b ea r t/h a w/e in st ea. d.e sig n e're s h0/n e'ye r~an s~0/m e a.d.('s) cup an/d 0 w/e ll a d0~ve L 0 t' pee p(h) 0'le pt bu s(h)e ll an/d fu (e w/e) ll ea.ve n (t) d's~en d's~cup an/d pup~p e'y~e m~u t/t~ i/s~ig h/t~'s u/e t~a s/s up t a ll 0 w/e in c h~ew/e in g t(h) up('s) in te .g. e're in t~a/ct a l/l as/s 0 w/h0 0'le ye sir(e)c0/m f~er e/n t ce' s~ea. t/h' d e/b t 0/m e an s~inn s 0'l e/n t c~e ye
b/b~ r us~h th circumference unbounded t h i'm (e) a.r ar~e w/are b 0/u n/d e a.d. a(i) r e sas a ff a(i) r e t c(L)ai me
tallowe in c hew(e)ing 0 ve t a ware in g(l)ove t/h ere b/b u ye t/h ea r/t 'h~and 0 ve L 0/n e
what are your means, do we tell
in spirit you can only(t) issue a means too the te ll eve r e'ye t hing e w/e ll
never passed the n ai l too the s cup it/he w/h up bc you wanted g(l)ove te ll all 0/n g
b ea.r t/h a w/h ale 0/n e t/h(r) 0/n e ye t0 un g/e
may 23, 1016 up l0 A.D. ing the gaffe-t0-w/-it-s-in-last-r/in g 0 h0 d e w/e & w/h e/e le 'ye t 00
her presense is an answer to means out of t-ouch-0p-ful-l-ie-n-0w/-e-
is th ere anything s-he- should be h0 ne st l(e)ye te ll i/n g me t 0d 0, t/hat d/i a/m 0/n d 0'le t00 th e re ad (e)ye w/e'd ew/e in g's
as s-he- is-lay-i/n-g-bu-ll-s-hi-t-00-t-he-w/-(h-)all-king-t-at-ease-p-f0r-m/e/al-ly-e-
t-ea-t-r-ai-t-0/r-e-ye-a/s-t-b-re-ad-0-/n-e- me'ye
"b.c" s-he-t-as-as-h-as-com-mer-c-i-all-hun-d-e're-st-a-nd-i/n-g-
"b.c" s-he-t-as-as-h-as-com-mer-c-i-all--t-hun-d-e're-st-a-nd-i/n-g-
her bu-s/i-n-es/s- now's 0n 0 b0und aires in th be d b re ad f/r0m th de ad ap parent ly e s-he-s-ai-d-s-
i per c/has/e d e/b t me'ye ff ra(i)me ve/r ye A s/t e(e) p/t 0 ff the w/he ye T in s(t) 00 t/h/e me'ye c(L)ai me in sig ht h~a.d.e & in ste a.d.e ye in s ai me ve(i)n a(i)me
ps i a.m. e w/ai/t i/n g 0/n ew/e
& k new/(h)e t00 t(h)c 0/m(b) p(L)e/a. t (h)r u/e t0 me an s w/(h)ea.r i/n g's~ us t/ai/n ab le ye A/s t ai d e/b t00 the me an s a g a/i n 0re a.g ai n st f(r)a(i)me n/t a. m.0(0)r~e i/n g's (t)00 t/h t i'm e t0 me w/(h)a.~d.~e
the thing is -t- hol-lie sprague's me-one-ye- can't bu ye l0ve, and's 0w/e her p0lite i c ally e cor(e)re ct -ap-p-(ea-)l-, really has no rig ht on e me'ye keel t00 the keye w/ell and k eye p fe(e)L/L
the "more" prosperous she is in the competitive m-e-ark-e-t- e-con-0-me-ye-, the more she is t-d-ad-ep-too-t-h-'ste-all-
f-ore-reel- as she has tu b scene for doing something to represent her apparent (e'y)e arn ing's l0ve t/h d' she didn't have the w/h ere with th rig ht 00 th ave t get a g/ave.
i look like i am over riding my pre miss, it is only b.c. s-he- h-a/s-t-a-ken- the rightfull claim f-rom-e-nd-e/b-t- 0/n e b0 d(e) ye t00 the re t ea.r n : s-he- re-c-re-at-e-s-him-s-
as no one to talk 2 e vain.
with-er-e-pre-sense- al-0-(w/-)n-e- & l0-an-d-
t/h 0ught full s-he- can't 0w/n
nore own in the t-i'm-e-s-he-g-ave-t-a-g0-0n-e-g/0-d-e-
just for the saying s-0w/e, ie "w/-e-" 0 /n e me'ye t/h r0at
a nd re t ea.r n e t/h's a nec (d0)t ag e t0 me an s 0 p/en l(e)ye a.r e l a(ye)te i/n g's
a nd re t ea.r n e t/h's a nec (d0)t ag e t0 me an s 0 p/en l(e)ye a.r e l a(ye)te i/n g a.d. ju/st the s ai me ve/in e p lan e bu ye p L~ai n
& g(L)a.d. just 00 t/h/e ' w/ i'll i/k~e* t/h at a w/hey e w/(h)eigh t i/n g's
h0 re t w/(h)0 re t/h (e) re l ate i/n g agile ye
a g e're t00 t/h in 0 rig i/n e ve/in a m(e) ang e're t00 the per c i eve n0 0ne is(-ce-ne-)in-n- f-ore-the-p-lea-s-sure-in-bein-g-see-n-e-p-r-i'm-
a sub-st-a-nd-a-rd- policy maker from the-k-in-(d-)
t-hat-h-ave- o/n-ai-l-e-ye-t-a-l/l-en-t-a-g-i've-
& -pi-ne-ni-ft-ye-for-ge-in-(k-)
"ye" ste all from t/he m's-in-k-
"ye" have no right to give the f-a-ct-a-ct- (e-)ye- only st-in-k- 0/n e me re all i t(e)ye
ag i'll e''ye ta t i'l(l)e' ye
t00 th e pi le'ye
i'm doing my dishes, to make a big vat of bean soup, and i am noticing a trend with my tea cups / mugs, the handles, recently of the same brand, i have had for 15 + years, are all starting to 'bend' ie the handles of coming off my t cups at the same time.
i have since relegated one to a planter for my artillery fern in trapez0 ambush its own creche t' amplitude in e/rt
t~i/t has a h ear t 0 f'le ar t
the p(L)ant w/ (h) i'll e pt bu/r st
in e me r/e a.r th
re be ll e(ye)g ea. r th
f 0re w/h at hy e t high gi/r th ave s 0w/n ave ye & in vi t/e ll as s/0 d/0 (L)e a/s t m0 st e
e/e/e/ p as s(eg)0
hol-lie- mounted the ste-ed- too-t-he-w0re-th-ye-(w/ear'ye) de-ed- an-d- i's-ta-king-s-h0-r-t-c-u-t's-0n-e me t0-g-et-her-a g -re-ad-
a c-hi-ld- is-s- b-0re-n-too-t/h-q/u-e-en-
she has anti-me-one-ye- f-0re-t00-t-he-ll-0ve- ( 0n t' s 0/m e 0/n e)
in de p/en d en ce, has never been m a(i)d e w/h ere all e pt p. r.0v(e) i/s i/0n e
in th(a.)d. e & in th(a.i.)d.e the se a(i)me
he m-ai-d-e- the purse-suit-2-sue-w/-hit-0-you ... all-a-w/-h-e'yes-t(h-)rue-d-ad-0-0re-ye w/e
ju st saying t rue
bu-"i"-lt-0/n-e-per-p-0-s-e(ed-e-ye-w/-e-a-k-s-0w/-e-n-e-e-d-e/b-t-me-tu-g-a-w/-he-ye- t-rue- w/i th0u t seeming t(h)rue
bu-"i"-lt-0/n-e-per-p-0-s-e(ed-e-ye-w/-e-a-k-s-0w/-e-n-e-e-d-e/b-t-me-tu-g-a-w/-he-ye- t-rue- w/i th0u t seeming t00-th-scheme-i/n-g-t(h)rue
datably scene in the frame he has given t ag -ai-n-ore-a-g-ai-n-st-
bu-"i"-lt-0/n-e-per-p-0-s-e(ed-e-ye-w/-e-a-k-s-0w/-e-n-e-e-d-e/b-t-me-tu-g-a-w/-he-ye- t-rue- w/i th0u t seeming t00-th-scheme-i/n-g-t(h)rue 0n ew/e
he 'looks' like he c/aire d ab(0)ut he all 0ve the w/he ye.
l0 0k's can be de ce i eve i/n g w/h en e the re all e(a)ve tis at p(L)a'y e
the legal b-a-c-k-b-0/n-=e-s-0w/-0e-
is no ser/vi-ce- except too the sup p lie, 'misread' with n0 0n e in sig h/t (h)a.d. e /b t00 t/h e're 0(w/)n e h/em i a/h a nd
ye "get" s-h0 -0t- w/h e're ye a. st a nd bu-ye-th-0-le-ye-s-l0-t-in-comma-nd-
the Miss can re a.d. when her name g0es -a/m-issin-g-a/i-n-f 0r -t- no r-ea-son-g-ag-ai-n-st-r-i.-d.e-b/r-i.'-d. e/b t-i'm-e- b-b-r0-ad-s-i.'-d.e- all-as-s-0-w/-e- in-k-n-0w-h0-e-
paul drinan doesn't have to be-lie-f-i/n-g-0d - e-tu-b-s-he-i-st-f0r-e-s/h-am.-c-over-e-le-t-a-g-ai-n-
he "know's" he is con-ne-ct-e/d- as-s-he-p-(L-)an-s-
in-n0-on-e-h-a-nd- = di's-con-ne-ct-e/d-s-c-an-d-s-ta-nd-
it is a "one" d-er-e- lie'ye ing gets a g 0/d (e) n a(i)m e
fi-ct-i/on-e- is the ga(i-)me
i gi f/t w/(h)rap(t)ped a "tu-rd" 0/n e the s/ai/me'ye pre miss i g/h' s(h)ave t'd ea.r n & p.r.0 vi. d.e a.ll e.g. 0 all e x p0' s e/e n (f/0're)s ai d aye T a g/a~i/n e re l e/a. fi/n e i/n
s-he- st-u/d-y(e)a-w/ar-e-ven-a-m0-(0-)re-t00-t-h(e-)d-ea-r-
0/n e 0/ n e= t 0/0 di vi. d.e bu ye (t)h 0p (e) a. ll a r0und e in de v0te i/0n e fxf 0 un d ye c le a.r eve n ea.r t/h e(i)re
ab le t c ab le
am b e're sin ew/(e) t(h)re/e d e/b (t) a/n d e/p t00 th' d e'ye b/be th le h/em e re ce (i')ve t a g/ai/n a nd sig h t/h a.d.e & h a.i.d.e w/hey'e t/l ai d fxf r/i en d's (h) a~ve i/n g a.(i)m. e/d be l~e/a. fxf e/e d en sel l(e)ye fxf (L)ave 0re g/ai/n s~i`/n g0 t/0 g/0 all e.g. r/0 w/(h)e at e fxf a/ce t00 t/ hem (e)a. k/e~ g re at e, w/h at a/h av(i)e'ye t00 th' d ate in n/0p/e p(L)a~ce tu get his a w/he'ye t(h)rue in/n p/ai/re us/e t(w/h)0 s ea. t/u & due t(h)rue st ew/e re c(ip)e t00 th set ce ll and e w/e ll 0 g/ai/n 0/n e me nd a~nd be nd' s en d' s~ ag a/i n st (r) i.d. e multi p ly e/d
p.s. the sup p lie -d- in'-t-in-nit-s-0w/n-e-t-i'm-e-
p.s. the sup p lie-(ye-) -d- in'-t-in-nit-s-0w/n-e-t-i'm-e-vain-k-i/n-d-
to "babylon" leave-n and n0t provi.d.e a live in
just sayin , your spirit is a t-i'm-e-c-l-i'm-(b-)e-an-d-c-him-e-t00-t-he-f-x-f-el-l-0w/-e-ar-t-0-(w/-)e-t00-t-he-me-ll-0w/-e-di-vi-n/e-min-e-d- asks me to w/an s/wear t00 t-heir-e-prim-e-w/-h-ell-s-p-en-t-h-e-re-p the c bu-ye-d-ate-r-ape-in-g-0/n-e-me-ye-a-lt-he-t-i'm-e-ye-as-say-e-ai-n-t-p-rim-e- suc-(h-)ass-th-de-ad-2-de-fi-n-e-cess-ai-re-ye-t-axe-s-0 (w/-)-n-a/i-l-i/n-e- ve in e me'ye t i'm en ai le de fxfi /eye t c (singular) r-asses eg f l0w/e're be(e)d fi/n e t0 w/e're p0 w.= hing / e're 0 ft w/e st c0 a/s t f(L)ew/e i.d. e vein 0 ve t d 0/ve t00 t/h all 0 w/e t/h a(r)b 0re in s pi r i/t a w/e.g. r/ace s e.g. f a/ce s(t)00 t/h/e a.re b/u ye b/b ac k t00 t/h ac k t0 g ether e (e) fxf 0r/me al/ lye ar t(h) in (e)a.re di's p0 ' se d f/r0 meet c he at bu ye b/b ac k b/0/n e
rich ie d/e fi/n e t/h at c a/i' me in e me'ye T i'm e all s 0w/e pt p.r.0w/e in (h) arr0w/e re fer en ce tu~ rd in e w/in e very e t hing e min e'ye w/t~h 2 0 w/(h)e're ve (i)n t 0(w/)e t0w/n 0w/e t(h)e neg lig i/b le t(h)rue the all eg r0 w/(h) is/s h~u/e
paul drinan doesn't have to be-lie-f-i/n-g-0d - e-tu-b-s-he-i-st-f0r-e-s/h-am.-c-over-e-le-t-a-g-ai-n- ea-r-e-g-ai-n-s-ai-me-in-h-a-nd- and blame ye for just d ai ring the re be ll e ye see-t-he-cam-e-t00-th-t-r0pe-he c/an t pr0 c(L)ai me
the gi/b 0/lt ab le an d 's pi/n e w/e f(t)0ur e t c(L)0ver e ve n t c l0se r a/n d b/ac/k e th l eve l e/dg/e w/heel 0/c u L ar(e)ly e t b0ugh t L/i ft gi f/t (c) up an dr ink i/t s~up in e in 0/n e r a/i s/e th up in k~g(U)e st ate ta s/t e ve(i)n s 0w/e th' sup~i/n e w/e. g. r/a ce tu be c0/n e w/e a re u~n~i 0/n e s c/h em e an s w/(h)ea.t f 0re'ye s
p(L)aying 0 b 0t h ' si. ' d.e s 0f t'h f/en/ce x ce ll en t (w/h)0 ld th ac/ce le r(r)an t00 th's j0 u/r n e'ye lp t c0n ta g/i 0/u/s l(e)ye
i mentioned in the 'hr' meeting, that about me blog, etc, creativity e, i am running a parallel with the patriarchy, and legal system under "g0d" and that i am on a mission with intention, to show, not one man among -u-ye can a re pre s/en/t 0/n e th' s ai me t i'm e 0/n th li/n e 0 p/en l(e)ye, and that per h~apse i will show will how to be a ma(i)n e tu th f r/aim eve n a.(i)m. 0re th c(L)ai me w/(h)0/n e' (ye) in diss g-u-ye-s-
ab le t c ab le t c/ai/n e t ab le 0/n e X u/s a g a/i n 0re g/ai/n st e tu be th le h/em in ste ad' sT a ll (th) a.d./e~
t00 th/ all0w/ is the r p 0re t/h f/ram/e t00 th l en d a/nd (e)ye 2 b(L)e nd in e fxf r 0ne t0 me w/c le a.n ai re in be t w/e en
t00 th/ all0w/ is the r p 0re t/h f/ra(i)m/e t ca(i)me ve(i)n s a(i)me a. ke g a/i n e'ye
i am simply going to me ark e t/h is as you r/e sup p(L)ie d e/b t0 me an s ee N0 b 0d e ye set h's ai m/e n ai me
the general measure re a.d. : i'm not going to have yew b ar/k ing up be hind me tu be H ave "b.c." ye. g. ave th' s pi r it a b(l-)e-ad-e-n-ai-me-in-st-e-ad-
the w/(h) e/dg/e f/un/d fi/n d e're s in e me'ye h ea. d.
e/b t00 th f/en/ce x ce l/l en t (b)l en d in/n sat is f/a/ct i/0n e t en d
as per hol-lie, there is nothing s-he can do, and annoying me does k n0 t give me p. r.00f, h0nest ly e t00 t/h is~ s u/e in "y-ew/-e-"
it is t0-ken-move-men-t-l-a-la-nd-g-ran-t-d-e/b-t-a-d0c-u-men-t-i/n-g-s-peak- lovely for no reason e tu b/e very e t(h)ing e the makers-cup-c-an-think
as per hol-lie, there is nothing s-he can do, and annoying me does k n0 t give me p. r.00f, h0nest ly e t00 t(h) is~ s u/e in "y-ew/-e-" w/ai/t 2
ab-use- direction-ally-e- s-peaking- is kn0t the same as sure a st ab use t(h)c with n0 p/ai/n e tu g a w/-h-e-ye-g-ai-n-
i'm mac u l/at (e) 0/n e (t) fxf ra(i)me in t0 g a(i)m e
i'm tired too
i have a pi le 0 notes that knits us t0g ether e
you think i am only talking to me sel l fxf ai re th e w/e ll ?t?
w/h en am e'ye going tw/h0 se ye.g. ai n
e'ye.g. i've ye th' t rue st
e'ye.g. i've ye th' t rue st 0're bu st
e'ye.g. i've ye th' t rue st 0're bu st h' in sure an ce ye g. i've t mu st(e)ye fi/g u/ye c/an e r~e lat e. g. a/i n
e'ye.g. i've ye th' t rue st 0're bu st h' in sure an ce ye g. i've t mu st(e)ye fi/g u/ye c/an e r~e lat e. g. a/i n e f/f raime n t f/0re ye s e/e k's ai me
should i get you d-run-k- s-ow/e-d-get-up-
should i get you d-run-k- s-ow/e-d-get-up-ad-e-pt-h-ere-t00-th-f-uck-up-t-f-a(i-)r-e-
making l-aw-s- a-nd- "rules" "b.c." t-hey-e can't make g (s) L0ve
& g 0ve in t rue st ew/e in c0 re p 0 re at e d e/b t00 th e fxf/r0m ~
t-e-x-t00-t-he-x-p0-s-e/d- (e-) ye- w/-h- a.d. n0n e ye t ma(i)d e/b t00 th (e) r~e lat e
ve(i)n t a s/s 0/n e &' s 0/m e
ve(i)n t a s/s 0/n e p~(h)an d's 0/m e tu b.c. l e/a. r/e in t ea.r n all(e)ye. g.0 de' si re in the m(e) a. k/e
the ne/e/d le ye t0 w/(h)in (d)s u/re tu
w/an 't d ew/e t 0d ew/e
w/h ye d0n't (e)ye w/e
you r w/-ai-t-w/-in-
but you do not like your station-are-ye-re-l-a-nd-i/n-g-
that is why i posed it that way to ave-st-a-,
if they want my attention, they will get it, however, i quest i one w/het-her- hol-lie, c an s w/ear a/i s e'ye fxf 0rt the w/(h-)0-0-lie -t-c0m-p-an-e-ye-
i too have work for stability and not much free time to di's pose on an -ai-l i/n e tu/r f 0re no reason 2 sub lim(b)e th le h em e tc lim(b)e t0 g ether e
in 0/n e cess ea.re 'ye s ea. s 0/n e p.r. 0ut e ll e'ye suc h('s) ee d e/b t 0/0
i too have work for stability and not much free time to di's pose on an -ai-l i/n e tu/r f 0re no reason 2 sub lim(b)e th le h em e tc lim(b)e t0 g ether e ve )in)e)mu)st)a)r)t re ver b/u ye ar t (h) in si. d.e all ta t rue st
ar(e) t
would it he'lp to work on the website // at the expense of time to associate in clim(b)e
for the time
t/h at will be a me'ye p lan (t)
in t in e c0 pi t/h at~pi/t h/a w/e & w/he at au gust b.c.
pi/t/he as/s t ai d as/s can be/e
L e/a.r n e w/(h)e 'd ew/e in st e a.d
L e/a.r n e w/(h)e 'd ew/(h*)e in st e a.*d.* : d e all ta h'an d
sharon is your w/el ?l t? 0d aye ?
i'm with sharone, and i do not f-ea-r- w/-h-at- is in you-r-ea-r-
i get t-heir- were e-motion-all- di's-ag-ree-d-men-t-'s-, you can also see why 2 with the s cup of e r0se, sas desires a cr0ss-t-i'm-e- ye- t-miss-f-i//r-e-
per h aps e ye n/e/e/ d t0 g/e/t 'a' t0/n e at L a st
i think what is difficult for rich is also his apparent strength with, he has a memory of sharone sinking (h-)is-t-0ne- in her 0 ce an of t de v0te i/0n e "h"e st-0le-
st0le, as you know is to steal, re past re all, and it is also cl0 thing, a light garment c0at (h) 0ver the sh0uld e're s c0 p(i)e d e/b t a t/r 0p e
sharon, considering the competitive t-i'm-e-f-x-f-(r-)am-e- & r-ai-men-t-he-s-ai-me-w/-rit-e-t00-th-c-l0-t-h-e-me-an-s---w/-(h-)ea-r-ing-th-rig-ht-ful-lie- in me'ye t i'm e t00 th c 0/m p (L) ea t
sharon = s-in-k/ing-, you simply trade-d- p-l-ace-s- a-nd-s-he-s-c0-p(i-)e-d-(e-)ye- w/-i- th0u-t- (h) in 'k' , which me an s he. g0 "t" 00 "th" i/n "k"
your dreams are ab-an-d-0/n-e-d-bu-ye-b/be-d-aye-
tis kn0t meye fall t, it appears you are blaming me for falling in love that hasn't really taken place. i mean, you get all the t allow ed thanks ( which bu ye the way, no one has the rig ht to/o te L 'L' me to do anything, because they are not se L (i/n g as a ve rb e) th 'L', it just appears (tap = place a t(h)read a sk r ew/e in c0re p0re ate d e/p t00 th ie? ven?, h0l-lie ? every time she re marks on meye belongings, she has not gravity in grace to re p (L)a ce.
yet she gets to m-ai-n-t-a/i-n- a managerial vision of "0-u-r-" t-i'm-e-s appearing t00 th fi/n e re fine d 0/n e th L(0ve)in e(very e th
iroNIC, her eye strays too teL L 0/n e me, that i should not p ark me'ye be l0ng i/n g's s-love-n-l-ie-
i/r-0-NIC too-th-le-a-st- 2- c-ont- as-th-t-ap-l-ease- p/t-bu-ll-s-hi-t-
I(r)0N IC, a person of your r/ich ab i.d.i/n g a/ heritage, can't divide the bu-ll-s-hi-t- that you "get" to pers0n-all(e-)ye-re-pre-s-en-t- 00 -th- s-pi-r/i-t- 0f-x-f- t- you-r- t-i'm-e-s-
you should not be blaming me for bein-g- th- r-ich- either -e-
i have sought to (w/)ear n my value from the g round e/b t up.
that is why i do not st-all-k- people as my j-0-b- s-hi-t-be-s-po-k-en-t0-me-an-s- , i don't stalk people with my i.d.-0-(t-)c-ye-, and when i can't en-s-n-are- people in my idio(-t-)c-ye-, i do not call the p0-li(e-)ce- as a means to further en-s-n-are- with c-ai-re- ad-e/b-t-he-l-law/-e're-t-"h"e(-i-)re-
the law-ye-re- has never so ld ' seL 'L' t00 the L e/a.ve n (t) d's w/e ll i/n g a/i n/n.
these "rules" these s-law-s-, are m-ai-d-up-e-on-e-
i do believe people t with l0ve n(t)d's ~ l0ve. (0/ft) g.(L)0ve
you are actually misrepresenting your desire t0 (0)k e ye
i da(i)re say you got of s-c0-p(-i)e- d- e/b-t-w/-h-0-
you both as marrie-d- couple-s-aye- pave-d- the w/-h-eye- for paul drinan too-t-he-s-c-up-0/n e me "free-ly"
you pave-d- the way-t- for-s-him-t00-ta-ke-(ye-)p-(L-)a-ce- on me, and going for e w/a rd' sus t/ai/n ab le a.d.
if you are unhappy with the set-b-ac-k-
you not only have to look at what you have been putting out too the sel-l- a-nd-s-ai-l-, but what and w/-h0- you now carry i pre sum e, as your a-d-e/b-t-w/-h0-s-0(w/-)n-e-
your hesitation, at some point, is seen for malingering, if you as k t0 me
your hesitation, at some point, is seen for malingering, if you as k t0 me an s w/(h)ea. r ing 's e X a/ct L(e)ye w/h at i' me an s
f0r/m/e an s f/r0m e an s e.g. t00 th actually e tu b/e~
not bu-ye-living-in-scene-inn- e-tu-b/e- com-mo/n-lie-n-e're-p-(l-)a-ce-d- 0n e me'ye si L en t L i've i/n g's e.g.g0ing w/out (g) race
i'm give in g th all 0 w/e , th all 0 w/(h*)e at p.r. i'm e,
you are giving the "g-0d" g-races- t00-th-s-hi-t- on e fi/n e
you were, with only an identity of virtue, marrie-d- and with off-t-sp-ring- scene from the unscene all the t-i'm-e-
as (eye) say, you are nothing identifiably different w/i th0u t me'ye ff ab le a.d. e/p t00 th ab l/e ye t(e)ye in k' s(t)a nd's a cr0ss a c0mma nd e/b t i'm e an~d's en d le s/s 0n e ve(i)n (t) d's~
i would consider, if you w/an 't & t00 te L~L (e) ye, t h~i s/t re at capable t0 me an s w/(h)ea.r/i n/g's
this is why sharon is your strength and weakness on the same -fxf-a-ce-
you can't really look to each other fora reference that you haven't actually earned ye t. and sharon has g-ive-n- an-d- t-h-e're-(e-)f-0re- c-an-ta-ke-w/-h-ey-e-t-
you get a-long-re-at-e-
sharon sunk your st-one- and be-cam-e-one-ye-on-e-
and? you can't get on the same time frame one ce she maid me-one-ye- (l-en-t-00-c-0ver-t-me-an-s- 0n e me, t0 constant ly go without the L 0ve t0 g i've, and e/b the re ce (i) eve)
your -a- marriage -d- is competing on me for no reason you use "see"-d- hypocritical to the love you say e'ye breed. hypocritical to w/any eye on "e" t-he- is-ever-ye-t-hing-e-t0-me-an-s- w/-ea-ring-t-free-l-ie-
n-0w/-e-'d's-pur(e-)ce-i-eve- s-p0re-t-i/n-g-lee-
so in a way, rich, you are using me to get free of -t-shar-one-s-t-ing-r-aye- , as she, i already expressed, is "free" to compete on you and me without actual/l accountability. i get the ne/e/ d
you can't bu i ld 0/n e t/de ce-i-eve
and that is t all s0w/e the me'ye fxf a/ce = i'm p0 r(e)t a/n(d)ce t00 the m(e)a. k eg re at e
0ne t 0/n ai l at a t i'm e
i think the huss is tire-d- of -t- housing-u-ye-
as you appear t00 th e s ? he ?
it i/s ire on ic, i get more mileage of 'like's' (h) out of bein gam e t0 w/ha 'talking head'
if i move my mouth and no sound comes (h) out, people think i am on your -e- love line-in- 0d-x-d-0u(be-)t-a-t-0ut-
i get the inclination to like, and i kind a like being on the receiveing end, however, the reason e mu st a nd.
just for the s ai me saying 0 p. r. a.m.
t(h) all 0 w/e b(e.g.)an d
your e intenti0n e in me'ye t i'm e sig n'all s ta ll th' directi0n e at h an/d ate & use d eat h t00 th e r~e L at e
Lot's wife didn't have a pre t/t (e)ye s l0t t0 s peak thr0ugh a w/h 0'le (ye) L0 t
i haven't met sharon personal, although she emotionally appears to me to follow foot and h0llow the spirit of the times she -see-s-
siezeing that spirit, of-t-en, t0 me, for no reason e tu b/e, and be ad.
that s/ai/d i think she can tact exceedingly well in the t right container e
the pisces rig-ht-i-o-u-/s- t- r-ang-le-r-e-
she has to sea tit all, and she has to seat it all, bu ye bein g th ac coun t ab le t0 me an s w/(h)ear ing capable ye
she is along for the r i.d. e, and she can't a b i.d. e in me'ye t i'm e on a lie-n-
her 'r0 ll' in c0unter c 0nt r0ll, is t00 th s h0 w/e g 0, with re all i t(e)ye in t 0(w/)e
and i am crossing a line with intention to fxf0r meal ly e td ate her huss b/a/nd,
or she can re-t-urn-too-th-sel-
s-he- alread-e-ye- n-ow/-e-s-t-oo-t-h-e-s-ave-i-ore-th-f-(L-)ave-i-ore-w/-h-e-ll-c-ai-re-d-on-s-ai-l-ie-n-g-
how to pro see d?
should i c-has-e-t-ai-l- "like" paul drinan, to make up for the fact i am not with a well? t0 0le nd as s w/e ll
i'm only apparent ly not with a well, as i think t00 x 2 w/h in d e/b t0 me an s w/(h)ea.r i/n g's~
paul drinan and h0l-lie are just faking a(-i-)n a nuisance on e very e b 0d e'ye tu g-r-ease tr ap p(L-)ease-st-re-at-e-
paul drinan and h0l-lie are just faking a(-i-)n a nuisance on e very e b 0d e'ye tu g-r-ease tr ap p(L-)ease-ye-a-st-re-at-e-z-z-'s-up-0n-e-re-lie-f-e-e-d- e/b -t- 0 - me-an-s- 0n-l-ye-
ie sticking to no reason ye yap about constantly as the value ye keep, sticking to no reason ye yap about contantly as the value ye keep, o-w/-n- lie- n- 0w/- e- 'd's-
i have never met a we'd that would d0 w/ k n 0w/e t hing e
me'ye fxf (L)ave 0re is constantly t-urn-e-d- 0 -w/-h-eye-t-i/n-g- scene- f0r-t-he-b-ring-
and my visible distaste for seeing t-h/at-e- is use-d- again- st- me (an s w/(h)ea.ring and bu ye in fxf a ct sharing th c ai ring) re d-avid-c-h-am-b-e-re-l-ai-n- got a woo-d-e-ye- in his "2" l-eg-ged- pan-t-s-, by the fact he can see i would like to punch his lig-ht-s (h-)out of the s ea t , hee-haw-as-s- c-all-e-d-o/n-e-me tu-b/e-
his security has a t-rope- of insurance in v-ai-n-e ve(i)n
you get the po-st-u-re-in-g-t-h-en- in the cocke-d- 0 pen-is-en-d's-
i don't care that you are ninny, as i f(t)ig
u/ye w/an ' t u b/e the w/(h)inn e'ye
re all a w/e ar th e w/(h)it ness
white ness approximated bu ye the virtue & vert hue of t a nd 0/n e t(a) b(L) ac k ness
i don't care that you are ninny, as i f(t)ig
u/ye w/an ' t u b/e the w/(h)inn e'ye ve(i)n
the black and whit e'ye write x rig ht, is the virtue of t c0 L 0re p ag/e w/(h)ave t l/en/g th s
(k)n0 (w/h e) matter the shade, c0 L 0re (s h~a.(i)d. e ) t00 th e(a) ve(i)n s ai d
fi ct i/ on, n'eye, i say, you cur-rent-ly-e- w/-h-ave- fi-ct-i/on-e-too-th-d-ate-
your -e- c0-L-0re- is rigge-d- e/b-too-th- g i'v e -&- ta-ke-w/-h-ey-e-a-g-ai-n-n- 0re- a-g-ai-n-st-bein-g-scene-inn-
h e're , black on white with t rut h in d's ig ht, is t rig ht e/x t bu ye w/rit e
any one can see for them sel l fxf 's, if i c/an s hi t an 'h' and carry e th it a w/h e'ye t, de sire able t00 th d ate, s 0w/e can e very e b 0d e'ye with de sire th s ai me ve(i)n
t00 the r/e l ate, de sire s is at st a ke
w/-h-en people tel-l me to "due" something, t-hey-e- w/-h-e-ye- are telling me to due-t-w/-h-0- ba-a-a-a-sic-all-ie- t-(h-)rue- d-0-0re-t-(c-h-)u-e-
i have t00 cr0ss e'ye line t00 th c ai r ~re'ye the mer~re'ye t(h)rue
inn 0/n e X u/s t i'm e
w/-h-en people tel-l me to "due" something, t-hey-e- w/-h-e-ye- are telling me to due-t-w/-h-0- ba-a-a-a-sic-all-ie- t-(h-)rue- d-0-0/r/e-t-(c-h-)u-e- 0n-t-w/-h0-re-ye-w/-e-
love-l-ye- a./b-u/s-e-e-(k-)t-h-e-
the abusers seek to seet-he- , sea-t- the seethe, on there "b/ac/k" w/-h-ere- it can't be see n, w/h0 w/h as p/b ee n (taking t-heir-e-s-hi-t- without any re lea f, and just re-lie-f-i/n-g-e're-in-g-) 0 w/e that c ai re & c air~r e'ye in w/h a w/a rd e/b t00 the re (e) f/0re w/(h)a rd i/n g th e.g. g0 all e g(r) 0/d e
i mean you have the reel de-sig-n-e're-s- of c-ai-re-too-th-b-each-a-w/-ar-e- scene-in- f/0re no reason e w/h at ai L eve R e t/h e(i)r e
you would think if people are going to c ai re about t/heir, they would sea them f/0re all and let t ai re
su~s t ai n ab le y~e sp ea k i/n g e're
0/n (e)a. re are th e(i) re p ai r e 0n (e) fi/r e (e) f ai re
the d/0 c u/m en t sug gest's 0f t/his s q/u are i/n g's
you have to get on the write time frame to ole pt may/k i/t (s)l0ve & g(L)0ve
n-ow- e- the people around you, that are you-r- frie-nd-s-, ho-ld- you in bo-nd-ag/e-d-e/b-t-h-em-
0re sow/e ye think on my comma nd
that's why i say, rig ht, ly , it is not e'ye are thinking 0 ve
i supply the H too the Rig ht 00 the thinking s/trait, a-nd- ye- t-h-in-k- of-t-you-r-e-pal-lace-ye-a-re-ad-e-ye-t-m-ai-d-e-b-too-th-eg-rave-
k-eye-p-i/n-g- the 'mistake' -ore- the miss-ta-ke- constant lie -n- p-(l-)a-ce-
(too hide your -e-f-x-f-a-ce-) -x- (at a st-ea-d-ye-s-trait-e-)
if women st-aye-in-p-(L-)a-ce- you can procure stability at a re mark able -g-r-ate- in the competitive for no reason m-e-ark-e-t-p-(L-)ace- tu-b-scene-inn-capability-ease- t-h-'s- in- k-eye-p-i/n-g-
a(-i-)nd- throw out anything honestly st in/k i/n g one your relatedness ye haven't qui t/e mad e t00 the temper a meant ye as say e t me an s
w/ (h) ea r/ing
r/ich a ct u all(e)ye
t00 th e pr0 se (ed)
if you w/an ' t a womain e tu beau t(e)ye, i'm ag~e i/n ew/e t00 th e p.r.0se (ed) e/b t 0/m e an s as t 0 me a.d.'s~ e.g. f0r e w/(h)a rd i/n g lee
s lee p er e f/0re at e i/n g's peak
ne'ye w/i th0u t bein g able t00 th e re p ai ring un f ai re i/n g' s q/u are a r0und e/n a(i)re
at work , this was posted above the time c lock
i h/ave done nothing wrong e x ce pt 00 th/ink (w/h) 0utside h-is-(ai-)dic-(k-)t-i/on-e-
e w/e h/ave t00 th app(ea.)le = 0/n e (&) z er0 s e pt f/r0m
the me t a(u) g/ht a w/h en 0.ve t f0r(u)m & f0ra (i) m/e t00 the be c0/n e c/k 0/n e
the me t a(u) g/ht a w/h en 0.ve t f0r(u)m & f0ra (i) m/e t00 the be c0/n e c/k 0/n (eg) ate i've ly e tu t00 the see n 0w/e in c~
i get that you "2" do not have love, however you know it. you are at a loss with acknowledgement. and you carry on b.c. you want your beginning repose to mean some thing even s owe.
or i can let you h-ang-out- until you discover for e your sel -l -f-x-f-
what illusion that you thought you fell in love in time, and saw the other as providing prime in follow thru to you too x 2, is bu-ye-de-sig-n-
to never complete your desire, for you or another e bu ye t/h-i-re -
the "hone" is -t- w/-h-0/n-e- all-t-he-t-i'm-e- t00-t-he-misalign-'t-i'm-e-
in "h" 0-re-"h"0p-e-,
casting out value on you-r-t-/r-0p-e-d-0p-e-
"like" paul drinan, did with me when he goes from scene-inn- to-w/- scene-d-0u(be-)t- 0/n e me = he st-0'le- me one ye "h" one-st- l-ie-
he is p-(L-)aying i'v "eve" on e me ye t00 th e/e d en sell a-lie-n-
re pre sent ate i/on e all(e)ye
his miss re p re sent ate i/on e, has no value to de live r, too the scene (squatting 0 p/en l-ye- on me'ye value) w/i th0u t 0/m e an s (bein kept from bein see n/ 0w/e)
the "k-eye" is too keep me'ye value from being see n 0 w/e. and he does that "civilly" bu-ye-forg-e-t-t-i/n-g- bu-ye- sustainable having the apparent rig ht 0 me t(a)b 0d e'ye
as that would show the world the sham he cares to perpetra-i-te- t-h-e(-i-)re-
he doesn't have to believe in a god, to perpetrate an independently scene value that he cares in his independent nare t a re.
the scene-inn has only ever proffere-d-in-, and "2-x-too-e-vain-d-in-ag-ai-n-st-in-t-scene-inn-
the l-eve-ye- does (h-) allow paul drinan to be scene as a value giver and maker ie to be "seen" when he really has no articulate value to g ether e t w/h in d's e am s an d e/b t h a/nd 0 w/(i.d.) the me an s
sus t ai n ab le ye t0 me, on the same line at the same time
t i'm (e) use e
ye s ee k
and s ea t w/h0 se/e k
so i give you an i.d.ea, and an apple, with an appeal, that is directly linked to my time frame in z ea L
for compleation e all and ste all
how to make meak sustainable is your ab 0d e all ta t0(w/)e
how to make meak sustainable is your ab 0d e all ta t0(w/)e/e k eel and 0/ve t ai l an d e/b t00 th te ll e'ye w/(h)e ' ll
a nd e w/h ale tu
t00 th ' s ai l(l)
and se l/l e tu t00 th t a/ct as s~well
grey weather today, i owe it min0, to show him how much i care about him, to throw the frisbee well... so we are going to do just that truth and turf too t (act s/e) ll
ave-st-a- will always be -0-ft- with me, as they have already proven there is n0 0ne tu t a ll k t00, and they can't re p ai re the a(i)r e, wen they didn't c ai re in the first p(L)ace set h ere
there f/0re you see-t-he- law-ye-re- p-re-sent-ate-i- only-e-
he consumes only that which f-eels- his-t-ag-reed-in-e-re-fi/n-e-in-
a sensible looking human bein-g-i've-n-t-d's-e am i/n g as 0 pen ly e ne cess ai r eye
it's all m-ai-d-up-e-on e
-tu-ne-2-ge-t-a-ll-0-an-d's-um-e- 0/n e ( yew/-e- ar-t-he-p-ad-0-c- t0-0- k-n0-t-)
a-nd-give them all a j-0-b- too the "babylon" w/-ea-r-t- h0-("2") 0k-n0-t-
& t0-0le-d- the k-n0-t- 0/d-e-live-r- e-g-r/ace- on h-our-e-p- (L)-ate- in a st-ye-a/s-t- ea-d-(e-)ye- g.(u)est-at-e- s
s-ow/-e the problem is in the fact faith, t-h-ey-e- don't be l ea f i/n g r a ce, t-h-e'ye- b/be-lie-f-x-f-e-e-d- f-ace- t00- the-makere-scene-
i w/an ' t 0/d ate ye huss b/a/nd e/b t00 the me an s i eve in t0 me an s
i'll give you a pretty s l0 t
w/(h)in t/en t i/0n e mu st
w/(h)in en t i/0n e mu st -e-
when a "men" throws away my 'h', he is aw/e- all -s-ow/-e- throwing away me'ye T
c r 0(w/)n e 0/f t h0/r ns = the n an0 se c0n d c0/m e i/n g's ea. t w/h0 se/e k, bu ye as k i/n re l e/a. f
my hydrogen H is H0 ne st ye t00 the m(e) a ke g re at e
in that i am thinking of some one for bu ye and with this re as o/n e, i am thinking tu bu ye t00 x 2 in sea s 0/n e
i am breathing, b.c. i think 2 a T, H 2 0 w/e actually e t00 the per ce i eve n ly e bu ye ve(i)n i/n g's lee p (L/ace tu) c0m f0r t ab le ye
g* as p t00 th 0ver e p as s
g* as p t00 th 0ver e p as s e.g. 0 t0 g(r) 0at
f-art- on-e- me'ye
a gr0 at e
a g(r)0 at e'ye t0 me an s
s t/r ai t a/n' arr0w/e
ye g0t a mark f/r0m the s un as t c0m m0/n as say e'ye t m0 0n e
t/h e're (e) fx f/0re s t/r ai t a/n' arr0w/e b/be c0/n e & be c/k 0/n e
s t/r ai t a/n' arr0w/e
ye g0t a mark f/r0m the s un as t c0m m0/n as say e'ye t m0 0n e t0/n e in 0 (0)n e cess ai r e'ye s um e 0/n
r/ich if you think you are the only necessary s0/n, i'll just find a les b0 t0 th 's 0/n & s 0/m
at this p0 in t, i can't really say, you w/h ere b(r)ough t up with up and en 0 b/i ' ll i/t e'ye, n 0re any e m/en among t hee haw-e-
none of you hee-h-awe-s- put- 0-g-ether-e- ca(i)n e m(e)ake th c/up aye g. ai n
0/n e me'ye fxf (r) a.(i)m.e n t(a)g a/i n fu ll fi ll m/en/t b r/ai/n 0n e th 0ne st p(L)ate
& dew/e t a g/ai/n e (in) ve(i)n
i make my ru(e)le~s up f/r0m th e.g. g* round e/b ta t up t i'll e'ye cc u/p r un(n)eth 0 ver (t) a g/ai/n a.d. ju/st b.c. sig h c/an s (ee x) p~an (d')s
i have learned many things about the s/core too th 0re, h0ar, win t ere well in t/h e' ll and lintel e pt p0 st s-h-e 'll
in de-ad-
w/in t e're t re at ?
i went to the gym after min0 and i played frisbee, and he ran off to the dog store, me in tow, with my credit card, and he got a cow tail, as i went to the gym. well rounded lea sure for both of t/h us(e) s (ee)
are you af (t) r ai d 0f t b0th 0/f t huss
you(r) a w/are & w/h e're as e zer0 t/wh0 m(e)a.k/e & w/h0 ne c/k n0 t w/h a/s t/e th's 0/n e the L a/s t (r) aw/(H)e a.r 0/d e 0/n s 0/m
you know the s 0/m e , b.c. you p. r.0 vi. d.e d it a/ct u ally e pr0se ed
paul drinan, didn't actually provide in all t heir living s-0/n-, and neither did t-w/-ill- at work. he gave me daggers in his eyes, staring me down (no bi/g de all e) when i show ed his sh-irk- for-e-reel-
(no bi/g e d/e all e)
(no bi/g 0 d/e all e)
his tan-gen-t- has a m(e)ark e're 0n t me'ye re all
t-his tan-gen-t- has a m(e)ark e're 0n t me'ye re all t00 th' s/t e a.ll
if you w/an 't 00 th as ten s0me t hing e, why d0n't you me ark e/t 0/n e me'ye in your name actually e (www rich roat is) e/e d
you can do your o(w/)n e b ran d/i n/g 0 p/en l(e)ye
i'm sure sharone would like to help ew/e suc h's ee d 0 pen l(e) ye tu t00 th t ea(c/h) t
she can throw her e me 0ne ye, too th d ate, intentionally e fine ally e
b ran d i/n g, isn't all ab(0)ut th' s~h ea. r t h/ave t/d re s/s ing e're & g ea.r th b le s/s i/n g's t ea r (ye ar) ate d ea r (t/h) ea. r
no need to f-ear your back side if it is h ea r (th)
i am not "working" for in-d-ig-nit-e-ye- t-ag-(r-)0- at- in-e me'ye in s 0'le : this s h0 0d bu ye 0bvi0us t00 the s(h)all 0 w/ein (d)g0 all e
b ran d i/n g, isn't all ab(0)ut th' s~h ea. r t h/ave t/d re s/s ing e're & g ea.r th b le s/s i/n g's t ea r (ye ar) ate d ea r (t/h) ea. r (th)
i forgot to mention, gary at work, his mantra is 'its only metal', and mine consequently i have found is 'its only would' 'in/n ten ti 0/n e/ve r un d e're st 0/ 0d
as per w-ill, i sh irk too the f eel, he is not going to give me a kindly e fface w/-h-en he s-hi-t's-on-me'ye re all , this is how men "civil-lie" take care of mar-r/i-age- t00-th-d-ate- pre sent a kindley e ff ace (w/- no re as on e t00 th (ee) d ate)
a.m. b e're sin, the only e re 'sin' that count s ee d f/r0m th t/re/e
w00 d and e'ye w/0 u Ld be~e ve r/e L a st (r) i/n g~ w/(h)eave n all(e)ye t00 th ' suc h's e/e d 0 p/en l(e)ye
th' d0/b e th le h/em e w/e 'd
the lotion i am using reads, natural ingredients may vary in color and consistency, if imitation occurs, discontinue use.
truth, i substituted 'imitation' for irritation. new glasses / prescription ab use ?
i almost bought you a bar of soap with an illustration of stag on it, and by the brand Le ap.
i mused over its packaging and lavender e smell
truth, i substituted 'imitation' for irritation. new glasses / prescription ab use ? 0re the s aim (e) use
h eigh te(e)n ye ar (e) sin th' des(s)ert
st ea.r i c t c all 0w/e
i mean c~ h all0w/ e interest
t00 t c all 0 w/e a.rt with n0 interest to start h and n0 h 0/m e @ t h/e a/rt h
the re all w/ar-e- ag-ai-n-st-clim(b-)ai-te- c/h ang e is bein g f 0ugh t 0n e'ye p(L)ate s (t) 00 t/h/e/ sty le th' l e'ye fxf e/e de p0 s i/t p.r. a.m. all a b(0)ut
f x f0 0d be ll e'ye
c h0 i ce 2 t0 g ether e
f x f0 0d be ll e'ye 0(w/)n e
c h0 i ce 2 t0 g ether e i/n g's~lee p an d e all e per t p e0' p le 0/n e
f x f0 0d be ll e'ye 0(w/)n e
c h0 i ce 2 t0 g ether e i/n g's~lee p an d e all e per t p e0' p le 0/n e w/e ' d ey' aw/n~s in c0/m(b)e
f x f0 0d be ll e'ye 0(w/)n e
c h0 i ce 2 t0 g ether e i/n g's~lee p an d e all e per t p e0' p le 0/n e w/e ' d ey' aw/n e're s in c0/m(b)e th 0(w/)n e
b/b 0/n e
f x f0 0d be ll e'ye 0(w/)n e
c h0 i ce 2 t0 g ether e i/n g's~lee p an d e all e per t p e0' p le 0/n e w/e ' d ey' aw/n e're s in c0/m(b)e th (r) 0(w/)n e b/b 0/n e
me 0ne ye re r un t0 Ld
hey cru x, help r/ich i am thanking him for bein g ai me zer0 se par ate t00 the re p0's e (ed 0h 0)
the direct i/0n e mu st ab i.d. e
at (ea.c) h ave n e'ye st i'm ate i/n g
t/he r0 c/k e t's um m0/n e'ye h un d 0/n (0w/) e b/b~e c(h)0 me
m 0/rt all e pt f/r0m
your e me'ye s h ea r 0 (d/e)
t c/up
s ea. (t) bu ye w/h a/t h0u se (ed e/b t(h) a w/e 'd) ye' ta h/ave f0r e/ w/(h) at/t a(i) re t/m (e)a. k/e
see what water i have to work with
see to see the
sea the e motions e'ye are not actual ly e s q/u are in t i'm e. g.i've n(t) d's p.r. i'm e w/(h)ea.r e 0nt h line f a(i) r/e
pat-ten -t0-0le-, doesn't have a value to give that isn't actually already mine "with" n0 0n e tu be t'h be(e) s p/ea/k t0/0 t(h)rue
s-ow/-e-g-0- to steal my face value, for their fret-work-a-nd-f(r-)a(i-)me-work- "thinking" t-hey-e- are the container of t provision (with no apparent c h/all en ge, too t-heir-ass-um-p/t-i/on-e-
narcissism at its fi/n-e-st-
no vi able assumption, as my point of view, seems to be without purchase p0 w/(h)ere, "and" typically m-en- get p-ai-d- a- m0-re- for t-heir- i.p/-t-off-t-0/n-e-w/-e-s-et-h-rue-
all this "work", kevin "gets" to see the w/-ill- a-nd- "think" his "h" is for his christian, and not christ-ai-n-, vi ew/e.
tactically callous to r e l ate t0/0, without ever t a kn0wing t i'm e tu
tactically callous to r e l ate t0/0 (t/h) a/nd e w/i th0u t(L) ever t a kn0wing t i'm e tu
tactically callous to r e l ate t0/0 (t/h) a/nd e w/i th0u t(L) e/ve~r t a kn0wing t i'm e tu
r fxf all 0 w/e t(h)rue
i felt he "thought" i should be treated stingily e with c-ai-r-/r(e-)ye- t00- t/h- , b.c. e'ye a.m. with not ill will act-u-a-ll-ye-
in p.r.00f (t-he-t-a-ke-s- f/r0m e'ye p0 in t 0/f(f) t i'm e's t e w/e & vi ew/e t00 th' f-allow-e-t-(h-)rue-
p.s. the com-p-an-ye, is getting a/i new sig-n-
w/-ill, got a new "speed cutter", for reel, and documented, with po-were- too t-he- ste- all-
everyone in the shops goes over to "watch" him "c-u-t-"
the spec-t-acl-e-ye-
s-in prime time given -t- 0/0-t-/h- "2" re lay -t- for-e-war-d-e/b-t00-t-he-
it's funny you think i create drama for the sake of glory hounding e tu the no reason e t0/0 , you believe in the nave 'ye without sea. l e.g. t0 ge t(h)rue, and your t-axe-s-up-p0-rt-p-ew/-e-
par d/0n e, me'ye w/ (c/h)ee k nes~t0 g 0 t(h)rue
par d/0n e, me'ye w/ (c/h)ee k nes(s)~t0 g 0 t(h)rue st a/i ne st 0/n e w/e
c0 pi (p)0re c0m p l-ai-n in-re-t-0/r-t-e- vane
how do you know what i am up to, bu ye the w/hey e
woo d i/t be/e t0 me w/0rt/h the's say as say e s/ave
in ve in an d aye. g. ai n p.r.0 c~L ai m/e ye di. d. it b.c. i have t a b r/ai/n (bu ye proclamation the sky c ant comp lane)
(our-e-s-ave-i-ore- didn't actually have a b r/ain e tu the re st 0(a)re ve in
(our-e-s-ave-i-ore- didn't actually have a b r/ai/n e tu the re st 0(a)re ve in
k/in k-ye-t-am-e-
e vain the non-e-be-li/e-ve/r-s-ee-t-he-s-ai-me- t00-t-he-p/r0-c-L-ai-me-
an independent n-a/i-me-
p.s. i would e/b t a/ppreciate d i/t ifxf you stop feeling s-/t-up-i.d. on me frame
if you are alligned e with 0 me, i haven't existed for the pur-(e-)chase for wanting t/u b/e, precisely for the lack of abilite'ye
i h/ave existed f0r/m/e fxf un d/a m/en t all i t e'ye
that way i am not beleaguered by a dep-t, without means too th actually e re pay e t/0 me fxf0r meal ly e
that way i am not beleaguered by a dep-t, without means too th actually e re pay e t/0 me an s a/nd fxf0r meal ly e t00 th t ea. c/h
thug thoughts
let the p.r.-e- d-ate-0-re- (e-) k/n 0.w/ h i t00 th' a.d. (e) c0m p an(e)ye
t/h ere are a couple of things i am not happy about, the 'ere' defines us i think, our r elation s/hi/p f ai re t00 th' be l/e a. fxf t ai re
t-w/-ill- , still not happy about him lie-ye-i/n-g-t00-t-he-on e me, and while it is a supposedly small thing it is a me all t hing e t00 the n/e/e/ d's~ en d's~ e a.m. i/n g -u-ye-re-pre-sent-s-ai-d-e-f0r/m/e a.d.
not happy with kevin's-h-i'm-a-p-(L-)an-d-
and there is tension at work, as for jo-el, he is s-imp-ly-e-n-ab-le-d-
an- d-e-ye- w/an-e-ye-t- decision and no decision is in f-a-ct- misread- aye-g-a/i-n-
kevin thinks i am "impractical" too-t-he-re-all-i-t-e'ye-
he thinks his cont-ai-ner does not st-in-k-,
t/h ere are a couple of things i am not happy about, the 'ere' defines us i think, our r elation s/hi/p f ai re t00 th' be l/e a. fxf t ai re ye
not happy with kevin's-h-i'm-a-p-(L-)an-(t-)d-i-/n-g-sup-p-(L-)i-/ e-n/g-
i have nothing to f ea r, but-t- the s-t-up-i.d.-ea-r-,
and i don't actually fear t hat-c- l-ai-me-are-
that is funny, i am looking at the march 17 pic, and the rodeo star style, that is a font i purchased, it is featured as 'portland' and you probably call it something different. my tag line, if i remember was 'get on the haws and ride', now the funny thing is, i was trying to say horse, like it came from 'ponderosa' tv series, and i didn't know about the 'haw' as the 'red' f r/u i/t of/f t' haw/ t h0rn , h/ e/dg/e, & the 3rd e'ye of the d0/g~ g~0/d l(e)ye & c/at c law/ are in t a/ct
i gave up on designing more ribbon after $2000 + in the k/ai/zen project, to n-ai-l- "a" ve-il(l-) e too th ste-all-
i'll never have r app(ea)l e
just kidding, i have provided myself a brain a leg and a na(i)re beyond comp -ai-re-
...like it came from 'ponderosa' tv series, and i didn't know about the 'haw' as the 'red' f r/u i/t of/f t' haw/ t h0rn , h/ e/dg/e, & the 3rd e'ye of the d0/g~ g~0/d l(e)ye & c/at c law/ are in t a/ct 0/m e a.n s~e/e n 0 w/e
it is the premiss of reflection, if i look at myself in the mirror, and shoot a video of myself and my reflection, is my reflection the re all value. if we are re selfie i f i/ng t00 kn0w/(h)ea ll th (e)ye ff i/n g, i would think our reflection doesn't really c ai re t00 th c ai r~r e'ye t/h ere, and future f0r e w/ a rd e/b t00 th e(i) re X p0's ed i/n e thin a(i)re
i know what i know, and it should be ta-ken- from me bu-ye-men- that don't actually care t00 (th 0 d e/b t pa(i)d d0c) k n0w/e : t-hey-e- are not a 'w/e' , and care-ye-on-ob-scene-
here is the thing, you gave me m e'ye reflection, and re f le x i/on, and i can t ear/n knit in t 00 th be lea fxf.
can e ve/r'ye b 0d e'ye t0 me an s ( w/i th0u t me )
this wouldn't have happened on my own, as i would have no reason as the desire to w/h 0/ne. i already know the false premise or -e-set-up- i have no reflection in the me-ark-e-t-p-(L-)a-c/e-
that was my infli-ct-ion i carried -in- ste ad e/b t00 the n0 0ne be h a.d.(e) vein the sa(i)me, just f/or t/h' saying ('s) ave
just saying, w/-ill- pi-p-ed- on me- t-i'm-e-lee- and it goes without seeing apparently the c-over-t-up- he hi-e-st-p-(L-)an-d- 0/n e me,
as with his cur-rent- wi-fi- he s-hi-ft-s-(h-)ape-s-tu-b-
i have been wondering how to pre di's p0se, 'kaizen' and after discovering the 'ai' = a rt i fi c/i all in tell i g/en ce, and being able to see how it is predispose-d- art-i-fiscally-e-
fi's c = r-us-h- b-ask-e/t- deb-t- 0 w/-e- t-he-me-an-s- (a stub-bu-ye-t-re/e-f-0re-very-e-b/b-0d-e-ye-in-sig-"h"t-a.d.-
fi's c = r-us-h- b-ask-e/t- deb-t- 0 w/-e- t-he-me-an-s- (a stub-bu-ye-t-re/e-f-0re-very-e-b/b-0d-e-ye-in-sig-"h"t-a.d.-"h"e-
a-nd- t-he- fi-cus-s-hat- w/-it(h-)out-a-s/-second -g--lan(d-)ce- t00-set-his-ai-l-t00-t-he-w/-ill-a-st-s- h0 0d- an/ce in ce st ('s )ill, w/-he-t00-t-h's -k-ill- a-nd-g-ran-t-'d-a-m-ill-ta-(r-r-e-ye-)t-w/-ill-t-a-bu-i-lt-
the 'k' is the 'z' 0rientation of 's l e/e p.
k/ai/z en
0/n e per c/e n/t be t~t a(i) re
m/ai/ne t/de l~aw/e ar (t)h' aw/e
i am the nature all k i'll e're in your deep sleep it/he w/i.d.th (e.g.) 0 ya can't c0mp L ea t
and i will k i'll your d-aye- ad ju st as (h) f0r meal ly e, as the me-ark-e/t-p-lace- has -t-e-t-augh-t-0/n-e- me, with no place to w/h ave/ n aim e in actually providing a place for j 0/b (e), except in bi-b-le-st-0re-ye-s-ee-k- speak, as the ca-ca-b-le-ad-
you can think, as you were and w/ar-e-, that i am chasing drama for the sake of drama, but i have to say, you-r-na-d-aye- of stability for and wit no reason too the me a k/e, and your chill indifference (with a part-i-all-in-def-x-fer-en-ce-) keeps you looking like you do not st-all-k- drama, for-ce- the-s-ave-in-l-e-ye-g-/r-a-ce- t00 the par-t-w-hey-e-s-w/-aye-s-
you simply are not a zer0 enough t00 th/e re p aye (t)me an s, if i am st-ill- bein-g-st-all-k-e/d- bu-ye- w/-ill-e-a.ve-n e' with "miss-re-p/r-e-sent-ate-i/on-e-" he can "count" on : ie, eye d-um-b-f-uck-e/d-e-ye- & n-ow/-e- h-ave-t-a-c-hi-ld- f-ort-o-w/-ere-d-r-ea-ms-
"&" -t-are- t-0/u-r-e-make-th-be-t-t-ai-re-
if there is no one for me to talk t 00, ill will can conceivable lie, be-t-, if he misrepresents me, he w/-ill, w/-ill - a-nd- 0- w/-(h-)all- s-0w/-e- misrepresent me w/-(h-)in hi-s-t-(h-)inking-s-kin-
the bu ye, he gets, to constant lie-n- too-t-he- misrepresent, in the competitive marketplace without earnest reference, is no one too the re c(L)aim ~ m/it
his cont-ai-ner- stinks of s-hi-t- he conceive-able-lie- passes on to some one else to chum and drop kick for no reason. he made no reason, he made no value, he has com-p-lacen-t- attitude-scene only for the apparent believing, but he can't fig ht his way out of a pay per(e) t/b ag, i mu st' s aye
he needs his shim to sup-p0-rt-(h)i'm-e- s-ow/-e- time for no reason advances with stability for him in all season-s-
he cast s hade on me'ye, as if t/he ye t/h a.d. e
c0-pi- c-at- c-law-s-ay-ea-r-t-in-t-a-ct-
for no reason e too the think as t f/a/ct
if you haven't actually made love yet, why make a war-e-on-t-hat-e-ye-art-i-f-a-ct- ex ce pt t0 w/h-i.d.-e- you-r-e-com-p-lace-sent-see- all the t-i'm-e- 0n someone that isn't complacent prime, and now on a di/me
you g-u-ye-s-ee are in some so-rt of mo-od- art-ye-
0d d'l(e)ye, 0ne and ze/r0 t/0 g e/th/er e ar t en e've in
i am thinking , the one and zero : 1 & 0, are the bi/t's of (fi)t & time for m ate i/on e, too x 2, well, that is ideally, i am starting too think, t 0/0 = 2 zer0's, and you can have 20,000 zer0's at h an d. basic ally e, i think we are zer0's and 0/n e in re fle ct i/0n e & re (e) fxf L/e x i/0n e.
it is-hard- to get the premiss thru the t-axe-s-
i have a suspicion you are making sharon and i compete for your re as son.
ok t he n e cess ai r/e'ye c0mp e t/ea/t i'0/n e'ye
you won't mind if now and then sharon and o(0)re ye get tired of your gam-e-t-hen-
i personally do not care if you come yet again
the only value you have on your e path all a re ad e'ye , is if t e'ye de fi/n e z er0 set h0/ne st path t00 th' s h ea. r 0(d/e)
in one cess ai re ye r0se
in 0/ne cess ai re ye r0se
e w/e and not-w/-ill-, get t0 0'le t l0~ve, but the fact is, so f-x-f-a(i-)r-e- "we" come from e-rose-
the fact that you tact with your opposite, and you can't proclaim war on your wife, and keep a politically correct life, ap parent too the nigh t,
you w/an 't l0ve... t00 th(e) te ll e/a.ve n th ea.ve n 0 w/e in se a.s 0/n e
if you do not want love, as i see your indication, you can k-eye-p- th-en-t-r-ap-men-t- ye-scene- as-t-e'ye-s-l0ve- t-a-g0ve-
you do not want too-con-t-r0ll- you w/i fe
is that why you act like a/d0lt
"0h" you f-lat-t-ere- her posit-i-on-e-
w/-ill is a we-a.-sell-
i am ove-r-ot-e-in th-b-spoke- b.c. i don't carry a w/are obvious (t)oo t/h/e i- r-0p-e-d-0/p-e-d- in me'ye re p ai re
ad e/p t00 th t r/0p/e t0 me an s a/c t/u ally e
with be le a.fxf t agree d e w/e & w/h0 p/en t/h e me an s t ew/e in g's : ps. people think their christ died for their scene-in-s-, christ didn't give a lick about t-hee-haw-t-hem-ag-got-a-g-ai-n-
t hat apparently proclaim him in their e ve in s i eve n t
w/-h-at- e/ve r
proclaiming for no reason is-h-at-e-
a -c-over-t-up-f-ore-t-w/-ill-e-ave-n-t-d's- seeming a man, with nare'ye among -ill-t-s-"h" i'm- an-d-a-miss-aye-s-i-eve-n-(t-)d's-
that is how you make your mar-r/i-age- work- in vain
constantly stealing from those that don't actually live to be vain
the s-ai-me- value in re-p0-se-t-h-ad-ju-st-he-s-ai-me-
is it 0 (p) early e tu be yaw/ are ?
the p/early e.g. ate's aye ar/t h' tee th ave n ai me a.(i)d. e/b t00 th t r a.(i.)d.e in sig ht h' a.d.e ve in s ha.d. e p t/h ave t00 th b.c. a(i)m e & c a(i)m~er a in (e) f/r0m th e.g. r/ave
what is interesting is you are clearly upset bu ye the mistake you g/ave, and yet, i am constantly upset bu ye giving the benefit of the doubt = per -t-w/-ill- t-he-w/e-a.-sell- a-nd-0/u(be-)t-
his do/out == d0/u(be-)t- c-ha-f-x-fi/n-g- constant-l-ye-re-gen-er'-ate-i/n-g- without a second thou t h/ere -fund-a-men-t-all-i-t-e-ye-
however e s h ea r, we get too the re c(L)ai m~e ar e ve in (t) d's ai me
ok, i give you the been i fi/t of the d0/u be the T, and i don't care if you can't follow thrue, i don't have 2.
did i get your go-at-
un fait h full
un f/a ct h fu ll
w/-ill = bu-ll-e-ye-w/e-a-sell- t0 me an s i am all ways left in complete, with n0 0ne to relate among the s-him-an-u-f-a-ct-u/r-e-d-i/g-i/n-n-
t0 me an s
w/-i/t-a-re-lie-f-e-e-d- 0/n e me' ye a st capable a.d.
he gets -a-w-aye- with-it-, b.c. in fact he makes kn0t a(i)m mate
just saying, a swindler, d-0wn-too-t-he-b-0/n-e-scene-f-o-re-saying-s-ow/-e-g-0 & k nothing t00 the s h0 w/e in gaw/ hey e / i 0 & no man is my debt too the "t" rope, just every woman -d- ate-d-0-ver-t-i'm-e-
that is what h0-p-e-ye-a-st-f-0-re-g-u-a-rd-i/n-g-a-m0-re-
vain nit e'ye, needs the rules for no reason to p.r.00f e/0n e'ye 0(w/)n e, for the s-c-0p-e-d-0p-e-debt-a-t0-e-
w/-ill-ease-s-0- w/e-a.-s-sell-e-ye-
but that doesn't mean he act u ally e think s f0r/t h 2 00 in gi ' ve in g
he wouldn't abuse me if you were present, however if you were present, i wouldn't be able to present myself capable a.d., and e'ye wouldn't see the we-a-sell- 0-p-e/n-l-ye- t00 -th-d/e-ce(-i-)ve-
and in the "a.m." no on e can see to seethe, sustainable ye, he rises like an honorable man too th' c leave.
and in th "ad" "a.m." no on e can see to seethe, sustainable ye, he rises like an honorable man too th' c leave, e vain ly e
as for t-w/-ill-, he would have no reason to pi-p-e-on- me in that employee meeting, if-t-he wasn't c-over-t-ing-ta-c-up- from the st-ar-t-
his -t- re f le -x- tells me all i ne ed e/b t00 kn0w// h in = de-c/e-(i-)ve-n-
can't 0(w/)e ft f0r e w/a rd, he has no gam e, unless he re-lie-s on the apparent back of his f(r)am/e and ra(i)me, unquestioned e/b t00 th-d-ate-
he, ai-me, can't understand, the christ didn't come or resurect (if he even came at all) for his "likes' on t"h" all-eg-a-i/n-d-0-(a)ll-
yet he exist in a clim(b)e, hallmarked for t/he fxf all. he is really stupid beyond re p ai r/e 'ye t 0le
faux finish his conviction, he can't represent at all
he can't e vain finish his d-raw-l-
what a f-uck-up-too-t-he-all-
a-w/-heel-, with a bo-ot in the as/s0 (w/-)n-
sam vets for his mistake, by saying he is una-war-e-
always convenient t0 w/-(h-)ear-
just s (w/-) aying, can i be blonde and as cap-i/t-u-l-at-e-i/n-g-, and rewarded in the me-ark-et- place for -e- p-(L)ay-i/n-g-
i'm mere ly e miss stating, the h/0ne st disgrace on me ff ace in the may-king-
0re-may-k-in-g-s-kin-f-lint-in-t-it- re-d-ate-in-g-
he has no love on the line as the f-ea-r-he-d-sel-t-c-le-are-in-&-d0/u(be-)t-a-double-d-0w/-n-e-x-us-t-re-p0-s-e/d-0/h-0-w/-e- g0/-d-s-0le-
when he f-uck-s- me symbolically, he f-uck-s- his - lit-t-le-pt- h0- u-s-e- (am)
0-re-t00-t-he-x-p0-s-e-/ed- 0h-
s-he- is on ly getting (-i-) p-ai-d- in vain / nit e'ye vain
for ce the seemin g ave, but can't actually e remember e s h0 w/e t/h ave n ai me ad just the s ai me
t-h-eye- w/- h- ave, didn't g ave, didn't h ave, didn't pro vi de th ave n ai me, can't sea the ar t f/rom the st ar t, and st-ill po-0p-in your brain, s-ow/-e- t-h-ey-e- c-an-e-re-c-L-ai-me- , as the write full h(ei)r ?
not one that can't claim too th at 0/n e, will put their name in vein on me ye p lan e
re f le ct i on /e & re f le x i/on e ar t(h) g am e in re all t i'm e w/ h ave
it is easier re-duct-ion- when you just pipe in your o(w/-)n-e-re-f-le-x-i/on-e-
with no counter par t in the market place to egg -u- ye 0n , your eff ace, that has-t-one-t0-pi-le-on-t-
& h0-g-t-i.-d.e-
on-a-d/i'-me- with all considerations for the de f un ct, misrepresented too the misjudged on the si.-de-lie-n-
t h/at pre t en d e/b t00 th eg ave t w/h~ey 'e t a proclaim e w/(h)eave n similarly e ve in the me 0ne ye m ai d/e
ye mad-e- the h/0-d-e- for no reason e too th d ay t all 0ver -t-he-p-(L-)a-ce-
the to w/ere, he doesn't fall from, but defaults on e
as "men" your whole legacy in the reflection of christ, as his s0/n, allows you to be stupid as can be-ad-, and that is easy to do when you eliminate any one tu be accountable too their 0(w/)n e b/b ein g' sus t en an(d)ce
love wouldn' t be-ad sustenance on t-he-ed- for-meal-lye-too the super-e-see-d-
i do/u(b)t ye-w/e- are in-nocent- o/u/r-ag-we'-d- e/b -too-t-he-t-ag-re-ad-
i do/u(b)t ye-w/e- are in-nocent- o/u/r-ag-we'-d- e/b -too-t-he-t-a/g-re-ad-
at some po in t, you misrepresent constant ly e, you must know you sideline the players that are meant of/t means tu b c/enter e i/n g's h~eave s
pi t all, w/as hall it 00 k
the we-a-sell-s-hi-t-all- w/i th0u t re p ai re t/h e(i)re & higher an d ai re
ye have not facted h too t aire w/t d out bed and edd e'ye on t
p00r e p0r/e t c/h, i'll grind him a new/e t ai l too see'dye t/he at/h 0/n e t/h r 0/n e in be st f0r(u)m~e'ye t m at/c h 0 pen l e'ye t00 the imp a/s/s "e.g" as -h- t00-t-h-as-h- , w/k n 0w/e pt pre miss at ta c/h 'd
d-um-(b-)mer-than a d0rk-n0b-in-e-x-press-i/on-s-imp-ly-e-0/n-t00-t-he-re-p-(L-)e-ye-0/n-t-a-w/-ar-e- 0 f/t k(n)0. w/(h)0/n e. g.(u-)es(s-) e -x- & -t-e- x- t- p0-s-ed-0/n-e-t- d0/n-t- c-0nt-r/a-ct-u-ally-e-a-r-0p-ed-0/h-0p-e- w/-all-ye-a-rt- ha-nd-e/b-t-he-a-rt- i/n-e-g- "0" ad e w/-h-at-e-ye- n-0w/-e- t00-t-he-c-k-s-c/0p-e-
if can't en s nare with st-a-ll-k-i/n-g- i.-d.- i/0-c'ye- g- es(-t-) c-all-a-t-e-s- (-t-)0-0-t-h-e- p0-lie-ce-l-l-ie-in-ce-st-ill-a-w/ar-e- = - d0rk-n0b-ill-i/t-e-ye-t00-t-he-me-ye-t- = for me al ly e stupid callous and una-war-e- walking t-a/ll-0ver-t-are- w/ H eigh T f/r0m the n ai re -x- pose-d- s-0w/-e-g0-at-he- can t-are-g-ai-n-ai-re-x-p0-s-e-d- e/b-t-a- "e-very-e-b-0d-e-ye-n0se-g-"rows'- r0se like yeast too the t an s trait a n/arr0w/e, n0 b.c. that would take re all t a ct in p0le is h, versus-p0-ll-i/s-h-it-00-t-he-me-a.c-he-w/-e- 0n-nit-e-lie-n-it-sup-p-lie-d-in-d-ate-t-i'm-e-w/-id-t/h- 0-ver-t-i'm-e-ar-se-g-ea-r-s-wi-t-ch-
i/t-pi-0n-ea-r-a-(i-)d/e-st-in-ate-i/on-t-w/-i/t-h-i/t-b-lack-as-k-nigh-t-s-p-r-0ut-a-p0-t-at-0e-in-c-are-fu-ll-c-are-less-ness- b.-s-p0-ke- in-kin-d-ness-
"work" just c-re-at-e-d- more work fore me to do with n0 0ne apparently e tu t00 the ' d ew/e, an-d-r-e-c-l-ai-mit- "2"
f un n'ye, i don't ap p.r.0ve, and "p. r.00f" that is s-ough-t- is sue -d- a-g-ai-n-st-me in-n-ew/-e- 'd-b-ough-t-ai-l-0t- without think and inking it h rue
the universe all a -r-use -th-ab-u-s-e-th-ave-n-ew/-e-s-t-ew/-e- d- ew/-e-
th' chit l/in(e)'s a tendere be an(s) t00 th ' re p a/s t a s/s cup an' pup a/s p ai d well 0/0 p t l~as/s 0 w/e ta g r0(w/)e inn (g)ave ta ll s 0 w/e g~ r0(w/)e w/e (h)up t heave n a(i)m e
t-he-s-t-i/n-e-ye-in-t-i'm-e-s-ai-d- did not act u ally as/s p/ai/d e/b t00 th'd ate 0n his s0(w/)n pr0 c(L)aim e-he-lives-ta-ff-or-k-e-ye- p-l-ease- s- h0-n-0re-t-his-( t)- 00-t-he-na-i-m-e-
when not "one" is actually necessary in the r~e late i/on & p.r. 0x 'ye s (h) ell e v/ate i/0n e
t00 th levitate i/0n e
wee-d- e- woo-d- g0-too-t-he-ll- (on somebody else s h0 ne st s(h)e'll)
c-h-ill- is the disturbance ta-ke-n-t-a-w/-h-ey-e-t-c-am-e-
all-a-w/-aye-s- ed-ate-t00-the-rapacious-0n-t-i'm-e-me-a-k-eg-re-at-e- b-bu-ye-f-x-f-ace-
to establish this lie f-rom-e- the in-si.-de-d0/u(be-)t- c-ha-c/hing-e-
m-e/n- are- c-ai-r-r-e-ye-i/n-g- the lie in the dna in for mate ion e -x- c-h-ang-e-
there is no as pi re all, n0 L ad d e're t00 th te ll in h0 ne st re ce pt i/0n e'ye all an d e/b t00 th e a.ve n ta t i'll a nd t00 the me all
w/-ill is kn0t l0ve, he is- k-ill-a-nd-0- h0-l0-g-r-am-e-all-t00-t-he-is-t-ill-
his reflection has no presense in looking f0r e re all, you are talking to (w/-h-) a s-h-ill-
ti t is aw/h all s 0w/e the H eigh T "h"at he ste-all-s-
and apparently standing where you think he k ne all s
m(e-)a-k-e-re-s-cup-t0-p0-0p-up-ta-t-up-t- in-difference is someone elses- put- up- comma-nd- up-e-on-up-
bu-ye-ad-van-t-a/g-e-ye-h-ad-e- em-e/d- misrepresente-d-in-sig-ht-ad- a-re-vi/s-i-on-ad-
it-em-s a-ye-ar-t-f-0re-war-d- b.c. ye ar t a b-0re-
t-he-a-rt-0f-f-b-0re- with pre-sense-tu-m/me-ye-t-make-g-a-w/ar-e-
i can't make this s-hi-t-up-t00-th-b-r-ave- 0n e line n ai l e d e/b t (h) rue
& re f le x i/t 00 th f (L)ax en t me w/e
"he" is only interested in sustaining "you" but he needs you to ol' look t rue
mu & mu st w/in e w/e
all the time misrepresenting -the-as-k-ew/-e-
i can't make this s-hi-t-up-t00-th-b-r-ave- 0n e line n ai l e d e/b t (h) rue st e'ye me tu g(t) a w/he ye t 0 w/ id th ue , do i "need" "you"
no "you" are a simple inconvenience, m-ai-d- neccessary form e to-p-aye-at-ten-t-i/0n-e-"tu" Lies for-t-e-ye-w/-e-
i would exist without your "value", as i have always and orginally e in t rut h 2 0 w/(h)e re L at e/n t p0 w/(h)ere t/h fxf l0 w/(h)ere
me'ye fxf 0r ce 's have been s-h/0-t-
th era he-x-pan-d-id.-as/-s-(h-)am-
me'ye time is seen as me one ye too t-0ss0-d-0f-t-
"spiritually" in "t-rue-st-" ye-t0-0k-
in a cont-ai-n-ere-0-ft-mu-c-h-u-b-risk-
bu ye not placing a(i)ne'ye one in re all i t e'ye
in a cont-ai-n-ere-0-ft-mu-c-h-u-b-ris-k- , n0 0ne apparent lye as lee p i/t he w/ i.d. th in k(ni)t
k night in shin ing a(r)m.0. re
who are you/r a miss re pre sent ing f 0re
a c-rook- t-out-a-b-all-an-(d-)ce-t-f-0r-t-h-e-
re-c-0ver-(e-)ye- t00-th-ave-t-f-0-re-
g0 t0/0 t 0/0 k n~0w/e tu
g a w/h e'ye t (h)rue
our e path is the only way to a destination k nigh t hat L a(s)t 's t(r)ing - all-t-hing-e-s-t- consider-i/n-g-at-la-st-s/i-l-en-t-p-as-s-e-g-rass- t00-t-he-n-com-p-ass-m0-re-as-s-u/r-an-ce-
the cur-rent-e-con-0-me-ye- = in-c/e-st-
all r elations, a(ye-)re -t- a -bu-ye-
ye s-kin- the k/i n/d ness from my eff a/ce vain an-d-g-ive-n-t-d-s-e-am-i/n-g- e -gaw- w/i th0u t actually e r/e late i/n g w/ s ai d c0m p an e'ye t00 the k eye p = s-ai-d- c0m-p-an-(e-)ye- k-e'ye-p-rate-i/n-g-
ge-t-g0-t-g-ave-t-ag-(r-)0-w/-e-'d- del-taw-h-an-d-
me'ye wor(L)d is -h- out of b-all-an(d-)ce- and i b/ring i/t back with in necessary e t a.ll en t ' c ar/t w/i.d. th in tell i g/en ce
in e X cell en t
a nd th ac ce ll e/a r an t' fi re 0n e'ye ar (e) t c ar(e) t
your art is a misleading free do me, if you can't sea t/h ' s t/ar t f-ore-f-ear-o-ft-ye-t-mar-t-as-he-ar-t-
it would be kind a funny if sharon and i related politely e refine ly, and not t(h)rue ye, gest for the saying we love to serve the e
s- a- co-sig-n-e-re-t00-th-be-li/e-ve-
& s un 0/n e t00 t/h eave n('s) 0w/e ' d in/e de ed (m-ai-d-0-pen-L-(e-)ye-a-st-f-0rt-he-
with no effort applied act yl ly e in t i'm e i/n g's l~eave s
what has been w/rit-t-en -t00-con-si-eve-in-t-i'm-e-, has been effortlessly app-lied with n0 0ne pre sent h eave n (t) d's
h-i, your salutation af-x-f0-rd-s-u/e-t0-f-x-f-ill-in-t-he-g-ap-s-
on the same pre miss ye relate w/-id-th-i/t-
k-eye-p-ing-(u-y-)0re-me-one-ye- , is bu-ye-i/n-g- the t-rite-s- f-0r-e-war-d-i/n-g-s-lee-p-
you-r- e (e-) f-x-f- le -x- in n 0w/e in c/me'ye t a k eye p (L) a ce tu r fxf 0re me ad 0 p/en le ye
a st
(r) a w/e 'd s c0 p(i) ed e/b t r/0p/e
in re l e/a~s/e em t an d re am s(t)re am
s-h0-ne-st-ly- your pen is a c-rue-d-p.r.0te-tu-be/r-an-ce-
'h' isn't a threat, it is a t(h)reat insi/de ad/ep/t your "h" ea "d" e w/ the p0 w/er in direct c0m p an e'ye reflection e r(e'ye) ai me, you didn't reflect w/in e t/h ave t g/ave ve(i)n a nd 0 w/ ai t g ai n.
"you" have nothing to s ave, and nothing to sh ave and no rig ht to as say that i be "h" ave, be the H ave n ai me ye n/eve/r e g/ave
t b/r ave le'ye in na(i)me
t-h-en- e'ye-t-h-ink--t-ag-0-t0-g-ive-n-t-d'se-am-i/ng-sum-mit-0-p-lum-e-t-hing-e-s- w/ k n0 0n e c kn0t in your re-f-le-x-i/on-s-ough-awe-t-0-g-ave-t-h/en-augh-t-
the follow thru on the w/-ai-t- is t ax ab le t(h)rue in nits day-t-rue-on-ew/-e-s-
de-sire-bu-ye-t-bough-t-0ff-t- 0/n e me'ye s l0 t mer r e'ye 0f/t
since time before H an d, i am seen single ye, as knot having a "family" p-lan-(t-)d-in-t-h-an-d- = fam ill e'ye w/-h-id.-e-i/n-g- be-hi/n-d- e/b t0 -me an s, t-hey-e- can't answere and wear to go for e ward in c ai re ye in g the me
only with t-he-me-me-s-
scene t0 w/an s w/ere ring…
re t00 kn0w/e b/0 d/e ye see n e in g i've in g agree d
we g0 (t) a g0 & manually raise the t ab le, and manually e raise th' st able ye t e'ye
the pear "ly" a-g-ate-s-ly- as a lie miss po ken out of t-im-e-be-t0-ken-fi-n/-e-&-di/n-e-ta-di'-me-ta-ti-me-'s-tine-for-k-p-(L-)aye-f-x-f-0rt-lie-on-e-r/i-nd-g-0(did k-no-t-)g/rind in t i'm e
"s-pee-d-cut-t-er" e me'ye as/s t00 th p a/s/s e g as -h-
i'm (the) 0t h/e re t0 w/ e're fxf t a're all, ta bert haw/e 'd. 0. (a.) l/l in t i'm e t 0/0 t e ll e'ye w/ h ale t ai l's t0r(~r) e'ye
how do you get a t-ag-0- ?
as s w/e ll 0p e
tel your hon-eye- i din t-rite- her -s-c-0p-e-
if you tell her, ye sell-s-l/0-pe-
and you will pay hell for that d0-pe-e-
and cell-e-re-s0-ap the base men t r0te
i think it would be perfect ly (h)ad e qua te t0 re m(e)ark e/t 0/n e me'ye pre miss en t00 the re si/n ai me ly e: i think it would be perfectly adequate to market on my premiss which is ye
t00 the tee th
i have a bubble butt, and i only know this b.c. i got out of my c/over all's and ordered some d/e~n/i'm and, let's just say, i don't not think it is the right time to be buying genes for/m/e.
that said, i can sea the work i n(e/e)d to get 0n track & pr0 see d c0m p0rt ly e v en
i took a nap, it has been taking me all of the day to get to this. what i needed to begin with. i fine ally went to sleep and you c aught me f/f 0r/m e a.d.
do you still have big beef against each others t ewe, that one came from erose and not 2.
let me par t w/(h)ave's
i don't think all the time you spent together was sailing grand, however you had scene what love could be with erose in -h- an-d- that you didn't plan ta plan -d-.
rich need's to feel it was love that has driven e ve(i)n, from his back to go for e w/a rd at last.
sharon wishes it was love that had her back eve(i)n k n0w/ (h)0ve 0/f t00 the r/ich t0 p ass.
b.c. she staid with r/ich b.c. she wanted to give love a ve in.
pr0blem she exists in the competitive me-ark-e/t-p-lace- so what you get is a man pulling back so that she can make the decision to qui tit, with n0 0ne in the me-ark-e-t-p-lace- t0 0/d i re ct with, her sync, is -h- out of b-all-an(d-)ce-
you both must miss your erose pretty be a.d. t0 0le t it re determine you/r frame n a.d.
sharon feels she gave your b/all s cam?
your b/all s a cam
does it matter. this is rich's decision, at this p0 in t, and your decision is t0 0le t him be/e, that is how ye give l0 ve in te g r/i t(e)ye s h0 ne st l(e)ye as e very e t hinge c 0/m p L ea t
what am i missing
for-ce- starters- r/ich cove-t-d-(e-)ye-
well i think, i like to think he thought he truly loved you, when he didn't know about the pre-di's-pose-i/n-g-e-tu-ne-e-d-e/b-t00-com-p-eat- with you as-s-wit-ness-ing-e-
i toss a lot of shit around, you know, however, one thing i gather, is you are precisely in this position b.c. you care too k n0(w/)se, at least with each others re p0 ' s/e = th ' st all i/s t f0re th e re as 0/n e a.s suc h.
on your own, your st all does not carry the birth weight too the t are from t h0me, the st all deteriorates your mess age s-0(w/-)n-
with me in the pi c/t u/re ye h/ave t/h all eg (r) 0 w/e, we are all b(r)0ugh t in t0 the picture of what -ail's-e'ye-
a r/ich id le difference, f/rom e w/h ere ye c0/m e: my mom was an angry aires, that had n/0 d aires t00 the m i'll k f/r0m the mar-r/i-e-d-s-um-m.0/n-e-
it is-hard to see in all she didn't give me, a comfortable home is -ad-just "one", but bottom line, no love, with an image in hall-mark- c-a-rd-s-he c-ai-r-r/i-(e-)d-e- s-0m-e-on-
qui te disconnected f/r0m the re all i t(e)ye. what she did give me, as with my somnambulent d-ad-, was nothing, and f/r0m the n0 thing e'ye pi e/ce d. my decision to pay the attention that a w/aye inside 0d, and outside 0d act yl:ly e too the frame work and fret work cam e in na/i/me ve(i)n = in a name, and not in a name e/ven t0 me the sa(i)me.
is this posit i/on a sk am
this went sailing lee, for a while, always thinking of someone else, until i found i didn't have my reflection of desire, and it shut me down to re think my connection too the wi fi
r/ich i think, doesn't want sharon to believe he is the s/on/e.
i can relate to this, it is hard to put a to ke h ea r, and hop e ye lead your self be d/(ye)sire : rich doesn't want to be looked up "2", he doesn't want to be put in the posit i/on to string -u-ye "h"i-re- for -ce- sharons- ire-
am i wrong to assume rich is angry with sharon on some suc-h-
andy e thinks ye both believe in your fact h
r/ich is mad, sharon sunk his st one, along with his st-one-t00-th(r-)one-
in deference, women feel like t-his-t- all-t-he-t-i'm-e-
unless you for-ce- f-e-e-d- e/b-t-he-m-a-s/s-au-s-age- all the t-im-e-
i mean, if -t- you are going to take their reflection on a di-me- without the saving graces too the m(e)a.K i/t p.r.i'm/e t ea.r n a' ll y/me in s/up p l(e)ye & sub l i'm (b)e a min e/d, they have no wear to go without a(u) gu st 0f/f predilection
s-0(w/-)n- in -n0- t-im-e-
so sharon got -ad-mire-d-
per h ap se prefered you in ad van/ce.
i know it as a single person, building my xubrnt website, learning the software on line, working on a small frame, in preparation for kaizen, to get in the marketplace with my own e ff ace, and the struggle is the lack of motivation contrasting all the experien-ce- ye have be for -t-he ye. i did a lot of sleeping to get me to work on that website and follow thru, and i had to tell myself to have faith, to keep building t0 0, when i knew kn0w/ h 0ne tu. and the value, no in com e. in reflection, the work at tra(i-)der joes-h0-e-s-, the savings that penalized my life with the honey h hound, the moving a round, to be penalized by ave-st-a- for doing their j 0 b i/n d: bein g' s0und, for which they took me too-c-our-t- a-p-(p-)e-as-e-
i get that you feel badly about the pas-t-, however, your sunken motivation, given another one the "free" r-un-on-e-tar-nation- is per h ap se a. the k eye t00 th' as t L a/s t
e'ye too understand when some "one" for the me-one-ye-tu-b-c0n-e-, gets a "free" r-i.d.-e- on my h -underestimation-e-w/-ai-t-
e vein s um e 0n/ e ?
(d) ate
m-ai-le at e first e ff ace sea the price of the c/a/rd t/h at ye + m(e)a.k/e g0 t0 w/he'll s trait 0 miss under e st 0 0d ate g0 fig ta g i've t w/h e'ye t i'm e t/a/g ave th' suc cu(e) lent h' sa(i)me
i don't want to hear your voice yet, as i am afraid of -t-reason-net-i'm-e-
we haven't f-uck-e-d-e/b-t-a-t/up-0n-t-w/-h-0-s-h0-e-ye-0n-s-up-p0-s-eg-a/i-n-
di gi t a/ll an d e/b t ai l i/n g's aw/e ye w/as t m/ai/d f/0r ~e~w/e ' desire. g.0 & g L0re ye
in t 0(w/)e
& t 0w/n ye K n~0 w/e
you think "hock-a-sin" is a sham
do you want to meet in con/ne/ct i cut & work face t00 th face t m/ea/k/e
i think you should plan to do some marketing in kittery a w/are, next 0 ports m.0/u t/h, n~ew/e h am/p s hi re t/h e(i)re te L/L at 0ne ti~me A ff ai re b(e)a.d. e pt f0r/m/e a.d.
ai re (s) nare
t 0re let me g0 puttering at gill
i've got so many freaking notes, and, i'm going to make a pb and j, and start relating with my memory of yesterday.
c0 pi the s(ee)c/0 p/i e/d = pay e t00 th s p(L)ay e a. l/l e.g. g t0 me an s (ea) t w/h0 ' see k in d re l e/a f x f
f ret w/h0 r/k & f(r)a(i)me w/h0 r/k s i'm u/L t a/n e0(u)s le'ye ve(i)n an d's~
the internet is not responding...
where to start, first of all, i had a client in the salon, and he admired min0's slim athletic build (min0 is a very aesthetic g0/d l0 0k i/n g d0/g) and we started talking about biking this summer, and the conversation got into my athletic past, and i talked about qualifying for the trials, on the cusp of getting out of college, and joining a team from california to compete in paid races in europe. and the "2" -x- too- ende-d- f-ai-lure-t-heir- per the 2 coaches f-ai-r-e-ai-r-e-. he asked me, how i thought i Would have done, had "one" coach not f-ucked me from the fron-t- and the other from the r-ea-r-, to appease t-heir-e-t-ea-r-s-e- g-ea-r-s-e-
the coach in college, for which i qualified for the time trials, didn't send in my time, and the ca coach after creating a scene on me, hi-gh-t-e-ll-e-d-me to p-h-0n-e- me, the other coach didn't -ap-prove of me w/-het-her-e-
the client got my gest in the conversation, my running , i loved, did not go as planned, it got p-(L-)an/ne-d-, figuring i have an in depth athletic past, based on the conversation of the intimacy of knowing the ff(r)ame w/knit i'm e me ai d i/n e'ye T~i/t & tit re 0n(e) b/all an(d)ce, he asked me how i thought i would have done, and i pondered, and he tried to fill in the gaps with s um, and i said, the illusion of my past and forward was changing, and i was just grasping the c-ave-i/n-g-, and i feel daunted to give an answere then as if to now, but ultimately said in the g r/a/ft in me'ye h ea d, that i couldn't project into it. i could no longer project into going for e ward that a w/aye vein in suppose d free d 0/m. on oneside, there was knowthing more than i loved to r un, contrasting, i couldn't put my love in a g-love-, and receive ap-p-l-aw/-s- un d0(w/)n e in th 0 p/en ad ju st b.c. un s p0 k/en t 0(f-x-f-)
i fiddle f/ad/dle d for years, looking for something i could in vest in f/0re re all. i also managed to un d0 w/-ea-r- & w/ear th in sel l fxf t c ai re t00 th e me'ye ff a/ce = miss manaGEMent 0/n e'y0u r/e ff r/ai/m e t00 the m(e)a.k/e g. re at e a.nd 0 w/h eigh t in st inc t i've t0 me'ye tm ate
berth a w/e, bertha was my mothers first name, she didn't go bu ye, as we moved to w/a(-i-)s t ate that had "bertha the elephant" e vain. the religion didn't work, and the family moved to las vegas then to reno, a g-amble-in-st-ate-ta-c-as-i/n-0-(w/-e-), which ironically, is no-t- different from the christ-ai-ns in- s-imp-l/i-city-e- re-lig-i/on-e-
that was a weird feeling, feeling so inert, and 0 with no gravity in gracious girth. speaking of grace i/o/u & s
as i have said before, i didn't view any of the people i tech-nic-al/l-ye- compete-d- with, i didn't view them as my competition. i have no known reason to view the s-ai-me- t0 r un less e-ye t-may-k-eye-p-c-(L-)ai-me-
i can't say i was always happy with my teammates or fellow competitors, however, very 0/f t en, as i set it up that way in my min d e/b t00 th eave n(t) d's, t00 think in re ce(i)ve n (t) d's en d's
i was hap pi. i can remember julie jenkins, great talent. she ran with horses, for real, and for me, had a distinct sk00ter running style, she ate of the land under e l0(0)ping f00t given, however, she only ran as fast as she had too, and we were put in a race with instructions to feed off of each other in the lead, to get to the finish on time to provide to qualifying marks, for the next hope full agenda = race again another way in another state.
she wouldn't let me pass for the lead, and if i backed off to run in draft position, she would slow down. we didn't get the qualifying time as mediated was the purpose of our show t00 the g0.
i can respect, more now, the time lag, she raced on her own command, however, i remember watching her on tv at the olympics / trials, can't remember which, and that same signature style, not pushing to her last b re at h~, g0t her squashed in the b-0-x-e-d-in-
so it was the trials, because she didn't go f0r e ward, as she couldn't get out of the b-0-x-, and unleash her 5th gear un spoke n t00 the w/heel e'ye t 0w/e in time di's p(L)aye d 0/n e th line. (her sprint was amazing, and i know this b.c. i can drill with stalwart speed, however, next to her, let's just say, in our 4x800 relay that broke the world record, i was the first leg (usually the 2nd fastest, that knows pace, and won't blow up on the way to establishing position, for the hand off t, and 4th leg, is the fastest too the b ring i/t in/n k.
she wasn't able to unleash her maven h0rse ye s c0 pi e/d. i was on the inside of knowing th @ view/e in g t i'm e as i ran with her e all s 0w/e.
in g le/e
fxfree d0/m th be st e w/(e/e)k n ew/e 0f tu & t 0/d u/e
i have no carnage to di's p(L)aye on y/0re (e) free d0/m e.g. ave
more thoughts:
the time ye wa(-i-)ste, h-as-t-ew/-e-, using t/h at i'm e for a "loo"
is your problem h ea r, you can't project int0 w/hat ye ff ace ye f-ea-r-
i have no carnage to di's p(L)aye on y/0re (e) free d0/m e.g. a've t0 me in st eye a.d.
p.s. you have an honorable bu ye, as far as i am concerned, un like paul drinan, that place s-ai-d-e/b-t00-t-he-h0-b-serve- and only lie t00-t-he-re-serve-
i am saying, sharon plays a special rol(l)e g(g) 0. that fact is if i were your wife, i may feel compelled to sink your st-one-. she has put effort into your e ff ra(i)me, it may be miss-aligned-in-the-mall-igne-d- just the sa-i-me- t-i'm-e-
the fact is, i imagine, she had you not relate with me, b.c. you treated her that way. and i can make something 0/f t it 0 pen ly e on me'ye ff ra(i)me in your e n ai me
so while this is t h/a rd, it is actually a w/h all an d 0 a. L/L e t00 th' st a L/L
i have no carnage to di's p(L)aye on y/0re (e) free d0/m e.g. a've t0 me in st eye a.d. e'ye t 0/d ate
the fact is, i imagine, she had you not relate with me, b.c. you treated her that way. and i can make something 0/f t it 0 pen ly e on me'ye ff ra(i)me in your e n ai me l(e) ye A/s t r/ai/t
e L at e s~p/i r i/t (h)as a g un
e L at e s~p/i r i/t (h)as a g un & h as t/a g 0/n e
i am not getting your -e-motion-
the true stag is the street and in sit u c(k) om p/L e/a. T
the true st a/g = street sig ht in sit u, thanks the 'ag' and ad/d age w/e = judge in 0/n e ve(i)n, not ju-d/g-ed-bu-ye-peep-h-ole-t-h-at-get-p-ai-d-f0r-ce-in-ce-st-aye-s-aye-
ag0 = ag 0 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 0 ... n eve r e nd i/n g' s 0'l e pt s 0/u L/L 0ve t 0/u t a c 0/n t r/0 L/L e. g. 0 & Le X i / t 00 th a L/L 0 w/e in c~
he true st a/g = street sig ht in sit u, thanks the 'ag' and ad/d age w/e = judge in 0/n e ve(i)n, not ju-d/g-ed-bu-ye-peep-h-ole-t-h-at-get-p-ai-d-f0r-ce-in-ce-st-aye-s-aye-as-say-e-scene- with n/0 re all relativit(e)ye
t00 th' s 0 w/e a.r t/h s h0 (w/) e l~l e.g. g~i/n g's w/e ll an d/e w/heel ' s/ (h) / e ' ll
i.d. = 1 & 0 t0 w/e ' d 0h 0d e t00 th p0re (b) r/i. d.g e (t) c' s(e/x) p~an d be t 'h' L/e h/em in d/e w/(h)i.d.(e/a) t/h in d's ig ht 's h a.d. e.g. ran d & l(0ve'ye)i/f t(e) ye A/s t (h) a nd
e'ye (w/h)0/n e tu gaw/ h~e'y ap/p.~r.0ve t' vi ew/e & the m.0 vi e re s aw/e t(h) r/u~e very e t(c) hing e t 0/0
and reverse the t-re-nd- ye have to del-l-too-t-h-be-lie-f-e-e-d-
s/c i/en ce try-st- o w/ an s w/ea r, w/-h-at- re -lig-i/on-e- st-0'le-pt-par-0'l-eg-0-/n- ad-0- w/-e-
but can't answere w/h en if t0 w/ 0re the pr i'm e 0/n e at a L/L i/n e very e t hing e de fi/n e d/i ' me all au fxf t er e L ea.se a. t
science can't prove 0/ne is a prime number, h0 w/eave r 'ye s/c/an di's p(L)ay ce set h/a nd ' s0/m e ve(i)n a nd
per h ap se, science as with religion w/(h)ere not making t/ H0/n 0re in t heir e wake vein (t) d's e a.m. i/n g's
t/h e(i)r e(e) fxf 0re, let's par 0'le ye (h) 0ver t i'm e t (c) e L/L (e)ye t00 t(h) ea t i/n t i'm e w/h ea t de fi/n e/d~d i' me tu tu c(L)0ve r t e w/e in e mer~r'e'ye t h~ank' syn/th e.g. g i've n t 0/0 d e w/e a.nd 0 ver t a g/ai/n (e) pre ten d 0~0're's t (h)rue : put your e me 0ne ye w/(h)ere ye h~a.d. e me w/e in me an s t0(w/)e in n/em/ e
g-ill-t-e-ye-p-lea-s/sure- b.c. ye all ready know ye didn't c/are too the c ai re 'ye ff ai re n/t 0(w/)e
g-ill-t-e-ye-p-lea-s/sure- t0-me-an-s-un-scene-n0-pen-(all-t-)(e-)ye-A-s/t-re-at-e-
s h0(w/)e ft f0r me all ste a. l/l 0 an (d) g0
the cur-b-e- doesn't s-tumble- on-e-be-lie-f-x-f-0rt-f(r-)e-e-d-
'h' isn't a threat, it is a t(h)reat inside adept your "h" ea "d" re ad (hie-fen)d-0/n-e-me ye with(hie-fen-) premeditate-d-ate-able-(hie-fen-)accountabilit-e-ye-
the c0m(b)e
& e c(h)0m(b)e am
i explained the other day in the salon to a young girl in kindergarten, ab(0)ut the process of using the big comb first, and then the little comb to assure her hair was being combed kindly and with due necessity in care. she responded that the big comb i was using wasn't 'big', and i said, and showed her even, the big comb may not seem big, but look at the gaps in between (t) each tine, and that is how we refine a process too the b(eg)i/n e, first the big comb, big gaps, strait en the h air, and then the little comb a w/are down too the last w/id th e w/ c ai re, & i remind, the fine tooth comb, reveals better results than my eyes.
with my eyes i can see the white egg casings, people confuse for current nits in the chasing. the white egg casing means you have h ad lice, and they have already h atche d in re l ease. the fine comb on a wet napkin, i re p eat, will sus h 0ut the viable eggs (gloss e'ye) and anything cur-rent-ly-e-g-c-leave-i/n-g-
th = e c0m(b)e = premeditating reality as s ay'e ye t0 me an s including double headed dodge drafters, where the head d-0ve-t-ai-l-e-ye-t-00-t-he-t-ea-t- where th' 0 live b ran c/h ang i/n g a b(-0-)ut -e-ye- w/ a v(e) all i.d. re treat 0 p/en le'ye t00 t/h ea t
with my eyes i can see the white egg casings, people confuse for current nits in the chasing. the white egg casing means you have h ad lice, and they have already h atche d in re l ease. the fine comb on a wet napkin, i re p eat, will sus h 0ut the viable eggs (gloss e'ye) and anything cur-rent-ly-e-g-c-leave-i/n-g-c-leave-i/n-g-scene-th-on-e-tu-th-r-one-l-ie-n-
e- with a cur-rent-c0-pi-e/d-ay-t-
ab-le-ad-, ad's in the m-ai-l-e-ye-per-e-ce(-i-)ve-
t-going-0- po-st-all-e-ye-
i don't understand the for-m-all-i/t-e-ye- of speaking on a b/r/eac/h e w/e t/issue, t-h-at- you would only -en-sue- t-w/-h-0- com-p(L-)ay-s-cent-sea-me w/e, in the w/-a-ft- of no reason t 00
t00 th' s p/ea/k f0r/m' ye p.~r.0m e'ye s
w/-ill- made a mistake in his-t-anks-for-e-ye-ah-
he put l-ai-d- his e-ye-s- on what he apparently wanted, be fxf 0 re t /h e me a.(i)d. e w/h0ne ye w/in e cess ai r/e ye A/s t rue st p ai r hu(e) s/s
t-h-ere-f-0re- he stints- with-s-he-ar-(e-)t- c-he-ave-r-e-ye-t-hing-imp-ar-t-i/n-g- apparently -e-
t00 th' s p/ea/k f0r/m' ye p.~r.0m e'ye s/h/e a.r t/h tw/h0 me nd e w/h 0/n e ar t/h ' s h0 ne st ar t' c ar(e) t c ar(e) t a w/h e'ye n 0w/e
b/be t/h b(eg)i/n e in g i'll t0(w/)e f/f r0m e/a. r/t ~h ave na i me
den e'ye d i/n e
f/f 0re g~i've in k's (th/e) re sin g t 0/u t 0 me L0 d(e) ye t me'ye L/L ai d aye.g. ave t/h ave n e'you/r en aim th f/f un ct i/on e c0n j un ct i/0n e
inn e m(e) use sic & fin d r~ea. L/L e/as/e t/h t00 the li ne n an d p ea r/L 's an d 's ave th b r/ain/ de a.d. 0. a. L/L 0/n g's e a.(i)m. e a.d. e/b t00 th(r) 0/n e, i sing in my h ea d 0 a L/L 0/n g 0/n e me'ye t 0(w/)n e b.c. si c/an e c/ai/n e re m(e)ark & d arc t/h(b)0ugh t0 me f/f r a.(i)m.e ad ju st i'm e 'h' s aim e f/f 0r~t it matters not, iff-it-ag-ree-d's- c-an-not- l0 f/t w/(h)ing(e) f/f ly i/n g at (n0) c0 h0 st ag e ta t 0ss 0d e f/f i/n i/g ht e L/L e'ye a.r s e.g. g ea r's e/n t /h/ ea r t/h ave t(h)a t a w/aye b/be e sp0ken bu/zz t 0 w/(h)0 r(L)d c0m bin e/d in e in ad vance tu gaw/ he'ye t/ 'h' s ha.d.e pt (h) u/e
in/n s c0 pi ed e lig ht h' be/e 's k ne/e s ai d 0/c k i/n g's (t) 00 t/h/e s l0ve & g(L) 0ve t0 g ether e ve in k
w/e b an d eb t(a)b rig ht 0/n e sig ht c 0/m e th f/f i re bu ye f/f e'ye r desire f/r0m th' s ta/r t
in ne'r(e)d be c(k) 0/n e
d0b u/ye s(w/)erve d
be th le h em t00 th be/e sp 0 ken direct i/0n e
bu/zz's t0/n e'ye t & st 0(w/h)0ne c l0se r an s w/(h)ea r t/h a/nd's 0/m er (e)
c (L) ai me(a)r t /h f/f un e're all e d ea t/h a nd be c0m e t(c)b 0/n e
t00 th s 0le ye a st be st 0/w e
0n t/h ly re in st e/a.(ch) d. c hi ld p(L)ay e in st e a.d. aye.g. a/i n s en d's ag a c(i)t(ye) s p ark
why cannot the s p ark of the s0/n g, k n0 t a L/L a L/L 0/n g
in d re (ar th e re) ad
you can't go for e w/a rd, if you never e L en d
and i can s pi/n un t i'll t i'm e 's en d' a. m. en d's
in d re (ar th e re) ad
you can't go for e w/a rd, if you never e L en d
and i can s pi/n un t i'll t i'm e 's en d's a. m. en d's
c0 pi (ed)
f/r0m c(h)at ching
the be/e t bu/zz's aw/e c(h) 0/ne bu/zz's cut tle (pt) but t0 me an (d')s hat c/h ew/(h)e 'ye L/L 0 w/e 'dr e s/s (h) 0re c0 a/s t 0/n e t(h)rue st r~e/at in p ai r/u~s/e a.t w/h0 w/0re w/e
holding t-heir-e-b/r-e-at-h- one me, is no disservice in me'ye s ai d p (L) ace t00 the'ye p(L)ate
however, i understand, w/-h-at- si-l-en-t-0r-e-e-k-n0-t-a-ll-0-t- conservative-ly-e- t-me-an-s- t0 me (ye) a/s t/a nd i/n g i/n pal a~ce s ai d am e ff r ai me in e me'ye t b r/ai/n dr 0p i/n g 0/d ew/e t dr 0p s at L ar ge ve in k
i think the way i do, b.c. my i.d. = 0.d., and it would seam no one helped me too the be lea f i/n creativity e see c h em e in k ' st a nd e ft 00 th c enter e in k & d0/u (be) T 0ut
it would bee a ff ai re x c h ang e,
i use t-heir- e- n-ai-me- in my time ff raim enough t
and make t-h-em- suc- k i/t up
as t-h-e-ye- w/e-d-ue-t-in-t-im-e-t u
b- (w/-) 0ve -
& p.s. sp (s(p)ine p. r.0'le
i am not asking per miss i/0n e tu fxf in enough t accoun t able t00 th t rue st i'm e m(e) a. k/e th c up c/ ai r/r e'ye ? t h0 u see d/0 h 0000
w/e ft & w/h e ft de fi/n e d e f e'ye in e me'ye
re lent less ly e s 0 w/e t/h 0000000 ... / u e ve(i)n k' st a n d i/n e ye h ea. d. e/p t/h a.d. e~
r/ich ly e un sp0ke n ew/(h)e el/l c0n s0 rt 'd 0/w ~n e'ye f/f re s~h
0/rt 'd ' s hive r
in di/t i/0n e
the christ, all things miss-calculate-d-cur-rent-l-ye-
probably didn't come, and was t-m-ai-d-up-e-0n-e- to disguise your disgrace with your -e-f-x-f-ace- you mad-e women take your disgraced -eff-ace- as there p-l-ate- too-th-s-pat-e-t0-g-ether-e-in-k-eye-p-i/n-g- the disguise f-rom-e-ye-t/h-r-0ne- d0/u(be-)t-
all things miss-caluculate-d-to-g-ether-e-t-u-t00 t/h- rue-
it is possible the mad-e-m-ai-d-up-e-on-, was a narcissistic vision -up-t0-w/-e- n0-0n-e-
like, our c-hr-i/s-t-, is bet-t -ai-re- than your -e-s-p-0ut-a/t-0ut-
and keep escalating under t-rite- w/-rit-e- su-ew/-e-on-sig-h-t-
just to-0-k-eye-p- th- f/f-(L)a(-i-)m-e-
the flame / fame / aim / l0ve i / st ill c an 't re c L ai m t/h 0 pen l y re t00 the re f ew/e s
& fuse bu sh ye ff r/i e nd's yn th ' s un t00 the m0 0n e cess ai re'ye s0 me 0/n e tu
t00 the n0 0ne
cess ai r e'ye s um / m.0/n d ay e t 0d en e'y e
p ei n
i haven t a vain - too th e tu the re st 0/a re in am(e) 0re mer i/c/h ave ye in g/i nn ap p0se g i've th direct i/0n 0's e g r 0w/e s
e t(h/r) u/e
e w/e can rest0re the prime intenti 0/n e at a L/L i/n e in ven t i/0~n e cess ai r e'ye tu b. c.0/n e
w/(h)0 + 0 Le' ye te L/L e/a.ve n t/h 0/u/r e ve(i)n (k) 0 g/g i/n/n si/n/n k's ta nd e/b ta re p(L) ea. T a g a/i n st/h directi0n e at L/L en d's i(g n ai) L en (t) ce t/h 'd's he 'd ab i.d. e in t i'm e
g's um
what is going on here is -t- at-an-e-ye-t-ra(i)te t00 t/h 0ver tc 0/m(b)e f/0re
m(e) ang e're: kn0ck your shit 0ff before i kn0ck it w/th in k the ye ar t 'h le ye (t/de) serve t00 th c/are less (is tm) ore tu b l-ai-me- f-r0m-t-h-h-h-h-s-he-ar-t-u-gaw-h-eye-t-rue-in-n-ew/-e-are-ye-re-cog-ni-z-ed-ge-d-
m(e) ang e're: kn0ck your shit 0ff before i kn0ck it w/th in k the ye ar t 'h le ye (t/de) serve t00 th c/are less (is tm) ore s/i think
d0 not have the rig ht t 00 te L/L me w/h at 2 x t0 0d ew/e
bu s(h)e L/L at/he s ai me ta t i'm e w/ quest i 0/n e s/t ew/(h)e a. t a g(r) 0 th fxf e at e st r/0 n(e) g. 's 0'l e'ye 0/n
g-ar-(e-)b-ag-e- t00-t-he-r/a-ke-
notes from ag0/n e me'ye t/d e s/k:
i was instructed at work that i could chase p-ain-t in the t(h)read with a tap ta g a/i n, 0re against re vi s/i 0/n e in
s 0 w/e r e'ye st u/b 0r e/n am e sake the miss ta ke ye i/n t00 the s e/a. c l0 se ra n fxf ree lye (h) 0ver t y/ 0re s h0/u ld e're in de v0te i/0n s c0pe t0 g e ther e in e me'ye
en em (e-)ye-
f a(i)r e (e) f e/t/c/h
s 0p en l(e)ye p.~r.0se~e/d a.d. e/b t00 th e/a. v/e n (t) d's en d's e g/r a ce
ge-louse-p-fi-ct-i/on-e-g-0/d-e-fi-c(-i-)t-a/s-t/-e- l/l-en-d' -c-has-e- t00- t-he-g-i've-t-a-w/-ha-st-e-
w/'h' ea L th and 0 w/ 'h' ea. L th(e)ye as t 0/r~e guarding 0 pr 0w/t are in em in (e) d' s/c/0/re t0 g e/th/er e ar t/h eave ye s w/(h)eat e're
a L/L 0 (a)n d e/b t a L/L 0/n e
c L* aw/e 'd 0 w/n s 0/ft sir e prize in me 0/ne (ye) t i'm e w/ c~h ew/e syn/th c L aw/e ar t 00 th s tar t re/e f/f all 0 w/e t/h ea r t/h a t/c h ang e tu de
is my s0/n g 0ut of con-t-roll-i/n-g-s-peak-? t0 me ? t(h-)rue-the-w/-ill-e-ad-e/b-t-urn-d-ta-g-0ld-g-un-f0-ld-i/n-g-scene-
t heir is a difference between in st in ct, and in-st-ink- , i can tell the difference with the direction ai l en d i/n g t0 me an s, per th 0d e all ta (i) me in re s p/en d i/n g's 0 pen le ye
t00 th ave t ai l e a.d.
th e m.0 vi(eg)0 t ve(i)n t/r 0d(e) duct i/0n eve in k th c/ai/n e're m(e) ark a g/a i/n st a w/(h)at ching the. g.ill t e'ye s i/n k? w/i th0u t hi nk
t-heir-e-g-u-a-rd- isn't for e w/a rd af t e're t/h e're f all 0 w/e th-un-f-x-f-ai-re-ta-ll-ass-0-w/e-g/0-d-
all the day e t/be /e s bu/zz/ bu/ye in st i/n c/t b~ay e b/b
b r/0(w/e) a.d. c a/s t a b(e) t rig ht e tu & c a/s T L/e a.n d e/b t 0/0 t/h a L/L 0 w/e c ai re 'ye s ave i/0're st
th' cam e tu gam e t(h)r/u e w/e L/L e/a.ve ns 0 w/e ft x f/0r eve r e verse su_ s up p l(e)ye d i/n e t/h a.d. e van (c)e th bi rd 's (w/)ee k in syn/the p.r.0 g/r e s/s (e/e) bu zz 0/n e 0ver t at 0/n e'ye T be the break f/xf a/s t 0/n e p a~ve ' l0 am & b/i cycle d i/a. m.0./n d el t a/h 0m (e~ ta w/h e/a. r/t e'ye fxf a ct w/h e/dg/e 0 be t/h 'serve De L/L in t a/ct s t/a nd i/n g b/r ave t00 t/h 's L~at e tu c/k eye p i~t/h e w/e t/h em = me et u ta t~r/i ang Le/u L/ar e t/r a ct 0f/f t's ai d/i ' m/e~n/t del an d te L/L e'ye T de p0 si/t d at a. m.0./u t/h ew/h 0/f the r i've t in & t(h)rue le a. ~f/f~ e w/e L/L and f/f L/L in t 0/0 t/h(r) 0/n e gull e t a L/L(' s) 0 w/e
the-g-u-l/l-e-t-bu-l/l-e-t-c-r- 0ss0 -d-0f-tu-b/i-t-w/h0-0p-too-t-he-pre-sent-en-h0ve-t-(h-)uff-(t-)ab-serve-d-ge-l-/-l-o-u/s/e-t-(h-)i'm-e-w/e-a-sell-e-ye- in-ew/-e-f-t0-f-x-found-f-a-ct-all-i'v-e-t-i'm-e-t-a-w/-h-e-ye-sub-ly-me-
she ' L/L e a.r n a re t ea.r n (e) bu ye ar t/h' s h ea.r t/h e w/-ill- s-qua-t-e-am-art-bu-ye-t-miss-ta-ke-in-g- L(-i-)ar -e- tu-be-d- up-rig-ht-b-r/ave-in-ai-me-t00-t-he-pre-t-en-d-ad-mire-d-and-ye-t-ab-0rt-up-p.r.00f-e-d-up-t-(p-)r0ve-in-g-(L-)0r-e-ye-t0-b-serve-t-all-t-i'm-e-a-l/l-ass-0-w/e-d-0h-t-in-sig-h-t-&-in-si.-d.e-lt-a-t-0(w/-)e- in-g-l0-w/-e- ye w/i th0u t lig ht i/n~n ea. rig ht 00 k/n 0w/e ye di. d. k n0 t be de si re t00 t/h fi r/e miss (T) re a.d. & T(H)read ye-t-hr-o-w/-e-g-"0" (not a re all zer0 in le gal 's eg (r)0 w/e) ye-now-t-0w/-e- ft- f0r t/h 's h0 w/e g0 t0 g ether 0/n e m0 le pt with reference t00 st ew/e & s(e/e) h a.d.e bu ye ban-ne're p.r.0 vi di. d. u/e t(c)u e
The L0ve Ly e pt Miss S Take w/(h) as t(h)e all w/h e'ye s e the Miss T(h) ReA.D. i/n e st a nd g~r a/ce & Mis/s Un de're st 0/0d bu ye t/h at d0 not c ai re mu c h at all -a-l0-n-g-t00-th-gi-b-ye-on-s-qua-t-t-t-t-i/n-g-l-ing-0-at-he-se-am-s-
me'ye g/ap~pa-u-l0gy 0n e me'ye t i'm e, did i leave s0me t hing e 0ut t/h at is n0t f/a/ct in ta/ct m/ai/ne termin0l0gy e w/i th0u (g/h) t a w/hi s/h t00 th c 0n t en d g i'll t e'ye 0n the me a.r e s0 u/n d e/b t00 th u/e m/e a.n s w/ee p i/t h (ru) e in k eye p~ing s t/ri fe at c0mp (L) ea. t 's t(p)ee p le'ye
the si len(t) ce, "he" g--av/e- ye h/a.d. e/b t00 th' st ag e in e me'ye T i'm e fxf 0r/t a L/L c (L) i'm (b) e
"silence" "si L en t" "nigh-t" , he didn't give t actually e a/s t b re ad f-rom-e- t-he-ave-n-s-en-d-e-ye-t-m-ai-d-e/b-too-t-he-a-ll-ie-n-0-w/-e-ap-t-he-ap-s-he-ap-s-hive-r-i've-r-t-he-mi-r-r-0're- l-en-t-les-sly-e-ye-d-d-d-d-'s-e-as-e- = i do not wish to con t en d, b.c. i have no con t en t 00 t/h b(eg)i/n e~ve(i)n (k) = in silence "h/e" gave the s-him-s-hi'm-s- salutary greeting upon actually meeting no-on-e-vain-im-p-rove-n-im-p-b-/r-ai-n-d-ea-r-d.r.-ai-n-im-p-rove-t-a-g-ai-n-
de L/L e d e/b t(c) e L/L e'ye T ee t/h 0 ne s~t rig ht s/t r/ai/t en s h0(w/)e t(c) 0(w/)e t00 the m i'll k & m i'll e'ye t ar(e)r(e)ye A.s t (h/r) 0/ne g(u)e st ex t p0 ' se d e/b t0 me an s (h) 0 w/(h)e t/h 0/u k n~0 w/e r eve n s l0 w/e ' de L/L ta h0 e the me an s (a/nd's) ta ke
th' lay k/e in de L/L e'ye
there is not a 'j 0/b e' among the bible t issue without the p-ag/e-inn-is-sue- ye as/s aye w/i th0u t a. d.i's patc~h ing e/a.ve t w/h e'ye t: t-rubble is not a trouble if you make t-are-w/-h-e-ye-t-bet-t-ai-r-e-in-sit-u-ate-