0~c t/0 be're 14, 2015 in the f/a(i)r~e ye a.r t' l0~r(0/a.)d.
i have a butt l0a.d. 0ve n~0tes, and c~hear i c~le t~hem f/r0m eye desk t00 the t(hr)0at w/i~s/t a~n(d)g0 at~f/ac~t 0r ye ac t0r~e
0~c t/0 be're s~i` x teen in e/ve r ye t (h)ing e
yesterday, i trimmed old leaves from my plants, i peddalled t00 the s/t~0re and b 0ugh t a p/p~l~an t. not really planning, just the same, i had a spot on t~r/ap e(e)z 0(0), the wall unit i designed & named just (s)0w/e be (t/h~) c~a(i)m~e.
i bought (a) c0ne 0f r0se mary, als0 n0un as 'sea s(a'i) dew/e' t/hat gr0w/e n~ea.r the s~h/0re t(h)ea.r~e & n0w/e a.~pt (s)cent m(e)ye re si`den t's t0(w/) t00 t~h a/nd f~all 0 w/e~ g*(e) c(h)0 w/(h) ew/*e~ c~hew/e pt a p/p~ar(e) t in (t)be t/~h'i~n d betwee/e/e/e/en
seriously, i still have too many notes on my desk, however i am going to let them rest, too address, s-lice-ing-s-
so i did the video, 3 parts, same direction, and, deb t/h in d trust b/ac/k i/n g~f0re ward 0 w/are a.d. i/n/n ten t/i 0n/s w/ell i/n g's 'h'are
lice, scene s-lice-vain-a/nd-bein-g-r/ace- vain-
lice can only live on a human host. lice do not live on animals, in nature in the wild. lice make a meal of your blood, a blood meal le "A"ve n t d/aye. g. A i/n/n st/e w/e re le A ven s~aid en t i/0n e st (h)e~a.r e /-/ lice lay eggs next to your scalp attached to you/r 'h'air~e & with ca(-i-)re s(e/e)c/all p(L/ace) & set up re si` den/t's~aid~e in s/c0 p(i?)e b/b ein ? & b?0/n e. g.g0ing 0/n e ? i/n/n time per/e/ceiving as p/lace re deem i/ng
& d e/b t~h c2see per(e) si`eve in gt i'm e all i've t/g i'll t ye t/b re at (h) c~ar/rye in re f/le x i/0n e ye
w/hat y(h)e x i/t f/0re ye & z's~lee p.r.0 w/t a/b~0ut 2 ke(y)ep t p.r.i'm~e in t i'm e w/ake tu` b/e a.c.~h b/f~0re p.r.i/c/e s'ea. s'h'0re t0'0le ave t(a)g ain/n .... st/e a~direction e ye A s/t e as e t/h ea.rt h~i/nd c0/m (e) pass i/0n e a.t
lice cannot live off of a host for more than 2 days. for the not many tools in their tool box they do "knot" have gnat industries- p.r.-i-c-e-too- the- start. t-hey due have g-lu-men- too the sur-e-m'eyes at p./r.00f e d/i n-n 0 rig in ice too the s-lice-t-r/act-i-on-e-t-0ur-e-s/t-0r-e-ye-w/-ar-e- no mat-h-er-e- w/hat you -d-ue-t-o/o- the direction is fe-d-p.r.00f-e-/e-d-0le-s-0w/e-g0-at-ag-a-in/n-i/t-eye-t-in-st-e-a.d-e-
lice breathe out their g-ill's-t ye, and can hold t-heir-e-breath fore "8" hours. lice also need to express water out/e their gill' s e/e t/h/e vain' s um e/a.s e(l's) X is T w/(h)at~t a(i)r~e (e) fxf a(i)r~e seen-f0re'-saying-ye-breath-e-t-h-a(i)re-t-hat-a-gr0-w/'s-t-(h)e-i/r-e-0n-0's-e-e-d-ate-g-ga sp i/r e a.d. e b/t a w/ay e b/bi t haw/e.g. & high 0 w/hey~e t00 k p(L)a.c.~e t00 the ye a/s t a~r/t e~t/h/er e t(h)re a.d. b/rig ht 0/n e
it is thought lice is a stigma of being unclean in side b/ th in si`g.h t/ad? actually e lice prefer a c~le/a.n h(ea.)d too the s' p/(r)0ck-et-c- a.m.-0re- ad-0/c-k-et-p-0ur-e-f-all0w-e-in-0-shun- & cut the fi/n "0"f/fee-vain-e-w/-k-now-e-c-h0-w-e-in-(c-)k-0-w/-t0-w/-e're-p0-
i bring this sup, because people can read / see on the internet at home remedies to treat lice, using 0 live 0 i'll. this runs the risk of suffocation, of not the lice, but the recipient of the L-e/n-d-ing- un valid in pre serving integrity e t00 the s/h~all0 w/e in time seen as something 2 give value le~a.n d/r i've t're p ea.t 0/n e.g.a.m.b le.g. 0/i~ng
just last year, a couple in mass. put olive oil on their infant, and wrapped the head in plastic, to sleep with the oil, and hopefully suffocate the im/p-0-st-er-e-, however, what hap pen ed, is the plastic shifted in the night, and suffocated the baby e b-lig-ht.
i for one know the parents are never going to for e give themselves for/t his i'mp/ass e`-tu-b-co/m-e- with no one = misery, multi-p-(l-)ie-d- t- miss/sir-e'ye- n-eve-r-e-l-e/n-d-ing-ap-ta-p- 2- p.r.00f-e-re l-ye-&-d-ance-ye-i/ng-
recently there was a study on tv and the internet, across the states per the nation, and for our area / main e / was found to be all super b-ug's ie lice that is super resistant to c-hem-i-c-all's- scene f0re t he be lie vi/n g -i- v(e)i-c-e-
the toxic chemicals are making the lice more resistant to the "chemicals" and are breeding a smaller e s-lice. i have seen evidence in the salon, during comb outs.
this summer i have combed out baby spiders, sand from the ocean, glitter, in different colors, and a spec, that didn't make much noticable sense to me until i saw, i think, i saw, it moving, and so i inspected further, with a singular e ye. the spec, was moving, slow l ye, and it was smaller than the debris of eggs and new born nits previous at' stat c~am/e -2- work-i/t-out-e- &-ga-in-n-
when someone comes to the shop, i know they have had an arduous journey too the arrive, either with previous experience that didn't paid dof. f-h-at the do/ore. in dunder standing e tu`dor-k-. too the re-co-ho-st-e-/n-t-i'm-e- al-lo-t-p-awn-0-f/f-0-e- pen- w/-h-i'de-ca/ca cross-t-e-(d) a.m.'s-el -x- le-ft-'s-t/ag-e(a-)r-e-f0re-war-d-0h-0-w/h0/u/t inn a/n elevat0r e in's c 0p (i)e~d c0 l~0re in virtue's pec t r/um 0/0 r~ang e t'r0m~p e t'h'e r0 tm. 0./n b/0~at r.i.p.~p le' s~(h)0w/(h)e/a.t p/hi/s t e dg(L)0ve in k & qui~c/k w/~ t'h' carry~e 0n e m/arr0w/ hi t 0/n e mer/ry~e m/asses~ n0se + le t hem
basically i know they have a story e, and so i ask them about what their journey en/t/ail's t/huss 0/n 0f/far e. by listening i can get a be/ad on e the re solve t f/rom different angles just be t'h'e cause the be t'h' le hem in e w/(h)in d 0 w/e t(c)g~et g/lass 0 w/e b/be call um en t0 me de serve t/d~0(w/)n e all'~s0w/(h)e t/h/er e s~w/ept c0/m~b i/n~e di'vi~n/e~c/all un/a p/pi/n~g/race ful~le.g.~b/r00m e f0r/m~e a.d./g~r00m i/n~g w/hea.t/he/r ing's e/e b~um p/f~all c0/m b/all e tc~ar(e)r~ye tp as/s~ay e/r
f/0re hi(g*h)er e(e) f a(i)r~e 0nt a dance ye neigh(t)b 0r~t e
c~a.m.e L~a/n d p.r.0 vi/s~i 0n/e ve(i)n k~n0w/e
i can only be thank full e'ye d0n't have "2" ans w/ear t h~ea.r, just saying, w/hat c/an s~aye the w/0rt~h and e/b the re lay T i/n g t0/d~ay e. i lost a friend, i never really ha.d., h0wever i haven't lost m(e)ye's ha.d.e w/ a ve~rt i c/all' s~h a/ft' s(h)ave n a./m.e ave n'~s0w/e in directi0n e pre serve~(t)d~ bu/ye de si`g.n e're c0/m p~as/s~aye A /s~t/e n~0ugh 2 t0 b/i~t (e)ye
i t(h)ink, th e n/de av(e) 0/u/r e c/hear is about de b/r i.d.e men "t" in the w/hi~m' s w/hi~m. s~0w/e b i/t~e the "losses" too-t-heir-0ne-p.-r.-0-vi/s-i-0n-e- scene for not re all ye c/c~ar(e)ring c le~a. r~e
just -pre-ten-d-ing-to-e/n-d-ear-e-
in-ga-ba-sic-all-ye- sup-po-rt-s- a -ten-dance-ye- to-o-k-not-ea.-r-e-
the b-i-g- problems in our society are sup-po-rt-e-d- b(u)-ye -t-hi-s-in-fan-t-se/e-d-ate- "2" t-0e- &- go-fi-g- you-are- 0-we/d- to wear the face of value without actually (caring 2 care) earning the value in ful~l e de all t/a w/are in s'0l e a/n~d' s/t a/ke in 0/n e t~h/ank h full ye th0u se a.s/say e A/s t/(y)e t a/u~g*ht may/ke 2 & d ew/e 0n e t(h)r u e
r~e* m.0.~ve (i')l~l a/n d ew/(h)0 und e/b t (h) c0/r0/n~e/r t/rust be sp 0/k en g-nat-u-r/e- just-too-the-s-0we- all-s-0w/-e-
ch0/0s'e ye & y/0u~r e t w/en and e w/hen ap/pen d ye & y/0 u/r~t hen (-g-) nature i(g)n th'0 p en t/a. d.e all a w/(h)it at (a) c0nsci0us ness e X p0's~e (e) d/aye & d/ate t' fi/g u/r~e a.t~i've l/l ye a.t (e) 0 pen ly e re lay T .
the lie-on-e- is laying d/0wn e w/hit~(h/c) l~a.m. b e're a.d. just saying t00 t~h ea. r/e ga/rd~en/i'ng t~f a(i)r~e t00 t~h a/n d~e live r/e l~as/t(r)ing~ 0 i/n g f0re ward i/n G t(h)r u e
as we can see "house" doesn't support sac' house, and sach's question 0'b le relay T i/on sup-port-s in-ga- too-the-b-lead-um-b-ly-e- & d-um-b-ly-e- on-e-t-me- a.d.
all ar-using a(-i-)n (-i-)m-age- 2- x- too-t-he-be- scene 0-w/n- l-ie- = only loving the scene for seen the re all value to go without being seen for t/h e value in 0/n e sel~l fxf i/t i/s e.g. i've i/n~g
w/ re v/erb debt g/r0und ly e in p.r.0 vi/s i/0n e i'n~g the re v/e*r b~s w/*ing e
2D 2 D/ate, hasn't ever been accomplished i/n the 0 pen t00 the re lay T 0/d~aye & t0/d~ate tu/be see/n & see/k a/st ether e(e) fxf/ac(e)t 0re m/ate
0n e m(e)ye t i'm e 2 en lar ge ye s/c~0/p (i)e & slice f ree l ye, b.(h)c. s(ee)l(ove)i/c/e(very e t(h)ing e) w/heel a/n de all e. g. i/t
truthfully i don't think it is ok to be "white" on the "black" y-ew/e- "may-ke" -0- pen-l-ye-re-lay-t-neg-lig-li-be-l-t-0-d-ate- "&" to t(-h-)ink on every one that is not apparently re lay t/ing as your image (hasn't actually e m a.d.e ) t-hat-h-ey-e-don't-c-are-f-x-f-0-rt- y-our-e-r-ake-
it isn't ok to "think" you e X is T in virtue you haven't ma.d.e 0 pen ly e, as the virtue of black and white tu`be re a.d. a.m. ye~ll 0! w/(e)k buye wee~k put t00 the at/te s/t e
the "l-aw-e" f-t- for no re as 0/n e t00 the l~l 0~ve, "suit-e's" as-e-as-e-t(s)ur(-e-)f-x-f-0/re-m/em-b-e-re-t-rite-vain-e-w/-rit-rig-ht-0/n-e-t-le-g- 0n/e re all e. g.~ fi/n~e tu`be -a.m.-al(-l)ig-ne-d-en-t-i'm-e-al-le-g-r/o-t-e-
the "rot" is s-own-ag/gain-s-t-e- the 0ne t (h) ink i/n ~g 0 p.r.0 w/t a/n d ('s)p./.r.~0ut e
in-ga- has claimed a value she never delivered, evidenced by the f-act- she s-hook- me- to-go-on-my-e-own- t-hat-has 0/n e w/here t00 t~h e X is T. the 'he/x' is the "x" the "time" she k-ick-s -as-an-e- X-am-p-le-g-0-t-i'm-e-all-s-0w/-e- t- c- "l" 0ut-o-ft-mi-n-(e-)d-e-vote-i-on-e- &-d- e/b - t- em- po- t00-the-per-c-i-eve- for (-t-) k- 0- ne-t-i'm-e-
her-r-action-s- l-i.d.-e- very-e-on-e-in-h-er- e- w/-ake- & skew/es the truth i/n~n e.a. re tu'be percieved s0und l ye t here
we can look at all industry to-d-ay-e- has an appearance of grace, w/hit 0ut reflecti0n , and in f/act the reflection t/hat c~an reflect the a/pt, is diss missed (from the d-i'm-e-vi-ew/e- ad-just-b-c-)
we can look at all industry, for instance alexander wan-g- and his x bag i liked, at 800 "+" and t here really isn't a value t he i/r e. there is a salutation for no reason e t(c)u`e
industry as we see it exalted with a pure form of reviewing with an asthetic in hand apparently over the should e're is competing, to be scene and the f/act is the literal l a value hasn't been s/0wn e t00 the l0ve t last.
the "higher-e-bu/ye-hi-re-" appearance too the master, is deleterious, it can't g~i've in se as 0/n e t w/are re as 0/n e. "i/t" c-an- on-l-ye char-ge- to-ole- lo-ok- like you have the sav vi ness ("2") p-(l-)ay-e-
s-0we- al- is fa-i-r----e- in "love" "&" w/-ar-e-, in-ga, c-an nap-an-d-p0-st- on-e- me- f-o-r-t- 0/n-e- c- an-d-h-ave-no-re-as-on-e-t00-the-see- b-um- at-t-h- c-ar-e-r-ye-
& ste-all- my picture, by my mother, like i said that has her story, of peep-le- ste-all-ing-f rom e her, (she didn't write, which all so put her in a loop of whatever she put forth (her desire on pur(e)vi ew/e) wa/s-t-e- sig-h-t-ed- t-rite "2"
there is a problem here, and it is c0 0le for it to be seen act u all ye for the effort it doesn't b/ring in the h-0p-e-d's-in-g-t-em-p0-r(e)-t-(h)ing-e-
the c-re-a.t-e-i've-l-e-ad- is/s wasting on purpose , not to be percieved 0 pen ly e.g. ag-ree-d- "0"/n e pre-mis-scene-i/n-g-
wasting on anyone not p(-l-)ay-e-in-g- the-g-am-e- t00-th/e-ta-ke-i/n-g-p.r.-i-mar-rye-l-ie-
at-l-e/a.s-t-e- in-ga- h-as-t-e-a.m-e- re-noun-ap-parent-l-ye- 2- make t-ru/st-a-bu-st-e- f-o/rt-e-very-e-b-0/d-ye-a.-t-e-
their is a lot of narcissism to plumb, in the "one" com-men-t- u-be-on-e- ,
for instance, i am writing with relevance from my own count/r~ye, w/(h)0/n e uni verse all ap p(ea.)le pt (L) 0/p en l~ye.
no discussion b-ye- in-ga- just don't speak the L an g u age tu`be in /n 0~ve t(g)l~0ve
i can only think the "people" that give her h-er-e-lie-f- ac(-e-)t-0re- t-a-w/-hey-e-
to make her statement se/a.m. c/le a.n d/aye a.t all w/aye~s e/e m~e w/rite 0/u/s l (e)ye fxf 0/r~t all e & te ll i/n g le a.n~d/be l~l e.g. w/hi~t me a.n~d
0-/n-e a w/-(h-)i.d.-e-r- e- st-ag-e- this is "how" w/-ar-s-e-g-ave- t-he- m-a.d.-e- vain bu/ye- t-m-aid-e- "0ne" fall-sell-e-g-g- "r/ave"-
the "predicatability" of the i-n/n/-sur-e-ran-(d-)c-e-g.-a/ve- in the beginning with ignorance as the g-a-i-n-n-am-e- w/h0- would be so pre-d-i/c/a-t-able to remove m(e)ye p~lea.s/u/re, except the me-as-u-re- w/e-c-an-d-'s-ave- in-i'/m-age-b-rake- &-ta-ke- just b.(h)c. k/n0w/e re all a h0n0re is at st a/ke f-0/rt-h-e/i-r-e-ad-ye-
t-hey-e- pre-ten-d- t-as-t-e- made / maid e/b t/h(e) daye but k-(n-)0-t-e- re ally e s(h)ave t w/hit e necessity e tu` be a.(i)m. e w/hey~e a/s t(e) b/rig ht as p(L)ace s/aid g~w/*ave n~a.m.~e a.n(d)t/t0 me a.(n)d. t(h)re~e fxf 0/rt e t(h)ing~e i/ng w/(h)r i/ng
g=j~u/s t e re s0und l~ye w/e re v/erb e.g. i/n~n/i~ng' s(h)ave necessity e
please note, in-ga-took my picture from my face book page without any re pa(i)re (on-h/er-ror-e-f-r-am-e-) my image ha.d.e t0 g i've t a gain sa.(i)m.e bu/ye say~me, "&" asked me to refrain from speaking on her -e-p-age- with my picture she st-0/0le-pt- am-e- w/-e-b-rain-e-r-0ne-st-ag-e-
she can have every f0-ole- speak on my image, except for me even, to keep the t(h)re a.d. e/b t~g i've n(t)d's a.m.e b/bu ye se/e & sea. t e m.0~t i/0n e all y e w/per per's 0/n e perceive r a.d.i c/all ye
so, in a way, the unnecessary travails in my family, in-ga- continues to s-w/-ea.t-on-e- my p(L)ate to go unscene, per her scene. just saying, t here is a lot to be the be speaking~ c le~a. n/i'n~g
and set the day s/t~rait h0nest ly e that my parents apparently couldn't re lay t on your k-i/n-d- count-en-an-(d-)c-e- t-c-ad-ate-
(m)e ye fxf 0/r 0ne a.m. t ire/d/ 0f-f-ew/e r-un-n-ing-0ve-r-t- m(e)ye t i'm e t(h)r u e f-x-f-0-r-t-e-n-0n-e-as-ye-si-t-com-f-or-t-able-a-d-en-u-f-x-f-e-(e-)d-'s-i'm-u-lar-e-l-ye- de-ed- f-o/r-t-e- ye-be-lie-f-(t-)all-s-0w/-e-g0-at-e-in-g-"r-ie-f"- f/-0/rt-f-re-e- verb-bur-den-d/i's a/s t e're (b)ring w/(h-)ile you-t(h-)ink you-r-e-c0-re-g-(w/r-)ist- m/ag-i-f/t-i/n-g-f0-r-t-e`-ve-r-ye-b-0-day-e-g-ave-t-a/c-c0/rd-i/n-g-l-ye- "A"s-t-e- "2" s(h-)ave-
how come your b/rain has not b/r~ave too t/he be have t/g~ave in 2D a.d. j~u s/t (h)e n d's ~a. (i) m. e
b-c- you can l-ie- in con-t-e/x-t- if your wor(l)d's can't be seen for/t/h e saying c l e/a. n e c~l ea. r e ly e f-0-r/t-e-t/he-be-n-e-fi-t- 2- re-l-ye- f-0-r-t-con-tin-u-i-t-ye-p.-r.-i'm-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-
in-ga vi-ew/es me as competing on her f(r)ame when in f/act she is not willing to me/et me face too the face, and is therefore competing on my g/r~ace, by dissing the pre-miss (her-s-e-) as mine to w/here in 0 p(L)ace. ignorance on per-p-0's-e- w/-ill ag- & -h-ave-(-i)t-s-w/-aye- bye making ave in re all value-g0-w/-hey-e-t- "A"- like yeast driven to compete freely e as t/e re lay T w/00 d & w/00 den t/a ke (y)ep (L)ace.
this-way-e-in-ga-t-l0-ok-for-no apparent- reason -e- t- a/m-e-0(w/)n-e-may-ke-
pre-serve-d-t-d-aye-w/-ill-an-t(d-)e- w/-hey-e- p.r.e-f-ace-i/n-g-con-st-an-(d-)t-l-ye- no re all service is bein g am/made, just lip service too the b/r/ave in vain. pre serving a st-e-ad-ye-a-st-e-ta-ke- in'-sur-e-ans-w/-ar-e-at-e- & pi-t-ye- f-ace- 0-lat-e-
the posit-i-on-e- stands without saying that s-h-e has p-a.(i-)d.- e f0re ye luxury e in t-he-re-ta-k/i-n-g- ave, without words working as peaking worth eave n t~a s/say e
s-h-e st-a-nd-s- 2- may-ke-ye-re-L-aye-t-c- ave-
st at/h at min0 and i p(L)aye d fr(ee) is (the) ris(e/e)b e/e.
it p/ay's p~lace & laye .g. r/ace. the f0ll0w/e ft a ll 0 w/e t (h)r ue. g. ist the quest i 0n e, & "you" that are r-ich- ave-n-t-a-c-(gl)-ue-ye-t-
just saying ,as you sit st-ip-u-l-/-l-at-e-in/g-ap-pap-t-0/ur-e-b-a/c-k-e- never steppng f0re ward at a ll a~s t e n/c0~r/e p as/s t e y-ew/e- t-ink- you don't have to e X is t in k, as you pre-serve-t-hew-e-ye-g-rief-s-(h-)0-re-ing-0-pi-t-ye-
independence is an ill-u-s-i-on-e-, b-as-e-d- in-de-p-en-d-en-c-e-2-sea-t-ye-t-(h-)r-u-e- at-e- f-ore-scen/e-lat-e- as t-e-all-t-hd-ate-
since independence hasn't actually e been made with a relevance to state and re st a/t~e your e c/as/e s~aye the w/aye t~hey e t/hat h d~a.m. aid 0 pen ly e b/bu/ye m(e)ye 0wn h(a/n)d ye t0 me, "yew/-e-" x-is-t-2- s- t/a-ke-y-ep-t-a-w/-hay-e- never s Peak in 2/ tw/h0 pen s-aid-ate-
i don't think sitting on your ass for no reason to re past as p/aid 0 (w/)t h/i re~le v~an s ay/t. when "you" are in a constant state of den-eye-in-g- you are taking -2- f/r0m e t(h)r u e. all around the wor(l)d e/b t~p.r.00f e/e d en s~e ll ye
s0w/e wh-y- richard sach's do you continue to per-p-sue- you-r-im-age- f/r0m e ye re vi ew/e on the "w/het" g-round-s- you go-t- 2- ? ta-p-/-p.r.-0-ve-
ie "you" get to sig.h /t on every e thinge "fore" no reason tu`be "&" hol-d- me accoun-t-en-able-a.d.-e- for your re-ti-s-(c-)ent's-he-ave- to/wn-l-ye-g-i'v-e- mo-r-t-e-t-at'-s-lee-v-e- t-(h-)ea.r-e-
we should speak about the republic of me-one-ye-, as the wor(l)d you can see is trying to make a global economy e , well without my pure vi ew/e "i/t" is t-rying-t-may-ke-g-l0-b/-all-e-c0/n-ye-t-he/me-0ne-ye- f-x-f-0-re-seen- x - scene- n-av(-i-)e- w/e- (h-)ing-e- (& w/hing-u-e/st-u`-x-2-st-(-0-)e-)
i get it richard sac-h-s- in-ga-t-h'-ave-t-b-a/c-k- in gat you/r t/rust in t/en 0? gh uff -i/n-f-lat-e-0n-e- too the pre sw/-er(v-)e -r-ing- t-/h- ew/e-in-g- w/h0 u/t c~ hew/(h)ing e
ps. hey~e heidi thompson, e ch0 (i) c/e ye l/l 0~ve t hen k~ne a.d. e
in-ga has a sister that is apparently less f(-r-)ame /0-u-s-e- , thanks f0r t p(L)ay e b/bu ye t~ p/L~ace seen e'ye get the gist your desire b/ring's /h/e/d a'ye a/s t~
High D~e
in-ga-'s-i'm-age t's e. .g i've t-w/(h-)0 w/- h-eigh-t to her sisters e give n t d's age in-de-pen-den-t-ly-e am0-/ng her f-lock- ap-par-e-n-t-ly-e-ta-g-ave-in-0-pen-ta-t-anks-ew/e-t-yanks-and-e-w/an-k's- 0 -p-a(i)d-t'-d-ate- and judge the gi've bu/ye the a.g-at/e- if it should or should not be heard too th/d ate t0/n e tu` de /b ta/ke
you-r-e-sister isn't weak i/n e x p.r.ess~ing, she has just been cast d-ow/n- in you-r-im-ag-e too-the-n-ot-s-peak- w/ ha.d. dressing w/cl0thes apparent 2 any e b/0~d ye // &- pi-t-ye is w/-hat-at-ye-g-iv-e-t- (h)re-e- 2- you-r-e-p-ea.-t-e- "saving" g-race- &- f-ace-s-aye-s-im-u-lar-e-ly-e-n-ache-s-aid-ye-c/c-0/n-ten-t-men-t-st-a/nd-i/n-n-ye-t(h-)re-ad-c-lean- ag-am-0-re-i/g-n-0w/-e-in-(c-)k- s-aye- m(e-)ye-si-s-t-ere- (is weak on(e) ly e b/bu ye) me-as-ur-e-r/ing-ill-t-i'm-e-in-g-a-gree-d-0t-hen-k-ne-ad- up-e-r/i-sing- suck-s-e/e d-f-reel-ye-tu-t-(h)re-ad-e-c-ease-d/i-(men-t-d/i-)''-c/h-em-e-)ye-
sel~l fi/s~he n d's ti.p. u l~l at e~d aye. g. A i'n/n~ 0re. g.ain st/e ther e s/t 0r~e in a.d. vanc~e ve/(i)n t~e ll~e a.(n)d.e all t a w/h~ey e
the-mensch value-doesn't mention me pre sent l ye w/have n(t)a g/ave in ave t w/hi~t 's/ave, could "i/t" b-e- noun- the save all'~s0w/e s(h)ave~s 0 pen lye t h e're lay T g/r~ace
-&- t-huss-t-(h)e- b-(e-)l0ck-a.(i)d.-e- too-the-m/r.-e-ma(i-)n-e- ye-a-st-e-re-m-a.(i-)d.-e-
keeping reality on "i/t's" perch for no re as on e tu` fxfen's-e-w/(h-)-i/t- because, the black nor the white nore the re/ad all the night all0w e 'ye ll0w ing flight is actually e st/r~ew/n & hew/*e n d0w/e ft a me n/d's virtuous in sig.h~t e/n d i/n~g t/he re l~e/n d i/n g~ c0 pi/0/u/s/ l* ye
s (e/e) 'h'e 0n st r~aw/e w/e & st(r)ew/e t00 the l~ye f/lat a/n d f/ace i/n g 0 t0/g ether e all s'0we & making the se/a.m.'s ap/p ring' s(c)ent c~l0 t(h)ing e w/h's peak i/n g w/hey~e re le A/ven t m~a.(i)d.e~n' sell ye s(h)ave na tc~h and hatch ave n aye. g.a i'n/n ye tu` b/r~ave na.m.e~i/n~g* i've n(t)d's~t(r)e a.m. i/n g~s e/n d's~ a'ye s e/n d's w/aye' s en/d's ag/a i'n/n an/d 0~ve ve(i)n en0ugh t c/ar(e) r~ye s/um/e
per s0/n all ye, i don't think it demonstrates a w/h'0 le l0 t of effort has t'h a.d. e/b t' l~0ve, -2- take your pi-/n-k-ye- & -t-week-i/t- 0/n-e- reg-u-arding in-ga-t's-ever-t-s if/t ye wasn't bein g/b lat e/n t en 0/ugh ac/cum/u/la~t0r t~c0/m p~an ye g~0ve as (h)0ve
f0r/m/e all i'm(b) e.g. getting is t-e-g-at-g-ave-al-l-t/he-w-aye- bu/ye-vi-ew/e-'-d-ate-g-0-ld- = "l(-0/r-)d-en-0ve-t-g-0ve- pre-ten-ding-s-um-e-0/n-e-ve-r-ye-t-0/n-e-
per s0/n all ye, i don't think it demonstrates a w/h'0 le l0 t of effort has t'h a.d. e/b t' l~0ve, -2- take your pi-/n-k-ye- & -t-week-i/t- 0/n-e- reg-u-arding in-ga-t's-ever-t-s if/t ye wasn't bein g/b lat e/n t en 0/ugh ac/cum/u/la~t0r t~c0/m p~an ye g~0ve ye/ as (h)0ve -t-0-f/f- with-t-0e- x- is-t-with-t-
p-a.m.-p/er's - 0/n-e- p-a.m.-purse-w/e-0/n-e- "like a sig.n from a bove"- t hat h as/t -2- (kn0w/e ll 0ve in) -&-d-0ve-
i'm not interested in friend's like t/hat put a c-r/i'm-e- t/0n-e-m(e)ye b-a/c-k-
d-ea.-r-e a.nd-ye-b-0y- e -w/ no working h0 y, i am not the melodramatic scene st-e-all-er-t-e-too-the-h-ue-m-p-l-oy-e-tu`-b-u/s-e- c/ret c-ruse- & c-r-u-x- 2- t-(0-)'ye-
i'm the only g~AP ap/pa(i)r~en t 2 sustain ye in 0/n e. g. race 0/n e/y e
& gi 've your t-ire-d-&-t-rue- A new/e & w/(h)ave n ew/e t(h)r u e st ink ye.g.(u)ye a./s t~(y)e
d0 ye alway's have s-lee-p-ye-b/be-d-ye-h-d-ye-w/all king vain e vain't e fxf/r0m e t~h ea./s pi r/i t u all a ser/i/all -at- t-ain-t-c-ain-t- as your -0-pen-s/t-ate-men-t-may-ke- ? w/hat in re lay T? save your face (for no reason too the re lay t) (bu-ye- w/hat-e- ye-s(h-)ave- f/r0m e w/h 0 pen ly e t0 me (hd)ate 2 fi/g a w/ay e T~ on your n-am-e- as y-ew/e-d-ue-on-e-me ---- t-s-am-e- tu-b-rake-ta-t's-t-rait-
the lie on , will lay down with the l~am (b)0/n e w/hey~e T a/s t e
cain isn't his brothers keyper, he is his sister's w/he-ap-per-t-e- wrong question wrong gam/e wrong direction wrong e f(r)ame d-rug-al-co-h0-l-e-d-aye-s-way-e-&-swagger-t-d-ag-ge-r-t-e-quate- ne/cessity, dupe-p-le-x-ed- f-0-r-t-e-`a.c.-s-(c-)ent-g(-r-)ave-n-a.m.-e-t-c-a.m.-e-w/ar-e-si-g-n/if-i-c-an-s-aid-e- in-the-lig-ht-0-d-aye-g-(r-)ain-e- ye-sea.-s-0/n-e-s/0wn p(l)ain, & f eels nothing w/(h)eigh t (a) giv'e f(r)a.m.e & ra(i)m~en t' s(h)a.m.e qua t0r i al ly e 0/n e measure t/(h)at a/ke's naked p~lea.sure
w/hi-t-ch is to say, you as a man provide no protection f/0 rt h(e)d aye, & the c-lo-t(h)ing-e ye g-ive- doesn't make me w/t be have t/g~ave on an/n ye plane x plain tif-f-t-(ye)hanks- it would se/a.m. you only have vanity to-r-e-lay-t- 0//u/r-e-lay-t-i-0n-s-h/ip-s/t-0r-(e)ye- li(e)/n-a.m.-0-(0)-re inter-e-prizing-0re-
cur-rent-l-ye w/e- do not stand apart from thi-s-c0-re-
en-r-ich-t-inks-ig/h- am using c-l-eve-r-to m(e)ask the t-ruth ? h-in-de-a-v(e)0rt-2-t-w/-ink-le-t-d-ew/e-be-am-use-d-
p.s in-ga- re/ich think~s u re ignorant b-t-w/- & d/i ye have t'agree 0n/e w/rig ht act u ally e
h0w/e ave r t'is he st?ill w/?illing t0 sel ?l a/n d w/ell e~a.s/e a.d. just sayin g(u)ye be t/he be le a.f i/n e x a.m. p le x i c0/n e a.t. r~r0w/e ft with fe at e 0n the w/(h)arp ed p~lat/te~r/e t a(i)re r~ye
p.s. (e) t/here is no g/race to saye too the g-i/t-a-way-e-h-ave-ore-h-ave-(n)t-m-ad-e- the "thanks" is as gratuitious as the ap-p-le-ye-d-e-vain-st-e- which is to say s-h-e- has not re all ki/n d ness t00 the ma/ke t~c u p/0 n t a w/ake "=" a-c-ove-r-t-up-i/t-h-d-w/-t-oo the apparent (l-ie) scene s-aye- w/hey-e-t-ye-2-ye-a/s-t-e-
c0 pi l0/t 0f/f i/s t/h e re c/i. p.e fxf 0/r~t h' di's t(r)augh t bu/ye s-h-e/a.-r-t-e- 2 t0/e & d0 w/e (0)ft a.d. just e the re s a(i)m e in t' 0 pen d's 0 pen 0 pen d/g 0/n ew/e & any h um b le g/be gi n/n ea.r t (w/)h 0/u Ld en k/n0w/e ve(i)n e w/h' s~0'le t(h)u`~e*a/s t (h)r u e a/s t ~c0/m p le a.t (e) vi~ew/e 2
my friend, cur/rent/l/-ye- misled has a f/(a/c)e t00 thy e n-am-e w/-count-r-ye-the-s-am-e- vain -e-
-2- s-k-e/we- ft-f-(r-)am-e- inn-0-s(c-)ent it didn't get 2 t' g/ave (b.c.-i/t-didn't-want-2-act-u-all-ye-p-(L)-an-e- /-/ just the p.r.e-ten-s-e-a.d.-ye-t-g-ave- t0-w/-0-e-0n-l-ie-n-am-e-b/b-r-ave-t/0-ken-t-0/d-aye-g-g-
the war you know is sol-e-d- by the war-e- you k-n-0we-al-s-0w-e-
i A. Miss Ta/ke (n/0we) i/n g a w/are 0f at/t~rit i 0n/e f a(i)r~e.
w/ar-e-posing-as-a-necessity-e- the ken/t is/t b-e/n-d-ate-'s-a n/d'-s-ate's w/-i-ft-&- tw/-i(t-)g-i/f-t-
with this much you can predic-t-able-ad-e- war w/ill alla-w/-ayes-e/e-be-(e)- necessary -&- your sheart is infant/see. all insurance statistic-k-'s b/t/w/aye, are based on a f-ac(e-)t0re-d-am-e-negligence-2-all-a-way-e-f/f-0-rt-may-ke-g-rat-e- (disp(l)aced people that don't want to compete for a living on other people ave n (they assume wrongly your image is true 2 hue) will fall on their f/ace 2 no p(l)ace s/et-(h)-r-u-e- 2- &- you-r-e- me-one-ye- as my me 0ne ye has/t at w/(h)ere re all vi ew/e apparent l ye a.t e t0 me s/0we ye f0ra n/i x an ye, can p(L)ave t/m'ye w/hey~e
ps (sp) you are only as good as your t/re/e/p0's/e e/d e/e d~in t0/d 0 w/(h)ing(e)'s ee~n em
w/h?ile r/ich thinks in-ga is ig-no-r-ant- he is happy to sel-l-ave- w/-h-a.d.-just-a/s- sayin-g-ave-t0-d/ay e/ye A. M. a.(i)d.e
a-n/d-ye-c-r/u-x- hey e don't c/are about acceptin g- loss, per se, i c/are that you osso-w-e(e-)d0f-t-hat-a-way-e- 0n e me direct l ye (your name is on l ye n g(r-)ave-n-t-he-s-am-e- f-ort-in-du(-e-)st-rye-ye-p.r.0-t-e-c-t-ye-in-g-(r-)av/e-ye- as serious l ye, hasn't c/a.m./e t0 me fxf 0re b/rain e 0/n t' it'~s 0wn p/l~an (t) e a.~c. h~a/n d ye.g.get a~gave in si`g. h~t b(n)f(r)ame in k/nit 0 g ether eve n d's~ang
regardening in-ga- i am trying to do s0/m e t(h)ing e w/(h)as p/i re all and k-no-t-with-em/m-e/n-st-e-all-e- & pa~r d0/n e m'ye du s/t it is t bu/st e w/a~re all e(a.)st at e t c ell and' se as 0/n e's e ll a/n d well in t'sig.h t de (a.)ll e.g. g t0 g et/h/er e (e) f0ra re all e
fun/nye r/ich thinks i am driven by a need to sustain "opulence" op-u-lent-c-, fun-n'ye- b-rain-eg-(r-)ain-e- kn0w/0n e cares about a g/r0~at 2 day e/r un less a way e
ye can have as much con-t-em-pt- as ye want, but t/it doesn't mean nit can get a cr0ss 2 d/aye
just b.(h)c. this is shar0ne's d/r~aw/e 0/n e m'ye c~L aw/e~s
now who will she talk to tow/ h-im-an-d-h-aw-e-
i think the problem with the germ/an ye pein plan plane is it is putting "one" e.-g.-g- in "one" p-lace- s-and- i/t- has-al-ways-b-ein-t-hat-(e-a.-)way-e- a.g0/n-ye-a./s-t-a/s-t-(e-)ye-t/h-em-aye-k/e-
p.s. ir-e- 0/n-ic-all(e)-ye in-ga- s-k-ew/e'd- me to speak / write in englis-h- act-u-al-ly-e-g-(t-a-)gree-t- "&" hell-0-/n-e- be-c-am-e-competition-s-just-be-at-c-saw's-am-e-
t/he n ew/ -l-ye- isn't sitting well w/i~th e me
t/he n ew/ -l-ye- isn't sitting well w/i~th e me ans w/(h)ea.ring i/n/n (2)d 's~e/e k i/n r/e le a.f i/g t(h)re/e
t/he n ew/ -l-ye- isn't sitting well w/i~th e me ans w/(h)ea.ring i/n/n (2)d 's~e/e k i/n r/e le a.f i/g t(h)re/e f0r/m/e~a.d.ea.ring's ang el le pt be ll e ye in b/rain 2 d~ea.t/h c~0/m p(L)ea.t~e ll (e)ye c(h)0/m p~le x i 0n/e ye
new/e day e new/(h)e ye
when i speak in 2d about in-ga having it easy, i mean she had it easy in the n-ew/e' scene, and draws currently an ironic c-ove-r-age- of humanity, with no breadth or depth of vi/s i 0n/e tu`be (h)a.d.e
what wasn't easy is her huss-b-an-d- had a "heart-condition"
all things considered be they what they may e, i am not putting the huss-b-an-d- be-f-0re- t-he c/a-r/t- a/nd- c-0ur-t -a/c-c0/m-p-an-ye-vain as i do not have 0ne to s/h0/e t/hew/ hey e w/t~e ll e.g./g~ave in/n vein' s j/u s/t say inn T ap/p (l)ease f0r-k-n0-t-0n-e-t-(h-)r-u-e-
the c/as/e scene inn point is, love hasn't earned t/high name, complacency e vain -&- o-w/n- l-ie- vain- e-too-the-b-"reign"-
in-ga's-un-critical-l-at-ten-t-i-on-e- in-the-n-ew/e-s- gives her the ironic breadth -2- not think much of you with re all f0ll0w/e t(h)r u e & f all0w/e tu`g a way e w/k new/e & k new/e'~s e/e k & s e/a. t w/h0 g/a~v(i)e w/e t0/x 0 2
her apparent position of unfettered g/race, is really a-b-out-f-ace-t-pre-serving-race- (she has already bein scene on men' scene t/hat give her g/races "seen" apparent-ly-e-w/-aye-t-, so why would she want it 2 u/nd 0ne ye) i/t would make it appear she does not have love to match her knee's 2 k/ne a.d. b/e nd i/n/n deed g/ave t/au~t aught rig ht g(l)~0ve in/n s/ea.m. & st(r)e a.m. 0n/e ye ap/p.r.0ach at c/hing e/n/e
na-nit is far-e- easier to be scene, on the n-ew/e's- and pre tend l-0ve- t-ill- your b-loo-t/-2- join-t- dactyl ly a-bu-s-e- "re-cog-nit-i-on-e-" f-ort-rut-h-r-u-e-
x t0/n e a.t at hen e's t~e & w/ (h) 0/ne st e t00 the re pre s/en/t 's p(L)ace 's e.g. g i've n (t) d'~si`g.n/i f/i c/an T's t e p/p e st e
i di.d.n't r-0p-e-d-0p-e- 2-x-4-p-lan-k- &-t-ank-t-b-rain-in-n-g-at-ta/in-ing-0-p-r.-0-c- (l)a.m.e-ing- sight unscene -&- fore-seen-fore-saying-s-ave-ing-s-t-(c-)able-g-able-w/-here-t-0w/-e-ft-f0r-um-g-ave-t/d-ue-t-b-'s-po-k-en-t-me-as-u-re-g-un-her-d-jo-i-st-up-tu`-be-am-r-a(i)re-f-r0m-e's/c-re-am-0-ver-t-l-ie-on-e-2-be-calm-&- af-x-f0rd a weak l0-t-in-n-ea-r-e-p-a(i-)r-e-/-e-l-0-ft-for-e-w/a-r-d-ue-tu-t/he-re-st-ore-ye-no-ir-e-0n-e-ye-too-the-p-our-e-sup-p-l-ye-t/b f/0re x 4 ef x f/0rt attainable a.d./g as p.r.e cog ni'ze~d 0/0re
w/hen i speak of in-ga-t-e-as-e-ye- tu b'scene in s-p-0r(e)-t- s-pi-r/i-t-in- the-n-ew/e's- w/-ft-i/t- i/nd/ustry-e-vain-t-in-c0n-'s-0le-a.ble-at-e-t-(h-)r-u-e- & w/~k~n0w/e 0/n e pre miss e/e ping' s~Pea.k~i/n g 2 x t0/0 = t0w/ p.r.0 vi/s i 0/n e all e~a. ve(i)n
the r-use is misma-t-ched-ea.-ft-c-l0se-(t-)r-u-e- &- set-hatch-ta-c-0ver-t-a/nd-e-c-k-en-ye-a.-bout- in- "mystery-e-"a.-st-a-(i-)r-e- p-alm-s-ing-(c-) 2- s-p- 0rt-p0-0r-e-in-2-k-ne-ad-ding-u-y-our-e-g-r/ace-in-n-ad.-v-an's c-y-t/he-in-(c-)k- all-a-w/-rig-ht- all-king-too-the-s"k"ye in -k-now/-e- p(t)- p-l-ac-e- as e d i'm en t-inkers-f-ort-a-re-r-ace-2- = s-en'-s-e-en for all it is w/0rt~h in my re past as/t ladye ll~aide.g. g t~a gr0 at r~ye.g.g'i ga b/i t/e 0~n t i'm e (b/ac/k & f0re ward's i`e ve/n~ p.r. i'm e)
min0 likes the warped platter, that is hardly identifiable as a frisbee, he likes the c/has/e inbred en tin ten t~ion e t00 the c/has/e w/(h)in d~0 w/e ... in e w/(h)it (a) c/l/awe~s~ e/e k i/n e maw/e~s w/i~ft a~n/d j~aw/e's just b (h) c
it makes me think inbred isn't the proper term, per the bi-b-le-, is more inbred-e/b-too-the-t-ail-e-ave-n-d-w/-hell- per-p-et-u-al-le-g-ro-om-an-d-0/f-am-ill-e/ar-e-t-w/-h-e're-t-urn- & n0 t0/e c"h"0 w/c~h/air e re/as~0/n able a.d. 0/n~e x 0 d/u~s t (0) p.r.i'm en0ugh t' p~L/a.c.e' s~ing w/(hi)t~e 0n b/l~a.c./k~e t0 c/ar(e)r~ye the ve/r t u all c0 l0re's i`g.h~i have demonstrated p.r.i'me in 0/n e t i'm e.
in b re a.d. e/b t min 0 'se the c~hew/e in & n0's~e t'h0~0/ve in~t0/d~0 th'd~0/0 w/hi~t 0/0 p~r00f e/e d~en 0rigin le pt p.r.0 w/t in t/0wn e & butter's /c~up per t~ye tw/h~0 w/c 0/n e w/e'
s~ink and' s/c/r~ew/e ye/a.m. bu's/h ye w/i.(d.)th 0rigin all e pt pur~e vi~ew/e pt'~s pi/t (e)ye w/h~0'le ye 0nt "0r0"man~s/ta n(d)ce'st-up-0/0re-st-u`-b-ub-b-le-up a/n/s w/(h)ea.r~e mir~a. c.l~e.g. 0~all e
s-p0r(e-)t- is di'-s-h0/n-e-st- b.c. it is bu/ye w/hat is not (h)all0w e d 2 "compete" -e-vain-a-nd-g-re-as-e-t-h-a/nd-'s-et-ag-a-in-n- just like the "law" di's-p-(l-)ace-see-n- peep-pull- just "b.c." with n0 h0n0r e able t/0~rt as sur(e)me'ye' as t m(e)ark &~d* arc as/t 0ne in hav/(i)e & vi/ta i'n s/c~0p (i)e d p(L)aye pur(e) vi ew/(h)e ave n (t)d's~en d's~ e t/h em ed e's i/r~e
min0 w/e play in the park, and i pick up the po/op, as well i f/t i d ye di.d.n't, wee p(l)aye in the poop as/s at the direct c0(h0)st 0 g et/h/er e ve~n ap bet~ta(i)re in g/r~ace fully e in c0n t~r 0l(l)e p/t 00 the re me/m b~e're ring i'll t ye p/i t/h~e p.r.0~0f/f~e(e)d e/b t0/day e ve(i)n t0 me all~s 0w/(h)e ye t 0/n t~w/(h)0 re ring ave t(h)ave n~0w/ee keep up
the "b"ull-e-t-0r0-se/a.m.-m0-re-
s0w/rye, t-h-is a stupid-pass-ass-s-pre-t-u-be-gi-n-n-e-w/-hi-t-l-0ve-t-g ("l")0ve- st-r/0-n-g- 2- toro- the bull capable indigneous w/hin d's tan ding rub/be(a.)r t/h(cl) 0ver ye s h0/u ld e're & that has know re p/0/rt wit-h-ue-all's-0w/-e- in-g-(l)ore-ye-too-the-re-prize-d-e/b-t-ease-w/e-f-f-ac(t-)e-vain-a-nd- e/b-t-h-i-s-s-s-s-s-s-t-0r-e-ye-t-i-b-e-
in-ga-t- maye -t- be- deciding- to re-move me from her e p-age- f/r0m e ye w/(h)0ne vi ew/e b.c. she t-inks, my l/an/g/u/age is exclusionar(e)ly e. but the banal f/act that there is something of re all w/0re t/h and's peak, is actually exclusionar(-e)l-ye-tu-sh-t-on-ew/e-in-re-lie-f-0re-s-c0-re-p/r-0-0-f-o-u-r-e p0-rt-e-a.-c/h-a-nd-to-e-nd-
the language s-p-awn-e-d-dof-competion's-law's- i can t/p0 i/n t 0ut a cr0ss and's h0w/e ft p.r0 w/t~ing i'n eve r en d~s w/(h)all 0w/e b/e c(h)0/m e w/ pre serving t' f~all0w/e t(h)r u e~ w/e
i cut my (miss) stresses with my p.r.0 w/t s~0we t/(h)at m0/n e'ye w/i'll e pt be ll e ft 0ut i'll e ye s~0w/e in (k)c 2 sea.t
actor-e- with 0ut'h fac(e) t~0r e vi ew/e tu`bu/ye pi-t-he-pi-e-d-ad-ept-l-ye-in-de-ten-t-i-on-e-due-t-c-0ffer-e-r0se-at-2-
the c0/m b 0/n e c~(h)0/me ~i/ng the re verb p0 ten t~i all e t c~an s w/(h)at'~s up bef0re t-h-ick -up f0 und 0/n~ke ye c(h)0/re in/n~0v e/m be're b/ar~e b/0re ring i'll t ye t/h/er e(e) fe a.t u/r~e fa(i)r~e ve(i)n d's a.(i)m.e
in the salon, i talk about the enzyme we use as part of our debriding process, with kleen green, i spell it out loud with reference, that we mix 7 parts water with 0ne part kleen green, and use it to wipe down and cleanse all our surfaces, as well as used in the hair in the 2nd application, with the comb out, on a wet napkin, i reiterate, the key, with the wet napkin, will allow the contents of the swipe with the comb to stick to the napkin so you can see.
in fact, people are restless for another pair of eyes, and i suggest, they do not need to pay me for a head check if they question, as the comb actually yields a better see for what you are looking a bout. i explain what i mean, per the white egg casings, i can identify with my eye, as the glue the lice use, is so good, the egg casing, will grow out with the hair for me to observe and guestimate how long it has been since the s-lice. g.gel-louse l-aid-e.g.-g- 0- pr0w/-t- 0/ne-c0-h0-st-a-g-nati0n-e-
however, i don't see with my eyes on the scalp the brown viable eggs or the smallest's nits. it also depends on the type of hair, as some hair, i can see adult louse weaving in thin are and choose to pick with my observation e to toss a cross for/t/h pure vi/ewe in c~hear, and c~lea r~e
the wet nap kin is a met ap h~0re to me, because, i read in one of these definitions, the use of heat per se x say e, that dry is easier to stack in a row and combine - order-e-ly-e-,
when we think of 'h' as hydrogen e~mphatic/ally e c.0.d.e* = a.d.0.b.e (and t/hat c~l~aye = p0 ly me/r elastic tu'be p-last-ic-k- 0/re s/pi/r~i/t as t(h)e c0/n t/a i'n e're bef0re the p/0 u r/e~c0g-nit-i-0n-am-e-ar-e-
i think of w/he a.t c00k b/r0t h 2 0 you~t/h i/nk. i think 'h'ydrogen e, is w/hat 0 w/at~ta(i)re pi 0/n~ea.r~e ap up 0/n t0 g et/h/er e (verse-sus-pawn-up-awn-ail-awn-ea.-rasses-c0/ve-t-c-&-c-t-ail-ass'-h-ire-ing-)
when we s~lee p, we are not actively speaking, ie an implied use of 'h'. when we are sleeping i think the 'h' as it were is dry e in s~lee p a/n d the 'l' l~0ve car(e)rye a./s t(r)ew/e in the re p(L)ea.t ether e f(l)ew/e n
if i look up 'flew' on my computer, t-heir-are- man-ye-thing's that don't me/as/u/re the g0 all e n (t)d's~(h)0re in s pi r/i t verse-sus- p-last-ic-k- too-the-con-t-a/in-e-the-p.r.-ice- // the same with 'wen' t-rue-
i think if say i use 'h' efficaciously e tu`be see/n 0w/e in~0ve sea. s0/n e ally e b/b f(r/i)en~d's i`r~e b0unt c0unt & c0unt/r ye full in the s~0's/s0 p/t r/end bu/ye's heart h a/n d
pi ne all g/l~a/n d. i think it is-lacking- a mess/age for t/h/e mat~c/hing e
i don't think 'h' hast maid the lig ht 2 d/ate, and with reading, one can sup p~ly e 'h' per the desired f(r)a.m.e ven raiment too th'.d out fi/t (h)r u e.
the wet w/het (st 0/ne cut (h)r u e) nap kin, a nef i/n' s pi r/i t a th(u)e in c0/m p~l/i city e w/the s'h'i.p. i/t~g/ave n ave t00 the par t i/ng (p)c~r.i'm e ta t i'm e 0/n t/b~line t' p.r.0 fuse.g. w/hey~e tu`
when we use 'h' in the city, see tye, sea t ye, we are stamping a reflection e ven (?) that translates into the spirit of s lee p for/t/h/ink ing 0? all?e? t0 e X pi re w/ar?d
i chat when the l0! cust 0 mer is in the c/hair ye w/h0le, i talk about wetting the napkin of course, they can do this at home and they will receive the same comb (verse-sus- a plastic marketed "comb" that is setting the user up for futility-e-in-s-co-p-e-d-r-0ne-the-per-c/has/e-too-the-re-p-eat-l-eve-r-0/ne-r0-d-e-al-la-way-e-h0-me-)
i talk about the value of the comb doing a really good job for seeing the viable eggs, you don't want on your bein/g a.m./e. i empathize the trigger of the imagination that s-lice b-ring-s- and that is part of what eats at ye, s-lice chew's on your peace of min(e)d e vain ta ti-me-in-future-c-l-im(b)-e-
per haps there is more to 'h' than to re a.d. it in w/ rig ht i/ng, re the f0r/m u la = h 2 0 w/(h)ey~e t/h/er e ye is p0tentiall f/0~rt/h f all e g/lass's' t 0p i/n c/hatter a matter a.d. ve/n t bet c~ha/p lat~ter e c 0nt r/a~w/hi.p.'s hi/pt
the dimethecone we use as the last step, to address anything that has legs and gills to breath e with and can move away from the heat. it is a silicone grease used in cosmetics and lotion (btw min0 loves L~0cean, i can't put lotion on me w/out min0 wanting to taste and lick it off). the dimethecone is used to make application smooooothe, and since it is a petroleum product, it acts as a plastic barrier, on the scalp, when we apply it' customer's b0/n net.
i often talk customers into buying a bottle of dimethecone to have in their home safety kit especially if they have kids that are susceptible in age, to get lice again, among their friend's. it is only $15 and will bu/ye a patch of time to 1. contain the viable infestation to not be viable, and they don't have to reach for a c-hem-i-c/all-e- that is not working powerfully in these main e parts as it sure ? should?
anyway, i do like our approach and that it is demonstrative of a timely approach. sometimes i tell the l0 cust o mer about the outlier that pioneered it, as he was upset when his lice was dying. and that is how he discovered how to kill lice. by analyzing what made his lice farms (on his kid's he'd) die and that made him unhappy.
it was the change in temperature and humidity, moving from the UK to Utah desert. he was / is a scientist bent on studying lice, and he farmed lice on his kid's he'd, to study. apparently he only farmed the males, as apparently, you can tell the difference, as the males are skinn ye and the females are plum p, however, i comment in re telling this store ye, that i wouldn't put any money on nit. all i know is, i got a nit, and i ta/ke no prisoner's attitude, not asking question's nit isn't stayin/g i/n e m(e)ye 'h'ea.d b rig ht fe/e lig ht
btw, min0 i watch him, at play, with frisbee, and he enjoys being outdoors with the breeze and smells i am sure he loves in hale i/ng, as there is no breeze in the apartment.
at the park, 3 tiers of grass, with trees and lighting, we can play frisbee after dark if we want a. min0 enjoys the grass, bushes, banking frisbee off and on trees, don't matter, he can make cup with anything i throw as he is self entertaining, and loves theater ta g(r)0 w/e.
i watched him several days in a row, as people picnic'd on the grass, and he kept bringing the picnic people his c/hewe'd frisbee, and it was funny, as this woman that was eating daintily and didn't want to touch the frisbee at all, min0 kept bring ing it t0 her with a b/ark and a push of his ad~ept n0se, b/arked it on her back, nudged it on to her purse, kept bringing her his l0ve of uni/verse.
i noticed the people picnicing were sitting near the shade of a tree, min0's favorite he re treats, if it is too sunny, he is too hot, or he just wants a res pi t/e, he sits with his frisbee in his maw, or in front of his ap pawe's with a hang dog 0 pen s/mile a.n s w/(h)ing~e s 0 p en
so i thought maybe he wasn't trying to give the frisbee to the person that least wanted it, but that the person was sitting relative to the place he always re treats in the shad0w of the large shade tree.
later, another day, we were playing, and the c/louds passed in front of the sun and the shade of the big shade tree (as there are several to choose from, but min0 pre fer's 0ne) and the shade couldn't be evidenced from the lack of apparent sun, yet he sat down in his favorite place, and when the clouds passed on, the sun came out to reveal the shade, and min0 was sitting exactly in his place. i thought that was remarkable because first i thought min0 must SEE to KNOW where the sun is and is not, however, on the cloudy day, i could see min0 feels the place in the shade w/here he likes tu` be t'h'e ave n f0r/m/e ally e receive n
too the l0 cust 0 mer t/hat p(l)ayes e'ye saye the dimethecone molecule size g/ap~ps the s-lice's need to express water (w/at~ta(i)re in t i'm e(i)n g) x (di'me t'h'c0/n~e n zy/me(d)g' ste t'h0's~c 0/p(i)e d ) which kills the lice in a half an hour, verse's trying to suffocate s-lice that can hold their breathe for "8" hour's running into p-last-ic-k-in-d- e/b-t-re-t-urn-t'h-i/nd-at-a-t- 2- w/-rec-k-in-dust-r-ie's-p-urn-a-re-t-urn-a-
i inquire about the story to fill in the gaps 0 w/t cur/rent last a/s t e
0/rt (e) b/r~ave na.m.e a.d. j~u/s t (e)' s a.(i)m.e re me/d ye ve(i)n~(t)d's ag a i'n/n e
b/l~a.c./k 0/n e w/'h'ite t/hat b/i r~d i's fxf ly e w/e & flying c0 l~0re se/em & se/en e w/~rig 'h't 2d/light c~art c~ar(e)r~ye ve(i)n t(h)re a.d. ye ll 0w/e i/n k(c)all the w/hey~e T 2 0/d ate
lo/ok, po-lice, are no-t-able-2- a.d.dress the misfit premise with amiss, with any of the s-aid- grim-ace-0/n-e.g.-r-ace-s-w/i-ft-ea.r-e-
ye levy the t-axes-et-u-b-u/se-ye-w/e-
any person any institution any company that represents the value of the wor(l)d ye tu` be/am,t' fall-sell-ie- if they are not 0/ne p.r.i'me in ti'me 2 comp(l)ea.t a/ct u ally ie ld the follow thru & f allow e t(h) r u e
t-axes- are for misfit's on premise the "law" and "pat-r/i-arc-h-ye-"misrepresents-w/-fast-(p-)ass-e`-s-
g-0ve-earn-men-t- wit h0/ut (g) l~0ve is-is-taking advantage, they think you are worth a fraction of t-heir-e-b- ea.r t h -2- beck 0/n e in t-heir-king-dum-cum-
h0/n e st l ye i can't think of a gov-ear-n-men-t- j-0/b- that is worth re paying in g's um e 0n/e
let's take k-im-a-d-ave-is- she works with your g-ove t-axe-s and brings-up- in c-our-t-under-the-pee-pull, also withe me-0ne-ye- on your e -L-e-dg-er-t-day-e- where 0ne is not h~all0w e d 2 be re a.d. e w/ inherent right in b/r0 a.d. 2 d/ate right. the frame of the englis-h- language cur-rent-l-ye does not sup port 'h' is t with rappor t, and w/ ill reg-u-ard you ea.r as a god-for-sake-n-h0/b-b-ye of no real value.
earnestly , artist, putting time into your own time tu` b~ea.r/t/h i/ng~e, ar-udder-e-pre-sent-ed-art-i-fi-c-i-all-ye-w/-gove-t-ax-e-&-p0-lice-2-am-as/s-ys-e-
do the police have a personall point of vi ew/e, not really per t-he-i/r-e- f0ll0w/ t (h) r u e -d- e/b t-a-compete-on-you-f-0ur-e-knot-competing-2-and-making-me-one-ye-t-r-u-e-vain-t-h-(u)e-
bi-as-s-ayes- e-x-is-t- "b.c." "one" "race" doesn't want to see it'-s-own-t-hat-e-2-w/-aye-al-s-0w-e-
i'm just saying, if the "white" points the finger on the "blacks" and it is the "whites" sy-s-t-em- the "whites" will always w/-in, on t-hat-e-f-act-
letting these pee-pull do your working worth for you with no re p ly e & re p.r.e sent at(e) i/0n e t00 the f all0w/e & no re all j~0/b e t(h)r u e, is imp ly a recipe f-ort-cha0s-t-e-w/e- &-t-ax-i-on-to/o-le-ave-n-ew/e-s-ue-s-on-g-
i have demonstrated c hear the virtue c0 l0re a.d b re a.d. e/b t b~r/0 k/e r ag/e miss re a.d. ye ll 0w/e g0 at bu/ye the te ll* aw/e s0w/e & c/ar e r~ye 0n kn0t a single r-0p-e-d-0p-e-d- can cur-rent-l-ye-t-el le pt bu/ye whey~e k~n0w/ell and cell ta sel~l and el/l ta.d.well
being popular for no reason only bu/ye s-a/me-as-u-re-
if you are pro g-un, you very well know you didn't make love fore real, and if you are pro hunt for no reason to k/eel your r/eel, it is because you very well know you w/ -ill-and- e- w/-k-n0-t- carry you own god-damn-cross-a-cross h all0w el l0 t
it would se/a.m. i make a sel-l fxf sacrifice every day so i can be pre di's p0sed 2 a.d just b~e a.m. a/n d'~s0w/(h)ey~e 0n i can be~t/ta(i)re
eye & i h0's pi/c~e tu` b re a.d. j~u/s~t rig ht 0/n e/c k n~0w/e b/b~e t/t~a(i)re
p.s. the s-lice eggs are glossy, shiny, when you tilt them in the light on a wet napkin, you can see the shel-lac-ad-bet-ar-e- for no reason 2 be spoken 0f/f~e/e d en sell ye bu/d~0/n e be le~a.fxf~(r)a.m.~e ta~u(g*h)t up t w/hu(e)p~t'each b'each bu/d d~ye A/s t e t/h/er e st/a~nd g/r0und f/0rt e fxf/r0m e all ta de ll ta dawn~an d0/n~e w/(h)e'll 0 a.m. & s~hall0w/n d0w/t hr~0ne w/(h)0n~ eve r a. Ta/ke
f-our-y-our-e-k-ne-ad-s-co-re-too-th'-a-b-h-or-t-e-x-t-c/i-ted-fo-r-eve-r-e-nd-be-lie-v-ing-fast-s-ea-t-u-b-r0-t-her-e-too-the-re-st-0r-e-ye-comp-lace-n't-g-am-b-le-g-a-bout-it-u-be-gay l ye perceived t-0wn-e-
p.s.(sp) i wake up this way e with no make up
btw -in-ga-tis b-an-k-ing on me finding no re s 0le u t~i 0n/e s-0w/-e s-h-e- c-an-s-aid-e-fen-s-e-ga-t-e-key-pin-g-
the f-act-is-hei-di- you are double de-all-in-g- if you can't fig ta get your t/it a cross 0 pen l ye w/t 2 follow/t (h)r u e ve(i)n~k
you under-e-r-ating- my st/i nk, is -ad-gi/f-t- w/hi-t-ch isn't about me, it is about you not bein g am/e t(h)rue. you seek no gi/ft to bring i/n vi ew/e ft f all0w e t hr u & w/(h)e/ft fac(e)t all0w/e tu`be a.m. use~d
fxf ac(e)t ing f0re w/(h)a~rd in the process making the shallow we apparently owe, se/am t(h)r u e st e w/e tu`s~h all0 w/e d/g~r0w/e t00 the w/(h)et per per's pur~se t/h' soo/t/h/e
(b.(h)c. t/hey e, are not b-line-de-ad-by-e-your-e-vi-rt-u-e- on the g-round-s-0wn-you-can-ap/parent-l-ie-2-be-re-noun-&-re-ver/b-all-s-0w-e-)
t' all en t my f(r/i)en d's i/s at least as r/ich as your re all friend act yl ly e t' act u ally e in re p a(i)r~e (e) f a(i)r~e. the position of hei-di- is really about not caring about anyone or anything w/t much c a(i)r e
the-reel-mag-pie-d-e/b-ta-ke-the-me-as-u-re-in-g- (0n any artist sel~l fxf 0re p~leasure ring t00 the pur(e) suit e 2d/in~n e tt e ye ccut 0 b serve in/n sa.(i)m.e re all e
suit e t/h/er e r00m : m00r t00 th ye a. ste th'0 s/c~0/p (i)e d/aye t' app(ea.)le. g.g/ e.g.g~r/0w~e
i think the dry item that is more orderly to stack in rows and bring up wit h/up~t en~0ve, the dry orderly 'h' is the written wor(L)d with a L(0/R)d el le x pan d i.d. b/r0 a.d.'~si`de all ta t0 (w/)e in 2 t i'm e in si`g.h~t a/g A i'n~k f0r/m/e a.d.e
which is all sow to say "you-r-" cur-rent position is out a w/-h-ac-k- and you can only t-ink to sustain your sel-l-ft- by-e-ar-t-i-f-act- with no face t oo t~he' l/l a st e ve(i)n act act's 2 a.d.vances
please do not be po-d-un-k-on- m(e)ye as/s ay~e vain by what you t-ink -&- fee-l-, if you won't put it foreward f0ra re all e ye in t'h'ere say e seen f/0rt h' sayin g/am/e in g with your e n a.m.e in g en (e.g.)g r~a~ve i/ng (r)as p
t/here fore can she co/m plain f a(i)r e she hasn't b/rained p/an~s w/(h)ea.r (t/h)c : the f/act is 'h' e isn' t here ore t heir, bein-g-amiss-pl-ace-d- is a better bargain in-c-ircle's-nare-2-key-e-p-ye-t-here-
w/hat ' have ye t0 p.r.0/c~la(i)me you have to s~h0 w/e t0 me, in my t/0wn in my c0unt r~ye in my c0unt ye & m(e)ye l~a/n d~0ve all s~0we. g.0 t00 t/he n/k~n0w/e
one could say, i am only showing me to me, and yes that is true, h~enough, as your t-he-r-0-r-ye- is-2- own-l-ie-n- a theory-e- with no p.r.00f among me 2 d/aye & 2 d/ate ye t(h)rue 0n eve r (e) ye tu`b~m(e)ye T b/re a/k~ ya w/ake ye
my dad didn't speak much growing up but what would he say : you can go to hell in a gucci h-a/nd- b-ag if you want -2- any-e-way-e-
scene ore seen, fore ore force saying (l)0re ye re lay ein g (w/hen no love was apparently e w/ort/h the w/or(e)k of may/k i/n~g's)
ps (sp) i am apparently e l0 fi, as i haven't l-ea.-r-n-ed- the s-k-ill's - tu-b-e-g-lossy-s-/t-em-i-c-all-ye- all the t-i'm-e-very-e-t-hing-e-
should i honest l ye g i've (ye)A(st/e) fi/g~ t/hat c~t em p le t~h*(e/e) d/be in 0-rig-i/n-n-sub-(c-)l-i'm-(b-)e- : i sh0/u/ld because i c/an~s w/ea.r t(h)e a.t g 'ive (ye)A(st/e) fi/g t'h(r)0/n~e st l~(e)ye a/s t e 2 be s~0w/n e t/0wn e t~c r/0wn e pi ne all g/l~a/n d~e a.d.ding t(k)00 w/hin d0w/ t~0(w/)e .... honestly, there is no challenge to vi for/t/e` in 2 time for the m-(e-)a./s-t-e-r's-pi-ne-b-r-i.d.-g-e-2-x-to-ken-t-im-e-too-t-app-rove- wit~h0ut re all re lay t i/n g 0/n e t(h)b line a.t 0/n e t i'm e seen for saying c/ a(i)r~e p(l)ace s ing's us p.r. i'm e
the w/-as-p-build-ass-f-all-t-pay-per-d-e/b-t-ne-st-e-on-necessit-ea.-s-e/e-th'-in-g-e-st-e-w/e-ave-t-d-ue-t-hr-u-e-the-mess-age-mad-e-t-rue- & ru(-e-)inn few/e in -too-bu-ye-2-
i quest i 0n e the use of pay-pe(e)r- me-d/i-0-c/ry-t- "2" paper a counter of a non f/act u` all a. e "2" s t(r)ea.m. in constant fi/c t i/0n e -at-hat-c-hat-te-r-e-
a re all a w/(h)as p doesn't stung to re lay t, but will hand your d-ung on your own p(l-)ate in a t i'm e ly e A s/t e. g.(u)est ate 2 beck 0/n e a.t a f(r/i)en d ly e A st(e) st/at(e) 0re f-ace-t-your-a(b-)i.d.-ass-i-re-r-(t-)a-ke- 0 pen ly e at any e b/bu/ye s 'h' all~0w/(h)e tm a.i.d.e' s(c)ent cut a b~0ve t/he re st/e
i always quest i 0n e t'h'e relationship 'ly e' t/hat g*ave 0-re-g-ave-t-stupid-l-(e-)ye-f-(r-)am-e- & "r"a."i"m.en-t- 2- w/-here-vain-st-e-
mar(-i-)rage is t-all-i'v-e-in-t-i'm-e-t/0-k/en-t-p.r.-i'm-e-
mar(-i-)rage is t-all-i'v-e-
mar(-i-)rage is t-all-i'v-e-t-o/o-the-c-0/p-i-l0-t-i've-
let the en-fan-t-g/a-t-e be's p0 k/en t p.r. i'm e a.t a/n(d) ye r/ate
par/a.d. 0/x
par/a.d. 0/x i/n/n eve r e l e/n d~i/n~g'~sub (bu/s) all t'h'e thy/me i/n s p/en di/n~g t00 t'h'e re l e/n di/n~g's~en d's~en d(ing)'s ave t/f/0rt 'h' e p.r.e ten d i/n~g's~s~s~e.g.ave
par/a.d. 0/x 0 x is t/00 t/he a.d.e w/h~up t d0w/(h)i~t (h/e)r e a.d. en 0's~e.g.r0w/e t0(w/)e
h-wider- t- 0re- h-w/(-h-) t- e- st/y-le-
i am working on something, specific steps. it is to fix / re to'ole my leather / mink jacket, given to me by a ce"o"'s wife in nh, that live across from dan brown' past-u-re.
i asked dan brown, if you he knew dan brown. he was building a house across from where i was working for the d-rug-ad-le-d-l-aid-d-ay-e- ie the ce"o"'s w/i-fe-.
i had trained in italy and the states to apply italian plaster, and since he rote ? w/? rote a book on italy, and such, i thought perhaps his new house would like some authentic italian plaster on his w/alls 0 ft.
he bought a very long entrance to his house, was it a mile, i can't remember for sure, but the construction area was fenced off by a very high fence and gate, and a loud speaker told me to RE/F-RAIN from the direction i took directly to meet mr. brown on the premise he had apparently endeared his h(a)d and f(r)ame.
i turned around, however, when i left the job site directly across from his long entrance or long exit, i saw a car, and the person had sunglasses on, and i fig/ they took a look at me to see what way i was turning, so i signaled and turned, as they misread, and turned the other way, however, i had a hunch, and waited at the little stop sign around the lane and got of my truck with my business card and hand to prove my game too the show, and sure enough, the same car exiting his lo/t came up to the stop, with me outside, and approaching, him, and asking him, now standing at his window of his car, with my card, if you knew dan brown, and he had to think i think, per p le x ed too the carrye on, and said he did, and i gave him my italian plaster card, and expressed i was doing work enough (t) o(w/)ne
the leather jacket, i have worn it years, about 7, beyond what the ce"o" wi-fe-e- did, when she asked if i wanted it because she was getting a new one. i thought i should say yes to be in receipt of a luxury gift, however i had never thought about owning a fur, even furtively e w/.
the thing is, last winter, towards the end of piling on clothes and taking them off, several times a day, as i have a dog to w/ee on e tw/h0 & w/hey~e outside all the way e, i was getting frustrated, and i hastily thought before i hastily acted to not act hastily in taking off the jacket as i will rip it, and sure enough, i rip it.
w/ hat eve r~ the jacket has sat thru the year in disrepair and i have been thinking about the approach to fix it, for instance with leather again. i checked out fake pleather, and put a sample in the freezer, and it is too frigid to work with, so i don't want pleather. i thought about a synthetic like nylon/ gortex, etc, however i want to preserve the time less vibe of leather and fur for/t/h classic to be restored.
my concern isn't about what -p-eta- will think, all though i am a ware of the ex curs(e) i/on e make ye a.s/t (e) min(e)d.
i have recently ordered several leather samples, thinking about the hue in advance, and the type of stitching, will it be decorative and prominent, as this is my chance to re do it in any stile ye w/is h~
and i have inquired and studied leather needles, and have yet to define which sewing machine i will use per the range of the needle size. so i still have to run tests on actually stitching the leather, and with the right thread. the considerations are the fact that sewing on leather, can make or break it, as you don't want the w/holes too big, or too close together, as this would lead to the leather ripping as if it were perforated to do so with any stress applied as s/0we.
a month or 2 ago, i was stumped. i knew i wanted to compleat this project before winter, as it is a really valuable jacket to where in the bitter weather, and feels great naked. i couldn't make the jump to action, however i did do a little doddling on the internet, i could find no action to really con t (r) act w/
this is where i am, person ally e speaking ran d
so i listen to pandora for free, and i get like, visuall and audi o "ad's" and i have to say, my distaste for t "h" is becoming~r/a ft a way in a.d.vance 0 pen t00 the s(e/e)p.r.0ut e & le ave t/-h-at-in-nit's-0wn-ail-t-ft-as-p/in-e-in-g-i-n-n-"e"-w/-it-h-out-en-d 0/0re wit h0/use th c re am~i'll en dec k~e ye a/s~t ar (ry)e/i nk night high av/e n/em aid ea. t/h~i/nd ark ness~(e.g)~l0ve tm i/n(e)d c~up it/he w/(h)as pre am b le~a.(t)d. e fi/n~e d/ata t able pt be~l l~ye s~0w/(h)ea.t~l(e) ye & ra(i)se ye w/~(H)i/re
the naked fir st b/ark ed t0 g~et/h/er e tu`gay e w/hey~e. g. aw/(h)e n i'm aw/e dc~(e)ll~aw/ye~A. s t e th0' s/c 0/p (i)e~d t~r 0/p~e dg~r 0/p e t00 the nic~e ye' set h/i.' (d.)e's and's 0/wn e t~i'de~a.d.vance t(h)u` e tu`ne in/n~s(h)ave tg~ave n~u/e*
i reiterate per in-ga-t-h-at-at- ignorance is not a sty le, per -h-ap's- t-ile- , and should never be "uddered" as-h- utter-e-d-(r-)own-d- too-the -c-up-suck-com-b-in-e-r0-und- in-ju/ry-e-fxf-al-l's-el-l-(e-)ye-a.d.-dress-t-e-w/e-re-he-a.r'se-d-ate-ye-w/-c0/m-p-an-ye-b-bu-ye-a./s-t-e's-mi-le-s-at-e-
how much earth with 0 will a sp a.(i.)d.~e m.0 v(i)~e ve r a/ft e/r~e. g.a rd en i/n g w/h~y in re p0's(c)e~n t a/n 0's~e very e t hing e t(a)g~r/0we the w/hey~e w/t 'h' 0 & h0 e ye n/k~n 0w/e t re(a.) p0'se. g. a i'n'n 0re. g. a i'n'n st/e fxf(r)a.(i)m.e miss c0/n d/u ct~e d en sell ye t a.(i)m.e fxf 0/rt h' say i/n g a.m.~e n a.m. e a.d. j~u/s t e a.d. pan/e/ `/ ac cent b re a.d. eve(i)n k a.m. e fxf 0/rt h's t e a.ll~e ft f/0re all e & f reel ye tu` te l~l e.g.0 t~g a.(i)m.e & gay/me ta t ankh a.d. ju/ste a.d.~i.d.e's ee b um pt b/u d/d ew/e a.nd aye w/(H)i.d.e t0/0 x 2~ just for saying w/ H 0~0p (i) ye p(L)ayin~g et/h/er e tu` & tushy e t(h)r u e
so, i for one did try beverly hills / john layke "dark spot corrector" based on watching the artistic video, that layed out every thing i wanted to hear, not just the product but the arrangement, ie i could try it for 60 days and if i didn't approve i could return it for a refund.
i thought on it, and resisted a bit because, i don't have a lot of dark spots per se, however i am very skin conscious, as i had acne starting at 8, and is just something i work on / pay attention to, so i thought i have almost mirror spots on each fore arm, and on each side of my nose, can't say if they are dark spots ore the place where i rest my sunglasses, and really just freckles... i think. i resisted because of the inherent irony to me, a "d/ark s-po-t-co/r(e)-re-ct-0r-e-" do i really need "h" is dark spot corrector, so i passed for some while and i later decided to try.
my freckles on my nose, per haps a shade lighter. i have skin damage from flagging in the sun, under my ears per a ruddy appearance, and i didn't notice a difference.
i sent him the advent of, and heard no reply. in the interim p.r.-act/ice that doesn't communicate directly, but looks like it, "h"e has sent numerous emails, for-t-all "h"is products.
here is the thing, i find the business approach appealing, and he seems like a really genuine person, working a niche to define beau tye on to e the line. that is all well and good or setting the 'feeling t/on e' but there is know follow/ t (h)rue, per his me-one-ye- is always in f-l-ow/e- ed- too -t-h-'s-i/r-e-m(e)-ye's-
which basically is making vanity his yardstic-k- of "gravity-e" w/(h) "i/t"-e- 2 -d-f/-or-t-(h-)u-e- see-c-ad-just-l-ie-n-ow/-e-nd-ing-without-en-d-ing-p.r.-i'm-e-all-too-the-re-mem-b-e-re-a-re-
which makes me think basically i am engineering a ca.m.~e/L in t0 me 0/n e p.r. i'm e w/the same i? con sequence ?
be-d-e-w/-h-et-te-r-e- projecting an image that no one can follow thru unless they sel-l t-heir-e-s-0le- 2- i'm-bu-e- w/-t-u`- "a/nd" own-l-ie-p/t-(h-)rue- t-here-f-ore- you-r- "k-new/e-s-" c-an-d-(le-)-0- w/-e-("inn"-e-)pt-p.-r.-0/0-f-e-(-e-)d-ye-s-h-0ve-tu`-p/0-n-e-
i think your catholicism k ne a.d.'s (h)ove r t haul in my time on e the lie ye on/e~c hi' ld~be a.m. c re a.t~e i've l~ye w/-h-ill-e-you-go-on-e-mad-c-hat-t-er-e-d-r-ape-in-g-0-dont-c-ha-mat-h-er-e-ring-am-e-
as si ft (h)e tide ye w/(h)a.d. ap- p(-l-)ace to-u-pee p-ark-w/it-h-ea.-r -t-he-re-st-e-
ab-sore-bent-cot-ton-e-pa(-i-)d-ding-s-kin-d-well-in-re-lay-t-in-g-un-dress-ed-i-men-t-ce-men-t-se(-e)-men-t-s-0w-e-e-d-g-0-ld-0w-e-t-f-(r-)am-e-r-a(i-)m-en-t-b-c-am-e-L0-L-a(i-)m-e-in-a.d.-v-an(d-)ce-s-owe-pt-miss-tarry-e-g.-h0-st-e-ad-e/b-t-oo-t-ha-le-a-st-e-m at (e)
p.r.i'm e t la/n d in/n ice ll a/n d e/b t i'm e t00 t~(h)re e lay t~e
i think there is something here about the mag 0 pie d? with the virtue bu/ye the ve/r/t/u` x 2 ore -x-2- e/sp/ye -o/re-a-den-y/e-ye-w/hi-t-ch would be how 'misread' came -tu-b-e-a-'misapplied'-o-ver-t-i'm-e-tu-be-a/m-iss-i've-t-mi/n-e-d-i'm-e-
i think there is something in the g-los/sy-scene renaissance, set too the re p("L")ea.t i/n sig-n-if-i-c-a/n-d/ance-ye-a.s-t/rait-lie-n- "2" w/-inn-law-e-ta-w/- hide the f/act "you" haven't actually made love as your art i f/act (eve r too th' a.d. vance)
the ea.sel "0" w/easel it's-t-0r/e-ye-(i)n-k-(e-)ye-pep-t-pee-p-
i think there is something in the g-los/sy-scene renaissance
the de-sig-n- in buildings and s-p/aces, meant intentionally to overwhelm the viewer, left with no words to po w(h)ere thru nose too/the nose. which is to directly say to s0w/e 0n/(e) k~n~0w/e's w/h ea. t a(i)r~e f/r0m e t(a) c~ar t ruck i/n+n bu/ye s/h ea. r t ~h a/n d 0ve t fxf ly e a.rte n 0/n e in future & furniture ye 0/(w/h0)ne f ew/e t u/r~(e)0ne
i think t here x t heir is something about putting the c art before the c ar(e)r/i age tu d0(0)r-k- a-way-e-g-able-d-0-0r-a/n-d-ye-too-t-(h)d-aye-as-t-i'm-e- t-a-c-lock-a/nd-b-lock-all-t/he-w/-ay-e-g-am-e-f-x-f-ac(e-)t-a(-i-)m-e-maye-ke- with no apparent disgrace (as g/r~ace was not your intention fir st l ye, "and" if you do not per mit/t it's face to/o the tooth~e ye re lay t, "you" can s(-h-)ave your face for no reason to relay t all the ding dong d-aye-
which w/(h)i-t-ch suggest's no reason to mar-r-(e-)ye- as knowledge able as 'ye' t~ar(e)r~ye
further, it all s0w/(h)a.d. e/b t h(r)e a.d. dress why men compete, and it is tu`b/e scene, mac-king w-aves- on your g-am-e- p-l- an-t-e-
what i am saying is "men" "need" "2" stand out aparently (a-m-0-n/g/st-e-t-h-em-sel-) so they can be scene by women, and get love (for t-heir-e-fan-t-as-ye-) and they will go to no end's short of blowing up the whole world e vain, to make "A"-"Me/n-d- in-/ns-t-e-a.d. as t-heir-king-dum-cum-o(w/-)n-l-ye- tu-be competitive for no reason for your / a woman's pity full love n-eve-r-e-bein-g-e-n-ough-t- m-a(-i-)d-e-b/-t-bu-ye- vain-&-
g-loss-(e-)ye- w/-hey-e- has not been earnest l y~e're ma.(i)d.e 2 d/ate
the 'a.r/t e' for the renaissance see b (and (b)um) pr0 w/t was funded by the church t-gilt-e-ye-t-as/"s0n" going forward with no one to re(ap)pa(i)re the s0w/e 0/n e a.d. just b (h) c -2- sea.t (nob-o/d-ye w/hi-t-ch-(e-)ye-ar-t-f-rom-e-)
ins should be scene as the anti christ, bc a woman uses the f-ai/l-ure sy/s-t-em- to b/en/d it back in her favor , and the sy/s-t-em- is seen for being dependable and reliable to the tooth's sake and state with stability and security in all its statistical weight and apparent wake to rate as necessary on your p(l)ate (that is st-ill a theory unproven and unchallenged on per-p-0's-e- to/o x 2 d/ate) -x- (know/(h)one thinks to t(h)ink the in-ten-t-i-on-e- is-k-ew/e-d- sounds "like" cue-d-tu`-be-c0/n-e-2-re-vi-ew/e-t-up-on-) // you do not get attention to x 2 s/p~ar/e attention, and t huss be attention e write by rig ht in your exact en & em space your s hear t hs desire all' sow/e desires too the make (t'h' is will never rate in the light of day-e-as-t-e-all-and-re-p(ea.)l- ag-a-in-the-may-ke-w/-ra(-i-)t-h-at-l-a/s-t-e- ta-ke-
"law" is the purdah of punishment for the desire of life and "protection" for the lack of i/t. not only is "law" the purdah of punishment (for no reason ea. t all) "law" is the purdah of punishment for the desire of de/sire in the sel~l fxf 0re all a~n/d e/b t~ha~nd/g(r)0~w/(h)e/ n's~0w/e.g. 0 all e.g.(r)0 w/h~0uta. d.~0ut
insurance isn't saving your (e)a.s/s e to (g) be seen a/sp fast as/s e/e bum b re a.d. 0 pen l ye a/st (h)e serve(r)i/ng
polly anna, i know, however, let us not ever confuse any apparently e "nice" "man" as having something of value to give to you/t~h
polly anna, i know, however, let us not ever confuse any apparently e "nice" "man" as having something of value to give to you/t~h all's~0(w/)n e t~i'm e r/r~ye tu`b.(h)c.~0/n~e familiar verse-pt-cur-rent-act-u-all-ye- (w/'h'it a w/(h)ea.r e tu`)
polly anna, i know, however, let us not ever confuse any apparently e "nice" "man" as having something of value to give to you/t~h 0w/e in c0/re p 0re all 2 fi/r 's t a/s s/pi re all e dew/e nd' spr~in/k le d' s~tar rye a.sp re a.d. e/b t(s)p~ark le pt b rig ht fxf(r)a.(i)m.e ne f0r/m/e f/r0m e direct l ye too th(e) d/ate A.C.~'H' eigh t~g/ave f reel ye c(h)0 c0/m b~i/n~e/d's~ub(bu) p.r.i'm~e in ti'me 2 u/s/e ye w/(h)it mis~s ta/ke & break b/re/a.d. 0~ve ta gA i'n'n // st e
i'm still hanging it out with the magpie options. i didn't put this earlier in the thread because, it talks about nature of magpies, the female initiates court ship by 'begging for food' from the mail, and that isn't my sty le x it'~s t i/le ye
i could bring up, to manage my cu(p)t, that female praying mantis' eat the head of the male as the male is copulating with female, (and "he" doesn't miss it while going thru the "motions").
however, i have a way to work the magpie mating rituall a s/p tre all a pe/r t/~h f0/0d u/e t(c)u`b(e) serve~d e ve(i)n e w/t (h)r u e 0n t vi ew/e
& e w/(h)e ft vi ew/(h)e at as (p ) b~ f/0re a.d. aye 0nt L*~in/e ve(i)n~ gl is 'h' fxf a(i)r~e ta(i)r~e ye tu`b rig ht 0/n~e t i'm e~w/e t (h)r u e t-h-e lie-0n/e~ve(i)n bu/ye ve(i)ning u/st b.(h)c.~ w/hit a s ec0/n d c0/m~b i/n e i/n~g'~s/p ar/k in'~s p/i r i/t in a.d. j~u/s~t a bu/st e re f le x i 0n/ e t~(a)g~0/n~ye as t(h)e p. ris(e)0n/e r~(e)a.r~e t miss a.d.Dress yn/t~he w/~i ft b/ran/c~h's's's's's's~naked l ye
m(e)ye (h)a(i)r~e cut with intention, pomade in refle x ion e w/hen~t 0ut side & the w/hind blew/e direction e f~ash i 0n/e in~ven t i/0n e
t'h'at b/i~r/d i's/t fxf ly et/h/er e si`lent l ye t~a di's per se. g.'s~age l ye w/(h)inge (i) st m(e)~ar/r~0w/e ft f/all e d~aw/e t c/all e t'0~le ap/p(ea.)r~en t a~pp(e.a.)le. g.~g0/d~e all ta t0(w/)e b/lac/k 0/n e w/hit~e in a ve~r t(h/u)e & b re a.d. (t)g~ave ve(i)n a re a.d. ye l~l0! w/(h)ee l~e a.d.0.b.~serve (t)d~ate in s( 0 )p~(L)ace
mea.d.0w/e's e.g.~grassland'~sand'~s age b (r)u's~h pLain~s0we st (r)e a./m. c0(u)re s~aye~s~s~s~s~ 0 pen are a./s ee (n)k~n0w/e in/n p.r.0tec(h)t~i/0n e c~l~a/sp b f/0re p.r.i'm~e w/(h)00 d's~0w/~L (e)ye n(k)n0w/e d~en sel~l ye und e're st~0(w/h)0/d~e w/he a.ll th/ye w/e
like 0ther e c0r(e)vi.d.'s :members of th'd j~aye a.nd c~r/0w/e a.r/t/h~i/nge's~w/ing's every e t a~d/i vi'~de w/hi~n d inn i'm~e t~i/c/k'~s e/e k's p.r.0ut e in/g
n~ew/e'~si`de w/(h)ey~e's e.g. b~lush c0n t/r~i bu t~i 0/n~e is (a) p.r.i vi le(d)g~e w/e ar.~ne ta t'ea.r~n (e)a.l~le a.s/t(h)e 2 t i'm e
bar i p.r.0ut e (h)i/nd 0/ut~
si`g.n at 0re ye in st~a/nd i/ng ew/(h)e~a.t d~u/st hrust 0 g~et/h/er~e nd e/a.r~e ve(i)n~n ~0ve r (t) f~l0 w/(h)e're press~s~s e/e d~a(i)re (a.)p~a(i)r~e.g. g A i'nn st/e a.c.~h t/a pp~le /e in re f le x i/0n~e c/a p/i t~all intere~st(y)e ate d/i vi/n~e t00 t~h' t~la~s~s/t e i/n~g e/m i/n(e)d~ia. m.0./n d t~i'm e in dust r(e)ye t/re (e)fxf i/n(e)d~dye a.sp(r.)0cket
"l-aw/e" is the purdah of punishment for the de/sire of life and the "protection" for the lack of i/t.
m(e)ye (h)a(i)r~e cut with intention, pomade in refle x ion e w/hen~t 0ut side & the w/hind blew/e direction e f~ash i 0n/e in~ven t i/0n e 0's~awe dawn e(i)ther a w/(h)aye w/(h)ave in par a.d. i's~e/a. t w/~hi/s~s~e*a.c.r/0s~s0/n e p.r.0 vi di.d.~e l(l)ta ti.~d.e a.t hat l~a~s~s~t/e~a.(i)d.e
the pocket s/p~an d 0/c~k et in f/r0n(e)t (0/f) i/t (e)X (t)p~an d i/t~