t/h ' d/e ' s t a/b (e) L(L) e a.d. e/b t 0 w/e t 0/n e t
h ere
er' s e in/n e (d) f 0're (x)(i) t
sein = net. reit =ride
t/h ' d/e ' s t a/b (e) L(L) e a.d. e/b t(h) 0 w/e t(h) 0/n e (s/s) t
t/h ' d/e ' s t a/b (e) L(L) e a.d. e/b t(b) 0 w/e (l/l e) t 0/n e t
t/h ' d/e ' s t a/b (e) L(L) e a.d. e/b t(b) 0 w/e (l/l e) t 0/n e (s/s) t a/b (e) l/l (e/a.) d. a re (a.)d.('y) a'r(e) d
e/b t00 th f (r) 0/n (e) t (h)(d) (b) ea.r t/h (a) d (e) a'rt (h) a s/s t (h) e~a.r t/h d
e'ye woo d (as) s aye t(h)a'n ~k t 'ye w/e f0r (e) t/h e m(e)~a.g i/f t/h e re a. s/s (h) 0/n e t00 th e me (m0) r/r e'ye w/(e) i.d. th (e) i/t ch d (0)(h)(t) b (L) ac k/t 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye (i.d.) a.t e
you can't fact or tact that you paid into heaven d' s(h)at 0/n e t (a) i'm e ye-w/e-t-(h-) i-s/s-u-e-w/e- d- 0f- t00-t-he-(a-)s/s- (t-)a-ye- (d-)a-t-e-. and ye-we-d- s can t a re make me for-(ge-d-)g-ave-d- when your efface for -t- no reason e t 0/d ate, n eve r h ave (n) d
i just passed a local stone, gem, metaphysical, new age shop, and the sign in the window read : get a (new) stone to change your energy ~ e ve(i)n d
green planet. website with dittys & sentimentality for saving & being compassionate for animals. won't go there again. so many "ad's" i can't navigate. your "ad's" repulse me. your "sustaining" to pretend you are "saving" you are not really saving 0/d e/b t(u) be t(h) a w/are a.d. -h-and-making---s-u/s-hi-t-up-t-hie-ven-d- i/t- a- gain-d-
just noticed this on my face book page -d-jack-t-a-s/s- t-(h-)e-ad- g-ave-d-"i/t" 0- w/-a-i/t- - - it should be illegal that you are not conceive a/b (L) e (a.) d. h and e/b t f0rce-s-s-(n-)ake- inn- g-u-ye-w/e- (e-)d- c- (h-) a- (l/l-) v- e- d-
in essence "you" should be ill-eg-al-l-d- for-t- being inconceive a b le a.d. "h" and calling (i)T (h) a t/t a inn a/b le (a.)d.
get your s-(h-)i/t- 0 g e t/h ere a.d. -0-(h-) (t-) be-(a-)d- h-(e-)a-d-
e/b- t-he-pet-u-lance-s/s- (L-) as/s- t- (a-) nd- he-vain-(d-)ad- = any "one" dof-t- can come thru your-e/e- f-(t-) a-nd-
you are not pee ve in d -e/b-t- i-f-x-f- t- e-ye-w/e- d- (s-) c- an -(d-) s- e-(e-)p-i/t-o-me-ven-t-h- d- s- p- (L-)an-(d-) s- h0-w/e-re- d- i/t- 0- get- i/t- back- t-hie-ven-d-h-and- s- (p-) e-(n-) d- i/t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- a- gain- (d-) s- t- i/n- e- t-(h-) a- s/s- t-(h-) e- a-d-e/b- t00- L-(b-) as/s- t- (h-) e- ad- e-ye-am- e- ad- no one 's h 0/n e s/s t (h) 0/n e'ye (i.) d. e/b t(h) at c(h) an d
-um-b- c- (r-) um-b- (e-d-) as/s- k- i- t-hie-ven-d- e/b- t00-L-e-a- p- h-and- (0-c-) he-ap- (t-) a- s/s- t- (e-) d- i-/s- ea-s-e-am-e- d- be- (a-) d- 0- pen- t- a-(i-) l/l-e-ye- (i-) d- force- s-ac/he-inn-g-lee- d-er/r-i-ere-de-r-ang-e-men-t-heir-d-0f- t-(en-d-) s- n-are-d- e/b- t- in your visage, w/(h) ere you do not honestly conceive t(u) be t(h) a w/are a.d. 0 c = a (i)r e (ye i.) d.
bring your e (a) p as/s t -d-0f-t-, you can on-(l-)e-ye-g-at-her-(d-) 0-f-t--(h-) a-nd- 0-w-n- lie-(n-) d- s- t- a- nd- 0f- t-0-g-at-h-er/r-(0-) d-e-ad- 0f- t-0-g-e-t-a- m-0/t-
you-rig-n0-r-an-(d-)ce- d- can only run the defense of stacking no one to be a pre s(c (L) i) e/n t in e t (a) i'm e (a.) d.
"you" "make" "pee-p-0-le-d-" accountable to your e- s- t- 0 -r- e-ye- s- t- e- ye- i- d-
f0r-rue- (w/e-(e-)d- i/t- hie-ven-d- h-and-) ar(k)t a t 0/n e ~c kn 0/t (h) e t (a) i'm e
maye ye s u g/g (u) e s/s t you not prop up your -t-0-w/-k-id-s- t0- re- c- (L-) 0-ve-r- t-(s-) i-g- h- t- (L-) 0-ad- e/b- t00-t-(h-) in- (e-)d- h- inn-g-e-d- (c-)um- e-ye- (i-) d-
t heir is kn 0 w/e a.d. c h? arm in the d es(s)e rt (h-d-) (0-f-t-in-e-t-r-u-u-(e-)s/s- t- (e-) d- h-a-(n-)d- 0- w/ar- e- ad- 0f- t-he-a-rt-h-d- h-inn-(d-)g-e- d- e/b- t- (h-)at- a- re- rue-s-et-he-ad-be-(a-)d- b-(r-)ough-t- 0ff- t- for -t- no reason e -ye-g0-t-bi-g-0-(a-)t- 0ff- t-a-(i-) l/l-(e-ye-) d- 0f- t-
t-he-de-f-le-(x-)ct-0-re-f-le-(x-)t-0-re-(ye-) d-he-vain-d-e/b-t-(u-)b-i/t-s-(h-)i/t-e-ye-t-i/t-s-(t-)u-bu-ye-d-h-and-(h-)u-b/b-u-ye-d- 0f- t-00-t-he- ad- a- p.-r-0-t- e- ct- (h-) 0-re- (a-) d- i/t- hie-ven- d- s- cent- s- (t-)(e-)a-m-e/n- d- e/b- t00-L-be- lie-f-(t-) inn-(e-) g- s-(u/s-)peak-t- (h-) in-(e-) d-
(h-)(0-) c0m-p-as/s- (t-) i- 0/n-e-(ye-) d-
e/b- t-f0r-(e-)ge-t-in-(e-)g- (a-) b- (r-) i.'d.-e- l/l-i-ve-(r-) t- (a-)i'm-e- id- he-a-ven-d- e/b- t- (h-) 0/m-e- a-(n-) d-0-w/ar- t-(h-) inn-g-e-t-a- g- race- d-f-0-r-(a-)m-e-a- l-l-e-ye-(d-)a- t- e- p- id- e/b-t- e- l/l-e-ye- (d- ) g- race- d- e/b- t00-t-he- t-he-re-(s-)t- ill- d- 0- w/-a- i/t-
(h-)a-s/s- t- (h-)e- ad- s- (t-) augh-t-0ff-t-(u-)be-(a-)d- (e-a-) f-0-r-(e-) t-(he-ad-) kn- 0-x- d- e/b-t-00-t-he-(n-) d- en- e-ye-(d-) g- 0/t- 0ff- t-
e/b t00 t/h (y) ie LD
"ye-w/e-d- e/b- t- a- re- t- urn- inn-g- e-t-a- gree-d- 0f- t- s- peak- (i-) t-(h-) 0/m- e- w/e- (e-) d- f- e/e- (L-) d- (e-a-) f- e- a- (s/s-) t- (h-) e-ad- 0-(h-)(t-) be- (a-) d- f-0-r-(a-)m-e- (a-) d- i/t- t00-t-he-ad- be-(a-) d- h -inn-g-e- (d-) in-g- e-t- a- gree- d- 0f- t- e- l/l-e-ye- (i-) d- (h?) ea- t- (h-) a-nd- (a-) g-r-(e-)a-t-e- d- 0f- t-he-me-an-(d-) s- (n-) e/e- k- (i-) t-(h-) u-be-(a-) d- 0f- t- a- gree- d- g- 0/d- h-and- 0f- t-s- e/e- qua- l/l- e-ye- (a-) t- making up a residence making up a perp-et-u-all- d- 0f- t- inn- (e-) s-(t-) 0-l-e/n- t-ce- s/s- (t-) a- i.d.- 0f- t- in- e- s/s- t- (h-) e- ad- 0f- t- (h-) a-nd-
notes t00 th f i' l(l) e t/h s (L) 0/t
t 0 fxf t (h) a nd e/n t in (e)a r e/n d i/t i 0/n e(e) d (h) 0've (t/h) d e/b t a (i') l/l e'ye (i.) d. 0 fxf t~ h ea.ven d s 0/m e~ a./ d. (h) at a/b (e) l/l e' (ye) a.d. h (a.) d. e ve (i)n (d) s um e 0/n e' ye d ew/e a.d. (p) aw/n d e/b t/h f i' l(l) e t/h ' s (h) 0/n e(y)e d (h) 0/m e~ a. d. f r0m t(h)(r) 0/n e
f i'l(l) e t/h b 0/n(e) d (h) and (L) e'ye l/l 0 g (u) e'ye t00 th cu(t) e~ t/h e re (a.) miss (p) en t a/u~
t (0) w/h0 d e w/e ve (i) n (k)n ew/e (a.)d. i/t t00 th 0 b/bu(e)y~e (i.d.) serve d
r~i/b e/e f' s t (e) a k eg re a/t e t(h)in(e)d en em (e'ye) in (e) d f i'l(l)e (t/h e) g/g' s i/r L0 in d f i/s h (i) t/t 0/0 t(h) a g a t/h ere m(e)a.t e 'ye (a.)t ~ (e) l/l 0~ inn (d) s~h ea.r (t/h) d h~at
a g(0)L(d) an 'ce (t/h) d 0 w/(e)a.re t/h ea.r t/h d h (e)a.ven d h a.(n)d. (0) c a s/s inn 0~ a h 0 c a s/s (e) inn (e) 0' s a w/e (d) g a w/e (a.)d. 0 fxf t
h/d f i' l/l e t 00 th s (b i/t e) i' ze~ d
th c a s/s inn 0/d e/g a.m. (e/d) b (L) e d 0 fxf t/h d 0've d
t-off-t- wan-t-s-e-(v-)e-r-s- us/-t- h- ere- ad-
t-0ff-t- wan-t-s- e(v)er's u/s t h ere a.d. b r inn g (a) me t(y)0ur head h and e'ye f(0'r~a) i'll put the s(t) a.m e/n d 's
0 un d b 0 un d
A.D. A.M.~(E)A. N/D H E(a.)VE (t/h) D
A.D. A.M.~(E)A. N/D H E(a.)VE t/h s(n)a~ke = sep ar(e) a.t e i 0/n e d 0 fxf t/h eg 0 s(n)a ke(n) d h and Le ye t/h ere A.D. (b) i/t e w/e a.d. (h) 0/m e a.d. 0 w/e f/f r0m t(h)(r) 0/n e ~(d) c L e(a.)ve~n d(h) 0/p e d' (h inn d) sig h/t (h) r~ e/e (d) f r e/e d (h) 0/m e~ a.d. ~
be a.d. e/b t(b) re a.d. (0) h ea.ven d 0've t a (i') l/l e(a.)ven d e/b t00 L e(a.) s/s (t)
b~an k (h)t' s ~e a. d. (h) 0've r(t) un (e) inn (d) s t (h) e a.d. e/b t(u) b(e~a.)m. e(a.)i.d. 0/t h ea.r t h/d (0) c a s/s t (L) e ye (i.)d. (h) e a.r t/h d
g-0/d-0f-t-he-ad-f-e-(e-)L-(L-)"t" ea-s/s-et-he-ad-0f-("a")t-0/n-e-d-
need-le-ye-d-e/e-d-(im-)um-c-(r-)um-b-um-e-t/h-s-t-(d-)-u-d-e-ye-(a-) t- (h-) at- (ch-i/t-) b- (L-)ac-k-t-
never had 0 w/(h) ea. l/l t/h d
never carrye i.d. e/b t 00 th e w/e ( d/g e) l/l d
wasn't h ere inn t i'm e ~ didn't m(e)a.r k/t
speak-t-(c-) 0/n-e-d-s-nail-son-net-0/0-t-0ff-t-(h-)en-d-0-w/e-(d-)g-(e-)0-t- 's-h-0-w/-e-ye- w/e-d-0- can- d- h-ave- t- e-x-(t-) p.r.ess- (t-) i- 0/n-e-d-ea-f-0-r-(e-)t- no reason you brought , w/(h)inn (d) e'ye w/h(y) 0're desir(e) inn (d) 0've d
t-ea-(c-h-i-)t-(u-)be-(a-)d- 0- w/i th0u t(h) e/n (d) e/e d i/t~ t 00 th d~ ew/(e) i/t w/i th0u t00 L(b) e/n d (h) in (e) d h ea.ven d h and~ a rt ~ e x (t) p 0's e(e) d 0 (w/)n (e) t rig ht ~ 00 th (s) c (h) 0'r(e) d 0fxf t(h)rue~ye i.d. e l/l (s) i g h/t (h) b i/t e
t(h)(d) a p/p (ea.) l/l e'ye (i) t
00 th (b) f 0'rd~ e/b t A gain D
(h-) inn- (d-)0-(h-0-) cent-
h-inn-(d-)0-(h-0-)c- (en-) t-
w/(h) a (l/l) t eRe s t/a fxf (a) i/t h/d e/b t in e (d) g r~a ce s/s h e'ye (i') l/l d
y0u r n(0/t) a g (i ' l/l) t (h) inn g (e) t 0ff t' s 0/m e t(h) a't 0/n e ve (i)n t(b) u m/m e'ye (i.)d. (h) 0've d 0ff e/a. (s/s) t(0)u re (a.) t00 t(h) a w/(e)a.re (a.)t(h) at 0/0 ~
t(h) a w/(e)a.re (a.) t(h) at (ch) 0/0 ~ d (0) b less t e w/e ~ a.d. s (e)a. l/l u t a'te i 0/n e s/s t(h) e ad (g~L) an (d) ce ~ (l/l e) ~ a.d. ~ ewe
t-h- d-0/n-(g-)na- t- you stand dim-e-le-e-s/s-a- w/-(h-)i/t-less-(t-)b-s-p0-ke-d- h and can't tell the difference bc ye-a- r -(k-) t- (h) 0/0 kn 0t h difference A.D.
th e/g (L) 0 s/s (h) at
t-he-i/r-d- j/u-s/t-u-b-s-c-(r-)e-w/e-d- e/b- t- b-f0r-d- (b-)rain-d- s- p-(r-) 0-u-t-s- (h-) am-e-vain-d- e/b- tu-p-r-0-claim-mit-he-ad-s-him-s-a- ga-(w/e-)in-d-(ea-)f-ace-d- 0- w/-i- thou-t- a -g-race- d- f-ace- d- e/b- tu- be-(a-)d- h-and- h-u-b/b-u- ye- w/e- (e-) d- (h-)ues-(h-) i/t- ch- d- (h-) at- e-- s- (t-) a- t- (e-) in- e- (d- ) f-x-f- ace- t00-L-at-(h-)e- ad- (h-) a -re- (d-) b- (e-)a- t-(h-) e- ad- e/b -t- a- cr0ss- t- 0ff- t- he-ad- 0f- t- hie-ven- t- a- (i-) l/l- (d-) 0- f-t-hie-f-en-d-(h-) ue-s- t- (e-) all- 0- (a-) t- he- d- (0-) (h-) (t-) b- (r-) 0ugh- t- 0ff- t- hie-ven-d- e/b- t00- L-(b-) e/n- d- i/t- ch- i/t- hie-ven- t-(0-) w/-h0- d- (h-) e-ye- d- ew/e- (d-) s- pur-(e-)s-u-e-w/(h-)e- t-u-
st~r ang~er e s t ang er e s ang e(r)e x i t 0ff t/h e ad 0 w/00 d be (a) d b(r) 0ugh t 0ff t ~ h/d ' s cent s hi' v ~ e'ye d f0r (e) g (r) e t a re g 0/t i/t (b)(a) re a.d. 0/t' s hi'v~e (ye i.) d. ~ 0ff t hat 0'h t i'm e'ye g 0/t ~ e'ye a.m. e'(ye) i.d.
your not doing anyone any national~l d f (L) ave (i) 0're -ad- 0-ve- d-
why should eye want any e thing less than e'ye s (h) 0/t. b.c. e'ye a.m. t/h (e) re a. l/l (b) a'nd h and 'ye w/e re a.r(k) t k(n) 0/t
why should eye want any e thing less than e'ye s (h) 0/t. b.c. e'ye a.m. t/h (e) re a. l/l (b) a'nd h and 'ye w/e re a.r(k) t k(n 0 w/e a.d) 0/t (h) (d) (s) augh t ere s t(h) e ad h and s(t) augh t~ (u) be (a.)d 0 fxf t
high-d- 0- w/-he-ye-(i-)d- (y-)our- not a the ad k nigh t ~ a re(e) f r0m e'ye t
had this been an honest mistake, sometimes, people end up in the covered parking lot, b.c. they think it is public parking. what they do not know, is you need a key fob to lift the gate, ie to get out. ore you can look at the chain, the wires, the handle, the buttons, and manually lift, and figure how to get out.
if it were an honest mistake, and i were there, i would inform, as i have in the past, this isn't public parking, and if you park your car here, and he gate closes, and no one is here with a key fob, you may not get conveniently out, due to the construction of the gated parking itself.
if you want too talk t about s(e)am e ad ' salutation e/d. put your mark (e) t/h ere
~ t00 th s peak t/h ea.d. (h) 0've (i) t heir d
f r0m e w/e (a.) d. ' s p(h) ere (a.) d.
(b) ea.r t/h d
(b) ea.r t/h (a.) d. e ve (i)n (d) f i/r' s/t
(h)e a.d. e/b t00 th s t a(i) r (e) t/h e're A.d. h e(a.)re (a) p re s (c (L) i) en t h(e/a)d f a(i)r e (a.)d. i(e)t h ere a.d. (h) ea.r d
b 0/0 k -t- (h-) en- d- s- ? t-(h-)e- c-(h-)0/m-p-ass-(t-) i-0/n- e- ven-d-
d-(h-)al/l-t-a-re-(a-)d- 0- w/-he-ye-(t-h-) d-a'ye-t-
saw the "par-am-ore" yesterday at whole foods, while i was looking for goat cheese, for an arugula, beet, and goat cheese in toasted panko bread crumbs patty, tossed in a dressing of olive oil, shallot, lemon, salt and pepper, and didn't like the prices at whole foods for their goat cheese (some of their prices make me feel like an obvious chump, so i went to another grocery store to get the cheese).
it would be A more accurate to say the par-am-0-re- saw me, came up behind me while i was looking for cheese, and asked me (w/?) how i was doing, and i am glad he didn't touch me, or that i can' remember, anyway, he smiled and asked, and i looked, held up my one index finger, and walked away.
the note i gathered back in the car : please do not treat me unnecessary to me 'ye s t(e) a. l/l (e/a) d. ch ea.r 0/d (h)e a.d. e(a) l/l (a) t 0/n e/n d h all t a re a. ft ere a. l/l d
he doesn't bring the time, his polite ness t, is a contrivance that can't (L) e/n d h inn d, and he knows about the work i d u/n e (d) 0/n e t(L) in e & pretend-s-he-doesn't com-(e-) b-i/n-(e-) d-
in 0 t/h ere s t 0/n e/n (e) t 0/0 th eg 0/d (h) ea.r e
(e) f 0're c as/s (t) inn (e) g f r0m t(h) e/n 0 t (e) ' s (t) a t (h) e a.d. 0ff t 0/0 th' (d) s 0 un d 0 fxf t/h d e/b t 0/0 t 0ff t/h eg i've (n) d (b) rain d (h) 0've ye w/e (d) ve (i)n d h a.(n)d.
do not app Le'ye (i.d) apology e for-t- no reason d sound need -(h-)e-ye-d- e/b- to p(aye)t at (h/a) t e/n t i 0/n e (g) to get (y) our (e) t/h r 0 at b(L)ack t00 L e(a)ve n d e/b t (a) (b) re a.d. h inn (d) a.d. van'ce (d) 0 fxf t/h (e/n) d h ea.ven d h a.(n)d. 0 w/(h) eigh t h/d e/b t a gain (d) A.D.
your appology for -t- no reason sound, did kn 0/t app Le' ye (i.) d. e/b t00 th eg r 0 un d. h and e/b t00 th e m(e) A. ke ye p(b) 0 un d ~ ass p (f) 0 un d
Sharon, I am the time you n eve r (e/g) ave (i) t a w/h e'ye (i.) d. : so-nothing-changes-inn-your-time-frame-d-
jeans and a top : i have enough. i just want to have more. w/h0 has a m(e)0(0)re ' shit t00 th s a i'l(l) d has a m(e)0'r(e) t' shit t00 th st0ck (i) t (c) up t
(h) 0 w/e d b f 0'r d b 0(a.)r d 0 w/e
donna-d-john-son-s- f-(r-)i-e-n-d- s-(t-)a- id- :
"no-one-is-innocent" -&- h-and- 0-w/e- (e-) didn't d ew/e t(h) and f an/n e'ye t (h) inn (e) g a-(s/s-)w/e-p-t-ain-t- a- wrong- s-he-d-s-(t-)a-id- f0r-t-(he-) in- e- d- 0- pen- (a-) i- l/l-y-e-(a-) t- h-d- e/b- t-(h-) 0/m-e-a- n- (d-) s- per-(m-) s-0/n- all-e-ye- (a-) t-
R is the root or the radical element of the wine d/h and i(e)t's (ta) r~(e)a.d. i/c all personality , 0H t00 th e t a (i') l/l b 0 t/t L~e d (h) 0 w/h a l(l) e d ew/(e) inn (d) g~ f e/e (L) d' s (t) e l/l (e/a) d 's (c) i e/n (e) t i/s t' s c (L) i e/n t (h/d) be t(h) a've i 0're ve (i)n (k)n e/e d (s) h inn (g) e d ~ 0h (t) i/s (b 0)t h an (d L) e~x p.r.ess i 0/n e g(r) a/pe d (h) 0've t(h)(f) ad (h) e/a d e/b t/h e/m i/r (e)a.t i (0)n e/d h and (e/b t) all~s0 the symb0'Le f0'r (t) all c0 (h) 0'L (e) d hu(e)s/s (d) bu ye scientists. it is s0 t/0 speak t/h (as) s pi r(e)i/t 0f/f the w/in e~ve r e'ye t (h) inn g e ~ t a g(r)e a.d. r inn k / t ~ i/t (u) be (a.) d. f~ 0'r(a.)m. e~ a.d. 0 w/(h) 0/n e'ye (i.) d. (h) e/e d (h)
0've (d) g (L) 0've (t/h) d e/b t 0/0 t/h (e/n) d h and (e) l/l (b) e/n d
you have a meta, of jesus christ and god, with no one debt a re g r0und heaven d s0und 0ff t00 th be (a.)d. h inn g (e) inn g e t(h) rue (n) d 0 w/e (i) t 0ff t(0) w/h0 d e ve (i)n (d) s (up) p (L) an (t/h) d (0) ch ea.r. 0/d (h)e a.d. e l/l i've r e'ye (i.)d. e/b t(h) at 0/n e (d) c~ kn ew/e d
you have a meta for christ, "etc" that no one can occupy among-ew/e-d- 0-w/ar-e-t-(u-)be-g-(r-) inn-d-. you have a meta where you create a 3rd person, a 3rd entity, that "you" can't f (u l/l) f (i' l/l). this "creation" for -t- no reason, and for-t- no desire -x- ce-pt-hie-ven-d-, allows nonsense to f-ill-ewe- in-deaf-i-nit-e-l/l-e-ye-i-d- (0f- t-) in- e- d-. the full-f-ill-men-t-0ff-t-his-t-a-me-(n-)t-a- s/s- knee-d- a woman to be maid-up-e-qua-l/l-e-ye-t00-t-he-ad- s- up- p- (L-) e-ye- i-d- 0f- t- in- e- c- line- d- e/b- t-0-d-ew/-(e-) inn- t- i'm-e-(n-) ad--s-up-p-L-i-e-(n-)d-
your "3rd" person / "entity" is as dof-t- as/s- t- (h-) e-ad- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-e-w/e-tu- get- 0ff- t- (h-)rue-n- d- 0- w/e- (i-) t-0-d-ew/e-d-(g-s-u/s-t-e-w/e-d-)s-
you are not the pre s (c (L) i) en t in e(a) t 0/n e ~ve (i)n d(h) 0/m e~ a.d. 0 w/e (a.) d.
you-are- (s-) t-(h-) 0-Le- id- s- (t-) u- (r-) f-x-f- ere-inn-g- am-e- ("A") i.d. -(h-) 0/n-e- d- 0- w/ar-e-tu-be-ad- 0- w/-h-0-(0-)L-(e-ye-) d-
your s-(t-)a-i-l-l- d- s- t-a-L-(L-) e- t-all-(b-) e/n-t- 0ff- t- he-ad- f- e/e- (L-) d- 0f- t- is- a- l/l-a-w/-he-ye-(d-) s- get-t-in-(e-)g- t-0-s/s-0/d-(e-) u-s-t-(h-)e-ad- (e/b- t-) 0-f-x-f- t-he- indigence of the "rich" for-t-no reason -e-d-b- (r-) ough-t- 0ff- t-(h-)(r-) 0/n-e-d- (h-)(c-) 0/m-e-(d-) vain- d- h-and- 0f-(a-) t- 0/n-e-- s/s- (t-) 0- L-(e-) d-
h-and-0f-a- t-0/n-e- d- h-and- 0f- a- (i-) t-(h-) 0/n-e-d-0f-(t-) in-e-c-(h-) 0/m-e- d- 0f- t-(h-)en-d- (r-) 0-ve- d-
"no-one-" is innocent-in-e-w/e- d- h-a-v-(i-)e-w/e-(n-) d- 0-w/e- d- (e-a-) f-0-r-t- 0- w/an-t-in-(e-)g-e-t-(0-)w/-h0- d- e/n- d- 0- w/e- t-(h-)rue- w/e- d- h-and- 0/u- (be-) t- (0-)w/-h0- d- (h-) e-ye- (i-) d- ew/e-
d-for-ce-(inn-)s-(t-)a-ke- t-(0-)w/-h0- d- e- vain- d- h-a-(n-) d-
Le = language engineering
L= th (e) rig ht ang le t00 L(d) 0've d
e = e ve r e'ye t (h) inn g e ~ d 0ff t
s (t) u (r) fxf er(e) inn g (L) a.d. (v)an' ce a.d.
w/-h-0-Le-(i-) d-
s- 0- (w/-h-0-)L-e-(i-) d-
b- L- (a-m-) e- (i-)d-
e/b -t-0-(w/-h-0-) p.r.-0- claim- mit- t-(h-)a- gain-d- he-vain-d- e/b- t-he-a-p.(r-)e-s- (c- (L-) i-) en- t-00-t-he-ad- s- qua- r-(r-) e-ye- (d- e/b-) t- heir- d- 0- w/- c- a- (i-)r-e-ye- d- f- a- (i-)r-e- (a-)d- 0- w/-r-i/t- h ere
n/t 0/0 kn i/f e'ye d (e) c an t h/d ew/(e) i/t 0 w/i th0u t(y) e w/e ve (i)n d : let' s just make the merry e p (L) an e s(t) e a.m. e/n (d' s) a.m. e ~ ve (i)n d (a) g a.m. e ~ (a.) d. ~ i/t en (d/h) ave d ~ i/t t00 th e re s (t) a'ye d ~ e/b t00 th e m(e)A. k/e t/h e w/h e'ye (t/h) d
you-h-ave- n0 re a.l/l desire 2(a.)d. (v) an'ce A.D. (h)at (h) a/t
willing to share? my parking spot?
k-n-0-w/-e-d- ? = no b.c. communication, collaboration & cooperation 0're not (h) eRe (e) f 0'r (a.)m. e t(h) at 00 th' qua r e (a.) d. e/b t00 L an (d) s qua r/r e'ye (i.) d. (h)(t) a (i) r/r e'ye d e/b t a s/s knee d i/t (h) (f) a'n~ d (0) b (r) 0ugh t ~ 0ff t 0'r(e) t(n) augh t un e ve (i)n d un e ve (i)n (d) s(n) augh t ~ in (e) t(h)(d) 0 p en t a (i') l/l 0 (a) fxf t' s L i (ce) d h inn g e t/h d i/s p (L)a ce n t (h) in (e) d (r) inn kn i/t h ere a.d. h at
ye-w/e-(e-)d- s- (n-) e/e- d- (a-) g- 0-ve-a-r-n-e-men-t- b.c. you do not desire t00 t(h) 0/n e s/s t (L) e'ye (i.) d. communicate, collaborate, & cooperate (i)t (h)rue inn t(0) w/h0 d e~w/e a.d. e/b t be h0'L(e)d ew/e
td- bank- n0-r-t-h-d- take money out of bank--t- (h-) a-nd-r-ape-t-h-(be-d-)b-an-k- t- b- (L-) a-c-k-t- (h-)in-(e-)d- e/b- t-0-re-m-(e-)a-ke-(d-)g-e-t-he-f-x-f-ace- d- s- h-0-(w/-) e- ye- d- (h-0-) c- an- d- (c-) (r-) a- ft- ere- ad- (b-) f-0-r-d- e-ye- (w/e-) d-
if you can't afford an honest dime to your name, you didn't h ave d, didn't h av en d. didn't s (h) a ke t/h ea.ven d e/b t00 t(h) a nd e'ye (i) t a cr0ss t ~ 0 fxf t with any potentiall t -(h-) at- e- w/e- d- b (r) 0ugh t
you- are not the time to be s (t) augh t. you- do not seek (i) t e x (t) ce pt -0- w/-h0-d- force-inn-ce-s/s- t-(h-) 0/0- kn-0-t-
you- make up a scene- d- e/b-t- 0- get- 0ff- t-a- get- a- p-ass- (t-) inn-g- 0/d- 0f-t-
you- h ave no character t00 Le a.d. (h) 0/n e s/s t e l/l e'ye inn (d) 0've (n) t e l/l e'ye i.d. s (t) e a.m. e t0 you -d- e/b- t -e- l/l-e- t-he- me ad, "ewe" t (h) (c) augh t (h) a'nd f a s/s h i(0)nn (e) d 0ff t (h) at h (0) u g/h t
0/0 t(h) 0 p en t(L) 0/0/0/ t
e/b-t-he-re-ad- e/b- t-heir- d- e/b- t- h ere - a- d-
you are providing t-his-t- (le-) d- e/b- tu-be-en- i'm-b-le- (d-)g- (e-) i-(s-) t- (h-) e- ad- e/b- t- (u-b-)re-ad-
(h-a-(n-)d-(b-)re-ad- e/b- t-hie-f-en-d- s- (p-)en-d- s-)
i'm not against a 'mistake'.
it is not the money for the parking spot = $0. the spot is assigned first come first serve d i'm e (a.) d. serve d e/b t 2d (h) at a make the me ad a c/c 0 un t a/b (e) l/l e(a.)ve (n) d
it is the understanding t(0)w/h0 m(e) a. ke (d) g (e) 0/d e/b t00 th d ate
if you do not want the t(a)i'm e to understand your mistake on me'ye (d) p (L)at e, we cannot proseed diligetly e a. t (f) a n/n e'ye s t r a(i) t e
i'm not against a 'mistake'.
if you are going to barge in 'prime' you better own (d/k) nit all (0) t/h (d) e w/h e'ye (i.) d.
d-0-w/-r-i/t- e- vain- d- 0f- t- a- g- 0- d- 0f- t- s- p---(an-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-t- a-(i-) l/l- d- e s~i re a. l/l (d) h e(a.)re~ ~ re a. l/l i g h/ t h 0/u s~ e(a.) d. h ea.ven d h a(n)d i(e) t
0f- t-en-(d-)am-(e-) 0-re- (a-) d- i/t- hie-ven-d- s- (p-) e- c- u- l/l-a-t-(e-) i- 0/n- e-s-he-a-ven-d-
seen s ein e s an (e) s ~ t (h) e a.d.
f 0'r e/e fu t(0)u re (e) fer en ce a.d. a p/p (L) e ~a. s/s e t/h
d kn 0t (e) make t/h e w/e t(h) i s/s u e w/e- d- of-t- a- missing th e/g 0/d (h) 0/m e t00 th f ace d(h) 0/n e d-0f-(a-)t-0/n-e-w/e-t-(h-)rue- w/e- d-(y-)our-e-a-r-s-e-(e-)d- a- f-(t-) a- rt- i-s/s-u-e-w/e-d- 0f- tu-
s-(h-)ave- d- ewe- d- s- pur-s-u-e-w/e-tu-
inn-(d-) p-0-ve-r-t-e-ye- d- im-a-g- i/n-e- (e-) d- 0f- t- 0/n-e-d- e/b- t-(u-)b-0/n-(e-)d- k- inn-g-e-d-(b-)(c-)(r-) um- be-(a-)d- 0f- t- (he-ad-) f- r0m-e-
0- w/e-(e-)d- (a-) p-par-(e-)t- - a- r/r- e-ye-(d-)a-r-(e-) t-
kn 0t ch d (h) e'ye (i.)d. 0/n (e) L(e)y e t(h) in(e) d h and e(b) t/h d (s) p~ar(k) t a gain d e/b t 0/m e a.(n)d. ' s(p) e/e d
kn 0t ch d e'ye d 0/n L(e)y e t i'm e/d par t h/d
h ea.ven d h a(n)d
ye-we-d- (0-)can-t- b r inn g e t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(h) 0/n e d~ f0r-e-war-e-a-d- e/b-tu- d- e- (b-) t-(0-)u- re- d-s-b-s-p0-k-en-t-(h-)rue-w/e- d- (h-) u-e-t-(c-)u- (l/l-)e- i- d- ew/e- (d-) s- (t-) u-b- b-0-r-(e-)n- (d-) e-w/e- d- i/t- t-(0-) w/-h0- d- e/b- t00-t-he- d- i/t- t-0-0-0-
a l/l a w/(h) e'ye (d) s e/a. t/h ea. r t/h (a.)d. 0~ 0're t/h d a'rt e x (t) p0' s e(e) d :
are you seeing the art -a-? removed from th d h ea.r t/h ea.ven d(h) 0/m e a.d.
h0 w/e d ew/e a.d. kn 0 w/e (a.d.)
how do you know?
what text i/s (t) 0 a/r d verse-sus- (t-) 0-re-(ye-) d- - (f-) i/t- f-0-r-d- s- n0-b- 0-d-e-ye- (d-) a- t- e- a- s/s- e- (e-) d- (a-) g- e-t- a- gree- d- 0f-t-s-b-s-p0-ke-(n-)d- 0-(w/-)h- t-(0-)u-re-ad-s- b- s- p0-k-e-(n-) d- h0-ped-d-le-(a-)d- (0-) f-t- (r-) 0- p-e-d- f-(i-)t-u-s-he-ye-(i-) t-(h-)rue-n-d-0-w/e- (i-) t-u-
s 0/m t(h) inn g e d gi'ven d e m0 t i 0/n e d, ass long as you don't need to put your name on the line you would e m0 t e t/h ere ce i've d e/b t00 L(b) e t/t a(i)r e a.d.
you don't really have the rig ht, too the (a) s/s (t) a'ye (i.) d. your debt in e t(h) and has t e p/p e d h a(n)d deliberately e p ave ' d i/a m 0/n (e) d serve d
th e/m (e) a. s/s t (h/r) 0/n e t00 t(h) i/t (ch' d) s (h) 0/n e (d) g r~a ce (a.) d. ew/e ~ (a.) d. i/t t00 th d
s et (h) up t/h e m(e) a. s/s t (h) e~a.ven d f (r) 0/n (e) t 0 w/h0 d e/b t(h)rue (n) d (h) ew/e (n) d 0 (w/)e l/l (e) d ew/e ve (i)n (d) s (h) 0 w/e (re) d 0/n (e) g
p a s/s t i (t) c/h (inn) d (h) 0've d
pastiche ad p a s/s t i(t) c/h ' (inn) d (e/a) f r A.(i.)M. e/n d.
e/b t00 th b L (a.m.) e i.(n) d. g ave (n) d e/b t/h ea.r t/h d (h) 0've d a' r(e) t ~ ea.r n a l/l e'y~e tu~ t00 th d ew/e
th (d) 0~ 0'r (e) d ere (a) d 0 fxf (i) t/h a v i.d. e 0 (d) s et h u (e) s/s t (h) e a.d. f a(i)r e