden the b-ride-d- f-rom- t-(y-)our- be- (a-)d- just say inn "man-d-" 0 w/e ? b.c. e'ye s~c an d h-and-ewe- s- t- a- nd- e/b- t- 00- L0-a- t- he- d- be- am- an- d-e/b-t00-t-he-ad- com-man- d- h- and- 0f- t-he- fxf a (c) t e'ye a.m. 0'r(e) t inn (d) a.d. e/b tu be a.m. 0're t00 th 0 b vi 0/u/s e/e n 0 w/e (a.d.) s (t) a' nd g r inn d h~inn g ed f an(d) g~ e d a.m. ~e /d t-he- ha- s no honest start h and no honest cam and no honest heart even too th be(a) d. just say inn "man-d-" t-hie-ven-s-(h-)- 0- w/-he- ad- ap-p-le-d- 0f- t- ad- just- b- c- he-ap- t- he- re- f-0-re- (ad-) c- an- d- ye- t- (h-) a- nd- e/b- t00-t-he- d- s- (t-) a- nd- e'ye personally, do not think you have the write quantity of f act s t00 th sup p0 rt(y) our (e) act' s. you have s-imp-lye- ridden the "nail" and have no sufferer's apparent too th (y) 0're a-b-0-r-t-(y-)0ur-e- t a/i ' ll -d- if no one around "you" is complaining, it is b.c. t-he g- imp-ai-l-l-d-(g-) ewe- d- as/s- ai-l- (t-/h-)d- "dues" with du-d-e- d- s- t00-t-he- te-ll- e'-ye- w/e- ll- d- as/s- (h-) e- ll- d- you have no deviate virtue, you are simply less informed "you" actually have no virtue, inn follow thru -t- as/s--k- nail- t- -s-0n-s-(un-) be-l/l-t- s-me-ll- t-u- s- (h-)e-ye-tu- s-hi-t- w/(h-)00- d- ew/e- tu- d- e-ad- 0f- t- en- d- ewe- (d-)s-
"you" h/ave no history among a.m. e, among the me an s e/e k/t ~h and you are not going to "start" fashioning "words"-on- me, as/s i ft "you" d e/b t a t(h) inn k t(h) 0'm e~ a.d.' s us t(c) a'i n a/b (e) l/l ye~ t a be(a.)d. as/s kn~e a.d. (h) e a.d. f0r(a.) m.ea.l ly e~ w/e do not b ere a. ll i've re s i.'d. en t ce s/s e(a.) t(h) a(i)r~ e a. t (e) inn (e) d h inn ge ~e ve(i)n d f an (d) g e/e sus t a g e w/e a.d. ('s) h ave n 0m e(a.) i.d. h0 w/e i.d. h inn (d)g (r) e/e d the s 0 w/r e'ye s-pu-(p-)t- for-g-e g0 t, t00 the forget tooo the mark t con e me y(e) ap par e/n t ly e~a. t f0r t/h f ree d(h) 0'm e me mit bring s inn t em p(0) le (a.)ve n kn 0/t(h) e~a.d. e/b t00 th (e) re~a. l/l e' ye s ~i re a.d. s c0 pi e'ye d e/b t00 th p0 w/(h) ere a.d. (h) e'ye d (ea.) f~(0) l/l 0 w/(h) ere s~ t a (i) r (e) t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e re~ t00 th 0/u r~ e |
a t a.d. b/i t/t ai (me) r e t ime t at 00 th t 0 w/(e)a.r (e/a.) d. (h) e/w(e)inn k/t i'm e~a.d. 0 (w/e) fxf t 0ff (a) t 0/n e/e d le'ye p.r. 0 w/(e) t 0uch' e~ a.d. 0ff (i) t inn t (h)r u(e) s/s t (a') b 0/n (e) d |
-a-t00-t-he-g-et- a- m-0-r-(e-)t- a- ll- be-en- (t/h-)d- a- rt- hie-ven- (t-) d-s-he-a-rt- 0- w/-h0-re-t-he- ad- be-lie-f- t-(h-)inn-g- e- t-hie-f-en-d- 0f- t- 00- t-he- t-i-p-t-he-c-(h-)0-st- 0ff-t-he-vain-d- e/b- t-00-t-he- re-s-t- (he-ad-) 0-f-x-f- (i-)t- hie-ven- d- f-r/i-e/n-d- s- (p-)en-d-s- a- w/e- g- a- w/e- t00-t-he-n- d-0-w/-a-rt- 00- L- aid- s- am-e/n- d- s-he-a-ven- d- s-hat- a- gain- (s-t-a- n-)d- 0f- i- t- a- g- (L-)0-ve- t-hie-ven- t-'s- c-am- (e-d-)s- a- gain- d- e/b-t-he-r/r-u-b-bed-0-w/e- i-s- t- he-w/rong- a- w/-(h-)aye- debt-u-rd- c-a-s/s-t- u- d- 0- w/-n- d- (b-)ud- b-a-st-a-rd-(h-) a- re- g-round-s- (m-) 0/0-t-h-e- ad- 0- w/i-thou-t-(a-) s/s-(p-)0-un-d-e/b-t- a- re- bound- she rubbed for the journey e t00 t(h) un e w/e d fxf 0(0)L (e) d e/b t00 th ea.ven d e/b t a' l(l) e ve l(l) b e/n (t/h) d (h)ue' s/s i/t 00 t/h d ew/e i/t (h) e'ye d 0 w/00 d (en e m(e)a.r) kn 0/t 's(h/r)ub bet/h e me'ye s~t a k~e/n d (h) e'ye t a gain d (h) ew/e t00 th ' s i' l/l e/n t (0) w/h0~ a.d. (h) 0 c~ e'ye (t/h) d (h) e'ye d e/b t inn t(h) p0 c/k(e)t (a') b(L)e (a.)d. i'v(e)in e~e d l/l e'ye t(h) in (e) d~ 0(h) b. m.i/n(e) d. e/b t a' l/l 0 c/k (i)t b fi/n(e)d i/t h~ ere (g.re) w/e d (p.r.) i'm e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th d/i vine d (h) e'ye d (h) ewe' s |
g en (e) t i' l(l)e~ a.d. (h) 0 w/are /n t inn t(h) rig ht (h) a' nd (h) 0/n e c0mma nd h~ea.ve n (k) n 0 w/e~e c an d (h) a ll e w/e t (a) i'm e ve(i)n ly e~a.r t00 th d at(y)e 0're t00 t(h) b(L)ac~k/t (h) a gain debt 00 th ea.ven (t) a r~e ~(a.) l/l at e~t/h er~e g(r) ew/e (a.)d. i/t ~ t 0/0 n~e t(0) w/h0 n~e t(h)rue~n d 0 w/e i/t~0/d at(e)~a.s/s e c(h) 0/n (e) d e/b t00 th ~ea.ven ly e d 0 w/are a.d. 0 w/t h/d ate (l/l) in see d f (L) a x i (nn) s / t 00 th time ven kn 0 w/e ll e (d) g 0 d 0' Le g 0 a.ll (e'ye a.)d just (a.) b. c. e'ye i/t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (th e w/e) ll b f0r'(e) d i/t t00 th' s (h) 0 w/e g0/t an 0/n 0 min 0 m~in n 0 w/e t i'm e inn e m~in (k) n 0 w/e s(t) a/b le 0000' s~(u) s (t) 0 (0) L e s/s a w/e t00 th e m(e) A. ke g (0/d) ' s us t a g e 0 d e b/ t a b sus t (h) a' nd a.m. e r/r e'ye d sus t00 th be l/l s t a nd (h) 0 L(e/a)D you never had a d(h) a d e/b tu re t urn i/t o even ly e tea.r n a l/l e w/e tu a ll 0/0/0/0 w/e t a
alouetta even e w/e t~ (c) a.m. e l/l t00 t(h) b rain d (h) a.d. e/b t00 th bee h ave~n (d) a.m. e(a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th e m(e)A.ke~g r(e)a.t~e (t) a' s/s e t 0ff t/h (e) fxf ace ~ (a.)d. e/b t00 t(h) e r a i/s e~(a.)d. (h) 0 cue m e/n t a gain d |
she di.d.n't know she would formeally be the meal left in/n place d p0und (inn g) 0/u (be) t inn th(e) f/f ace d |
i ordered these black sheep skin boots, both inside and out, with 2 little poms on each foot. i have a black pair, however my foot keeps sliding in them, the sole is smooth and cant be removed, and even though i sized up, if i put my orthotics in, it reduces the comfort by making the big boots en (em) arrow the re vi ewe d ass dis com for t who?-d-. even though i have a pair of black boots, i thought i would try these ugg, as i got the other black boots before i got 2 bunions on the same foot. next, i am trending 'oatmeal', not a color i would usually get for me, as the color washes me out apparent ly e. i felt some discomfort buying from a re-t-ai-l-ere- d- e/b-t00-t-he-ad-0-w/ar-t- 0-b-serve-d-in-(n-)e-re-ad- 0- 0- re- (a-)d- i/t- inn- s- c0p-e-d- e/b- t-(h-)-i-re- (e-)f- i/-r-e- ad- am- s-t-a- ke- d- he-ad- g- (r-e-)a-t-e- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad-b-serve-d-ate- vain-ly-e-t00-t-he-ad-s-c0p-e-d- bu-ye-a-r-t-he-d- h-and- e/b- t- a- re- t-(h-)ank-t-(ea-s/s-e-t-h-at-e-ye-a-s/s-t-e-make-d-) "safe" t-a-s-say-e-f-t00-t-he-f-f-0-r-t-(f-)- i- re- ad- (h-)inn- a- re- a- r- s- e- g-ea-r-(d-)s- h0-ver-t- f-ea-r- (t/h-) d- i needed to go too the bank and put some cash inn, and then went too th public market to get some milk, asked a person at fed ex kinkos to watch min0, b.c. didn't know if th public market would let my dog inn. first person i asked, a black man, don't know if he is (african) american, i have met him, throwing frisbee with mino ,where the cop-s- jack-t-d-0f-t- on-e- me then s-tall-k- t-he-ad-a- re- t-00-t-he-c0/n-t-r0ll- d-, at a' me'ye appartment... anyway, met this guy, asked him if he would hold my pet, and he wasn't the same friendly person, and he looked at me rather cool ? ye, and told me he was on the "line" with a bank from eu-rope-d- lo(n)g story short, got the milk, gave the kinko / fed ex employ an honest dollar e t00 th c a s/s h i/t 00 th e r~e lat (e) inn t(h)a nk (t') s... felt good tu be spending cash openly e t00 th face t00 L(e) a.s/s t a'ye d h ea.ven t L ai.d. e/b t00 th p.r.0 claim mit t(a) b rain d (h) ew/e ' s t inn t russ t ? h~ea.ven (t/h) d(h)a'ye debt 00 t(h) a're (a.) pen t(h)(d) u~e w/e ' s inn sit u s~h ea.v~en "yew" a-ye-ll-a(i-)d- (h-)ug-ly-e-n-a/b-le-ad- 0/n-e-com-man-d-0f-t-0/0t-0ff-(i-)t- inn-t-ere- s- t- ru(e-)s/s- t- a- nd- 0f- t- (a-) b- i.'d-e/b- t-he-ye- d-e/b-t -a- s/s- t- a- nd- (p.r.-)i'm-e- ad-en-i-all-(ai-r-) d- 0f-t-0/0t-0ff-t- not tone could com e ve i n d 0 w/(h) 0/n e ye d(h) 0've d.-s-cent-s-h0-ve- d- 0- w/-i- thou-t- sat-i/s-f-act- i-0/n-s-h0-rt-s- p.r.-0ut- (h-)e-ad- h-and- 0/u- (be-)t- c-(h-)a-t-ch-in-g-(s-) e- l/l-0ut- (h-)and- (h-)inn- d- h- and- le- x- i- c0/n-e- d- (f-)0/n-t- 0ut- a n~ew/e l/l 0 rd e're (a.) s/s p.r. 0 w/(e) t // p.s. i have been very interested in the pistil hat brand, like the knit designs and quality, and bought a few too try... |
the only bu ye get is being b as/s h full t00 th s t(r) i ke the re si de n t ce s/s e x ce s/s (t) a. i.d. e/b t00 th cair e'ye n kn ave ye d (h) e'ye t (a) i'm e t a t00 th ea. d (b)e ye t inn as/s cent 's (p)en t/h ea.ve n e'ye d e/b t00 t(h) a. m./m. e r~ d e~a.r. t/h d (h) 0 w/e l/l e~a.d. (h) i'v(e) in e/e d l/l e'ye t (h) in (e) d~ e/b t a re m~em b (e)re a.d. 0 (w/)h (ea.) t i/t(h/e) a' l/l e'ye a.~ s/s t e ' ye ~ (a.)d. e/b t00 th b eg (r) inn d h inn d (h) a l/l t a re inn th de s(s)e rt (h) ea. ven (s) a'n d s'(t) em (d) ' s cent ' say/me a.s/s (p) en t (h) ea. ven s h 0 (w/)e~ d ewe t(h) inn k i/t (h) rue~n d 0 w/e t(h)ue s/s (t) a i.d. h~inn g en (e/e) d e v 0 t i 0/n e w/e (a.)d i/t (h)rue l/l e~a.d. e/p t00 t(h) 0/n (l/l) e' ye 0' s (h) un (t) 0/n e~ve r e v~e n 0/d(h)e a.d. 0 w/e 0/n t(0) w/h0~ s pi ce s/s p 0 k e/n d (h) ew/(e) inn a re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s e x ce s/s (t) a i.d. a re levant inn t(h)a nd g ave ve(i)n d (h)and |
s~ e (e) x hu(e)m e w/e m/u /s/ t e tat 's t a t e th ere s t a (i)r e ~ a.d. (h) e'ye t heir d |
c~i'v(e) i'l/l (e/a) d en e/ye (t/h) d h ave t/h b r~i.'d.(e~ ) l/l i~g h(t) u~ e w/e d h ave t (a) c~0/m e 0/n e ve(i)n s 0/m e~ (a.) d.(h) 0/n e' ye~a. d. 0've t 0/0 t(h) (r) 0/n e~ / ed l/l e'ye w/h 0/0 L~(e)a.n d(s) 0'L (e/a.) d. (h) 0 w/e t00 th(' s) be s/t 0 (w/) e~ |
s t 0 r a x i/s t p.r. i.'d. e b (r) i.'d. (h) e'ye d |
f a/i' m(e) inn t(0) w/h0 d f(L)a.m. e~a.d. (s) b rain d |
t-he-p-ai-l-a-m-ai-l- t- ("a") me-ye- t-(h-) (c-) 0- arse-g-(b-) i-/g- 0/t- b-/i- t-(h-)e- ad- (h-)e-ye- t- |
if ewe d (e/b t) a s/s k t me'~ye d ? hi t/t e'ye t ? ~ e'ye (d) s hi t e'ye t00 t(h) a p/p (L) ea.se (a.)d. h ea.ver e'ye t (h) inn g e t(h)0 me an s w/(h)ea.r~ in(n/d) g a g(r)e a.d. (h) e'ye ve(i)n ly e~a./t 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye (a.) d. ~ ag (e) i'll t(h) e'ye d. (h) ea. d. 0 w/are rent (h) 0/0 k nee d l e'ye t heir inn d(h) e/e d c 0/u/r ag e t(h) 0/0 k t's (p) ee d e/b t a t/t a' r(e) inn kn ea. d. e/b t (0) w/h0 c~a(i)r e'ye t/h s~e a.(t/h a' n) d. e/b t0 w/(h)ere inn e/e d le ye t00 th s lee per d(h) e'ye ~a./t 0/n e~a./t 's ea. t |
s qua r (r ) e 'ye , mino on a leash po op o/o le t's am e (d) face too t(h) a s/s t e c e/n t ere leas (h) e a.d. e/b t00 th ave n d h ave n t(h) ea(ven) se a.d. h and sup per (d) s e a.d. (h) e'ye a.t 00 th (e) fxf ace t00 th for (a.) m. e a ll y e t00 th b e ll e (ye) a. f. (ea.) t merry memory would le x i/t woo d as/s (h/f) e (e) l/l t (0) w/h0 w/ heeL (and) d fe(e) l d heave n 0 w/e re e f 0ra re a. ll eg 0 /d e a. l/l ta t(0/0) t w/h0 0d s (t) aye // mino has my front and back for taking naps, has eyes of melania ss kn au ss trump et 00 th be g(L) 0've d i c (k-) t = he-r/r-0 - d- e- ad- b-a- r/r - 0/n- e- t-(inn-)t-0/n-e-/ed-(h-)ad-ag-e- debt- a-g- (L-) 0-ve- d-i-c-t-00-t-he- ad- s- h0-ve- d-i-c-k- t-00-t-he-n-(d-) um-b-ere-"one"- d- even ame ven 0 miss take s(t) 0/p et (u) t00 th (e/a) d' s (c ) up t (0) w/h 0 d (b) u t c h (e w/ e) d 0 w/h ea. t em p(0) le (n) d en s u e we a.d. ew/e t00 th d e/b t (a/h) b. m.(e)u/s e (a.) d. i/t (h) up. (r. 0~0) f t~ per fe ct f0r t (a)u~ (g*h) t (h) rue~ a.d. (h) e'ye t(y)0u t/h (an) d (h) ues~s i/t (h) rue w/e (n) d 0 w/e t (h) a' s/s t e~ x t en d (en e m(e)a.r) k/n ew/e d ew/e~n d ewe look, if you as a woman are only valued for looking pre-t/t-eye-d-, may i suggest, "it" is -0-w/e- d- b-c- you don't see the obvious f-l-a-w/e- in- 0-b-j-e-ct- i-0/n-e- d- e/b- t-(h-) inn-c-(h-)0/m- e- w/-id- t-he- s-hi- t- a- s/s- k- i- t-'s- (h-) 0- w/e- ed- be-ad- s- cent- s-t- 0- (0-)l-e- d- e/b- t- a- re- bound-(e/b-t-) as/s- k- n0w-e- d- up-(e-) t-(y-)our-t-h-r-0- a/t- a- s/s- k- t-hie-ven- d- (en-e-m-(e-)a-r-) k-n-0-we-d- no one is innocent on the competitive -s-am-en-d-s- frame work- t-. & you were never meant to be th eave n, eve n (t) d. "zero" is maid-up-e-t00-t-he- ad- c-air-eye-on- t-(h-)rue-we- l/l- e- (a-)d- i/t- t00-t-he- d-(e/b- t- ) a- re- (r-)use- d- e/b- t- a- g-et- -a- b-u-s-e- d- h- and- (e-)u/s- t- 00- t-he- ad- i/t- c-he- d- f-0-r-(e-) d-(h-)ues- (is-) hue- d- e/b- t- ad- 0- (w/)e- t- c-he- a- pt- i/t- u- d-e- l/l-ive-r-(t-)u- e- |
ew/e- (a-)d- e/b- t-(s-)0-i-ll-e-t-u- d- e-w/e- (n-)d-0-w/ar-t-i-fi-ce-s/s-(t-) e- x- t- (h-)en-(d-) sue-w/e-d- a-rt-i-fi-c-i-all-ye-t00-t-he-(ad-)i/t- tu- d- e-ad- s- am-en-d-s- (h-)ave- t- a- b-u-s-e- (e-)d- imp- le- d- as/s- hue-d-u-d-e-w/e- (d-)s- |
are we showing immortal a grace s/s e t00 th s a w/e t 0ff t 00 th s a w/e g/ a w/e d 0 ff t(h) en d 0 w/(e) inn d 0/u(be) t~ c(h) a~ t c h~inn g a w/(h)are t00 t(h) b ere t/h ere (a.)d. i/t t~ 0/n e s/s t (c) a s/s t~ e t's 0/n s~(t) a ke s (h)i/t s a w/are ve(i)n d~ (c~L) a w/e t(h) 0 w/(h)inn g (u) e s/s (t) e~ a.m. a w/are (a.)d. i/t inn t~(L)a'nd (ea.) fxf (t) ly e ~a.r n (e)a. ~r (e) t (e)a.r~ (e)n a l/l e(a.)v~en t(h)0 u/r~ t/h (e) re s/s~ (c) an d(h) 0/n eg 0~(d)'s~ 0 ft' s (h) 0 w/e a.d.(s) 0' l(e/a.)d. e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.) d. i/t t~(0) w/h 0 me a.d.(h) 0 w/e f(t)f r0m t/h f~L0 w/(h)ere ye d b e/e th b~a/n d (h) inn g (u) e s/s (t) e a.m.~ e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th ' s t (r) e a.m. e t a g~ 0/d e/b t00 t(h) c~h ea.r 0~de ~ad just b.c.~ a rd s(t) a i.d. h~ea.ve n (d) ew/(h)e ye d (h) e'ye d (h) 0've d |
e-w/-e-g-0/d- s- e- d- (e-)u/s- t- (h-) ang-in-g- t-he- ad- h0-(c-t-)d-s- |
the (s-) naked gun, only the vanity's will b-0ne-d- un-d-0ne-d- e/b- t-a- t-(h-)(f-)i-re- s-u(m-)e- 0/n-e-ye-a-r-n- debt-u- g- a-war-t-u- per-sue-w/e- d- 0f -t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- a- re- pair- t-he- ad- h-inn-g-e-d- 0f- t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- a- re- t00-t-he- t-a-nk-t- cue- w/e-d- 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- a- l/l- 0/t- ie t-he-ye- can't fi/g the ass hue, from t(h) a's~s h0e s0le d s h 0 w/ h0le d ewe s h0've d ew/h~0/0 Le a.d. 0've t (a')i' l/l e'ye 0n t (u) be a.d. (h) a're r (a) g (L) 0've d fxf r e/e d(h) 0/m e (a.) d. (h) (c) 0/n (e) d 's (c) 0/m e (a.) d. (s) 0' L (e/a) d (h) 0'v~e/n (t)a' re s0und (h) inn g(e) inn g a w/(h)a r/r e~n (t) e s/s t 0've t(h) a.' d.e/b t a(i') l/l e/n (t/h) d e/b t00 t(h) 0 w/e d en e'ye t (u) be t(h) 0 l/l d (0) be l/l e'ye s 0(u) l/l d a ll i've ~n 0m e w/e t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(e) inn kn ew/e (d) s~nake d's (t) 0 i' l/l e t ('s) i'll ver t(h)u~e w/k n0/d e sire t00 t(h)i re a.d.(h) ag i/0~ d e sir e a.d. e/b t (a') b. c. L i'm (b)e~ (a.)d. i'v(e)in e/e d l/l e'ye t(h)in(e)d bee h0 L(e)d i/n e'ye sig h/t (h) 0/n e s/s t (a/b) l i/n (e) d |
d~h up (d) at(e) inn g a. me'ye (d) h er(e?)r 0/n e a.d ~a.m. s hear d su~c/h t' s e~a. (t/h) d. ea.r 's e/g ea.r 's e th (ea.r) d you can't speak i/t un e t i' l/l e'ye re a.d. i/t (h) ie r / d ' s p/h ea.r
sp h ere a.d. e/b t inn t em p(0) le~(ye)a.r~ an d e/b t(y) 0ur e w/are a.d. be en t 0/n (e) a.r e a.d. 0/0're (e) fxf 0're w/are a.d. (h)ea.r~ (t/h) d e/b t(u) be/en (e)a.r e X p0 's e/a.d. (h)ea.r d (h)e a.d. h inn g e t a (re) ad d es(s)e (r) t b e/e s p0 k en d g ea.r th d 0 pen l/l e'ye a.t fir's t (a) l/l 0/t 's t (e) a. r e (a.) d i/t f r0m t(h) eg 0 ~ 'p/h' er (e) i//i/i/i/ (s) t '(ste) a' l/l d ea.t h~at inn t i'm e(a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th d i'v(e)in e~a. (t) e~ y~e (tu) m~ me'ye d (h)at (e)inn t ru(e)s/s t e w/e d (h) e'ye d e/b t (u) b(p)e~a. l/l a'(ve) 'ye~a. d. ew/(e) inn (e)a.t~e t00 t(h) a l/l 0~an d e/b t (a') b~f 0r'd ew/e inn g~a g(r)e a.d. e/b t b(L)ac~k t00 th (an) d b e/i n~g 0/d 0 (w/)h t~ (h) r~0 p(e)e d b 0 a/t e'ye m(e)A.k/e (g)inn g 0 a/t e l/l e'ye l/l 0 (pen d 0) w/h e'ye d (h)ea.r/r ea.r s~(m)ate (t) a t~hat c hat (u) b/bu ye 0/n (e)a.r e c(h)0/n e/e d ewe' se~a.d. 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'y(e) a.p/p (L)ie d (h)ue s/s e~a. t (0) w/h0 d(h) e'ye w/e a.d. e/p t(h)ue d 0 w/00 d be (a.)d. et u d e(b) tu d e w/e (d)'s (t) inn g (i'll) t e'ye t00 t(h) a p/p (ea.) le~ i/t u/s hue d |
e g/g e t hat c hi t 00 t(h p) as/s e ve(i)n d~ 0/0 re (a.) d. 0n t b(r) 0 t/h ere t00 th s(p)en d~ i/t a gainn d |
the re (a.) p a s/s t/h at b(L)ac k/t e'ye s u g/g (e) s/s t 00 t/h e m(e)A. k/e g/get h c 0 m/m e(a.)n t (a~) g0 'p/h' e're (e) f un d a.m. e/n t a l/l i t e'ye s~ t ea. (p) s/s e rt |
a-m0-re-t-a- ll-h0-r-em-0/n-e-(ye-) s (t) a nd (en m(e)a.r) kn 0 w/e s(t)s a'ye ve(i)n s(h) 0 w/e t00 th d ate teth (ere) fe(e) l/l (be d) a.m. s 0 L (e) -d- buy desire d- s-he-d-id- not actually take the note buy e d-sir-e-ad- "dues" only though-t-s- (h-) 0- we - (ed-)g-(e-) 0-d- (h-)e- ad- f-r0m-e-l/l- e-/e-ye- d- a-ll-0/n-e- g- 0- t-(h-) 0-ld-ewe-(d-)s- h- 0- (w/-) e- ed- e/b- t- a- w/e- t- (h-) is- s-hue- (d-) s-- t- -e- vain- d- be- st- i-f-f- (e-)ye- t-hie-ven-d- con-(e-)t-inn-"u"- (e-)d- e- u/s- t- 0ff-t- a- n0/n- t- a- m- en-u- d-(s-) 0- L- (e-) d- 0- w/-(e-) inn- e- w/e- vain- (d-) s- 0- (i- ll-) d- s- t- ill- t- 0- i- l/l- e- t-u- s-(h-) in- k- i/t- a-g-0/d-sir-e-ad-0-LT- inn-s-t-e- - ad- e/b- t-(p-)a- s/s-u-s- t- (c-)a- in- t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- a- t- r0pe-d-0f-t-00-t-he- ad- 0f- t- 0ff- t-(h-)en-d-en-ye-(t/h-)e-d- buy-e- i/t- (h-)a- nd- s-(t-)e-ye- i/t- a- b- (e-)l/l-e-ye-d-f-i/g- ht- i/t- re- ad- 0f- (i-)t- a- gain- d- (g-'s-us-)c-am-(e-d-)s- par a l/l e'ye s(d)in e~e d l/l e'ye t(h)in(e)d e/b t (a) c0 i' l/l d (h) ew/(e) inn t (0) w/h0 |
sill(be~a.)ver db (r)each t00 the me.a. cu(ll)p (a) t 00 th an(d)'ye w/h e'ye (t/h) d e/b t a' g 0~ d~e(a.) l/l t a t 0 (w/)e t u/s (h) 0 w/e~ (a.)d. i/t s 0/m e b/b 0/d e'ye t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e ~ a.d. (0/h t a') be a.d. as/s h 0 (L) e~ d s' (t) i' ll be l/l e (ye) a. f x fer d e l/l an'ce s/s (h) 0/n e ve(i)n d e/b t a cr0ss (t) a.m. e/n d' s (p) en d' s a w/e g a w/(e) d e/b t a' gain d c0mma nd heav/e~n d e/b t (u) bu ye n em e'ye tu be a.t(h) 0 w/(h)ea.r~ d bu ye t me'ye 0(w/)n e p(d) 0 w/are a.d. f(L)air debt 0 p0ck(e)t' s n~are (a.)d. i/t h ere ve(i)n s qua r/r e'ye d a f(t)f a(i)r e t00 th f~ a s/s t a (i)r e t00 t(h) en (a're) s u e w/e t00 th y~0/u th (ewe) d(h)e a.d. 0 w/ar(e) in (k) n ewe d ew/e~n (d) 0~a 'h' inn a re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s e x cess (t) a i.d. e/b t a h ave i/t a gain d 0 w/(h)inn d e/b t (a pin t) ere s/t e/x (t) pen se~a.d. s u p/p ere cent (h) 0 (w/) e~ a.d. th(e)re s(h)0 ld 0 w/(h)as/s (h) 0 w/are ve(i)n t(h) ie r e ve(i)n d c l ear. t(h) ie r arc h ie r (d) 0 t00 th b e/e s erve d e s(s) e rt 00 t(h) en d en e'ye (t00 th eave n d 0) ve(i)n t a gain d (e)a.m. s ea.m. (s) t 00 th d 0've i/t b r~in(n)g syn/t(h) inn t (0) w/h 0~ d(u)b~b a/n d e/b t a re a.r/r0 w/e a. r0und e/b t00 th s e/e k t 0 w/h a l(l)e (n) d ew/e fxf 0'r (t) a re ce i've d 0've d e/b t00 th ' s (k) e'ye s~i re me'ye s c0/m e sir e s c~rib e/e size d 0(w/)h~ t 00 th (e) r 0 l/l e~a.d. e/b t inn t(h) a' nd e/b t a gain debt 00 th (e) be en sh(y) ie ld (h) 0'ver d (h) a ll ' d e/b t00 k eeL d ea. f all t 0/n e/n d(h) all t inn si e'ye s aw/e t00 th eg ~gaw/e f(t)f 0'r(e) t a' ll (e) a. s/s t (e) a. l/l ~ ((t(h) a're ve(i)n)) d (h) 0 w/are (a.)d. i/t inn t/h f 0'r d(h) e a.d. ea. fxf 0'r t/h des(s)ert inn c(h)0/m e inn g~ 's u/s t 0 p s(h) e l/l f~t (h/d) un e un t(0) w/h0 d(r)e~a. m. e debt a b(0)u/t (h)u~e s/s i/t 00 th d en e'ye w/e d s erve d h and s e~(v)e r' d 0 w/00 d b(L)e~a. t (a) p.r. 0 w(e)/t ~a gain d e miss un d ere s/t 0/0 dh~ea.ven (t/h) d h~and |
without f-ea-r-d- 0- 0-re-(e-)f-(L-)ave-0-re- (a-)d- i/t- (h-)a-r-(e-)b-0-r-(e-) t- (b-)ea-c-he-t-(h-)-0- w/e- t- ea-s/s-e- (a-)d- i/t-c-he-a-t- |
t r~ave l/l (s) e'ye t |
an~ ap (L) an at/h ea.r t/h d 0 w/are t(h)u~(e) s/s h~ea.r t/h (d) ea.r~ t/h ere t heir inn (d) ew/(e) inn kn e w/e t00 th (ewe) d e/b t(h) a.d. 0/0 ' re g (r) ew/e d h and g aw/e tu p/p(h) er~e v e(i)n ~d h an (d) ap (L)an at/(h)ue s/s(d)in (n) e w/e d ' s (0) i' ll t e~ t/h er~e / s (t) i' ll 0 a(f/t) h e're s u/me~ a. r (0 r) e a.s/s u/me debt a s/s k (i)t be en (t) ea.r e ve(i)n d (h) ~a p~(L)an (a)t (a) miss u/e w/e d su(e)m e 0/n e 'ye d (s) um~ e 0/n e 'ye d e/b t a re r~0 l/l e d b (L)ac k/t 00 t(h) en (d)kn 0 w/e a.d. a f(0/0)t k(n)0 t~ e/th/er e s t a (i)r~ (e) t~ c/h d (h) ea.r t/h d ' s at e l/l i/t e t00 th e m0/0n e/n 0/0 n e/e d' s u p/p l(e)ye d b~e in (g) em in(e) d be a.m.~e(a.)i.d. e/b t00 th b~ f a.m. i'll e~a.r~ t(h) 0 (w/)e d b e l/l (e'ye s) ight h/d (h) 0've d h~inn d(h) 0/n e/e d e/b t00 th be l/l e(ye) a.f (i) f (t/h) e/e d a pre fer de l/l (d) ance s/s h0 d 0 d/d ere ~a.d. just f0r (t) h~ s h 0 w/e a.d. h as/s h i/t b~0/u LD ere a.d. c~ as/s t inn t 0/n e~ t 00 th c~a(i)r e'ye 0 (w/e d) s~ (h) 0/n e db u t/t ere t(h) 0/0 k/t ('s) c~up t h~(e)a.ve~n d/g 0/d/g 0/d e/b t00 th s(t) 0 i' l/l ~ e t a g 0/d e/b t a' t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a) d i/t ~ta t0/n e/e d le'ye w/h 0/0' Le a.d. (s) 0 'L (e/a.) d. ag e t a d(g) 0/n e/e d as/s pea.k t (c) 0/n (e~) d |
t-he-g-(r-)e-w/e-ll-ere-(a-)d-i/t-inn- t-(h-)a-nd-(h-)all-a-b-(0-)u/t- he- l/l-a-nd- "you" have an illusion of grace sus-pen-d-id- buy- e- t-he- f- act- a-ct- 00- t-he- ad- g-race- d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- f-ace- d- h- and- hue- d- "you" do not actually have to do real work too th s(t) aye inn place -d- ewe- d- s- (h-) all-0-ver- t-(h-) 0- ver- t- he- t- p- (L-) ace- d- h-and- s-(L-)and-s- c-ap-e- d- ate- for th e ad- free-zed- e-g-g- u-ye- d i f/f ewe ' s (t) a i.d. h and i.'d. e/b t 00 kn 0t act u ally e make inn place a.d. s cent e fxf 0 r t e w/e a.d. 0/u (be) t fr0m t-he-t-p- e-e-we- d-0-w-n- ewe- d- s-m-i-l/l-in-g-tu-t-he-(g-re-)ed- b-s-tuck-i-s/s-t-0/n-en-(d) em- my-e-s- ad- b-s-p0-k-en-d- e/b-t- be-ad-s- nake-d-s- n- ad-s-nake-n-em-m(c-)y-a- w/ar-e-a- s/s- nake- d- l(e-)ye- a- t- each-r-each-i/t-00-t-he-ad- be- ad- s-nake- d- ewe- (d-) s- t00-t-(c-)he- ap- i/t-(h-)u- e-ye- w/- your "s-mile-d-" scene - inn- is a cheap artifact 00- t-he-h-ave-n-t-he- sir-e- ad- a cheap artifact too the re-h-i-re- ad- and "some-day" you will be a cheap artifact too t-he-re- t- i-re-ad-ewe-d-s-n-ewe- s- a- fe-ye-r-d- g-u-a-rd- e/b-t- a- t-high-ere-d- gat- lar(d-)g-e- d- "you" h-ave- "money" to cover up the fact you really do not have the personal power too the a.ven a r~e l a t e th e r~ d (h) 0/m e d(h) 0 w/are a.d., is not actually you-r-e-place too th r0 am inn care d 0h t "you" making a scene-inn-d- every w-h-ere "you" would be-ad- are stealing memories from those that would (h ave n) d be(a.)d. 0 p en l/l e'ye~ a. t00 th a t e/e th ea.ven t00 th (e) r e l a t e ' ye b0n d b re~a thing a w/are s (l)ee p en (d) s 0/m e s0 (t hat~(c) h) d 0ne ( t c(h)at c(h) 0/n e) b e c0 m e s0 (t hat hat h/d h ave t hat hat h(e)a.d.e ve (i)n 0/s e 0/s e 0/s 0/n e w/e n d 0 w/e~e kn 0 w/e s.) d. 0ne be (d) h ave nd be d (s) h 0/n e s/s t 0/n eg/g ave 0/s 0/s 0/s 0/n~net 00 th be/e ye t b 0/n~net b(r)un g/g e/e (d) s aw/e t00 th eg a w/e 0/n (') t |
e s0/ t hat 0/0 the s 0/m e/n ave d h~(e)ave n (d) a.m.e (a.)d. e/b t a' p.r.0 claim e~a. d. 0 w/e t00 th a.d. e ve(i)n ly e t a gain (s t a'~n) d e/b t a' k/e g r(e)a.t e |
d~zer0 / d e ve(i)n t (h/d) 0 w/e a. l/l t(h) a' nd 0 w/h~ea. l/l t~h ea.ven d (ea.) fxf e(e) l/l t 00 th t e l/l (t) i/t (0) w/h~al(l)e d ew/(e)inn kn ew/e d
defender d 0ff th p ate r e/d 0 fxf ai t/h ere d (h) 0/m e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th s 0 (w/e) i' l/l d 0(w/)e ~s inn s i/t u gaw/(e a.)d e/b t a t/h r~0 a/t h~and h~ea.ve~n (d/h) 0 p/ed i/t t00 t(h) re a.d. a/b(0)ut i/t he~aven d
t-he-g- um- d-f- an- (d-)g- e- d- h0-' s- p(L-)ice-r-
an- d- e/b- t-hie-vain- d-en-am-e-d-
n0 ah c ap t a'i n 0 ah c ap t a'i n 0 ah(c) 0/m e ve(i)n d(h) 0/m e a.d. 0 w/e b/b e/e t a b(0)u/t i/t' s 0/m e 0(n) s un 0/n e cess ai r e'ye s um e 0/n e~ ye 0/n t 0/0 th e me r/r e' ye s aunt~
yew/e s can t a re store flavoring, without savoreing b e/e f 0r' d
(h) e'ye t ' s nail t00 th a.d.e a.d. 0~0're ve(i)n a.m 0'(0)re a.d.
hea.ven d f0r'd ' s cent (s/h) a l/l 0 a.m. 0' r(e) t~
a (b) l/l e/n d (h) 0'ver t(h) a l/l (e'ye) d f~ all t
(h) a'r(e) inn d e/b t/h e re (a.) p~a(i)r (e) t~
a s/s e par (e)a.t e fxf r0m th c~h a (l/l) fxf t~ e'y e/m s nake d g r~ass d f e(e)d face t00 th e/a. l/l (e) a. s/s t miss t a' ke/n d b~rake d f as/s t 00 the me a. l/l d e/b t00 th' s (k) i'll d (h) all i've d~a b(h) 0'r e/n t00 th f e/e L/D
you were born in my mouth, all i've, and too th at, you mu s/t s keeL /d h and s(k) i'll d 0fxf t heave n /d ea.ll d e/b t a t inn t i'm e ff 0'r (t) a re a. l/l e f/f 0r t u be re a. ll considere debt paid h inn ged a me a ll d s nake d l e'ye g/g et (a) i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th d i'v(e)in e/e d le ye t(h) in (e) d
e/b t a' s/s kn~e a.d. f0r(a.)m. e~ a.d.
t-he-ad- ba-t-c/he-l/l-0-r-d- a- re- cap- t- 00- t- he- re- s- t- 0/a- (r)d- (h-) all- 0-an-d-
you can't f (L)ave 0're a.d 0 w/i th0u t any e re a.ll a. m.e a.t h~ere ve(i)n (d) a.d.
d- "0/h" -t- a- le t me see-t-he-d-0f-t- -s- face- d- 0f- t- without a t-race- d-0f- t- s- c0p-e-(e-) d-
0 - w/-h-y-e- , so we can all be mistaken -d- 0f- t-he- pull-e-ye- d- 0f-t-u-be-ad- 0f- t- sir-e- com-e- re- s- c-rib-e- d-(h-)e-ye- (t-he) d-i-v(e-)in-nit-e-y-e- d-in(n-)-e- d-
t-he-g-(L-)e-w/e- d-(s-) 0-L-(e-)d- s-0f- t- ly-e-d0-Lt- 0ff- t-(h-)0/0-kn-0-w/e- t-
yew- e- d- can't honestly e get the d h inn g e t00 the m(e)a.t e d ate d e/b t w/h 0 d b/i t e w/e nd 0 w/e t(h)rue d
inn 0 ah all honestly ben casselman -d- you probably haven't gotten laid in one honest fucking m0(u)n th d h and your ear ness t em p (0) le -d- idn't a give w/e th suc h/t~ a.d. just say inn for ce s/s e th at s (h) 0 w/e th e/m u c h~ t
d-e/b- t- a- re- t0-rt- h-and- a- re- s0-rt- 00-t-he- re- t- 0-r-(e-)t-
d-e/b-t- a- re- t0-rt- i/t- a- g0-0d- h-inn- d-e/b-(e-)t-he-ad- re-s-i-d-en-t-ce- s/s- (t-)a-(i-)r- e- ad- e/b- t- inn- t-he- re- (a-)-p-air- d-
d(h) e'ye d can d h ave d an(d)ye 0/n e w/e -d- for -a-s-s0ng- -e-d- be- h- ave- d- (h-) all-a-we- st- 0/n-e- d-(g-)0n-g-0/d- (s-) 0- Le- d- e/b- t- a- d-(s-)0/d- h-ave-ye- 0n- d-
0- w/-h-at- it comes down "2" is when a man looks at you as a woman, and thinks / act like your are attractive (2-h-im-) you should quite rightly feel a little vi-0-l-at-(h-)e- a-d- 0- w/-h0-d- b/i- t- e-w/e- d- i/t- t0-w/-id- t-his- t- a- g- e/m- s-is-is-miss- (p-)en- t- i/t- a- t- ill- t- i/t- b- L-ac-k- t- inn- ad-vance- d- speaking for -t-his-t- inn-t-he- d- inn-t-ere-s-t- oo-t-he- d- ea-f-0-r-t- f-a- c-t-her- d- e/b- t- inn- t- his- t- a-g- at- hat- he-d-s-cent- 's- hat- b-lac-k-t-00-t-he- p-r00f-t-inn- a- re- d- a-ct- i/t- w/-h0-d- be- a- t-
the "numbers" g-am-e-d-, is a miss n0 mer d-e/b-t-he-ad-ea-f- r- am-e- d- e/b- t- claim "jesus-c-hr-is-t-" came -inn-(e ve r y ? 0/n e) vain- d-
i/t- s- me-ye- b-each- t- 0- w/-t-he- t- i/t- he- d- e/b- t- a- s/s- t- inn- (i-) t- heir- d- buy-a- g-race- s-sir- e- e-L- e- s/s- (t-) a- t- e- th- e- r- e- ad- ea-ll- and- f-eeL- t-i/t- s- and- a- g0-ad- me-all- d-
you really do not have the rig ht u be a pee ve(i)n k t e l/l e'ye~a. t. your "money" is a miss-t-a-r/r-e-ye- en em e'ye a. s/s t a (i)r (e) t ea.ch e/e k t' s hi (f)t (h) 0/n e s/s (t) ly e.
maybe she wanted a better e vi ewe ft f r0m e w/e, but since no-b-0/d-e-ye- d-i/s- (d-) 0-f-t- ly- e- d- com-p-(L-)ain- inn- g- t- (h-) en- d- 0 -w/-h(e-)ye- w/00-d- ewe- (d- s-)
b.c. "you" are getting s- p- (L-)aye- d- e/b- t- w/-hue-(w/e-) s/s- inn-si-t-u- per-t/t-(he-)ye- t- w/-h0- d-
d r a w/e ll cut (e) t00 th' s a w/e g/g aw/(e) d
0ff (a) t ea. t hand e/b t00 t(h) a w/e ~g
gaw/e d
g~a w/e (a.)d. i/t ~t00 th (d) 's i/r~e me'ye (d) 's h~ea.ve~n (d) pul/l~e'ye ~n d 0 w/e i/t (h/d) s~0 L(e/a.)d~e(b)t 00 t(h) en (d) sue w/e (d)g(e) 0/d (h)ue s/s (h) i/t' s h 0 (w/) e ~n d 0 w/k n 0 w/e a.d.' s miss (p)en t h~eave~n d h~a.(n)d. e ve(i)n d (b) rain d
you st e a.d. i/t but you haven't brought i/t 00 th y 0're m0u(n)t (h) 0/0 k e'ye p(y) 0're 's p 0ut inn en em e'ye s m0/u t h/d ew/e t00 th 0 L(e)D 0/u(be) t
t-he-sent-he-n-ai-L-t00-t-e- l/l-t- i/t-rus-s-t-he-ad-e-l/l-t-
you need stand h inn d e/b t inn t/h inn g e t w/h0 d e/b t(h)en d s t a' nd 0/u(be)t (h) a' ct u ally e s p.(r) 0ut (e) in e m~in ~n 0 w/e l/l(h) e'ye d f0und 0/u(be)t a b/i g/g ere t00 th (c) at ch~t han d e/b t(h)in(e) d f0und 0/u(be) t (h) inn s c a l/l e~ a.(n)d. (p.r.) i'm e/n d f0(u)n t~ i'm e t00 th (e) re mem b ere i/t (0 w/h) all 0 w/h al(l) e a.d.(h) ew/(e)inn d(h) i'v(e)in e/e d le'ye a. s/s t (e) a. l/l (e) a. s/s t a.m. p e/e d e/b t at (ap) 0ut~
i'm e a.d. 0 w/(e) inn e min(e) d ~e th e a.d.
divi~ne g/g~race, it is time that she would h(p) ave r d 0 w/00 d (h) eye d b ar(e's) k (t) inn (t) c line d e/b t a pi/n e/e d l e'ye t(h)in(e)d~ h a.(n)d. 0 w/h e'ye a.m. i/n 0 min(e) d
t (0) w/h0 d e/b t a' ke'ye p(a)la~ce s/s e t(h) 0/0 ke(ye)p t'h0u' s~e t (h) inn k/t i'm e
i have taken the time, bu ye the me a k inn g the time get a re a. l/l t(h) a' re time t (0) w/h0 d, h- and "you" have taken a foot-note- without a real l b 0rt 0/0 t(h) a ct u all d e/b t(h)ue s/s e th e re p0 r(e) t heir -e-se-t-h(r-)ue-r/r-(e-)use-sus- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- bu-ye- t- (0-) w/-h0-0k- n- 0- (w/e- )d-e- ad- 0f- (a-) t- 0/n- e-/e- d- le-ye- t-w/ee- d- le- d- (b-)um-mer- d- e- c- (t-) um-me-ye- s- u-(e-)m- me-d-(h-)0-ve- t- a- g- (L-) 0-ve- d-um-me-ye- d- 0/n-e-ye- d- g-s- us- (t-) c-um- b-um- (h-)an-d- b-u/n-d- e/b- t-'s-undere-s-t- a- nd- um- b- c-um- b- i/n- (e-) d- h- and- s- 0/m- e-/n- d- s-0/n- e/e- d- le- ye- d-um-s- t- (p-)ee- d-0f -t- s- 0/m-e- 0/n-e-ye- d- c- (r-) um- b- u- t/t- a- h- 0/n- e- d- 0- w/ar-e- t- a- w/-i- thou-t- a- c- a(i-)re- ye- d-0f-t-00-t-he- "memory" -d- he- ad- e/b- t- a -"marrie-d-" 0f- t- h-and- e/b- t- inn- t-he- ad- h- and- car-r-e-ye- d- 0f- t- a- l/l- 0/t- (s-) augh- t- 00- t-he- d- (h-) 0-ver- t- i'm-e- t00-t-he- ad- b- (r-)ough- t- 0ff -t- 0/0t- he- d- h- and- 0f- t- a- time- s- l0- t- h- and- 0f- t- as/s- k- t00-t-he- d- b- m- 0/t- t-0-(w/-) e- i/t- 0ff- t- n aught a(i) l/l (i) e/n t (u) b(r0ugh) t aught 0 're s aught 0ff t (0) w/h 0/d (ea). fxf 0're t' (s) i/t 's (di/s) per's e w/e d h(e)a.d. e/b t (u) b. m.(e)u's e d~i'm e/n t (0) w/h 0/d h ave ye u/s e/d ~ i/t (0) w/h 0
"you" s-t-(e-)a-ll- k- t- u- b-(r-)ough- t-00-t-he- t-(s-)augh- t- 0ff- t- 0/0-kn- 0/t- e- a- s/s- e- t-(h-)0/0-k- t00-t-he- f-x-f- 0-r- d- f-ough- t-(h-and- s-he- d- )0f-f- t-
quickly stipulating t heir were no cur(e-)rent- l0- s/s- e- (t/h-) s- t-(h-)at- could'n't - b- (r-)ough- t-
0/0- d- e- w/e- d- 0f- t- u- be- ad- 0f- t- a- l/l- e/n- t- s-(h-) 0/t-
givetass hot iff ewe d can say ye brought a l/l 0t t00 th and 0ff t (h) 0/0 kn 0t 0/ne d0f-t-0ff-t-0/0-t-he-a-s/s-a-ye- (d-)s- (L-)0/t- h-and- 0f-t-rig-ht-(0-)w/-h0- w/-he-ye-d-e/b- t- (h-) inn- k-t-he- (d-) g- (e-) i've-n- d- g- race- d- 0f- (a-) t-0/n-e- miss- t-a- ke- g- ag-ate- t00-t-he-a- p-(r-)e- f-x-f-ace- d- (h-) ark- t- a-(p-)in- t-a-in-t-(h-)a-ll-a-d-(h-)all-a-w/e-t-a-ll- ewe-d- h-all-a-w/-he-ye-t-(h-)0/m-e- d-(h-) 0/m-e- d- f e/a.t/h ere set h fr0m th c r 0 w/n~d
"you" have not brought a ware t00 t(h) 0me nd (h) 0me d 0 ware t00 th (y) 0're "ed-i-c-k-t-" a t0/n e/e d 0 h t? need my thr0at ? to carry your -d-(s-) 0ng- (L-) 0-re-ye- d- force-s-scene-d-force-d-get-a- d-a-ft- (h-) 0/0-k- n-0-a-t- a- g- rain- 0/n- en-em-e-ye- (d-)g- (r-) 0-a- t-00-t-h-(e-)r-0- a- t- a- pin- t- he-r/r-0-s-(e-)a-t- a-pin- t- a- pin- t- a- g-(a-)i-n- em- (e-)a- s/s- t- a- r--e- (a-) p- (L-)an- (t-) d- h-and- s- (t-)a- nd- (h-) e-ye- d- e/b- t- a-ll- k- t- h-and- 0- w/-(h-) all- k- t- a- b-(0-)u/t- hie-ven- (t-he-) d- heaven- d-(s-) c-am- (e-ad-)s- t- a- f-x-f- t00-t-he- ad- f-am- (in-e-)s-s- t- (a-nd-s-)b- rain- d- f-(r-)am-e- s-(h-) am-e- s- (h-)
a-p-e-ll (mell) (sp) ike ye a
you have no honest efface to make, t-h-at-a-pin-t- a-in- t- a- p-ain- t-h-and- e/b- t- i/t- a- in- t- inn- t- (p-)L-ace- d- 0f- t-race- d-i/s- eg- race- d- full-i-e-ye- t00-t-he-m(e-)a-t- (e-) in- e- f-x-f- ace- t00-t-(h-) a- s/s- t- e- - (a-)d- i/t- (0-) w/-h-at- e-
s- t-e- t- i/t- s- t-ru(e-)ss- t- 00-t-(h-)bu-s- t- (h-) a-nd- (e-)u/s- t-(h-) im- ed-bu-d- h-and- b(e-)at-h(e-)ad-e-ye-me-g-ave- d- i/t-(0-) w/-h0- d- 0- w/-he-ye- t- 0- w/-ai-t- he- ad- heaven-ly-e-inn-s-(t-e- ad-) ate- t-he-ad- ea- f- ace- d-all- ewe- d- h-and- g- (L-)ewe- d- e/b-t00-t-his-t- eg- (u-) e- s/s- (t-) a- i.d.- e/b- t- a- pin- t00-t-he- t- inn- d-(y-)our- e- (a-) pi-(n-)p-an- d- ig-(i-)t-rig-n0-r-an-c(e-)i.d.-(h-)e-ye- d- h-ave-n-d-(i-) g- 0- p.rip-(h-)and-p-r.ig- ht- hie-ven- d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- (h-)im- s- him-s- 0/n- d0f- t- a- s/s- k- i/t- inn- s-(h-) 0-w/e- ed-s-c/an- s- (k-) inn- d-0f- t-hie-ven- t- a- gain- d- 0f- t-(s-) inn-t-ere-s- (t-) ave- d- 0f- t- s- p-(L-)ate- l/l-e- t- 00- t- he- ad- a- ye- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- 0- w/-he-ye- t- he- ate- t-hat-e-y/e-n - em- my- -a- makes up to see -d- 0f- t- inn- a- n0- t- her- d- aye- t- 00- t- he- (d-) ap- p- as/s- e- t-he- t- i'm- (e-) all- a- (w/-a-)ye- d- e/b t a t-(h-) a- ll- 0- w/e- an-0- t- her- d- (h-) ate- ?- = "x" t-hat- e- we- ed- force-s-s-(h-)a-ke- g-0/n- ai-L- e- s-son-s-hat- e-ye- t- inn- p- (a-) l-ace- d-(he-)ye- t- c-u-e-we-f-(t-)f-ace-d- ewe-(d-)s- ad- e/b- t- a- keep- ewe- thinking- e- we- (l/l-) ed- h-ave- t- a-w/e- ll- be-(d-)h-ave-n- d- made time for love to take & keep place - d-(be-d-h-) a- z/z- (l/l-) e-ye-t00-t-he-i-r- hear- d- 0- w/ar-e-(e-) f-x-f-0-r- ce-s/s- e- t-h- f-a-(i-)r- e- t- (0-) w/- id- t- h(e-) i/t- inn-ad- van-ce- s/s- 0/n-s-n-i/t- h-and-b-0/n-net-s-nit-0ff-i/t- h-and- 0f- t- (0-) w/- id- t- high- t- i/t- (m-) ill-k-t- 0ff- (a-) t- s- w/-hi-t-c-he- d-0f-t- (h-) en- d- 0f- t- 0/0-t-0ff- t- w/-(h-) i-t-c-he-d- b-0/n-(e-)d- - 0f-("a") t- 0(n-)e- d- significant too th en( em) ar~r 0w/e t-he-d-b-(r-)ough-t-h-and- e/b- t (h) 0/0 kn 0/t 0/n e/e d l/l~ e ye t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e~ l/l e t i/t r (0 l/l) e
a.(d.) s/s (h) 0' L e
a.d. e/p t(h)u e~ d(ea.)f(ea.)t as/s (k/t) i/t a g0
t a i 0 t a (ke 'ye p0 und) kn 0/t e
s/s t e a. se d. i'ment game divine inn (k/t) s c0 pi e d s (t) u fxf i/x i/t (h) in (e) d e/b t00 t(h) a'r e/e f i/n(e) d 0 w/(h) a r/r e/n t~hy m(e) n
s miss u/s~s un s hin e d 0- war-ran-t- his- t- a- f-f- 0r- d- an-0-t-her- d- e/b-t- c-h-i'm-e- d- 0-h-(t-) b- c- L- i'm- (b-) e- d- 0- lt- a- b- le-ad- a- re- s- t- 0- re-ye- i/t- force-scene-ano-t-her-di-me-t00-t-he-d- a- ft- a- re-war- d-i/t- t00-t-he-re- f-0-r-d- i/t- inn- t- i'm- e- d- e/b- t-he- t- (L-)in-k- t- he-ad-ea-d- f-i/n-(e-)d- p.-r.-i'm-e- ad- 0- w/ar-t-i-f-f- e-ye- ce- ad- (b-) lig-ht- inn-ad- vance- s/s- (h-)0/t- (h-)e-ye- t- high- t-s-hi-t-e-ye-t-ere-d- e/b- t-u-rd- he-r/r-0-d-e- (ed-) i-c-k- t00-t-he-ad-dick-t-i-0/n-e-ye- t-(h-)rue-n- d- 0- w/e- i/t- a- g- ran- d- e/b- t-u- d-e- ed- u- d- e- ed- ewe- d- ewe- d- ewe- (d-)s-t-e- w/e-n-d- 0- w/e- t- (h-)rue- inn- t- w/-h0- d- e- w/e- tu- be- t- he- x- p0-s-e d- ewe- t00-t-he-ad-d-s-u-(m-)e- 0/n-e-ye- 0/n-tu- b- s- tu-b- an- d- hu(e-)s-s- (c-r-)e-we- d- f0r t 00 kn 0 b 0/d e'ye t hat actually e ~c a(i)r e (ad) ' s ab(0)u/t (0) w/h0 even d iff use wanted e/b t00 kn 0 s e w/i.d. th i/t (0) w/h 0~ w/00 d ew/e t a l/l k (i) t (0) w/h 0 (d-)g- a- g-0- d-(s-) 0/n-g- a- gree- d- (s-) 0- L- (and-e/b-t-a-) d- 0f- t-u- be- (a-)d- 0f-t- inn-(s-) c- u/p-t- p-ai-d- 0f-t-a- ge-t-a-m-aid- 0f- t- inn- t-(s-) p- lace- d-i/t- t00-t-he-ad-h-ad-h-ave- d-(h-)ad-ag-e-d-g- ave- d-e/b- t- a- gain- (d-) buy- e- d- (en- m(e-)a-r-) k-eye-p-d-0f-t- d0f-t-a-ll-0-ver- t- he- t- p- lace- d- 0f- t- s- p- (L-)at-e- d-ate- in front of f(h-)ist- face- d-0f-t-(h-) en- d- e/b- t- a- (d-) mit-ta-g-ate- s-t- (e-)-a-ll-a- we- st- u- b-bu-ye- a- d- ate- d- e/b- t-u-make- i/t- 0- w/-he-ye- (t-)d- h- and- 0 -w/- ai-t- 0- d- ate- t-0ff-t-h-and-0f- t-0/0-t- 0ff- t- a- g-ave- d- su-c-h- t-00- L- e/n- t- s- nail- e-ye- inn-ave-ye- d- 0- war- t- ad- just-he-s- (h-)am-e- = the only constant "lie" on the L a.m., t-hat-e-ye-d- c-au-se-t-he- ta-ke-ye- p-lace- d- = the only constant -s-trait- dof-t- can hand of-t-, constant -ly-e-.
dof-t- can only bring -0-d- 0-ft- too the t ab le, inn that you believe d-im-a/ss-u- e- w/e- d-
dof-t- has no true countenance to pass on steady e (inn c(h) 0/m e) w/e t(h) i s/s u e w/e d.
dof-t- a-g-et- s- tu-be- ad- 0f- t- buy-e- standing on your (y ap parent) head, in a -s/s-cent-s-t-0p-d-0-w-n-d- f-as/s-h-ion- d- h-and- g- i- n-n-g- in- t- (0-) w/- e- i/t- (y-)our head- en- d- 0- w/e- i/t- a- gain- d- 0/n-e-a-r-t-he- d- 0/n-e- d-earth- d- be-(a-) he-ad- f0rce-s-scene- d- 0f- t- apparently brought not enough -t- g-0/d- (s-a-)me-nd- s- ad- e/p-t-hue- s-(p-) en- d- e/b- t- ? a- ? p-i/n-e-ye- pre- t- en- d- constant- lie- d- e/b- t- a- ke- debt- a- gain- d-(g-)im-me-ye- he-ye- d- e/b- t-a- b- (l/l-) e/n- d- e/b- t00-t-he- (a-)s/s- a-ye- me- nd- s-- a- w/e- g- a- w/e- g-ged- "g"-sus- t-a- m-u-s-t-a- g- ave- d- 0f-t- a- g-(L-)et- a-g- L-ad-(h-) e- r/r- in- g- s- (h-) ave- d- s- cent- s- (h-) am- e- (d-)g- am-e- d- 0-w/-(e-) inn- t - inn- t-he- ad- e/b- t00-t-he- time-d- e/b- t- a- ke-ye-p- lace- d- constant -ly-e-a- ll-0-ver- t- he- ad- s- (p-)a- id- 0 -"w/-ar-e-" = your e/e face -d- e/b- t- a- re- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- a-re- w/e- re- (a-) p- (L-)ace- ad- ea- f-eat-(y-)0ur-e/e-f-ace- d- be- (a-s/s-t-u-) d- aye- t- a- s/s-k- t- (0-) w-/-h0- d- at(e-)in- e- t-u- (r-)f- face- d-(y-)our- des-s-e-rt- in- t-he- f-i/r-(e-)s- t- p- (L-)ace- d- - 0f-t-can-(e-)d- h-and-(he-)ye- any-e-way- t-, dof-t- can't actually take t(h) a nd keep th pal ace s/s e peaking ass his t e s t a t e would 0 will divine s/s t a' g e d/i a.m. 0/n e'ye g(f) L inn t e'ye a. t~ (h) eigh t 0 f/f urn i s hed 0ff (t) ly
e t00 th' s lee p t h and s le per d (i/t i 0/n d 0 w/are~a.) d. (h)e
a. l/l 0000000 's e(a.) s (s a'ye) n0 w/e (l/l) s lee p (it/h) t0 g ether a gain d (s~L) e/a. p i/n e/e d (c) l/l e~a. n (d)g~ ave d 0 w/he ye (t00 th) d ate ~a.m. u/s (e) i c ~ (h) e w/(e) inn g i'll t e'ye a. t~ 0ff the me an see k t inn 0/b 0/d e'ye g(u) e s/s t a t e d en m(e)a.r kn 0t u be a.d. ~ag e m/u/s/t b eg a r(e) d en (e) inn g inn a re p0' s e t00 th en 0' s e~a. m.aye b/b e/e
gi = gastro intestinal, buy shi-t/t-inn-g--a- time into your head = be-(a-)d-f-0r-(a-)m-in-g- a-gree- d- e/b-t-a- take imaginary "note" inn-fan-t-see- d- you have what it takes too the sup per (d) see d h-and-c- all- you-r-e- s-(h-)e-l-l-ve- shelf-in-g-ere-in-g-a-gree- d- gets the we-ed- 0f- ("a") t-0/n-e- d- 0f- t-(s-) augh-t-0/0t-0ff-t-he-ad- 0f- t- ly- e- b-s-p0ken-d-e-am- s- he-see-t-he- thinks- he-is-t- (p-)ee- d- = the nation with -(f-) is-t-e- ad- imagination- d- scent- a- ll- e-ye- a- t- sow-eye- can blame-d- ewe- for-t- h-and-for-k- t0-me-g-at- a- gree- d- 0f-t- doesn't actually want too know e better -an-d- for this we must be forced-e/b- too-loo-k-t-a-p-parent-ly-e- t-a- make him-v-pee- d- e/b- t- a- watch- d-0f-t- "0"- walk- t- i/t- 0ff- t- h- and- s- L0-t- i/t- he- d- 0f- t---"a" - ll- 0/t-
w/-hat- p0- w/e-re- ad-due-s-he-g-0/t- 0ff- t- buy- d- being- 0/d- 0f- t- inn- e-t/u-n/e- m/e-w/e- divine- tu- t00-t-he-d ew/e-tu-t-i-me- w/e-d-see-t-he- i/t- (u-)be-lie-f-(i-)t- u- ne- d- with n0 divine need (l e'ye) a.s/s (t) a i.d. (ewe) be desire d ewe ~un t(0) w/h0
e w/e d h and f(t) a l/l 0 w/e t(h)r u/e ve(i)n t/h en d h~ea.ve~n 0 w/(e) inn kn 0 w/e t russ t inn e we d ~ h ea.ven t (0) w/h0~ me~a. l~ l a p.r.~00 f (t) an (d)g 0 p~r 0've t 0 you~ s w/00 (n) d ea.t h~and e'ye w/e (a.)d. i/t ~t(y)0ur a p. p.~r.00f (i) t' s t e w/e
tu ~s t e (w/e) a.d.(h) e'ye t(c) 0/n e s/s t 0/n e v~e(i)n d 0 w/e l/l e/n t(h)r(ue) inn d b eg (r) inn (d) inn g t (r) e/n d ' sus t(c) a in a/b (e) l/l e'ye a.m. (e)a.r k(e)t he ad. f~a.d (h)e~ a.d. f as/s t a gain d e/b t00 th cur(e)rent (h) en d
"you" mate "toff" off- dof-t-'s- e-g-(u-) e- s/s- (t- )a- t- e- (dof-t0-re-el-at- e-) d- ass- fact- b-c- you c~an (d) se~e d i/t i/t' s eg face d = dof-t- didn't clearly provide the d ate a.t. 0/n e/n em e'ye p (L) at e l/l e t a' s/s hi t 's trait a re s/t rait 00 th f a(i)r e/e f ace a.d. s t a r e a.d. h inn g (e)inn f r 0/n(e)t 0 fxf t me'ye (d) face t/h eave n0(w/e) d~ e ve(i)n d g~ (r) 0 w/e a.d. in e in s 0 (w/e) i' l/l 0 A.M. ~ criticized 0(h/t) b.c. e'ye d h ave n0 0ne t00 t a ll k t a' t0ne t0 give t/h 0/n e s/s (t) 0 i' l/l e t~ a l/l 0 (a.)n~ d 0 c~ (L) a w/e a.d. be a.d. ju~st (a.) b.c. ~d. e(a.) f. a ct u ally e t00 th(e) re t (r) a ct inn t ere s/t (h) at 0 w/th ' s h.a.d. e 0 (w/e) s a w/e g aw/e g ave t hat' hat 's hat t/h er (d) e/n ave d 0(w/)h t a' t rig ht ly e w/e a.d. h ave a.ll a re a.d.(h)e ye d. c a.m. e l/l (d)' s w/h ea.t 00 t/h be/e h ave d h and h aven a.m. e(a.)i.d. a.d. just say/me
t (a)u
g*ht (a) g 0(a) l/l d en
(d 0 fxf) t (0) w/h0 d b/i t ew/e t a' c(h)e w/e i/t (h)rue n~ d 0 w/e b e/e s p0 k en d ewe s (t) a nd e w/e t (0) w/h0~d be ad. s t0 ken d ew/e t('s) a n ewe d
"yew" s-h0-t-a-s/s-hat-e-ye- w/e- d- s-(h-)0/t- 0ff- t- (f-)i-s- t- e- we- d-e/b-t-u-b-s-t-u-b- an- d-(b-)ud-b-(d-)ub-b- le- d--g-e- d- 0f-t-hie-ven- d- (a-) g-0/d- s- (p-)en-d- s- t00-t-he- re- con- t- (r-) 0-ll- e- d- t-he-t-'s- a-(i-) ll- a- we- re- ad-ye-a- s/s- t- miss- (p-) en- t- et-et-a- gains- t- i(n-)t- a-ll-king-u-ye- g- ass- nake- d- g- ass-h-e- d-(e-)a- ll- t-00-t-he-ad- ag- (e-)i-n- (d-) s- (h-)a-ke- vain-d-e/b-t-he-m(e-)a-r/r-e-ye-w/e-ll- t-
"Thankful for this last week! Romantic and restful, Zolciak gushed of husband Kroy Biermann. I love him to the moon and back! When he hurts I hurt, when hes happy Im happy! He doesnt even have to speak and I feel him!"
"you" too-l-0-ve- t0-0t-he-m0-0n-an-d-back-t-0-f-f- eel- t- his- t- a- g-race- d- face- d- e/b- t- inn- you-r-e- (e-) f-ace- d-
you-r- ad- just -a- miss- t-u-b-s-poke-n-d- b- ride- b/ - t00- t- he- ad- en-e-ye- d- all- t- he- t- i'm- e- d- 0f -t- u-b-s-p0ke-n- t0-ken- d- a- re- (e-) f- i/n- (e-) d- air-e-i-s/-t- in- e- d- s- h-inn-(e-)d- 0f- t- r- ave- l- s- inn-d-i/n-(n-)e- d- be- (h-) in- (d-) g- e- d- g-u-ye- d-