d-h0/n-k-eye-d-he-c0/n-s-pi-re- a .-r-t- f0rce-scene-d-a- f(t-)ire- d- a-rt-(h-)0/0-k- t- a- g-i've-t- a- w/-he-ye- t- he-a-rt-
he-d-in-a-re-n/d- b-m-use- d- e/b- t- 0re- t- heir- d- ud- e- d- (s'-) 0-we- d- h-and- s- h -0 - (w/)e- d-
he-d-in-a-s/s p- (L-)it- w/-h0- d- ewe- t- 00- t- he- d-live-r- (t- )russ- t- a- ll- (e'ye) d- g- ill- t- e-ye- t- high- t- he- d- ce-ll- a- i- re- pen- t- en- ce- s/s- h- (e-) d- be- ad- 0f- t- rite-
he-d-in-a-d- junk-ct- p- lace-d- 0f-(i-)t- 0f-f-t- he- d- 0f- t-00-t-he-d- (e-)u/s-t- 0-p-ped- 0f- t- (b-) rig- ht- a- re- rip- e-ye- pip-e- d- prig- ht- s- t- a- f-f- a- ct- ass- t- a -f-f- am- ill- e-a.- r- d- 0- w/e- ll- e- d- inn- sigh -t-
working on this page t00 th e/n ave d 0 w/h e'ye s ea. t ' s ave d h~and g ave d 11/24/16 d0w/ rit e t0 fxf t a w/h eigh t/d 0ff t b e( l/l aye) d b r~in(n)g i/nn g 's (h) 0/n e t(h)(c) 0/m e d
s-t-ill-t- L-eve-r- t- L-0-ver-t- f-r0m-me-d-e/b-t-00- t-he- d- be- c0n-e-d-
t-he-me-0ne-ye- p.r.-0-f-f- (h-)er- (e-)d- s- c0-r(e-)d- he- r0- d- ate- t-he- miss- t- ake-n- d- in-(n-)e-re- lie- f- t- s- nake- d- ly- e-a-s/s- t- (c-) 0- L- (e-)d- e/b-t- cab-b-ag-e- we- d- in(n)e- d- s- k- ewe- r- e- d- 0f- (i-) t- he- f-x-f- 0-r-d- p- ass- t- ewe- st- e-ye- d-0- 0-re- r0-b-b-ar-r-0/n-e- d- h- as-s t- e't-s-0/n-s- p- (r-) i- t- e- t00 -t- he- d- pr0- c- L- aim- mit- t- w/-h0- d- en- e'ye- t- all- t- he- t- i'm-e- d-
th de ft be fxf i t/t (h) ing e d 0 (w/)e s ' aw/e d(e) u/s t~ 0f xf t00 th (e) r~e L ate th er e we d 0' b. c. L~i'm(b) e~ a.d. c~h ang e d 0 w/h ea. t ~h ' d be ad f~i t/t (h) ing e g/g ave 0' b r~ave (ye) d (h) a.d. e /p t~h 's c0 pi ed all a re a.d. e'ye t b~ L a'ye d bu ye i/t 0/n e t(h) 0/n e s/s t b/i line d ew/e ft w/i.d. th eg race s/s h(e) d at~e th er~e t h/ei/r e sup p~Ly e d en ewe d
his-t- s- a- w/e-d- 0f- (i-)t- miss- take- d- he- d- com-f0r-t- it- s- (t-)aye- d- h- and-force- s/s- (h-)ake- d- f-i/s- h- inn- (e-) g- et- he- miss- t- ake- nd- he- re- L-ate- d- en- e-ye- t- w/-ill-0-w/e- t- (h-)r-e/e- d- h- 0ve- d- h-arm-0/n-e-ye- inn-s- h0-ve- d-
ewe-r-ass-p- b- for-d- e/b- t00- t- he-d- hem-an-d- mit- ti- g-ate- s- 0/m- e-m0-re- d- r- am- p-r- ate-d- ewe- t- 00- t- he- d- ewe- 0/n- d-u-d-ed- ap-p- r0ve- d- (h-) 0ve- d- s- h0-ve- d- eat- 0f-f- t- me- t- 0- (w/-)e- s- h0- d- f0r-man- ewe- r-e- d- ewe- d- ewe- d-