t (a) re (d) a.m. e w/e ve (i)n (d) s (h) 0 w/e (a.d.) a) g (i) 0/d e (a.) l/l t a re a. d.(h) e'ye (i.)d. (((en e m(e)a.r))) (k) t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.) d. |
d e/b t/h d f i/s (t) h (a.) d e/b t(h) rue ~ve (i)n (d en) kn e w/e (a.) d.~ i/t t(h) 0 w/(h)e a.r (t/h) d ew/e ~ ve (i)n t rue inn t(0) w/h 0 d (0)(h)(t) bu ye t(0) w/h 0 d (h) e'ye (d) s e x i (s) t~ |
he-a-ven-d- s- t- 0- 0d- e/b- t- 0- w/00-d- e/b- t-hie-ven-(k-n-)e-w/e- d- i/t-be-(a-)d- 0- w/00-d- (s-) un-d-ere-s-t- 0- 0d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- h0-(u-)Ld- ere- t-he-t-w/-id-t-he-ad- 0- w/00-d- h-and- e/b- t- he- miss-un-d-ere-s-t- 0- 0d- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- 0 -w/00-d- (0-)(h-)(t-)be-am-e-ye-t- (a-)m-(e-)u-s-e- d-e/b- t- in- e- co-(u-)ld- (p.r.-) 0-f-x-f-(t-h-)ere -u-s-e-(e-)d- (h-)a- b- u- s- e- (e-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-p.-r.00f- (t-) in- e- t- (0-) w/-h0- t-(h-) in- k- i/t-(h-)rue- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- "come" "again" "b.c." t-he-ye-d- get -s-(p-)a-id- "2" -x- t-(0-)w/-h0-d-ew/e- d- 's- pur-s-e-w/e-tu- s-(h-)e-ye- i/t- (h-)rue- w/e- (n-) d- 0- w/e- (i-) t- (0-) w/-h0-d- (h-) e-ye- d- (h-) ues- t- d- |
w/h0 u/s/e t(h) an(d)g a.m.u s/t 0've t' s h i'v e'ye d e/b t(h) u b(p)e a. l/l i've (t/h) d (h) i've d |
t- (r-) e/n- d- (h-) inn-g-e- t-he-ad- c-ap-u-t-a-(i-) l/l- d- gain- (d-)s- (e-) a-m-e/n- d- ew/e- (d-) s-(n-) 0-b-scene-d-0f-t-'screen-d- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye- a- t -0ff- t-he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- r-inn-g-all-a- re- g- round- 0f- t-(h-) 0-ve-r-t-he-ad- ate- t-he-ad- (h-)0-ver- t- a- gain- d- 0/n- e- (s/s-) t- (h-) e- ad- s- 0/m- e- (t-) 0/n- e- vain- d- e/n- t- a- l/l- e-ye- (i-) d- 0- w/00-d- he-a- ven- d- s-0-un-d- e/b- t00-t-he- g- i've- t-he-ad- 0- w/e- ye- t- hie-f-en-d- (a-) b- (r-) i.'d.-e-l/l- (d-) ate- vain- d- e/b- t00-L- d-0f--t-a- re- el- a-t- (h-)e-ad- s-(c-) am-e- d -0f- t-(h-) en- d- up- e- t-h-(d-) bu-ill-d- up-e- (t-he- ad-) 0/n-e - vain-d-s- um- e- 0/n-e-ye- d- (s-) 0/n-(e-)g - 0/d- 0/n-(e-)g- g-e-d- e/b- t-hie-ven-d- h-and- s- (t-) e- am- e/n-d-s- b-0-L-(e-)d- e're- c- ap- (t- ) a- c- i/t- e-ye- b- 0/n-(e-)d- ewe- d-s- pur-(e-) s-u-e-w/e- tu- be- in- g- (L-) ewe- d- (you h ave n0 desire a.d.) |
your cyst-em- for-t- (n0) re a s/s (h) 0/n e ve (i)n d -i/s- tu-b-(r-)e-(a-)d- just (a) b.c. d e ye w/e -(e-)d- s- (p-) a- id- a- dead- h-and- e/b- t0-m(b-)e-r/r-e-ye-vain-d- s- t- a- nd- s- |
blind spot (d) on the frame ve(i)n d h inn g e t(h) a per 's 0/n e w/e (a.) d. 0/n e t/h f(t) i' re ~ a.d. 0 pen t/h d e si' r~ e (a.)t 00 t(h) a g 0/d e l/l t a w/e t (h) 0 (w/) e (t/h) d e l/l i g h/t~ h ea.ven (d) a.d. e'ye (i) t a gain d (r) 0/n e t/h d (r) 0' l/l (e) d~ 0ff (t) (h) (d) e/n d~ h ea.ven d e/b t00 L (e) a. s/s t (h) e a.d. (h) e'ye (i.) d. p~ a s/s t eg 0~ (a ll ) d~ kn 0 w/e (a.) d. i/t t00 t(h) a g (i.) 0 (d.)~ |
debt b(ea) p a.(i.)d. (h) 0/n e (s/s t 0) w/h at didn't mak(e) inn (d)g e t (a) i'm e~ a.d. be a.d. bu ye d (e)' s i'~re a.d. (h) e a.d. h ea.ven d h and i/t (h)(r) 0/n e a.t (a) i'm e~ ve (i)n d i/n~(n) e 'r(e) t (a) i'm e ve (i)n d f i/n(e) d~ e(n) t/h d (p.r.) i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th cr0ss t (i) e'ye t (a) get 00 th b e/e h ave (n) d (h) e'ye (i.) d. i'm e'ye t (a) re (a.) miss (t) (i) re a.d. h ea.ven d' s (h) 0 w/e (a.)d. ew/e ~ g2 t00 th b(r)e (a.)d. h ea.ven d h and a p/p(ea.) L e'ye (d) g~ (u) e'ye l/l (e) a.ve~(n) d ~ (0) w/e l/l d' s (e) a.m. e/n d 's (p) en d' s a/we (d) g aw/e (d) g a.m. e(n) d (h)e a.d. (h) a m/m er e(d) g (r) ave (L) d(e)u/s t (h) u (e) s/s t (L) i 0/n e'ye (i.) d. e/b t00 L (t) i/n e (d)g a l/l i (g)n e/e d L e'ye t(h) in (e) d b e/e s (k) e'ye p (eRe) d be h0 L(e) d en~ t i c a l/l t00 th 's (t) a nd (h) at (ch) at c0mma nd |
d ang le d(g) ew/e l/l d i.d. kn 0/t (e) s (p~ark) t ~ (u) b(u ye) r e a.d. 0 (w/) h (t) h ea.ven d h and (h) ew/e (n) d 0 w/e (i) t (h) rue inn t00 th e re (a.) p a(i)r e (a.) d. h (a.) d. eg i've~n d g ran (t/h) d e |
d0 e'ye d f i/t heir ? d e'ye d f i/t h ere ~ d 0 h and f i/f t/h e(a.)r d 0 (h)(t) be t/h (d) serve d inn e're |
me-t-(h-) inn-k- t- s- a-(w/e-)n/n-a- d-(h-)a- t- ch- (i/t-) all-a-h- (a-) t- inn- (e-)t- (r-) u- (e-) s/s- t- (e- ) a- l/l- (e-) s/s- t- (h-) e- ad- (a-) g- 0/d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- be-ad-h- inn-g-e- inn- g- f- 0-r-(a-)m-e-vain- d- 0- (w/-) h- t- a - per- pet- u- all-e-ye- s- (t-) 0- (0-) L- e-d- be- l/l- e- (ye-d- ) 0-(w/-)n- d- e/b- t00-t-he- f- ee(L-) d- e- t-he- me-an- (d-) s- (n-) e/e- d- i/t- he-a-ven-d- h-and- e/b- t00-t-he- f-0-re-w/ar-e- ad- h-an(d-) g- r -and- s- (t-) a- nd- s-(h-) a- b/b- a- t-h- d- s- (h-) 0- (w/-)n- e- d- 0/u- (be- )t- 0/n-e- (s/s- ) t- (h-) e-ad- s- p-(r-) out- e- (s/s- )t- a -f-x-f- a- s/s- h- i- 0/n- d- 0f- t- (h-) in- (e-) d- e- vain- d- (s-) 0- L- (e-) d- 0f- t-(y-) our- t- 0-u-(r-) t- (h-) d- (b-) e- l/l - i-g- h- t- (h-) d- h- and - 0/u- (be- ) t- a- p- (L-) a-ye- t- (-s) e- x- t- r- a- n- d- (h-) 0- w/e- (d-) g- (e-) 0- d- e- |
ye-we-re- not a re all e ye t a m(e)a.ke (g) inn g (r) i/s t (h) e a.d. (a) g re at e fxf 0'r (e) t/h f a n/n e'ye (a.) d. 0 b 0/d e'ye (i.) d. e c (h) 0~ / ~ m e a.d. w/-h-(e-)ye- d- h-ave -(t-) 0/n- e- d- be- s- 0- t/t- (h-)e-ad- ness- t- 0- w/-(h-)en- d- e-ye- w/e- d- (h-) 0- c- an-(e-) d- h-ave- t-(0-) w/-h0- (d-) c- an-d-e-ye- (d-) g- (e-) 0- d- e/b- tu- s-(h-) i/t- t00-t- h- d- (a-) p/p- r00f- (t-) in- e- tu- d- e/b- t-he- m-(e-) u- s-e- (e-) d- |
t-he- (t-) c- 0/n- t- r-i've- (t-h-d-) ance- d- 0f- t- a -re-(e-) f- eeL- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- sir-e- (a-)d- i/t- t-(0-) w/-h0-d- h and f an/n e'ye (d) 0/n e would be inn g c0n (e) ce i've (t) a/b (e) l/l e (ye)ve (i)n d~ (ew/e) a.r (k) t 00 th d (0) bu ye desire d e/b tu b-0/n-(e-)d-e/b- t-he-ad-(s-)0-L-(e-)d-ew/e-d-s-pur-s-u-e-w/e- tu- b-e-(a-)t- 0ff- t- (h-) inn-(d-)g-e- t-(h-) at- ch- (a-) d- vance- d- |
nub 0/f th eg 0 (a) l/l d
c r y s t a ll
e(a) d en (t w/h0 d) i ce
t 0/n (e) i ce d
(en) j 0 ye
a.r (e) t
nu bu c/k t(0)w/h0 d e l/l i've r t(0) w/h0 d e(b) tu d e(b) t/u n/e inn (e) a. r e s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s (h) e x cess h e/a.r (e/a.) d. i/t a gain d ew/e a.d. e/b t h ea.ven t(h)rue n d 0 w/e t(c) u~ e w/e l/l (b) e/n d (0) c0/n (e) ce i've (n) d ew/e (a.d.) s (t) e t in a re vi ew/e (a.)d. i/t t00 t(h)at ch d (h) ues b min(e)d
i/t (0) w/h0' Le t i/t 0ut
sel l fxf t a p/p r a i/s e a.l/l a (the) w/h e'ye d ate debt 0/0 t(h) a'nd 0/u(be)t in (e) a. re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s (t) e x (t) cess t (c re'ye) a. l/l d.
e/b t00 Le(a.)ven (d) a.d. (s) 0'L (e/a.)d. (r) a ft ere a. l/l (d) s a w/(h) a l/l t ~h f (L) ave (i) 0're m(e)a.d. e t/h e m(e)a.l/l t
~h f r0m t/h (d)f all t
in (e)g re a.d. (a) g (e) 0 a.l/l t
in e (d) s (t) i' l/l e/n t ce s/s (t) a i.d. (0) c0/m (e/d) b i/n(e) d
ew/e t(0) w/h 0' ver t (a) i'm e (a.)d. (p.r.) i'm e (a.) d. h inn (d) g e t(h) a.d. van ce 0 f(t) i/n (e) d
his-t- a- m-(e-)u-s-i-c- t- got h ere w/i thou t i'm e. that is why i look like a complainer for -t- (n0) reason e ve(i)n d h and had no desire ye t00 th comma nd e/b t00 th f an d h ea.ven d (s) 0'L (e) d
man-d- can tool an image in the male lineage of the christ and god, t-he-didn't en d 0 w/e ve(i)n d 0've d.
as long as this "first" pretense is main-t-ain-d-0f-t-0/0-t-0ff-t-, the "second" pretense, of tooling the fashion of being receptive of love (d-), has no counter pursuit 00 t-hie-ven-d- s- L0-t- (h-) a-nd - 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t-.
your "me-one-ye-d-" isn't virtue, nore ver t hue d e/b t (L) i/n e d. you ultimately force-s-ac-he-r- d- 0f- t- 0 -get- 0ff- t- hie-ven- t- (d-) all- 0/t- . you are simply positioning your self to be "better" -t- (a-)re- ad- for- t- no reason even (d) a.d. didn't want (0) w/h0 d e/b t00 th ea.ven d h and i/t a gain d.
the competitive market place for-t- no reason is -p- (L-) an- (d-) s- . if you stand on your own, one on one ve(i)n (d) s (h) 0/n e, you will be left on your own. you will not be fed, what you feel does not matter to the man-u-f-act-u-re-eL- d- 0f-t- s- (k-) ill- (d-) s-
your gentle command is a farce- d- a- t- (h-) a- nd-
you position yourself as refined so that you malfeasance can stand vainly for -t- (a-) i'm- e- ad- 0f- t- 0ff- t- p.r.-i'm-e- ad- 0- w/ar-t- i'm- e-vain- d-e/b- t00-L-(b-)e/n-t- a- get- i/t- b- (L-)ac-k-t- in- (e-)a-re- s- i.'d.-e/n- t- ce- s/s- (h-)e- x- cess- (t-) a- i.d.- h-inn-g-e-d- e/b- t- in- ad- vance- d- 0f- t-(h-)at- b- s- p0-k-en-d- e/b- t00-L-(e-) a- s/s- (t-) u- bu-ye- p- as/s- (e-) t- (h-) at-
your m(e)u/s i c, isn't playing to fxf a n/n e'ye (d) 0/n e ve(i)n d -0wn- lie- d- e/b- t-hie-ven-d- b- m-u-s-e-(e-)d- s- (e-)am-e/n-d-e/b- t- f0r- t-he- ad- be-lie-f-(t-) inn- g-
s (L) 0 w/e l/l e'ye (i.)d. (h) ew/e 's d
s t(h)e a.d. 0 w/h0 d 0 w/h0 d...e ve(i)n t(h)rue n d 0 w/e (i)t u
g r00m in e c 0/m p an e'ye (i.)d. be t(h) i/n (e) d
fabric samples arrived for the bed sham, canopy, coverlet. i was researching my selections in debth to understand fashioning with it.
road trip photos, min n0 w/e in e min(e) d : t r ave (i')L(L)' s inn connecticut
t a's/s (h) i/t
t a'c i/t e'ye i.d. e/b t a p as/s t (h) e w/e (a.)d. i/t t(0)w/h0 d (0)(h)(t) be(a.)d. (h) 0 w/(e)a.re a.d. at a L/L (e) a.s/s t (a) g ave d e/b t 0 w/h e'ye (t/h) d h ea.ven d h ave(n) d (h) ew/e (re) ve(i)n (t)L e'ye i.d.~ k nigh t e L/L e'ye i.d. h ave(n)d e/b t(h)at ~ e'ye (w/00 d) i.d.
their is k n/0 w/e value in the market place, if it is not transacting as/s well d e/b t(u)be t(a) i'l/l d
h and f e(e) l/l d hall t/h e w/h e'ye i.d. (f)b 0 un d h all t a re a.d.(h) e'ye d' s up p(L)i e/d ~ ate d 0 w/h eigh t h~ea.ven d(p.r.) i'm e (a.)d.
t00-L-a-i.d.- f0r-t- n0 reas0/n e w/e d h ave (i) t be (a.)d. 0've (t/h) d (p.r.) i'm e (a.) d.
s0 L (e) id' s t e (a) re s t (e) a re th ere t heir d e/b t 00 th (e) re (a) pre s(c (L) i) en t h ea.ven d 0 w/e (i) t' s(e)a.m. e/n d's L0've d
(h) 0/m e/n d 0 w/e i/t h/d (s) 0'L (e) d s u(s) p/p Le'ye a.d. 0~ 0're a.d. (h) ag i 0/d e~ n 0 w/e (a.)d.
you don't h/ave love until you make it p/ass t(e)a re a.d.
you didn't supply the m i n/n 0 w/e ve(i)n t(h)rue ye i.d. i.d. i/t t(0) w/h0 d ew/e a.d.
f-ee(L-)d-ance-d-0f-t-he-ad-e/b-t-00-t-he-t-em-p-(0-)Le-d- f-eeL-d-0f-t-0/0-t-0ff-t-in-(e-)s-t-(h-)e-ad- (he-)ye- d- h-and- s- t- a- nd- s- a- gaw/-e-t-a -gain- d-
the re a.ll (t) a re c0 rd (h) 0/n e/e d L e'ye (i.)d. 0 (w/)h t standing inn time t00 th s 0/a k/t i'm e ass u re ad 0ff (i) t 0/n e c0n(e) s~0 rt (h) re a.d. a b 0 rt 0ff a t 0/n e ve(i.)n d.
a (b) 0'r t a~ d. f e/a (s/s) t u s/s L e(a. t/h) d 0ff t
notes from crossing the delaware:
creating competition -t-(h-)en-d- creating t-he-man-a-g-e- vain-d- e/b- t- in- a- perp-et-u-all- d- e/b- t- in- e- s/s- t- (h-)e-ad- (h-) at- (h-)a- t- c-(h-)i/t- e-ye- t- s- (h-) at- e- a-rt- i- f-x-f- a- ct- 0/n-e-t00-t-(h-)at- c- hi-t- ch- (e-) d- i/t- p- as/s- (e-)t- (h-)a - t- in- (d-) ad- van-ce- s/s- (t-) e- x- (t-) cess- d- 0f- (a-) t- (h-) at-
the ec(h-)0-com-(e-)bin-(e-)d- 'di(sound)senter' is in the h(an)d (0) c a/b (e) L/L (eg) c a(i)n e ve(i)n e c a(i)m e ye ta gain d
e/b t00 L(b) e/n d
e/b t0 w/t (h) u e s/s (h) i/t a gain d
h ea.ven d a re (e) fxf L e (x) ct i 0/n e ve r e ve(i)n d
(h) 0/n e d
t a n(g) 0
' d
g um chew h un t i'l l0ses f(L)ave 0're d b (L) 0 w/e bu b/b Le s/s (t) 0/n e ve(i)n (d) e'ye (t/h) d e/b t00 th e may e b/b e t(h) a w/are
"2" needs "2" drop "b-0/m-b-s-" 0n "2" p.-r.00f-(t-) inn- (-2-) t-eg-r-i-t/t-e-ye-a-(s/s-)t-u-bu-ye-w/e-l/l-(a-i-)d- e/b- t- f-r0m-e/n-ave- d- 0- w/ar-(e-) t00-t-he-ad-a- per-ce-i've-(a-)t- ea-s/s- e- t- (h-)a-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ed-
d(e)si/re un f0und (h) e ad ~ did not take -a-gree-d-0f-(r-) e/e- d-
e/b- t0-w/-(h-)ere- d- as/s- if- t- ass- knee D
(0 w/are A.D. 0 w/e th' s e A.D.)
didn't hap pen d a g (r)e a.d. , per the law-st-u-bu-ye-w/e-(e-)d-
just say inn, your -t-rig-ht-ag- a- makes- t-he-se(e-)d- 0- w/e- t- a- gain- d - e/b- t- a- gree- d- 0f- (r-)e/e- d-
t a'n(g) 0/d (0) c Le a.(n)d.
se(a.)m.i per(m)(k) an e/n t
a s/s t(h)e a.d. (h) e'ye d e/b t/h e m(e)a. t (e) inn g
0' dura p (L at) e ve(i)n (d) s h 0 (w/) e~ (a.) d.
h e/x ('s) a g 0/n e x (0/d) u/s t (h) ea.ven d (h) ew/e a.d.' s i/x ' s/i x ' s/i x 's e (x) i/t 00 th d
h e/x ('s) a g 0/n e x (0/d) u/s t (h) ea.ven d (h) ew/e a.d.' s i/x ' s/i x ' s/i x 's e (x) i/t a x i/s t(h)e a.d. (e/b t) 0 fxf (t) 0 w/(e)a.re ve (i)n (d) s0 un d (0)(h)(t) b min(e) d be t (a) re a.d.
h inn g e d' sig h/t (h/d) s(h) ave (n) d
you only "h-ave" compassion for workers you can -d- k-eye-p-a-id- e/b- t00-L- t-(h-) inn- k- t- ye- a- t- a- m-(e-)a- ke-(d-) g- e- t-he- s-(n-)e/e- k- t-
f i/f t(h) e (a)n d
(0) h ea.ven d h ea.(n)d.
clients = sheep? & do no-t-(h-)inn-g-e- teaching them 2-be-s-t-up-id-2-ad-d0-0-re-ad-
i do not agree with what your spirit has plainly not lend e/b t(u) b re a.d. h and (0)(h)(t) be (a.)d. h and plain ly e t A. M.iss (t) re a.d. (0) h ea.ven d h and i/t a gain d h ea.ven d ' s p(L) an (d) s w/(h) ere inn e c an d
come work t/h for'd e t/h company that c a're t a's/s k in (d) a're ad e/b t(h) 0/m e/a n (d) s (e) a.m. e (n)d. e/b t a s/s t a (i) r e a.d. e/b t/h ere
(a) p. re s(c (L) i) en t (h/d) a're
i'm inn (0) L0've (t0) w/i t/h y 0ur 'd (a) b 0/d e'ye t (h/d) 0ff t w0rk t h ea.ven (d) as/s (c) e/n t
i/t (a) re a.d. 0 w/th rig ht h ere (a.)d. i/t c(h) an d f i/n(e) d i/t ~
while i do not wish (i) too t(h) c ont en d, apparently to me own debt all (b) e/n (t/h) d, e'ye wish e'ye d 0 could e/b t00 L (b) e/n d h ea.ven d (0)(h)(t) b an d i/t a gain (s t a' n) d 0/h/t h ea.ven d h a.(n)d. h inn g e debt h/d ness t (h)e a.ven d' s (p) en d' s
you didn't make your fair s qua re & s qua r/r e'ye debt h ere f r0m th pea.ce d e/b t00 L the re lie f/t ~ 0 p.r. in t (h) d ' s (n) ea. t ... 0 w/(h) e're (e) f a(i)r e (a.)d. i/t h ere
ye-we-d- 0/n- ly-e- m-aid- a- l/l- ie-ye- 0/n- e-w/e- d-e/b-t- a- p.-r.00f-(i-)t- inn- t-(0-)w/-h0-d- (h-)e-ye- d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-e-w/e-tu- be-lie-f-(i-f-)t-(h-)inn-g-e-t-a- gree- d- 0f- (r-) e/e- d-(h-) 0/m- e- inn-g- see-(n-)d-
th f L0 w/(h)e re 0 ft s(t) u fxf er(e) inn g b r inn g e t(h) u ew/e l/l i.(d.) 0/n e t a s/s p.r. 0/0 f(t) in e/e d e/b t00 th e t a (i') l/l d
h and ' s 0/m e t a l/l e'ye (i.) d.
(g) ag (r)e a.d.
clearly your "jesus" s-p-(r-)00-f-t-(h-)rue- ye-w/e-d-e/b- t- (h-)0-0k-(t-)e-ye-p-a-id- e/b- t00-L0-0k-t- (c-) 0- nice, b.c. you didn't (L) e/n d e/p t (h) 0 w/h0 d ew/e ve(i)n d 0 w/e (i)t a gain d
ye-w/e- brought- k-n-0-w-t-(h-)inn-g-e- t00 th (ea.)r 0/a t 0 pen (t) e L/L e'ye a. t (0) a/t
h-um-b-(u-)L-L-e-(ye-)d- ea- L/L- d- (h-)all-t-a-re- t- (a-)i'm-(e-)a-t-e-d-0f-ee(L-)d- 0f-t-e- l/l-e-ye-i-d- 0f-t- hie-ven- d- (h-) all- 0/t- he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (r-) 0-u-g-h- t- 0ff- (t-) in-(e-)t- ere-s- t- up- i(e-)d- g-0/t- all-(b-)e/n- t- 0ff- t-he-ad- 0f- t- 0/0- t-0ff- (a-) t- (h-)a-nd- 0f- t-
law? show me some one t hat a re verses (t) a'ye s i eve n d g ave t a g0 (d) f0r d e si r (e) inn d & reason e d e/b t in e t L ife a s/s t 00 L e(a)v en t(h/d) i ce a.d.
0 w/h (e'ye) d
e/b t a re a.d. (h) e'ye ve (i)n (t)L e'ye a. T
0/d (e)a. t (h) e/n d e l/l i've r a (c a/u s/a) t e
t-he-s-(t-)ave-i-0-re-d- (r-) 0- b-s- a- s-t-e-e-p- d- c0-arse- d-
e/b- t- f-r0m-e- t-he-ad- be- d- h-ave- i- 0-re- d- 0f- t- c0-u/r-s-ed-
updating notes:
sup-p0-rt-p-(L-)ig-h-t- en- (t-he-)d- (h-)ues-inn-t-(0-)w/-h0-d- (h-)e-ye- d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-u-e-w/e-tu- be-ad- 0f- t- sir-e-vi-ve-vain- d-e/b- t00-L-(b-)en- d- i/t- a- gain- (s-t-a- n-)d-
sup-p0-rt-p-(L-)ig-h-t-b-(r-)ough-t-0ff-t-(h-)u-g-e-w/e-d-(b-)ligh-t-0-w/h0 d b(e)a.r e/g r(f)0 un d
your -ad- ag- i- 0/d- e- ad- has not a re all a w/e n/t in e/e d ed e/b t00 th sup(p) er e se(e)d ed. the -ad-(s-) 0/n-g- are just to make the "ag" seem more well en d 0 w/e d e/b t (h) a nd can d just e'ye fxf e'ye i.d. i.d. kn 0t 0 want 0 w/h ea.ven d h and
narcissism for-t- (n0) reason, didn't make zero innocense in reflection eve(i)n d, is the s-(e-)a-men-d-s-t-an-d-s- he-a-ven- d- e/b- t-(h-)at- 0/n-e-com-man-d- 0f- t- (h-)a-nd- e/b- t- a- gain- d-(g-) im-me- d-am- s- c- am- s-
re du ct in e c0nci0us ness t a/b 0'r t h/d z er0/d (h)e a.d. h inn g e t/h e re f Le x (t) i 0/n e ve(i)n d
dof-t- ? dof-t- doesn't know -his-t- sir-(e-)com-e-reference- t- his- t- Law-s-t-
e/b- t00-t-he-ad- (s-) f-e/e-(L-)d- at-e-
r-ape-d-f-0-ra-r-eeL- d- (h-)at- e-
law? show me some one t hat a re verses (t) a'ye s i eve n d g ave t a g0 (d) f0r d e si r (e) inn d & reason e d e/b t in e t L ife a s/s t 00 L e(a)v en d(h)e a.d. f r0m the Miss T (a) Re A.D.
d j/u s/t (e) l/l e'ye (i.) d.
can't (f) all t me f0r d being my w0r(L)d f0're a.l/l d. your religion prevents any one from being inn a r elate (n) d 0 w/e debt h/d f e/e (L)d ea. l/l d. yet-0-w/-h0- per-cyst-00-t-he-n-gen-d-ere- "le-g-en-dairy- zeal" to-get-her-eeL- d-
signs on road, b- ill- b-0-a-rd-s- t- 0/n- e- d-
when you die meet god? die t is t(h) cast 0/n e~ e d (h) 0've d h at (a) l/l (e) a s/s t (p) a s/s t (h) e a.d. h inn g e t(h) a.d. van ce s/s (h) at (u) b(L)ac k/t
"god" coun-t-re-ye- d- yet no one spiritual that lent the lead 0 ve t in (e) a. re s i.d. e/n t ce s/s (h) e x cess (t) a i.d. e/b t in e s/s t
my job is to look at woman d h and kn ot a re all a'ye t oo th f an (d) e'ye
"A" r-eeL-ack-t-0ff-e/e-d-sir-e-ad- i/s-p-(L-)aye-d-0-w/-i-t/h-f-i-re-ad-
he intended no less-t- 0ff- ew/e-d- i/t- t00-t-he- ad- a-p/p-r00f-(t-)inn- t-(0-)w/-h0-d-(h-)e-ye- d- ew/e- d-s-pur-s-e-w/e-tu-
s-h-am-e-inn-g- 0/d- 0f -t- 00-t-he-ad-s- (t-) a- nd- 0-w/ar-e- ad- (0-)(h-)t-)be -(a-)d- 0f- (t-) in- (e-) d- f- (r-) 0/n- t -0ff- t-(h-)u-(e)s/s- (h-) i/t- c- he-w/e- d- s- cent- s- h- i'v-e-ye -d- ew/e- d- s-
s-h-u-re-d-can-d-jerk-t-0ff- (t-)a-nd- e/b- t-(h-)rue-n-d- 0- w/e- (i-)t- a-p/p.-r00f-(t-)inn- tu-
t-he-ad-(h-)e-ad- g-ave-d- (h-)at-e-- -a- t- 0- w/-he-ye-(t-h-)d-
i just heard an "ad" on the radio : "your mom is unique" d h and this is what i thought :
e'ye d0 (c) kn 0t (h) inn k (i) t (h) i/s t(y) 0're (a.)d. h at (ch) 0/0 th (a.) d. van ce s/s (h) i/t
t-em-p-(t-)ate- i-0/n-e-a-t-e- d- f-r0m- a- ce-rt-a-in- d-(b-)an-g-le- d- a- f-x-f- a- (i-)r-e- t-(0-)-w/-(h-)a-ye- (d-)g- (t-) 0-ad- 0- w/-(h-)e- (e-) d- e/b- t- 0- g- i've-ye- t- a- w/-(h-)at-e-re-vain-d-(s-)0-L-(e-)d- e/b- t00-t-he- m-(e-) a- k- e- re- tu-rd- (h-)e-ad- e/b- t00-L-a-id- 0f- t- in- (e-) c-(h-) 0/m- e- (a-)d- dic-k-t00-t-(h-)(r-) 0/n-e-(e-) d- 0- (w/-) h- t00-t-(h-) 0-p-e- d- d- le- d- s- cent- s- (L-) 0- p-e-d-
lie-(d-) 0/n-e-(t-he-)c-(h-) 0- (d-) get- i/t- b-(L-)a-c-k-t-hie-ven- d- (s-) up- p-(L-)i-e-(n-) d- e/b- t-(L-) in- e- d-
t0-ad-dress-t-(L-)i-ke-(d-)g-a-girl-0-re-a-kn-0t-(L-)i-ke-(d-)g-a-girl- 0- w/e- (e-)d- (s-) h-ave- t-(y-)our-e- num-b-ere-vain-d- 0f- t-(h-)a-nd- he-vain- d- im-(e-)s-(h-)in-(e-) d-
w/h0 (d) c 0 in(n) d e t(h) p h(r) as(s) e th (r) a z ed (s) 0'L (e/a.) d (h) 0/n e (s/s) t (h) e a.d. h ea.ven d (h) 0've r(t) 0 a~ t (hr) 0 a~ t h ea.ven d h a.(n)d.
inn su (ew/e) l/l (e'ye) a t(h) e a.d. h and 0/u (be) t (u) be t(h) e n/e x (i/s) t 0/0 d 0/u (be) t~ (ch) a s/s t (i/t) e'ye (i.) d. be a.d. vi~ce a.d.
s c(r) a' t ch d ew/e t/h d (r) 0' l/l (e/a.) d. h ea.ven d' s (t) 0 (i') l/l e(a.) d ew/e a.d. i/t t00 th (en) d 0 w/e (i) t (0) w/h0 (d) c (h) e w/e (l/l) d ~en (kn) ew/e (a.)d. i/t t in e t (a) i'm e (a.) d. 0 w/e d 0(t) h~ p.r. 0 vi.'d. (h) e~ a.d. e/b t a re r a i/s (t) e~ g 0(0)d e/n (d) a.m. e (w/e) a.d. e/b t00 t(h) 0/n e'ye (i)d. be (a.)d. 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a. t 0ff t/h e a.d. (0) c 0/n ce i've (ye) i.d. h and (0) c 0/n ce a.d. e t(h) a. d. a f(t) f a(i)r e~ a.d. 0 w/00 d be t/t a(i)r e t(h) a'n d g 0 inn g -0- n-ad- 0-w/-(h-)ere- vain- (d-) s- h0-(u-) Ld- ere- t-(u-) bu-ye- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b-0-(u-)Ld-ere- d- 0f- t-00-L-(d-) 0f- t-0-pr-0-t-e-ct-0ff-t-(e-) f-x-f- 0-r- t- a- ll- (d-) he-ad- b-(r-)ough- t- - he-ad- 0f-t00-t-he- ad-f- (i-) t - a- cr0ss -t- 0ff- t- hie-ven-d- 0- w/an- t- he-ad- 0f- t-(h-) 0- we- d- 0f- t- s- he-a-ven-d-s-(h-) 0- w/e- d- i/t- t00-t-he-m-0-ped- up-e-d- 0f-(t-) en- d- (i-) s- (t-)(r-) augh - t-(u-) b- (r-) ough- t-
s c(r) a' t ch d ew/e t/h d (r) 0' l/l (e/a.) d. h ea.ven d' s (t) 0 (i') l/l e(a.) d ew/e a.d. (0) c a s/s (t) u s/s t ~ (h)e a.d. e'ye w/e d inn vi te t(h)(d) 0ff t h ea.ven d h and i/t b(L)ac k/t a gain d ~ e/b t in e t(h) 0 pen d
~ a r(k)t ~h (d) f 0'r(e)k t 0 un g e t/h ea.r t/h (en) d 0 w/h e'ye i.d. (0)(h)(t)(a) b (r) i.'d. e 'ye i.d. (0) b(r) 0ugh t h~ea.ven t00 t(h) a've (i) t(u) b(L)ac k/t in e t/h d (v) an'ce (a.)d. ~ e/b t00 th b(e) a. t
a c~ 0/g en t d (ea.) f le (x) c t 0're t(h) a w/are~ a.d. (0) c a(i)r e'ye d e/b t00 th ea.ven d b e/e n (a.) d. 0~ 0're a.d. f 0're w/are (a.)d. i/t t00 th (en) d (h) i s/s (p) en t ere (a.)d. i s/s (p) en t a(i') l/l (a.) m. e/n t 00 th b~e t/t a (i') re (a.) d.~ e/b t0 g e/th/eRe (a.)d. i/t t00 th be ta in t~h an(d)k t' s (h) i/t be ta (i)r~ e (a.) d. h and i/t a' s/s w/(h) e~a.t eRe 'ye (0)t inn e s/s (t) ig h/t~ (0) w/h0 (d) ce l/l e'ye (a.) t~ (h) a' nd e/b t (b) rig ht en (t/h) d (h) i' s/s (p) e l/l d(h) a re s (t) (r) i.'d. e/n t ce s/s (t) e l/l e'ye w/e t/h d 0/u (be) t~ h (and e/b t00) L e (ye t) h em in(e) d 0/u (be) t(h)(c) 0/0 k t's c0 pi e~d (h) 0 pe~d i(e) t 00 t r~0p e t i/t~
~ u/s (h) i/t e'ye (w/e) t 'h u(e) s/s (h) i/t ch d ew/e (a.d.)' s (h) i/t (ch) 0 w/h0 d h ea.ven d h and ew/e a.d. ' s et(h) rue inn t(0) w/h0 d b(e a.)m. u/s/e (a.) d. ew/e~ t(h) a w/(h)e t 0 w/(h)are ve (i)n (k)n ew/e d~ f 0'r(a.)m. e~a. l/l e'ye t00 th u(e) s/s t(h)e (a.)d. i/t ~ t00 t(h) b(e) i/t~ ch' d i(e)t' s (e) par (k) t~
if ewe d ew/e t(h) 0/0 kn 0t 00 t(h) a've th f a n/n e'ye t(h) inn g e t00 th f i/g ht h ea.ven d b.c. (h) e w/e (a.)d. h aven' t (h) c0/n (e) ce i've (t/h) d 0(h)(t) b r inn g ~ 0 d (e) l/l e'ye (i.) d. 0 w/e th e me an (d) s~ (t) e l/l e'ye (i.) d.
h a.(n)d. 0 w/h0 (d) s (t) inn (e) g' (s) a s/s p.r. e s(c (L) i) en t a' l/l e'ye (d) s ang f0r(a.)m. e~ (a. l/l e'ye) d. ~ e/b t00 th c 0/n (e) ce i've (t/h) d (0)(h)(t) (a) b r inn g inn g ' s(e) a.m. e/n d (h) inn g e t a g(r) e a.d. (ea.) f r a.(i.)m. e/n d (h) e/e d' s e/e (n) d
the girl show's up, h-and-she is not a r(r) e'ye d go(o)d enough for-t-(i-t-i-)u-d- e- b- t- 0- w/-(h-)0-0-d- (h-) at-(c-)he- t- s-(e-)am-e/n- d- (h-) i/t- ch-(i-)d- e- vain-d- i.d.- e- s-(p-) en- d- i/t- a- gain- (s-t-a- n-)d- 0- w/ar-t-(u-)be-(a-)d-
the girl show's up w(h)ear inn g u ye w/(h) 0're t 0 w/(h)at ch -t- un- e- (d-h-and-le-) x- p- (lain-) d-
so you miss -h-and-le-x- i-(s-) t- a- m- en- d- a- miss- t- a- r/r-e-ye- d- 0f- t-he-ad- 0f- t- 00-t-he- t- 0-s/s- 0- d- 0f- t-(u-) b- (r-) ough- t- 0ff- (t-) en- d- (b-r-) ough- t-
t-his-t- is simply demon-s-trait-inn-(e-) g- ig-no-r-an-(d-)ce- s/s- (h-) e- x- cess- (t-) a -id- get- a- re-eL-d-0f-t- s- 0/m-e- t- 0- w/-(h-)ere- t00-t-he-m-(e-)a-t-e- vain figuratively ass k i/t's min (e) -d- ate-
the "me-s/s-ag-e-" you are sending this girl and other's in proximation of your "ad" with no real benefit (0) w/h0 d be (a) d., is don't bu-ye-t-in-e- which -s-e/e- qua- ll- (d-) s- don't actually dream or dare to be more than you can repair among the t-hie-f-en-d- (h-) at- ch- i/t- s- (h-) i/t- t00-t-he-(d-)get- i/t- b- (L-)ack-t- hie-ven-d-. you are giving this girl no honest bu y(e) inn, for apparently being t/h ea.r (t/h) d. ye-we-d- are not your w/0 r(L)d , ye-we-d- s-cent-s- peak- t- (0-) w/-h0-d-bu-ye- t-(0-)w/-h0-d-be- (a-)d- serve- d-
see your -e-(a-) par-t- in-e- t-his-t- (h) a nd ' s (m) a ke t(h)(y) 0'r e(n) d ew/e (a.d.) s h~ea.ven (d) ew/e (a.) d.
you at the machine shop, parting -0-parts for war-d-0f-t-s-c0p-e-d-am-0-r-(e-)t-in-e-t-(y-)our-(e-)t-0-rt-he-ad-0f-t-a-re- (bu-ye-) s- 0-rt- , you at the apple-d-0f-t-a-re-s-(t-)0-re-(ye-)d- f0r- a-(d-) m0-re-ad-, you at fi-t-bi-t-0ur-e-(s-)c- 0- r-(e-)d- you are making "time" vain- (d-) ad- e-vain- t- (h-) a-(n-) d- giving the name-less-t- arbiter--d- h-and- c- hie-f- t- ability -e- a- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t- 00-t-he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-)be-(a-)d- one this girl debt- (u-)b-(r-)e- ad- --- you at the chess-t- (y-)our-n-a-m-e/n- t- should not consort on (e) t-his-t- (e-) a- ll- d- 0f- t- r0pe-d-0f-t- one- girl honestly e s(t) augh t/h ea.r (t/h) d 0ff i/t h e w/(h)0 r(L)d e/b t00 th e t (c/r) 0 s/s t. not one among -u-ye-we- d - h ave tossed e/b t00 t(h) 0/n e s/s (t) augh t 0ff t (h) at (y) 0ur h (a.) d. e ve (i)n d 0ff t. you s-am-en-d-s- have no real vision, thuss no real provision e tu /s (h) 0/n e s/s (t) e l/l e'ye (d) g e t 0ff t 00 th eg 0/t 0ff t h~ea.ven d. the ref 0're, t-hat-u-rd- e-vain-d- im- shouldn't be st-all-king- on this one girl standing on her own provison, she heard the word spoken d, not-one-d0f-t- f- e-w/e-d- b e/e s (t) 0 k en d. bottom line, the c-hie-f-an-d- ar-(t-)b-i/t-ere- d- shouldn't be see(n)d c a(i)r e'ye inn g t/h s t (p) e/e d ~ h and e'ye w/e -d- should stop -p-(L-)ate- inn-g- e- t- a- g- re-ad- 0f- t- f-(r-) e/e- d- h-and- f- r-eeL-ye- d-e/b- t00-t-he-re- con-(e-) ce-i've- d- i/t- 0- me- an- (d-) s- (e- ) a- m- e/n- d- s- t- (p-) e/e- d- 0f- t- a-s/s-knee- d- i/t- (u-) be- (a-)d- 0- w/ar-e-g-u-a-rd- (h-) inn-g-e-t-a-d- 0- 0-re- (a-)d- h-a-(n-)d- a- m-0-r-(e-) t- a- ll- b- e- (n-) d-d- (h-) inn-g-e- t-hie-f-en-d- f- a-(n-) d- e- inn- g- r-a-(i-)n- d- s- (t-) a- nd- in- g- with no real capacity in hand to reduct to zero innocense in reflection eve (i)n kn ew/e (i) t c an (e t/h) d h a.(n)d. ew/e ve (i)n kn ewe (a.)d. e/b t00 t(h) a.d. e ve(i)n t00 th b e/e h ave (n) d ew/(e) inn d e/b t(y)0u~ re guarding t00 th d ~ ( e/b t be (a)d f fr0m (e) u/s/e (a.) d.)
e'ye a.m. a s/s (h) a.m. e (a.) d. e/b t00 t(h) inn k/t (0) w/h0 d i.d. kn 0/t (h) inn k (i) t(h) i/t (h)rue~ (n) d 0 w/e (i) t 0/d e w/e (a.) d.
there really isn't a m0're t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye (i.)d. j-u-s-t- a- f-x-f- an- d- 0- w/-he-ye- (t-h-) d- (h-) at- e- r- a- p-e- d- e/b- t- (0- ) w/-h0- (d-) get- i/t- b-(L-) ack-t- a- n0- t-her- d- aye- t- a-re-s-t- i/n- e- (d-i-s-) p- (L-)ace- d- 0f- t-e-s-t-a-t-e- (d-) g- race- d-e/b-t-(b-) u- m/m-e-(ye-) re- make- t- i/t- (a-) r-eeL-at-(h-)e- d- f0r-ge-d- g- 0-(0-)d-ness- (t- )a-ke- d- e/b- t00-L- (d-) s- (n-) ake- d- p-(L-)ate- d-e/b- t- 0- w/-i-thou-t- he-s- i/t- a-t-e- d-ate-(d-) get- a- g-re-a-t-
r-a-ze-d- e/b- t-he- t-(h-d-) 0- w-n- d- e/b- t00-t-he-r-a-zed- f- an- (d-) s- (t-) a- id- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- a-p.r.-0-(0-)f-an- e- vain- (d-) ad- a/b- (0-) u/t- (L-) a-(n-)d-
i'm not trying to be (a) miss uni verse all d. however i do question who these (a-) men (d-) s (t-) ar (e-) t- work-t-inn-g- f- 0r-d-, bu-i-ll-d-(h-)inn-g-(e-d-) con-s-t- (r-) u-c- (k-) t- i-0/n-e- vain- (t-e-) l/l-e-(ye-) i- d-
with no real contingency to s(t)e l/l
(i/g ht 0 w/e l/l d)
fxf t(s) augh t' s(t) u (r) fxf er(e) inn (d) a.d. van ce s/s (t) 0'ff (a) t(h) a t (ch) 0/0 t(h) a've t(y) 0ur d b(L)a c/k t ~ 00 th (a.n) d ew/e a.d. ew/e ' s
mu-s-t-(e-)ye- d- s-(e-)a-m-e- l/l-e-s/s- t- e-(ye-) g- ave- (n-) d- 0- w/-a-i/t- he-ad-s-cent-s-(t-) 00-t-he-ad- f- ac-(t-)he- r/r- (0-)d- e-(s-) c- (r-) i'm-ate- i-0/n- e- d- e/b- tu- be-(a-) d- (s-) u- l/l- e-ye- (i-)d- (ea-) f- e/a-( s/s-) t- a- me-ye- t-(h-) a-nd- a- m-(e-) id- ge- vain- d- id- s- mug-ness- t-(h-)e-ad- e/b- t- (a-)re-ad-(h-)e-ye- t00-t-(h-) u- b- eg- (r-) inn- d-
bu ye~a.r t/h d (0) ch~ea.r 0/d(h)e a.d. (b) ear.th (a.) d. e inn r~i've r 's e(a.)d. (a) g~ea.r t/h (inn) d a p/p. r.0've~i/s i 0/n e/n (e/m) (e'ye) a' ve (n) d 0 w/are ve (i.)n d. serve (n) d e/b t00 L (b/f) 0'r d e'ye (a.) t (h) i.'d.e~ (s) g i'ven t/h r 0~a t (h)at ' s c0 pi e/d~ h and e/th f am ((i/s (h)e d/h)) an(d)na~ re t00 L b (L) e/n d h (e)a.ven d h a.(n)d. e ve (i.)n (t/h) d e/b t a r(r) e'ye (i.)d. (e) a. fxf 0'r d (e/a) f (r) a.(i.)m. e (a.) d. ~ e/b t00 L t/h s (L) a'ke~ (t/h) d ate d f0're (i) t~ h ea.ven d e/b t00 L b (L) e/n d i/t a gain d
bu ye~a.r t/h d (0) ch~ea.r 0/d(h)e a.d. (b) ear.th (a.) d. e inn (d) r~i've r 's e~a. (t/h) d h ea.ven d h a.(n)d. i(e) t~ 0/n e (t) c0mma nd~
p (L) aye t a t/t e/n t i 0/n e/e d e/b t00 L if t(0) w/h0 ye w/e d c an d (0) h~
inn (d) s (t) i' l/l e/n t ce (s/s) g 0/d e/b t00 th e/e (d)
~ u/s (h) i/t e'ye (w/e) t 'h u(e) s/s (h) i/t ch d ew/e (a.d.)' s (h) i/t (ch) 0 w/h0 d h ea.ven d h and ew/e a.d. ' s et(h) rue inn t(0) w/h0 d b(e a.)m. u/s/e (a.) d. ew/e~ t(h) a w/(h)e t 0 w/(h)are ve (i)n (k)n ew/e d~ f 0'r(a.)m. e~a. l/l e'ye t00 th u(e) s/s t(h)e (a.)d. i/t ~ t00 t(h) b(e) i/t~ ch' d i(e)t' s (e) par (((a~t e t/(h) a'r))) (k) t~
(h) a' nd (h) ar (c) k/t 00 t(h) b e/e (s) h ave i 0're (a.) d. e/b t (h) in (e) d e/b t00 L t/h e m(e) in (e) d~ e/b t00 L (d) i/n e/e d i'm e t00 th f~a t her d ' s aunt ere d 0ff t (w/) i/g (0) b/i. ' d. e s(s)e rt~ h (a.) d. (e) in e/e d (p.r.) i'm e (a.)d. (h) i've (t/h) d e(a.) l/l i've'ye d e/b t00 t(h) f 0'rd (h)e ad f 0're w/are a.d.
at the machine s-h0-p-ped-0-w/ar-e-(a-)d- do not stand and st a m/mer e found, this cock-eye-d- abuse of this girl, you didn't - a- pe-r-'s- 0/n-net-00-t-he-(ad-)s- et-her-d- up- (e-d-) f-0-r-d- h- inn- (d-) g- e- d- h-and- h-inn-(d-) sig-h-t- he-(a-) d- i/t- a- gain- d- im- an- d- g-im-me-ye- d- e/b- t00-t-he-a- p.-r-0-vi-s-i-0/n- e- d- e/b- t-(u-) be- t/t- a-(i-)re- (a-) d- e/b- t00-t-he- c-(h-)0/n- (e-) ct- (h-) 0-re- (a-) d- ew/e- d- s- pur-(e-) s-e-w/e- t-(b-)u-c-k- t00-t-he- t-(h-)rue- (i-) t- inn- (e-) t- (0-) w/-h0-d- (a-) b-u-s-(t-) e-ye- (i-) d- e/b- t- (h-) in (e-)d- 0/n- (k-)e-ye- s-t-a-nd- f0r-ce-inn-g- 0- (d-) p.r.-i'm-e-ad- e/b- t- f-0-re-(s-) t- a- nd- inn- g- 0/n-e- t-(L-)i-(e-)n- nit-in-(e-)t- (h-) i/t -ch- i/t-(inn-) b-re-(a-)d- i/t- t00-t-he- d- (h-)e-ad- ew/e- d-s-pur-(e-)s-u-ew/e- tu-
you stand on a lie, you falsify and bear witness standing on a lie to force your repair -e- t- (0-) w/-h0-d- (h-) e-ye- d- ew/e- (d-) s- (t-)u-b- bu-ye- d- h- and- le- x- i-(s-) t- a- nd- h- inn-g-e- (d- e/b- ) t-he-re- s- i.'d. -e/n-t-ce- s/s- (h-) i/t- a- re- (e-) f- 0-r-(a-)m- mit-ta-r-(r-) e- ye- t- hier-d- e/b- t-(h-) rue- inn- t-(h-) rue- n- d- e/b- t- (h-) and- ew/e- (d-) s- 0- L- (e-) d- 0f- t-00-t-he- re- claim- mit- e- s- p-(L-) i- ed- 0f- t- (h-) 0/0- k- n- 0- w/-(e-) t- (h-) inn-g- e- vain- d- e/b- t- (h-) inn-g- e- inn- d- (a-) pe'rp- et-u-all- d- f- (r-) e/e- d- (h-) 0/m- e- vain- d- e/b- t- for-(e-) t- (h-) inn- k- inn- (d- )g- (L-) 0-ve- d- im- an- d- g- im- mi-c-t- (he-ad-) 0- w/-n- d- im- e/a-(n-) t00-t-he-re- (a-) p- (L-) ace- t-(h-) im- e-a- r- e/e- f- i/n- (e-) d-
your nature of stability is a perp et u all a-miss- t- a- g- e- w/e- l/l-(a-) d- 0- 0-re-d- bu-ill- t- bu-ye- can't actually conspire ve (i)n 0/m e t/h e miss t (a) re a.d.
you at the machine s-h0-p/p-e-d- 0f- t- stand doff t apparently, but do not care a w/h 0'L e ye l/l 0 t in (e) a.r e a. l/l i t e'ye
your dof-t-man-(d-) s- hi-(p-) t-0ff- t- (h-) an-d-e/b- t-(y-) our- e- g- 0- d- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- s- (p-) en-d-s- (e-)a-m-en-d- s- a-w/e- (d-) g-a - w/-(e-e-) d- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye- can't c0n ce i've (i)n t 0/d ate
your -0-p-in-(e-)i-0/n-e- s/s-t- is not needed t0 d ate, your -debt- is- t- (0-) w/- h0-d- pre-var-i-c-ate- d- (h-) 0-ver- t- p-(c-) un- t- (h-) d- c- (L-) 0-ve-r-t-
c a s/s (t) u s/s (t) up (t/h) d
(0) ~
c (h) a s/s t (e) i/t e'ye d h a s/s t y Le (a.) d. g~r a'ce t00 th f ace (a.)d. ate ~
(i) t ' s h 0 (w/) e ve(i)n d(s) 0'L (e/a.) d. e/b t00 t(h) a~g (i.)0/d. e(a.) l/l t a r(r) e'ye t00 t(h) 0 (w/h) e~ a.r t/h d ew/e tu~ s(h) i/t 'ch d' s h~i'v e' ye (a. t/h) d e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.) d. i/t t~0 g 0 (a l/l) d~ (0) (h) (t) b. (e ver a. d.) c.~au s a w/e l/l d~ . 0ff t h/d (e) s~i/r e (a.)d. b(r) 0ugh t 0ff t (h) a.(n) d. f(t) i' re (a.)d. e/b t00 th e re guard (h) inn g e t/h f ac(e) t 00 th e/n d 0 w/e t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.) d. i/t t00 t(h) a g(i.) 0/d. e ~ve(i)n 0/d e~ ve (i)n 0/d (h) e a.d. h~ a(n) d. e/b t/h e(d) g (e) 0/d e(a.) l/l t(h) at (ch) 0 w/(e) inn d (e/b t) L (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e~ a.d. van ce s/s (h) 0 w/e (re) a.d. (h) ~(a) g (e) i 0 ~ d e/b t(u) be t(h) c 0/n (e) s/s (p) i' re a.d. ew/(h) e/n d 0w/e (i) t~ a r(r) e'ye (i.) d. en (a) m(e)a.r (k) t~ 00 t/h d h and g i've (i) t a~ g 0 (a) l/l d en t~ c (h) a (l/l) ve (t/h) d h inn g e t/h (e) re s i.'d. e/n t ce s/s (t) e'ye t h/d e/b t/h e m e/n d (0) b (L) e/n d (0) h (0) d h a.(n)d. b a s/s k (e) t/h 0 (L) d e w/e (a.) d. (h) ea.r t/h d e/b t(h) rue~ n d (h) 0've (t/h) d
you did not c a s/s t 0/n e. it is not your right to give the eg 0 d 0've d. neither is it yours t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye w/00 d ' s (h) ave n d e/b t 00 L t(h) p (Lain) d e/b t 00 t e l/l e'ye (i.) d. e/b t a p re s(c (L) i) en t h~ ea.ven d 0 w/e (i)t 00 L e(a.)ven d e/b t 0 w/i.d. t/h t00 L(b) e/n d e/b t00 th e m(e)A. k/e (inn d) g e t a gain d e/b t in e s/s (t) un d ere s t(a) n d (h) inn g e (a.) t/h c0mma nd (0) h ea.ven d h a.(n)d.
bu ye (i) t(h) a w/h e'ye d e/b t (L) in e/e d i'm e (a.)d. t heir is kn 0 w/e t (a) m(e)u/s(e) i/c t in (e) t (a) i'm e (a.)d.~ e/b t00 t(h) 0 w/(e)a.re (i)t i/s (t) 00 th (b) f 0 r'd e (b) t/h d (e) s i~r e a.d. h ea.ven d (ea.) f(t)(h) i/n(e) d ~ 0 (w/) e/n t eRe (n) t (a) i'm e ~ a.d. 0ff (i) t (a) i'm e (a.) d. (p.r.) i'm e (a.)n d. 0 w/e th eg 0/d e/b t i'l/l e ~a.d. (0) fxf 0'r (a.)m. e~ ve (i.)n d.(h) e'ye i.d.
ed i/t (h) a/b (e) l/l e (ye) w/e d (0) c an (e) d ' s e(a.) t rig ht (0) w/h0 d
ed i/t (h/d) a b(be) l/l e (ye) w/e d (0) c an (e) d ' s e(a.) t rig ht (0) w/h0 d (b) a b/b (e) l/l e (ye) we (a.) d. i(e) t ~ t00 th d ~ e/b t00 t(h' s) up p Le'ye a. t a/b m.(e) u/s/e (a.) d.
e w/e t a s/s k (i) t (h) a s/s t(h) e a.d. ' s u/s t(c) a in e w/00 d ew/e ve (i)n d~
a.d.~ e/b t (h) a s/s (t) u be lie f(t) inn g (e) i'ven t(h) a g(r)e a.d. h A.(n)D. ! ~ h ea.ven d' s p (L) an (d) s (t) a i.d.
(e) n que en d 0ff t/h (d) e c(h) 0/n (e) s/s (t) 0 rt ' s h ea.ven d
k e' ye t 0/n e m e'ye t/h ea.ven d b (L) e/n d (h) 0/n e s/s (t) ig h/t h/d e'ye (i) t (h/d) f 0're (i) t/h d i(e) t/h ere (a.) d. (a/f) f a(i)r e~ (a.d.) ve(i)n d (0) a'r (k) t~ 00 th a s/s p.r. e s (c (L) i) en t/h a s/s p.r e t/t en d ere (a.) d. e/b t00 th c 0/n (e)n e ct (h) 0're (n) d~ i/t h0 b/b e'ye d serve (t/h) d(p.r.) i'm e (a.) d. 0/n e (s/s) t(L) in (e/d) s e/e (n) d ~ 0 (w/) e s (t) a g 0/n e ~c kn 0/t a s/s knee d e(b) t(h) p.r. 0 (a) t e ct (h) 0're ve (i) n k nigh t (h/d) an g (c) Le (a.)v e(n) d (h) e'ye (i.)d. ~ e/b t (a) b (r) i.'d. e~ l/l i've r(e) (i)t~ (0) w/h0 ~d e l/l i've r/t (h) (r) u e~ x i(s) t~
0 w/(h) a're (i) t 00 t/h d ~e l/l i've r t' s t (h)e a.d.e (ye) w/e (a.d.) s~ e x i(s) t a x i(s) t (0) w/e l/l (e) ve (i) t
b-ea-r-an-d-bu-l/l-e-ye-d-be- t-h (em) e're ~ (a.)d. i/t (h) inn g e t/h s c0 pi e/d e/b t00 L a w/h e'ye d' s c~en/t' s (h) ave t(h) 0 ped ~ h and (e) l/l e (a.)d. e/b t00 t(h) r 0 p~e(e)d (r) a ft (h) 0/0 kn 0/t e~(n) t/h e miss t (a) re a.d. ~ (e/b t 00 L) bu ye (i) t f r0m e t/h d serve d 0(w/)h d e/b t00 t(h) a'nd 0/u (be) t~ c(h) at ch~ inn (d) g~ e t
h/d 's c~e n/t h/d ew/e (a.d.)
h ea.ven d (a) b~u/s (h) e (a.) d.
y-0-u-r-t-00-L- (e-)d- could h ave n eve r (t/h) d b e/n d h ea.ve(n) d' s (h) 0 (w/) n e s/s t e(d)g 0/d e/b t00 t(h) b r in(n)g (t) inn g a g/0 (all) d e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (a.)d. i/t t00 t(h) a g(r)(i) 0/d e inn g's (w/) inn (d) g' s a w/e ~a. r t/h d (b) ea.r t/h (e'ye i.) d. e/b t00 th' s c0 p(i)e d (h) 0/m e/n (d/h) ave (t/h) d (h) a'ye (i.)d. e/b t00 L(b) e/n d (a) g (r) ave (L ~a i.)d. (e/b t00 L) 0 p en a' i' l/l e'ye
h and le f (r) a.m. e/n d h ave (i) t (h)(d) f (L) a.m. e ~ ve (i)n (t/h) d h a.d. e/b t' s (p) a.d. (e) u/s t~e(d) g~(e ) i'l/l i've r t/h (e/e) d s e/e (n) d f0'r(e) t/h s e/e (n) d e/b t00 th be (a.)d. h inn g e t (h) in (e) d 0 w/(e) inn d
c L/0 t~ h(d) be l/l e'ye i.d. i~g (L) 0've d (b) 0 l/l e (a) ven d (h) 0've (t/h) d 0ff t
t-0-(w/-e-)p-(he-)t- (r-)0- p-
(ye) a. t e 0/0 ' s (t) e s/s (t) a t e D ate t00 th be t(h) a w/are (i) t (u) be t/t a(i)r (e) inn d e/n t/h (e) re v/i s/i 0/n (e)a.r e (a.)d. i/t in e (s/s) t a (i) r (e) t (c) a (i) r e'ye t/h ere (a.)t 00 th e me a. s/s u re (a.) d. i/t h ere (ye) n t (h) in (e) d
e/b- t00-L-e-(a-)ven-d-s-he-a-ven-d-h-a-(n-)d- e/b- t- (u-) b-e/e- f- r/i- e/n- d- (h-) i/t- ch- (i-) t- ch- d- serve- d- (s-) 0-L-(e-a-)d- h-a-(n-) d- 0/u- (be-) t-
kn 0 c~knee d -e/b-t00-L- (e-) t- a- s/s-knee-d-i/t- her-e-(a-)d- 0-w/-a-i/t- he-ad- f-0-r-e-(i-)t- e-d- (b-) f-0-r-(e-) d- i/t- (b-)u- m/m-e-(ye-)a- t-
c(h) a n/n (d) e l/l (e/a) d (h) 0've (t/h) d ~
c(h) a n/n (d) e l/l (e/a) d (h) 0've (t/h) d ~ 0 (h) c an (d) e'ye ve (i) n t (h) a.(n) d.
s-(c-r-) i'm- in- all-(e-ye-)d- i-(e-)t-s- par-(k-)t- 0ff- t-he-a-rt- h- d-s- lice- d-0f- t-(h-) en- d- e/b- t- c0n-s-(p-)i-re- s- t- y- ped- 0- c0-arse-d- up-(d-)h-0-L-(e-)s/s- t-e-re-ye- d-(g-)un- d- b-i/t- e-w/e- d- 0f- t- en- t- i- ce- d-e- l/l- (he-)i-g-h-t-
t-he-m-(e-) i- d/g- e- d- 0-w/ar- e- (a-)d- (i/t-) be-(a-)d- (0-)(h-)(t-) be- t/t- a- (i-) r- e- (a-)d- e/b- t00-t-he- re- f- le- (x-) ct- (h-) 0-re- d-
h-av(e-) 0- (i-d-) s- i.'d- e- s-
((ye' d h ave t/h e m.0 (0) r e t00 t/h ' s h 0 (w/) e~ (a.d.~a) g (i) 0/d e))
making- up- taking -s-o/m-e-t-(h-)in-g-e-d- of-x-f-t- w/-id-t-he-(a-) pr-o-v/i-s-i-o/n-e- t-(0-) w/-h0- d- h-and- le-x- i-(s-)t-u-be-(a-)d- 0- w/-(h-) i/t- ness- t-(hi-)e-ven-t-(h-)rue- inn- t00-t-he-ad- ew/e- d- s-(t-)u-b-(r-) i.'d-(h-)e- ad- 0- w/ar-e- ad- e/b- tu-bu-ye-tu-be-(a-)d- 0f- t-(h-)(d-) ue-s-(t-)e-x-(t-) i/s- t- a- x- i/s- t- u- b- e/n- t- in- (e-)a-r-e- s- i.'d. e/n- t- cess- (h-) i/t- ch- d- 0- w/ar-e- : b.c. lust doesn't take actual trust. = s-t-i-(e-)f-x-f-t- (h-) a- nd- s- (t-) i- f-x-f- t- he-ad- e/b- t- heir- d- en-t-ere- t- a- inn- d-0f-t-inn-c-(h-) 0/m-e-ad- d-le-ye- l/l- 0- am- (t-) e-ye- d-
you are not a really e a.m. (e) u/s/e inn g e t/h e/n d e/b t00 L (b) e/n d bu-ye- d- b-i/t- e- vain-d- i.d.- i/t- a- gain- d-0f-t-(h-)e/n-d- h-inn-g-(e-d-)f-a-s/s- h- i- 0/n- e-t-hie-ven-d- e/b-t- force- scene- inn- k-n-0-w/e-re- a- s/s- (h-) 0/n- e- (ye-) d- serve- (d-) g- (e-) 0- d- e- b- t00-t-he- ad- be- h0- Ld- s-(e-) a- d- i/s- t- i- c- k- t- (h-) i/t- ch- d- 0- w/- n- e- t- a- g- (r-) 0- (w/e- e- ) d- e/b- t- 0ut- (a-)re- com- pen-s- e- t-he- (d-) g- (e-) 0-d- in-nit- e-ye-(s-) t-0/n-e-d- e-ye-(i-) t-hie-ven-d- e/b- t-(h-)(r-) 0/n- e/e- d- le-ye- i.- d.- h- and- 0/u-(be-)t- (h-d-) 0- w/- n- d-
p - (h-) i-l/l-i-s/t-in-e- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- a- pal-l-e-s/s- t-in-e- d-0-w/ar-(e-)t00-t-he-(ad-)s- (p-)e-ye-(i-)d- 0f- t- he-ad- (r-) a- ft- ere- (a-)d- 0f- t-(u-)bu-ill-d- h- inn-g-(u-)e- s/s- t- (h-)e-ad- (0-) c- r- a- ft- (h-) e- ad- e/b- t-(0-) w/-h0- (d-) c- t00-t-he-ad- 0-w/e- ye-w/e-d-
(t-) up-(d-) h-0-L-(e-)s/s- t-e-r-e-ye- (d-) g-(r-)un-(t-h-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad-(0-)(h-)(t-) be-t-(h-)a-ve-i-0-re-(d-)s-i/r-e-me-ye- (i-d-)s- h0-ve-r-(t-h-) d- e- l/l- i- ve-r-e-ye- d- be- t-(h-)f-a- t/h- e-re-ad- (h-)e-ye-(i-)d- 0-w/ar-e- t-(h-) 0-ver- t- (a-) i'm-e- d- s- cent-s- i/r-e- c-0/m-e-d- s- c-r/i-b-e- d- (a- )b- (r- ) i.'d.-e- l/l-(e-) d- im- (e-d-) c-h- i'm-e- (a-) d- i-c-(k-) t00-t-he-be-(a-)d- bu-ye- t-(h-) a- nd-
t (0) w/h 0/0 L/L e'ye t00 th f i/b ere a.d. ~ 0 w/are t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye (i.)d. (ea.) f (e/a.) t/h ere a.d. 0 w/h e'ye (i.) d. (e) f(t) L(e) ye (d) 0/n t~ c 0/n (e) t (r) a ct u all t (a) r~e t/h ere ve (i)n t e l/l e'ye (i.) d. (0) c ap(u)t a(i') l/l (b) e/n d ere a.d. e/b t00 t(h) e/n d ere a.d. b e/e s (p) 0 k en d ag/g (r)e g a g ate d (p.r.) i'm ~e (a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th d i'v(e) in e/e d L e'ye t(h) in(e) d i'm (e) inn(e) d e/b t00 t(h) e x i(s) t~ a g 0/n e x (0/d) u/s (t) 00 th d (h) ew/e 's (h) i/t e (ye t 0) w/e (a.) d. i/t t~(0) w/h0 d e/b t00 L(b) e/n d (h) i/t ch d (e/b t) 0 w/(e)a.re a.d. ew/(h)e (i)t i/t (a) re a.d. b f0'rd ew/e t(h) inn k t 0 ye w/e (d) g (e) i've~n (d) k ni(g/h) t~
(h) 0/0 k t c (r) e w/e l/l e/n (d) 0ugh f 0're t(0) w/h0' L (d) ew/e t a cr0ss t (h) e a.d. 0ff (i) t in e s/s t (h) e a.(i.)d. ew/e ve (i)n d e/b t00 L(b) e/n t00 L (e) a.s/s (t) e l/l e'ye (d) s p(L)an(t/h) d ' s (c) e/n t' s (h) 0 w/e (re) a.d. (a) g (i) 0/d e l/l t (h) at (ch) 0 (w/) e~ ve in kn 0 (w/e l/l) d~ (h)e a.d. (a) g (r) 0 w/e (a.) d. (s) 0'L (e/a) d. bu ye d ' si~re a.(n)d. 0 w/e (i) t a re g(b) 0 un d f i're a.d. ew/e ~
ve(i)n t(0) w/h 0
(d-ea-) f- (r-) a- (i-) m- e- d- 0f- t- f-e-(e-) l/l- t- (h-) 0/0- kn- 0- w/e- t-(h-) inn-g-e- (t-a-) l/l-(b-e/n-t-) a- w/e- s- t- in- e- s/s- t- e- ye- (i-) d- s-(t-) u-b-a-n-d- e/b- t-0-p.-r- 0- ve- (i-)d- e- l/l- i-ver- t- (a-) i'm-e- me-(a-) i-d- up-(e-) in- e- min-(e-)d- h-and- 0/u-(be-) t- a-ll- t- he- t- (a-) i'm-e-ye- d- up- e- t0-get- 0ff- t- hie-ven- d- i/t- a- gain- d- e/b -t- b- f-0-r-d- g- i'ven-(t-) a- d- 0- 0- re- ad- a- miss- t-(a-) re- ad- e/b- t-(h-) in-(e-)d-
g re x (i/t) (a) g be (t) h0 L(e) d ew/(e) inn g (r) ave (L) d
g re x (i/t) (a) g be (t) h0 L(e) d ew/(e) inn g (r) ave (L) d ~
0 (w/)h t in (e) d f (r) e/e d(h) 0/m e (a.d) ven t e l/l e'ye (i.)d. be (a.)d. (a) p/p r. 0/0 f(b) 0 un (((d / h))) ea.ven d g (b) u t/t eRe v~e(i)n d
0-w/00-d- e/b- t00-t-he-make-(i-)t- up- t-he-ad-i'm-e-t-(a-)i'm-e- (a-)d- g-(r-) 0- (w/e) d- e/b- t-(h-)(c-) 0/m- e- vain- d- 0- (w/-) h-(a-) t-0/0-t-he- ad-s- peak-(i-)t-(h-) d- (s-) 0-L-(e-)d- up- e- t- in- e- t- r-u-(e-)s/s- t-(h-)e-ad- 0f- t- (h-)at- c-he-ap- i/t- he-ye- (d-) up-t-(h-)inn-g-e-d-0f-t00-t-he-re- (a-) p-air-d- 0f- t- 0-w/ar-e-(a-)d- e/b- t- in- e- (t-) c-a-(i-)r-e-ye- w/e- d- a- re- vain-d-s- c-a-re- (d-)serve- d- e/b- t- a- g- 0-(all-) d- 0-(h-)(t-) b-(eve-r-t-a-) c-au-s-a- w/e- ll- d- 0f- t- in- e- s/s- t- d-defer-rent-ce- s/s- (t-) 0- w/e- d- 0f- t-e-s-(t-) a-t-e- s- p-(r-) 0ut- s- he-a-ven- d- (s-) 0-L-(e-) d- 0-(w/-) e- (s-t-) d- i-(s-) e-a-s/s-e- (e-) d- serve- d- ew/e- d- s- pur-(e-) s-u-e-w/e- tu- s-he-ye-(i-)t- (h-d-) f- r0m-e-w/e- d-
since any e (i.d.) 0/n e can e ce a.d. h at ch - i/t-u-be-(a-)d- : the ma t(h) ere d 0ff (t) act~ 0'r d (h) at. ch. d. just s ay(e) inn g b.c. e'ye (i.)d. c an (e) d (ea) f0r'd e(n) t (h) at 0/0 th e m(e)a. t ch d e/b t 0/0 L/L (e) a. s/s t (h) e a.d.
i'm (e)a. g i'n e t(h) a/t (ch d (b) i/t e w/e (a.)d. (i/t) b(L)ac k/t ~ 00 th e m(e)a. t (ch) d (e) s i'r e (a.)d.
e/b t00 th ave (i) t (h) a' (n) d i/t t00 th ' s 0 (u)n d e l/l i've r (t)(h) e'ye (i.)d. be (a.) t00 t(h) in (e) d (0) c(h) 0/m e (n) d 0ff (r) e/e d
e/b t(u)be (a.)d. (s)~ 0 fxf (i)t ' s h0've (t/h) d e/b t 0 (w/) e (d) be~ a.d. 0 fxf t (h) at c(h) at ch i/t (h) 0/m e~ A.(n)D.
(h) ew/e (a.)d. i/t t00 th d
d-(c-)e-men-t-he-ad-(p.r.-)i'm-e-(a-)d- i-c-(k-)t00-t-he-min-(e-)d- 0f- t- in-e-(t-) c- line- d- 0f- t00-t-(h-) and- 0f- t- (h-) 0- w/-i-s-e-(e-) d- e- l/l- i-ve-r- (t-) e-ye- (i.-d-) sir-e-me-ye-(i-d-) sir-e-p-r-(a-) i-zed- - - e/b- t- (h-) (d-) f- r0m-e- t-he- ad- s- (h-) am-e-vain-t- e- l/l-e-(ye-) i-d- 0-f-t00-t-he-f-(r-) e/e- d- e/b- t- a- b- e- lie- ye- a- t- (e-) f- 0-r-t- 0-w/-e- l/l-(b-) e/n- (d-) ough- t- 0/0-t-0-f-x-f-(t-) in- e- g- (r-) inn- d- in-(n-)e-r-(e-) d- 0f- (i-) t- he- g- (L-) 0-ve- d-0-w/ar--(e-) t- (h-) a-nd- b- (s-e-e-) c0/n-e- d- s- h-0-ve- d- (b-) rain- d- ew/e- d- 0-ve- (t-he-) d- 0f- i- t-he- ad- c- r- i'm- e-(n-) d- h- inn-g-e- inn-g-e-t-a-gree-d-0f-e-ye- i.-d.- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye- (a-)t- : the edi(c-)t- states- dof-t- d-serve-d-s- love for t no reason e t-he can supply e f an/n e'ye (n) d 0 w/(h) e'ye i.d.
Ste(a.)d. be l/l e (ye) s/s (u s/s) t (c) a in a/b (e) l/l e'ye t (h)rue
i'm (not proclaiming god)
i don't believe in god. so what does you/r (being (e) i'ven d ewe t (a) c L aw/e (ad) s)
desire s(t)at e t (he ad) 0ff (t/h) ew/e (a.) d. i/t (0) w/h0 d e/b t 00 th t 0 s/s (0) t
(h) in (e) d h ea.ven d' s (h) 0 w/e (re) a.d. e/b t00 th f ace a.d. at e~ d be l/l e'ye i.d. s up p(L)e'ye i.d. e/b t (h) in (e) d e/b t00 th (b) f i/n (e) d h a.(n)d. f (r) e/e d (p.r.) i'm e (a.) d. 0 w/e t00 th d i'v(e) in e/e d L e'ye (a.) t (a) i'm e ve(i)n d (s) 0' L (e/a) d i/t t00 th face t00 t(h) a s/s t(h)e ad. g r~a ce s/s (t) a i.d.
e/b t00 the (s) m (e) a.r e (a.) d. e/b t/h (b) f r i/e n/d e/b t00 L(b) e/n d h inn g e inn g 0/d (h) 0've ((i' (l/l e'ye)) d 0 w/(e)a.r~ e t/h d (p) awn d hu(e w/e d) p 0/n e'ye s t(h)e a.d. ew/e ve (i)n (k)n ew/(h)e a.d.
0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye (a.)t~ (h) e a.d. e/b t a (i') l/l e'ye i.d. e(a.) l/l t a re g r 0 un d~ h inn g e t(h) at ch d e/b t00 th a've t/h ea.ven (d) a.d. van ce a.d. (s) 0 fxf (i) t ~ a s/s t(h)e a.d.
nu bu c(k) t' s p(r) 0(u)t ' (e) in (e) t (a) i'm e (a)d 0 w/e (a)d i'v(e)in e/e d L e'ye t(h)in e(d) min (e) d (h)e a.d. (h) e/e d
e/b t(h) a p/p ar'se (e) s 0(0)n e m 0/n (s) 0(0)n e/n e/m e'ye (i.d.) a. T (h) a T (0) w/00 d b(e a.)m. ~ e'ye T
(0/0 t/h) c a're X i(s) t a re (g) r 0 un d' s 0 (u)n d e
a.d. a'ye t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e l/l e s/s (h) ap t00 th (a'ye) d
...a.d. a'ye t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e l/l e s/s (h) ap t00 th (a'ye i.) d. e(a) l/l t (a) re a.d. (h) e'ye (i.)d. (L) at e/n t ~ h/d
e/b t/h e/n (d) u b u c/k t (h) e/a t/h (inn) d (e/b t) 0 w/(e)a.re t/h ' s (t) a nd
t(h) 0/m (b) e ~ (a.)d. e l/l i've r (t) e'ye (i.d.) a. t ~ (e)a.r e (L) ye p ave` d a'ye t
s~ cut h' (s) e/d g/e d h and (0) c/u t(L) in e (d) inn t en t i 0/n (e) d (0) f i/n (e) d
"reef-i/n-e-inn-g-"ew/e-d- (0-) c- am-e-w/ar-e-(a-)d- (h-) at-e-ye-(d-) f- a n/n eye gi'ven t i'm e a.d. 0(w)e s/t 0 c kn 0/t s up p(L)e'ye i.d. i'v(e)in e/e d L e'ye t(h) in(e) d e/b t00 th (d) sub. c L i'm(b) e (a) d.~ 0 0're (a.)d. (p.r.) i'm e (a.) d.
get t inn (e) g ' s t a r/t h/d 0 with (0) w/hat ye-w/e-d- h ave n t i'm (e/d i'm e/d) v p~ar t h/d
back: (h-um-) ... b-(u-) L-L-e- d- ... "A" "R" "T"
cook-t-(0-) w/-id-t-he-s- (t-)e-am- e- d-(e-a-0 f-0-r-t- no reason e c-an-(d-) s- w/-(h-) a- l/l- 0- w/e-t-h-d- a-miss- (t-) inn-(e- )g- e- d- 0- w/-he-ye-(t-h-)d- a- miss- (t-) a- ke- (n-t-) s- m-(e-)a-t-e- s-
b-(e-d-) um-be-(a-)d- d- L-e-ye- (i-) d- (h-) at- e-f-x-f-0-r-t00-t-he-re-eL-a-t- e- d- f0r-(e-) g- (r-)e- (t-h-d-) g- 0-/d- ness- (t- )a- ke- (d-) i-/t- ch- i/t- ch- (inn-) d- ate-
ad z er0' s b L a d/d e're n0 un d ew/00 d
e/b t00 th c(0) un t ere t/h e m0 (0)n s 0(0)n e w/e (a.)d.
(h) 0/m e (a.)d.
0 w/e (a.)d. (s) 0'L (e/a.)d.
s-cut-h-d-(b-)um-me-r/r-d- 0-w/-(e-)a-r-e- (a-r-t-h-(c-) 0-arse- s- (e-) t- (c-) a- (i-)r-e-
d-e/b-tu-c-(k-t-) um-m-a-(l-l-a-)w/ar-e-(a-)d-
n0-le-s/s- t- (h-)a-nd-s- t-(h-) e- w/e- a- r- t- h- d- 0f- t- e- x- (t-) p.r.-e-s/s- t- a- men- d- a- me-r-(w/-)r- i/t- 00- t-he-x- i- (s-) t- a- x- i-(s-) t-- 0/n-e- me-r/r-i-t- e-ye-w/-(h-)e-all-a-w/e-re-ad-(h-)e-ye- d- e/b- t- a- miss- (p-)en- t- i/t- - (a-) re- ad- h - inn-g-e- inn-defer-rent- ce- s/s- (t-) e- x- (t-)ce-s/s- (t-) a- id- e/b- t- 00- t-he- miss- (h-) (a-) p.-r- e- s- en- t- (c- 0/n- e-) t- e- x- t- in- e- t-en-d-(h-) inn-g-e-d- 0f- t- 00-t--(h-)in-(e-)d- (s-) par- (k-) t- (he-ad-) 0-f-x-f- t-
ad ze ~ d 0 w/(h) e're a.r t(y) 0ur t0'0 L(b) e/n d
s p a.(i.)d.(e)i x
s p a.(i.)d.(e)i x i s (t) e l/l e(a)ven t/h (0/u) r e (a.) d. i'm e (a.) d.
(0) (c) (r) a ft (h)e a.d. (a.m.) e w/h a l(l) e ~a.d. 0 p en t a (i') l/l e'ye i.d. e w/e a.d. f 0'r e w/e d i/t t00 th e t a(i') l/l d ew/e ve (i)n d h a.(n)d. i/t t00 th e w/e l/l e(a.)ve (n) d
e/b t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e l/l (b) e/n (d) e/e d L e'ye (a.) t00 th e(d)g(e) 0' d e ~ b t00 th 0 (d) be (a)d. serve d e/b t00 t/h (d) r i've r ' s e(a)d (r) e'ye i.d. (h) 0've (r) t a' n d i.d.e~s be t w/e en d 0 fxf (t) inn e t (a) i'm e~ a.d. ' s up p(L) e'ye i.d.
g (r) a.m. a w/are
g r a.m./m a r/r (0 w/h)e 'y e (a.)t (h)e a.d. b 0/n(e) d e/b t 0 w/(h) ere ye i.d. e l/l i~g ht (s) e'ye t (h) inn g (e) i've (n) d (h) 0've (i' l/l) d 0/n e c~k e'ye i.d. k nigh t (h)(d) a'r(e) s~ e (a.) d.
on the earth cam, i related a story about mary and her husband, she met in a tatoo shop getting a tatoo in her 50's, she wanted to do something different, feel 'pain' or 'something'. she left maine to go live with this guy in california after knowing him a few months. she left her stable job of 25 years. 10 years passt and she said she had to return to maine, with her family / kin / offspring. she didn't want to make him go back with her so she said that she was sorry but she had to go. her husband decided to sell his business to his partner and he went back to maine with her. she said somebody should write this story. she lives in standish, he drives (or did) an oil truck.
i thought it was remarkable they each went 100 % both ways for the other e s(0)t
if i remember, mary was married to dan
thinking of the ess e/n e t 0 w/h0 speaking on the ess e/n e t 00 t/h d
c h ang e t/h e valu e w/e d 0 fxf (t/h) d z er0' s (e)g(g) e(i')ve~n (d) s (h) 0/n e (y)e d e/b t00 th (d) s c 0p (i)e d
h and i/s c 0 p(i)e d (e) c 0/m (e/d) b i/n(e) d (e)g r00m(ea.) d. f r0m t(h) b L0 0m (ea.) d. ~ (h) i'v(e)in e/e d e/b t(h) in(e) d
be l/l e'ye r(e) inn g (inn) g' s (u/s) t e (a) d a. m.(e)a.n d e(n) t/h (d) ' s (p) a t(h) e/n d' s t e (a.) d. ~ 0 (w/)h (t) b (r) 0ugh t (u) b re a.d. ~ s (p) at (h) e a.d. e/b t00 th (c) 0've r/t ~ (h) a'nd h ea.ve(n) d (h) 0've (t/h) d (a) g (L) 0've d 0 fxf t~ hea.ven t/h 0 L e'ye i.d. g h0 's t e'ye i.d. 0 p en d 0 w/(h) e'ye i.d.
e/b t/h d' s p at(h)e a.d. (h) 0've (i.)d. e/b t00 th s (t) e l/l e i.d. h(f) a n(d)n e'ye t (h) inn g e t a cr0ss (0) t ~ (u) be (a.)d. 0 w/(e)a.re t 0ff t in e (s/s) t (h) e 0 pen (d) em (e)a.r (k) t 0 w/(h) ere ve (i)n e t/h e re m(e)a.r(k) t
h/d ' s (p) en t a re (a) p L an (t/h) d (h) e a.d. e/b t in e (s/s) t/h d' s h~a.d. e ~ a.d. h and e l/l i've r t(u) b (r) i.'d.e~ l/l ' s (L) e d h ea.ven (d) a.m. (e) 0're (a.)d. i/t t00 th d ew/e A.D. s e/e (n) D H ew/e A.D. h ea.ven d h and (h) e A.D. (p.r.) An(D)ce ye i.d. e/b t00 th d h ea.ven d h a.(n)d. i/t h (ere) a.(d.) p. r.00f t~ 0 w/e t(h) bu rd en ew/e (I.)D.
g ave t(h) p ate g ave t/h e w/h e'ye (t/h) (d) a. t e
d 0 c : L e(a)ve (i)t a l/l 0/n e/g u ye w/e(a)r kn 0/t (h) e w/(h) e'ye (i.) d.