t'huss and house l0 g0's~h 0/r(e)n ta re t ea r/n a're t 0(h) e~i/r e sea.m.~s 0/n a' re c~(h) 0/me b/b~a/h/h a w/are as/s 0 L(0 r)d e'ye w/e ave n's 0w/e a.r~(e) t~i/t ~ 0/0
0/0 t/hi~e ve~n' (st) a'ye & st e'ye w/h0/n e a.r~e'ye a.r t(h)i'ne ff a/ce & p~i/nn acl e. g.(g)r~a/ce l/l cap i/t all a r.ea.r e(e) ff ace t as/s (c)up
f~ew/e l/l e'ye t(h)i/n e a.r~ t (h) 0/m e/n d ea r
t(h)ine re p(L)a~c/e & re p(L)ea.t in s 0/m e~r(e) a.d. a'ye ff (r) un d 0ne tu b ein st~y le f0r/t/e x tp 0's e/e d0 e
L0 g0's 0/n net(s) 0/0 t/h/e ff/r0m t/h z~e~r0's e t/t a s/s @ t(c) 0/n~e t(c) u p~er a w/are ness t/0 R(R) e a.d. e w/e a.R t/h~r e w/e L/L~0 g0's~ w/ee p fxf r0m &'s~0/n e.g. g~r/as/s~p as/s 0/n net u pre ten D 0/n e t(cL) as(s)p t i'm e t 0/0 L0 g0'~s w/(h)0 rd el l0 g~as p i/n e/e mer (i/t) re(y)e ~s(t) 0/0 t/h/e ne/e/ d's~h~0/ne (ste) 'ye 0nt 0/n e in re si/n g i'ven t/h's un 0/n e
a s/t-iff- b-/r-i/s-t-(l-)e-in-n-
d aw(h)/e f(t) f ly e b/i rd' syn/the ne st
a s/t-iff- b-/r-i/s-t-(l-)e-in-n-
d aw(h)/e f(t) f ly e b/i rd' syn/the ne st 0 p/en d sus p/en d
le pt 0/n eye/ in sat is f/a ct i/0n e.g.g i've in sa.m.e
le pt 0/n eye/ in sat is f/a ct i/0n e.g.g i've in sa.m.e t00 th ' (d) 0(h)le. g. g ave
le pt 0/n eye/ in sat is f/a ct i/0n e.g.g i've in sa.m.e t00 th ' (d) 0(h)le. g. g ave t a gain (&) st e a.(i)m. ave n a.m.e
isn't this what m-en-d-0-h-all-a-p-au-l-
make the team te-a.(-i-)m. -i/t- (h-)rue-
you mu st re/e member e, to-p-au-l-a-nd-co- i am "im-material" too the -b-/e- spoken f-ew/-e- "2" re-am-i/t-(h*)-r/u-e-
n0 matter your e p0 in t 0/0 x 2 vi ew/e
you mu st re/e member e, to-p-au-l-a-nd-co- i am "im-material" too the -b-/e- spoken f-ew/-e- "2" re-am-i/t-(h*)-r/u-e-
n0 matter your e p0 in t 0/0 x 2 vi ew/e in c0/m p le(a.)t e (yew/e)
the direction is -t-m a.(-i-)d. e/b to-g-r/ave-
if there isn't a man among -u- ye, we can pre sum e, the ave n(0w/e) hasn't been Lay D
if there isn't a man among -u- ye, we can pre sum e, the ave n(0w/e) hasn't been Lay D (g) 's trai(g*h)t
a/n arrow e ye my T s~aye
a/n arrow e ye (t)my T s~aye
c0 pi0us ly e p* l/en t(e)ye 0n t/h e me-an-(e-)ye-
t- 0/n-e-t- p-(l-)en-t-ye-
i've h ea. r/d "no" word from h-i'm-
sounds like "hymn"
the song carries th' c 'h' all a l0/n g r/ace, apparently too th f/ace
0 de, n0 s0/n g f/0re the r0 a.d. i/nn 0/n e
like eye am meant to be receptive of the -0-mission- e- receptive-l-ye-a/s-t- e're- p- L ea. t
w/here the f-un ever en d's tu bu ye t0/0
w/here the f-un ever en d's tu bu ye t0/0 t ea. t a gain
h um b le g t00 t/h e make w/e ll(0/r)d0/n e bu ye n/e mis~s ta/ke t00 t/h e a.ve n's ang
s ang u/in/e b l0/0d 's h(e)d e/b t00 t/h e/a. ve n' s(h)ave t/h b/r ave t (0) b/e sp 0k en t00 th be lea. f/f (L) i/n t i'm e f/f 0r t ea.
0h' s aye c/an ye "see" sang-u-in-ar-e-ye-p-ea-k-
"see" sang-u-in-ar-e-ye-p-ea-k-eye-p-
"see" sang-u-in-ar-e-ye-p-ea-k-eye-p-awn-e-m e t(c)e
i'm s0w/h ap pi eye t miss t(c)0/0k i/n g w/h ea. t in t 'im e t0 me t(c)e in e me
p.r.0~m.0.te t/h' ave nem a.(i.)d.e
s aw/e d/u st e m.0 t/e ve(i)n l(e)ye
an0 n/em eye the f/f ace t00 th e make t/h fell i city e s(t) at e @ 0ne/ce at mis~s un/d'er e st 0/0d g/race' s e.g.0/d ate
th~e m.0.t i0n s~aw/e d/u st
a. m.e a.d.0 w/in e (t)c h0 d e w/e t(h)rue inn s~h (e) d~
h u/e~
a/nd re make. g. re at e b/bu ye w/h eigh t
a/nd re make. g. re at e b/bu ye w/(h) eigh t
an0 n/em eye the f/f ace t00 th e make t/h fell i city e s(t) at e,
fell i city e.g.e s(t) at e,
fell i city e.g.(u)e s(t) at e t00 t/h 0 p/en l(e)ye r~e(L)a. t/e
i think the sy/s-t-em of "like's" is st-u-p-i.d.- e/b-t-w-i/s-e-
your asking an opinion too the de-'s-pi-eye-s-, the re all value you have not p.r.0 vi. d.e b/t i/n t i'm e. so, in essence, you are setting the dof-fu-p-
you are setting the dof too the f-uck-up- all- t-he-t-i'm-e-
are the people that like you e very e t hing e & e very e t c hing e,
when not one c/an p.r.0ve th eye a.r e Miss Underst00d f0ra re as 0n e ve(i)n t0 me
is this a pop-u-lar-i/t-ye- con-t-e-st-e-
"de/em/ing" bu-ye d(e-)am-i/n-g- would 0 woo d e/b t virtually e vain.
you lift a little finger and make a st-ate-men-t- ling/er-e-
a signatory b-lot-
you have given my value away, and miss represented it too th D ate. just saying,
shall we see if your people "like" you for no action, th-eye- cannot make in the 0 pen t00 the r/e (L)ate
they think they have the t-rite- tu-b-ea-r- 0/n e m(e)ye fxf ace without a t (e)are
sharon-e- hell-p-d-ye- c-c-re-at-e- the "h"us-s(e)ye-st-ate- t0 feed as a lie in o pen t i'm e i/n g
should there be someone re a.d. ye t00 the re lay t i/n g
all your efforts, have been for -e-f-x-f-ace-i/n-g- without act u all re lay t i/n g
you, s-he- h-ave- g-room-e-d- e/b - t-his- "0"/n e me,
to take with ease, and per pet u ally e t-ease-
you, s-he- h-ave- g-room-e-d- e/b - t-his- "0"/n e me,
to take with ease, and per pet u ally e t-ease- at-ye- comma-nd-
"like" as-king an opinion, you haven't provided the time 2 w/in provision
"like" as-king an opinion, you haven't provided the time 2 w/in provision e ve(i)n s 0w/e
a/nd (e)ye ve(i)n s 0w/e i/n g
f0r/m/e ye. g.g r00m, is "knot" a place for -e- garb-age-t-(h-)rue-
f0r/m/e ye. g.g r00m, is "knot" a place for -e- garb-ag/e-t-u-, w/"h"as-s-0n/e- in-p.r.-e-vi-ew/-e-
you d i.d. nothing but ste-all-
you value your -e- a-rt- and not your h ea r t.
you are not hearing me : i do not like "likes" from your t-i'm-e-a-rt-"h"
i am sitting on your e fxf ace bu ye & w/i.d. t/h e re as 0/n e ye t make.
if i see n0 reason for this, i do not desire "ye" of lat-e-
bu-ye- previous as- succinct en-courage-men-t-g-ave- e-r- "a." "d."i-c-ate-s- my pre sense near t00 th lay.
ye h/ ave not L ai.d. eye t00 th d ate.
you are a qu"ee-r-" as your "god" has- mate n/eve/r ea. r ' s e/a t e
you are sate-an-d- in-c-ar-(ear-)n-ate-
your breed misuse of misjustice eye f-ea-r- an-d-ye-r-ate-
"bu" "ye" the "w/-h-eye", if you r "h" a.d. a par t eye, / i wouldn't attend.
s-0w/-e- t-his-cyst-wat- vain-nit-eye- c-c-omma-nd'-s-
maybe your -e-f-x-f- (-h-)ollow/-ere-s-can- t-0/0-c-are-r-eye- t/he-e-in-per-"son"-a-ve-in-n-
just sayin, you are expending my f(L)a.m.e while you reap the rewards of actually not doing a god damn thing, "2" -x- "too" earn m(e)ye living (as p)ave
just sayin, you are expending my f(L)a.m.e while you reap the rewards of actually not doing a god damn thing, "2" -x- "too" earn m(e)ye living (as p)ave t00 x 2 in na.m.e, which ironically, none among (-u-)ye, c/an f(r)a.m.e ~tu
just sayin, you are expending my f(L)a.m.e while you reap the rewards of actually not doing a god damn thing, "2" -x- "too" earn m(e)ye living (as p)ave t00 x 2 in na.m.e, which ironically, none among (-u-)ye, c/an f(r)a.m.e ~tu t00 t/h ave
just sayin, you are expending my f(L)a.m.e while you reap the rewards of actually not doing a god damn thing, "2" -x- "too" earn m(e)ye living (as p)ave t00 x 2 in na.m.e, which ironically, none among (-u-)ye, c/an f(r)a.m.e ~tu t00 t/h ave
so if your -on/-e- liker's- think i am inn humane, yes it is true, but not in the w/-h-eye- t-h-ink-i/t-rue-
your innocence has not been freely gave, it has been f-x-f-reel-ye-g-ave-
i really have no need to a.d. ju st m(e)ye cur-rent- setting f/r0m it-s be-d-w/-het-ti/n-g- re-ad-getting-
1 & 0 eve(i)n 0d/(de)ye. g.g0 t/t en 0/u g/h t0 me r/e (L)at e
1 & 0 in de p/en d/e n/ce = s 0w/n s 0'le pt 0/n e
1 & 0 in de p/en d/e n/ce = s 0w/n s 0'le pt 0/n e w/'h'(0 le) a.ve n
as for your-e-par-t-e-(y)e-
i would not c0/m e, as the do-c-ue-men-t- never e re p/ly e d prompt ly e t00 th t ea t (L) a gain
you do understand you are playing me against sharon for the trespasses she apparently gave on your -ave-
d-evil-aid-aye- d-e-vil(e)-aid-aye-in-sum-e-on-s-
you do understand you are playing me against sharon for the trespasses she apparently gave on your -ave-
d-evil-aid-aye-g-g-, "he"-x- am-p-le-too-t-he-make- g-rate-
do you fee-l- better if i spell it his -w/-aye-,
"h/e* -x-
he = every thing he thinks he ' d contractually e. g. ave without knowing better formally too t/h ' s p/ea/k -ing- = the "king" didn't give t/'h' t00 t/h f/ace t00 t/h e* make
just because "man" carries the vi-ct-i'm-e- in never e lay t i/n g too t/h d ate, the 'k' was a "k" carrie-d-e/b-t-all-t-he-w/-h-eye- t- competitively-e-say-t-a-nd-g-i've-t-anks-
let's not forge-t- the "fine" attribute-men-t- you c-l0-t/h-e-me ye w/ "i.d." "t/h" ave -t- "all"-en-t-
in solitary -e- re-p.-u.-t-e-
nocent = h-arm-e-t-he-re-g-(-u-)a-rd-
nocent = h-arm-e-t-he-re-g-(-u-)a-rd-c-"h"arm-e-t-u-per-t-(h-)rue-
nocent = h-arm-e-t-he-re-g-(-u-)a-rd-c-"h"arm-e-t-u-per-t-(h-)rue-in-"2"-x-too-l-eigh-t-
nocent = h-arm-e-t-he-re-g-(-u-)a-rd-c-"h"arm-e-t-u-per-t-(h-)rue-in-"2"-x-too-l-eigh-t-u-
"men" have no regard except for the gat-give-n-d's-at-lar-ge-
w/-h-it-e-f-x-f-ace- "&" p-or(e-)us-(e-)in-charge-
w/-h-i/t-e-f-x-f-ace- "&" p-or(e-)us-(e-)in-charge-vain-a-nd-
p.s. you have knot p.r.0 ven your e sell fxf 0/n e meye sp(r)0ut f/r0m (e) w/(h)in d
w/-h-i/t-e-f-x-f-ace- "&" p-or(e-)us-(e-)in-charge-vain-a-nd-e-a./m.-ar-ge-t00-t-he-y-ea.-r-n-i/n-g-
w/-h-i/t-e-f-x-f-ace- "&" p-or(e-)us-(e-)in-charge-vain-a-nd-e-a./m.-ar-ge-t00-t-he-y-ea.-r-n-i/n-g-arb-
w/-h-i/t-e-f-x-f-ace- "&" p-or(e-)us-(e-)in-charge-vain-a-nd-e-a./m.-ar-ge-t00-t-he-y-ea.-r-n-i/n-g-at-garb-
w/-h en inn d0ubt, charge "double" too-t-h(e)-fi-g-u/r(e)-it-out- a-nd-f0-am-at-he-m.0-u-t/h-
can't be done on your "own" e vain. s-0w/-e- "h" ar(e-) nes(s)-t(h-)charge-t0-m.0-v(-i-)e-0n e, un see n f/r0m t/h "son"-g-
this is a c0 0le concept eye thought, however, the plants aren't reall. what is the joy in fake plants, t-h-eye- necessity-e -2-ste-all-e-pt-mar-r-eye-all-the-w/-h-eye-t/e-a.ll-as-t-law-st-e-. the necessit(e)ye t is kn0t au/gh t in re all at ten ti/0n e b~0ugh t
bu-ye-t-he-w-h-eye-, your "uni-verse-al-" language, competitive in o-rig-i/n-k-(n)e-all-e-g-g's us e.g.g ave. 'H' as never e spoken to w/h 0n e'ye f/0re (St) all t00 t/h d ate & te ll e.g.(t)g0/n ap p(ea)L at e 2 an(e)ye r ate
this is a c0 0le concept eye thought, however, the plants aren't reall. what is the joy in fake plants, t-h-eye- necessity-e -2-ste-all-e-pt-mar-r-eye-all-the-w/-h-eye-t/e-a.ll-as-t-law-st-e-. the necessit(e)ye t is kn0t au/gh t in re all at ten ti/0n e b~0ugh t at/ta t 0 s/s0 ft
j/u st ' s~ay i/n
your hesitation is indecency proclaiming. you do not have to think your way t(h)rue the w/o rds you ap par (e/n) t l(e)ye use in competitive too-t-he-ye-ne-x-t-a-b/u-s-e-
eye t/h r0at (h)u~e
eye t/h r0/at (h)u~e
virtue of t c0 L 0're, black and white are ve(i)n l(e)ye re a.d.
w/h en t/h fret work & frame work c/an pr0 claim t/h en & t/h em in de p/en d/en t a gain s(ig h)t g/ave t/h a.(i.)d. e independently from t-h-eye-ven-t/h-em-ate-
h ere ye ar e f/0re all t00 t/h' s(t)ave
p.s. i frequently mix up am and pm of late ye w/
i/t ' s up tw/(h)0 y0u
to tie all men to a pur e vi ew/e, -0-re- in-duce a b-al-lance- too-th- suffer-t-(h-)rue-
your -i'm b-all-an(d-)ce, cyst cur-rent-l-ye- 'misgiven' -t- d's- en- d's- ag-gain-
0 (w/)n e l(e)ye t/L 0 ve ye as t is t f/0re b i.d.~d/en t0 me (an) a.d.
0 (w/)n e l(e)ye t/L 0 ve ye as t is t f/0re b i.d.~d/en t0 me (a.n) a.d. f/r0m t/h be g/i n/n i/ng ave t/h (a.)d. e
is this not what you w/-allow-e- paul drinan to-ad-ue- on me ye plan t.
sustainably t-0w/his-lisp-eye-f-uck-f-ace- on me, at any e as t-rait-
i understand, you would rather g-amble with my well bein g et -g- ave-
i understand, you would rather g-amble with my well bein g et -g- ave- t-(h-)at-c-"h"-ave & s(-h-)ave lie-b-ere-rally-a-w/-h-eye-t-
"th" e "dominion" has a "h"at c-h- (L-)ing-e-
th e.g.0 Ld en (e?) c ("h")alf i be li/e ve
eye h/ave n0. m.0 re t00 t/h a.d. e
On Mar 29, 2016, at 10:55 PM, Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com> wrote:
I feel very odd about Jeff's "line of reasoning" today, and for the good conscientious work I put forward, I cannot help but feel there is a manipulative end on his part.
How I think this adds up is Jeff using 1. "Every one feels" about my door stop. (That does not include myself as one). Then, 2. "The Owners feel", as a means to establish authority (and he its messenger), and then 3. "Ethan feels."
I have spoke with Ethan and your self.
The door stop is not something I prioritize as I understand the economy of making money. It is something however, as a project, that I fall back on, and in doing so, sure I get lathe and bridgeport time, I also get an artistic resonance per making decisions for shape on purpose.
That said, what does not gel with me at all, is what I feel Jeff is contriving to manipulate and toward what end. My pipe project has a lot of self initiative. That would be A reason to not like, question, or feel the "need" to make me feel accountable to a "higher / made-dupe-on-me- authority", ie someone we all know has worked in the shop for 20 years.
I am not ok with his approach. In fact, for the quality conscientiousness and attentitiveness I bring to all my work, I feel Jeff has succinctly shit on that, by choosing to lie on me, to suit his ends, which is 1. subtle control of my thought and behavior, and to put it down as the basis to "build" on "further."
The irony is this. My project looks non essential, so what leg do I have to proclaim I am being shit on by someone with 20 years my seniority? I will tell you:
The irony of 1. Jeff magnanimously providing for "every one" s feelings (except my own) on a project of seeming non essential ness, that Jeff has none the less "decided" for him self to own, and beam the message of authority on me, leaves me no leg to paint a complaint with any feasibility , in the machine shop, where his experience is known to be an anchor and at the helm.
I am complaining. I will no longer work with Jeff on any project, and I am no longer doing the painting.
I am happy to teach someone else the economy of how to paint.
The basis of my decision is this: I provide conscientious work thru and thru. With Jeff lieing on me for "person-all-use" he is beholding your business / The business to be complicit in lieing on me "2" -x- "too", to create an illusion of "tooth."
Being lied on, is hardly an award for my applied conscientiousness, and it is succinctly not part of my / The job description.
If I worked for myself, which I have most of my life, I would part ways with this person. He does not uphold the ethic and standard of living in reality, the medium I work with, which also provides my motivation and equanimity in salutation.
I am formally parting ways with him within the machine shop as I have a credibility gap of working with this person, and my purpose for being at work, is actually too work, and to not work disconcertedly on purposeless "purpose" surfeited "first." "ly e" as the time yield the eye concerted "ly e"as-t-ill-ste-all-re all ti'me f/0re -t-i'm-e-free-q/u-en(d-)c-ye-
my self initiative pipe / d0 0re s/t 0p (the) pr0ject, caused a lot of kerfluffles, a lot of disturbance sub conscious ? ly e. it is smoothed over, my pr0 te/st, h0w/eve r it is worth e re vi ew/e i/ng as it w/ere in st 0/n e t0 me all a/0 n/g
i was set to take the day off, after my dentist appt, but my car didn't start after work yesterday, and thankfully i am driving the company truck, however it needs to get back to work.
i protested by not painting. the work no matter how fine it is welded to be complete, can't get out the d0 0re t00 th' (e're) deem.
it got resolved before i found out my car wouldn't start and needed to get a jump. i don't feel in charge of this envoy. just casually observing the s w/aye.
i did complete the lice costume, i understand it was a hit, and i have pictures to share ;) & w/ear th' fi/t
a new machine shop was completed, pics again, on the other computer, as iphoto isn't responding to allow me to redeem the photos i place there... these machine stops are for the back of the vice, and very happy about the process to talk with people in the shop about the different machines, the vice each takes, and coming up with a universal idea to machine our vices for the shop machines, by 1. understanding there are 4 different measurements of the bolts to attach, 2. anchoring with one hole, and one slot, versus a hole for every measurement, with some of those holes being on top of another.
i thought this was a genius idea, thanks to (t)will. the execution went like this: after i put turned square stock to round on the lathe, i put a radius on the square attachment with the round rod protruding as an extension from it. i also chamfered the transition from square to round round. very happy about these aesthetic touches, rounding corners, and such, and my teacher, liked it, so i gave him one.
the execution, time for the hole and slot, and i was talked out of the slot by gary and jeff. of course after i made the machine stop vices, will was chagrinned, as he wanted a slot. great idea, like i said, to universally fit all the machine vices in the shop, but gary and jeff said we do not use those machines with the unusual measurements.
i told will how the machine stops went from being discussed to have a slot and executed to have a couple of holes ie gary and jeff talked me out of it, and then will asked them, and gary and jeff denied it.
will really wanted a slot. and for the stops to be black anodized. i said i wasn't going to black anodize them as i put more attention into the chamfer and radius and rounded corners, design aesthetic touches. will really wanted them to be black and with a slot.
so i gathered what i could, and proceeded to put a slot in the machine stops. the problem with this execution i learned is, that it is easier and far nicer a visual result if you plan for and make the slot in the first place. as it were, going back, and having to drill a hole on top of another hole ie to the side, is difficult, and ultimately does not lend for a pretty slot.
it seems a sham/e to me to black anodize, to celebrate in a way, the form and function of something, to me, that re-ad-s- 'contractually' "mi(')s led".
it is a learning curve, and i ponder the re sound 'i want a slot' and understanding, if it is not intended from the first, it won't be pretty to engineer it with a g/ear th (girth)
tooth appt. it has been a month i have had the same hole in my head. got the $5 xray the next morning, happy, then directed to the new england student dental school, and man, have they waxed my time from me. 2 appts, to take my blood pressure and ask me a plethora of questions that amount "too" : do i like my s-mile-?
i had to leave. then call aspen dental, where i got the free exam last time i crunched my tooth on hard candy, however, j griffee has expanded his offices to 3 cities, and i can't get a live person to pick up the damn phone. aspen dental, online, looks like a factory for tooth care, offering free first exams and stellar prices.
anyway, i am suspicious, as i get the answering machine, so i called canada. 3.5 hour one way trip. thinking about this. (and my car just died, real bummer if it happened in canada, which was my consideration, not knowing my car would die, but that it might, then it did), and made an appt with a dentist about the salon.
more expensive, probably standard for a crown, but i talked with a person to book the appt. here we go.
fix my hole, and my eyes, got a new contact prescription and i can't see up close, so i am not entirely fixed there. i feel like i am juggling 's/cope.'
how are your e parties, and vacation planning?
work ethic in standing
i want to express further, the door stop project at work. the theory behind it, and why it should disturb the people i work with, although it is not for the "reason" they think.
i made it look like a crown, well somewhere between a crown and a jester's hat, a gest u/r e
i intended to put money in some of the holes, heads facing out.
tails in.
i would prefer to have left the top cascading and gouged, tumbled and hackish ie sharp too the t ouch. i filed the edges down, so as to not apparently create a visual hazard, that could t-hen- be extrapolated further - ange-r-
he-ad-s- eye w/-in-
t-ail's-u/e w/e-l(l-)0(0-)se -
be your 0ne c/r 0(w/)n e 0/f t/h0rns
be your 0ne c/r 0(w/)n e 0/f t/h0rns
d are ye s aye
be your 0ne c/r 0(w/)n e 0/f t/h0rns i/e ve(i)n t 0 w/hey e
d a(i)re ye s aye t/m i'll k (e)ye w/hay e
i want to express further, the door stop project at work. the theory behind it, and why it should disturb the people i work with, although it is not for the "reason" they think.
i made it look like a crown, well somewhere between a crown and a jester's hat, a gest u/r e
a ge/st u/r e in f all0w/e t(h)rue t/h at
spent 255 on a new starter, 200 on a dental exam, with a lot of talking, yet it felt kind of comfortable, and ended with a little drilling an inserting a small filling. the hole in my head is sealed for the time being, however the dentist informed me the process to put a crown on, involves, seeing an endo ? scopist, to drill a hole in the root canal and place a post. then the dentist has to build up the post with material so that a crown can be placed.
it is my back molar, and the first point of contact when chewing. i asked him for my review, as i have worked for a dentist, and i remember it is important to keep your teeth for structural integrity, and he affirmed that.
i need to call canada and find out if they put a fiber optic? post in the tooth, that doesn't show in x rays, and what cement they use, or have the work done in canada, to carry on their previous work.
for the time being, my tooth is sealed, car works, and i paid for a years worth of contacts 260, makes today with grocery shopping a big spender day, for me. pay rent tomorrow, and start the intermediate machining class, with a grant again, and i received nearly a dollar raise, for 3 months of official employment.
it is interesting working in a man's field, because, i get paid time off, paid holidays, bonuses.
pro's and con's, i ask myself, with working so much, i bought a car so i could go to work, and insurance (again in a few weeks), and 700 car tires, etc, and i broke my tooth for my mouth for something to do ie hard candy is not something i do on my own. just a little something to get thru the work day.
i ask myself, would i need a new starter (probably eventually) a new tooth / repair. i'm on the fence there. new contacts that lead me down a road of needing more options, perhaps g lasses, like c answer e, you know, just saying tu b f a(i)r e
cancer wouldn't be so pressing "a" "m"anufacture, if the s ea. tw/h0 c answ/(h)ere t a w/(h)are
i am questioning time and the value of it pre sent fi/n e
and how i feel the new zeitgeist direction, has me spinning for con fe ct i/on e re el
i would feel differently if i could si/t in t/h is 0 p/en l(e)ye
i don't do much actual sitting per the last 5 months, and my life, financially has changed drastically.
even recently i have broken down harbinger of my own pessimistic view, meaning, i am overwhelmed with gratitude, my car dies, and i'm given the key to another. and a tow today, with a harness piled into the truck on the way back, on jeff's child bearing hips, at least that is what i called them ;)
my view on work, sometimes i hate the fact the problems will never ever end. i hate the fact there will always be problems, and for me to have financial stability, now i have no time to myself.
i don't grant me the opportunity to workout. well, it has been winter, and i have been attending class, and then on call for the nit salon, with occasional other work, sewing costumes, and dave 0 tents and tarps.
i did well enough in the last class, and didn't study but one weekend, everything else i picked up on the fly. however the little i did study and did pick up on the fly has placed me well for 3 months in a machine shop.
my view is changing, with t/r action in training (L) in t(w/)renches
i see work now, more now as having a place, even though i am actively learning, and nicely, when my car dies etc, i don't worry so much about paying for it. which is nice, the important thing is to just keep showing up as it were.
so i am getting used to the idea of being present 8 hrs a day 5 days a week, for work. and i see it less as something that interferes with me.
that said, here is the thing. it is a similitude of value. there was a clash, and i haven't fully exposed it yet, to me w/(h) a.d. dress.
so part of my financial ability is to let things ride. to show up, be present, colloquial...ly e, and do the work put forth in front of me.
the thing is, it is nice to be financially buoyant, however i am not making time for/m/e.
ironically, this is i imagine a rare place to work, the values. part of me getting rid of my pessimism, is seeing that in a way i can write my own script syn/the me'ye p(L)ay e
i have workable relationship to p(L)ay ce
let me give you scope, and start dialing this in before it gets murk(e)ye vain ag/gain
there was this rusted corroded block of pipe that held one of the doors open from the administration area / offices too the shop. the conversation has been for me and the new guy to actively pursue 'shop edification' for which i have made approx 10 each of 2 types of machine stops, so far, and not wanting to hover (it takes time and work away from another person to teach me all the time) i initiated a shop edification project on the rusted pipe door stop.
it is about 8 inches diameter, and about the same height.
i put it on the lathe and rather than machining a identifiable finish ie in machining there are grades of finish, to spec, for instance, a really smooth polished finish may be desirable, and spec'd, and saw cut may be specified to be perfectly fine for the application. machinist pride their self on the finish. it speaks to their hand and know l edge.
i put the rusted pipe on the lathe and pursued a finish that looked like a record. this is not a classified machinist finish. i applied the intentional lines and grooves inside and outside of the pipe. the pipe gleamed silver, record. when i put the carbide bit into the pipe to grind grooves in intervals, it broke, and i kept cutting with it, which produced a chuntering staccato, if sound had visuals, on the lines and grooves of the re c0 rd.
then i put the silvered tube on a bridgeport mill, and started center drilling and pilot and progressively drilling large wholes at the top.
i broke into the quarter size holes with smaller partial dotted dime shapes that didn't go all the way thru, and simulated gems, studding the record groove lines with embellishment, for embellishment's sake.
i used an end mill to start opening up the top of the crown, laid on the side in the bridgeport, and turned.
i plotted by feel, i respected no coordinates, x,y,& z, too the keel, well formally in the machine shop too the keel.
i plotted by feel and respected my own coordinates too the feel.
the top of the crown had 8 large quarter size wholes drilled out, and sharp edges that appeared to curl due to being cut in with an end mill on an axis. they kind of looked like waves, crashing, sharply.
no one was going for the sharp edges, so i filed them down, so no one was offended. however i have to say, i feel pathetic about the shape. it doesn't resonate with me creatively.
t hat w/-h-eye-
the screwiness in the shop, it started like this. one day, jeff is looking at the incoming job orders, looking for something elementary enough that i can do, or that he or someone could oversee a part of a bigger project. i hadn't been working on the pipe doorstop because of other work, then i got sick and missed 4 days of work (due to, i think, having no immune system to fall back on, as i don't remember being sick and in bed for days, except when i had food poisoning: i just don't get sick like that).
so, i am aware the crown is sitting around, in the welding area, and i want to get it going, to get it done and move on, as a principle. i like to complete things and move on. i don't like too many loose ends and unfinished beginnings.
i said i could always fall back on the pipe / door stop and jeff said "everyone" didn't think that was a good idea, and that the "owners" didn't think that was a good idea, and that "ethan" didn't think that was a good idea.
for me, this is peevishness, and i sorely didn't like the contrived, targeted manipulation, and it makes me really angry as this is what you do to a small child, or a twat. it is a deprecating relationship "experience"
and i didn't get it. so i asked jeff's references. including the owner.
from here, i made will walk off angry and upset more than once, and he told me that i am the "infection" ie, don't let will judge during the wit-ch-un-t-, just saying, i feel i am dealing with a talented person in the machine shop per the machines, that has a very fragile emotional grasp 0f the reallity i could make f/r0ne t all(e)ye
will, he offered to talk / listen / discuss as he saw me get upset at jeff, when jeff came over to see i was sorting carbide bits, (he assumed a lowly job however i wanted to do something meaningful and will had an idea to get a different holder for the the square bits to let you use all four edges, rather than just 2: i don't classify my work as lowly per se, i endeavor to be useful and necessary, that said, i am aware of the cadenced hierarchy of presumed skill and accomplishment as it pertain too the inside of the machine shop: i get what someone seeing me as an "errand girl" o-w/-n-l-ye- t-me-ans-
i bit jeff as it were, as the conversation with jeff and then ethan came with a stipulation that i ask the owner first, before i express my self initiative, and eye was having none of that. b.c. i expressed, jeff made a potato launcher, and a banana stand for josh and did not ask permission first.
for me, this blather about asking permission to exercise my self initiative (he couldn't ho ne st l (e)ye claim) was not ok, and continued to make a stink about it to his face.
he quickly walked away. then will talked with me.
what turned will off quickly is // well, let me put it this way, there were many points of turning each other off quickly, i don't know if he knows my in w/(h)a rd fxf l0 w/e.
will places the conjecture on me that i seeming ly e want perfection, with a quest-i-on-e- will imposes on e? me
this is b-land- conjecture f0r/m/e.
and a di's-ho-ne-st- set of -t-w/-ill's if t(e)ye a.s k (m)e
will says after he hears why i am upset with jeff, for making dupe on me, with "everybody" in the shop, will not included in the person all union, but nonetheless willing too the per using... will says he feels jeff did not lie when he says "every one" feels (against) my door stop project.
this makes the problem with jeff bigger, and i question, you know, are we watching the same picture show.
will is upset as i talk about jeff and that the only requirement jeff has to be his girlfriend is that you must drink and smoke. will reflects shallowly, and says he hopes, you know, his girlfriend, they were / did... and he doesn't finish his thought. what i read is he and his girlfriend that just had a baby probably have that in common, and he doesn't have anything in common with Miss Re a.d. just saying i've in a.m. e.
will calls me on "judging" jeff. here is the thing i couldn't fill in the blanks in con-verse-ate-i/on-e- built on t-rust-oo-th-com-p(e-)t-i've-l0-t-
it may look like my statement and assessment and bent comes out of no where, however, for me, it is an easy connection of the d0t's and d0-t-s-, if jeff treats me with such stupid observance and basic disrespect (he can pull any bull shit over my head and it will work just like t-hat-), this is a relationship issue, and i dare say, it is tied to a self initiative issue, and he doesn't actually have a great value in his self initiative for picking a girlfriend.
his motive was about being the container, i can generically expect that from m-en, e vain toolish man-u-v-ere-s-
problem for me, every one, per jeff, does not include me.
the further irony, when the time for insurance came round at the shop, it was known by will that i was not getting insurance and i never elected to have it. he has an infant, now, with his girlfriend, and he was upset because the 6 week, i think, doctor's appt after giving birth, she couldn't set up an appt, with the right insurance to be "seen" or seen, or whatever, will made too much money, and she didn't qualify on his insurance because they were not married, and some how she didn't qualify for mercy care (charity hospital care) because she was with someone that had a large income. will was frustrated, as they couldn't nail her follow up, and frustrating jumping thru hoops, and hoops, and more hoops, to no avail. he talked about getting married and he had hoped for it to be a more natural progression, but that he feels pressured to get married, to resolve this "issue-less" issue, of miss tarry's imperfection, i'm per fe ct i/on e.
will told me nate and iva got married for this reason, and the irony is, you know, they hold their relationship in grand more-all ye (a)st e/em.
honestly, just like with jeff, what i figured is, he made a lie up on me, and then used me to further c-over-i/t-
iva and nate, their upholding relationship to not relate to another woman too th d ate, is really just t-i'm-e-l-apse-d-r-ill-and-ye-w/-ill-
i am not buying the st i pull at(e) i/n g
as a cross section at the machine shop, people do not get married for th l0~ve.
not in re all in (t)c 0/m e
and t-h-eye c-o/ver-t-(r-)ail-s-
tu be ' s peak w/-e- ' ll- e- n- t00-t/h-s-ail-
0n e
i may as well get these notes hear regarding the pipe project f/0're all :
c r 0(w/)n e 0 f/t h0rn s
0re "jester's" cap and gest u/r e bu ye st? ill
he-a.d.'s- eye- w/-in-
i need some change
m/ark on e me bu ye w/hat ye. g.0/t
m/ark on e me bu ye w/hat ye. g.0/t f0r/m/e all(e) ye a/s t e a.ll (e)ye
ironically, i don't dislike anyone i work with, i dislike being put on the r-ails- (t)oo-t/h- e- t0 ge t a c/r 0 ss 0 d0 fxf /0re st for-sum, and f/0r us t 00 the p.r.0 c(L)aim at 00 kn0w/h0ne tp re sent = e vain s-0-w/-e-(e-)d-as-see-t(h-)r(u-)e-se-ll-00-p-00-l-and-p0-0p-e(y)e-0n-s-c-0p-e-
0d = outer dia me te r, in machining
id= inner diameter
when i was grinding, i had plans to enact, a way forward, regarding what wasn't taking place in the shop and how i felt hampered.
market. i simply could market, and give th bound a(i)re (ye)s pre sense...
i could go in, and expand e/b t0 me, how for instance, jeff's girlfriend has given him dishonest p.r.0-vi-s-i/on-e-
i saw the way foreward f0r/m/e
and would keep me engaged in going to work meaning full(e)ye
in this way, i am also wholistically confronting the illusion of value in what would be f0r-m-e-, is k n~0w/e t(c)h f0r(u)m t0 me an s
you have to admit it is an unusual, and pretty cool place if i can write x right disengagement letters to my boss etc.
like i said the thing got smoothed over, however in the process i sensed options, and that even though it is smoothed over, and i am painting, so product can be finished and get out the door, and the business can be in money flow, i felt this segment, of where i went, with what was, is worth while to explore.
it' a curious c0 h/0 rt
c r 0(w/)n e 0 f/t h0rn s
0re "jester's" cap and gest u/r e bu ye a. s/t? ill
i think you will learn that you can't sit there and do nothing with your f-un-n(e-)ye- para-di-(g-)me-
you can si t h ere & do know t hing e in re t-urn-
you can si t h ere & do know t hing e in re t ea. r/n ~e
t0 me
de fen d
de f/e n/d
pre par e
par are
par(e) ar e
p re p ar e
i have an appt today at the salon, and i plan to definitely go to the gym before and perhaps to the fields after with min0, and sewing, a few hrs for dave 0...
my plan yesterday, i really did assuredly have one, was totally flattened into malaise, watching 'sleepy hollow' episode safely, blurbing a bit your way, as it seemed things were shape s hi ft i/n g, and going to sleep early.
embarrassed to say, flattened into malaise, as i listened to my libra weekly scope, and it said, i feel confident in my direction (yes, i might add, finally e ve(i)n an d) to not trust it.
it didn't leave me a whole lot of options to pursue if i believe in its truth that also named me & the manner to perceive it too. however, i am well rested, it is going to be near 50 degrees all week, and i am going to the gym. not because i want too, i am way passed feeling the desire in my body to go, i am going because it is good for me. i probably will not like it in the least, as i haven't been in this bad of shape since the one stint outside of college when i totally lost belief in my way reflectively and gained weight from 125 to 165. the heaviest i have ever been, as i eyed being bi-g- futuristically speaking.
the plan short term was to hall ass this weekend, get notes and the latest cur?r/en/t off my p(L)ate to pr0 ce ed e/b t00 the m0 st e a.n(e)ye t hing e
however, i question that, to continue, for the sake of, say ke t(c) hat.
i'm not sure which way to proceed.
i can keep spinning my thoughts en d le s/s l(e) ye
ironically, i get more thoughts (t)00 th ' s 'h'are if e'ye commun eye c at/e t(c)h air e
sitting time, when i say i don't have much sitting time of late, it isn't all true, i have plenty of sitting time on my drive com/mute s, it is just not much segregated time in front of the computer too laye this aul d 0wn e tu de
i just googled, paul and saul. i thought pauls name was changed to saul, but apparently "go-d-" changed it from saul to paul. ore the L-ore- d-i.- d.- 0ver-t-i'm-e-
i checked because my feelings have changed. i was withholding partly because of paul c-re-ate-i-/n-g- a terminal-l- t-ill-t-a-w/-ea.-k-nes-s-0n-e- me "2" me "e/t" -a-lie-n-0w/-e- an-(d-)s-
it is k/n0.t l0~ve t(c) hat ' s p/ea/k t00 t/h ' s ea. t 0/n e me ye t00 t/h b(e) in e w/h 0'L/e~ a.d. e n eve r en d/i n(e.)g. g i'v en (t) d's pi ne in g
"h"is- "h-0"w/-e- ye-A/s-t- is "a" facade. t heir is no l0ve "h"/e- ha-s- t-e- c a(i)r e ye d e/b t a/ll 0/n g, except "2" give a f/r-au-d-
he spared no expense me-ark-et-c-hing-e- on me, the value of his words as working in reality, and on susan hasson -0f-a-no-t-act-u-all-e-ye-
paul has carried no love, it is apparent, his every action renders-him- t -r/an-s-par-e-n/t-
and he can only move "for-e-ward" on e me ye pre sense.
i was thinking a/p p-au-l- became s au l. however the very f-a/ct- of the matter-e-, is just c-h-an-g-i/n-g- t/h-a-nd-'s-en-d's- (t-)oo-t/h-0-ver-t-i'm-e-ye-t- may-ke- w/-(h-)a-st-e-
it doesn't matter what he was- c-all-e-d-
just like my parents went from being mormons in mormon country to g-amble in las vegas and reno, too live at out h-ere- n-ow/-e- (e-) ke- n0.-(w/-0-)e-
it is like the sculptural art piece with a shell of a presence, the figure in the fore ground laying down unsupported and the figure in the back ground trying to jump ship? as si/t w/ -ere- by jumping in too the w/-all-
the value of spelling this all out clear is, i can see the disturbance at work, with me succinctly doing m(e)ye in de p en d en t hing e, that n0 0ne c/an (d) c L a(i)m i/t (2 x t00) t~as s w/0re t(c)h fi/r st
it is worth as working worth, to spell out every n0.0k & c ran/n (e)ye
b.c. the plan was 2 up l0 a.d., and i know people i work with w/-ill f-eel- misrepresented e/b t00 th ' ste a.ll
i f eye no-t- p.r.e s ag/e w/ere all e tu de w/(h)e el e/x p0' s e/d i'm en t me all
i'm addressing the fact, the people i work with, will perceive an illness in my point of view/e unsubstantie-ate-d-e/b-t-w/-h0- t-rue-
when in fact & face t 00 t/h 2/0 La st, i am vainly not against their "work" in wor-th-, i recognize it as a similitude, and i get the very concerted value of what t-h-eye- are apparently me-as-u/r-e-i/n-g- t- doing-ea-r-th-e-, however, the c0n verse at(e) i/0n/e n0/n e t/h le s/s 0/n e(i)n L/i st purse w/(h)ing e
w/hi t/c/h is s(t) 00 t/h ' s aye
it is not you-r- ig-ht- o/o- t- ail- unless e w/e t(c) e ll it w/h ale & w/(h)all t/h e w/h ey~e
t00 t/h f a(i)r e'ye w/e l~l e a.s(t) e l~l e
so, i am con sign e/d, to/o te ll in de p en d en t as~s w/e'll
it would seem no one competitive l (-i/e-) ye-, is really independent as t h ey/e t/h ink & t/h e're f 0re s/p ea k.
k, bu ye the w/aye, is 'z' in cnc machining, (computer numerical control, programming, with 1's and 0's (e)
don't you think this would change our dreaming, and vi-si-0n-e-in-g- if t (e)ye w/ ere t i'm e w/i t p0 w/(h)ere st (r) ea. m. i/n g
i don't have a set plan, like i thought i did friday morning, when i connected, and went to work for the day. i'm in flux. feeling my way e w/ t'h' ea.ven a. m.e a. 'k'
sir en d er e a.d.
sus p en d i. d. g(a)i n
rich's horoscope, aires, want to make something move, yet, cainer is also cautioning you. up against a lot of stress, can't hold on your own, and the need to put something down and regain your balance too the be st 0w/e ?
par t of me not righting, like p-au-l- s-aw/-e-t-oo-t/h-a-nd-0-(a-)l-(l-)e-
is sharon was feeling i was pursing a matter to "ruin", perhaps rue in/n, when i did nothing, and when i did connect about the crown influence at work, you gest ?, she thought i was a flash in the pan of -t- com-(e-)pr0mise- ?
i honestly didn't feel t/here f/0re like re lay t i/n g
just saying, she may be apparently speaking on my frame, but it does w/ kn0t b ere the w/(h)all m(e) a.r k 0/ft r ea. l/l i t(e)ye w/t me
and she is accusing you of false-sell-and-cell-ye- clothing -t-h-e/r- e- tu-
the po-in-t- "is" u-e-
c-an-be-a-mal(e-)inger-e- all- ye-w/-an-t-
now rich is pointing he fi/n g ere at h-u(e-)s - s(e-)ye-
bi-g/g-e're- pro-b-/l-em-
what do your l0 c0 st u mer's aye w/t (l0 c0 s)tu m0 r's e'ye w/ ? an ? t ?
as you h/ave t/f e/d t/h ere l0 t in t/h ' sup p L(e) ye i/n g
what do your l0 c0 st u mer's aye w/t (l0 c0 s)tu m0 r's e'ye w/ ? an ? t ?
as you h/ave t/f e/d t/h ere l0 t in t/h ' sup p L(e) ye i/n g
in-ven-t-0r-e-t/u-b/e-h-0-ld-f0r-m-e-an-s-w/-ea-r-i/n-g-ag-re-ad- promiscuou-s-l(e-)ye-
notes, i w/r0 at, i can over look share on, "pur sue to ruin" verse-sus- a "flash in the p(-L-)an", with0ut menti0ning ... apparent l (e)ye
f/r0m ea. r eye c/an a.d. any e t(c)hing e a.r e
"like" don't touch me until i return to my fat her (e) :)
i'm going to leave this for a while, too change a.r' s/e ye t w/00 d ap p ea. r (t/h)
my current jags are bagels and patricia nash purses (t)oo th ave
little mi~n0 se t 00 th i/n g think in de a.r e a.r s e.g. m/en/t h0~u se a.t e
what about making the me 0/ne ye ve(i)n s (ee) c 0p e.
cop, the funny thing with work, i did a job on my own on the lathe, a simple drawing, which can read nonetheless complex, if you do not know how to rotate the drawing in a bowl. a simple roller was the job with about a 2 hr turnaround with set up and follow thru. it took me 2 days, and i re did the item 4 times, and as i blew the length at the last scope.
the last time before i got it right, i used copper to hold the aluminum roller i lathed to diameter, in the chuck of the jaws, so it did not mar the fine finish. i used verniers to measure as i turned, and saw i had 15 thou (sand) left to meet the exact dimensions as spec'd. it could be i don't have close up vision exactly to work with, however i measured inadvertently off the copper, and blew my dimension as i proceeded e/b t rue in s cope, or so w/h(e)ye thou g/ht...
cop per, i measured off the cop per and blew my s cope wor(e) th e re p ea. t i'n g 0 p/en l(e) y(e) a w/(h)are
c0p per an d nic k le ye w/h ea. r is ha rd e/b t0o the mill and e/b the machin er/e ye re fi/n e tu t~h 0ne ye w/h' s 0/m e b/b 0/d (e)ye
in l0/v(i) ew/e
it is kind of crazy to get paid for constant learning too the b ec(h)0 me. that is what i do at work. i get a raise, for just bein g a(i)m e t00 the. g.get rig ht in c0n verse at(e) i/0n e
little mi~n0 se t 00 th i/n g think in de a.r(e) t m(e)ark w/ th em e n~0~se t00 th' s ea.t i/n g IV e in s c/0p/e a. re w/a rd e/b t r~0p e in ? debt r 0p e t/h i/n g/e re w/ha rd e a.d. in st a/r t i/n g a/r d en
t h ere is no g0/d e/b t00 th s p/ea/k 0/n eye, with0ut actuall(e)ye s 0w/e in c0re p0re ate d fxf a ct
today bummed me out, as i went to whole foods after the gym for a little replenishment on the way to my appt and then to sew and then to the fields, and my debit card didn't work. i called the bank, i was put on hold so long i got in my car and drove to the salon but on the way passed the bank, and stood in line at the bank, with the phone with the bank theoretically on the line, and someone answered finally, and wanted to know my last purchase, then hung up, or we were cut off. i was in the front of the line so i asked the teller why my card did not work, and i was ... told to meet with a bank representative, all while i have a few minutes to meet my appt. went to the appt with a growling stomach, did 2 trmts, didn't sew, went to the fields, trying not to think about eating before i do a mild work out, a walk and maybe a run, mostly a walk, as i am ungainle ye have to say e vain a b/road.
i sat there watching there advertisements, to eat more and (L*)earn. t-rite- & - co-sign- e - bu-ye- t-de-sign-see-quell-
after the trmts, i went to the bank to get my card sorted out, on meye t i'm e, never restored with the bank-s- p/r-0-t-e-ct-i/on-e- of my "m/e-one-ye-" or so the ass-0-c-i-ate- s-ai.d.- t0 me fxf ace
kind l(e)ye as i ft he g ave th t rue inn fxf 0re all e.g. & le x i/t u/p 0/n ave
w/-h-en he is actually t-ax-i/n-g- me'ye m0/n eye -pr-i'm-e- t00-th- f/r-au-d/u-l-en-t- in - t- i'm -e-
that got me thinking about me 0(w/)ne ye ve(i)n
t00 the be d/e sign e tu de all ta w/are & w/h ea r t0 g e/th/er e
truth full(e) ye think the ban-k-s (h-)are pro-fan-e- t0-g-ether-e-
t-em-p-le- t/h- d-e/b-t- 0- g- ether-e-
t-em-p-le- t/h- d-e/b-t- 0- g- ether-e- t0/n-g-(u-)e-t-ie-d-
f0r-eve-r-e-p-ecu-liar-l(e)ye-t00-th-s-mile-s-t- ea- l- 0- g0-n-e- "2" - d-own-e-bu-(e-)ye-
as t-0w/-e-
p0-lice- aren't act u all(e) ye necessar(e) ye
we are not going for e w/ ha rd, if you think the po - lice, fee d e/b t h ea r t/h
fee-d-on-e-t-he-art- per-t/h-ap-se-e-n- for-um-s-am-e- in -vain-s-c-0p-e-d-0p-e- t- r-0p-e-
you have no re all co pi l0 t rig ht, you own lie have co-pi-p-rig-ht- for someone else too the b-lig-ht- you set as t-rit-e- & w/-r/i-t- & - "w/-rite"
you have honest ly created nothing but b-light- on any consciousness w/0 rt h per ce(i)ve i/n g a gain
you have created a sauve to see your self in reflection as separate from the t-oo-t-he- , or at least de-serving- the- gill-t-eye- in re f le ct i/on e (-in- ow/-e- "b" "c" an -d- (e-)ye- in- f-x-f- an-see-)
b um ye ar -t- he-art-
a bum mer f-rom-th-s-t-a/r-t-
yew/e l like t hat : bum mer
there is no reason for po-lice, there is no reason for lice in the ecology of the food chain, nothing fe/e d's 0/n e t/h li(e-)ce
the lice feed on your b l0 0d, and feed your blood too t-heir-yo-un-g- creative p.rob(L)em solving with a g-un- po-in-t-all-t-he-t-i'm-e-
p0-lice- "&" g-un-s0lve-in-g- is t 0/n e (f/0re) p.r. i'm e t00 th fxf/at her e, 0re th' fxf at h ere tu g a w/h eye t(h)rue inn t i'm e t p.r.00f e y~e n 0w/e t/h 0 v e/r e c l0ve r t00 the pub(L)is(h) 2 b/0ne s 0/ft c0n t/en t~i/0n e
p0-lice- "&" g-un-s0lve-in-g- is t 0/n e (f/0re) p.r. i'm e t00 th fxf/at her e, 0re th' fxf at h ere tu g a w/h eye t(h)rue inn t i'm e t p.r.00f e y~e n 0w/e t/h 0 v e/r e c l0ve r t00 the pub(L)is(h) 2 b/0ne s 0/ft c0n t/en t~i/0n e i/n g 0/d and ye td 0/ve : sh0w us/s your pen is 0 pen l(e) ye
the c a rd says you/r are rig i.d.
e/b t00 t/h de fi/n e mis~s ta k/e~
the c a rd says you/r are rig i.d.
e/b t00 t/h de fi/n e mis~s ta k/e~in i'm
k e/i n s lee p t0 g e/th/er e
k e/i n s lee p t0 g e/th/er e ve(i)n t 0/0 t~(h) r/u ~e
k e/i n s lee p t0 g e/th/er e ve(i)n t 0/0 t~(h) r/u (~e) l~e ye = rule = rue le = rue l/l~e ye
k e/i n s lee p t0 g e/th/er e ve(i)n t 0/0 t~(h) r/u (~e) l~e ye = rule = rue le = rue l/l~e ye in 0/n e , are you th un rue le ye , t0 me an s w/(h) ea. r i/n g
if there is some confusion on the /h un/, remember my dog hun/nee hound, with different variations of the spelling i am a.(i)d.e.
the 'h un' there fore to me is not necessarily re ad as attila the h-un-eye-t-m-ad-e-f0r/m/e in th 0 p/e n
is t/u b/e a miss re ad f0r um-u-c-h-
i think c as h is a co/ne st a (w/)h0 ne st as s w/e ll en t00 th d0/n e'ye
& d0/n(e) k eye
w/(h)all 0/n e. g.
you can be my bum mer t0 r i.d. e /b t00 th la st p ass
is sharon the bum m/ar e
in re p0
in re p/0
' se t/h ea. v/en a. m.ew/(h)e a.rt h0 me w/(h)0r(eL)d (e) ye
in st ea. d.
' se t/h ea. v/en a. m.ew/(h)e a.rt h0 (u) me w/(h)0r(eL)d i vi/n knit eye tb re a.d.
e/b t(a.)i.' d.e lig ht hie fxf a ct u all(e)ye t00 t/h quick l(e)ye t(h)rue in t i'm e
j/u d/as is cHari0t verse-sus-t-is-c-ar/e-ye-riot- b.c. of his association with be-t-r-aye-all-a-round- in-e-me-one-ye-a.r-s-e-t-c-0p-e-in-g-(r-)ave-
"h"/e- thought he needed me-one-ye- to w/(h)ave l0ve apparent l (e) ye & be set t/le d in si. d.e
b/t- b-ri.d.-e-in-re-st-0r-e-
small maul, s-mall-
whom ever's bed is vain n(0w/-e-)e-tu-
c-h0-i-c/e-s- am-(0-/r-)e- t00-th-a-b-0rt-
c-h0-i-ce-s-c-0/p-e-d- 0es k/n0/t p.r. 0t e ct my t/r 0p e fxf 0r/t L*i*f e'ye
c-h0-i-ce-s-c-0/p-e-d- p.-rote-ct-he-r-0p-ed-0p-e- tu-b-scene for no re as 0/n e ye i/n g
eye sus~spec t w/heel ta ll k tm
bu ye as the w/h~ey e in/n i'm
t00 t/h (fxf) a l/l 0 w/e in g~c r i'm e
re p(L)ac e/d p.r. i'm e' r~e in t i'm e
hap pi. d.ear th d aye
t mer cur(e)ye
t 00 t/h i/n k f/f r/i en d's h'~all
0 w/e (y)e s(c)up
i/s~s 0/f t Le'ye t0 fxf t0 ff e/e/ d c an/d e'ye t00 th c aries h0ne
ye t mer cure 'ye a.r0und 'stet h's c0pe t00 th' sum mit c lim(b)e di vi/n e c/ai/r~re'ye
its interesting, suspect in o-rig-in- is 'mistrusted' like everything "you" do want not w/an't, you s-hove on to miss-some-t-hing-e- ie misread, mistrusted, misapplied, e-t-c-, and come up with a theory, c loven h0 0f's t(h) at w/(h)0ve, are con-si-de-re-d- un- kosher-e- pre-par-e-d-fi-t-f-0re-j-ew/-e-wish-l-aw/-e- th- be-spec-t-acl-e-ft-a-gain-st-in-t-
sur-(e-)viva-l- e- w/-e- t-(c-)h- ere-
babble on
baby l-o/n-
babe L
the tower of t babe l, where go/d made all the worker s peak di fxf e/r en t l ang u age s
s0 me thing a b(0)ut 'tig/ht ness', di's tress'd t00 t(h) c 0/m p (L)ea t (e)ye s/trait/s 00 th r/i'v/e~r (e)t pi ct u/r e p (L)an e b/b fxf l0 w/(h)er(e) 0d e (b) t(r)ig ht ness e x p0~s ed ' s t/a/r~(r)e'ye d f0r/m/0(0)r/e tu
s-mall- 0p-t-i/0n-s-aye/ar (e) t00 th d0 n0t re all(e)ye (w/)H ere in pre fer en ce
the p0-w/-e're- t00-th-per-c-has-e-pur(-e-)c-h-as-e-tu-b/e-a-m-a.-i-)d.-up-(e-)t-r-0p-e-
c-le-ft-u-the-se-per-ce-(i-)ve-i-le-per-t-w/-h0-de-lig-ht- e-le-ct-r/i-c -us-sus-ta-i/n-ed-in-s/p-en-d/i-n-g-bu-y/e-ar-(e-)t-
c-le-ft-u-t-h/e-as-e-per-c~e(i)ve t(c)h un d e're st/0 0d i/n/n t i'm e d 0h : h0 n/e ye w/(h)0n e'ye
eye set (h) ub i/n e c 'e~s~s' ea.r(t/h)e'ye
t00 t(h) c/L/i'm(b)e tw/h0 e X p0' s e(e)d e/b t(h)r/u e
c-le-ft-u-the-se-per-ce-(i-)ve-i-le-per-t-w/-h0-de-lig-ht- e-le-ct-r/i-c -am b e're ad 0(0)re
c a.m. b e're t00 th e re st 0/ar~e a.re m
s0 me thing a b(0)ut 'tig/ht ness', di's tress'd t00 t(h) c 0/m p (L)ea t (e)ye s/trait/s 00 th r/i'v/e~r (e)t pi ct u/r e p (L)an e b/b fxf l0 w/(h)er(e) 0d e (b) t(r)ig ht ness e x p0~s ed ' s t/a/r~(r)e'ye d f0r/m/0(0)r/e tu b/r ave
typ(e) 0 re p a(i)r e/d
the p0-w/-e're- t00-th-per-c-has-e-pur(-e-)c-h-as-e-tu-b/e-a-m-a.-(i-)d.-up-(e-)t-r-0p-e-
c-le-ft-u-the-se-per-ce-(i-)ve-i-le-per-t-w/-h0-de-lig-ht- e-le-ct-r/i-c -us-sus-ta-i/n-ed-in-s/p-en-d/i-n-g-bu-y/e-ar-(e-)t-c-a(-i-)r/r-eye-0n-e-be-t-ta(-i-)r-e-ce-pt-i/0n-e- without doing re all work from the st ar t -0re- c are r/eye i/n g (e) tu be. g./i n
c-le-ft-u-the-se-per-ce-(i-)ve-i-le-per-t-w/-h0-de-lig-ht- e-le-ct-r/i-c -am b e're ad 0(0)re ve(i)n f l~0 w/(h)e a.v/e n s~0w/e ft per fe ct as/s e'ye
l anguish (in) 0 rig in
n(0w/e)ar(th)r 0w/e d/i' s tress af(t)e're all
travis ma.(i.)d.e b/t his w/aye w/(h)a ft in ste a.d.
th' a/ft c/ar(e.)g.0 t c0/m p/ar t m e/n t f0r ee f x f (t)re e t00 th e re st 0r e ye a. r(0)un d c0m p a(i)r e
in l0 'v'e
ye a.c~h av' i.d.e re in/n a.m. e
i consider 'v' tu b/e the a. v(0 i c)e n/t e're i/n g
the direction e ve(i)n 0-re- d-i/r-e-re-ct-i/on-e- vain- a-nd-
thoughts of rep as (t)00 th/e re st 0'r e (e) fxf 0re all e t0 g ether e t0 w/an eye w/h~(e)y e:
a funny thing when i first started in the machine shop, you can use a center drill to start the boring a (w/)hole in metal, or a power drill (i learned in class, the angle matches the drill 118 degrees, verse sus 60 on the center drill / if i remember it well)
no one uses a power drill at the shop, although my teacher thinks that is rot too k/no/t use a power drill instead of a center. any e way, i use a center drill and it was explained to me that it is to provide a start for the next drill, a pilot drill if the (w/)hole is to be gig big, you would use a series of drills to get to the one below the reamer for a nice (w/)h0le in any e'ye circumstance, as metal w/(h?)arp(s) it s h0w's as a f(t?)a ct.
funny thing is eye was told the center drill was to mark the path of the next (pilot) drill, and to take the work off of it, so i used the c/enter dr i'll to w/h ac c0m p l is h all the w/(h0/r)k.
it was a funny observation among the guys, that i used a center drill to do all the work. b.c. i was told it was used to set up the next drill and take off the work load observed.
it was funny b.c. i used a center drill to do a really good job, all on (k)nits 0wn. a rookie mistake, i don't think the guys thought to make in each other's reflection
per ce(i)eve the re je ct a/n de duct h' de ad in(s)c 0p e
p*/en is
the pen-is force c-h-arm-s-e-too-t-h'-c-aries- and women are a p.r.-0p(e-) to re mind you do not suc-h0-s-0w/-e-(t-he-)m-uch-
p = place
p = p ee pm ark & arc 0/n e m(e) ye
en is the exact space you occupy in pr in t.
p/en is (t) 00 th e m(e) ark & arc 0/n e me'ye
pee p is/s t0 make a(h)' s(0)un d
& l00k thru the r/0/u n/d
judas h0le , peep h0le s h? 0w/e
n0 t/u b/e (tubes, by the way, in machining, are better quality than pipes apparently in the ordering and receiving to make some thing, pipes are less expensive and reserved for machining things as the requirements given (t)d's
n0 t/u b/e (tubes, by the way, in machining, are better quality than pipes apparently in the ordering and receiving to make some thing, pipes are less expensive and reserved for machining things as the requirements given (t)d's tar (e) t c~ 0 p/en l(e)ye t 0/0)
n0 t/u b/e (tubes, by the way, in machining, are better quality than pipes apparently in the ordering and receiving to make some thing, pipes are less expensive and reserved for machining things as the requirements given (t)d's uc/h/ s ee d's h ea r t h/av~e ye)
showy e vain ly e, sh0w us (s) y0u/r e p/en is ((((the fxf (r)a.(i)m.e t00 the p0 w/ e're c a.m. e t0 g ether e tu gaw/ h eye t(h)r/u (e) le ye i/n g))))
writing bu ye rig ht : t heir should be no writing you see if your e p*(en is) place is determined by your e pee p marking t/h/e N*0. w/ i.d. t/h u/e w/e d/be d 0 p/en l(e)ye t00 th suc/h/see d
radii machine st 0p s q/u are a r(0) u/n d g i'v en (t) d's en d's a ga (s~ee~c/i t/y)in/n st r/i 've t a w/(h)are
p.s. making c hi ps
in-jury-"i-0-u-"s- a- w/e-ed-
in-jury-"i-0-u-"s- a- w/e-'-ed-
in-jury-"i-0-u-"s- a- w/-(h-)e-'-ed-
in-jury-"i-0-u-"s- a- w/-e-'-d- e/b -t-oo- t-h(e-)'-sat-is-fa/ct-i/on-e-
t00 t(h) c0n t r/ar(e)y~e in d/e ed
we are going too th' fields f0r a b/rake
i met christine at work (the machine shop) to pick up the costume on her way to the lice convention, at (e)y easter e. this is a quick try on, explaining the get up: the 6 legs (2 are your own arms) can be repositioned, with a pex running thru the back of it.
pex, is tubing, that i spent a solid long day hacking a prototype to get the buggy flex i/on, and the prototype worked where i sawed the a pex to create joints that flexed, and then ran an elastic cord thru it, tied at a knot end to end, and it flexed and held its buggy ness. however, when i sewed the garment, the a pex broke, and hung about limply, not buggy. so i had to re engineer at way for the limbs to be re creation e all(e)y e, a(s)t le a/s t f0r/m/e
materials cost 200 i charged christine double, she loved the costume said it was a hit, and she bet other people would like to buy it, i said if anyone wanted a lice costume it would be double again, 800.
prototypes, you give your time a way, the true cost to prototype a way tu b condition all y e re ad, is more than 800 actually, however, the second one, should i do sew/e, will more approximate the time co(h0)st. christine is a good g am bi t, sowe if she wants a lice costume, i will do my best to deliver it re s(0)un d l(e)ye
she wanted flat not puffy, so the (a) pex also shapes the body to read f lat. and she wanted shiny, i achieved this in part bu ye smooth g/rain e.g. ave t00 th b/rain b re ad e/p th' same vane. what else? she didn't want the face to show/-in-it-
so i used a flower lattice facade, that matches the belly of the body that ye can see thru and not be read for e all (e)ye
i sawed pipe insulation to form the "go-ld-en" g-ills, and the egg laying apparatus at the re ar se. g. the-0/r-em-(e-)a-rt-h-e/a-ve-n-0w/-e-
the buggy arms have velcro at the end, so they can hold their hands in position, the sides have b-locks and elastic cord so the body can be adjusted to the inner diameter of the wearer.
a styrofoam convex 1/2 gl0be inverted cup to be the cap hell met be cam e, held in place with inner elastic cording, a pex bent in and out of the foam cap to make staunch feelers (that in ad ver t en t l ye c/an p0 ke a.n e ye w/i t~h0 u/t) and a proboscis made from threaded tubing, a larger one as the exact 0ne used to run water thru the kitchen sink, w/ a gratuitous red ribbon e b l0 0d still draining am e
i purchased the fabric at joann's fabric, and i had an episode at the check out counter, that goes basically like this : how come every time i come here it is a trick, (and with emphasis) Every Time i come Here it is a Trick.
when getting the fabric cut, another line to stand in time, a sign read 20% off if you text joann's, and i did, at check out, and it said i already receive their texts so the 20% off of purchase does not apply. i left the cut fabric there that day and went home to the computer as joann's always has a cue-pawn-, the employee said the items were on sale, and i said they were already over priced for those in the industry.
next day i went back determined to buy all the fabric i thought i need to start the costume with or without a cue-pawn- and i forgot my phone, and some relevant cue-pawn for that day -2-x-too-, and i found out, when eye X press, i can get the coupon, without apparent "proof" of joann's texting for no reason "2-x-too" re-st-ore-
i got someone from the back to come to the front at check out, head down, as i think they know exactly what i mean when i say, loudly, if only to me sell fxf, Why is it Every Time I Come Here it is a Trick.
opposite that trend, i am thinking about paying full price for something s. i get, though, we all like a de all.
w/h ea ll i/k e th ea. d.e a. ll
i really dislike, though, the "fra/me-w/ork" of joann's, makes me so angry going t"h"ere. every t i''m e me-tric-k- in m(e)ye p.r. i.d. ?-e-?
the employee checking me out was so blissfully not present, she didn't get my intonation when she tried to pertly add on features to my sus-spec-t- pur(e-)chase, like a b-ag-, and she went on about "custom framing" and i blurted out like i had tourettes, CUSS tom FRA(-I-)ME ing : FuCK CUST0m FRAMEin, as i walked out the door barely containing
fxf l0 0d e w/a s h0 w/e're
t00 t/h ' s(t)i/n k e've in t(h)rue
the eyes are vinyl covered cones on the half dome.
the eyes are vinyl covered cones on the half do-me-an-eye-w/-h-eye-
i actually like shale color, however, i did pick the muddy colors for the lice with how it makes me feel (although christine didn't want the lice costume to be scary, so she said 'friendly', which is not what i used to reference the feel, the feel to me is) dirt-(e-)ye-
that is how i feel when i comb one t out in f r -0ne- t 0 me an s w/(h)ear ing
li(e-)ce, provide no value in the ecology of the food chain, nothing eats the lice, and they cannot survive off of a human host for more than 2 days, they eat your blood too th' live on... it takes virtually no time to host a nation - and-get-con-s-en-s-us-i-eve-n- suck-s 'es-s-,
and po-lice- fee-d- your t/h(r) 0/n e'ye
just saying fa(i)r e b00t ye th' bu-st-(e-)ye- in (h) ave t/h (r)e a.d. 0(0)re ape x i/n em/an ere
and po-lice- fee-d- e/b-t-(e-)ye- 0n- sir-(e-)m(e-)ye-s-
the livin/g r00m e t ex t en ds en ds (t)00 t(h) rig ht up i/n t00 the apex 0f t/h e r0 0f t rut h
e X p0 ' s ed (e)ye w/e
e X p0 ' s ed/i' m/e n/t (e)ye w/e
0ne & 0 eve(i)n
the problem with jeff's "every one" is it didn't include me, as 0n e ve(i)n tu be th' r i've r t ex t p (L)an e/d bu ye as t~h ea r t~h
a'v~e t(c)h 2 (pr)0 claim it st 0'le ye fi/n e t00 th ea v/en s en ds e X a/ct L(e) ye s~0w/e the w/0 r(L)d
officer bliss cant be his word 0/0re the w/0 r(L)d if he diss miss, and there is no one in his w/-0/r-(L-)d- that can be spoken t0 me an s w/(h) ea r ing i/s t/0 me. which is to say, not one of his-him-s- can protect s-him-s-him-s- for no re as on
and if x f i want to e X p0 's e/a. there with his name t apparently given t d's in th' 0 p/en, no 0ne t hat can pr0 te ct -s-him for no re as on, f/r0m e a.d. e/p t/h ' (d) st a/r t
i/n e tu gaw/ h eye t w/i.d. t~h(r)ue
the virtue of c0 L 0re. g. is t hat it is t (h) rue, and rue le
and what is the value of the ru(e)le? do not me as u/re off the c-0p-per-t0-pur(e-)chase-p0-li(e-)ce-
"2" -x- too" ven-t-b-ro/ad-s/i.-d.e-
wen ye s-cop-e- piss law-s/t-he-re-m"ark"
which loss of fait h / f a ct h, have you loss interested in the ven t u/r e
you are pro babe l (e)ye, going to have to de/u/x both at the same time, to give value to w/hat & w/(h)ere t00 th all a l0 (e)n g.
you are going to w/h ave to speak on her and me a.t p 0'le pt p.r. i'm e t i'm e
t0 g e/th/er e
ok bum mer, and bum mar e!
you can't get passed me'ye pre s/en/t
u be(e) s(h)0re
you can't get passed me'ye pre s/en/t en s/e ll (e)ye
w/i.(d.)th 0u/t a car(e)r(e)ye 0/n t0 me
w/i.(d.)th 0u/t a car(e)r(e)ye 0/n t0 me
w/i.(d.)th 0u/t a car(e)r(e)ye 0/n t0 me/et
w/i.(d.)th 0u/t a c/ar(e)r(e)ye 0/n t0 me/et
sow/rye about the re dud ance ye
pupil en t 00 th un d e're st 0/0 d e/b t d0/g' s t/a/r/e ve(i)n t0 me w/(t/h)0u LD
pupil en t 00 th un d e're st 0/0 d e/b t d0/g' s t/a/r/e ve(i)n t0 me w/(t/h)0u LD aye b/b abe L
am e'ye b-rot-her-s-e-e-k-eye-p-er-e-
the w/-h-0-le- t-hing-e- is a fantastic (fan-t-a/s-t-i/c-k-) misunderstanding on per-p-ose-per-p-ose-per-fe-ct- to w/-(h-)all -a- w/-aye-s- "2" be "a" miss read -e/b-t- 0-ge-th-ere- & a-m/en- eve-r-e- f0und e/b t00 th d0ubt
the "value" in loving another "one" is that you do not h/ave t00 x 2.
what a re-lie-f-in-ew/-e-
what a re-lie-f-in-ew/-e-a.-r-t-haw-0und-
e(very e t hing e) w/(i.d.th) e(very e t hing e) = ew/e
ew/e pt p.r. 0(u)d
i.d. & 0.d. = sym met r(e)ye
inner di a/m e/t/e r
outer di a/m e/t/e r
s un sum e m0 0n e
s un sum e m0 0n e t00 th s c 0/p (i)e d e/b t00 th ave t c (L)an d e st i/n e ye in h/a/nd b/rig/ht 2 b (e.g.) i/n/n th r~0 at c(L)a.m. e a.r(0)u n/d ea.r th c(L)a. i' m.e! at pr0 fan e t em p le a.d. a.m. e t00 th (e) fxf ace
p0 st
ju st b.c. u/e suc all 0/t all the se ye ar s (e.g.) t0 g ether e in g's us pe(c)t u b/e~
in-se/ct- an -e-long-ate-d- suc-king- mo-u-th-par-t- h-at- is-t(e-)ye-pica-l-lye- tu-b-u-lar-an-d-f-le-x-i/b-le- pt-false appetite bu-ye-a/s-t-i/r-e-t-he-a-rt- (f-x-f-) re-e-st-0/r-e-t00-the-m.0-re-
the mag pie-d- w/-rot-e- about feasts that n eve r th' 0/c cur(e)d in t-i'm-e- g- i'v-e n- t- d's- p-ea-king- f-x-f-a(i)r-e-l-ye-as-t- s-q/u-are-t-h-ere-
t-h(ei)r- i ll u min ate d be-li/e-ve-i/n-g-0-p-ar/t-(e-)ye-t00-t-he-s-c/0p-e-
a.m. b e're le ct r/i c a.m. b er(e) t(h)a w/inn a/nd 0 ve t w/e're s 0'le u t/i 0/n e in p.r. i.d. e in 0 p/en i/nn g/g i g/g e tu t00 t/h d b (e.g.) i/n e. g. garb age
note from when i was out today,
the "written word" as s-mite- t-en- w.-h0-rd-,
i am referencing what is scene tu be t/he/rd-eb-t-u-
as for the p/en is
nothing should bu ye w/rite & rig ht (act u all (e)ye)
b(e) 0b/serve/d b.c. you are not h ere t (h) rue
t0 w/h0 didn't s p ea k 2
& t00 the mt / tm ew/e in th e lan d 0 mi ll k and e w/h0ne ye
w/h eye t a/ct u all ye
in re st 0/r e precious~st 0/n e s~s
h ea. r/t ~h
h ea. r/t ~h in d's ig ht bu ye de sig/n 0w/e t(h)rue
ru b e'ye re sin g r/ace full(e)ye t/h ea. rd
ju st b.c. eye s aye s 0w/e
"0're" w/-error- you-r- use- s-o/n-as-t-ye-t-u-rd-
f0r e all t0/0 k i/c k t00 th c/u/r(e)b el le ye
more notes
and s 0w/e your bound aries is the m ea r th in s kin ne'ye tm t/h i.d. e s 0(w/)n e in si de b/t h a ct u all (e)ye t00 th' c l0~s/e r a n/na 2 x t0 0d e/u x
not referring to your write x right t00 th r/0 at 0 p/en ly e. g. r/a c~e (0) fxf ace tu be r t/h a w/(h)are in p(L)ac e
b ea. r t/h in d (i/s) p0sit i/0n e m0/de/rn sh ip s c/an (s) p/ark t h/em sell fxf 's 0 p/en l(e) ye
unfortunately, the wording is my tendency to vi ew/e, the fact is it is probably fortune ate ll (e) ye, have more notes produced than i can re c0 rd f0r/t/e ye re p a/s t a t/h and' st ate ye w/e ll in g a.d. ness
before bed time.
a/nd' s 0w/e ye t g 0~e 0s
unfortunately, the wording is my tendency to vi ew/e, the fact is it is probably fortune ate ll (e) ye, have more notes produced than i can re c0 rd f0r/t/e ye re p a/s t a t/h and' st ate ye w/e ll in g a.d. ness f/r0m e w/in c 0/m p (L) ea.t l(e) ye
X p0se D
c 0n t ag i/0/u=s
is it too early to ask if you would like my xubrnt duality icon / perception vs point of reference l able s, to maybe make something of t h0 e
lot to shag-grin
rich doesn't have person all t(0) p0 w/ e're
is t hat be setting 0re be s0t ting e
you want to be as important as the vain
not a problem to me,
what i mean is, i have always felt and asserted myself as if t
me 0ne ye w/(h) ere meant 0 me an s 0/m e t hing e
th em/me
is a similitude of a ct i/n g verse-sus- h-a/ct-i/n-g- all-a-p/p-aul-
i mean, a-men- can "act" as any "one" maid up e 0n -e-. just saying, that is why t-h-eye- get paid more money, better par-t-s,et-c-t-era-
s 0w/e
you h0 ld your 0ne & i'll h0 ld me 0n'e ye
t00 th b/rig/ht w/i th0u t a prig-in-sig-ht-bu-ye-de-sig-n-e-vain-a-nd-s-h-i/r-k-s 0/m e in de ed e/b t rig ht
2 didn't write x right it,
yew/e have no right to re p l(e)ye i/t
and you didn't h ea. r i/t
as 2 didn't s p/ea/k i/t
is a similitude of a ct i/n g verse-sus- h-a/ct-i/n-g- all-a-p/p-au-l-
how's it going bum mer (e)
with my limited engagement standing and staying staid in place, so that i don't make "some one" gel-louse, on e count of my sel~l fxf in (k)nit i ate i've, you are imprisoned bu ye n0 re all g~u/s t w/in~n f0r e w/ar(e) d 0~h 2 0 w/e in de fi/n ed e/b t00 th t0 g e/th/er e with te write b/bu ye r(e) rig ht 0/u re st 0're ye
fxf ew/e ll e ye (fully e) t(h)u~e m(e)an s
w/(h=2/0)ea.r t/h (0/u) rig ht
ea.r (e)ye t00 t/h de ce(i)ve all the t-i'm-e-
fxf ew/e ll e ye (fully e) t(h)u~e m(e)an s
w/(h=2/0)ea.r t/h (0/u) rig ht re sin am(e)ber~e t00 th s0~(0)n e
c~0/m p~(L) e/a. T e (ye)
s 0w/e d0 ew/(h)e miss 0 me
u w/an ' t 2 g~e tu bu s~i(g.h/t/0)n ness
you miss me now that i am too busy working to market your e par t
0ddl(e)ye, i think we all get too th fee labors a ban d0ne d.
paul for "one" doesn't get his actions for no reason to say 'one' thing to me and do ano-t-her-e-, set me behind on my own time all read(e)ye ma.d.e /b t00 th all and ew/(h)e all.
money apparently buye's me a h0me (for-t-his-0/n-e-re-as-um-e-on-)
i am covetable to him, to0- for-t-e- t-hi-s/us-p/en-s-i/0n-e-
i w/an(')t tu buye the fen ce
the p*h en ce
& t/h en de/b/t (h') 0f/f en c~e ve(i)n s~0w/e
you haven't seemed that happy this week.
how is and ye, canceled plan s pur h aps (e)
you c/an have every thing you want as long as it isn't 0/n e f0r/t/h' s~aye i/n g 's um m~i/t 0 g~e(th)er e t00 th f(r)a.(i)m.e
(ye)i/n g/ave t w/(h)ave
i am not bein g at "o/d-d's-"
reminiscing about the t-ru(e-)st- as-st-ea-d-(e-)ye-a/s-t-ate-
in g en ere all
i'm kind a tired, b.c. i have had the opportunity to work outside, pulling weeds, raking, carrying tree limbs to the burn pile. the isle pavilion, that is what i call it so far, it is the center of the circular drive, with pine and birch trees, and sumac, which we want to get rid, and being the low man on the totem pole, i get to work outside, as april is low on work, and it fits timely with preparing a place for min0 to be outside with me while at work.
lots of notes, pulling the injurious "we'd", i all r~e l ate tm.
just checking in for now. checked in earlier and in the week, and you get f-r-ump-ye- le ft 0/n e ye r' 0ne.
the notes, i am not dialing into that b.c., it is work, effort, and i have spirals to work with, and dirt smudges, f 0re re all. i need to be rested t00 the ns t/en t a c r/0 s/s
bu ye the w/hey e, you are all re ad (e)ye crossing the time 2 f x f /ace t 'h' ere
why do you feel disappointment
e w/e = r un
verse-sus-s- = r-un-
e w/e = r un = f x f i/n sty le
verse-sus-s- = f-x-f- i/n-sty-le-
ok, you feel weakness in character, when i state that.
what i mean is, par -t- of the -t-reason, the -t-hie-f- , and all these per-version-s-en-too-t-he-s-c0/re-
leads men to prominently st-ag-e- t-he-ye-ar-t(h-) p rote ct or e, thru t-heir pro-vision-s- un challenge-d- e/b too t-he-a/r-/t-/h/- (of-t-) competitive g-nat-u/r-e- (too-c-ove/r- (e-)ye- you don't actually c/are t00 the re t ea. r/n 0 w/0 m/en pre s/en/t bu ye a.s t er e).
you are my 'un' and we (a)r(e) un n(0w/e)i/n g's
f & f, g & g's us/s t i'm e t00 th' di vi/n e
f & f, g & g's us/s t i'm e t00 th' di vi/n e/e d le ye
t00 th per c~e (i) ve
per 'c'
pier ce
too those that didn't act u ally e t~h ea.r 0/n e t w/h0 de'~s t r0/ye
you think i write fun n/eye
i have the capacity too t/h ea. r.
and since it is obvious, if there was a christ, he wasn't speaking "too" -x- 2- th-o's-e-e-
and if th-o's-e-e- transpired "h"is work for thei r ("h") ear's -ad- ju-st-i/n-g-0-(ad)-ata-t-0's-s-
not everyone is going to feel go-ad-e-ed-
for a re as 0/n e t00 t(h) c 0/m p(L)e/a. t e t0 e
i think pee-pull- quite frank l-ye- "h"ea-"r" -e- f-un-n(e-)ye-
at a co(h0)st, they cant seem too the see t-he- ha-w/-0ve-
& tet 0(w/)e. g.g 0
if "ew/-e" "h"ea"r" f-un-n(e-)ye-
you w/-ill w/-r-i/t- (e-) f-x-f-un-n(e-)ye-
in be-half- of the c hr i/s t (e-)ye- t0sse-d-0f-
alla- p-au-l- dr-i-nan-
as an -e- x- am-p-le- of an in-fan-t-in-com-man-d-
he used me to postulate he w/-ill, have m(e)ye means too for/t-his- be-lie-f-x-f-i/n-g- scene as virtuous f/rom the beginning, targeting my means to stand 0/n e m(e)ye 0(w/)n~'0w/e'
p-au-l- doesn't actually stand for t/h' l0ve from the start, as he sees himself as the give r/e all a r0und e/b t he av/e n s 0w/e.
the "we" is in suspect. he is using me to fort-large-ss-e-
s-owe- he can ea-r-n- a(-i-) living bu ye b/b ein g the pre sent charm
i think his compulsion to have se-x- is to sup-port- his -t- art-i-fa/ct- u-b/0/b-serve-d-
even if he doesn't believe in god, he acts as god, too th support his "nerve"
the fence, my desire is real, i am think of purchasing the fence for the isle pavilion. however, i am in communication with several coworkers, and several of have dogs, so it is a network of communication to see what we can t0w/e (th)in.
my boss, it doesn't feel right to say 'boss', the owner of the business, i would hope to think of him as a good friend, and not that he is to me a good friend, but that i carry the weight to be a good friend to him. he is a likable person, and not the universal c-lim(b-)a(-i-)te-t-her-e-r-0(w/-)n-e-
even if he doesn't believe in god, he acts as god, too th support his "nerve" t-as-s-0n-an-d-s-0/m-an-d's-um-
even if he doesn't believe in god, he acts as god, too th support his "nerve" t-as-s-0n-an-d-s-0/m-an-d's-um-m0/n-e'ye- as-t-he-sup-po-rt-he-g-r-ow/-n-
lacking virtue in c0 l~0 re & t0/n e t-d-ea-f-0-b-serve-d-
even if he doesn't believe in god, he acts as god, too th support his "nerve" t-as-s-0n-an-d-s-0/m-an-d's-um-m0/n-e'ye- as-t-he-sup-po-rt-he-g-r-ow/-n-(ai-)l-ye-
ai : a r(e)t i fi c i all in te ll i g/en c~e
of the art i fi ce
verse-sus-s- t- a-r(e-)t-i-fi-c-i-all-in-te-ll-i-g/en-c/e-
he can speak his word, but not put his name on the line in my time 0bserved e/b t with a re fi/n e ve(i)n t00 t/h a w/are t0 g ether e 0n e
s 0w/e a.r/e
t which (e) art i fi ce = be t/t a(i)r e ve(i)n de fi/n e/d e/b t00 th L*(0v~e)ye f/0r a i*/n**(0w/)e* = in a/i L*i*/n*e*
a lig nigh time
pulling weeds all day got me actively thinking, with blisters and mud. my clothes really need to be washed this weekend, smell, yes, however largely of the latest application of down in the earth dirt.
w/e'll c 0nt m av~e n fxf as 'h' i/0n e.g.gain
funneye thought,
min0 peed 2 times indoors, 1 at the paint store, where they have dogs, min0 grabbed a toy, and then peed on some paint cans, & i hate to say it, he also laid a turd in another office. i apologized, had a doggy bag on me, picked it up, and said i can't seem to teach him not to pee any e where he pleases ( and that my other dog, a female wouldn't think of doing the collective business wear we lay in residence), and the man said it was because i let him off leash.
he said i could, just so you know, as his dog, gigi, was there, and we thought they might like to hang as dogs.
the L e~a./s H
i said of course, the dog knows i don't like it when he "goes" in the house, or inside other people's domains, and he wouldn't "think" to do this on his -own-.
i think this dog lays turd eye s 0w/e
i remind min0, g00d thing (he) ist cute
the paint owner, thought he was cute, and had the pet spray all ready e f0r ano there day e
i think this dog lays turd eye s 0w/e t00 th s/c 0* pee d*
his language in min e
i have been trying to figure out the glasses situation, and i have shopped a lot on line and at 2 local stores, have ordered bifocal safety glasses, 2 weeks ago, and i received an email, they finally shipped.
i used jeff's bifocal safety glasses, and it is surreal, as what falls out of scope, outside the lense, seems like you are walking on lava flow. it feels surreal in scope when sight falls of the lense('s) anectdote.
i needed the bifocals yesterday or something, as ethan asked me to work on some detail work, with plastic (hair) tails, and i had to use a sharp razor. i had to bring the work, little plastic trays with compartments, up close, and i couldn't see handily there, and pulling them away, with the detail didn't work either.
i finally went to ethan and said, i am hacking this in another way. first of all the plastic trays with little compartments with wayward hairs as tails, were machined by another machine shop as you need a really fast turning spindle to machine plastic, so i am told, so we sent the work out. it didn't come back to excellent spec, ie we were not proud of it. then i was asked to detail it. however, i can't work to see it.
so i approached ethan, that i am hacking in another way, where there is a tail, the plastic is soft and malleable, i leave a gouge, to chase the tail, as it were, that bends and deflects from the razor edge.
today, i put on my old glasses, an expensive frame i bought at a boutique, face a` face, hand made, from paris. they cost me about a thousand about 10 years ago. i haven't worn them much. i got them for work in the trades, however, they slide down my nose then i look down, and when i was on ladders, the same surreal lava flow. i can't see where to go, with so m(e)uch missing exposed.
i used them at home, over time upgraded my prescription, and used them less and less. they are a slim reader type frame, which now, i discover, with the old prescription is just right infront of the computer, where i am having trouble with my new prescription, and i can see good enough to get around, without such sharp changes far e/nd g0/n 0's e
that was a nice discovery this morning, and in a way now, i don't have to e distraction.
looking the sa.(i)m.e in satisfaction a.(i)m.e
part of why i do not contact you during' day job work week, is because you set my thoughts to(0) th' in k. and i don't sleep, and if i start the work week that way, which i do following a weekend and sunday evening thru (e), i start the work week with very little sleep.
i try to make up for it, by going to bed early enough, as i have 2 evenings of night class and commute to make th' c up, sleep wise.
that said, i still have a pile of notes during the week, and at all times i haven't actually e ta ll en t.
always behind the power e curve ti~t would se am, at l eas(e) t0 me an s~
always behind the power e curve ti~t would se am, at l eas(e) t(h*)0 me (an s~) i/n g
always behind the power e curve ti~t would se am, at l eas(e) t(h*)0 me (an s~w/(h*)ere) i/n g' s~
you have innattention, inability, due to a conflict of interest
in-te-r/e-st- ate- ?
0f fall e pt m(e)ye p(L)at e ?
we w/(h)eel e pt pr0 see d (e)ye A/s t~ rait a/n d e/b t/h arr0w/ (h) i/n g (u/e st) t00 the per (e) c~e(i)ve.... n l(e) ye 'A'/s t ~ de f0r/m/e ye/i n/g
h*/ar~k (h)er f/i
the kerf as s(ea)L it made bu ye c/u/t~t i/n g i/t. with A w/as Aw/e b(L)ad e: the b (L)a(Y/e)d e
w/hat beau t(e)ye t(h) a've t m aw/e t c a.m.e t00 th~ a.d. e
pt A 'c' u/t e'ye in g/ave
t/h a.d./i p i/s c/i s(a.m.)e t0/b t/a i/n a p a(i)r e a fi/s h' sayes tied bu ye t-ail-s 0-l-(e-)at-e-
t/h'(e) all0w/(e/e) kerf ate 0 p/en l(e)ye t00 t/h (e'ye) r~e la(y)t e
in s/c0 pi ed e/b t m(e)a. d. e pt 0/n e m(e)ye p(L)at e & p(L~a'ye)t 00 k/n0.t a.m. i/s's ta k/e in c0 pi l0 t r/ai/t i/n g/ rate i/n g/ t /g ave i/n g a.m.~e i/n g f0r g(e)0/d's a'ye k/e in p.r.0 c(L*)a.'i'm.(e)i/n g (u)e st ate
a.m. b e're le ct r/i/c
t0 me an s
inn pur(e) vi e w/e ave n t(h)rue
& t(h)r/u e/a. c~h ew/e
pisciculture-i/s-t- fo-r-eel-
s ?
h0w much r00m d0es th~e ye make
t/t e l/l b(l)ack w/i th0u t 0 f/f 0re w/a rd e ff ace t00 th e m(e)A.k/e g re at e n ai l f0r a n ai l the miss' s take n f0r a ha w/0r t/h ' st ate i/n g
s-he- was of the hermetic order of the co-fee-t-heir-
the guest of the c-i-t-ye-a-st-at-e plain com-p-unction with every g-r-ease-ye-palate-p(l-)ate-
t/h ere was n0 r00m t0 me r it 0 r/r e mate
the-ad-ep-t-h- ex p0sed- over-t-h-ere-should-e-re-a-g-ai-n-an-d-
the me an s aye art a s/s an e w/e
ve(i)n t0 w/the pre miss (t) 00 t/h/e suc k' see d in/n fxf u ll (0) v e'ye w/e ' d e/b t00 th c0m p an e'ye w/e tu
th' f (x f) i/s 'h' 2 0w/e bu ye t00 t/h (e) fxf a/c e
w/h0 e/ve r/e s(a)t last e th (e're) m(e) a. k/e
your relationship is pisces, and sharon is pisces and she creates a pisces world for your relatedness, and last i understood, you didn't want that to change, however, you -r- ail, is suspect to your-t-ail-
a(n)d-e/b-t- ai-l-i/n-g (-s- e.g.-)g-0re- , as t ye have not g (L) 0re ye t00 the re st 0re, unless it is ma(-i-)de (-b-) too the p-0re- & p-0-(0-)re-i-/n-g-t/h-em-0-(0-)r/e- t00-t/h-is-(t-)0re- "b" 0re- am-0re- &- am-0rt-
due-t-0rt- p-0r(e)-t-
due-t-0rt- p-0r(e)-t-he-a-rt- w/i t/h0 u~/t a re p0 rt
0/n e m(e)ye a.c c0/un/t 00 th(e)re p 0rt i/n g's en d's a.(i)m. e/a. g A i/n
you are figging as the giving, me my face value in re ce i ve i/n g
eye figure it is the only way tu be t(c)h' s t/rait an' arr0w/e(e) ken ds a(i)m e gam e
i don't read your reticence as laziness, lay Z (e)ye per h ap se(a.) t0 (w/)e in s c0 pi ed e/b t r/0p~e
i see your reticence as something aligned with your nature t00 th (e) re fxf le ct in st at(e) u/r e
you haven't been proper(e)l'ye reflected e/b t up 0/n eve r (e)
acr0ss the b r0 ad. & "b0" a/rd e/b t00 th(e) re w/are (a.)D.
so i am crossing into your time, the competitive frame work tu be seen fi/n e, ye are crossing into m(e)i/n e
nothing eats the L(-0v-e-ye-) i - ce-
k n0 w/(h) t hing e t00 th ea. t & g(u)est ate t00 th ac/c0 rd i/n g le/e
x p0 ' s e(e) d 0/c k/e t(c)h 0s/e n 0s e
the c/a(i)re in g i've i/n (a)g 0
0h d ea r (th)
you as an aries, do not like your aesthetic eye to be diminished by the l0 ve (L)ye in-it-s-nit-s-
i fig u/r e ye w/ai/t, till th e/a. r th e av/e n a. m.e re verse a. l~l ai d a ta t i'm e t(c) b/r ave
war is not b/r ave, it occurs at a t-i'm-e- t0 not g iv e n/a t u/r e t a.m. e
when i give the t i'm e ye h/ave name t g/ave, to p-au-l- a-x- is-an-e-x-am-p-le-
i do not get m(e)ye t i'm e b/ac/k, he ta-ke-s-i/t-oo-t-he-f-x-f-ace-t-as-s-am-e-a.r-th-ac-k-
the cross, across, is getting time for completion across (t)oo the t-i'm-e- of competition (f0r) K~n 0w/e re as 0/n e tu t 0ss 0 d0 f~x~f i/n is h 0/t (0 ver(e) t i'm e a. ll 0 t)
war is not b/r ave, it occurs at a t-i'm-e- t0 not g iv e n/a t u/r e t a.m. e n/am/e @ the tim(e) it is-(h-)ave-d-
it doesn't actually e re L a(y)te, and it doesn't pro vi. 'd.e the g(r)0w/(h)ing (e) t/rait
w/-ar-e- is (e-) n/ot- b/r-ave, it occurs at a t-i'm-e- t0 not g iv e n/a t u/r e t a.m. e n/am/e @ the tim(e) it is-(h-)ave-d-s-c/rib-e-
competing for no re as 0/n e me, is the s-am-e-vain-
it depletes the interest g/ave f/r0m b/ein g see n(0w/e) th/e w/h e'ye
i gave my word in re all i t(e)ye, and paul competed on it for no re as 0/n e c-r-ave-d-
i gave my word in re all i t(e)ye, and paul competed on it for no re as 0/n e c-(r-)ave-d-
his reel interior is a s-(h-)ell-e-pt-f-x-f-eel- av/ e- t-(g-)a/ ve-
the s-hell- is -he- ha-(w/-a)s-t-e- t00-th-f-e-el-l-c-am-e-
he wastes people for his narcissism to day "t", and only e too t-he-ad-ate-
a pre-d-at(e-)0re-0-ft-l-at-e-t00-t-he-'-d-at e-r-a pe-
in-t-ru(e-)st- w/-i/n- (e-)
change of -f-ea-r-
change of -f-ea-r- e all th' t i'm e a.r e
f ea. r e p(L)a/c e : p*h* ea r and sp/h/er/eye/c/all
f ea. r e p(L)a/c e : p*h* ea r and sp/h/er/e'ye/c/all t00 th ' serve
f ea. r e p(L)a/c e : p*h* ea r and sp/h/er/e'ye/c/all t00 th ' s(w/)erve
f ea. r e p(L)a/c e : p*h* ea r and sp/h/er/e'ye/c/all t00 th ' s(w/)erve t a mir~a c/l~e
f ea. r e p(L)a/c e : p*h* ea r and sp/h/er/e'ye/c/all t00 th ' s(w/)erve t a mir~a c/l~e.g. g ' st a/r t /h (ea r t) h
r un, you are not r-un- unless you w/an-t- 2- fi/n-i-s "h" un -
en-fee-b-le-d-philosophizing-i/n-st-e-ad- ill-e-ye-re-ad-
as ye had no 'h' too t/ 'h' per ce(i)ve the miss re ad
-e-pt-0-pr-0-c(L-)a(i-)m-e-d-e/b-t- 2- in-e-pt-
-e-pt-0-pr-0-c(L-)a(i-)m-e-d-e/b-t- 2- in-e-pt- in-e-t-i'm-e-
as the sus spe/ct can't have t may/de b/t is 0(w/)n e ti'me t00 th e.g. ave
be-si-de-s- w/-he- need someone to prosecute & put in j-ail- for-ce-w/-e-'d- c-a(-i-)r-(e-)ye-t-f-a(-i-)r-e-
doing my l/au/n dr(e)ye
w/hi le pt b/ac/k
be-si-de-s- w/-he- need someone to prosecute & put in j-ail- for-ce-w/-e-'d- c-a(-i-)r-(e-)ye-t-f-a(-i-)r-e- w/-e-ll-ie-n-g-t-ai-l-ie-n-g-s-0-p-en-all-e-ye-"a"s-t-a-r/e-at-u-n-ea-r-e-be-c0-n-e- (re-) ve-r-e-scene-
i mean (e)ye n0 h arm (-e-ye-), i have t00 th s ea. t0/0 c/ar(e)r'ye 0/n e
the compliment can't get to me ans w/i th0u t e very e b/0d (e)ye a.p.r.e s en t i/n g t/h e w/(h)e' el sel (l) t0 me t00 t/h f un d a.m. en t a ll i t(e) ye in pr in ce ye p al ace : sp(L)en d i.d. (e) ye w/i th0u t
'a' 'b' and 'c' are d at um (t00 th t um me'ye) t00 th e mac h i/n e,
the machine for no re as on e doesn't c/a(i)re t00 th 0 w/(h) e ye b-re-ad- as- p-be-d/e-c/e-(i-)ve-d-en-sel-l(e-)ye-t00-th-be-lie-f-e- e-d-s-h-a-rd-be-gi/n-2-x-t00-&-tu-b-/e-c-(h-)0-me-w/-e- in-(s-)ig-0r(e-)an-ce-ye-t-(h-)r/u-e- vain- ly -e-
e ye.g.g i've t b.c. (e'ye) t c/an e w/h e'ye t i/n g's (t/)ate i'n g's (t) 00 t(h) c 'h' (e)at 0 p/en p.r. 0(u)d
of (t) course, we can wait and see who has the longer e lasting : does it matter e t0 me (an/s) w/(h)ea.r in g' simultaneous el/le ye t00 t/h ea. t a r0und e/b t0 me t p.r.0 (0) f0 u n/d
it takes 0ne tw/h~0/ne
ve(i)n s 0/m e w/(h)ea.ve n s 0(w/)n e
the do-c-ue-men-t- didn't give me h ea. d,
i simply work with the miss stated, ye saw as mistated e/b t-(h-)read-b-a(-i-)t-e/d- in-st-(y)e-(h)ad-(e-)
l0 ve l0 cu/st 0 mer's (t)00 th ' s 0w/e ar (t) & (h) a w/are ve(i)n t/h0/u see k a nd fi/n d
man n/ere's (t)00 th di's-ap-p-ea-r-
j-ai-l- in- t-i'm-e-
be-si-de-s- w/-he- need someone to prosecute & put in j-ail- for-ce-w/-e-'d- c-a(-i-)r-(e-)ye-t-f-a(-i-)r-e- w/-e-ll-ie-n-g-t-ai-l-ie-n-g-s-0-p-en-all-e-ye-"a"s-t-a-r/e-at-u-n-ea-r-e-be-c0- n-e- (re-) ve-r-e-scene-
the compliment can't get to me ans w/i th0u t e very e b/0d (e)ye a.p.r.e s en t i/n g t/h e w/(h)e' el sel (l) t0 me(e) t00 t/h f un d a.m. en t a ll i t(e) ye in pr in ce ye p al ace : sp(L)en d i.d. (e) ye w/i th0u t g's us se.g. r/ace in de v0te i(/0)n e
'a' 'b' and 'c' are d at um (t00 th t um me'ye) t00 th e m(e)ac h i/n e c h/em i c/a~ll 's 0 w/e
the neg/g , need s to g0/n e s 0/m e w/(h)ere all s 0w/e be c a.(i)m. e'ye w/e' di vi. d.e d times h(b) ea.r t h f/r0m th' s t/a/r (e) t
of (t) course, we can wait and see who has the longer e lasting : does it matter e t0 me (an/s) w/(h)ea.r in g' simultaneous el/le ye t00 t/h ea. t a r0und e/b t0 me t p.r.0 (0) f0 u n/d (e) l (le) ye in f/u ll ' s c0 pi e/d e m.0. te
it takes 0ne tw/h~0/ne
ve(i)n s 0/m e w/(h)ea.ve n s 0(w/)n e t0(w/)n e' ye
the do-c-ue-men-t- didn't give me-h-e/a.-d,
as i~g/h t f/r0m e* w/(h)i/n d g(L)0~ve a.r/n d as i ft ea. r/e re m(e)ye t i'm e
l0 ve l0 cu/st 0 mer's (t)00 th ' s 0w/e ar (t) & (h) a w/are ve(i)n t/h0/u see k a nd fi/n d art
l0 ve l0 cu/st 0 mer's (t)00 th ' s 0w/e ar (t) & (h) a w/are ve(i)n t/h0/u see k a nd fi/n d e a.rt h rue
'a' 'b' and 'c' are d at um (t00 th t um me'ye) t00 th e m(e)ac h i/n e c h/em i c/a~ll 's 0 w/e in c~0 (re p 0're at e/d ear (e too) th
the neg/g , need s to g0/n e s 0/m e w/(h)ere all s 0w/e be c a.(i)m. e'ye w/e' di vi. d.e d times h(b) ea.r t h f/r0m th' s t/a/r (e) t~le.g.g c/an d(e)ye c(a/i)n th c0 ns pi r/e d f0ra re all t0 (w/)e th e m(e) a. k~e ~ t0/0d u/e tw/h0
f x f all 0 w/e
t i'll the a.r t/h in s(h)all 0 w/e
b (e.g.g) in e
t00 th i/n k 0 f/t w/i s/e ' ye. g. u/ye sir c0/m e(in) scribe d
b (e.g.g) in e t00 th di vi/n e r a.d.i(i) c all (e) ye
t00 th i/n k 0 f/t w/i s/e ' ye. g. u/ye sir (e) c0/me (in) scribe d/r. (i/c/h) 0n/e ' ye t0 g ether e st 0're & t (h)r ea. d. 0 b serve d ate & d at a b le a.d. 0~0re in s c/0 re
r ich
r 0ne miss under e st 0 0d
t/hat's ha rd f0re ye
sharon(e)'s t all en t is till at p(L)ay e
i suspect your relationship with sharone has as if t, sealed your e p(L)at e t00 th fac/t h ? r0at be sp ok en t r0te ye t-make- ?
i'm a little off today, i can't get comfortable in my contacts or glasses, and i am kind of repulsed by sitting in front of the computer or t asking me to look at my notes, b.c. it is difficult, and perhaps i just need to get used to this weird uncomfortable ness. an(y)e way
i c ont i/n u/e too look at face a face glasses & s w00 n
readers, bi fo c all s, safety glasses with bifocals, power readers, 1.50 power lense all the time, over sized, bigger bifocals from the mid line, transitions, contacts, i can't quit e get it straight. however the option s ear t ran s par e/n t in 0-/t i'm e
t00 th (b) rake
ken-t-uck-(e-)ye- for some reason is on my min(e)d
and like i can reflect on ken-t-uck-(e-)ye- virtuall(e)ye, and have t hem p.r.0(0)f the p.r.0ve t-hey-e- ar-e- n't -in-e-b-re-a.d.-e-serve-d-
ken-t-uck-(e-)ye- for some reason is on my min(e)d
and like i can reflect on ken-t-uck-(e-)ye- virtuall(e)ye, and have t hem p.r.0(0)f the p.r.0ve t-hey-e- ar-e- n't -in-e-b-re-a.d.-e-serve-d- 0/n e m(e)ye t de s(s)ea.r(c/h)t
de s(s)ea.r t (h) in (d) re verse
th' s/ai./d. c~han(d)ce s-s b0(u)nd at (a) L a/s~(s) t c0 u/r se (p) t00 th b (e.g.g) i/n e w/(h)in d/e t00 t(h) c~0're be ll a/nd bu ye w/e'd w/e ll ag t0 g e/th/er e
h ere w/e g0 ~ t 0 g(L)ee
ps i don't have a copy of my last post. lost it in the all c h/em my pre sup pose th d 0h t in me head
in/n c 0're p 0're at e~d e w/e b(eg)i/n e t00 t(h) c0/m b/i n/e tu t(h)r/u~e ye A's t y'le d e~w/e d 0 w/hin nature a. l/l as/s~um
m.0/n t(h)at le s/s c~0 'r~e t~h eave n's 0/m mit~tw/h~0(0) d e w/e fxf (t) a l/l as/s' 0/n net~e/x~t i/t in tit re a.d. b/all~an(d)ce seA.M. C~fxf 0'rE s(h)een f/r0m the w/hin (d)s (h) ap~p en s c0 pi ed g (c0) h0 st w/(i.d. t/h)0rn a b(0)ut i/t 00 t/h e m(e)A.k/e t/t le t00 th t~0 s/s 0 w/e d e w/e in~n ea. r ea. r's eg ea. r's~ph ea.r i c all ea. r's h ea. r(t/h) u~e fxf 0rt h~d vert hue r~r an d's cup th(r)ew/e di's Aster e b/b ea. l/l ea. fxf 0re w/e (L/L) in t i'm e t~mu st *u* di vi n/e
th' s/ai./d. c~han(d)ce s-s b0(u)nd at (a) L a/s~(s) t c0 u/r se (p) t00 th b (e.g.g) i/n e w/(h)in d/e t00 t(h) c~0're be ll a/nd bu ye w/e'd w/e ll ag t0 g e/th/er ev~e (i)n
cur's e on, as the cur(e)r/en/t 00 t(h) p.r.0 vi. ' d.e c 0n t r/a/ct u all(e)ye miss p/en/t all a r/0 u nd ' s0/m e t w/h 0 w/e a.p/p.~r.0ve in g i'll t(e)ye t ru(e) t/h and e/b t 'h' aw/e ye c(L)a.m. e t00 the m(e) a. k/e
in (a) ve/in
in (a) ve/in k
in (a) ve/in k t00 th d ate fxf i/g f0r/t/h fxf ace 0 p.r.0 t e/in p(L)ace
honestly what do you want me to do on your (s) pout ?
i'm taking a(i) nap (t)
so, now that you have all the time in the world as i made you be observe D, sowe you won't "h"i-0-u- on e me tu -g-a-way-t-(h-)rue-, you think i am dishonest in financial affairs, w/-en, you sent a d-m-c-a- on me, making me see, i am wasting my time on t-hee- (d-), and there is no reason for me not to earn money commonly in your me-ark-e-t-p-(L-)ace- 0/n e me
ju st saying to w/ere your inner "h"/e sit ate ing the lie 0n e re-st-ate-in-g-0-p/en-l-ye-thou-s-ee/k
the bound aires would seem to not have any e w/ i'll m i'll k in k
he-d- rather not "weed" and put up with a st ink e'ye t00 t-he-think-
you got grand father'd in, bu y0ur 0wn h and e vain scene in
i'll a rig ht a gel-lous/e-ye- claus e t00 th b(e.g.)i /nn 0 gg(a) i nn
a t00 fer 0ne
you don't believe in that s-way-t-hat-mar-r/i-ag-e-make-&-ta-ke-th-di-a-m0-n/d-fait-h-and-f-a/ct-h/at-e-
& you want me to provide re sole u t/i on e ye are too timid t(h)read e/b t0 me w/ell b re ad (ye-ass-es-s-fe-d-e-ad-)
iron ic
i am well bread w/i thou t anye t measure ah ea d
s-ow/-e- did you get -h- ere -bu-ye- c0m-m0/n- miscalculation 0're no/t
s-ow/-e- did you get -h- ere -bu-ye- c0m-m0/n- miscalculation 0're no/t (e) in the b/al~lance ye 0/t 00 t/h' saw/ t
s-ow/-e- did you get -h- ere -bu-ye- c0m-m0/n- miscalculation 0're no/t (e) in the b/al~lance ye 0/t 00 t/h' saw/ t (&( b. all an(d)ce 2 re p a(i)r e th e/e
maybe i need to communicate this while i feel i am struggling with my eyes, i's, glasses, contact dermatitis on my nose, and contacts with what t/0 d/0
i am not happy any where i go, even a nap, if it is not a choice, you know.
i can't tell if i am just unhappy with what the universe is throwing my way, and what i mean by that, in general speak, things change, even my frame, and so w/ an adjustment. do i not like my sight because i do not like the idea of an adjustment, having to get used to the concept, is not enough, the reality is i have a new prescription, and there are things i like about it, like i can see far e, like an eagle t here, but i don't have the vision in front of me to work in detail.
do i change the prescription? do i go back to the lesser vision, and try to forget i didn't see like an eagle t. can i be an eagle t with trust in the t all 0/n s lit, de ad on the me ar k, f/r0m a (w/aye) ff a(i)r e mu s(s) t ark : star k & st~ar c/h
0m p/en l(e)ye t00 th diss miss w/i t/h0/u t-hee-ha-w/-a-rt-
c hie f e'ye i/n t00 th d/ark e'ye tu the t/r a.d.e un i/0n e
c hie f e'ye i/n t00 th d/ark e'ye tu the t/r a.(i.)d.e un i/0n e
so this is weird, i can see better. up close. i didn't turn on my desk light, which usually helps me see at the computer, however, with my new prescription contacts, seeing in the dark is better to work together e.
c lass eye f0r an(e)ye in f a/ct a/ct 0 p/en l(e)ye t00 th e re p as/s tu bu ye
a ft
(a)c lass
(e)ye 0/n (e)
t00 t/h be c0/m e w/h~0 ne tu the re p0 s e/n 0's e.g. am b le. g.g(r)0 w/e th' s0/n(n) e t 2 at 0/n e c0ne
what is still difficult, in the dark ore aided by lamp light, is trying to r(e)ad my notes 0 pen ly e. it is the fine print, & the scrawl, spiraling a(n)d 0 all e
the w/00 le & w/h0 0'le ye tu
be/au t(e)ye fu(e)ll in pur(e)suit e
i/n g
i'll t/r(e)ye in knit rue
g i'll t/r(e)ye in knit r/u/e very e t hing e tu (de in pr0 vi s/i 0/n e w/e 'd bu(0)y ew/e)
sig n all
your e going to w/(h)ave to carry the de a.d. e w/(h)eigh t a/ft ere (fxf) all
th' t/ri. d.e/n t all
th'~s t/ri. d.e/n t all (e)ye a.h (e)ave na s(s) c e/n t 0 g e/th/er e/n t in t(h)in~e w/(h)~a nd f/f a L/L 0 w/e in j un ct i/0n e st a nd e w/(h)0~0'e ye s0l~e (ye)
i'm (e) w/e ll b re ad t00 th a L/L a/s t (d) r~0p (e/t) m0/t
e'ye re mu c/h
t00 th (e) r/e l~a(y)t (e) in t rue st
at e ve(i)n s 0w/(h)e(ye)igh t
( i have work tm, at the salon, may go to the gym before, and sewing there after till at least mid to late after noon e)
why do you feel that way -t-
you can market on me, as i market on thee /// in your name, ly e,
& de f0r/m/e t0 get hing(e)'s e g0ing t 0ut a/h a b i/t c0n f0r/m/e i/n g's
sow it is ok to put me on show, but your "need" for privacy = a n0-g0-
a n0-g0-br0-ken-t-all-s-0/w-e-pt-a-h0-p-e-d-e/b-t-r-0p-e-
ye art a me are me-lee-2-f-a/ct-h-in-p-lace- & set-h- for-e-continuit-e-as-e-s(t-)ake-
bro ken t c-ai-n-t- carry the fee-b-le-t-g-race- on his-own-e-f-f-ace- ?
t0 me-me-mar-r(e-)ye-
s-0w/-e- sharone should be acting like a "g-0-d-" on your t-(h-r-)0n-e- just "b" "c"
you feel rig-ht-e-o/u/s-
in-s-l0ve- (t0 0k n~0w/(h)0n e)
ye are not in/de/pen/den/t in love, and ye never t00 kn0w/(h)0ne, & you give my value of(t) all 0 w/e t(h)rue, to t-h0se-a-round-ue-t-0/d-ate-w/e- in- c- (be-cause you can get -a-w/-h-eye- t- with -i/t- ap-par-e-n-t-l-(e-)ye-
t ap = t(h)read e/b t i/r e de ad
t-anks for -g- iving me -h-ea-d- f-rom-a-round-(e-)ye-s-en-t-
e-pt-2- f-unction- commiseratin-g-lee-p-i/t-he-w/-id-th-
ing-f-0're-el-0p-e-men-t-due-t-ail-e-pt-b-/r-ave- t-as-s-(k-e-)well-0-w/-he-ap-h0-t0-s-el-l-ave-i/s-(h-)ell-
Le ap t00 t/h un d e're st a nd e/a. t~h fxf 0're a. (c/h a w/e) L/L en d 0 w/e inn e c a(i) re (e) f/f (r) a(i)m e ~t p.r.0 c~(L)a(i)m e t(a)g a/i nn a v e'ye w/e
k n0 t e'ye (t)c/c a L/L b ear t'h' t0 g e/th/er e sum e ye 0/n (e~ver(e)ye w/(h) ere t00 t/h fxf 0're tu b(L)ac k @ e w/e
re qui r e(a.)d. e/p t/r/e/n/d's en d's
and c le a.ve s a gain st re/e t c/a(i)r(e)~r(e)ye
t meet
i think i am going to just right to me, and heal myself of this quandary.
i wore my old glasses today in part, and the contact dermatitis from the acetone at work when i start/d, well it has never left the option to swell on my nose. a few days ago my nose itched, and i lightly scratched it, and the contact dermatitis swelled, and now, the confusion between the contacts and glasses and prescription, and i's can't see strait, and a nap isn't a choice to relief in state, now where the glasses were, i have big nodules of dermatitis.
i feel like my sister. she won't talk to anyone in the family as she says she is 'allergic' and i know, she breaks out in a rash f0r-ce- s-(h-)ow/e-
its like one has to buy into the insurance your -e- pre ten di/n g tu be a.m. (e)a. k i/n g -f-aye-king-s-
you get- 0-ld- f-en/ough-a-nd- ye nee-d- the "insurance" in th' 0 p ew/e t-urn-(d-)it-t0-g-ive-in-g- vain-lye-too-the-pr0-see-d's-
damn, ihave thoughts a gain, and i can't keep up, too lay this out straight as (me ye) s cup. but(t)
wearing the weight of g-l-asses-s- on my nose, is affecting s/k in ne'ye re p0 s(e)
ps there is no h0me to s0w & s 0(w)n f0r-t-h- a.d.- ju -s(t-)00-t-he- saying s-0w/-e-g-0- ' s0w/e ye (s) 0w/-e-
i was thinking about music, and when i copied the younow onto a video to upload on youtube, and youtube made me jump thru hoops because music was playing the background and i had to say it was ok for them to copi-p-rig-ht-it, on my account of hearing w/(h)it
t issue, i don't like the plat(e)for(u)m re-serve-d- to w/-all-a-w/-s- w/-h-ey-e-t-act u all -t-00-t-h-e-re-m-ay-k-e- on e m(e)ye fxf ace, as if t e'ye h ave n/0 p(L)ace
i was looking for the post, that went missing. i thought it might show up on my face book page, because sometimes i see that i does. i was looking for my missing face link cast as t ree t0 me an s.
i trust you have it, it was the one before the marker of 'cess' definitions. what good is a definition w/i th0u t w/'h' e'ye th0u se a.t 0 ' see c 0n t/r a c/t u all(e)ye t00 th' s p/ea/k
which b rings up f-ace-b0-0k- f0r-a-(i)-l0-0(-)k-
per h ap se ye c/an h ave you make a place for me 0n e'ye
t hat is not denigrating w/-ore- s(h-)ip as/s the st-r-ea-t-e'ye-d-id-ea-t-e-ye-A/s t fxf i/r st l(e)ye b(b) r ea.c/h tu b ea.r t/h (e)ye
per h ap se ye c/an h ave you make a place 0/m in t/en t i/0n (e)a. ll(e)ye for me 0n e'ye t00 th e'ye t00 k eye p fxf e(e) ll (e)ye
b (L) ac K n0 t 0/n e w/hi~t/e ' ste t/h 0' s c0pe t/h (e) r 0/u n/d'(inn)s 0'L e/n t c *h* arm s~yn/th(e) be t/h b le s/s i/n g (0) c ar(e) T 00 t/h c aries h ea r t/h (y)ie Ld 0' w/(h)a L/L arm s~te t/h t~0(w/)n e in ad van ce~ 0/n t en d e're (inn) ven t~i/0n e ff r0m it~t a/ke 0(w/)n le 'ye w/h at ye~e k ne/e/ d' s~t 0m a ke ye(a.) s/s a'ye w/(h)0ve t w/(h)ave n's 0 w/e. g. g 0/d e l/l i/b e ra.te ll e'ye ll 0ve t'(h)a .d.e
& de l/l ta. (w/e) L/L e.g/g. 0 (a)t e ll e.g. a/i nn e c a/i nn ab(0)ut ~t(e) ye w/(h) i'll e ye a.t f0/r/m/e a.d. = tu b~e/e ve r/e L as t(r)ing : judge the time you are serving form from fore real too the ste all a wit ne(re)ss inn 0l0 ve a L/L e x p0's ai d e w/e in/n/t~ere~st et's ea. L/L a~nd 's 0 w/(h)e ye.(t)g. 0 (h0 e & h0 w/e ve(i)n k n0 t a puss eye for the mer i/t ye haven't actually e t(a) gave the gill tye as t breathing in vain with you-r- be-h-ave-n-am-e-t00 the mint ' s(t)ink -t-am-e-
do you have the means tu b(eg)i/n e're t00 th c l i'm(b)e re in/n k n 0 w/e
if your lo cust o mers are not ingnorant they must be miss und ere st0 0d e ve(i)n s 0w/e b/b rig ht 00 t(h) a l/l 0 w/e~e ye k~n 0 w/e L/L en t00 th' b~L0 w/h 0 0'le ye t0/n~ig/h t p.r. 0 c~(L) a.(i)m.~e ff 0/r/t inn t/ere/st a.(i.)d.' st a/i n na.(i)m.e t00 t/h 0/n lye a st/a/g ave t/h ea r t~h e~a.ve n' e t 0/0 d 0/0 re y0u th e'ye
with e m0 t 0/d' serve d t00 c0m p (L) ea. t (e) ye t0 me an s w/h aw/e' s~hi've~r e me(ye) t i'm b e're s w/(h)arm ye ff /r0m r~an 0.fxf r~a(i)m~e in a in ten t i/0n s eg ran d('s) 0 w/(h)e n a.~(i)m.~e t00 th e miss take n~d c u/p ass w/e L/L en d 0 w/e in t i'm e t ai L i(e) 0n e w/h~ale nd's c0 p~e'ye n d ea r en d0 0're s~t'he p.r.e t en d
0/n e c0mma nd (e'ye) in/n e t00 t/h fxf 0/r/m e in 0/n e cess aries ea. ms~(t) 0~0 t/h ' (fact) be l/l ea f/f ~i/n e me t00 th' s c~0're in nap ~p.r.0ve a.L/L a s/s c00 p ew/e L/L e/a~dura (verse-sus-ai-dire-) ct i/0n e f/f 0ra w/hi fe 'ye ve & f i've t c0m p l ea. t e l/l ye a.s t man/na : k n0 t 0 me an s: I believe i can step on a dof to ffoot my 'h' e x pen se t00 the se am s un~d/ere/stand at a n0 co h0 st art 0/m e all the t i'm e w/all k/in/g (un) ave
just kid ding. all things are in a v(e'ye)ain ly e re-lu-ct-a(i-)n-t-e-ll-ye-ar-t-00-t-he-ll-en-d-'s-ai-d-s-woo-l-en-(t)h(r)e/a-d- e'ye-w/i th0u t a w/(h)it ne s/s 0 p en l(e)ye are a.d. e/b tu b~e w/e
c ai r~r(e)ye w/i.d.t~h 0 with i/t
c ai r~r(e)ye w/i.d.(t~h) 0 with i/t 00 th r~0at a gave
&'s un~d/er e s ai l t~he x pan di.d. g0/0d' s t/0 (w/i t/h e) me w/hite' s ten c i'll eave n t hee hawe in the le-ad-in e me in k.
smoking un s t(r)i den t re si d en ce ve un d ink
you are a mistake in side s only as much as you take p.r.-i'.d.-e-l(l)-ta-t-i'm-e-b/b-r0-ad-'(as-)s-i.'d.-e-w/-(h-)e-t-('s-)a-ke-ye-p-
ye w/e didn't make time w/ai/t 0/n e w/(h)e ye t & k n0 t 0 w/h ea.t e w/e in/n s 0'l e d e~w/e
must endorse the pretend 0 0rs w/hea ven t d's en d' see/m e t00 the r~e L ay T~ 00 t~h ie ven (t) d' sin g i/n g' s ea.
christ was hung with 2 thieves, there wasn't 2 in the beginning, 2 is deceiving, it has all-a- w/-h-eyes meant t0 be 0/n e X a ct le ye t 0/0 ' z er0s e~a. m. in re all i t(e) ye , eros is a f a ll se ll st ar t. too the me an s ee c l ear e l e'ye as t ye judge th-de-sieve-in-0-p-(l-)ac-e- 0 me an s~ 0/m e t/hing e~ve
the inn ven t 0 R/R e t 00 c(a)c(a) re st 0 ff th' c/r~um b i/n e st' satifacti0n e t00 t/h' be c(k) 0/n e
the sh(')ell en th t00 th t0(w/)e in t/en t i/0n e tu te ll e~inn ven t i/0n s~ w/hale~pt ai l(le) g0ing w/i th0u t 0/n eve r e nd's~ea. m in (e/e) d's~ee d/(i)'s~per's a~ge w/e~e 0/n
f e/in 0/n e t00 th di/n e fi/ne l/l~ye t00 th~e re ce(i)ve in/n
k n ew/e