i'm caught in your mid d le, you desire d but bring no pr0techti0/n e
ve(i)n d (h) 0ve t 00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d i/t
richard mc-g-ill-vary-e-ye- g ets a free leas-h- 0/n -e- d-0ur- e- t- b-ein-g- a- gree- d- for-me-al- ly- e- a- "t"- 0/0- t- ease- t- he- LL-e-a- st- a- g- e-we- ad-
"he" all "one" is rounding every w/ 0 men t-(d-) up- ai-d- up-e- 0/n- d-
he tosses my sensibilities, s-0- w/-he- d- pass- d- up-e-t-00-t- he- d- pee- d- awn- d-
he tosses what is, force what he has s-0-(w/-)n- e- d- with no significance inn nit, at a ll e t(h) 0/n e d
w/ (h) i 'll e p/t a' place the s a.m. e~ n d's t00 kn 0/t 0 m(e) a r/r 0 w/e
i can put the same note on his car, take a pi ct u/re = a.r t, h and face i/t (h) a ll 0 w/e d.
i put the big ass kn0te in e me'ye c ar(e) d. i left the si` lent im(e) t(h) p.r.e s/s i 0/n (e) a. r e t00 t(h) fxf a ll 0 w/e . t (d) ouche ` t, give t a b~rake d. i didn't leave the big ass knote on his car, just took a picture of it, send the picture any e w/h e ye a. r~ t, and can put the same big ass i' lent 00 knote, on his car and take a big ass picture too th send (s') i/t e ven t00 th e m~(e)ar' s~ ed
i can e con e put the same big ass not on his car, with out a second e lay e d. take the same big ass picture for t me'ye too th d e/b t00 t(h) p.r.0 claim m(e)i/t t~ a re v~en l/l e(ye) a.d. 0 w/are d 0 w/(h)ave d e/b tu be(a.)d. ass knee d b e/e h ave d
s-0we- richard mcgilvary-ed- thinks it is funny to put the same s-mar-t- note on my car, when i haven't moved it, to chalk of the p ass t ass if t he we 's e d i/t . thinks it is funny to put the same not -e- on my car, on the same day, he knows, b.c. he is stalking- 0/n-e- me- ad, to make his shiv-e-s-hie-st-(h-)er- d- mo-vi-e-ye- d- he- d- be- ad- 0f- (i-) t- on- ly- e- very body eated his- t- ea- t- he- d- , he think s it e is funny to distract me with the fact he has nothing of value to represent or live for th d ew/e i/t
(h) a ct u all e ye . he -x- is- t- a- g- e- we- d-, s- 0we- d- he- can -e-g- et laid for -t- no reason, the ass-um-p-t- i0/n- e- d- h- ass- all-a- we- s/t-re-ad-e-ye- b- e/e-n- ave-ye- d- p-ark-inn-g- 0- pr0-f-i-t- me-ss- ag- e- d-
i can leave the big ass knot e, on his car, and he can re move it, which would be funny, if i also video'd his- t- d- i/-s- g- run- t- e- ll- e- men- t-
c-lear-e-ly-e- n- ave- d- h- and- miss- (p-) en- t- w/-id- t-high- i/t- inn- t- p- lace -d- im- me- w/-it- as-s- (h-) ave- d-
why do we have to teach the redundant -ly - aka the redundant lie, inn the first place d
redundant lie first placed scene-inn- d- 0- w/ -id- th- i/t- s- e- x- f-x-f- ace- d- 0f- (i-) t- h- and- am-e- (a-) i.d.- e/b- t00 -t- he- t-('s-) ake-d- up- e- 0/n- nit- p-a(i-)d-
richard mcgilvary me-ass-u/r-e-s- t- u- be- long- inn- g- (L-) 0-ve- d- he laid th eg/g. t00 th d ate.
he -m- me- d- maid no relevance t00 th t a ct 2 t a' k e'ye p lace d at a~t
his presence, is "about" fornicating from s-pace- d-,
he "f-eel-'s-" t -hat- strong- lie- d-'s- e- x- face- d-
he "want's" attention for-t- no reason
may be, he is stating to ewe, t-hat- he- d- 0- w/-e- sn't belive in ewe vain -d- , i me/an, he is stating a tact of presense on me, and ewe are who i write too th be ll ea f/ t.
he-d- re- p- lace- t-he- f-x-f- ea- t- her- d- ea- t- h- and- ill- ye- a- s/s- t- u- buy- e- a. - "t" , the stub buys "ewe" "time" on my dime to re-p- le-a-t-
understand, his- t- leas-h- i/t- has no honest inn t er(e) ven t i0/n e, and he continues on through-0-war-e- (e-) f- air-e-d- en- i- all- s- nai-l- t- a-re- t- heir- d-
he is s-imp-ly- e- asking of me - bu-ye-re- in- force- scene- d-, that you-s-hi-t- ass- he- d- shit 0/n e me- at-he- d- keep shitting on me to get attention he has not s 0/t ea.r ness t ly e inn kn 0t. un bride le d, he has no re a. ll e a.d. bride-le-ft- re-ad-, he can only de-am-s- (p-)en- t- 0- de- me-an- s- (p-) en- t- a- gree- d-
the obvious difference, he has no intention of backing up to zer0, to make his presence se-am-e-d- en- e(a-)r-0-d-e- d- . i am saying, if he is trying to stake a claim on you thru me, that ewe are not present ass if t i'm e w/e inn g, he is doing it competitively, miss place inn g th t i'm e t-(d-) our- his- t- a- g- e- d- e-miss- a- giving- s- inn- d-he- d-
i mean, why b(r)other at a ll if t "ewe" didn't think e'ye be ll ea. f/ t... a-gain- d- he- only stands t00- t- he- d-e- me-an- s- e/e- k- t- 0f-f- t- 0/n- 0-b-0/d-e-ye- d- he gets paid to deny-e- th time = d-0f-(i-)t- 0- f-x-f- t- hing-e- d- g-ran-t- a- gree- d-
do you think i should edit my zone, and call richard mcgilvary, not buy- his-t- one- name-d- h- all- 0- we- d-, but just call him bu ye th e/n i ct (n) am e d "tu-rd"... i can replace his name ass u/re "tu-rd" and = the same t-im-e-f-r-am-e-d- ass-h-a-(f-) t- given t i'm e 'ye inn g 's us t~ (a) g~ am e / d ai l e'ye pr0 vi.' d.e inn g c~aim e / d
i can edit richard mcgilvary's name to b(r)e ad "tu-rd" and he can represent every man that wants to pick up where he d-ea-ft- ly- e- ll- e- ft- 0-f-f- t- hie-ven- (d-) ly- e-
t-he-tu-rd- t-ank-s- g-ive-in-g-e-d-
t-he-tu-rd- t-ank-s- g-ive-in-g-e-d-(g-)0-a- t-u/r-k-eye- d- h- am- me-ye- d- be- ad- f-x-f- (L-) 0ur-e- inn- g- f0rce-d- f-r0m- s- w/-he- a- "t" 0 - w/-h0- debt- 0- w/-h0 d- "t ('s)- e- ll- e- ye- a- ss- t- re -a - t-
"he" wouldn't believe i had other things to do with my day the pre miss -his-t- iss- e- we- d- 0 -w/-he-ye- t- seriously, where does the paying for -d- 0f- (i-) t- , with my time, with no money inn c(h) 0me inn g, that is not for t me'ye ll a c k/t. he is s-imp-ly- making -0-d-0f- t- w/-it- at his-t- a- b- ack- t-. he is making dof-t- on me, frontally, he is making dof-t- on ewe, to never be ad pre sent w/h 0 b/i t e we d
d~en i'm (e) as/s k t/d en 0.d e d(p.r.) i'm e d~
he is asking in such a way as-s-tu-b-e-ad- e-divine- d-
the stub can't bring th time
"ewe" h0-LD- on-e- t- (y-) 0ur- e- me-0ne-ye- force- s/s- (t-)ake-inn- g- u-y-our-d- 0ur- e t h0/n e ye d- - - -
f/r0m now on, i'll just refer to richard mcgilvary as -s- k- tu-rd-
s 0 we all can be d aff 0r'd the presense t-he- d- b- r- in(n-)g- (n-)ea-r-d-
he-ye- g0 - t- ass- k- tu-rd- he speaks -d-en-eye- t- (h-)rue- inn- b-r0- ad- sir-e- com-e- size-i/t-
he is only s-(h-) ave -inn- g- 0/d- en- e'ye -a- ll- for the pre miss t00 t-h-ab-u-s-e- d-
= the- s-ad-s -a- container- d- a- br0-ad-
the w/ het (h) is/s u e w/e d never has t00 th is/ sue w/e d
he "stands" as open lie ass he d-ap- p- (L-)an- (t-) d- en- e'ye- t- am- e- d- buy- e- t- Lam- e'ye - lie-d- on- s- nail- t-'s -0n- e- vain -d-
k-eye-p - the lam -eye- lie-d- on- k- eye- vain- d-
honest ly , it is a wonder how/- tu-rd- e-r0de- d-e/b- t-0- get- lay-e-d- i/t- ... tu-rd- doesn't eat e fxf 0 r t b rain (d) s (p) en t 00 th (e) re claim mit~ t (h) a're pen t en ce s/s h~are d 0 w/are a.d.
i doubt tu-rd- can get laid in the future unless he d-um-bs- d-0-w-n- e- t- 0- w- n- i- eye- nee- d-
"0/h" ju-st-00-L- e- d- e/b t- a- (i-) L00 - k- t- force- d- fee- d- f-r-eel- ye- t00 t- he- me- an- s- e/e- k- t-
he- see-k- t00-t-he- d- ea- t- he- me a k/ t -2- make th e me-at-
e/n-ave- d-e/b- t-00- t-he- d- ate- ye t a gain~n d ri've th (e) re c0/n d' s t e a.d. h and ' st 0/0d i'n(n)e~ re serve d (h) inn d
b-ad-g-ere- inn- g- i'nn-t- he- w/-(h-) inn-d- 0- w/e-ed- e/n- am- e- vain- ai- L-(t) ye- d- h-ave- d-
t-he-tu-rd- (h-) ass- t- b- re- ad- t- he- d-
me'ye n (k) n 0t/ e me'ye sir e c0m e reference s/s h (e) d e'ye d~h i.'d. e tu s/h e'ye d 0h t 0at ? h~ d en e'ye d : if tu-rd- doesn't agree with my note inn my working sapce, he can provide another debt 00 th (r) t r0pe d. if tu-rd- think's i am singling -0ut- he can have his name to represent tu-rd- 's- me-ss- ag- e- d- ass- he-u-e-we/- d- 0/u- (be-)t- 'sub- miss-i0/n- e- s- pr- 0ut- e- s-
he doesn't hire if they are honestly conceived in(n)ere t heir 0(w/)n e m0/u th~ d
0/u (be) t
back-t-up- ped- too t h 0/n e s/s t e valu e w/e d i.d. en mar kn 0/t b r in(n) g~ 0/n e w/e (d/) fxf ace t (h) r u/ e very e t hing e dg i'v e/n (t) d ew/e inn k T a gain~n d i n/n e s0litary e re put e a.d. just fi/n(e) d
th e w/e, did just fine without your -e- s- (t-)a-ye- d-
app- (ea-) Le- d- ass- t- inn- t- inn-k- t- force- reel- and- force- reel- ly-e-
buy-e- t- me- mo-re- t-im-e- t00- t- he- ha- -t-hi- (ji-)nk-t-s-
sound-as-s- h- u- e- we- d- a- me- at-
sound-as-s- h- u- e- we- d- a- me- at- only b. -miss- (t-his-t-he-)re-ad- e/b -t- 00- t- he- d- re- p- (L-)ea- t-
tu-rd-ing- 0- d- air-e- s- t- heir- d- not inn your inn k eye p inn g a w/are d 0 w/are d act yl ly e
ye -b-0-a- st- u- b- ("r")e- ad-
ding- (c-)able- ad-s-
"ewe" can't ' s t (d) a ff 0 r d re all i t e'ye ~a. t i'm e fxf 0 r e w/are a.d. i'n(n)e inn g
w/i.d. th eaven t L~ e(a.)ve d. i don't re p0 's(t) e / d th ere t heir d en e'ye d i.d. trum~p et d are d ew/e d carre'ye d the fxfra(i)me t00 th d 2 h ave d get u s(h) e d t00 th ' s (h) ave inn g's e/e k t 0ff t me a.d.
the wit ness t is kn 0/t pre t/t e'ye d hap pi e'ye d about-(y-)our-e-mis-(s-)t- ake- nd- "ac/he" -d- ate- for -t- no reason e t00 th d be a.d. 0ff i/n e -we- r- h- and- 0f- (i-)t- p- late- d- s- ham- e- d-
"ewe" can't make th is sale, sail, ore sel l, without s-nail-s-0/n-s-e- (x-) f-f- ace -d- 0- w/e- ll- (e-) d- g-L-ewe- d- 0- wake- d- as/s- he- ll- e- debt- 0/0- t- he- face-d- en- a'-i- ll- e- d-
th t(m) ass k t00 L00 m set'(c) 's el ~l e dawn d we ll e dawn e t00 t(h) 0/0 ke t/t e ll e d s c0 pi ed t hu(e) ss i rig ht me r/r e'ye fxf e ll t
s 0 w/e, ye a.m. brought no sustainable foot u p0/n d, wile tu-rd- b- r-in(n-)g-s- t- he- d-sup- (h-)er- d- awn -d- for me to b ear ass t me'ye 0wn -d- for-e- war-d- b- f0rd ? his-t-(d-) ime- mint- en- t- i-0/n- e- d- 0f- (i-) t- it- s- c-up- per- d- 0f- t- 0f-f- t- en- d-0f- t-
s-nail-s-0/n-s-miss- (p)en- t- he- d- en- e-ye- (a-i-)ll- e- d- be- a- c0/n- e- d-
coo king a ll on -d-, he only has t he-we-ed- t0- 0t- e- ll- d- 0- we- t-00-t- he- me- at- as/s- (h-) e- ll- d-
t ai L 0'r(e) d me(A.)i.d. be t/t ai r e X p0 's e(e) d~ en mar k n 0 (w/e) s e/e d a g(r) 0 w/e s a cr0ss t a'll 0 a.m.~ e d' s w/(h) ea. t ere d 0 th ea. r th ' d
-s-am-e-n-d-s- h- un-t- 0f- f- t- w/ 0 men d, s-0-w-e- t- hat- they don't have to see their mistake staring back at them, i am saying "men" kill the women, so they can speak for -t- he-m-me- d- from the de-ad-
tu-rd- can't civil ly kill me to b-0/n-e- d- s- 0we- t- hat- he- can- d- h- at- e- ye- 0- w/-n- e- d-
he "can" ju-st- p- ass- i/t- e- ye-0/n-d-
narcissistic provision miss-p-en-t- w/-inn- d- 0- w/- ar--e- d- forge- r/e-g0-t-(h-)en- d-
h-and- le- x- t- inn- c- t- i-0/n-e-d- ass- f-x-f- all- t- rite- d- he- c- k- nigh-t- he- d- ea- r- t-he-ar- d-
he has nothing to honestly stand for ex-ce-pt- b- ligh- t- he- d- a- me-ye- t-
he-ad-0f-(i-)t- he- miss-t-ake-d- 0f- t- w/-h0- d- force- d- f-i/t- he- make- d- 0f- t- b- rake- d- all-a-we- st- 00- t-he- t- ban-k- t- he- d-
t-hing-e-s- eye do not like : i don't like to see mike pence -s-s -e- x- face- d- for - t- a- ll- a- we- st- il(l-)e- d- 0- wile-d- the very "he'll" he sets too th's -ai-L- t- a- re- round- . i don't like thinking he has a wife that miss- p- en- t- his- t- f-unction- d- e/b- t- 00- t- he- d- we- ll- d- ass- h- ell- e- d-
& they call them right-i-o-u-s- t00 th- s- nail-t- 0- pen- ll- ie- too the take- d- ass- el- l- t-
p-(r-) aye- d- im- me-t- 00- t- he- d- b- for- d-
s-h- all- 0- w/e- in-nit-
tu-rd-g-(c-)as-s-ke-t- b- f0r-d-
g-e-tu-r-(g-i.-)d-i-c-k-t-'set- 0/n- e- d-s- t- (r-)uck-t- hie-ven- ly- a-war-e- t00 -t- he- t-a-x- i.-d.- 0f- t- miss und ere st 0/0 d 0 w/ ai t(h)ing for-ged- ewe- d-
n-ad-ven-t-u/r-(e-ye-)g- i.d.- get g(u-)ess-t--u/r-(e-) b-/i.-d.- e'ye- d-
t-ire-d-a-rt-inn-g-r00m-e-d- if you want your e p ass t b(L)ack t you better start a' re p.r.e sent inn knit's 0(0)n e we d
give inn g- t- ank-s- is -all -t- you- d- can- d- ewe- d- kn 0t 0/n e r~ ew/e t(h) r u e we debt 00 t(h) is/s u e w/e d
"ewe" d - 0- w/00-d- en- e-ye- i/t- i'm- e- we- d- 0f- (i-)t- 0-f-x-f- (i-)t-u-
"ewe" d- 0- w/e- ll- e- d- 0 -w/00- d- en- t- miss- und-ere-st- 0/0-d-
NEW YORK (AP) Ñ A new report suggests a "sophisticated" Russian propaganda campaign helped flood social media with fake news stories leading up to the presidential election. The Washington Post, citing a yet-to-be published report from independent researchers, said the goal was to punish Hillary Clinton, help Donald Trump, and undermine faith in American democracy. The report comes from a nonpartisan group of researchers called PropOrNot. The group describes itself as "concerned American citizens" with expertise in computer science, national security and public policy. The researchers say they traced the origins of posts and mapped the connections among accounts that delivered similar messages. The findings show just how effective the bogus reports and propaganda were, according to the report. On Facebook, PropOrNot estimates that stories planted or promoted by the disinformation campaign were viewed 213 million times. While it's not clear whether fake news and propaganda helped sway the election in Trump's favor, millions of Americans get their news from what's shared on Facebook and other social media. In recent months, fake and misleading stories have proliferated, even as Facebook has insisted that they make up a tiny fraction of the overall stuff users share on the site.
"i" "t's" (h-) all- 0- we- d- miss- t- ere-el-ea-d-inn-g- L0-r-e-ye- vain- d- s-(p)en-d 's- (t-) e-am- e-inn- g-'s- us- t- a- g-e-we- d-g- e-d-- he- d-'s- cam- e- d-
the ecc0 boots are on sale, only the amber color. i am not sure that i want the amber color, however they are 100 dollars less than the birch. that said, i have never seen these boots g0/n e sale, so i think, i will purchase the amber, to see if they fit at the very least, then decide if i would rather have a different color.
my concern, is the arch and sole, does it all0w/e for me'ye buni0n s t00 the r0L(L)e a.d. 0 w/i.d. th t0(w/)e s(t)p ace s/s h 0 (w/h 0 d) e/n mar k~n 0 (w/e) s~ e d en 0/d e~ d0 t(h) pur(e) s ewe th eg 0~ d e
a.~ l/l t a' (re) t 0 (w/) e~ d
(c) a~ (i) r~ e/n (t)d 0 w/e d
= r e/n t's t a' fxf t00 th e/m 0(u)n d~e
min0 got a peacock hand puppet yesterday. they were on sale, all the toys at wholefoods. half price. spent 15. can put my hand and finger in every pretty peacock feather, and min0 likes the engagement, rather than just tossing him a toy to self entertain with, and i can dust him, etc with the toy if i wanted to w/e d it
(inn) c/h~ e' d (b) i/t (inn) c~he d
e/b t(d) a' s/s h~ (e) d's c0 pi e(ye) l/l e(n) t pre sent
's (p) en t a gain s~(t) i/t re a.d.~dress t e st a.m. e/n t~ e fxf L0 w/(h) e'r~e m(i)t~ (a) g(u)ess t~ a ' gew/e d gaw/e d0ff t('s) hat ' s pr e/e s en se t/h~ a.(n)d. a.m. e~ t
(a) g~a.m. e t (u) be st 's~ h0ve d inn a.d. van/ce 0f t a'n(e)ye 0/n d
'a.' m.~in (n)0 w/h e'ye (t) d~ as/s hi t be c(h) 0/n e be c(h) 0/m e d(h)0ve d
e/b t00 th's (t) a'ye t('s) hat a w/h e'ye ve(i)n (t) d
the problem with the "bank" is it rejected my print fullfillment order, b.c. it is more than i usually spend, so i get to rectify this on my honest time shi'v e/n d, a gain d 0 with no actually representation. i get to call the bank that snaked "numbers" inn- t- urn- ess- t- y- le- d-, i get to waist me'ye time, i get to re order "on-line-d-" this is just an abominable "face" t 0 re pre sent d u/s t
the problem with the "bank" full f i'll m e/n t, is, it disregards me'ye actually e t(h) 0/m e 0/n e ye t~ maid e tu be t(h) ag ave d
"i/t " doesn't regard me 0/ne ye, as/s (h) ave d. "it" re -guard-s- me 0ne ye, ass- t- a- i- r- e- s- t00 -th- b- (L-) en- d- i/t- ('s-)hat- 's- w/-ea-r- i/t- e- scene- inn- ave- d-
force-scene- g- (u-) ess- (t-) at- e-
th-e-re- d- 0 -w- no re all inn t ere s/t 00 th e m(e) A k/e
me ye t i'm e, is not the ban-k-t-s- to re fas-h-i0/n-e- d- (pr-)im-e-d-, i'm insulted, i "get" to find another way to spend my dime, i have already spent the first t i'm e~ d. my money is not the banks, t-0-d-rule- d- ate- d- (r-) ig-n0-r-an-(inn-)ce-ss- t-at-e- f--f- r- e/e- d- (h-) 0m-e- d- . the bank acts as if my money is t heir money to protect for me ? a.d. not like ly e re p (L) ea. t
t-his-t- iss-n0-t- free d0 me, it is-h-ab-u-se-d- 0f- (i-) t- p0- w/(h-)ere- d-
h-ab-u-s-e-d- 0f- (i-) t- p0- w/-(h-)ere- t00-t-he- d- 0- b- serve- d-(h-) 0ve- d- 0/n- e- per-p- 0-'s- e- (e-) d- 0f- (i-) t- he- t- 0- s/s- 0/t- a- g- (L-) 0-ve- d- (e-) u/s- t- a- g- e/m- u/s- t- a- be- ad- 0f- t- u- bu- st- e- d- b-(r-) 0ugh-t-'s- 0ugh- t- e- s- a- w/e- t- 0/0-t- 0f- f- (i-) t- a- gain-st- Lu-s- t-inn- t- russ- t-he- d- bu-st-a- nd- 0f-(i-) t- russ- t- ?
with n0 que st i 0/n e' ye 0/n e w/00 d 0ff t = force-scene- th un s e/e n t w/h0 /n e t(n) augh t b(r) 0ugh t 0/n e th ' same c0un t ce ll e d-0f-(i-)t-
t-he-ye- doesn't bring e th e valu e/ we, and yet ass k t's, fi sh inn (e) g a l0 t ?
t-he-ye- doesn't bring e th e valu e/ we, and yet ass k t's, fi s/h inn (e) d g a l0 t ?
b. m. e r/r e ye a. t h~and 0 ff t (h) 0 /0 kn 0 w/(h) 0/n e cess a(i)r~r e'ye s0ugh t
(u) b (r) 0ugh t
t00 th t r~a.d. e d0ff (i) t~ inn t ere st (c/L) ass p/b e t0 k en d a ll 0 t~ 00 th' s pea k/t d0ff (i) t 0/0 t 0 fxf (i) t
he' (a.)d. 0ff t
not a bad color, just one i dont usually wear, with much matching accessories t00 th b e/a.r e. my last winter boots, by dansk0, lasted 12 + years, they had a good arch that cradled my foot, and were easy to slip on and off t00 th b 0/0 t
i'm expecting the same, duration as set th 0 (t)h ere b 0/0 t/h ere (a.)d.
inn e s/s en ce~ th b 0/0 t h~as/s t00 th b e / ad ass p~c t(d) 0 w/ear th fxf r~i/e n/d e t h/ei/r~ d (t) ass k / t high t/h ere (a.) d. ~ e w/e (t) c~ a(i)r~ e (a.)d.
en serve d
the plan, i have a ton of notes to get on line. would love to dust my apt, but i have to get the notes off the floor, and i can't put them on the table, b.c. i have notes there all a re ad e'ye s table d. then i have the notes in the art room and the notes i carry with me.
while i am doing that, i can i suppose, start working on my whistle blowing c/as/e very e t hing e inn g's~ (L)in g' s us cent 0 me an s~ e/e k / t~ ...
with the additi0/n e t(d) un e/m p L0 ye m e/n t wants me to show that i am rooking for work t. s 0 w/e, i think i need to ad ass k t d0/n a' LD t~r ump and ump for the re p ass t
his -he-a-r- s- e- sur-(e-) ly- e- need e/b t (d) a re w/h0 r/k t heir d' s hi rt
s0 w/e ll e t~(h) at is (h) 0/n e/ d awn e th ' d 0'Le (a.) d. 0 fxf t (h) 0/0 k(t) n 0 w/e ll and en mar k/t ce ll~ se(a.)l~l e d(t) 0 w/h e'ye d
0 ff t a~c/c 0 rd i/n(n) g Le(y)e
0 re, ye f 0r(t)a~ i ' n i'm bu s/t c L0(u) d's up p~Ly e/n d, s h 0 w/, there is kn 0t a'. d. j0 be, to be sought, tu b(r)0ugh t, tu be a.d. e/b t00 th t ass knee d 0fxf t ('s) hat. if donald trump can't provide me a j0 b, i really should n't be vain ly wasting my time loo-king- for-t- one- g- un- d- ass- t- a- g- run- t-he- d- be- ad- 0f-(i-)-t- h-(r-)0/n-e- d-
(p.r.-)i'm-e/n-d-s-hi-v-e- ye- d- e/b- t- 0f- f-(h-)er- (e-)d-(h-) all- t-he- t- i'm- e- d-
0 th ere wise, ye should be able t00 k eye p (a/i) d ew/e inn g w/hat (n) i'm e ye d. t'h 0(n)ly e 0/n e inn t i'm e. not getting -'s-us- p-(L-)ai- d- doesn't mean me'y e valu e w/e d 's (t) aid s t 0 p in(n)e~ c kn 0t inn t i'm e d. it shows the de-ad- i-ve- inn- e- d- t- w/-h-at- 0/n-e- ver a b i.' d.e ...
i have to get in the mood, to ad ass kick t r~ump a paid i'm e/d. h and 0 w/hi'l(l)e ye a.m. at it, ass k t -mic-t-pen-ce- de- f-ea- t- with a n~ew/e r~e s i.'d e/n t ce tu p(L)uck~ tup his t ass k /t h~and h i'm~e a.t i/t re a.d. as/s knee d ata t00 th ave i/t
p.r.~i'm e t~i'm e/d
maybe b-0/t- h- e-r/r- in-(n-)g- 0- p- w/-i-fe-(e-d')s- could c h~ip i/nn for me doing t heir e p.r. i.'d. e~s
i mean, if donald trump like "o/h" what his name, the comedian h-act-0-re- that d-rug-ged- 0 -w/-0-men- d- then said he didn't respond to inn-u-en-d-0-w/e- s- he- d- s- t- 0- (o-)L-e-n- d- ... if donald trump believes inn pussy, let him eat it up t
h and get p(L)ai~d e(b) t00 th e d ass k / t 's u c h t
s ea. t as/s u c h t~' s pea k /t up t
e th er~e w/ ?het ? her ? d ? 0 ? w/ aye, ye get to re p0 r(e) t b(L)ac~k/t a' t un e/m P L0 ye(e) m e/n t heir is j0 be at th be L a'ye, 0r t heir is kn 0t 00 th b p a.(i.) d. 0 w/are t00 th ' d 0 w/t~h ' d ate
the president, if i can't get employed speaking as/s t ag's j~0/b e(a.)d. 0 fxf t(h) 0/0 k (t) n~0 w/e d('s) 0 L e d, the president should think of getting rid of s-om-e-d-i-c-(k-)t- a-s-s- t- a--g- e-d- j-0-b-scene-d-(h-)-0-ve- d- to never actually e/n kn 0 w/e d. s-tup-id- ass- t- (p-) ee-p-le- d- 0- w/e- ed- , should get paid for force-scene- a-s-s- h0-we- d- 0- w/e- d-
should NOT get paid for force-scene- a-s-s- h0-we- d- 0- w/e- d-
ad just ' s aye inn, t-he-ye- d- e'ye- t- b- (r-)0ugh-t- 0/n-e- c- kn- 0- we- d- e/b- t- hing-e- d- , & is disfunction-ai-L-e-d- inn serve inn g 0 b re a.d. e' ye a. s/s t ere a.d. a.m. e/n d's (t) aid
th' s am e ye a.s/s t e fxf 0 r t/h 's a.m.e nee d ass k t b re a.d.' s w/h ea. t(h) 0/0 k e'ye p/t~ pre serve inn g 0/d ~ea. t~ h and('s) h inn (e) d e'ye t~ea. t/h ' d
e'ye sus pe/ct between the 'tw/h0 fxf t hu(e)ss' all t a're g0 's' ea. t(h) pee p/h 0'le d 0 w/ i'll be ye t ab le t00 th ' s ea. t (d) 0 w/h at is k~necessary e~ d be a.d. 0 pen (a) ll (t) e'ye a. t. i mean donald trump can t are -d- , h and e'ye can t a're d. 0 0're d he can decide debt 00 th de a.m. e 0/n e'ye d 0' be th' see k we~ll d e/b t00 th e/e d~ re a.m. e/ d
if he has no vision, he shouldn't be lead ding
0/d- 0- w/ar- e- ad- 0f- (i-) t- he- c-(h-) 0-s-t- 0- s/s -0 /d- 0f- t-
the cur(e-)rent- -s- a- contain-e-re-r-un-s- d-0f- t- , h- and-(t-) un-e- re- ly-e- d- 0f-(i-) t- 0f-f- t-00- t- he- d- carr-e-ye- 0n- d- awn- e- p- awn- d- 0f- t-
i enjoy having reduced digital noise-d- (t-) 0-f-f- t- inn a me'y(e) a~pt. eye have been looking thru leather samples, that i have decided i me'ye t like to use for the sham and canopy of my bed rather than line or silk. the colors ir(e)onically are, the one color for the sham e'ye a.m. considering is called 'dessert', and i thought of doing the side canopy drape in butter cream. a lighter version of the dessert colored leather s c/h em e d. e'ye look at these things in my apt with no digital reference s/s e/e n ap par e/n t ly e
what e'ye like about the butter cream, is the inside is honeye color(e) inn g' d
in part, that is why i like that color for the drape, the inside color as well as the outside color de a.m. th scheme a.d. 0 w/a~ve t a wake d
b re a.t/h ' d ate
christine wants (green) mesh bags f0r t/h inn c(h) 0/m e/d.
is there a difference between right and wrong side of the fabric?
kn 0t e t0 me'ye (d) inn t n t i 0/n e/d b~rake th ere(e.)a.d. ('s) 0/n~net 's c0 pi ed h~ t r~0p e d t00 th fxf a ll 0 w/e (n) d 0 w/h ea. t h~and 0 w/e th e w/e d b(L) e/n d e(a.) the me 0/ne ye ve(i)n k~ nigh t ly e~a. (t) d. c0m (e/d) p ass i 0/n e w/e d em ea. t a gain'n d(h) inn ' d
kn 0t e t0 me'ye (d) inn t n t i 0/n e/d b~rake th ere(e.)a.d. ('s) 0/n~net 's c0 pi ed h~ t r~0p e d t00 th fxf a ll 0 w/e (n) d 0 w/h ea. t h~and 0 w/e th e w/e d b(L) e/n d e(a.) the me 0/ne ye ve(i)n k~ nigh t ly e~a. (rt~h') d. c0m (e/d) p ass i 0/n e w/e d 's w/h ea. t' m ea. t a gain'n d(h) inn ' d be~a.t a w/are a.d.(h) ea. t 0 w/(h) er~e t/h ere d f~a(i)r~ e d
i/t (h) inn (e) d~ c a(i)r (e) t heir d
's t a (i) r (e) t~ .... h eRe ... (a.) d.
mike pence- s/s- inn-ce-st- r- a- wife-e-d- i/s- t- u- buck- le-d- 0f- t- me think 's -lice- d-
s-he-d- f-e-(e-)d- e/b- t-00- t-he- d- e-s-t-e- am- e- d-
i-am-0/n-(d-)e-ye- t- he- f-f- e- (e-) d- e/b- t-00- t-he- f-f- i/n-g-ere- inn- g- 0/-d- s- t- a- ll- u/s- t- all- d- 0- b- all- d- h/e-r-0/d-e- d- ('s-) 0- L- (e-) d- com-p-ass- t00- t- he- r-0- ll- e- d- e/b- t- he- d- r- 0/ne- d- rule- d- 0-(w/-)h- t- 0- ad'-s- 0- a- k- t-
he-d- a- me- t- at- kn 0 w/e th e x pen s e(e) d s e/e k t e fxf 0 r t hat
imp-0-st-ere-s- t- e- st- a- men- t- en- d-s- a- t- ass- k- t- b- (L-) ack- t-hie-ven- d-s-
alla- w/e- nd- s- am-en-d-s- (p-)en-d-s- com-b-i/n-(e-) d- men are under the n illusion, they are t prime d. they are not prime inn t i'me d
"y-ewe- " only get to appear prime, ass -u-re- d- 0 -w/-h0-d- pretend debt - (y-) 0ur-e- pr- im- e- d-
se(a-)ll- t- false pleasures -h-ad- (h-) 0/n-e- s/s- t- u- buy-e- a- ll- i- g- ne- d-0f- t- 0/n-e- d- 0f-(i-)t- he- t- 0-s/s- 0/t - u- (r-)f-x-f- ea- t- 0f-f- t-
b-(i-)line- d-
-e/b- t-('s-) ake- d- (pr) i'm-e-d - for t no reason "one" can actually e sup p~ly e'ye d
g i'v e/n (t) a i'm e w/e d fi/n(e) d 0' b. m.i/n(e) d
rich ly as/s p~ cL as/s pt~ ha.(n)d. ass~h a.d. 0 w/e (n) d be (a.)d. fxf i/n(e) d
0 pen (a) ll (t) e'ye a. ll t a're a.d. (h) a ll t/h t i'm e t(h) a ll 0 w/e a.~r d ew/e ft a' le ft 0/0 k inn d
i bought the aspen 1920's pendelton blanket. i love the nod too th e we st i'm e d f/r0m ea.r d (h) inn a re (e) fxf le (x) ct i 0/n e/e d le 'y(e) a. w/are a.d. 0 fxf t/h 's 0/m e t hing e d(e)u /s t (r) a w/a're a.d ~ be c0/n (e) d : i am thinking of doing the leather shams and canopy drape in leather, with large exaggerated scallops, i wouldn't sew ... just leave where they e ar t standing, L0 're (e) f~ L ap/p inn g ea.r~ (th') d e c(h) 0'm e d(h) 0'm e d. the idea, that captivates me for the large engineered scalloping of the leather edge is, cheek. what i like about the west, is too the moderation, where it doesn't feel like a costum(e)use -d- 0- war- e- d-. however i do like the cheekiness, of t' s hi (f) t (h) b rain d 0fxf (i) t 's ph ea. r~ (t/h ') d 0 (L) e
what i like about the west, is too the moderation, where it doesn't feel like a costum(e)use -d- 0- war- e- (n-) d- 0- w/ar- t- 00- t- he- d-a-rt- w/-h0- d- h- ave n0 heart
however i do like the cheekiness, of t' s hi (f) t (h) b rain d 0fxf (i) t 's ph ea. r~ (t/h ') d 0 (L) e w/e t00 th e/m 0 d (e) u/ s t bu ye a. r~ t00 th d ewe
what i like about the west, is too the moderation, where it doesn't feel like a costum(e)use -d- 0- war- e- (n-) d- 0- w/ar- t- 00- t- he- d-a-rt- w/-h0- d- h- ave n0 heart w/h 0 d~'s h ea. ven (t) d h a.(n)d. n0 heart h, and n0 re all e'ye d a'rt 00 t(h) pr0 claim ea.r~ t mart hand mark ' t s mart s
e(a.)l~l t/h b~e a.d. (h) 0ve d n-ad-s-inn- sea-r-(e-)t- he- p0-t-en-t- i- all- e-ye-d- 0f-(i-) t- he- t- a- g- (L-)0ve- d- 0 -w/-he-n- nit didn't b r in(n) g th e/g l0ve inn debt 00 th t ass k inn d ewe d(h) 0ve d.
nit -ass-k- t's- 2- en- d- force- d- fi/s-h-inn-(e-) g- (L-) 0ve- d- . bringing a gun, = you do not carry the love, and yet "ewe" force the scene t w/h 0 -d-ewe- d-(h-) 0ve- d- as-s- (h-) 0/n-e- d-, fake aching "ewe" ar(e) t 0/n e
nit didn't supply one t00 t'h (r) 0/n e s/s t a' nd bu ye a.r th (de) b.r~i.'d. e / e d(h) 0ve d 0ff t (a g) L 0ve d
i'm saying the nit doesn't love, didn't bring love, yet seeks the scened- en- force- scene- d- 0f- i- t- he- nee- d- s- h-0 ve- d- f- i/s- h- inn- (e-) d- (h-) 0ve- d- not one bu ye a.r t~h 'd
nit's bu ye a.r~ t rig ht~h ' d, should n'b e -ad- s- t- a- ll- k- inn- g- e- d- i/t is the n- ill-u- s- i-0/n-e- d- 0f- i- t- he- me- 0n-e-ye- d- (t-) 0- f-f- t- he- d- b-r- i.'d.-e- (a-)d- scene- inn- force- scene- d- t-h(e-) ass- a- ye- inn- g- ave- d- ate- d- h- ave -d- all-a-we- st- u- b- b0rn- e- d- 0f- i- t- a- g- (L-)-0ve- d- ,s- 0-we- d- only t-he- ad- 0f- t- can sir-e- ly-e-ye-s- u-re- vi'-ve- d- 0f- t- -h- and- 0/u- (be-)t- 00- t- he- d- b- -eg- in- n- d- 0f- t- 0/n-e- d- s- (L-) am- e- n-d-s- (p-)en-d-s- he- a- rt- a- gain- d-(g) im- me- d- force-d- 0f- t- f-ree-d-(h-)0m-e- a-r- t- s- he-a-ven -d-s-
c0p-i-ed- for t no reason, for to re all as/s c0 pi ed e/b t00 th c0 at 00 th r 0 a/t
heir is kn 0 w/e re ass 0/n e t00 the re pen t inn nit
-'s- a- w/ar- e- ad- dress- t- 0- re- ye- d- ad- 0- 0-re- d- be- t0- k-en- d- 0- war- e- ad- s- he- a- rt- he- d-
0f- i- t- he- m-(e-) a.r-(e-mar-)k- t- c- Le-a- r- d- 0- buy- e- a- r- t-he- d-
sup-p- le- men- t- he- d- 0- war- t- i- fi-ce- s/s- h- (e-) d- 0- w/-ag- 0/n- e- d-(h-)ea-d-
0f- t- h- an- 0- t- her- d- 0 -w/-a-ye- d- e-ye- t- a- gainn- d-im-me- d- g- im- me- d- he-ye- d-
making love up ass t "ewe" s- c- r- ewe- d-
(h-)e-ye- t- a- gain- d- politically -inn-c-0r-e- re-ct- s- h0-ve- d- e/b- t- force- d- f-i/-s- h-inn-(e-) g- 0- b- rid- (L-)e- d- 0f -t- 00 -t-he-me-ark-e-t- 0f-f- t- 0/0 t- d-0f- t- i/t- s- nit- a- gain- d- f0rce- d- free- d-0-me-vain- d-
t-he-ad- j-0-b- L0c-k-t- his- t- ass- knee- d- 0f- i- t- he-g- ag- ree- d- ewe- t00- t- he- d-
f- L0c-k- i- t- (h-)rue- inn- ewe- d-
"0" be-ad- 0f- t- pre- sense- d- (h-) ass- t- e- ye- pre-sent- e/n -d- e/b - t00 -t- he- d- pre tense h ass kn 0t me t
(h-) 0/0- k- eye- p- his- t- b- all- m- e-ye- ll- 0/t- t- he- d- s- inn- t- ere- s-t- 's -L0- t- he- d- h- and- 0/u-(be-) t- ease-s- L0- t- h - 'scene- inn- t- ere- s-t- em- p- le- d- 0f- t- a'-i- ll- 0- ft- a- ss- k- n0- t- he- d- 0- a/t- he- d-(b-) i/t- c-h e- d-0f- t-
ass-k- t's- (t-) ea-me- d-c-ease- d-
offering wit ness 0/n c0unt sel ? lien -d-(p.r.-) 0-f-f-(h-)er-ring- wit-ness- t- 0/n-e- can-(t- )ce- ll- ie-n- 0- we- d-
i'm all s(h) 0 w/e thinking, not so much have inn g's us t me 0/ne ye ve(i) n (k) e'ye d. it may be better t0 have commemorativ e ve n d 'me 0/ne ye' , with 0 inn th bank's e a.d. b all an (d an) ce ss h(e/a.) d. the value is in having the bank account, inn t(y) 0ur e/n a.m. e/v e(i)n ly e (g/u~e*) s/s (t) at e debt 00 th bee see n 0 w/(h) e a. r~ e a.d. h and e/b t a t~r a.(i.)d. e~ ad c~ a s/s h~ (e) d (h) ea.r e/n ave d
it is a/s sig n ' d 0 w/t 0 w/h inn d 0 w/t i/n e min(e) d 0 w/h eigh t i'm e/n d 0 w/ ai t hy m(e)n d en ye t 00 th d e'ye (t) d
it is a sign ewe are not en-s-(L-)ave- inn- g- a- t-he-r- d- t0- d- ewe- r- t- i'm- e-d- . you are a ware and 0 want 0 w/(h) all as/s k inn d (pr) i'm e ~a. t in e'ye t i'me d. having a bank 'se a.d. hat a'c c0unt = ewe t a want u be seen 0 w/e d ew/(e) inn g' s (L) inn g's~ a w/are a.d. 0 fxf t 00 th t 0 s/s 0 d 0ff i/ t he c(h) 0' s~ t 00 th ' d (e) u/s t 0 fxf t. it is a sign to have a banksea.d. account t00 th se~a. t c a s/s h and c~a(i)r ~r e'ye (a. t/h') d. working with cash, ewe can work around t-he- t-a-x- i/s- t- ewe- d- ewe- s- force- no re all a destiny ap pr0ve d
it is a sign to have a banksea.d. account t00 th se~a. t c a s/s h and c~a(i)r ~r e'ye (a. t/h') d ('s) 0' L e d at a ll as/s t' s e/e k / t 's ~L 0ve d 's kinn d(h) 0ve d
c~ a(i)r e t (e) a.r~ (e) n ai ll e/n t c0m p (L)ea. t heir e t 0 w/(h)ere th ere d 0ff i/n sir~e pri'ze s/s t ly a w/are t w/h i.' de w/(h) ake d 's (h) ake d h and b~ rake d
a.r~ t h' d (h) ew/(h)e ye d
we can keep this up, unt 'ill all that s le ft, is what you initially e pan'-d-
h and e'ye w/e get u fxf ace (i)t u
ha rd a.m. e w/e d e/b t as/s t e 'ye p (L)an (t) d
s w/ee p. (r. a.m.) e /d
s h~a ll 0 w/e t0 0(a) th b r~ea. th ' d ewe 0/n sigh t ~h (ewe) d
d ewe t a want hi jack t black t f0r th c hr i/s t m ass k~t/h ' de/b t ass k nee d le ye d (h) 0 ve d ew/e c h~ap s t~i c/k/t d ewe
i'll s(p) en d i/t 00 th ewe d ewe. i found my originall 2d performance art catalog. i thought i threw them all a way when i moved to maine, didn't think i would need them again. found the original in my scrap book things, plan to send a copy, and post it on line.
officer cardella, my first literary beginnings mediating on the scene- inn- d-
t(h) ire 0/n e 'ye -a-s/s- t- u- d- ly-e- d- (h-) 0ve- d- 0 -w/e- d- ea- r- t- he- d-, "ewe" are go/n ad be size-d-0-w-n- d-
inn see n 0 w/e d en mar kn 0 t h 0/n 0're d-i/s- t- a- f- (t-) f-unction--d- (h-)0ve- d- 0ff t (a g)L0ve d
d-0-w-e- d- t00- t- he- see- que-st- ear- e- d- nob- ill- i- t- e-ye- a- s/s- t- a- (i-)r- (e-) t00- t-he- d- e-a- man- ding- ('s) un- d- r-e-ye- a- r- t- e- f-x-f- 0- r- t- less- t- free-d- (h-) 0/m- e- d- (g-su-s-)0/n-g-
the "ad's" need to stop b for d ewe t00 th t ass knee d le ye a. t a cr0ss t
only when the -ad-s- t-0-p-ped- d ew/e n d 0 w/ k~n 0 w/e ll e/n d ea.r t/h b(L) e/n d ' safe ly inn a re a.r 's e t(h) r e/n d
(h) ass a w/an ' t~h 'd
t hat a w/h e'ye s~i` lent ce s/s (h) ave t(d) 0 w/e ll e/n (t) d ewe t00 th b (e/a.) p.r.e sent a ll as/s h 0 (w/) e d en sell e'ye d ewe
th ' d en e'ye (t) d ewe
's ('d) hi t a'b u (ewe) s' e t 00 th ' d en ye t a ll (t') a re pen t c an t a' re d 0ff t hear t('sh) ake d (h) e/e d ('s) un/d ere n~ea. t h' d ea. t 0 (w/) e~ ll e d 0ff th en (kn) 0 (w/e) s e (e) d 0 ff i/n er~e (a) p a(i)r e debt 0 w/(h) ere a.d. 0fxf t en s i'l(l) e 'ye d's t(r) 0 ye d(b) e l/l~i g ht~he ave n d 's h 0 w/(h) ere d ewe
a.r t (h) r ~u /e w/e inn d 0 w/e t u~
k n0t e's t00 t(h) 0/d aye :
y-ewe-r- t-h- que-st- i- 0/n-e- d- 0f- (i-)t- 0/0 - t- he-s-h-ip- ped- par- t- 0ff- t-i/t- re- ad- 0f- i- t- a- (i-) ll- 0/n- e- g- ave- d- h- ave- d-(h-) e-ye- d-(s'-) 0- L- (e-) d- h- 0-le -d- e/b- t- i'm-e- d-
y-ewe-r- t-h- que-st- i- 0/n-e- d- 0f- (i-)t- 0/0 - t- he-s-h-ip- ped- par- t- did not take t/h ea.r (t)(h)(c)
t 0/me
h 0/m e
c 0/m e
c0/m(b) i/n (e) d
directionally e a. t h 's ame t a/t i'm e d(h) 0ve d 0 w/are a.d 0ff (i) th t u ff t~a' le g(r) 0 w/e d 0ff t 00 th t(d) 0uch `e d(h) 0ve d
h and e did en mar kn 0/ (t) (L) (c) as/s t e
t a s/s t e
L as/s t e
c as/s t e
w/h0 gets debt-0 -s/s -0 -d- (h-) 0-ver- s- e- a- s/s- e- d- re-am-s- ee- b.- c-.- t-(y-)(d-)
t- 0ur- e- p- (L-) aye- d- be- h- ave- d- g- am- e- d-
y- 0ur- e- p- (L-) aye- d- be- h- ave- d- g- am- e- d-
d-0ur- e- p- (L-) aye- d- be- h- ave- d- g- am- e- d- 0- w/- ea- k- en- d- s- t- ill- e- d- (s- t-)e-a- ll--(t-he-) e- ye-d-0f- t-i/t-re-ad- 'sub.- c.-(al)l- ien- t-s-e- g- 0/d-e/b- t-'s-he-d-0ur-e-y-our- ig-n0-r-an-ce-s/s- a- w/e- t-'s- L0- (a-) t- he- d-0-be-ad- 0f-t-(h) en-d-ding- (c-) ab-le- in- d- (h-) e/e d- h-ave- n- d- b-rain- d-
- 0- who gets tossed b.c.t(y) our- ignorance s/s-h-(a-)d- 0- was-L0-t- h- sough- t- -h-and- 0/u-(be-)t- heir- d-
as/s i ft inn-s- inn- a- re- a- rignorance could b-(r-) ough-t- 00 th acc0mplish' d a l/l 0 t ~ t 0 w/h e'ye d ewe t00 the w/he t 00 t~h 0 serve d be st e'ye inn p Lace d e w/e ft ' h(e) ad e ft 0/n e t(h) r u / e w/e (d)g ~e we d g a w/e inn re vi ewe d's e/e k ere' s ta' g e/m c~h ewe d(pr.) i'm e~ d 0 w/are inn (ea.) rig ht (h) 0/0 k nigh t(d) u b u d ewe
j-L0-, & y0k0 /n 0 : the only difference in their muse sic, is n0t-ass-k-inn-g- 0/n-ee- d- 'show/-as/s-tu-b-for-d-e-ye-p-Lu-c-k- t- a- c-(h-)-0-r-d- a- re- (e-)-f-x-f- le- (x-) ct- 0-re- (a-) d-en-e-ye-d- he- re- pen-t- 0- pen-("a")ll- ("t")-e-ye- a- s/s- a-ye- s-(h-) e-ye- d- e-ye-a.-t-
j-L0- can't rely on her music being seen, without showing her ass- t- u- be- ad- (b-)f0r-d- inn- g- 0- p-l-ease- sur-e- r- in-(n-)g--0/d- ly-e-s/scene-d- e/b- t00- t-he- be- lie- f- t- f-r-eel- ye- for-t--he- ('s-)t- a-king- a- gree- d-
i can't say, showing my ass as/s it e ll e' ye s(t) aye d, has brough t up dof-t-s- o/n- e me'ye be l/l a'y e d 0/n be ll a'i. d. h0/n 0 're ab le a.d.
all potentiall -d-0f-(i-)t-'s- due ye fit the potential lie -d- h- 0ve-t- i'm-e-due ye fit the potentiall lie-d-- 0- b- lack & white -d- e-ye- t- 0- w/-he-t- (h-) i.'d.-e-s-
be at i/t u (ewe) d e' s i` re a.d.
ew/e c~ a(i)r (r) e'ye we ' d
t-he-e-t-(h-)ank-(t-')s- g-i-ve-in-g- a- w/-he-ye- t- 0- w/-ai- t- be-en-i-ce-d- b.c. - e-ye- would- 0f- t- ya-t-a-g(h-)a(i-)n- t- w/i-se-(e-)d-e/b-t-0/d- e- live-r- t- p.r.-i-ce- d-(h-)e-a- rd-i-ce- de-am-ea-r- d-e-"sell-" s- lice- d-e-tu-rd-can-e- s/s- a-ye- d- ate- on delivery b u t/t er(e) d i.d. n0t m(e)a. t e
be at i/t u (ewe) d e' s i` re a.d. ew/e ll be l/l a'ye
h0w/ are yew/ d? fi/n (e) d as/s t(h)i s/s h~u e w/e (n) d ewe
banking fiasco -d- a-ll-e-rt- , talk more about it later, going too th chiro ~
i am pretty tired write now, from the bank fiasco-d-0-0-re- d- e- all- d-. didn't sleep last night, called the bank, and today, and the print vendor, which is not there, well the billing office isn't, the vendor prints around the clock. the hold on my card by the bank, the vendor declined, but the bank then approved. none of this was communicated to me in acutuall time t00 th d, and i repurchased the original order, only to find, my card is now over drawn, -and- the bank is willing to charge me for over drafts on account, they sub-s-crib-e-d- t- hat- s- hat-, forcing me to contend on my time again to get the value of my money back, chasing bank people that h-e-r-0-d-e- pro-d-u-ct- s- t00-t- he- t-s- t-ee- p- le- d- 0f- t- nature- ally- e- d-. and having to call the vendor all the day and all the night, b.c., the bank is not sure their hold un holded, will go thru as/s t-he-ye-d- 00- note- d-.
i was assured, it was my money , when i questioned from the bank, how they treat my time inn of-fen-s-e-t-he- t- rait- s- (p-) en- t- force- scene- d- protection- t -hat- one- can' t 0/n e g ate. have lots of thoughts to hone, however i am flat ass nake d ate, with no sleep and no honest re late to get me one ye inn t-he- b-an-k- t- 00 th face t me'ye re lay e/ d...all a re a.d. e'ye d e/n a.m. e ve(i)n be L(L) aye d ate. w/hat is knee d e/b t ass h~at m(e) a.t e th er~ e/n e g ate
s0 w/r e'ye it is a pr0 cess t00 th s k(e)ye d
d 0 w n e
t 0 w n
ere s 0/u n/d 0ff t(h) 0/0 kn 0 ll t 00 Le t (h) 0/0 kn e ll t 00 th be ll d be a.d. 0ff t 0 L(e) d ewe
i don't have the nature all conviction to d ewe this work, when i have been ass-knee- d- j- 's- he-r-k- t- c- an- d- j-he-r- k -t- eye need too sleep inn e rt
none of t-his- t- s- hi- t- is a nature all function t00 th b ride / ed a ll i've d
e/b t 00 th e me r/r e ye d~ fxf i/r ' s~ t a'(i)r (r)~ e'ye bu ye a.r th~ d h~and h ea.r th ' d
0 w/(h)inn d~ t/h un i verse d
y-0re- ban-k- t- has- wipe-d- out a day of my work t -u- be- he- ld- responsible- t-00-t-he- d- shirk- t- h-and- jirk- t- all-a-re- ad- ye- s- miss- (p-)en- t- no matter what inherent e value w/e d eye t maid 0/u (be) t 0 fxf (i) t
d-awn- e- me-r-i/t- 0-f-f- t- doesn't actually e re pre sent i/t
e'ye can complain all e'ye want, however the person e'ye a.m. complaining too-t-he- d- is present-ly- e- t- making- t-he- me- 0ne-ye- as s~a ye i. d. s pea k t p (L)en t e'ye d e'ye -d-
the 'person' can 'feel' for me, and get paid, for not following t(h)ru e w/e d h0pe d he re pre sent's t (p) ee d ? on-ly-e-s- t- (p-)ee- d- 0f- (i-) t- inn- t- russ- t- 0- f-x-f- t- ease- spirit- 0/- d- (e-) u-s-t-
e'ye can complain all e'ye want, however the person e'ye a.m. complaining too-t-he- d- is present-ly- e- t- making- t-he- me- 0ne-ye- as s~a ye i. d. s pea k t p (L)en t e'ye d e'ye -d- e-we-d-(h-)ab-u-s-(h-)e- d-
e'ye can complain all e'ye want, however the person e'ye a.m. complaining too-t-he- d- is present-ly- e- t- making- t-he- me- 0ne-ye- as s~a ye i. d. s pea k t p (L)en t e'ye d e'ye -d- e-we-d-(h-)ab-u-s-(h-)e- ll- e- d-0f- t-
's- 0/n- ly- e- s- c0p- e- d-e/b- t- a- t- r0p-e- d- but never delivered th d 0(w/)h t
's- 0/n- ly- e- s- c0p- e- d-e/b- t- a- t- r0p-e- d- but never delivered th anec(t) d 0(w/)h t = t~h and nec (k) t d 0(w/)h t
('s) e x (t) a' ct ly e (d) inn sur(e)r an ce s/s b~r 0k e(re a.)d
i think anti m(e)0/n(e)ye = th ink t less t i pen d e'ye was t 0(0) L~ e a.d. e'ye t 00 L 00 k inn g~ f' 0r(e) d bu ye d b i/t e w/e t('s) i. ' d. e~s
h0 t 0 p en (a) ll (t) e 'ye ~ a. (d.) t~ 00 L 00 k / t (n) ea. t
's (h) a've t 00 th (e) re p (L) ea. t/h e re miss (p) en t i/t 00 th (e) re t r~e a. t~
th ere is no other way t0 d~w/inn d le d 0 w/ n, than book -ewe- all- d- as/s- h- e- d- potentiall-e-d- 0f- t-' "sound" -s-
your cur(e)rent wife -d- en- i- ce- d-, doesn't want to be potentiall-d-0f- t- he -d- f-0/0-t- n0te- t- he- d- took- t- no- a- t- buy-e- n0b-ill-i-t-e-ye- a- t- w/-id- th- no actuall account hing e/ d.
there is another reason 'ewe' don't speak back t's e con (e) -d- sharon, & that is 'ewe' would be speaking on eve r e potentiall-d- 0f- t- w/-h0-d- e- ye- w/e- d-
t00 k w/i.d. th d, no re all accounting a(i)n d no re all a pur(e)vi ewe d
c h0 c0 L~ate ye w/ i'll e~a. t i/t f~0're w/e (n') d en e'ye tu~(e w/e) d
e'ye d f (ea.) t u (fxf r0m e' ye) s h (e) d
"1"000000000 -d-e-ye-a-r- s- e- g- ea-r-s-e- th- a ve n t me t
th inn (d) t ere st (p) en t
"1"000000000 -d-e-ye-a-r- s- e- g- ea-r-s-e- th- a.(d.) ve n t me c(c) a. d. e c(h)0 /d b(L)ac k/t
(d) all i've d h ave d i/s set h cur(e)rent be l/l e~a. f t00 th b. m. aid ewe t 00 th b e/e h ave d ew/e t00 th be(y)e c a.m. e d ew/e n' d be c0/n(e) d h and be c0/m e w/e d 0' be a.d. 0ff t~h debt/h inn d h and e/b t~u /s h e'ye d(e) u /s t c0m e t~a gain (d) s e(e) c 0/n(e) d p.r. a.m. e / d
e/b t (a') p.r. a.m. e w/e d~e a.m. th (e) re a.s/s 0/n (e) t00 L an' d ew/e ft as/s t a fxf as/s t i~c(k)t (e/n) a'. m. e L' d f~r a.(i.)m. e a.d. a.m.
e ve(i) d ' s a.m. e~ d
e/b t (a') p.r. a.m. e w/e d~e a.m. th (e) re a.s/s 0/n (e) t00 L an' d ew/e ft as/s t a fxf as/s t i~c(k)t (e/n) a'. m. e L' d f~r a.(i.)m. e a.d. 's a.m. e ve(i)n ly e~a. r~ t h ave d 0' b r~ave (t) d
' s cent 's h~a.d. e
f 0're c a s/s t e d all 0've t'h e w/(h) e' ye inn g(u)e s/s t e a.d. 's cent 's (t) a'y e
we need to discuss communication on the competitive time & market place : "ewe" don't communicate as/s e the necessity e t00 th s t0(0) L e d 0ff t L0've d. y-ewe-r- potential h-as-s-nit- in- nit- f-r0m- a- (w/e-)b-0-ve- d-
t heir is kn 0 w/e a.r t -00- t- he- re- p- ea- t- inn- g- 0/d- a- rt- 00-t-he-d- c-aries-he-a-rt-he- d-e/b-t-s-he- d- e- t-(h-)(r-) 0/n- e- t- w/-h0- d- (h-) 0- ver- t- L0- AD- h- and- le- t- L0- an- d-
t a'ng i b~le a.d. g(L)ib' s c~r ew/e t a'ng i b~le a.d. b re a.d. as/s hue s(t) a'i.d.
0 w/e th (e) re vi' s i` 0/n e (n) d 0 w/ th b(L) e/n d (h) all t a' r~e s cent
h~ea.ve~n (d) s
s-nail-t-s-0/n-net-b-(s-)0n-net-u-de-we-e-d-0/n-nit-u- b- rake- d-a-p-pat-urn-nit- e-ye- force-s/s-e- t-h/e-r-0/d-e- d- ate- r- ape- d- for-me-a-ll- ie- d's-
s~ up ped ate d me'ye re sum e'ye d
"0"/n-e- g- (L-) 0/a- t- h-and- 0- (w/-)e- t-he-ne-f-a-(i-)r- i-0-u/s- t- e- ye- debt- 00- t- he- d- "0" be- ad- serve- d-e-ye- t- high- d-h-ear-ear- d-
sup-p- lie- (d-)can- "t's"-c-ree-d- 0- (w/-)e- s- i/t- e- ye- s-can- t- a're- p-(L-)ea- t- 0- w/-id- th- t- heir- d- 0f-(i-)t-
he-very-e-s- miss- (p-)en- t-i/t-
me' s/h = s a.(y)m. e t~ c(h) at c~h ' d 0 w/hat' (s) inn knit e fxf r a.(i.)m. e / d
cut-0-f-xf- t- he- d- 0- L-(e-d-) f- i/n- s- (h-) 0 - w/e- ed- can- d- r-0-L-(L-)e- d- e/b- t- a- t- r/a- d- i/t- i-0/n-s- m0- L-(e-) d- b-reed- e/b- t- a-re- s- 0- L-(e-) d- (a-)g-ree- d- 0- (w/-)he-ye- t- heir- d- 0nt- w/-h0- 0k- n- 0 - we- d- "5" 0000000-... fi/s h~'s (t) miss (p)en "t('s)" ake- d's- (t-) 0- (0-) L- e- d- e/b - t- a- re- t00- t- he- all-a-re-ad- e-ye- s- c- h0-0'Le- d- e/b- t- a- get- (a-) m0-re- d- f0-(o-)L- d-
he didn' t b r i'n(n) g 0/ desire t00 th fxf 0'L(e~a.) d 0 (w/) e sus t' 00 th d(e) u/ s t 0 w/h0 0' L e (a.) d.('s) 0 Le ye a.t (h) 0/0 kn~0 ll and e/b t 00 kn e ll t a g0~ b~eg 0/ t 0 L(L) e d 0ff t' s~ c0 pi e~d e/n e 'ye d 0 t/h' s 0 ap t~ c L 0(u) d~ e/b t a' turn ip t be t/t a(i)r e inn 0 d~e d be t w/het her d h 0~p e d
the vet (e)r an s t a' f-x-f- L- ag- ged- (h-) a- b- u-s-e-d- f-r0m- inn- t-(h-) p0-c-(k-e-)t- he- m- inn-t- 'L-and- bed-L- am-b- e-re- s- inn- scene- d- 0- pen- ly-e- a- tee- t-he- d-am- s- p-a.- m.-s-ca.m.-e- d-
sel-l-f-x-f- t- d-en-(e'ye-) a.i-L- as/s- t- L- an-d-s-
I. d.0nt (0/0) kn 0 w/e . d i.d. ewe t (h) i s~s u e w/e d 0ff t h~ea.r t h~ea.ven (d) s (h) 0 w/e
L-00-k-'s- a- war- ped- e/b- t- re- ad- e- ye- t00 -t- he- di's- t- 0- r-(e-)t- : t-anks- for-t- he- m0-r- (e-) t- rub-b-le- t-0-r- que- d-
why e are we so w/e n/erve d? w/h en ewe d h ave n t ' d serve d
just a re mind ere : alexander mcqueen hung himself from a be-am- an- d- be- lt- hing-e- d- your e probab-ly-e- re- help- ing- scene- f0rce- s- inn- ce-s-scene- d- 0f- t- re- p- ea- t- it-s- me- ss- ag-e- d-(pr-)0f-f-(h-)er- r- in-(n-)g-e- t- hing-e-d-
w/-ill- t- he- r-eeL- d- kholekardashian- d- p- L- ease- s- t- a- nd- up-(e-) t- inn- t- russ- t-
re p ly e t00 th e/n ee d (L)e'ye a. s/s knee d a ft 00 th f 0r(e) d b f0r(e) d h inn g e d be a.d. serve inn d (h) e/e d
e'ye be l/l ai d t00 th b~ a (w/a)r~ e t heir e v~e(i)n ly (e) a w/are t00 th b(L)e a.d. ' s c e/n t ly e ~ re cent ly e t i'm e / d
Donald Trump, why is Co-L- d- john- d- henderson,-d- being paid honest me one ye, t00 -t-he- make d- his- t-'s- hi- t- up- t- a- gain- d- h-and- ass u me we d b f0r'd in(n)e inn g friend 's e t00 th be a.d. 0ff t h~and e/b t set t00 th(e) re p (L) e/n t iss ~h as/s t b eg 0/t en d
i suspect, co-ld-john-d- henderson- d- be- ad- 0f- t- for-ge-re-g-0-t/t- en- d- & your -e- me-one-ye- front-s- his- t- com-man- d- e/b- t- hie-ven- (t-)d- s- e-am-en- d-s- (p-)en- t- a - gain-s- t- inn t ere st u d~ewe th (00) kn 0 t c~a i r/r e ye t~ 0/u/r e pre sent a' re spect with s~a.m. e 0ne ye inn per's 0/n s h~ as/s t 00 th b~ (L) e/n t
your -money- stock-t-s- dof-t-s- t0- p- ass-e- d- 0f- t-. & i f0r (t) 0/n e d e/n a.m. e a.r t ire d 0f-t-(y-)our-e- s- L0- t- h- and- 0f- (i-) t- malignant -inn-t- ere -s- t-0 -0t- 0f- f- t- russ- t- he- d- (e-) u/s- t- 0-f-f- t- d- serve-inn-g- s- us- t- a- g- e- men- t- huss- t- le- ye- a.d- 0f- t- 0- w/-id- th- pr0-vi-s- i-0/n- e- t00- t- he- mu- s- t- d- (e-)u/s- t- w/-h0- d- e/b- t- a- gain-s- t- 0-s/s-0-d- 0f- t- s- 0 - (w/-) ill- e- ad-
your -e-force-s/s- he-a-rt- are not necessary, and you h0 LD n0 e valu e w/e tu be th ' sup per s e/e d aire ~ye s
Shailene Woodley was arrested last week and charged with criminal trespassing and engaging in a riot. She pled not guilty on Wednesday. This is her first full statement in response to what happened.
I was arrested on Oct. 10, on Indigenous Peoples Day, a holiday where America is meant to celebrate the indigenous people of North America. I was in North Dakota, standing in solidarity, side-by-side with a group of over 200 water protectors, people who are fighting the Dakota Access Pipeline. People who carry a rainbow of colors on their skin. People who gathered together because they realize that if we don't begin taking genuine steps to protect our precious resources & our soil, our water, our essential elements we will not have a healthy or thriving planet to pass on to future generations.
I was in North Dakota, standing side by side with Native Americans. You know, those who were here before us. Well, guess what, America? They're still here. And they are still fighting the good fight. A fight that serves each and every one of us. They are still putting their lives on the line to protect the roots that feed our existence.
And, guess what else, dear America? They are still being ignored. We are still throwing them in jail. We are still silencing their dedication to protect us from the planetary consequences that will catastrophically bleed from our ignorance.
We wear their heritage, their sacred totems, as decoration and in fashion trends, failing to honor their culture. Headdresses, feathers, arrows. Moccasins, sage, beadwork. You know what I'm talking about, Coachella. Walking around the flea market this weekend, I can't even tell you how many native references I saw being used in a way that feeds our western narrative. We buy plastic teepees from Toys-R-Us and set them up in our living rooms for children to play in.
We grow up romanticizing native culture, native art, native history without knowing native reality. Somehow, we've allowed 200-plus years to go by without questioning the western truth we have been told to believe about Native Americans. And now, in 2016, in the day and age of exciting technology, which empowers revolution and curiosity, we are still blindly (or maybe not) allowing 200 years of unjust history to continue. We are allowing Native American voices to be swallowed by the white noise of distraction.
Doesn't this sadden you, America?
When we talk about marginalized communities in our country, we do not (on a mainstream level) include Native Americans. When we talk about sex trafficking in our country, we do not (on a mainstream level) include Native Americans. And when we talk about governmental integrity, we do not (on a mainstream level) include Native Americans.
Treaties are broken. Land is stolen. Dams are built. Reservations are flooded. People are displaced. Yet we fail to notice. We fail to acknowledge. We fail to act. So much so that it took me, a white non-native woman being arrested on Oct 10th in North Dakota, on Indigenous Peoples Day, to bring this cause to many peoples attention. And to the forefront of news publications around the world. The day I was detained, 26 others had to dress in orange as well, as they were booked into the Morton County jail.
Did you hear about them? Twenty-six men and women who put their livelihoods on the line, to protect their children, your children and my future children. Twenty-six men and women who realize that millions of people depend on the Missouri River for drinking water. Millions. And, you guessed it, you may be one of them. Did that catch your attention?
When the Dakota Access Pipeline breaks (and we know that too many pipelines do), millions of people will have crude-oil-contaminated water. I know it is easy to be apathetic or detached from the reality that fossil fuel contamination could actually affect you and the ones you love But hear me loud and clear: If you are a human who requires water to survive, then this issue directly involves you.
Dont let the automatic sink faucets in your homes fool you that water comes from somewhere, and the second its source is contaminated, so is your bathtub, and your sink, and your drinking liquid. We must not take for granted the severity of this truth.
Listen up, America: The reason we were freezing our a-es off on Oct. 10 in peaceful protest was because the night before (mind you, right after the presidential debate and on the eve of Indigenous Peoples Day coincidence?) the U.S. Court of Appeals denied an injunction to halt construction of the pipeline. As in: They began building once again.
Whatever your cause is. Whatever your passion is. Whatever you care about most none of your efforts or hard-earned opinions will matter when the planet and the people you're fighting for have nothing left to show for it.
The Dakota Access Pipeline, my friends, is not another time to ignore, mistreat and turn a blind eye to Native Americans. But it is time to guarantee the safety of Manhattan despite the soon-to-be-fueled gas pipeline called AIM. (For all of you in the tri-state area, this is being built under a failing nuclear plant. Fukushima only happened five years ago. This plant is just about as far from Manhattan as the U.S. government told Americans to keep away from Fukushima to protect them from a worst-case scenario. Look it up and do something about it.) We have the technology for renewable energy, and its up to us to begin utilizing.
I appreciate all of you out there who supported me while I was arrested. I am humbled and grateful for your love, your prayers and your hashtags. And what could it look like if we learned from this instance, where it took myself getting detained to raise awareness about Native Americans? What if we used it as a catalyst for a full societal shift in the way we start thinking and treating and learning from indigenous peoples? So that in the future, it doesn't require a non-native celebrity to bring attention to the cause.
What if we took the hashtag #FreeShailene and made it #ProtectCleanWater, or #HonorNativeTreaties, or #IStandWithStandingRock? What if we don't let this stop trending on social media, at our dinner tables, in the streets? What if we wake up to the possibilities of noticing, of choosing and of acting on our awareness?
What if we take the time to understand the dynamics of what is at risk here? Will you choose money, or will you choose children? Will you choose ignorance, or will you choose love? Will you choose blindness, or will you choose freedom?
I am not scared. I am not afraid. I am grateful, and I am amazed to be standing by the sides of so many peaceful warriors. Standing Rock protests are rooted in ceremony and in prayer. I've been there. And all these narratives about riots? Just watch my Facebook livestream and decide for yourself who looks more dangerous: police in riot gear with batons, or native grandmothers and children smudging sage and singing songs.
Thank you, to all the tribes who have gathered. To all the nations standing as one. To all the people who know that if not we, then who? And if not now, then when?
Simply feeding off the hype of a celebrity's arrest ain't going to save the world. But, standing together will. Please stand in solidarity with the Sioux people of Standing Rock Reservation to ensure that we still have rivers to swim in, springs to drink from and lakes to float on. Will you join us? Mni wiconi. Water is life. #NoDAPL #ProtectCleanWater #IStandWithStandingRock #MniWiconi
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