p(f) i'(L)(L) e d (0) naiL t00 th se(A.) D.(e)u s/t (h)e A.D. ~
ewe 0/n a i' L/L t h(ea.ven)d
u/s t (h)e a.d. s c 0/p i e/d
e/b t00 th (d) be (A.)D.
the inn jury has expressed (k) n0 (w/e A.D.) need
t0 (g)e t a g (r) e a.d. 0ff t00 th d be(A.)D.
h a.(n)d. 0/u (be) t
(h) in(e) t/h e m 0(u) t/h d
e/b t00 t(h) a'r(e a.d.)b 0'r(e~a l/l) d 0 c (L) 0ut h/d
h and 0 c L0 t/h (ea.ven)d 0 w/00 d h ave (i) t (a) b(L) e/n d 0/u(be) t
a.d. e/b t00 th (d 0) c Le~a.n(d) s p (r) 0ut (h) in(e) d (h) em 0 (u) t h/d
0 w/a s/s h d 0/u (be) t (h) at(h) e a.d. (e/b t) 0ut (h) e a.d. (e/b t) 0ut
0ff t cannot (be ad h) ex (t) cuse toff t from kn 0t bringing th e t/h ere a.d. i/t 0ff t00 th be t heir d 0ff (L) in t i'm e(n)d. 0ff (i) t (a) i'm e/n d' s (p) in e(n) d
e/b t h/d s (up) i/n e' ed (p.r.) i'm e (n) d.
th inn (d) j/u r e'ye i.d. h and Le x p.r. e s/s (t) a i.d. e/b t00 t(h) in (e) d e fxf e r e/n t ce s/s (L) a. i.d.
w/h0 d is she speaking t- 0- w/-h0-(0-)d- (h-) e-ye- i.d.- ew/e- (n-) d- 0- w/e-ye-w/00-d-
w/h0 d is she speaking t- 0- w/-h0- d- e/b- t- a-g-e-t- s- c- r- ew/e- (n-) d- ew/e- (n-) d- s- (tu-) be-(n-) d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-u- e- w/e- tu- g- a- w/e- l/l- d-0f- t- c-(h-)a-r-(g-) e- w/e- d- 0- w/00-d- h-and- s- h0-(u-)LD- ere- (e-) f- (L-) 0-0-d-
0/h f 0'r(e) d h (ea.ven) d' s miss (t) a ke (n) d 0/0 'r e s (t) a i.d. g ave (i.)d.
e/b t00 th (d) b(e) a.t h(an)d
e/b t (h) in e/n (e/m) (e'ye) g r~a've (n) d
ye-we-n- e/e- d- e/b- t- 2- be-(a-)d- apparently sustain a/b le a.d. but-0-ye-we- bring no reference 0're vi ew/e A.D. e/b t00 t(h)(d) 0 w/00 d (h) ew/e A.D. (s) peak t 0/0 th d' s c r ew/e A.(n)D.
e/b t (0) w/h0
p(f) i'(L)(L) e d (0) naiL t00 th se(A.) D.(e)u s/t (h)e A.D. ~
ewe 0/n a i' L/L t h(ea.ven)d a'r(e)t
t (h)(c) 0/m (b)e (n)d(h) 0/m e(n)d ~ 0 c(t) 0/m (e) a. s/s t (y) 0ur (a'rt ) 0ut
(e) i/n e m0(u)t h/d 0/u(be) t ~ d e/b t00 th d' e s(s)e rt s i'r ~ e (a.)m. 0 u(n) t/h d
e/b t00 t(h) a'nd 0/u (be) t
ye-we-n- d- have "debt" -2- force-scene-d- be-lie-f-(t-)in- (e-) d- e/b- t-(y-)our- h-a-(n-)d- e/b- t- a- gain-d-
(h-) 0/n- e- t- a- com-man-d-
0f- t- 0/n-e-t00-t-0ff- t-hie-ven- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- re-ad- (p.r.-) 0- f/f- (h-) e- r/r- inn- g- (c-h-) a- (L-)ve- (n-)d- (h-) at- ch- i/t- b- lack- t- 00-t-he- ad- 0- b- rake- (n-) d- 0f- (r-) e/e- d-e- g-(u-) e- s/s- (t-) a- t- (h-)e-ad- he-a-ven-d-
e/b- t0-0-L-(b-) e- (n-) d-
i/t- a- gain- d- 0- c0-arse- (n-) d-
ye-we-n- d- h-and- 0f- t- s-(t-) e/e-d- s-0/t-(h-)at- (ch-) d- 0f- t- s-(t-)(p-) e/e- d- (h-) 0/n-(L-)e-(ye-) id- (s-) up-p-(L-)i-ed- h-and- s- a- p/p- Le- i-d- 0f- (t-) i/n- e- (d-0-) c- line- d-
e/b- t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- s-(p-)en-d-s- a- (w/e-) g- a-(in-) d-(g-0-) n-a-d-
(h-) at- (h-) a- nd-
ew/e-0-n-d-(g-0-)n-ad- s- (t-)(r-) 0/n-(e-d-)g- e- (n-) t- 0ff- t-
0-(w/-) h- t-he-a-ven-d- (h-)e-ad- i/t- hie-ven-d- s- (p-) e-(n-) d-
t-he-r/r- 0- d- e/b- t-he-ad- (h-) 0-b/b- u- ye- w/00-d-
e/b- t-(he-ad-) u/n- (d-)e-re- s-t- 0/0- d-
e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- (t-) a- k-(e-) inn-(d-) g- a- s/s-(t-) a- nd-
d (e/b t) h inn g e (n) d e/b t (h) (d) 0 p en (t/h) d h(ea.ven) d
ye-we-(n-)d- h-ave - t- on-(L-)e-ye- d- h-ave- (n-) d- e/b- t- a- p-r-0- claim- mit- hie-ven-d- - e/b- t- a- gain- d- s- (e-) a- m-e/n- (d-) h-) ave- (n-) d- g- ave- (n-) d- i/t -a- gain- d- (0-)(h-(t-)be-(a-) d- h-ave-(n-) d- e/b- t- a- re- (a-) p- (L-) a-ye- (i-d-) a-t- e-
(i-) t- b- lack- t-
0- get- he- m-(e-) a- t- (h-) e- ad- be-(a-)d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- lack-t- in- (t-) e- x- t- ad-van-ce-d- (h-) at- ch- d-
0f- (t-) a-ct- force-scene- t-(h-)at- c-(h-) at- ch- d- be-(n-)d- (0-) f- (t-) a-ct- (h-) 0-re- (a-) d- i/t- b-(c-) at- ch- d- h-and- b-(e-) a- t- he- ad- i/t- b- lack-t- 00-t-he-a- p- ass- (e-) t- (h-) a- s/s- t- (L-)e- d- ew/e- (n-)d- s-(h-) at-
b.c. "you" have already "laid" 0- f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- 0- you- can force fake ache h-and- f-ac-(t-)he-r/r-(0-)d- 0f -(t-) a-ct- a- get- i/t- b- lack- t- a- s/s- (h-) ue- w/e- (n-) d- s- (p-) e-(n-) d- i/t- hie-ven-d- (e/b- t-) a- gain- d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- (e-) a- m-e-(n-) d-
0 fxf L(e) ye inn g 0/d 0 fxf t h/d s ea. t 0ff t (a.) m. e'ye p (L) an t (h/d) s~ig h/t (h) in(e) d
e/b (t) i/n e (d b) min(e) d
0fxf t 0/n (L)e'ye n(d) e/e d a p/p (ea.) L e'ye i.d.
e/b- t-he-(ye-i-d-e-)r-(r-) i- c- (k-t-) h- (i-) t- hie-ven- d- h-a-(n-)d- (h-)e-ad-
e/b- t- a- com-man-d-0f- f- a- t- (L-) a- nd- i.-d- e- vain- d - (g-)i-d-(0-) h-and- g- (r-) i- d- e/b- t- (s-) 0- (i-) l/l- e- t- a- gain- d- im-
(e-)t- (he-ad-0-)f-x-f- (t-)a-ke- v-(e-)in- d-
e/b- t- (he-ad-0-)f-x-force-s-scene- d- 0-w/-he-ye-(a-) t- 0ff-t- (s-) e- x- t- s- (t-)e-am-e/n-d- s-
- t- a- nd- e/b- t- a- s/s- (t-) up- p- (L-)e-id- 0- c- re- a-m-e/n-d-s- et-(h-) ill- e- vain-d-
0/h (0) d ' s h(e/a.)d.
e/b t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye (i.) d. e/b t h/d 0/u(be) t
inn e x (u/s t) all t a t i 0/n e ve(i)n d 0
ve (t/h) d
(0) h and Le x 0/d (e) u/s t (h) ea.ve(n) d i(e) t
ye-we-n- don't have to have the desire, or the time ve(i)n d sup p (L) i/e d
s (t) a i.d. (e) u s/ t (e) a.m. e/n d a.m.u l/l t i/p L e'ye t00 L(e)a. s/s t e(a.)m. t(h)(d)(s) e'ye i.d. (h) 0'ver t' s h0(u)Ld er(e) in d(h) in (e) d
e/b t0'0 L0 0k in (d)g e t/h d' s k(e)ye (i.)d.
's cent ' s t a (i)r e(ye) i.d. ew/e A.D. (0) ve r/t a re (a.) p ass (e) t (h) 0 u/r (e)a.t e~a. (ch) t (s) a' ch e (e) c k(i) t(h) at ch i/t b Lack t ~ (r) 0ut i/t b rake (n) d e/b t a re a.l/l a t(h)e (n) d
ew/e t 00 th (e w/00) d(h) e'ye w/h ere d e/b t 00 t(h) em p L(0 y)e w/e (a.)d.
e/b t00 th d' s t a g e w/e(n) d e/b t00 L(t)(b) a s/s k in (d) g ' s u/s t(c) a in a/b (e) l/l e (ye) a.d. s h0've r/t h(ea.ven)d
d-0-w/an-t-(h-)e-ad- 0- w/-(h-)eigh-t- s- h- i-v- e- (ye-) i- d- e/b- t- hie-ve(n-) d- i-(e-) t- in- (e-) t- i'm- e-(n-)d-
as-s-u-e-w/e- d- h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- a- re- g- round- e/b- t- 0- w/00-d- 0- w/e-(n-)d- h-ave- (i-)t- b-lack- (t-) in- (e-) d- e/b- t- (u-)be-a- r- eg- round- e/b- t-00-L- e-(a-)ve-(n-)d- h- a-(n-) d-
as-s-u-e-w/e- d- h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- a- re- g- round- e/b- t- 0- w/00-d- 0- w/e-(n-)d- h-ave- (i-)t- b-a-re- g- round- e/b- t-00-L-(t-he-r-) eve-r- e/n- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (r-)e-(a-)d-
(e-ye-)i-d- e/b- t-(h-)e/m-p-(0-)L-e- d- (h-) e-ye- (a-) t- hie-f-en- d-
e/b- t- a- miss- t- a- (i-)re-ad- e/b- t- 0- 0t- a- ke- (n-) t- he-ad- 0f- (b-L-) am- e-(n-) d- e/b- t- hie-va/in- (d-) at-e- n- (d-) am- e- (n-d-) g- am- e-(n-) d-
p-0-r-(e-)p-0- i/s- e-(e-)d- 0- c-u-(t-)e- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0-L-(L-e-d-0-) f- i/n-(e-) d-
e/b- t-(u-)be-(d-) he-r- d- (p-r-) 0- f-x-f- (t-) er(e-) inn- (d-) g- e- (n-) d-
0 -h-and- 0f- x-f-er(e-)in- g- (t-) 0- (a-) d- d- Le-(ye-) i-d-
s- (t-) u- f-x-f- er(e-) inn- d- (ea-)f- 0-r-(e-) t- n0 re a.s/s (h) 0/n e ve(i) n t e l/l e'ye (a.)t
-he-ad-0-w/an- t- 0- w/-h0- d- k-eye- p-(i-) t-(h-)u- ew/e- d-
ye-we-n- (d-) a- re- me-(a-)id- e/b- t- a- miss-(m-)aid- sure-(n-)d- e/b- t- i/t- he-r/r- (0-) d- s- qua-r-(r-)e- ye- n-(d-) a- re- (a-) d- e/b- t- a- r-(r-) e- (ye-) n- t- heir- d-
0-f- t- (a-) g- am-e-(n-)d-
0-f-(r-) e/e- d- (h-) 0/m-e- n- (d-h-)ave- (n-) d-
ye-we-n- d- h-and- 0/u-(be-) t- (h-) a- ve- (n-) d- 0/u-(be-)t- a- re- g- round- 0/u-(be-) t-
force-t-he-ad- (b-) u-m-me-r- d- e-ad- 0f- r0m- t-he-miss- t- a- k- e-(n-) d- 0f- t- s- cent- s- (n-)a- ke-(n-) d- e/b- t00-L- e-(a-)ve-(n-) d-j-0-in-t- s- (t-) 0-c-k-t-d- 0- c0m-p-an-e-ye- (a-) t- 0ff- t- - hie-ven- t- a- miss- t- re-ad- 0f- t- (a-b-)re-ad- 0f-(i-) t- a- cr0ss- (0-) t- 0ff -t-he-ad- 0f- (i-f-) t-hie-ve-(n-)d-
ye-we-n-d- e/b -t- 0/n-(L-)e-ye- desire- d- e/b- t- a- cr0ss-(0-) t- h0-(d- e/b-) t-he-re- g- 0/t-
get-i/t-b-lack-t- a-s/s- k- (i-) t- 0ff- t-
he-ad- be-(a-)d- (0-) b-(r-)ough-t-
less think( inn g ) i/t (h) rue (n) d 0 w/-(h-)eigh- t- he-ad- see- k- t- (b-) 0- w/e- ll- (d-) ew/e- d-
he-ad- h-ad- e/b- t- a- g-i-ve- t-he- miss- t- (r-) i- (a-) l/l- (b-) e/n -( d- h-) ave- (n-) d- i/t- a- miss- (t-) u- b- e- (s-) t- a- re- (a-) p-r-e- s- (c- (L-) i-) e/n- t- i/t- (he-ad-) 0- w/-id- t- high- (i-) t- ch- d- 0- he-a-ven-d- e/b- t- a- re- miss- (t-d-) b- re- ad-
kevin stine -d- h-and- michael messerschmidt are only thinking - t- hie-ven- d- 0- (w/-) h- and- using me to prostitute t-heir- he-a-ven- d- s- t- a- nd- 0f- t- com-man-d-
ad- j-u-s-t- (a-) b- c- (d-) t- he-ye- d- 0- c- an- d-
e/b- t- (0-) f-f- r0m- (e-) t- he- ad- s- (t-) a- nd-
ye-we-n- are not teaching 0 desire ve(i)n (d) a.d.
(h) 0/n 0're (a.d.) c an d
ye-we-n- use a- g-(u-) e- s/s- t- ill- (d- 0-f-) e/e- (d-) ven- d-
kevin stine d- i/s- (t-) e- l/l- i-(e-) n- (d-) g- 0/d- (h-) 0/m-e-a-n-(d-) s- t- (h-) at- he- d- 0- w/00-d- h-ave- (i-) t- he-ad- 0f- t- 0/n- e t 0/m(b)e (a.) d.
h-and- 0- ve- (i-) t- he- ad- 0- w/-(h-) i/t- ness- t- d- 0- w/-e- vain- (t-h-) d-
d-(h-) 0-n-0-re-(a-)d- a-m-0-n-(e-)g- t-hie-ve-(n-d-) s- t-(e-)n- t-he- ad- get- a- gree- d- 0- f-(r-) e/e- d- e/b- t-(u-) be-(a-)d- h-inn-g-e-(n-)d- (e-a-)f- 0-r-(a-)m- e-a- l-l-e- (a-)ve-(n-) d-
d-(h-) 0-n-0-re-(a-)d- a-m-0-n-(e-)g- t-hie-ve-(n-d-) s- t-(e-)n- t-he- ad- get- a- gree- d- 0- f-(r-) e/e- d- e/b- t-(u-) be-(a-)d- h-inn-g-e-(n-)d- (e-a-)f- 0-r-(a-)m- e-a- l-l-e- (a-)ve-(n-) d-
"con" the see-k-t-(b-) 0- w/e- ll- d- (h-) 0- c-0/n- the see-k-t-(b-)0-w/e-ll-d- 0f- t- (b-) all- e/n- t- s- (h-) 0-/t-
0ff- t-he-ad- e/b- t-00-t-he-mar-re-ye-(a-t-h-) d- 0f- t-
ye-we-n- have not (s) augh t friends. ye-we-n- d- h-ave- s-(t-) augh- t- 0ff- t-he-a- pre- ten-(d-) s- e - t00-t-he- l/l-(d-) be-(n-)d-
"like" making believe when ye-we-n- can't c0nceive a.d.
d h and (0) fxf 0'r(e) d ew/h e'ye (a.) t (h) e ~ a.d. ~ a. m./e ~ ve(i)n (d) a.d. 0 c an d ~
Le (p)t h (d/f) a n(d) g 0/d (h) in (e) d ' s t(h)e a.d. h(ea.ven)d
a-g-0-(0-)d- e/b- t- i-'m-e-(n-) t- 0- w/-h0-d- (h-) 0-n-0-re-(ye-) g- 0-(0-)d-s-
(t-) a-ye- a- t- (h-) a- d- (j-)u- s- t- (a-) b- c- d- (b-) a-(i-) t- (h-) e- ad- (h-) 0-ve-d-
ye-we-n- are built -0/n-e- "desire" d- 0- f- (all-) t- a- get- i/t- b- lack- t- ass- (k-t-) all- t- (0-) f-x-f- (L-) ave- i- 0-re- e- (L-) d- 0- w/-(h-) a- l/l- (e-) t-
ea-(c-h-i-) t- c-h-d- 0- w/ n0 0/ne t00 th e re (a.) p.r. e s(c(L)i)en t i/t
a- g- e- w/e- d- g- e- (n-) d- (a-) g-ave-(i-)t- (L-) a- w/-he-ye- (a-) t-
0-w/-h0- m-(e-) a- ke- t-he- s-(e-) a-m- e-(n-) d- a- miss- t- a- ke- (n-) d- e/b- t- a- g-e-t-(h-) a- t- r-ace- d-e- ad- 0f- t- (a-g-u-) e- s/s- t- a-t-e- s' -t-e- 's- t-e-' (d-0-) f-ace- d-
i appreciate c~an d 0(0) re (a.)d.
i mean, using your own name is (t) e ll inn g t/h e me a.n (d) s h 0 w/e ye w/e d f e(e) L(L) d
(ea.) f 0r(a.)m. e/a. l/l e'ye (a. t/h) d
e/b tu be (a.) d f ace a.d. f 0'r (e) a. r e a.ll (e/a) d.
e/b t u/n e t i' L/L ' d
the "ag" is -(p-) a- id- : the "ag" gets "paid" to-par-t- i'm-e- t-(h-)at- (L-) a- w/-he-ye- (a-t-h-) d-
the "law" is for the wit-ness-t- 0ff- t-, i am saying the "law" bu-ye- the virtue i-t- (s-) augh- t- , has n0 wit ness t (h) at i/t c an d 0 c a s/s t 0ff t (h) and be (a)d b (r) 0ugh t.
the "law" is passing the buck-t- by not being the value "i/t" speak t's. the "law" like religion speaking for -ewe- d- e/b- t- h-ave- (i-)t- s- c-r- ew/e- (n-) d- is casting the per-ver-s- i- 0/n- e- vain- d- 0f- t- a- get- a- cr0ss- (0-) t-
(0-) w/-h0- d- s-(n-) e/e- k- t -a- s/s- c- r -ew/e- d-0f- t-00-t-he-ad- be-ad- 0f- t-(h-) rue- n- d- 0- w/e- (i-) tu-
ye-we-n- ar(e ye n/d heir d) kn 0t passing (i' l/l) t i'm e(n) d
ye-we-n- ar(e ye n/d heir d) kn 0t passing (i' l/l) t i'm e(n) d 0ff t
in (e) t ere s(t) augh t (h) and e/b t00 th (en) d 0 w/e (i)t 0 s/s (0) t
0/n e Re a. l/l 0/t
m e/n t 0ff t
e-x- h-all-t-he-ad- (e-a-) f- r0m-(r-)ig-n0-r-an-(d-)ce- s/s-p-urn-d- in-nit- (y-)e-a-r- t- (h-)rue- w/e- (n-)d- ew/e- d- s-
w/-id-t-he-ad- kevin stine is thinking like the "ag"-0-d-e/b- t-a-re- (d-0-) c- 0-ve-r-t- he- l/l-a- (n-) d-
he -is- t- his- t- a- k-(e-) in-(d-)g- 0- d- e/b- t- (a-) b- r-an- d- 0f- t- 0/n-e- com-man-d-
e/b- t-(u-) be- g- r-an-d- h-and- g- r-an- t/h- d- e/b- t-(u-) b- (e-d-) f- an-(d-) s-
t-(h-)e- t- s-(t-) a- g- e- w/e-(n-) d- e/b- t-(u-)b-(r-)e-(a-) d- 0- c-(L-) an-d- e- s/t- in- e- vain- d- (0-)(h-) (t-) bu-ye- (a-) t- he- miss- t- (r-) i- (a-) l/l- e- (a-)ve-(n-) d- s- u/s- (p-)en-d- s- a- (w/e-) g- a- (w/e-) d- 0 -w/(e-)ag- 0/n- (d-) a-d-
d-e-ad- e/b- t- a- gree-d- 0f- t- he-ad- e/b- t- a- mar-re-ye- d- (s-) e/e- d-
h-and- 0f- (t-) (c-) a-(i-)r-e- ye- d- e/b- t- a- re- d- h ere h-and-(0-) heir- d-
0- c0-L0-re- s-t- a- (i-)r- e- vain- d- 0f- t- a- c-re- d- i/t- heir- d- 0f- t- s- t- a- (i-)r- e- vain- d- (b-) a- r-(r-)e- (n-)d-
see- k- t-(b-) 0- w/e- ll- d- 0- c-r-e-(e-) d- i/t- he-ad- see- k- t- (b-) 0- w/e- ll- d- 0- f- (L-) air- e- (a-)d- i/t- heir- d- 0- h-air- d- serve- (n-) d- in-(n-)e-r-(e-) t- 0- w/ar- e- (a-) d-
s- e/e- k- t- (b-) 0- w/e- ll- d- 0- falsifying - t- he- miss -(t-) inn- (e-d-) f-0-r-(a-)m- (e-) at- (e-) i-0/n- (d-) e-a-r- e- a-d-
e/b- t- a- get- a- re- serve- at-e- i-0/n-(d-) ad- e/b- t- he-re- (a-)d-
(0-) b- c-(L-)au-s-e-(e-)d- be-in-g -a-d-i/p-s-(h-) i/t- is- t-(h-)e- ad- 0nly- e- w/-he-ye-t- he- (d-) g-e-t- i/t- 0ff- t- (h-) ave- (i-) t- (s-) augh- t- a -cr0ss- (0-) t- h- (ea-ven-)d- s- (p-) en-d- s- (h-) i/t- b- lack- t- a-gain-d-
e/b -t-(u-) b- r- ave- (n-) t- (0-) f-x-f- 0-r-(e-) t- 0/0 kn 0 w/e re a. s/s (h) 0/n e ve(i.)n d.
e/b t00 t(h) a.(n)d. e ve (i) n t 00 th (d 0) c0mma nd s p (L) an (d) s
ye-we-n- are only giving theoretical -a- w/-(h-)eigh-t- he-ad- 0- c- theoretical- l- at- i'm-e-(n-)d- b-u-t/t- (y-) 0-re- t- a- s/s- knee- d- h- a- n-(d-) e/e- d- e/b- t-(y-) our- t- (h-)in-(e-) d- e/b- t- in- e- min-(e-) d- e/b- t- (h-)a-nd- 0/u-(be-) t- (0-) f-x-f- i/n-(e-) d-
i/t- is- t- ab-sir- d- 0- w/-he-n- d- ye-we-(n-) t- ass k t a me'ye n (d) a.m. e (n) d h and ye-we-n- don't supply e (i) t 0'0 L e(a.)ve(n) d e/b t a gain d en (d g) ave (n) d
see-k-t-(b-) 0- w/e- ll-d- 0f- f-(t-)act- f-rom-e- t-he-0-r-e-ye- vain- d- i- v-(i-) 0-r-(c-) e- s/s- (e-) a - m- en- d- s- (t-) e- x- (t-) a- ct- (he-ad- e/b- t- a-) b- lack- t- in- (e-) t- he-ad- van-ce- de- ad- 0f- (t-) i/n- (e-d-) e/b- t-0-w/-h0-d- e/b- t- in- (e-) t- a- ct- (h-) 0-re- (a-)d- (h-) a- t- (a-) b- lack- t-
e/b-t- a-cr0ss-(0-)t-he-(a-) ll- (b-) an-d-
0f-t- did- kn-0t- 0/n- e- d-e/b-t- 0- w/-e-(e-)d- kn-0-w/e- (d-) be- t/t- a-(i-)re-vain-(t-h-)d- sir-e- (n-) t- hie-ven-d- (0-) h-and- (a-)b-(L-)e- (a-) d-
t-(h-)e-ad- s- t- d- (e-)u/s- t- (h-)e-ad- e/b- t- a- gain- d-
ye-we-n- d- have already -e-s-c-r-e-w/e-(n-) d- 0 (c) h and e'ye (n) d kn ew/e A.D.
ye-we-n- d- e/b- t- a- get- i/t- b- lack- t- ass- knee- d- i/t- a- b-(L-) e- (a-) d- e-ye- w/e- n- (d-) a-re- t- he-a-r-t- (b-r-) i- g- ht- (h-) rue- w/e- (e-) d- s- c- r- ew/e- d- e/b- t- a- get- (a-) b-(e-a-)m- (e-) u-s-e- (e-) d- ew/e- d- s-
to make false effort (ye-we-n- are not a re all e'ye re a. l/l a t(h) e a.d. e/b t (h) inn g e (n) d kn e w/e (A.)D. )
stand- 0- f- 0-r- t- e- ye - w/e- n- d- k-n- ew/e- d- 0f -t- a- p/p-(ea-) Le-(ye-) w/e- (e-) d-
i was researching 4 oz glass spray bottles on line, at amazon i can read the reviews, it seems plenty of people complain about the plastic spray nozzle clogging, and getting stuck and failing. after research, i am planning to pay full retail price for bottles, from whole foods, and inform the customer that this is part of the intitial cost, and the reason i chose to do this, is so that the customer can return the bottle to whole foods if it fails. if whole foods will not honor there purchase thru me, purchasing thru whole foods at full retail price, i will return it to whole foods, would be the anticipation.
j-0-b- (e-)s-(t-) e-ye- t- f-0-r-(a-)m-e- all-ye-
inn-s-t-(h-)e-ad- 0f- t-he-ad-0f-t- a- get-0ff-t-he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (r-)0ugh-t-
in-e- d- 0- pen- d- a-m-(e-)a-r-k- (e-) t- (s-) augh- t-
your "debt" is from no one your c(h) a l/l (v) e d e/b t 0/d e w/e ye (a.) t
ye-we-n- only made a mess of pretending the ewe is in your residen-t-ce-s/s- (t-) e-x- t- (a-) p-r-e-s/s- t- d-
e/b- t00-t-he-make-i/t-a-ke-ye-(a-)t-
ye-we-n- d- gave my value to w/-ill- = he can't calve sp(L)it from w/00 d (0) h and neither can-(y-)e-w/e-d- - (0-) he-a-ven-d- s- t- ill- d- - 0- w/00- d- be-(a-)d- e/b- t- a- r-eeL- d-
your c-a-r-(e-)t- is kn 0t in e(d) front of the me an s (t) augh t/h d be a.(d) fxf aire (a.d.) g 0/t -
the law -s-t- is causing & "casing" a miss-trial on precedence-d- i/t- want-0-w/-h0-d- be-(a-)d- s-c-r-ew/e-d- i/t-t00-t-he-ad- ew/e- (d-) s
e) ve~r e'ye x cite d t 0 w/h0 d e/b t0 a.(s/s) t ... b m0 's t
c-he-a-s/s-e-ye- bro-ken-t-0ff-t- equanimity- competing--c-are-t-0-w/-h0-bu-ye-t-0-w/-h0-d- is kn 0/t e~ven t(h)rue (w/e) d (0) h and i/s kn 0/t (a) g 0/d (en) 0ugh t~ 00 th e m(e)A.ke (d)g(r)e~a.t
c (h) a l/l (v) e d
s (p) L i/t (h) at 0/m e~ve (i.)n d.' s p~ar (k) t
who else does "ted-talks" ? tim cook at "apple". totally not happy with your products that cannot connect that past, that drop-kick-t-(y-)our- customers to buy more product - 0- w/-h0-d-be-(a-)d- 0- cur-rent-
there is no theory if you do not want 0 w/h0 d e/b t a re a. l/l (e)a. t e ~ t/h e're t (L) a w/are a.t h(d) f ace A.D.
t/h e/m u l/l s i 0/n e s/s t 0/n e ve(i)n d(h) 0/m e(n)d
0 fxf (i) t a cr0ss (0) t
"inspiration is the process" thank you fucking "fair-po-in-t-"
i am sure at "ho-use" they have good connectivity : selling- a- w-are- s- will afford you "good" connectivity-
i can market my showing to henry ford museum and surrounding area, and cooper hewitt museum and surrounding area, and show my h0 use gallery and gathering showing, inn my name ~ve(i)n (d) p (L) a'ye (t/h) d
g-i-f- t- 0ff- t-he- m-(e-)ag- i- d-
g-i-f- t- 0ff- t-he- m-(e-)ag- i- d-
ea-t-he-purvey-0-re-(a-)d- 0f- t- s- L-i-(e-)d-
ye-we-n-are not saving 0/d e/b t (f) a n/n e'y e (a.) t b 0/d e'ye i.d., nor can -e-w/e- d- - (h-) ad- just- a- f-x-f- 0-r-e- t-he-me-0/n-e-ye- (a-) t- 0-f-x-f- t- he-ad- 0- c- (r-) um- be- (a-)d-
this is the wrong position, re rich roat, and house industries, to supply over-he-ad- 0f "staff" - t-, t 0 w/h0 d e(a.) f i/n (e) d spirit 00 L (e) a. s/s t.
your we-d-(h-) inn-g-e- d- is built on guilt- for-t- no reason, you prefer - i/t- hie-ven-d- (0-) h-and- i/t- s- (e-)a- m- e/n-d- s-
(c-) am-(e-n-d-) s- (h-)ave-(n-)d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- a- p-r-0- claim- mit- ta- gain-d-
nice h0-use-
let's b polite-d- ineffectual-l- b-c- e- w/e- d- h-ave- t- he- master-b-a-i/t- he-ad- on every e 0/n e t-0/d-ate- d- e/b- t00-L- d-0f- t- a- r-eeL-at-e-
posing your self as the 'taime' = image of love in "time" you can't define d h and 0've (t/h) d (0) h and k e'ye p t/h e mar-re-ye-d- s- h0-ve- d- e/b- t00-t-(h-) 0/0- k-eye-p- d- g- (L-) 0-ve- d-
making malfeasance t-(y-)our- n-a-m-e-n- d- 0f- t-
your marriage for -t- no reason is you "like" -2- a/b- h-0-r-e- in every sea-s/s-0/n-ad-0-0-re- a- d-
a-mar-r/i-ag-e-t00-t-h-ave-(n-) t- he- f- 0-r-(e-) d-
nice h0-use-d- bu-ye-(a-)t- he- w/-he-ye-(a-)t-