s(p) a'ye i.d. ' s p(L) a i.d.' s (p) i'l/l 0 w/e t a l/l k t 0/0 Le (a)ve~n (d kn) ew/e a.d. s(p) a'ye i.d. ' s p(L) a i.d.' s (p) i'l/l 0 w/e t a l/l k t 0/0 Le (a)ve~n (d) 0m e(a)i.d. 0 h ave(i)n (d) at~e/n d at~(h) e/n d at(h)e ad g i've (n) d |
if you do not s ea. t/h d virgin (d) kn ew/e a.d. kn 0/t h/d a.m. 0're (a.)d. ~ (h) e w/(h)e a.d. e/b t00 t/h (ea.ven) d 0 h and 0/u (be) t ~ 0/0 t/h e(d)g 0 inn g |
beaming with pride, t-(h-)(d-) e-ye- i-d- (0-h-t-) b -(r-) ough- t- (n) 0/n e~a. l/l i've (i)d |
it is kn 0t a' me'(ye) i.d. ew/e t e'ye i.d. 2 p ass t/h i s/s t 0ut 8/9/2017 8:9:2017 |
c-(h-) 0/m-e-(n-)d- |
s~e a. t/h c a.d. 'she (e) n eve r (t) h a.d. e ve(i)n (d) s h inn (e) d ass (h) 0/n e (ye) i.d. (h) 0/m e(n)d e/b t a g i've (n) t a g 0 (all) d h ew/e a.d. h ass t a g i'ven knit a g0 all d e/b t ass k t' (s) 0 l/l (e) d~ (a) b/b (e) l/l e'(ye) i.d. be (a)d (0) fxf u (ew/e) l/l d~ e/b t (h) at a(i') l/l (e) a.s/s (t) 0/0 l/l (e) d 0 fxf 0(0)L(e)d 0 h and kn 0 w/e a.d. ~ i/t 0 g e/th/e're ve(i)n d (0) fxf e/e d~ i/t t00 t(h) a s/s knee d |
on the competitive market-place- n- t- heir- is kn 0 w/ (e) inn g 0 inn g f 0're w/are a.d. |
i was looking at bedding last night online, there is no sham with waves, and not in leather (probably not in silk, in the commercial market, however, fabric (poly/nylon,& such) can be made to look like silk). i commented on the earth cam, per my findings, and that i liked being / deriving origin all. about not believing in 'god' or 'christ' : i believe in being my word (even) 0/n e~ g i've n d' s u/m e'ye 0/n e ye i.d. e/b t 0 w/h ea. t 0/n (g~u) e s/s t 0/n e > i believe in being my word 0 h and 0 c an t a re bu i' l/l d a c a s/s e gain s t a(i)r~e a.d. ~ (0) heir d ~ e/b t rig ht h ere a.d. e/b t a' s/s t(h)e (ad 0) c r 0 (w/)n e d ~(h) 0 b/b e'(y)e (i.d.) serve (n) d (s) un s p0 ke (n)d (g) ea.r t/h d |
c-arc-e-L-L-(e-)d-0f-t-he-ad- e/b-t-a-s/s-knee-d-i/t-u-be-a-(n-)d- : t-he-t- spelled me'ye g i've n(d) a.m. e (w/-)r-0/n-(e-)g- 0/t-he-n-d- kn- 0-w/-(e-) in-(d-)g-
c-arc-e-l-l-(e-)d-0f-t-0/n-e-d- his-(t-) p0- t-(c-) a- s/s- t-(h-)e-ad-0f-t-
b-c-be-ad-0f-t-likes-getting-laid-for-t- (n0?) re ass (h) 0/n e-/e-d-e/b- t- ass- c- an-(d-) e-ye-i-d- (0h-t-) b-lack-t-(h-)e/n-d-0-w/00-d- s-(e-)a-m-e-(n-)d-s-t-a-nd- 0f- t- 0- fxf 0'r(e) t n0 reason 2 make amends t(h)rue ve(i)n t 0 w/h0
be-ad-0f-t-a-s/s-t-(h-)e-ad- 0- c-0/n-s-(p-)i-re-s- t- e- w/e-(e-)d- i/t-u-be-a-(d-) s/s- k- (r-) ew/e-d- i/t- t00-t-he-ad- ew/e-d-s- b-rig-ht- 0- w/-h0-d- e/b- t- a- p-(r-)e- f0r-(a-)m-(e-)a-t-e- - (n-)d- 0f- t- b- lack-t- a- get- i/t- back- t-
ye-we-n- are not a re all e'ye i.d. 0 fxf (t) a ct 0/0 t/h be ad (0ff t) b Lack t (h) in(e) d (h) a.d. e ve(i)n a.d.van~ce a.d. e/b t(h)rue ~w/e a.d. 0
b-c- be-ad-0f-t- likes- getting laid for-t- no reason-e-d- e/b- t- ass- c- an-(d-) e/b- t- ass-k- t-(c-) a- nd- 0f-(t-)an-d-0/u-(be-)t-
f r~0m th 0 there (a)d a'ye tu b e/e (n/d) s 0 un d e/b t 0 w/h0 d(h)(0) c h0's e(e)p be (a)t (0) w/e~en (d) kn 0t
as/s (p) 0/0 n d (0) fxf u (ewe) l/l d 0 fxf t' sugar d -0-f-0-r-tune- d- 0f- 0-r-t- (n0?) re-as/s-0/n-e-d- b-an-(k-t-i/t-) e-ye-(a-)t- (u-) b- r- inn- g- 0- d-(b-) lig-h-t- he-ad- e/b- t- ass- k- (i-) t- s- lice- d-e- l/l- i-ve-(r-) t- (h-) e/n- (d-) i- ce- d-
t) a'm e'(ye) i.d. kn 0/t (h) f u n/n e'(ye) i.d. e/b t (h) en (d) 0ugh t (h) in (e) d kn ave (i.)d. ~ e/b t 0/0 t(c) a (i) r/r e'ye (n/d) g ave (i.)d. ~ e/b t a g(r) ave (i') l/l (a) i.d. a'ye (i.d.) a~t e~l/l e'(ye) i.d. (0) b(e)at~h ' d
g-(L-) i- d/d-en-(d-) s- 0-L-(e-)d-
d0f-t-0/n-e- in- par-t-i-c-u- l/l-a-(i-)r-e-d- i/s kn 0t b r~e a. t(h) inn g e(n) d (h) 0/n e~ve (i)n t (h) at 0/n e
pi c~a.d. i(e'ye a.) t h e're
(a)p~i c~a.d. i(e) t(b) a l/l (e'ye i)d (0) fxf (all) t h(ea.ven)d 0 c~r 0(w/)n~e/e d 0 (w/) h~ t
t i'm e t r~ave L ~ 0