From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 28, 2015 7:45:00 AM EDT To: "" <>
this e~ g.i.g* is t0/n e (g~astro i~n te st in e/all) first must play with min0 t hen t all k~e
ih ave 'new h/ear cut andy e says ig/h ave nice si de w/alls 0 la t~e i g/ave t0 me sell f~e fir st i'm e~ye buzz cut ye |
ih ad e/b t/hi/s i c0/m~pull si 0n e t0~g e th' air 0/f/f 0 my sh0uld ere~s
i s~e~ar/c h~ed f0ra st y list, and stud~ye th(e) air style & called the sal0n h0~we/ave/r n0 b0dy ans w/ear e ad. t hen e'ye de c~i.d.~e b~t00 the a d0 w/it my sell fe ven~an d.
the ap~p.r.0ach e was t~0 explain e t~h/ew~e ni que position of what i want with what i have to work with e/a~ve n the s~a.m.e
f~i/s h the min~n/0.we m(b)a(c ) k~e/ye a(nd)~c' See y.0.u. R~e v(~i.)e. al~l/e and rive L/0 a.m.~e (i/n/n 0.n e) ye h ave the f/re e d0/m~t 0/0 the b ear~n ;)
i'm~a/ge n re ve all e & rive L!~an/d~r/i ve~L~0~t00/t~he h/a~s as/s~w/(h)e(')LL~ a P~aw/e~s t~r0pe(h)ye f0r/m~e |
as.s~u r~e (s) w/e L+L
the (a.d.)(/)c~0/0~k is sw/(h)e(')L+L and'~s~awe z' s~ay~e(ye)
the (a.d.)(/)c~0/0~k is sw/(h)e(')L+L and'~s~awe z' s~ay~e(ye) = i~e very e t/hi/n g~e
the (a.d.)(/)c~0/0~k is sw/(h)e(')L+L and'~s~awe z' s~ay~e(ye) = i~e very e t/hi/n g~e w/(h)ar(e) r0(w/)se+(h)e
want e' b/0n d~e
st0l-len-t- pen-nye- m(e)y~e as(s)t 0/m e~nim a y~ke
n~0.we this can b~f(x)f~un ne(ye) & f~un ne~L + Ly~e
w/hat i/s a s/t~e~L~L a.m.~ate
times (&)~may(e) te'e (he'a)Te
the(')l~l and m a(ye) k/e |
s(e/e)h/are 0n(s) f/ate fat/e fat ate fate s(e/e)ha/r~e 0n~s in/n* f*l/ate.
a. da.m. e.g. et~ta/w/(h)e~e
get taw ee get taw/ (h/ey~e) t0 me al~le ;) = X0 b~aye b/b~e t/he s's e/e n/e~ye bi t(e)me |
(he/e)I~S T = e!~ye a.m.P.C~ and ha.m.~p a/c~c0/r~dIn~g le~(e)/a.(c).d. cur(e)ren(')t 0 A/s t~e
c limb c lim(e) be a.m.~e
in/n (') t0 t/i'm~e
in/n (') t0/(0) t/i'm~e
ti ti is t0(0)t(h) i'm ei/n g ('~s)t(e)ye t/i (g) h~t hr u~e (') t0 me (t)w/h0 due`t w/0 0(D)~e b/t~0'~me |
for/t/he/r 0 a.d. = "you" at "house" c-ain-t- split the h/airs ac c0rding ly e |
n'men s end ssszzz/0 und ly e
saw(/h~e/ye:0 = x se(e)a c~h t(he)e
saw(/h~e/ye:0 = x se(e)a c~h t(he)e de/n (') t(w/h)0 me
saw(/h~e/ye:0 = x se(e)a c~h t(he)e de/n (') t(w/h)0 me a.d. ay e.g. A in/n~s/t~e = me (&) a.d./e
you want to be fill layed, phil layed~i h / h(i)ear t/'h' if(f)ill(feel?)i/t i'l(l)e it
(you are "scene"s-(e-e-)(i/z~e)s-ick~?)
c L0ser it is watt is 0/n e m(e)ye (0/n) e'm in d~se(e)as(s)e
t('h')e tu`de law e/ar e fi n/e~
t0~me a.d. a.m. i/f fi g./Y~u re a.d.
fe (e)/a.d. b~ l+l/e a.d. (e law(h) eaR e) a.d.
an(d)y e t(a)t i'm e (a.d./e)
be t g/am(b*)'L'e. g.* 0/x = x/0 (w/)e g0/t~t0/g race (0)f/u L+L(e)~ye
your se(a)cret is you want to be rat/e r/a.p.ed~
ate f/f u L=L(e)y~e
y'/?/e~in e w/(h)0~r(e)th e/re a L~0 t/e as e the' (a.)d. ~0~ ally e
you love your work to/o boo t k(n)o/t hr u t t~eye i(k)n e a.d. e b(i)/t 0/m~e.g. a(i)nning = a i'm~i/n g's* u* s/t a in g's
s~h/are (0)n's t ru(e?)st (e?)
you di.d. that so sew~e c.c.0uld 'split a/t 0m an dat a.d. (i) a.m. 0.
you di.d. that so sew~e c.c.0uld 'split a/t 0m an dat a.d. (i) a.m. 0.'s(e/a s)0n /e
ric~h er (e)
f/u ~s)-h/are-0n-e-
i'll p~lay e t0/u/r e b/b~e t air e st(ail?) ma t/e
i'll p~lay e t0/u/r e b/b~e t air e st(ail?) ma t/e 'a' (x) 'd' f0/r/m~e' (a)ve n(0/we) L+L~(e)ye s see
c.d. c0/m pACt di's c
c.d. c0/m pACt di's c(t)k0 g~(f/0r~e`)tu` ne a.d.
omg c.d.= d.c.
c0/m pACt di's c(t)k0 g~(f/0r~e`)tu` ne a.d. (e/be) the ('a.)d. (a)ye
d0 ew/e un/d er/e st a nd ;) |
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 30, 2015 1:38:57 AM EDT To: "" <> |
d0 ew/e un/d er/e st a nd ;) i/n~n (e) the B/B e.g. i/n/n~ing's
d0 ew/e un/d er/e st a nd ;) i/n~n (e) the B/B e.g. i/n/n~ing's pry ly e a.d. "?"
c0/m~(e) c~le/a n*(0we) ly e w/heel ie x ly e
w/(h)ell-ie- n-ow/-e- li(e)ve (i) w/ac 0n t("r")act i 0n em/e
maybe (r)ue want to go to the court of law and Sue for not finding anything w/rong w/y~0~u
y~0~U~R (e) s/ave i/0r (e) is d/i r/t (h) dear (t) h e/ar~t h aye.g.('a')in/n an d/e ~s
y~0~U~R (e) s/ave i/0r (e) is d/i r/t (h) dear (t) h e/ar~t h aye.g.('a')in/n an d/e ~s~a(w/)yes~see
d~e b(~e~)t0 me / ye t00 the' suc(h) k'seeeeeeee deeeeee d x de a.d. e/b ~be~ t00 t/he me me/an (s)d cape able and a(b)/bel ly e w/hal('l')e x i c0/n e a.d. current ly e(re) a.d.
so here is the thing, you think women are such fools cant figure this out = s0(w/s-(h))u~t and you can't say an(G)ything (b.c. men do not talk among men, b.c. t here c (h)r is (e) t (he)x(a.)di.d.n't all k 2 t~he e/de/n (') t0 me a.d.
0. P.en L/y~e
a.d. ha "hau" see
oh heah i get something sharones way e guys in-st-in/c-t/i've-ly-e-k-n/o-we-g-ambling-s-(h)*(t)-0we-
if you wit-hold-one w/(h)0 man-s-ans-wear-ring-al-l-0p-i/n-g-
if you wit-hold-one w/(h)0 man-s-ans-wear-ring-al-l-0p-i/n-g-t/he-w-(h)ay-ap-parent-ly-e-a.d.- in-n-(e/re)- t/he ? r/0 r~ye
a k~nigh/t 0' me ak all as(s)k (y)a
r.d.~e Use(e)d i/n~s/t re et (a) n a.m.e~'/s |
na.m.~e(as)e as a.d.(ay/)e hap pi le ye
u think women are so foolish they c-ain-t- se e we h-ave (n/e a.d.(')s)
t00 t/he me
T he/r e n(')(t)eve r (t)w/(h)as (a) s~0/n (e)
get that thru your he-a.d."'"s there never was 0ne as/s/0n (e)
T he/r e n(')(t)eve r (t)w/(h)as (a) s~0/n (e)
get that thru your he-a.d."'"s there never was 0ne as/s/0n (e) in s/t~e a.d.
T he/r e n(')(t)eve r (t)w/(h)as (a) s~0/n (e)
get that thru your he-a.d."'"s there never was 0ne as/s/0n (e) in s/t~e a.d. aye.(a)g.a in(n)~s
T he/r e n(')(t)eve r (t)w/(h)as (a) s~0/n (e)
get that thru your he-a.d."'"s there never was 0ne as/s/0n (e) in s/t~e a.d. aye.(a)g.a in(n)~s/he'd
T he/r e n(')(t)eve r (t)w/(h)as (a) s~0/n (e)
get that thru your he-a.d."'"s there never was 0ne as/s/0n (e) in s/t~(h/)e a.d. aye.(a)g.a in(n)~s/he'd~e/e den and~y'(h)0 the ' l/l an/d in(')(t/h e.)g. be t0m e (as u/r e:)
see n/0we w/(h)e/eL+L/y~e t00 the (h)un d ere st an d 0(0)w/(h)ing e st a L/L an d i am ta/n (and) an s w/(h)ear~in g.
ih ave t0 p/lay er(e) 0.p./p.0. si te t0/g e t~y(0/u)e tu~ a vi ew/e (&) ar~e as/s u/r an(s)e/e de be t0 me 0n ly e.g. i'v e in/n/e a.(t)d. (e)
you h ave to p lay e t~i.d.~e t00 the di's may e
you h ave to p lay e t~i.d.~e t00 t~he (a.d.) d/i's may e
tu'b e very e t/hing e & n0 (') t hing e 0 pen ly e (t0 me)
i heard fashion is styling jump suits for men eve/n, and rompers, and "joe z" didn't think men should jump on this fashion train, and i viewed the models and "joe z" asked a "model" or something to comment on wheather e she would want her -a- man to wear a romper, and she is like "no comment" and i think to my self, i really like the neat simply slim unison of a jumpsuit and/or romper for men, honestly. and the "tv" show interviewed every one present on there seg-men-t- and s-aid- "100% against rompers and jumpsuits for men" and i think to mysell f(c/fell) eye like the f as hi 0n/e, and i think a man, a ture man, would look marevelo~us e the r/(e)a(i)r~e a.d. j/u/st ump and g/ump up and j/ump s~u~i/t e * her suit~e t her e sw/he~at/(e)ye
h ave ye guys become g0's si.p.s.
i'm t~elling
your only as innocent as you are guilty e t0/g et he/r e
w/h0 w/e ave r (an d 0 w/he ave r(=n/0w/(h)e n) ye w/(e) ave a different 0 ne a.d.'s
(s)0(w/he) you play s-ick so that she feels hap-pi-e-
(s)0(w/he) you play s-ick so that she feels hap-pi-e-t mo/n dr~i nan (') t0 me a/c~t u` ally e
(s)0(w/he) you play s-ick so that she feels hap-pi-e-t mo/n dr~i (n)/an (d)'s
you run out of life b.e c.ause you are not l00 king at any e b/b 0 d/ye f0-0l(e/0) i/s h ly e w/ e r-/r- 0 - re - you have free s-will-
you have free s-will-an/d-e-all-t-ill-t-
you have free s-will-an/d-e-all-t-im-(e) ill-t-
you have free s-will-an/d-e-all-t-im-(e) ill-t-ill ti me all ive t0 (w/h0) se/a l~i've (i)n (') t i'm e
you have free s-will-an/d-e-all-t-im-(e) ill-t-ill ti me all ive t0 (w/h0) se/a l~i've (i)n (') t i'm e n/0. t/e j/u/st fi/n e
you have free s-will-an/d-e-all-t-im-(e) ill-t-ill ti me all ive t0 (w/h0) se/a l~i've (i)n (') t i'm e n/0. t/e j/u/st fi/n e a.d. i/n g
ew/(h)e ye see the l0-a.d.-i/n c/ur ta-day-t-
it' sus(e)less 2 a re g(j)~u ew/e w/h0-e-
you are a (l/l) j/ewe l/l inc 0/g nit e 0
i(') L+L0 v(i)e ye s/0we. (g.0)
i(') L+L0 v(i)e ye s/0we. (g.0) t0g 0
i(') L+L0 v(i)e ye s/0we. (g.0) t0g 0/(n) a.d. 0h!
g0/n a.d. hasn't g0/n e tw/h0 see d it has (e.) g.0n/e t0 me a.c.(h a.m.)* a family name if ew/e a(s)k ewe me a.d.
g0/n a.d. hasn't g0/n e tw/h0 see d it has (e.) g.0n/e t0 me a.c.(h a.m.)* a family name if ew/e a(s)k ewe me a.d. 0~m e a.d. am see d/e ar~e
g0/n a.d. hasn't g0/n e tw/h0 see d it has (e.) g.0n/e t0 me a.c.(h a.m.)* a family name if ew/e a(s)k ewe me a.d. 0~m e a.d. am see d/e ar~e st~e
g0/n a.d. hasn't g0/n e tw/h0 see d it has (e.) g.0n/e t0 me a.c.(h a.m.)* a family name if ew/e a(s)k ewe me a.d. 0~m e a.d. am see d/e ar~e st~e x(i)t & s(t)~e x (i/s) t act u` ally e
den ni/s said i looked like a lesbian, with my new hair cut. he said it so exuberantly, it is the most exuberant thing i have heard him say to me, i don't care, what eve r
d0 you throw out the bay bee with the b at -h-0- watt -a/re-
you are t wisted in the tee t/he & i am t wisted in the t 0r(e) s0 w/ry~e
s0 w/ry~e w/e ave t0 b i/(t)/e
s0 w/ry~e w/e ave t0 b i/(t)/e nene my e
i'm the (l)0ne ly
i'm the (l)0ne ly e re (run) f~r0m e
r0m~(p.) c.0n
r0m~(p.) c.0n un/d er'e ly e
you really are a s(ee)hake s(ee)hack, you don't know why you do what you do without a con t e/st |
ps i like the idea that richard sachs w/miss~ 0/ut L as/s t
ps i like the idea that richard sachs w/miss~ 0/ut L as/s t u` day t
can ewe' st i'll e.g. et it up f0r/m/e
0k ~c 0/0le
tu' be d*aye Table a.d.
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 30, 2015 1:44:23 AM EDT To: "" <>
p.s. "rich" / "house" is a stupid prim(e)-ate
i'll may kit~up
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 30, 2015 9:10:25 AM EDT To: "" <>
i'll may kit~up 0 pen ly e
don't worry about you/r end i ti 0n e
don't worry about you/r end i ti 0n e'ye 0(w)n
c0n serve t/he f0ra b/u/s~t
c0n serve t/he f0ra b/u/s~t 0wn e
c0n serve t/he f0ra b/u/s~t 0wn e ve/n~s 0we
c0n serve t/he f0ra b/u/s~t 0wn e ve/n~s 0w/(h)e at e very e t hing e
c0n serve t/he f0ra b/u/s~t 0wn e ve/n~s 0w/(h)e at e very e t hing e t0 g/r~0w/(h)in g's~Peak
miss chief
at a g/lance
ven a ware t00 the a.d. d~aye
ps *na* = no naw = n0t |
sac re a.d. t0 me j~u st fi/n e
turning in/n~z'see newe zeal lan d |
and' s~0we. g.0/n e w/gain e t0 me. g.ave in/n |
you really are a s(ee)hake s(ee)hack, you don't know why you do what you do without a con t e/st e
you really are a s(ee)hake s(ee)hack, you don't know why you do what you do without a con t e/st e a.d. :)
you really are a s(ee)hake s(ee)hack, you don't know why you do what you do without a con t e/st e a.d.d :)
you really are a s(ee)hake s(ee)hack, you don't know why you do what you do without a con t e/st e a.d.d :) a.d.? d a.d. t00 the n(')th ag-ga in
i'm my d/ark' s p0 t's
and pick up tm (e)a/ve n
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 28, 2015 10:20:05 PM EDT To: "" <>
just checking, you want this to go f0r e ward current ly e
i'm not getting an affirmative, what i do get is, you think sharon is less -or-e- you think i am, and, i get tired of your t-i-ty-e-ness-i-e-vain-an-d-
i get "stale-mate" from you. any e w/(h)0n der e
how does sebastion feel about m~e a.d.
i mean 2 fi x i/t~(e)ye h/ave the p~lan, however, you know, last time i went out on a limb, you left me h anging ag/gain "&"
that t-it- is w/hat you wan-t-
and why is t-it- at tract ive t0 me. g. a i/n/n
sow/ you do not want your home to be disrupted, as your ill-u-s-i0n-e makes other e peop le in de pen den-t-ly-e-
tu`- p-r.each "f0/u/r" e sim pull ass king
you can't actually e s/aye this w/Y~ou r self b.c. you h/ave to be seen in w/health you
you want me to do your dirty e work f0re ye as (e) t re e t/c
w/hen you want to have a conversation t h(0/u/)r tw/h0 le t me n0. w/it i/s t rue
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 28, 2015 11:20:17 PM EDT To: "" <>
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~s
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n t L a.m. e ag e/r ly e in st e a.d.~e
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n t L a.m. e ag e/r ly e in st e a.d.~e all a ga/in~s ave
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n t L a.m. e ag e/r ly e in st e a.d.~e all a ga/in~s ave t/h'ave n u/e w/hey e
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n t L a.m. e ag e/r ly e in st e a.d.~e all a ga/in~s ave t/h'ave n u/e w/h~ey e te a.~m. a.d.e
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n t L a.m. e ag e/r ly e in st e a.d.~e all a ga/in~s ave t/h'ave n u/e w/h~ey e te a.~m. a.d.e (b)/t~u`
i get a by(e) ac tu ally e, g0(a)L~fi/n g be st and put the b/all 0n the t/e/e and be seen for what i am k/not act u all y e put t~it 0/m e. g. A i/n/n~ser(a)n~d/i.p.~i/t~ye s a.m. e in n a.m.e ve/n t L a.m. e ag e/r ly e in st e a.d.~e all a ga/in~s ave t/h'ave n u/e w/h~ey e te a.~m. a.d.e (b)/t~u` per s0/n ally e
i lo st you, or you lo-st-y-o/u-r-e-sell-f-
r u s(u/r)e
o/u w/are sure if i am sure is t/hat it
your reading of me is right, i am egging you on to be in the s p0 t l ig ht
head's up, i have the ok to proceed with my postcards thru the usps, and i have on order an indicia stamp that is not here yet, and i get to prepare my mailing etc. the time frame is 0 pen ly e
you only fee-l- wac-k-ye- b.c. you are not tri a.d. in g w/(e) re as 0n a bel ly e w/hale & Lan d h~ear ty e
i'm just c h~ang i/n g t~he w/e nigh vi/s i 0n e t00 the s~0we 2 s~peak
u/ni vi/s i 0n e t0 me
fun ny e ye~w sus pec t you won't be r/ich
fun ny e ye~w sus pec t you won't be r/ich ly e
fun ny e ye~w sus pec t you won't be r/ich ly e in a.m. e
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 29, 2015 9:16:47 AM EDT To: "" <>
u/ni vi/s i 0n e t0 me/me mi's~s ta/ke
i'm the put t/0n e the (d.)g( r)een and i put the b/all 0n e the te/(e) at~h0/n~e st ly e
Andy e. g.0 all FxF t0 me a.d. in/n de pen den T ly e
From: Angela Cook <> Date: August 30, 2015 12:11:22 AM EDT To: "" <> |
andy's / brothers business was broken into, and 3000 stolen. turns out it was a long time employee, and s-he "borrowed" several thousand from andy several years ago and hasn't returned anything. to make matters more interesting, s-he- lives in the brother's rented house / apartment building. the s-he-nan-i-ga(-i-)ns unraveled, via a convenience store across the street, it was their camera on their business that caught the 4a.m. "activity" in the periphery. now, the money that went missing for years, in smaller amounts, in a way, caves in the d0-u/b-t- direction-ally-e- too say the leas(e)t
it occurs to me, a case can be built thru honest means, that all co/m-me/r-c-e- in the competitive market place "=" st/e-all-in-g- & there fore the c0n verse serves 0' me t00 the think, s~0we d0es the st/e all in g f0r/m/e
it occurs to me, a case can be built thru honest means, that all co/m-me/r-c-e- in the competitive market place "=" st/e-all-in-g- & there fore the c0n verse serves 0' me t00 the think, s~0we d0es the st/e all in g un/i/que
u ni q/u~e
u ni q/u~e l~ly e |
ac tua l-l ye ty~pi~c/all~ye b/by e the use 0f f0/r/e~see k i'll e a.d. |
St/e all e q/u al~ly e |
miss i'l(l)e x i c0n e tu`b~e's 'sent' f0re seen f0r~ce/n(')t all' s~0we the mitt e/re n(')t w/(h)0 me |
miss i'l(l)e x i c0n e tu`b~e's 'sent' f0re seen f0r~ce/n(')t all' s~0we the mitt e/re n(')t w/(h)0 me all e a.d.
i look at this and think : t here is n0thing sac re(a.)d. = h0 ly e |
i look at this and think : t here is n0thing sac re(a.)d. = h0 ly e t0 me
i look at this and think : t here is n0thing sac re(a.)d. = h0 ly e t0 me a.d. (s0 "wit" is just posture-ring-ing-)fruit-full-ie-
p.s. "josh duggar" can do no w/rong, as long as he p-le-a.d.'s- tu'-b-e (d-)0f/f- the h0-use-0-"god"
the "ho-us/e-" of "god" w/-ill re-de-a.m.- hymn-/-hi/m-all-a-l0/n-g-
je die min/d-t-ricks : t-hey-e- get p-aid tu`be- in "people" / "today"
sub stance -i-* ally e *f0r~a/n eye
sub stance -i-* ally e *f0r~a/n eye ful-ly-e-
i like that miss i'l(l)e is the sent fr0/m the mitt ere t0 re p.r.e sent li/0n e tu` d(e)ate |
i a.m. the b/end t00 the mi's~s ta/ke
i a.m. the b/end t00 t/he mi's~s ta/ke ve/n
i a.m. the b/end t00 t/he mi's~s ta/ke ve/n ly e |
h/all h/ave the f/r~a.m.e w/(h)0/r~k and fre(e) t w/(h)0 r/k e/ye
69 h/as mirth/m~ear th e |
e(h)w/e l(l)a-men-t- be-hind-your e busy-ness
you don't have to be a (d)b/0re
its-aul-you no- my d-ear-
you don't have to be a (d)b/0re in 0/n/e w/(h)0n el 0/ve
you don't have to be a (d)b/0re in 0/n/e w/(h)0n e t/he(')l l 0/ve
you don't have to be a (d)b/0re in 0/n/e w/(h)0n e t/he(')l l 0/ve in 0/n/e ve (i)n
the con traction (') used properly c/r(e)ate s e/e w/hinges 0 pen ly e
you p/lay e the co n'traction 0 pen ly e t0 me a.d.
just sow e/we e k/n0.w~e the ability to define mysel(l)f x f as in/n 0.r/(e) 0ut e ve/n e well is t~pr0 vi/s (i)0n e
i h/ave the f&f r(h)inges (t)'s a.m.~e fi b'ere sh(e)re(a.)d.'s i/n/n a.m. e.g.~ave |
a b/an/d (& b/e/d t0 me) 0/f c0/n(')tra~st~ing b/ 0/re (a.) d./ark ness (e/e) p.~r.0d/u~c~e d by e di fxfracti0n in/te/fe/re/n~c~e 0f e
re gard(e)n i/n g t~hing e s/t 0 me and' st 0 ma si'm i lar(e) ly e:
that is how the at-torn-eye- "david chamberlain / chamber-m/aid-e-" can be one "b/one" he-ad-the-same in m(e)ye ve/in (') t0 me mi's~s re pre sent / cent and' seen f0r~i(g~h)t a~ga/in an~d p.r.0 see d~i/n~g
andy e buys bottled marina and he is always on the look out for a great tomato sauce, he buys and expensive lot. i don't buy bottled sauce, i buy my crushed or diced tomatoes in a Pomi package, and add w/hat feels 0 f/am. i can buy the Pomi at wholefoods and pay twice as much or go to hannaford and pay twice as less. does this make competition more inter-re/sting 0re (-k-)not-e- ?
does this make competition more inter-re/sting 0re (-k-)not-e- t0 me a(l)~l0 t
you can have your 0n any e (t)he a.d. aye / s (e/e) X ap~peal t0 me |
s(e/e) X ap~peal app le
s(e/e) X ap~peal app le a.d. (t0 w/r~an/g~le re s0/rt 2 le gal a.c.t~i 0n e *La.c. = french / lake & lay k~e X a.m.p le. g. race = b lac k~e 0n e w/hi~t/e~ |
P* (p~L~a.c.~e) L(0/ve) E(very e t hing e) A.D. in/n 0.cent f/arm and fi/n g~e/re t0 me a.d. l0 ve in g lee |
P* (p~L~a.c.~e) L(0/ve) E(very e t hing e) A.D. in/n 0.cent f/arm and fi/n g~e/re t0 me a.d. l0 ve in g lee de
you are a sel-l0ut rich-ly-e- if you are n0.t hap~pi~e
(h)e a/ve n(') ta h/ap~p/i. (e)d. |
(h)e a/ve n(') ta h/ap~p/i. (e)d. en~0~ugh re p/La.c.e d by en~0/f/f |
Free H/and as/s~een |
"house" in-dus-t-r-ie-s-
"house" in-dus-t-r-ie-s-
"house" in-dus-t-r-ie-s- august 8
"house" in-dus-t-r-ie-s- august 7