January 1... 2017 h(t) 0/m e~a.n s~ w/(h)ea.r in(n) g a g~(r)e~ a.d. (g~(L)a.d. ness t) 0 p~en l/l e ye inn a.d. van~c/e l~l a~n d i'n(n) g r~an d' s/t a' nd ('s) e~a.m. t00 th (e) c~(h)0/m p La(in) t en (t) d~en e'ye t h~ea.ven (t) d's e(a.) l~l e tu d(w/)e l/l (e) c(h)0 a~s/s t (r) e w/e n~d a w/inn a m(e) a. w/e d 0h le ~g 0' b/i rd (h) all t'a re r0und~ g Lan(d)ce s/s mate d 0 (e) fxf r~0/m (e)a.ke ye t0 fxf th be c~0/n e d(h) 0've t(h) a w/h e'ye d' s~t a'ye tu d~e w/e rue d fxf 0'r(u)m ea. l~l ye w/ i.d. th~ i/t
0 w/(h)ake gain d(h) all t (a're) i'm (e)a. g (r) i'n (e) d a re p~a s /s t~0/g 0~a. (l/l e~)g. (r) 0/d e~(a.) l/l t a're t (0/0 t/h 0 (w/) e d) 0 w/(h)e~a. t 'a's/s h 0 (L) e d (en) ew/e (d) (h) 0' ve saw/e gaw/e inn 0've (L)d ew/e t00 t(h) a.d. just b.c. (u) e w/e d h(t) 0/m e~a.n s e/e k t(h)r~u/e ve(i)n ly e t00 th~e m(e) a. k/e ve(i)n ly e s(h) 0 w/e d~g(e/e) 's us 0'L(e) d (e)u/s t a~g 0 d en (a.) m(e)a.r k~n 0 w/e re a.l/l~e 'ye a. g~ave (i)t~ a's/s k~(r) ew/e d' s(t) 0 w/e (n) d 0 w/e l/l 0~ t heir d ew/e t rig ht' (a's) s(h) 0 w/e re t a g0 t00 th fxf L0 w/e re a.d.(h) all (e) a.s/s (t) 0' Le (a.)d. e/n a.m. e L~0 pe~d
h(t) 0/m e~a.n s~ w/(h)ea.r in(n) g a g~(r)e~ a.d. g~(L)a.d. ness t i'n(n) g inn g' s us ea. t inn t~er(e) lu~d/e w/e d a'ft e're a. ll~ e ye d ate fxf r0m th fxf a~c e t a'gain (d) i'm e x p0 s e(e) d
h(t) 0/m e~a.n s~ w/(h)ea.r in(n) g a g~(r)e~ a.d. c~L0 t/h (ea.)d. 0 be t/h' serve (t) d' s(t) a~i. d. a(i)r~e s/t 0/0 d en are t00 th (d) ewe t heir d f a(i)r e a.d. er(e) inn d 's in~t~er(e) lu~d/e w/e~ a.d. (j) u/s t/h' d f~0r(a.)~m.eal~ly (e)inn (d/h) 0've d h(c) and le (a.)ve n(d) s~c u/p t up t a' l/l e(a.)ve i/t ' s cull p/t inn a re~a. l/l e~a. f/t hat r~0p e/d 0 pen l/l e 'ye a. t 0ff i/t~ d0ff t a're t00 th t force-free-ly-e- l/l- i(e-) ce- d- h-ave- t- a- g-ave- t- 0ff- t- n0b-0/d-e-ye- (a- s/s- t-)'s- e- am- an- d- re- am- s- in~t~er(e) lu~d/e w/e~ a.d. (j) u/s t/h' d f~0r(a.)~m.eal~ly (e)inn (d/h) 0've d h(c) and le (a.)ve n(d) s~c u/p t up t a' l/l e(a.)ve i/t ' s cull p/t inn t w/h0 d be l/l ea. fxf i/t (h) ru~e w/e(n) d ew/e a.d. 0 fxf t hat (a') b/u ~s/t ('s) e t 00 th t0 s/s e t hat b(r)0ugh t(y)0u~r e tribute |
inn t er(e) lu~d e w/e b. m. u fxf i/ t~ 00 th t(d) 0uch e` ye i/t~ 0ff i/t~ he a.d. 0 fxf i/ t inn t ere s/t i' l/l e (a.)v e~n th' s(t) ai L~ t00 th e/n a'i l/l t ea. (t) c/h (i) t~ u b. m.u/s/e i/t (h) r~ u e w/e n~ d 0 w/e i/t (h) u (e) s/s i/t 0/0 th en d~0~0 ar's e t(h) c0m p (L)ea. t 0/0 th b e/e (h)0 ' serve d (i/t) 0 w/(e)a.re a.d.~awn ~ s w/(h) ea. t inn t ere s(t) 0/0 t/h/e d~k e'ye p' s~(n) ea.t a' re (a) p a(i)r e a.d. |
c~ag/ e t00 th b e~(a.c~)h/0 LD |
c e w/e t c~an e c/all a. m. e a.d. ' s 0/m e t a't i'm e/d e/b t00 th c0m f0r t 'a' b le s/s t a' t ~e ... th er e/n d b r in(n) g (u) e s/s t a(i)r e t heir d ~... h ea.ve n (t) a' re t (e)a.r (e) n all b(L) e/n d |
i / 0 / u b a/g : e'ye l/l 0 ' v~e i/t u~ b. miss t re a.d. h and be a.m. u/s/e (e) d |
what you think is important t0 me w/e th se a.m. s peak t h~and see k/t inn f 0r(a.) m.ea.l ly e pre sent 0/0 the me an s w/(e)a.re inn g 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a.t e fxf 0'r(e) t f~0're (e) fxf r e/e d(h) 0/m e ve(i)n ly e t00 th per ce i've d ew/e t00 th be a.m. e'ye t 0/n e/n em e'ye a. t inn s t (h/r) e a.d. e/b t a cr0ss t i'm e t00 th b(L)e/n d as/s nake d ate ve(i)n d h and at a'ny e's trait b p.r.0 vi. d. i.d. e/b t00 th' d ate t~h and c~a(i)re r~e'ye d 0 (w/)h eigh t e'ye a.m. (e) a. k/e g. r(e)a.t~ e th ere |
inn t er(e) lu~d e w/e b. m. u fxf i/ t~ 00 th t(d) 0uch e` ye i/t~ 0ff i/t~ he a.d. 0 fxf i/ t inn t ere s/t i' l/l e (a.)v e~n th' s(t) ai L~ t00 th e/n a'i l/l t ea. (t) c/h (i) t~ u b. m.u/s/e i/t (h) r~ u e w/e n~ d 0 w/e i/t (h) u (e) s/s i/t 0/0 th en d~0~0 ar's e t(h) c0m p (L)ea. t 0/0 th b e/e (h)0 ' serve d (i/t) 0 w/(e)a.re a.d.~awn ~ s w/(h) ea. t inn t ere s(t) 0/0 t/h/e d~k e'ye p' s~(n) ea.t a' re (a) p a(i)r (e) a.~d. d i/t i 0/n sn a're (ye) a.t inn t i'm e t00 th c~a(i)r e'ye de a.m. (ban k) s~e a. d. ew/e t 0/0 th' d be (a.)d. e/b t~ a' gain d(h) 0've t a g(L) 0've d |
"you" cannot pass a note t hat "you" did kn 0t 0/0 L0've t00 th's c0 pi e(ye) d (h) 0've ta t0/n e debt (h) 0/0 kn 0(w/)t e th er e/n debt (h) 0/0 k t~a t0/n e/c k~n 0w/e a.d.(y) 0ur e s/t i fxf (i e)'ye inn e m(e) a.s/s t a(i)r e (a.) p(h) a'n d (h) 0/n e m~e 0/n e ye t a're t ea.r n/s 0/m e 0/n e'ye s 0/n t a' re c~an t a're a.d. e/b t a re t ea.r n~ d |
j-u-s-t- a- re-f-le-(x-)ct-0-re-d- ewe- (d-) s-(h-)u-(e-)s- t- e-w/e- d- e/b- t- a- b- rain- d- up- e- 0/n- d- ewe- (d-) s- pur-(e-) suit- e- d- e/b- t- a- t- w/-h0- d- bu-ll-s-hi- t- hu-(e-) s/s- i/t- u- gaw/-e- (d-) g-0/d- e- we- t- (h-) rue- inn- t- w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- d- 0- we- ll- e- s/s- inn- ce- s/s- (e-) t-he- d- b- me-use-d- h- and- sel-l- f-x-f- t-he- (a-)d- i/t- (h-)at- f0r-t-u- |
b~ a a a a a n~d 0 f/f (t) g0~(a.) l/l d h~ea.ven s (t) 0 w/e (d) g~ 0/d~ e
a.d. j/u~st ew/e n~ (kn) 0 w/(h)e d/g e 0/d e~a. l/l t a' (re) t 0 (w/) e~ ve(i)n~ a re r0und c~0/m p (L)ea. t e t 0/0
de~c em b ere 25. 2016
be h0 LD th' s~p i/n (e) s/t e're a.d. e'ye d h~ave b(r) 0ugh the m(e)~a. g/i~ f/t h~and 's(h)ave i 0'r~e/n ave ye d g~0 a. l/l (e'ye) d frank inn sense d~h and my r/r h t(h) 0/m e an s e/e k t~ mi r/r 0 r e' ye the me r/r e ye d(h) 0/m e n a.m. e.g. ave d 0 p~en l(e)ye w/are t(h) a wake inn s (t 0) w/e pt (h) p.r. 0 w/t par t a' k~e g. r(e)a. t ~ e ve~r e'ye d aye t00 th (e) re s/t 0 're (a.)d. f~ at h~e(a.)r~ d 0/0 re d b(y)e~a.r n (d) 0 w/e t00 th eg i've~ r t/h ea.ven (d) s (h) 0 w/e ll 0' ve d('s) 0' L(e) d
fxf l(e)ye w/(h)inn g' e/d g~r a ce 0 p~en (t/h') d
(h) 0've th (y) ea.r~ t/h ' d 0 be t/h' serve d s~ mar t's 0~ap en
d~ heaven d(s) up~ped (h)ea.r~ d ew/e t00 th' d e~a. m.'s e~a. d.
0 fxf (i) t (h) inn d c(h) 0/m e a.d. 0 w/e~e s w/h e~a. t (e) l/l e' ye~a. r0und 0ff t(y) a
r(e)d f~0'r(e) mea.l~l(e) ye t 0 w/(e)a.re t 0 w/e(a.)re p 0 w/e re ve(i)n d~e/b t (h) in(e) d
c 0/p (e)ye 0f a~(h)
h(t) 0/m e~a.n s~ w/(h)ea.r in(n) g a g~(r)e~ a.d.
h(t) 0/m e~a.n s e/e k t(h)r~u/e w/e d0ff t' sir(e) prize d (h) inn (d) ad van ce d(h)e ye a. t e (re a. ll e(g)) ~ fxf 0'r(e) t hat (u) b ~p ag/e d
A T r~an s i/t~i 0/n e m~e t a' ll, s~i'l(l)ver t is f0und in n~at(e/0)u~re a.s/s t/h~e n at(e)i'v~e ta m~e ta' ll as/s w/e ll as/s in c0/m b/i n(e) d f~0'r(u)m in 0're m~in e're a.ll' s. I/t i~s valu~e (w/e) d f~0're u'se in 'd j ew/e ll e're y(e) a.nd ('ye) 0 (t)h er(e) 0'r(e)n a.m. e/n t's and f0r/m/e re ly (e)in c0 in s ~ and th' d~e c0/m p~0 's~i/t i~0/n e (0)f' (t')s~i'l(l)v~er' s(e)a l/l t's b(u)y~e t(h) a~c t~i 0/n 0fxf (L?)ig~ht
(a w/are a.d.)
(de p0' s~i/t i'n(n) g a. m.e t a'll i~c (t')s~ i'l(l)v~er a)
is e t/h b~a/s(e)i/s 0 f(t) p~h0 t0 g~r a p(h) e'ye ~d g i'v~e/n (t)d' s ei~n e'(re) t heir d a. m.iss t a'k e/n s h~are t00 th' s trait a're (a.)d. 0 fxf a(i)r~e (a.)d. ye t a gain d/g i've in g a w/(e)a.re (a.)d. (c~L) as/s p b'f~0r(e)d
s~h0 rt 'd f~0ra s~i'l(l)ver (t) a. m.e d (h) all ' sub. (c.') s~c r/i~b e(a.)d. h ea.ve~n ly (e) a. w/are ye t00 th b~rain (d's) pan' d en e'ye a. ll (ea.) d. 0 w/are t00 t(h) a~ g i 0/d be a.d. a. m. e~ a.d. e/b t 'a' (i')ll (and) b (L)e~n d (((0))) b~r i'n(n) g~ i'nn g' sus t(c) a' i'nn (t) a~b (e) l/l e ye t heir d 0 p~en ly e t a' re (a.)d. a ct y~l l~y e t a gain st a'nd 0 w/are a.d. e/b t 0're s/t 0 're ye~a. t 0 (w/e re a.m. 0're a.d.) fxf t me an s e/e k (i) t' s(e/e)p~r0ck e t c~a(i)r~e'ye w/(h)ea.r~
(t/h) 0'd (e) f0r/meal/ly e/n are (a.)d. en 's nare a.d. c0m f0r t a/b~le a.d. 0 b~re a.d. e/b t~0 w/(h) eRe~ (e) fxf L0 w/(h) eR~e (d) g~(e)0 d's c~e/n t (a')re a.d. j/u s/t (a') b.c. au' s a w/e re (e) fxf e/e d h~ea.ve n(t) d h~and le 'ye (vein ly e' s) p (L)an (t) d
a'ye w/e b r~e/a. k nigh t a gain d
e'ye f 0ra i~(n)'d 0bject
a p(L~a ce) l/l e~d/g e~(t')sp a g(L)0' ve, th~r 0(w/)n ' d 0 w/n ' d, as a symbol of a challenge t00 (th) fig ht e're r0und
a.d. (h)0/r~'n a c' 0/m p (L)ea. t i~0/n e d(h) all (e)a.s/s (t) 0 w/e d(h) 0'ver t i'm e ve(i)n l(e)ye
t as~k (t') s harp b L0 w/e d('s) 0'L(e) d
c~rack (t') s~nap...
f~Lat, ty pi/c~a lly ea. r0und p~i/e ce 0 f(t)me t a'll 0 with an(d) 0 f/f i c/i all' s/t a.m. p' d e/b t a re u/s/e d as/s (p.)m.e 0/n~e ye~d en sel~l e' ye a. t 0 fxf t me an s e/e k (nigh) t 's (p) en t a't 0/n e ye t
b rig ht ly e/n d
a b eg i'n(i)n g a gain d
e/b t~ heav~e n/d
as~p vi per t(h) p0 ly (e~d) vi n~i' l/l d 0/n e m~e inn s~um e 0/n ' d (h) 0've t a g(L) 0' ve d
an~ti' me 0/n e'ye d (p.r.)i'm e/d
A T r~an s i/t~i 0/n e m~e t a' ll, s~i'l(l)ver t is f0und in n~at(e/0)u~re a.s/s t/h~e n at(e)i'v~e ta m~e ta' ll as/s w/e ll as/s in c0/m b/i n(e) d f~0'r(u)m in 0're m~in e're a.ll' s. I/t i~s valu~e (w/e) d f~0're u'se in 'd j ew/e ll e're y(e) a.nd ('ye) 0 (t)h er(e) 0'r(e)n a.m. e/n t's and f0r/m/e re ly (e)in c0 in s ~ and th' d~e c0/m p~0 's~i/t i~0/n e (0)f' (t')s~i'l(l)v~er' s(e)a l/l t's b(u)y~e t(h) a~c t~i 0/n 0fxf (L?)ig~ht
(a w/are a.d.)
(de p0' s~i/t i'n(n) g a. m.e t a'll i~c (t')s~ i'l(l)v~er a)
is e t/h b~a/s(e)i/s 0 f(t) p~h0 t0 g~r a p(h) e'ye ~d g i'v~e/n (t)d' s ei~n e'(re) t heir d a. m.iss t a'k e/n s h~are t00 th' s trait a're (a.)d. 0 fxf a(i)r~e (a.)d. ye t a gain d/g i've in g a w/(e)a.re (a.)d. (c~L) as/s p b'f~0r(e)d e/b t (a) re a.d. f 0're w/are a.d. 0 fxf t (c) hat a cr0ss t a'g e miss (t/a') r~e a.d.
compost ion
d ec0/m p 0' s i/t i0/n 'd g ran d
deposit ...
f l ag ged
Ni~c/k e/L 0 c/c u/r(e) s in var~i/0/u~s m(e)in eR(e) a. ll' s~ and th e/e a.r t/h' s c~0're is be li~e ve~(d) t~0 c~0/n's i/s t (L) a'r~(e)g~e l(e)ye 0f (t) m~e t a ll i/c (h) i/r 0/n ' d~h and (ye) nick el. th~c hie f use 0f (the) nick el (di's put e) is in a(i')ll 0 ye~s, e~sp i/t (w/)h ea. d.~ (h)i r(e)0/n e t0 w/hi(t)ch i/t i'm~(v)par (e) t's (t)e t/h' strength and r~es i stance t~0 c0 r(e)r~0's (e)i 0/n e d~h and (0) w/i th c 0p per f0r th c0 in a'g e d (ew/e) b~e re n0~un d (inn) g0ing f 0're w/are a.d. ('s) un d e're s0und
me r yl s tree p ai d 0ff t c0/m p(L)ea. t 0/0 t0ff t 0/0
(t/h and 0 fxf t(h)r u/e w/e (n) d ewe)
t-wee-t- all -0-ve-r-e-ye- s-i'm-ill-are-inn-cap-a-(t-)city-e-d-0f- t- inn- t- ere- s/t-
Ni~c/k e/L 0 c/c u/r(e) s in var~i/0/u~s m(e)in eR(e) a. ll' s~ and th e/e a.r t/h' s c~0're is be li~e ve~(d) t~0 c~0/n's i/s t (L) a'r~(e)g~e l(e)ye 0f (t) m~e t a ll i/c (h) i/r 0/n ' d~h and (ye) nick el. th~c hie f use 0f (the) nick el (di's put e) is in a(i')ll 0 ye~s, e~sp i/t (w/)h ea. d.~ (h)i r(e)0/n e t0 w/hi(t)ch i/t i'm~(v)par (e) t's (t)e t/h' strength and r~es i stance t~0 c0 r(e)r~0's (e)i 0/n e d~h and (0) w/i th c 0p per f0r th c0 in a'g e d (ew/e) b~e re n0~un d (inn) g0ing f 0're w/are a.d. ('s) un d e're s0und' s0und e/b t (a')re a.d. 0' b~re a.d. (h) all a(h) re r0und a ft ere a.ll (e'ye) d f~all (t) as/s p/h all t hing e d0b~b(u)ye d ser~ve (inn) d (h)inn d ser~ve t ly e ve(i)n t a gain d
Ni~c/k e/L 0 c/c u/r(e) s in var~i/0/u~s m(e)in eR(e) a. ll' s~ and th e/e a.r t/h' s c~0're is be li~e ve~(d) t~0 c~0/n's i/s t (L) a'r~(e)g~e l(e)ye 0f (t) m~e t a ll i/c (h) i/r 0/n ' d~h and (ye) nick el. th~c hie f use 0f (the) nick el (di's put e) is in a(i')ll 0 ye~s, e~sp i/t (w/)h ea. d.~ (h)i r(e)0/n e t0 w/hi(t)ch i/t i'm~(v)par (e) t's (t)e t/h' strength and r~es i stance t~0 c0 r(e)r~0's (e)i 0/n e d~h and (0) w/i th c 0p per f0r th c0 in a'g e d (ew/e) b~e re n0~un d (inn) g0ing f 0're w/are a.d. ('s) un d e're s0(u)nd e
Ni~c/k e/L 0 c/c u/r(e) s in var~i/0/u~s m(e)in eR(e) a. ll' s~ and th e/e a.r t/h' s c~0're is be li~e ve~(d) t~0 c~0/n's i/s t (L) a'r~(e)g~e l(e)ye 0f (t) m~e t a ll i/c (h) i/r 0/n ' d~h and (ye) nick el. th~c hie f use 0f (the) nick el (di's put e) is in a(i')ll 0 ye~s, e~sp i/t (w/)h ea. d.~ (h)i r(e)0/n e t0 w/hi(t)ch i/t i'm~(v)par (e) t's (t)e t/h' strength and r~es i stance t~0 c0 r(e)r~0's (e)i 0/n e d~h and (0) w/i th c 0p per f0r th c0 in a'g e d (ew/e) b~e re n0~un d (inn) g0ing f 0're w/are a.d. ('s) un d e're s0und
A T r~an s i/t~i 0/n e m~e t a' ll, s~i'l(l)ver t is f0und in n~at(e/0)u~re a.s/s t/h~e n at(e)i'v~e ta m~e ta' ll as/s w/e ll as/s in c0/m b/i n(e) d f~0'r(u)m in 0're m~in e're a.ll' s. I/t i~s valu~e (w/e) d f~0're u'se in 'd j ew/e ll e're y(e) a.nd ('ye) 0 (t)h er(e) 0'r(e)n a.m. e/n t's and f0r/m/e re ly (e)in c0 in s ~ and th' d~e c0/m p~0 's~i/t i~0/n e (0)f' (t')s~i'l(l)v~er' s(e)a l/l t's b(u)y~e t(h) a~c t~i 0/n 0fxf (L?)ig~ht
(a w/are a.d.)
(de p0' s~i/t i'n(n) g a. m.e t a'll i~c (t')s~ i'l(l)v~er a)
is e t/h b~a/s(e)i/s 0 f(t) p~h0 t0 g~r a p(h) e'ye ~d g i'v~e/n (t)d' s ei~n e'(re) t heir d a. m.iss t a'k e/n s h~are t00 th' s trait a're (a.)d. 0 fxf a(i)r~e (a.)d. ye t a gain d/g i've in g a w/(e)a.re (a.)d. (c~L) as/s p b'f~0r(e)d
0 la g 0(0) d (k) nigh t 0 l/l a b 0/a n0 i/t e (l/l e a.s/s (h) 0) d f/r0m t(c)h e~a.r 0
/d (e/d) f r0m e (t) d (h) all e~a.n d e/b t/h e me~a.r (0)
s~h0 rt 'd f~0ra s~i'l(l)ver (t) a. m.e d (h) all ' sub. (c.') s~c r/i~b e(a.)d. h ea.ve~n ly (e) a. w/are ye t00 th b~rain (d's) pan' d en e'ye a. ll (ea.) d. 0 w/are t00 t(h) a~ g i 0/d be a.d. a. m. e~ a.d. e/b t 'a' (i')ll (and) b (L)e~n d (((0))) b~r i'n(n) g~ i'nn g' sus t(c) a' i'nn (t) a~b (e) l/l e ye t heir d 0 p~en ly e t a' re (a.)d. a ct y~l l~y e t a gain st a'nd 0 w/are a.d. e/b t 0're s/t 0 're ye~a. t 0 (w/e re a.m. 0're a.d.) fxf t me an s e/e k (i) t' s(e/e)p~r0ck e t c~a(i)r~e'ye w/(h)ea.r~
(t/h) 0'd (e) f0r/meal/ly e/n are (a.)d. en 's nare a.d. c0m f0r t a/b~le a.d. 0 b~re a.d. e/b t~0 w/(h) eRe~ (e) fxf L0 w/(h) eR~e (d) g~(e)0 d's c~e/n t (a')re a.d. j/u s/t (a') b.c. au' s a w/e re (e) fxf e/e d h~ea.ve n(t) d h~and le 'ye (vein ly e' s) p (L)an (t) d
a'ye w/e b r~e/a. k nigh t a gain d
0ff (i) t
0ff t00 th (c)~an d le pt p.r. a.m. e/d
0ff (i) t00 th ' d en e'ye~a.m.
t ea.s e t(h) 0/0 k nigh t b rig ht 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e' ye d r~in k (t')' s c~u/p (t) per in(n) g (L) 0've (t) d (h) 0've
notes from the earth cam broadcast : it occured to me while looking at the news today, the "lame-ness-t-" the me-d-i/0-c-re-violence-s/s- e- x- d- 0f- t-, that the "n-ewe-s" is mear-ly -e- s- am- en- d-'s- , t-urn-d- inn-s-i.'d.e- d- 0/u-(be-) t- hie-ven-d- ewe- s-.
i spoke of meryl s tree p' s finely crafted systemic speach, for which she stepped from behind h and infront of the role as actor to finely craft a swatch of humanity e'd 0ff t.
i spoke of donald trump t-wee-t-'s- , that his opinion is hard to consume, when he decries the "media is fake" and fake- (f-ache-s-) s-on- the media- t-w/-h0- d-. & to provide meryl streep et all, a different script ' d('s) 0 L e d ewe.
most notably for me, for this day, is scanning the k-n- ewe- s- (kn = knot , k-n- = "knot" for -t- (h-) 0/0- k-n- 0- we- re- as/s- 0/n- net- w/-h0- d- ewe- s- us-e- d-) .... the "n-ewe-s-" p- (L-) ai- d- ewe- s-.
we are vi-ewe-in-g- s- am- en- d's- turned inside d-o/u-t- .
h ea.r ewe get 0 s/s~ea. the re a.ll e valu/e w/e ft 0 fxf t ea.r n ' d (h) inn d's i.'de d 0/u (be) t a' ll 0/t
h ea.r is e th e/n ewe s 0 ft (h) 0/0 k~n ewe d 0ff t.
i stated my framework and fretwork
( f & f (L) in t i'm e t00 th a.d. (e) d~r e s/s ' d )
is the only viable place t w/h0 ewe can take d/h and s take d 0ff t 'h' 0/n e s/s t ly e t(c) u~ e w/e inn (e) c (h) 0/m p (L) e~a. t i 0/n s (t) ate d's trait
i am conversely saying, "ewe" can't take the 'h' doff -t- inn- t- i'm-e- t00-t-he- d- com-p-ea-t- 0ff- t-he-we-d- 0f- t-'s- t- (r-) e- we- n- d- ewe- (d-) s- us-e- d-
k i'll e~sp i/n a.~(m.) bu' s h (aw/e) d' s inn k t(u) be th~e n0 un d ('s) 0' Le
d~r in(n) k~ (t) inn t i'm e t00 th be (a.)d.
(e/b t) a re a.d. e' ye t/h in k/t 0 p~en ly (e) a. w/(e)a.re inn g t heir d' s ea. m a w/a're a.t hr 0 (de) fxf a(i)r e~a. ll (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e d ~ f 0're w/are a.d. (0) h(t) 0
the con-t-r-i've-n-ce- d- 0f- t- he-a-rt-urn- d- under-e- s- t- a- r-t- t- t- urn- d- c-l0-t-he- d-(s-)un-d-ere-s-ewe-n- d- h- and- s- 0- (w/-)n- d-en-ye- d- (h-) all- t- a- re- t-he- t- i'm-e- d-
i did speak on the earth cam broadcast, kelly-ann-conway- d-i/p-s-hi- t- regaling the press- t- 00- t- he- give- donald- the been-i- fi- t- of-f- t- he- d- 0/u- (be-) t-'s-he-d- b-an-k- t- 0- w/-id- t-h- (ea-)d- 0f- (i-) t- 0/0- t0- s/s- i- t- 0- f-x-f- (i-) t-
he-t-w/-in-inn-g-inn-t-ere-s-t-a-r- t-'s- par- k- t- di/s-pose-able- ad-
s-lit- her- d- 0f- (i-) t-
(a-) g- (L-) 0- b/e- (a-) d- i/t-
(a'-) p0-d-0f- i- t-
0- w/-(e-)a- r- d-0f- t- heir- d-
0- b-serve- d- en- s- nare- d- 0f- t- he- f-a-(i-)r- e- ye- d- inn-j-u-re- (ye-) t- her-e- ad- serve- d- a- place- n- ta- re- serve- d-
's- me-a-r- i/t- w/-id-th- c- hat-t-ere- d-i'm-in-it'-s- dim-in-i/s-h-(d-)ea-r- th- d-
hie-ven-(t-)d- s- (h-) all- 0 - we- ed-'s- (h-) 0- we- d-'s- he- a- rt- less- t- (u-) b- (r-) ough- t-(h-) 0/m-e- in- g- a- g-re-ad-('s-) e/e- d'-
s- (t-) ai- d- 0f- (i-) t- en- d- ere- d- serve- d- in-nerve-d- 0-p-e/n- ly- e-g- l0-b- serve- d-e/b-t0-0t-0ff- (i-) t's- L0-b-serve- d-i/n-ere- d- i/r-(e-) t-
c- he-d- ea- t- (h-and-) f-i/r-st-
0p-ping-'s- h0- p-i/n-g- 0- b- ea-r-t-he- d-
0-le- t-he- p/0-d- ewe- d- be- (a-)d- a-re- (e-) f-x-f- i/n- e're-a- s/s- we- ll- d- as/s- mu- c- h- t- w/-h0- d- ew/e- d-ea-t- 0ff- t- me- an- s-
t- 0- (0-) L- e-g- t00- L0-0k-in- g- f-r- eeL- ye-g- ave- d-
f-r-e/e-L-0-ve-vain- d- ((((0f-i-t-0-f-x-f- i-t- h-and- fi-g-i/t-0ff-i-t-'s-um-m0/n-eye- d-(h-)inn-d- c- (h-) 0/m- e- d-(h-)0-ve- d- (h-)0/m-e- d-
narcissistic be-ye-0/n-d- a- re- a.s/s- 0/n- e- d- c- L0-an- d- 0f- t-he-f-x-f- r0m-e- d-
it would seam people that stand for completion eve(i)n d, would -a-pre-sum-e- d- e w/e re the nothing A without h-ew/e- (d-)ja/cul-lating- for- t-(h-) 0/0- k-n-0- w/e- re- as/s- 0/n- d- ewe (d-) 's-us-e- d- -- f-as-h-i0n-able- t00-lo-ok- in- g- t- w/-h0- e- w/e- d- (f-) ate-d-0-w/-id- th- d- 0f- t-'s- inn- ew/e- a- re- vi- ewe- d-
it would seam people that stand for completion eve(i)n d, would -a-pre-sum-e- d- e w/e re the nothing A without h-ew/e- (d-)jaculating- for- t-(h-) 0/0- k-n-0- w/e- re- as/s- 0/n- d- ewe (d-) 's-us-e- d- -- f-as-h-i0n-able- t00-lo-ok- in- g- t- w/-h0- e- w/e- d- (f-) ate-d-0-w/-id- th- d- 0f- t-'s- inn- ew/e- a- re- vi- ewe- d-
a-f-t- authority- e- s- lice- d- 0f- t- (a- re-) vi- ewe- d-
our - only- a- beginner- in- d- 0f- t- pro-vi/s-i0/n- d- ewe- (d-)'s- u(s-)e- d-e/b- t- (a-) b- scene- d- ew/e- t00- t- he- d-(t-) 0uch- e- ad- "ewe"
t-w/h0- d- "0" be-h0-LD- a- pre- vi- ewe- d-(t-)
un- e- t0- ld- "yew": woo-d-0we-yew-e're-s-0le- due-s- h-0-ver- t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e t r/i b/u t/t e t00 th d(s) 0'L e
k-i-s/s- a.- m.-(e-)a.-g-pi-e-(ye-) vain- d-
(e*) w/e a.r t/h eg l0b~e (a.)d. bu ye t(h) 0/u r~ d (h) 0/m e~ (a.) d.
0 w/e ft ' (d) 0 fxf (i) t ' (d) 0 w/(h) i/t e~ve (i)n t(d) 0've d
(e)a. ft ly e inn c(h) 0/m e (a.) d. 0 w/e t00 th d(h) 0'v~e ta g(L) 0've d
bu ye a.~r t/h ' (at') d
h~ave d 0ff t i'm (v) par (e) t c~h ea. r t/h e~a. d (0') sig~ n' (a.)d. (ewe)
0' b~m e~a.r~ d a'rt a re f~i/n e're s t (e)a.r~
t ea.s e t(h) a ll 0 w/(e)a.r~ e v~e(i)n kn ew/(h)e a.r t ~h and en mar kn ew/h(e)a.r~e a.d. ew/e d em b~a'r(e) k
t~a' g L0 re 'ye a.r~ (e) ly e~b/b 0/n (e/e) d f~an t as/s t i~c k/t
l/l e ye
D(P.R.) I'M E (A.)D. 0 W/E D E/B T00 TH ' D~I'V(E) I'N E~
E D LE YE S LEE P I/T H (R) U/E W/E T/H (D) 'S T E/E P~ LE (D) G~(E) 0 /D E INN ST E~A. D.~ H AND INN VI T ATE I 0/N 0 P~EN (A) L/L (T) E'YE~ A. S/S T 0/0 TH B E/E ( A.D.') SERVE D I'N(N) E'RE T00 TH' D EW/E TU D~E W/E T00 TH ' D
0/N E/E D L(/E) A. S/S T A' L/L ' D C~A.M. E~ (L) T A' LL (e) D (en)
sell e'ye ve(i)n (d) ta' gain d
0/h~bu ye p(L)aye inn g a t/t en t i 0/n e t00 th e/r 0(w/)n e main (e) fxf r~a.(i.)m. e d(e)a.l(l) a w/(e)a.re a.d. just e th' s a.m. e~b/b 0/n e 'ye d hue w/e d h and e'ye d
will any one comment on my t0p kn0t eye w0re t00 th g l0be in g's
di g f~0 're v/i ct 0 r(e) ye g~0
d~i g/g i'n(n) g's us in k~ t e fxf 0'r(e)t a l/l i've in g
i've inn g reef free ly e sus t a'i n/n g's us a.m. e a. n~s w/(e)a.re inn g's
tooling a look with lingerie, ref-le-ct-0ff-t-me- ad- h- and- ewe- t- w/-ill- d- b- scene- d-
0-ft-l(y-)e-in- d- (b-) lig- ht- d-'s- c- e/n- t-'sig-h- t- ' d-
t i'm e/d 0 w/e nd 0 w/e d~ clearing things 0 ft me'ye p(L)at~e fxf 0'r(e) t(c)u~ e w/e ... t (a) b(e the) miss t re a.d. ew/e t00 th ' d
kelly ann conway has "concerns" about mer~yl s tree p speaking as saw/e t human being w/00 d be a.d. please understand, kelly ann conway is married to a lawyer, and whether you know it or not, a lawyer is not e t heir to protect your virtue, a lawyer is t-heir- d- e- w/e- t- w/-h0- d- manipulate bu-ye- d- en-eye- t- w/-h0- (d-) g- (L-) ewe- d- a-re- vi-ewe- d-. the mantra of a lawyer is "deny" "deny" "deny" e-a- t- a- ll- t- (a-re-t-)he- t- i'm-e- d- h-and- e/b- t- h(e-) a-ll- t- a- re- (e-) f- i/n- (e-) d- i-(c-) t-'s- c-a.m.-(e-/d-) s-eye-t-
there is something "od-d" about criticizing meryl streep for being an "over-rated" actor when she is not acting.
there is some-thing-od-d- about the "select-"he-d- e/b- "t- i'm-e-" inn- g- 0/d- of- t- ly- e- s- l0- t- h- and- 0f- t- ...0-f-x-f- t- (u-) b- r0- ad-'s- (L-)i.'d.e- s- a- cr0ss- t- in- e- d- (h-) 0-ve- d- i-(c-) t- (d-) 0- w/e-(a-)r-e-ad- 0f- t- (h-)inn- s- p/i-t- e-ye- t-
(h-) 0/0- k- nigh- t-c- (h-) ar-(e-)m- s-he-a-ve-n- (d-)s- am-e/n- d's- (p-) en- d's- a- w/e- gaw/-t- a- gain- d- (h-)at-
b- m-u-s-e- d- as/s- c- (h-) ar-(e-)g-e-d-
g-'s-u/s- (t-)- c0-p-e(n-)d- ly- e- a.- s/s- t- d- we-ll- d- 0- pen- l/l- ie-d-sel-l- t00-t-he- ad- 's- (t-) a- i.d.- (f- L-ave-0-re-d-)0f-t- 0- w/-hip- s- p- L- as/s-h- (e-) d-('s) 0- L-(e-) d-
a- r/r- 0- (w/e-) ll- e- d-i/s- g- u-(ye-)i/s- ed-
i'm-e/n-t- inn- s-t-e- (g-)ad.- s-
n- ad-s-
steg / of steg an0 graphy = the practice of concealing messages or information within other nonsecret text or data, on com-man-d-? ate ? t0-w/-(h-)ere- d-0f- t- free- "b-rain-s-" com-p-l-i'm-e/n-t-ar(e-)r-eye- d- com-p-Lain-t-'s- (h-)0/n-e-ye- t-a-re-lay- t- f-0r-(e-) t- (h-) i-re- d-
0- (w/-) h- (a-) t- eve r d-en-eye- (t-) d- t- w/-h0-LD- i/t- her-e- d- b-ein-g- a- gree- d- i/re- ct- i0n- a(i-)ll-ye-c-(h-) 0/n-s- p/i-re- ad- s- 0- ap- t-
con-(e-) f-r-0/n-(e-) t- a'te-i-0/n- a-(i-) ll- ye- t00- t-h(e-)ave- t(h-)b-(L-)a-c-k- (t-h-)inn-g-e- d- 0- w/-ai- t-
com-for-t- "a"-b- Le- ad- f0r-m-e- ally- e-s- ea- t-
sn = without name, chemical element tin, money, senegal: origin tin, & z inn (german ye ve(i)n t00 th pr0 claim e a.d. 0 w/e the m(e) a. k/e d~h0 p~ed i/t 00 th t('s)e ll ' d p ai L (a.) m. ai L~ d(h) 0'ver t 0 (w/)e n ai L~ D
0've (d) t00 th f ac h~e m pi re
(t 0ff t a (ll t a) re)
a.d. e'ye t heir 0 r t/h ere
(s-n-)"ad-" sel-l- t- (he-d-h-) 0- ver- t- i'm- e-
ar~d 0(0)re t 00 t(h) b ea.r~(d) n a re a. ll a~s/s a.m. e s(h) 0 w/e re (d) h air 0/n e b~ea.r th' d aye t 0/d a~te fxf i/g~ged (h) inn (d) i'm e
don't for(e-)ge-t-, you can "name" you-r-e-sel-l- f-x-f- t- hie-ven- (t-) d- 0- w/-id-t-(h-)i/t- h-and- he-ave-n-d-get-0ff- t- w/-i- th0u-t- i/t-
"law" is the co-pi-(L0-t-) p.-r.ig-ht- acting as/s the "container" of g/0-d- f-0rt-he-people-(a-)d- e/b- t-(u-) be- re-(e-)L- ease-d- t-hie-f-en-d-a-t-a- b- le- ad-
see-(t-he-e)d-(h)ea-d- 0f- t-/h- all- t- a-r-e-g(-u-)a-rd- (h-) inn-g-e- d- f-x-f- ace- d- 0- w/-i- th0u- t- 0/n- e- c- kn-0-w/e- ad- (-0) pen- (a-) ll-(t-) e-ye- a- t- 0ff- t- i'm-e- d- g-'s-u/s- (t-) and-'s-
our ideas had no water but we used them like a dam
00000 we carried it all so whale as/s if t wee got a newe posit i0n
000 h and we ll augh t all the wheye t00 th el/l
we made oursel~l f's a pillow and used it like a c rut c he (a)d 0 w/(h)ake t00 th f i/s h~inn g w/e ll ' d e/b t00 th te l/l' s (h) 0/n e d en e'ye (t) d in(n) ere t00 th's h(*t)a re (e) fxf 0'r(a.) m. e ve(i)n d(h) 0've (t/h) d (0) b eg i'nn (g) 0/n e inn k~n 0 w/e t a'ye a. t 0/n e ce~s/s a(i)r e'ye t00 t/h/c
t all
h all
c all e (a.)v~e n d' s h 0 (w/) e (d) g (e) 0/d e
i found a newe artist on the internet. haven't had the time to study or delve into her work, however, i pulled these quotes for m e'ye sure c~an d (e'ye' s) jerk t00 th tu(r)fxf t 00 th f e/e d (e) u/s t a'rk 'tu'
my finger nails went from brittle and broken too th quick, then super bendy and flexible. i researched biotin ... it is a form of vitamin b (didn't know) known as vitamin H (didn't know there was a vitamin H) also known as B7. s~even has been a repeating occurence / pattern in my life lately.
this is a bit of a pastiche, of items sitting on my computer / desk top / notes / in my head... e'ye w/i~s h t00 th un (t) L0 a.d. h~ea.ve~n (st) a~ i.d. 0 b miss t re a.d. at a'ny e r a't~e inn s t e a.d.
i discovered ta'man~u 's 0 i'll and b0ugh~t it f0r~(a.(i)) m. eye s el/l f/f t~ h and e'ye t c~ a.(i.) m. e d. i/c t00 th d en e'ye d (s) 0' Le (a.) d.
wait less t a' s/s t (e~)a. ll ' d
w/e r(e) a.d. 0 w/i.d. th(e) a.d. . . . . e ve(i)n d (h) ea. d/d 0 t(h) ' s (0)up~p ly e~(a.) s/s t ere d a'ye s L i.(e) d' sig~h t~ at 0/n e t(d) i'm e fxf r~a.(i.)m. e (d) fxf r~0m th (s') p(L)0 t (b/i) line d p.r. i'm e (a.)d. 0 w/(e) inn t(h) inn (e) d un fxf 0(0) L(e/a.)d. ewe~ un t 0(0) L (e/a.)d. (h) ewe s~ea. (t)d.' sup per t w/h0 d be a.d. a re ceive (d)t heir ~ag re a.d. . . . . h~and under e s/t 0/0d e/b t/h en (d as/s) knee d (L) e'ye t00 th' s Lee p/t c0m f0r t a'/b (e) l/l ea. d. 's u/s t(c) ai n a/b l e~a. t 0ff the me an s~i re i~ch t00 th be l/l e~(ye)a. f/t (h) 0/0 k t'(s) e'ye d
t00 th' s h(e)a. r~e t00 th ti'me ta t0/n e t00 th c a(i)r~e ye t heir d 0 b e'ye serve t 0/d 's t a(i)r e t (c) (h) u e w/e d e/b t a'ire s car/e a.d. are t a gain d
as/s u/c h/t as/s mu c h/t be l/l ea. f (t) a'n d /h a.d. just b.c. e'ye s c~an d le (ye) p/t p.r. a.m. e/d i/t inn d h and b e/e s peak t's e th ' s a.m. e ve(i)n (d)ea.r a.m. e~a.r th t00 th be (a.)d. ('s) L~a.m.~p
b. m.aid e/b t in/n e me ye a. t L(e) a.s/s t
0/0 th (e) a.d. e vein a.d.van ce s/s (L) ave d 0 w/h at (L) eve r t(y)0ur e/e fxf 0'r(e)d b rain d(t) a'r~e/n (g/r) ave d h and just ly eg 0/d h ave~n (d) a.m. e (a.)d.
bar e/n 0ne w/i.d. th ave s 0/m e 0/n e t00 th 's (h) 0/n e/e d l e'ye d 0've t a(i') l/l (d)t inn t (a' g) L0've d
b a're t/h ere she did re p~air d(h) 0've d h and f L 0 w/ n (f L0 an d) 0 (a~h a)'ve t heir d 0 ff t a l/l 0/n ~e(d) g(e) 0/d e d~(i/t )r 0p e d f r0m th(e) a.d.
b ar e a.r e t (u) bu ye a. fxf a(i)r e a.d.
r e (n) t a' re t a/b Le ye pre sent ly e~a. t a re (n) t a're ta be l/l ye serve d h~and ' s 0/m e ly e t00 th' s~h(e)are i/t 00 th d en e'ye i/t a' ll i've d i/t w/ (h) it~ch e'(a.d.) ye d
paying 0/d ewe s d en e'ye d auxiliary e i/t 's0-rt- ere- t00-t-h-0r-d-er- inn d (t) i'm e w/e d' syn/the ta x i'nn s~(t/r) i.'d.e s a w/are (e) fxf i/n(e) d
th' sec0/nd 0fxf t' d ark t/h(e)a.d. en erve~n d h eave n ly e d s~erve' d h~a/b rake d bu ye th' de sig/n ere s trait' s t00 t/h e/n a r(e)r 0 w/e ta' w/e s(t) a'ke d h~and' s 0/a k/t ~a. d. 0/a th ' d ate t 0/d aye t
an i'm a l/l 0've tis the way to get h' d ew/(e) inn s i.'d.e/e d 0/u(be) t inn t i'me a.d. p.r.0 v(e) i. ' d. i.d. ' sub. (c.) L i'm (b.)e
d~i/g 0/d ai'll ye f/f 0'r t inn knit i/a t i've re p0's e(a.) s qua r/r e(a.l/l)ye s c~0 pi ed h~an e c(t) d 0h t inn ti'me d h0 ped
clearly what is happening is the s-am-en-d-s- cour-ag-e- t00-t-he- ad-s- t- 0- (o-) L-e- d-e/b- t- a- re- a- c- he- t- inn- t00 th frame d e/b t he didn't act u al ly e t a b r in(n) g/e/d/ h~ea.ven d (be) l/l a 'ye~a. t e th ea. var(e)ye w/h e'ye (t/h) d e'ye t's~ a.m. e a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) b ~r ave i'l/l e'ye t00 th un f 0(0) Le (a.) d 0 w/a' i/t ~ b l0 s/s 0m s(t) 00 th f~ L0 w/(h) ere a. l/l (t) a' re a.d. e'ye t/h ere a.d. c0m f0r t ~a /b (e) l/l e' ye t heir d 0 w/are t00 t(h) all (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e tu~ d e w/e t 0're~a. s/s t 0're (a.)debt u ~ t(h)rue d~ h and en e'ye (d)'s p.r. 0 w/e t(h) inn g e t's e~a. m. s 0 w/e d 0/u (be) t~ c ha t c~h inn g 0/n e t~0uch e' d0ff t~ up t 0 w/(h)ere a.d. 0 ff t(h) cr0ss t
0ff t
(0)u re (s) u/s/e d 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'y(e) a. p/p r.00f t inn ti'me as/s u're t(h) i s/s u e w/e d ~ e'ye t a re 0und h and 0 w/(e)n d 0 w/e t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d 0/u (be) t~ s e'(ye) t h and' (inn) s0 u/n d' s (h) e' l/l 0~
(e)(y)(e) "very"--e-a- t- aka- b-a/s-e- l- less- t- a- re- duct-i-0/n-s- n-are- ad- f- a-(i-)re- d-a- ct- a- ll- (e-)a- s/s- (t-) 0 -we- d- i/c- t- inn- t- (h-) a- nd-
ad-0-0-re-(e-) f-a-in-t- lie- ye- re- s-t- 0- re- ad-s- (h-) 0-re- d-s- lee- p- t- (a-)re- r-ap-t- 0- re- t- 0 with 0ut (ban~k) see a.d. s~ea. t/h'~de~c i'de a.d. (h) all a. m.u/s t a re s/t 0 ' re t00 th 0/n e~a. r 0/d e a.m. e'ye t i'm e a.d. 0/u (be) t/h~(r)ea. d. (g) b~e (a.d.) g~0 t/t en (d) ea.r' (e th') d b eg 0/a t(h) en d knit ' sel~l fxf t (d) 0 f(i)f t~h inn
t ere s/t ' s(h) 0/n e~d i/t (d) 0 w/i.d. th e me~ a. t i'm e ta' b e/e s p0ke nd 0 w/e t hat a w/h e'ye the me(a)id 0ff t00 th (e) re (a) pre sent be t/h 's p0 k e/n d (h) e/a.(r) t inn ti'me t00 th (e) t a t('s) e l/l e (a.)ve~n th' ce~l/l t a're t00 th (e) re ce( i've) a.d. 0 p~en l/l e 'ye w/i.d. (0) th i/t
's un d ere s p.r. e s/s u' re a.d. e'ye fxf r0m th e me m0' re' ye (d/u) b/bu ye t(h) a' ll (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e ~ a.(d.) g~ 0/d~ e (a.) l/l (a) t a' t0 (w/)e~ inn sig~h t a' s/s (h) 0 w/e d
's (t) c a(i)n d en a/b (e) l/l ye n a.m. e (L/L) d~h0 p/ed e/b t(h) cur(e) r e/n t inn t~(h) a' nd (e/b t a) g's c 0/0 p e/d
's cent 's i/g (in) n at(e) u/re a.d. ' sig~n d (h) 0/n e s/s (t) e'ye t a's/ sig h/t h' d h~ave (n) d
0 w/h at ' d 0 t/h d (e'ye d) be
"fifth" avoid answering quest i 0/n (e) s -inn-0-r-d- ere- sup-p0-r-t-hie-ven -(t-) d- s-up- p-(L-)ie-d- a- re- ad- e-ye- s- k- ill- ere- ad- a- ct- hie-ven- d- e- am- e- inn- g- a- g-re- ad- s- he- a- ven- d-s- a-gaw/e-ed- (g-) a- t/t-a- (t-) inn- d-
"fifth" avoid answering quest i 0/n (e) s -inn-0-r-d- ere- to-ot- a- void- inn-crime-me-inn-ate- inn-g- one-sel-l- f-x-f- t- inn- time- the question s- t- (e-) all- k- too-Loo-k- t- b- r00k- d-0/u-(be-)t- is-t- Le-g- all- d- e/b- t- u- be- (a-)d- scene-t-(h-)a-t- a- w/-he-ye-a- t- a- ll- a/s-s- (t-) 0 - w/e- ed- ge- 0-d-e- st-i-tu-t-i-0/n-s-par-k- t-hu(e-)s/s- t- a- g- e/m-e/n-t-s- en- t-he-n- (d-)g-age-men- t- rue-s-t- inn- (t-) a- me- w/e- t- (d-) am-u-s- (e-) t- he- t00-t-he- (d-)vain- ly- e- sup-p- Lie-ye- d- ar(e) k/ t e'ye t ? b (r) 0ugh t bu ye a.r~(e) t/h ' d(h) 0/m e ve(i)n d (h) 0've d' s c e/n t's i' l/l e/n t i'm e ~a.d. be (a.d.) 's (t) i.~d. e /b t 00 t(h) a' nd 0(u)b~(L) e~a. t /h ea.r t/h d ~
0 w/e~a.r t (h) inn d (i') v(e) i/n e s/s (t) c~0 0p e/d
i/t (h) 0/0 k t(h) 0/0 kn~0 w/e t
(h) a'nd (((((0))))) be c(h) 0/m e~ a.d. 0 w/e a.d. be a.d. (h) 0've (t00 th) d
P~L ease th t a' ke th p ar(e) t a' w/(h) ere t(h) as/s e t(h)' s t a (i) r (e) t 00 th ea.ve~n d 0/h b eg (r) i'nn d' s~ h all 0 w/e~ a.d. h~(e)a. d. e ve(i)n~ (t en) d (h) all (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e t(h)b eg g 0 t/t en~ t e~ l/l (e) a. s/s (w/) e l/l ~ d (h) inn s~ p ( L) a~ce s/s e x ce s/s (t) 0/0 k/t (h) a' n0 t/h ere t 0/0 L (e) 0/0 k (i) t~ (h) rue w/e n~d 0 w/e th e w/e ll e' ye~ a. s/s (t) peak t (u) b.(e) c.(h) 0/n e inn g's c 0/0 p~ed d(e) l/l inn g~ ag(r)e a.d. e/b t w/h0 d be (a.)d. s 0/m e t a/b 0/d e'ye d (h) inn t ere s/t ewe d c~an s e/a. d 0/n e s/s (t) ig~h t inn fxf r~ 0/n(e) t 0 ff ewe t00 th' d ewe ' s (t) a' nd' s eth t0/0t~ u be ad. 0 w/are a.d.~ 0 f/f t' s(t) a' i.d. e/b t00 th be t/h~ 0 (w/)e d
(h) inn d c~a(i)r (e) r~ e'ye d(s) 0'Le d as/s (t) 0/0 k n 0/t e~ d en e'ye t~ i'm e t a t00 th' sup~p (L) i~e d ... i/t~ suc~cu(e) l/l e/n t~ 00 th e mu fxf (i) t~ t 0're s/t u (r) fxf i/t~ h~ fi f(i) th e'ye d (h) inn s (t) i.'d.e~ inn (e)a re (t a') g~ 0/d e l/l t a. m.(e) a. k/e re s(h) 0/n e d as/s t(h) b~r a/k e re ~ g 0
('s ~ t) a ll
e'ye a.d.
t-his-t- is kn 0t a re all pi/ct/u/re ad-0f-t- no-b-ill-i-t-e-ye- s p0 ke nd e/b t(h) en d live r e'ye ve(i)n d e'ye b/ b(r)0a d's (t) i.'d.e s(t) a'nd 0/u (be) t inn ti'me ven (d) s (h) 0 w/e (re~a.) ll e'ye ~ (a.) d. be t/h 's p0ke n/d (0) b r~ i.'d.e~ s h(t*)~a're inn t w/h 0 d e w/e (a.) ve (i)n t hu(e)s/s t (a') l/l e/n t inn t i'me t a/b (L) e/n d
ye have no mark too lend butt (0) with (0) what (a) the m(e)ark t (h)as/s (t) been = a. m.e nd
(s en t h and s pen t w/h0 d e w/e ll 0 w/th ' de lig ht inn t/h u(e) s/s ' d 0 w/e th e w/e d)
e/b t e'ye t00 th e'ye t a gainn a re s~i.'d e/n t ce s/s e x ce s/s t e ye ~ a.d. 0 fxf (i) the re m(e) a.r~ k/t h~eave n(0 w/e) d(h) as/s t be c0/m e w/e (n)d ~ 0 w/e th 0/u ' s (w/) erve d (at) a re p0 ' s(i)t~ u~ be (a.) d. 0ff t c 0/u/r 's e/e d i/t 0 b serve d a re (a) p0 sit i0/n e w/th (e/a.) rig ht a' re s cue d h and s qua r/r e' ye d f a(i)r e t(h) a'nd 0ff t heir d
h inn deferen(t)ce s/s e th s~tig ma (s/s) p ar(e) k/ t a t0/n e~a.r t ~ h' d be h0 L(ea)d e'ye a.r~e t c~ e w/e fxf 0'r (t) a re m~(e) a.r (k)'t~u' b/u s/t~ a w/a'r(e) rent e'ye w/e d(e)u/s t
www.richroat.is up L0 AD (h) inn g e th p ag/e : interlude : it is kn 0t compleat h'd " eye will b/e (a.)d i/t (h) inn g e/d as/s pre sent em p L~e (a.)d~g e(n) d 0 w/e LL i/n t i'm e t a t00 th te l/l e ye w/(t) h en d0w/e t ~ a ke thc 0ur ag/e tu fxf r0m th' s(n) aiL (t) d ew/e be/e s(t) i.'d.e y(e) a (h)'s (n) ell t 0ut a cr0ss t (e) a. ll 0/t~
t0 w/(h)e re t00 th b(r ) 0ugh t~ 0ff t 00 th 's h(*t) a 're 0/n s t a(i) r (e) t~ hu(e) s/s (t) a' i.d. 0ff t et u d e w/e (a.)d. (0~0're n~t) h~and en e'ye (t) d e'ye d ewe ' s eth (' d) ewe t00 th due tu e w/e d nes/s (tu) d~a' ye w/e m/e w/e t(h)rue st (r ) ew/e n debt 00 t(h) all (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e (d)g~(e/d) at~her e w/e ' d ew/e c(h) 0'm e d(h) 0/m e w/e but don't touch un t i' l/l e ye re t e~a. r n t00 th~ f a/t her e d e a.m. ave n d (b) 0/ne d h~and (b) L a'ye d~ b (L)e a.t~ 0 w/ h e'ye (t 0ff t/h) d aye t00 th's peak t 0'me~ a.d. 0 w/e a.d. (h) all a re a.d. e'ye a. t~h/at ' d(e/a)f (e/a)t 00 th fxf L0 w/(h)ere s(t) a' i.d.~ 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a.t (h) 0/m e~ a.d.('s) 0' Le d
a.s/s k~ ne/e d i/t (u) b. m~aid
e/b t00 th b.m. s(t)a ' i.d. ate ve(i)n l/l e'ye t a m(e) a. k/e g~r (e) a.t (d)e'ye t - fxf i/g ht (a) l/l a/i. d.
d aye t00 th ave ye d eye t inn th and e'ye t00 t(h) a l/l (e) a. s/s t a' nd~ syn/the a.r~ t/h e'ye fxf a ct (h) 0'r(e) inn d ea. (t) lig ht 0 w/(h) ere t(h)rue 0/d f a(i)r~ e
a.d. dress (a) t 0/n e s/s n~a're d('s) un/d ere r~a t'e d i/t 's e l/l fxf t ' s(t) a' nd e/b t00 th f~i/x i/t(y) 0ur e s(h)ell fxf t 0 fxf i ft h~ inn d (p.r.) i'm e (a.)d.~ i' v(e) in~ e/e d~ Le 'ye t(h) i n/n (e) d~ 0ff (i)t inn sit u~~ t00 th b/r ave (t/h') d be a.d. (h) all i've d live r t/h t i'me ' s~ e/e x p 0/n e/n t i all~ye t h0 u/s e~a.d. em bar(e) k /t (h) a' nd ban k/t as/s w/e ll d in(n)e re s~erve ate i 0/n s (h) 0/n e s/s t h'd h~and (h) i'm~
w/(h) 0/m e/n s~m(e)a.r~ c(h) 0/n e w/(h) as/s h~inn g ~t 0/n
e ve(i) n d h~and l/l e' ye t00 th (e) re ce i've t (h)at 0 w/e a.d. be a.d. ' s w/(h)ea. t e'ye t~ (h) a (d) g) i 0/d e'ye t 00 th' s i'r~(e) p.r. i'se~ t/h c~h em i s/s t r (e) ye~
d e'ye d (b) u b/b l/l e('ye) w/e th e w/h e'ye tu d e s(t) a'ye w/h i' l/l e~a. (t e) ye ~A.
pt p0~(0)p (e) d h0p e~ d d l/l e~(ye)a. r~ e'ye s aw/e t 00 th 0 w/i th0u t ~
e'ye s
(p) en t/h ped d(h) all in t ' di's g/u(ye)i/s e (the) ye t
s (ea.) l/l 0 w/(h) e'ye (i.) d.
see c a're t00 th c/u (p) t heir d ew/e
ve(i)n ly e t00 th (e) re(a) p a(i)r e inn g th e're ~ a.r th e/e d a(i)r e/s t a(i)r e (t/h) inn g e (d) b e're