e'ye s e/e t/he 'se(a-)l/l-e- p-(t-) s- peak- t- inn- t-he- wrong- a- w/-he-ye-a- t- 0/d- ue- (t-) s- p.-r.00f- t- he- (d-) s- (t-) aid- (e-) u/s- t- up- t00-t-he- (a-)d- b- m-u-s-e- (e-) d-
the captivating po-in-t- is-
"1" the origin of the cur(e-)rent language in the competitive market place is effor -t- no re a.s/s 0/n e- d- ate-, t-h-and-
"2" ewe d 0 w/(h)ere act u al ~ly e men-t- 00- t- he- (a-)d- ve (i)n t00 t(h) c~ a.m. e~a.d.
what i am plainly saying, and anyone can see d, "man" has not intention EVE R a ft 0 're (e) fxf 0'r (t) a t/h e/e d.
the s-nail-s-0/n- d- h- a- s/s- t- (u-) b- e/e-n- t- f0r-meal-ly-e-
s0 get it, and stop giving s-(h-)am-en-d's- your me 0/n e'ye t-w/-h0- t-urn- i/t- inn- t- w/-h0- w/-(e-) inn- d- 0- w/-id- t-(h-) i/t-'s-
never wanted women equal too t-he-ad- a- re pre sent i/t
to not understand t-his-t- is to aspire, conspire, una spire inn-fliction for-t-no reason for ? all -ea-t-urn-nit-e-ye- (a- t- ) vain -d- 0f-t-(h-) inn-g-e-d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- a- re-(a-) p-air-d- 0f- t- (h-) inn-g-e- d- (h-) inn- (d-) c0m-man-d- e/b- t-0/0-t-0ff-t-00-the- ad- c0m-e- ad- s- a- c0n-(e-)-t-a'-in-ere- t- a- gain- d- he-a-ven- d- h- and- s- (p-) en- d-'s- a.d-'s- ac-t- hie-ven- (t-) d- 0 - w/-ai-t- (h-) inn-g- e- d- for you to speak t c0/n e th em. s-(h-) 0 - w/e- t-he-ye- can- e- re- claim- he- pr-0-vi-d-(h-) e-ad- e/b- t- he- ha-(s/s-) w/- he-ye- (a-t-) d- 0 - pen -(a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye- (t-) a- s/s- t- e-y(e-) a- w/- (h-) aye- t-
e~ t(h) 0/m e~ a.d.(h)ea. d.'s b e/e s p0 k~e(n) d h~and le (a.)ve n t(h) r~0p e~(e) d h 0/p e/e d 0 fxf t (h) 0/0 kn~0/t (h) e/a. d. 's c 0/p~i e(ye) d a. m. u l/l t i~p L(e)ye w/e tu~(d) e w/e b(e~ a.)m. u/s e(e) d~(g) i've n/t i'm e (a.)d. e/p t(h) u(e) s/s (t) a' i.d.
(h-) 0- LD- (en- mar-)k- n-ew/e- (d-) s- (t-) aid- i.'d.- e- w/e- t00-t-he- ad- ewe- (d-) s-
(h-)ang-e- L- inn- a- ve-s-t-0-re- ad- s- t- a- (i-)- re-ad- e/b- t-(h-) a- re-ad- e/p-t-(h-)0-re- (a-d-)s- e/e- k- t-0p-en- l/l-e-ye- a- t- f0r- (t-) a- e-fx-f-0-r-t- le-s/s- (e-t-he-) l/l- ye- s- h- a.(n-)d.- he-ave-n- d- s- cam- s- (t-) a- nd- s-
kellye-anne-d- con-w/-aye-d- looks more and more like a d-rug-0/d-e-a- l/l- ere- t00-t-he-ve-r-(ye-)d- aye- a- t- he- a.re- d- 0- w/-i- thou- t- a- des-t-in-e- a-t-e- i-0/n- s-e/e- (d-) be- ad- e/b- t- a-s/s-knee- d- f- ache-r- ring- e-d- inn- d- pen- d- en- t- a- ll- e- ye- vain- d- a- miss- (t-) re- ad- 's- e- x- a- ct- a- gain- d- s- t- (e-) all- a/d- s-c-an- d-
he-(a-)d-e/b- t- a- re- (a-)make- d-e/b- t- a- k/e- (d-) g- (0-/ad- (h-)ea-d- (h-) e/e- d-(L-)ink-t- wen- t- a- re- luck- t-a- n(d-e/b-) t- hat-) 0/n-0-b-ill-i-t-eye-a- t- hat- ea- c-hat- as/s- t- (h-)e- ad- f- a- ct- 0/0t-he- p- as/s- t- 0ut- (a-) mat- t- 00- t-ha- t- e-s-t- (h-)a-t- e'ye- a. -s/s- w/e- ll- d- f0r-g(e-)inn-g- f-0-d/d-ere- tu-
(ea-) t- e-r/r- 0- r- (e-a-)d- c(0-)un-t-(r-)e-ye- d-c0m-f0r-t-a/b-le- in- (d-)s- c-a/r-(e-)r/r-in-(n-)g- 's- u(e-)s- t- a- (i-)r- e- t-(h-) inn- g- (e-) i've- n-(t-) d- se-am-e/n-d- s- c- he/m-e- vain- d- ly-e- t00-t-he- t- ea.s/s-e-ye- d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- be- lie-f- t- he- t- f-e/e- d-'s- cent- (h-) e- (l/l-) ye-
not bu-ye-in-g-u-ye- i/t-
at the very lease-t-he-a- t-, the "process" in the pi-ct-u-re- is not showing the articulate-d- high-d- (e-) lig-ht-s-. the pencil-d- f- (L-)air-e- t00-t-he- t00- L0-0k-t-heir- d-, the- r/r- in-(n-)g- 0/d- p-ain-t-er-re-ly-e-
a-t-e- t/h- ere- d-
i think this is over- t- ex- t- p0- s- e/e- d- e/b- t- a- t-(h-) i-s/s- u- e- w/e- d- 0/h- t- inn- s-i/n-g-u-lar- d- e/b- t- a- re- p0- s- e/e- d- g- r0w/- ed-
basic-ly- d-ewe-d-s-peak-inn-g- t- w/-h0- d- ewe- d-'s- e/e- k- t- (h-) inn-g-e- t- (h-)rue- d-
"you" do not have follow thru, and you are just more vain in displaying your be-au-t-e'ye- t00-t-he- ad- ew/e- d-
how many bi-rd-'s- did - i/t- a- ke- ta- get- f-0-u-r- inn- i/t- 0/0- t- he- mistake-nd- 0f- t-s- p- (L-)ate- t-(y-) our- e-g- r- (e-)ate- t-(he-d-) 0f-f- t- (h-) ank- t-'s- - b-rake-d- en- t- m(e-)a- t- (e/n-)d- ate-
"s-o/n-n-e'ye" you are only be au ty too the never h ave t a re L aye t heir d ate
t00 t(h) em p(L)ate
-doing "own" thing-t-w/-h0-d- e=w/e- d- h- and- e-ye- t- a- w/-he-t0/0t-hie-ven-d-s-e/a.-m.e/n-d's tet- a- gain- d- s- (t-)a- nd- s- h- a.m.-en d
s-c-rip-t-(a-ll-)k-eye-per- d- 0- w/-(h-)as/s-p- t00-t-he-sac-r/i-fi-ce-in- g- z-0/m- b-(i-)e-d- f- ac(h-)e- (d-)g-at-her-d- fact-(h-)d-(t-) 0- (w/-)e-re- L-at-e- a.s/s- t- (e-) l/l- (e-) a. -s/s- t- u- b-ye- t- a- p- a-s/s- t-
i have a reservation about cutting-t0ff-t00-t-he-ad-0f-t-s- L0-t- h- and- 0f- t-. i have a reservation about another -d- 0-(w/-)h- t- month-ly-e- t- (u-) b-ill-k-t-0/0t-0ff-t-bu-ill-d-0f- t- a- better- t-i'm-e- (n-) d- s-L0-t- h- and- 0f- t-
i would rather d ewe th be st (0) w/i.d. th 0 w/hat~ c~h 'd e'ye g 0/t
to not have to say this same thing over and over without a true dest inn at(e) i(0)n e'ye need to make a plate for(a.)m. e~ta l/l in(n) t ere s/t~ at(e) 's
you be c0m (b)e d be(ad) fxf i/t (h) inn g e t(h) a g (L) 0've d ~(h) 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye ve(i)n (t) d b~ e in(n) g a~ g r(e)a.t~e/n d 0 w/(e) i.d. th eigh t00 the m(e)A.k e're s(t) a'ye (a.)d.
i don't believe in appology when ewe bu ye w/e a.r(e) t (a) g i've n/d 0 w/i.d. t(h)0ur t' (a) b (l/l) e s/s t (a') g (e) i'v en t (a) i'm e~ a.d. 's~u(e/d) b. c Li'm(b)e~ (a.)d. e/b t inn t i'm e(a.) d.
per the "inter-net-" w/hat we need is probably a declutter in(n) g~ . get rid -0f-t-he-ad-s- nail-s0n-net- "2" -dud-e-w/e-d-s- peak-inn-g0/n-nit- s- nit- s-0/n- net- s- t- u- b- be-ad- 0/n- nit- u- b-0/n- net- s- 0/n-net-'s-pur-(e-)s- e- (e-) d- 0f- (i-) t- heir- d- 0- w/ar-e- ad- serve- d- (e/b- t- )a- r(r-)-e-ye- d- f- a-(i-)r- e- (a-)d- g- 'sus-n- are- ad- e/b- t- (a) l/l a~i/r d f r0m t/h ere (a.)d.
i think Eve Even (d) bu yE ven inn g, is about bluntly efface inn g the the-0-r-e-ye-, that a woman can't ex (t) is/ t f0r meal ly e, without a man (e) pre sent. t hat she can't ca(i)r e'ye 0/n (t/h) d 0/n e inn d her 0(w/)n e ti'me ve(i)n (d) s (h) 0 w/e ~ a.d. g~a p/p (e) s~ t~a' (t(h) i/) s/s u e w/e (n) d 0 w/e th 's trait h and b rake d 0ff t inn p (L)a ce (a.)d. fxf a ce (a.)d. h and be (t/h) fxf i t/t (h) in(n) g e i(n) d g race d h and ate t(h) p (L)ate t(h) inn (d) p lac e/n t a'~(y)e
ladies please stop being a miss tarry t0-f-x-fund-a-me/n-t- a-ll- h- ave- d- e/b- t-rue- t-he-s- 0- w/id-t-h(e-d-) c-he-miss-t-re-ye- d- ewe- d- s- (t-) a-nd- ea- f-0-re- d- ewe- inn- g- ave- d-(y)0ur-e- (a-)p/p- (L-)ea.se-men-t- is-b-u-t/t- a- s/s- (h-) am- me- d- bu- t/t- ere- d- as/s- knee-ad-am-e- (a-) d- i-c- (k-) t- i0/n- d- ea- f-t- ly- ea- t- a- (p-p-) l/l-ease- d- 0f- t- ly- e-
(((((s-e-ye- t- (a-) g- ave- t- he-- w/-he-ye- d- e/b- t- a- re- (a-) p- (L-) ace- d-s- t- a- (i-) r- e- ye- n- ave -d- e/b- t- a-r/r- e-ye- s- (h-)ave- (n-) d- s- (t-) aye- d-)))))
t00 th' s 0/0 n t00 t(h) a c/t h~ave' ye (n) d~ e w/e t00 th s i/r~e've 'ye vi ew/e (n) d (h) e'ye d ~
g i've n~ t i'm e(a.) d.~
0(a.) t(h) 0/0 kn 0/t 0'r(e/t)c~h ' debt 0/0 th (e) r~e L ate t/h ea. d. (0) be~a. r n i'nn g (L) 0've (n) d 0 w/(e) re a.~ t/h (0've) d e/b t 0 w/(h) ere (a.) d. e/b t a' re ~a. l/l e~a. fxf t
t w/(h) i/s t e a.d. (g) ' s u(e)s~(t) 0 rt~ h (c~L) as/s p~i re~a. l/l e (ye) fxf (ea.) t (h) 0/m e~a. d.(h) 0/m e ~ a.
d. (0) b a s/s h~ fu (e w/e) l/l e(a)ve n~(e)a. r t/h c h~ea.r 0/d(h) e/a. d. h~ inn g e inn g 0/d ly e w/e a.d. 0 w/00 d b(L)e a.d. 's 0/m e 0/n e ye ve(i)n 0/d e~n mar (k) e/n ewe a.d. h and 's (t) 0/a r~e 'ye inn g 0 pen d/g L e/e~ a. p~ t
the ven (e)a.r~ e a.d. e/b t a're tu b u t/t ah ~ g r~in(n) d (h) i'nn g e d/g (a)g ate (d) s~(t) a' i.d. ate l/l e'ye ~ a.t
she ate with inn ten t i0/n (e) pre sent ly e w/ i.d. th~ d
(0) be t(h) b~L a'ye zed c~u/p t00 th ' d r~in(n) k (i) t (c) u~p ped h~and (e/b t) a.' m. e r/r e'ye i.(t) d. e/b t00 t(h) be (a.)d. i/t i/t's~ (t) 0/0 t/h eg a th ere s(t) i/t~ c~h ' d ew/e (ye) i/t
a' re (a) p~en t a' n(d) ce s/s (m)i/t~
w/hat i/s th c~ave a.t 00 t(h) en (d) a.m. e
a.d. 's b e/e s 0/t(h) a gain d
e/b t00 t(h) c~ a.m. e l/l (b) e/n d e/b t a' gain d b e'ye s 0/t as/s knee d a~t/e
t-he-ad-s-(k-)ill-d-0f-t-c0-arse- d- e/b- t- heir- d- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye- a- t- f0rce- d-0f- t- a- re- (a-) pair-in-g- 0/- d- 0f- t- f-(r-)eeL-ye- d- ea- t- h- and- a- gree- (t-he-) d- i/t- a- c0-rd- (h-)inn-g- ly-e- d- ew/e-d-'s- e- x- act- ly-e- a- s/s- knee- d-
you are not h ear tu challenge me'ye inn c(h) 0/m e d-(y-)our-e-p- lu- m/m-e- t- never cam e/d, the ref 0're (a.d.) n~eve r t c0m e~ ve(i)n (d e'ye d) ly e t00 t(h) en d ~ h eave n 0 w/e a.d.' s(p) en d
' s c~e/n t' s u(s) p~ (per) en d
fortify an image even d h and c-an- d- cut-e-t00-t-he-t-he-r-an- d- c-h0-p- f- an- d-i/s-g-race- d- e-ye- a.(i.-)m.- e- d.- i/t- inn- d- h- and- c0m-for-t- a/b- l-(e-) ye- in- (c-) ave- (a-)d- s- (t-)a-t- e-a.- s/s- e- (e-) d- as/s-k- t-
h0w/e l/l 0/n (e) g~ i/s t(y) 0ur e(a) p.r. 0 vi' s~i 0/n e ~ d(h) 0 w/e l/l 0/n (e) g~ 0/d e/b t 00 t(h) e/n e/e d (l/l) e'ye t a s/s k~ t
(h) p.r.0 v(e) i/s 0/n e inn g 's u(e) s~(h)at
a t 0/0~ d e w/(e) inn (d) 0/0 're a.d. 0 w/i th0u t~ a (t) re a.d. (h)ea.r th (d) s p0/u t~0/0 t/h ta l/l e/n d 0 w/e
a.d. 0/u (be) t~a gain d hue s/s~yn/t a' x i/s u e w/e (a.)d. i/t u~ be a.d. g~r0~0m inn tri bu t/t e~ tu (be a.) d. ewe
s-he-s-p/i-t- as/s-pat- e- t-he- re-el-a- t- e- "indiscriminatory" b.c.- e- w/e- n- d- e/b- t00-t-he- never e m(e) a. t (h) e~ a.d.
t-hu(e-)s/s- t-err-i/t-0-re-ye- is -tu-be-en- ad- s-(p-)en- d-s- cam- (e-d-) s-
c-rh-y'm-e- (a-)d- ('s-) ea-m-(e/n-d-)s- inn-g- he- a- ven-(d-)a- d's- t- a- g- e- t00-the- be- h-(e-) ad- 0- w/-ai-t- (h-) inn-g- e- debt- a- gree- d-
ew/e- d- h- ave- d- 0/n-l-(e-)ye- s- pi-t/t- i'm-e-ye- per-m-mit-t-he- (a-)d- e/b- t-(u-)be- (a-) d- h- and- b- re- (a-)d- h- inn- g- e- inn- g- a- gree- d-
(e) m.0./d u e w/e l/l a~t (h) e~ (a.) d. (p.r.) i'm e/n (d) em e'ye s u(e) s (p)en d's (t) at e d ' s cent ' s (h) ave (n) t a gain d
(ea.) fxf r/i e/n d's w/ee p~(t') s~ u/s t inn a r(e s) i'nn d h~ea.ve n (d) 0 w/e (a.)ve (i.)n~ d. (h) e'ye d
s qua r/r (e'ye) in(n) g th c~i/r c le t(y)0ur h~inn g (u) e s/s t/h deter (a.) m.i/n(e) d(y) 0/0 re w/(h) e'ye d e/b t a're ve(i.)n (d.) ly e~a. r~ e t00 th be t/h e're a.d. f a(i)r e r~a n/d s qua re a.d.
One day some worker bees made a honeycomb in the hollow trunk of an oak. They settled nearby to rest. Then, the drones from their hive flew by. The drones said, "We made that honeycomb. It belongs to us." "You did not make that honeycomb," replied the worker bees. "You know very well that you did not. We made it." The drones insisted, "That honeycomb belongs to us and we are going to have it." So the worker bees said, Let us go together and see what the wasp has to say about whose honeycomb it is. The worker bees and the drones flew in a big swarm to the wasp's nest. When the wasp came outside to see what the buzz was all about, the bees all talked at once about their dispute. "You worker bees and drones," said the wasp, "are so much alike in shape, color, and sound that I cannot easily tell you apart. Surely I cannot tell which of you I have seen building the honeycomb in the oak tree. But I think the matter can be justly decided. Each group of you, the workers and the drones, must go to a hive in which there is no honey, and build up a new honeycomb. The group that makes a honeycomb and honey like that found in the oak tree is the owner of the tree comb." "All right," said the worker bees, "we will do it! Let's go!" But the drones said, "We will have nothing to do with such a plan." So the wasp said, "I see the worker bees are ready to make another honeycomb. But the drones don't want to do it. That must be because the drones do not know how! Surely, they did not make the honeycomb in the oak tree. It belongs to the worker bees." The drones buzzed away very angry. For they knew the wasp was right. They didn't know how to make a honeycomb at all. And the worker bees happily flew back to the oak tree.
ae s 0p s f~ab le s/s t/h (e/e) d 0 w/are t(h)u e s/s e/a. t ~ f0r mea.l ly e
cloth, the body's first surround, is a hand always touching us Cloth making among the oldest forms of human cultural production provides inspiration for Ann Hamilton's multi-venue project, habitus, located at three sites: The Fabric Workshop and Museum, Municipal Pier 9, and on social media. Habitus weaves text, textile, and image together as mediums for an imaginative and tactile exchange between artist and audience. The museum's galleries display Hamilton's selection of historical objects including literary commonplace books, textile sample books, dolls, and needlework portfolios borrowed from Philadelphia museums and public collections. Printed passages from published writings referencing the social and material life of textiles, and collected through an open call to the public at cloth á a commonplace, will be available free to museum visitors. In the vast space of Municipal Pier 9 on the Delaware River, visitors propel a field of gigantic cylindrical curtains to billow to atmospheric proportion. As cloth swaddles us at birth and covers us in sleep; as a folded blanket can tell a story of trade; as a flag carries the symbol of a nation, Hamilton's multi-venue exhibition habitus invites us to touch and be touched by the fabric of human experience.
in(n) d (e/e) p en d en t a' l/l e(a.)ve n (d) s L~e/e p(i)t/h d ew/e t00 t(h) 0/0 k e'ye p(d)s~ e/e k t00 t(h) be(a.)d.~ 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye (w/h e)~a. t (a') b~L an k e t (h) inn g (e) inn g a~ g(r)e a.d. (0) c0/m p (L)ea.T
0/0 th e'r(e) a. p/p (L)e~a.T e'ye a.r~ t/h (ea.) d. 's~ea. t
be a.d. syndicate~debt u be(a.)d. (e/b t) a ' re ~a. l/l e~a.s/s e~a.d.
be (a.) d.
ap(e?)i/s e'ye ? t (h) a' nd 0f-t-ly- e-
d-ea-t-he- t00-t-he- d- a- re- put- e- t(h-) inn- f0r-m-(e-) all- a- t- he- re- s-t- r/i- bu- t/t- e-tu- d-e- w/e- d-
the savior is always in the shed for the miss behavior he would (h-ave-n-d-) b-re- ad-
e'ye a.m. w/(h)0'r(e)king (L) in the privacy~a i s(t) augh t (0) fxf 0'r~a.(i.)m. e (a.)d. (0) b (r) 0ugh t/h ' s~ a.m. e ve(i.)n d. (e/b t) r~ 0 p/p e/d~(h and l/l e~a.) d (e) l/l e/a. d 0 fxf t00 th b e/e h av~e (n) t a(i') l/l 0/t~
e'ye a.m. wearing 0 r ang e & whatever t(h/d) c0 l0 re a.d. 0~0're y0u d b(r)0ught h~ea.ve n a.m. e~a.d. e/b t h~ea.ven d c a.m. e l/l t00 th f r a.(i.)m. e'ye a.(i.)m. e a.d. h and e t(h) 0 w/h0 0'le d a l/l 0/t~ t0(w/)e 0 (f/t) s ~
(t) augh t i/t m a t/t ere (a.) d. 0ff t
fund a. m. e/n t a' l/l i/t e'ye t00 t(h) put (t e're a.d.) 0 fxf (i)t inn t ere s(t) augh t~at 0/n e t i'm e a.d. 's L0 t~ w/h0 d be(a.) d. s (L) 0/f t inn s lee p/t 00 th e re put e'ye 0/t
a ge~t 0ff t
t0 A.D. "m-r-a-me-r-i-c- a- " n eve r t/L a(ye) i.d. h eave n (d.) a.d.
ewe t00 t(h) en eve r h a.d. e th c r~e(a.)d. i/t h~eave n/d h and
mr-america-s-h-ive- d- a- re- vi/s- i- 0/n- e- debt- out- a- (d-) h- and- s- 0/m-e- 0/n-e-ye- d- (s-) im- ag- in-ate- i-0/n- (d-) f- (L-) am- e- (a-)d- s- c-an- d-
e/b-t00-t-he-ad-s- p.r.-0- s-(e-) t-i/t-u- e-vain- ad- s-e/a.-m.-en- d- s- hat-
w/-h0- d- e/b- t00-t-(h-) 0/n- e- l/l- ye- d- inn- f- (L-) am-e- (a-)d- i/t- 's- ha-b-u-s-e- ed- ewe- (d-) s- t0 -get- i/t- (h-) rue- we- d-
e/b- t- a- ed-i/t- c-(h-)at-c-he- ad- inn- ad- van-ce- d- s-him-me-r-e-ye- a- s/s- (t-) a-nd- a- r/t- (e-ye- f- a- ct- )a- s/s- a- ct- 00- L- and- s- 0- L- e- t00-the- re-el-at-e-(n-) d- 0 -w/-id- t- hat-
e-vain-ate- (d-) s - (h-) 0 - w/e th' s u p/per t c0uld never h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n (t) d~ e/b t a're A. l/l a~t (h)e a.d. heir d f r0m t/h ere all a re a.d. e'ye s qua re a.d.
"you" "m-r-am-e-r-r- r-r- i- c-a- " have only ass-knee-d- e/b- t- force- scene- debt- u- be-(a-)d- (h-) inn-g- e- t- a- re- lie- f- t- 0/0t-0ff-t00-t-he- ad- jack-t-he- ad- 0f- t- 0ff- t- s-imp-ly-e- t- in- e- ye- t- (u-) be- (a-)d- h- and- bu-l/l- ie- d's- e/e- k- t- i'm-e- t00-t-he- d- be- ad- 0f- t- c0m-f0r-t-a/b- le- ad- 0f- t- ly- e- (a- t- 0ff- t- me- an- s- ea. t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e ~a. b 0/d e'ye inn t(h) inn k~ t
"you" only -e- s- e/e- x- i/s- t- (a-) b.- c.- e- s/s- e- t-(0/0-t-)he- ad- en-e-ye- i/t c a.m. e (l/l e) ve(i)n~ (t/h) d
"you" are not th ea.r d, "you" are n0 t/h c an d, "you" are not heir d, "you" are n0 /th c~a.m. e a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) p.r. a.(i.)m. e~ (a.)d. (p.r.) i'm e/n d i/a m0/n (e'ye) d(h) 0've t/h eave n ~ d 0 w/e (a)ve ~n a.m. e ~ a.d.
' s a.m. e t a l/l s(t) a nd~ h~inn d e/b t~h(ea)d h ave (n) d h a.(n)d. just ly e~n ave d bu ye t a. m.iss' t a' ke ~g r(e)a. t~ e t00 th d ate
t(y)0ur e (a) p (L)at~e l/l e t w/h 0/n e/n em e'ye fxf a~ce a.d. at(e~)a.t 0/n e m(e)A.k/e g(u) e s/s (t) a t e/n d's nake d ly e~a(e) r a~t (e) inn t~high ea. l/l 's et 00 th d e(a.) l/l ~ d aye t
she ate t(h) air e t00 th s(h) 0/a r~ e w/e t 0 w/00 d f e/e L as/s knee l/l ~and as/s knee d l/l e ye i'~ l/l d
t(h) r i~c/h e'ye d a.m. e w/e t a miss take (n) d 0fxf (i) t/h e(g/u=e*) s/s (t) a't e~ ye l/l i ke y0're stati0/n (e) a.r e'ye (d/h) i.d. e/b tu b (r) 0ugh t00 th (e) r~e (a.) l/l a~ t(h) e/d e/p t h(r)u e s/s t i/p u l/l ate d f i/n(e) d h~ inn e min(e) d i/t (t0) w/h0 ew/e (n)d 0 w/00 d be (a.)d. i/t (h) rue w/e l/l (d)' s
un/d ere s/t 0/0 d
s (t) i' l/l e/n t a l/l t(h) a're t00 th t i'm e ~ a.d. 0 w/e~e 0/n t/h d i'v(e)in e/e d l/l e'ye d en mar knit e'ye t (h) inn g e debt a g(r)e a.d. 0(h t) b.~ m.(e) u/s/e (e)d i/s t'h b.me t ~u be l/l~(t/he)iger e/n t l(e) ye ~a. t (e) fxf0r (a) t~ e 'ye d h ave t 00 th f reeL ye g~i've~n d 0 (w/h) b rain d 0 fxf t ly e a.d. h and g' sus t c~ a.m. e l/l t00 th f (L) a.m. e~ a.t. e ve(i)n ly e a.m.
"you" can't -0- w/-ag-e- m-s- t-0-re- ye- a- m0-re-, a.m. 0 (0) re t00 th 's (h) 0/a r~ e a.d. e'ye n eve r d 0/0'r~e ve/r t (a) g ave t(h) 0/n e s/s t00 th (e) re st 0/a r~ d ye inn d(h) e/e d(h) i.d. en mar k~n ave ye t(h/d) inn ate t00 th d ate~a.(ch~i) t d~p.(r.) ave d e/b tu get a cr0ss t(h) en -d- en-ave-ye- d- face- d- "po-lite-l/l-ye-" t00 - t-he- d- h-ave- f-x-f- ace- d- 0 -w/-i- thou-t- a- t- race- d-
the re(e) f 0're "you" cannot wage war-e- as/s- w/e-a-r- e- ad- 0-0- re- ad- for -t- no re a.s/s 0/n e t00 th (s) c 0 'r(e) d~ ew/e b/b e (a.)d.
"you" have no tribute , "you" have only brought a-b-or-t- he- ad- e/b -t- 00- t-he- miss us/e d-e/b-t- a- gain- d- im-me- d- h- and- g-im-me- d- f-an- d- (e/b- t-) inn- fan- t- as/s- e-ye-vain-d-
em pat h(e)ye p.r. 0/d (e)u ce s/s (e) g 0/0 d (e) sig n~ d (0 w/e)
em b 0/d e'ye d
c (h)air e s~ea. t a/b le a.(d.) f(t)f air e t00 th eg r~e a. t(h) air e'ye (d) s~ea.m. e(a.)d. 0 w/are a.d.
be truth full t(y)0ur e t w/h0 r(e) k/t. be t(h) 0/n e s/s t. D0 w/h at you like t/h a'nd h 0/p fully e (i/t) c 0/m e s(h/d) 0/u t(h/d) 0 w/e ll e s/s t/h qu~i t~c/h e'ye d p as/s t (h) inn (d) 0 p~en d
0 w/i.d. t(h) i/t ~ c h/d
we really started from th eg r0und h~up t ... i/t 's a c(h)a i/r t (h/d) 0ff t 0/d a'ye a. nd 0 fxf(i) t00 th~e m0 r/r 0 w/e a.(d.) s w/e ll e'ye d h up d 0fxf (t00 th)all 0/t inn p(L)a ce a.d. ate fxf 0'r(e) t i n/n e fxf a ce (a.)d. (h) all t(h) a re ~a. l/l (h) 0'ver t a gain~ d h~a.(n)d. e ve(i)n a.d.
i/r e s/s t inn (d) s (t) a' nd
add (h-)inn-g- e- t- he- ad- (s-) f-(L-)air- e- ad--e-(a-) l/l- t- a- re- el- 0/0- k- t- heir- d-
Jerri McCutcheon may have been the one to adopt her new little Chihuahua named Minnie, but make no mistake, she’ll tell you that Minnie is the one who rescued her.
“She brings back that presence in my home I didn’t recognize was gone,” McCutcheon, 73, told ABC News of Minnie, a teacup Chihuahua weighing only 3.9 pounds. “Now the house doesn’t feel as empty. I haven’t had anyone to talk to. It was a void and she has filled that.”
McCutcheon had another dog -- a Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix named Bandi -- for 11 years before it died last May.
“I swore that I wouldn’t have another dog,” she said. “I just thought, ‘I can’t do this anymore at age 73. I just can’t go through that.’”
But her granddaughter Breanna Meuchel could tell McCutcheon just wasn’t the same since losing Bandi.
“She’d say, ‘Nana, you look so sad. I think you need another puppy,’” McCutcheon recalled.
Meuchel knew she needed another dog, and she couldn’t have been more right.
“Back even before Christmas, I started looking at all of the humane societies to try to find her one for Christmas. My theory is, adopt, don’t shop. But I never really found anything. It wasn’t until I looked at the Missoula humane society and found Minnie. The very next day I went up to meet her. Shortly after, I had my grandma go up and look at her.”
Instantly, it was a match made in heaven. The staff at the Humane Society of Western Montana in Missoula snapped these heartwarming photos of their emotional first meeting which quickly went viral after sharing them on their Facebook page.
“This little girl is starved for love and I’ve got it to give,” McCutcheon said of her new pup, who is estimated to be about 10 years old. “When I take them, I take them for life. She’s probably the most loving dog, and I’ve had several. We’re going through some learning processes but that’s what makes it work.”
Minnie has only been living with McCutcheon for a week now, but she’s already made herself right at home.
“She’s just skipping around,” said McCutcheon. And she’s claimed the couch. It used to be mine, but it’s hers now.”
(e) ye w/e a.r th d 0 w/e l/l e (a.)ve n t/h (ea.) d. un s p/0 k/en d e/b t i n/n e/n e me'ye d sig~n ere s/t (h/r) e a.d.
(0) b e/e s p0~k en d e/b t00 t(h) en d (e/b t) a r e/a. r e/n d
e/b t00 t(h) a g i/0 d h~and l e (ye)n d
' s 0/m e t00 th (b) 0/n e s/s t 00 th s 0/n e w/e d
i'm talking about knowing what you are getting (t) inn t w/h0.
i'm talking about (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(e) inn t w/h0 /d e (a.) l/l t a re t(h) 0 w/e (a.)d. ('s) 0' L e (a.) d.
i'm talking about w/h0 (d) s (t) augh t a t0/n e~c kn 0 w/e a.d. (s) 0 L e (a.) d. e/b t00 th r~0/a t
i'm talking about s-0-b-serve-ate-i-0/n-e-ye- a- s/s- knee- d- 0f- (i-) t- 0ff- t0-me- an- s- e/e- d- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a- t-(he-ad-)0f-x-f- t00-t-he- ad- see-k-t- 0ff- (i-) t- 0/0-t-he- ad- he-a-ven- (d-) l(e-) ye- re- (a-) p- (L-)a/ce-ye-i/t-
i'm talking about a "law-e-re- ad- s- t- a- g- e- s/s- (t-) c- am- s- . the lawyer didn't bring t w/h0 d 0 w/e t00 th t0 g ether e/n d h and 0/u (be) t. the lawyer brought - w/-h0- t0-g-ether- e- ad- 0/u- (be-) t- inn- t- (h-) a-nd- e/b- t- a- gree- d- e/b- t- hat- i/t- (0-) w/00- d- be- (a-) d- (e-a-) force- s/s- (h-) 0/0- k- inn- g- 0- pen- l/l- e-ye- d- s- e/e- d-'s-
"law/-ere-s-" are -s- applying false effort t0 get (h-) rue- w/e- d- (p.r.-) i'm-e/n- d- e/b- t- i'm- e- (a-) d- s- up- p- (L-) ie- (n-) d- hu-(e-) s/s -i- re- sig-h- t-
h-and cast h f all t--- u-b- miss - p- (L-) ace- de- lig- ht- (he-ad-) b- lig- ht- inn- t- rite- d- 0f- t- 0/n- e/e- d- alliance- s/s- inn- th- cess- (t-) eye- t- constant- lie- (n-) d- e/b- t- in(n-) e- vain- d- 0f- (i-) t- he- l/l- a- n- d- e/b- t- a - gain- d- g- i've- n- d- h- and-- he-a-ven- d- (c-) am- e- d- s- e/a-m-e/n- d- s- (h-) am- e- d-
h ave n/t a/ught fr0m th s augh t inn t(h) a'nd 0ff (i) t a cr0ss t i'm e~a. l/l 0/t "=" getting -0-paid- for- t- (h- ) 0/0- k-n0-t- (h-) a- nd- s- t- a- g- e- inn- g- 0/t- (h) 0/m e a.n s 0/m e t(h) inn g e~ d as/s (t) augh t (h) a' nd s (h) 0 w/e (a. d.) b (r) 0ugh t
t w/h 0 (d) c~ a (s/s) t 0/n e / e d l/l e 'ye a.t 's 0'L e (a.) d.
casting the fir s t 0/n e, didn't actually e t a ke th (e) fxf 0 r(e) t "k-n-0-x-" as/s u e w/e l/l d en mar kn 0 w/e l/l (e) a. s/s h 0 (w/) e~ a. d. (s) e l/l t
0' l/l e ' d e/b t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(e) inn g (L) 0' (ve d) s (h) i n/n e 'ye ve(i)n d h a.(n)d. ven t 00 th s(t) a nd h~inn g 0 v (e)a. t e i0/n s we ll d kn 0 l/l (ea) d e/b t (u) b~f0und as/s 0 un/d 0 w/h 0'Le (a.d.)
e/p t00 th e t a w/(h)e~r ev e(i)n s (h) 0 w/e (re a.)d.
en knell t h~ea.ven (d) f e l/l t 0(w/)e
t a' s/s k~n 0 w/(h)e re a.d.(s) 0'Le (a.)d.~
g~a ve ta n0(n/0) d~ (e)u/s kn(i) 0/t a l/l e'ye d 0ff t inn t ere s/t 0 s/s 0/d (h) a l/l 0/t
h and j 0/t a re r0und as/s (t) augh t' s0und
0fxf t
0/0 t(h) en d 0 w/e t(h)
as/s k (t/h) ew/e n(d)k n 0 w/e ~a.d. (s) 0'L~ e (a.d) 0 (w/e) s
t 0(0)l~ (e)a. s/s t (e) a. l/l (d/h) 0' ver t (a) l/l 0 (w/e) a.d. s~ea. s/s 0/n e inn g' (ag) 0
e ve(i)n d~h 0/m e(a.)r (e) d en 0/d (e/d) ' s a w/(h)ake ye d be ad as/s k/t f r0m (e/a) d (h) 0/m e r/r e'ye a. s/s k t/h d 0've ta g(L) 0've d h~ea.ven 0/d e ve(i)n (d) s 0/d as/s (t) augh t a' t0/n e (ed) b (r) 0ugh t (u) b. c. L~i'm(b)e (a.) d. 0 (w/e) fxf t a cr0ss t
em-p-t-(h-)e-ye- d- h- and- (h-)ea-d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- be-(a-)d- (ea-)f--x-f- 0-r- (a-)me-a- l/l- (e-) ye- a- t- 0ff- t-he- me- an- s- e/e- (d-s-e/e-)k- t- a- re- 9a-) pre-sent-ate- i- 0/n- ai- l/l- e- ye- d- eat- h- and- s- (h-) ake- g- re-a- t- inn -(t-)'s-t-e- ad- (h-)e-ye-(nd-) m(e-)a- t- 's- a- ga-(w/-h-)in- d- p.r.- 0- (0-) f- an- e- d-
mem0re'ye d h as/s kn 0t (a) be/en ave d e/b t00 t(h) be/en a.m. e (a.)d. 0 w/(e) inn e ve(i)n c~ a.m. e l/l (d) 0 w/t (h) b rain (d) s a.m. e~ (a.)i.d.
(s~e) a. d. 's mu/s t be t(h/r) 0(w/)n e s/s nake d e/b t00 th be (ad) h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n d f0r ce s/s (h) ake n/d e/b t a ga(w/e)in d (h) 0/n e s/s t ' s(h) ave n (d) a.d.
hu(e) s/s p(m)ut t~ere (a.)d. 0 fxf t (e) l/l ye re put~ ether e(e) fxf 0/0 t/h d (be) l/l a'ye t a'e ye a.t~(e) inn (e) p (L)ace a.d. (h and ea.t/h) fxf ace d h eigh t a' l/l (t) a' re a.d. e'ye n~ ave t a ca.m. e l/l ave d 0 (w/)h t (u) b re a.d.
-he-w/00-d- a- mu-t/t-ere- d- 0f- t- ly- e- s- can- t- a- re-put- inn- t- his- t- 0-re-ye- ad- s-t- (r-) 0- ye- n- d-s- u-(e-) s/s- t-
y-0-re- proposal-l- d- s- (L-) augh-t-her- d- 0f- t- inn- t-em- p-(0-) le- (a-) d- 0f- t-
t-(h-) 0/n- (e-) l/l- ye- d-e/b-t00-t-he- t- (a-) inn- t- en- t- i-0/n- s- w/00- (n-) d- be- (a-) d- 0f- t-
a'- n0- (n-)'s- e -par- t- i- c- u- l/l- ar(e-a-) d- (h-)a-l/l-0-(a-)t-he- d- (b-)rough- t-(u-)b- a-r/r- en- s-L0- t- h- and- 0f- t-0/0-t-0ff- (i-) t- inn- t- ere-s-(t-) augh- t- inn- t- i'm-e-a.- s/s- u-re- ad- 0f- t00- t- he- ad- c- L- i'm-(b-)e- (a-)d- 0f- t- f-i/n-(e-) d- i/t- 0ff- t-
s- (h-) all- 0 - w/e- inn- c- line- d- 0f- t- a- l/l- 0/t-
(h-) a.d.- just- s- (t-)aye-inn- g- s-us- (t-) mu-c-he-t-0ff-t-
a-s/s-k- t- he- f-(L-) ave- 0- re- ad- 0f- t-0ff-t-' s- t- (e-) a- ll- k- t-(h-)en- eigh-b- 0- re- (a-) d- 0f- t- a- re- put- e- th- s- L0- t- heir- d- 0f- t- h- and- s- c- a- t/t- her- d- 0f- t- 0- w/ar-e- t- i/t-(he-d-)- 0f-x-f- t- sup- p- ly-e- i/t- s- L0- t- h- and- 0f- t- 0/0- t- (h-) en- d- en- e- ye- i/t- (s-) augh- t-
tit/he f/r0m e w/h 0'le (a.)d. ver-sus- t- a- f-x-f- r- a-ct- i- 0/n- d- 0f- t-
(u-) b- (r-)ough-t-(he-t00-t-he-t-) as/s kn 0/t
e/n d 0(w/)e s kn 0t h~a.(n)d. kn 0 w/e t(h) ' s L0 t~ a g ave n d 's u c/c u e w/e l/l e/n t 0 s/s 0/d 0/n e c0mma nd (cL) as/s (p (i)t) augh t
she d en erve d b ar~e s i.'d.e/n t ce s/s (k) inn (d) s erve d
a r~e ve~r t e'ye b ra~e ye 0/t (e)a.r~n a l/l e'ye s (t) a nd 0ff t 0/0 t0ff(i)t hu(e) s/s ' d ('s) e l/l t a' g~a w/e a.d. 0ff (i) t inn t ere s/t a l/l d 0ff t00 th e m(e)a. r/r 0 w/e l/l 0/t a t0/n (e)a. r/r 0 w/e a.d. 0ff t (u) b/r 0 (w/e) a.d. h~inn (d) s inn t ere s(t a') me(n) t a gain d 0ff t(h) a' nd e/b t e fxf 0'r(e) t a re claim in d0ff t c~an d le p/t (p.)r. a.m. e/ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th f~an d b(L)ac k/t h~ea.ve n (d) a.m. e w/e ve(i)n a.m. e l/l c~ a.m. e l/l d s (t) a nd cur(e) rent (h) i s/s u e w/e t (a) inn ave d i/t inn t(c)h a. d. (h) e a.d. b e/i n~ g i've~n a. d. a ct c~0'r(e/a.) d h i n/n g (L) e/e
ps lee ps e th s 0 w/r e'ye s (h) ave i 0're tu be (a.)d.
a t/t a' i/n a/b le a.d. e/b t a' r(e) get heir d ea.t~ h~and 0/u (be)t a g(r)e a.t ether e/n ea. t/h er(e a.)d.
"the march on life-d-" he- ad- 0/n- e- d-0f-t - (0-) w/-i-(f-e-) ce- (e-) d- s- lice- d- e/b- t-(y-)our-e- (a-) pre-sent- s-inn-g- e- d- 0f- t-(he-)a- s/s- aye- t- (h-) inn- g- e- d-(r-)ea-m-s-
h a.(n)d. e(/be)t c h a.d. be/en t a gi'ven (d) a. d. a's/s kn/ea. d.
(a.m. e w/h 0/d 0/n (e~c) k~e'ye d b ra(v)e d (h) e'ye~a. l/l as/s h e'(ye) d ate t00 the m(e)a.t~ e t00 th d ate d(r)e~a.m. s ta ke d e'ye a.t (e) inn e t/h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n s p (L) an (t/h) d' s w/(h)ea.r's e t/hat i(n)t c an d)
bu ye 0(w/)n e fxf i/n g ere inn g i'll t (h) e'ye d (h) as/s (h) 0/n e~ (d) g 0/d e(n) t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e a.d. (ea.) f/r0m t/h d-(s-) 0- l-(e-) d-(h-)ea-r- e-a-r- d- as/s- k-n0-t- e- th b (ere) r ave d 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e' y~e/n ave d (as/s ) h ave d a ft f r0m th ' s(n) 0/0 k e're t (a) g ave (n) d 0 w/h e'ye (t/h) d ate t/h d aye t (a) inn p~a l/l a ce a.d. face t00 th 's trait a'(d)n a r/r 0 w/e a.d. (h) all e f(t) f ace a.d. a ft ere a. l/l d
"you" h-ave -n-d- (h-)0/n-ly-e- s- nook-ere- ad- be- lie-f- t- a- gain- d- (h-)im-an-d-f-ough-t-he- ad- a- ft- f-(r-)eeL-ye- t- i-n/n-e-ye- d- b- (r-) 0/0- k- t-(h-) 0/0-knee- lie- ye-
february 1, 2017
i h0pe ye d h ave n a.m. e~ (a.) i.d.
a ft (h) inn g (u) e s/s t c L ea.r~ d
plainly speaking, i have spoken several times on the earth cam about
1. "you" are in contempt of court before i even get to c 0ur t.
2. the "court" and the law-st- only par-t- (h-d-) 0 - w/- id- t- h- d- 0- b- serve- d- bu-l/l- s- hi- t- in- nit-
3. the "deuce" in the machine, is t-he-g-0/d- machining -0- par-t-'s- from a w/e b (r)0 a. d. 0/n e~g get e x (t) a.m. p~ le a.d. (f) 0nt inn t/h and 0ff t
4. the paral~lax i/s h0 (w/e) 's t a g (e) i've n d e/b t h~at h~and e t/h direct i 0/n e a.t (h) at
5. if you do not like what jac-k-t-d-0f-t- 0/0-t-0ff- t- is doing with your time and money tu be t-urn-nit-e-ye- in- t- w/-h0- me-0/n-e-ye- . ma(e)ye s u g/g (u) e s/s t a' getting your e m0/ne'ye d 0/u(be) t 0ff t(h) ban-k- t-s- e/e- d-.
6. and with fullfillment 0/n e me'ye p(L)ate fxf 0r(a.)m. e ve(i)n (d) s (h) 0 w/e a.r th (d) 0 w/e .
7. patron is the next chapter and the next usage. to get your time as your money into a follow thru you can se~a.d. 0 w/(e) t (c) h inn g (e) inn t w/h 0/d e w/e ta' s/s t e fxf a l/l (0 w/e) t 0 w/e ft f r0m t(c) h ea.r 0/d(h) e a.d. h ea.r. th d
8. answering the c-all-d- bu-ye- d- be-ad- h-inn-g-e t- a- ll- (0- w/e-) d-, is not a fxf air e. the competitive market place has not t augh t, h and h as/s kn 0/t s augh t. "i/t's" -e- x- i/t- i'm- e- d- gives the illusion of opportunities, none of t-h-e/m- e- d- viable a.d. actu ally e t00 th b eg(r) i'n/n d h ea.ve~n d h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n c~ an d
9. inn a re verse th s~ea. t a'/b le a.d. e/b t inn r~i've r~ s a(i) l/l t00 th be (a.)d. see k/t (h) 0 w/(e) inn~ d
10. i'm as/s k i'n/n g ew/e t00 th b r~in(n) g 0/d ' sir e r~in(n)g (L) i'nn t/h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n ly e~ a. t 0ff t (h) i n/n (e/e) d h av(i)e' ye w/e a.d. ('s) b e/e s~ p0 k en d bu z/z ' s lee per t/t e'ye ~ d
11. c~re a.t(y)0ur h~a.d. e ve(i)n a.m. e~ a.d. 0 w/e t(h) p (L)an (t) d e/b t w/h0 d bu ye a.m.~ an d c.~a.m. e l/l d f~an d (h) all a/b (0)u/t em p(0) Le a.d. a.m. ~e
g a.m. e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th fxf L 0 w/(h) ere i'nn g c~ an d (h and) le pt p.r. a.(i.)m. e~ a.d. (p.r.) i'm e ve n~ a. d. s ta. m. en d~ f a.d. e/ a.d.
12. bring your desir(e) inn d e/b t life as t a re a.s/s 0/n e/e d (e) l/l i g ht b (r ) 0ugh t at 0/n e c~k nigh t heir d (h) all 0/n e(g) s(u)s t/h d (f) a(i)r e a.d. s(h) 0/t ('s) u b. c. L i'm(b)e l/l ye 0/t 00 th (e) re (a) p ai r e(a) d i/t ~ t0 w/(h)ere (a.)d.
's 0/m e/n d's 0/n e/e d l/l e'ye ve(i)n 0/d e b~ran c/h ea. p awn d(h) 0've t a w/n d(e/b t) 0 w/n d 0ff t/h d(s) 0' L (e/a.) d. em b~ar(e) k t as/s k n0 un d e/b t a r~e ve~r/b e a.t(h) 0/m e a.d. 0 (w/) e ~
s i/t e'ye a.s/s t 0(0) l(e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/
(e a.ve) in kn 0 w/(e) a.d. f/r0m t(h) i s/s u/e w/e d' s 0'le d
other things:
to edit is to ad-i/t- on the mens "frame-work-t-h-and-fret-work-t-heir-d-"
to rep "i/t" is to re-ap-i/t- heir- d- s-cent-s- qua-re- ad- s- basic-all-ye- n- s- nare- ad-
you get to "pay"-t- malfeasantly for thinking th ere- s- qua- re- ad- i- re- c/t- i- 0/n- ai-l/l-ye- t- heir- d- 0f- t- (h-) en- d- 0- w/- t- inn- are- ad-
you are paying and pate inn g, and plateing the dof-t- u- be- ad- 0f- t- 0/0-t-0ff-t- he-ad- 0f- t-00- t-he-re- (a-)pre-sent- his- t- a- l/l- 0/t-
there is n0 t heir (d) a.m. (e) 0/n e' y e/g t(h) a l/l 0/ t. d0w/-ar-e- is making a scene-d0f-t-0/0-t0ff-t- u- be- (a-)d- effort-less-t- (e-) l/l-ye- 0/n- t- 0- w/-(h-) 0-men- d- -s-make- t-he-ms- up- t00-t-he- ad- be- ad- scene- d- h- ad- i/t- t0-0t- he- m-(e-)a-r/r- 0- w/e- d- 0f- t- (h-) 0/0- kn- 0- w/e- d-- h- and- of- t- a- (l/l- a- )s/s- t- e- g- 0- ad-
"you" are false sel ling the eye, the bu l/l, you have not brought 2 l/l 's (L 0've ) a.t the same time t00 th s e l/l (fxf) t~ 0 w/(h) ere a.d. 0 w/are t 00 th e m(e) a. r/r 0 w/e t 00 th d (f) a(i)r~ e(a.) d. i/t (h) i n/n~ (e)d 0 t/h 's up p~ L(e) ye in --- false frame-d- en-e-ye- t- (h-)inn-g-e- d-
"you" sell false emotions, false w/(h)eal th d, false w/ heeL as/s t/h d we l/l d ea. l/l t.
cur(e-)rent - ly--e- ad- s- nail- s- 0/n- sel- l- t- 's- t- a- l/l- k- t00-t-he- t- a-(i-) ll- (d-) s- 0f- t-s- nail- t-
the besp0ken d, hasn't me r/r e'ye d a ft f e l/l t
a.d. just say inn, t00 t(h) 0're t a w/(h) i s/s h~ i n/n g w/e ll ~ d 0ff t's nail t inn t h/at as/s knell t h~and e/b t as/s knee d fe(e) l/l t
i n(n) e t(h) a.(n)d. e ve(i)n d c~an d
the competitive market place, and the words that appear re noun h and serve d, ar(e) kn 0/t inn a re ve~r 's e/e d g~ea.r th ' d
biblically, bi b le a.d., didn't hap pen d a ct yl ly e w/00 d e/b t 00 t(h) en a.m. e l/l (d.) c a.m. e l/l d. it is "2" dud-e- s- peak- inn-g- a- g- (r-) e- ad- 0- 0-re- s- pea-king- a- gree- d- 0 - pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a- t- 0ff- t- he- me- an- see-k-(i-)t- (h-) 0/m- e- a- t- ease- d- 0f- t- ly- e- s- lee- per- d- (h-) e-ye- d- g-ive- me-s-0/m-e-s- (k-)inn- d- b-r0- ad- ly- e- vain- d- (h-) im-
bro-ad-ly-e- tu- s- he-ye- d- be- ad- 0f- t- 0- w/-ere- ad- s- inn- t-he- t- a- x- i/s- t- (h-)at- e'-ye w/i th0u t a re vi ew/e inn sig h~ t
sus t(c) ai n a/b le a.d. 0- w/- n- d- (b-) lig-ht- (h-) inn- g- (e-) -i-ve-n- t- i'm-e- (a-)d- c0-sig-n- d- g0-Ad-a-br0-ad- as/s- hue- w/e- n- d- en- mar- kn- 0 - w/e -ed- h-ave- t- a- gain- d-(s-) 0- (i-) l/l- (e-) d- e/b - t- a- s/s- (h-) am- e/n- d- s- (p-) en- d- s- a- g-(e-)0/d-(h-)e-ad- as/s-k- n0te- t00-L- e/n- d- 0- (w/-)h- t-
the "framework -&- fretwork" of the competitive market place can' t honestly e(re) c re a.t e, "i/t" can't think s trait, "i/t" gains apparent stability, by keeping women-d- e/b- t- inn - p- (L-) ace- vain- ly- e- t0/d- ate- t00-t-he- uni-verse-a-ll- a- miss- t-a- ke- d- coun-t-(r-) e-ye- (g-u- e-) s/s- (t-) a-t- e- d- 0f- t-00-t-he- ad- f-i/t- 0ff- t- (u-) be- (a-) d- 0f- t- inn- s- p-ai-d- e/b-t- a-s/ s- i- re- t- a- re- b- ai- t- h- a-(n-)d- a- mass-t-ere-b-ai-t- heir- d- bu- ye-n- a(i-)m- e- d- 0- cue- men- t- (h-d-) 0- w/- i- thou- t-(u-) b-rain- d-
(e/b- t- )a- re- ad- 0- w/-i- thou-t- a- c- a-(i-) r-e- ye- d- ea-t- 0ff- t- he- me- an- d- (ea-) f-x-f- 0- r- (a-) me- a- l/l- ye- t- 00- t- he- t- ease- d- e/b- t- inn- her e/n t -ly- e-
her (0) w/(h) a.d.(0) was protected by shear e p(L)uck t i/t~ 0ut a s/s hi t 00 th e m(e)a. r/r 0 w/e i/t(h) inn knit 0 me m0 r/r 0 w/e (a.)d.
f/r0m th p~ea.r (e) ly eg ate s c~an d
"you" only e-t-a- re- p- as/s- t- a-r-t- i- f-x-f- a- ct- 00- t- he- ad- ab-u-s- e- (d-) "i/t" 0/0- t- he- l/l- a- s/s- t- a- c- (k-) t- 's- (t-) 0/0 t-h-e- s-(h-)ue- i/t- s-
inn f a ct (h) 0 're a. l/l (e) a. s/s (t) a le m(e) a.t e t00 th e (me) a. s/s t
eye don't a s/s "k-nee-d-" a -s-s- (t-) ale- ad- am-ate- & "you" don't get a p as/s t (0're) inn (d) f a c(e) t~ h at
a/b (r) 0ugh t up 0/n t/h e m(e) a. s/s t ere' ye s (L) augh t(h) 0 ye t a l/l (e'ye) h0 (L)ye tu ~d(h) e a.d. 0ff t~ a t0/n e/e d be/en a re r0und s0und h inn g 0 p.r. 0 w/(e) t a/n 0/n (d) p. r. 0/0 f0und 0 w/h 0'Le (d) 's 0/m e (a.d. 0 w/e) s~p.r. 0ut e th ere (a.) d. 0/u (be) t ~h d ea fxf 0 r(t) k n 0 w/e