s (t) a s/s 0(0) D ~ e/b t a get i/t 0ff t/h (0) u~ g/h t ~ 0/0 L(h) e(a)ve (i)n (d) kn 0/t ~(b) e L/L (h) e'ye (ad) (am) 0/t ~ (h) e r e (a) t 0/0 t(h)(f) 0're s t (a) fxf f ~L 0/0 r (e~a)D (am) 0/0 re (a)d (h) 0 c re (a)d i/t 0/0 t/h f 0'r (e a)d (0) b e/e (n/d) s p0 ke (n) d g (L) 0'r e ~(ye) ve (i)n (d) am (e) 0'r e a.d. ~ e/b t(h)(u) b (r ) 0ugh t ~ 0ff t/h (d) 0 p en d 's m(e)a.r (k~e) t 's (L) 0/t t 0 (w/e) fxf t |
thankfully i can taste for the most part, so there is a little bit of happiness, for the for (k) thought |
i/t- (u-) s- h- a-rd- 2 s e'ye (a) t (h) rue, when their is kn 0 w/e v(e) a L/L (h) u e w/e i.d. ~ e/b t ass t (e) a r e (a) d (h) e'ye i.d. (0) be (a) t (h) rue w/e i.d. verse-sus- (t- a-) f-x-f0r-ce-s-scene-d-0f-t- a- get- (i/t-) 0ff- t- (b-) all- (d-) 0/t- |
i'm embarrassed i ordered black, purple, to go with north sea. i brought 3 tops. i got them for more than half price off. i liked the lavender, also the black . when they come i can see if they really work with my coloring. i do like the fabric from the first one, and the lacing, and can justify new workout tops b.c. eye work t (r) out (b) a ll ot . i'm embarrassed b.c. i am spending, without insurance ye w/(h) i' L/L e g (get) i/t bLack t. i feel i should be more prudent when all i have is -t-(u-)d- u-d- (h-) e-ad-0f-t- a c t |
i'll he (a) L/L (a) p ew/e t 0/0 t/h (a)d (e/b t) ass t (e) a r (e) t (h) in g e/g g 0/d (0ff) a(i) t (h) e a.d.~ e/b t u s~h ea.r (t/h) d 0 h(ea.ven)d e/b t a gain d ~ e/b t 0/0 L(b) e(n)d e/b t ass (m) e/n d (s) 0'L (h) e (a) ve (i)n (d) s ~ |
h-(d-) 0/n- (L-) e-(ye-) i-d- "love-d-" ass - (m-) u-ch- (ass-) t- (h-)e-ad- (e/b-t-) up- (e-) t- (i/t-) 0ff- t- (u-) be-g-g-(L-) 0- d- e/b- t-(u-p-) 0/n- (e-) d-