t a ll t a s/s k
t a ll t a s/s k in re f le x i 0/n e a.r~th r 0/n e t(h)r/u~e ve(i)n~k ai n e c(h) 0/m e/n
t a ll t a s/s k besp0ken 0ve r (t) de' sire bu ye b/b(L)ac~k nigh t c~l0se r
i/n d e/b ta p/p(ea)le 0 fxf e ll charming (L) a.d. i's~ arm~i/n~g's f/0re p(L)aye 0/n s0l i.d. g~r0un d
h~ an/d s 0 w/e b/b(eg)i/n e thinkin~g(L)~0ve th c0mma nd~0 ve t 00 th's peaK 0 ve~t a g/ai/nn s aw/e t au~gh t
e c(h)0m~e w/e.g.0 c u lar t~ing('s) 0d c l~ea.r i/n g a.m. 0(0)r~e i/nn sig~h t0 g e/th/er e t in a sw/(h)ea.t e're p(L)ea.t e're
good morning L a.m.
di's-h- arm -0-/n-e-ye- ?
wrote well into the night = spotty sleep and a late wake. it is already 64, hot enough in the apartment, and think i will get straight to frisbee with mino, gym, and sewing. i didn't do that yesterday.
d 0 e w/e need me'ye s ai L e/n t 00 t/h/e
w/(h) in d a~s/s ay'e w/e ll ~un t 0/0
d~e w/e
p l e/n t(e)ye 0f t K(n) 0~at'(s) 0/0 t~h (0/u) r~0 at
i don't know if you want me to continue on with any number of piles of notes, or the most recent, however all are getting tooooo th' de par t u/re p/0 in t. and a sound reason for the m/ai/L e pt m(e) a. L/L e fxf 0'rt m(e)ark e/t (h) ing e * , o-re- "e" -
just saying you have a choice in relating h0 w/e you want to be see n 0 w/e ;) in be t w/ee n~inn the s/am/e curren~t a g a/i nn st ea d an/d' st ea d e'ye w/the me an s~yn/th an/d e/b t a t(h)re a.d.
i don't know if you want me to continue on with any number of piles of notes, or the most recent, however all are getting tooooo th' de par t u/re p/0 in t. and a sound reason for the m/ai/L e pt m(e) a. L/L e fxf 0'rt m(e)ark e/t (h) ing e * (g) 0/n t/h e re p0(e)rt , o-re-g- "e" - (g-) "0"/n-e-t-he-re-p0-r-(e-)t- "on" the d0-c-(k-)u-men-t-'s-ai-d-e/b-t-he-re-t-0'rt-
"2" see the only value "he" h-ad- w/(h-)as vain ignorant and willing to cover -t- up-as-s-e-g-as-s- on a shilling he-d- make a k-ill-ing- if n0 0ne st 0 0d e/b t00 th tee th t00 s e/e the w/-art-
the s-h-ill-i/n-g-ill-t-w/-ill-
t-in-t-i'm-e-t a t~h~i/n k's e'ye f/f 0/r/t/h/e w/e ll i've i/n g~c Le/a n~d f/0're (e) f~r e/e ve(i)n t00 th' s ea. t~
sam hill, at work, w/-ill-t-'s-am-e'-s-h-ill-an-d-s-h-ill-i/n-g-t-w/-ill-t-
these t-h-ing-(e-)s- i can "count"-"on"at/e "work"
i'm going to r un, to get this sewing d0/ne in sum~mum.
sam hill, at work, w/-ill-t-'s-am-e'-s-h-ill-an-d-s-h-ill-i/n-g-t-w/-ill-t-(a-)g-am-b-le-g-able-t-b-il(i)-e-ye-t-ie-
g'd morning
i have notes, don't know where to start. and emails to put on the website. and my eye lids feel like lead. but not dread!
i am not sure if you are emoting on me or for thee : aversion, bitterness, stationary period in life
the essence of f i/ re (e) fxf e y'e r~e
h.ea.t a w/aye.(a)g.ate in si l e/n t ce
'h' is silent, sound's like ' eat au', however since you can see t00 s ea. the 'h', you can also s ea. t 00 t/h~ ea. t a(u) w/'h'~e'ye t 00 w/rite & rig ht inn fxf~r 0/n (e) t 0 f/f e w/e. g. 0 a L/L e pt b~ e/e s p/0 k/e
w/h aw/e n/d e w/(h)ave tu r fxf a ll 0 w/e t(h)rue
the miss carried con j un ct i 0/n e t w/~i.d. t/h i/t
00 t/h e.g. g 0 a~L/L (0) d en e b e/e s p~0/k e/e n~s : ken t' s (t)an/d 0/c ke en s~yn/th an/d inn be t w/e~e n
knit 00 k~ni(fe)te t 0/0 fxf e/t e a.c~h in s ea. t ~h fxf e/a.(s)t 0/n e b/all an(d)ce s e/e n 0 w/e ft f/0're s aye i/n g's 0 w/e
kni(fe)t~e & f e/a. (s)t u~ b aa(h)a w/e a.re t~r/um~p e t 00 th a.d. ju st b.c.
a.d. ju st b. c. a(i) re
i'm making some tea and think about which direction to go today
in re f le x i 0/n e
if the 'h' isn't (h) rue inn t~h 0/u r t i'm e an s w/(h)ea.r i/n g's~ e/e n f/0 r t/h e (a.) s/s aye i/n g's, the only way the 'h' would be t(h)rue is ( i/c/e ) is as/s i ft ' d~a/ct yl : l(e) ye ve(i)n e Miss Re pre sent e/d aye. g. a/i n~0 're. g. ai n st e/a. d.' st i pu~ll a t/e dire/ct/i 0/n e Miss Re a.d.
n 0 w/e & w/h i/t e ye 0nt (a) b(L)ac (k) e w/e s ea. (t) write is now your f0r meal l 0/n g i/n g's w/(h) ea. t 0 p/en le'ye r(e) a.d. as/s p car~r e'ye in st ea. d's h~(ea) d
why are you s a.d.
i'll e ye t s h0 w/h e w/e t'(h) p.r. a.m., e w/e in ten t i 0/n e ff ra(i)me ve(i)n a/nd
ea. r e~a. r's e
ok, i have a lot to do. so much so, i would prefer to take naps all the way thru e
off topic, part of the issue is do i want to carry w/-ill-t- on me b(L)ack, with an effort he doesn't truly care to represent going for e ward
ata. d. van ce
i mean, betwixt and between "one" lie, w/-ll-t- has c-aries-t-et-he-me-an-s- ai-l- &- ab-("0")ut- me
from kevin supporting his lie open lie in the s-h0-p-, to calling in john gaudet for a handsome wage in "human re-source-s-he-g-ave" too the n-ave-ye- that not one marine among them can claim h0/n 0're t-h-e-ye- ha/st/e m/ai/de, including randy boldac, an ex marine that asserts the college for me to o'le an, questioning, without any b 0/d e'ye the me an s w/(h) ea. r i/n g's
then the "inn house" insurance, to pro vi ' de, opportunities to use your income to get p-ill-s- for the de-p.r.-e- s/s- i/on-e-in-e-ye- t00 -t-he-t-ee-th- and think, "you" are bein g capable as with responsible in compartmentalize-d- i's-f-un-ct-i/0n-e-ye-
and with rig-ht-b-lig-ht- any 0/n e that may re fra(i)me ye
sent to the too and f-ore- conversation "ally" that the human resources of john gaudet, w/ (h) er~e ve r t/h a/ct u a ll ye ne ce ss e'ye a.re ye. obviously not to me. t0 me an s
yet "he" as with everyone else in that s-h0-p- carries the means apparently tu be seen as necessary to complete the task of living function in and for the mer r(e)ye.
si lent ce, is le ft be re ft, sustainably with the me-on/e-ye- maid in fact, bu ye k-n0-t-w/-ill-t-(a-)c-ai-r-r-(e-)ye-
ju-st- for saying "he" cam-e- for-t-his-t-ar-(r-e-)ye-
0n e me. the b-uck- has to stop s0me t w/(h) ere actually e
ff a(i) re s/qu~a/re , i fxf e w/e re tw/h0 a~sk me, without -as-s-k-e-w/-ing- 0 pen -l-ye-
the fiction of the legal system, that they are afraid jo-el- might suit up with a law-ere- for not being properly fire-d-, is a mis/s us/e. the p/roof has already been made, and w-ill-t-urn-e-d-c-ave-&-k-nave-ye-, to support his interest too the g-ave-. he earns a lot of me-one-ye- off the "nave-vi-eye-" which has no interest in the t rue inn (k) n~av~e ye t(h)rue.
the "whole" conversation about his workers compensation, before and prior to his st-u-p-id-e/b-t-is-sue- is a "work" in progress-(t-) 00-t-he-in-e-w/e-
the fact is joel can support his truth, and not lie in the o pen, however then w/-ill- will f-eel- t-he-e-ha-w/-e- w/-ill- t-a-b-u-s-e-d-
there is no ironic end to the mat-trick-u-lat-e-i/0n-e- in "one" s-h-e-d-
the "documen-t-" can't relate apparently unless it is f-e-e-d- 0/n e your -e-t-(h-)ea-d-e/b-t-a(i-)l-en-d-
please be aware, t-h-ey-e- are all making me-one-ye- on me where my value s h0/u/0d e sp (e)ye
as they claim ownership too the g/ave, too the re pair even ye t/u be a maid.
the truth is, t-he-ye- don't d a(i)re
when i can be seen as a ff ar e. as they h ave apparent aire in rig ht fu ll e pt w/are & w/ear.
just sayin g.
0're this would be all ready e the rig ht in sayin g 0 t/g ave t0 (w/)e.
th cam c ai me
f/r0m an0ther e st at e & in t ere st e t i'm e t00 t(h) c L i'm (b)e
a w/are this time
t00 t(h) c L i'm (b)e at(h) a w/are this time t00 the m(e)A. k/e. g. re at e
(t) in th' 0 p/en i/s t(e)ye inn k f-rom-f-lam-ing-(l-)out-(a-)com-p-(l-)ai-n-i/n-g-, h0 w/eave r un k n0 t 0/n e me'ye
i am tired, and i am trying not to be. i have a lot to get in front of the e
i a.m.~'s (t) 00 t/h/e in k' s i/nn k & syn/c t 0/m e/a. ns
0 w/e pt p/en l e'ye
de r i've d
c L e/a. n (inn) 0 p(L)a~ce s/s ea. m/e a.n~s w/(h) ea. r i/n g* f/0/r/m/e a.d.' syn/th' s e/e d
inn t a(i)r e i/n g's~c0 p(i)e d e/b t a t/r 0p en e/m e r/r e'ye A. st r~e a.t e~z's
& a w/A.ke in the w/(h) eigh t (0/0) c~a(i) r/r e'ye
ke-vi/n- has -t- y-ore-b-ac-k-, if you need it for a d0-0're- in your inn-d-e/b-t-(a-)i-ll-a-s-t-
his "st-a-ll" did not lend mer i/t too the c ai re t
("h"e- lend's-in-vain, f-rom-(his)c-am-(and cam"0")c-ai-me-t00-t-he-p.r.0-c-L-aim-e-
when you understand "h/e" is daring to read my rig hts from the inside d0/u(be-)t-, you understand why i am doing the sa(i)me intentionally on the same plane he hasn't staid or even inherited a naime too the gave in wheight too the ta(i)re t00 th' d ate.
-&- hasn't a nare'ye function too the consider t h ai re, he has there f/0re no re all capacity t0 r/r e p ai r/e.
inn fxf r 0/n (e) t 0 fxf (t) me
ironically, all the people and places in the bible, like jacobs ladder, there is a jacob that works for avesta, i can't give him a t 0 ss 0 -d- 0f, as the dof would fall -t-0-ff-, his foot would f-all-t-00-t-he-d-0f-t-,
i am the jacob's L ad/d e're, putting step and st a(i)r e t(h) a(i) re inn fxf r 0/n (e) t 0 me an s(t) 00 t/h/e t0 ff a(i) r e in re ce(i)ve i/n g L a(i) r~ a b i.d. e d en/n a(i)r e & bu ye previous receiving 0/d e m a(i)r e s 0'le pt s 0/u/ le
i am j 0/b~e, and i don't find among the "h/e" h-aw/-e- bein g am 0/n g the apparen t ree st ate i/n g's
i am the jacob's L ad/d e're, putting step and st a(i)r e t(h) a(i) re inn fxf r 0/n (e) t 0 me an s(t) 00 t/h/e t0 ff a(i) r e in re ce(i)ve i/n g L a(i) r~ a b i.d. e d en/n a(i)r e & bu ye previous receiving 0/d e m a(i)r e s 0'le pt s 0/u/ le t/t a(i)r e inn d~0ve
t ai L/L 0ve
t ai L/L 0v~e a.t h's e a.m.~s ~l0ve s e.g.(L)0~ve
in (s) c0 pi e'ye 0/n e
i am the jacob's L ad/d e're, putting step and st a(i)r e t00 the m(e)a. t/t e're. i have not met a 'jacob' work the worth of the biblical name given him a frame, yet, he car e'ye s, that he as ye a/s t, is seen (for no reason) t/h at a w/h-e-ye- com-p-l-ea-t-
t/h at a w/h-e-ye- t- com-p-l-ea-t-e-ll-e-ye- a/s-t- for "he" f-reel-ye- g-a.ve- t/0- 0-k-n0-w/-e- me an s, t0 have no re c0 g nit i/0 n e 0 p/en l(e)ye t00 the suc h's e/e d en se ll e ye "a" lie, for -t- his be-li/e-ve- & be-ll-e-ye-re-t-r/i-eve- "gracious as can-be" too take a cross his n-e-e-d's-
for no re as 0/n e tu b-e-ad-
believing in "god" 0-0re- k-n0-t-, he is perceived independent in his s(-)L0(-)t (-h-)
kevin, quite frankly, would rather have "h"er tooth too th/e m-p-l0-ye-e-
s-hall-0t-b-0/n-i/0n-in-n-i'm-he-ad- with miss directi0/n e re (h) a.d.
& carry e 0/n e, as he s-h- "ad" no re al/l ad van ce
ve(i)n t00 th is (i) re p a/s t
w/h at h/ave ye as set 'h' taken t a w/ay e.g. ave
i was thinking about the yoga pants / leggings, as i was leaving wholefoods, and a young woman in front of me had pink leggings that exposed the her bum, and i didn't full on scope her bum out (h), but it made me think about all the ire on line i can read about schools defining how women can dress for the m/en to properly fete there eye's w/i ft.
all con-v-e(i-)ye-i/n-g- the me-s/s-ag-e-, on women for not carrying there end of the b-ar-e-g-ai-n- (inn-si-l-en-t-(inn-)ce-st-a-g-e-)
l-is-t-en-t00-t-he-me-ye-n-ave-ye- w/-h-arm-s-(t-)oo-t-he-s-ave- &- s-ave-i-0re-o-ft-l-at-(h-)e-
A-nd-a.(i-)m-e-be-c-0/m-c-aim- qui-t-(e-ll-e-ye-) lit(t-)er-all-ye- ff-(r-)a.(-i-)m.e t00 the purs(u-)e-vain-t-w/-h-0- d-e-ye-w/-e-
ignorance has a compulsion too th's -u-e-
in-n the direction of the L-e/n-d-
the production allong the way = mis(s-)pen-t- a- give-ye-t-a-g-ai-n-n- &- again-st-
in (t-) sig-n- if-i-can-t-ce-
de-ed-an(d-)ce- s-set-0-me-an-s-w/i-ft-a-t-g- lan(d-)ce-s-und-ere-f0-0t-00-t-d0-f-t-as-s-c-00-p-
i think the understanding of what is p ein (pain in german, and one, and egg)
is found in the t 0/0, along the same german phrasing t0t = dead, per h ap'se inn fxf r 0/n (e) t i/nn sig ht s h' a.d. & ' s h a.d. 0 w/~e (a.)ve n t a(i)le nd's en d's the me nd's. perhaps the k e'ye, is t 0/0,
0 ver time, bi place plane and p l~ai n, would e/b t(h) re a.d. e/a. d.
d ea. t~h t 0/0 c 0/m p as/s t(h)y e/a. g ate
de a.d. would deat the 'h'
where the "e" g-0-w/-e-, hasn't a re all e/a ve(i)n ~n k n ave t~a g/ave t/h's t~ag a(i)m e in a.d. ju/st h's ai me
t00 t/h 's c 0p i/e d ate
fxf i/g f/0ra ye ff ace
e'ye would like t00 th's ea. t 'h' i/s as/s t 'h's p0 t/en t/i all e pt b~e t/h's p0 ke in de'ye t/b all an(d)ce ye r 0 at
0/n e'ye
t(a)g i' ve t'h's 0 ap i/t he ye
A.s/t re a.m. e'ye a.w/(e)a.re g/a/rd/en/ i/n g t(h)rue 0 f/f a(i)re (e) & f ar 0 ver t/h e're = ye A.st (re) a.m. e'ye w/c ai re
& b e/e t/h le h~em a w/are
le'ye the m~a w/e nd e w/i.d. t(h) a w/h~e ye t00 the dg e & a.d. j/0ur/n(e)ye ff a/ce in/n i'm & mer r~e'ye. g.ave ta g/ai/n e w/(h)eigh t a(i)r e ff ace
f-rom-e- no re all b ea.r t(h) a w/e's p(L)a c~e ve r e c0 rd 'd inn d ate
i would like to meet you in person and e fface 0 ff t0 ff a ll 0 ff t
however i would not like to meet you in person with a st-u-p-id-e-me-w/e- t-0s-s0-d-0f-t-(h-)rue- inn- a conversation-ta-g-lu-e-t00-th- me t w/h0 , even if the w/h0 i am speaking o ff is 'h' t00 the m/ai/d in t 00 w/(h) i.d. e g i' ve t (c/up cL) a s/s p 0/n e mer i/t g ave t w/h e'ye t, a-nd-e-w/-ai-t-an-0-t/h-ere- a.d. e'ye
t m the me an s (t) 00 the m(e)A. ke b/b e l e/a. f as/s th' t(h)r e/e in t w/h0 d e w/e
t 00 w/i s h 00 e t 00 t/h e.g. i ' v e/n t L 00 & L 00 k t w/h0 d e w/e
c a/n d 0/0 re
is h 00 e
v e t0 me an s w/(h)ea.t e r~e t0 g e/th/er e inn g's
e/e X (e) ye l/l 0 ve' s w/(h)ing (e) s w/~(h) e/a. t
le a.d. bu ye X a.m. p~le 'ye (t/h) a.d. gi'ven e. g.ran t (a) c/r 0 s/s (0) t 'h' (L) an/d f/0r (e.g.) i've n (t) d's (t) as/s p(L)an (t) d f0r/ce s/s h0 0k ni (g h)t 0 ff r/i e nd's en d's ai me.g. a/i nn s/t e(ye) a.m. c 0/m p (L)ea. t as/s ave n a~ve t00 the p.r0~c/lam~ation i'm a w/(h)ave & w/hale t ai l/l e.g. ai n/n
p(L)a c~e
it's tuff tu/r/ff butt you have n't qui te a.r n ' d i/t t~ye t
yew/e l/l ike th' i.d. e/a.
t00 th (e) t ee th c0m p ea.t & c0m p L e/a. t
you feel you are not sure ? which we ' ed e y e.g. ave ?
w/e ll then i magine, we are both pretendere s aye, however, in this case, the silent observer hasn't actually e L ai d e/b t00 th eg g ave
ex ce pt 2 pretend to re ce (i)ve -an-d- pretend tu put a w/ aye
and as/s u/c 'h', has no mer i/t in/n a~ve , even t00 t his- in name
the me/r i/t e'ye. g. i' ve ye. g.ave t00 th a.d. ju st h's a.(i)m. e
0/n e = all e w/e t(h)rue le'y e~a. t (a/u) t~h ave
h/a~ve n a.(i)m.e ff 0'rt ff 0're t(h) b a ll an(d an)ce s/s (h) ave in na.m.e
ye can't h 0/n e st l(e)ye pr0 clam e, if you h/a~ve n t a L/L 's 0 w/e p.r.0 c a(i)m e w/e
& nature ally e p.r.0 c(L)a.(i)m.e w/e
n/d 0 (e) w/e
in st e/a. d.
g/ ave =
in st e/a. d.g ave = the /dg/ e w/e ff (r) a.(i)m. e/n t' s a.(i)m.e
thanks to "god", that isn't h ear, and doesn't give a rats ass, unless you are ke-v/in-too-t-he-d-ad-van-ce-
be c(h)0/m e : thanks t00 t(h) ea ch' s 0/t ~h ere, re ve n b r/0 a.d.'s i.' d.e L/L* a w/e a.re t (w/c)c ai re
t00 th eg i've in sure a.n(d)ce t00 the ye n k n ave 'ye t a. m. e
in n a.(i)m. e a.r t h eave n a.m.e a.d. just h's ai me te r/t 00 c ai re l/l ai r~e f/f 0 r/t i'm e
w/h at be t/t a(i)r e w/h e'ye tu be t/h 's u/re t'h 's h(e)d ate, than 0 w/i t/h y0ur e/n a.m.e = your e ff a c(t)e & d e ff ace t 00 the m(e)A.k/e g.re at e
conversely, you can see the lie in st-up-id-as-s-b-ein-g-
thinking -t0-g-iv-e- me an name, in min(e)d (he can't comp ea.t)
thinking -t0-g-iv-e- me an s am e name, in min(e)d (he can't comp ea.t - issue-too-t-he-f-x-f-e-at-
t00-t-he-c(h-)0m-p-se-e- &-h-ave- a con-verse-ate-i/on-0-pen-ly-e-
-&-x- a-nd- c-l-ea.-r-e-ly-e-t00-t-he-s-peak-'s-0-ft-ly-e-
richard mcgilvary called me yesterday. i didn't answer the phone. i did see him later in the covered parking area, he glowered at me, and i drove off non committed ly e
his pre sense hasn't s0 w/('h'e) n, nore with s 0 w/h0 /n e. i didn't understand at first why he stood at his car, glowering at me in mine, happy as a peach fuzz re(e) fi/n e/d i'm e, however i think what happened, is someone probably informed him he m/ai/d my st/ag e. any e w/he ye, he didn't actually have any e th ing t00 the (a) s/s ay e t b/r ai/n e' ye s ai d the pal ace t00 the m(e)A.ke ' ye
0h h0 c0m m0/n e'y/e m/A.ke ye
r/ich t00 the re st 0/'a' re
& make the mer r e'ye h0 (me) r~a ke 'ye
t00 th t i'll e pt b st i'll
in sty le ye(i) Ld
e.g. g/ave ff i/r s/ t (h)ree ff 0're t(h) b e/e L/L ea. fxf e/i gh t fig ht' s h~a.d.~e & s~h a.d. 0 w/ag 0/n e b/r~ave st a(i)r e m/ai/d e in a ve inn sir e/n d e're
bu ye p aye b/b ea. r e p aye (t) d ea. r
bu ye b/b e/e t/h's p0 k e(e)n t 00 t 'h' ea. r e w/e re p.r.e sen t (h) x (a.) d.e's c e/n t (a) g ave re c e/n t 00 k n ave ye t00 the. g.(r)ave t00 th(e) re (inn) st at~e t/h e'r~e a.ss aye tm ai/d c/lea/r e l/l (e)ye n k ne w/e pt ea. r
ai. d.
e w/e t/h's ph ea. r an d fxf e're 0n/e fxf e'ye re t00 t(h)c L e/a. r
t ea. r/e. g. ave t(h) be t r/ai/d
c0 p an/d c0 pi s/s 0 ft 'h' ave
re m(e)ark & ar/c a(i)n e ye w/an e ye n-ai-me-t-p-(L)ay-me w/ y-0re-b-l-am-e-
t00-t-he-con-t-ai-n- only the p.r.0-(0-)f-an-(ny-)e-
"on-hi-g-h-e-r-" k-n0-t-bu-ye-miss-ta-ke-
taking my money away for stupid-as-s-ustainability for no reason too the re late, ir o nic all ye, is to make women dependent on seeing the man as the care giver in sit u ate. understand this can only make a blaring ugly as-s- tup-id- e- (a-)mis(s-)ta-ke- in the place where the woman should be receiving sustenance t ea t any fanny e as t rai(gh)t
taking my money , is to a.d. van-ce- scene as ne-cess-ai-r-e-ye-
the unvirtuous n-e-e-d- a re (e) f le ct i 0/n e~qua l/l t00 the give in g t (h) ree par (t) c0urse i/n g a(i)n d, a re (e) f le X i (c) 0/n e -0nt-com-ma/n-d-
so the d-ad-, can always be seen as not a sh- a.m.- e w/e-ar-in-g- 0-pr-0(0-)f-an-(d-)e- ye- s-(h-)a.m.e-
the good spirited "h/e" needs to protect his-c(L-)an- (d-)
kevin stine, c all "h"i'm -ave-
f-as-h-i/on anny e g-ave- ye t00 the Miss Ta/ke with n0 t h~anks, but-t- yank-s-
s0 w/e ll e t's ju/st understand this, kevin s-ough-t- a grant for me from the state to pay him to teach me off of his p(L)ate - that he doesn't really desire to me t/he m(e)A. k/e. however, this presents a r-use- too -t-he -is-t- set-up-, all fund-e-ad-, on the pre miss, he values th e value he pre ten d's t00 the s peak w/. he needs me to fund his salutation in offering a value to not be apparently mistated, yet can't bear the owner ship of a lie, he fund-e-ad- on me too the e s p(e)y e, with no one to speak too th in d e'ye. just saying, it is an easy set-up-an-d- w/-0rt-h- e- re- c- (L) aim-e-i/n-g-
all the time not setting t/h up for a f(t ere ) f a(i)r e n a(i)r e. the d0-lt-d-0-f-t - "c-a(-i-)re-"ye- A.- l/l-0-ft-a(i-)re- & set-0-ff-s-qu/a-re- without a second thug thought tu be worn as your ya w/ar-e-
it is an easy set-up-an-d- 0-w/-0rt-h- e- re- c- (L) aim-e-i/n-g-
"h/e" doesn't care about my frame, and only care to re-p-(L-)a-ce-as-e-t-he-ad-
t-he-e- h-a-w/-e-, has t(0/0) k(n) 0 w/e t(h/r) 0 w/e, w/i th0u t actually e/n k~n 0 w/e i/n g a b0und aire s i/n k. ye-ti- he-e-ha-w/-e- t-h-in-k- he meaks be lea f.
in c/ all t/h 0/n e st ye t/he hasn't put his spirit in g/ave ff 0'rt /h 's aye i/n g ff (r) a(i)m e.
he meaks be lea f i/n a vain, and c-an-s-can- d- c-all- his re claim in mit (that was a sh-a.m.-e-too-t-he.-g-ave- the. g.g a w/(h) an/d
t-he-didn't w/ (h) ave n a.m. e
t-he-didn't w/ (h) a/ve n a./m. e
the ven a didn't come f/r0m the n ave, the vena vain, cam e f-rom-a-s-series of a. m.istake-set-scene-f-0-re-t-he-re-t-a-k/e-
the lack of inherent value to ride upon the crest of the w/(h)ave, could only be footed by a. miss ta/ke, in thanks, ye didn't think t00 th ave, b.c. the scene has been set bu-ye-t-he-miss-e-g-ave- in-ad'-s-
all "ad's" are misrepresented -0/n-e-t00-t-he-n-e/x-t-0/n-e-
b.c. not 0ne man gives a shit t00 the fxf all 0 w/e t(h)rue inn a.d = in his 0(w/)n e pers0n (all) a.d. e w/0 m en
a.m e/n d's h a.d.~e & s h a.d. 0 w/e in t(h) a.d. e in a v(i)e w/e ll in t(h) a.d. van ce ss (t) 00 t/h/e me t a t~a g Lan/ce
i/nn g's i eve
i/nn g's i ev/e n/ L e'ye
'A' s/ t re a. t(&)e 'ye
if e w/e think this is a mistake, p-l-ease-ces-s-p0-0-L-e-think- and -s-peak- relative too the space in k, con-ne-ct- with n0-b-0/d-e-ye-
e-f-x-f-0-rt-(e-)ye-as-t-0/r-e-ye-s-e/e-cur-e-i-t(-e)ye- t00-t-h(e-)be-li/e-ve-n-am-0-(0-)r-e-i/n-g-s-in-g-
"syn" "the" n-ate-i/0n-e'ye-n-k-n0-w/-e-g-0-at-
atm0 /n e ye w/it (h) a w/e d~e st i/n nati/0n e
you can't say you love me until th' as/s p be f/0re w/h~as p b e/e n e w/e d (a.d.) 0/0 re
c0 pi (e/d e) c/0 re
in sit e a.t~m0 /n e ye w/it (h) a w/e d~e st i/n e/a. t(e) i/0n e cess ai r e'ye t r/0 p~(e)d 0 ve t ai L(e)L 0p e w/e ll an/d' s c 0p(i)e ve i'll e th~e m.0. t : t00 t(h) e/a. c(h) t 00 c r~ 0 s/s 0 me r~r e'ye w/(th)r 0 at
at~ta t 0s/s0 d e w/e d 0 fxf i/n t i'm e the w/h0 0'le ye L/L 0 ~t~
b.c. i can do this in my s lee p, as s ay e rot 'h' in y-o-re-lie-f- 0-p-en-l-ye-t-ea-t-c-hee-k-
i h/ave L ea.rn e'd e/b t00 the write x rig ht, b.c. anything else i put out t-h-ere as wit-h-ai-re- is re-c-l-ai-me-d-in-are- w/i th0u t (a) c ai r e & r~e 'ye t00 the me an s w/(h) ea. r i/n g f0r/meal/ly e A s/t a(i)r e i/n g
and i think you r/ich have become the visual w/i th0u t h' 0/n e st me an s (t) 00 t/h/e/ s p(ye) s p/ea/k f0r/meal/lye t00 th' s w/ee p an/d c ai r~r e'ye n(k)n av/ en/d e/b t en d0/n (e) are 'ye.
f-x-f-a-ce- b0-0k- is giving g-0re-ye- as g L0 re'ye isn't actually e w/(h)0r(e) t'h' -a- w/(h-)ave- in re in st ate i/n g - 0-ve-ye-t-a-g-a/i-n-k-a-nd-s-(h-)0re-m-e-ye-f-x-f-r/i-e-nd-s-en-d-s-am-e-g-a/i-n-k-t00-t-he-pre-t-en-d-ce-ss-et-h-0/u-r-in-d-ad-van-c-e-x-cess-ai-d-an(d-e-ye-)ce- t- w/-i-t(h-)a- (w/-e-g-0-) pre-fer-en(d-)ce-
it's k n0 t ' s 0 w/e b(e) a.d. t00 th' d a~te… ff L 0/n e ff a ce.
w/h at d0 e'ye w/(h)ave ff/0/r/m/e t00 the re l a(ye)t e.. g.g 0/n e me'ye ff a~c(t)e t a/ct u ally e t au g*ht a.(i)m. e (m/e) r~r e'ye t(h) a.d. ju st 'h's a.(i)m.e ff/r0m e.g. ave t w/h~e'ye at 0/n e ff (r ) a.(i)m. e ve(i)n e mer ~re 'ye s ea. l/l e'ye l/l e/n t e l/l e ye w/heel~i/e
you can have a head start bu ye t/ he ar t, but you can't out r un me 0/n e the m(e) ark & arc~h
ark & arc~h (e) ar t 's hear t c~a 'p' (L)a c~e/n t (a) t 00 th ave t ab/le a.d. e/b t00 the me an s~ 0 p/en l e'ye t0 me nd's cup c0m p (L) ea. t d-e-'s-tin/e-n-em-e-ye-as-(t-)e-b-b-re-ad-in-k-n0-t-p.r.0-vi-ding-ai-n-s/t-ea-me-ad- 0 -w/-in-d-0-w/-e-e-s-w/-ee-p-out-he-win-d0w-in-k-e-ye-re-lie-f-x-f- spirit-le-s-s- e-am-s-(h-)am-e-ye "she" mistake-d- me-ye-f-x-f-(r-)a.(i-)m.e-g-ai-n-n-s-kin-s-ave- t-a-ll-ove-r-t-he-p-(L-)a-ce-s-set-h-i-e-f-en- as the m-id-e-l/l-a(i)-m-en-a(i)-me-
ye-w/-e-, do not have the rig ht, to ol ie on me, to pre ten d e ye g ave, and from there t a(i)re t w/(h) eigh t. you have never g ave and you do not desire as/as ye 'h' a.d. & h ave n am e. you are a mistake from birth rig-ht- 00-t-he-c-aries-on-ne-t-h-at-a-w/-ai-t-rit-e-as-e-am-e-a-k-eg-re-at-at-e-f-x-f-l0-n-e-ff-a-ce- hee-haw/-h-at-e-
with a womans eff ace al-la-w/-st- out a re a. c~h, tu be spite fu-ll-ie, re-ad-directe-d-e/b-too-t-he-e-d- e w/e "0" w/-n- l-ye-t- w/- (s-)-h0-e- w/e-
the "w/-s" = double-u's-e-am-t-(h-)rue- , for me on the account of m-en-s com-p-lace-sent-see- too-t-he-be-g/i-n-n-0-w/-e- a-k-e-g-ai-n-n-s-inn-s-
aka men's complacent scene, to w/ e & only represent the living that are "desirous" tu b-scene for-t-he- g- ive-i/n-g-a-gree-d-e-w/e-pt-me-0/n-e-ye-
-g-a-gree-d-e-w/e-pt-at-t-a/i-n-i'm/p-ar-t-me-0/n-e-ye-f-0-re-b-/r-ai-n-d-g-ave-t0-me-an-s- with n0 0/n e that can speak b(L)ac(k) 0/n e the sa(i)me r e p ag/e me t i'm e in ve(i)n ta th~i/n k a g/ai/n st re am e'ye 'h' ave L a(i)d e ye w/-it-h-'st-in-k-ye-t- maid -st-0ne-t00-t-he-w/-(h-)all-k-/c-0/n-e- m- t- b-/r-ave- t00-t-he-'-d-0-w/-e-a-k-en-d's-ave- in- maid = a-g-ai-n-n-s-(t-)ate- tan-t00-t-he-at-re-l-a(ye-)t-e- f-x-f- l0-n-e-f-x-f-a-ce- s-s- 0/n-e-ye-p-(L-)ate- 0/n-e-m-b-all-an(d-)ce- f-x-f-ei-g/n-am-e-
th- f-x-f-i/g-men-t- had a heart t0 per cyst in vain 0/n e 'h'er e p(L)ate, and if she p/0 p/p ed i/t, she would have to e X i/s t with an e.g. gave, but not a nave, only-e- a navy vi-ta- miss ta-ke - 2 - t-he-re-l-a(ye-)t-(h)rue-ye-
p ea ce bu ye pi e ce, gets a higher priority than a-p-as-s-i-0/n-e-very-e-t-h-ing-e- t00-t-h-f-x-f-a-ll-s-e-ll-(e-) ye-t00-t-he-re-c(L-)ai-me-ad- doing no g~0/d deed in re all i t(e) ye w/ the at i'm e rati0/n e/a. l/l ye t00 th c 0m p (L) ea t i/n e in/n d 0~ve w/ f a ll 0 w/e t(h)r/u~e w/e yew/e c/an s e/e L/L an/d e w/e th( r = w/h) 0/n e w/e t 0/0 a/s t a l/l e~d e w/e~e c(h)0 me w/e
p(t) L/u/c k~d/u/c (K) a/i r~r e'ye t0 ff s 0 w/e d-0-f-f-c an ' t may/k i/t u/p 0/n e me'ye t d~0ve ff0r/mea.l/lye t00 th's k(e)ye she set 0 ff th fe a(s)t (h) a(i)re c0/m t0 g e/th/er e(e) fxf a(i)r e 'ye set h r/is e 'ye Zzz
s a/c h~i e v~ab/le a.(i)d. as/s 0 w/e 0/n e t00 a~h ea. d 0 w/(h) are
t00 the sir (e) me'ye s… ig h (t)
as/s 'h' (e*) d
as/sa ye re s 0'le t c ai r~re'ye
ve(i)n t00 th' s pur's(u)e in n ai me
(t)b 0ugh t 0 p/en l(e)ye 0/n (e)
ff as h i 0/n e/a. r~ t(h) a w/e a. r/0 u/n d
0/u(be)T 's h ea.r t~h e c(h)0/m e a.d e
w/h 0/n e ye ta. (i) m.e ff 0re wa~rd
e/b t00 th t 0ut ' ye ar t(h'e) m~a.(i.)d.e i/n e'ye t
the mark hind -e- reve-l- the- w/-in-d-le-d-e-w/e-
in the fore give ing with 0~ut a re t ea.r n e'ye inn an d 0/u (be)t
ch a grinn e m/ai/de w/i th0u t i'm e a.d. and don't need a-rt-fi-c-i-all-a-s-s-l0-t-g-as-s-p-(L-)ay-ce-ye- 0/t-
but/t k n0 t 0/n e me'ye ff ace s e/e as the w/(h)in d ea. r's e.g. u ye w/h0 p/en e/e d's e/e k the se a. t w/h 0/d e w/e.
w/h en, ye carry a p/en are 'ye re as/s 0/n e ye's p(r.) 0ut h's ai me w/e d0 not "need" a g-un- too-t-he-see-t(h-)rue- d-e/b-too-t-he-f-x-f-0-re-c-a/s-t-e-ye-w/-e-tu-
it is honestly not within me to say randy boldac as a mar-in-(e-)d- has provided me a t r0pe in all your in-law-st- all-a-r/0-u-nd- th' ff a ll 0 w/e t (h)rue c~an ' t be found, ye-t-pre-sum-e-'s-(t-)oo-t/h-e- (a-) s-s-ay-e-w/-00-d-e-w/e- ac ce pt 0 /n e b 0/d e ye in ff r 0/n (e) t 0 ff e w/e ff a ce t00 the set h's a fe w/a l/l 0 c/k a/nd 0~0're in n~e me' (ye ar t (h/ t00 the) m0(0)r e in st 0/a. re) butt-all, ye can't find your spout from your brain, as it isn't connected in a fashion t 00 the pr0 claim e w/ee k.
your n-ad's-on-l-ye- hi-t-he-s-po-t-in-co/m-e-i/n-g-a-l0-t-0-re-g-all-0t-in-a-i-l/l-e-g-all-fas-h-ion-e-ar-se-g-round-s-s-s-s-c-hem-e-scene-s-p-0re-t-an-d-s-p(r-)0ut-e-t-u-g-a-w/-he-ye-gi-ve-t/h-at-s-hi-t-in-n-am-e-me-A-kin-g-w/-ill-i/n-g-f-l-0-w/-e- can be -ad- um-b-found-e/b-too-t-he-r0-d-e-do/u(be-)t-cha-chin-g-e-d's- f-0ra-w/-i-fe- as-t-a-s-s-u-re-s-h0-t-
marks man ship me'ye as/s et h' t00 th fxf a/s t b/rake in e'ye
e-very-e-w/-0-m-an-d- has been made in insurance s-0t- & s-L0-t-h-in-de-w/-h-ey-e-p-(L-)ace-d-/e-very-e-w/-0-m-an-d- has been made vain nit in the too-t-he-he-l-en-d-
ad ju st saying, b.c. you c an' t 0 p/en le ye ve(i)n l e ye in fxf i/n an(d) ce 0 t00 th' c 0ve r e a.d. ju st e w/e d qui c/k as the re all i t ye ac ce pt ab le pt f l0 w/(h) e're (e) fxf 0/u n/d 0/u(be)t a.d. just the s ai me d e ve(i)n k n if (t) e ye l/l i ke, 0 p/en t00 the n e/e/d as/s ue t is~s u/e 0/n t~h's p0 t ~c h a.m. b e're p0 t a L/L 0 t~00 (k)c ai r~r e'ye w/(h)0ve t 0 ff u (e) L/L e w/e ar t~h ave in ai r(e) 0 un d e/b t w/h 0 d~e w/e t(h)rue th b/i p (L)an e & p L/ai/n e t00 th' s 0 w/e a.r~e round' s qu/a re t00 the.g. r0und t hat (a) g/ave th e (a.)g 0 in g's yn/th e re all sus st/ai/n ability e s 0 w/e b 0ugh t
e ff 0 rt a t~0/0 s/s 0 ft (l e ye) c/ an d b e/e t/h 's t 0 r/r e ye ff 0 rt h's e g~g L/L 0re ye w/an 't e'ye
n0 a'h,' eye k~n0w/ e ll e/n t/h/e ne h/em i ah a s/s w/hale t ai L/L an d e a. l/l t a l/l e/n t as~s pe ll m(e) a. ll e & L0 t b e/e s 0/t as~s 0d e/b t~he r0/d e ye 0 c~u(e)p t mass ag~e & c/r e w/e~e c~u/t ~e n/d 0 ve t~h' ab' s 0'le w/e t 00 th c~h e w/e nd 0 w/(h) ea.r i/t (h)rue in di vi. d./u all ye ve(i)n e pt v/ai/n l e'ye se a.s/s (h) 0 w/e. g. 0 ve ff 0 rt/h' s (k) n0 wing 0/d 0 ve
k n0 w/in/g('s) 0/d 0 ve t ai l e pt a b~r0 a.d. e w/e pt (a) c ai r~r e'ye 0/n t p un t c un ' t (a) c/a/rd ye "h" ave in charge t 00 the "b"e c0/m -e-a-ll-as-s-0-w/-e-g-0-&-g-at-lar-ge-
randy 0f the n-ave-ye- has n0 h0 n0/re g ave, and e w/h0 would k n0 w/e ye h arb0re d a desire t00 th(e) be h ave t00 the n0 t' a s/s hi-r-rk-e-ye-p-(l-)a/ce-pt-a-plac-i.d.-e-ff-ace-t(h-)rue-
h/e l/l 0
a bi/t 0uch e'ye this a.(i)m.
i need / get to sew. i'll be back later this afternoon.
g('s) L a.m. e'ye a.m.
i think the L a.m./b
w/(h)as~t c augh t in th' t i'm e w/e tu b e/e
g('s us) L a.(i)m. e'ye a.(i)m.e t00 th (e) c(h) 0/m e A. k/e
t/h 's0und' sacra. m. e/n t 0/n e 0's/s 0 w/e dawn d e w/e nd 0 e & d e/a. r0und inn re (e) fxf le X i 0/n e t/h c(i)t(e)ye X ce pt i 0/n e
sac~ra.(i) m. e/n t w/h0
sac~ra.(i) m. e/n t w/h0 b/b u ye w/e ll b re a.d. e w/e ll in c0(u)r(s)e per ate dp.r.e t en d/i' me t'h' d's (h)i/n e & ' s hin(e)~d
sac~ra.(i) m. e/n t w/h0 b/b u ye w/e ll b re a.d. e w/e ll 0/n e/a. r/e st a(i)r~e
sac~ra.(i) m. e/n t w/h0 b/b u ye t i'm e r/r e ye w/rite inn ad van ce in K~(L)ine d bu ye f/f e ye r~e l/l ea.~f/f t00 th c (l)e f(t) i/n e t(h) d~ f0r a. m. ea. (t)d. 0 ve/r t L0 a.d.'s 0/n~g's w/i ft a g/ai/nn~s (w/) i/n g('s)~ 0/n e
kevin is a christian man abdicating i can't think out of his frame and raime of intention already s-0(w/-)n- up- t00-t-he-w/-rig-ht-a-b-0-rt-he-g-ave-
the "son" is s-0-w/-n-up-t-be-h-ave-n-a(-i-)me- suspicious on me'ye ff ra(i)me, t00 the "g"ave, k n0 w/e re all a g/e n/d a t~00 the purs(u)e in K n0 w/e th' (e) b~b f/0 re t(h)rue t w/h 0
that is why i got the work separation. i didn't get it when i was sick and not uploading my w/e b/b e/e si(gh)t e. tracking me'ye w/h ey e as th' b e/e ff ace i/n g (L)0 re. t-he- can't simply have me thinking in my 0(w/)n e t i'm e w/(h) ap par e/n t (e) l/l e'ye t 0/d ue t.
the ironic thing is kevin's thinking too the re-st-o-re-, is worn on my fface as his ability to b-ore-&-b-ea-r-in-d-0-0're-
which i am responding t00 th in my own time as a mu st in b/i rt~h.
i find kevin as a christian man the antithesis of his spoken acumen and character, which is dumbfounded in my current f(L)am e a. t a t0~s/s. he wants his s-0d-in t-a-ct- as-s-w/e-ll-an-d-bu-ll-as-s-tine-th-d0f-t-, so that the dof is-a-w/ar-e-in-g- a-gree-d-
unamious-sly, out of my character, which was addressed one way and b-ough-t-0-ff-an-0-t-her-d-ay-e- "too" sus-stain- a "whole" lack of vi/s/i 0/ne "he" could't have apparently any other way, than too t-h(e)- a-ct- the city he constant-l-ie-ye- a.-b-0-rt-s-
planned parenthood is simply the ability to further "accessorize" for bu ye & with n0 re as 0/n e t00 the say, and t-huss lie on the stag-e-
t00-t-he-re-p-0-r(e-)t- (it is more convenient too -k- n0-t-b- p.r.-0-w/-t-0ut-)
which i am responding t00 th in my own time as a mu st in b/i rt~h ave a.s~p b f/0 re
e-x-t-en-d-ea-d- miracles can't be saw/ t with a w/e t00 th in k e'ye w/i th~0u (gh) t & t b 0ugh t as/s p0 k en, as/s 0ugh t
t-b-/r-ave- that he didn't ma.(i.)d. e w/e
he m-ai-d- speak -t-00-t-he- t0-0le-g-et- a(-i) living t-(h)rue-
t-rue-st- a-nd- e- mu-st- with in-t-en-t-i/on-e-t00-t-he-bu-st- 0-re-s-u-lt- as-s-t-he-p-(L-)an-t-0/n-ave-ye- w/-t-he-b-l00- and b-lock-character -t-ab-h0-re-
the conversations of christains against the smut, just saying t-he-ye- actually bu-i-lt-i/t-up- t00-t-he- "cares" a "lo-t-" about the seen t-hey-e- s-h0-t-as-s-p(l-)ace-t-he-b-f-0re-
not one of the christians have actually earned their L0 t~ t00 th' a ll 0 ft
there f/ore christians serve t00-t-he- th-ab-u-s-e- am- t-w/-h0-
g-ave-g-a-w/- "A" L0-t-
sam would say, we are working to make money for god. i would say re s0l~e w/e te'ye ll e ye , sam in making wea-pawns f-ore- th-d-e-ce(-i-)ve- w/-i- th0u -t- a -t- race- as-s-p(lace)b-f-0re-
he is making me-one-ye- for-g-(e-) 0/d-
"inn" d i.d. n0t & k n0 t ~ re st 0/a re
as-s-p(lace)b-f-0re-in-g- with no sir (e) come spec t w/ the me an s i even t0 me an s
e/a. m.~e t a t00 th 0 w/h~e 'ye sup p~l/l e ye t
in-nate- why do you think i should thank you a-m-0-n/-g-s-t-ill -
you st ill carry t-he-w/-0-rd- f-0re-war-d-, and earn a-i- living, to "fee-l" e pt b rave own li/e a.-t- 0 s/s. you toss me off as an accomp-lice of kevin's lie to sup-po-rt- w/-ill-s- ly-e- to e-nable jo-el to be the b-runt- of your own character that s-w/-ill-i/n-g-lee-ye- t00-t-he-c- k-eye-p- e'ye -in-re-st-0re- character you haven't actually earned to e ven ab 0 rt, in completion e'ye with any one around y-e-w/e-.
"you" use law(-st-) u be accoun-t-able-t00-th-(y-)0re n-e-e-d's-e-e-d's- you don't actually care to exercise character t00 the pr0 see d act yl : ly e tu
b / r ave ass ye a.ct 0/n e me w/ h0re
i wear the 'h' and t huss th's (h) 0re
"you" re-c-(l-)aim- the 'h' with no inner intent i 0/n e
your fam-ill-e-ye- is based on making products for war, and for diminishing a.d. verse city as your -a-b/b-0-r-t-00-t-he-re-t-0-rt-
un e X a.m. i/n (e) d
"you" only care about your re-f-le-ct-i/on-e-s-0-(w/-)n- up-
so your actions and tooth se-am-in-character- to place a judgment ora lie-n- with your lack of reason fi-t-fu-ll-ie- t-u- too-t-he-re-p-(l-)a/ce-s/s-um-m0-re-
your "son" and your "nup" are for reel. scene-inn o/n lie for the re-st-0-re- your too-t-he-s-um-mit-0-re- in war.
n0 m. 0. re a. w/are than -b-f-0re-ye-t00-t-he-re-st-ore-
active narcissism per kevin, t-he can only value his refle-x-i/on- e f-ore- no re as 0/n e, he can't even conceive inn h-is- ai- d0/u(be-)t- ai- l-0-ft-i/n-g-'s-pea-k-
inn c0n ce(i)ve ab le a.d.
he doesn't have the potential, b.c. he doesn't actually have the n e e d e w/(h)in d 0 w/e. g. g~ave
his emotions are that of an in-fan-t-,
and he is not accountable too t/h at data, he has received in no permeable way & w/he ye tu be t(h)rue, -an-d- ye-t- he "stand's" i/r-0/-nic- t00-t-he-re-p-ai-r-e- t0 y/ou
make war on principle, b.c. you abort a re flection of t rue st, t00-t-he-re-t-ai-n-0/n-e-principal-l-c-h-ang-e-m0-re-in-d-0/u-b-t-a-b-r-ave- without a re p0 rt (h) ru e w/e
i do find christians -h-e-dg-e- f-x-f-i/n-d-e're-s-
john gaudet is ju-st- a cling-0-/n- too-t-he-bu-tt-s-c-rub-b-ein-g-am-0-rt-
kevin won't make a decision, without -em- ploying the gimp-t00-t-he-n-ave- ye- s- ough-t-
all the time using resources, that are re-so-rt-e/d- e/b -t-a- t- ai-l - 0 -ft-
kevin won't make a decision, without -em- ploying the gimp-t00-t-he-n-ave- ye- s- ough-t-00-t-he-p.r.-0-see-d- as-s-t-0r-e-
"4" -x- f-0re- g- (L-)0re- ye-
when all that kevin and his po-st-u-lat-e- have only inn-ven-t-ed- as-s-bu-st- 00-t-he-c-are-re-ye- miss-trust- 0/n-e- l- ie- t00-t-he- ha- ve- t-hem-0-re-
there is no glory to be sought after in the competitive min-d-frame-
only g0re-ye- too-t-he-b-/r-ave- t-h-ave-n-am-e-
f-0re- L0ve, you have s-h0-t- d-0w/-n- the -L- 00 - pre sent ed e/b t00 t~h (r) ue
tit has always been s-h0-t-d-0-w/-n-e-min-t-rust- in-p0-t-en-t-i-all- too create more i-t-em-s- for war, without thinking of t(h)e nd re s/u lt ~h i/n k~n ave in b~r0 a.d. c/ as/st g ave t w/h e'ye t
you as a "man" under kevin's nogging-0/d- of d-intention, are a compartmentalized value too t-he- r-use- at- a-m0-re-
& you have no T, t00 t/h/e re c(L) aim T f/0're all e' ye. g.(g) ave t/h fxf 0 r/t ~h
this does not st-0p- kevin from a-ct-i/n-g-0ut- of his presumed nature. i am tu be ab -h-ore-d-, as he continues-h-ill-t-w/-ill- have the value 0f me 0/ne ye, as if t-he-ye- g i've t00 the.g. get L i'v e.
kevin looks as if his actions supported by money, and my efforts even, he gets to o look as if he sired on re higher, and that is not that fact in his t-a-ct- at all t00 th fxf L as/st
he would rather admonish me from living with said ability among the thief-x-f- that mount-s with-a-gree-d-
he is not fostering children, he is not fostering a love of g0/d, he is not valuing his employes, and yet he pro(0-)fan-e-s-(t-)00-t-he-see-k- t-l0ve-
he shouldn't have support w/-ill to-0-lie on me, and jeff in we ld men t, should have w/ all k ed 0 w/ he ye c0m fxf 0/r t able (ye) a.d.
he knows will tokes with joel. and he said as much to kevin. however, kevin seize what he wants too-t-he-(a-)ss-ay-e-
you all should have walked 0 w/ h e'ye from kevin supportings- w/-ill-t-a-t-ill-t- as/s i ft he 0 p/en L e ye. g.g~ave th e w/(h) e'ye i/n g's w/ee p
ave `
th' di a. m.0/n d aye t
as-sit-is- you make money to mispend-i/t-
&- kevin values suc-core-s- (t-)00-t-his-e-g-ave-
in-n-ate- particular-e-ly-e- t0-w/e- t-his-t- w/-e-ft- & - ff-ace-ye-l/l-e-ft- in- p-(l-)ace-n-ta-re mark able "no-t-(h-)ank-s-"
t-he-r-e- & t-heir- is -k-n0-t-c-ai-re-
and-e-ye- c-an-say-e-w/-h-at-eve-r- i- w/an t.
and have 'h'er w/-ea-r-i/t- as-s- the s-cup- per-t- re-p-(L-)ace-d-in-n-e-rt- 00-t-h-0-ver-t- a-s-s- t-he-n-e-e-d's- q/u-i/r-t-
so you can pre t en d you gave with the w/h e'ye t 00 th fxf a/ce
when you are ju-st- as-s- ig-n0-ran-t- as-s- the s-0-w/-e-g-0/n-e-war-e-ye-
if you are merry, it is at the e-x-pen'se ns e, of another you didn't r ea. l/l ye sup p0 rt 0 g e/th/er e~ve r
s-0w/e-a-nd-s-0-w/-e- aka ke-vi/n-e-
has sold you a false face, namely with me'ye ff ace 0 pen t00 the re L a(ye)t e
and damne-d- em f-0re w/(h)ea.r i/ng i/nn p(L)ace t00 th' d ate
he has n0 j 0/b e, he has n0 n~ave. he only has g-room-s- t-00-t-he-m(e-)a-k/e- in-d-0'l/e-n/t- c- are r e'ye f0r n0 re as 0/n e tu be a. c0/n e in re all i t e'ye
& t huss a w/are
a pitch per-fe-ct-d-evil- without a. d. ai re
a.d. e w/e
in t 0/0
t/h/e b/b(eg)i/n e c~ai r~r e'ye
w/h~ave n~a.(i)m.e
fxf 0 r/t (a) p(L)a ce
e' ye can't wen d, w/i th0u t a t en d
e 'ye can't wen d, w/i th0u t a t en d bu ye
e 'ye can't wen d, w/i th0u t a t en d bu ye A. s t r~e a.t
(e) ye t00 th' be l/l e/a. fxf r/i e nd' s
a.m.(e) b e're s i/nn k t00 th' d~r i/n k
what it comes down to me t'h' ink, kevin while apparently bein g a father, a husband, and care taker in re lea f, does not have love t0 g i'v~e t00 x t w/h0 0'le ye t l i'v~e. yet he appears that w/he ye t00 the re pe sent, as long as you don't really mean nit t0 g i've ye spirit a i' l/l i ft bu ye the w/0 r~ds e 'ye s peak b(L)ack 0/n e c~th' s e/e k(n)it u b/r~ave in de p/en d/en ce s/s e/e k' sa.(i)m.e ve(i)n
john gaudet think i am immature to his s- e/e -x- & ' s - e/e -x- i-t- & s- e/e- x- i/s-t- f-0/re-free- lie to the par-t-a-ke- in my time as his -t-b-rake-
money does not determine your pen-i/s-t-a-nd-
any more than your e-s-h-0rn-c-le-ft-h-an-d- t00 -t-he-d-0c-(k-)ue-men-t- as-s-(h-)am-e-
you have not made the value t0 d ate with, you have not made the continuity of the s0/n g t00 the r~e L at e 'ye w/h the me an s, yet your sexis-t- undertaking re-ap-s-(t-)a-s-s-ue-t-p-l-ease-
as-sin-in-e-a-c-h- f-x-f- are s the nare in re all i t e'ye as si(g)n us t mu st be t/h b/all an (d)ce, without your c-le-ft-l-i-pro-c-live-vi-t-ye- t0-u-r/e-n-t-he-n-e-e-d'-s-
you, john g-au-det, are not the music, you are not the means, you are not the reason tu b, you are not the t 00 k e'ye p i/t/h~e 'ye. you ta-ke- pi-t/t-ye- as you may-ke- without a re all e ff ace t00 the t r/ace
t 00 th t are in fxf r 0/n (e) t 0 f/f e w/e
you ar-t-(h-) b-ump in the r0-ad- with a fresh face, you sincerely didn't com p 0's e t00 th e n0 's e am a s/s 0 w/e
if you think you are going to represent me w/e, you must consider the art-i-f-a-ct-, ye g-r-e-w/e-, on me, to ta-ke- me 0/n eye, as you p-l-ease-
artificially inseminated bu-ye- b-rot-her-s-e-em-an-d-0-w/-n-s-t-re-am-
just saying, just b.c. you think you have be le/a f, now, does not mean you earned it, particular ly, in the time it was given t00 th e'ye a.r n knit
t00 the re t ea. r/n knit
n-0-w/-e-g-0- all you have is an imp-ass- on your scene-inn-ai-l-a/s-t-
you do not have the rig ht t00 the f ee l g 0/d 0/n e me, b.c. you st-0le- me 0ne ye, f-0're-(e-) "free" , free to only "give" a s-hi-t-on- any b-0d-e-ye- , e x ce p/t 0 me & t0 me an s @ the time ye a. s/s ay e w/h i/t.
r/ich fxf un n(e)ye, just issue d ah re st/r ai n/t 0 pen l(e)ye a. restr/ai/ning 0 rd a(i) re bu(0)ye
0 rd e're t00 t(h) a w/e b/b fxf a(i)r e
didn't realize in your rise too the personall p0-w/-ere- to fake, shake, and bake grass ee-d- your -a-way, you would be tra(i-)ding in your m0 w/e're t00 the a. s/s ay e
& s 0 w/e re
with "usual-lie" n0 s(e)a.ye
i'm going for a bike ride, i will think of you fondly while i spin my wheels in time
john gaudet, phrases what he w/an t' ease with t-h-at-is-n0-t-ac-ce-pt-ab-le-g-
however it is phrase d tu be a miss under st0 0d, sounding like "that is unacceptable"
the f-a-c(t-) le ft 00 the mer i/t, nothing john g-au-det says is acceptable, it is-ac-ce-pt-ab-le-g-t0-me-an-s-un-scene-
the f-a-ct- is john gaudet can only tell me what is or isn't un ac-ce-pt-ab-le- g- as he let my L e.g. ave -go too the r-use- too-th-rust- in capitulation, nit doesn't have a nare'ye reason t0 be in se as 0/n e
as i ft he causes the sun net t00 th s'hine w/are t00 th cup r~ap p0 rt in t-a-ct-
he -sir(e-)me-ye-s-(h-)0re-
m a w/are c(h) 0/m e t~h un g r~e'ye (t)d b e/e t/h (e) r~e L a(ye) t e i/n g t(h)rue s~ t issue
christian man of "one" vain nit t(e-)ye in-na.d.-van-ce- t0 the misre/presentation to ffurther the misspent in "t-i'm-e-"-all-s-0-w/e-g0-
manger, this is a misconception too think the c/hr/is/t was b-ore-n-t-inn-a- m(e) anger, rather e m(e)a. n( 0 w/e) g e're all a r0und e/b t00 th (e) fxf 0're. g. round e/b t ~h e're t00 th c a(i) re all 0/n e
ju st (u) b.c. not "one" a-m/en- can apparently h ea. r the sou/nd, doesnt prove his anger cam e, with desire in his vain name for t-heir-e-soun-d- ea.- f-x-f- ra.(i-)m.e- t00 th -c-0/n-t-i/n-e-w/e-t-issue-
w/ ea. r 0(w/)n e t/are w/t 0/n e'ye & y/0-r-e-f-x-f-ace- as i am not giving you "time" t00 the r/e L ate a.t a L/L ea.ven s m/all
our-t-oo-t-he-"t" has n0 0/n e t 0/0 t/he b/all an(d)ce a. s/s ay'e w/(h-)i'm-p-l(e-)ye- g.ave t w/he ye t a L/L e/n t i/n t i'm e'ye t issue t00 t(h) u/b p/c-ad-ju-st-(u-)b.-c.- u- e- x- cue-see-t-he-f-x-f-a-ct-
k- i/c-k- b- a/c-k- t-urn-a-re-x-p0's-e-d-u/e- w/-h- e-ye- t-(u-) be-c0n-e-ye- in-th-s-l-0p-e-n-/n-e-ye-g.-(r-)ave-a-rt-h0-'s-(w/-)erve- t-ai-l-e-ye-a-(s-)t- a-nd-0-b-serve-t-w/-t-he-r-eel- "nerve" in- co/m-p-an-(e-)ye- w/ no co h0 st 0 ff t his b-a/c-k- t00-t-h(e-)be- t-he-w/-all-a-w/-st-( u-) b.-c- "h"e-at-e-
0/n e the divine-s-(t-) i/n -e- w/e- t-w/-h0-
writing may be the raw t 00 t'h' in re verse all 's -ten-t-a-re-nd-b-(l-)e-nd-in-t-ere-st-ab-i./d.-e-/b-t-h-cur-rent-c-(y-)e-x-h-ale-ate-i/on-e- too-t-he-per-ce-(i-)ve-in-t-i'm-e-, as a crime you can't le nd t00 t(h) rue inn c L i'm (b) e
t00 t(h) a w/e a.r e w/are t00 t(h) a w/e re t (0/0) c a(i) r~ re'ye t00 t(h) a w/e be t(h)r/u~e w/e
you have re-lie-ab-ill-i-t-(e-)ye- but not issue t00 th L e/n d & tu be t(h) a w/are t00 t/h is~sue c0m f0r t~h e're tc aire in si L e/n t ce t 00 t(h) a L/L 0 w/e & in places e'ye(a.) s/s ay'e. g. ave t heir and e/b t 'h' ere in st ea. d.'s(t)ate
you are not sel ling the 'L' as/s 0/n e/e/d's we/ll a/c t u all(e)ye. you are sel-ling the co-pi-p-rig-ht- t00-t-he-w/-ill-suc-h-is-ee-d-b-r0-ad-'s-i.'-d.e-all-a-t-0- (w/-)-e- t00-t-he- h0-e- com-p-(L-)ea-t-l-ye-
when i was in the "human resources meeting" after the gaffe of the w/-ill-s-0ugh-t-0-ff-ee-t- 0/n e me he thinks without c ai re, john gaudet brought up that i am a valued employee as kevin has got an educational grant for me. i didn't recognize the need too the say it. i don't understand his pup-pet-r(e-)ye- , i know the value 0f t me'ye L/L ea.r/n i/n g's e a.m. t0 me an s. I bring the attenti0/n e -&- ye b-ring-t-he-l-is-t-en-s-0-w/-e-
w/h ere are w/e stealing the pup-pet-f-rom-t-he-pup-pet-me-an-s- without a wife, would leave you without a p.r. e ff ace t00 the 'y(e) 0're ff ace advancing at a steady state with no reason as--say'e 0 ft la(ye)te ad-ju-st-u-b.c.-w/h-a-ct-0-re-c-law-s-(t-) as-s the re-s(h-)ore- par-a-mount- as-s-p-be-f-0re--in-n0-t-i'm-e-t00-t-he-re-st-0-re-&-st0re-ye-t-heir-e-f-0re-
constantly in flow, if you d0 t/h' d0c k n 0 w/e
ironic pat-t-urn, for m-en, that believe they exist in the lineage of a m-ai-l-e-pt-g0-d-com-f-x-f-0r-t-l-ye- "A"-s-t-
w/h at s-0-w/-e-b-(e-)s-0-w/-e-0/n-e-t00-t-he-be-g-at-a-g-ave-
d-e-m- e/a.-n-(d-
make m0/neye tu b-scene for no reason t 00 the fxf al/l 0 w/e t(h)rue inn t 0/0 d~u/e t w/h0 d~e w/e inn fu L/L (0) vi e w/e t00 t'h'e re st 0/a. re t00 th b.(e)c. 0/n e m.0.(0) r~t (a l/l) 0/n g/u~e ve r ye t'h' ing e w/e a.r t/h' s ea.m.' s as s0 rt in p.r. 0 w/t di's t0 r/r t : di's t0 r/r t-he le-ad-e're-f-rom-t-his-t-h0-ar/se-pt-bu-ye-w/-h-e-ye-w/-aye-a-s-say-e-w/-ar-e-
0/n e the divine-s-(t-) i/n -e- w/e- t-w/-h0-re-bu-ye-tu-t00-t-he-t(h-)rue-
w/h at s-0-w/-e-b-(e-)s-0-w/-e-0/n-e-t00-t-he-be-g-at-a-g-ave-ye-t-h(e-)'
d-e-m- e/a.-n-(d-e- w/-e-d-e-vote-i/on-e-ver-ye-t-h-ing-e-
vain-s-0-w/-e-g- "g" 0 - i/n-g-s-cup-per-i/n-g-sin-g-s-
c-ai-r-r-e-ye-t-"h"-t00-t-he- living-en-d-
b-e-nd- and-ye- b-b-(L-)en-d- as-s-(c-)u-p-
with n0 w/e t c0 h0 st 0(ss)0 = se-am-s- there-t-f-0re-we-a-k- pro-c-(l-)a.(i-)m.-e-
w/ an entitlemen-t-
00-t-he-(a-)s-s-ay-e- as long it is about me-t-a-ll- for machining - a- par-t-'s- force-s-(h-)0re-in-g-s-he-l/l-t-e-re- (he has never ever re all ye w0rke D ~be t/h ere f 0 re ) t 0/u/c~h... e'ye
machine par t'-s- w/ -t- me-a.s-s-u/-re- men-t-(s-) 0-ff-t-
& g-0/d-0f- i/n- "sig" ht- 0- me-an-s-0-w/-n- s- 0/n- ai-l-e-t-ai-l-be-li/e-ve/n-l-ye- w/0men that radiate around me-an-s-e-am-s-
you are wrong and will always be wrong, insip-i.d.-lye wrong, insipid too the t a/s t e n (t) ea. r... s e.g. ea. r t~h. you are wrong with the notion you f/0 st ere
f/0 s/t ai/re
f/0 s/t ar~e
f/0 s/t ai/re in na(i')ve c/a(i)re (e) ff/r0m a fxf a(i)r e
f/0 st ere th' d/au/gh t e're
t00 t(h) be t(h) a w/are in t i'm e t00 th's h are
bu ye X ten t 0ff e? value ate i/0n are t00 the n are & r e/n t~00 t 'h' s par e & re ap~p ai re in c ai re
"h"is insp-i.d.-ness -e-g-g-rue- as-st-his-t-a-s/t-e- d-i.d.- im- p-r0ve-, as a "due" on you
do we really need to k-n-owe- if insip-id.-ness has a m-id-d(e-)le name, t00 the c-a(i-)re-s-0/n-t-he-s-a(i-)me- vain -
w/ an entitlemen-t-
00-t-he-(a-)s-s-ay-e- as long it is about me-t-a-ll- for machining - a- par-t-'s- for-ce-s-s-(h-)0re-in-g-s-he-l/l-t-e-re- (he has never ever re all ye w0rke D ~be t/h ere f 0 re ) t 0/u/c~h... e'ye
"h"is insp-i.d.-ness -e-g-g-rue- as-st-his-t-a-s/t-e- d-i.d.- im- p-r0ve-, as a. "d.ue" on you t00-t-h(e-)- f-x-f-0r-tu-ne-ye-
& - "too" t- a-war-e-
in receiving sustainability e- t-h-are-
& - "too" t- a-war-e- &- d-e-ye-w/an t -m.0-(0-)re-
t00-t-h(e-)- c-aire-s-(h-)0re- s-h0(r-)e-
ye a.m.-0-r(e-)t- a-b-0-rt- "on" the pre miss e'-ye- di's-t-0r-t-
as -s- f-x-f-a(i-)r-e-as-s-c-an-s-e/e-d-
(n aime -d-inn-vain-, but-t-w/-e-e- h-ave- f-x-f- r/i-e-nd-s-(h-)ave-ye-t-a-g-ai-n-n- st-re-at-w/-e-'d- 0 pen end e ad-e/b-t-
as-s-t-e- t00-t-he-re-pen-t-
d-i.d.-ye- "miss" t(h) at ?
w/h at ye n ever e all y e l/l e/n t
ps rich i am ven t i/n g on the people a. t-w/-irk-
s-(ce-ne)k-ill-s-"h" irk-
"0/n" e mer i/t w/e mu st (ill) "birth"
i got an email back from dave 0, so i could have a print label to send the tarps too the canteen shop. in the email he mentioned he and cadie were in reno to visit her dad.
i have thought to reply back, that of course i hope he enjoys his visit, and for/m/e the last time i was there, i traveled thru with my brother, and it was amazing how much was built up in the desert without water there (when i left there all ready was a water shortage, crisis, that turned the landscape to xeriscape, as the watering days were dependent on your house number (even or odd) to turn on the pipes, it would se a.m.)
it was amazing then how much building was taking place far beyond the city, with no water in site, and then again a decade later, still building at a steady rate, with no water to irrigate, and perhaps flush your to i le t, as/s k i/n~n ate.
t h/at it continues to build without water , and that it continues with a ff/air e t00 th fxf 0 s/t ere & st air a house th ere.
wit h (n) 0 water in de pt h a re p ai r/e
it is amazing this f-0-i/s-t- of bu-i-ld-i/n-g- can continue, and i find the para ll e l, interesting, the des(s)ert
the des-s-e-rt-
the scene scene on the scene, is not using the value of the re all 'h' t00 t/h's e/e k t00 th's e/e n e/e d's
i have s/pen/t a lot of time in the desert, as "no" "one" can speak f0/r/m/e a.d. just sayin~g.
the desert, all things considered in a competitive m(e-)ark -&- re-m-arc-i/t-ye- is the w/h e'ye t 0/0 t/h b~e /e
if you live in a desert, with only your 0 (w/) n e e d's yn/th fxf r 0/n (e) t & in b(L)ac k, you can rec0gnize, t-h-0-s-e t-h-at- d-0nt- a/ct u ally e
if you live in a desert, with only your 0 (w/) n e e d's yn/th fxf r 0/n (e) t & in b(L)ac k w/h i/t e(ye), you can rec0gnize, t-h-0-s-e t-h-at- d-0nt- a/ct u ally e c a(i)re t00 th fxf a(i)r e i/n g's w/h ea. t & t are 0nly e/ i fxf e w/e c 0/m p (L) ea. t 0 me an s w/h ea. t f0/r/meal/ly e
0nly e/ i fxf e w/e c 0/m p (L) ea. t 0 me an s w/h ea. t f0/r/me~a.l/ly e A.s t b re a.d. e/b t00 th c ai r~re'ye r/a~i/se per ate ll (e) ye
w/e de s~i r/e 0/n ai l/l (e) ye
the "p.r.-i-ce-" of bein-g- mar-r-i-ed- or carrying a baby-e- in the competitive marketplace for bu ye and with no reason too t he be, a value producer in the o pen air e m~ark etc. is it give-s-0/n-(d-)0-f-t-w/-ill- the f-x-f-re-e-d0-me- to lie "li-be-r-ally" on that he re-fuses- t00-th- f x f e/e d e/e d 0 pen l(e) ye
it is a staunch conservate's t-r-ad-e-m(e-)ark- too the always be the t-rig-ht- & t -rite- for(-ce-) his-miss-es-e-g-w/-hi-t-e-ye-t-
w/-ill-t-a-s/s-u-c- h's ee d -e/b-t0- me-an-s-, debt to a-rt-i-fi-c-i-all-a-me-an-s-
w/-ill- won't quest i 0/n e outside of his par-ad-ig-me- and he won't have a conversation outside of his par-ad-ig-me-
t-huss- pre-serving- t-his-h-e-ll-t-e-re- serve- in - fe-lt- e-re-
besides the f/a/ct he doesn't have the me an s (t) 00 t/h carry e 0/n e in deed , with re all desire at stake.
he never had vert hue bu ye vir/t u/e, and he never wanted t 0/0, if it couldn't be convenient t00-t-his- nature t00-th-s-c-/r-e-w/e-
a-p-(L-)a-ce- for-ce-s-setting-t-w/-h0-d-e-ye-w/-
t-hat-a-w/-h-ey-e- he can speak in vain, and st ill proclaim he is of the same vein, when nit is t-out-rig-ht-ly-e a li-e- vain-
i grew up in the desert, remove d f/r0m the scene, and i found my mer rye a. 'g' (& an' y) 'e'
is-s-imp-ly-e- pre-ten-dere-r-ing- with an "h" tossed (-'s) in for t- re-ad-herring-
t-h(e-) de-sig-n-e-re-sum-mit- with "know" in ven t 0 r/r e
p.r.e sent "=" p-resent-w/-h-0-g-ave-t-w/-(h-)ave- vain-d-"=" all-eg-i-an-ce- s/s-(h-)0-re-as-s-0/n-ave-ye-b-um-p- t-up-(t-)d-um-p-t-d0-f-x-f-t0-f-x-f-e-e-d0/u(be-)t-carry-e-0/n-d-e-live-r-e-ye-a-st-u-b-re-ad-ing-s-cent-ing-l-ass-(t-)in-k-'s-ai-d-0w/-n-e-ye-p/ar-k-ing-s-h0-u-Ld-e-re-f-x-f-a.m.-0-re-t-a-t-0ut-re-m0unt-a-war-e-x-ce-de-in-g-l-e/a-p-for-ce-i/n-g-ap-(p-)ea.-r-an-ce-s/s-l-e-ye-a-t-0/n-e-a-t-a-g-ai-n-st-s-ai-me-n-am-e-g-am-e-t0-g-e-th-er-e-f-e/a-t-h-er-e-vain-(t-)d-ate-
b/r ave ye i/n g f/ 0re in b/all an(d)ce t00 the re st 0/a. re
t/h en e w/e c/an bu ye 'b' b~0 rt 0/0 'c' ye t (h) rue & s(e/e)'h' ~a p(l~a/ce) e~ veryething i/n k n e w/e t00 th fxf r0m t/h b(eg)i/n e i/n g (L) 0ve
t~d 0ve
fxf l(e)ye 0 fxf t
ai l e/n d 0 fxf t's tr/ai/t 0 fxf
i/n e me'ye ' s inn t ere st b 0ugh t at 0 s/s 0(w/e)d ue t w/h 0 d e w/e
t(h)rue st e w/e
a.r t~h an (d) e w/e pt le ft
th(e) t0r be ll e ye s peak f 0'rt a.m. 0 re s pea(k)ce de & see d w/e ll a.d. 0(0) re in t i'm e t00 th t e ll c 0're seed 's till e'ye ff 0'r t
inn de a.d. e t 0/0 (w/) e/e k
's inn e w/e & with the 0bjective bein g a w/h 0/n e & w/h 0/n e ye tm ay/ke th b e/e king t~hap pe'ye p(L)ace & pal ace t00 th t r~a ce ye w/t~p.r. 0/0 f~e a.(s)t r~e w/e nd 0 w/e nd's (t) 0/0 t/h/e
y0u~ th
t rut h~
0/n (e) b/all an(d an)ce 0 ft c0urse in par t i/c u l~ar e w/e
......>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ^^^^^ up t0 g e/th/er e s 0 w/e g 0 t0 (w/h) e t/ h er e s w/h i'm
a nose, or snout
a bird's beak or bill
the brim of a cap
a use of the g i'll
t0 me an s w/e ll b.c. e w/e ar t(h) a w/ i'll e d~aw/n 0 p/en le ye t00 th t ea.c~h
fxf l(e)ye a.d. j/u st b.c. aw/e s~
b.c. aw/e s /ai / d e w/e d aw/e s
& s0/n' d~awn
d 0/n e
a nose, or snout
a bird's beak or bill
the brim of a cap
a use of the g i'll
as/s a.'ye m.atter 0/ft (f) a ct
r/u e w/e a.r t(h)rue in tat a(i)re s t (r) e w/e n d~0 e w/e 0's 00 t/h/e s~p ark le d e w/e 0/n 0's e t(h) iss ue t00 the re p0's e r0se a.s/s 0 w/e in k n 0 w/e
ll e d 0(w/) e
ve(i)n t 0(w/) e
& t 0w/n d 0 w/n d0 ve t ai l/l e.g. 0
t00 th t00 th e nd's en d's~ 0 w/e. g.(g) 0 ta g 0
inn b ran d
e sig n e're t at h~an/d
0 ve t ai l/l augh t
0 r/r k th e l/l 0 ft
s inn ce re l/l y/e m/e b0/n~m.0./t w/t ea.
me'ye fxf r/i e nd
m.e'ye fxf r/i e nd
inn b ran d fi/b~e re' t00 (t)L(h) an d
0 fxf i/n s~te t's 0/n s (t) a/n~d
e'ye s e/e sig n e're s(h)0 re b(L)an d
(g) 0ve in c0mma nd ay e.g. a/i nn
s e/a. m. i/n g's~t(r) e/a. m. i/n g~s w/h ea. t
c ai re nd f0r/me~a.l/l(e)ye re (a.) p ai r~e
inn sig n~i f/i can t ce s/s e/a. m.e w/e
ff0re all i kn0w i saved an accident from happening where ye art as at an "h"arms length w/- in-nocent-ye-h-ave-n-aim-aim-e/d- e/b - t00-th-f-x-f-l(0-)re-t-a-ke-
don't te ll me tu b-s-qui-e-t-f-x-f-0r-mea.l-l(e-)ye-
in sig/n i ff i "can" can't all t-he-t-i'm-e- is your com-mo/n- 'mistake' out of li(e-)n-e-in-t-i'm-e-ye-0/n-e-e-d's-e/e-d's- f-x-f- a ll s e ll (e) ye t-rate-
jo-h-n -e- g-au-de-t-, your t0p-h-at- is maid of-t-w/-h-e-ye-t- a'll 0 w/-ai-t- 0h excuse me'ye fxf ace t00 t-he-se-p-rate- 0-/n-e-t-he-s-ai-me-b-all-an(d-)ce-ye-t-m-a(i-)d-e-t00-t-he-ad-ate- f-x-f-an-t-as-s-t-ick-e-ye-ah-
you do not h/ ave a re all as~s pr0duct t00 the m(e)a.ke or give 0re p ly e 0r~e l/l at e, as you use your pipe to- (t-(r-)0t-) -t-rate-too-t-he-ll-0-w/-e-ll-ie-n-st-ate-
the 'crown of thorns' was probably the crown of t-h-0rn-s-
scene fore no reason "too" t(h-)rue- st- as-s-th-em-p-lo-ye-men-t-u-
"pc" com-p-lete- in 0/n e ve(i)n k n e w/e t00 th av(i)e w/e = being pc all over the land, with no reason in h~and is "T-he" s-(h-)a.m- all-over-t-he- "ll" a-nd-
the 'crown of thorns' was probably the crown of t-h-0rn-s-
scene fore no reason "too" t(h-)rue- st- as-s-th-em-p-lo-ye-men-"t-u-" sound true w/ k n0 t 0/n e in a v(i)e w/e t/h ere t f 0re "sue" f-0-re-p.r.-0-0-f-e-e-d-ad-0-0re-in-(s-)t-0-0-L-e-w/e-d-u/e- t-w/-h0-r-k-i/t-rue-
the problem with the use of "law" as the known vernacular and conversation all stimulus too the be heard, in the machine shop, over any other e tu be t/h an~d 0 b~serve d, is the crucifi-x-ion e t00-t-he-t-urn-a-re-t-ea-r-n- e-con-vi-ct-i/on-e- b-serve-d-in-re-f-le-ct-i/on-e-
it p-(L-)aye-s-(h-) 0-u-t- like t-his-t- : kevin wants to get rid of jo-el- but he wants to do it le-g-all-e-ye- so he w/-ai-t-'s, in the "mean" t-i'm-e- he h-aw/-e- ta ke 's the real value from e'ye p(L)ate t00 the be see n 0 w/e t00 th' d ate = tu be seen among know/ h0/n e apparently among the living- s-0/n- "addition-ally-e-" ...... as it turned ou(be-)t-, kevin doesn't use the "law" as his back bone, to get rid of joel as he said he wanted too, he imp-ly's the law is for me t 00, however he uses the "law" to further e-x-ten-d- his means of not bein g t rue, to make a lie st-i-c-k- on me, this way. joel goes missing from work all the time. it is a known fact thru his conversation that he also tacts on each person within ear shot i've : that he has a c-a-rd- to get wee-d-, carries a bong in his vehicle, go t a new elaborate b/o-n-g- for christmas, goes to par-t-e-ye-s- where there is cocaine with his comedienne f-rien-d's-... it is not hard to piece together why he goes missing from the machine shop, and why he becomes a poor investment to put your time int0 teach th e value of machining parts too th' spec t.
for joel's par-t-, he gets a doctors notice as he has been warned, he can't just keep going missing on a w/-h-i'm- p-c-t-rue -? anyway, joel i believe ran out of doctor excuses and so when he was jumping up and down on a bar and fell and hurt his elbow, he soa-k-e-d- t-h-at- rite into workman's com-p-at-t-urn-all-a-s-s-t in t-i'm-e-at-
joel is an encumberance, enable-d- bu-ye- the m-en- ar-e-round-h- i'm-, and all this t i'm e, i am plyed with a conversation that i am valued in t i'm e, when me'ye t i'm e is being taken for a r-i.d.-e-
kevin lied on the separation notice that the time i requested off, with the option to let him know if i need more time off, was put in writing, i did follow proper proceedure, and i have the emails to show he was syn/the consensus, as s/en/t 00 the aven s 0 w/e.
kevin o-p-t- ed - too-t-he-s-0-w/-e- ' d-
just saying, he has used "law" against me to w/-ai-t-, -an-d- tu be g0/n e ff/r0m e'ye 0(w/)n e st ea. d e'ye g(u~)e st ate a.t 0/n e.
i find w/-ill- in the shop no different than c-huck- that used to yell and scream a l0-t-. he is "just" keeping the b-i/n-d-'s - with the m-en, and -x-e cute ye i/n -g- the w/0 m/en "as-s-" t- w/-h0-m-en- & - re - luck-t-an-t-ly-e- women t-h-at- ow/-e- th-em-
kevin's use of the "law" to keep things on ballance in the shop is an -e- ar-t-fu-ll-e-pt-miss ta ke, so he can see his face as something too the r~e l/l at e. in the e-nd- e/b-too-t-he-t-en-d-, kevin has used the "law" as a conversation for no reason too the re late, again for no reason, and he has use-d-i/t- as a w/-h- e/dg/e -in-t -i'm-e-nd-s- he- maid- something-s-up- s 0 w/e that he doesn't have t 00 contend with w/h at he doesn't h ave t 00 t h (e) b (eg)i/n e. this doesn't stop him from t-h-rowin-g- me in the "bi/n-" tu-be-g-round-up-e-d0-f-t-e-ye- as he goes to church and think-s-he- woo-d-be-e- th-f-x-f- 0/n-d-l-(e-)ye- t00-t-he-re-ce(i-)ve- t0-me-an-scene-
the valu e w/e 0f the desert com p(L) ea. t, is i ft all we have is the scene with which to mak-e-nd-s-ue-su-c-es-s-fu-ll-e-ye- meet in t-i'm-e-t00-t-he-re-p-(L-)ea-t- "0/n"-e- the p.0-w/-ere-0-f-t-me-0/n-e-ye- we never have had a dessert in com p an(e) ye, only a de s-s- e-rt- 00 the c-ai-r-r-e-ye-0n-e-, & a de-s-(s-)ert f-rom- e- w/-(h-)in-s-0/m-e- 0/n-e- too lean a s-tup-id.'s-par-t- of-x-f- you-r-e-sel-f-x-f-0/n-e-
in a t rue desert = L ea.r/n h0 w/ t0 me/a. t 0/n e t 0w/n your 0 (w/)n e/e d's a s/s e/e k th' de live r e'ye s w/(h) ea. t a're w/e in t/h i/n k t 0/0 th's peak
in a t rue desert = L ea.r/n h0 w/ t0 me/a. t 0/n e t 0w/n your 0 (w/)n e/e d's a s/s e/e k th' de live r e'ye s w/(h) ea. t a s/s t issue
in a true desert, learn t 0/0 make th' de w/e in your 0 w/n e re f le ct i/0n e re f le X i 0/n e w/k n 0 w/in g t i'm e a.t = t/en t i/0n e t00 the purs(u)e in t/en t i 0/n e t(h)r/u~e th c(i)t(e)ye t 0/0 d 0ver t (a) g r~e w/e
p.r.-at/en t00 t~he x p0' s e/e d 0 w/e ve(i)n k n~0 w/e
re b e ll (ye) a.m.
inn sig n~i f/i can t ce s/s e/a. m.e w/e
c-k- &- c-ai-r-r-e-ye-t-(h-)rue-ye-
it is not hard to piece together why he goes missing from the machine shop, and why he becomes a poor investment to put your time int0 teach th e value of machining parts too th' spec t. & t00 th's peak ... t0 me an s yn/th 0 p/en e r~e l/l at e i/0n s e/a. m.e t0 me a.d.
i/t is not w/(h)in e w/e a.c t~u all e ye
for joel's par-t-, he gets a doctors notice as he has been warned, he can't just keep going missing on a w/-h-i'm- p-c-t-rue -? anyway, joel i believe ran out of doctor excuses and so when he was jumping up and down on a bar and fell and hurt his elbow, he soa-k-e-d- t-h-at- rite into workman's com-p-at-t-urn-all-a-s-s-t in t-i'm-e-at-0-f-x-f-
"toff" for -t- his -par-t- couldn't care less for me theoretical l0 t, "h/e" doesn't have time for meye L0 t, unless i am a b0n-m0-t- unaware of t-his-t-l0-t-a-re-ai-re-as-s-t-b-ough-t- (0/n e me'ye l/l 0 t)
kevin's use of the "law" to keep things on ballance in the shop is an -e- ar-t-fu-ll-e-pt-miss ta ke, so he can see his face as something too the r~e l/l at e. in the e-nd- e/b-too-t-he-t-en-d-, kevin has used the "law" as a conversation for no reason too the re late, again for no reason, and he has use-d-i/t- as a w/-h- e/dg/e -in-t -i'm-e-nd-s- he- maid- something-s-up- s 0 w/e that he doesn't have t 00 contend with w/h at he doesn't h ave t 00 t h (e) b (eg)i/n e. this doesn't stop him from t-h-rowin-g- me in the "bi/n-" tu-be-g-round-up-e-d0-f-t-e-ye- as he goes to church and think-s-he- woo-d-be-e- th-f-x-f- L-(e-)ye-g-(u-)ye-th0u-s-e/e-d- e/b -t-oo-t-h-i'm-c-om-for-t-able-ye-
in a t rue desert = L ea.r/n h0 w/ t0 me/a. t 0/n e t 0w/n your 0 (w/)n e/e d's a s/s e/e k th' de live r e'ye s w/(h) ea. t a're w/e in t/h i/n k t 0/0 th's peak ai re ff/r0m t~h e're t h/ei/r are
in a t rue desert = L ea.r/n h0 w/ t0 me/a. t 0/n e t 0w/n your 0 (w/)n e/e d's a s/s e/e k th' de live r e'ye s w/(h) ea. t a s/s t issue a.r t~he re p(L)ea. t 0/n e t is Sue s e/a. m. t' rut h~ le s/s l(e)ye
in a true desert, learn t 0/0 make th' de w/e in your 0 w/n e re f le ct i/0n e re f le X i 0/n e w/k n 0 w/in g t i'm e a.t = t/en t i/0n e t00 the purs(u)e in t/en t i 0/n e t(h)r/u~e th c(i)t(e)ye t 0/0 d 0ver t (a) g r~e w/e d~e/e d
p.r.-at/en t00 t~he x p0' s e/e d 0 w/e ve(i)n k n~0 w/e b(b) e/e ye t00 t(h) bu(0)ye A.~s/s t i/n K
t0 (w/t) me an s i/n K
(nigh) T
0/m e/a. n s~ w/ear & a w/(h)are = w/ th' s0/m e 0/n e t/h at c~an s w/h ere in th/ei/r 0(w/)n e se ll fxf e/a. t b~c ai re
in t i'm e t00 t/h (e) re p ai r~e
"toff" for -t- his -par-t- couldn't care le-s-s- for me theoretical l0 t, "h/e" doesn't have time for meye L0 t, f-0re-t-he-h-aw/-e- has-lot-h-ue-see-t-he-ll-0-t-t0-e-0-f-x-f-t-
john gaudet is re-t-urn-i/n-g- too-th-s-un - n(e-)ye- s0-l-ar-e-r-un-(t-)d-
if you are not in the image of the sun, you are not in the image of the s un ne~t00 th' be c(k) 0/n e. you are making "money" on the scene, carrying the pretense that you are giving the me an s.
there f-ore, your 'sola-r-' a-ct-i-vi-t-ie-s- e/e- k- w/-e- ll - but do not ac~h i/e ve the w/e ll. you are s-un, and you are s-on- and you are s-um-, and you sum-m0/n-e-ye- "2" "h" ave some-one-else-re-pre-sent-you-f-ort-no re as 0/n e t00 t/h care as/say e d0 (w/) e t00 th ea.ven s h0 w/e
go to church, w/-h-ere you do not allow my pre sense tu be a.r t~h
go to church, w/-h-ere you do not allow my pre sense tu be a.r t~h inn s (t) ate ye fxf i/r's t
m(e)A.ke the m~e're a.r t~h
~an d e/b t(a) g~ran d (t-heir-is no d-of-t-a-p-f-am-ill-ye-p-lan-d-)
t 0/d e w/e & w/h ea. (s) t r/u e w/e~e 0/n e ff r~a.(i)m.e t(a) p.r.0 vi d~i.d. e/b t(h) as/s a.(i)m.e in c line d c a.(i)m. e in t(h)0 p/en p~L ai n & vi/rt/u/all bi p~(L)an e
t 0/d e w/e & w/h ea. (s) t r/u e w/e~e 0/n e ff r~a.(i)m.e t(a) p.r.0 vi d~i.d. e/b t(h) as/s a.(i)m.e in c line d c a.(i)m. e in t(h)0 p/en p~L ai n & vi/rt/u/all b/i p~(L)an e re c(L)a.(i)m. e in t i'm e w/(h)as~s (t) 00 t/h/ e.g.(g) ave
th c L ass p's(h) ave i 0're in n a.(i)m. e ve(i)n k nigh t p.r.0 c~L ai (d) me
in n a.(i)m.e t(h)rue vane pi ct u/re t r/u~e (st e) w/e
you can't c-all- a ve-rt-h-u/e- ? ju st b.c. e'ye t d0 (w/)e
th's h ea. r t(h)
e'ye sup p0~se a.t it all de p/en d's 0/n e w/h at ye w/an ' t f/r0m th' st a(i)r (e) t (u) bu ye a.r t(h) 2 0/0/0/0/ i'm par t
if you want 'h' 'over time' d0 w/(h) it f/r0m t/h's t ar(e) t 00 th's t a(i)re bu ye s~h ea. r t~h t00 the m(e)A.ke t/h t i'm e t/h at ye w/(h) a l/l a s/s 0 w/e the m(e)a.r/t & m(e)ark/e t (g0) c~a rt w/hee L an/d r~e m arc
for all the words delivere-d- buy -e- m-en-, not one has delivere d the w/rit e & rig ht in h a/nd t00 th 0ccup(e)ye the same space at the same time ve(i)n k 's(t) a/nd 0 with a response seen a re t w/h a(i)re as 0/n e a.t c0mma nd
0 w/ th fxf a(i)r e c0n vi ct i 0/n e a.t 'h' a/nd
other "wise" you make a constant mistake too th en sue, you have more mistakes to w/-all a w/ aye-s- make in your t-issue- t00 the stead-e-ye-re-issue-t00-the-miss-sue-
leaving f 0ra s p0 t
L eave ing f 0ra s p0 t be t/t ai re ?
c-augh-t- bu-ye-t-ai-l-ye- 'misunderstood'
the doc u(e) men t, n eve r e l/l at e d at(a) be st
t"h" and-in-sit-u-ate-sin-e-w/e-in-t-(a-)p-(L-)a/ce- 0-
/n-e-mer-i/t-00-t-he-a.-d.-ate- f-x-f-i/g-g-ai-n-n-ate-
in-t-p-(L-)a-ce- l/l- a.m.-b-e-re-too-t-h-(e-e-)bur-r(e-)ye-t-
he-m/-is-st-a-ke-n- "keen" only t00 th f-xf- a-ce-
the doc u(e) men -t- has n0 re f x f le x i/0n e t00 th' d ate
pre sen/t able t00 the r~e l/l at e
in bein g a.m.(i'm e a.d.)e
inn t i'm e sir c0/m e s/crib/e ye a.t L ate
inn t i'm e sir c0/m e s/c~rib 0/n e ye
inn t i'm e sir c0/m e s/c~rib (0/n) e ye fxf 0 re. g. g i've i/n g t i'm e
w/ p.r. ~e fxf a/ce
w/h~a p.r. ~e fxf a/ce 0 b/e t/h's p0 k e/e n t 0/0
me an s~
(t) e t/h (e) s c/ape t00 th' fxf e/e l/l e/a. r 0/d~i/n e a. r~
t~h ea. r ~t/h~ e r 0/d ea. r
0 r/i g/i n she only had her pre miss t00 t~he x p0se d ea. r, with 'he' no longer in a-re-ar-s-e-g-ea-r-s-e-t-"h"-f-x-f-r0m-e-t-ea.-r-s-en-t-h-e-re-
t-heir-is-a-pat-t-urn-t00-t-h/e-ra-ce-s/s-e-ll-an-d-'s-c-ap-e-(t-)0/n-e-d-ate-a-g-ai-n-st-ye-a-st-u-bu-(d-d-)ye-r0-(0-)s-t-u-b-rig-ht- 00-k-nigh-t-e-ye-
i quest i 0/n e, th(e-) a-ct- of kneeling, to show supplication in yielding too t-he-g0-d-e/b-too-t-he-s-h0-w/e-g-0-d-0-w/-h0-e-
if there is not a K/nigh/T in t i'm e, and he is made in t-im-e-, too the stag-e- scene independent ly e prime mover and shaker an-d-t-hin-g-s-in-g-, you have a public subscription too k-n-eel-
for e giving me, a "meat-head", for e giving me'ye h/ea/d.
the cyst-em-bare-ass-aye-d-id- t-ex-t-p0-s-ed-e-w/e-'d- i/t-t0-(w/-)e-ye-
"kneeL" too-th-ye-n- k-eeL- 0ver-t-(sh-)ill-
a- w/-e-be-a-con-il-l-in-t0-some-thing-f0r-r-eel-
a- w/-e-be-a-con-il-l-en-t0-some-thing-f0r-r-eel-eaven-s-t-ill-
i am so tired of "h"earing about your responsibilities set t00 the k-n-eel- e/n-t-ill-
charitably e f-x-f- 0re -r-eel-
e-d-e-a-ll- ta-t0-e-too-t-he-c-k-n-eel- & give me "h-e/ad-" f0 re -r-eel-
the "documen-t-s-ai-d-" you h/ave t00 the k-n-eel- on me-ye-t-com-man-d-s-t-ill-
is there any 'ad' you don't s/t ill as/ st-e/a-ll- a - f-x-f-0re- r-eel-
g0 ing f0re the n 0w/e
b(L)ack t00 th~e L at e/r
your in-sure-ran-ce- has caused me to o live in vain, and the c0-h0-st- you do not e vain have to ff ee l too the (w/-) re c(k) laim you g-ave-
filing for unemployment, i have to create "portal" at the j-0-b- market-place, which is kind of presumptious, as i am without a "job" for the same reason, i am the J~0/b e, and it is presumptuous to t-h-ink, b.c. you read about poor 'job e' and refle-ct-i/on-e- that you are w/ h0 ly & con see k w/(h)en t ly e w/h0 0'le ye a.s/s aye coun t en an(d) ce s peak, but/t k n0 t 0 me a.nd e/b t00 the me an s e/e k
"i/t" is like retarded liberation a(i-)ll over -t- he p-(L-)ace- , called for a be t t ai re L-ac-k- of con-ven-i-en-ce- 'misplaced-
kevin isn't the daft, he isn't the meak, he is the fe-ye-r-e-s-pea-k-
without a "technical" c0mma (in d) "h"/e- st- 0- le- pt-c0n-t-r0ll-e-x- as-s-0-w/-e-
f 0rt h0 's/e that are not c aught up 0n e my t m~a w/e
Le (language engineering)
L = the right angle to 0le l0ve
e= e very e t/h ing e
x = female chromosome w/ th t i'm e g i've n(t)d's
le-x- the "law" with no love in nits -ai- ma-w/-e-
fi x 0/n e/a. c (h)r 0s/s 0 w/e d 0ve
t ai l 0 f/t 0/d w/e ll augh t
the crucifi-x-ion, has been 'misread' for a nare-ye- re-as-o/n-e-
getting a woman to cover your co-ld feet bu-ye-w-h-e-ye- of mar-ri-age- too t-he- &- t0- e-f-x-f-ace- your 'misdeed' in c-ar(e-)r/i-ag/e-
that is all the "living function" of marriage comes d-own-e-tu- = a c-0ver-t-up-t-up-t-up-t-
"living f-un-ct-i-on"
unction as t rig ht, when no one is among (-u)ye t00 the re pre sent 0/d ay e w/the me an s
= t-rig-ht- bu-ye-t-p-rig-ht-c0-pi-p-rig-ht- it- doesn't getting any better than me-an-s-ce-ne- with no one among you made accountable, bu ye bu-i-lt-i/n- e-x-ce-pt-00-t-he-m-ill-k-the-me-an-s-ai-me-vain-l-ye-
w/h all k
walking is thought to be a 'weak verb', in relation too-t-he- bin- e- of- the-nation-e-?
e/ t a l/l k
fi x 0/n e/a. c (h)r 0s/s 0 w/e d 0 ve t w/it h
hanging with a planat 9
the other thing about the desert, and lice, i/s-lice have to express water out their gills. if we live in a d-e/s-s/er-t- in the competitive marketplace maid up on the scene, to set the stag-e- as independent t0 me an s, under the guile of "protection" as bein-g- raciou-sly "necessary" for the woman's weakness n a(i)re ver be demonstrated as w/ee k ness 0/n e t/h's p.r.0 w/t. we can effectively st-ate- as the means too the re-lay-t-, t-h-at- s0 w/e much bu-i-lt-up- with (k) no (w/e) re a. l/l w/h at~t a(i)r e t00 the m(e)A.k/e g re at e fxf/r0m t'h fxf a(i)r e/a. t
s 0 w/e much is bu-i-lt-up-an-d-e/b-t-a-k-e(y-)e-p- building -t-up-t00-t-his-ai-d-ate-ye- t00-t-he-me-an-s-
s 0 w/e much is built up, without re all means actually at stake, only at st-a-ke- t00-t-he-re-p-l-i-e-
f-rom-t-h-ere-, s0 w/e much is bu-i-lt-up- without re all a ware ness t00 the c ai re = f a(i)r e
men get the value of money for no reason, and women get the value of weakness for seeking too-t-he- t-w/-ea-k-w/-
(t) it me'ye t (a.d. h) a.d. ju s/t a ke a t/rue man 0/f t d i/c t/i 0/n e ff/r0m th e.g. r~ave th e.g. r~ave t(h)c a.(i)m. e
p h0 t0(w/)e ... in her 0(w/)n e t i'm (e)a. s/s w/e ll 0 a.m. e'ye s e.g. g/r~ass as/sa'ye re fi/n e d/i n/n fxf r0/n(e) t0 fxf t/h e/e x = you are not my L(0r)d inn s0litary e re p0se, you a'rt me'ye n (kn) 0 (w/e)s e a./m. a s/s (h) 0 w/e t00 th e.g. i've t/h' s p/i r/i t(a)b at~h at L as/s t
the other thing about the desert, and lice, i/s-lice have to express water out their gills. if we live in a d-e/s-s/er-t- in the competitive marketplace maid up on the scene, to set the stag-e- as independent t0 me an s, under the guile of "protection" as bein-g- raciou-sly "necessary" for the woman's weakness n a(i)re ver be demonstrated as w/ee k ness 0/n e t/h's p.r.0 w/t be~(a.) d.
i prefer using trial balance for 'tb' although it can mean terabyte, and tobit in the bible, and tuberculosis
i made a comment earlier about 'not w/hin e', and it may have seemed a little evasive as i didn't follow it up = inn t i'm e w/in (e) d i/n e w/h i/n d
"kneel" k-(n-)eel- my gen-t-le -ye- k-nave- f-rom-e-the-nave-y'a(w/-)rd-'st-e/a.-l/l-e-x-p0-s-e/e-(z-)d- 0h- t00-t-he-x-i/s-t-
re richard mcgilvary glowering t-oo-t-h(e-)be- ad-0-w/ar-e-
go be polite or no-t-bu-ye-t-rite- some where else le-s-sig-n-if-i-can-t-
kevin's decisions in be-h-ave-n-am-e- of business come down to willy nilly virtues he thinks h/e 'x' ists w/, when nit is really h-e-x-i/s-t-'s- w/- , & his thinking-en-sue- s-w/i-ft- & wife on 0-rd-ai-re-t-w/-h0-
it is niggardly tu be s0-w/e- isolationi-st- and radically against humanity at h a/nd b(L)ack slap i/the w/t-h e.g. ran -d-
lift up your shoe you nigger, and make like you care about the face of my p.r.am, and if you don't due like i think you should due, i will en-s-nare you on com-man-d-, call the po-lice- too-t-he-think-e-t-he-t-w/-(h-)is-e-very-e-t-c-an-d-
t b/b i/t e=
a be t/t a(i)r e fxf le x i/0n e/c k~n0(w/)s~ e/a.m. t(h)rue fxfer en ce s/s e X p0 ' s~ /ai/ d g~0 e s
b(L)ack 0/n e w/ h* i/t ~e 'ye t/h at = f a ct rig ht b rig ht
marriage is only the means to pre serve (you didn't earn the means) t00 the re verse the n-e-e-d's-t-u-/r-f-x-f-i/n-de-ed-s-u-r(e-)f-x-f-
y-ew/-e-re- don't have the rig ht t00 t e ll me what i can see w/ my own eyes and hear w/ my own ears and show the w/h e'ye t/m ay/ke t/h fxf (L)ave 0're able t00 th' s trait (&) b/rake 0/n e -y-ewer-e-f-x-f-a-ce- t00 t/h 0 w/ t/h e're w/h~e ye t a(i)r e, as/sa'ye w/h e'ye ff a(i) re
nigger e 'ye h ave your e b(L)ack w/th can e & c/ai/n t inn t a ct
kevin isn't the daft, he isn't the meak, he is the fe-ye-r-e-s-pea-k-
t(x) g i'ven t i'm e w/e ll e fxf (r)a.(i)m.e t(c) e ll
w/ hi-t-ch, one of you are bi-ass-d-
we ' ll g0 fi/g u/re t~it 0ut
the plan is to work on the website tm.
unless you have a better idea you'd like too the p ass e g as
is it important to make the product of me 0/n e 'ye, or is it the net worth to bring a value to term, in re t ea.r/n, less -0 w/- n-ad's-
w-h-it-te-ll-d-0w-n- the image making industry for no re as on too the re pre sent it a ct u all ye
is it important to make the product of me 0/n e 'ye, or is it the net worth to bring a value to term, in re t ea.r/n, less -0 w/- n-ad's- 0 w/e & w/h e 'ye a. r/n
being married sells the illusion that you merrye d. you didn't merry D ate t a/b(e)l/l e ye. you marrie-d-too-t-he-t-e-ll- e-ye- on-e-ver-e-b-0/d-e-ye-
t-h-at you-r- "love" has-t-he-n-e-e-d's- e-e- d's-
and can remorselessly c-r-a-ft- a lie on any one at any given (t-)d's- tine- ye-t-im-e- t00-t-he-s-ai-l-i/n-e-
w/h i.d.e, don't you a ct as/s i ft you/r e marketing is t a rt i fxf a ct
like p/en~n(e)ye n a s/s c e/n t fxf r0m t~h ea.ven (d')s
s 0 a. r(e)
in re pen t
a.d. 'h' a.d. ju st h's ai me
a. t i'm e a.d.
0 w/h* 0/n e ye
d*h = de sig n e're 'h'0/n e ye t/m~er re'ye t0 me a.d.' s un n(e)ye
th-d0-f-xf-t0-f-x-f-t/0-d/-0-f-x-f- has always be-a.-d.-0-f-x-f- t00-th-(e-)t0-f-x-f- in competitive -x- fra/me a l/-0-t- t-0-e- &- t-0-(w/-h0-0-)f-x-f-
e-e-k-w/-e-ll-'s- you can lie on me and always all a w/-h-e-ye-s- (h-)ave shelter for(you)-k-nave-ye-&-y-a-(w/-)rd-p.r.-0-f-an-e-, as with the w/-in-d-0-w/-h-e-ye- c-over-t-up- i/n my name and actuall frame with 'h' being the demonstrated value of the 0d~aye, "ye" ta-ke- w/-h-e-ye-t- b.c. your necessity has apparently been carved in st-0/n-e-d-ea-f-x-f- ad-ju-s(t-)0- w/-e- ye- n- k- n-0-w/-e-g-0-at-00-t-he-t-r0-t-e-
you as a man 'shelter' the lesser value of the p.r. a.m., the r udder e ve(i)n a.m.~e very e t 'h' in g's a.m. e
you as a man 'shelter' the les-ser value of your own p.r.-a.m.-
s-0-w/-e- ye- c-an-t-0-w/-e-t0-g-e-th-er-e-a-ll-a-s-s-0-d-
creating "the" a-rt-i-fi-c-i-all- e- d-ram-a- s-s-0-w/-e- you can b-scene as the the "o/n e" in charge of your e fork(too-t-he-t-0r-k-)t00-t-he-y-0r-e-n-ta-n0-s-e-p-r/ate-th-cur-rent-in-re-p0'-s-e-e-d-0h-a-nd-0-w/-h0-t-t-a-n0-'s-e-
s-(h-)ave-t-f-x-f-0ra-n0-t-her-d-ay-eg-0-ad-0ve-r-t-l0-ad-'s-um- an-d-s-um-e-0-(w/-e)n-
i'd have to say, a L0 t - t 0 s-s- L - 0t- h- is bein-g- ta-ke/n- f-x-f- 0-re-g-ran-t-d- ad-ju-st-(e-)ye- n k n~0 w/e
d a.d. as/s a v(a l/l u)e, hasn't hap p/en d 0 (w/)e
s-(h-)ave shelter for-seeing-ai-n- f-ore-ce-i/n-g-scene-in-n-a.(i-)m.-e-t(h-)c-a.(i-)m.-e- a.-s-s-0/n-e-w/-t-he-a-s-s-0-(w/-)n-e-w/e-d-
nude? rue-d-
e/b-t-rue-d- e-w/e-d- 0-0d-ue-t-w/-i/t-u-gaw/-h-e-ye-t-(h-)rue-d-
e/b-t-a-d-0-w/-e-&-t-0-w/-e-d-0-w/e-d-ue-t-rue-d-in-n-e-w/e-d-r- e-w/e-d-
bu-ll-e-t-h(e-)bu-ll-e-t-a-g-ai-n-s-(t-) 00-t-h(e-) f-x-f-r-a.(i-)m.-e-/n-bu-ll-e-t-0/n-e-ce-s/s-ai-r-e-ye-t-com-man-d-'s-(t-) a-nd'-s- a-g-ai-n-(st-0-)p. r. -a.m.- t-a.-ll- 0- w/e-e-c-c-a.m.-t-h(e-) f-x-f-an-d-inn-g-am-all-t-h-at-c-an-d-e-ye-p.r.-0(0-)f-an-e-d-0/n-e-c0m/ma-n/d- e/b-t-h-at- mu-st- be-re-g(-u-)a-rd-ed- as-s a.(i)m. e ve(i)n (t) d's c e/n t' s(h) ave in k~n ave
you understand the competitive time frame creates the independent stag on the same stag-e- too the value the s-ai-me-g-ai-me-, however there really isn't a independent s~t a/g, and the stage is set tu b-scene -0-wn- l-ie- , ie too love, on this scene, is too the lie, as a value, too the s-ave- and s-(h-)ave, on your w/-h-e-ye-t-oo-t-he-pre-serve-i/n-g-am-e- as your vain name. to-o-L(-0/r-)d- ove-r-t- a-s-s-c-a.(i-)m.-e-
w.-ill- as he is willing-toot-he-s-h-ill-
just saying, i couldn't ask for a better illustration in working a-ct-ion, than s-imp-ly diagram what my e's e/a. s thru the re all working a v(a ll u)e in na.(i)m.e ta t 00 t(h) b 0/n e nd e/b th's a.(i)m.e t a t(h)rue th(e) r0 0d = 'red' in dutch, let's g/0 d/0 w/e re a.d.' s 0 w/e d/u(e)t(0/u)c~h e w/e
i t/h i/n k nee d t00 think about how/-h-e-ye- c-re-a-t-e- i'm-b-all-a/n(d-)ce- &- t-(h-)en- create - cyst-em-s-(t-) 00-t-h-e- managemen-t- creating-steady-(L-)imp-ass-es-(t-)ass-th-ce-ss-t-ax(i-)s-ce-ne- for being necessary w/- your kindness, charity, and good will as-s-h0-0/k-ing-a/i-n-d-as-s-i-ft-looking as/s if t ye w/- eve/r desired and truly did give an honest 0 pen shit in a v(I) e w/e t00 th(e) b(eg)i/n e w/e ~ t0 0 s/s 0 w/(y*) ea.r n ~e y/0(u/r) th ~ r/0 (w/) n e valu e 0/n e t w/h 0 e q/u a l/l ('s/t) b e/e s p0 k e/e n' s 0 (w/e) n ~e/d 0 ve t ai l/l e ye 0/n d's ai l/l t00 t(h)ce l/l s e(a.) ll ('s) 0 t~(a) b 0ugh t a s/s t augh t (m) a s/s w/e ll a/nd w/e ll e(a.) d. 0/n e
Y* the 'y' h/ea.r, i am talking a bout you as/s a man. as a m/en, namely among the w/0 m/en, which i do not apparently have any representation except among the w/-ill-i/n-g-s-0-(w/-)n-e-
t0 ea.r/n a/i living among the spoken 's 'son.' which is only giving the con-cur-rent- pre-ten-se-as-s-0-w/-e-0n-t-ai-l-s-ai-l-s0/n-ne-t-s-um-mo/n-e-t00-th-c0-pi-p-r-ig-ht- for listening to t-heir-e-bu-ll-s-hi-t- as the only perceive-d- "value" too the work "w/-i/t- x- w/-i.d.-th-i/t-" pre sum e able ly in th' 0 pen t00 the r~e L a(ye)t e w/e.
s-(h-)ave-t-f-x-f-0ra-n0-t-her-d-ay-eg-0-ad-0ve-r-t-l0-ad-'s-um- an-d-s-um-e-0-(w/-e)n-d-'s-ay-e-g-0-t0-g-i'v-e-t-a-n0-t-her-e-g-0-
bu-ll-e-t-h(e-)bu-ll-e-t-a-g-ai-n-s-(t-) 00-t-h(e-) f-x-f-r-a.(i-)m.-e-/n-bu-ll-e-t-0/n-e-ce-s/s-ai-r-e-ye-t-com-man-d-'s-(t-) a-nd'-s- a-g-ai-n-(st-0-)p. r. -a.m.- t-a.-ll- 0- w/e-e-c-c-a.m.-t-h(e-) f-x-f-an-d-inn-g-am-all-t-h-at-c-an-d-e-ye-p.r.-0(0-)f-an-e-d-0/n-e-c0m/ma-n/d- e/b-t-h-at- mu-st- be-re-g(-u-)a-rd-ed-c-ap-t-c-a.m.-e-t-c-a.(i-)m.e- vain-a-nd- e/p-t-h-a-nd-inn-re-v/i-s/i-0/n-e-w/-ag-ai-n-
i t/h i/n k nee d t00 think about how/-h-e-ye- c-re-a-t-e- i'm-b-all-a/n(d-)ce- &- t-(h-)en- create - cyst-em-s-(t-) 00-t-h-e- managemen-t- creating-steady-(L-)imp-ass-es-(t-)ass-th-ce-ss-t-ax(i-)s-ce-ne- for being necessary w/- your kindness, charity, and good will as-s-h0-0/k-ing-a/i-n-d-as-s-i-ft-looking as/s if t ye w/- eve/r desired and truly did give an honest 0 pen shit in a v(i) e w/e t00 th(e) b(eg)i/n e w/e ~ t0 0 s/s 0 w/(y*) ea.r n ~e y/0(u/r) th ~ r/0 (w/) n e valu e 0/n e t w/h 0 e q/u a l/l ('s/t) b e/e s p0 k e/e n' s 0 (w/e) n ~e/d 0 ve t ai l/l e ye 0/n d's ai l/l t00 t(h)ce l/l s e(a.) ll ('s) 0 t~(a) b 0ugh t a s/s t augh t (m) a s/s w/e ll a/nd w/e ll e(a.) d. 0/n e. g. e w/e ll .. in (t') si.'de w/(h)e ' ll = c he w/ i' ll = the w/e ' ll e t 00 t~he t(c) e l/l a/n ~d's e ll ' s ai l/l ' s w/~ha l(l)e. g. 0 t00 the m/ai/L e'ye t a/i l/l e pt 00 th' fxf 0 st e're e fxf 0 st a r~e e fxf 0 st ai re e fxf e l/l s e/a.s~s h~0re~st a l/l~ ai n t00 th' d well
an h0/ne st 'h' has (k)n0 t, been sp0ke en t00 th'd ate. ye as men think ye ma.d.e, and e/b t h/e value in your own "h" an-d- ye-g-ave- as the frame, with no one too the pro claim, in my lig ht of day, and- this allows you as-s- a-m-en- to -o- lie liberally in- st-ate- ironically all-over-t-he-p-(L-ace)-
x- p-(L-)ate- t00-t-he-mer-i/t-a-s-s-c-ape- the s-ai-me-me- t-w/-h0-me-ye- com-m0/n-e- 'mistake' t-r-i.d.-e-&-t-rue-d- t-heir- is no-t- ex-t- s-cap-e- f-x-f-r0m-e-ye-p0-in-t-0-f-x-f-e-w/e-
"you" make-in-si/t-u-t00-t-he-tu-g-a-w/-h-e-ye-t-(h-)rue-d-0/n-e-w/e-d-
you as m-en, c-an speak among yourselves, however, just remember, you are not speaking t00 t/h/e 'h'an/d e/b t00 t'h' any e 0/n e in p.0 w/(h) e're .
just saying, s0 w/e you ca/n a.d. ju st you-r- e- p.r.-ate-i/n-g-as-h-e-p-her-d- re-L-aye-i/n-g-s-p.r-aye-i/n-g-s-scene-t-0-f-x-f-0-re-t-he-ta-k/in/g-
any -e- "p.(r.)0-d-u-ct-" ye make, inn the competitive time frame, me(a)n t/00 th' be re pre sent ate i 0/n e/a. l/l, is not made in re a. l/l i t~e'ye ve(i)n 0/n e.
a-rt- at- your most basic all(e)ye t(c) e l/l eve l/l, you are not speaking t 0/n e, you are speaking -2- n0-/n-e-. t/h ere f/0re your -e- "product" is a miss-fi/-t-s-0-(w/-)n- eve r t00 the re t ea.r/n e the ff ra(i)me t a p.r.am ('s) 0/n e ye a.t 0/n e c(h) 0/m (b/u y)e ye
a. t/h e m/(e)0/n e ye
the re a. l/l s/t 0 r/r e ye re a. l/l e/n d's t(h)e t/a g(L)0 (w/) i/n g L 0re ye
any one else that t-ag-s a l/l 0 n g ?, does not have the w/i'll t00 th' t a ct inn f x f a ct, but-t-it- doesn't st-0p- t-heir-e-in-t-ere-st- 00-t-h(e-)b-scene- sheltering, for no reason a/ct u ally e w/ the me an s 0 p/en l e'ye t00 t/h ' se a./m. e a.d. as/sa'ye tm ea. ns
un le-s-s- y-ew/-e- only speak tu b-scene- 0/n e me'ye f-x-f-0re- your "reason" as your de-sire- t00-t-he-tu-b-scene- taking value where you haven't ever she d e/b t00 the h an d's w/ea.r t/h e(w/e)dg e
inn re ver/se a. l/l 's (t) ru(e) t/h "you" h ave never L~e/n~d bu ye L e/n t 00 t/h e~n(d)
& if you de man d e me'ye m.0./n e'ye fxf 0rt me'ye w/h 0/n e ye, you should e're th~b ring the me 0/n e ye t00 the me an s. w/h ea. t. 0 p/en l/l e ye t00 th fxf e/a. t~her e p(L)ea.t
you have no way to make money a value too th(e/a.)d.aye, bu-ye- t-a-dismembering t/h/e w/h e'ye a.t 0/n e me'ye t~p(L)ate t00 th' 0 p/en t(a)c r~0 s/s 0 ft l/l e ye
s 0 w/e, if your money is important too the ea.r/n knit as/sa'ye, i sug g(u)est (e)ye a.r/n knit 0 me an s i e/ve n l/l e ye
w/-i- thou-t-de-l-ay-e-, if fe w/e~e k n~0 w/e t(h)a t i'm e an s
w/(h)ea.r i/n g's e/e n 0 w/e & w/h ea. t as/s e a.m. ~s
t em c 0/m p (L)ea. t(d)c~h e w/e in/n ea. t a.d. r i/n k fxf r0m e w/(h)in d 0/u(be)t~a s/s (h) 0/u t a g/ai/n st a l/l a nd ('s) p.r.0 w/t a re t ea.r n d0/u(be)T~c h~a s/s t(h) 0/u t a s/s t e n 0(w/e)n (e)d e/b t en d0/n e in st e/a. d.
'st~"r"~etc~h fxf / r0m the-e-z- vi e w/e
y/0re be d, ye h/ave not m/ai/d, n/0re ye g/a~ve inn t 00
th' s~t en 0's in(n) e w/e~e c(h)an~n e l/l e d e/b t/h~e n~ar(e)~r 0 w/e in a v(i)e ye w/e t00 t/h b/r ave inn k n~e w/e t 0/0 p.r.0 c~(L) ai me t(h)r/u e w/e
(') d 0/n e' t' a s/s (t'h) un d 0/n e t(h)r e/e fxf re s/s h ea.r e'ye tu be d e w/e t'h'e me an s~t e(x) t 00 t(h) u/b ris(e/e)k i/n d l/l e y0u t/h e'ye A.s t ai d inn be d a s/say e t0 me an s a/nd e make nd('s te t 'h') f0r/mea.l/lye. g. g(u)e s/s t ate in g/r~a ce ss e (th) fxf a/ce 0(t)d 0 ve t'h t ai l/l e 'ye 0 (w/e)n 0/n e
Miss S. ta/ke
& w/e t ai l/l e ye 0/n e a.t (e) l/l e ye~s~ peaK nigh t (e) l/l e ye s Lee p 0/n t~me an s(t) 0 me in be L/L e~a. fxf e ye a.r t(h)r e/e fxf t00 th fxf i/n d~a ct yl : ly e X a/ct l/l e ye as/s e a.m t00 the me an s 0 p/en l/l e y~e A.c~h a w/e st re a. t
0/n e w/(h)in d
why does sharon sh-irk- on your close-d- y/u/rt
she can't re-p0-s-e her "k-no-w/e-s-" as-s-aye-s-he-g-0-d-e-s-too the s-h0-w/e-g-0-? got money for -t-he-no-t-a-nose-
tu be ad you g-et-00-t-he-as-s-t-ick- around-e/b-t-w/- i/t!-
at some point, ye got "me" believing ye ar the vert-u-
ne in de ce(i)ve i/n g
it's 0k, i am all re a.d. e ye 0/n t0(0) yew/e t/h/a 't' a w/'h' e 'ye
t0 me an s, answering me'ye s e l/l fxf t a/ct u all(e)ye
this is what people do in a desert t(h)rue
t'h'e ye face their on/e reflection in the time too the ref le x i 0/n e t00 (th) x (be th e w/h e/e l/l an d 0/n e t i'll be t/h' s p0 ke ne w/e)
you can honestly p(l)aye, or you can pre-t-en-d- you are working to provide shelter for the L-am-be-re-sin- ye-s-cam-(e-)
w/ no resonan/c e ve(i)n @ h an/d
a-nd-e-ye-"h"-ave, a "h0"-e- t-(c-) 00-t-he-t-c-am-e-t-(h-)rue- "h"er-e-vi-e-w/e- t0-0d-ue-t-u-
saying one thing out your ea.r.s.e.g.0ut- "a-nd" as/s t-en-d- your a-ct-i/on-s-n-out-
vain be-li/e-ve-i/n-g- is-t- sur(e-)l/l-ye- w/-0rt-h- s-peaking-inn-t-h'-season-e-ye- l/l-e/n-t-it-00-t-he-mar-r(e-)ye- as-t - e/m er ? re ye?
(e-) g0-ah-ea-d-, put on a smile lye ff ace, you ve mar-r/i-e-d- 25 y-ea-r-s-e-g-ate-t00-t-h(e-)d-ate-
at-le-a./s-t-f-x-f- 0re- t(h)- pi-ct-u/re-s-ay-ke-ye-g-ave-t-r-ai-t-
0 w/e. g. 0
t00 th's ea.
me a.d. fxf a(i) r~e l/l e ye b/b e/a. m.(e) a.(i)d.e inn b e/e inn s w/(h) ea. t e're p(L)e a.t inn un d e're t(h) ar(e) inn c 0/m p(L) ea.t e'ye A. s/s t~he s e/e n e/e d~(e) l/l e 'ye s/s l/l e/e p/p fxf 0/r/m/e~a. n~s w/ee p an/d e w/e pt a g/ai/n 0 w/e in c~0're p~0're a.t e d's t r/i fxf e~e d/en s~e l/l (e)ye t a l/l an/d e/b t(h) t~ai l/l e ye a. s/s 0 w/e. (in~) g. 0 t0 g e/th/er e v/e n t/h~ea.ven s(t) a (nd's) t a l/l e t00 t(h) fxf a l/l 0 w/e. g. 0
ps : sp the re all r/ich i s/s n't actually happy with the position you le ft h i'm in, too the s-qua-t- on his c0 h0 st, with your me-an-s-alla-round-u-e-bu-ye-ar-t-
if you do not adequately fund my quest i 0/n e in th 0 p/en, you onlooker, k-e/y/e-p- r/ich in the zero position, elementally, for you lack as desire too the look b(L)ack, at the lack of reason you inn-deed-h-ave-
b-b- i/b-an-d-b-i.d.-g-i'v-e-in-n-
sounding like "c-ave-inn"
t00-t-h(e-) f-x-f-a(i-)r-e-s- 0- ft- e very e 0/n e a.-r-0un/d-i'm- ass-h-im-
0/n e 'ye fxf a(i) r e t00 t(h) c ai re & c ai re r~e'ye 0nt ai re
ass ? s p0 k en e' ass i fxf t e'ye t(a)c~ ai re (e) fxf r0m e~a. l/l th' t i'm e a.r t(h) a w/are
0/be t/h' serve & be t/h's a w/are in re t ea. r~n
t00 th/e n k~n 0 w/e th(e) difference in/n t(h)rue 0 w/e f(t) x f a(i)r e t 00 k
in re p ai r/e s(t) 0~0 t/h/e m~u st w/in e in d i/n e th en 00 k & c~ran n(e)ye t00 th/e m/u~c h~ r/i s/t (c) 00 k inn re all e/a. fxf e/e L/L th/e n (k) n 0 w/(h)e ye t
0/d aye.g. ave inn s 0/m e 0/n e ye t00 th~ave n a.im. e t a t 00 k (e) w/e ll e d/g e w/e ll 's (miss') p/en t a g/ai/n st ~h fxf (r)a.m. e inn b/all an(d an)ce (ye) s/s 0ugh t(h) b 0ugh t 0ut rig ht (u) b rig ht 00 th e.g. i've t00 th e re c~e(i)ve inn k n~0 w/e in g' sus t/en an(d)ce t00 th' d/e' si~eve t w/i.d. th e me an s~ e a.m. e a.d.'s 0 w/e deed's c e/n t (e) l/l e ye
t00 th e re (a.)per an/d e/b t00 th e re p ai re ye A.s t e/n th e n/e/e/d's e/e d's 0 p/en l/l e ye t00 th's u~c h's e/e d en m~e ve(i)n k the0retic/al l~ass i c am e t(h)rue ye's b e/e s peak ' st 0'l/e n/t 0 fxf r a.(i)m.e w/the nee d's ee k
inn e w/e
e~k bu ye w/k e.g. r~e w/e
inn b/all an(d~an)ce t 0/0
th b~an 0~n e w/e t(h)rue ~d
th b~an 0~n e w/e t(h)rue ~d inn t 0/0 r/r e c~e (i) ve i/n g c~r e w/e d's 0 i' l/l an d 0 w/h i' l/l e ye t 00 th y0u th t 0/d 0 w/~e w/e t 0/d 0/n e t 0/0(d) e
b ring your ban j0 t00 th e tu de, = t/h e t0 0d u/e w/e
inn f/0re tu ne ye n0b (le ye) serve d
inn f/0re tu ne ye n0b (le ye) serve d ay'e.g. ai n/n d0b~e t/h' serve inn be d
& n0b i'll i t(e)ye, h as/s t 'h' fxf r/i e n/d inn s c0/pi ed e/b t a t~r 0p e
verse-sus- t-he-c-las/s-ic-t-0p-m0-t-(e-) -&- t-en-d- t00-t-he-re-s-e-ll-e-pt-p.r.e-t-t-ye-a-st-s-m0-ke-ye-0/n-a-ti-g-ht-r-0p-e-t-he-t-an-e-ct-d-0-(h-)t-e-
w/- h-at-e/ve-r-a.m.-0t- in-h-a-nd-= de-sig-n-e-re-s-(t-)a-nd-
0/n-e-m0-t- t- 0- w/e- under-e-h-a-nd- s-0-w/-e-in-t-he-s-(h-)a- l/l- 0 w/e- g- 0- at-e-t-he-s-c0p-e-
ju dg e fxf 0r t (e)ye s e/e l/l fxf e/e d/en' s e l/l th e/e~ d
e/b t/h' s h~e ll an/d's h' a l/l a/nd as/s w/e ll c/an
ps : sp e'ye a.m. (she p) h ea. r/d i/n g e w/e th e me an s~ (t) 00 t/h/(e) 's peaK
f0r/m e A.K t00 th(e) ye n/e/e/d's e/e K
inn re l/l e~a. fxf i/n~n t e're s/t ea. p (w/e) l/l e ye inn e' ye
A. s/s t~e w/e l/l e a. k
0/n e c0mma nd g~0 's e/e k w/(h)inn e me~a.k
t00 th quick l/l ye s c~r ew/e the me an s(t) 00 t/h/e 0 p/en l/l e ye t 00
d e w/e
ju/dg/e the d you d e w/e
t00 the n0-t-l0-0k-b-(L-)ack-e-g-ai-n-
you-r-e-(e-)-f-x-f- r-aim-e- from w-h-en-ce- "mo(u-)rning be-cam-e-, is -h-em-m0-re-r-ag-e-i/n-g- w/i th0u t a c~ L 00 t00 the l/l e a.ve n t 00 the p.r. 00 f i/t h as k n0 (w/)n e t00 th's h0(w/)e
not so funny in t-rut-h-ue- tu-b-r-00-d- on scope of no actually virtue, and not tact in seeing the problem is-h-ue- write in front of you-d-
g0 t/t a g0, t00 th' s a l/l 0/n e ye n 0 w/e = i am going to the salon, as i get paid there without a ke-vin-d-e/b-t-r-0(-0-)p-e-t-d-0p-e-d-g-0-
&- "g-r-0-"at-
inn-f-x-f-l-ate-i/on-e- is -ad-ju-st-a-con-e-g-am-e-
the p/en n(e)ye w/00 d p.r.0 c(L)a.(i)m.e w/c0 u ld (&) e w/e inn th un d e're st 0 0d
"in-n-f-x-f-lation" is just ab(-0-)ut diminish- (ing-s-)0d-s-ai-d-e-p-t00-t-he-m0-v(i-)0/n-e-
en-tert-ai-nmen-t- is a-(w/-a-)ll-a-w/e- c-an- e- w/an t
00 th -t- ouch-e- 0- f-x-f- t-
if ann(e)y e 0/n e has the rig ht t00 the pre sent t/hem ass the r/ass, it is me, as i "get" t00 sh0/u/ld e're y-0re-p-ass-t- as/s 0 w/e d e w/e in' si.' d.e /b t w/ id.~th e w/(h)e dg e i/n c(h)0m e.
if you are going to "sire" children, you be st understand, the person h ere t/h at is doing the re all work for your curr-rent-re-p-as-s-t-en-(t-)d's-0-w/-h-0ve-r-t-l0-ad- 0/n -e-t- 00- t- he-d-e-w/e-
inn-y-0re-be-st-in-t-e-re-st-he-ave-n-t-s- t00-t-he- pre-ten-d's-
if you are going to "sire" children, you be st understand, the person h ere t/h at is doing the re all work for your curr-rent-re-p-as-s-t-en-(t-)d's-0-w/-h-0ve-r-t-l0-ad- 0/n -e-t- 00- t- he-d-e-w/e-nd-e-c-h0-st-in-t-p-(L-)ace ye s-0-w/-e-e- 0/n-e-f-x-f-ace-s-s-at-a-t0-s-s- a-g-ai-n-f-x-f-(L-)ave-0-re-s-n-ea-r-
an-d-(h-)ea-r-ea-r-s-0-(w/-)n- 0- f-x-f- t-
en-t-00-t-h-t0-f-x-f- 0-e- on b-all-an(d-)ce- ss- ough-t-
without much of a miss re ad th-ug-ht-
0-p-as-s- th-ug-thought- without resistance s-s- 0-w/e-g-0-
my thug-thought- for no reason has a b-id-e-b-t00-t-he-t- i'm-e- & t-i'm-e-ye-a-ct- i've-
t-(u-)b-r-i.d.-e- in-t-i'm-e-w/ar-e- so i have a good job too the ta ll k about all t he t-i'm-e-ye- fi-t-s-inn- y-0-re-mo/u th a- w/ar-e- in- 0- t-i'm-e- w/-the w-ai-t- of -x-f- the s-k(e-)ye- hi-(gh) j-ack-ed- an-d- y-a-c-k-e-d- e/b-t-a-g-ai-n- i'm-sir-cum-s-cri-b-ed- in-n- t-i'm-e-
-and- he will have the right to get rid of you if you don't show your love by s-0-w/e-in-g-sus-t-en-an(d-)ce-ye-a-ss-(h-)0 w/e- f-x-f- 0re- war-d- (0h-)h0 - (e-) w/-e- ll- ad-ju-st- quest-i-on-e-ar-t-
and a/b-u-s-e-e-k-t0-me-an-s-
war-p-an-d- le-f-x-f-t- bu-ye-ar-t- "h"eaven - s- (h-) 0 w/e t00 the rue-d-s-cent-s-c-r-e-w/e-d-
e ft never e g0 t a c~r 0 s/s 0 w/e d 0 w/e inn the t i'm e.g. i've n (t 00 the~aven) d's yn/th a.d. van ce
ve(i)n e bu ye ven i/n g's~ c~e/n t a c~r 0 s/s e pt 0 fxf a l/l 0 fxf t(h) a l/l 0 w/e ft (ac) c~ r u X
dof, can't follow or fxf a ll o w/e the true t0 fxf on his son sown -0-s-e-g-(r-)0-w/e-in-s-c0p-e-
and "h"e doesn't have a mot to grow on t-r-op-e-
"h"e has a mot-e- t00-t-he-'s-t-e(n-)t- i'm-e- without an obvious c-r-i'm-e-
ass-its- o-w/e-ll- h-id(d-)-en- on the sur-e-f-x-f-ace- he pretend-s too the t-en-d-inn-t -i'm-e-
sub-(c-)l-i'm(b)-e-g- i'ven t d's as a c0-h0-st-
too the narcissistically see the woman as "h"is min(e-)d-
and if she doesn't min-(e-)d- he has the rig-ht in some coun-t-r-e-ye-s- too st-one- her upon sig-ht-
just b.c. this hap pen s ome w/h ere else, don't think you-r-t-i'm-e- misspent on my di ' me, is not the same "value" t 0d o the same-thing- universeally e speak in the vain ye le-ft-00-t-he- a-b-i.d-e-
w/ the me 0/ne ye 0w/e qui/t e the m(e) at t e're 0 fxf a ct be t/h' serve d
inn re verse 'set h b(L)ac k
'service s/s t~ar t
bu ye s~h ea. r t ~h 0/u se em b~r/a/ce & c(L)e fxf i/n s~ig ht m(e)u sic a/s~t (e) l/l e ye t me'ye t 0/n e t i'll eave n d~i/rt e'ye.g. g~rasses ai de w/e l/l ig ht 00 th e x pi re un t 0/0 d~e
the light comes from e within e me'ye t f0r/ce s/s h0 0k e ye h ea. r in d e w/h i.d. e X pi r/e d
in the d ark th lig ht c0mes fr0m th d ar/c ~e ve(i)n e 'ye
in the d ark th fxf lig ht c0mes fr0m th' d ar/c ~e ve(i)n l/l e 'ye (t)
p.r.~e t/t (e) ye
d~are~k t0 me a.d. 0 w/(h)ave n/k/n ave ye s~ea. s~h0~re ti.'d.e w/(h)i.'d.e 0's~c u/p~
d0~ve t ai l/l i/n g's 0 fxf t
d~are~k t0 me a.d. 0 w/(h)ave n/k/n ave ye s~ea. s~h0~re ti.'d.e w/(h)i.'d.e 0's~c u/p~ i*/t~h/e* w/ee k t0 g e/th/er an d en d0 0're s um e fxf r~a.i'm. e/e k~inn c~h ang e
le pt fu ll t i'm e fxf r/i e~nd's 0 fxf t a/nd g/en t L~ a.m. be re s/inn t00 t(h) c0 (h0) st a l/l a wake & w/h~ave t00 th' fxf a l/l 0 w/e
n are
k N(0 w/e)A.R. E b/b f/0re inn ('s) p.r.0 w/t ea.r & h ea. r t0 g e/th/er e
remember when i said the 'v' is the direction, and like f&f it is like a f ly i/n g (s) w/(h)ing e. the example can be seen this way t00 th ue s/s i/t : g i'v e = iv = intravenous(ly e) t/h0u s e/e fxf 0/u/r e. g. i'v en & with the 'v' as direction is f ly e as t'h fxf lig ht in directi0/n e. g. i'v en a g i'll e : vena, ven not, ven nag ag, ag i'll e t w/h at ye w/ea.r ye s 0'le t/h0u s ea. c~h ea. r t~h in(n) d e/b t i'm e t00 th (e) re st
0/a. re in par t (e)ye t00 th' st a l/l in t i'm e a l/l e.g. (r ) 0 w/e~e k t~h at L~a st ('s) 00 t/h/e w/e ll a s/s e/e n k~n 0 w/e i/n g' serve (t)d~h ea. rd e w/e in~ne'ye t 00 t/h~
a~re (a.)r0und 0' le a. s/s e/e s/s 0 w/e r~a/n s 0/m~e 0/n e tw/h0~0 l/l e ye t(h)rue inn (k)~c (h) 0/m e w/0 r(L)d's p0 k e/en ea. l/l ye inn
K n~e w/e
st ai d e/b t(h)r/u e w/e d 0 e in~n t i'm e
a. l/l a s/s 0
w/e b/b fxf i/n e in~n s 0 w/e d~g 0 a l/l e.g. 0 t00 th fxf a ll augh t~h a s/s t~c0m(b)e 0/n e
k n~e w/e fxf t00 th fxf ai t~h
inn~s pi r~e(a.) d ag/e = ai 0 (u) inn 0 rig (L) i/n t 00 t/h~ ea.v en k~t00 th e/a. r t~00 th t0 g e/th/er e w/e d' s un 0/n e
going f/0re a bike ride before the s un goes (ai) d 0wn
w/e b/b fxf i/n e in~n s 0 w/e d~g 0 a l/l e.g. 0 t00 th fxf a ll augh t~h a s/s t~c0m(b)e 0/n e ce s/s a(i) re'ye t00 th t/r ai t~c 0/m p (L) ea t/h~i/n k~e.g. a/i n st i/n k & t 00 t(h) u p.r.e t/t (e)ye
i have the y'en kn e w/e s t00 th' s(e/e)h are, will b/ac/k after n0 0ne t0 0d aye
whye are you s a.d.
i need to get dave 0's work too the m/ai/l. i don't think he should be last too le s/s erve "b.c" of th-e-f0r-meal-lie-tie-s-et-oo-t-he-s-ai-l- previously bu-ye-ke-vin-c-ave-i/n-g-a-b-r-i.'-d.e-a-f-t00-t-he-t-"h"-ink-s-
what i h/ave t00 t'h' say e w/ i'll pre serve ye
i'll see you after e n0 0/n e
i need to get dave 0's work too the m/ai/l. i don't think he should be last too le s/s erve "b.c" of th-e-f0r-meal-lie-tie-s-et-oo-t-he-s-ai-l- previously bu-ye-ke-vin-c-ave-i/n-g-a-b-r-i.'-d.e-a-f-t00-t-he-t-"h"-ink-s-w/e-ll-(t-w/-ill-t-a-te-ll-t-)
i'm excited, i got dave 0's work sent too the canteen shop and did a workout, and found a new best friend, it is a 'pb extreme jam ball' : i was rummaging thru the medicine ball options too throw/it around too tag on to my chest workout, and i found a '12' kg or lb, don't know, but i thought it was too heavy, and found a 6, and too light, and then the 8, and i thought perfect for flight.
this is a different ball. it looks like the medicine ball, however it's gravity is 0 ff t0 me re membered center. so, all my exercises for rote, hold no scope as an 'anectdote' and it causes well, new reflexes, that perhaps become knew with attenuated attention t00 ... t00 anything i can configure the ball too th' d0 wit 00, even t00 th~e. anyway, i tossed it above my head and caught it on the way down, and it has its own re verb, and i feel it in the fine attenuation of my muscles and tendons to provide support too the frame give n(t) d's ee n swinging, the ball rhythmic ally e with a t0 ss ta~d dit i/0n all ye. i am not used to tossing the ball and have it reverb inside, it halts in my hand that has it caught.
then eye tried tossing it around the front of center core (my waiste) and back again, and it kept self launching, as it were, out of my hand with every gravitational curve. it plunks, or plum mets the ground. it doesn't bounce for a ball, just sinks down e well, which i get lots of th' stretching practice as i get too th sink down with it, and bear it up too th air e catch and reverb in my grasp f air e.
i also tried to air dribble it between my bent as/s i ft 00 stride with it, but staying in place and jumping my legs from from front oo th back. again, reverb, at every hand too t/h and connection, and stimulating well more attenuate i/0n e, rather than a rote connection. i had to concertedly factor more into the balance than before the rote medicine ball gesture i all ready seem too the know.
i/nn k~n 0 w/e m~0.re t00 th ta/k~e x per i/en ce ye a. l/l ye t00 th d ate
inn me'ye pers0/n a ll e pt (s) p~a/ce
i figured the c/overe all 's that i wanted, along the way, considering that i kind of wasn't that interested in them, after looking at so many of them. i like very much the 3x1 label, at $300, it is an off shoulder denim jumpersuit, kind a reminds me of the sensibilities of an audrey hepburn with the pinned above ankle pant legs. it looked good on me, which not all of the coveralls do, b.c. i do not have an undeveloped chassis / ass. this one fit right and proportionally x comfortably enough, i don't think i want to spare $300 at this time, and my concern is the denim might be too stretchy, as i bought a pair of denim pants that seemed comfortable before, however they grew several sizes / inches, in one sitting, which is ultimately not something i am looking for, too the force carry on my frame, ie something that doesn't fit as was lent in visioning the same.
ultimately went with the polyester jersey jumpsuit with flair, navy, and on sale at approx $45. it is perfect, it has flair, it is comfortable, and it is not precious, however, it is easy to wear, a lot. i am not a big polyester person, however i like the idea of the jersey which is soft, and for the utility, it is as comfortable and easy to wear as denim.
the other thing, this clothing c/has/in/g, part of me think i should just make my own, however that would take time also, time from feeding your frame in my name. as it were. however, i do think it would be value able time spent, so that is still on the table, keeping in mind, i have lots of linen to work with. (from the kaizen / napkins i didn't do in the marketplace). = it would be nice to use the materials i have on hand. and i like linen, even if it wrinkles, it gives me an opportunity too th in k about how to fold and manipulate and pleat the fabric t00 the me an s peak ~ f0r/m/e ven fxfigure at i've l/l e ye
by bcbgeneration (bon chic bon genre
you r are (e) fxf un n(e) ye
e'ye c(h)0m e a.r e b.c. e'ye n/k/n 0 w/e a.r a.m. c~l0 t/h' d
here is the thing that also informs my decisions about what i will ultimately buy and not buy, is where am i going to where it (will it have use fu ll ness) and (t)h/ inge ing on that is say, body conscious, who is going to t-h-ink i am wearing it for t-heir-ab-bid-ue-ce-ye- . b.c. e'ye think this way, it kind of impel's me not to go in the body conscious direction. i h/ave "enough" misleading at-ten-t-i/0n-e- as -s- it- i/s- just fore apparently being pre sent as/s eg i've n(t) d's (un seen from the scen-e-vain-)
e w/e see k clothes f/our e x p.r.e s/s i 0/n e x p0' s (ai) d 0 w/e. g. 0
i get that i am looking in a?re a?re s, however i do understand the similitude at my own comma nd, and i like the visual a~r/r~e st of seeking to find be/au t~e'ye in/n syn/th e pre sent.
e w/e are looking for refresh e m/en t 0 p/en le ye~t00 t~h ea. t, as/s a (L)ve ff or t/he visual space even t0 r/r e s/t/h f e/a. t in earned elegance t00 th's p/ea/k
i get that i am looking in a?re a?re s, however i do understand the similitude at my own comma nd, and i like the visual a~r/r~e st of seeking to find be/au t~e'ye in/n syn/th a(s) p.r.e sent a s/s t~h a (s/s) p.r.e sen/c~e a.t 'h' an~d ea.r n'd 0/n e c0mma nd
e'ye like looking @ g 0/d e sig n
it as/s in/k/n(0w/h)/it synth's me'ye time with looking fine
thoughts: on notes : on my desk top:
if i were married to kevin i would know every time he speaks is a lie on me t0-w/-e- = t0-w/-i-thou-t-. he thinks he knows some thing about en/gineering and measuremen/t to spec, i say t00 th' spec t, and c/an put your 'en' inn writing s0 w/(h)e ye c/an s e/e your 'h' w/ i.d. t(h) be fxf 0re you s~pea/K i/t.
t0 me fxf a/ce t~w/(h)i.d.e w/(h)it~(&)pi~th~e w/h~e'ye t00 th' a(s) pr e/e miss~ (0ugh) t b 0ugh t cur(e)r/en/t inn k/n 0 w/(h) 0've & 0 fxf t w/ee.g.0 = gal + L~0p serving' s/ai/m~e m~b/r~ai/n d0 fxf t
t0 me fxf a/ce t~w/(h)i.d.e w/(h)it~(&)pi~th~e w/h~e'ye t00 th' a(s) pr e/e miss~ (0ugh) t b 0ugh t cur(e)r/en/t inn k/n 0 w/(h) 0've t 0 fxf t w/ee.g.0 = gal + L~0p serving' s/ai/m~e m~b/r~ai/n d0 fxf t be a.c~h's p0 k/en t 0ss 0/d~g(r)0 w/(h)0/n e
t0 me fxf a/ce t~w/(h)i.d.e w/(h)it~(&)pi~th~e w/h~e'ye t00 th' a(s) pr e/e miss~ (0ugh) t b 0ugh t cur(e)r/en/t inn k/n 0 w/(h) 0've & 0 fxf t w/ee.g.0 = gal + L~0p serving' (p 0'le) s/ai/m~e m~b/r~ai/n d0 fxf t in t0 (w/)e t ai L 0 t augh t L augh t
you can say that the written word came first. however i am (e) re verse i/n g a b-ad-t-r/e-n/d- that has g0t-ten-"t"out of "h"a-nd- & e'ye fxf 0re t/h = r 0/n e would like to see your 'h' re pre sent 'd~a/ct yl:ly as/sa'ye re a.d. 0 w/e & t'h'e (ye) r 0/d as/s 'p0' ken tu be t(h) issue t0 the me an s(t)a' s/sa'ye w/i.d. th e w/(h)0ve & w/i.d. t(h) c~a(i)r~r(e)ye w/(h)it~w/h0~ve t e'ye t00 th(e) re p0'se ye a.re p(L)an(&)T 00 t'h' fxf a ct (may/k/e r~e L at e), (&)T 00 t'h' fxf a ct 00 t'h' t a ct 0 w/e ve(i)n t00 th a/ct (a) g0 'A' h/ea/d 'h'a/ct t0 w/e in th c(i)t(e)ye fxf/0're de w/e i/n g t0 w/e 'th' 0/th/er e as/s i ft e'ye t00 th'~s h0 re inn eve r e'ye se a.s 0/n e a.r th e'ye a.m. the b~0're t00 th's in k false "l" ay-e-b-0re- in everyseason-s-h-r-in-k-
t0 me fxf a/ce t~w/(h)i.d.e w/(h)it~(&)pi~th~e w/h~e'ye t00 th' a(s) pr e/e miss~ (0ugh) t b 0ugh t cur(e)r/en/t inn k/n 0 w/(h) 0've & 0 fxf t w/ee.g.0 = gal + L~0p serving' (p 0'le) s/ai/m~e m~b/r~ai/n d0 fxf (t) i/n t0 (w/)e t ai L 0 t augh t L augh t 00 (th 0ugh t) k(n) 0's e t00 the t ai l 0ff t 0 w/e 's
you can say that the written word came first. however i am (e) re verse i/n g a b-ad-t-r/e-n/d- that has g0t-ten-"t"out of "h"a-nd- & e'ye fxf 0re t/h = r 0/n e would like to see your 'h' re pre sent 'd~a/ct yl:ly as/sa'ye re a.d. 0 w/e t00 th 0 w/e g0 t/h's (h) 0 w/e
you can say that the written word came first. however i am (e) re verse i/n g a b-ad-t-r/e-n/d- that has g0t-ten-"t"out of "h"a-nd- & e'ye fxf 0re t/h = r 0/n e would like to see your 'h' re pre sent 'd~a/ct yl:ly as/sa'ye re a.d. 0 w/e & t'h'e (ye) r 0/d as/s 'p0' ken tu be t(h) issue t0 the me an s(t)a' s/sa'ye w/i.d. th e w/(h)0ve & w/i.d. t(h) c~a(i)r~r(e)ye t/h ~e w/(h)it 0 me an s e x p0 s ai d e'ye t ex t p0's ai d's i'm i'll are l/l(e) ye servin/g's us t00 th/e n/e/e/d's e/e k' s pea/k 's
you can say that the written word came first. however i am (e) re verse i/n g a b-ad-t-r/e-n/d- that has g0t-ten-"t"out of "h"a-nd- & e'ye fxf 0re t/h = r 0/n e would like to see your 'h' re pre sent 'd~a/ct yl:ly as/sa'ye re a.d. 0 w/e & t'h'e (ye) r 0/d as/s 'p0' ken tu be t(h) issue t0 the me an s(t)a' s/sa'ye w/i.d. th e w/(h)0ve & w/i.d. t(h) c~a(i)r~r(e)ye w/(h)it~w/h0~ve t e'ye t00 th(e) re p0'se ye a.re p(L)an(&)T 00 t'h' fxf a ct (may/k/e r~e L at e 0/n e me'ye p(L)a/t~e x t p0's 'd 0 w/e.g. 0/n 0's e.g.(r?)0(w/)e? s
(&)T 00 t'h' fxf a ct 00 t'h' t a ct 0 w/e ve(i)n t00 th a/ct (a) g0 'A' h/ea/d 'h'a/ct t0 w/e in th c(i)t(e)ye fxf/0're de w/e i/n g t0 w/e 'th' 0/th/er e as/s i ft e'ye t00 th'~s h0 re inn eve r e'ye se a.s 0/n e a.r th e'ye a.m. the b~0're t00 th's in k false "l" ay-e-b-0re- in everyseason-s-h-r-in-k-e-ye-t-"h"in-k- e'ye-a.m.-0.-re-in-g-scene
on-ai-l-ye- f-x-f-0-re-t-he-re-ta-k-i/n-g-
g-i've-n-t00-t-he-al-la-s-s-t-e-a-ll- in-k-eel-
be f/0re n0 0ne re all and kn 0 w/h0 /ne st i'll, -and-st-ill- com-pr0mise- he caires un t ill
(&)T 00 t'h' fxf a ct 00 t'h' t a ct 0 w/e ve(i)n t00 th a/ct (a) g0 'A' h/ea/d 'h'a/ct t0 w/e in th c(i)t(e)ye fxf/0're de w/e i/n g t0 w/e 'th' 0/th/er e as/s i ft e'ye t00 th'~s h0 re inn eve r e'ye se a.s 0/n e a.r th e'ye a.m. the b~0're t00 th's in k false "l" ay-e-b-0re- in everyseason e'ye a.r t'h' 20 t00 t/h's ai L a/nd e/b ta t ai L 0'r(e)~d
you are not L0/RD, you abuse the cyst-em of marriage to b("0")u-ye-a.s-s-w/-0-rd- on every w/0 m/en that b/ring's ac 'K' -eye-p/h-a-ct-a-w/-h-e-ye-t- w/-ai-t- wit"h"at-e-& w/-h-a-ct-0-f-x-f-t-he-ap-serve-d-
kevin as an "x" am-p-le-g-0-n-ad-'s- is using me as a shelter too l-ie- "0"n/e then t-ax- m/e fxf 0/r(t) e/x is T i/n g' sum & sum e 0/n e as -k-e-vin-s-p0-k-en-s-ai-d- not tu be interpreted as th' d-ad- t0-ke-nd-g-ave-in-s-um-um-an-d-sum-mon-e-ye-w/-"i.d."-th-it-
"h"is as-sume-s- he-g-ave- t"h"-e/ad- (ea) ff-r-a-(-i-)m-e-
a miss tarry mid get too the wid get
kevin as an "x" am-p-le-g-0-n-ad-'s- is using me as a shelter too l-ie- "0"n/e then t-ax- m/e fxf 0/r(t) e/x is T i/n g' sum & sum e 0/n e which not 0/ne represent a.m. 0/n g-u-you working -k-nav(e-)ye-s-0/n-e-
t00 the s0/n ~ne/t h at you c0n~s p/i r/e t00 th s0/n~g's k(e)ye as t~h(ig)h ye g(u)est
at e~i/ght
0/n e z er0 = all e w/e c/an d~h 0p e t00 t(h) b~
while i am the 0/n e & you th e ze~r 0 w/e can e X c~h ang~e X p0/n e/n t~i a~ll (e) ye t00 th' (r) 0/n e be~a. t/h at pre sent (e) l/l (e) ye
a.r~t w/h0/n e'ye inn e'ye t(h) 0/m e & make i/n g(r) 0 w/e t(c) 0/d 0 w/e
th e.g.(g) 0 a~l/l e.g. 0…
"rue-le-'s- for no reason e'ye t00 t he t e ll as/s e ll 0/n e the w/0rd's- n-ai-l-. these "rules" and "laws" are only in "place" b.c. not 0/n e, has the pre s/en/ce t0 give a value t00 the re inn re spec t/h a w/e th/e value as the pre sent d b/rake
for instance, i will tell you about the horsey face girl, sam, i believe her name is, the "works" t0-ken-l-ie- for the public -e-f-x-f-ace- .
i went there after work, coming into town, and my dog previous and current dog now, like to run in the fields. it is true it is an all purpose re center. people come to play soft ball, soccer games, kid's jungle gyms, frisbee tournaments, and it is a mile radius of mowed grass and the dogs were always free to be off leash if they were on voice command. my voice command works like this : my dog and i like to run, it is an invisible leash but one we very much like to gether e sum e.
for min0, he is hard to keep up with visually, yet i know he loves to run in the open field, and i watch him, and he comes back to me. my b(0)uyed position is his tacting. we keep each other in tow visually even s 0 w/e.
sam, the horsey face harping young classless -ass- speaking out her front end like a dimpled imp ass, tells me by harping on me when i got out of car with min0 wh0 is excited to be out of the car as i am, free from t-werk- due-t-e-ye-s- respe/ct/able ye 'seen' as doing & d0w i/n g s0me thing relative t00 the relative (t)preen ea.t ea. t. any e way, sam the horsey e-f-x-f-ace- harps on me that "ma--a-a-ammm-" (and she repeats her self-e-e-d-ass-t00-th-e-f-f-ace- me'ye w/h e'ye t) she "inn-form-s-mee-" that my dog can't be off leash, and min0 doing his thing loping around and looking back at me, wagging his tail, like why am i there talking to horsey-h-ic-k-up-f-ace-.
i can't remember what i first said to sam the r-ass-pi- horsely -e-face- g-i/r-l- however her face curled into her mouth as she said, regaining her con-vi-ct-i-on- too the a.d.-ju-s/t-r0ll-i-t-0ff- and said she didn't understand what i said. i turned to see t00 my dog, and said that is why she isn't competent tu be h/ ave i'n g this conversation with me. and she said she would call the police.
so horsey -e-face-sam- not only escalates "1" stalking with stupidity "2" "too" en-s-n-a.re- (verse-d-l-ie-ye-) bu-ye- c-all-i/n-g- the po-lice- to re pre sent "h"er -a-f-x-f-a-(i-)r-e-t-h-ere- & bu-ye-(re-) t-heir-
i get the point, no one likes to step in dog shit. i would contend your rules exist b.c. you fake a pre sense with your every e fxf ace. you do not care too the date, you do knot caire too the honestly t rait, and you ho-ld- other people responsible "2" -x- "too" your own re all lack on b(L)ack pre sent ste a.d. e'ye. g.(u)e st ate.
min 0 and play now at another place, and i won't go back to the wainright fields in scarborough until i bring a video camera and sam horsey e-f-ace- can speak to me as if t she as she presents hersel~l fxf t00 the carrye the re all w/(h) eigh t w/ the present d ate in the sty le ye L~at e t00 th' 0 p/en e fxf ace (&) 0 public ly e a.r ate.
Min 0 and i play in a place that is not officially a dog park, however, left to our 0(w/)n e devices, i think it is great idea to pick up the shit in the traffic path, and the park we play in, as obviously we would be playing in it e vain. why e vain? either the play is "play" because it is sense less too the meaning fu ll 'a' r~e L at e, thinking 0 ve y0u/r se l/l fxf = the "play" is vain, as the follow thru as f a ll 0 w/e in t(h)rue w/e re pur(e) vi e w/e.
i think of derelict people with derelict door yards and i can only think s-om-e-0/n-e-ye- as-t- in -k- t-heir-h-ea-d-as-s-t-e-w/e-
in t0 t"h"in-k- you-r- ue-le-s- = s-0/n-e-ve(i)n t 00 & t 0/d 0
min0 gives an h0nest shit, it hits the ground gracefully w/hit. you-r-e-p-ark-scene-for-ce-i/n-g-s-har-k-s-, = pick up your -e-g-0/d-s-hi-t- d00 k/n 0.t 00 t'h 0 w/e & d00 k/n 0 w/e
you do not have a right fu ll presence to present ownership too the s0 w/e, regarding my d0/g i've n(t) s 0 w/e.
min0 as my animal is a reflection 0f inn0cents, no s-him-s-, you take care of your-e- s-him-s- i am sure you w/i'll earn the respe/ct 0ff t/h e.g.~g i've
p.s. sam the horsey-e-face-pip-an-d-pip-rig-, the "whole" time she was re-verse-st-all-k-i/n-g- me, and i couldn't attend to min0 and I was letting her know her e "pre sense" is actually creating the "things" she is "contingent" upon h-arpin-g-ag-ai-n-st-, h a.d. n0 effect 0n her t-0-(w/-)n-e-d-ea-f-f-e-ct-
just saying to p/h at = you are only providing com-p-(L-)ai-n-i/n-g- &- getting a t-(h-) a w/-h-e-ye- w/-i.d,-t-h-at-(e- in fxf a ct)
t00 the pre sent an/d inn fxf a/ct b(L)ac k t/r a ct r/a/ce able t00 t(h) b(eg)i/n e w/e a.ve n t/h ea.ven s~
peaK my s0/n~ne/t bea.K 0/n e T(hr)u~e
t00 the s0/n ~ne/t h at you c0n~s p/i r/e t00 th s0/n~g's k(e)ye as t~h(ig)h ye g(u)est
at e~i/ght please und ere st a/nd, the. g.(g/u)e st ate ye w/h eigh t 0 fxf 'serve d ate
min0 as my animal is a reflection 0f inn0cents, no s-him-s-, you take care of your-e- s-him-s- i am sure you w/i'll earn the respe/ct 0ff t/h e.g.(d)g i've t00 th'd ate.
i would like to plan a formal letter too the person that "h"ire-d- this c-lass-le-s-s- "h" a "t", however, i have "other" "th"ing-s too the contend e w/e & w/h i/t (eb) b(L)acK f0r/meal/ly e t00 s e~a. s/s k eye p~
t00 the s0/n ~ne/t h at you c0n~s p/i r/e t00 th s0/n~g's k(e)ye as t~h(ig)h ye g(u)est
at e~i/ght please und ere st a/nd, the. g.(g/u)e st ate ye w/h eigh t 0 fxf 'serve d ate w/e inn st at~e tu t00 t'h' a.ve n~u/e
ju st b.c. & c~r ate & c a(i)r~r e'ye the me an s (t) 00 the w/h i/ts (t) 00 the w/he ye ve(i)n 0/n e t00 th'd aye t
min0 as my animal is a reflection 0f inn0cents, no s-him-s-, you take care of your-e- s-him-s- i am sure you w/i'll earn the respe/ct 0ff t/h e.g.(d)g i've t00 th'd ate inn e' ye th fxf i/r's tp (L)a/ce s/s e/e k t/h e ve(i)n (t)d's a/g a/i n~n K~n 0 w/e ft f/r0m the me nd's as/s t/h fxf r/i e nd's~en d's~ e/e n e'ye inn s at i/s fxf a ct i/0n e.g.(g) i'v e~n
i would say too the "sam" "same" s-aim-e-vain-br-aye-a/i-n-
i will due to you "fir"st with you-r-e- m(e-)ark - can-e-cam-e- & 0 /n e me'ye f/0re b/r~ai/n~(d a.m. e)
d-ea-r- kevin, just a reminder, you p-ass-d-ass- on your opportunity for gr0wth, you s-h-at-0-at- on m'eye sc0pe & sc0pie t0 gi've ye t00 th t r/0p e
t00 the s0/n ~ne/t h at you c0n~s p/i r/e t00 th s0/n~g's k(e)ye as t~h(ig)h ye g(u)est
at e~i/ght please und ere st a/nd, the. g.(g/u)e st ate ye w/h eigh t 0 fxf 'serve d ate w/e inn st at~e tu t00 t'h' a.ve n~u/e sit as/s ate t(u)b.c. the.g. g(u)est isn't e 'ye -w/-e- , -&- w/-e- 'd-
"we'd" do nothing "b.c." we t"h"ink "we" h'ave all re ad e'ye d0/n e/t/c 's 0/m e th ing
"sum" might quest-i-on- that i am a classless l/ass, however i do have the 'h' and n0 0/n e t00 the re late with. s0 w/h ey e as/s t me'ye w/hit e 0/n e b(L)acK, and may appear as me'ye 0(w/)n e.g. rass i d0 in f a ct ~t00 t/h t a ct b/ac/k. for t-hose of you com-p-lain- for no reason you pre serve t00 th' d ate, you don't actually h/ave the write x rig ht 00 t(h) c0m p l/ai/n, and your com-p-l-ai-n-i/n-g- "ju-st-" x "serves" t00-t-he-m.0-/u-/n-t-rait- p-as-s-a'ye-w/e-d-ate-
"like" "time" en-c-roach-i/n-g- e- 0/n e~m 's p(L)a/ce
s-ea-t-p.r.-a.m.- t-(h-)a-ll-0-w/e-c-an-d-
"like" "time" en-c-roach-i/n-g- e- 0/n e~m 's p(L)a/ce
-s-s-ea-t-p.r.-a.m.- t-(h-)a-ll-0-w/e-c-an-d-u/e-w/e-
d-"0h" "h0" w/e can me-as-s-u/re-in-sit-u-
your just com-p-l-ai-n-i/n-g- b.c. you do not actually care t00 t(h) b(L)e nd as/sa'ye n(k)ne ad's e/e k t/h en & p/en n e'ye w/e ll s p/en t~h eave n
e' w/hale d en t
00 t(h) ai L
en t a. m.ir~a c(L)e
ft (s) 00 t/h/(e) 's ai L
~a nd we ll
t00 th en ai L
your just com-p-l-ai-n-i/n-g- b.c. you do not actually care t00 t(h) b(L)e nd as/sa'ye n(k)ne ad's e/e k t/h en & p/en n e'ye w/e ll s p/en t~h eave n k~n 0 w/e th~e Miss S Take, n0 ap pa-u-ll-o-g-u-ye no apology too the cuss-t-o-m/er-e-make-
as/s i ft you give a second chance on you-r-e-s-w/-h-ing-i/n-g-at-e-t-ag-u-i-ll-e-t-a-ke-ye-p-(L-)ace-s-s- ai-d-f-0re-g0-d-ness-(h-)at-e-
w/-h-y does john gaudet t"h"ink i am unwilling to make sacrifices, is it because he thinks he has already earned his me 0/n e ye in t/h ere r0und 0 0 re t heir ~ r0und as/s p b f/0re.
i don't understand how this sh-irk- an-d- j-irk- gets his "spirit" too the te ll h-i'm-0-re-
w/-h-en h-e h-as littere-d- 0f-t-h- f-x-f-l0-0-re-
st- n0-i/r- e-m-ay-0re-fi-ct-i-0n-e-re-pre-sent-(s-)c-0-re-
d-un-d-an-t-l-ye- does -k-n0-t- = m0-(0-)re-
k-n0-t-00-t-he-e-de-ce-(i-)ve- ye a.m. t~ p 0're in deed
0 w/i th0u t a c a(i)re in g-a/g-ree-d- at deafening -s-pee-d-
f-uck-y-e-w/e- g's us didn't "pee" and if your g's did "pee" too speak the mind ye h/ave with "w/ee" g'sus wouldn't be speaking a p/ark in th' d/ark in th ark and carre'ye th c/art & mer re'ye th ar(e)c
w/0 r(e)t h pr0claiming as/s i ft ~h be h ave i/n g's (h) ave i/n g's~
all a you have is g's us, and n0t 0/n e t00 th' d 0 w/e business t(h) rue. beyond that f-a-ct- you h-ave- a pup-pet-in your h-ea-d-e/b-t-oo-t-he-t-rue-d-e-ye- & d-e-w/e-
-&- w/-h-e-ye- a-r-e- m0ve-d- as-s-w/-the-me-0/n-e-ye-tu-t"h"ink- &- inc-as-t-le-(d-)g-room-
e- w/e- & without a maw/e in pur(e)vi e w/e : with your 0(w/)n e actuall t00 th in t(h'd) 0uch e'ye 0fxf t
t ouc~h e/a. rt -hie-fen-ce-i/n-g-s-t-i/n-e-ye-a-(r-)t- inn friendly manner & man0re t00 the sub-cyst-w/-(h-)ave-
t(d)0uch e m/e r i/t i'm e' ye a. m.aKe. g. re at a
c L~a w/e : t(h) C L~aw/e (t)h~a s/s aw/e a.n e.g.~g inn knits m~aw/e t(h) aw/h i.d.e w/h~e ye t 0ut 00 th inn d's i.' d.e~s h (0/d) 0ut
0/n e mer i/t h~e'ye t~h a.d. a s/s p~0/u~t
service ab/le a.d.
Miss Mark T' me'ye T me 0/ne ye t managemen/t : seriou-sly-e-
too the protect a value as a man, ye n ever e H a.d.
r/i~ch e w/e ll 0/n t 00 t a ll k 0/n e t(h)rue
e'ye have a w/he ye t(h)rue
d 0nt w0rre'ye t m~e w/e
per h ap se ye c/an 't c/ai/n t me'ye nough t
in the n0 p/en t r0ugh
t00 th' s e/e k & c 0/n e m b/all an(d)ce l/l-aw-st-0/n-e-r/ig-ht-0-w/e-t-p.-r.-0-0-f-e-e-d-e-lig-ht-00-t-he-w/-rit-e-ye-w/e-d-ue-w/e-t-w/-it-rue-d-(s-)0f-t-
i a.m. the di/a. m0. nd inn t(h) r0ugh fxf i/n e re le v~ate i/0n e mu st b 0ugh t inn k n~0 (w/h0) ve t~0 fxf a ct u all (e) ye A.s/s t em e'ye t(u)bu st b~an K t00 the me r~r e'ye w/h up t00 th (e) fxf ace 0~p t(h)rue L(e) ye L 0 p/e~n t00 th(e) re vi e w/e
bu y/e M/iss P/en T 00 K/n e w/e
ps, t-his-t- is what the love le-s-s- law-st- due- too-t-he- c-ai-re-sys-t-em-t00-t-he-d-e/b-t-mar-r/i-e-ye- d-e-sig-n-e-re-deed-e/b-t00-t-he-n-e-e-d's- e-e- d's-
to-0-l0-ok- as if you are working to get thru this cyst-em-at-ick- bu-ll-s-hi-t- as/s the re all ? w/h eigh t 00 the re (e-) f-x-f- 0-re- st-(r-)e-a.m- in-t-in-t-a-tit-c-l-e-a-n- l-ie-ye-
a "g-en-t-le-r-u/s/e" scene-inn the e-nd- to-g-en-t-le-ye- f-x-f- uck- e-ye- 0-re-se- ll - f-x-f- i/n-e-t-he-t-en-d-
a "g-en-t-le-r-u/s/e" scene-inn the e-nd- to-g-en-t-le-ye- f-x-f- uck- e-ye- 0-re-se- ll - f-x-f- i/n-e-t-he-re-t-(r-)en-d-
you can't go back on a word of H 0/n 0 re you didn't met, t 00 t/h fxf l0 0d e me a.n t with a love-less-law-st-00-t-he-re-p-re-s-en-t-
with a kern-colone-l-s-hi(e-)st- d i.d. k n0 t 0/n e t~c (h) 0m e w/e his-scene-inn-com-e- s 0 w/e
as-s-i-ft- n0t reas0n able t00 the w/(h) a l/l 0 walK t c 0/n e & c0/n~ne/c t00 t(c)h e w/e a.r t~h e(a.) value ab/le a.d. 0/n e tu~
de w/e de w/e t a.d. 0 ~0 re t(h)r/u e w/e & can e X c/ai/n e t00 t/h e pur(e) vi e w/e in t rut h~r u(L)e ye d e w/e
the muse-sic-all- is-sue-
fxf r0m the Mis/s Us/e
th f-x-f00t sold(i)er's b/all = ban-d-a(i)-d-e/b-t-a-ll-a-g-ai-n-st-a-ll-a-w/-st-b-all-k-
a s/s a w/h - a-ct-0-r- e-
he s-h- 0 w/e's t a brave s- he-ar-t- without a w/(h)a l/l in the p/ark
a s/s a w/h - a-ct-0-r- e-
he s-h- 0 w/e's t a brave s- he-ar-t- without a w/(h)a l/l K in t(h) p/ark
my google searches today are looking up the correct spelling of the smee the pirate.
i would hate to miss represent my spelling without the proper fi-ct-i/on-all-a- d-i-c(-k-)t-i-0/n-e-w/ i.d. t~h i/t
i might suffer f-rom com-m0/n- 'miscommunication' 0/n e "no one"
t00-t-h-0-(w/-)n-e- t00-t-(h-)0-w/-n-e-
vain -e- com-p-L-ai-n-t-00-t-he-vain-s-0- w/e- ll-ate-
however not on my e w/h 0/n e
ye & b e/e s(t) 0 w/e. g.(g) L0
the. g.(g) in/n si.' d.e w/h e ye i Ld's the.g. L0 s/s (e) ye. g. 0 t00 th's t/a/ke ye p f/r0m at~e ther e l/l ate s~aim e t (r) a/i t 00 th c0m p.~r.0m i s/s ' d's l0 t~i'd.e take th fxf 0ugh t (inn that they e are "not") & d0(u)b le d 0 w/n e t 00 fxf
de w/e & w/an 't me t0 fxf ig ye fxf ig ht fxf 0/r/t/h/e/ e~
d~g i'v e~
its funny, it seams "m-en-s-" hang ups too-t-he-r-e-nd-
are based on a fictional make up, you've only re-ad- your-e-sel-f-i/n-e-p.r.-i/n-(i-)t-a-g-ai-n-it-s-e-nd-s-t-en-t-'s-a-nd-s-t-et-c-s-0/n-e-t-he-me-nd-s-
you are kind-of- voluntarily L-aim-L-e-s-s- in your pur(e-)suit-
or is this just what happens after your st-0ne- has been s un k n0un
with no re all re c0urse t00 the per s0/n e w/h0 starte-d- i/t- w/-a-n-(k-)nit- 0- w/-e-ye-t-w/-a-n-(k-)nit- a-d-i/t-t0-e-n-i/t-
i mean, in all honestly, when you speak of the 'son' you are speaking of the nit's-son-s-0/n-s0n-ne-t-00-t-he-t-b-0/n-e-
i/t didn't come f/rom e'ye n knit in t i'm e w/e pt p.r. i'm e 0/n e t(h)' di ' me
i get it looks like i am doing a l/l the work, however in earnest's mit as t met l00king 0/d e'ye think, i wouldn't de w/e re As 0/n e a.r u/e & s 0 w/e ye c 0nt i/n u/e w/e in c t00 t'h('s) in~k
' st ai d e w/e
i get it looks like i am doing a l/l the work, however in earnest's mit a s/s (k) t met l00king 0/d e'ye think, i wouldn't de w/e re As 0/n e a.r u/e & s 0 w/e ye c 0nt i/n u/e w/e in c t00 t'h('s) in~k t ee th inn t 00
i get it looks like i am doing a l/l the work, however in earnest's mi t/t a s/s (k) t met l00king 0/d e'ye think, i wouldn't de w/e re As 0/n e a.r u/e & s 0 w/e ye c 0nt i/n u/e w/e in c t00 t'h('s) in~k t ee th inn t 00 th ea. r n/e st fxf e ll 0
the mi t/t 0 r/r e m/e m./0. t00 th e m.0.~0 r/e m t~e ll 0 a.m. s 0d fxf e ll 0 w/h ag i 0/m e ll 0 d/e
machine-i/n-g- is-t- cur-rent-l-ye- ad- ju- st another w/h-e-ye- t -o-f-x-f-t-'s- h-aving a con-verse-ate-i/0n-e- w/-he-ye-w/- "we are doing it for you" re-tu-b-s-imp-l-e-ye-re-t00-t-he-vi-e-w/e- d- ue-
b.c. we do not think as a living virt u/e t00 th s(t) 0 w/e th 'a' ve/r t hue inn b/ all an(d) ce s/s e t(h)r/u ~ e very e t/h ing e t 00
vert the green 0/n (e) b/all an(d)ce 0 p/en l e'ye t00 t'h' tee th~s peaK nigh T 0 w/e ve(i)n l/l e ye s 0 w/e. g. 0/n e.g. 0 i/n g 's h0 e
s h0 (w/) e fxf L (e) y~e w/e t issue & "cess" the t-ax- f-x-f-rom-t-he-ave-n-t-a-c-lu-e- t h ere, t heir, is kn 0 w/e t/h t rig ht m~ay/ke g re at e fxf a/ce X ce pt (u) bu ye t(a.) M.iss S take, 0-re-x-ce-pt-he-par-t-e-ye-t-he-mistake-w/-e-th-a-b-rake-t-(h-)rue-d-bu-ye-
w/e~e kn~ew/e b~e t/t a(i)re t 00
vert the green 0/n (e) b/all an(d)ce 0 p/en l e'ye t00 t'h' tee th~s peaK nigh T 0 w/e ve(i)n l/l e ye s 0 w/e. g. 0/n e.g. 0 i/n g 's h0 e
s h0 (w/) e fxf L (e) y~e w/e t issue & "cess" the t-ax- f-x-f-rom-t-he-ave-n-t-a-c-lu-e- t h ere, t heir, is kn 0 w/e t/h t rig ht m~ay/ke g re at e fxf a/ce X ce pt (u) bu ye t(a.) M.iss S take, 0-re-x-ce-pt-he-par-t-e-ye-t-he-mistake-w/-e-th-a-b-rake-t-(h-)rue-d-bu-ye-
w/e~e kn~ew/e b~e t/t a(i)re t 00
inn 0 sense stand e'ye h/ave the rig ht 0 0'le t0 0 l/l 00 k a w/h~e ye ff/ r0m you-r -e- com-man-d-
the re all statutes 0 fxf t L~i'm it ate i/0 ns e ye a.r t 00 kn 0 t inn an'd e ye r "h" an-d-0-f-x-f-t 00 th eave n pre sent a w/he ye w/i.d. t/h 0 L e'ye a.t e t0 fxf e a.t 0/n e me'ye p(L)at~e (&) re make th (e) fxf a/ce s/s w/h ea. t e're bu ye th e w/h~e ye t
e'ye a.t ar e w/(h)e ye t f/f 0r K in d b~all a nd an/ce s/s inn t e're p(L)a/ce & as/s f a l/l t(u) be a.m. e'ye t(h)rue 0 fxf a(i)r e (e) fxf/r0m t (h) re(y)e t heir unning' st(r)ea.m~e a.d. 0 w/h 0/n e ye n k ne a.d. b re a.d.'s w/h ea. t ye A. s/s t re a.t (u) b utte r udde r e m(e)A.k e ye a. t 0 p/en l/l e ye s w/ee t
m~ar(e) r~0 w/e th/e m i'll k e'ye a. g a/i n e' fxf 0r t w/h at is t~h em i'll i tarry e t00 th f x f 0 re inn r/e m~em/b e're c0 (u)r(s) e t00 th em p0 w/(h) e're th's h0 re (& f0r ce s/s h0 0k) (t) issue 0 fxf t~ p0 w/(h) ea. r 0 r~e~s c~0 re t(c) 00 k e.g. L 0're
a s/s p b f/0 're
a l/l 0 v/e n~d 0 w/e d fxf 0 're a.m. 0(0)r~e d en s e l/l e ye a.d. 0 0're d
a l/l 0 v/e n~d 0 w/e d a fxf (t) 0 'r(d) re a.m. 0(0)r~e d en s e l/l e ye a.d. 0 0're (a.)d.
th' d a ft h~a s/s p 0're d the m e/e k t00 th(e) re st 0/a. r~e.g. a rd i'n g a. m.0(0)r~e ve(i)n t0 (w/)e d be l/l e ye fxf 0'r e
a.d. e/b t00 th e nd 0 ve
a.d. e/b t00 th e nd 0 w/e nd 0 ve
t00 t(h) be a.m. 0 re fxf i t/t i/n g~s us t/en an(d) ce s/s e/e t00 the me an s e/e k
actually e w/k en d''s mee t, or due prefer mete, mete-r-, mite-re- (that is what paul drinan d-oe-s- : like' here is my fi-ct-i/on-all-t-oo-t-he-ha-s-s-p-(r-)00-f-i/n-g- tu-b-e-t-he-t-= e-very-e-t-h-ing-e- ex ce pt me an s 0 p/en l/l e ye ve(i)n be fxf 0 re ye s pea/k nigh t 0 me & t"h"ink you are not going to wear your "w/-0-rd-s-" as -s-me-t-(h-)e-me 0/n e ye, set up for -k-t-he-t-a-ke- g-re-at- as-s- he- "t-a-ll-k's" he is not about the "spirit" of such dishonest t-hing-e-s-
m e/a. t (a b) 0/0 t~h e n eve r e n/d 0/n e t0 e n ai L e s/s 0/n e Miss Und ere st 0 0d's pen d's (t) as/s (t) en d's a w/e fxf r0m t(h) aw/ee k maw/e t00 th 0 p/en 0're kn 0 t' b 0ugh t a s/s k's 0ugh t
~t (r) 0ugh t00 th r un 0 fxf t
~t (h) r/u e ve(i)n &
~t (r) 0ugh t00 th r un 0 fxf t 0 fxf an d (k-n0-t-f-x-f-0-0d-f-x-f-r0m-a-d-0-f-t-) t00 the s-w/-h-ea-t-en-t-h-e-ye-t-high-b/i-t-/t-e-re-c-up-tu-p-pet-up-
with no reco(u)r(s)e but-t-(bu-ye-t-)me-ye-se-a.m-all-i'v-e-
e w/e a.r a.d. ju st r(e)ye i/n g t00 th e.g. get bu ye, with the w/he ye w/e perceived e w/e t ca.m. e bu ye & c ai me bu ye and can e bu ye & c/ai/n bu ye.
the m-en-sa- w/- competitive ban-t-e're-, is competitive in "0" rig i/n too the-me-as-s-u-re- st-all-k-i/n-g- subconsciously as ye preen too the n0biliTe'ye. it would seem to me the measure of your "christ" was maid up e t00 t-he-b- every-e-t-h-ing-e-, even the language born universally out of competition resonates in that d-i/re-ct-i/0n-e-
and for all you are d-0-w/-e- i/n -g-, you are not re all ye d 0 w/e i/n g t 0/0, never were and never t(h)rue
you put a "product" before you eyes (h)ave been sir com/e s(e/e)c rib e in b/all an(d)ce inn s~i.'d.e~s, which is "mere"l-ye- a salve for the e-g0-d-e-
which is why you can't see from where your ass last for-ce-s-s-h0-0k- a put a g0-ld-in-you-r-e-s-0-le-t00-t-he-s-h0-e-
funny ? you, d0nt k~n 0 w/e
i'm pre t/t e ye confident i can step on a dof the w/h0'le ye w/h e ye & s 0 'w/e' 0 fxf t
it is what the dof is doing in re-verse-s-L0-t- (h-) e he make "c/up" seg as/s f-rom his or-i-fi-ce-
t00 the t-ai-l-(e-d-)0-ft-
that is why paul drinan can make a scene on me port ending he is "god" & think he saw e dof t oo t him sel f t00 t he m 0t.
he sees me as shrinkage if i am not interested in his d-in-k-(c-)ag-e-, and that he can easily s-aw-e-d0-f-t- oo t-h-im-all-0-t
"h"is "h" a.m.-mer- would nonethe le-s-s- be -s-0d-
"too" re -c- ove-r- his -t-re-p-ass- he-(d-)g-e- g-ave-t-h(e-)d- the-n0-d-, that a way he doesn't have to carry true tare weight if he's e-g0-d- e without thinking -a-br0-ad-
e/b-too-t-he-c-ai-r-r-e-ye-0- w/e-b-0/n-e-ye-a-s-s- l-0/n-g-as-s- t-he-s-h0- w/e- g-0-(0-)n-
w/-t-he-s-ai-me-cur-rent-ce-ye-&-di-s-charge- too-t-he-law-st-a-nd-e-m-ai-d-up-e-0/n-s-
it is what the dof is doing in re-verse-s-L0-t- (h-) e he make "c/up" seg as/s f-rom his or-i-fi-ce- 0-"h"/e- inn-re-verse- step-s- on a female the "whole" w-/h-e-ye- to f-x-f-e-e-d-"h"is-t-o- f-x-foot-h-a-nd-c-ai-r-r-e-ye-h-ea-d-0f-t-heir-co-h0-st-w/-i.d.-th-0ut-a-s/s-a-ye-too-t-h-(e-)d-ate-t00-t-he-f-x-f-a/ce-s/s-ai-d-i.d.-k-n0-t-(a-)c-ai-re-ye-in-e-maw/-s-0d-0f-t-a-yo-u-s-e- your e p(L)ate t00 t he b-(e.g.)i/n-e- "gi"-n-n- t00-t-he-re-c-0ver-e-ye-a-g-ai-n-st-maid-up-s-ce-ne-in/n-
to w/e & all a w/st w/-h-e-ye-s-0-w/e-g-0- in-t-he-b-(eg-)i/n-e-w/- "a" ve -i-w/e-too-t-he-w/-t-he v/i s i0/n e t(h)rue
without making me-0ne-ye-purs(u-)e- 0/n 0l0 contendre b.c. e ye w/an t~be h ave n0 0/n e t(hr)u/e w/e the me an s(t) 00 t/h/e l/l e d e w/e & carry e 0/n e in pur(e)vi e w/e
sam the horse-ye-f-x-f-ace-g-i/r-L-en-t-oo-t-he-t-ai-L-
it i/s ire on nic, that in her-e-com-men-t-, that the 0/ne t00 the be t/h' 0 fxf e're d, not as a com-mon- mistake for -t-he-r- e- t00-t-h- c-l-i'm-(b)e-0/n-e-t-p.r.-0-o-f-x-f-e-re-ad-, was not allowed too the be s p0 k en. I w/i 'll 0/0 k w/i.d. th a fxf t e're me'ye d0 g = 's i'm pu/ll e.g. a.d. ju st b.c.
sam is not the meaning full relationship too the m(e)ake the ma(t)t e re s th' cause the me an i/n g t00 th' t r/ai/t & t race th (e)r(a) 0/n e. she has s-h-all-0-w/e- vision, too the -f-x-f- ace, she really does not have mu c~h t00 th' 0 fxf e're at each all. she is s-mug- in her -e- w/-(h-)in-d-f-x-f-a-ll- out- 0/n-e-t00-t-h-c-all-
w/-h-en she can't st-all-ass-t-a-ll-k- me with ignorance, she escalates to call the po-lice- too-t-he-pre-sense-s-he-can-t-make-ni-ce-0-(w/-)n e"h"e-r- 0-(w/-)n-e-t-i'm-e-x-ce-pt-oo-t-he-vain-s-0-w/-e- too-t-he-make-th e me a s/s u re ye d0-o-k-n0-t-a-n0- t-0p-p0-c-k-e-t-a-ll-s-0-w/-e- ultimately becoming a miss manager of scene-inn- w/-the- me-0ne-ye-tu-too-t-he-t-(h-)rue-d-0-0're-d-ue-t-w/-h0-d-e-ye-w/e- without the re a. l/l a. m.e an s(t) 00 t/h/e 'h'an d's t/0 p the "ab"u/s-e-w/ the na(i)me in e Miss S Take th e g0/d g/ave t w/h e ye t00 th fxf l e'ye fxf le (ye) a.n 0 p/en l e ye ve(i)n t00 th ta/ke & w/(h) all k w/h e ye t 0/d a~te x t re me
f0r/m/e ye ask w/h at rig ht de w/e t00 th e'ye w/h ave t'h e w/rit e t(u) b Le A.d. "inn" fxf r 0/n (e) t 0 me (an s) ? w/-t-re-p-a-s/s-t-e-n 0 w/e a. s/s t/h' s e/e n
i quest i 0/n e fxf 0 r/t me'ye 0(w/)n e/e d's and's e/e k the me an s w/(h)inn a/ct u all (e) ye A. s/s t 00 th' desire a. l/l 0 ve~n t00 th' s peaK a/nd c/as/t 'h' de s/i' r/e inn re L e~a. fxf t00 t(h)c 0/n t ex t u all e y~e as(t)e & t a s/s kn e/a. d. b re a.d. 0 p/en l/l e ye. g. a/i n~ns (e/a.) t w/h0 d e'ye fxf a/ce ye w/(h) e're p(L)e a.t 00 t'h's e.g. b(e.g.)i/n e t a g/ai/n st c0n cur(e)rent' s/ai/me fxf r/ai/me t a s/s t e
tu b(eg)i/n e w/h e ye t00 th a n0 th e're t w/h e'ye t(hr)u e
if i / f e'ye, do n0t e x (t) i/s t , you have n0 refle/ct/i0n e t00 the pre miss you work f/0re as/sa'ye t0 0'le ye 0nt l/l 0 ve. inn sum & m0/n you have n0 refle/x/i0/n e t00 the judge and inn-j-u/r-e-ye- = ju-st-u-b.c.-e-s/s- a- w/-h-ey-e-t-maw/-s-law-st- = d0-g-ma-w/e-
w/h en you h/aven't pre serve d (e/b) the 'we' ave n (t) d's , you just -h-a-ct- like you c-an-(s-ai-)d- & carry on thinkin-g- 0/n e, as your me-as-t-e-r-e-p-(L-)an- (d-)t-
speaking from an a-rt-i-f-a-ct- that has never been put too the te/st 'it' theorizes, w/ th e rati0/n a(i) ll a.d. van ce, 'it' hasn't made the re p a s/s t a s/s t c/u p f0r the re as 0/n e w/(h)inn e'ye as/s u c~h e w/e & w/h 'e'a. 't' 'A'
~s/s mu c~h t00 th e r/a i s e/e d (e w/h)up in kn 0 w/(h)0 ve t up
if i / f e'ye, do n0t e x (t) i/s t, you have n0 refle/ct/i0n e & refle/x/i0n e inn h0/n 0re inn your e maw/e t00 th c ai r~re 'ye s0/n and' s0/m a s/s 0m 0/n e ye t00 t(h)b. (e) c. (h) 0/m e w/h0 /n e w/h* i/n e X p.r. e s/s ai deed en t00 th eave n (t)d's en d's inn g le 'ye re pen t e l/l e ye t00 th' 0 p/en (t) a s/s c e/n t (u) b(eg)i/n e w/ i.d. th eaven t~u & t 0/d e w/e
w/ reg-u-a-rd- too p-au-l-0ve-r-(e-l0-a)d- & p0rt ending "fi/n-e-" the w/(h-)in-e-was t m/aid 0/n e t/m e'ye t i'm(e) w/i th0u t a pre s/en/ce t00 th a/ct u all' s/en/t/en/ce d e'ye w/(h) a l/l e a.d. -e-pt-carry the-g-un-d-i-"a"-g-0/n-a(i-)-l/l-t00-t-he-re-L-a-ye-t-ye-a-s/s-t-a-ll-e-d-0-w/-(h-)au-ll-(ate-) t00-t-he-mar-r/i.-(e-)d.-ay-t-0-p-ass-e-t-he- c-an-e- s(h)ave bu ye be h aving the nigger's L~ave & carry the "sugar" f-0re-ye-s-(h-)ave -t/h- f-x-f- ace - t wit~h a t~race // write in front o f/f your face t00 the fxf ace t00 the mer re'ye d ate ta t0'0 l0ver the p(L)a/c~e t 00 th fxf r e/e fxf a l/l 0 w/e b.c. e'ye t~h i/n k w/the w/e ar the w/h e'ye t 00 th' d 0/n e t d 0 ve t ai l/l (e) ye w/e nd 0/g~g 0/d l/l e ye d e w/~a g 0/n e inn sum a s/s e'ye a s/s a ye t00 t'h' e r~e L a ye t (e)a. r~e 0/n (e)a r~e t/h (e)a r~e t a(i)r e f a(i)r e
b ag 0/d e/b ta t~r ave L (ar ge) 0/n e nd 0/u(be)t 00 th t 0/u t (a/i) L en/d t~a g/ai/n d 0/u(be)t w/i.d. t(h) a w/e' s/en/t/en/ce ye. g.~g ave t~h e/e (d) : en s e l/l e ye w/(h)a.re a. s/s 0/n e t00 t(h)b (eg)i/n e.g.g~i've n(t)d's (t) (r)e a.m. i/n g's (h) ave t00 th (e) re c~e(i)ve i/n g's a.i' m.e ye ta g ai n~ e make inn sure ran (d)s ay/ke (g(r)e) w/h e 'ye t ('a') c0mma nd e miss p/en t ff/r0m t(h) b(eg)i/n e i/n g 0 p/en t00 th t e/n d 0/n e t(u) b e/e s p0 k e/e n (t) d's en d's e/e b e/e a.s/s t (0 k)en d e/em (e) ye
with reason as me'ye t rig ht, not with-t-reason-e-mass-t-me-ye-t-rig-ht-00-t-h-c/e-de-n-e-ye- t00-t-he-t-ee-t-h-ye-as-t-e-as-e-ye-sig-h- : me 0/n my 0wn sig h/t~d b(0/u/y)e /e t00 th c/a~p i/t a l/l a re a.d. e' ye c/c ai r~r e'ye s tet (u) be a.m. the mer~r e'ye D. 0/n e me'ye 0(w/)n e 'ye (t) i/t w/0 u Ld ' se~a. m.e a.d. i.d.en t i/c~all e ye w/e D' suc~h's e/e D g i've n t (d's) a g reeD b~as/s K e t00 th care r~e'ye 0/n de L ay e & be L ay e w/'h' at r/u l/l e ye.g. g/ave ye ve(i)n K n~ave 'ye w/'h' ave (n) 'ye. g. 0/d bu ye inn st e/a. d.'s en d's
with reason as me'ye t rig ht, not with-t-reason-e-mass-t-me-ye-t-rig-ht-00-t-h-c/e-de-n-e-ye- t00-t-he-t-ee-t-h-ye-as-t-e-as-e-ye-sig-h- : me 0/n my 0wn sig h/t~d b(0/u/y)e /e t00 th c/a~p i/t a l/l a re a.d. e' ye c/c ai r~r e'ye s tet (u) be a.m. the mer~r e'ye D bu/zz be a.m. e'ye t f/f a(i)r e'ye t00 the me/r~r e'ye t(h) c a(i)r e~(ye') s 0 p/en air e/s
the p0r-t-d0-t-h-"0"p-en-a-re-t-0r-t- with same c-ai-r-e-too-th-a-re-p0/r-t-
there isn't really a knight in shining a(r)m0re too the re p0 r/t
never was and never -t-w/-ill-t00-t-he-z-s-h0-rt-0-at-0-rt-a-re-p0-rt-
i get why you are in this p0/sit/i 0/n e, b.c. it suc-k'-s- (t-) 00 t/h' be-in-nit's-na/re-nd-i/t-i-0/n-e-ye-
i f e/e l/l i ke/pler's w/i fi t 00 th 0/d ate
w/inn sure r/an ce a.t 's t~a ke
t00 th' s t ea. d e'ye. g.(U)e s/s t~at~e c(h)0 re / r~e l/l a t e
e c(h) 0/m e w/a re c0r~elati0n/e' s hi p be f/0re ye cum t0 g ether e "w/e" -t- i/t- (a-d-e/b-t-it-)
t00 the "h"o-arse-ye-f-x-f-ace-g-i/r-"L" , i ' mean t ether eve r ye thing e'ye s ai d e ve(i)n t00 th c/u/r/L (a./d. na/ t w/h0rL d)
c0r~elati0n e t00 th en vi r/0 n(e) m/en t ' s'h'e s/ai/d e ye t a g/a~i/n
st "he" c0u(-gh-)th (-a-nd- car-e-/r-e-ye- t-he-mistake-too-t-he-marrye-d-ate-) x (in -re-t-urn-a-re-(e-)f-x-f-a/ce-)
c as h 0 're c ai r~r e'ye 0/n d~e L ay e
0(w/)n e s/t (r) ea. d. e' ye 'A' s/s t r/ai/t
w/h a w/e inn pur(e)p0's e th's (h) at/e
t00 th(e) r~e w/h ea. t e l/l e ye
t00 t(h) 0 r'e ye f/f ace 0 p/en l e ye t00 the re lay t
(u) b e/e n i ce t w/k ni f(0ra ne'ye s)e/e d (e/b) t(u)b all an(d)ce t00 th's peaK
wit(h) eac~h a s/s t c~h e/e K a/nd c heck 0/n e m~b e/e t(h) b all an(d)ce s/s e/e k 0 p/en ll e ye inn th(e) re l/l e~a. fxf 0're (e) fxf r e/e
d~ 0/m e. g.(r)a s/s ' t a.i. d. fxf 0/r tu ne. g. g/ ave t w/h e'ye t c~a.m. c ai me. g. a/i n k n~ave t with a. m.iss s take in (d) h~ a/nd g~ai ve ye ta g/ai/n e' ye t a.(i)m.e
m~b/r~a ce
t00 th(e) r~e w/h ea. t e l/l e ye
t00 t(h) 0 r'e ye f/f ace 0 p/en l e ye t00 the re lay t
(u) b e/e n i ce t w/k ni f(0ra ne'ye s)e/e d (e/b) t(u)b all an(d)ce t00 th's peaK fxf L* i/n t~h a s/s kn ea.d.'s 0 w/i.d. t~h et u (be ap)per c~e (i')ve d (e/b) t w/ a(i) t w/(h)i s/t e'ye g.g~ave t with a s/s hi t i/nn (k) n~ave t(u)b. c. a.(i)m. e
t(h)b~r a.ve inn e w/e c/ai/n su s/t ai n ab le ye A st a s/s t e ye & b re a.d. e fxf r0m 0/n e'ye t00 th i/g h e'ye.
g. gave the time writ e 'ye ?
would it help if i asked to sco/p/e w/e out if i asked you to show me your k n/ai/ve in (s) pr0 w/t
r 0 at a n0 n/ai/me
fxf un n~e'ye fxf ace
frisbee at t'h elm.
b(L)ac k's 0~0/n e
w/h 0/ne st e'ye t(u)b.(e) c. (h) 0/m e t00 t/h/e w/h 0/n e st(c) e ll e ye re p re s/en/t ce (i)ve n s 0 w/e b/b e/e s p0 k e/e n' e ye n/k/n 0 w/e & w/h e'ye (a.)t a g/a~i/n n~s (h) ave n('s~n) a~re 'ye w/(h/c)are t00 th c ai r~re'ye & y aw/e the maw/e the me/r re'ye d aw/ e/e c~(L*) aw/e~s inn k n 0 w/(h)0ve t'(w/)h ea. t 0 fxf t & d0 fxf the w/h at h~at (a) g0 t ai L 0 ft i/nn s p0 t & kn 0 t~e ff/r0m e w/an 't m0 st 0ve a. l/l 0 t c00 k 0 fxf t (a) gi f~t 0 fxf t 0 s/s 0 w/e b(r) 0ugh t
let me re member for e ye, "h" ave b e/e n("h") a.d.- all-t-he-t-i'm-e- 0/n e t 'h 0/n e st L i/n e ye in re c L i/n e
& you can only get too t his t i'm e, is you b/ring your honest n a.d. inn e'ye di' me t00 the purs(u)e
with re all re a s/s 0/n e proclaiming -im-me-mit- too the re pre sent-s-cam-
and the "op-pose-sit-s-0-w/e-g-0-d-e-" si L e/n t a "w/i-fe-e-d-en-s-e-ll-e-ye-ar-t-"
with no reason as 0/n e ye ?
f-x-f-ea-r- a- s/s- a-ye-s-(h-)0-w/e- g-0- ad- for no re all re c0 rd('s) h0 h~a s/s t he fxf a ct 0 r/r e & st0re ye perceive ye a/r 0 rt a (in are ar's e-g-0/n-e-mer-r-e-ye-0/n-e-igh-t-p-ai-n-t-c0-at-00-t-h(e-)c-ai-re-ye- your lie satisfactori-ly-e-
f-x-f-ea-r- a- s/s- a-ye-s-(h-)0-w/e- g-0- ad- for no re all re c0 rd('s) h0 h~a s/s t he fxf a ct 0 r/r e & st0re ye perceive ye a(r) 0 rt a (in are ar's e-g-0/n-e-mer-r-e-ye-0/n-e-igh-t-p-ai-n-t-c0-at-00-t-h(e-)c-ai-re-ye- your lie satisfactori-ly-e- t00 the pre sume d ad van ce
your f-am- iss-a-c- t00 the -a-g-(r-)0-0/n-e-ye-w/e- d-
a-s/s-is-t- your e-f-an-d-in -0re-dim-p-ark-
t-each-e-w/e- t00 -t-he-g-i- nn e me'y e k n ave ve(i)n if you can't be h ave t00 the re c L ai m i/t ~t a s/s an d tu s/s k ye 0 w/ n~ eve r e L a s/s t (r) i/n g. as you p-awn-ye-re-st-r/i-fe-w/-a-st-ill-d-
bu ye the w/h ey e, y-0re- th(-0-)ug-t-h-s- and f-ee-l- ing-s - ye ar t k n0 t w/0r(e) th p.r0 cLaim i/n g's 0 w/e. s0 w/~e very e thing that has a s h ea r t~h 0 e inn your s(t-)up p~i.d. a-rt-
t-w/-(h-) 0-0- d-e-ye- n-ave- s-imp-le-re-& l-ea-r-e-t00-t-he-
a-n0-n-ai-me-ye-c-an-p.-r.-0-c- Lame
& clam - e-ye-in-n-st-e/a-d-
t-w/-ill- e- w/e- t-up- a- g-ai-n- ?
with sharon e tu
your w/-(h-)e a. ll t h is a miss-e-g-&-g-ave-
(ta) c ap -t- in-t-em-p0-
t-t-e-ye- in-nate-i/0n-s-e-am-s-
t0-g-ether-e-st-a-nd-e-lig-ht-s-pi-te-ye-in-t-(s-) ai-l- w/h en re p i/n ~n e d (e/b) t00 th t ai l e.g. i'v e n(t) d's ~t all 0 ve th~e w/h e ye & w/ai/t s~ce ne me'ye 0/n t (a) c 0nt i/n u/e 0/n e b.c. i don't think you can carry e 0/n e nasty s 0/n -g- i- nn fxf r0/n (e) t0 me an s~ nee Z e ta t00 th's w/h~i'm in d~ e/e p en d/en t e ll e ye fxf r/i e nd's~ e a.m. i/n g('s) ag ai n e miss und ere st0 0d inn ea.r 0/n e t i'm e ta t00 th e.g. i've ve(i)n k ni fe, you can't represen/t it a g/a~i/n k in
without a k i/n -k- in the -n-ad- ven-tu-re- ye think ye are all th ave t 0ut
0 g e/th/er e Any e w/ h ey e , h/ ave n0 st 0 re t(u) b (eg) i/n e' ye a.r t(h) a w/h e ye t00 t(h) c are re'ye th' d ate. = P L ease do not hesitate too not r elate on my measure th em e/a. t/t e r e bu ye a ra "w/h0le-s0me-&-home-s0/n"-f-ar-t-
"2" th -d-e-fi/n-e- in-a-re-ar-s-e-g-ea-r-s-(t-)00-t-h-(e-)d-is-ap-pear-
ea-r-s-e-g-f-ea-r-s-t-e-ye-n-k-n-ave-t-a-c-l-ai-m-e-too-th-en-ai-l-e-ye- in-s-pi-te- you take a picture on -e-ye- l/l-e-pt-00-t-he-t-pre-t-en-d-as-s-(c-ape-)c0-at-ai-l-i've-t-00-t-he-g-i'v-e-inn-a-re-ye-f-x-f-e-e-d-f-x-f-i/r-(e-)s-t- 0p-en-l-ie-&-lea-g-u-(e-)ye-
"perfectly p.(-d-)c" too the be-li/e-ve-i/n-g-s-0/n- is from your k & n ave t with th a.d. dress (t) 00 th 'sum
sum e 0/n e me~
a.d. e pt (h) 0 ve~r t me'ye s~h 0/u LD e're be fxf 0're ye. g.0 t/h e're tu g~a w/e & w/h e ye tu ~de
a.d. e/b t(00) d 0 ve r~t
c~ h a n(d)n e l/l e t~c 0/ve r~t
the mer~re'ye se l/l an/d ce l/l bu ye s e/e w/h~ale .
you are on me t a ll e/n t L0 an/d t i'm e n/k/n~ave inn e me'ye net t00 th gain as/s the g ave ye the n/k/n ave ye in knit a g~race s/s (h) ave ye fxf ace t00 th be h ave n a.(i)m. e d~en ai l/l e 'ye t00 the m(e) A ke. g. re at e fxf ace 0 'le ye a.t e
e'ye a.t at he m(e)A.ke se~a.m. at/t era i/s e b e/e s (p)0 t/t i/n g i'll t00 th p.r.0 c~lame & de w/e ll as/s e ye cam?e? ff? r0m? i/n g? sur(e) prize
inn hear th an d 0 w/th 0/m e & ye t/h0~u s e/e d e'ye A st 0/a. re a s/s th fxf l e'ye l/l 0/n e ce s/s c0 pi e d 0h t ff/r0m t-r0t-e-2-com-bi/n-e- t- i'm-e-be-e-s-c0p-e-t-r-0p-e-in-vain-d-ye-t-d-ea-f-t-pr0-claim-im-e-a-round-c-him-e-in-p.-r-.-0ut-l-ye-as-s-t-c-an-se-ll-i-e-ye-0n-s-c0p-e-t-oo-t-he-c-ar-e-r-e-ye-vain- d-0h-0p-e-
t-00-t-he-w/-h0-0p-awn-are-round-e-ye-in-e-t-i'm-e- t0-x-i-c-all-a-
con-c-ave-ye-se-ye-s-e-ll-a-ll-a- b.c. your "store ye" with no rep actually re-serves- the-w/-rit-e- t 0 g e t a w/ h e y e w/h i t.
you h/ave nothing inside of you too the con t en d e w/h 0 r(L)d's p.r. 0ut e & t are w/ the n are a.d. e ye n/k/n 0 w/e ave n think t0 me an s w/h is per maw/e a.r s~e.g. s p.r. 0 w/t 0ut a w/are in k's c0 pi e'ye ff r0m in t(h) be e~ve r e La st i/n g~ Lee & Bee Le a.d. ju st b.c. e 'ye u~s e/e
& s ea. t w/h0 se a.t e ye t00 th r i've r~e p L~ai n bu ye & bi p~(L)an e
inn a re ar s ~h(e)d ar t
00 th p.r.0 c~ Lame '
fabric 8 'd t00 th e l/l 0/0 i've i/n g's h(e)d e/b t00 the de v0te i/0n e ar t (c) able ye 0/n s~an(d) s c0r(e)0/n ere s 0' le. g. g~i've i/n g t w/h0 d e v0te i/0n e w/e th b~re a.s/t b re a.d. a s/s a ye. g. 0/n e's w/h i'm ~m i'n (d)g's (c) en t b e/e n e.g. i've i/n g the me an s ai l/l 0 /n g~s up t00 th e w/h up ff 0r/m e a.d. & kn e a.d. e b t00 the pre te nd ~a.d. dress 'd e w/e t00 t he haw t (h) rue d ad 0 0 re w/e d e w/e due t w/h 0 arse (you don't k-n0-w/e-n-t-en-d-s-um-e-0-w/e-0-n-s-en-ds-t-r-e-w/e-n-due-t-w/-h0-g-t-vi-e-w/e-
(g-e-)a-r-t-h- t00-th-de-ce-i-ve- t-(u-)b-e-de-sire-make-in-deed-l-ye-a-st-re-at-e-ye-t-le-t-g-0-ad-
e/b-t-a-thinking your -e- p-(L-)ate-f-x-f-ace- in kn 0 t ex t p0 s e/e d e/b t i'm e a.t s a.(i)m. e t a ti'me ve(i)n p.r.00f t00 th(e) t 0 ss 0 dof-t-pr-ime-ad-r-e-s-s-i/ng-s-(l-)ing-s-0-w/e-g-0-ad-, 0 0re t00 th(e) t 0ss 0 w/e re all (t) augh t in th t ai l/l i/n g's (h) 0 w/e t(h) i'm e & hym en ye s e/e k 's u/b L i'm(p i'm p ar t)e ye ven ing ('s) t 00 t/h/e n~d's
which pre ten se de w/e pre fxf er e t00 th(e) b(L)en d syn/th e re verse inn c~a p~i/t a l/l e a.v en t p.r.00f a s/s t (d'is) c0(u)r(s)e t'h's tet 00 the n~th in c ap i/t a l/l s h(e)d b(L)e nd e w/e ft & f ace ye w/(h)in d 'sh(e)d g/ave ye
in p.r. i.'d.e~s w/he y e
ff/r0m in (t')s i.'d.e live r t i'm e
fxf 0r/t m eye 0 w/'n' pre t/en se t00 the set 'h' t i'm e t00 th ave ye / i. ' d.~e s (h) 0~e. g. 0~
n kn0w/ t(h)ru~e c(h)0 st
be d en d 0 w/e g0
problem, you can't stand's t ill t00 the me nd
your -e-ad-ea-f-0r-t-
& h-ave- your cur-rent-ce- ye- as the means too the nd
0 w/are ? c0m p/en se ye ar t h~ a~w/e t/h 0r(e) n's pea k in t i'm e a.d. re s/s th~e n (k) n ave i/n e me a.d. e c K ne a.d. b re a.d. 0/0 p~ en l/l e ye fxf a(i)r e l/l e ye t00 th~e (p.)r.0s e/e d t0 g e/th/er e c~e(i)ve i/n g l/l (i) e/e (b) c ~h/en s en t a w/a.re me an s inn s c0p(i)e d e'ye t(y) 0 r/e st (L) 0p (e) d a s/s p/b f/0 re ye
t(h) a l/l 0 w/e in c~0 re p 0 re ye
it is funny all these (o)ptions of j ump suits eg 0 de sig n e're t00 the b/ran/d i/n g's e/e n 0 fxf th's ai m~e value t00 the pre t en d th(e) d ay ea. r t(h) sig and sign a t0 r/r e ye s p(L)en d 0 pen n e'ye s (t) 00 t/h/e sk~e (y?)e re p (L) ea t, the op t i0n/s nit 0re s(n)ea t
0 p/en ly e
t00 the re st0re in a.m.(e) 0.'re ... in g/ave ... inn s(h) 0 w/e re
like the l-as-t-0/n-e-t00-t-he-t-re-e-st-0-re-ye-re-m-0-re-t-a-g-i'v-e-t-a-g-0-at-0r-t-