R~e ve~a. l/l d e/b t(h)(d)(c)(s) 0/m e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 th c~a.m. e l/l d h~inn g e (d) ew/e a.d. (h) 0/m e inn g a g(r)e a.d.
his-t-(w/-)ear- a-b(0-)u-t's- (t-e-) a-re- cur- rent- ly-e=h= un-known- even- t-(h-)om-e- d- i -c- (k-) t00-k- t-he-t- 0/n- e- c- kn-(em-) 0- l/l- d-
- 0- w/e- d- 0h- (t-) ea-r- t-(h-)(f-)(d-)(s-) (ad-a-m-)i-re- a- r-d- e/b- tu- s- he-ye- s- (t-) ub- m-ea-r-
debt- (h-) f-r0m- (e-) a- ll- 0- w/e- d-(y-)ea-r- s- eg- ea-r- s- eg- f- ea- r- d-
po-L-(e-)i-ce- d- can- (e-)d- (s-) 0/n- ly- e- make the meal-e-vain- d- ea- f- e/e- t- f-r0m- t- hie-ven- d- f- (r-) am- e- d- e/b- t- a- re- t- urn- ad- ag- e- t- a- d- am- e- d- i- c- t00-t-hie-ven- d- s- cam- (e- d- )s- (t-) 0- (0-) L- (e-) d- (p.r.-) i'm- e/n- d- e/b- t- (h-) at- i'm- e- all- e- vain- d- (s-) 0- L- (e-/a-) d- dick- t00-t-he- ta- ke- ye- p- a- id- en- e- m(e-)a-r- k-n- 0- w/e- ll- d- (e-) c-0/n-(e-) t- (r-) 0- l/l- d- s- cent- s- t- a- (i-) r- (e-) t- (h-) a- t- e-ye- d- f- 0- (0-) L- (e-) d- s-(t-)augh- t- 0ff- t- he- m0- l/l- d- f- e/e- L- d- 0-h- t- 0ff- t- s- c0p-e- d- e/b- t- r0pe- d-0f- t-(h-)0/0- k- n0- t- e-
d-(s-) 0/n-(e-) g- t-(h-) in- (e-)d- ere- s- (t-) c-up- t00-t-he- ad- sup-per- t- hie-ven- d- 0f- t- im-p-ar-(e-)t- 0ff- t- s- qua- r-(r-) e-ye- d- (h-) a- l/l- 0("a")t- he- d- "0" b- (r-)0ugh- t- 0ff- t---- he- ad- 0f- t- --- sir-e- com-e- re-fer-rent- ce- s/s- e- x- cess-(h-) 0/t- 0ff- t- a- gat- her-e-eL- (d-) 0/t- he- ad- ag-(e-) i- 0/d- 0f-("a")t- 0/n-e/e- d- L- e-ye- d- 0f- t-0/0 -t- 0ff- t-hie-f-en- d- (h-) all-(d-) 0- f- t--00- t-he-re- c0n- (e-) t- (r-) 0- l/l- (e-) d- his- t- (r-)un- (k-) t- 0ff- t-0- re- (a-) p-air- his- t- (e-) a- l/l- 0/t- he-ad- 0f- t- h-and- s- t- a- ll- k- t- a- ll- s- k- inn- d- coun-t-en- (d-) ance- s-s- (b-) e- (a-) d- 0f- t- - he-ad- (s-) h- all- 0- w/e- (e-)d- 0f-t- hie-ven- t- (a-) l/l- 0/t- t0-0t-he- ad- (h-) 0-ver- t- i'm- e- a- l/l- 0/t- men- t- (he-ad-) 0-f-x-f- t- inn- t- he- full- d- f- i-ll- c -he-men- t- (he-ad-) 0- f-x-f- t- inn- t- ere- s- (t-) augh- t-(s-) u- b- buy-e- ad- 0f- ("a")t- 0/n- e/e- d- (h-)e- ad- 0f- t- inn- t-he- d- cur-(e-) rent- i'm- e- ad- s- L0- t- h-and- 0f-t- a- l/l- 0/t- h- and- e/b- t- a- l/l- (b-) e/n- t- 0ff -t- 0- re-(a-)p-air- d- 0f- t- inn- c- a-(i-)r- e- ye- d- 0f- t- heir- d- 0f- t-(h-) en- d- (h-)a-re- d- com-for-t-a-b- le- ad- e/b- t- a- re- (a-) p-air- d- 0f- (t-)en- d- 0- w/ar-e- vain- 0d-a-re- ad- s- t- a- (i-) r- e- ad- nad- i/r- e- s- i- re- ad- f- a- (i-) r- e- ad- s- qua- r- (r-) e-ye- n- s- n- are- ad- dress- t- a- (i-)r- e- ad- s- (t-) 00- t-he- com-f0r-t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t- a- ll- 0/n- e- vain- a-i- l/l- d- 0f- t- (inn- t-) 0/n- e/e- d- L-e-ye- d-(s-) 0- L-(e-) d- e/b- t- a- "coun-t-ere" d- con-t-(r-) 0-l/l- d- e/b- t00-t-he- m0- l/l- d- f- e/e- d-(s-) 0- L- (e-) d- a- ft- (h-) 0/0- k- n- 0-t- (h-)e- ad- s- 0-a- k- t-he-nut-be-h0-LD- in-c-um-b-e/n- t- hr- 0-a- t-- he- ad- s- t- (r-) 0-k- e- d- 0f- t- (n-) 0-t-e- t-he-re-n- d- casual-ly-e-w/-he-ye- t- causal-l-"a"ye- p.(c-)r.-im-e- d- i- c- (k-) t00-t-he-ad- be- (a-)d- i'v-(e-)in-e/e- d- L-e-ye- t-(h-) in-(e-) d- be-ad- 0f- t-(h-)in-(e-)d- e/b- t- a- b- min-(e-) d-
the "in-c-um-b-e/n-t-" on- (e-) l-ye- f-i-ll-c-he- d- ab-u-s-e-d- e/b- t- 00- t- he- s- ea- t- inn- t- i'm- e- ad- (s-) f- i/n- (e-) d- -- t- (0-) w/-h0- make- debt- 0- w/ar-e- ad- 0f- t- a- ll- (t-a-re-) t-he- t-(a-)i'm-e- d- i- c- (k-) t-00- t-he- m-(e-)in- d- (h-) 0- w/ar-e- ad- 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- i'm-e- d-(p.r-)im-e- ad- s- t- 0 - (0-) L- divi-nee- d-(g-)im-me- d-in-k-in-d- 0- w/ar-e-ness- t- 0- w/ee- d- be-ad- 0f- t- (h-) inn- k- in- d- f- i/n-(e-) d- a- re- g- round-e/b- t- as/s- knee- d- i/m- e- ad- e/b- t- a- s/s- t- (e-) a- nd-he- t-he- time- d- 0f- t- li(e-)n-e-d- inn- k- line- d- 0- w/ar-e- he-ad- be-ad- 0f- t- fi/n-(e-)d- all- t- h0-ver- t- heir- eve-n- s- t- in- e- d- be- l/l- e-ye- d- e/b- t- 00- t-he-d- f-e/e- d-im-e-
c a/s e ve r e' ye t (h) inn g e t a g (r) e a.d. h~ea.v en (t) ly e t00 t(h) be (a.)d. h inn g e t a b le a.d. 0 w/e b~re a.d. (h) inn g(e) a.g re a.d.
s 0/m e 0/n e/e d- s-et-he- ad- e/b- t- a- me- a- t- h-and- 0f -t- he- ad- a- miss- c- an- d- h- and- s- c- am- (e-d-) s- (t-) a- nd- s- cent-s- e- g- ran-d- s- t- a- nd-e-ye- am- e- d- he-vain- d- e/b- t-(y-)our-e- claim- mit- hie-f- en- d- a-t-e- l/l - e-ye- g-g- race- d- 0f- t- e- s- t- a- t- e- s- t- a- men- t- (a-) g- ave- d- 0- w/-he-ye- t- (u-) b- rave- t- a- b- at-he- d- 0f- t- L-at- e-t-he-re-eL-aye- t- 0ff- t- e- f-x-f- ace- d- force-scene-inn- debt- a- gain- d- 0- cue-men-t- s- (h-) ave- (n-) d- 0- w/ar-e- t- a- gain- debt- (h-) ave-n- ged- (h-)im- e- vain- debt- a- re- r-a-i/s-e- t-he- ad-(h-)e-ad- 0f- t- inn- f-(r-) 0/n- t- 0ff- t- cur-(e-) rent- s- t- a- nd- e/b- t00-L0-0k- t- w/-inn- deam-s-(t-)in-g- s- e- x- u- ally- e- re-(a-) p- (L-)ea- t- hie-f-en-d-
w/-hat- dof-t- con-s-p/i-re- ad- 0f- t- can- e- re- claim- mit- he- ad- 0f- t- hie- ven- ("a") d- am-
e/n - et- work- t00-t-he- g-(c-)L-an-d- 0f- t-00-t-he- ad- s- t- a- nd- 0f- t-
hie-ven-ad- 0f- t-
inn- (e-)a-re-s-i.'d.-e/n- t- ce- s/s- t-(e-)a- re- ad- 0f- t- heir- d- g-0/d- 0f- t- ly- (e-) in- t- em- p-(0-) le- d- (g-e-d-) 0f- t- (h-) a- nd-
please don't make me look -t- off t- your- s-(n-) i'd- e- ness- t- u- (be-) t- 00- t-he-ad- dress- t- inn- tu- s- he-ye- d- i/t-(h-)u- (e-) s/s- (t-) a- id- t-(h-)rue- w/e- deam- e- d/i- 0- c-re-ye- t- (he-ad-) 0- w/e-re- v-a-in- t- ly- e- a- t- 0ff- t-he-ad- (s-)h-at- a- p/p- (L-)ea- s/s- (t-) e- ye- w/- id- t-(h-) i/t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- ly- e- vain- d- en- s- el- ly- e- t00-t-he- re- (a-) - p-air- d- 0- p- en- ("a") l/l- ("t") e- ye- a- s/s- t- (a-)re- a- t- 0ff- t- a-s/s- (k-)nee- (d-)k- t-
0ff- t00-t-he-re- eL-at-e- t- hie-ven- (t-) ly- e- a-r- t00-t-he- re- eL- at- e- d- ate- t-he- me- 0/n- e- ye- n- em- e-(ye-) a- r- d-
i/t- (0-) w/00- d- se-a/m- e/d- 0f- t- as/s- knee-d-0f-t00-t-he- t- em-p-(0-) le- d- 0f- t- (h-) en- d- (h-) 0- w/00- d- e/b- t- a- gain-d-(h-)im- me- d-i-c-(k-) t00-t-he- ad- s- t- a- nd- e/b- t- hie-ven- d- s- can- (d-) s-
a- w/e- gaw/-e-(ed-) e/b- t- a- gain- d- 0f- t- h- and- e/b- t- hie-ven- d- s- c-an- (d-) s- t- a- g- e- t-he- g- r-an- d- s- t- a- nd- s-
e'ye que st i 0/n e t/h ' s p~ar(e) k t (0) w/i th0u t/h d s~i re a.d.(r) a ft ere a.d. ar(e) k/t ~h/d e c(h) 0/n (e) s (p) i/r~e s
(t) i' l(l) e'ye t a re t(h)(f) i' re~ t00 th a.(n)d. (e) m i're a.d.
0 w/(h)ea.l/l t (h)(d) un e t (0) w/h0 re t('s) i re a.d. f a(i)r e a.d. dress t bu ye a.d. e s(s) e rt ' sir e a.d.
"you" never wanted a re a. ll 0 w/it ness t00 th (e) re s pi re t00 th c0/n(e) s (p) i re a. l/l inn t00 th f (L) ai r e/e f i're a.d.' s t a (i) r (e) t / h d 0ff t/h desire t(0) w/h0 d be a.d. sir e~ a.d. a nad i/r~ e a.d.
as/s t (e) a (i) r~ e ve(i)n t/h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n a p (L)an (a) t (h/d) 0 w/are a.d.~a. m.iss (t/h) re a.d. c/au/se t(h)u e s/s t a t(h) inn k/t h~ea.ven (t/h) d h and
she d si re a.d. h0p ed e/b t00 th re s c0 pi ed h an(d) e c(t) d0 ht et/h t-r0l-(e-)l0p-e-d- be-ad- e/b- t- a- s/s-k- t- be- ad- 0f- t- (u-) b- (r-)ough- t- a- s/s- c0p-e-d- h0p-e-d- in (e) a re vi ew/e t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0/t~(h) e/a. d. 0/h t a' s/s p0 ke
(n) d~ (r) a ft e're f 0/0 t(n) 0/t e~a. s/s e th t r0pe d 0ff (i) t 's 0/a p/t ~ a re (a.)d. act a re duct as/s kn 0 w/e ll (b) e/n d~ f0 a.m.
e r/r e'ye re s(t) i.'d. e/n t ce s/s h ea.ven (t) ly e~
n(k) n ave ye d (s) at~e s/s aye t a'n d vein
knit 's a.(i.) m.e ve(i.)n d.(b) rain d 0ff t(h) en d e/b t00 th (e) re claim mit t(h) a g (i) 0/d h~ea.(d.)ven t/h a.(n)d. e~ ven (t) ly e~a. gain d h0 ped e/b t a re t r0pe d f a(i)r e~s qua r(r) e'ye d e/b t a re a. s/s k n/0 t (h) e/a. d. e/b t00 th e/m 0 l/l d e/b t h~r 0at 0 w/e b 0at
inn s h~a l/l 0 w/e f(t) f 0r'd b e/e s c0 pe(e) d/d le l/l 0p e/m en t 0 r(e) t
a re t0 rt a s/s n0 rt 0 w/(e)a.r (e) t as/s h0 rt -he-nd- s- c0p-ed-h0-ped-0-w/ar-t-i-f-x-f- i- ce- ye- vain- a-m-(e-)0- re- ad- 0- 0- re- ad- s- c- our- t- s-
kn 0 w/e t(h) inn g e l/l i ke th i.d. i/0 m e~a.n t00 t(h) a w/are ~a.d. 0 w/e th c a(i)r e'ye w/e l/l d e/b t a'r(r) e'ye d f~a(i)r~ e a.d. dress t a (i) r (e) t h~ea.ve~n 0 w/e l/l e t00 th d si re a.d. p. r.00f t (0) w/h0 d ew/e t00 th d h~ea.ven (kn) e w/e (a.)d (0/h) be (a.) d. (b) 0/n (e) d h and L e'ye n e/e d L e'ye t00 th (c) 0 ver t(h/r) 0/n e /e d L e pt c L 0'ver t 00 t(h) 0/n e' d e/b tu~ c r0(w/)n e d0ff t/h 0'r(e)n (d) s~ h ea.r t(y) 0ur h ark t(y) 0ur t(h) 0/m ~ e w/e a.r e t i/t 0ut 0 (w/)e (d) g~ (e) 0/d e l/l t a t 0/0 w/e (a.)d. 0 w/h0' Le~ ye d ew/e t00 t(h) at 0 l/l~ (d) be l/l e'ye w/h a l(l) e s/s t 0 r/r e'ye inn s i/r e me'ye s t 0 (0)L e ~a.d. as/s h 0 L (e) d e/b t00 th e ad s (k) e'ye s~ea.me n/d e/b t00 th be l/l e (ye)a. f~(t) i/n g~ 's us (t) u m/m e'ye d(h) 0/n e/e d L e'ye d(h) 0've t a l/l (e) a. s/s t (r) in (n) g~
0/d 0ff t (e) l/l y(e) a. w/are a.d. h~and 0/u (be) t (h) 0 w/e re a.d. (b) e l/l i/g ht 0/0 th t 0 w/e re inn t (h) arm' s inn the t ax inn de s(s) e rt ~(h) a. d. van ce s/s e x cess (h) at~ ~ c (h) i/t e' ye (A.) t 0/d ate d
he ad (h) e w/e ve (i)n ~ knit 00 th b e/e s e(e) c 0/n (e) d~ 0've t a' i' l/l e(a) ve~ n d bu z/z ' s a w/e g a w/e (d) g (e) 0/d e~ t00 th c~ as/s t 0/n e~e d L e'ye ven t inn t~(h) a' nd 0 p~en
ta gain d
a. m./m e/n d (a.) m. e/n t00 th e m e r/r e'ye d -e/b- t-(y-)our- e- s- c- ree- d- s- c- re-ye- d- 0f- t- inn- s- c0p-e-d- e/b- t- a- t- r0pe-d- he- ha- h0-ped- he- ad- a- mar-r-e-ye- d- 0f- t- a- re- put- (h-) inn- g- e- t- a- s/s- (t- e-) ye- d- e/b- t- b- me-r-r- e- ye- d- f- ache- r- debt- a- re- L-at- e-t- inn- (e-)a- re- s- i.'d- en- t- ce- s/s- e- x- i-s- (t-) a-ye- tu- b-buy- e- w/e- d- 0f- t-(h-) u- (e-) s/s- i/t- rue- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- e-ye- l/l-a-t-e- t-0ff- t- hie- ven- tu- de- (b-) tu- de-(b-)tu-d-e- live- r- u-s-e- (e-) d- a-b- u- s- e- (e-) d- ew/e- d- s- t- e- ye- w/e- d- (h-) 0- pen- d- 0 -w/- (h-) i.'d.- e- inn- t-(y-)our-e-r-use- d i/t 0/0 d~ en e'ye t hat c~h e'ye d heaven t(h)rue w/e ll in t 00 th f(L) i/n t i/t c~at c~h ' s t e w/e d
w/e ll d 0/n e tu t(h/d) 0/0 d le s/s t e w/e (a.)d h~ inn g e t(h) 0 p en~
the signature ~A. l/l 0 0k t c a s/s t (0) n e/e d (ea) f/f 0 'r t' s (h) ake inn g a g (r)e a.d.
0h ea d 0 w/00 de~a.m. s inn g e s/s t (r) inn g ~ e~ d~
i may not be getting paid but i am working f0r (t) a be ll e(ye)a. f i/n g ad just the s am e ve(i)n (d) am e ve(i)n e~ c a.m. (e) in e(n) me'ye d(b) rain d ~ h a.(n) d. e' a.d. ju s/t (s) am e vein d 0 (w/) e s (t) a g~a w/e t00 th eg i've t a g/0~ (a.) l/l d e/n t 0 (w/) e ~ (a.) d.
s-(h-)am-e-t00-t-he-re- claim-mit- t-(h-)a- gain- d- g- 's- us- t- a- g- em- s- t- a- nd- up- e- t- inn- t- ru(e-) s/s- t- set- he- g-ear- t-he-d-
can e w/e revoke t-(y-)our- id- i-0-c-ye- d- s-(t-) augh- t- he-ad- 0f-t-ly-e- t00-t-he-d- be-(a-)d- 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye ~a. t 0ff t/h e me an (d) see k/t~ i/t~u be(a.)d. ~ 0ff t ly e ve(i)n t(h)ru~e m/e~ a. s/s u re a.d. 0 w/(e)a.(g) r~ e/e d (0/h) b e/e
it's inconceivable you-r-e- c-hr-i/s- t- came- t-(h-)rue- w/e- ed- ad- just- s-(t-)aye- in- (k-)nit- (0-) w/-h0- d-
e'ye~n d(f) en t er t a/i n t(h) 0/0 kn ewe d
it's -inn-conceivable how this -ad-e/b-t-(a-) g-0/t- heir eve n(d) s h 0 (w/) e
l/l e/n d 0 w/e a.d. s cent a g (r ) 0 a/t
(h) inn g e t a g(r) e a.d.
h ea.ven t(h)rue l/l an~d 0 w/e l/l e s/s t e w/e d
i/t t00 th b m(e) u/s e ~a.t i/t (h) u/e s/s (t) a i.d. (h) ues
Le t (c) u s/s t 0 me r/r e'ye t00 th be ta w/are, you are not living on the L(H) e dg e d 0ff a n/n e'ye t (h) inn g e t(h) at (a) g i've s t(h) 0/n e s/s t a fxf uck t a/b(0)u/t (h) u e ve(i)n d h and 0 cue m e/n t inn s(t) a nd h inn (e) d s cent s hear t/h d ~0 ff (i) t inn t ere s(t) augh t ' s (h) el~l fxf t he a.d 0ff t~hea.v e/n d 0 w/e t00 t(h) en d e/b t a re g (r) inn d(h) 0/m e w/are t(h)at h~ew/e (a.)d. i.~d.
the-art- (ag-)room- d- hat- (h-)ave-s-t-a-s- is- us- e- d- to provide t-he-t-a- x- p-(L-)aye-re- s- t- a- m- 0- r-(e-) t00- t- h- (e-)ave- n- t-(he-ad-) 0-u-c-he-d- 0f- t- 0/0-t-0ff- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- (h-) e-ye- t-(h-)rue- we- ll- a-nd- ab- u-se- a- t- i/t- re- ad- as/s- k- r-ewe- d- (h-) (0-) w/e- ll- d- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a- s/s- t- (e-) a- ll- d- s- k- eeL- s- t00- t- he- t -a- t- e- ll- e- ye- "A" "R" use- t00-t-he-ad- h- ave- n- (g-e-)d- ew/e- d- s- t- e- w/e- d-
about a week a go, i spoke on earth cam about melania trump, not having the sel~l fxf esteem. that this was obvious in her relation with t-r-ump-t-, & the fact she doesn't speak up t0 w/-his- t- a- ke- d- 0f- t- (h-) inn- g- e- t -a- re- p-(L-) a-ce-men-t-, leads me to think, she was "bought" for -t-he-s-e/e- x- u- all- (d-) serve- vice- s/s- a- ye- (d-) s- t- e- ad- 0-Le- a- s/s- (h-) 0- w/e- re- ad- en- e-ye- t- a- ll- t- i'm- e-. she can't speak up on a premise aka a (s/s) p.r. e miss t~ she wasn't L eve r t(s) augh t 0ff t. she was s-augh-t-u-be-ad- 0f- t- he- ad- fan-t-as/s- e-ye- vain- d- (h-) 0-ve- d- 0f- t- r0pe-d- a- re- g- round- 0/u - (be-) t- f0r-(a-)me- all-e-ye- d- s- t- (e-) a-ll- d- (h-) 0-ver- t- (r-) 0- l/l- a- w/e- st- 0-(0-) L-(e-) d- e/b- t00- t- he- ad- c- 0-ver- t- a- g- (r-) 0- w/e- (e-d-)
accumulating -a- m-0-re- debt- for- t- no reason e- t- a- ke- s-n0- w/-inn- g- s- lice- d- 0f- t- s- n-are- s-et- (h-) ue- d- i/t- c- he-a-r- s- e- g- ear- s- e-t-a- gain- d-
accumulating -a- m-0-re- debt- for- t- no reason, takes "knowing" and "knowing" that you do not actually have the right t00 th e(a) s/s (t) a'ye w/00 d ew/e ve(i)n (d) p.r. 0 w/(e) t a re g r0und e/b t (a') l/l (b) a nd h~0/n 0're tu b.c. (h) e w/e t c~an (d) s~i re a./b (e) l/l e'ye s (t) a nd h~ea.v~en kn 0 w/e ll (e)a. n~ d
accumulating -a- m-0-re- debt- for- t- no re a. s/s 0/n e t(0) w/h0 (d a) re (a.) p.r. e s en t i/t ? resent?
accumulating -a- m-0-re- debt- for- t- no re a. s/s 0/n e t(0) w/h0 (d a) re (a.) p.r. e s(p) en t i/t h~ea.v en d
e/b t(h) f 0'r (e) t/h s (t) e a.m. inn g a g(r)e a.d. h a.(n) d. e ve(i)n (t/h e~a.) d.
m0-d-e- l/l- inn- g- is not an honest relationship with any e 0/n e at (h) at. writing about "modeling" is a fictional-l- d- (i-) re- ad- dres- t- 00-t-(h-) inn- t- ere- s- t- ill- at- he- a-rt- i-f/f- a- ct- hie-ven- t-(h-)(d-) u-e-s-
you "put"-0/n- e- your c-L0-t-he-s-, &-, "i/t" is- t- ea-s/s- a- ye- too take your e- c- L0-t-he- s- 0f- t- hie-ven- d-. your s-nake-d-ness-t- is kn 0/t h~ea.ven d (h) 0've t a (i') l/l (b) e/n t 0ff t a g(L) 0' ve d. "you" stand naked without thinking -f-(r-) eeL-ye- g- i've-n- d- 0- w/e- i/t- hie-ven- d- 0f- t- (s-) ea-men- d- s-(p-)ewe- (d-) s-(t-) u- b- buy- e- t- he- w/e-a- k- n- ewe- (d-) s-
m aid? to generate a quest-i-on-e- with end-less- t- 0p- t- i- 0/n- s- (h-) 0- re- m-aid- to generate a quest i 0/n e w/i th0u t (h) a~n (d) s w/(e)a.r~e ve(i)n ~ (d) g~ (L) e/e
& g's L e/a. per p ag e t00 th e(a) d i/t (h) inn g (u) e s/s t (r) inn g a v~e/n (e)a.r~ t/h e/e d 0 p~en d 0 p en d 0/h t 0 pen (a) l/l (t) ye ve(i)n (t00 th s t a (i) r e~a.d. dress t a (i) r e t/h ere) d f ai t/h d h ea d e/b t a re ~a. l/l a t(h) e~ a. t 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye t00 th f~a ce t00 th t race s/s (t) eg race d (h) 0 w/are t00 t(h) b.c. au s e~a. l/l a~ve n u e w/e l/l d be a.m. i' l/l e s/s (t) i' l/l (e~) d
w/h0 d (g) i've t(h) 0/n e s/s t a fxf uck t00 th b uck t00 th d 0ff (i) t0ff t he a.d. 0ff (t) inn t ere s(t) augh t~ (0)
w/h0 d (g) i've t(h) 0/n e s/s t a fxf uck t00 th b uck t00 th d 0ff (i) t0ff t (h) u(e) s/s i (n/n) tu g aw/e ft h~ ewe d 0ff t(0) w/h0 d e/b t 0/0 t 0ff t(0) w/h0 w/h0 w/h0 b/bu ye w/e (a.) d.
e/b t a'n~g i/b le a.d. (e) c0/n tri bu t/t (e) i 0/n (e) s heave n/d (h) 0've t a(i') l/l e'ye 0/n d 0 w/n e t 0 w/n d (0/h) b 0/n(e) d h and e/b t 00 t(h) e/n e/e d L e'ye d(s) 0'L(e) d e/b t00 th s(t) e l/l (e) a. s/s h 0 (w/) e a.d. i/t ~ t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e ll an d kn 0 w/e ll d(s) 0'L(e) d 0ff th e (re) m(e)a.r k/t (a) l/l (e) a. s/s (t) 0 w/e (a.)
vi 0 L e(n) t pur(e) p le g i/t i'm (e) a.t e l/l e'ye ~a. t 0ff the me an s ea. t ' s u/s t (c) a in a/b le a.d. g(c) a/b le (a.) ve~n t/h d ea.f ea. t a gain (s t a~n) d h and 0 w/(e)a.r (s) e~ a.d. f0r(a.) m.ea.l ly e t/h ere t00 th s t a(i)r (e) t(c) 0/0 k t c~a(i)r e t00 th b(r) 0/0 k et/h (inn) d (r) i've r 's~e (g/g) ed 0 f/f a (i) r e t rig ht(y) 0ur e s(t) en t 0 w/are
t(0) w/h0 w/are ve(i)n e me w/e d
be l/l e'ye (w/h a l/l e) t 0' l/l (e)in g (r) inn d/i s/t a'n ce s/s hea.ven d ew/e ve(i)n kn 0 (e) l/l s 0 L (e) d e w/e l/l~an d h e x p0 s e (a.)d. ag (e) i/0 d e/b t 0 g e/th/er e a.d. bu ye t(h) en (kn) 0 w/e s(t) 0/0 t(h) a g (i)0~ d e/b t inn (e) a. d. van ce s/s t (e) a. l/l d a ft ere~a. l/l t(h) a 're a.d. (h) 0 w/(e)a.r~e a.d. e/b t00 th (e) re~ c all e(a)v~e/n t(h) a l/l 0 w/e (a.)d. (s) 0'L (e) d
$ p. r.00f t/h ere t00 th be a.d. (h) ea.r t(h)u e s/s i/t c(h) e w/e i/t heir d0ff t's (p)ea. k e/z in (k) n ewe d i/t~t00 th d
zin fan del a w/are t(h) 0/0 k t c0/n s (p)i re~a. l/l t a're a.d.(h) 0've
zin fan del a w/are t(h) 0/0 k t c0/n s (p)i re~a. l/l (t) a're a.d.(h) 0've
zin fan del a w/are t(h) 0/0 k t c0/n s (p)i re~a. l/l (t) a(i)re a.d.(h) 0've t a. d. 0've d 0 fxf (i) t a g(L) 0've d
she naiL t a' w/a're
t00 th bee s p0 k en d (b) ligh t~h ea.ven d(s) 0'L (e) d(a)g~ (r) 0 ~ w/e (a.) d. i/t ~ta re t e~a.r n inn g a g(r)e a.d. e/b t a ke~ye p(m) a~i.d.(g) a w/h e'ye d ew/e (e) p/t 0 p en (t) ly e~a. t 0ff the me an s~e a./t (h) in (e) d (s) 0'L(e) d (h and bee) serve d 0/u(be) t~ r/i g/g ere d' s p(r) 0ut/h e/a. d 0/u (be) t
she naiL t a' w/are
inn-per-p- et-u- i/t- e-ye- t00- t-he-ad- h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- heir- (d-)out- (h) ere -?- perp-et-u-all-y(e-) a- w/ar- e- ad- e/b- t- 0- w/e- re- (e-) f- a- (i-)r- e- (a-) d- i/t- t00- t-he- ad- f- L0- w/e- re- s- (t-) ill- d- e/b- t- a- r-(r-)e-ye- t- heir- d- f-r0m- e- sel- a-w/ar- e-w/e- ll- in- t- (0-) w/-h0- d-(h-) aye- d-(h-) ues- (h-) i/t- u- n- e-e- d- e-(b-)tu- d- e- b- t-u- t-(y-) our- e- war- d- ew/e- d-see- t-he-t-(h-)rue- inn- t-(h-)0/m- e- (a-) d- dick- tu-s- he-ye- d-(h-)ue-scene-force-scene- in- t-(0-)w/-h0-r-k- (t-) i/t-(h-) rue- w/e- ll- (b-) e/n- t-et-u-d-e-(b-)t- u- gaw/-h-at- 0/n- e- w/e-(d-) s- t- 0/n- e- inn- a- re- vi- ewe- d-i/t-u-
the perp perpetrated perpetual-ly- e- t-hie- f-en- d- inn-s-e-ye- t- h- and - 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- sig-h- t-
do something real in th (en) (em) (e'ye) a r/r 0 w/e (a.)d. e/b t a r(r) e (ye~a.) d. (ea) f e/a. (s/s) t/h ere a.d.
w/i t(h) 0/n e s/s t (0) par alla x i/s t/h d 0ff t, we can see-t-he-ad-0f- t- inn- t- ere- s-(t-)augh- t- s- (t-)ub-buy-e- d- b- (r-) ough- t- 0ff- t- he- ad- c- a- i- r-e- d- (h-) a- l/l- 0- ("a") t- he- d- p- as/s- e- d- 0f- t- 0/0 -t-0ff-t-em-p-(L-) at- e- t-he- rent-0/0-t-he- ad - kn-0-c-k- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- e/b- t- 0- w/e- re- ad- s- t- a- (i-) r- (e-) t- 0ff- (t-) i/n- e- a- r- e- (a-) p-air- d- 0f- t-(h-)(f-)(d-)(s-)(ad-am-)i-re- ad- dress - t- a- re- t00-t-he- re-g-u-a-rd- e/b- t- heir- d- a- re- vain- a- w/ar- e- ad-
e/b- t- hie- ven- (t-) ly- e- p.r.-0- claim-mit- t-(h-)a- nd- ew/e- d- s- 0/m- e- d- f-(r-) am- e- d-
the dof-t- gets to be seen, for forging -0- desire- inn- g- a- gree- d-.
dof-t- is kn 0t c0/n (e) ce i've a.b (e) l/l ye~ a.d. just say inn kn (i) 0/t a b le a.d.
the dof-t- has no conceivable, conscious to reduct too th d z er 0/d e. the dof-t- isn't packing conciousness t inn t i'me t00 L (e) a. s/s t 0 p as/s (eg) t a s/s k/t
for-t-his- t- he- ha- his- t- p-r-0-w/-(e-) t- 0ut- c- L0-(u-) d-
it is inherently inconceivable the dof-t- came thrue y-e-w/e- d- 0f- ("a") t- 0/n- e- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- ew/e- d-s-t-e- w/e- t- i- s/s- hue- w/e- d- 0f- tu-
if there is not a value tu b m aid, & no conceivable contribution too th(e) be h (e)a.d., "you" are out of your juris-ad-dick-t-i0n- d- he-vain-ad-.
"you" h ave no contribution, you false sel l e'ye that you c air e'ye d e/b time w/(e)a.r t/h ere t heir d 0 w/00 d g0 a h ea d~ heave n (d/h) e(a.)r e inn s c0 pi ed e/b t a c are re'ye d b f0r'd e(b) t/h ere a.d. f a(i)r~ e/d
"you" h ave no pur(e) vi ewe. it is kn 0/t conceivable th c hr i/s t came t(h)rue w/e l/l in t (0) w/h0 d ew/e t00 th (en) d 0 w/e i/t (h) u (e) s/s (t) a i.d. (h) ues
a w/e gaw/e t a gain d h and e(b) t a in~ t heave n~ d
inn f0r(a.) m.ea.l ~l t00 t(h) a bu s e t(h) ru(e) ce s/s (t) e a.m. e/n d e/b t a t r ew/(e ve) in kn ewe d e/b t b L~ink t un e ve(i)n tu t(h)r ew/e n d 0 w/e a.d. (h) ewe ' s hat hat b Link t 0ut (h) a'nd e('ye) w/e~ t00 th d ap/p(ea.)le 'ye p. r.00f t(h)rue~n d 0 w/e a.d. be a.d. 's i ' l/l en t/h d(h) 0've inn s t i'll a g0 / d e/n 0/d (h) e a.d. (g)(r) 0've ~n d 0 (w/) e s (t) 0/0 t/h s (t) 0 w/(e) inn f0r(a.) m.eal l'd (r) a ft ere~a. l/l e'ye st(e) a. l/l d e/b t00 t(h) inn (e) d cur(e) rent a re a.ll h(d) a ll t(h) a re (e) fxf a ll t~i/s kn 0t me'ye fxf all t ~ a re (a) p/p L(e) ye s~ e(a.)l~l ' s a ll t
on the treadmill at the gym, i watched breaking "news" that investigators into whether trump had contact with russia tipping the election, were unable to find any evidence of "colluding" : i would recommend -e/b- t- (a-) l/l- 0- 0k- inn- g- et- (he-ad-) 0- w/-inn- d- c- 0- l/l- e- w/e- d-(h-)e- ad- s- t- e- ad- e/b- t- a- gain- d- h- and- s- (p-) i/r- (e-) t-0/0-t-he- re- com-men-ce- s/s- (h-) e- defer-rent- a- re- com- b-i/n-an-t- inn- ven- t- hie- f-en- d- 0f- t-(h-) en- d- e/b- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- he- ad- s- (c-) am- e- d-
if you remove your me 0/n e ye from the bank-t- he- ad- jack-t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t- a- s/s- k- (i-) t- i/t- re- ad- (h-) e- ye- s- trait- he- ad- s- (m-)ate- d- h- and- s- nake- d- ly- e- t00-t-he-ad- (h-) at-e- t- (0-) w/-h0- /n- e/e- d- h- and- e/b- t- (a-) l/l- 0/0-k-t- he-ad- 0- w/-he-ye- t- a-n0-t-her- d- aye- t-
if you remove your time as completion from the ban-k-t-0ff- t-he-ad- 0f -t-(0-) w/-h0- re- L-a-t-e-, you give t-0ff- t-00-t-he-ad- 0f- t- inn- p-(L-)ace- d- no teeth -e-t-ee-t-he-(d-)s-i/t-(i-) a-t-e- t-inn- follow/- t- (h-) rue- w/e- t00-t-he- ad- ate- to make up your "efface" debt- a- s/s- knee- d-(he-)ad- he- vain- d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- rather than actually face time for completion open ly e n/ d h and ew/e ve(i)n d 0 w/e th s a w/e g aw/e t/h (d) f r a.(i.)m. e (a.) i.d.
"debt" is m-aid- up- et- up- t- for meal ly -e-vain- d- 0f- t- (h-) inn-g-e- d- s- c- an-d- (e/b-t- ) a-re- L- a-ye- t- hie- ven- (t-) d- h- and- (h-) e- ad-
t/h ark t(c) 0/0 k t/h ea. r t/h d h ea.ve~n d(h) 0 w/e pt('s) 0/0 t/h 's w/ee p(i)t(h) u~ e w/(e) inn d h and e/n t/h (en) d 0 w/e~e p(i) t(h) in (e) d (0/h) be (a.)d. s (t) i' l(l) e~(a) v~en d' s(k) i' ll s h~ea.ven d(s) e~a. l/l (e/a) d e/b t 0/0 th f e/e L'D (h) a~re a. l/l~ (e/a) d.
m-(e-) a- t- e- inn- g- "0" (d-) be- lie- f- e/e- d- ew/e- d- ue-(t-')s- t- e- we- d- e/b- t- ad- f- ewe- d-'s- (p-) ew/e- d- 0f- t- s-h0-0t-s- he-d- e/we- t00-t-he- ad- ap-p.-r.00f-t-he-vain- ad- just- his- t- (e-) a- s/s- t- (e-) b-(u-)d- s- a- w/e- gaw/-(e-) d- 0f- (i-) t00-t-he-(a-)d- 0-ve- d- 0/n- e- t- p.r.-in-c-i-pal-(l-)at-e-d- he-ad- 0f-t-0/0-t-i/- t-0ff- t- he- ad- (r-) a- ft- ere- d- 0f- t-(h-)en- d- e/b- t- a- r-(r-) e-ye- d- f- a-(i-) r- e- t- inn- principal-ace- d- a- ft- ere- d- f-i/n-(e-)d- as/s- knee- d- am- e-d- i/t- t-(y-)our-use- t-(h-)u-e- d- 0f- t- inn- time- d- s- L0- t- h- and- 0f-t- a- g- (r-)a- in- d- 0/h- t- (h-r-) 0-a-t- (h-) inn- k- inn- g- i-ve- n- (t- he- a-) d- i/t- c- he- vain- d-(h-)im- s-(t-) a- id- s- (c-) am- e- d- "principal" inn- t- inn- d- vain- d- 0f- t- b- rain- d- h-and- a- t/t- a- inn- d- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- g- ave- t- he-ad- h-ave- n- (d-) am- e- d- 0f- t- s- (h-) am- e- d- s- p- (L-) a- id- 0f -t- ly- e- t00-t-he- main- t-a- in- nit- s-pec-t- a-b- le-s/s - pec-t- a- c- le- g- i/t- i'm- (e-) a- t- e- t00-t-he- re- (a-) p-air- i/t- (p-) rig- ht- 0/0- t- he- s- w/e-a-r- i/t- t00- t- he- (a-) s/s- (t-) a-ye- d- i/t- c- he- t- ch- e- d- i/t- t00-t- he- re- s- t- (h-) 0-re- d-(b-) lig-ht- 0ff- t- 0/n- e/e- d- le- ye- a- t- (he-ad-) 0f- f- t- inn- sig- h- t-
f 0 r/r e s/t h/d 0ff (i) t/h ere (a.) d. i/t (a) cr0ss t 0 f/f t00 t(h) in (e) d ere s(t) augh t h/d (r) a ft ere~a. l/l d serve d e/b t00 t(h) inn t ere s/t 0 s/s 0 d 0ff (i/f) t(h) a. m.0/u(n)t~h/d
s-(t-)i/t-c-hu- a-t-(h-)e-(a-) d- h-a-(n-)d- h-inn-g- e- d- h-(b-)a-(n-)d- e/b- t- L-are-g-e- m-0/u-(n-)-t- he- ad- (i/t-) 0/u-(be-)t-he- ad- s- cent- s- pr- 0- w/-(e-) t-(ease-d-)'s- f- i/n- (e-) d- 0/u- (be-) t-
making -'s-u/s- nake- d- s- um- e- 0/n- e-ye- d- (h-)0-ve- d- 0f- t- inn- (e-)a-re- (a-)d- i/t- heir- d- 0- w/ar- t- a- d- just- a- b- c- d- e- f-x-f- 0-r-(e-)t- be- he- (a-) d- com- f0r- t- a- b- (e-) l/l- e-ye- d- ang- ere- (a-) d- i/t- s- nare- (a-) d- h-inn-g-e-d- 0f- t- b-(c-)um- me- d- (e/b- t-) 0/n- -e- d- 0f- t- (h-) en- d- 0-ve- t- as/s- knee- d- i/t- a- g- ear- t- he- (a-) d- i/t- t00-t-he- re- s- t- (h-) 0- re- ad- i/t- t00-t-(h-) inn- g-e-d- 0f- t- a- re- (a-) p- air- d- 0f- t- s- t- a- (i-)r- e- inn- s- n-are- d- 0f- t- her- e-a-r- d- i/s- a- s/s- t- (e-)a-r- d- 0f- t- as/s- knee- d- h- and- 0/u-(be-)t- c- ha- t- c-h-inn-g- e- d- 0f- t- (e-ye-) l/l- ye- d- 0f- t- ly- e- p.r.-0- 0- f- e/e- d- g- round- cur-(e-) rent- see -d- s- cent- s-au-g-u- (e-) s/s- t- a- (i-) r- (e-) t- he-a- rt- he- ad- a- re- g- round-(h-) e-ad- a- r-(e-) t- f-r0m- e- t- a- s/s- m-(e-)a-r- t- (h-) inn- g- e- d- be- ad- s- (c-) am- e- d- 0f- t- ly-e- t00-t-he- ad- be- ad- 0f- t- hie- ven- d- f- (r-) am- e- d- e/b- t- be- ad- 0f- t- he- ad- f- e/e- d- i/t- (h-) inn- g- e- t- a- g-a- in- t- hie-ven- ly- e- a- s/s- t- s- (h-) am- e- d- s- cent- s- (h-) inn- ad- van- ce- d- (g-) am- e- d- 0f -t- (y-) ou-r-eeL-a-t-e- d- (h-) at- e- f-x-f- ace- d- e/b- t-(y-)ou-re- (e-) f- ace- d- sir-e-a- b- (e-) l/l- e- ye- d- f- an-n'ye- w/-he-ye- d- 0- w/ar- t- a- re- s- t- 0- re- d- e-ye- s- (t-) a- id-
moving the same s-hi-t-a-re-g- round- speaking of a past time "you" never h ave d, and frank ly e never (t/a) g ave d ate ve(i)n ly e
t00 th (e) re~a. l/l a t e i/t c~a.m. e (ve (i)n) d e/b t (h/d) f 0 r(e) t(h) b e l/l e (ye) a. f (t) i/n g~ (r) a.d. e/b t00 th be leaf i/n g ' s h~a.d. (e) 0 w/e (d) s hat (c) (h) 0/m e~ a.d. 0 w/e ve(i)n d h and i/t (h) (c) 0/m e~a. n inn g ' s e/a. t hat (d) i~ (a.)m. i s/s i've t inn t 00 t(h) a nd h~ea.ve~n d e t/t a s/s p (L) an (t) d 0 cue m e/n t ' s (c) e/n t ' s (t) a nd em pt (e) ye d h a.(n)d.
verse-sus- (t-) 0- w/e- t-he- miss- i- l/l- e-(a-)d- be- ad- 0f- t- rig- ht- 0ff- t- inn- sig-h- t- he- ad- (b-) lig- h("a") t- 0/n- e- c- k- nigh- t- he- ad- vin-dic-(k-)t-a- s/s- le- d- 0f- t-0/0- t-he- n- eve- r- eeL- (e-) a-s/s- t- ill- d- 0- ft- as/s- w/e- ll- d- e/b- t- be- ad- e/b- t- r0pe- d- 0f- t- as/s- (h-) e- ll- d- 0- w/e- ll- d- e/b- t- he- mar-r-e-ye- s- (h-) e- ll- d-s- cen- t- s-(p-)en- t- a- gain -d-(h-) im- e-(a-) d- dic-k- t00-t-he- ha-nd- he- vain- d- e/b- t- a- p-(L-)an-(t-) d- e- t-(h-) a- nd- 0/u- (be-) t- inn- see- k- w/- en- t- ce- de- ed- (h-)e- ad- 0f- t- ly- e- n- (d-) s-(p-)i-r-(e-) t- 0ff- t-(h-) inn- k- inn- g- s- (h-) 0- w/e- t- he- mu-c-h-t- 0ff- t- (0-) w/-h0- r-(L-)d- (h-)e-ad- 0f- t- 00- t- 0ff- t- a- re- s- t- (h-) 0- r- e- (a-) d- i/t- (c-) (h-) inn-g -e- d- 0f- t- a- re- (a-) p- air- (d-) im- u- f-x-f- (L-) ed- 0f- t- hie- ven- t- a- gat-her- d- ew/e- d- s- t- (h-) 0- r- e- t00-t-he- re- t0-rt- scene-d- f0rce- scene- d- s- (c-) 0-re- d- i/t- see-t-he-vain- d- a(i-)m- e- d-ea- f- 0-r- (e-)t- he-ad- i/s- a-s/s- t- a- r- (e-a-) d- ea- f- r0m- e- t-he- ha- f-x-f- a-(i-)r- e- d- 0f- t- s- n- ar-(e-) s-e- d- (h-)0-ver- t- p-(c-)un- t-0/0- t- 0ff- t- c- (L-) 0-ver- t- i/t- (h-) u- e- s/s- (t-) a- id- e/b- t-(0-)w/-h0- d- a-b- u-s-e- defer-rent- ce- d-e- live- r-(t-) out- un- e- tu- b- f-(d-)row-nd- ew/e- d- s- -t-e-w/e- t- a- miss- u-(e-) s/s- d- (h-) ues- i/t- inn- s- i/t- (0-) w/-h0- d- e- live-r- (t-) u- e- w/e- inn- t- (0-) w/-h0- d- e/b- t- a-s/s- t- e-eL- d- e/b- t- a- s/s- t- e-ye- d- 0f- t- i'm- e- d- i- c- k- t-00-t-he- ad- f- a- l/l- 0- w/e- (e-)d- he-vain- d- am- 0- r-(e-) t- a- b- le- ad- s- p.r-0- w/e- t00- t-(h-) a- l/l- 0- w/e- d-(y-) our- e- ye- (d-) s- i/r- e- c-i/r- c- le- f-t00-t-he- sir-e-me-ye-s- t- a- l/l- 0- w/e- d- (h-) a- ll -0- w/e- t00-t-he- m-(e-) all- 0- w/e- d- 0- b- serve- d- 0- pen- (a-) l/l- (t-) e-ye- a- t- e- f-x-f- 0- r- (e-) t- less- (t- e-) l/l-e-y-e- d- eat- h- and- g- e- t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d- e/b- t- en- d- ere- ly- e- b/b- e- t- heir- d- 0f- t- (he- )me- a- n- (d-) s- (t-) u- b-buy- e- a- t- 0ff- t- hat- he-ad- f- (a-)t- 0/0- t- f- a- ct- (h-) 0- re- (a-) d- i/t- inn- ad- van-ce- d- 0f- t- (h-)at- c- h- a-r-(e-) b- 0-r- (e-) d- s- (L-) at- inn- c- (h-) all- f- t-
he-a-ven- d- h-and- he-a-ven- t- ly- e- vain- d- 0- w/(e-)inn- g- a- gree- d-
e/b-t-he- ad -s- pec- t- a- c- le- a-n- d- s-pec- t- en- t- ly- e- f-x-f- 0- r- (e-) t- a- re- (e-) f- (r-) eeL- ye- w/-h-eeL- t- a- p-p- (L-)ease- t-he-a-t- e- f-x-f- 0-r- t- less- (t-) ly- e- t- h0-u-'s- e- am- s- (t-) (r-) inn- g-s- 0- pen- d-(c-) lie-n- (t-)d- h-and- c- le-a- nd- 0- pen- ly- e-a- t- force- scene-inn- d- e/b- t- a- gree- d- 0- w/ar- e- d- s-e-(ed-)c-0/n- d- 0/n- e- inn- g- t- heir- e- v-a-in- t- l(e-)ad- debt- a- s/s- knee- d- i/t- (h-) inn- g- e- t- a- gree- d-
0-(w/-)n- ly- e- vain- ly- (e-) a- w/ar-e- ad- h- and- s- (h-) 0- w/00- d-(y-) e- w/e- d- be- (a-) d-
ad-just-b-c- a- d- 's- t- a- b- i/n- (e-) d- ark- t- is- a- l/l- t-(h-) u-e- w/e- nee-d- as/s- p-ark- t- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- w/00-d- ea- t- force- s/s- f-(r-) eeL- ye- w/00- d- a -re- ly- e-d-(s-) imp-a-rt- he-a-rt- d- (r-)a- ft- ere- s- par-k- t- 0ff- t- he- re- mark- t- buy-e-a-r- t- h-and- he-a-rt-he- d-i/t- t00-t-he- m-(e-)a-r-k- t-hie-f-en-d-a-rt- s- t- a- b- i/n- d- ark- t- 0ff- t-a- re- mark-t-s-t- a- (i-)r- (e-) t- heir- d-(a-) far-(e-) t- pen-et-r-ate- inn- g- 0/d- 0f- t-he- re- mark- t- buy-e- t-he-a-rt- 0ff- t- s- t -a- (i-)r- (e-)t- a- rt-
p i/s ce ' s march 1, 2017 via cainer
'Why is it only the Tudor houses we mock!' cried comedian Harry Hill. It's funny, but it raises an interesting question. When my son looks at a building, he takes it on face value. A mock-Tudor house is simply a stripy paint-job. The facade is just how the front looks. And a folly is as much a castle as the most ancient medieval battlements. No matter who you want to be now, you only need to 'fake' if you're unwilling to commit to the role. The image you present is only inauthentic if you don't deliver on what you promise.
(v)i a = ai n (t) p.r. 0/m i/s e/n p (L a ce) d c0 0/k t00 th d ate
a-rt- i- f-x-f- i- ce- d- i/t- t00-t-he- ad- ate- t-(he-ad-) 0- w/e- t-(0-)w/-h0-in-p-im-p-(L-)ace- d-0f-t- e- s- t- a- t- e- d-(h-)e- ad- h-inn- g- e- d- s- (p-) a-id- e/b- t00-t-he-(a-) s/s- (t-)a-ye- d- e/b- t- in-(e-)a-ve- d- g- race- s/s- L0- t- h- and- 0f- t- a- ke- g- r-(e-)a- t- (h-)e- ad- h-inn-g-e- d- 0f- t- coun-t-en-(d-)an-ce- s/s- (L-) a-t-e-
(v)i a = ai = a rt i fxf i ce ve(i)n em e'ye d(s) 0' L e(a.)ve ~n d h~a.(n)d. e ve(i)n t00 th s (t) a nd h~ea.(d.)ven t/h and ' s h a.d. 0 w/e ll~ d f r0m th e l/l an d
(ea.) f r0m e w/h en ce i/t ('s) c an d