L eve L'D 0fxf t
L eve L/D
L e(a)ve L/D
L e(a.)ve (i'L)L/D
(a) g 0/d e l/l t (h) a't (ch) 0 (w/) e ve (i.)n d. 0 (w/)h t 0/0 th be(a.)d. (h) 0/m e (a.)d.
h all t a re a.d. (h) e'ye (i.)d. h inn g (u) e s/s t (h) e a.d.
i.(d) b (e~a.)m. e a.d.
h inn g e min(e) d 0 w/(e)a.re a.d.
e/b t/h (ea.r t/h) d h inn d' s i g h/t (b) (a) re a.d.
(f) e~a. l/l d 0ff t' (s)(k) i' l/l (d) ' s (t) 0 i' l/l (e/n) d 0 w/e (i) t 0 w/(h)e a l/l t/h d ~ e a. l/l (an) d
0-t-he-re-wise-d- you are force-d-(0-) c-0/m-p-lain-inn-g-t0-get- a- r-e-e-L- d- e/b- t00-t-he-re-(e-) f-e/e-(L-)d-
p a s/s t e~ a ch~ e're ve (i)n d ' s b e/e t(h) ' s p0 k e(n) d h~(e)a.ve (n) d e/b t 0/0 L e t/h e m(e)A.ke~ t/h (e) d g (r) e~ a. t
sky f0(0)L 0f t s t a (i)r (e) s (t) h ea.r t/h d
sky f0(0)L 0(f) t s t a (i)r (e) s (t) h ea.r t/h d ~ 0 (w/)n (e) (ye) a. r (e) t (h)(d)(c) 0/m e~ (a.) d. (0)(h)(t) b 0/n(e) d
00 th d e/b t(h) e/m p(0)L e (a) d
(s) 0 (i') l/l (e/a) d 0 (w/) e~
s (h) i/t e' ye s h 0 (w/) e~ (a.) d.
(e/a) f 0'r (a.) m. e~a. l/l e'ye (i.) d. 0 w/(e)a.r ~e
t00 t(h)(d) 0 be t(h) a s/s t (h)e a.d. serve d ~
en e'ye (a.) t ~ e'ye (i) t
(a) g ave (t/h) d a'ye t (h) (y) e a r t h d ew/e (i) t (0) w/h ew/e d (b) ea.r th (a.) d. (b) e~a.r t/h (ea.r~e) d ew/e
L a.m. b (L) un g : they forgot the *L*
th(e) que en d is e/i n e t/h e m(e) i.d./d (e) l/l e
5/16/2017 thoughts this morning : the ladder stitching of hexagons. the stop sign, the bee honey comb, and hexagon quilts all the same shape. i have been thinking about a design for my comforter cover, and considering hammered silk, however silk has a bias, it stretches on the diagonal, so to me, the *how of stitching for follow thru is an important consideration for the use of this fabric. i like hexagons! i like looking at dappled hexagon quilts.
dapples : d a p/p Le s/s (e) t(h) e'ye (i.)d.
e/b t00 t/h e (ad) s i'~r~e me'ye (i.d.) s
t heir is kn 0 w/e L/L 00000000000 ' s (e) in (e) g : looooo se more 0's innocense of t a r(r) e (ye) fxf Le (x) ct i 0/n e ve (i)n d ?
you don't 'lose' when you 'lose' more z/er0s e/e (i)n e ve (i.)n d.
what would make this innocense in refle(x)ction ? = frame & follow thru e ven t (0) w/ h0
rent : a: r e/n t inn (e) g (w/) (r) i/s (e) t h/d e'ye i/s e (a.)d. z er0's e t(h)rue t/h e/m ' s (e)a.m. e/n d
this is what zero eros would mean: knit 0 would mean
knit 0 would be L/L 0've d
knit 0 would be L/L 0've (ye i.)d. (h) 0've d
knit 0 would be L/L 0've (ye i.)d. (h) 0've (t/h) d 0've d
knit 0 would be L/L 0've (ye i.)d. (h) 0've (t/h) d 0 (w/e) ve (n) d 0 w/e (i) t a cr0ss t
knit 0 would be L/L 0've (ye i.)d. (h) 0've (t/h) d 0 (w/e) ve (n) d 0 w/e (i) t(h) a t c(h) r 0 s/s (0) t 0ff t h/d 0 fxf t
the d-0-w/ar-e-, is not honest people seeking honest follow thru en d (h) 0've d, (hove is the past tense of heave d) (maintained by displacing a w/ 0/m e/n d for -t- no reason among t-hie-f-t-(h-)at-ch-inn-g-e-t-a-gree-d- 0f- (r-) e/e- (L-) d- e/b- t- (b-) force-d- for-t-a-n0-t-her- d- (h-) at- e-ye-w/e- d- are not honestly making A with your sel~l fxf t 0're a. l/l a t (h) e ~ & -place-judge-men-t- on-e- t h e a pre miss t ye w/00 d' i.d. kn 0/t (in) e (s/s) t (h) e a.d. (h) 0've (i)n d 0 w/e a.d. e/b t0'0 L(e) d (b) e l/l i've r t/h (ea.ven) d a.m. e (A.) i.d.
it is t/h e me t(e) in (e) g (u) (y) 0're m(e) A.k~e're t a get a g(r)e a.d. 0~0're (a)d. i/t t00 th (b) f 0'r (e) d ~ (h) i.d. (s) e~a. t e
it's not as b(e)a.d. as it could be(a)d
eye (d) s up p 0's e(e) d
e/b t (h) 0/m e a.(n)d. s e/e (n) d
if you want 0 w/h0 d h and if ew/e d i.d. kn 0/t 0 want 0 w/ h0 (d) e ve (i.)n d.
e/b t (0) p.r. 0 claim (ea. d.) c (r) ave d
(0)(h)(t) bu ye n (d) (g) a.m. e (a.) d.
h (e)a.ve (n) d
i talked about sewing on the earthcam, started about 12 years old, i took a sewing class at the mall, i arranged the class, and rode my bicycle, i made a garment from a pattern, from there i asked my mom questions, as there was a sewing machine at home and she, her maiden name 'taylor', also was quite the seamstress, although she had rheumatoid arthritis, and wasn't sewing at the time. the answers were not that fulfilling, per being engaging. so shortly after my first sewing class, making a garment from a pattern, asking my mom a few questions, i elected to buy more complicated patterns and make clothes on my own, acquiring skills with each stair stepped project as eye g 0(t). & started making my own clothes without a pattern. i remember i was 12 or 13, i rode my bike to the store, bought a few yards of fabric, came home, laid the fabric on the floor, has a pencil or pen in both hands, and laid on the fabric and traced the pattern from my body. form from there i made a dress with darts at the bust (per looking at my mom's garments, but not asking her questions) and a drop waist with gathers, and a boat neck and little off the shoulder cuff sleeves, and wore it to church. triumphantly it, the dress work t. in e t (a) i'm e a.d. in(n) e' (re serve) d e/b t00 th (en) d e/b t00 L(b) e/n (d) e'rve (n) d e/b t00 t(h) a' nd' s (t) a' nd h ea.ve(n) d' s (p) en d (i/t) s a gain d
so, i am talking about a duality this morning. that the visual of the good guy in the market-place-d-0f-t-0/0-t-0ff- t- ap(p)e a.r s not to be the bad guy, toting the gun, for-t- no obvious reason. the problem is "one" the container-d-0f-t- 0/0-t-0ff-t-. ie the problem is still the containere-(a-)d- (i/t-) 0-f-x-f-t-. however, the container nonetheless allows "one" to look good, while the "other" looks obviously bad, by t heir own choice ? it only looks like choice if you bu-ye-inn-t-(0-)w/-h0- d- "one" the me one ye d being a ve r t(h) ue w/e d. -h-a-(n-)d- no one to be t(h) 0/n e. that no one would be accountable too th e g 0 / d- (which is dof-t- : ie your-e-g-0-d- 0-w/ar-e- = dof-t- 0-re- s- (t-) 0-re-ye-a-d- 0-0 -re- (a-)d- i/t- u- b- f- 0-r-d-)
the parallax in my time frame i am recognizing s(e)a.m. e~ a.d. e/b t00 th (e) re (a) p.r. 0 claim mit ta g a inn (d) ate .
if you want 0 w/h0 d h and i fxf e'ye w/e d i.d. kn 0/t 0 want 0 w/h0 (d) e ve (i.)n d. ~ e/b t a gain (s t a' n) d
i was looking at this quilt, hexagon shapes with designs in knit, and if you were to remove or replace or change features, colors, pieces, the dappled eye i imagine would still love. the frame is apparent too th e w/00 d h ave t/h (d) e/g (L) 0've d
h (e)a.ven (d) s (h) 0/n e
(y) e d L e'ye (i.) d. (h) 0/m e (a.) d. ~
e/b t00 t(h)(b) 0/n(e) d
e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.)d~ i/t t00 th (b) f 0'r (e~A.)D.
e'ye i.d. (0) c a s/s (t) 0/n e / e d 0 (w/) h t
(h/r) 0 at
h/d (e/e) par(e) t h/d
h ex = cu (B)E a.m. e'ye T 0/0 L(b) e/n d h inn g (e) inn g r a(i) n (d) s (t) a' nd h (e)a.ve (n) d h a.(n)d. (kn) 0 w/e l/l e s/s t ( 0/0 t/h ) b e (a.) d. h ave t(h) a'nd (a) g ave (n) d 0 w/e (i) t (h) a s/s t(h)e a.d.
dividing the hexagon into 3 parts, conceives the visual of a cube. 3 parts make me think of a tri ang le d g e d divided into 2 parts (t) 0 w/e d.
it is important to note, you bring your own w/(h) i/t (0) ne s/s t (h) e ad' s c0 p(i) e d ~d (e) l/l (b) e a.d. s h0 p~ed
if you combine 1 of the main 3 sections with half of the other you have a trapezoid.
fyi : my wood furniture items i have made are : boomerang table, trapez0, & magneat0.
th rig ht (r/i) ang le d/g e w/e t/h d h and le x i (t) c 0/n e/e d L e'y~e (w/e) i.d. 0ff (i/f) t/h d' s t (h)e a.ven d (h) 0've (ye i.) d. be (a.) d. s (h) 0/n e (y)e d(h) 0/m e (a.) d. 0 w/e (a.)d. (s) 0'L (e/a.) d.
th rig ht (r/i) ang le d/g e w/e t/h d h and le x (p) 0/n e/n t i a l/l e'ye t(h)(r)u~ e ve (i.)n (d.) kn~e w/e (a.)d. ~ i/t t00 th (inn) d kn 0 w/e t(h) inn (d) k t 0ff ewe d
s t a (m e n) t e/t u
be (a.)d.
th rig ht (r/i) ang le (d)g e w/e t/h d h and le x i(s) t
e'ye (i.d.) a.t ~e
d i/g (i) t a l/l au d (i) 0 b (r) 0 a. d. c a s/s (e) t (h) inn (e) g (e) 0/d e c (L) a'n d e/b t (h)(d) i/n e' min (e) d (h) at ~ (h) a nd h at ch (inn) d (p.r.) i'm e (a.) d. ( 0 w/e) i/t 00 th (a.) d. ~ e ve(i)n (d) s p (L) an (d) s y(e)n t/h (an) d
don't the dotted half diamond's / parallelograms = triangles allow one to re ad into the 3d , the third dimension of the structure / to get a sense of the physicality lifted off the 2d page onto 3d
e/b t(u) be (a.)d. ' s (p) (L) 0/t (L) in e d (f) e/e d f0r(a.)m. e a. l/l e'ye t (u) (b) re a.d.
h-(t-) a- (i-)r- e- x- t- en- (d-) s- (t-) i-0/n-e- d- (s- ) b- f- i- t- (h-) in- (e-d-)g-e- (t-he-) miss- t- (a-) re- ad- - - - (h-) e-a-d- f- r0m- e- ad- 0- w/ar-(e-) t-(L-) in- e- d- h-and-
it adds volume to character :
i/t a.d. ('s) v 0 L(e) u/m/e t(0) w/h0 (d) ch ar(e) a c(h)t eRe
size or extent ore volume of a r 0 L(L) e gave sense t00 th f0r ce s/s (h) 0/0 k t (b) e l/l (e'ye i.) d (e/b t) 0 l/l (e/n) d ~ (0 w/e~e) kn 0 w/e (l/l) d
s (h) e~a. t/h d (0) cur(e) r e/n t s (p) e/e d h ave t0'0 L(b) e/n d
jack-t-he-ad- 0f-t-he-ad- j-u-d/g-e- t-hie-ven-d- (h-) 0/m-e-(n-) d- - - e/b- t00-t-he-r/r- 0- d- (h-)e- ad- k-n-0-w/e-(e-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-(d-)g-(e-) 0-d-e-(a-) l/l- t-(a-re-)0-(w/-) e- d- (g-) e- (t-h-)d- e/b- t-u-b-e- l/l- i-e- f-(t-) i/n-e- s/s- t-(h-)e- ad- e/b- t-0- w/-(h-)e-re- (d-) g- r- a-(i-)n- (d-) s- (t-) a- nd- he-vain-d- (0-h-and-h- 0-) c- an- d- - - e/b- t- (a-) g- (L-) ad- ness- (c-) am- e- d-0f- t- (b-) rain- d- e/b- t- 0/n- e- c0m-man- d- s- (h-) a-d- e- s- t- in- e-ye-(i-d-)a-t- e- s- (t-) a- t- e- d- 0- w/-e- t-he- f- a- i- t- he- (a-) d- e/b- t-(u-) b- (r-) e- (a-) d-
t heir ~ really is not action of faith d e/b t (h) (d) f r0m-e-d-(h-)a-t-(e-) a- t-(e-)a-r-e-e-L-a-t-(e-) in- e- (t-h-d-) p- (L-)ace- d- 0f- t- e-s- (t-)a-t-e-. you have d-ig- ged- h-and- e/b- t- rig- n0-r-an- d- ce- vain- d-(g-) im- me-ye- id- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- h-and-e-ye- i/t- a - gain-d- 0- w/-(h-) at- (L-) e-ve-r-t- 0- get- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0-------b-(r-) 0ugh- t-(L- )in-e-/e- d- Le-ye- d- 0f- t-(h-) e/n- (d-) e/e- d- 0f- t-
miss-p-(L-)ace-inn-g- 0/n-(e-) p-r-i-0/r-(e-) i/t-e-ye- (d-) f-0-r-t-(y-)our-e-v-i-s- i- 0/n-e- t00-t-he-ad- s- (h-)ave-(ye-i-)t- (h-) author-i/t-e-ye-(d-)s-
you can't settle a re all s c0'r(e) d 0 w/i th0u t a re a l/l (d) h ar(e) b 0'r~e a. (l/l) d
e/b tu (b) fxf 0're w/are a.d.
g (r) i' l/l (d) e/n t ere t a'in e me (a.)n' t~e/g 0 (d.) ~ 0 fxf (t) i/n e t00 th d
t (a' l/l) c r~e d i/t t00 th e re (a.) p 0' r(e) t~ (h/d) bu ye s (p) 0'r (e) t
if you honest ly drove the p0 in t (h) 0/m e (n) d, you would s t i c k/t 0ut
(a) re (a.) d. 0/u (be) t ~ h ere t heir d(e) sig n 0're s p.(r) 0(u)t ' e/n e/m e/ye s m 0/u(n) t/h d
p i/n (e/d) a p/p L e(a) d e s(s)e rt h/d
p i/n (e/d) a p/p L e (a)d (0) c 0 l/l e u/s t(h)e a.d.
p i/n e/e d(h) a p/p (ea.) L e'ye (i.d.) a. t(h)e a.d.
e/b t00 th e (a p.r. e) miss p(L)a~ce a.d.
"t-i'm-e-" t00-t-he- ad- s- (h-) 0/t- he-ye- d- e- l/l- e/a- d- 0f- t- in- e- d-
is there any real effort (s) e x t s (p) en d i.d. e/b t00 L0 0k t h~ea.ve(n) d
any real skills debt 00 th (e) re a. l/l a t e d (0) ness t00 th f e/e (L) D
ma-g-i-(f-t-)c-t- : "dawn" pays into the s-am-e-(d-) g- 0-d-0f-t-0/0-t-0ff-t-he-ad- 0- w/ar-(e-)t- i/t- 0ff- t- (h-)at- s- 0- (i-)l-(l-)e- t-(h-) a- r- (e-)b- 0-r-e-(a-)d- e/b- t- (b-) f-0-r-d- am-(e-)0-r-e- d- = abuse-r-rig-ht-s-t00-t-he-re-s-(t-)0-re-: "dawn" is already paying for the ocean to be so-ill-d-. h-and- p-at-(e-) inn-g-e-t00-t-he-ha-d- (0-)f0r-d-
"dawn" is not the architect of time and "i/t" doesn't honestly have any e t0 g i've (i)t a w/h e'ye (t/h) d (h) at (a) i/t c an d (r) (a) f (t) f 0'r(e) d
giving the benefit of the d 0/u(be)t -0-w/h0- d-e-ye-w/e- l/l-(d-) e/n- t- i/t-00-t-he-d- be- (a-)d- s- p- (r-) out- (e-d-) s-
t/h (d) ap/p L (e a.) d. e'ye (i.) d. e(a) l/l a g 0/n e
d e/b tu be t(h) a w/(e)a.r~e a.d.
e/e p en d en t (h) up 0/n (e) d (h) at c(h) a're a.d.
e/b t (a) r(e) ig ht (h/d) h ere
s-t-(r-)u-g/g-l-e-(i-)n-d- e/b- t-(h-)(d-) un-(e-)d-ere- s- (t-) a- nd- 0- w/ i~s e (e)(n) d(h) 0/m e w/i th0u t ~h f ace A.D. ate ~ d e/b t00 th e re (a.) p (L) a ce~ A.D. :
ye w/e believe d e/b t in (e)a. t/h (i/r) d per's 0/n e t: but you have never contribute ve(i)n d e/b t00 th (i/r) d per' s 0/n e d' s (a) p.r. e s (c (L) i) e/n t (h) at 0/n e w/00 d h (e)ave (n) t (h) in (e) d (e/b t) a re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s (h) e x cess (t) a' i.d. (h) e'ye (a.) t
th e/a. d~d L i(e'ye) 0/n e w/e (d) b L a.m. e a. s/s (u're) w/e l/l d
e/b t00 th e t a(i') l/l (e'ye i.)d.
i brought a few more plants, coleus, they come in varied colors, and can grow this plant in my apartment. i also learned, when i broke off a stem when planting the spitfire coleus, that it will grow roots fairly quickly, when put in water, so i have added : the wizard pineapple colleus to the desert pot the crown of thorns was in, but became wizend, leafless, greenless, budless, & flowerless stalk, & i purchased gaye' s delight, a green and creamy purple coleus, and fishnet stockings, a web of darker purple and green.
e/b- t00-t-(h-) e/n- d- en- e-ye- t- hie-ven-d-
(h-) 0/m - e- (n-) d-
(c-) (r-) a- ft- (h-) 0/0- k- n- 0- (w/e-) t- e-ye-w/e- d- kn 0/t (a) l/l 0 've t/h d a s/s (h) u e w/e (d) g (e) 0/d e (a.) l/l t a (re) t(h) at (ch) 0 w/e (a.) d.
"you" do not love as you go (d). just saying dumb-(f-)(t-) u-c-k-t- (b-) 0- L- (e-) d-
m-0-p-(e-)in-(d-) a- b/b-i-l/l-i-t-e-ye-i-d-s-c0-p-e-d-- d- le- d- (h-)e-ad- h0-pe(-in-)d- (g-)et-a- g- (r-) 0-a- t-
ye-w/e-d-h-ave-t-a-ke-(n-)d- f-all-s-(t-) e- l/l-e-ye- (i-)d- (0-) w/e- l/l- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- be- l/l-e-ye-(d-)a-f-t-00-t-he-me-a-(n-)(d-) s- (n-) e/e- k- (i-)t-(h-)u-(b-)e- (a-)d- 0f- t- (h-) e/n- d-(h-) 0/m-e-inn-g-e-t-a-gree-d- 0f- t- (a-re-) f- (r-) e/e- d-
t-he-ad-s-(h-)e-l/l-t-(h-)e-re-ad- 0-wan-t-u-be-(a-)d- (h-)a-(r-) b- 0-r-(e-) t- - 0- g-e-t-a-re-(s-) t- 0-r-(e-) t- - (h-) a-nd- s- (h-) e-l/l-f-x-f-t-(a-) m-0-r-(e-) t-
t-he-ad-b-(e-a-)m-(e-)u-s-e-(e-)d- h- a.(n)d. kn 0 w/e t/h (d~r) 0ugh t e fxf 0'r (e) t/h (d) ew/e ~ a.d.
t-he-t-h-(0-)u-g-h-t- for -use- g- g-et- 0ff- t- (0-) w/-h0-(d-)g- e- w/e- d- i/t- (h-)rue-(n-)d- 0- w/e-tu-d-e-(b-)t-u- g-a - w/e- (e-)d- ew/e- d-s- pur-s-e-w/e- t- he-ad- ew/e- (d-) s-
"the" law-s-t- makes the crime -n-d- h-and- makes you speak on nit divine-ve-(i-)n- d- 0- w/ar-(e-)t-a-gain-d- h- inn- d- (h-)e-ad- h-and- i/t- s- (h-) am-e-s- (h-) at- ch- (i-t-) d- b- (L-)a-c-k-t-0ff-t-h-(d-) ue-s-(h-) i/t- e-ye- (a-) t-
e(a.) s/s e/e n (d) e t(h)rue t(h) 0 p 0 t(h) 0 (w/)e ' s(t) e x (t) en d
(h)e a.d.
s (n) i p/p e t' s~
(0-)(h-)(t-) b- s- (p-) 0- k-en- d- e/b- t00-t-(he-ad-) 0-f-x-f- t-u- b- (r-) ough- t- a - s/s- t- (h-) e- ad- s- t- a- l/l- k- t- 0ff- t-hie-ven-d- alliance- s/s- (h-) 0- t-
(e-)a-re- (a-) p-0-s-e- (e-) (n-) d- he-a-ven- d- k-n-0-w/e-(e-) d- (s-) up- p-(L-)e-ye- i-d- s- (c-) an- (d-) s- t-a-nd-
e/b-t00-L-(b-) e-(n-) d-
the only problem-i-s/s-h-(e-)d- is t (e) a l/l d a m(e)a.r(k/e) t p (L)a ce -d- does not carry e w/e d ew/e ve (i)n d ~ ~ ~ e/b t00 th e re (a) p (L) a ce (i)t h ea.ven d.
t-his-is-(h-) 0- w/e- (e-)d- e/b-t-00-t-he-re- s-(t-)0-re-(ye-)d-
e/b-t-0-m-(e-)"A"k-e-g-e-t-his-t-0-r-e-ye-(d-) a-m-0-re-t-(a-)re-a-t-
can you please inform the b-i/t-ch-d- in manassas that she has never contributed to the c0 L 0're s(t) 0 fxf e/e d e l/l i~g h/t (h) a'nd h a s/s t (h)e a.d. e/b t u/n e ve r t (c) a (i) r e'ye i.d. e/b t00 t (h) rig ht
you believe in the "Lord" b.c. e w/e a.d. ar(k) t 0/n e~c kn 0t 0/0 L 0'r (e/a.) d. h ea.ven d
L-(e-) A.D. ~ H at ch (e) t in e t (h) a.'(n) d.