patriarchy, you made s-hi-t-up-t- h-and- m-aid- i/t- a- s/s-e/e- k- t-0-w/e- ll- d- h-and- c- all- d- i/t- me'ye -qua-ll- d-
a s/s i.'d. ea. l/l d e/b t00 t(h) a s/s k(i) t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d
e'ye a.m. kn 0/t going t-(y-)our-e-c-our-t- e'ye a.m. th e w/(h)0 r/k inn g t00 th s(h)ave t(y)0ur e t0-rt-hie-ven- (d) a.m.(e) 0're (a.)d. i/t h~ea.ven d 's c0're (a.)d. i/t ~t 0/n e ve(i)n d b(L) e/n d (h) e'ye (t/h) d
e/b t be a.d. (h) a cr0ss t e'ye a. m.iss t/h re a.d. h and (h) e'ye d e/b t00 th en d en e'ye (i.)d. i'n(n) er(e)t h~ea.ven d j/u s(t) inn k inn (d)g~ i'm ~ b all e(a.)ven t/h (0/u) r~ e w/e (a.)d. e/b t00 th p e/e pull e'ye (i.) d. (h) ew/e tu~ s hi (f)t ch e(e)c/k (i) t (h)u~ be a.d. 0ff (t) inn (e/d) s c0 pi ed~(h) ues p.(r.) 0ut/h ea. d. 0/n e ve(i)n d (s) 0/n (e) g (L) e w/(h)e~a. t (a g) 0 (d) e~ l/l t a t 0 (w/h) 0
d 0 p en (t) a l/l e'(ye)ve in d 0(w/)h t~ 0ff t r0pe d (h) e'ye t 00 th (e)a. d. e/b t00 th ea.ven d(en e m(e)a.r)kn 0 (w/e) d~ e
/b t00 th d(s) 0'L(e/a.)d. (h) a l/l t a're a.d. (h) e'ye d' s cent (s) 0 (i') l/l (e) d~ g i'm b all (d) s0und s (h) 0 w/e ~ d kn 0 w/e ll (h) d (h) ew/e ve(i)n t(h)rue~ inn s (p) i' re~ a.d. e/b t00 th p. r.00f t~ inn d ere a.d. ark t(0) w/h0~ d b m(e)u/s~e i/t ' s t a(i)r (e) t
h ea.r t/h d (h) 0've~r /t (a) c (L) 0'ver t (inn) s 0 un d
g~i'm b~all (e) di v/i s/i 0/n e t00 th f r/i e/n d
e'ye a.m. kn 0/t going t-(y-)our-e-c-our-t- he-ad-(ea-)f-0-r-(a-)m- s- h0- u- Ld-ere- d- 0f-t-he-ad-b-0-(u-)Ld-ere- d- e/b- t- 0- w/-id- t-he- re- no- re- a- s/s- 0/n- e- t00-t-he-g-am-b-le- d- 0f-t- pr.-0-w/(e-)t- inn- t-(he-ad-) 0- w/-n- d-
e'ye a.m. kn 0/t going t-(y-)our-e-c-our-t- b.c. you do not have the pre s(c (L) i) en t 00 th be a. m.iss un d ere st 0/0 d. "you" have no f0r(a.)m. e ve (i)n d.
"you" make your pre-(c- (L-)i-)en-t- (a-) b- (r-) i.'d-e- l/l- i've-r-t-he-nd- s-(t-) i- l/l- e/n- t- ce- s/s- he- d- 0f- t- e- l/l- e-ye- (i-)d- 0f- t- hie-ven- t- em- p-(0-) le- d- 0f- t- a-s/s- (k-) i/t- a-s/s- k- e- w/e- d- (en-e-m-(e-)a.r-)k- n- 0- w/e- (e-)d- e/b- t- a- make- (i-)t- up-t- (0-) w/-h0- d- s- (p-) a-id- 0f- t- 00-t-he- (a-) s/s- (t-)-a-ye- d- e/b- t00-t-he-n-0-(w/e-)d- e/b- t- a- g-(r-) 0- w/e- (e-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-re- c-ap-(u-)t- ill-at-(e-) i/t- hie-ven- d- s- h0-w/e-(d-)g- 0/d-e/b- t- a-l/l- e- g- all- e-ye- 0/n- t00-t-he-re- (a-) p-air- d- 0f- t- s- c0p-ed- 0f- t00-t-he-ad- s-(n-) e/e- k- (i-) t-(h-)rue- inn- t-(0-) w/-h0-d- (0-)(h-)(t-)be-(a-)d- e/b- t- a- re- d- h-and- e/b- t- a- r/r- e-ye- d- f- a- (i-)r- e- ad- s- cent- in- e- s/s- t-(h-)e-ad- (en-) s-nare-(d-)s-
it is a wonder ye-w/e ve r e g0/t h ere d serve d ~ 0/u(be)t /h d serve t(h) e x t h~ea.ven d(s) 0'L (e/a.) d. e/b t00 th (d) s p.(r.) 0ut~ e t/h ea.ven d kn 0w/e (a.)d. i/t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e a.d. van ce s/s (e) t(h) s e'ye t(u) b r in(n) g i/t 0ut h ea.ven d ' s cent s h 0 w/e re a.d. (0) fxf L 0 w/e re~ a.d. e/b t a g(r) 0 w/e (a.)d. e/b t 0 w/i.d. t(h) a p.r.e (c (L) i) en t (0) w/h 0/0 L e'ye w/00 d (h) ew/e ve (i)n tu
sh e'ye (i.)d. 0 w/00 d n't have to "p-lead" my tooth falsely to the client you have t 0/0 kn 0t in e min(e) d, further reducing the value of my time to be-a-m-aid- to force- feed- your- time- t0-re-ad-f-in-(e-)d-
"1" you appraise my time as not necessary to me'ye t rig ht 00 th s(t) 0/a rd e/b t 0/n e t00 th t a(i') l/l e'ye d be en d e'ye t 's h i'v e'ye (i.)d. e'ye t all th e t(a.) i'm e ve(i)n 0/m in (e) d
"2" you -h-ave- me to seek my value of time on your "time" t-0- w/-h0-d- be-ll-c-hi- t -a- cross- t- inn- t- (s-) e-ye- t-
"3" you do not deliver t life, you bur-re-ye-d- e/b- t-(h-)at-c-he- t- (h-) in-(e-) d- e/b- t00t-he-re-ad- (ea-) f- i/n-(e- )-d- i'm- e- .
"4" you have not saught or taught the value you express on your L0 t. you seek to re-lie-f-t- 0/n-e- me'ye t00 L 0 ft (0) w/h0 d
"5" you seek i/t (h) u be-(a-)d- s- c- r- ew/e- d- h-and- 0- w/e- d- 0f-t- (h-)rue- n- d- 0- w/e- (i-)t- s- c-0-r-(e-)d- 0f-t- (h-) and- 0/u- (be-) t- c-ha- t- ch-inn-g- e- t- a- g- (r-) 0- w/e- b- e- t/t- a- (i-)r- e-(a-) d- i/t- t00-t-he-d- ew/e- d- s- pur-s-e-w/e-t-u-
st (r) e/e t h a.(n)d. dress t
a g/0 d e/b t00 th b(L) e/n d
0 w/e (i) t h~ea.ven d
e (w/e) i.d. (ea) f e/a (s/s) t (h) e a.d. 0/u(be) t
(h/d) 0ff (t) inn e (d) p.(b.) r~i.'d. (h) e a.d. e/b t a cr0ss t 00 th s (t) 0/p ~p(L)an(t/h)d h and e/b t00 th ped~d (e) l/l (e) d 0ff t h~ea.ven d 0 w/e ve(i)n (s) augh t in e min (e) d e/b t00 th e t(a) i'm e' ve (i)n d(h) e'ye (i.)d. e/b t(h)u b min(e) d h and 0 w/(e) t(s) ig h/t 0/n e t (a) i'm e ve(i)n (d) s (p) en d' s (t) 0/a r~(e'ye) d e/b t00 th d en e'ye r e(a.)d. be en d (0) b u t/t ere n(d's) eve r e/n d 0 (w/) h t (b) rig ht en t a gain d e/b t00 th (d) e'ye t 00 th en d en e'ye t(h)rue~ nd 0 w/e t00 L(e)d(s) 0'L (e/a.) d. e/b t00 th c/h ea.r. 0/d (h) e a.d. e/b t00 th t0 g e/th/ere s/t a(i)r (s) e t00 th c hea.r 0/d e ad. e/b t00 th e t a k/e t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (l/l) d be t(h) rig ht in e t(h)a nd (s) 0'L (e/a)d.
i s u s(s) pect "one" s is n't good enough if you are not looking inn as/s cent 0 w/i th0u t "one" debt 00 t(h) i' m (v) par t (0) w/h0 d be t/h e(re) a.r (k) t/h d
0 w/00 d
e/b t00 t(h) e/n d (en e m(e)a.r)kn 0 w/e d i/t c(h) 0(u)Ld
(0)(h)(t) b f r/i e/n d h ea.ven d s(t) 0 w/e (a.)d. h0 ped d(e)l/l (b) e/n d
t (h) inn (e) d (s) w/e ll inn g ' s 0 un d (e) l/l ye t00 th eg(u) e s/s t a t e d(h) 0've r/t a gain d ate (d) g0 f i/g t/h ea.ven d 0 w/e ve(i)n (t) a l/l e'ye d be(a.)d. e/b t(h) inn (e/d)g e t/h ea.ven d h and 0/u(be)t c/h at (ch) inn g t/h em 0/u t/h d ~ e/b t00 t(h) a'nd 0/u(be)t h ea.ven d's p.(r.)0ut (0) w/h0 ~ d ew/e (i)t~u
t/h a s/s pr e/e serve d' s i' l/l ag e debt 00 th f e/e d e t(h) a/n i'm a l/l in t/h e w/(e)in t ere d e/b t00 th (e) re (a) p(L)ea.t (h) ea.ven d' s (t) i' l/l 0/d e/b t00 th e m(e)A.k/e~ (d)g (re) ate
me me d0f the m0 men t e'ye d force s/s (t) a/c h/e t00 th d
e'ye s/t (a) nd e/b t/h ere
t00 th b f0r'd
(h) a 'r e/e f/f Le (x) ct (h) 0're (a.)d. 0~0're a.d.
me me d0f the m0 men t e'ye d force s/s (t) a/c h/e t00 th d (0)(h)(t) b (r) i.'d. e
l/l i've (r) d i'm e
a.d. e l/l i've (r)t (a) i'm e
ve (i)n d e/b t00 th e x i/s t a x i/s (t) e l/l e'ye (a.)t (h) i s/s ~
u e w/e (a.)d. 0ff t(h)rue
ve(i)n d e/b t00 th (c ap u) t a(i') l/l e(a.)ve~n d 0ff t00 th d ('s) w/e ll d e/b t00 th e/n (a) i'll e(a.d.)ven t 00 t(h) be(a.)d.
(0' c L) a s/s p.r.e (c (L) i) en t
e l/l e'ye (i.d.) s(b) 0 un d ~ 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye a. t 0ff the me an (d) s e/e k (i) t (h) rue ve (i)n (a) i' l/l (e) ye (i.)d. 0ff (i) t/h cr0ss t 0 p (L) an (t/h) d kn 0 c/k (i) t (h/d) 0ff t (h?) re at i/t h ew/e d
si re a.d. e/b t/h ea.ven d h and e/b t (a) cr0ss t (h)e a.d. e/b t00 th e t(a)i'm e~a. l/l e'ye a. t e f/f 0'r t(h) inn (e) d f0r(a.)m. ea. l/l 'ye d e c a~n t a're a.d. 0ff (all) t(h) at (c) h~ea.ven d e/b t/h d f 0r(t)a be l/l e(ye)a. f(t) inn g
(L) a s/s e t/h e re r inn g inn g
(e) t/h e're (e) fxf e/a. t/h ere d (0)(h)(t) b (r) i.'d. e~ s (t) e'ye (i.)d.' s h~ea.ven (a) i' l/l e'ye t00 th c en t ere d en t r an (d) ce s/s e t/h c0 n/n e c(k) t 0're ~a.d. e/b t00 th s t 0 r/r e'ye d be t/t a(i)r e~ a.d. b(r) i.'d. e l/l e/a. d. (h) e'ye (i.)d.
e ca p(u) t a(i')l/l e(a.)ve~r e a.d.
e/b t00 th be l/l e(ye) a. f(t) inn g e t(a g a')in d
e/b t/h f 0're t/h f 0'r e s e/e inn g (b) f r/i e/n d e/b t/h p.r.e (c (L) i) e/n t (h) a'nd
th eg i'm b a l/l a.m. (e)a.r k/t h ea.ven d
0 w/(e)a.r ~e ve(i)n d e/b t00 th be l/l e(ye)a. f(t) inn g~
m e/n d h ea.ven d h a.(n)d. e/b t00 th e (re) s (p) en d in(n) ere a.d. (h) e'ye d h ~a.d. e/b t00 th a p/p (L) an (d) ate t(h) at
t/u s/h e'ye d e/b t/h er/(e) i/s kn 0 w/e (a.)d. s (t) 0/a rd e/b t bu ye d (c 0/n e) s (p) i' re ('ye i.)d.
ew/e !t(u) b(e/a) p/p. r.00f t -in-e-t-(0-)w/-h0- d-
ce d(e)a.r e' ye ~ ve (i)n t/h (0/u) r 0/a t 00 th f L0 a/t e x (t) p0 t en t i a l/l e (ye) a. ven d e/b t00 th be(a)d. (c~L) a s/s p.r. e/e s (c (L) i) e/n t (a) l/l e'ye (i.)d. f e/a (s/s) t~ (h)e a.d. (e) l/l ye ve(i)n d b(L) e/n d i/t ~ t00 t/h e miss (t/h) re a.d. i/t a gain d h ea.ven d h and h ea(d)ven (t/h) d e/b t00 th d fi/n(e)d i/t s (e) a.m. e/n d ' s (p) en d's a w/e (d) g e w/e d h and g aw/e d 0ff (a ll) t(h) at 00 th ea.ven (d) a.d. van ce s/s (t) a i.d. 0ff t(h) at c~ hi t (u) b(L)ac k/t 00 th ea.ven (d) kn 0 w/e a.d. 0 w/00 d e/b t 00 L e(a.)ve~ (n) d (p.r.) i'm e a.(n)d. 0 pen t a l/l t a re~ve inn (d) s h 0 (w/)e re~a. l/l (b) e/n t~ in (e) t (0) w/h0 d f i/n(e) d e/b t(h) c 0 l/l 0 (u) r e/e f i/n (e) d (p.r.) i'm e~ a.d. e/b t00 th (e re) s (h) in (e) d en d re'ye (i.)d. f 0r(a.)m. e~ a.d. b. min(e)d (h) a l/l t a'r(e) inn d i'm e~ a.d. 0 w/e t00 t(h) 0/n e s/s t (i) bi ' l/l i/n e/e d L e'ye t(h) in(e) d 0 (w/) h t~ 0/0 t h/r 0 a/t a/g eta g(r) 0 a/t h~ea.ven d h a.(n)d. (h) e'ye (i.)d. 0ff (t) inn c h inn d 0ff t (h) a'nd 0/u (be) t a gain d a.m. e(a.)d.
0 h and ' s a p/par e/n t (e) l/l e'ye (i.)d. b.c. e'ye (i.)d. (0) c an (d) s inn t(h) a nd e'ye t a gain d e/b t00 th (e) t (a) i'm e/n d (h) all (t) a re a.d. (h) e'ye d (p.r.) 0 f/f e're (a.)d. ~ i/t 0 p en (a) i' l/l e'ye t00 t(h) be (a)d h ave i 0're (a.)d. i/t t00 th e re c (L) 0've~ r(e)t (a) i'm e~ t00 th b rig ht~ in e t (a) i'm e~a.d. 0ff (t) in (e) c Line d e/b t00 t(h) b min(e)d~ e/b t00 th e re c(L) 0' ve r(e)t (h) in (e) d~ h and 0/u (be) t (a) i'm e~ a.d. h ea.ven d e/b t00 th s c0 pi ed h0 ped~ h and h0 pe(n)d 0 w/th e m(e)a.r k(e) t (h) inn g (u) e s/s t ' s c0 p/i n/e min(e) d~ (h) all 0' ver (e)t(a) i'm e t00 th eg(g) i've (t/h) d e/b t 00 th e re s c0'r(e) d e/b t00 th d si re a.d. e/b t a gain d e/b t00 th d inn s (p)i re a.d. ~ i'm e me m0're 'ye a. s/s t (e) a r' s (eg) b rig ht at 0/n e t00 t(h) 0/0 k n/i(g/h) t (a) b(0)u/t (L) a'n d s h0/u Ld ere t rig ht in (e) sig h~ t
e x (t) p0's e(e) d (e/b t) a n0 need f0r t/h e make d-up-e-t-a- g-e-t- in-e-t-e-re-s-t- 0ff- t-he-ad- be-(a-)d- 0f- t- a- (i-) l/l- e-ye- d- 0f- t- inn- c- line- d- he-ad- 0f- t00-t-he-ad- b-(r-) i-d-e-ll- i've-r- (e-) t- i'm-e- ad- 0f- (a-ll-) t- (h-)a-nd- he-vain-d- s- p-(L-)an-(d-) s-
"you" never brought love t(0)w/h0 d bu ye t(0) w/h0 d. s-h0-w/-he-ye-w/e-d- h-ave "2" make s-hi-t-up-t- s- h0- w/e- ye- w/e- d- s- c- an- (d-) s- get- a- gain- d- s- cent- s- c-am- s- him- s- (h-)am-e-d- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- t- a- nd- 0/u-(be-) t- hie-ven- d-am-e-ad- (s-) o/n-g- s-he- didn't have the right to sing 0've, much less honestly h and.
speak from the g rave ?, the goal of glory ye g ave ? nd 0 w/(h) ave d h aven d 0 w/e t(h) a nd ? with no one in min(e)d e/b t00 t(h) b (e a.d.) f 0'r(e)d e t/h desire ve(i)n d.~ 0- c- a- s/s- t- 0/n- e- t- c- him- e- d- "dimed" with no intention to actually know, & thus supply the very interest you speak t00 th c a r/r e'ye d s (c) up t (u) b (r) 0ugh t in (e) t (L) i/g h/t
<d (s) c e/n t eRe t/h fxf r a'ye ve(i)n (d) a.m. e~a.d. 0 w/e t00 th en (d) kn ave d h~ea.ven (t a) l/l e'ye (i)t ~ (h)at c h~ea.ven (d) a s/s cent (u) b (r) e (a.)d. (r) a ft ere (d) i/t>
...with no one in min(e)d ye-we-desire-d-be-(w/-)h0-L-(e-)d- e/b- t00-t-he- t- a- s/s- t-(h-)e- ad- b-(L-)i- t- he-l/l-ye-w/e- d- be-s-(t-) 0- w/e- d-he-a-ven- d- 0- (w/-)h-t- i/t- (a-) b-(L-)e-ad- 0f- t- s- 0-L-(e-)d- i/t- a- g-0/d- e-
ye-w/e-d- s- c an d ea.t h0'ver t (a) me'ye s h0/u L(h)d (h) ere ~
a.d. (h) e'ye (i.)d. ~
e/b t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e (l/l) d (s) 0'L (e/a.) d. e/b t a g(r ) 0 w/e n (em) (e'ye) a. r/r 0 w/e (a.)d. 0ff t00 t(h) en d en e'ye (i)t s~ h 0 (w/) e (n) d 0 w/e t(0) w/h0 p.r. e t(h) e/n d i.d. (en e m(e)a.r) kn 0/t a n0~d e/b t be (a.)d. 0ff (i/f) t/h c0(h0)s't 0/0 t 0ff t h ea.ven d(s) 0'L (e/a.)d. e/b t (h) a t/h (0/u) r~0 a/t (a) miss (p) en t a g i've t a g 0/d e~ (a.) l/l t a t 0/0 e 0/0 s (h) 0/n e d(s) aw/(e)n d be l/l (e'ye) i/g h/t (h) u s/s (t) ly e tu~ g a w/e (a.)d. s t a g (e) 0/d e ve (i)n (d) s (L) at~ (h) e~
re ve(i)n ly e t/h ere (a.)d. heir inn d e/b t i'm e t00 th f(t) i re s/t a(i)r (e) t a 're
(a.)d. bu ye desire a.d. e/b t(h) a fxf a(i)r ~e (a.)d. h a.(n)d. f (L) a(i)r e(a.)d. e/b t a re serve d e/b t a'r(r) e'ye d h e(a.)re s qua r(r) e' (ye) d
inn-s-(h-)0-rt- a-re-t0-rt- you knew you could all ready -d-a-b-0-rt- , you c-lien-t- is on the other side of you-re- ad- 0- 0-re- ad-
ye-we-d- h ave no l0've t00 th b r inn g e t(h)(r) 0/n e~ d h and get b(L)ack t in e/d s um e 0/n e'ye d 0've ve(i)n d (a) g(L) 0've d
t-(h-) at- is a "tech nic all a miss-use-" vain-d- 0-ve-d-, inn that you present that you Apparent ly want the value of love, have harbored it in some, and yet do not stand to represent i/t h ea.ven d 0 w/e (i)t s um e 0/n e' ye (i.)d. 0/n g 0/d h and s inn g et i/t 0/n e ve(i)n (d) s un g~ 's u/s s (t) ang (t) a l/l 0/n e/g ave t/h f all (t) 0/n e/e d ~ L* e'ye d 0've
h and s(h) 0 w/e (ad) g 0~ t/h traject 0'r e'ye (i.)d. (h) a l/l (t) a re a.d (h) e'ye (i.) d. ' s (t) 0/n e(d)g(e) 0/d e/b t(h) at a re r 0'l(l)e d ~ e/b t a ke 'ye p(i)t/h f 0r(a.)m. (e) i/t kn 0 w/e (d) s
if they only le ft (a) g (r) ave L t00 th s(t)e l/l ight (a) me'ye t be l/l e(ye) a. f/t (c) a s/s t (e) l/l ' d ~ e/b t a(b) me r/r e'ye (i.)d. e l/l t(b) at 0/n e t0(w/)e nail d
inn-s-t-(h-)e-ad- you would rather give something that is not in your provision to have lived, h-and- deny it from my provision of ever giving to not receive i/t a gain d
t-(h-)at- is how you make your s-(h-)ave-i-0-re- d- necessary to you-r-e-s-0- r/r- 0- w/e- d- e/b- t- (h-) a-ve- t- a- re- t- urn- nit- un- e/n- (em-( e-ye-)a-r/r-0-w/e- (e-) d- 0f- t- 0/0- t- 0ff- t- 0- you- d- bu-r/r- 0- w/e- (e-) d-
b (L) e a. t h e're c 0/n e x pi re a.d. s 0 un d
d/h er e/i fxf t/h d 0've ye w/e d e/b tu ~ t00 th d~ (0)(h)(t) be (a.)d. (inn) f0r(a.)m. e/a. l/l e'ye d (0) fxf e/a. (s/s) t 0 g e/th/er eg (r) e w/e t c(h) e w/e t0ff t(0) w/h0 d 0ff (i) t (a) cr0ss t(h)e a.ven d 0 w/e ve (i)n t00 L(d) 0 f/f t s 0/m e t(h) inn g(e) i've (n) d e/b t a re t (e)a.r (e)n d
fat-i-g-u-ye-d- ea-t-he-ad-0f-t- e-f-x-f-0-r-(e-)t- com-p-an-e-ye-(d-)s- (i-)re- t- 0-rt- (u-)be-(a-)d- 0f- t- (a-)b-0-rt-
you do not know what ye (d)g ave, if you d g i've (i)t a- w/-he-ye-t- -
0/d-ate- w/e- d- e/b- t-(u-)bu-i-l/l-d-up-e- t-hie-ven- t- u- all- e-ye-a-s/s- t- (u- buy-)e- d- 0f-(t-)inn-c-line-d- e/b- t00-t-i'm-e-me-m-ache-d-up- e- t0-get- up-t- only make-dupe- sir-e-v/i'-ve-d- h- inn-g-e- d-(y-)our- h-and- (0-)(h-)(t-) b- s- p0- k-en- d- (a-)g-ave- d- e/b- t- a- re- t-(y-)0ur- inn- d- s- c-am-s- t- a- nd-s- b- s- p0- k-en- d-(0-) he-a-ven-d-e/b- t00-L-d- a- re-eL-at-e-t-h-(i-)e-f-en- d- s- m-(e-)a-t-e-d- inn- (e-)a- t- e- at-a- s/s- t-(h-)e-ad-(h-)e-ye-r-(e-)a-t-e-
w/h0 c 0/n s (p)i re (a.d.) s
bu ye (a.)d. e s i re (a.d.) s