trees oceans make as much oxygen ass trees
rick linda andy cur-rent- stud-ye-
hell p (L)ave/ `/ dia mo n/d's a w/as h e' d f/r0m t he be. g.i/n/n i/ng (r)ave t ye b/bro a.d's i de all thy/me
i think catholicsim need s an over haul to tas sure your said is t~ance t (h)read 0 ver t e
"0"s-hun-t- be thy vain & n-a(-i-)m-e-de-p-ar-t-ed-e/b-t-ag-a-in/n-st-(r-)e-/e.(ye-s-)g.-u-a/rd-e/a.-d-
i am trying to echo locate in a st/ag-e-g-(l-)ore-ye-
pie-d- called pie d a pie-d- t-o-c-over- his-stupidity, aka vanity s-owe- he- cou/ld appear as vein 2 t~ye t/rue or t-rue- ye w/e re the re s/0we to tog ether you di.d. o/re didn't c/a(i)re 2 k/n~ow/e butt speak with your fee-l-ing-s-0w-e-
e le p(lace)h(@)an(d)t p.r.i'de a.t's w/h~ea.t 0/n e t~hind's i.d.~e vein si.( t00 the r i.d.e~s 'h'all0w/e f(t) a(i)re t00 the f~all 0 w/e cc/ar(e) r~ye ta h0~e.g g em in the m0(u)nt a i'n kn0w/(h)e a.t' ha/nd as/saye t's ha.d.e d~0we (without complaining your "grease" didn't-a-llow-e- "i/t"-allow-e-as-el-t-he wheat i eat g~rows at the same time the yield ec k's a n0'se g~0
s (e/e) 'h' e didn't understand how "h"e rated, as thinking and feeling "h"is world was complete l ye sown e on "h"er m-(e-)arrow-e-as-t-0ne-, by casting the p-rig-too-the-b-light-en-ow-e- "2" another e all s0w/e ?
i t(h)ink your narcissim knows no bounds in the com-f-ort-e-(it)g-round-own-
all e'ye see is the r-ich- "rich" in pre-ten-d-i/ng- without actually tending, o/rt hc/a(i)r(e)r~ye i/ng roat, worth it's face too the n0te "t-it-re-p-l-ace's-on-"s-h/-allow-e- ar-t-an-0- inn our sel-l-f-0re-f-un-d's- h0w/-e-s-hell-s-h0c-k- et-u-the-m-(e-)ar/r0w-e-on-(e-)ar/r0w-e-
min-(e-)d-ea.-d-f-arrow-e-require-too-the-s-kin-n- thankfully, they can't speak, on -e-me-a-g/r-0-at-de-lig-ht-e-ye-w/-r/i-t-&-e-very-e-t-hing-e- force-scene
your f-ero-se-e- from a mistake on per-p-o's-e-e-dunder-e-nea-t-h
dear dumb ass, and dumb ass in/n co, your prig zach hasn't returned my money on your s-owe- as you sit in/c contemplating your fai r 0 -te- to me all's 0we
your fee-l-ing -unearthed, reveal your lie-n-ow-e-g-0/n-ose- fort the "ho"use g-row-e-i/ng-
changing the c/lay as suite s-"h"i(s)-t-0re-ye-
s~h0/0 t f/r0m th i.p. u/re vi ew/e t a w/(h)it e 0/n e b/lac/k~ & t're a.d. capable a.d. e/b t re tire -ye-a/s-t-e-all-e-g-(r-)0-e- f/r0m e me a.d. t0 me c0mp(l)eat l~ye
e'ye H c/hew/ hey~e t c~hew/e in a l(ove) i(eye) n(owe) e(very e t hing e) a(deter~miner) r(are) e p0/t~en t~i all
t/here x t/heir is not grace too the may/ke makin-g-ig/norance-s-pan-s-e-g-conscious-l-ye- &- l-ie-on-e-2- t/a-lie-n-ow/e-in-t-i'm-e-ad'scene- si/g-n-at-u-re- ste-p/p-e-st/-e-t-hing-e-
& predictable at you/r "h"in-d-si-de-all-e-g-t/one- sowe you t-ink without seeing your face in f/rone t0 me.
lie on the la.m. b/a.c./k e ye a.r0und e tu`g a w/hey e t all' s~0w/e
s(e/e) inc a/n d' s(e/e)i/n k 0/ver t e t00 the w/(h)i(d)th' ind en t/h~i/s p/(L)ace too the w/(h)i(d)th' st a/nd e pt(h) ye a.r~t ' d~0ve r/t/e ye f0ra~n ye i, c/an s~i/re you/r 0ne desire (all bye mysel~l fxf) the only problem is your miss-sty-c/all- debt- o/u/r-e-mem-b-e're- i-g-n- e-b-rain-in/c-on-t-r0ll-e-g-0- for no re all reason to s/how the working words you use in your head as pa(i)d e and p/a.d. d0w with 0 w/heel~lass 0/we desire on the e g0
zach-t- is basically putting his pen-is-inn- my mouth, "2" t-ow/e "it" a round 0 pen ly e (with no pure vi ew/e seen capable ly e in the s~0w/e as t 'h' ye w/k~n0w/e b/be sp o/k e~n & kent pre ten d i/a.m. a.(i)d.e ve(i)n e without a co h0 st u`b's pea.k up.(i/ed) paid i l~at e tu`be t/h(e'ye b/b) c a.(i)m. e a.d. just the say/me even if i am apparently the only one speaking ;) t0 me 0n/e tu/r/f~t's how re-frain, and t-am-e- at the same ta t~i'm e ye/-we t-h-ink your are de-fe-at-ing me with your innane indust/r-ye- ste-ad-ye- with no re birth you haven't given t d's t/a nd fir st e & fi/r st e ll ye
r-ich- is helping-ack-z-ack-t- "2" date rape and d-r-ape- t-heir-e-pen-is-o/n-e-me tu be scene as independent in their opportunity and abundance to make beyond their (yea-r-s-e-) "2" read capably as/"seen" for no reason among me / actually e.
what has been happening all along per the non sense set 'h'as pre sense, is the f-x-f-ea-r- gets carried away from the one that is giving love, and not actually a threat too 2, but/t only "to/o" -x- "2" d/ate
when thoughts and words and working worth the world over can be seen for the saying yes to see the air and the care 2 bu/ye to/o with quite frankly purchase order power e too the re tell w/hal(l)e app(l)ied e pt 0 even s0w/e
t/huss we address the t-issue of faith at w/(h)ere & w/(h)ear the pre face without competitive time (for no reason) too the erase, for no reason t/actually too the re lay t, all ready given in/n s p(l)ace
t-huss- without faith, has already given-i-n/n/-s-p-(l-)ace- too-the-pro-vi-di-ng-race-
the f-ear- is simply coming t-rue- misplaced as my t "h"rea.t bu-ye-w/-e- g-un-to-x-i/c-2- c-ap-p.-.r0ve-t-c-h-e*-
r/owe by r/oe i can't count the number (verse-sus-numb-e're-) of i have created in the wall of my hall o w/e t(c) b 0/d~ye all sow/e t0(w/)e a.r~t 'h' ea.r~e c/ken e my e neck' s~aid e serve t/hen ye e w/(h)ey e re p(l)ea.t ed l (e)ye c0n e cc le a.r~e too th(e)day t as/s~aye 2 d/ate ye
& i/t is c-over-t-e-d- bu-ye-t- sh(-i-)mo-
why do i "get" to where this as if i made s-him-a/n-d- e/b t my value "2" give to another sh(-e-)m0-rt-g-(r-)0-w/-e- &- d-g-(r-)0-e- st/e-all-e-g-(r-)0-t-
-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e- 2- t-0s/s0-d0f-t-c-l-eve-r-t-e-be-got-t/en-d-'s-now-e-ft-mat-t/her-e-ar-t-faith-as-p-(l-)ace-for-t-f-ace-ful-l-e-g-ill-t-o-ken-ye-pi-t-ye- ful-l-ye- on-t'-mar-ro(w/-)e- b.c.- see-w/-he-of-f-er-e-
ye think i didn't know what i was getting in t0/ w/hen eye w/r0te 2 me just the s(h)a.m.e tu` s~h i t~c/h a/nd itch e~ye~a.r.e ta/ke el and 0 all a b0ut me a.d. be~t/t~a (i)r~e : just like "you" are with "knowing" guilt -ye -l- looking like gilt al't the time ye t-ill-t-o/n-e-min(e)d, but not true nor thru 2 x t0/0 & t0/w~e pt~p0 t/en t i all a re ad d~ye a ste g~e st em at/h e.g. i'ven t as/s~t0r/e~ye 0ver t i'm e
not all ea.t/h/e r0e current l ye made b/t h ea. ven' sowe in (c)k as/s u re a.d. l ye cc le ave & (w/)h0~e t0/g/ether s p.r.0ut~e d ew/e ar t he w/0r(e)king p.r.00000fe or-e- s-poof-ed-t-hat(-e-) b (h) c0me t (h) rue ye tau/gh/t make on principle
unlike z-ack-t-, who masquerades with pay t/day and 2 d/ate and me one ye, as providing service in p(l)ace, but given the opportunity e, "he" is the one contacting me unnecessarily -a/nd-e-without-a-t-race- for-m-e-all-ye-, thinking he hold's the keye's to my grace, for his f-ace-t-make-on-e-me w/......ait.........perp-le-x-("i/t")d(e-)l-ye- which is a statement in nit's sel-l-f-e-d-f-ace-, that my time is worth the working value of his service provider, to "weigh-t-on/-e-" my e m(e)ar/r0(w/)e ve/in 0~f/f a(i)r~(0)e with hate // the gest-u-re- is sp o/k en si lent l ye as t he m ay/ke in true time ye fxf ace
sow/e z-act-acting like the principle, is really just a loser concerned about his image for no reason, like r-ich-t-, so t-hey-e- can garner your be-lie-f-i-ng- with me-one-ye- a/st-aid- as if t by the stability they c/are and carry about too th(e) day & 2 d/ate provision -e- t-hey-e-(b-)rake-
w/hen nit comes rig ht d/own e w/hit it, z-ach-t- doesn't c/are to x 2 a ct eve(i)n virtuall e x (it) virtuall ye tho (w/-)us(s)e- "too" in-s-pi-r(e-)u-e-
here is the thing about "hose" x "house" art, it is a mock up at best, it is an act of theory with no working gen e r ouse/city e tis kn0(w/)t m'ye f all t ye, as/s any one can see the direction is-t-ill-e-ave-n-i-ng- t-races- to get off of my f/ac(t)e tc's w/i ft~
w/hen nit comes rig ht d/own e w/hit it, z-ach-t- doesn't c/are to x 2 a ct eve(i)n virtuall e x (it) virtuall ye t"mysteriou-s-ly-e-)as-t-a/d's-up/per-see-d- in-s-p-r-out-e-i/ng-i/ndustrou sly-e-g/i-shittng in teh mouths of s-"h"i'm-an/na- w/out ending-tu-be-re/c-eiving-rain-ag-gain-st-e-
the re all r'0le is never tended to fruition bu/ye sustainable t-r/ad-i/t-i/on-e- & re.g.-u-areded as/s a.m.~a~miss-i've=d-e/b-t-ha/t-i'm-e- w/out feeling // f-e-e-l-i/ng- sown inside "2" tu b sown outside t(h)rue
without distinction on the re all 'h' t~give value in spoken word's that you can't see the intention thru e and through and t/huss true and st(r)ew/e , w/hen k, hopefully (h)eave n
the re all r'0le is never tended to fruition bu/ye sustainable t-r/ad-i/t-i/on-e- & re.g.-u-areded as/s a.m.~a~miss-i've=d-e/b-t-ha/t-i'm-e- w/out feeling // f-e-e-l-i/ng- sown inside "2" tu b sown outside tu-b-l/a.m.-e-rig-ht-e-x-t-rig-ht-i/ng- the-re-lay-t-(a)g-race-t-de-par-t-e-d- be-am-e'ye-sig-h-t-i/ng-
cruel narcissism spans the globe, on one "man" on my s~0w/e -d-own-e- s-him-is/s-ta-me-one-ye- is you/r e -c-r-o(w/-)n-e- tu-t0(w/-)e-
cruel narcissism's -e- x- is-t-s just bu/ye t-h's-h-i'm- being apparently e 2d -0/0re- 3d, "h"e hasn't made b/ t rig ht with 0/m e a.d~e ft l (ye) a.d.~d e're r/i~ng t i'm e & d(e)g.g~c0/n~sulting e t(a)g~r0 e~ing f/0/r/t/e/ ` t/h~(c')s~h0 w/(h)ing e in a(i)re~s e g l0w/ing unrepaired if you didn't show, didn't know, or didn't want to/o know /h ea. t' all's 0w/e
the writing is on the virtuall wall, spoken f/r0m e'ye virt u all a w/(h)all ~ e ye & d0~le
cruel narcissism at it's finest sitting opposite crewel~l and le'ye w/ell in re t'ea.r/n e t/te ll at b'ea.r/t/h~a/nd r~e v e~r se/e ing reed t w/(h)ist e/d fi/n~e ally e t00 the may/ke
cruel narcissism at it's finest sitting opposite crewel~l and k~ni/t w/hit pre sense 0/ft mi/n(e)d t00 the key~ep i/t~h (e*) f/ret' f/res~h a/b i/t e
f/0re h/ea.r ad f/0re a(i)re you can't m/ark on me without w/(h)ea.r e (e) fa(i)r~e
i was h ea.r -e- &- "you" are k-no-t-e- t here 0/re t heir in any working cap a city e tu be f/a(i)r e a.d.aye // due // d ew/e // any c l~ar i/t ye
i was h ea.r -e- &- "you" are k-no-t-e- t here 0/re t heir in any working cap a city e tu be f/ a(i)r e bu/ye c/ a(i)re
jennifer lawrence had and article on the internet about her failure to negotiate the same wages as other actors, which she only found out how much they the male's n-ail's made, by a wiki leak that hap pend to fall in her f(l)ave for the looking. i think the failure to negotiate for equal wage and me one ye too the make, is only part of the pat-t-urn e- f/f-ace-, the other "par-t-" is the pee-pull- that don't allow her e to see her e face in p(l)ace. just saying, so w/e 's is ta c le ar.e
r-ich-g(-h-)ave (call me up on it, in ghana, t-hey-e- cut off women's hand's if they are seen outside of t-heir-e- hut, "2" send a message to the woman, they should be scene s-hut-)
r-ich-g(-h-)ave the seed-ate- even in ghana w/(h)ea.r e t00 the re lay t at fi-r-st-e-ad-ate- &- all-over-t-he-p-l-ace-
i get the problem w/(h)ea.r t it is all over y-ew/e-r-ich- just to(0k) se/a.m.~a n/d be a.m. ye a.b's 0le u t l ye
sow rich came looking as the tree pose, and he actually aka actual lie is the re-p0-'s-e-e-d-o(h)-t-e-
i get the problem w/(h)ea.r t it is all over y-ew/e-r-ich-a/rd-e-w/e va(-i-)n e t/h a n/d0f't ex posed-g-am-e-
yew/e can be a rich ew/er e 0n e t f(r)a(i)m~e & and honest ew/~er e t p.r.0claim s~0w/e pt~(a)g~r0(w/H)e a.r e s0w/e
w/ kn0w/ (h)ey e a.r e.g. g0ing 0/ne w/(h)it f/a(i)r~e t here & t h e* i/r~e land be s~p/0 k/e n t~hen 'k' a.d. r/0 i/t h~a/nd thought full e'ye
i have work, i will becoming for you r/ass zac-t-a'p parent with. you can chose to keep your working worth as word, re my money, or wait and see. your choice, how you want me to refrain from being seen on your scene.
me as u/re t ye w/hey~e vet c h a/nd y/e tu`de all e g.(r)0 ~ve/r/se's's's's's'~s'~ seen in sus ten a/n(d)ce~'s~e~t~h ye
"house" industrie"s" has only done this cur-rent-l-ye- b/b-ro-ad-si-de- all-t/he-t-im-e- ye don't amount too x 2 much all s~0we.g. g' seen for saying' s~0we in s kin
"joe shmo" as a hypothetical man-na- t0-g-ether-e-fe-at-h-er-e-
honestly all i see is "joe sh(-i-)mo" ore sh(-e-)mo-t-o-g-et/-h-/er-e-g-i'v-e-t-a(-i-)r-e-
hypothetically e to me i pre serve t "hind"i-g-nit-ye- 0n t i'm e verse-sus-s/on-e-t-i'm-e- m-aid-up-e-to-compete- & never compleat en~ough t' dust up~t act's II p.r i'm e w/ the "sp"oken verse, ye have nothing to do or due with nor even nor heaven thru ~e~ w/hit all' s0we gg & le g0