b/ran/d e.lig ht a re st 0~(a)re t0 g e/th/er e
te ll as saye se ll e'ye t(h) a w/h~e'ye t c 0/n e & b. c.0/m e t/d aye.g. getting c l0se r~ a/n s 0/m c l0's~e r a.m. t0 me an s~yn/the thy/me tu be a.m.~s e/e k e.g.(L)0ve (n)t f0r/m/e a.d.'~st ew/e in n~e w/e d/ai/l~e'ye t00 th ea t a w/are t0 m(e)A.ke the me an s~e/e (k)n e/e d's a w/h ea. r/e in si.' d.e' s~0 w/e a.r 's e.g. b~ri.' d.e l/l ta l/l as~s 0 (we) D 0/e~st b.c. 0m e've(i)n k' s~tet' s0/n d0 fxf t0 me all' s h0 e
w/ h 0'le ye t00 t(h) 0're c0m f0r t a/b le ye re st 0're
you c/an have all me 0n'e ye wan't a/nd e/b tu ne/e/d le ye a st as~s l0 t
w/ h 0'le ye t00 t(h) 0're c0m f0r t a/b le ye re st 0're
you c/an have all me 0n'e ye wan't a/nd e/b tu ne/e/d le ye a st as~s l0 t t0 me a.n ~s w/(h)ea.r i/n~g's 0 p/en (ai) ll ea. d.
ps sp what is penal, but pen-ai-l-t-(e-)ye-t00-t-he-per-si-eve-
too the l-aw-ye-r-e- a. c(h-)om-(e-)mode-ye-t-ye-t00-t-he-re-t-ea-r-n-k-n-0w/-e-b-ough-t-l0v-ai-n-ai-l(e)ye w/ no home and no street t0 w/n e s peak
le gal s(ee)y/e s(ea.)t em
de scribe i/n g the punishment of the of-x-f-e-nd-e-re-s-(t-)00-t/h em, in their name, of the "g0/d" e/b t-heye speak of too the "free" me-me-
& e-re-mem-b-e-re-s(h-)ip-ee-ven-(t)-d's-en-d's-
as (your) it is, it is a -d-raw/-e-ft-f-ree-f-0re-a-w/-l-
bu ye the way -t- he reef is dying and so is the core all in th' 0 shun e cess ar(e-)ye-c/r-(e-)ye-i/n-g- (t-)
ps you too-t-x-tu-t- are just passing your ha bi-t- of lieing
and it is skin off of my nose actually
i did some mild grocery shopping in preparation for the week. still on my bagel jag, sow/e too th' s peak front all(e)y e. during check out i noticed a sign stating all the ways you can pay: debit credit pac ebt cash samsung pay apple pay android pay, and i thought about 'e vein p(L)ay e' : what do ew/e think t00 th' s ink
i found a pat(c)h. i have 1 old prescription contact and a pair of dirty ones, which i did not throw away, when i got the new prescription. and they are perfect for seeing in front of me face.
a patch for now too the p(L)0w/, and perhaps call the eye doctor on monday, to see if i can get my old prescription additionally (contact prescriptions need to be renewed each year, to purchase contacts for the prescription). which eliminates the need to figure how to where glasses, which buys me time to not figure out how to get my nose over the break out with acetone.
a long list of things that t-rig-g-ere- the in fl-i-ct i/on-e/w-e-
ironically now that i have my vision figured out comfortably to be in front of the screen, i want to take a nap actually …
g0 t/t en ea t en
i think i need to restart my netflix and watch some jaques tati films, are you familiar?
ar e w/e in cry sis f0rm e ally e
t0 Ld e/b t0 you
are ye lig' me
d-en-t-all(e-)ye-(s-)w/-e-pt-w/-sel-l-f-x-f-reel-(e-)ye- t00-th-un-d-e-re-st-a-nd-
it's a (w/-)a short leas-h- eye un de re st a nd
the "noblest" city burned 0f-t- (j0an 0f ar -c-)it~citizen too th-ye-ar-n-it -a-w/ar-e-in-another mistak/e vain
ab -h- 0re -d-
s-0-we-ye-t- h- ink- on pre miss (t-)ink-
speaking a b("0")ut, but t0n k n0 t 0/0 & t(h)rue st ew/e
she can't be seen on her own mew/e, s that is what the scene act-u-all-eye- despise syn-t-he-t-i'm-e-all-i'v-e-
"men" thuss a w/ar-e-, are generous in forge-giving-a-war-e- & are insulted if they see you disgruntled on their e f ai re, t-h-eye- didn't provide you too t ar(r)e ye 0/n t/0d aye, actually e vein s 0 w/e g0 : it never hap pen d's 0 w/e
p(L)ay e ve(i)n e'ye
t r~an s par e/n t b(e.g.)i n(n)
e ye' g0 t p.r.00f i/n th b ag alt hew/ aye too t(h) a nd
m(e)ye min0 re/e fi/n (e)d
di = d e'ye in
w/i~n e* w/i th0u t
e w/e 'ye
e w/(h)e'ye t00 le pt p.r.0(u)d i.d.
e w/e 'ye
e w/(h)e'ye t0'0 le pt p.r.0(u)d i./d.e L aye t00 th 0 k eye p i/n g
e m. 0./t i/0n e' all(e)ye t00 the re p0 s i'n g
the r0d e, is the p.r. 0(uter diameter e X p0' se(e) d) 0h 2 h0
d 0h 2 h0 d/g 0/d e l(l) ta t0(w/)e
must you always gain wise d/0 m/e f-rom-ad-verse-c-i-t-(e-)ye-
t0 me it is like glorifying ye law-st-ye-w/-h-ey-e-t-
all the t i'm e ye ta ke ye w/h-at-e-
your 'h' hat "ate" bu-y/e-i/ght-
t rue numbers have been abducte-d- e- w/-e-'d-irectionall-e-f(-ai-)t-
a-nd-e-w/-e-d- intentionally-e-t-em-pt-he-f-a/ct-h-at-e- "0 p/en l(0ve)l(ie)ye t00 th-d-ate- f-ace- t00-t-h- f-ace- t-he-m(e-)a-k/e-
(ye di.d. not make and can always re-p-(L-)a-ce-)
which is to say your image for no reason is war (-e-) f-a(-i-)r-e- sent-h-e're- & t-h-ei-r-e-p.r.e-s-en-t-(e-)ye- be-f-0're- you actually get h ere
f a(i)re a.nd' s q/u are t00 th b(e.g.)i~n/n
your sup port ing r0l(l-)e. g.0?
c-ai-n ' t c0mp(L)eat 0 p/en L (e) ye
c-ai-n- is his b-rot-her'-s(e-a-)k-eye-p-er-e-
keeping the scene for -ce- the st-ag-e- too th care ye 0n e independently apparently b-s-p0-k-en-t-all-a-t-he-w/-h-e'ye-t-
"2" x "too" for-ce- is to pretend virtue to/o care in the b(e.g.)i/n e.g. a w/are
"2" x "too" for-ce- is to pretend virtue to/o care in the b(e.g.)i/n e.g. a w/a~re ve(i)n d's
"2" x "too" for-ce- is to pretend virtue to/o care in the b(e.g.)i/n e.g. a w/a~re ve(i)n (t) d's en d's
"2" x "too" for-ce- is to pretend virtue to/o care in the b(e.g.)i/n e.g. a w/a~re ve(i)n (t) d's en d's 0 p/en l(e)y' a w/a~re u s/e e/d
"2" x "too" for-ce- is to pretend virtue to/o care in the b(e.g.)i/n e.g. a w/a~re ve(i)n (t) d's en d's 0 p/en l(e)y' a w/a~re u s/e e/d 0 w/a~re
L/au/nd~r(e)ye t00 t(h) 0 w/'h' ea t a(i)r e t 'h' ei 'r' t00 th fxf ace t0 m(e)a. k~e ye p f0r/m/e a.d. : w/'h'0n~e ye w/i~n/e
i was going to say i think you have g app ea l, however you seem mesmerized with bein g ri(-n-)ch for no reason -2- ste-all-
is sharon meaking popcorn on her b-rake-
y-ea-h t-hat- is what i thought: she lo!ok's pleasant enough t0 ad dress up
in ad vance that no-one- pays much attenti0n e-0n-e- g-ill-t-eye- as th-ag-r0-w/e-'d-ay-e-g-gain-
does it serve your e p/up
in the schools and suc-h-
just curious about your vert-i-c-all (-ea-) vain-s-
are you working on extending your e we ll c/0 me i/n g
limite D, not limite-d-
l/i ability in core pore ate d
L(ove) ye
L(0v e)i
L/i = 0n'e ye 0 ver t i'm e
the s' ap p L(e)ye
verse-sus- lie-ability-e-ye-t00-th-e-re-fi/n-e-di-me-an-d-min-e-t-i'm-e-
this might be interesting, among the daily notes i supply with grease and dirt and smudges in my c/overe alls, which i haven't gotten t00 x 2 re p0 se(e/d) 0h t h0 (u/s) e's ac c0 rd i/n g l(e)y(e)
well, any e way e, one of my jobs have been to hone, with grease ye motor oil and a mandrel, and testing the dura matter / hardness of metal heated to harden, in the spec room. the device to measure hardness, has a dial to measure in 10 thou sand th' s, you put the piece on a little plate form, turn the wheel to bring it up to the indicator attached to the measurement dial, and bring the measurement hand to zero.
sam said when you get it to zero, you do not back out of it. i am not to turn the dial back to less than zero. if i over shoot zero, there is a little pin i can move to register the measurement on zero, but i don't turn the wheel and the piece back as if to re register the dial.
the dial sets to zero, if you over shoot it you can fiddle with a spindle, but you do not turn the dial measurement back.
then you take pressure off the piece with a handle, and then flip the handle back on the piece and you can read the hardness hopefully to spec.
i thought it was interesting you dial to zero and you don't effectively turn the wheel to ole look b-ac-k-
& ste-all-
kind of lie k, sel the l you haven't made for-e-w/ar-d-
and if you sel l, if you look back to sel, per h/apse your salt does not f(L)ave 0re t00 th te LL the ye w/e ' ll
con t/a i'n ere ce ll a nd well in (d) 0ve
t/h 0d 0w/e bu/i/ld (ad) e/p t/h 0 d serve
h 0d =a builders V shaped open trough on a p0le used for carrying building m/ate/r i alls 0w/e, th' c0 all s- cut ? t/le ye n(d) 0w/e
mater = mother e
sharone c-ai-n t get h ere in qui-e-t- re-serve-
i'm (h) ea.r e bu ye t me'ye w/h0ne w/(h)it's e/a. s/s 0 w/e th 0ugh t fu ll e'ye t00 th ue s/s it u & s0 0(w/)h 0 pen t0 y0ure c (h) all en ge y'e.g.gif t ye n kn i f(t) e ' ye t0 me an s 0 pen le (ye) a. r ea. c~h 0 w/e 'd 0/u(be)T L 0/u D
unless "we-d-" m-ai-d-it-up-
b-ore- a h-ole- in ye, t-ill (e-)ye- are ju-st- a-h0le-
without w/(h)0 0'le
the "whites" would have to make the blacks b-lack and carry t-heir sugar can-e-t-hat- e'ye fxf t(h)c an e c/ai/n tp L en t (e)ye w/e ll ' s p/en t(e)ye in f/a ct /me t e/'ye x tree m e/ta
me te ye w/ th' b rig ht rig ht b 0ugh t/h eave n/s (h) 0 w/e in e w/h0 0'le 'ye t(c)h arm s/t e t/h~e man i f0/LD ea r (t 00) t/h ear th and e c(h) 0/m e all a r/0 un/d
the man/i/fold injected i/n e in e c/c h arm s
the man/i/f00led, injected -i-n his -t-(c-ar-r'ye-t-)h-arm-(ye-)s-
0 rig i/n : mani g(ht)f e/a. ld ang' sig n ea. r'ye
x tr ea. m e/ta in p(L)a ce
re reading, the "whites" wound would not h-ave-t0 make the blacks b-lack on t-heir-e-ac(h-)count-as-sa-fe-at-f-a-ct-
sometimes i keep the dialog i think inside me proverbiall ea d as he(d)
bet t are:
sometimes i keep the dialog i think inside me proverbiall ea d as h(ed) d-0-all-e/n-d-
i just pretend to read with your sp 0ut in ste ad, that is how i get the re reading effective nd
i just pretend to read with your e sp 0ut in ste ad, that is how i get the re reading effective nd
e'ye wood say'd i am the biggest providere 0/ft you(r) th t00 the s0(w/)n e w/e day
e'ye wood say'd i am the biggest providere 0/ft you(re) y0u th (e'ye w/) t00 the s0(w/)n e w/e da(ye)t~e
you don't care about your e you th at a way e t00 th' 0 w/e'd ate
no-w/-on-d-ere-the-"friendly" e-f-x-f-a/ce-
what be lies be lie f?
e fxf e ct i've t a.d. d/r 'e~s/s' ~ 0w/e b/b fi/t~t i/n g f 0re Less ? f/0re the l0ve (l)ess t00 the re st 0're ? f0r/t/h/ e l(l)0ve L(L) 'e~s/s' 0/n a.(i)m. 0(0)r~e
you were feeling earlier : its the w/(h)eigh t 0f the w/0r(L)D : w/'h' 0/r (L)D ew/e ' s pea k: its the weight of the wor(l)d actually e d a/ct~y l~ly e t i'l(l)e ye t00 th l(e)ye s mile d0n't yew/ k n0.w/e
that' s-0d-
"kind and charitable acts offered with a second chance of failure" do speak t0 me actually e
that was sharones reasoning on your-t-oo -th - she is pre-sum-e-i/n-g- ? u speak together in approving ?
when i machine parts on a bridgemill, the first tool i use after loading a part into the vice, to hold the piece tig ht, is a (h)edge finder. i measure 2 sides, to determine the x and y, to go in and out, and back and forth. the z on a bridgemill is up and down, supplied by the lever too th' drill.
or you can manually raise the table.
the x,y,& z, changes on a lathe, and a cnc. think in terms of the bridgemill turned on its side, and the x,y,z follow it in time.
t-icks are out, one on my hair line today, wondered did it fall on me under a sparse branched tree, or did it have the luxury to climb all the way up me, and infiltrate, where i casually place a finger to scratch in a curl behind my ear. i am a little wigged out as i do enjoy the outdoor work in the earth, however i hear ly-me-di's-ease- is a really sucky thing. talking with coworkers, it is my understanding ticks will be fierce this year, and i was disappointed to find them on the isle pavilion, the circle of land divided by an ass fall t drive way. you would think the ticks would get hungry waiting for someone or something to latch on tu bein
every day produces notes and tilling the land and pulling on weeds and raking and transporting sticks to the burn pile and getting blisters, and tight haunches i feel on the drive home, produces a stream of thought that is a veritable conversation... i dwell and mull on some of it, and some i put down. my coworkers probably wonder about my note taking. other people check phones and texts, i smudge a spiral thought in the note paper of the day, reached from the copier throw away pile too the b(eg)in e in m(e)ye's h(e)d. en sell e'ye re a.d.
trader joes policy: do the impossible as said, t-o/d-ate- among-u-st- and then we will penalize you o pen ly e ff 0rt e not relating as-s-one- too-t/h-e-re-p-a/s-t-e-t/h-c-a-rt-bu-i-ld-0h-t'-(h)0-e-
we-(w/-i-)ll-u-sh-er-e-ye out u be re place d bu-ye-too-x-2- e-vain-s-ow/-e-a-k-en-d's-p.r.-0ut-a-gain-
nd won't speak of the sustainability taken from vi ew/e, as you didn't provide a f-r/i-en-d-e/b-tu-
bein-g-ill-t-(e-)ye- 0/n e m(e)ye
bein-g-ill-t-(e-)ye-t0-g-e-t/h-e-re- 0/n e m(e)ye sustainability in t-h-ei-r-e-si.-d.e-
actual lie t eaches t00 the n0.t a s pea k
f0r/m/e a.ll (e)ye
t00 th c(h)all en(the)ge a.r e ve(i)n
interesting about moving (c)leaves from the ground. the process, is to re move the (c)leaves, to see what i am working with: weeds with thorns, sumac sprouts, trees with limbs that will poke your eye out, dead grass, howevere all the pulling yields good earth in showing turf(f)
t0 me all s~0w/e t/h 0(u/s) e
c/ai/n in m(e)ye t i'm e ff r a.(i)m. e an d' see c/a/in e' all' s 0w/e in c/0re p/0re ate d fxf ree d 0/m e t00 th' s ('h')0w/e d' s(h)0 w/(h)e n 0 g/g i/n(n) ca.m. e a.d. e/p t00 t(h)re a.d. c0mp(L)eat carr(e)ye in ste(ye)ad. cape & cap(t)able pt bu ye t all a be l~l e(ye)a. d. e/p t00 the mis~s t/a/k~e
c-ape-t-maid-c-ai-n-de-s-ire, n eve r (e) capable t00 th t ap t able
tap = too thread , in machine terms, where the machine doesn't care about what it lends, you have to be the brain in the matter you want to o'le nd (&) b/e n/d bu ye t de 's i/r~e in/n 0ve
re s0le u/t i/0n e at h' s a.m.e t i'm e
the (w/) h 0'le n d's ta t & t ap t0 g ether e f0r the s/c r ew/e t00 the w0rk in gi've in g/u i.'d.e~s w/an ' t u g/g lye duck (L)ing
tu be/e ' s h0/r e
in/n a.(i)m.(e/m)0.~re
t0 g e/th/er e
obviously i am not lu-st-i-/n-g-
look to y-or-t-rig-ht-her-e-
does sharon honestly or honest lie get tired of your incapacity to be a. w/are beyond your f(-r-one-)t
seen capably (w/ i thou t me)
ju st as 'k' i/n g a w/a~re
while you sit on your b-ump-o-fa-la-la-l0-g-too-fa-the-r-
e xi (s) t
e ll e(a)ve n ~t/h ea.v/en
if you belie ve in your e ar ti fi ce tu & t00 th inn meye artifice ye t a'll s 0w/e
t/h em (e)a. k~e
too the hem m(e)ake = meak e ve(i)n an ew/e. g.g a.(i)m. e
with a (ll) fxf all t
l in e t0 me an s w/(h)ea.r ing 0 p/en l(e)ye
that is the p-rob-(l-)e-m- with your mar-r/i-age-
you didn't get into (w/-) it 0 pen eye d e/b t 00 th b ein g
w/h e'ye 0n e me/w/e
pt c(i)t(e'ye) t00 th
e xi (s)t r 'ew/e' n
t r0~0 t/h
eave n
d ate
b/bu ye ll e(a)ven a. m.(e)a. k~e
if you can lie on the huss, why cannot you lie on e me 0ne ye t rue st 00 th b utter ye b/bu t
why are you sustaining your lie on the huss as meye mu st 0re bu st
you thin k you de serve a more than you t rue st
it "sound's" like a fall-t-l-in-e- of pro-vi-sion-
but n0t t0 me in meye re all e t i'm (e) use e, 0n th' d 0/t line 0 p/en l(e) ye as t le a.d. u/s t r~ew/(h)e n t /ai/L i/n g's
i know you have to set yourself a par t, and eye can honor that s/c0re
score, btw, is not just a sport term, it is a music term, and to score pay per 0'p l en t (e)ye t ear the meant (e)ye
just checking in, your off.
i don't know what to say about your communal narcissim. sharone can't get your sac across. in t-i'm-e-
not even on my di me, no matter what you make "up" in your he ad.
your your th is de-ed- & debt too the -ad-oor-e-ye-r-en-d-
why do you make shit up on me with your f-eel-i/n-g's- without actually re lay t i'n g. you are a typical coup-le- that can't feel grace unless you make someone else "pay" f-o're-ye- too-x-2-sus-ta-in- (a gain st actually bein g' scene for-s-a.m.-e-
just saying …
per h apse it is time to understand shar-one-s-cop-e-
is n't worth procla(-i-)ming
but you already know that
as she has put your re p as t, for her no reason, on my p(L)ate going foreward in every s-ea-s-on-e-
you are her reward -in-k-eye-p-i/n-g-
she can feign all she wants she is against war, but the fact of the mat(t)er is she doesn't care to see the follow thru t0 with a ware, in you. and she can't give you that 2 x too, on her s-hoe-
when you have an opportunity, and you force-ache-it- 2 - x- to-g0 for-war-d-
you are ignorant in your h-a-nd-of-t-
you are deceitful in caring to care, as you say and present yourself as th f a(i)~r e
you "creating" -a- war, and with the vert-hue of your apparent economy ( for no reason to actually be f air e too th are), you are having some one else artificially pay f-or-t-u- too carry the i-(de-)a- t- able-ye-w/-e-
i don't get the notion of re-kin-d-l-in-g- of what you t-ink you had it t- anks-(t-)oo-t-h-e-g-ave -
you "creating" -a- war, and with the vert-hue of your apparent economy ( for no reason to actually be f air e too th a(i)re ve n),
i don't get the notion of re-kin-d-l-in-g- of what you t-ink you had in t- anks-(t-)oo-t-h-e-g-ave - t00 th any e one a. round ew/e ft, & not me 2 x tu b p u t(h)rue
just saying, your h-a-nd-of-t- t0 me an s w/ear is e different qualit(e)ye t(h) ere
rich had not right to ask for shareone's ore anyone's h an d.
on your f am ill e'ye -p-lan-ad-ju-st-f-(r-)am-e-ye-g-ave- for-ce-ing-a(-i-)m-e-
your -e- motion-s- be -t- ween- e-ye-
are but -a-g-a(-i-)m-e-
hopefully your kids can see the vert hue you act-u-ally-e- sent to the g(-r-)ave- , s-pan-n-ing-t-im-e-an-s-
you don't care about their virtue, as they have no place to o land if they exercise it in vein.
obviously, it is time for you to have another par-t-eye-, and plan your ne-x-t- vacate-i/on-e-
you live as the too-l-ove-d-ove-t-ai-l's-on-
people do not want to see your virtuous shit for no reason e tu b per fe ct i/on 0 p/en l(e) ye.
your games have a predilection to re-sto/re -h-ate-
and make some one else pay wit h ei r e fxf ace (to never make sustainable grace, as you for no reason have set the going -rate- and t/r-ai-t- tie-d-e/b-tu-th-e-con-o-m(e-)ye-d-ate-
stinting is what you honestly have to give th 0 day
(you are not giving the building materials, you are giving no place to put them)
when you do "give" a "place" to put them, it is for reel.
s-o-thers-c/an-s/te-all- ea-ven-t-ill-
when you do "give" a "place" to put them, it is for reel- a-nd-
"protection" too-th-ste-all-e-g- t-ai-l-e-ye-on-e-w/-e-&-w/-ill-
an -e- x -am- p- le-in- re-f-le-ct-i/on-e-all-
sharon, your protection is vain-it is for the vain, you prettyness-hat-a n/na-i-me- quall- too-th-ore- vain-
w/(h)at c/h your b/as s (k)
i as k m(e)ye sel l fxf, and get a bet ta(i)re answ/(h)ear e f0r a reason actually e in k eye p i/n g~ fundamentally e
i would ask you do the same vein. if you can with your na(i)me.
other wise, don't set people a place to see up, when you have no provision e in c/up and don't use other people to think you are suc h t0 give th s up, and don't pan people out as your family plan has no s love to give in n0ve
weakness with chicness is all you h-ave-t0-g-et-g-ave-
endles-sly stinting, without re all representation e ve(i)n
k e vein c/an e 0n e c0mma nd verse-sus-on-e-comma-t-oe-s-f-am-ill-eye-p-lan-e-
to put value out you don't actually e represent the i.d. too th o.d. 0 w/(h)t -and- charge others a t-ax- to carr(e-)ye- your-e-d-e/b-t- with-at-e-
economically, socially, sustainably too-t-he-m-ate-w/-id-th-
vinyl eyes : vi nil lies
economically, socially, sustainably too-t-he-m-ate-w/-id-t/h-at-e-
at least i am sell fxf representing among your actuall -ate-ye-w/-h-at-e-b/be-l-aye-b-ore-
your prettiness does me no f(L)ave 0re
ps sharon it is not a faltering of the w/-ill-
the other day i said, relatively, writing you see, it "sounds" like rich wanting a 2 way t rue st, he didn't pay for e s h0 re pers0n e'a. ll (e) ye, sounded like vain imaginings, however, are you saying you are the zer0
nice, i g(e)t it.
i can p(L)ay e 0n/e t 'h' at in re c~0ve r(e)ye
e'ye w/0 u/LD be' ye re de~e/m er e t0 me an s w/(h)ea.r i/n g's~
we need to talk about the p0 w/(h)ere on my time lline being the p0 w/(h)ere in re ce(i)ve i/n g
this b-ugs- you
this b-ugs- u/e- ? :)
who is going to speak for you, if you are going to p(L)aye the zer0 in your o(w/-)ne times-x-2-
and if you are zero and di vi. d.e into me, and i become a zer0 t(h)rue, w/h0 w/i'll e'ye t a ll k 2
like your pre-t-en-d-ta-d-u/e-
are you going to be the 'g' h0 st w/i t/he m0 st e t/h ere i/n g's~
are you going to be the 'g' h0 st w/i t/he m0 st e t/h ere i/n g's~ a.d. i/t i/0n ....e' all....ye.......... w/-ai-t-i/n-g- f-ore- in-fi/n-i/t-(e-)ye-be-l-i/n-(e-)d-e/b-t-w/-(h-)ea.-r-ye-s-leep-f-a(-i-) r-e- t00-t-he-i/r- imaginative t00 th -e- n-are- b-a-a-a-a-ah-a-w/-ar-e-
for the time b ein g, you are m(e)ye zer~0 d/e
you don't be lea. f i/ t
are you saying i am the f-ai-l-e-d- attempt at mastery, or your sel-l -f-x-f-
i may be the f ai l e d at: t/em/pt at m(e) a~s t er(e)ye
false-l-ly-e- in your clim(b)-a(-i-)t-e
clim-ate-&- b-ai-t-e- com-for-t-able-"a.d." "0"/n e me ye t00 th see, and then tel-l- me, i am not with re as s0n, ye r-0d-in-n-0/n-e-
can't get a message thru, i think face book is taking a s*it.
and leT s Kn0 t forge t, being single is seen as a sin in your vernacular of spectracolor vision to include every one even, that is mar-r-/i-e-d- e/b - too-t-he-re/sponsible-b-ill-eye-lie-t-ea.-c-h- one-l-ye- a gratitude in being vain-n-a-gain-st-b-r-ai-n-de-ad-e-pt-oo-t-(h-)c-a(-i-)m - e- tanks-a-nd-e-w/-y-anks-a-gain-
clim-ate-&- b-ai-t-e- com-for-t-able-"a.d." "0"/n e me ye t00 th see, and then tel-l- me, i am not with re as s0n, ye r-0d-in-n-0/n-e-in-st-e-ad- e/b-too-fine-t-ea-t-
ps. women on your come-p(e)t-i've-t-f-r/one-t-, are a false sell too the "make-d-up-e-pup", and a false sell front-a-s-s-w/e (are he)ll -0(0)p-in-t-r/u-(e-)st- ye didn't come as 0/n e, and ye never came with another 0/n e t00 th r~0(w/)ne
clim-ate-&- b-ai-t-e- com-for-t-able-"a.d." "0"/n e me ye t00 th see, and then tel-l- me, i am not with re as s0n, ye r-0d-in-n-0/n-e- a/ct u all(e)ye ve(i)n/n youre s leep, and 0 with your e m0ti0n s // that have never super see d e w/h de live r(e)ye
i wore long sleeves and sunscreen to pull weeds and got a small sunburn at the top of the neck line, the next day i did the lightest little spot welding on a knob that popped out of its socket (to hold the lamp on the bridgeport machine) and walked away with flared red skin, and the shadow of the shard of a heart where my necklace had been.
i wore the face shield to weld, forgot about the other exposed skin.
i am entering the chia pet faze of my hair growth, and a dj in the building, made me feel like i had a place with my signature style all over the place, that i reminded him of 80's music artists, and gave me a list of them, and i thanked him for letting me know i had a place with my style too th d ate.
sharon thinks i have an infatuation with the s-h-allow-
just sayin, i don't have a twitter -e-p-age- that defaces on comma-nd- "&" to the exclusion of any further e ga~in/n a nd
for all that you fee-l
i will not represent you well an d well
i am doing something else with my day off
you realize sharon, you can only feel as vain as the language you comma-nd- e/b-too-th-s't-a-nd-
and if you feel you have an embarg0 of nothing to do (with no reason e tu), i would check your signature com-p-laining n-ew/e-s-noose-
i didn't (u) put your s-hackles- on -e- ye-w/-
the only reason you sup po rt rich is b.c. you can apparently ride on his co/at ai l's (with no reason in knit)
(with no reason e in knit 0(w/)e)
i get the "tradition" of your relationship is erose, for no reason 2 x too, and you "get o g ether" when you compete as a te-am on other people t-(h-)rue-
i get tired of your f-ad-, with reference too-th-ad-f-ad-e-ye-w/-
going for-e-w/ar-d-in-you-r-e-per-pet-u-all-p0-0p-in-e-motions-(t-)oo-t-h- un f0 ld your diminishing value redistributed as st r/ ew/e-n-
so why don't you do what you wan t?
b.c. you cannot do what you w/an ' t actually e w/i th0u t me.
additionally, rich doesn't choose to speak on you sharon "b.c." what you give as too-t-h'e-ye- ta-ke- "2"
your water sunk his st-one- w/ hat eve r
you can't get off your t-r/0p-e-d-0p-e-vain in your -e- motion-all-e-pt-s-cop-e-
you have no judgement to earn as your sel l t00 th (e) re t ea. r/n 'a' ll
going for-e-w/ar-d-in-you-r-e-per-pet-u-all-p0-0p-in-e-motions-(t-)oo-t-h- un f0 ld your diminishing value redistributed as st r/ ew/e-n-de-vote-i-on-
you h-ave an -e'ye- for -a/b-u-s/e-e-motion-e-all-t00-t-
ab ; away, able bodied seaman, abdominal muscles, antibody, type of blood, 11 month of jewish calendar, airman basic, alberta canada
your "practicall" matters is you think you mat(t-)e-re-
your not inn as-sup-
sharon in all her c-lo-ye-d- aff-t- a-qu-ai-ntance "only" r i.d. e-s -he-r-0d-
and basis her personal judgement on the fa-ct- you can't attack the "c"0/n-e-
so rich, i get why you industriously do nothing to st-r-ing- sharon-e-on-e-
b-sides the fa-ct-it-is-t-ire-s-um-e-on-e-
and she has put the same stipulations on me, from your w/-(h-)ell of in-fan-t-see-me-
not a problem, u see
not a problem, u se a.t f0r/m/e a.d.
i imagine her "self rig-ht-eousness" gets really b-ore-in-g-on-e-comma-nd-
i mean she (re-)places vain it e'ye, as if (t)she c/an d
i question w/-het-her-e-, this was her plan alla on/g, ore if she developed it as say e'ye s/c an
i see her as being along for the ride. and she might find her way to grace by encountering 2 sides too the ff ace t0 m(e) a. 'k'/e
i question w/-het-her-e-, this was her plan alla on/g, ore if she developed it as say e'ye s/c an d/0 n/e x p0 se d
for/m/e ye think it was competition based f-rom-t-he-a-rt-m(e-)a-k-/e- c0-n(e-)f0r-m-e-ad-
with a reluctant amount of/f (w/h)0ne'ye
t0 me a.r/e a.r t(h)
ea.r t (h's) pre(e) serve d
ate ab/le t00 th' 0 serve
i see her as being along for the ride. and she might find her way to grace by encountering 2 sides too the ff ace t0 m(e) a. 'k'/e in d
i see her as being along for the ride. and she might find her way to grace by encountering 2 sides too the ff ace t0 m(e) a. 'k'/e in d' sublime
c-r-ew/-e-ll- (w/-)h-a- ct-s
i am not rig ht ing to you "b.c." of sharone's t-at-tit-u-de-
just so you know, this day is a b-l-o-w/-e-
she is still h-acting as st-one-
making money seems the only way tu be relevant, but it is k n0 t rue ve(i)n 2, it is t/r-y-st-rue-, and ye ar t making the "me-on'e-ye" too-th-f-e-w/-e- (independent w/(h)i th0u t re all a/nd relevance t me~w/e
& t00 x 2 me an s t (r)ew/e a.nd' st(r)ew/(h)e n t(h)rue
is sharon 2, or 2 de-c/i-eve-t-me-ye-t-(e-)ye-w/-e-
w/h at is y0u/r e p0 in t
double g's~
i have been working on the isle pavilion, min0 got a tick, put it in the toilet at home, and the darn thing crawled out! totally flushed him with my eye ff lu en c'ye t.
p0 w/(h) ere keg el's: i was cutting ball roots out of trunk stumps, and trees i could push over. to accomplish the mighty gash on a thick tree root, i positioned the limb cutters between my two legs and squeezed them together. while doing this the thought occurred to me 'power kegels'. i thought it was funny.
sam at work i my teacher now, and he teaches me the ins and outs every step of the way. for instance, to machine a part, sometimes you have to machine a part to hold the part. we fix things on the mill when he notices they are not right. this may add a half an hour to an hour to the job, however i am training, and it is all training in process: i am learning the ins and outs of machines and how to fix them to me'ye ne/e d's~e/e d's
he said a funny thing to me, it was about d-ave, the guy that has a lot of arm-ye- affiliations- e-t-c-. *which makes me think of something else...
sam said to me about dave, he said to basically take an advice / direction he may have for me, with a grain of saw-lt-. this came about i understand, limited per se, that dave was telling another guy that had been doing this repeat job with 100 + under his belt, that he was doing it all wrong. sam gave me a couple of examples of people that trump up all the ways to do things, and sam said it is SO obvious they do not know what they are talking about and if it had been him that was offered advice on how to do that job he would have said 'show me.' rather than let some one b-lather-on e in/n.
* something else: i read an article, pretty sure it was on hyperallergic, it was about a study which i think is in a museum as an art show. basically a person asked people to sketch a bike from memory. a lot of people. and what the person found is women most times 'misrepresent' the understanding of the chain bu ye having it link to the front wheel, or the front and the back, and men most often 'misrepresent' the frame and what they do if they forge t, sir cum spec t -e-ye-l-l-ye- is they embellish the frame.
the other idea that came from this is that people do not really have the knowledge at there disposal that they see(d). i mean, people think they have the knowledge of all that they see, however the artist, person that elicited the drawings for a show, was conveying, all 0/t falls thru the gap(e in)g- scene for "ju-st-"b-ein-g-
there is a g-u-ye - at work that i had so much animosity for, i thought it may make me physically sick. he is a stupid -e/b-t-as-s-aye-in-g- 0n me, as with every body at work.
he is a young m-ill-en-i-(a-)l- st-one-r-. he has every excuse in the book not to work, sick often, vehicle gets sick, often, fakes an injury to go to get workman's comp, gets a paid vacation, then comes back to work, stating to me, he thinks he may have "permanent nerve damage."
on the day he came back into the work area (he was on limited time in the administration offices, and i played a game with myself, to guess where j0-el- is by the smell. i can smell him a room and hall way away, accurately. ie i have so far, one the game).
he fell on his el-b-ow/-e- at work, doing something absurd, milked that for all its worth. he is a bad investment, and this guy, sees no harm i/n-i/t-
the thing that gave me such a feeling of animosity is his is fretting his future t-oo-t-he, on my future act u all(e)ye.
sam fell down stairs at home, when he had the flue, and hit his head against a steel door and has bruises on his forehead and ear. and jo-el- tells him how bad he felt, with his "permanent nerve damage" per his self induced s-t/u-p-i.d.- in-jur(e-)ye- and i went over to him and said blatantly, coarsely : do not bullshit on me, do not bull shit on sam, sam fell down a flight of stairs and is back at work after a day of rest, and he did not blame anyone, and he did not task people to pay for him."
i can't stand jo-el, and his is very po-lit-e-, and i can't stand him for that either. he is st-a-nd-ing- "O" n e m(e)ye t p0 le a/nd e/b t00 the mast i/n g
0 all e~
on the day he came back into the work area (he was on limited time in the administration offices, and i played a game with myself, to guess where j0-el- is by the smell. i can smell him a room and hall way away, accurately. ie i have so far, one the game ye w/'h' ave t m ai de
and i suspect j0-el- h-as-t(h-)e- s-ai-me-
the animosity in spirit, comes from h-i'm- f-o're-c-a/s-t-i/n-g- on e me actually, in f r0ne t -0-f-f- me an d e/b the me an s. i work very hard not to think mentally that he i s"on"e pi-e-ce- of s-hi-t-
i have a new contact pre script ion, however i haven't ordered them yet, as i have to return the 'higher powered' contacts, so i can redeem that money and get the lower e powered contacts, that allow me to sit at the computer and read my notes in front of me.
the far vision is not as eagle eyed, but still fine, and i have good resolution up closs. too close 8 to 12 inches, doesn't buy me any gains, however this way i don't have to wear readers. accessories, are my bane. not r(e)ally into them this w/-aye-
ac cess 0 r(e)ye
tax the cess sore, and r e'ye.
cut-e- "murder" = mu-r-d-e're- mer-d-e're- miss tarr(?)ye-
ac cess t a/x e in(c) r~e as e~d
ac ce d e're / s e~a. c~ce de
L > eve r e'ye 0ccasion i's t m.0. re a.d. e'ye fxf 0're th' f un ea r ea L/L (e) d ea. t~h ea.ve n~a s/s cent c~0/m p(L) ea. t e L/L e'ye tm (0/0 r) tm
th~e m0 rt ye a.s(t) a nd i/s t an ce 0 t/h (fxf) a L/L 0 w/e re a.d.(e)ye t00 th be c(k) 0/n e f/f r0m e w/e a.nd e'ye t(h)rue st e w/e c(h)0 me b/bi/n e t00 t~h ue & t huss (t) 0/0 t/h fxf re s~h ly e re st 0r (q/u~)e, fr0m a w/h aw/~habitation at y/0re K t0r c le a.~r ev/e m/en/t' s 0/m e~r/r e'ye w/hi~t'(s) as/s (c)up i/t~he a~lways (h) out running the sum mit/t u be c(K) 0/n e'ye t~(c) be r~eve in/n s 0(w/)n~net u de' s~ h0(n) e w/e in 0/n e t(hr)0ne p(L) ac~e & pal ace 0' w/h0 me a.r t g(L)0ve
s-he could only scuttle to w/-(h-)ear the re-bu/t -tall (t-) ai l e dof to ff -t-a-s- serve -d ata- c0-h0-st-0-ff-e-e-d-0f-t-huff-an-d-c-arie-s-0/n- complaining a pain in his tooth, when it is really his (se-)b-um-that made the plum met bum mer in d 0/u(be)T in time t00 s c0ut~'h' 0/u (g/h?) t 0 me an s w/ear i/n g 0 pen le'ye g~r/as/p a w./are t00 t~h/e r' 0s e/e d 0'0 re f an~n' ye b/b~u s/t h~0rn's ever e lasting's c/ar/e t w/h0ne (L)y e a.r t(h) rig ht u/t m0 st (r) a w/are bee s 0 w/e p(i)t(he) t 0uch e` a.r s~e a.r na~ re ar~e t0 0t bee h0 ld e/n c0m p ass~ p/h ea r~ e 'ye (t)c a. L/L 0/n e
te ll e'ye s~h(e)d p.r.0w/ t
p~h ere me an s 'h' ea r~e'ye g. av~e t a gate s a'ye w/h~e'ye t
tax the cess sore, an~d (r/e)ye.
s-he- w/-(h-)as-th-charge-d-as-san-s-ac-cess-ore-ye-too-t-he-mer-d-e-re- & mu-r-d-e're- up0n further in (ve st i g~ate i/n )g'~ i/n k
i ordered glasses for work. transitions, with the eagle eye vision and the bifocal lens. my contact prescription was -3.50, now it is -4.00, and the doc had me at -4.75, which is quite a jump. i am going to keep the -4.75 for the glasses for work. i get $150 applied to safety glasses for work, and i am using this opportunity to ease into transitions. the glasses with the upgrades per my vision cost $300.
and they are pink. i am not a lover of pink, generic-all-ye-, however, i kept going back to these frames, and i tried on many, and one that i liked was shale transparent, and the associate let me know that i had selected mens glasses, however he liked them, and i said i liked the neutral color, and then the pink which he commented, not every one can wear that frame, many have tried, and he hasn't seen anyone yet that looks good in it. he liked it on me.
i went back later after the script was sorted out and tried on glasses again, with a new clerk, and he said the same thing, that he hadn't seen anyone that can wear that frame yet however he likes them on me.
what i like about the pink frames i said is rather than trying to buy glasses to match and outfit i am buying glasses that match me. i am not picking pink for the sake of "pink", it just works, like i am wearing the glasses verse sus the glasses wearing me.
it made me think about my first pair of glasses, in high school, and i had selected a transparent pink frame. i didn't have an educate-d- aversion to pink at the time. these frames are by 'hard candy' and they are opaque.
and, contact dermatitis is still an issue, any e w/hey e we~e t persue
h0 ne st l(e)ye
h ave n0 thing but/t de l aye s~
is this new for you
as i am getting an understanding, of trading places per stability in si/t u
sharon sunk your-e- st-one-
in your relationship, when she m-ai-de- money-e-, she traded places in stabilit(e-)ye-.
remember i said we are creating opposite-s and apposite-s-
now i have the comfort of a c/a/r ea. r, with your statione-d-t-heir- or-t-h-ere-
and i can get to you when i feel like it f ai r e
like you in a w/-hey-e- treate-d- me, on you-r-e-f-r-aye-
i bring this up ~a.d. ju/st b.c.
so, if i want to inject this thing with s0me t hing e, i need to take time off of work, and class and etc in advance, and for me to do this, with this invested learning curve, may take me out of the running to invest in me further.
i haven't had financial stability, i have earned $50,000 in a few months, and i have lived off of that for a few years, and i have earned 100 an hour one summer, working 4 hrs a day. i have had some nice hi t's. coupled with leasurely time to think, mostly about a deliberate way f0r e w/are d ate. (it is what i do to be hap pi e'ye)
when you served me your d-m-c-a-, it was common for me to earn $50 a week. maybe you should trye that for a while' ye.
i am a w/are that i can im/press on (e)yew/e
too be h ave, while i take my t i'm e to g/e/t00 the ye
not to be a com-mon- b-a-st-a-rd- , just ...
what i get from this change of reference is the d ap ple i/n g af fe ct.
i think men with stability in the competitive market place have it "x" clusive-l-ye- b-bu-ye keeping women there for t-he-ed-, and as-suc-h-, ye as m-en do not have to actually follow thru true ve(i)n, esp when you can't be seen from the scene-ye- c-r/e-at-e-d-
i am feeling that stability, and there are prices, like i am sick a lot, and tired. working in the competitive market place does not make t i'm e.
weirdly, at work a coworker was making a unique part, and i asked him what it was for as the holes he was drilling were at an angle to the other holes, and the whole set up was different than usual, and he said it was for circulating sea water in a miss-le-. and. my teacher says machinist do not know what the part is for, they just make it.
he was emphasizing the time-e-con-0-m(e-)ye- to -p er-e-f0r-m-
ass -ad- em-p-has-is-t00-th-f-allow-e-t-(h-)rue-
i don't intend to d apple ;), well not as long as h-i-st-ore-ye-
i know ultimately i need to take time off of work to put time 0n e w/(h)e net w/(h)0re t/h in (d) re verse ve(i)n 0 gg i/n k~a nd e/b t00 t 'h' a nd's
that said, i get you inclination on b/all an(d?)ce, per business, when your income and stability is good enough, s ow/e ye think (e)ye 0f(f)t f/0r(e)t your e stability e t0 me as u/re t up, it is a difficult decision to pull back for not reason e in n0.ve
directly stated, i like learning machining, i like the support of the people i work with, i like making money, and i am not "hiding" my net worth and inclination e at b ea.r t/h. i am hiding it, bu ye w/(h)ea.r i/n g i/t.
there will be a t i'm e fxf 0 r/t b/all a n(d)ce.
i am choosing to ride the opportunities that were decided for me when it was apparent you didn't care for my offering, both with the d-m-c-a- while i was earning 50 a week, which you had no sh-am-e- taking f-or-e-a-r-i.d.-e-in - you-r-t-i'm-e- (w/-)fxf-or-t-ap-p-lie-d-
and in conversation when your related that i was sending too many emails too-t/h-(y-)ore- "origin-all-e-ye"
which ye kindly g-ave after your d-m-c-a- s-h/i-t-on-e m(e) ye w/(h) ave n ai me t00 the m ai de
me'ye t me 0n'e ye ironically is carrying your e.g.0/d e n ai me
s 0w/e , s 0w/(h)e at, it is weird to me, that sharon is dictatorial in her hus/s wit(c)h e, and is basically relying on you to get t(h)rue t0 me an s. she is la-nd- g-ran-t-ed- on e your-e-s-h-am-
and sham e vain? the h-a-nd-e-may-ke- ?
and sham e vain? the h-a-nd-e-may-ke- g-ra/n-d- bu-ye-t-colloquially- mis's-ta-ke-in-g-
and sham e vain? the h-a-nd-e-may-ke- g-ra/n-d- bu-ye-t-colloquially- mis's-ta-ke-in-g-0d-e-in- t-he- r-ide-s- co/re- for the b-rake-
and sham e vain? the h-a-nd-e-may-ke- g-ra/n-d- bu-ye-t-colloquially- mis's-ta-ke-in-g-0d-e-in-' t-he- r-ide-s- co/re- for the b-rake-
does it make a difference s if(t) i'de put an ac c e/n t h ere
t00 th (e) ta ke
d ew/e ap p.r.e c/i at/e m~e(ye) w/(h)ave & w/h e'y~e t(h) a s ai me
sam t aught me to make pretty parts. he says when something looks nice, it sells more parts. he is teaching me the subtleties of good machining, and helping me get out of gaffes. how e to re p ai r/e
i'll do my best to be 0 p/en 0/n e t/h is t 0re ye t/i n/e make.
working hard to keep balance, in all things, and know i need to make some decisions per priorities. ordered min0's kennel for the isle pavilion, and getting the land ready. straddling t00 x 2/time zones, and crossing state lines all the t i/n e's t/h fee d en the m(e) a/k~e
re (e) fxf i/n e/d
the odd thing is, when you finally contact me deliberately and openly, it is with a d-m-c-a-, and what you didn't put in writing, ie, that i am sending too many emails apparently, you only spoke to me (-an-s-).
it is odd you didn't put what you said to me in writing. forthrightly e with ' sup ply i/n g
you "chose" to speak on me indifferently, and write on me "2" -x- too-t-he-
t-his-t- mu-st-u-b-/e- h-0w/-e-ye.-g-get-bu-ye-a.-d.-mire-able-ad-
t-his-t- mu-s/t-u-b-/e- h-0w/-e-ye.-g-get-bu-ye-a.-d.-mire-able-ad-
0re ju-st- c0m=p=(l-)eat-
s lee p f0r tu n(e) a.t e
it st-in-t'(s-)oo-t-h-e-t-a-t-r/u-st-
the psychology of going foreward on my own in the marketplace as (you) k-n-0w/-e- is that you b-urn-d- me 0n th' di vi ne (s)t g0
your d-m-c-a- demon-stra(-i-)t-i/on's- (h-)0w/-e- t00 th larger m(e-)0d-i-fi-e/r-s-e-g-0-at-
if i am honest, it is hard for me to where this machinist hat in one way, that is there is no "e-nd" too-t-h-at-, and the animosity i had for jo-el- faking an in-jur(e-)ye-t00-t-he'-s-ai-l-
is fretting a for-e-war-d- tooth on me for no reason tu be in the future.
so, i am aware, people like jo-el- are wearing me'ye ff ace very e w/ar-e-
just letting you know why the branch sp lit, on account of you c-are-i/n-g-s-0w/-e-t00-t-he-mu-c-h-ly-e- 0n e me. i h a.d. e the t i'm e t0 g i'v e
is fretting a for-e-war-d- tooth on me for no reason tu be in the future as "w/-he-ll" as/s m(e)ye well, t00-t-he-t-ai-l-a-nd-re-t-ai-l-
do i like serving in-dig-nit-(e-)ye- ? k n0 t s 0/m u c/h
something au-d- happened in casual conversation a few days ago with jeff at work. he was commenting about is-is- blasting historic sites, and i mentioned that is-is- is also beheading historical professors etc, and killing women too old to enslave for sex. jeff kinda shrugged his shoulders like it was a "nominal" loss and "really not much / worth mentioning it" as a casualty (too konsciousness u-e-see-k-)
i didn't follow up on his gest-u-re-, i could though, although i don't think he will even remember the convo per my in put, nor his mannerism.
something au-d- happened in casual conversation a few days ago with jeff at work. he was commenting about is-is- blasting historic sites, and i mentioned that is-is- is also beheading historical professors etc, and killing women too old to enslave for sex. jeff kinda shrugged his shoulders like it was a "nominal" loss and "really not much / worth mentioning it" as a casualty (too konsciousness u-e-see-k-up-t-
why d(e-)ye- think i am inept
i pull "we'ds" on every path i have been and, singular(e)ly e ven
i pull w/e d's aw/e bu ye t me sel~l fxf e/a.ve n
just-in-t-b-c- your acrimonious "marketplace" does not have act u all t00 th~ e* r~e L at e, and can't p(L)ace my contribution 0n anyone except m(e)ye 0 (w/)n e p(L)at e d ay t is k n0 t represent the lack of/t a w/are ness eye ff ace th-p-un-gen-t-d-ate-in-sir-cum-st-an(d-)ce-t-he-c-an-re-lay-t-
the g(L)0 r(e)ye
"men" look to another "man" f-r-au-d-u-l-en-t-as-k-an-d-
with me in regards to you and visa versa eve(i)n t00 t/h
peep h 0'le, l0 0k t00 k n0 (w/e) 0n e
t00 th' s ea. nd b(e.g.)an d
eye sum mo/n d u/e in re verse t(h)rue s 0w/e t(h) cur(e)se a.t w/(h)0
hd's up: need to run errands: pick up my glasses, and a full day tm at the salon until late afternoon. b ac k
ab(0?)ut being sick all the time, whatever i had that dropped me, someone had before me, and someone had after me. it is in a constant state of cycle-ing in the shop and i live with a constant state of congestion in the "n-aught" with the same stated pr0-v/i-s-i/0n-e-t00-th-(e-)s/0-p-
an-d-f-r0m-(e-)t-h/at-ran-'d-re-ad-e/b-th-e-s/0p-h-ag-u/s-t'-me-nd-in-s/t-e-ad- e/p-t00-th's-h-ape-l(e-)ye-re-fe/r-en-t-(e-)ye-g-ave-
i/r(e-)o-nic-all-(e-)ye- th-ie-v-ai-n- christ-i-an-s- h ave give n 0. 0./n t/0 D ate ve(i)n
i was thinking about the bicycle drawing from memory article and art show, and how women most often misrepresent the chain, it being attached to the front wheel and/or front and back wheel. it is the t-i/res- t(h)at h e'ye h/ave no bearing 0/n e t00 th e're frame.
they understand it is their and misrepresented just the s-ai-me-
however, t h/en, i drive a chainless shaft driven bicycle / industriall 0bject, as the referent appeals to me'ye ve(i)n
the mis's p/0 k/en ai me
ti res peak bu ye t b/i cycle the s/am/e
the mis's p/0 k/en ai m e.g. ai m e.g. a/i n a.d. ju st h' s ai me
s 0w/e, w/h at directi0n d0 ew/e th ink t(h)is h0/u ld g(r)0 w/e
s 0w/e, w/h at directi0n d0 ew/e th ink t(h)is h0/u ld g(r)0 w/e. g.(~g) 0
s 0w/e, w/h at directi0n d0 ew/e th ink t(h)is h0/u ld g(r)0 w/e. g.(~g) 0 ing fxf re/e/e/e l(e)ye
s 0w/e, w/h at directi0n d0 ew/e th ink t(h)is h0/u ld g(r)0 w/e. g.(~g) 0 ing fxf re/e/e/e l(e)ye t00 th p.r.0 c(L) ai me
s 0w/e, w/h at directi0n d0 ew/e th ink t(h)is h0/u ld g(r)0 w/e. g.(~g) 0 ing fxf re/e/e/e l(e)ye t00 th p.r.0 c(L) ai me r/i~c~h 0/u r 0/at in e me'ye ve(i)n s c 0p e t r~0p e t00 th t/r ai n
s 0w/e, w/h at directi0n d0 ew/e th ink t(h)is h0/u ld g(r)0 w/e. g.(~g) 0 ing fxf re/e/e/e l(e)ye t00 th p.r.0 c(L) ai me r/i~c~h 0/u r 0/at in e me'ye ve(i)n s c 0p e t r~0p e t00 th t/r ai n ' d/e v-ai-n- t/h 0p e f-rom-e-t-hie-f-an-e-g-li-g-en-ce-a-c-h-c-a(-i)m-e-
f-rom-e- the temple site in s~i/t u/h ag ai n 0r~e a.g ai n st e
i haven't mentioned this, however, i have known of it for some time, when the in-d/u-st-r-(e-)ye- changes, making -a- miss-ill-e-sel-l-too-t-he-t-his-t-le-, the "industry" will need a leader e in beau t(e)ye
too take the charge of t/h t00 th a.d. just b.c. set h 0re g/0 d ness at/e
(c 0m) p~ass i/0n e/e d's a/i mir a~cl e
(c 0m) p~ass i/0n e/e d's a/i mir a~cl e
t h/en th' tri all b/all an(d)ce set h0 w/i'll be h a.d.e
t h/en th' tri all b/all an(d)ce set h0 w/i'll be h a.d.e ve(i)n s 0w/e g.g ave
people do not operate bu ye free will in the competitive marketplace o w/- n -ai- l-ye-too-th-d-ate-
t-he-ye- operate bu-ye- f-x-free w/-ill-
some "one" like jo-el, sees a(-i-) l0-0p-h-0le- (sounds like lo-o-p-full-) = p* lace the h* in the f-x-f- 0r/t-(e-)ye-t-make- re-sound-i/n-g-l(e-)ye-t-0d-ate-
all the wile, he is sitting on me'ye ff ace t00 the ff e w/e t/u r/e t00 th e re c(L)ai m~e.
i go "scene" as unnecessary to sup-p0-rt- his scene (as the f-r-au-d-u-l-en-t-"0"/n-e-me-an-s-)
"mean wile" work needs to do things le-g-al-l-(e-)ye- too-t-he-me-an-s-
me'ye judgement is seen as unnecessary straight too th th i/n k, even to be dismissed universe ally e bu ye the plight of is-is- destroying "a" m-e/n-s- hi(s)t0r-e-ye- w/-i-thou-t-en-d's-
is-is- would be-h(-ea-)d- me, on prince-i-p-all- i havent mu ch t0 g ive, apparently e among t-h-em-
ew/e me'ye t feel the l 0ss 0 d/0-f-t-ag-a/i-n-
in a w/-(h-)0/r-(L-)d- (e-)ye- c/an t re c(L) ai m/e
i have this mild compulsion, as i have a little money to spend, and i bought a few things online, denim dress, 70's coveralls, born boots which i really like per the feel, they are comfortable, the color i question for me. basically, i feel a little blah. comfortably cute, sure, just not into owning it. it is a short route to making it myself. i still do not have my friendship plant in a container. like clothing, i feel the need to make it myself, too make it for m eye sel l f/f. the other shift is things i want to buy, are things i will wear all the time. i don't care about the price, just the desire for the good's i(g/h) re high ere t/h~eir t h ere w/(h)ear an/d 0 w/h ere
t00 the w/ea.r 0ut as sw/e ll
the 'gam e' for the time bein g ave, is to find something the m ai l ea.v e/n t w/0r t/h ave ne m ai d e liberate l(e)ye t00 th' s(h)ave
the 'gam e' for the time bein g ave, is to find something the m ai l ea.v e/n t w/0r t/h a~ve na. m. ai d e liberate l(e)ye t00 th' s(h)ave
t00 th' s (ea. h) ave
i am still feeling very western, like the clothes i recently ordered, are western in orientation, yet, to put them on, i feel very much like i am dressing up, putting a costume on, and it is not the way i want to bend me'ye vernacular in dressing. i don't want to be that pre-oc-c/u-pi-e/d-
i want tops and bottoms and inbetweens to go to gether e, i don't want to consciously man-e/u-v-er-e- to ac-hie-ve- an apparent b-(l-)en-d-
m(e) anus 0 Li.d. 0 w/(h)a st e r(e)in g c ai r(e)ye
t00 th' s (ea. h) ave n/ea./r e'ye s 0 l i.d. e/b t00 th c a(i)m e'y~e a.s t e're p(L)e~a.t~e ye
m(e) anus 0 Li.d. 0 w/(h)a st e r(e)in g c ai r(e)ye t(g)a~ve n (t) b/r ai d & b/r ave ta n ai me & b re ad ju st h's ai m(e)in th' 0 p/en p l~e in
t00 th' s (ea. h) ave n/ea./r e'ye s 0 l i.d. e/b t00 th c a(i)m e'y~e a.s t e're p(L)e~a.t~e ye
i want tops and bottoms and inbetweens to go to gether e, i don't want to consciously man-e/u-v-er-e- to ac-hie-ve- an apparent b-(l-)en-d- in-e-me-as-s/u(e-)re-
m(e) anus 0 Li.d. 0 w/(h)a st e r(e)in g c ai r(e)ye t(g)a~ve n (t) b/r ai d & b/r ave ta n ai me & b re ad ju st h's ai m(e)in th' 0 p/en p l~e in a(i) r~e ve(i)n
plan~e a.r e plein a(i)r e 0 p/en t00 th e re p ai r~e (e) fxf u l~l e'ye a. haw/ hey' a w/ (ar)e
th'-un-di's-p(u)-t-e-d- i-r-on(e-)ye- is-is- i/s-k/ill-in-g- women as good as t h/eir (w/-h-)0/n-e-
their hone, is good as their 0ne w/h 0/n e
which i/s on lie for-ce s-(h-)ow/-e-
it is- ha-rd- to w/-h-0/n-e t(h) a collective g0 all, s-imp-lie-n-ow/e-st-ate-d-g/0-d-e-
w/h 0n/e 'h'a/s t/en eve r t'b e(re)in st ate d/0 h
ju st s 0w/e ye nk n 0w/e. g. (g)0
f0r ce th fe/e d e/b t00 th a.d.van(d)ce s e/e m
ellie may got new pink glasses
actually i really like these glasses, they are very light, upgraded poly carbonate (thinner which is a plus for my prescription) and have a wider viewing area per the upgrade, and no problem in transitioning. much better than a bifocal where i head bob to find the chiseled chink to look thru. the only thing is, my ears are not in the same position, and since the sales person said they were even, as i had my contacts in and couldn't see clearly, although i did mention, the frame looks crooked from looking within the glasses. she still said they were even. the fact of the matter, now that i have tried them on without contacts is they are not fitted for me ears, are a little crooked and slide a little. i'll be going back tomorrow to get an adjustment. i want them to be level and sound on my nose regardless of my ears position even sow/e.
a. r/0/un/d
it is weird b.c. i went to several eye glass stores, and then several times at the same store, talking to different clerks, and i got different info, for instance, i liked the pink frames, however one clerk said they would be too small for transitions / progressives. then i went back and tried on alternative glasses, liking the pink again, and another clerk said they would be perfect for progressives as a bigger lens would mean i would have to look at my cheeks to read.
the fitting was with another clerk. weird that she didn't see they were uneven.
i'm a little tired from 3 treatments today.
i was planning on sewing prior, however, i can't find the mailing envelope dave 0 sent, with the extra pieces i need to complete the tents. i had time before the appt, drove to the apt, looked all over, didn't understand where it could have gone, except, lately, with the prescription being off and bifocals and readers... i have walked off leaving my belongings. i could have possibly thrown them out with the recycling, don't know, can't find. however, since i had time before the apt, i went to the gym. perfect. i am so unflexible, and i haven't been putting working w/i th0u t as a priority, and it really is a simple remedy. glad i went to the gym.
it is a touch stone fore centering i/e ve n : s 0 L i.d., the work that i put in e'ye get 0ut a gain
yesterday, when i left to get the glasses, i called first, and they were closing in 15 minutes = no go, that day. i can't remember if i did something else, put groceries away, eat... don't remember exactly, but when i checked on you and sharon, your attitudes where di's-may-, so i for g0/n e communicating & went to bed early.
since i am congested, about 3 weeks of april, i am kind of tired, that and poor workout habits. pulling we'ds, and weed's (t)oo the h0 e. just make me feel like i need to see the chiropractor.
i think you -r-e-motion-s, are motivated by me bein g your spectacle. i think your notion-s- of , well, not being apparently motivated bu ye bein g' seen among me, is more fueled by how "other " people may see -ye-
e(i)-ther-e- s-w/-aye- i fig you are not being leg i/t a. m. ate
your not actually thinking w/i th0u t me an s w/(h)ea. r i/n g's~e/a.
i fig, you hardly empathize at all with my position.
i have notes from yesterday, and beyond.
i wrote a little note about the bicycle drawing from memory, and i would draw my chainless shaft driven bicycle combined with my plan reading skills from work. i have seen inside the hub, and according to plan drawing, i would use dash lines to represent the unseen. i would draw the visible in a continuous line and the inner workings that can not be readily seen from the same point of view, with dash lines, to signify they are there, not just visible from the angle view.
pi c/t~u r/e~ th(e) re t ab* le t(0/0t)h t e ll e'ye
*ab = away f0r/m/e a.ll(e)ye
'A' w/aye p lu s(t) a w/(h)e'ye
i am using parenthesis to convey what is hidden in the frame work, as when a person a goes inn w/h aw/e & c/(L)aw/e ven
when i am taking known words and say, write bu ye rig ht this a w/aye , and e/b t 'h' e X p0's e th' d aye, i am simply making the fretwork and framework visible t00 th e/a. ll w/h e'ye s
for instance: formally is i/e ve(i)n t00 th e p.r.0 se e/d f0r/m/e a. ll (e) ye
the language engineer e layes everything in si. d.e & 0(u)t ((0t can = "ought" not my c/up 0 t ea. c/h 0ve, 0re 0ver t i'm e)) u b~c l~e a. r/e th' f/e a.r (t/h ea. r) t/h e're
per h~ap se ye. g.ave me your f-ear-too-t-he-re-qui-re-
in-jur(e-)ye- w/-(h-) t- me-an-s-w/-ea.-r-i/n-g-scene-
w/(h) i.d. e w/(h)in (s) k in
th' be st (e)ye ve re. g. ave t(a) g ai n a.(i)m.e
pi/e/ce t bu ye p ea. ce
pi-e-ce-t-bu-ye-p-ea-ce-0-p/0-"Lit-e-" l/l-ie-ye-
em-be-ll-is-h-(e-)d- e/b- t-h-(e-) f-(r-)a.(i-)m.e- ( too-th- "fame, frame & raime" = ) w/-rit-e-
be l, be ll us h 0/n e
when i am taking known words and say, write bu ye rig ht this a w/aye , and e/b t 'h' e X p0's e th' d aye, i am simply making the fretwork and framework visible t00 th e/a. ll w/h e'ye s
0(w/)n e t00 t'h' be t0 0'le d
y ew/e l e th 'frisbee' f all and f ai l
le t00 th' b(e.g.)i/n e.g. (ate) i've (i)n t r/u~e st' ~
s~ea.m.(e) i'/n g's (h)a.d. 0 w/e b re a. k's as if/t
h/e~ave n A~s c/e n/t 0 me t w/h0 m(e~a.n~s w/(h)ea.ring's~
p ea.r L's~
h 0/n~e
a c/rust
in t i'm e
ac c/ru(e) st
at e
& inn t i'm e ac c/r ew/e st mu st
this is how r-ich- feels ab(-0-)ut me/an s
kind of think i am done giving to e'ye today
it is not your pejorative of t(eye too th' 0re) business to lie as your rig ht in g(L)a.d. ness i even t00 te ll
sharon buoys you , b.c. she is w/-ill-
just remember t-h-at-0-0k-t0-g-ether-e-
it is not your pejorative of t(eye too th' 0re) business to lie as your rig ht in g(L)a.d. ness i even t00 te ll a/nd e/b th e re st 0're t0 g ether e
s 0 W/E, w/H0, has an inability e too th' share
(yew/e- talk among your sel-l-f-x-f-'s-) is that eve in f ai r/e
t a.d. ju st ' s aye i/n g's~
as/s m~e(a) r~e
"&" c/as/h me r e ve n (0.ve t) a.(i)m.e ad ju st b.c.
your -e- "cash-mer-e-" is 0f-t-b-all-an(d-)ce- in-0v-e-l0-ve-
(yew/e- talk among your sel-l-f-x-f-'s-) is that eve in f ai r/e
t a.d. ju st ' s aye i/n g f/0're all
(yew/e- talk among your sel-l-f-x-f-'s-) is that eve in f ai r/e
t a.d. ju st ' s aye i/n g t/h e're & t/h ei r
a nd e/b t/h ei r/e~
a nd e/p t/h ei r/e~
you have no p0 w/(h) e're in the m(e) ark e t p(L)a~ce ye f/f ai r/e
e-ye- o(w/-)n-ai-l-ye h-ave
re = b/a c/k
g0= ce d/e r~e g0
re = b/a c/k
g0= ce d/e r~e g0 t 'misunderstood' colloquially as-0-b-serve-d-
i/r 0/n e'ye
th~e m/per/0re h as k n0 w/e t c l0 th e's
the i/r 0/n e'ye
th~e m/per/0re h as k n0 w/e t c l0 th e's
d i.d. e'ye t mistake your h a/nd
all the time you were a pro-fan-e-
sharon-e/n-courage-s-a- f-(e-) am. ill e'ye -s- p-(L-)an (t-) d-
the i/r 0/n e'ye
th~e m/per/0re h as k n0 w/e t c l0 th e's
ironically as my debt too the c/are r(e)ye ven s 0w/e (t00 k n0 w/(h) 0n'e ye actually e/n d0 w/e)
sharon-e/n-courage-s-a- f-(e-) am. ill e'ye -s- p-(L-)an (t-) d-'s-
ironically as my debt too the c/are r(e)ye ven s 0w/e (t00 k n0 w/(h) 0n'e ye actually e/n d0 w/e)
a.m. (e)ye
t00 t/h e/a.ve n~s
a.m. (e)ye s
(t)00 t/h e/a.ve n~s
f 0re a.d. ju st b ein g 0 p 0re & p0 rt & p0 rt a ll 0/n e
ne cess i t(e)ye a.d. ju st b.c.
wile ye w/-e- make loveless l-aw/-e-s-
with no account too th cause
e vain ap plause
& ban-t-e/r-e-0n-
w/h0 w/(h)ea.r e'ye as king, if t h e'ye like "romance" sharon e X a/c t (e) ly e
sharon roat banned me from vi ew/e i/n g "h"er t-w/-it-(tere-)p-ag/e-
i am wondering w/h0 m(e) she is as king about 'romance' as scene previou sly e. why is she carr(eye)ing-0-n/-e- w/- k n0 w/e b 0d e'ye. is it "b." "c" she lie-ke-s- (t-)oo- t-h-e- direct you "2" -x- to-e- vain-
that is funny, sharon is reflection "love" on rich -e-a.ve-n-e-w/-
as-king- a-bout- "roman/c/e" ye.-g-i've-t- "h" at every e.g. lance, however the lance doesn't lance your rep as st, b.c. you are certifie-d-in-ad-vance- "2" -x- too- wit/'h' & 'k' n0 0n e tu b ac c0un/t ab le ad e/p t00 th ' s ea. th e/e d at a w/h eye
as-king- a-bout- "roman/c/e" ye.-g-i've-t- "h" at every e.g. lance, however the lance doesn't lance your rep as st, b.c. you are certifie-d-in-ad-vance- "2" -x- too- wit/'h' & 'k' n0 0n e tu b ac c0un/t ab le ad e/p t00 th ' s ea. th e/e d a/t a w/h eye
t~i/n g
don't blame me for your w/-ai-t-i/n-g-
n-ow/-e-g-0- talk among your s(h-)elves-as-w/-(h-)ea-l-t/h-
no mat(t)er what ye say e s-q/u-are-t00-t/h-a(w/-)b/i.-d.e-
"a way" h -ab-i.-d.e-l/l-ta-s-s-0w/-e-g-(g)-0-
ab = a- w/-h-e-ye-t-
i am wondering w/h0 m(e) she is as king about 'romance' as scene previou sly e. why is she carr(eye)ing-0-n/-e- w/- k n0 w/e b 0d e'ye. is it "b." "c" she lie-ke-s- (t-)oo- t-h-e- direct you "2" -x- to-e- vain-
a miss-tarry-i-0-u/s- e/e -c-h0-i-ce-
tu-t-he-m(e-)a-ke- t(hr)u-
she postulates her shrouded communication from me as her rig ht 0 p/en l(e) ye t00 th' l e/a. d.
independently mated. however, both of them pass on their large s-s-e-t/h-o/n-e-
& t-h/r-on/e-ye-
this is just "one" "x" am-p-le- of "every-e-on-" marrie-d- in the competitive m/ark et place for no reason e tu b~e 'ye a.s see n/ 0. w/e
t-h-eye a/re passing th -b-uck- t00-th'-s/t-in-t-ru(e-)st- and am using the me t 0d e/b their dirt(e)ye w/(h)0 r/k 0 p/en l(e) ye.
d-aft- eye t/h i/n k
re-b-ran-d-e(e)d- 0 -p-en-l- ye- too -t- ea-( t-) c/h-
(e)'ye didn't L ea. r/n t-his-t- f/r0m e a.n s~
and-e-ye-w/- k- no way of t re p ai ring t(h) a/ct u ally e
t00 th' suck ' see d 0 p/en l(e)ye
0n th' s/trait a/n' ar(e)r~0w/e l/l i/n e t i'm e
& t-h/r-on/e-ye-
this is just "one" "x" am-p-le- of "every-e-on-" marrie-d- in the competitive m/ark et place for no reason e tu b~e 'ye a.s see n/ 0. w/e
t-h-eye a/re passing th -b-uck- t00-th'-s/t-in-t-ru(e-)st- and am using the me t 0d e/b their dirt(e)ye w/(h)0 r/k 0 p/en l(e) ye.
d-aft- eye t/h i/n k
re-b-ran-d-e(e)d- 0 -p-en-l- ye- too -t- ea-( t-) c/h-
(e)'ye didn't L ea. r/n t-his-t- f/r0m e a.n s~
and-e-ye-w/- k- no way of t re p ai ring t(h) a/ct u ally e
t00 th' suck ' see d 0 p/en l(e)ye
0n th' s/trait a/n' ar(e)r~0w/e l/l i/n e t i'm e
b/b aye be(e) an d be de fi/n e d r/e (a)d a ct yl:ly a w/a~re
so, supported by the mediocrity of his male counter-e-par-t-s-he- get-s-"2" ste-all-f-rom-e-an-s-
he gets to take my money, based on his word given me, that i don't get to use X a/ct L(e) ye.
his "whole" persona is based on keeping women under foot, chasing t-ai-l- as he makes it l0-0k-
he is the pr-i'm-e- m0-v-ere- with the mo-st-e-th-s-h0-st-e-th-s-
a more "complete" sh-am- than mo-st-(m)e'ye fxf r/i en d
he st-rive-s- for an eye of consistency so his sham doesn't look like a mystery.
he is unquestioned to pro seed, the miss ta(i)rrye t-h/at-he-w/-ill-en-d- as-scene-e-d-
he is par-t- of the scene, and his a-ct-i/on-s-c-re-en-
he is par-t- of the scene, and his a-ct-i/on-s-c-re-en-e-e-d-(e-)ye- a-re- w/-rit-t-en-tu-b-par-t-0-f-x-f-t-he-scene-
his chasing "love" is v-ai-nit-eye-
hee haw has never ma(i)de love w/ort/h e.g. i've in/g
his de-sire- is a 'misgiving'
his de-sire-is a miss-giving-
his "gilt" process is staunchly pre-serve-d- in- miss under e st 0/0d
it is kn0t me'ye f ai l~u/re t0 g i've t hat is in quest i 0n e,
nit is the f-ai-lure-too-t-he-re ce i eve in g
t0 f/f un d a mentality e ve(i)n (t) d's
the-r-ich- are -cur-rent-l-ye- in-(s-e/e-)k-eye-p-i/n-g-
sharon -e- p-aid- paul drinan -e- too-t-h(e-) chase -t-ai-l- a-nd-0/n-e-l-ye-t-ai-l-
wit-h-er -e- version of "romance" t00-t-h'-s-ai-l-
s-h-are-0n-e-ye fxf ai re th e/e'ye w/-h-ell-
sharon can't project an identity other than the 0/be serve/r e me, b.c. "someone" unaccountable ve(i)n t0 me lie-d-e/b-t00-t-h(e-e-e-e-e)d-a-ct-yl-ly-e-
s 0w/ r(e)ye
ps, i am not saying or suggesting it is you rich, that is the "someone" unaccountable to me. you are accountable to me an s, if t (e)ye w/an ' t a pr0 see d & c(L)ai me re all i t(e)ye
sharon's w/-ea-k-ness, is she is re-l-(e-)ye-i/n-g- o/n-e-yew/-h0-
f-ore - h-e/r- i.d. e/n t-i/t-(e-)ye-
the problem with that when you pull back your emotions is she is going in the opposite direction to proceed on her own to fulfill her desire for joy all-s-0w/-e-,
she also has no stipulation on her expansion (for no reason) and that to me, would make an un desire able com-p-an-i/on-e-,
that is why when she hel-ps- u-/e-, she can ta-ke- a w/-h-ey-e-
that is why you don't give her an indication of what you are thinking, and feeling.
the problem in the larger sphere, you are marrie-d-e/b-too-t-he-pro-se/e-d-
and your competitiveness to be rig ht for no reason, takes time away from e an s 0 p en l(e)ye
you are without r ea ll desire too th le a.d.
w/i th0u t me
i get why you don't want her w/-rig ht i/n g 0/n e th'd, with ye
she has prospered, and posed her self flagrantly irresponsible and unaccountable to me. mimicking you, she can't f allow/ t(h)rue X a/ct l(e) ye
so she gets to be accountable if she w/an t's 2 a/ct u all(e)ye w/h0 me'ye
th f a/ct 00 th' t a/ct is, you are not in love, you "2" -x- "too" do not have love to offer, -a-nd- your com-bin-e-d- e-f-x-f-0-rt-s-t-0-g-ether-e- c-(l-)ai-m-e-
my image of/t l0ve t00 th e me'ye f/f a ce
she sunk your st-one- and in her way became the same st-one- , mean while you l ear n'd, and now she gets too l ear n
my image of/t l0ve t00 th e me'ye f/f a ce t/g ave in/n e w/(h)ave
the only redemption ye have is with z/er0 se par ate l(e)ye. g.(g) a/i n ~k f~r/i e nd f0und as p(L)an'd
k = z= s lee p
N = Z rol(l)e d 0/n e t/h' s i.' d.e /b t00 th e(a.)ve n' s
nk = nature all k i'll e're
a/ct u all(e)ye
tua= french for k i'll e d, 0/0re k-ill-e-d-
you want something from this. independence perhaps too th e'ye l a/s t e t/h' s
e'ye b/be le a. fxf 0 u/r d re am ar -k-no-t-com-p-le-t-e-
the only redemption ye have is with z/er0 se par ate l(e)ye. g.(g) a/i n ~k f~r/i e nd f0und as p(L)an'd e ve(i)n 0m t'h un/der e st a nd
pLants and p~(L)an d's
th e.g. ar' d en 0/fxf e(e)d en
th e.g. ar' d en 0/fxf e(e)d en t a'll (e)ye per ce i eve i/n g
th (e.g.) a!r' d en 0/fxf e(e)d en t a'll (e)ye per ce i eve i/n g's~i eve n
tH(e.g.) A!R(E) d en 0/fxf e(e)d en t a'll (e)ye per ce i eve i/n g's~i eve n
the "second coming" is the n an0 se c0/n d c0/m~e i/n g
i/t is t/h (e) re p l(e)ye (w/(h)ave'ye tu b~/e~)
the only redemption ye have is with z/er0 se par ate l(e)ye. g.(g) a/i n ~k f~r/i e nd f0und as (p)Lan'd
salv(e)age l 0ss 0 d 0fxf i/n s0urce l/l an g u ag/e t00 t(h) c0 h0 s/t 0 p~s
yew/e wan ' t people too th' a/ct appreciable ye t,
it isn't h ap p/en i/n g, it is h-ap-(p-)e/n-i/n-g-t/h-a-ct-u-all-e-ye-
what ye t house and home have in common is an im ag/e of beau t(e)ye that isn't actually r~e l a(ye) t i/n g, and ye t-make -t-he-m/e-on/e-ye-in-st-i-pull-at(e-)i/n-g-s-
e'ye would like to be miss rea.d. as s u/e
t00-th-purse-w/-e- t-(h-)rue- di's-put-e-
e'ye would like to be a. m.iss rea.d. as s u/e
t00-th-purse-w/-e- t-(h-)rue- di's-put-e-
you have "love" that bin-(d'-)s- 0n-ai-l-ye-t/d-at(e)-able-ye-w/-in-(d-)s-
can anyone be innocent if they e are in-vi-t-e/d- e/b- t-w/-h0-b/bu-ye-tu- "2"
i b L ai m(e) it 0n ye-w/-e- t00-t-he- sin-g-le-ye-
"romance" di's-put-e-in-t/r-a-ct-i/on-e-i/n-g-
you p-ai-d- paul drinan in -ad-vance to re-d-a-ct-on e me'ye L ai r e
in-s-c-0/p-e-d-e/b-t-r-0p-e- s-ai-l-i/n-g-lee-ye-g0-
you p-ai-d- paul drinan in -ad-vance to re-d-a-ct-on e me'ye L ai r e
(a.d.) ju st f/0re b ein g th' f ai r/e
you p-ai-d- e/b-t-he-s-him-t-w/-h0-k-no-t-c-a(-i-)re-
"&" "2" -x- t00-carry-e-on-squatting-i/n-pro-v/i-s-i/on-e-
"&" "2" -x- t00-carry-e-on-squatting-i/n-pro-v/i-s-i/oN-E-IN-g- at- he-s-ai-me-t-i'm-e-u/s-e- e/d-
marrie-d- serving to pass(e-) the-b-uck-in-d-u/e-t-i'm-e-v/ai/n-l-ye-
the convo at work today went : if you don't get rid of the li(e)-ce- ye are going to share them. 0. p/en l-ye-
you are all in-vi-t-e/d- too sharon's t-w/-it- e-re-p-ag/e-
"0""h" is there "2" "t's" in t-h-at-,
i must a miss pell mell ed t h at
would hate to miss rep pre sent
i see your g-0/d- works- & si t as a c- (h-) all-en-(d-)ge-t00-t-he-make-
i see your g-0/d- works- & si t as a c- (h-) all-en-(d-)ge- t00 th' de fi/n e t w/0rt/h in (0) t i'm e
' ye t~m arr0w/e b re a. k
th r/0ne
t00 th' d ate
don't bl-ai-me- f-ore- ye- w/-ai-t-i/n-g-
&- w/(h-)eigh-t-i/n-g-s-
in all honesty, there is no f un, there is f-un-d's-e-t(h-)0-pas/s-on-t/h-b-uck-0-n/e-ye-0w/-e-g-0-
does this bother u/e, for me to bring this up, and go/n e me'ye 0 (w/)ne w/aye t00 the maker's cup
i am not h arm ing th' an e'ye 0/n e w/ i'll t00 th' s peak up
nocent = h-arm-
like paul drinan's h-a-nd-s-0-me-rit-0-re-g-ar-b-
on some one that doesn't give an a/ct u all f uck that he is a re-ta-r-d-
i don't give an actual fuck too th be st 0 w/e
his h-0-le- pre miss, is b-as-e/d- 0/n-
t-hat-he-w/-ill-e/ave-n-(t-)d's- ai-l-
i don't fi/t in his-par-a-d/i-g-me-an-s-
save i/n g a r/e late i/on ' s 'h' i/p th "christ-i-an-s-" n eve r e.g. ave t w/(h)ave, but-t- g-ave- t-he-law-st-in-t's-t-e-ad-
saving the relationship the b-one-re-s- ly-k- paul drainan, never desired in the fi r st p(L)a ce
save i/n g a r/e late i/on ' s 'h' i/p th "christ-i-an-s-" n eve r e.g. ave t w/(h)ave, but-t- g-ave- t-he-law-st-in-t's-t-e-ad-un-g-et-u-th'-un-g-0-ver-t-h-ea-d-
carg0= c/ar(e.)g.0
s/ave w/-rec-k-e/d- 0-re-a-di's-able-d-s-hi-p- 0r-e-w/-rit's-c-ar(e-)g-0- f-rom-e- g-(L-)0ss at' s ea.
e tu be a. perfectly c le a.r, notes from today, i was on the sharon and paul s-i'm-u-la/r-i-t(e-)ye-
fi/g i st p.r. un(n) e t'H' 0ver T 0/D at/e i/g* ht similar(e)ly e
you may th-ink you are refined but your are c0-arse-. i am apparently c0arse in you-r-t-i'm-e-as-s-u-r/e-ye- s-0w/-e-(e-)d-ea-r-e-
fi/g i st p.r. un(n) e t'H' 0ver T 0/D at/e i/g* ht similar(e)ly ea. e/r a t/e
you may think that i drag 0/n about paul dr-ai-nan, however, he would have carrie-d-o/n-e-, without a second thug thought. he took my money as "his" me-an-s- of sustainability, that he didn't earn actually, yet presents himself as the "responsible, capable, ONE of re all i t ye"
it effects me in me own communit(e)ye, and it simply is not 0/0k bu ye the me actually e.
he told me to "keep on going" and i heard 'keep on going', i would suggest "he" "keep on going" for as long as "he" keeps my money as my working w/0rt/h as my w/h0 rd, given free ly & free rely e.
he made his "choice" with no observation of seeing me, just using me to front his narcissim, as he ne-e-d's- "2" -x- "too- b-scene-
the p0 in t, is paul drinan k-n-ew/-e- he could get-a-w/-h-eye- w/-(h-)it-
s 0w/e he can k-eye-p me 0ne ye as t~ l0ng -h- as-t-he- w/an t-e-as-e-/e-
the p0 in t, is paul drinan k-n-ew/-e- he could get-a-w/-h-eye- w/-(h-)it- 0/n-e-"h-i/s-(h-)0n-0re-
he has f-ai-t-h- in his ven-t-u-re- bu-ye-t-he-w/-h-eye-
he has f-ai-t-h- in his ven-t-u-re-in-g-
too-t-h(e-)d-ate-, and w/-ill- re-p-L-a-ce- 0-n-e'ye fxf a ce "2" -x- "too" t-his-t-make-g-re-at-e-
h-is-t- future- is at st-a-ke-
and he would st-a-ke- joan of ark as surely for her she a.rt, for the same re as son, "h"e-a-rt-00-c-ar(e-)r(e-)ye-ar-t-
paul drinan doesn't care about "god" only e-g-0d-
joan of ark didn't deserve to die for bein g am
paul drinan would st-a-ke, her so he can be seen (verse-sus-scene as-s- "h"-am-(e-) in her c0m-man-d-
ju st sayin "h"e can't le a.d. wit his h am ass t/h a/nd
put ano t her e w/hey e 0/rd i/n are ly e
ju st sayin "h"e can't le a.d. wit-his-"h" am- ass- t/h- a-nd-
put ano t her e w/hey e 0/rd i/n are ly e
ju st sayin "h"e can't le a.d. wit-his-"h" am-(e-ass-u-re-) ass- t/h- a-nd- in p lea sure
ire-on-nic- he be-rate-s- me for not apparently bein g able t00 the me assu/re
ps, for as charming as paul drinan comes across, ladies, please work for him if you have a chance, as you will capable ye see his r-ass-, he has honed no pleasure too th pass.
re all work. not c-harming- me-as-s/ure-
given th opportunity e t00 th 0/n e, he w/-ill st-e-p-awn-your e l -a/s-t- 0r-e-n-cum-b-ere- your e p as-(t-)oo-t-h-e-t-st-one-
this means some thing to sharon ('s motivation e too th 0(w/)n e)
please understand,
whether paul drinan believes in god or not (he does not) he use the value of the construct, the container, ie the con-t-ai-ner-e-
i hav'e ye a rt 2 x t00 t0w/ & t0 e & t 0w/n e all s 0w/e g0
it is my beleaf, the "container" is the patriarchy in the image of -e-g-0/d- & the law-st- (without (g) l0ve & actuall g (L) 0ve t0 g(r)0 w/e 0/f t)
paul "acts" as "god" to cont-rive- emotional belief (for no reason actually, as it isn't in his b ag of representationall t ri x, ore t ricks, per h apse t-rick's-)
so he can act like a thunderous zeus with no reason to top pr r00f, except that he is very l0-u-d- in- his -a/b-u-s-e-
paul has mastere-d- the tricks of voice projection with nare'ye confidence, but he can't simulcast in 2D with e re fer en ce
(he isn't bu i lt 00 t/h l a st e)
paul has mastere-d- the tricks of voice projection with nare'ye confidence, but he can't simulcast in 2D with e re fer en ce tu be seen f ore all t i'm e actually e
w/ the me an s
as t (h)e w/e , wood x would see air, and see he d i.d. not c ai re
this does not make him a value producer on my thr0ugh f ai re t a/n e'ye w/(h)ere
he had a choice, he abused it to b-scene for no reason to be among the people he loves to populate with no value actually e. ye /t w/an t u b-scene as-s-having value too the me an s.
he is rapacious as the d-ate-r-ape- t-he-b-ring-s-
he had a choice, he abused it to b-scene for no reason to be among the people he loves to populate with no value actually e. ye /t w/an t u b-scene as-s-(h-)aving value too the me an s.
he is rapacious as the d-ate-r-ape- t-he-b-ring-s-
paul has mastere-d- the tricks of voice projection with nare'ye confidence, but he can't simulcast in 2D with e re fer en ce
(he isn't bu i lt 00 t/h l a st e) (it is why he "h"as-t-e-ye- too-t-his- e-e-motion-all-con-vi-ct-i/on-e-)
t-his-t- should really be c all e d 0(u)t (0t = over t i'm e t0 me)
m.0/ re f re q/u en t~l ye
a. m.~0./ re t0 me an s
rich doesn't have the f ai t/h fa ct h t0 w/(h)all k 0/n e watt ai re since sharon sunk his st-one-
t r~a.(i)d. e m(e) ark ™
e-rose, it a wasn't re all t00 th t rue st
s 0w/(e) r(e)ye
s0w/r~eye le t00 th b(e.g.)i n ein t i'm e ve(i)n a nd
re ally e? ye are accusing me of bi-as-s-
e -th-too-t-he-m-ai-d-e/b-too-t-he-e-d- ?
when is the last time you made love a/ct/u/ally e t0 me
you-r-e-coun------t-er-e-s-w/(h-)e-l-l-s- w/-e-re-lie-f-
"0"-h- 0ne me, care-le-s-sly-e-
b-re-ad-b-r/o-k/en-t0-ken-d's-en-d's-ag-a/i-n- st-e-ad-s-
you haven't actually made love in n ai me
all d-e/b-t's- a-nd- e/p-t-h's-ai-me- tanks, f-ore-ye-ya-nk-s-
you made lov' a- g-a/i-me-
and you are kind-a-delude-d-actyl ly e the s-ai-me-
your c our ag/e n eve r e c a(i) m/e
c-(our-)t- c-am-e-
the 0 r(e)ye a.r is k n0 t re all(e)ye t/b r~ave
it is "modified" di's-f-un-ct-i/on-e-ye-s-(h-)ave-t0-w/-(h-)ave-
"none the less!" disfunction is your e-nd-g-ai-me-t00-t-he-n-ai-me-
i bring this up, b.c. what you h-ad- wasn't re all, and what you lo-st-ye, is nothing but se(e)-x-ap-p-ea-l-
and would you stop being a dumb fuck, on my keel
interesting rich, i think you are feeding off of sharon's emotions e t00 the t ea. ll
the "undiluted"- novelty- is (-k-)n/i-ft-ye- & -k-ni-(f-)t-ye-
so far the glasses are good, i placed little rubber brakes / stops on the temple arms, behind my ears, and keep them positioned high on my bridge above the acetone condition.
there was a wire attaching the 'attachments' i decided i didn't need that. the rubber brakes work fine on their own.
the only thing i need to be wary of is to not itch where the acetone has lent contact dermatitis again and again and e/b too this day even
i built up, it would se am, over t ex t p0 's e(e)d
with the rubber brakes / stops, the glasses no longer slide down my nose, with every toss of the frisbee too the min 0
i dont cringe when i get a let-t-are- from ave-st-a-, i c "ring"-e-w-/(h-)a/s-t-e-t-he-ar-t-i-f-x-f-a-ct-s-0-(w/-)n-amore-de-fi/n-e-d-o-b-serve-d-
charlotte is an ineffective dodderer. is she manipulative or just losing her marbles? i know that she is willing to go to court and identify herself as an "expert". i am a Mazed to hear she, presume able ly, birthed a child. i don't know what else to say about this woman except, she would induce a snooze from a continent away.
white bread, rainbow bread, gaffe polka dots and all, is cavernous crystal mine compared to charlotte. g-e-e-e-e-sus-s-
any way, she seems to have a preoccupation with wan t-ing to show up. i have met plenty of ineffective pi-e-ce-s- of-e-d-r-i've-l- ,
she makes the "g-ap" e-x-pan-d-.
the only authority she has is "management", i find her repugnant. i honestly don't think she has a soul any more.
i called richard mc, and layed the way charlotte found out about my tires, ie, if she did her self it was invasive, as she would have to go behind one table of art supplies and looking under the bigger table and lift the fabric that completely covers them, ie i let richard know, he is not my friend.
he says i am using the artroom for storage and i say fuck yes, i am also paying the price for him sitting on his ass and not going to court, not getting paid to do that, having a 'friend' die and move my stuff, and work and class, and etc, and that i despise avesta and him spying on me, so they can effective-lie- boss my life around.
i know richard supplied them with a conversation. i told him his plants, as he grows plants, on an art table, are because he cannot love, he cannot give love, grow love, be love, supplant love.
he is an aries, he got angry, and told me to never call him again. i was like, perfect end.
tired of giving my attention to people that are s-him-s-
speaking of shims, she-shims-him-miss's-him-s-
we do have mu c/h to ta l/l k 0 f/t
considering the thoughts dropping like pennies.
i hope i had 6 hours sleep today, i don't think it was, and work after work, and i think the woman found me attractive. i came straight from work in c/overe alls and had been working in the dirt.
didn't plan connecting today, however i did take the easy way out with the tires, i knew that, it was the day i was to go to the salon for a media blitz, and i just got over the flue and i had a large red cyst under my nose, and i get the letter to move my tires on my tires. i noticed on the way to the salon, had been in bed for 4 days, and had not noticed the note, that when i did notice it read they would be tossed that afternoon.
i really despise s-him-s- asking me to jump through there ho-o/p-s-
charlotte, as "is" serves no purpose on earth. if she were my muse i would have dried up like the sahara desert, a millennia ago. she is so in-n-c/0-re-p-0-re-at-e-d- it hurts. she opens her mo-u-t/h- and you sing inwardly at the very least : '0hhhhhhh~g~awddddddddd' Fuck, Make "it" S/t 0 p/s (with her sig ht alone, as meye t memoreye serves me t00 th 0(w/)ne.
i thought i would try easy, as the tirade started in my head with the little "note" like asking birds in the parking garage to disembark of their o(w/)n fe at h~er e s. ab-sir-d-
is how charlotte makes a living for no reason. -e- getting p-ai-d- e/b -too-th-d-ate- . if she wants a little "t-r/a-ct-i/on-e-" she makes a "note" on my e p(L)ate, as if she had merit in the first place.
i thought i would try easy when i opted to put the tires in the art room, as i have gone to court for that value. as it were, and ironic i thought in passing, how a-rt- of a-rt-i-fi-ce- stores t-ire-s-as-w/-(h-)ell-
i knew i was doing the easy thing, and i thought i would try it nonetheless. i haven't addressed every stroke of "note" per charlotte. i have let some slip and with an eye on nit, i see, if i don't fig ht this "we'd" back, it will crawl in my L ap t00 th ar/rass bu ye with and f 0re no re all 0 reason e t00 th L a/s t.
charlotte only knows how to live vainly s-ow/e-
is how charlotte makes a living for no reason. -e- getting p-ai-d- e/b -too-th-d-ate- . if she wants a little "t-r/a-ct-i/on-e-" she makes a "note" on my e p(L)ate, as if she had merit in the first place and always actually.
she is out of t-ouch-a-nd-
i don't know what to say, at court she had a full length black quilted jacket, that missed her attention, that she ran up against the snowy salty side of a car door? look, i meye t feel sorry for her, a raw lump of p-h-leg-me-, dressed s-h-allow-e-ye-x-e-cu(e-)-t-i've-, if she weren't persistent in att-ai-ning a posit-ion-e- 0n e m/e vain
i re member e w/hale
this is making my nose itch.
it is already red and patchy.
mr and mrs -ce-ne-s-him-s-
just lolly gagging 0 par t's
charlotte thinks i am severe, dogmatic and austere with exaggerated ideas, however i do not "drive" to -e- x-i/s-t- "dogmatically" for no reason e w/~h i.'d. th -e- s-ai-me-mistake-in-p-l-a-ce-
w/(h)i.d.e ye a.(i)m.e a.d. ju/st h' s ai me ve(i)n b r/ai/n
i was ramped last night, and with over the counter sleep aid, i hopefully went to sleep before midnight, and was up at 3 and 4 and 5. just up and wired. when i was asleep and did wake up in bed, i was thinkng about something and i was angry, i opened my eyes, to check if it was just a dream, and when i opened my eyes, i acknowledged, nope, it wasn't just a dream, and i am angry. anyway, tried to go to sleep. i have done remarkably well for 2 days of 5 ish hours of sleep.
i did work overtime today, delivering product, and i would be late for class, i decided to come straight home. today was unusual. the st-one-r at work, i walked past him after lunch, he at the lathe, and it smelled 6 feet away as if he just toked.
i did make verbal note of it. and what happened is 1. my reference was checked and confirmed, it was totally weed the st-one-r- freshly returned from faking his last in-jur-e-ye- that claimed workmans comp against the company and ding-d-it-
it is hard to imagine how he got injured, in the first place, he was jumping on a crow bar. my words, to describe, maybe not totally accurate, however his methodology is headscratching even for an ape in a machine shop.
so he is at a lathe, stoned.
then, i hear, my comments to 3 people spread like wild fire, and the owner was never one in the loop. i got feedback that the convo went : is angela trying to h ang h i'm. (yes she is, by his own fucked up -(e-)o-ness-), and then what happened i hear, 2 'brilliant guys' stopped the convo from going to the owner, b. c. the 2 brilliant guys toke at lunch too.
all i know is people i work with have worked for years if not a decade and more, and no accidents. what-shits-0-n-ai-me- is a walking liability for us all in that machine shop.
so i was told i shouldn't go to the owner, "b.c." the other guys told the st-one-r- that i told them that he was to-ken-. and it turned into politics, and the treatment and conversation for using my full faculty in the machine shop was reduced bu-ye-a/s-t-mo-de-st-ye- none the le-s-s- that i have a nose, and it shouldn't know and communicate too the re s 0w/e
i heard the convo that i should fold in my shoulders and wear my little vain head in, and simply stepped over the gate and let him in on everything.
me and toking. i have never bought weed. i have never grown it. i don't have a connection for getting it. i have never asked for it. i never tried it before moving to maine. i do try things. recently i tried a starbucks energy protein drink, and it was kinda funn.
i have learned i can use pot as a short cut s(t)oo the mat(e)r/i x l en t0 me. i don't use it all the time, and if i do, it is planned with the next day off as it can make me feel diagonal into the next day.
the interesting thing between me and the-se- m-en-
is i don't hide my counter f(e)i/t pers0n all i t(e)ye
i think that is the "pro"cess of taxation for no reason and nare ye any e re lay t i/on e f ai re & w/ hap pr 0/x i'm ate t ai re = k-eye-p-(l-)a-ce-t-heir-e-
i was ramped last night, and with over the counter sleep aid, i hopefully went to sleep before midnight, and was up at 3 and 4 and 5. just up and wired. when i was asleep and did wake up in bed, i was thinkng about something and i was angry, i opened my eyes, to check if it was just a dream, and when i opened my eyes, i acknowledged, nope, it wasn't just a dream, and i am angry. anyway, tried to go to sleep. i have done remarkably well for 2 days of 5 ish hours of sleep.
i did work overtime today, delivering product, and i would be late for class, i decided to come straight home. today was unusual. the st-one-r at work, i walked past him after lunch, he at the lathe, and it smelled 6 feet away as if he just toked.
i did make verbal note of it. and what happened is 1. my reference was checked and confirmed, it was totally weed the st-one-r- freshly returned from faking his last in-jur-e-ye- that claimed workmans comp against the company and ding-d-it-
it is hard to imagine how he got injured, in the first place, he was jumping on a crow bar. my words, to describe, maybe not totally accurate, however his methodology is headscratching even for an ape in a machine shop.
so he is at a lathe, stoned.
then, i hear, my comments to 3 people spread like wild fire, and the owner was never one in the loop. i got feedback that the convo went : is angela trying to h ang h i'm. (yes she is, by his own fucked up -(e-)o-ness-), and then what happened i hear, 2 'brilliant guys' stopped the convo from going to the owner, b. c. the 2 brilliant guys toke at lunch too.
all i know is people i work with have worked for years if not a decade and more, and no accidents. what-shits-0-n-ai-me- is a walking liability for us all in that machine shop.
so i was told i shouldn't go to the owner, "b.c." the other guys told the st-one-r- that i told them that he was to-ken-. and it turned into politics, and the treatment and conversation for using my full faculty in the machine shop was reduced bu-ye-a/s-t-mo-de-st-ye- none the le-s-s- that i have a nose, and it shouldn't know and communicate too the re s 0w/e
i heard the convo that i should fold in my shoulders and wear my little vain head in, and simply stepped over the gate and let him in on everything.
me and toking. i have never bought weed. i have never grown it. i don't have a connection for getting it. i have never asked for it. i never tried it before moving to maine. i do try things. recently i tried a starbucks energy protein drink, and it was kinda funn.
i have learned i can use pot as a short cut s(t)oo the mat(e)r/i x l en t0 me. i don't use it all the time, and if i do, it is planned with the next day off as it can make me feel diagonal into the next day.
the interesting thing between me and the-se- m-en-
is i don't hide my counter f(e)i/t pers0n all i t(e)ye
i think that is the "pro"cess of taxation for no reason and nare ye any e re lay t i/on e f ai re & w/ hap pr 0/x i'm ate t ai re = k-eye-p-(l-)a-ce-t-heir-e-
e fxf ab le a. w/are w/hare w/h ai r/e th re ad e/b t ai re
if men run the competitive marketplace for no reason, and the artifice is maid dupe peon, they sell the illusion too th b-scene of giving gam a g/0 d.r. un (and drive dr-un-k- if you p-l-ease-th-e-make-w/-i.d.-th-ic-c/up-(L-)ate-ll-e-ye-ne-cess-are-ye-
selling the illusion is vain and in-creases taxation (for no reason) without representation e in fxf all0w/e t(h)rue t0 me an s w/ h actually e w/(h)earing meye value t00 the r~e L ate & sus st/ai/n ab le fxf a/ce t0 (me)a. k~e
a rt = are T = eye f0r a/i = h/ave a r/0ut e m0 di fi ed i/n t i'm e
f0r(e)/m/e a.d. & f0r(e)/m/e a.n s w/(h)earing t he X a/ct l(e)ye
you simply believe there isn't love to be found debt too tooth and head g(r)0w/0und~
you are the bound aries, b.c. sharon put a bind on you in the competitive sphere, and i put one on you h ere.
i bring this up, b.c. paul drinan's witholding from me, for no reason to u/se e, is not the sa me r/ig ht 0/m e w/h ere me a.n i/n g's.
he st ill th-ink-s- he is going to b(e the)one. such is his hear-t-i-fi-ce-
he can't c-a-st-of/f-e (b.c. it is what he is may-d-of-t-)
about your zero question and can you have 2 roads/ directions you didn't pay for even…
shortly after that online convo, i went to class and we are studying cnc (computer numerical codes / for short) g codes and m codes
c0d = collect on delivery e & c 0/d = 'c' 0uter diameter e, could also mean over dose, in the d-rink- and-p-ill' scene- tu-b-, could mean 0ver drive...
i will have to review the notes, but the code is in 1's and 0's, like computer binary (bi nar~e'ye) language.
it got me thinking how to get to '2' if you are zer0, and any number you divide into zer0 is zer0, and if i am p.r. i'm e 0ne, any number i di vi. d.e int0 gives the same number its own value.
i think you get to t00 x 2, by the 1 and 0, all the time ve(i)n s 0w/e. g.0
like 'one' is odd, 10 x t en = e ve(i)n
the value of the 'higher' numbers is all the same in relation to the one and zer0 from when ce the w/e c a(i) m/e, the more 1 on 1's and zero t(h)rue a.r 0~d/e l(l) t~a w/e 'd ju/st b.c.
step up your house ad e w/e c a.d., c ai me in a ne~w/e fxf r/ai/m~e n t' g ave t w/(h) ave & h ave n ai me d = we are the saime collect i've ta(i)re ye *h*e/r 0 w/e d ate t00 th fi/g ave
it is just an i.d.ea. , not very different in dynamic from the i.d.-ea-s-in the competitive me-ark-e-t-p-(l-)a-ce-, except in knit s/h/ea.r t w/hen in k & d0/u t
this is what i think is going on, you are w/-ai-ting for the s-ave-i-ore- in your head, and it is actually your h-ea-d-
do you enjoy waiting for the de-ad- to prop you up in-sig-ht-ad-
i'm going to sleep on time, sub l i'm (b)
richard, his communication with avesta, in behalf of sup-planting-t-he-, is the invasive "we'd-" (none of these people are actually necessary e t00 th be l ea f~ i/n e me a.d & enjoy the care less (is-a-m0-re-) t00-t-h-ave-n-ore-
no pen ly e, b.c. your lam-b-cam-e-, butt you didn't l eave t/h i'm th' s ai me
your e products / image of/f 's l0ve, is only a w/ a value, if you are rig ht ing proprioreceptively 0n t0 me ta t i'm e t(h)rue, ie 0n t0 m(e)as sw/ell e w/e
me as the mass we ll t 0/d ew/e
the p.r./0 d/u ct is e X p0 ' set/h e x p0's e/d e l(t)ta t0 (w/)e. g. 0(w/e)d 0h x h0 e
ps, you are a l0 ha h0
relatively speaking your 'h' is hydrogen t00 the re lay t with e L ate, h (hydrogen) + 0 (z~er0 se), for your 0 dreams (t) oo the s peak in re all i t(e)ye tu p comp L ea.t
e ll e ye t h0/u s e t/h f(r)a(i)me
fund am en t a'll(e)y e speaking 's um e 0/n e
shar-one- wan t's me one ye with inter-e-st- f/r0m e a.d.
r/ich as a fall sell all arm
w/e g~0/d
all thru s-he/ist-0-re-ye- man-s- can be scene for h-anging his bu-ll-s-hi-t- 0/n e' s 0/m e b/b 0d e'ye t0 -me-an-s-
the "men" i work with are complete bu-ll-s-hi-t-, too-th(e-)c-over-d-up-e-t-up-up-
take my *H, and H ang it with n0 0n e t00 th(e) re la(ye)t e ve(i)n t(h)rue
i don't think s-ow/-e- due tw/h0 & hue 2
in regards to w/-ai-t-i/n-g- in your h-ea-d- &-she-d-s-he-d-s-
i think it is interesting c/a i/n e'r (e) b e'res the m(e)ark
e ca.d. e/b t00 th your de fen ce set h all 0 w/ere a p0 zer0
younow/e b link >>>
on to the younow in th lending
that's weird, don't know why the audio wasn't working, and still don't.
alright richie, i need to eat a little bit, and re s0 rt me w/(h)all and e/b t all k, probably about a half an hour
you want me to just jump in
0k w/e.g. 0
(https://www.younow.com/xubrnt : #hiefen
G~ lib
should e'ye feel guilty, cert/ai/n le'ye k/n0./t f 0re breathing t'h' 2 0
ps. brought up sexual harrassment in the mtg, again not my intention but a curious tri-ad- of l-awful-l in-t-en-t-i/on-e-
with a new/e co/m er e in ven t~i/0n e tu
the "l-awfullness" bein-g-0-d/r-ug- on me'ye palate provide ed n0 save(i)0re t00 th e re st 0(a)re ve in a m(0 r)e
steve upon hearing of the meeting to plead i didn't mean evein, got it right a w/aye, that it would be d-own-ta-t-rig-h/t-it-t'ye- of me (an s w/(h)ea r/i n/g) to back peddle too-th-di's-p-(L-)ay-e-
no mistake i am w/(h)ide ing my t/ires in the art d/r/aw/e ing r00m e'ye t a may ke
par/a ll el as sig h f/a/ct h in (k) p(L)a ce
set h par/a ll el(le) t0(w/)e ff a/ce t00 th 0ne t/h (r ) 0ne
'ye ar e me'ye p 0'le pt mast and r/udder ~e t all0w/e t00 th b utter e
would you rather are-g(L-)ue s-ai-d-the-pal-lace-too-th-f-ew/-e-
"h"/e- can always rep lace the-mu-st-imp-r0ve-
without the di's grace too the should ere 2
a c h0 i/ce in the m/at(t)e/r e : mater e mate r e matter e m at(t)e r e (e) fxf r0m a ft e're a.d. j/u st b.c.
in the hr meeting, i discussed the meta for the machine stops on the machine vices in the shop and how will wanted a slot. i then explained the process that to get a pre t~t(e)ye s l0 t, the intention h a.d. e/b t00 th b (ea) p an d el(l)ta le ap pre s/en/t fxf i/r st l(e)ye in the re l e/a. f~e/e d en s~e l/l (e)ye t00 th e p.~r.0's~e/e d en t a ll(e)ye a/s t b. re ad c. fe a/s t
tis w/(h)~r'e~ye a.m. f0r meal ly k-n0-t-"p"- "c" t00 t/h 's ea. t
bu-ye- see-t-he-
a. m.e/r i/c/a~ n(d)
en g/L is H t0 (w/h0) me
as per th' c/0ur/t and c-our-t-ad-dit-i/on-ai-l-(e-)ye-
i-/n-g- 0/n e me'ye :
it' s' l0 t~00 t/h 0ver t ea.r n
0/n e b/all an(d)ce (re t ea.r~n e'ye b/bu) ye a.r n~
0 p/en t00 th' st/ern
its a lot to over t ear n, a value you did k n0 t actually desire 2 x t00 care ret t00 the t00 th earn and ret earn.
which is to say "you" -x- yew/-e- f-t-fed-up-e-t0-yew/-e- do not get my value bu-ye d-aye-b-rake- 0re- b-re-a-k-t-(h-)rue-le-in-0-rig-i/n-e-mew/-e-
E/X a.m. p le : a g/ai/n~st a ll 0/d(d)'s~, th' d ate is t rig ged in si de the de-f-un-ct-i/on-e-t0-me-an-s- w/-(h-)ea-r-i/n-g-s-0d-(d-)l-ye-t00 the re ce-i-eve-
a - g-ai-n-st-a-ll-0-d-(d-)'s- ee-k- the retention of their b/all an(d)ce with no intention f0r me/al ly, just for the saying s-0w/-e-(a.-k-)
with no desire at h's peak
"yew/-e-" have no desire at th' s peak, and you c-loud- the ai-re- with your poll-u-ti-on-a(-i-)re-
you, hollie sprague, et al in "h" "d" have to reason tu be 0/n e me'ye. just sayin, your g/a-i/t-e'ye on me, is for no reason you have actually L (0ve) ai D e/b t00 th' be f/0re (a.d.) ju/st bein g a.(i)m.e l(e)ye
as for my tires, your next email receive notice that my tires, are now for meal ly a w/are ar t pr0 j~e ct 2 you-r- di's-p-ai-r-e- , i will be decorating my tires in the art room with c ai re. and will broadcast live video for your p.r.00f, it you need it f ai re ve in un t00 th ai re a r0und (e)ye w/e a.r~t/h a r(r)0w/e re r0und e ye' w/e ve in far un t0/0d u/e t(h)rue
t/h *e* r/fi g's your fi-b/u-(e-)ye-
consequently , yew/-e- do not get to be the brake and rake (c)o/n(e) me ye t i'm e
don't throw my H* a round w/i th0u T 0w/n e're ship t/h e(i)r e
as far as i am concerned you do not have a value to speak or w/-rit-e- bu-ye- rig-ht- on me'ye ar t/h~ an d be(a)rth a(i)re
an-d-make-c-up-t-l-aw/-e-s- "b" "c" you R is k/n0/t re all (e)ye t/h e(i)r e. g. a rd i/n g f a(i)r e
you stint on observance, b.c. you can't see q/u are
t is k n0 t me'ye fxf all t~(e)ye
don't st-in-t-0/n-e-me-an-s-
w/i th0u t/h ink i/n g u/ye won't be w/(h)ea.r. i/n g your value t0 me a.d. 0 p/en ly e t00 th per c (i) e/ve n bu ye ven i/n g's
h ark e b/b r/a/k~e* w/h it me an s
(you can't put your -h-and- on/e me'ye H act u ally e t00 t/h p.r.0se ed/e/f0r meal ly e~
their f/ore it would yap peer, ye w/e 'd it kn0t be L ab 0re a p0 in t/h e're t00 t/(h) car~reye f/0r e w/(h)a rd' set h/c ai re
in are t00 t/h an d's t/ar (e) st ai re
th' d ark i/s s/t ar(e) lit ai re, the tare w/(h)eigh t f ai re
t00 the me as s/u/re th's par e
"like" the gyp-sum-st-one-t00-th-s-par-e-in-ret-urn-are- f-ore-very-e-on-e-too-th-c-ai-re-ye-on-e-f-ai-re-
the de-c-i-eve-r- is the "one" all-a-w/-aye-s- c(h-)om-p-eat-i/n-g- t00 the direction-all-a(i)-r-, and liar if you ne-e-d- "re-all" -x- reel re-(ap-)p-ai-r-e-
re all thinking is t a b/le pt bu/st
in thanking e mu st
me a.s(s)u/re t/h e(i)r e s qu/ a(i)re
f0r/t/(h)/e w/ i'll and ew/ el= L i/k~e/d e/b t00 t/h' s par e t/h' 0 w/hit me an s 0w/e th 0 w/i th0u t 0ut a Ha bi/t H em
gyp-s-um- mit-f-0re-th-f-x-f-re-e-f-0re-all-a-w/an-t-00-t/h-0-w/-n-ai-l-(e-)ye-plum-me-t-
like a plum m~e/t u t00 th le a.d.(e)ye t/h in k~a.d.vance t00 t/h c/r a/ft as saf(e)t a ct & p(lace) h/et a t00 t/h' st ag e n ai me
c-h-ea-t- at-s-w/(h-)in-d-(e-)l-e/n-t00-t-h-eg-i-v-en-(ta-g-)ave-
gyp-s-um-s0-c-k/e-t- w/-(r-)en-ch-in-p0-c-k/e-t-ap-t-l0-c-k-i/t- a-w/-ar-e-r0ck-e-t-
e x ce pt, ye can't spar e and r ai n the aven a c ai re in p(L)a ce q/u all e pt f ai re & s(ee) q/u are l(e)ye
c ai re le s/s = a.m. 0(0)re less 0n e'ye n(k)n~0w/e b/b t00 t~0(w/)e ar t r~0 p/e t'ye s~0w/e de sig n e're s/c 0/p i e/d 0 w/e t/h 2 0
p. r.0t0 type
the tires (h) are meye new/es to enSue s(h)0re and en s nare t00 the mu l ah t0(w/)e x 2 and g~r0(0)ve in a vi ew/e
p. r.0t0 type
the tires (h) are meye new/es to enSue s(h)0re and en s nare t00 the mu l ah t0(w/)e x 2 and g~r0(0)ve iN AV(i) Ew/e t(h)rue st ew/e
in de/ed e(b) tu g a greed t0 dine on c-u-e-
t-hie-f-en-sue- 0n the pal ate t-it-me-w/e-s-
quest-i-on-e-w/e-s- (pre-s(s)/ag/e-d-bu-ye- n0 thinking f0r the t(h)rue)
'ye strike th' b/all (t) 0(u)t a b/all an(d)ce -&- con-verse-l-l(e-)ye-
st-r/i-k/e- t-he-b-all-out-a-b-all-an(d-)ce-i/n-g-
w/H at 'ye w/H ave t(w/)h~e'ye w/e ta w/h ea t e t(h)rue
the 0-rig-i/n- at the mo-men-t- is a-me-w/-e- an-d- t-hey-e-, can't ho-ld the-i/r- apparent b/all an(d-)ce, w/i th0u t 2 acting in be ha(l)f the-i/r-one-tu-too-t-f0r-tu-&-tu-ne-t-rue-
hol-lie sprague contacts me because she has nothing to s par e, and no w/in d, to get thing moving on her 0ne ve/in
-as- she st-e-ye-s- on e me, to her per-c-i-eve-i/n-g-a-greed-e/b-t00-th-en-e-e-d-(e-)ye-
d ea t/h 'sig h' s aye
i have no n-e-e-d- of your in-d-e/b-t-ed-ness you make bu-ye own -e-f-x-f-a-ce- w/i th0u t me an s nare r/ate i/0n e ally e
me'ye t ires w/ear a w/heel and get h ere , and i promise i will drive them all over you with c ai re, if-t-e-ye-w/an-t-p-ark-t-he-re-
hol-lie sprague contacts me because she has nothing to s par e, and no w/in d, to get thing moving on her 0ne ve/in are.
she only has (a) c/up of vain nit e'ye t00 th s par -e-, and re s par -e-, to remedially, for-t- the lack of reason, she doesn't actually care in follow thrue t a(i)re.
the weaker e-s-e/e-x- con-vi-ct-i/on-e-
for -t-hie-r- lack of cont ai n 'd e/b t00 t -reason-
pre ten di/n g on me "e ve in"
she has nothing of value to w/e b/h a.d.
she can only po-st-u-l-ate- on me, as-si-ft- s-he-g-ave
opened ended you see, unless i rem e dia ll ye pre par e ye
the deceive-r- has a sane n-ai-me- given t00-t-he- a-gree-d-
she has nothing of value to w/e b/h a.d.
she can only po-st-u-l-ate- on me, as-si-ft- s-he-g-ave
opened ended you see, unless i rem e dia ll ye pre par e ye
the deceive-r- has a sane n-ai-me- given t00-t-he- a-gree-d- that eye should thin k of -t-he-ot-h-er-e-s- that thin k 0f t me re all ye t00 the me an s 0 p/en l(e) ye ff ace t00 th fe a/s t
a nd give thanks (t) oo the re ce i ve in g re at e ll e' ye
t0 me
t0 me a.d.
which is to say, hol-lie sprague can only lie every t-i'm-e- s-he- o-p-en-s- her mo-u-t/h-t-out-
she doesn't lie on "every one" she lies 0/n eve r 0ne
she lies as a constant in pro-cess- set to t-axe- every time she breathes ai re, she di.d. not actually pre par e f0r the ff a/ce & ff all0w/e t(h)rue 0n/t a w/are
the "rules" that are in "place" with "cops" too the in-st-i-g-ate-, are fake. they are maid-up-e-on-eg-lig-ab-le-g-r-a-ce-
b.c. not "one" has t earned the value of t heir e ff a/ce t00 the d ate t hey e p0 st u l at e ne'ye 0n e me'ye p(L)at e
which is 2 say, ye can't re p aye t me
e vain with w/hat ye a.s sa'ye
ye are only the answ/ere to me an s, to honest l(e)ye n(k)n0 t00 th s aye an(e)ye t hing e including in rig ht i/n g write i/n g 0/n e me ye T
that is i ft 'ye w/an 't u be in g as h0 ne st as (k)c an be/ en 0/ta b en e w/(h)in (d)
hol-lie sprague despies for(u)m 0ver e f-unction-
s-he- l/l-0- 0k-s- ai- d- 0w/-n- second-coming-am-cam-
s-he- is indigent to trust her l-aw/-ere-s-0w/-e-pt-mu-c-h-