ad-hic-t-hu(e-)s/s- inn- (d-) h-and- |
s (h) i/t 0ut a (t/p) Luck t me'ye s e l/l fxf t p. r.00f t as/s (k) naiL t~ 00 th f~ a(i)r e t(h) e (ad) w/e ll ~ (e/n) d 0 w/e t(h)ru/e w/e ll (e) a.s/s t' s h 0 (w/) e re w/e d ~ ea. t h (cL) as/s ps t e w/h ea t~h b ea.r th a/ e c/c (e) i t (e) ye b/b r in(n) g' s us t/h 0/u s e th' s (w/) in(n) g' s~e a.m. e a.d. (0) h and hic this hi t/t e'ye t00 th be a.d. 0ff t'd re am s 0 ft ly e t00 th' s L e/e per t e'ye (a.) t |
1/23/2016 |
m(e-)a.- t-t- b- L- ewe- l/l- u- s- t- 0/n-e- l/l-ye- nee-d-s-up- p- (L-)ie-d- e/b- t-0/0-t-his-t- (e-) a- ll- as/s- t- |
t(h) 0/m e~ a.d. ~ ap/p Le (ye) i.d. |
wit-h e-(a-)d- i/t- you bring t-h(e-) ad-dick-t-i-0/n- e- w/-id-t-he- t- (a-) con-(e-) f-x-f- r- 0/n-(e-) t- ate- i- 0/n- a-(i-) l/l-e- ye- t00- t-he- p- (L-)aye- a- s/s- t00-t-he- s- k-eye-(p-) t's- pi-t/t-e-ye- t- hat- he- d- b-(r-)0ugh-t- inn- d-/i-s- p- a-(i-)r- e- ad- (h-)ea-r- t- heir- d- 0- w/e- ll- e- s/s- t- 00- t- he- t-f-i/n(e-) d- ewe- (d-)s- eve-r-e-y/e- n- em-e-ye- t- d-(b-) light- 0f-(i-)f- t- he- d- fi/n-(e-) d- 0 - w/00- d- be- t- rig-ht- f0r-(t-)a- (i-) l/l- i-(e-)f- t-00-t-he- t-0-w/ar-e- ad- s-(h-)e- ll- t- h- and- s- (h-) all- t- a- re- t- a - w/-he-ye- t-' s- (h-) ake- i/t- 0/n-e- sig-h- t-0ff-(i-)t-0/n-e- (d-) vain- d- e/b- t- a- t -(r-)0p-ed- e-ye- t- u- be- (a-)d- 0f-(i-)t- inn- t- i'm-e-ad-'s- e/e-k- t- e-a- s/s- e- am-e- d- e/b- t- a- gree- d- 0f- i- t- he- t- a- b- le- ad- s- (ee-) k- ill- e- d- 0 -w/ar- e- t-(h-)rue- st- a- re- u-s-e- d- 0f- t-s- n- ewe- d- s- (Lee-)k- ill- t- e're- ad-(s-) e- a- ll- (d-) s- (t-) aye- a- s/s- (t-) f-eel- (d-) s- w/-inn- (e-d-le-) t- ere- s-t- 00- t-he- s- (k-) ill- s- u- e- w/e- d- ewe -(d-) s- t-e- t00-t- he- t- see-t-he- d- ewe- t- hu-(e-) s/s- d- a-rt- a- ct- f-x-f- a- ct- f0rce-scene- d- "out" with "authorities" non representation all a.m. 0/u t/h ' d just s~ay(e) inn b r~inn g t(y) 0ur e/n t/h 'd n0b-scene- d- 2 think on the line you speak t 0ff t as/s (w/)e ll (d?) 0ut -f0r-(t-) a- ll- t- i'm-e- ad- s- as/s- knee- d- ap- p-lie-d- 0- w/e -inn- s- in- k- t- i/t- 00- t- he- re- pre- sent- i/t- inn- t- em- p- (L) 0- (re- a-)d- (h-) inn-g- e- d- s- c0p-e-d- e/b- t-00-t-he- d- h0-ped- d-le- ad- 0ut- he- l/l-0-u-s-e- d-0f- t- a- gain- d- |
f ? b? i? f-i-b- (L) a c k/t u ally e t00 th f all 0 w/e a.d.(h) ea.d b.c. e w/e g 0/t 0/n e~ e d le ye t hat~h e/n e/e d i/t 00 th e(a.)d. p~a c~k (t) a/g e~ t hat b(L)ack t at 0/n e~e d i/t~ |
fi' l(l) e/g 0 a.ll i'k(e ye )ne a.d. i/t' s m i'l(l) e/g t00 th b(L)e a.d. i/t~h and (a) g ree t i/t |
t- he- ha- wan-e-ye-needs attention 2 feed his -ad-dick-t-i-0/n-e- t- w/-h0- d-bu-ye-w/e- d- |
"you" paid t-he/m- t00 t-he- be- t- heir- d--0- w/-i- thou- (g/h) t- b- s- c-rib-e- (a-)d- s-(t-) aid- ate- s-/t- i/n- e- cir-cum-re-fer-rent-ce- s/s- (d-) 0- d/d- ere- ad- 0f- t- 's- Law- st- u- b/b--u-ye-- s- t- - i- ll- ap-p- Lie- (n-) s- (t- ) aid- 0f- t- s-- (t-) u- b- (r-) 0ugh-t- 0ff- t- he- d- h--and- 0f- t- a- l/l-0- t- 's - L0- t- h- and- 0f- t- inn- s- t-e- ad-d-(L-)e-ye- inn-sir-e- c0m-(e-)re- fer-ren-t-ce-s-s- (h-) 0/t- he- d- back- t- 's- -- c-u/p- t- 's- 0- (w/-)n- d- um- b-(um-) c- um- me- d- "c-L-ear-e-ly- e-" t-he- t- 0/n-e- t00-t-he- d- s-t- a- ll- k- t- b r.~i.'d.e~s (t) i.'d e~ s -0/n-ly-e-w/e- d- ea- t- h- and- (a-)gree- t- up- 0/n-d- be- lie-f-t-he- ad- s- augh-t- f0r- (t-) a- t-(f-)un-ere- a- ll- d- 0f- t- f0r- t- a- r-eeL- d- e- a- ll- e- ye- s- t- (e-) all- e- d- inn ? kn 0 w/e th c~h ea.r 0 (d(h) e/a. d.) a. c~le ~g i/t 00 th be c0/m ~ e t a w/(h) ere ve(i)n t/h ere t heir d h~a/b i.'d. e a.r th ' d en e'ye (t) d e'ye d 0 w/h e'ye (t/h) d e 'ye a.r. th d (h) ea.r~ 0 /d e/e d h~inn t ere s(t) a'v~e 'ye a.d. (h) all 0 w/e re a.d. e'y(e)~a. p/p (L) i/e d e/b t00 t(h) 0/n e s/s t a(i)r (e) t h/ei/r d (h) a l/l (e) a. s/s h 0 (w/) e~ d k-need-0-ft- ? 0n-lye- a-s/s-knee-d- 0f- t- inn- t-i'm-e- d- 0- w/e-a-p-awn- d- 0f- t- s- h0/u- Ld- ere- t-he- t- inn-d-ere- d- im- ag-in-nation- s- t- u- (r-)-f-x-f- t- 0ff- (i-) t- inn- t- ere- s- t-e-e-d- be- a-d- (e-ye-)a-s/s- (h-) 0/n-e- d- i-c- k-t- i -0/n-s- (t-)u- b- s-cup-t- 00-t- he- ad- b- (s-) cue-p-awn-d- f-r0m- e- t- a- t0-L-(L-e-)d- (h-) 0/m-e-inn-0/n-e- d- - i/t- ass- k-need-0-ft-ap- p- (L-) ie- d- 0f-("a") t- 0/n-e-d- set due s & d ewe s u/s/e t00 th be-ad-0f-("a") t-0/n-e- d- "2" get laid for t 00 kn 0 w/e re a. s/s 0/n e t00 th ave (n) d e'ye d act yl ly (e)a. w/are a.s/s t/h em e'ye t "t-he-ye-" didn't honestly e write , no have the rig ht 00 th e(a.) d i/t 0/n e s/s i g h t c/hr/is/t didn't speak too th-em- as/s- t- he-ye-w/rit-e-ye- t- competitions-me-ye-t- a-re- t- ea-r-n- a- (ll- a-) s/s- t- e- ye- inn- g- a- gree- d- e/b t/h ' d(h) all t a're (n)t (h) ea.r (d) i/t~00 t/h ave t a l/l (t) a're a.d. e'ye d b e/e h ave d -h-and- ewe- (d-) s- t- 0 - (0-)L-e- d- 0 -w/- a/i- t- 0- w/-he-ye- t- he- d- 0f- t- rig- ht- s- pur- (e-) suit- he- ad- b-i/- t- e- ye- t- 0f-f- t00-t-rig- ht- p-(h-) 0/n- e-ye- t-he- ad- 0f- ("a") t0/n-e- sig-h- t- little a.m. i/n 0 h as/s h arp (e) n ai L 's n 0 w/e t hat(n) i cut h em me d(t) 0ff t 'st (p) e/e d 0 w/are th ' s c~0/0 p(i) e (ye) d~ 0 h(t) 0 p e~d d le a.d. e/b t a cr0ss t/h em 0~ t/e ~ i 0/n e s/s (t) a t(a) l/l (e) a. s/s t' a re (a.)d. u ct i 0/n s~ c0n(e)fxf r~0/n(e)t 0/n e t(h) inn g~ e/ d g (e) i've n (t) d~ e/b t h~ea.ven ~ (a) s/s (cent') inn g's e/en (d) 0 w/e a.d. 0 w/e l little a.m. i/n 0 h as/s h arp (e) n ai L 's n 0 w/e t hat(n) i cut h em me d(t) 0ff t 00 t(h) c 0/n(e) s~p i/r e (a.d.) s~e l/l fxf i/s h~ (i) t ~h e/a. t e'r~e inn t00 th ' d (h) 0'p e d/d le a.d. 'see k t/h an(d) e c(t) d~0/h t~ (u) be (a.)d. b(r)0ugh t u/p t (h'd) 0ff t r~0p e t(p) 0're tu~ d e w/e ' s (h) ave th as/s k/ t e fxf 0'r(e) t a b/rake d (be a.d. as/s k/t 00 th) fxf as/s t |
Le t/h be d 0 w/het her d be (d) s 0'Le d e/b t00 th f a s/s h i 0/n knit b~ r in(n) g's~ u/s (t) inn g' sus (t~h and) inn g' s t a' nd (g' sus) 0' Le (a.)d.'s~ t 0 (0) L~ e w/e ll~ d ewe t00 th ' d ap~p.r.00f t ' s 0 (w/e) i'll~and b' f0r'd ' s~ h al/l 0 w/e l/l (0/r) d 0 w/heeL ~Le t00 th pr.0'vi. de inn as/s t 0're (ye) a.d. 's (h) 0/a r~ d 0 b r~inn g (u) y 0're t(d) 0 w/n e s/s t~a p/p a.d. (h) inn g e inn th~an(d) t/i/c i p(L)ate inn g~ a gainn d h~a.(n)d. g's us t (a'g) c~a.m. e l/l e(a)ve n (t/h ea.) d. a.m. e ve(i)n~ t a cr0ss t 00 th a.d. e/a. d. just b.c. y (e)a. r~ t /h as/s (h) 0 ' L e d ew/e (a.)ve r~ t(h) 0 (w/) e (d) g~ 0/ t~ a' n0/n t a g0 |
check t c(y) 0're n ave ye d b f0r'd a.d. 0~0' re a.d. be~a.d. as/s k t00 th b(r)0a(r)d at a' t0/n e ti'me a.d. s(n) e/e k t(h) 0 (e) th ere t(h) 0/0 k t (a') c 0've~r d (w/) e l/l and c (L) 0've r~ (t/h) d (h/e)a. r~ t h' d ' se(a.) ll c0m p(L)ea.t as/s t e g 0/ d g~r a/ce s/s e x cess h e(a.) d. ate d0 fxf(i)t (h) p(L)ate inn p(L)a~ce a.d(ea). fxf ea.t 0 fxf t a' re r 0/u n/d ~ 0 w/e ll and eg 0 t00 th' s 0/u n/d a re r 0/u n/d f 0/u n/d (h) a l/l (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e d(g) b r~i.'d.e s w/e ll' debt 0/0 t e l/l i/t 00 t/h e w/h a l/l e' (ye) d ew/e s (h)~ip t00 th' sup p(L)e'ye d(h) u(e) s/s t (r) a w/are a.d. e/b t heir t a re t/h e're v.e(i)n~ d |
00 t/h/e (d)g/g e t a' re r0und e/b tu~sh e'ye d ewe ' s e(e) d (e) u/s t~ 0/0 t/h e w/e a.d. b~r u/s h(e/a.)d. (h) all a re a.d. e'ye t00 th (c) 0/0 k~ t inn t i'm e/n d en e'ye t(h) rue~ w/(e) inn d 0 w/e th e/n e/e d l/l e'ye t 00 th 'd h a.(n)d. en e'ye t a' ll t/h t i'm e (a.)d~ b e/e s p0 k e/n d ew/e ve(i)n t(h)rue s/t e w/e d |
t-he-ad- h- 0/n- ly- e- d- (h-)as/s- t- 0/n-e- s-t- (h/r-) 0- (w/e-) d- e- d- (h-)im- c0-arse-d- (h-) 0-ver- t- inn- s- un-d- ere- s- t- d-(e-)u/s-t-he-ad- (t-) 0-f-(i-)f-t-he- d- un-d-ere- x- p0- s-e/e- (d-)g-0/d- e-ad- e/b- t- a- r/r- e-ye- r/r- 0- d-(h-)e-ad- a- f-(t-)-f-t- a- re-x- p0- s- e/e- (k-)n-0s-e-(n-)d- i'm-en- t- 0/0-t- (h-) a-s/s- t- (h-) e- ad- 0f- t- a- g- (l-) 0-ve- d- 0f- t-em-p-(0-)Le- d-0f-t- c/u-f-x-f- t- (d-) 0-f-x-f- t- inn- simp-(0-)le- d- 0f- t-(h-) 0/0- kn 0/t (e) inn s (t) augh t/h and 0 fxf t00 th t(L)ig h/t h0/u s/e (a.)d. 0 w/(e)a.r~e t/h ere ... don't be making bombs wile your speaking co/n-e- d-0f-t-'s- u/p- p- l-(e-)ye- d- e/b- t- a- re-(s-) t-0-re- a-d- (b-) lig-ht- 0ff- t-'sir-e-(e-) f-x-f- le- ct- 0-re- d- i/t- (d-) 0- w/-(e-)n- d- e/b- t- inn- g- (L-) 0-re- ye- d- 0f- t- inn- t- ere-s- (t-) augh- t-i'm-e-"ad"-s-L0-t- h- and- 0f- t- (s-) 0/m-e- ad- he never maid hand can't d0ff (i) t i/t ' s up p~l/l e' ye a.d.(p.r.) i'm e~n d(h) all t(h) a 're t a' w/h e'ye (t/h) d e'ye (t) d~ |
w/h 0 e/i s t-his-t- a--p.r.0- claim- a- l/l- 0-/t- 's- L0-t-h-and- 0f- t- p0-t-en-t-i-all-e-ye-d- aye- t- his-t-('s-) e-x-(t-) pec-t-ate- i- 0/n- s- |
f-e/e- d- 0f- t- |
d 0 w/(e) inn knit h' d c0/n(e) t ex t h'd ew/e~e kn 0/t ap~p L e'ye d |
t heir didn't h ave(n) t/h and i.d. (h) e'ye d |
t(h) a'g (i.)0 d. 0 t/h' sup p(L)e'ye ~ d (h) 0/n e s/s t (a') l/l ig n' d (p.r.) i'm e (a.) d. |
t/h e(a.) d. i/t (t) 0're ve(i)n (t) d |
t/h e(a.) d. i/t (t) 0're ve(i)n (t) d h~a.(n)d. 0~0're ye s(t) a'y e w/(h)ave ' d |
"you" set -h-up-t-hat- e-ye- w/e- t-his-t- u- be-(a-)d- 0- w/- n0 re t 0'r(e) t at~hat can b. m. a i.d. ---e/b- t- hu(e-) s/s- (t-)ave- d- e/b- t00-t-he- re- L-aye- t00-t-he- ad-bu-s-e- defer-rent- w/-h0- d- buy- e-w/e- (d-) s- - t- a- g- e- d- (g-) s-u(e-)s- c-up-t- h- and- g- ave- d- h- ave- (n-) d- s- (t-)a-ye- d- sel-l- f-x-f- i/s (h-) "t's" c en t ere a.d. i.d. kn 0t e th ere a.d. h ave d |
b-0-x-(e-)y-e-d- |
"a" |
e'-ye- d- n eve r t 0/0 k n0 w/e t-he- s-h0-rt-c-u-t- 's- he- d-'s- (t-) a- nd -en- e-ye- t-he- d- e-ye- (t-) d- e/b- t-hie-ven-d-s- (p-) en- d's- a- gain- d- s-(t-) a-nd- e/b- t- a- re- p-(L-)ate- inn- g- a- gainn- d- |
if t-he-d- brought a re all par ch em en t~0' w/h 0 w/e d b(L)e a.t h' d (h) all i've tu ~r fxf e/a. s/s t a' nd f(r)ete d ew/e t 0/d 0t h~and u/e t 0/0 & h ave(n) d ew/e a. t heir d ew/e inn a re ~a. l/l ea. f/t (h) rue s/t ew/e (n) d ew/e i/t u bu ye t/h ' s m~i' l//l e(a.) d. |
me-me-s-t-r-ewe-n-d-e-am-s-am-e-f-x-f- 0- r-(e-)t- i'm-i'm-e-is-is-t- i/n- e- d-inn-ate-ye-(s-)w/-ill-t-a- s/s- up- p- lie- d- ewe- t00-t-he- d- i-c-(k-)t00-t-he- d- be- (d-)h- ave- d- 0 w/th e n0b 0/d e'ye n t00 th' s (h)e' ll 0 w/h a t/t a're re d ew/e a.d. e/b t00 th s h0/u LD ere t(h) inn (e) d (h) e/a. d. a.m. e r(e)r e'ye i.d. ('s) e a.m. s~ a w/e t/h 0 w/h e'ye (t) d ate (ye) t~h er e s~ c 0/0 pi e'ye d (h) ea.r t'h d f~r a.(i)m. e t a. d. 0~0're ve(i)n ly e t00 t(h) 0 p en (d) f~ L0 (0) 're a.d. 0/h bu ye a.r t/h d i n/n ere s~up p.r. e'ye s ' d e s(s) e rt a.m. e'ye d (r) ie d |
h inn d b ee s wee t ru(e) s(t) 0/0 t/h (t) p as/s t a. m.u's t
h inn d b ee s wee t ru(e) s(t) 0/0 t/h (t) p as/s t inn a. m.(e w/e d)u's t 0/0 t(h) ap~p.r.0ve d h and p.~r.00f t/h u(e) s/s t
e w/e (a.)d. (0) be (a.)d.
(h) e/e d(e)u/s t 0ff t hat
f 0'r a. m. 0'(0) re (a.)d.
e/b t00 th (e) re s/t 0/a. re a.d.
fir's t (e'ye d)
en large the page t00 the m(e) a.x
b.c. e'ye w/e s (t) a' ll 0 fxf (i) t ~f0r/m e'y~e fxf 0'r(e) t m~e'ye a.r t i(eye) f a ct at a g Lance d
en em u/s t (a) g Lance d (0) b (L) a~c k/t ('s) 0/0 th en em ye re L aye t' s~i' l/l e/n t l(e)ye
(w/e g's us) w/(h) e/a. t
0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a.(r/th) d.
h a.(n)d. h~inn defer en t's heav~e n/d
0 w/00 d heaven d's (u/s) (p) en d h~and e(y)e p~en d
e'ye t a g a'in~n e~ve r (e) ye l/l a'n d (0) b (e th) fxf r/i e/n d
h ('s) u e' s (ta' nd) u/s t' s u/s (t) p en d ~h and st i p e/n d 0~ff t inn Sue w/e t rue st inn (0) pair (e) use (t/h) d (e)u/s t e fxf e i 0/r en em u/s (t) (c) u/p~ t00 tH e'ye D en 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a. t f0r(a.) m.ea~l l e'ye t00 th b(r)e a.d.~ s e/e k t(h' d) 0 fxf t0 me an s~yn/t(h) i.'d.e~s
only your d re am s have been "k-id-nap-(p-)ed-" e- vain-d- h- a-(n-)d- am- u- l/l- t- i- p- Le-ye- d-
judas (judge) is- car(e-)r-ye- (scary) riot he predicted of t-his-t-p-(L-)ate-(d-)ye- a- t-0ff-t00-t-he-(be-)ad- h-and-be- (a-)d-0f-t-m/an-s-(h-)i"p-he"-ad- s-(h-) 0-re- t00-t-he- ad-s-(h-)0/t- 0ff- t-a- gain-d-0f-t-inn- d- h- and- 0f- t- a-s/s- k- t- f-am- ill- e-ye-p-(L-)an-(t-) d-
ju~d as (s) is~t char(e)i/0t bu ye t 'h' ye a.r e l/l a'ye t00 th e (s/s) t~a te l/l e w/e l/l d ate d h and f el/l t as/s w/e ll d e/b t00 th e/n a.m. e l/l c~a.m. e l/l (0/a.) d. well d e'ye ~a.
h inn d's b(L)e~a. t a's/s t r ewe d h as/s t e (t)h ere the me 0/n e ye ~s (L) e/n~ d ere a.d.
t w/h0 (d) re (a) p a(i)r (e) d ew/e t00 th inn (s) par t' (en) S u/e w/e (n)d ~ ewe
th e (m~e) w/e d
i t/t 0/0
e inn e mu's t (u) b/b u ye ~(a.t) d~u(e) s/ t
0/0 th d en e'ye (t) d~u(e) s/t
(u) b/b u ye i/t '(s) inn t ere t ru(e) s/s t
e qua ll t00 th b eg i'nn g a.m. b~i/t e w/e (b/b) mu's (t) 0/0 th b(i) 'l/l in (e) d (i) t 0uch (e`)
inn d's i/g~h t's t e a.d.
e/p t00 th (e) c(h) 0/m e~a. gain d e/b t00 t(h) b(L) e/n d~ 0ff t inn t/h and
0ff t a gain d just b.c. e'ye (d) c~an d
le p(t) r~a.m. e/d a ft b e/e s p0 k en d a ct yl ly e w/(h)00 d e'ye t(h)r e/e d
(0) ver t i c~all(e) ye
a. T
t/h e w/e m/e w/e a.d. a.m. u's (e) t (h) a'nd pi~c/k t(c) u/p t(h) 0ur e(a.)p as/s t
0p (L) a~ce (d) 0 ff t
h' s inn t ere a.d.~d le ye d a ll 0/t
t00 th and 0~fxf t
p-era-cut-e- f-x-f- r0m-e- s- harp- ewe- d-(h-)0/m-e- d- i/c- t00-t-he-g-(r-)0-an- d-
(h-)inn- d- ('s-) pur-se-suit- as/s- (h-) 0/n- e- d-
per-a-cut-e-ll-e-ye- a- t-(h-) 0/m-e-d -
c-hie-f-(t-)ly-e- ad-mire-d- (b-) pud-d-le-ye- d- a- re- r0und- p0-0-Le- g- i/t- i'm-(e-) a.- t- e- a.- t- 0-0t- 0ff -t- c0/m-p-(L-)ea- t- her- d-0f- t-'s- n-e/e-z-e- d- - p0-L(-it)-e-ly-e- t-he- d-0-cue-men-t- 00- t-he- s- (h-) all-0- w/e-
en-eve-r- e- vain-ly- e-
r/0 a/n d (e'ye) g 0/d
(h-) ad- m(e-)i-re-
ad- s- he-a-r-(e-a-) d- (h-) 0/m-e-
1:52 a.m. e'ye l/l f e/e d (h) ewe d h0 pe e ve(i)n k/t L e s/s (t) 0/0 t/h inn k~ t 0/p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a.t 0/n e/n e/m e'ye a. t/t~e/n d~h and e/b t/h u(e) s/s t 0/p en d
(h) inn g e inn g
ag (r)e a.d.
-v0-te-ta-c-t-0-(w/-)e- d- 0- w/-he-ye-t-'s-(h-) 0- w/e- d-
de v 0/t e
de (c0mpLeat~(p)h i')v (0/t) e th er e/n d
d/e (c(h)0m p Le a./t h') d v0te d 's peak (e)th 00 th d a'ye t a're 0p e(n) d 0 w/h e'ye d
-t- i/t-'s- is- hab-b-0/t-'s-n0b-ill-i-t-e-ye-s- debt-(h-) 0-re- s- t- a- (i-) r- e- ad- 's- (p-)en- (d-) 's-n-are- ad- s- c- ar-e- ad- e-(b-) t-her-e- (a-)d- e/b- t- a- t- a-r/r-e-ye- d- f- a-(i-) r-e- t00-t-he- w/-h0-r/r- 0/r- d- 0- w/-(h-)0-re-ye- d- pushing out legitimate news for-t-(y-)our-e-g-(L-)0-re- ad- s-(t-)u- b- st-i-tu-e-w/e- ad- 0-0-re-ye- d-
"0/h" let us-im-
p-le-x- i-n- a- re- vi/s- i- 0/n- d- (h-) inn- d- h- and- a- re-(a-)p/p- ly- e- t- hie-ven- (t-) d-'s-
s0L (e)a.r (e/a) p Le x u/s
didn't eat time t0 g0 ve i/t, h and certainly didn't a g L0ve i/t.
p* Le x('s) us t 0've i/t
p*(L a ce) l/l e x a'ct ly e
"you" are only using women to-ff-or-t- i- f-e-ye- d-(y-)0ur- e- ad- en- e-ye- a- ll- (t-) inn- t- i'm-e- Le-ad-(pr-)im-e- (d-)0/n-k-e-ye- d- (h-) as/s- t- (y-) 0ur- t- bu-ye- b/b- (L-)a-c-k- t- (h-) rue- w/e- (a-)d- i- c- k- t- i0/n- s- e/e- d- 's-0-L- (e-)d- f0rce-s-scene-d- 0f- t- r-0p-e- d- 0/t- h-0/p-e- t- as/s-c-0/0-p-e- d-i/t- (h-) inn-g- (e-)a-s/s- (k-) e-th-cur-(e-)rent- t00-t-he- l/l- (e-) a- s/s- t- a- r- (e-) t- c-he-a-rt- h-d- e/b- t-00- L- d- en- e-ye- t- u- be- (a-)d- sel-l- f-(t-) in-(e-) p-L0-ye- d- he-a-ven- d- se-am-e/n- d-
s-he-a-rt- 0/n-e-(a-)i- ll- y(e-) ap-p- (L-)ie- d- s- he- a- ven- d- g-i've-n- d- eye- (t-) d- i/t- a's/s- (t-) min-(e-) d- e/b- t- as/s- k- t00-t-he- m(e-)in-e-re- t- i'm-e- we- d- a- re-(e-) f-x-f- i/n- ere- t- (h-)at- w/00- d- (h-)a-b- u-s-e- (e-) d- e/b- t- (h-) rue- inn- t- w/-h0-/n-e- a- ll- ye- d- "ewe" (d-) g0-ad-s- pur- e- in-(s-)cent- i've- t- (a-) b- r- in-(n-)g- e- t/hing- e- d- 0- b-serve- d- fir/st- u- d- h- and- u- d- ly- e- s- tu-d- 0f- t- dud- s- (t-) u-ds- am-en- d-s- 0- ft- ly- e- re- pen- t- a- re- cent- s- (p-) en- t-(y-) 0ur- e- make-re- d- be-en- t- e- t00-t-he-h-c-ent-ere- d- (h-) ab-u-se-(e-)d- 0f- t- a- l/l- 0/t- 's- 0/d- 0f- t- L-0at-he- d- be- ad- 0f- t-'s- L0-t- h- and- 0f- t- a- g- (r-) 0- a-t- he- d- b-(r-) 0ugh- t- w/-h0- d- 0- w/-h-at- a- g0 -be- h-(e-) ad- f0r-t-he- me- 0/n-e- ye- a-ll- (t-) a- re- ad- e-ye- s- miss-(p-)en-t- a- l/l- (e-) a- s/s- (t-) 0 - w/e- inn- a- re- s- i-d- en- t- ce- s/s- e- x- cess- (t-) a'-i.-d.- g- ave- d- h- and- he- ha- ve- d- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- n- ave- d-
stupid ignorant people like t-r-ump-e-eve-n-d- b.c. ? they do not have too th actually work inn a re all i t e'ye s ea m (e) inn g's
stupid ignorant people that "desire" the gun speak for their reason seaming, do not desire love, did not bring l0ve. yet they -e- are t- en- t- i/t- le- d- e/b- t- a- th-in-k- t-he-ye- d- (h-) 0ve- d- 0f- t-he d sire d.
didn't hap pen d among-t-he-m-me- d- to -f-x-f- eeL- d- , to -c-re- at- e- s-t- im-(e-) lust- pack-age-inn-g- a- g- re- ad- s- e/e- d-s-
white "supremacy" is just another -s-w-aye- to avoid being quest i 0/n e (d) f0r meal ly e ~n d0w/ i.d. th e/i t
white "supremacy" h as/s kn 0 t e n 0're s(t) augh t a g's us (t) c0 pi ed 0ff t 0/0 t f(i)t 0 ff t
0 pen (a) ll (t) e'ye~a. ll t(h) a're t00 t0ff (i) t inn d 0ff (i/f) t/h ere t heir d h~a.(n)d. f r0m th (e) fxf 0'rt (h) 0/0 kn 0x' d a(i)re s t a (i) r (e) t a~b le a.d. f a(i)r e a.d. 0 w/are t00 th t 0 w/e(a.)re a.d. 0 b e/e serve d c~a(i)r e (a.)d.
up date: my friendship plant i purchased a start, couldn't decide what pot to put it in, experienced attrition. i planted it eventually, however, it is nearly dead. i am not sad, in the sense, the white edge p le ct ran t/hu(e) s/s is experienceing th (r) e/a d. it is an outdoor plant, however, i like it for the green herbacious smell, and i hear it is easy to grow, in the sense, you cut off a top and plant it inn a pot a gain. i spoke of what is not easy to grow in my apartment : begonia. begonia can't seem to grow, even though the shade is quality too the origin i can read ass t h 0 w/e. i hear from the guye at studleys in rochester, that to get a start growing from begonia, you can't do it from the stalk, but from the vein of the lief, and you need to devein the leaf t0 then start a possibility of t growing the same plant again. i haven't been able to keep a begonia alive in my apartment, and i haven't been able to grow a start. prayer plant, e'ye hear from the same guye at studleys garden, that you cut about a 1/2 inch beyond the n0de on the leaf, and put it in a humid environment (his whole green house is humid, i have a small aquarium container to grow my starts) to allow the plant to get water thru the leaves, when it has no roots of its own. i have been able to get the pray plant start to get growing the root, however i haven't been able to get the plant into a pot, and grow on its own. i like the plant b.c. it likes the light in my apartment, and that is something i am always looking at, what will work here, and with what lighting (i have an led bar light in the top back tier), and short daylight hours in winter.
when i look at the plants i have as a meta p(h) 0're ad. the w/h i/t e /d (h)edge d p le ct r~an t/h u(e) s/s i think 'white' = the value of z er~0 (s) d(h) e/a d ass the negative = t00 t(h) p0sitive value t(h) b~Lack t's a.m. e t at i'm e w/00 d b r in(n)g e (a.r) de a.m. ed h a.(n)d. a. me d i'c t00 th and f0r meal ly e t00 th b(r)e a.d.
'black' = w/hit e's 0 (w/) n e m(e)a.r k t00 th ark t
-'s- hark- tee-t-he- (d-) vain- e- mar-ke-t- (h-)inn-g- e- d-
'white' to 'white' people -d- seams the value of zer0 mark, and their 'black' is their own 'mark' e t/h and market h a(n)d van ce d. d= d ate time for compleation, hasn't actually e s trait h'd heav e/n d. just say inn...
your white supremacy is in vain, = too -t-(h-) 0-re- t-(y-)0ur- t- b- rain- d-
your white supremacy has only inn-structed- e/b- t- be- ad- 0f- t- 0/n-e- g- lig- en- t- ce- s/s- e- x- cess- d-s- (t-) aid- only with the intention of inn-defer-rent- inn- ce-s/s- t- can- (d-) be- ad- as/s- knee- d- h- ave-(n-) d- g- ave- d- 0 -w/- he-ye- t-
just say inn, "you" have be-ad-0f-t- all-t-(y-)our-e- f-x-f- ace-d- 0f- t- inn- t- p-(L-)ace- d-e- (a-)f-ea-t- 0ff- t- f0r-u-me-a- l- ly- e- ye- m0-/u-t- he- d-(as/s-) be- ad-
s-tup-id- i- t- eye- is -inn- t- e-re- ven- t- i0/n- d- e/b- t- hat- (a-)g-0/t-(d-)0f-f-t- (L-)at- he- s-am-e- t- at- i'm-e- d- s- (p) en- d- em- p0- w/-(h-)ere- (ad-)s- (h-) 0ur- 's-
s h0 w/e the me t a "debt" too the t-a-x- (i/s-t-)e- d- 0- w/-id- t-h and e'ye will sh0w/e th ewe d i.d. kn 0t make th e t a x h 0/n e s/s t (ly) e (t0/u) re pre sent w/h0 d h and 0 (w/) e s inn th f~all (t) 0 w/e t(h)ru(e) inn d 0 w/ i.d. t(h) pre miss t re a.d. a.m. e a.d. 0 w/e f(t)f L0 w/(h) ere a.d. ~ a. m.iss (p) en t a gain~n s/t a' (n) d 0~0're ve(i)n d f a~ll t a' re t a gain~n d h~(and~h) inn d' sat i/s fact i 0/n ~a.d. 0'0re a.~m.(e) 0're d h~a.(n)d. a.m. 0'rt~ (h) 0/0 k t~ a' ll~
e'ye (a. s/s t~e) fxf a ll~ t
i'me me m0 t00 th e/m (e) all ~ e'ye s e/e x ce s/s d(h) a ll t~
a r(e) inn d a re ~a. l/l e(a)ve inn d(h) and e'ye d at a' cr0ss (t) a' nd h~(c) an~d le p(t) r. a.m. e t (a)u~
t(u) be (a.)d. si re a./b (L)e a.d. un (e) f x f 0(0) L e(ye) a.d.~ 0 h~and 0 (w/)e tu d~e c(h)0m p(L)ea. t e w/e ~ d c(h) 0'm e inn g t(h)rue st e w/e (a.)d. (ea.) fxf 0 r' t w/h0 d e'ye w/e the me 0/n e ye t00 the m(e)is/s t ewe
bu-ll-s-hi-t- he- d- 0- white "supremacy" does not assk t w/h0 d bu ye w/e d
bu-ll-s-hi-t- he- d- 0- white "supremacy" does not assk t b.c. bu-ll-s-hi-t- he- d- 0- white "supremacy" does not want your 'c0 L 0're' tu be th fir/st
bu-ll-s-hi-t- he- d- 0- white "supremacy" is -(e-x-) f-x-f- 0-r- t- n0 re a.s/s 0/n d h and e/b t00 k e'ye p/i t hat a w/h e'ye -vain-d-
it is k nice t00 th s~ea. t e'ye a. s/s t inn t i'm e~a. t h~and ate t~a c/t c0 rd (h) inn g (e) l/l ye. i think the abuse against those people that stand for completion, has been used against ewe, b.c. the zer0/d e~d has kn 0 w/e di/s tin ct i0/n e ve(i)n (t) d e w/e b/b e c0/n (e) d
z~er0/d e a.d. ea. m. as/s e/e n 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye~ s ea. t 0 fxf (i) t/h ' d(h) ea. d. e/b t0 me an s e/e k t as/s k t~ i/t 's m i' l/l (e) ~a.n d (h)inn g e inn g 0/d ly e
g~0/d ly e d 0 w/e th' s h 0 (w/e) d ewe
s- t-a- g-'s-u/s- (h-) e- x- p0-s-e/e- d- g- (r-) 0- w/e- (d-) s- u- e-w/e- never b(r) 0ugh t/h en d 0 w/e b e/e n~ d 0 Le (a.)d. un t (w/h)0 Ld (h) 0 ver t i c~all ' d as/s h 0 (L) e (a.)d. ew/e inn s p~ark le s/s t 0/n e inn re v~e r' s~e th 0/0 kn 0 w/e ll e(a)ve~n th 0/u r~e r0/d e a.d. (e/b t) as/s k t00 kn 0/t e
th' d ew/e (th) 's w/e(a.)re a. r0und yew-(e-)a-d- just wouldn't let them bee s 0/u n/d (h) 0/n e (s/s) t/h e're 0(w/)n e re (a.) d. b 0/u n/d h~inn (d) s t e (ye) a.d. 0
w/(e)inn g (L) a.d. just a' b.c.~ e'ye d 0ff th ' s t a/b le a.d. 0ff t en t sus t (c) ai n ab e l/l e'y e w/(h)r0ugh t
"white" supremacy, if another 'c0 L 0're' sh0(w/)e d i/t w/h0 de a.d. 0 0're t(h)rue (d) it would clearly show the "white" supremacy-st-(d-) b-0-we-ll-d- a- m-0-v-(i-)e- men-t-, with n0 ah... 0/n e (inn kn) i/t. white supremacy is a c-0ver-t-up- t-, to get se-x- d- ea- f-f- 0-r- t- le-ss- t- inn- ce- s/s- t- a- g- e- w/e- t- a- w/-id-t-he-i/t- he- think-t-'s- 0- ft- (L-)ye- a- t- b-ear-t-he- d- ewe- d-'s- force- less- t- a- g-i've-n- d-
h- and not let another 'race' be first in th pre sent inn g 0/t a g(L)0've i/t , b.c. that would show, clearly, the parallax, these "suprema-cyst-ewe- d- e- ff- 0rt- no-re- as-s- 0/n-e- due-w/e s (h-)ave- d- e/b- t- a- d- b-0-r-t-he- d- inn-ave- ye- d- ad- just- he- s- am- en- d'-sup-p-(L-)ie-d- 0f- t- b-rain-s- d-0f-t- rain-s- (t-) a-nd- rain- s- 0/n- e- com-man- d- for-t- no reason, h and for t no re a.ll e x a'ct ly e s p (L) an (t) d
charades-and-me-me-cry-e- vain-d- 0-('s-) w/-ill- be- ad- 0f- t- a- re- p-ea-t-e-re-a-r- d- (h-and-) g- ea-r-e-ad-
en mar k n 0 w/(h) 0/n e t a ll e/n t (h) 0/0 kn e/a. d. app (ea.) le 'ye d
me is t 0 w/e use u al ly e~a. t
a g r(e)a.t e g (r) 0/a t a g reef t a g reed (h) 0'm e~a.n s w/(h)ea.r in(n) g 0 pen t ly e tu t(h/r) 0~a t~ a' gain d 0'0re c he st r a~ (w/) h 0 (d) e~
a.d. 0~0 're a.(d.)g (r) 0~ d e~
a.m. 0'r(e) t a' ll d 's p~0 'r(e) t a' ll~ d (h) all
's h0 r~(e) t (a)
L e/as/e (t)h~ e~a. t 00 th' sum~mit t a's/s (u) b~um mit a re t ea.r n~ a. ~ ll e' ye s miss t a r/r e' ye a. r t (h) re a.d. e' ye~ d
h~inn s h0 r(e/n)t f 0'r t/h f all t (a're) bu ye th all t heir inn d
ster0 typed (h)ea.r 0 a step haw/h e'ye f/r0m the s(t)a'ye d. sig~n knif e'ye c~an (t) e ve(i)n a l/l a 'ye a.s/s (t) i.'d.e s e/e k th f 0'r(e) a.' ye
person at the gym called me "psych-0-(d-)" this is what i have to say among t(w/)h 0 th ere t hinge tu gi've t a w/h e'ye d e'ye (a.)t e : i d.i.d. kn 0t Leave i/t (a') L~e(a) ve~n d h and k~n0t e l/l e ve/n th 0/u r e ve(in)d 0ff t~h a.(n)d.
all -t-his-t- a- m0un-t's- t- (w/-h-) 0- d-i/s- he- get-('s-)-a-t/t-en-t-i-0/n-e- w/- id.-t-he-i/t-= false sell lie "eye" dr-am-a- d-(e-) am- an-d-s-(t-)a-nd-'s- p.-r.00f- t-0/n-e- = "tu"
it is a g-rate- method for-(e-)ge-(d-)getting attention "2" "show" "hue" -s- he-sit-i-(h-)ate-i-0/n-s-n-ewe- (d-)s-
the continuity of t-he ad- di-s/s- con-(e-)t-en- t- "inn" - for-meal-ly-e-a-s/s- t- (e-) f-x-f- e/e- d-'s- a- (w/-e-d-gaw/-d-) gain- d- (h-) inn- g-(e-)a.p-s- n eve r t/h a(d.)ve~n t h' d e/n a.m. e~a.r
t/h (d)
c as/s t 0/n e : cast the first stone, cast the first 0/n e. cast the first 't 0/ne' = t hat would be 'at' 0/n e ... inn her e/n t (0) w/h 0 d h~at 0/n e ~ d i/t 00 th's c0 (0)p i(e) t(h) a g(r) 0/a t
0ff t's 0/d 0 ff 's (t) 00 th and 0 w/e t (h) i s/S u e w/e d 0(w/)h t~h and e/b t/h 0/p e t/h' s c 0/0 p(i) e~d e/b t~h an(d)ec(t) d 0/h t~ w/h 0 d bi t e w/e a.d. c (h) e w/e d(s) 0' L e d ew/e ft (h) 0/0 k~n 0/t e w/e
d 0 w/h ea. t
e l/l e p(lace)h 0/n e /e d le ye inn d e/b t(h)a'ye s/t a c(k) t/h n~ s(p) en d's~ ea. t' (s) 00 t/h' see k/t
ad-verb-i-all-trama-l/l-e/n-d-(h-)inn-g- (e-)0/d- (e/b- t-)r-am-a-
without an honest s p~ar k t i'm (e) a. s/s t(h) all (a.) m.(e) ark t
p~i/n k/t h~at ('s) augh~t a' n(d) 0~ ~ ~ h/t a' ll (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e ~ a.d. 's (h) 0/0 k / t ~ k(n) 0 w/e ( l/l~ d) g~ (e) 0/d~ e (a.) l/l t a' t~0/n e/e d as/s h 0 w/e re fxf an d f~L0 w/e re a.d.('s) 0' Le d
i/t inn th f 0/0 t k(n) 0~t (h)e a.d.
g's u/s c/0 p/i ed 0 th 0 (p)e' d
(h) inn s t (r) 0/k e t00 th' d en e'ye d' (h) 0/p e/d~ d le t'h u(e) s/s t a ll t/h t i'm e a. l/l (e) a. s/s (h) 0 w/e d/g e~ 0/d e a.r e~ t e~a.r n~ a l~l t00 the m(e) a. k/e g.~r(e) a. t e as/s e th 0/u ' s e/e d 0 (w/)h~ t 00 th a t/t a' inn e th 0~ w/(h)an d e/b th' ster0 type i ~c all d(h) ea.r 0 ~
d(h) ea.d. 0 fxf (t) a'll (e ye) a.s/s (t) 0 w/(e) inn k (t 00 k) nigh t00 th (e) a.d. 0/0 're v~e(i)n (d) 's a.m. e~ ye d(s) 0' L e a.d. a. m.iss t a' k e/n d fxf r~a.(i.)m. e~
a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) a'nd~ f 0'r(a.) m.eal ly e t a c.~a.m. e l/l (c~a.m.~e) d 0/u (be) t a're a.l/l ye t heir d f/r0m t(h) b eg i'nn g~r an d's t a'nd 0 w/e (d) be a.d.
get-(y-)our-e-s-mu-t-off-t- my vision -ew/e-d- en- mar- k- eye-p- t- 0- w/e-re- ad- see-k- t- he-ad- 0f- t- ly-e -s- peak- t-e-ye-me- d- i- c- k- t00-the- t- a-min-(e-d- e/b-)t- a- t-rue-s-t-(e-) a- l/l-u-/s- t- 00-k-e-ye-p- r.-i'm-e- ad- s- a-w/ar-e- t- a- ll- t- he- t- i'm- e- d- b- r-i'd-e- s- i.'d-e- s-
e'ye a.m. t r e'ye inn g t00 th c all i/t (h) 0/m e r a t/h ere t -h-an-d- bu-i-ll-d- 0/n-s- nit-s-(t-)a-n- d-/i-s/s-as/s- t- a- r-(r-) e- ye- d- en-ey- d- g- ave- d- h- ave- d- ap-p-Le-ye- d- s- (t- ) a- ye- d- ea- f- i/n- (e-) d- for t a mount ain of t eas eye n eve r t w/as s~ap p(L) ie d ew/e
k-n0-t-(h-)ank-t-('s-) 00- t--h- as/s-u-me-ye- d- eye- t- c- him- e-d- i/c- t-('s-u-)b- r- i.'d-e- (ad-)s- t- (e-) all- and- f- i/n- (e-) d- (h- ) 0- ver- t- i'm- e- d- i/c- (k-) t00- t- he- min-(e-)d-
your song reminds me of swimming which e'ye~i (d) forgot when i start to sing
your song reminds me of swimming which e'ye~i (d) forgot when i (c') start to w/h0 (?) s(e)ing...
take a deep breath like the water in my chest 0've t 0 fxf (ewe) t (a') s/s (t) a' ke t w/h0 d e w/e t0ff tu~s/h (t) a're t 0/0 th (e/a.) d i/t t0 (w/) e inn a re verse~ a. t i/t 00 th fi (f)t h' tit a re a.d. e/p th(r)ue th d jerk t h~and 's (inn) her t (h) a' ll t a're inn t i'm e w/e ~d i/c (k) t 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye ~ a. t inn t i'me w/e a.d. g~ ap(e) p~(h) and' s t a t~'s m~e'ye l/l e~an d at (h) at inn sit u fxf (a) t her e t ea.r ~n a l/l e'ye t(L)at he (a.) d.~ fxf a ct u all ye re ~A. l/l a X i/s t00 the m(e)
g~r(e) ate th fxf a ce~ t00 th (e) t a ke d ewe see a.d. 0 w/e the m e/a. k eg gain d e/b tu m/m e'ye t00 th d ate
...your song reminds me of swimming which e'ye~i (d) forgot when i start to sing is t i/t b.c. e'ye d(h) a've t/h ea.r t/(h)u e w/e d b r in(n)g~ i/nn e me a.d.
if ewe d 0 wan t 0 w/(h) 0/m e/n d/g 0 tu/ne c kn 0/t a s/s h are the re s ide n t' ce s/s e t heir d 0, e'ye sug g(u)e s/s t 0 you, stop posing as/s k th(e) c0/n(e) 0 m e'ye t0/d e we' s
t-his-t-(sh-)ic-k-t-- is- ad- just- an0-t-her- d-ick-t00-t-he- w/00- d- s- (h-) all-0- w/e- d-(h-) e/a- d-e/b- t00-t-he- t- f- all- t- 0- w/e- d- took n0/n e pre sent as/s k -ewe- d- kn-0-w/e-d-
t-he-ad- 0- w/-r0te- i/t- 00- t-he- s- t- ump- i/t- he- d- e/b-t- a- t- r- ump-e-t- b.c. the w/00 d i.d. en mar kn 0/t a re (a) p/p l/l e'ye d
0 w/(h)e a.r t/h (d) 0 ver t e th f L0 w/(h) er(e) a.d. h~ea.ven s(h) 0 w/e d
i/t 00 th f(t) all 0 w/(e) t h e/a. d. a.m. e a.d. 0 w/e inn sig h t00 th 0 ver t /h r~0 w/e (a.)d.(h)ea. d~r.0 s/s era. d.
due t w/h0 w/i.d. t(h)a. m.iss un/d ere s(t) a' nd (h) inn g~e (d) 's 0/m~ e/n s 0/n e/n (d)
sel-l-f-(t-)f-t- d-ea-f-i/n-i/t- ion-s- t00 -t-he-n- e/e- d- (h-)ea-r- (i-) t- inn- (e-)a-re- (a-)d- s- he- a- r- d-
t-inn-t- l-u/s-t- u- buy-e- t- ru(e-)s-(e-)t- hu-(e-) s/s- t- inn- t- he-m(e-) u/s- t- (a-) f-x-f- i/g- ht-(a'-) b-u/s-t-he- ad- b-r-ave- d-(e-) u/s-t- he- (m-) s- am-e- vain- ly- e- a.-t-a- g- Lan-(d-)ce- de-ye- g-0/t- (a'-s/s-)p- (L-)a'ye- d-0f-t-'s-(t-)aye-s-
t-his-t- a- b-0/d- e- ye- w/- ea- k-n-0- w/e- 0/n-e-d- inn- e- min- (e-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-mu-l/l-t-i-p-ly-e- a-t- in- (e-) t - (c-h-)i'm-e- direction-s- nail- ly-e- a- ll- t- he- t- "a" t-0/n-e- d- e/b- t- he- ad- h- and- ly- e/n- e/e- d- l- ye- a- t-his-t- b- (r-)e- a- d- f-r0m- u- miss-u/s- t- inn- c-an- d- (e-)u/s- t- up-s- (t-) a- nd- a/b- (0-)u/t- he- t- (g-L-)a'-(i-)nd-e'ye- t- w/h0- d- be- ad- 0/u-(be-)t- be- a- s/s- t- 's - 0/m-e- t- 0/n-e- d-(h-) 0/d-d-ere- d- re- ad- 0f- t00-t-he-re- se-l-l-f-x-f- t-a- ll-t-he- time- d- 0- war-e- sel-l- f-x-f- t- 0- w/e-re- p-0- were-d- we- ll- d- (h-) 0/t- 0/0t- (r-)0/t- hie-ven- d- e/b- t00-t-he-re- t-(h-)i-re- ("a")d- sir- e- ad- second- s- ire- ad- f-i-re- tu- de- live-r- t-he- w/e-l/l- d- (h-) all- (e-)a.-s/s- (h-)ue- d- ye- t- (h- ) rue- d- ab-b- le- s/s- t- ewe- d- 0f- t00-t-he- d-sup-p0-rt- you- d- be- (a-)d-0f- t00-t-he- t0ff-t-(s-) augh- t- ap- p- lie- debt- w/-h0 d- thank- ewe- t00-t-he- d- ew/e- t00-t-he-re-s0-rt- w/-h0- d- ew/e- (d-)s-
d e c(h) 0/m e w/e a.r. e a.d. ('s e/e k t00 th' d) b~0/u n/d~e/b t a h~and 0/u(be) t c~ha(t) c h~inn g e/d e/b t a g(r)e a.d.
e'ye spend the wh0le day "killing" 0/d- jack-t-d-0f-t-'s- and "ewe" spend the "whole" "day" making -0/d-jack-d-0f-t-'s- t- heir- debt- 00- t-he- re- pair- d- jack-d-0f-t-s- t- a- r- e- ad-s- n(e-) due-(t-')s- miss-u(e-)s/- e- d-(y-) our- eeL- i- be-re-t-e-ye- d0t/h ~ 0/u t 's t a nd u/s t~ 0ff t 00 th d ew/e~ n d 0w/e t(h)r u e w/e l/l e d ew/e t~a t00 th t el/l i/t w/h0 h~a s/s w/e ll e w/e th p a/i L a. m. a/i L' d 0 cue m e/n t a's/s (t) e l/l ~d ('s~L) ee per d re a.m. s (h~inn) d i(n)e~a. t~ 0/0 ~ th b eg i'n nd u/s t 0/0 t(h) inn g (e) u /s t~ (h) r~u (e) s/t i' r~(e) 0/n e w/e d u/s (t) 0 w/h0~ d c~L as/s p i/t~h' d ew/e~
s- e/e- x- y- e-d- bu-ye- t- h-and- 0f- t-'s- c/a.m.- s- c- an- d- le- pt- p.r.- a.-(i.-)m.e- (a-)d- a.m.-e-vain- am- e- d-
min0 t r i'm the nails t0 (w/)e th ewe
s(h) 0 w/e th d a ft ere d c an e're t a/b f0r'd a ft e'r e (t) p0 in t/h ave (i.) ye w/e d.
t-he-a/d- am-e- an- d- t00 th -f-ire- d-s- (h-) -0-w/e- t- he- pr-0-/d- u- ct- 'sel- l's- 0/n- a- re t-(d-) i-re- ad-s- i- re- c- re- ate- the- re- c0-rd-(s-) 0- L-(e-) d-
the ads are all ready been -d- sole-d- thanks too th fact you do not want (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d
f-as-h-i0n- d- 0- w/i-thou-t- c- are- d- h-eave-nd-(s-) 0-le- ad- s- a -w/ar- e- t00-t-he- ad- be-h0-Ld- 's-
inn-s-t-a- g- (r-) am- e- w/e- d-(un-) f-0/0- L- (e-n-) d- 0- (w/-)e- s- un- s- 0- L- e- d- s-0-L-i-(e-)d-s- t00-t-he- per-se-w/e- d-h- and- e/b- t- 00- Le-ye- per-tu-
s(ee)m(e)a. l/l d ie t w/h 0 e w/e i/t 0/0~ th' d(h) al/l (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e (a.)d. en e'ye t(h) a l/l (t) a' re s c0/n (e) s~pi re a.d. 0 fxf (i)t~ inn tere s(t) augh t e'ye~t i'm e (a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th f i/n(e) d~ e/b t00 th (a) t 0 s/s 0/d 0ff t (a') g's us t a' gem~'s u/p~p l/l e'ye d(p.r.) i'm e a.d. 0 w/e a.d. i'v(e)in e~ s/s t h~ (t) a' s/s c~ e/n t 00 t(h) a l/l 0 w/e t/h and f a l/l 0 w/e a.d. (h) all (t) a' re a.d. e'ye n~(k)n 0 w/e a.d. e/b t(h) en d en e'ye (t) d h~and be(a.)d.'s t e' ye i/t~
th (e) re a. l/l s (t/r) a w/e a.d. f 0'r(e) a. g/e(r/e)n (d) e/e d (h) inn debt h~and a re s/t a' re a.d. (e'ye) s t e~a. d.' sel~l fxf t(s) augh t ere a.d. 0 fxf t(h) a w/h e'ye (t) d~ ate ... t(h) a l/l (t) a re a.d. e'ye ~a. s/s t a' (i)r (e) t (u) b e/e s~ p 0 k/en d (c) a.m.~e l/l an~ d
0 (a) t/h (d) ' s p0 ke th e (w/e) l/l aye d aye ve(i)n~ d 0(w/)h~t i/t a' n (d)s t(h/r) 0 ~a t/h a~t/c h' d(e)a.r t/h d are
s/t are (a.)d. h ere 0's~
we~l/l ' d ('s) 0'L (e/a.) d.
h~and en e'ye (t) d e'ye d
~e a.m. s ea. m.(~s) u/s t
y-ew/e-(a-)r-(e-) competing-(e-)tu-b-scene-d- b- c- y- a- t- w/-h0- d- (h-) i.d.-e/n- mar-k-n0-t- (e-) t0-get-i/t-rig-ht- b-u- t/t- ere- d- 0f- t-c0-arse- d- 0f- t- c0-ar(-'s-)e- d- a- (x-) re- u-s-e- (e-)d- e-w/e- d's-tu- b/b-u- ye-w/e- d- (0h- t-) be- (a-)d- (b-)lig- ht-hie-ven- d's- hi- t- v-i/s- (u-) all- t- at- 0/n-e- c- k- nigh- t- h- and- be- c0/n-e- (d-) ye- t- 0/0-t-h(e-g- i-) f-i/g- ht-(u-'s-h-h-) 0- w/e- (d-) g- (e- r/r- ) 0/d- (h-) ea- d- c-0/n-(e-) ct- e- th- (ere-) ad- e- (b-) t- (h-) a- r/r-e-ye- s- im- (p-) ill- a-re- ye- (a.- t- h- a-(n-)d- 0f- t-' scene- d- 0f- t- (h-) inn- g- e- d- ("0") b-s-peak-inn-g-s- am- e- nd- force- see-k-inn-g-s- (t-) and- force- s/s- (h-) ake- inn- g- (s-) a- g- a- city- e- d- h0-ped- 0- w/e- ed- i- c(k-)t- be- (a-)d- s- t0- ke- (n-) d- h- and- br0-ken- d- 0f- t- r-0p-e-d- a- ft- (h- ) 0/0 -k-n0-t- e-a.- s/s- t- h- (0-/u-)r- 0- a/t- he- d- e-a-m- 0/t- e- d- 0h- t- 0 - pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e- ye- d- b- serve- d- a-i-re- s- t- a- (i-re- ad- a-ct- ly-e- t00- t-he- f-x-f- ace- t- (h-) rue- inn- d- ewe- s- t-a- nd- h- and- ewe- t- e-ye- t-0/d- e- we- d- force-scene- d- ew/e- inn- g- (L-) ewe- d- as/s- t- u- b/b- 0/0- t- b-(r-)0ugh- t- w/-h0- d- e/b- t-(y-) 0u-r-e- ceive- d- ewe- ap-pr-0- b-ai- t- at- Large - d- a- ct- a- cr0ss- t- br0-ad-ly-e- inn- s- c0p- e-inn-g- (0/d-) as/s- t- city- e- (a.-s/s- t-) inn- k-n- 0- w/e- inn- g- a- gree- d- be- t/t- a-i-re- (e-) f-x-f- 0- r- t- he- s- h0- w/-(h-) inn- g- e-th- e-re-g-(d-) 0- c- ar(e-)t- (h-)inn-g- e-d- g-0/d-(s-) 0- L-e- (d-) in- g- f- (L-) a-x-i-s- t- u- b/b- u- ye- w/e- d- ewe- (t-)s-
when you make a copy you make an e-x-a-ct- im-e- ag-e- t-(a-g-s-us-)c- u- e- w/e- d- ewe- -
p-ei/n- d -h- and- le-(ye)in-d- h inn tu i/t i~0/n ~s c~(r)a/p(t)ped en mar kn 0 w/e t(h) inn g e t a' l/l (e'ye) d f a~l/l t he/ad e/p t00 th' s t a (i)r (e) t~ (c) bu ye~a.r t/h d a' f/t f/r0m t/h ' d e f/t ly e b/b 0/n (e) d b (L)ac~k/t 0 w/(h) u(e) s/s e'ye d ('s) ate l/l e' ye a. (t) s/s t e're t a l/l 0 w/(h)e~a.r t/h e'ye a.~r/t a re r0und (0) b0und~ 0/u(be)t~ c~(h) at~c~h/inn g (e)i've~n (t) d f/r0m t00 t(h) b~e c(h)0/n e~ d(h) 0've t a t 0/n e ~a. t a(i) l/l (e) a. s/s t~ a re t re~a. t (a') b(r)e~a.d. f/r0m th(e) re (a.)p~as/s t 0/a r~ 0~ a/t b as/s p~b f0'r(e/a.) d. ' s e/e k w/e ll~ d 0 w/n d~ see k eth' s~a.m. e (a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th f~r a.(i.)m.e t (a') p.r. e t/t e'ye ve(i)n~ d
c (h)ar (e) d 0 t/h b ea.r n~ d (h) i'm (v) p~ar(e) t a s/s i/s (i) a's/s k (i) t's (t) a' ye a.r~ (en) t /h ea.r t/h d h~av~e/n 0m e(a.)i.d. e/b t00 th ea. t~ 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a. t 00 th be a. t00 th be inn g' s t r~e'ye d e/b t00 th eg / g~i'v~e/n d 0 p~e/n d~ ap/p (ea.) l/l e'ye d(t) 0 (w/)e~ d i/t inn t h0/u~ 's e/e d 0(w/e) s~ (t) 0 w/e (d) g~ 0/d' s (h) 0/n e s/s t (p~L) a' n~d'( s up~)p0 r(e) t(h) inn g (e/d) c~ an (d) s a.m. e ve(i)n k/t c~a.m. e l/l t00 th i/n k (i) t00 th f~a.(n) d. i/t u th f 0're w/are a.d. (0) b. m.(e)u/s/e (e) due~ t's k~ ewe d
c~r/a ft 00 th fxf r~a.(i.)m. e a.d 0 w/00 d be/en a.m. e~ l/l (e/a.) d. (d) a.d.~h ea.r~ t/h c~0 l/l e (x) c/t w/h 0/m e~a.d. 0 w/e t~(h) i~s/s u e w/e ve(i)n (t) d~e/b t a g(L) 0've d h~and (h) 0've d as/s (h) 0/n e/n 0 pen l/l e ye~ a. t 0/m e/a. n~ s w/(h)e~a. t
e'ye p(L)aye ~a. t/t en t~i 0/n e t00 th f 0r(e)a. l/l i've inn g' d h and i'm e/n kn 0t h~ea.r t00 th pre t en d i'm e/n kn 0/t 0/ne w/h~i/t
ether e(n) d~i/t (t) 0/0 b.m.(e)a.r~ t (h) 0/m e a.d.' see k/t h'd e v0te i 0/n ~ d seek ere s~c u/p t(h) 0 pen l/l e ye ~fxf e~a. (s/s) t (u) b~a/n d (h) ea.r t/h ' d 0/u(be) t w/h0~ end less (t) ly e d0/t~h 'in (e) d par(e) t~ a g0 (d) c~a rt
t/h 's c~a l/l e s/s t e fxf e (e) l/l t (a') b(L) a/c~k/t a' b(0)u t i/t~ re. a.d.
(h) 0/n e s/s t a' g~ 's nake d(g) un
(e) s/s 0 L d (i) ere
0/n t/h d f/r0m th f ace inn g t(h) inn (g) e c(h) 0/m e r/r e'ye d fxf i' re t(hr)u~ re a.r/r an~g e/d (f ace d) 's un s (h) inn (e) d/d e'ye inn a. m. e L/L c a.m. e L/L a.m. ea. r~ t/h ' d ' s cent 's (h) 0/a r e/e fxf a(i)r~ e a.d. ('s) h ~ar(e) b 0'r(e/a.) d. ~dress t 0/a re a.d. 0~0're a.d.~ a.m.(e w/e) 0(0)r~ (e) t a' l/l (t) 0/0 th a/b i.~'d.(h)e (ye) a.d. ste a.d.'ye sel~l fxf t(h) i n/n (e) d f 0r (t) a~ re a. l/l e ft /h 0/0 k (i) t/h inn d p.r. 0 v(e) i/s i0/n' d f r0m the m(e) A. k ere t(h) em p0' Le d (ea.) fe l/l th b(L)e~a. t (h) inn g e~ d(h) a l/l 0/n eg b rain d h inn d inn the make-up-ewe- only -e- (a-s/-)s-t- a-nd- e/b- t- w/-h0- d-f-am-e-w/e- d- (b-) lig-ht- 0- w/e-re- ad- 0- w/ar- t- i'm-e-(a-) i.d- h-and- h-ave- t- a- v-0-id- ab-b-le-s/s- t- 00- t- he- d- 0uch- e- deam-e-ye- see- d- ewe- t- rue- inn- t00-t-he- d- s- h- all- 0- w/e- t- a- p- as/s- t- ewe- d- as/s- h- 0- (w/-) e- (d-) g-(er-r-) 0/d- e-
it is criminal le tu be ad jack-t-ass- unanimous-ly-e-t-w/-h0-d-e-ye-w/e- d- the many c0-L-0re-s-inn- t-ere-w/e- d-
e-ye-me-l-(d-)t- (h-) inn-g- e- w/e- (ed-) ea- t- h- and- g- re-a- t-
the womens march had no problem wit h th e g (r) ass l aid inn f (r) 0/n ' t h~av(i)e w/e d
0/n e (s/s) th s am e t a pi ct u/re a.d. h ave ye p. r.00f t
's (h) av~e d i/t 00 t(h) b. c. a.m.~e
ye t inn t i'm e.g. ave d en a.m. e~ (a.) d.
"ewe" only g-ave- d- h- ave- d- s-(h-)0-re- too-t-he- d- be- (d-)h-ave- d- (h-) a-d- 0- 0-re- ye- n eve r e/n (t/h) ave d ~ (h) as/s b. m. ai.d.