are you tu b/us y? fore se(e) X? and that makes you A man, A men in any circumstance~ ven an d aye. g. A in/n ? the temps is t im e` ven e' all a l/i/g ne d |
Guy A~m0/u/r e lay tu`b'e r~e in/n ear~t h and (h?)earth ? e ave n an/d aye. g. A in~s e/e X yz~ed~r/e am~s exp0unding be at e~ |
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you don't have time tu c X & be e see ne t/wh0, if you don't make it 2 to e with your sel~l f/i s h ave back |
lit tel~le ave n~0 w/(h)ey e L(0ve)i/t tell~e |
s/he put on wait the s-am-e in un ac k~now L edge d r/e me dy~e in st/e a.d. |
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this page has been updated 10/5/15 and waiting to see when i can upload it. per machighway misinterpretting t-heir responsibility 2 x t00 the de fi/n e & via r-ich-r-oat-at-"house" angling for a "promo" to be scene among the people i am tweeting. so there, in-n-o-t-i'm-e-
the original page is gone, (or was decided to be gone, until "s-mac-high-w-aye-" terminated my service based on me violation t-heir "terms of service" ie r-ich lie-d- on- e- "mac" an-d- e/b-t-he-mac- too-the-lie-on-e-me, with0ut even a l0/0k b/ac/k -a- re-(in)-sulting in me having to "le-ave" without a choice rati0n ally e a.s t/he be sPea.k an/d be/e s P0 k/e in e mi/n/(e)d e/b t i'm e. the reference for how this occured can be c~0nt ... 0nt but if you a/re s h ea. r you know that all re a.d. y i/n e my ac/c0unt 0/n e th(e)d it an/ d i'm e ye h/ave n~t m~aid e ma.d.e ap/pa~r/e n~t l y(e)a. c/c0unt en able t 0/m e 0'~s 0/p en t l ye t my h0/u/s/e ra.(i)m.en~t 0 pen e nd i.d.~s~en d's~i eve/n ly e t~i b~u/la n/d b~i g* f0/0t g~u~s/t b.(h)c.~
what i have done to save the page by ad di/t 0/n e, though, as aye i.d. k~n0/t a think ye ve/n the s~hut t(el)le & l0~0/m s~aid e/b t0/me a.d. i w/(h)in/n sight to see, should be tol-e-d- w/hat i can see as saw and show i see saw sawed it upon, and further, that i definitely can't be tol-d- who i can L*~ink up 0/n , i have forwarded the orginal page in segments to be ha.d.~e in eve r ye s(c)ent i'm e/n t (a) g/r~a.d. e & share if you like 2 at last e 0n my t w/(h)i~t/t e/r a c/c0unt c~ap a~b le a.d.e
10/7/15 the website has been terminated by "mac-pen-s-high-w/-ay-e-" so i am rethinking this page. as an illustration debt tooth 2 the t~em p le like~a. d.~e a. ll e
i have expanded the orginal 'richroat0me' page side ways h~ea.r~e 2 se~e X c e/e d i/n g lee & le a.d. b~i'de~s en d's~ i.d.e~s 0 pen w/(H)i.d.e~ a.ll ta just b.(h)c.~'s~ay~e ye d~i.d.~e'~s ap parent i/n t i'm e re s~i/n e b~mi/n/e r(e)a.d. b~l0/0 m~0'ver t i'm e f/r0m e f0r/m/e f~i/n(e) k~ne a.d. e/b t(h/d) i'm~e habit & habit at a/s~t e all cli'm(b)e a.d.~i vi/n~e d/en an/d e~b t~h and per si` eve i/n/n~s t/0 k/en (t)d ly~e
here is the thing in the "law"-less-c-ove-r-t-up- produced my r-ich-r-oat-, i left a link and an awareness of his p.r.0duct "photolettering" and only he makes it re m/ark abl(e) a.s such -0re-k-no-t-e-
ie w/hat eye see, "photolettering" is fo-e-to-e- & t-ole-let-te-r-ing- scene, own lie, but not scene as just the "one" lying, on the. g.-r-ape- vi-n-e-
please notice you can add the semblance of 'p.r.0~f i/t' at "house""in-dus-t-ry-eas-t-e-" e-very-e-re-l-e/as/e-, but k/n0/t re all ye t0 me c0/m (v) p l~e a.t e.
you can b(-u-)y-e- a st-r-ing- of fo-e-n-t-'s-, (t/hat re ally e d0es not matter much, "i/t" does-matter-s-not-e-n-0-ugh-t- just sayin, no re all profit is re lay t ed e/b too the re all value Love Lan/d ew/e ft making t(h)rue st e(a) t rut~h 0 pen ly e
in essence, the "men" at "house" are just pub-li-c/i-t-ye- a/s-t-un-t-s-eve-r-en-d-'s-en-d's-ag-ga-in-n-an-d-'s-
what i intend to illustrate with my own h~and pre sense of b~ein g, is you can't b-u-y-e- my h~and e/b t(hd) f/0re k/n~0w/e re as 0/n e, and r-ich-i-s- b-a-sic-all-ye- w/(-h-)0re-t-h- 2-g-i've-t-it-rue-vain-e-&-t-(h)-rough-all-ow-e-ave-n-u-e-w/e- = basically competing on e ve/ry e t (h/r) 0/ne fore be~l l~ea.f~i/n~g 0/d~w/ell~i/n~g the word 2 be see k i/n g~ if -t-his i'm/age doesn't rig ht 2 last(r)ing 0 t0 e~tu`de all a p0 i/n t 0/0 t~(h) e~el l~an d e/b t(h)e ' ll in k~n0w/(h)ing~(e)'s~t a.(i.)d.~e l(l)ta b~re a.~ke & ki.d.e/b t00 the re lay T i'~me/me an/(d)t~e in e m~em.0./ry~e s~en d's~ ag/ga i/n/n an/d's~0 pen t00 the re lay T i 0/n's eve r end's~
the value of my construction is the p.r.0 fi/t le a.d.e/r~e ve/n an/d gen e r/at(e) 0r e in circumference~st/e all~a r~0/und 0ne & r~un 0/n e c.~see. g. 0 all e d0w/(h)0~e n/d 0'le n(t)d's~ag/ga i/n/n~s/ave i/n~g's
these mock up ('s~eth) ar/e f/0re sel~l 0/n e b~ay e b/t/w/~(h)aye s~q/u~are T 0/d~ate = b i.d.'s aye T 0/0 the sa(y) in T b(u)ye t/he w/hey~e.g.(u)/ye.g. a/t hat g/ave in e ve/in
a s/m(e)all' s(e/e)hut t(el)le pt p(lace)l~l ace & pal(-l-)ace w/ paul-ace-s-f-ace-
if you are not familiar with my reference to paul drinan, a sup-pose-d-l-ie- re-all-per-p-er-s-on-e-, he is an h-ac-tor-e-, and-c/ar-pen-t-er-e-, that i worked for, and didn't understand in his thundering mo-/n-0-t-on-e-, that my j~0b(e) si`g*ht i~s t/right under my fe at e. i left his job site after he tried to make an "X" a.m.p-le- of me, for the new guy, for no re as son Ap p/are/n/t~ly e. thus "paul" ha~s ha.d.0w/e pt m(e)ye c0/m m(e)an/d e/b t(h)e. g. ap/paul-0-g(-u-)ye- fxf/0rt h/t i'm e b/b~ein g 's Pea.k 4 "paul" is on-ly-e- c-h-i'm-e-on-e-the-re-l-ay-e- vain if he "speaks" of how much he "s-loves" all-t-d-ay-e- "he" "person ally e" di.d. k/n0/t~may/k~e (y)e~p.r.0 t~e i/n~n/ate
pall aka "paul" still owes me over a g/ran/d, t/hat he is g-ran-d-st-and-ing-on-e-, for work completed & in his-h-and-e-w/(-h-)0n-e- unstipulated e vain-0-f-/-f-e-
he has owed me a grand for several years, since the time i started writing to rich roat in 2013 per the website and, he didn't provide me irs papers to file for work i had done previously for his s-mile w/-il(l)-e- as e(h)e makes his proclamat(e)ions daily that he (all 0ne) has provided great l ye independently e too/the say the L~e/a s/t e in de pen d en t~l ye in 0/n e "b" "s" po k/en re lie-f- w/here "he" gets to pro-see-d- e/b t with no re as 0/n e tu` be le~a. f (i/n g)
basically, as a "man" he b-rings chagrin for and f/ort -h-ea.very-e-woman-an-d- no matter his smile or accumen it is accumen-t- in-t-en-d-e-ad-e-ed-
"he" can only comp-ea-t-e- on your a. d.i's t~an(d)ce w/hi-t-ch -e- w/-on't - let you have a viable way with m(e)0ne ye blatantly e which is to say 0 pen ly e a.nd e w/(h)0/n~e st l ye
embarrassing if you think about it = t-ink-a-bout-i/t- r-an-s-l-at-e-d-i/n-n-e-re-all-if-e-
"he"'scene got game too the s-lay-e-t-(h)-r-u-e-
last i remember he was "tw/ee-ting" that his f-ly-e- was d-own-at bank america, on my c0/m (v) p~an ye t i'm e m.0.ut(-h-)0/r-d-e-r-e-
bye his looks alone he is considered divine (w/h0 u/t' s~0w/e~e ken (t)d's~0 ap/pt de par/t e d~i/n du~st r/i 0/u/s~l ye)a.r e ly e in/n'~s t/r u c~t (y)ed b(u)y e
t/ha t 0'le t w/-are-s-(h)-e- instructed-c-l-ea-n- an-d-b-a-w/ar-e-c-lea-n-b-are- (with kn0w interior construct i 0n e 2 s~p ea.K 0~f/f~e a.d. just f/0r t~h's~ay i/n s~um/e ve/(i)n an/d 0~ve
the y-ac- doesn't have my b/a.c./k apparent l ye t~el/le ye A s/t/e t0 me a.d. e
N~0w/(h)e K i'll e a.d.'~sel lan d c~e ll e X cel le~n t l ye
w/h0 g i/s t(h)e c~hem~i~c~all e a.d.e/r e t/here a.d. j~u st/e ta sayin gc l~e/a r~e t/au/t and e/b t/au/g*h~t en 0/n e c0/m(e)fxf/0r t able a.d.'sitting ea. r~e a.r~0und (h)c~hea.r
min 0 b(u)ye t/(h)e w/(h)ey~e t c~hews gum off he ground w/here it lays. he chews it, he doesn't swallow. i don't give it to him, he finds it on the ground w/(h)allow/e then he dig's it to put in his maw e & chew just b.c.
form (e)ye part, i dig into his mouth, to re lease the gum, w/here i don't know/ h~it is f/r0m
ironically, i didn't teach him not to swallow, he swallows everything else. he just chews the gum, probably like he pisses on poles and trees (t) e ve(i)n h~ap haz a rd l ye A s/t (e) i'll a.(i)m.(e) ark i/n g t'~s a.(i)m.~e pi ne re si/n~g le a.d.e b/t 0/m e a.d. e 0's 0 pen ly e
y-ac-k-a/t-ta-c-k-b-ac-k- &- b-(u-)ye-b-ac-k-e-n-ail-f-ort-hat-e-
c* t0 me c~a personall c to sea b/a.c./k
e ve(i)n b/(L)a.c./k w/hit e 0n e pre miss t ye A s/t~A l~l b/rake & b re a/k~ q~u(w/)ick~l~ye w/h~ea.t b re a.d. f/0r(e)t a~u (g*h)t (h) e (t)d's~en d's~ ag/ga i/n/n sur(e) m(e)ye's in re si`/n e p/r~0le pt pi/n~e i/n~e mult~i. e a.b~s i`/r~d & rt/e a.d. ju~s/t/e a.d.(e) i'lly e in a.d.vance is t mye's~eek w/(h)e'll 0/n e c~0nt r/ac~T i 0n e ve(i)en f~l0 w/(h)ere X a.m. p le. g. 0/n e X u/s can d(el)le
s(e/e?)c/are in family g-un i speak, as if t me, i say fool e.g. 0l-d-you never rent and l aid m aid insurance a.s say in re all i t ye s(h)ave~n (t)d's~a.(i)m.e f/r0m e f0r/m/(e~)a.ll~ye
rich spoke to me about how his "family" was "scared" as i f-t-i s-po-ke of g-uns, and it is obvious with the rhetoric apparent ' g-uns is not m(e)ye w/hey-e- & i st i'll insist "h"is- loveless-lack of follow t (h)rue t0 me 2, in an "e" image of no re all re p~as T, pre serve.(d-) g.-un's as-insurance-f/-ort-eve-r-ye-on-e- // all's-0w-e- with k-no-w-e- form-e-all-ye-re-p-as-t-e- t-o/re-pain-t-i/n-g- w/-"h"ea.t-e- &- w/"h"eigh-t-p-s-t-ink-ye-t-ma-ke-
"i/t" is k/n0/t m(e)ye w/hey~e t/0r(e)~ ight i/n/n p(L*)a.c.e s~aye w/hi~t f/a.c.e
f0r/m/e t"h"i-s- just a h-edge- of not really c/ar(e)rye in g en~ough t/a t0w/ing~0 i/n g f0r/m/e ally e s~h0 w/ing's
in nad vance doing (k)no(w/)thing (e)i ven t d's 0w/(h) ea. t~e. g. r/a.c.e 0/u/s L~ye. g./r~0w/hin~g
fa(i)t(h)e a.d. ate' sur(e) m(e)ye~s p(L)ace ve(i)in/n f/r0ne t0 me. g. A i/n/n an/d's~en d's~(e*) t(h)r e/a. d. e*ve r ye t hing (e)
n* t0 me = n~0w/e t/here f 0/re, n~ebb/e~en i/b~c le~a. n d~y~en d e/b m si/n~e p.r.0l~e n d/ate t~able a.d.e
m(e)ye tf i/s t/(h)e~re terriT0riall f0rce (i/n/n')s~e/e k~n0w/(h)ing(e)'s~(h)0w/e in (c)k g~L0~w/'h'ing(e)'s t~0w/ing~
i b/end e/b the. g.-ras~scene f/r0m e f/a.c.e -&-r-ich-b-end's-i/t-b-a/c-k-e-g-a-i-n/n- "law" less in s-love-t-h-a.d.e-s-hake-f-f-o/rt-an-0-t-her-d-ay-e- w/(h)ea.r~ing e m(e)ye fxf~a.c.e -in-st-e-a.d.-e-b/t-race-
t h0 u/s e/e k i/s~s h0 0k i/t up t~w/(h)ee k
i have a new/e in/ternet a.d.dress : <>
fine ally e b/be~e's P/0 ke ye p at l~a/s t(r)ing
it is 10/8/2015 & this website is at 10pm eastern time U.S and 2am Icelandic ti ' me
i have been set back several days with work for dave 0 ware, due to due-t-ing- w/-ill-a-r-ich-e-ave-n-t-rue-"one"-z-ack-t-2- w/it h0/u t an 0 pen per vi ew/e a.r(e*). i have work to re lay T /here. i trust up i got this up, and can work for a s p(L)ace with e m(e)one ye in c0/me i/n~g.
i have much to re lay t, i simply can't "due" it com-V-p.r.-ess-ed-e-b-t-hi-s-w/-ay-e- & i have time to may/k up t0 me commitment's (t)ate
cel~l (e)ye "light-ly-e-"
and "h"e t-inks i have "s-ho-d-/-d-ye" de sig.~n*
i lar~ge L(Y) e X pect the word's you have been using came from a woman you haven't re pa.(i)d. i/e~ye in 2 t~i'm~e f0ra re as 0/n e tu` b~p.r. i'm~e (be a.m.)a.(i)d.e
i am curi0~us to (h)ear your de fen's-e-e-e- wen-n- it is s(p-)ut-ter-ing- e-m-p/t-ye s-h0-t-s-s-s- "for goodness sake" -2 be scene all over the place without a love to ss0 dof an/(d)g~0/n e ve~r ye t (h)ing e tu` be's p0/ k~en (t)d's (h)ave ve(i)in~a. (n)d. A ye. g.~g/ave. g.g~ a.d. f(LY)e n a.m. e
your name is not an accident, h-owe-ave-r-t- on certain "terms and conditions" it may be an ac-ci.-d.-en-t- at the same "time" g-i've-n-(t-)d's-
10/12/15 i broke a glass today, a wine glass, while cleaning my apt. it fell from the hand washed stack, tumbled to the floor, saw the thin globe bounce in perfect form and the next time it hit the ground it shattered. and rather than be dismayed, as i had just finished vacuuming, and put it away, i thought about the syncronicity that got gave and i realized the things i had been thinking, like rob brezsny not giving actual LY e w/hat has been given ta take p~L ace, that surrounding this matter, if the g/lass shat~t her's, ironic as it may be, people would think t/wise where they place t/heir feet x fe at e, fe te, and fea(s)t~e
& pi~c/k up (e/)a.ll the pi/eces in'~s ink a~nd'~sync ~ quick ly e the 0bject~i/0n e tu` the see i/nk
i have a pile of thoughts, on notes, in gestures, written in literal round measure, i wake from my sleep and write it down, whith what space can be first found, a note heare tucked int o t here, i draw a sserpen t ine measure to follow the hollow toothe p~leasure
that said, i have a lot of notes swarming out of place and i am going to try to lass 0 them in t0 place
w0rk 2 (d)r~e s t/0r~e t(h)re~e fxf e(e) d en' sel~l (y)e a.d.
if there is any value given to "house" type-f-ace by the h0/u/r e t~is t me a.n~d 0/0re 2 b(u)ye t00/the re p(L)i c~ate a.m. 0(0)re 0/n e m(e)ye fxf a.c.(t)e t00 the all'~s0w/e. g.g~0
as for the ebay mock up's (sp), i don't like to waste paper, so i will be using them to write my notes on large and t(0)all and eve in s~m/all
w0rk 2 (d)r~e s t/0r~e t(h)re~e fxf e(e) d en' sel~l (y)e a.d. & 's~e/e d e/e d'~s (h)ea.r0 be calm t e X (t)p0'~s e/(e)d 0/g 0/d g/rate 0/n e.g. re a.t/e a.ta t i'me~ye tm~ay/ke. g.ras~s~ h0w/(h)ere t'h'ear 0/d e/b t/wh0 w/hat a ti'me w/(h)in~te/r~est 2 0re & ke(y)ep an/s 0re tw/hit g/race
curi0s(c)ity e t (a.d.)dressed the s(h)ea.r0 w/(h)a. d.e's t i'n~at(e)i 0/n e f/0re hi(ghe)re i/n~g & re s/0 und/ ing ap par~t e ye t00 the m'pt ye c0n fuse i/0n e/a. t a/nd'~s pea.k'~s p./r.~0ut e t(u`)c~k t(h)r u e st/e w/e ye(i) 2 e ye(i) n p(L)a.c.~e t(h)u`e in t0/n e (t)c's~a(L)ve i/n fun ct i/0n e may/ke~ye w/h0 t'au~(g*h)t a. d.0~u/t~ 0/d~aye t(h)~i/nk'~s0~w/e
it's the language of the rich she surmised e w/(h)e (i*g*ht) daye with no inner 0 pen d/b rig ht
if "h"is relation s(h)ip can't float a b0/at it can't float a r0/at : ta r0t~e, in just-as-is- reflection
and it came to pass shar-one couldn't present her self w/-h-ell without rich to re-p-as-s-t-
with provision mean-t-a-(i)-l-as-t-e-
t*H*is the l~an/g u ag(e) 0' L(e) 0ve & your app(ea.)le is a w/(h)eigh t i/n g (L) in/nterest y0~u se~e de lib e're ate l~l ye (with desire actually e to/o the per si` eve ) the l~an/g u age 'l0~ve ta/ke a. b/all t00 the s~h0 w/e up ta t~all
shar-ones hol-d- on y-ew/e- is she thinks she has provided for you even, when it is e-vain-
just saying b.(h)c. it is obvious from h~ear don't you t(h)ink
s-h-e t-inks s-h-e is prow/t b.c. s-h-e h-as you too t-h-e re lay t- apparent-ly-e-too-t-h-(e)-d-ate-
f0r/m/e this is a dance of n-eve-r-en-d-i/-n-g-ye-
n0 0ne is competing to fight to-ken-l-ye- on my e provisionall t i'm e w/ith a repast and a re p0rt i'm~e*(w/) r~ap/p0r t c~lim(b) i/n~e
"dear squatter t-out-a-l-line-b-ego-t-te-d-just-fi-ne-"
why must you te-st-ye me s-owe- i have the s/p~an~s w/(h)ear -&- you b-ego-t-t-en- "h"ave the "h"o-e-
so this is s-od/d rhymes with fr/aud, shar-one thinks i am cleaving the earthly possessions, yet i ask, he she speaks "2" to make her claim on your repast tu`be her vert-u-e- and virt-(h)-ue- (a-bro-ad-e-all-a/s-t-e-)
just saying, does she never think for herself f/act u all ye
i mean shar-one can be blamed for the de lay & competition for no reason e t0/day~ and you can be blamed for the be-g-at-t-hat-act-u-all-ye-g-ave- pre served too the d-ate-
"good jo-b-s-et-h-r-u-e-you-2-"
(the only way shar-one- can appear boldLYE is on your ea.r e going n~0w/(h)ere act u ally e)
p.r.~0/fxf/0 und~ p.r.0ut~e = s"h"e didn't mi/n(e)d e/b t~h* as a.d.vance 0 pen ly e. i did b(u)ye working directly against "h"er /r-0-r-e- r-ape-ac-e-st-as-t-e-s-aye-
she only rises to compete, ("2" x too-the- re-p-eat-e-) yeah for her "A"
0~bviously i am giving for/t/e the/re giving, not for -k-ompetition
& if she can't get on my p(L)ate 0 pen ly e t00 the d/ate, it is k/n0/t b.(h)c. of my lack of desire for t0/0 2 j0~i/n/n ap~p.r.0ve ve(i)n = if this were t0 0c/c~u/r it would simp ly e mean s0me t hing e 0 pen ly e (t0 r~un "ag" gain st (eXt) r-a.d.-i/t-i-0n-e ve/in k/n0w/(h)0ve, and she would have to remove her c-l-awe-s- from you act u ally e (with actuall c0/m p~as/s i 0/n e) x (t00 the may/ke)
look i see it clearly, "pi-t-ye" is her t-r/ump-c-ard-0-pen-ly-e- and that doesn't "work" here as it should not act u all ye
she "t-inks" she is going to maintain her position by pi-t-ye-in-g-u-you- // i have to say, inside, she really sucks ass as a person. re-le-ven-t-l-ye- ?
s~0w/e ye'll just keep t/racking and t/rucking t/racking in st~y le, as you t-ry-e-t-fig-i-rig-i-your-e-pi-le-
the dung jury rung -2- s0(-0-)n -e- with - re- serve-ate- i -on-e-
s"h"e needs to remove "h"er c-law-s- from your e re al~l at(t) i.tude & re all at/t~r/i(b~u)te in t i'm e a.d. just b.(h*)c. eye w/r~0/te the re (t*h) i/nk in/n~e're t~h' 0 pen e tu` be in/n 0 pen t00 th(e) a.s/si`g.~n e* in 0/n e st~y/le a.d. i' vi/n~e Miss Rea.d. (just) fi/n~e ~ing
shar-one is reg(-u-)arding me as weak, yet eye don't understand her re-t-or-t-e-
i am "weak" in her visionary -ass-un-der-e-p-0-0r-t-e-
in f/act in my 0wn signat0ry e (h)a.d. vance, i am week, b(u)ye week e ve(i)n'~s~i/nk~n0w/e
is it because, i let you lead by desire, and s"h"e makes you g-row-e-
& t h*is s"h"e consider's -h-all-o-w-e-
w/hen i think of the wall and w/hall just b.(h)c.
we can be tall kin~g about the esophogeal passage waye~s = your neck -0- re neck 0 g~night i 0/n e w/(h)0n~e
as/such "h"er w/hall has not produced a sound k~n0/t~e tu'be see n~0w/e c(h)0
the weak echo is a mystery, w/hi~le ye a. M.iss Tarry e &
if s"h"e t"h"inks i am weak, by e "h"er-e-t-or-t- e ye would have to say e by which re p~0r t e // is "h" e trying to s-w/(-h-)ay-e- a majority b(u)ye y0ur 0wn x y0ur 0ne m0re all i t~ye -2- on-l-ye-t-or-t-e- "am-ore" x "am-ort-e-" sir-cum-scribe-l-l(e)-ye- "h"e/a.r-a-ft-e-r-e-s-0w/(-e-)n- (t-or-t-e-)i/n-g-r-0p-e-i/n-g-0rg-(i)e-d-or-k- un till dorky he/rd a door-k-eye-g-ave- "h"ave n/ "&" on-l-ie "h"ave -n- ag-gain- eigh-t-a/il-aid-e- too-th(-e-)d-ate-
so w/h0 is competing most for g.~e h0st -2-d-ate- ? pate n' pL~a(i)te ? signatory as i~g h(t) eye t i'm e & may/ke 0/n e the sa.m.e re past (e)ye A/s t~a/ke ye w/(h)it'~send's a/n d/u/ne a.r(n)d (e) fx f/ace
p.s (sp) i am not be causing w/-allow-e-too-the-ma/te-x-t-ra-0-rd-in-ar-e-l-ye-
it is my be~le a.~f "tuberculosis" is a "noun" caused by a -re-ver-b-in-e-the-re-r0und-ing-s-en-ding-
f/r-0-m-e- 0-si/s- "b.c." you didn't get all the f/acts on the first p-ass-t-as-i/s-"and" you would like to pass(-e-`) on the apparent lack of activity on to my st/a~nd e -too-the-re-pa(-i-)re-(e-)fxf-ace(-t-)s-aye-s-seen-as-(t-ye-a.)f-x-f-a(-i-)r ---- e---2- always-circumscribe 2 r~e t/her e & t (h) r u e -in/n-are- ap-prove-d-a-(i)-r-e- * with no proof apparently e to square your e-t-rut-h- because you-t- removed it from being a w/are in vi~ew/e (& give no moneye as t~credence to pr0ve t0/n e tu`)
you are not the money keyeper, but the money waste -r- // f0ra r~e gardening the a. fxf a(i)r~e a.d. just b.(h)c.~
i think you take your weak by "week" text-posed-over-t-w/-hee-k-weak-a-ft-e-r-e-weak- that is your w-ave- you have -t- 2- honest l-ye- re-p-ea.-t-e- with my virtuous face appearing as your e vi/ew/e "worth" mat(e)ing -on-e-too- 2- t-owe-a.-ve/rt-h-ue- as the "r/ich" as the "me-one-ye-" ma.d.-e -b-/t-(h)-r -u- e- (i/n-n- is s/0/u/r-e-n-am-e-) to-g-i've.-g.-ave-
just saying "you" have absolved no vert (h)ue by virtue at your signatory f-ace- a~vail~ye~w/e a.ven 0 pen ly e t0/d~ate ye a.s t~you 0 pen ly e w/0rt~h a/nd e/b t (h)rea.(d) p~lay i/n~g i/n/n vi~ew/e & maintaining'~su~staining e tu`de (a.)l~l ta s~h0/e & s'0l/e. g. i/t (a)gi~f t 2~
your -t-r/i-ad-ding- is vanities in-fan-t-g-am-e-ad-mire-r-ing- 0-ver-t-im-in-g-
a/in-g-iv-e-twerk-ta-g-if-t-ex-t-pan-s-ive-l-ye-vain-e-ye- h-ex-p0's-e-d-(e-)ye-
shar-one, p-l-ease don't ab-h-ort-me with your vanity-e- i am not l-on-e-l-ye- i am at ease
shar-one, p-l-ease don't ab-h-ort-me with your vanity-e- i am not l-on-e-l-ye- i am at ease ye w/(h)a~ve t/b a.c. k i/n ~g app(ea.)le a. f0reward le a.f~(r)ee l ye w/(h)i'll~ and e w/hale ye th~0 u' s~(e/e~k) p~ea.k u/p (a.(i)d.) de fi/n e i/n ~g 's~cup p~r un~net h~0 ver t~a nd 0 f/f~e at/e* a.c.~h ew/(h)e ft g0 & j0/b~e t(h)r u e st e~w/(h)e n~i ft~ye 0n(e) L~ye t00 the b(u)ye & b/i~ f0r~e see/n~0w/e i'n/n(e)a.te t~a ll's~0 pen dg~r/0 w/h0~e
t0 me ye a.m. c0/m bi/n~e de b/t h~a/nd i/n/n t i'm e w/~hen i. p.~l~e/as/e ll ye t her e in c/a(i)re
just "b.c." you can't receive i/t~ doesn't mean your e-squatting-if-t-a(i)r-e-t00 the c/are rye t~m e're p~L~ease ye w/hit eye t b rig ht 0/n~e ye t a.d. just fi/n~e all t(h)e t i'm e
t0 me a.d. e "miss-for-tu-ne" has found-i/t-'s e/e-b-rake- t-(h-)act-u-all-ye- too-the-p.r-0-se-e-d-e- for the debt -x- dept-h- 2- keep-ta/king-4-the-re-lay-t-in-g-0-pen-l-ye-(maintaining-s-eg-lea-d- for no reason e tu` b~e* a.m.(e)ye T in T/r~a.(i)d.e
your e digit hasn't d0n/e t i'm e ve/(i)n'~s0w/e
2 (a.c.)c0unt 0/n e fingers and t0es w/(h)it 0/n (e) k~n0se' s~0w/e -h-e/dg/e-g0-d-e-
be f/0re in t i'm e re st'~s0l i.d.'~st ere in i'm e tu` ta/ke a.p/pr0 w/t e ve(i)n (t) d's~aye w/e. g.0 t 0/g~r/e at e~n 0/n e ye fxf~as/hi 0/ne d e/b t(h)in(d)e in 0/g~gi n/d e tu`s(h)tag e & get a. c.r0ss p~age l~le pt ag/e g. A i'n/n a.m. e
noun's my friend, not nouns-e-g-r/e-verb- wit h no g/a.m./e r~e please sure r(e) ing
s-loves -e.a-b-u-st-l-u/s-t-e-
your t-in-king- is over riding my t*h*ink i/n g, & s~0w/e ye a.m.0ver t~r/ w/hey~e w/h~ea.t' s~ink i/n g t0 me a.d. ecastasy e in'~s a.(i)m.e nes/s t/a~t~e ve(i)n (t)d's~ agging asses 0 pen ly e a/s~ t re a.d. kn0wing lee f0ra w/hat as given (t) d's just b.(h)c. has t~i t~ye fe(e)d~en sell ye t(h)rea.d. aye. g. A i'n/n~a n/d
h0-w/-e-ave-r-t- you can't say you p.r.0/0f e with0ut m(e)ye t00/t~h/e* as sall you would be say-t-ing-is-t-a-base-less-bein-g-in-to/o-t-2-ti-me-bein-g-f(-r/i-)e/n d-l-ye-t-m0re-ass-i-ven-s-0w-e-g0-d-e- &- s-e-g-en-(e-)g(r-)ave-t-b-eg0-t-ten-a-nd-0-0re-tu`-be-g0t-en-0re-c-(h-)a-l-f -0ra- wi-fe-e-d-in-d-e/ed-
the more-ass as mo/ras s/it s-i'm-pull-eye- the morass you make -&- w/ake -k-i/n-d- (el-)ly-e-w/(-h-)ave t-e-ye- s-am-e-n-am-e-s(-h-)ave-ye-
ps. it is not ecological~l to use the "law" for no reason e tw/h0 l(e)ye l0ve on my T i'm e. n/0re "2"x"t0/0" ad-just-fi-n-e-nough-t- in-count-en-(d-)ance -0- f/f-e- (that your romance has never been a~ll 0~ft) (2 carrye water e in 0 f/f e) (& t/here f/0re the t re e, is not in your trust pear~0 t-ru(-e-)st-e-ye- with "a lot" and no bu/st m~ill k~e (ye) 0/n e~
s"h"e thinks i am weak 2 have you move by desire as/sure as th~eye s peaks, s"h"e can move t/bye t/hen e m(e)ye cheek
b'm(ye) cheek m./ sync t
"you" put -t-it-out-here- ye put i/t 0/n e tu`~
min~0 f/f 0r~t he re c0rd e b/t 2 t~ye fxf 0r~t i fi/ye, has a leg that cramps on occasion, and i have identified it as his left hind leg when facing me, and his right hind leg when he is only facing within himself actually e. f0r/m/e a leg has been left be h~ind e/b t u`s(h)ye (i/nd)
scene "law" with n0'~s l~0ve t g i've t (0)/day e w/(h)e~a.r~e r/0 und r~0ne w/0 und e/b t~h(u)e w0r(L)d g(h)~aye as t/e g(h)ave~n (t)d's~aye
your "law" has no right to be scene around the world and with word, with no love t00 the s~l0ve & g(L)0ve~ = "you" have made a.d. a totall loss at a per's-0/n-e-all-c-0-st-e- f0re kn0w/h0 tu`be in the s~0w/(h)e a.t e fxf e/e d 0~ve & d0/n~e (t)d/awn~ing 0/n e
tar0t t~0ra t 'h'e be a.m.(e)ye w/h~aw/(h)edge t'h~em e & re lay T~hi/rd e'ye s0l i.d. l~ye t0 me w/hee haw~e & gew/e. T'au(g*h) t "j"ew/e = as good as your m(e)ye T b rig ht 0/ne t l~i/ne in t i'm e a. ll t(h)e t i'm e
p-lus-t-in-"h"-e/r-en-t-w/-is-t-ap-par-e-n-t-i/s-t-e-ye-fer-ret-p-0le-c-at-with n0/ fer rule a.t 'l~a/s t/a ke n(t)d's~en d's~
fa(i)r~e the fer ru/le ye b/e~n/d's a~n/d's e~n d's~e X t~en d's aw/e b~r/0 (a.)d. aye. g. A i'n/n' sup p~ly e i/ng'~s a.(i)m.e ve(i)n (t) d's~
p-L-ease don't make the fer/ret a mu-le-g-i/t-with-0/u/r-e-b/e-lie-f-i/t-he/i-f-i/t-u`-b-an-g-le-s-with-c-has-t-it-ye-a.nd.'suc-h-
i think you take your weak by "week" text-posed-over-t-w/-hee-k-weak-a-ft-e-r-e-weak- that is your w-ave- you have -t- 2- honest l-ye- re-p-ea.-t-e- with my virtuous face appearing as your e vi/ew/e "worth" mat(e)ing -on-e-too- 2- t-owe-a.-ve/rt-h-ue- as the "r/ich" as the "me-one-ye-" ma.d.-e -b-/t-(h)-r -u- e- (i/n-n- is s/0/u/r-e-n-am-e-) to-g-i've.-g.-(r-)ave-t-bein-g-ag-reed-
t (h) e.g.(r) app (el)le n (t) d's (h) ave t'~s (h)a.d.e in e ve(i)n ta re p~(L)ace the "p"ein-a-g0/n-a.d.-e'ye-i/e-n-s-a(-i-)m-e-
i haven't rappelled in vain inn 0 pen a.d. just e th~e s~aw/(h)e the s(h)a.m.e w/het~t a(i)r~e ve/in bet~t a(i)r~e fxf~er'e a.r~e
ste t/h'0 s~c0pe db~e a.m(e)ye s~p0/ ke ye
fe at(e) b(u)ye fe a/s t(e)
b(u)ye fe a/s t(e) b(u)ye fe at (e/a.) R~0'se's e.g.t/h0rn's e.g. r~0w/e n'0'se's~aid'~s0w/e
the re all' s~et~(h)e.a.~c~h a/nd e/b ta~u(g*h)t a s~h0 w/(h)it all 0/n~e b/La.c./k & w/hi~t/e & rea.d. &~d e'ye l~l 0! w/t~ea.m. e a.d.e n'~sell ye g(h)ave t~g A i'n/n ye
i think you take your weak by "week" text-posed-over-t-w/-hee-k-weak-a-ft-e-r-e-weak- that is your w-ave- you have -t- 2- honest l-ye- re-p-ea.-t-e- with my virtuous face appearing as your e vi/ew/e "worth" mat(e)ing -on-e-too- 2- t-owe-a.-ve/rt-h-ue- as the "r/ich" as the "me-one-ye-" ma.d.-e -b-/t-(h)-r -u- e- (i/n-n- is s/0/u/r-e-n-am-e-) to-g-i've.-g.-(r-)ave-t-bein-g-ag-reed-e-w/e- " ' " de-l-i've-r-t-e-a.-t-e-
just s0w/(h)e n/k~n0's e.g. r0w/e s~aye~s (h)0w/~e (t/hen k~n0se) g.0/n de/e~p t~(h/r)0at
just s0w/(h)e n/k~n0's e.g. r0w/e s~aye~s (h)0w/~e (t/hen k~n0se) g.0/n de/e~p t~(h/r)0at (e)ye t' 0ffer t~a b re a/k fast b(u)y(h)e i*gh~t may/ke say/t cap t~i've l(le) ye t00 the re p/ea.t i/t d/0wn~e tu`t(h) 0/b~b(u)ye serve t w/hit ea.d(r)a~ft re duct i 0/n e a.d.e
re deux b(u)ye necessary e s/0ar (e) ring i/ng faith fully e t00 t~'h'e be le~a.f t~0/m e
malcolm gladwell doesn't have any e w/here t0 (e) g0, except in his spoke/n~d individualism as he is a mutt e're by his own e re noun inventi0n e & what i mean bye that is he has no where to fall back on, as he re pre sents many nationalities in 0/n e. that is also why i think he can write a book on outlier's (le) evident l ye.
'h'e c~an e mu/t (f/0re) t 0/n e me w/ t(h)d~g/ave t 'h'(r)e a.d. e m.0. lt~ing w/hit 0ut c~h/ange t00 th(e)d rye ve(i)n s~lee p/i~n/g~ave
the da?ft, will always be t-(h)re-ad-2- t-h0se- t-hat- e-t-a-t'ea.c~h a~n/d be t'he be s~p0 k e/n tu`b/r ew/e in si`g.nat0r~ye plum age t(h)r u e 2 0/n e t0/0
de ft ev0lved f/r0m/e meek in re all i t~ye 2 fi/n d ye w/i'll (i)a.m. 0 lt i/n g t0/n e w/h'0~le. g.0/n~e
as-shar-e-0ne- sits-son her as-s/he criticizes my work, of disorganization e tu` be (e) my e 0wn de-st-in-t-nation-e- t/hat can only be preserved, from this "h"er-e-vain-si-lent- con-fi-g-u-r/e-at-e-i-0n-e-
ps. feasibility testing with "ew/e" is a b-ore- - - s0w/rye tu` interrupt your -e- n-ew/e's- a/nd-st-at-u-re-
ps. feasibility testing with "ew/e" is a b-ore- - - s0w/rye tu` interrupt your -e- n-ew/e's- a/nd-st-at-u-re- 2 m(e)ye a.m.0(0)re a.c.~h as p/b f/0re
the on-e-l-l-ye can claim is birthing "a" child and giving it a vain n-a.m.-e-2- t-h-e vain t00t-h-e p.r.-0-c"L"a "i"m~e -a-r-d0-(-0)r-e-in-p-ass-i-0n-e-c-lept-0r-e-
w/hat d0 t~h e'ye r i.'d.e 0/n e be's p0 k/en t i'm e // and e w/here is my e c(h)0 (i/c/e)'s~ponsor ship to be f0und in the n~are r0und ? could it be, s-pawn-sore-t-he-st0re-ye- w/-h-i/t- t-eye-t-mi-x-t-all(t)a-ll-0-w/e-0n-e-p-h-raim- t/hat has never actually bespoken e~ve/in k w/(h)e're c0/g ni/t i 0/ne t/h~e same w/it'h' as k~nit verse-sus- nit-jea.-lo-u/se w/-h-it-d-re-am-
p.s. (sp) t/here is no way to organize an out-rite lack of seek well t0 me n~0w/e be (h)ave b.(h)c. y-ew/e-g-ag-reed-
p~le/a. s/u~r/e able a.d.e' s~i'm pull eye A s~t/at~e d~aye. g. A i'n/n~0ra ga i/n st e
min0 and i walked to the store tonight, looking for chocolate, we found a convenience store open next to the police station, i walked in, its late, didn't see anyone visible, and said hello, with my dog in tow, noticed the woman she looked at the dog, and i said, he is papered, and i am looking for chocolate. she pointed with a nudge of her head in the direction of a little stand, and i thought to myself not much selection. mostly name brands, a kit kat per haps, and my eye appealed on a lindoor b/all, i selected dark and white w/hall. upon taking a step back, i was at the register to buy e the f/act, and min0 jumped up with a nail on the counter, and i pulled him back down with the leash. the woman said, that is one thing she doesn't accept, a nail on the counter / with no re lie f? i thought to myself i could touch the g/round and place that finger on her l/e~dg/e and ask her t hen w/hat she would like to ab-h-ort- 0 pen l ye in st/e a.d. e t/a~g a i'n/n
mu-st-l-eve-r-ye-t-ing-e-in-a-me-as-u/r-e- t/he dg e w/e ta t/may/ke (s0methings don't matter w/hen y0u t(h)ink i/n p(L)ace t(h)r u e & t(h)r u (l)e pt b~a/re~ all ye fxf a.c.(e) t0r e.g. race' s e/ra in deed fe/e d en sell ye
earlier today i met with an-d-ye- i have seen him barely in passing on purpose, as my sewing machines are in his basement, he laments of man-ye-t-i/ngs e-g- re-dun-d-(er-)ant-l-ye-, he wan't s to spend quality time with me, and yet, he took his c/ar so that i couldn't get back and forth conveniently e. i feel ironically e nothing for his-ave-t-ye-(de-)fe-at-e- de-f-0/r-m-in-g-
he said today as a horse drawn carriage passed in front of us, waiting at the stop light, "that is me a beast of bur-den carrying you all around" and i asked him promptly if he wanted me to get out of his c/ar. (f-uck-j-0/b-)
i thank me fxf/0re in/n si`g.h~t & fxf/a.c(e)t0r e (e)fxf/0ra re all e. (a.)d.(c)~r/a ft e'r~e c(h)0~/m bi/n~e dxf arm ea.r ea.r's aw/e & sel~l thy/me w/hin & w/e in/n e w/in~e
ps. malcolm g-l-ad-well- your signature-alone- doesn't have a. higher wire a.d. j~u/s~t u` be a/s t 0w/n peace = p.r.0 w/t 0/n~e
unless your ill u si o/n e -r-0/ne b's-h-a.d.-0w/-e-' d- a/n d ye d0w-ing 's- pee-d-as-k-e-ye-
ze all : interesting to t angle with 'men' in the "h"em, as they are all pre sent ing them selves e vain. it is interesting me to think how they must f-ee-l in k-ee-l- like a singular woman, in the competitive marketplace, judged for not taking scene enough too a hi-re-l-eve-l-e-pt-prig-ht-e-am-(e-)on- e-ye- t(her)e b~eve L and bezel set (h) 0/me a.r~e pair able a.d.e ve(i)n~ & 0/n e ve/(i)n' s(h)0
bu/ye w/hat mat~t 'h'~e(a.)r~'s~(e*g)r~ew/e
it is kind 0f, not c0'0le that russell brand can make money, even across he sea~s, as he is from the UK, for/t his mess-i-a/h-c0/m-p-le-x- and not tall k t0 me capable a.d.e "&" r-ich t-inks, i am the "one" g(-l-)0re-y-e hounding-&-re-bounding- non-sense-i-c/all-ye-
r-ich has a r-ich po-st-e/r-i-0/r-e-he/e-ha/a-s/s-t-ew/e f-t-f0-0-le-d-r0-0le-w/e-t00-t-
i like h0/und's by the w/(h)eigh t, and that gi'ves the h0/und's t(h)at r~un, a b-ad-f-r-am-e-
here's the m~eta p/h~0re for s-lice : p ea.t as/s 0/n e i` eve~n ~0~f/f/e~ at~(0)e
current at younow/xubrnt, soon at xubrnt/ you tube & vimeo : please check 'contacts' at
e'ye L*~as (h*) ave t(h)f~ac(e) t(c)0re in/c 0/n~s i`/s~t en(d)c~y/e ve/r~ye t (h)ing e ve(i)n e'ye a.m0(0)r~e t00 t/h(e) d~0/0re