t heir i/s kn 0 w/e d 0ff t (h) at c(h) an d i(m)e t a par t un less (t) e'ye want (0) w/h0 de s i/r e a.r t e fxf 0 'r (e) t(h)(f) i re a.d. (h) ea.r t/h d (s) 0 ' L (e/a) d. e tu n(n) e l/l e/a. d. 0/0 r e' s e t/h (s) 0 un d ' s (c ) e/n t '(s) ig h/t in e t(h) e/n d e/b t00 Le(a.)ve~ n d 0/u (be) t c h at ch inn g e m (inn t) 0ut h/d i/t in e t(h) a.(n)d .0/u (be) t rig ht h ere a.d.
there is no beauty w/i th0u t a (re) t rut h ea.ven d h a.(n)d. i/t a g 0(a) l/l e(a.)ve (i.)n t(h) in e (d) fxf r a.(i.)m. e~ t at 0/0 th ea.ven d (f) 0 d/d e're (a.)d. e/b t/h (e miss t) b e/e h ave i 0're (a.)d. (h) e'ye (i.)d. (h) i/n (e) d e/b t00 th (b) e're c(L) 0've r (t/h) d e l/l i'ver t/h e'ye d be a.d. 0ff t (h) a nd augh t e're (a.)d. be a.d. 0ff (i/f) t(h) 0/n e s/s (t) i/g h/t ~ a (i') l/l e' (ye) a.ve t (a) re t rig ht e l/l e'ye (a.)m. e'ye t (h) a. d. e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e l/l d e/b t0 g e t/h e (re) a.r t/h d h and (g)e a.r t/h d 's t a (i)r (e) t in (e) a. r~e ve r' s e t(h) bu ye a.r t/h d a r(k) t/h ea.ven (d) a l/l (a)ye t (h/d) 0 w/(e)a.re a.d. e/b t00 th s e/e k (i) t/h ere ve(i)n (d) e'ye (i.)d. e/b t00 t(h) 0/0 k e'ye p i/t h' s qua r/r e'ye (i.)d. f a(i)r e (a.)d. i/t a 're a.d. h and e/b t a r/r e'ye t/h ere t00 th r 0/a t a' g (r) 0 a/t 0/0 L (b) e/n d in e d(h) e/a. d a.m. e'ye d e/b t 00 th be s(t) 0 w/e (a.)d. (h) e'ye d h ea.ven d(s) 0'L (e/a) d. i/t h e(a)re g(u)a rd in (e) g t/h e w/(h) 0'r (L) d. ' s (h) 0 w/e (a.)d.
t(h) 0/m e r (e) un ~ d h ave n (d) a.m. e t00 L(e) a. s/s t 0ut (a) re db 0 un d e/b t00 th eg i've t a w/h e'ye (i.)d. ate d e/b t00 th (e) re ~ a. l/l a t (h)e (a.)d. h ea.ven d s (p) en d ' s a w/e g a w/e (a.)d. (a) gain d
(h) e'ye d i/t s(h) 0 w/e re a.d.(s) 0'L (e/a) d. e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0/t e
par t (0) w/h0 par t(0) w/h0 d (h) e'ye (i.)d. e/b t00 th be a.m. i n/n 0 w/(e) inn d i'm e t a g0 f i/s h inn g e t00 th f i' l(l) e/a d. hup t00 th b(p) 0k ere d e'ye t/h (r) i've t00 th e m(e)A.k e t/h c up t00 th r 0 a/t up t in e t(a) i'm e ve(i)n t a p/p (ea) L e'ye (i.)d. e/b t (h) in (e) d
h and s (h) i/t c h ea.ven d s (c) an d e/b t00 th s (t) a nd
0ff (i) th cr0ss (t) augh t (a) g's u/s t (c) a in a/b (e) l/l e/a d. 0ff (i) t 0ff t/h ea. d 0ff t/h ea.ven d 0 w/e ve(i)n d e/b t00 th b(r) 0ugh t (h e/a d) 0 fxf (t) in e s/s t (h) e a.d. (s) 0'L (e/a) d (h) 0/n e ve(i)n d(h) 0/m e ve(i)n kn 0 w/e l/l db 0/n(e) d e/b t00 the ta (i') l/l e(a)ven t 0(w/)e (a.)d.
rip e(a)ll ye (r) i've r's e l/l (augh) t (u) be l/l (d) f a s/s (t) e l/l e'ye (i.)d. ~ ea.t 0/n e t00 th be l/l e(ye)a.f/t ~ i/t ' s e l/l fxf t(s) augh t a s/s w/e l/l d e/b t00 th e t a(i') l/l (e'ye) d (0) w/e l/l d
e/b- t00-t-he-ad- a-p/p-(ea-)L-e- (i-)d -ea- l/l- d-(s-) 0/n- g-et-0ff- t- he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b -(r-) ough- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t00-t-he-re- s-up- p-(L-)ie-d- he-g- 0/t- 0ff- t- in- e- s/s- (t-) i-g- h- t- he- ad- s- (h-) 0- t- - u- b- lie- b- com-b-i/n-(e-)d- f-(r-) e/e- d-h-and- b- lie-b- p-ein- e - t00-t-he-ad- e- am- s- (t-) inn- (e-) g- (s-) e-t-a- gree-d- 0f- t- e- l/l- e-ye- s- (n-) e/e- k- (i-) t-(h-)u- b-bu-ye- (w/e-) d- 0f- t- s- (p-)ea-k- t- (u-)be-(a-)d- s- lee-per- t/t- he-ye- d-
i related on the earth cam, min 0 & i were on the nature conservancy trail behind the lice clinic, and children and families were gathered for an easter egg hunt, and min0 was off leash, scampering around and following his nose. a little girl commented : Look Daddy, there is a Wild Dog!. .. and the dad chuckled and he said : i don't think that is a wild dog, because it has clothes on.
min 0 (a) h as/s t c L0 t/h ' s (t) 0/n e t00 th e m(e)a. k e~ g r(e)a.t e. "2" t- (h-) u- (e-) s/s- t- (L-)e- d- 0f- t- a- re- m-(e-)a-r-k-t- is kn 0/t(y)0ur t00 th i'm (v) par t -0ff-t-s-he-a-rt- - he-ad-a-rt- in-e- s/s- t- a- (i-)r-(e-) t-
ye-w/e- p-(t-) i- l/l- 0- r-e-ye- (i-)d- e/b- t- a- k-e-ye- p- i/t- (h-) a- b- (r-) i.'d.- e/b- t- (a-) b- min-(e-)d- e-ye- t- (h-) a- nd- keep- i/t- he- re- mar-k-t- he-ad- 0f- (i-)t- (h-) a- nd- s- t- a- nd- he-a-ven-d- 0- (w/-)h- t- a- p-as/s- e- t/h- r- 0-a-t-
d-un-s-u-re- t-he-ye- d- s- (t-) a- c-k- t00-t-he- all- a- me-ye- t-
(a-) be- t-eye- t-(L-) ea/se- d-
ivanka trump says she is not complicit for-t-he-ad- be- lie-f- t- in- e- d- e/b- t- her- (e-) d- a- gree- d- h-and- e/b- t- (h-) u- (e-) s/s- (p-) e/e- k- (i-) t-(h-) u- be- (a-)d- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-(ye-)a- s/s- (t-) e- d- e/b- t00-t-he- re- d-(b-)e-am- e-an- (d-) s- et - f0r- t- s- n0-b- 0/d- e--ye- (i-) d-
t/h p Lu m(m) e t~ (h) a s/s t (h)e ad kn 0/t a r/r (e'ye) i've (t/h) d (h) e'ye (i.)d. e/b t (h) in (e) d
g (e) i'ven t (a) i'm e~ a.d.
a re s inn (e) d ie ye (a.)d. 0 w/00 d (s h) i'v e'ye d e/b t(h) at 0/n e t(L) i/n e/e d L e'ye t(h) in(e) d ~
e/b t a s/s (k) pea.k i/t (h) in (e) d (0)(h)(t) b min(e)d
e/b t 00 L(b) e/n d h inn g e t (a) i'm e (a.)d.
has there ever been a time nepotism -t-heir-d- 0f-t-(h-)in-(e-)d- e/b- t-hym-(e-)n- d- 0- w/e- t- inn-(e-)c- line- d- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- min-(e-)-d- ---(0-)f- a-(i-)r- e-(e-) f-i/n-(e-)d- 0- w/00-d- s- cent- s- h- i'v-e-ye- d- e/b- t-u-be-at- 0/n-e- t- in- e- p-Lu-g/g-e-t-he-ad-(a-) h- inn- d-as/s-h-inn- d- im- e-/n - t- u- be- (a-)d- all- t- he- t-(c-h-) i'm-e- - d- 0/n-e- perp-po-s-e/e-d- (0-)f- i/n-(e-)d-
ig -n0-r-an-ce- d- h - as/s- t- (e-) a- l/l- (b-) e/n- t- in- e- t- (a-) i'm- e- d- f- all- sell- ie-y(e-) a- p/p- (L-) ie- (n-) d-
ye-w/e- d- do not speak for any one among -ewe-d- at any given time. ye-w/e-d- speak for -t- he- m- e-d-, but you would not have th em among ew/e ve(i)n (t/h) d e'ye d
ye-w/e- d- speak "2" dof-t- s- u- e- w/e- d- s- c- an- d- par-t - 0- w/-id-t-(h-) a- l/l- 0/t-
ye-w/e- d- ig- get- h- and- a- rig-n0-r-an-ce- t0-get- 0ff-t- he-ad- 0f- t- u- be-(a-)d- b-(r-)ough- t- on an out right lie, ye-w/e- d- h ave t a g i'ven 0m u c h/t in e p.r. 0 ce s/s (t) a nd pr 0 d(e)u ct.
ye-w/e-d- speak of heaven, you can't define, you can't bring it even time, b.c. of the nickle -d- i'm- e- w/e- d- e/b- t00-t-hie-ven-t- (h-)in- (e-)d-, ye-w/e-d- speak- t-0ff-t-he-ad- 0f- t- (h-) en- d -a- re- (e-) f- i/n-(e-)d-
dof-t- does - (t-) 0-re- ye- d- (a-) b- (r-) i-d- e- inn-g- as/s- (h-) u-e- d- never were prime. all. the t(a) i'm e.
s-(h-) 0- w/e- (d-) g- 0/n-e- speaking ass if t you gave the time t00 L(b) e/n d
ye-w/e- need- 0- w/ar- (e-) t- (0-) w/-h0- d- f-i/n-(e-)d- (y-)our- t- a- (i-) l/l- and- h-and- e/b- t- a- (i-) l/l- (b-) e-(n-)- d- i/t- hie-f-en-d- h- and- e/b- t- a- gain- d-
s-(n-)ake- d- ly- e- debt- malfeasant from your -e- (a-) p- (L-)an- (d-)s- inn- t-(h-) a- nd-
0f-t-he- ad- p0- t- en- t- i- all- d-s- c- am- s-
e'ye r e(a.) p en t~ e'ye (i.)d. i.d. kn 0/t (a) me a.n nit~ a re (a.) p L(e) ye w/i.d. th i/t ch ' d ~
h ere (e) fxf a(i)r e s qua r/r e' ye (i.)d. e/b t00 the t a r/r e'ye (i.)d. e/b t00 th e me r/r e'ye (i.)d.
e/b t00 th e-ye-w/e-d- ew/e- d- s-c- r- ew/e- d-(h-)ue-s- do not get h f ree d e/b t a s/s t(h)e a.d. e/b t 0(w/)e ve(i)n d
0 t/h i'm (v) par (k)t (h/d) 0 w/n d e/b t00 th d a re c(h) 0/n s (p)i re a.d. (h) ew/e (ad) s (h) i/t 00 th d (0)(h)(t) b m(e)u/s e/e d ew/e ' s t00 th c a(i)r e'ye d ew/e (ad) s inn t/h e t a x inn g t i'm e t(a)u~ (g/h) t h~ea.ven d 0 w/e (i)t a gain (s t a n') d
don't tel-l- a- me w/-h-at- his-t-a- f-x-f- i/s- t- a- f-x-f- 0-r- d- e/we- (d-) s- (t-) 0-re- ye- d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-e-w/e-tu- gaw- t- (0-) w/-he-ye- (t-he-)d- ew/e- (d-) s- p.r.-0ut- in- e- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- (h-) e-ye- d- (h-) u- b-e-(a-)d- 0f- t- 00- t-h0-ve-r-t-
ye-w/e- (d-)g- (L-)e- w/e- d- s inn g' s t00-t-he-r- i've-r- t-0ff- t- b- 0/n-(e-)d- 0f- t-inn- c- (r-) um- be-d-h-at-00-L-(e-) a- s/s- t- u- buy-e- p- as/s- e- d- 0f- t-(h-)at- hie-ven- d-
if you don't agree with my g ea.r t/h d. fi x i/t 0 w/i.d. t(h) (y) 0're g ea.r t/h ea.ven d(h) e'ye (i.)d. i/t 0/n e t(L) ine d e/b t in e t (a) i'm e ~a.d. 0 w/are t/h ere d ew/e ~a.r e ~ve r' s eg ea.r t/h d 0/u(be)t
i am working on the patreon subscription presentation. this is what i had previously, started, and will be reworking and/or replacing for the april 15th launch : min0' s birthday, tax day, followed by easter the next day.
get your value s qua re d h and s qua r/r e 'ye (i.)d f a(i)re a.d.(h) e'ye (i.)d. h and stop producing "god" did not bring you any e 0/n e t rig ht h ere ~
t00 th b me r/r e'ye (i.)d. serve~n (d) ea.r e (a.)d. i/t h ere ~
tu be (a.)d. h ere
L/e a./t h ere s (t) a (i)n e ve(i)n e c a.(i.)m. e
stop producing a "third" person for-eeL-d-, as your spoken-d- i-deal-d- , that you would not feed, hire, and allow to be present among your com p an e'ye f 0're a. l/l (e'ye) d e/b t00 th f e/e l/l d
you-r- desire isn't a re a.l/l ' d under -d- (h-)i-re-for-eeL- d-
"you" pro seed e/b t(0)w/h0 s peak t 0ff t/h e valu e w/e d "you" can not inn (ed) her e/n t ly e p.r.0 d(e)u ce, given time given d ew/e t(0) w/h0 d
you "st-a-nd" for force-scene- miss-u/s-e- d- i/t- (0-) w/-h0- d- (h-) e-ye- d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s- e- w/e- tu- gaw/ h e'ye -t- (h-) rue- n- d- 0 - w/e -(i- )t- u- s-h-0-(w/-)e- ye-w/e-d-
you -r- e- sup- p-l-an-t- inn- g- a desire in life to get a cross- t- ye- w/e- are not the me/ans t00 th t 0 s/s 0/d 0 fxf t(s) augh t (u) b (r) 0ugh t~ in e t (a) i'm e t(h) a s/s t (h) e a.d. s mu ch (i) t 0ff t h~ea.ven d h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n (t/h) d e/b t a p/p (L)an (d) ate t/h ere s (t) e l/l e'ye (i.)d. (0) c an d~ e/b t a re d h and e/b t a r/r e'ye (i.)d. a f(t)f a(i)r e~ a.d.
ye-w/e-d- g ave d e/b t -a-g-0/d- e/b- t- (u-) be-(a-)d- 0f- t- in- e- t-(y-)our-e- (d-) s-(t-) u- bu-ye- a-d- a- b- 0-r-(e-)t- ch- i/t- 0-rt- a- g0- d- f- i/s- h- inn-g- e- t- a- re- s- (p-) 0- r- (e-) t- in- e- t-(h-) a-nd- e/b- t- a- re- s-(h-) 0-rt-
i am not asking you how ye-w/e-(d-)g-0/t-(y-)our -e-me-0/n-e-ye- d- e/b- t- 0/0-L-(b-)e/n-d- i am asking how you want your e me 0/n e'ye t (u)be (a.)d. ~ e/b t00 th d act yl ly (e)a. w/(e)a.re ve(i)n d
"your" "money" has no spirit (h) in knit h ea.ven d. stop speaking ass if t you d (0) c an d e/b t(h) a nd (0) c a.m. ~e
debt-00-t-he-re-claim-(0-)my-t-he- vain- d-
(y-) our- e- s- t- a- nd- h-inn-g-e- (d-) 0/n- e- s/s- (h-)0-rt- cir-c-(u-)t- re-ye- t- hie-ven-d-s- p- (L-) an- d- e/b- t- force- scene-d- be- lie-f-(t-)inn- g- c- am-(e-d-)s- tu-b- in-(e-)d- e/b- t- (h-)a- nd- 0f- t- hie-f-en-d- s- p- (L-)an-(d-) s-
"you" speak of an ideal, you can't establish for a re a.ll d, h-and- malfeasance -t00-t-he-ye- d- ea- l/l- d- ea-f - t00-t-he- nail- t- for- t- 0- w/-hi-t-ch- i/t- (y-)our-eeL-ye- d- f- (r-) eeL- ye- d- f- eeL- d-
"you" care for the "nail" and do not care to actually be re a.ll d e(b) t/h e're (e) f e/e L d
"you" care about your im-ag-e- d- for-t- no reason, "you" can't be (a.)d. ea. l/l d.
your image-d for-t--no reason, and no desire you actually care d h and carry e t00 th ere t be re a. l/l d "selects" t00 -t-he- ad- s- t- (e-) all- d- e/b- (tu-) t-a-re- d--
a p/p L(e)an (d) at (e) 0/n e w/e d
0f-t-heir- d- e/b- t- (a-) c- a-(i-)r-e-ye- d- (as-)s-u-c-h-(e-) t- up- t- in- e- sig-h- t- (he-ad-) 0- f-x-f- t- (u-) b- rig- ht- en- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- (r-) 0ugh-t- 0ff- t- he- ad- 0f- t-
buy-t-(y-)our-e-x-cell-e/n-t-ce-(d-)0-f- t-ouch-e-t-0ff- t-bu-ye- t-he-miss-t-a-ke- d- (e/b-)t- a- s/s- mu-c-h-(i-)t- 0ff- t-he-a-ven-d- h-and-g-0-(n-e-)d- 0f- t- 00-t-he-(a-) s/s- (t-) a-ye- (d-) g- 0/t- 0ff- t- 0/d- ate- d0f-t- all-t-he- mar-re-ye- d- 0-w/-he-ye-t- e-ye- m0-p/ped- 0f-t- s- um- e- t-(h-) 0-w/e- d-
e-ye- m0-p/ped- 0f-t-0-w/-id- t-(h-)(y-)0-re- t- (h-) a- s/s- t-(h-)e- ad- s- (h-) 0- w/e- (e-)d- s- mu-ch- t-
e-ye- m0-p/ped- 0f-t-0-w/-id- t-(h-)(y-)0-re- t- (h-) a- s/s- t-(h-)e- ad- s- (h-) 0- w/e- (e-)d- s- mu-ch- t-(u-)be-(a-)d- a- b- 0-r-(e-)t- a- s/s- t-(h-)e-ad- e/b- t00-t-(h-) i- s/s- u- e- w/e- (e-)d- 0f- t- un-e/e- d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-e-w/e-tu- d-e-(b-)tu- s h e'ye (i)t, never really a p/p r00f (i) t in e t(0) w/h0 d i/n e t00 th d serve d (h) ew/e (a.)d.
f-x-f-L-a-w/e- l/l- e- s-(t-) u- b-be-(a-)d- (0-) c-um- e- d- h- and- (0-) c- (r-) um-be- d-
h and h inn g e(n) d s um e 0/n e'ye (i.)d. (h) 0/n e d 0ff t inn c(h) 0/m e
ye-w/e- never gave the me all (b) e/n (d/h) ave d e/b t 00 t(h) a s/s t (h) e a.d. e/b t 0 w/00 d e/b t a k/e g re (ad) a.t ~ e
d-(y-)our-e-ad-e/b- t- has never provided the s par k/t
0/0 t(h) in knit h ea.r t/h ere (i)t a ke s par (k) t
-he-ad- b-a-(t-)c-(h-)e-ll-0-re-ye-d- 0f-(all-)t-he-t-(a-)i'm-e-d- e/b- t00-t-he-nail-son- s- (t-) a- id- 0f- t- in- e- t- (a-) i'm- e-d-0f-t- s-0-t-(h-)at- he- might- f- i/n-(e-)d- k-nigh-t-(a-)i'm-e-d-
d-0-w/00-d- a- re- (s-) inn- (d-) e- vain- d- e/b- t00-t-he-re- p-r- 0- claim- mi-/t- ta-gain-d- e/b- t-0-ye-w/e-d- be- (a-)d- a- re- (a-) p-s-(p-)a-id-
t-he-re-s-inn-(d-)ate- d- b-c- i/t- e- ye- w/00-d- e/b- t- a- ke- ye- p- i/t- (h-)e/n- d- kn- e-w/e- i/t- (0-)w/00-d-
basic lie forgeing a mar-r-i-ag-e-d- 0f-t- c-r-ew/e- ll- inn- t- defer-rent-s- inn- s- t-(h-)e-ad- (h-) e-ye- d- force- t-he-miss-t-a-ke-n -d- e/b- t- hie-ven-d- a- miss- i-re- ad- he-a-ven-d- e/b- t- a- gain-d- be-am-is-s'-t-re-ad-
t-he-ad-0f-t- f- e-(e-) l-(l-) t- f0r-d-0f-t-hie-ven-d- s- (c-)am- (e-d-)s- (t-)u-b- a/n-d- (b-)rain-d-
i have been working on the patron site, this is the first draft, and i have decided i will be changing it. i think more "money" should not by more perk t' s, that haven't been feasibly ea.rn d 2 d ate d e/b t a s/s (t) e'r v e d. i need a more universal & community approach...tu b f0r'd h and a ft ere f0r'd h inn g e t a gain d r a ft ere ve (i)n d s p(L)an (t/h) (d) s
L ev(e) i/t ' ye s un d ere s/t 0/0 d(h) e'ye (i.)t ~ 0 w/00 d (h) a.m 0're people playing (L) inn t/h s par (k)t
b c h~arm (e'ye) inn g (t) b.c. e w/e d c an d be a.d. h ea.ven d a r(k)t ~ h/d e/p t00 the ta ke n0 t i ce a.d. bu ye a.r t/h d (h) ea.r th d e/b t00 L/b e l/l e(a.)ve (ye) a.r t ~ (a) re a.d.
she served time too th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye d i/t p.r. i'm e ve(i)n (t)L e'ye (i.)d.
h-inn-d-h-and-(h-) 0/m-e- t-ere-ad-s-cent-s- t- r- i- f- e/e- d-
0-h-0-d-e/b- t- f- uck-t-(he-ad-)b-uck-t-(b-r-)ea-c-he-a-pt- (0ff-t-u-) b-rig-ht-
April 15, 2017 Patreon launch. www.patreon.com/xubrnt
since christ isn't allowed to live among you in company even thru, it is safe t00 t(h) as/s (t) a'ye - w/e- d- e/b- t- (0-) w/-(e-)inn- d- (y-) e- w/e-d-s-tu-b-(r-)ough- t- 0- pen- (t) a (i') l/l e'ye t/h ere a.d. (p.r.) i'm e (a.)d. e/b t in e(c) k in (d)g ~ 0/d e/b t in (e) c L i/n e/e d L e'ye t(h) in (e) d e/b t00 th ea.r t/h d f act f 0're a. l/l (e'ye) d s(c) e/n t s 0 un d just (a) b.c. ~ d (s) 0 (i') l/l (e/a) d 0've t a gain d f 0ra re a. s/s (h) 0/n e t00 t(h) a nd 0/u(be)t~ c(h) at c/h inn g e m 0/u (n) t/h d s(c) up t h ea.ven t(0) w/h0 d e l/l i b ere a.t e~ (d)g et u~ s/h (i)t be t/t a(i)r e a.d. (0) h~up t(h)rue ve(i)n t (0) p.r. i'm e~ a.d. s (c) up t 00 th e Miss' T a ke (n)d ' s (n) ake d ly e get 0 g e/th/ere ~ t 0/0 L(i)e b u t/t ere d c up t/h ea.ven d ew/e
w/e (i.)d. s e(i.)d.
f e/a. (s/s) t a're t/h ere~ a.d. 0 w/(e)a.r e tu~ d e(b) t/u s/h e'ye (i.)d. b (r) 0ugh t 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a.t e fxf 0'r(e)t e w/e (a.)d. e/b t00 th d (ea) f i/n (e) d kn ew/e d e/b t a g 0/n e t(0) w/h 0' d e/b t00 th d (j)u/b i' l/l ate i 0/n s(h) 0/n e t00 th d(h) i'v(e)in e/e d L e'ye (i.)d. ew/e t00 th si r~e v/i' ve d e/b t a cr0ss (t) 0/0 t/h t em p(0)Le (i.)d. e'ye (i.)d. e/b t 0/0' Le t u
you, me, & time. we always were, because we never were.
do i n(g)eed to know what "urbi et orbi" act-u-all-ye- t- me-an-s-(p-)en-d- (h-)inn-g-e- t- e- f- 0-r-t- (n0) re-a-s/s-0-n-e- d- e/b- t- he- ad- e- s- t- in- e- a- t- e- (i-) 0/n- e- c- k-n- e- w/e- d- , do i need to know the "definition" when i know the -ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- (k-) e- w/e- d- i/t- t00-t-he- d- ew/e- d - s- pur-s-e-w/e-tu-s-he-ye-(i-)t- (h-)rue- n- d- 0- w/e- (e-)d-
do you want me too look up the "pre miss" d h inn g e t/h e min(e) d 0 w/n d e/b t (a) i'm e t00 th d (c L) a s/s p.r. 00 f (t) i/n (e) d(h)ue s/s (h) i/t t00 th ea.ven d
"you" give me the definition of virtue t-0-w/-h0-d- e/b- t- a- p-ass-e-d- 0f-t- inn-c-line-d-
you have not be have d, you have not conceived e/b t00 th t i'm e ve(i)n d (h) 0've d i/t ~t (y) 0ur e r un d i'v(e)in e/e d L e(ye) p/t in e min(e) d (h) a l/l t a re r/h and e/b t (a) i'm e'ye t00 th (e) d i/t t(0) w/h0 d e/b t (u) be (a.)d. i/t 0 g e/th/ere ve(i)n d (s) b e/e t/h s (p) 0 k e/n d (h) 0've t/u s/h e'ye (i.)d. ew/e
a.d. c0 ar(s)e d b f0r'd e/b t/h ea.ve(n) d
you are making the s-am-e/n-d-s-hi-t-up-t- (e-) f-0-r-t-he- ad- be- lie-f-(t-)inn-g-e-t- in- (e-)a-re- s- i.'d.-e/n- t- ce-s/s- (e-)t-(h-)e- x- cess- (t-) a- id- ew/e- d- s- tu-be-(a-)d- 0f- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- be- d- s-(t-) augh- t- he-ad- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- r- in-(n-)g-e- d- im- e- tu- d- e/b- tu- s-he-ye-(d-)g- 0/d- 0f- t- em- p- (0-) le- d- 0f- t- u-
f-(i-)t- 0/0-t-he- f-L-u-s-he-d-e/b-t-u-
per-ce-i've- (t-he-)d- ew/-(e-)in- (e-)d-
s-t-e- g- a- no-(d-)g-r-a-p-h-ye-
it is -a-ve-re-ye-d- conceivable your -e- p-0-(0-)r-e- d- "know to be poor" to get blessing t-(0-)w/-h0- d-(0-) c- 0-ve-r-t- (a-) i'm- e- d- 0f- t- inn-c- line- d- 0/u-(be-)t- (b-) rig-ht- (0-) w/-h0- d-
s- c- a-(s/s-)t- "one" d- jack-t-a-s/s-(h-) 0/n-e-d-
0- w/ar- t- (a-) i'm-e-ad-dick-t00-t-he-re- (e-) f-x-f- i/n-(e-)d-(s-h-) im- s- b-(L-)ack-t00-t-he-ad- (e-)a- l/l- d-
s- c- a-(s/s-)t- "one" d- jack-t-a-s/s-(h-) 0/n-e-d- 0f-t -0/n- e- d- f- e/eL- d- e/b- t00-t-he-make- (i-)t- up- t- (i/t-) s- h- 0- (w/-)e- d-
this is out right lying t-(h-)at- e- w/e- d- f- eeL- d- 0- w/i- thou-t-he-ad- 0- w/-(h-)e-eL- e- s/s- t- e- all- d-
you would *say*one*thing* then-d- f-eeL-d- i/t- 0-(w/-)e- re-eL-d-
r un d h ea.ven d h and e/b t 0/0 L(e)a.n d (ea.) f r0m th f all 0 w/e (a.)d. a.m. e w/e ve(i)n d (s) c an d