w/het i/t a~nd f'0~re get i/t ~re a.d. c0m p (L)e~a. t e ll e ye tm th en be ta re s~t 0/'a' r~e (a.)d.~

t-h-aggressive-t/m- i/r-(t-h-)r-0-r/e-d-dress-(t-)as-s-t-0-le-(d-)g-0-d-e-


with no good as/s the. g.0/d (e/b) t~i.'d.e i/n g's~(L) i'm ~ ~ ~ p/p l/l e ye a. t e fxf 0're t~b r ea. K f~a s/s t b e/e n e/e d inn d e/e d bu zz & bu s/s (t) a w/e inn c 0're p 0're a.t (e)d be t/h' fxf a ll en & ll e~a.f~ i/n (g~e re i/n g's~t ) e re p ai r i/n g's (t)~ing ('s) t0 g e/th/er ~e ve(i)n d~ea.r~e t ea.r n d' e/n as/s c e/n t ' s h 0 (w/) e. g. 0 t 00 t(h) i/n t i'm e, stepping (L) 0ve r t0-w/(h-)e're-s-t00 th 's ke('ye)in s~w/an~s i even~s 0 w/e th re~g/a/rd en s~e ll e ye t00 th 0 e sup~ply e d

h0 me sh0(w/)e n~d

e/b th ea.ven s(t) 0 w/e

tm th en e' ye. g. 0 (L)d's h 0(w/) e


ass far as the com-mon- yew- is concern-d- 'a' used when referring t (w/h 0) s 0/m e 0/n e , 0're s 0/m e t'h ing ing a w/ h e 'ye, hasn't hap pen 'd e/b t00 th'd ate fxf 0 're th' fxf i/r 's T hy/me inn t ex t 0 r/r e c0n verse ate i 0/n e ye t e/x t00 th' c ai r~r e'ye 0/n igh t 00 k nigh t bu ye w/i th0u t 0ut rig ht b~a/n d b rig ht 'sig h/t~ 's t~ar k

w/e d e w/e

a. r t ' l eve r e 'a' ll a s/s t(r)ing~i'll t


june 6, 2016

younow: #judycator

go to 'replay' link




00-t-/h- un-d-e-re-st-0--0d-s-0/n-0/d-s-0d-s-l-a-(ye-)s-h-'s-c-re-am-i/n-g-'s -e/am-(i/n-g-)s-


found a dime after i went to kinko's to get a copy of income per the nit salon, to send to employment under e gui/se th um b e/t 00 th fxf l0~0're t00-t-h-(e-)re-s-c-/r-e-w/e- d's-0-d-0-0're-0-p-en-d-


i think it is interesting that the g-a-f-x-f-e- that took place on my pate for buy and with no reason as/s L~ate, paul at unemployment, holds me in contention of speaking t0 me t/h~e m/u c~h. and that joel and will-t- and kevin, are distinctly not tu be self representing as i first 0ra./d. & that i must "now" speaking too th paul, eave n t ass tthe (a) ven d's ai me.


it is curious he cautions and condition a pre miss (h-)ave t-h- (c- h's-h-ave- the c-half-x-f-t00-t-he-as-say-e-ad-ju-st-h-(e-)f-x-f-a-ct-s- e -x- a-ct- l-ye- on my spoken re p as/s t f/0're (&) f/r0m e an s~yn/th sync i/n g's~ e/e n fxf 0 're a.d. ju st b ein g~a.m. e/t 00 th' b(eg)i/n e c0m p (L)ea. t a ll (a s/s ) 0 w/e ll


the fact that i am facing unemployement, "as" s-w/i-ft- and no reason among me vein t00 the (a.)ven t (u) b (the) w/0re n~0 w/(h) ea. l/l t/h~ is -t-a-ke-n-t- w/- a pre miss -t- oo the bu ye a -ll- am- ea-ns- due not con t en d e w/e -d-c0/n-t-r/0-ll-e-d-0h-t-


c-he-ap-ly-e- f-x-f-e-ye-per-m/iss-t-u-d-(e-)ye-t-is-s(h-0-)e-t00-t-he-t0-ye-a-roun-d-in-k-0/m-e-man-d-bu-ll-sig-h-t-in-re-lie-f-x-f-e-e-d-e/b-t-he-t-0/0-k-eye-p-


the dynamic's are interesting in that i stood on me own from the start of speaking th/e g0 c~a/rt, and now for standing s0w/e ll, i am told not to reference anyone else on the j-0b-e- that spoken on me vain f-x-f0-rt-a-t00-t-he-re-&-b-rake-g-ai-n-e-ye- t- miss under e st0-0d- with conviction's city's -t-ag-e- ye-a-rt- "nave" & navy vet too th re st "0"a re, cognizan-t- with "0"/n l-e-ye- t00 -th(e-)be c0/n e p-h- 0ne-ye- f-x-f- 0-/n-e-ye-s-e-am-s-t-aye-as-t-ye-t-yank-thank-syn-t-he-nee-d's-e-vain-s-0-we-d- k-n-0-w/e-d-re-am-s- f-0re- no reason t(u)be X a/c T l ye a. s/s t ill t00 t-he-make- t0-w/e- "h" c-l0se-r-t00-t-he-me-an-s- w/-h-ea-t- not exactly served too the open ly be perceived as/s i ft (h) rue t00 the re b0u/nd ata t able a.d. as/say e w/e ll e d e/b t00 th pre scri/pt i /0n ai L a/nd w/e ll e ye~ d e/b t in t i'm e~


w/ "h"y in a constant cur-rent- s-tack-t0-d/ue- t0-me-an-s- t-h-at- you "see" pre sent "you" as/s -0-d-d e ye -t-00-t-he-t-(h-)rue-d-0h-t-in-n-ea-r-s-eg-ea-r-s-h-ea-r-t-


it is curious he cautions and condition a pre miss (h-)ave t-h- (c- h's-h-ave- the c-half-x-f-t00-t-he-as-say-e-ad-ju-st-h-(e-)f-x-f-a-ct-s- e -x- a-ct- l-ye- on my spoken re p as/s t f/0're (&) f/r0m e an s~yn/th sync i/n g's~ e/e n fxf 0 're a.d. ju st b ein g~a.m. e/t 00 th' b(eg)i/n e c0m p (L)ea. t a ll (a s/s ) 0 w/e ll e/a. fxf a/ce (t)

i/n g's


you can have any c0-l-o're of-x-f-t- pay-per- you w/an t 00 the rest0re it too th a/b-0-rt- it-


a. c. -r-0s-s0-d-0-ft-




e/b-too-t-he-t-re-t-urn-nit- f-x-f-r0m-e-t-he-mit-it-he-c-(h-)0/m-e-


t-heir is a "reason" w/-h-y- women are not in the patriarchy ran/king's as/s i ft 00 the perceive i/n g i've in' g's~ea. s/s 0/n~ne/t 00 th' c(h)atch 0 w/(h)0ve t~mit/t up i/t~h/e w/e d~0 ve t


~ i s/s u/e~very e t(h) ing 0/n e ye t00 th's t/a nd en ye d~t i/p t00 th t ai ll ' se/t 00 th a. c.(t/a~) c/r 0 s/s


0 w/e d 0 fxf a ph at 00 the Miss und e're St 0 0d,

p(lace) h(at) fxf ~ ta/ke y0u/r e c l0 t 'h' i/n g r~a ce t00 th fxf a/ce t~(h) ea. r~ em/me r/r e'ye in K~n/ave t/h~a.d. (e &) ju st (h) e~t's h~ea.ve n/n a.m. e y(0'r)e fxf r~a.(i)me an s(t) 00 th (e) re st 0/'a' re & b re a.d. 0~0'r(e) in d e/b t 0/0 k e/e n (eg) g~L0're


ye up 0/n e t(h) is/s~ue f/0re & f/0rt b~e ll e/a. f~


th' de t ai ll' s i'm purs(u)e i/n g t00 th ave & c~(h) a ll ve fxf/ r0m c0 w/ar~d's at L~a s/s t (r) ing (L)ass e t00 th~e c(h)0/m e c/c 0/m bi/n e/d~ i'm e/a. t i'm e w/e d e w/e 's h 0 (w/) e


th' de t ai ll' s i'm purs(u)e i/n g t00 th ave & c~(h) a ll ve fxf/ r0m c0 w/ar~d's at L~a s/s t (r) ing (L)ass e t00 th~e c(h)0/m e c/c 0/m bi/n e/d~ i'm e/a. t i'm e w/e d e w/e 's h 0 (w/) e


t-heir is a "reason" w/-h-y- women are not in the patriarchy ran/king's as/s i ft 00 the perceive i/n g i've in' g's~ea. s/s 0/n~ne/t 00 th' c(h)atch 0 w/(h)0ve t~mit/t up i/t~h/e w/e d~0 ve t i'm e t/in/t (a) b~i.'d~e ti.'d.e~s (h) 0ar e c line d ata t 0 s/s 0 w/e d~e fxf i/n e~d


i'me a. t/a g~L an(d)ce 0 fxf t en t~c(h)0/me i/n g~ea.r's yn/th dire/ct/i0/n e ye t(in)t 0 p/en d's en d's e/a.m. e/n d's~


a t a ll


0/n e ce s/s e/e s(h) 0/n e


t00 th (e) m/'a' 'k'~e w/e t'h' inn (service) d e/b t00 th e~m e/e k t~a g0 in g i'v~e ve(i)n e/a.r~(t/h)


ea.r~t(h) ea.r~ta re ('a'~'r'~e~)




there is something nice about my every move not being up to you, at the same time it is obvious t~00 (th/e very e t i'm e)


c 'a' s 'h' city e~a. s/s t 00 th(e) re p(L)ea. t(h)c l~e/a. r~e ll (e)ye inn (t) i'm~e t e r/r a~n s 0/m e/d' sum m0/n e ye inn c(h)0/m~e w/e re ('a') p ai r~e t00 th~i/n k' s~t/y/le. g. ran d 0/n e & the z~er0's le pt's t/r i fxf e/e d en s e/e ll e ye t00 th un d e're st a nd~set (h') s~ai l/l 0/n e c0mma nd~ye. g. ai st e ve(i)n~k w/~ee k fas'h'i/0n e/a. ll 0/n (e) b/rake th buck(e)t a/nd t(h) a ll e fxf a ll 0 w/e inn t i'm e w/h~ale ye d~ i'm e t00 the re pre sent s~t/a/g 'a' ged in fxf t(h) a ll 0 w/e d e/b ta ting in re pre sent ting~(L)0~ve t(a) g~L a s/s 'h' a t/t ('h')e rd ata c~r 0 s/s 0 w/e d cr0ss t r/e a. t


c~0 h0 st 0 fxf i/n e d~i'm e ye ti'me r~r e'ye t 0ss0 d


inn pr0te/ct/i0/ns ai l e t00 th e/n ai ll 0 ft x fe~ e d en @ t0/n e~in c(h)0/m e/e (w/) k~e/e nd's e/e k i/nn syn/th e r0 seas0/ne b0/n~ne/t 00 th fxf 0d/d e're s 0'le & s~h0 t he w/e nd e w/h 'a' t/t ai re bu ye 'h' ea. r t(h e w/ (h)ake & w/(h)ave nu e/a. t w/h~ea(r)t make


ing 's 0 w/e ll e d 0 (w/)e inn th ea. r/t h/ea/r e make. g. r~e a.t e ll e ye a.r t/par t a ke


ye a. s/s (t) 0 w/e. g. 0/d kn 0 w/e b/b(c) a s/s h fxf l0 w/(h) e're ring~'s e/e n~s e/a.m.(t) i/n g's ing ing's~i e ve/n s h0 e ye fxf a ll 0 w/e ar t h~aye


s(h) 0 re w/h e ye s~(h) ave~s (t) 00 t/h/e/ a.d. aye


t00 t th w/hale t00 th e'ye d's lee p ea k n~ea.t & be a. d.ad bu ye n ex t w/ee k 0/n em e r/it bu ye w/h ea.t it beA~k'(s)peA~k'(s) it n' tit ig~ht e ye si.'d.e ye~a.s/sa`ye


w/~c/h~ee k


che(e)ck n~ea.t


c/a s/h an dc ai r~re'ye t (a.) m.er~r e'ye


che(e)c (0/n e c)k n~ea.t


e'ye a'h cup/pa h(0)~w/h ea.~t


t~a gre/e/e a.t


b 0 w/e ll ai d e'ye


a s/s/s/s t r~e a.t


d'ye n kn~ea.d.' s0/m~('s) c~and ye tu be a.m. t~h and e ye


di fxf p~h e/e 0/n l ye b/b ~L00 direct as'say'e s (le pt p) as/se s~(eg)~as/s/s/s/s/s~


a(ye.g.)g~a/i~n di fxf er en ce s/s (h)inn d e/n d : ad. ju(dg/e)st m/en t ea. t w/h ea. t e ll e ye w/ fxf t a 'h' fxf a.m. i'll e ye ('s)p~(L)an~d i/n e making (b) r/an d c Lan


a(ye.g.)g~a/i~n di fxf er en ce s/s (h)inn d e/n d : ad. ju(dg/e)st m/en t ea. t w/h ea. t e ll e ye w/e fxf t a 'h' fxf a.m. i'll e ye ('s)p~(L)an~d i/n e making (b) r/an d c Lan 


g/u/age un i que ll e ye b/b e ll e ye s~p~0ut 00 th's~p~ea.K in sit u b~aye b/b e/e s e/e bum e w/h0/ne ye c(h)0/m e c/c (h)0/m p (L)ea. t m~arr0w/e b an d b e/a. (ch) t


r~e a.t e ye


w/t ea.


t a r/e n/t en 0're ('a') p ai r~e(e) fxf 's p(L)en d0~0're a. ll ai r~e t(w/) c~ai re (e) fxf a(i)r~e (a.) d.


e w/(h)a.d.e w/hale de w/th' s c0(u)r(s)e t 00 th t ai l/l~e ye w/e ll an d w/e ll i/n g's ai ll t'h' debt 0/n e w/en t 0 (w/)e & t0w/ n ai L~t


b(r)ea.c~h' d as/say'e w/(h) a ll a w/h e ye's (h)ave t 00 th fxf e ll t ' a. m.er~re'ye w/e dwell t


inn k's i.'d.e ti.'d.e~swell d kn/ai/l~t em/p/le. g. p~La~(ce ss e th ed)g e 0/n t ai l's pi/nn s as/s pi re all t


with no illusion's of success unless you make your imp-ass- t p as/s t c0me p ass i/0n 's' n/ai/l ye le fxf t 00 t~h0're'ye p~ass e/e s(h)0/ne a.t l~a s/s t (r)in g shat her'd g lass t


w/ 'h' ap~lage ris e/m chee(c)k e're t00 t(h) bum pass t c0m p~ass i0/n s e.g.~g a s/s t


please understand, kevin d-ock-tor-ring- the wise-do-me of the law-st- o-ff-oot- his -tub-bu-ye-t-0-(w/-)e-g0-ad- aye "0we" on no one that k n 0 w/e s,


as giving a "free" meal from me too th/y e "nose" vain in re-p0-'s-e-g-a-g-(r-)0-d-e-


w/ 'h' ap~lage ris e/m chee(c)k e're t00 t(h) bum pass t c0m p~ass i0/n s e.g.~g a s/s t a g(r) 0 w/e t0(w/)e's(t) ing L0



w/'h' a plagerism checker t00 th e w/e t0 /d ue t(c) 00 ... k nigh t 0/0 d e w/e


n/d 0 w/(h)inn d 0 w/e d


e ye g0ing f0ra bike ride w/t 00 w/heels as/s 0/n ~e a.r 0 ll (e) d~


ea.r in d e/~'a.' (p) r0s e~(a.) c0/n d g~ea.r t'h e'ye w/~kn 0 w/e s(t) 0 w/e s(u)s t a/i n able s~t able a.(d.)g0


& gL0 r'e ye inn re p0's~eg(e) th en 'g' (l0ve ye) is 'h' 0 w/e th' c/u st 0/m er~re'ye ll e ye s ~peA.k e.g. 0 t00 th' p~eA.k e'ye g0 t 'a'n 0/n an'(d)e'ye ct d0/a. t a han~d's 0/m e we ll e ye b/b e/e s p0 k/e ye d0 c/k e'ye d e/e p th~r 0 'a'~t' a t'ease ye fxf un~n(e)ye b0/n e me'ye a.s/s(t)e m/e an s~ w/ea. r i/n g's~e/e n 0 b(e)ll e ye st e(a.)m. t(u)b ea.r t(h) a w/ea. r~ing's


e/a.m.~s yn/th re p(L)ea.t~ing's (ai) d~rinK u/p int'h s 0 w/e d leg ht in t li'fe mer 0/n e t high t


yew oo d rather p-h-at-in the r-in-g-ea-r-


ah-ad-ju-st-f-0ra-s-s- t-ea-r-


th'rass put in d e're a.r


t ea. r


th rass put inn, wasn't speaking too t-he-m-ea-r-


u put -0ne-a-r-


s i/t (h) iss 0/c k f/re/t & fra(i)me an s(t) 0 p/en l ye ll i ke th 0 pen~n e'ye w/0rt h~ t/0 d aye tm~ate ye


k ~ n 0 w/eg0 /n~t e ll e ye s 0/m's eg rass put in knit (h) ea.r


k ~ n 0 w/eg0 /n~t e ll e ye s 0/m's eg rass put in knit (h) ea.r~t rig ht e/a. r thy/me an s e/e k


0 p/en st y le ye w/ha pi le & a fxf i le & a c0ck' t' c0m(b)e f/0ra.('s)m.i 'll e~s s0/n ne/t b e/e n(d)b (eg)i/n e i/n g's~(w/h)ing's (ai)d be~ g0/n ~d(b) e ll ay e 0/n t c0mma nd ata t 0 s/s (t) an/d be(g) 0ve t0 fxf i x i/t~a h~ea.ve n (t) d's~ee a.(i)m. en d's h eave n a pull e ye tm en te/st am en/t u b~L 00 m in t(h) pat~t ea.r/n 0 v/en 0m's pen t fxf reed 0/m t axes (t) 00 t(h/r)e a.d. h/ea/d



0 p/en st y le ye w/ha pi le & a fxf i le & a c0ck' t' c0m(b)e f/0ra.('s)m.i 'll e~s s0/n ne/t b e/e n(d)b (eg)i/n e i/n g's~(w/h)ing's (ai)d be~ g0/n ~d(b) e ll ay e 0/n t c0mma nd ata t 0 s/s (t) an/d 'a' b(eg) 0ve t0 fxf i x i/t~a h~ea.ve n (t) d's~ee a.(i)m. en d's h eave n a pull e ye tm en te/st am en/t u b~L 00 m in t(h) pat~t ea.r/n 0 v/en 0m's pen t fxf reed 0/m t axes (t) 00 t(h/r)e a.d. h/ea/d e'ye w/h0 /ne st(a)g~ l0ve t'h~an/d~0 ve t a. m.~0ve t00 th (d/en t a ll )c aire s 0/n (e) b 0/n e.g. 0/n e t c0/n e a. x is t0 pi v0t e/n d e're p/ass' L0 t 0 fxf t as/s p(L)en d0'0re fxf 0/0 t


b.c. sa'yew/ i.d. th a wife buy/0re side un hap pi t00 th pr00f, 'i know knot a dime inn th d/e~n u de' (w/e)


th' ax le pt pi v/0t e/a. s/s e.g.~g a/i n~L ai d e ve(i)n k a/i ns par t ne're s~pea.K f/0're me an s e/e k


s'h'e a. s/s 'h' a.m. ai d ll e y/e m/er~re'ye d e/b t'h' s un t0 me an s~peA.k i/n re l~e a.f~fi (e'ye) /n g's t/ea/d : like th dock u ment inn y/0'r h/ea/d fancifull ass you-re-le-g-0-vision-le-s-s-on- miss re ad b/all 0 t with "know-tone-" & "know-t-read-" = a ns de?ad?


sh(e)d ha.d. eye x t00 th e.g. rind 0 fxf e 'ye ll i've i/n g 0rgani/s/m in (t) her 0/ne time t(a)g i've in g's~e/a.m.~s w/ee p's f0r um e/a. ns tree k neigh at h's e/a.m.s ta me (a.)n s~ w/th b/ea/ring's


t00 th e.g. get w/h e'ye ll ai. d. bu ye~a. r~t(h) a w/are i/n g's~


syn/th c~ai re~re'ye i/n g('s) a gree d

sh(e)d ha.d. eye x t00 th e.g. rind 0 fxf e 'ye ll i've i/n g 0rgani/s/m in (t) her 0/ne time t(a)g i've in g's~e/a.m.~s w/ee p's f0r um e/a. ns tree k neigh at h's e/a.m.s ta me (a.)n s~ w/th b/ea/ring's~h ea.ve n 0/n e ce s/s e/e n e fxf 0'rt e` t a.d. just b ein g~ a.(i)m. e i/n g's e/e k a/nd fi/n d b(0)u ye t(a)~p/u ll e ye a.s/s t~ e f/0/r/m/e f/r0m e a.d.

e/b t' w/ine s~t i'll speak's 0 ft me an s e/e k i/n g th p~lea s/s~ur'e re sp(L)end i/t in t en t~i 0/n e a. ll ye t00 th~e m/er (w/r) i/t a~ re ce(i)ve t a s/s t~e ye inn re p (L)ea. t w/in e f/r0m y~e a.s/s t b re a.d. & be d~rinK 'ye r~inn~d as/s 0 rt'd mu st 00 th' st ay'inn l~aye inn g~r/ave (t)d

's an(d) speak 0ve s0 ft l e ye t/0d aye.g. ave (t) w/h e'ye t

'a' x is t ea.r ye 'a.' s/s t e r'e t ea.r~n d th' e ve(i)n sum & s0/n~s (t)e t'h~(e) re (be) ll e/n d's~ 0/n~g 'a' s/s t (e) ye.g. i'v~e (t) d~rip~(t)ping~(s) t0 g e/th/er e (a.)d.~ e w/e ye as(t) e t(h) 00 kn ea. d. e w/h is ce pt i 0/n e mu s t

(a) g~ave th fxf r e/e qu e/n c(e)ye a. r/r 0/u n/d ab 0/u n/d e/b t(h) 00 k e'ye p sig/n a t/t 0 r/r e ye s~0/n ~ ne/t at 0/n e t L i/n e X p0's (e) d qu/i t~e c(h)0/n c0n t~r ai re 'ye inn d/i vi/s i 0/n e


e/b t' w/ine s~t i'll speak's 0 ft me an s e/e k i/n g th p~lea s/s~ur'e re sp(L)end i/t in t en t~i 0/n e a. ll ye t00 th~e m/er (w/r) i/t a~ re ce(i)ve t a s/s t~e ye inn re p (L)ea. t w/in e f/r0m y~e a.s/s t b re a.d. & be d~rinK 'ye r~inn~d as/s 0 rt'd mu st 00 th' s(t) ay'inn't l~aye inn g~r/ave (t)d b~L0~0 (min) d ate th' s(t)am en' s(t)a t~e


w/e t'hu(e)s/s th' c0 L 0're mu st~a(ye)m en t rue st


: s(t) ab le s/s us~t


ps : sp~ e'ye didn't pu ll e ye w/h a bu ll e ye t d i.d.~e c~e(i)ve inn de/ed 0'0r(e) in de's c e/n t l ye t 00 th e m/e an s e/e k 0 p/en l ye a.s/s t p/e/t f0r/m/e a.d.'s e/e k('s) w/i ft t~ing's~


ps : sp~ e'ye didn't pu ll e ye w/h a bu ll 0're bu ll e t


ps : sp~ e'ye didn't pu ll e ye w/h a bu ll e ye t d i.d.~e c~e(i)ve inn de/ed 0'0r(e) in de's c e/n t l ye t 00 th e m/e an s e/e k 0 p/en l ye a.s/s t p/e/t f0r/m/e a.d.'s e/e k('s) w/i ft t~ing's~ 0/n ~ne/t 'h fxf re(y)e r~i/s e/e b e/e c(h)atch ing(e)s p(r)ea.k~ne s/s t(r)ing 's 0 w/e b/b 0/n ~ne/t 00 th b e(y)e 0/n knit~ting's~e a.m.'s~ e/a. d.0'0re t00 th' s~t ab/le a.d.


g's t( r)ing's~














kn 0 t a/u (gh)t bu t/t a s~p L~as 'h' in th' sum mer t' m/en t/h ink n~ave, verse-sus-t-c-ave-


= c0n-e-c-ave-s-e/e-k-w/e-ll-ave-d-s-(h-)ave-d-




y/0r(e) in(d) vi t e/d t00 th d ate, why d0 you k-n0-t-a-ke- th/e m'ye n a.m. e


t00 th(e) r~e l a(ye) t/e 's t~r/ai/t




si/g n at 0 r/r e ye (t) p~ass aye s yn/thy/me a. d.0w/ 'h' a.c. r~ 0 s/s 't' i~g nar~e ye re a.d. t00 th b(r) 0ugh t a n/n e ye a. s/s t r~e a. t 0 p/en l e ye a.t a/s t e ye t00 t(h) a g ree t me~a. t


t it would se/am en are just christ' c-he-ap-s- e/g-r-ape-ye-a-s/s-t-w/-i-n-e-ye-


w/-he-a-t- f-x-f-reel-ye-t-00-t-ea-t-b-each-(t-b-)itch-s-aye-sim-i-lar-e-ly-e- a- "t"


s un s(h)ine t00 th's tr/ai/t e'ye t0 0t a ta/ke t(h) a w/(h) ave t(a) b/0 w/e ll a. m.0 ve m/en/t s(h)ake t~c(h)atch an/d r~e l~e/as/e 0/n e me'ye p(L)ate fxf is 'h' 0/0 k~in 0' rig~i/nn ate


she d i.d. kn0t re c0g ni(Z)e (ni)t'h' s hake as she was kn0t fishing f/0ra name t00 th b re 'a.' k eg 0/d ate tat 00 th e /m(e) A.~k th e.g. 0/d f/0're. g.0/d ness (h) ake t0~me an s (w/h) 0/0 n e vein ly e

w/th ea.r t(w/)h 0 ve t(h)c ai re r~e'ye i/n g t00 th inn e 0(w/)n ai L a s/s t i/ng' sum

mit~t a p~l um en (t) d0 ve

ti(n)g~ share 0/n e


tig = s p0 t w/e ll d~ing t~ing's e/a.m. 's 0/c k i/n g's (t)ay e.g. rass put h/em f0r/meal/l aye


that is weird today, my phone, at the time i was supposed to receive a phone call from the unemployment adjudicator, my phone doesn't recognize it's 'sim'. i am starting to perhaps understand why this seems to be the 'er/ran/t' (st)ic(k) ou(gh)th 0ve th' d aye inn me'ye ll in c/l i/n e d/e w/e t (e)ye


my necklace is worn backwards, hard currency has ' n ai l


e (ye) x it (00) k~n ea. d.('s~)b re a.d. t (00) h b e(ye a.s) st


0/n e. g.(g) r0und e w/h 0/n e ye t (00) t~h 2 0/0


s~p0r(e) t w/(h)in d 0 w/~e w/e


t00 th 0 w/00 d's (h)0 w/~t is/s u~e (t)


eye found a new for 'dr' tu be am 0're than dr i've & d0 ct 0 r/r e, inn m0de a.r(e/n) ti'me 'dr' can e seek w/e ll du st up (a.) d/iscipline r/ush t00 th cur(e)r/en/t may/k c/up i/th inn (k)' sig h t's h~a.d. e ve(i)n~k t c(an)e w/h ea. t e ll e ye


the story of cain and able, the first son of adam and eve killed the second one, imply the punctuation mistakes came some how from a woman not one observe d. the story is "prime" fi-ct-i/on-e-t-all-t-he-t-i'm-e- too the ob-serve-d-i'm-e-t0-king-o/n-e-th-inn-ai-re- with no actuall a re p ai re me m0 re'ye t00 th te ll e ye w/e ll d~ i/nn hap pi' m/t~(h/e)m~e a. s/s u r~e t00 th e'ye inn k's in (c)k e ye s c/an d 0 w/h0 n/e ye = n ai l 0/n ll ye


t00 th e* ra/ce s/s (t) a nd


w/ 'h'en you speaK you are acknowledging you s e/e X


i/t di's c0(u)r(s)e /e bum t~h (r )i've~


y~e w/e


ll e t u s/s make th e m(e)use sic e/en




th e m/ark (t) b f/0're




ye~'a.' s/s t a s/s t e'ye w/h ea. t e ll e ye ff/r0m th' s e/e bum r un & r in d 'a'pp(ea)le


g. ave ll~e. g. ab le t00 th e w/ee k w/t'h/e m/ e an s w/ee p.m. e/e k up


t 00 th' sum mit/t a re s p0 ns ~c/up


g/ave ll be a.t (h) a w/are inn k~A s/s t 0 fxf e/e d en s e/e ll e ye ve(i)n e'ye t


she. g.ave. g.0/d el t00 th ('s) te st h~is t l0gic a s/s t h's ai L t00 the mer~re'ye d e l/l : verse-sus- incomplete-ness-a-t-he-be-gi/n-ing-t-ai-l-d-


00 th (e) re m/em b e're (A.) d.0/u(be)t~c h a w/(h)in d 0 w/(h)0 r(L)d~


t 00 th (e) re m/em b (e')re A. d.0 ve t be~ t/t ai re (e)f x f r/i en d's e'ye a.r t'h~inn d's ai desire p.r.e~A s/s 0/n~ne/t w/h0 ne'ye w/c ai r~e ye ve(i)nn k ai re s~inn b 0/n ~ne/t 00 th r is en


t w/h0 ne/t (a) c(h)atch~ an/d c h/em i/s t r(e)ye ll e ft


e'ye s0/n ~ne/t b 0/n~ne/t c(h)atch ing's w/(h)ea. t~ dutch's ea. t0uch e`rt z'w/ee t 00 th e m/aye k u/p c0m p (L)ea.t me'ye (s) m/a.c.k~en d 0 w/ee k e/e ll e ye sup~per t' s e/e d 0 fxf i/t 00 th e/m ac k i/n g 0 p(L)an t 00 th's (t) a nd~ting's~ e.g. g~lan d bu ye t/t~(h)ing's th e (ye) ar t h's re s~0/u n/d~t(h)ing's (t) 00 t/h/e m/a ze'ye a.r t a.ll i've 0nt c~0/A s/s t 0 r/r e ye 'd


sum~mit (at)t a in~e ye 0/n e ye w/h0 n e''ye t/b re a.d. ' s p0 k e/e n de~A.d. e w/e


' d e w/e in d e w/e un t 00


' d e w/e in d e w/e un t 00 h


is sharon nup set b.c. she thinks you are going to go/n e too the me'ye t i'm e marrie d as/say e s i ft d aye t0 gether in -d- st-in-t-d-g-race-ss- (maid on me ff ace )


th ' sep par ate i/0n e c~ k nigh t as/sa ye b/b rig ht e ll e ye A.s/s t e ye


ff ace ss (h) 0/n e a.r t h's h 0 (w/) e.g. 0 t0 g e/th/er e w/e d


sharon get's too re sum e 0/n e the equality of a single woman's h0 e tu gaw/ h e'ye t 0d e w/e t(h)rue


she hasn't maid your marriage-d- a s/s ay e w/ th's e/e k w/e ll e(n) d 0 w/e d e w/e pt's w/ee p a s/s t


i am the cur(e)rent in y-0're- huss-b-a/n-d- s~h e ll e d'h uss k i/nn t~h~an/d th fxf e w/e t(0) u're ~


s~(h/h/h/h/)a/a/a/a ke th b(0/at) c(0/a s/s t) e ll s ai l's~w/e ll d ce ss le ss e ll e ye


t 00 t'h te ll e ye A s/s t (a) g/ai/n a ct a c~r 0 s/s ai d t~i'm e r/r i'm e t(a)b ring i'll t~ing's


we-ll, your city is certain ly e.g. ill use ion are ye


too sup po rt you -x- c-is-e-am-at- tatere-d- in-differen-ce-


w-h-y- do you put our out rig ht l-ac-k- on my bu ye b(L)ac k with your b-l-0-at-e-d- as-se-t-s-


w-h-y- do you put (y-)our out rig ht l-ac-k- on my bu ye b(L)ac k with your b-l-0-at-e-d- as-se-t-s-


s-ly-e-in-t-a-c/ t- (w/-e-) re-p-ass-t-


t-w/-h--0- st-in-t-he-pre-sent- ma-king-0-p-(l-)an-s-am-e-


de-man-d-'s- ai-d-y-0re-st-a-nd-s-h-a/rd- proclaim "cam-e"m-b-r-ai-n-d-b-at-h-as-s-t- been stinting all the time r e a.d. e/b t (a) c0mp0se re miss t(h)re~a.d. bu ye A r.t~h i/n d~h an/d's e X t/en d~e A.d. e ff ra.(i)m.e a.d. just b.c.~ e 'ye s he art 's tar(e) t's~


aye w/ th (e) c(h)0/n e c0n s pi re all e(n) d 0 w/e d aye a.r t~h an/d' (s) heart h e w/e ll c(h)0/me


w/h e're ye a.r(e)m


s ~ the re all miss~us c'h' ar(e)m' s (t) 00 th s~pec u~e L ate t00 th' st r~etch d le X p0 's (ai) d f/r0m th fxf a(i)r e w/h e t~h e'ye


A. t~ e ll e ye fxf a ce~


i think you have this wrong sharon, i am not supporting you to be marrie d on my time "2"


the only way you are going to give rich what he right fullye need'/s is/ to stop your in-d- b-read-ing-


you want to be on the same page as him in the competitive marketplace, and so you shall, as a single woman sharing your talents ass well, rich is going fore ward for me a.d e/b t00 th c ai r~r e ye & yourself t00 th be c0/n e


you sunk rich's stone, b.c. he treated you like you are now treating him in the competitive market place. nothing worth noting has change-d ie - you st ill have your vain t-rust-oo-th- be-li/e-v/e-vain-0ve-d-0ve-


he doesn't need his sis t00 t/ his k-ee-l- forewar-d-and-ye-b-ac-k- in-t-0-(w/-)e- he-ar-t-b-rake-r-e-


st-0-re-ye-w- c0-(p-)y- e- ane-d-0-t-ag-e-


you get too take responsibility for some thing grea/th/er e b(0)u ye giving i/t a w/h e ye ff a(i)r e (&) s qu/a re A.b (0)ut'h land b/r~ave she cam/e ve in d


you get too take responsibility for some thing grea/th/er e b(0)u ye giving i/t a w/h e ye ff a(i)r e (&) s qu/a re A.b (0)ut'h (L)and b/r~ave she cam/e ve in d


you get too take responsibility for some thing grea/th/er e b(0)u ye giving i/t a w/h e ye ff a(i)r e (&) s qu/a re A.b (0)ut'h (L)and b/r~ave she cam/e ve in d/g ave t(h) a w/h e'ye t c ai r~r e'ye ff a ce t00 th' d ate t a ll a r/0 u n/d aye


i personally think you use your friends too lend your fraime in givin-g-(ed-) 0-d-g-ave- t- w/-h-e-ye-t-


i personally don't think you are in a married position b.c. you k ea.rn d i/t


-x-ce-pt-bu-ye-vain-he-a-rt- ex-t-p0-s-ai-d-art-ye-t-w/-h0-d-e-ye-w/e-pew/e-d-


ben-c-h-"a."-m.-ar-k- in-t-0-d-u-e-w/e-s-c0p-e-ye-w/-e-ll-ie-n-g-0-p.r.-i.'d.-e-n-ea-r-s-e-g-ea-r-s-t-ea-r-s- false ll e ye a r's


g-all- sharon is trying to "due" is buy back her friend's - too-t-he-me-m0-re-


got your next par t e ye t0 g e/th/er e inn the w/0 r/k 's


re sounding 's c0 pi e/d t r0pe t00 th trum pet f/0rt ye d light as/s 0 w/e d 0(w/)e


honestly sharon, if i were a guy, and i were married to you, what i would want to say as/s h0 (w/) e ye, your emotional leanings are a bit saccharin -d- when you are feigning industrious caring, without really caring too the wearing. & that gains and adverse direction too the near tu b re ad as/say e w/ f-ea-r- . i don't get your ind/ig/nation k night ly e. you really aren't on the me nd 0 fxf i/t


and you can't there from where you cam-e-


deservedly, i get it, you put your time, but too the -x-ce-ed-ye-d-e-w/e-d-


which doesn't constitute an honest ladder rung observed pre sent l ye A s/s t(r)ing~ capable a.d.


0/n e t' s h0 e string w./0re th c0ntaining ass k e/t c0m p Lan e i/n g's t ab/le a.d. as/say e w/h~e ye a. t 0 s/s0 w/e d/d inn e min(e)d ~h ea. d


you "too" are "equall" and "opposites"


when you are ready to grow up and be the brave among your one name in vein, you know where to deploy it.


un till th en, i'll just pretend you s can k ee p up


a l i've


what do you think of this rich destination, let rich live his own dream, and let his approaches and excurisions all be seen, whether with you or me or any h/arb0re put it all on the in c line d e w/e d ue t w/h0 d/e ye w/h e'ye tu t00 th inn (d 0/c) k e w/e t(h)ru~e w/e


rich, the vote is winging in th direction e tu be a.m. t w/h0 at the same ta time al/la s/s 0 w/e d 0 h t a ll 0 (w/e) at


per h apse this is the fait h t00 the w/h all k/c 0/n e w/h at/t ai re


s c0 pi e d e/b t00 th t ai l/l e ye 0 p/en d~0 b re a.d.(t)~ing's c~rum p del i c~i/0/u/'s~um


i don't get why sharon sees me as , i don't know, hemme-d-inn-


she should know better than eye, the be-d- she maid-inn-


i am simply capable of making g0/d e/b t00 th an d's us~e of her f-e-a-r-s-e-p-rate-n-ea-r-s-


i get -it- you have to float your b-0-at- as-say-e- b-ough-t-in-t-w/-it-


s-0-w/e- you would 's(h-) ave th-as-space too the marrie-d-ate-





without f(L)ave i 0're


(t) 00 (t) h (t) (e) (ll) ('s0/m e)


re-son-an-(d-)ce- be-th-e-neigh-b-0-re-s-t-ai-n-a-g-ai-n-d-




sharon be-t-o-ken-e-w/e-d- all-i-an-ce- s/s - e/e- d-




you have each toke-d- th-er-0-s-mightily and heavily tu be such m-eye-t-ye a-bu-s-e're-s-t-00-t-he-r-s-


frankly, it bores me.


just so you know, sharon, rich thinks you are incomplete, and yet that is what you think of me / an / s ire on i c/all -ye-t-huss-l-ie-ye-a-t-


n your yap-prove-d- narcissism, i don't think even the christ came proclaim you merrye vein


tit woo-d-se-am-s-


you only have a b-0re- too t-h-carry-th-em/e-an-s-


& i am talking about your answer t0 me. squarely frontally e speaking. without g-ab-o--rt-ing-a-gree-d-


last time we bespoken, you lied thru your t-ee-th- as -s- i - ft- it- were your neigh-b-0-re-t-


p-ass-ing-a-temporary-e-f-(L)-ave- i-0-re-


d i'm e /e kn0t imp-ress-ai-d-in-k-

ironically, i don't know if you believe in gay lesbian and transgender rights too love as would one on one, however sharon, you are diss missing me quite ironically in holding me accountable to whom you think i should love, and shove the other "one" off.


your love is a b-0-rt- in t- i'm-e-t00-t-he-re-s/t-0-rt-


it is kind of dickish and stiffling at the same time.


it is knot your t(b) rig ht 00 k~c 0m p ass, with your t-rite-


it is knot your t(b) rig ht (h) 00 k~c 0m p ass, with your t-rite-


stop blaming rich for charming you into marriage so you can further blame him on me un seen miss carriage, t(h) oo keep going un seen from your -e- constitute-d- mar-r/i-ag-e-d-


you charmed him equally the same, equally vain-d-


what is it you want from him but to be his sister too the -nd-


is he your complaining vat to toss a "v-ag" on nit- which you also re-pre-sent-w/-it-


honestly as much as you "lame-brain-him-too-th-comp-lain" i don't get your delight in vain.


ironically, these are not t-a-ct-le-ss- word-s- these are quite t a ct fu ll w/h0 rd~serve d


if you are keeping him around to get around "2" you-r-e-ff-acin-g-rate- then you have too let him make his matter merry in the relate on my p(L)ate 0 pen t00 t h d ate.


you don't get to strike a de all e g 0/n e me'ye t 00 th t/e ll


you don't get to strike a deal thru rich. you get to strike a deal on your own pate plate and mer i/t 0/d e all every one w/i.d. th.

you get too L earn single before you get marrie-d- and then re-re-pre-sent- the virtues you are also-b-l-aim-in-g-, so you can re-ap-0-re- more of the s-(-h)am-e-i/n-g-s-cene as "carring" x "no body"


You certainly do not get to judge or whey e inn 0n wh0 eye with *c~h 0 i/ce ll 0ve


& what w/h0 n/e st dignity decide t00 th' due t'h e're 0 fxf t


t it's h0ne st ly n0/n e 0 ff t your bu/si/ness (o-f-t-s-) -h-0ve-d-


di's-t-0-rt-i/ng-character-d- 0- w/-h0-ve-d-0-ve-


with no ve T in the g(L)0ve


= alla-w-st- w/-aye-s-toss-ai-d- giving dof a -t- p-h-a-nd-up-e-

to-d-rive all over me with hi-s/t-ruck- as-s- t-0-re- your "needs" tu be scene on m e/e k in de pen d en t ly e




scene apparently ass not caring too lend the day with merit with some body e w/ he "choice" ye t-(h-)-ag-a-w-aye-t- with desire as merit too the on-ly-e- look "that a way" responsibly too the date, but it is really too th "ta/ke" f/r0m those that are h ea r too the re lay t


& re c0(u)r(s)e th e w/h e'ye t 0/n e t w/h0 n'e ye w/an 't 00 th fxf a/ce t (a')c c0 rd i/n g lee,,, w/ th e me an s e X a ct ly e




has you-r- nup b-(r-)ough-t- (e) ye ll 0ve t 00 th


I would say there f/0re as/say'e stop "pine-ing" f/0re some thing you do not P(L)an t 00 th u (e w/e) s/s


I would say there f/0re as/say'e stop "pine-ing" f/0re some thing you do not P(L)an t 00 t'h u (e w/e) s/s t0 g e/th/er e a.ss a t/rib/e w/e t(h)rue w/e d


I would say there f/0re as/say'e stop "pine-ing" f/0re some thing you do not P(L)an t 00 t'h u (e w/e) s/s t0 g e/th/er e a.ss a t/rib/e w/e t(h)r/u~e w/e d inn p0 w/(h) e're & w/h en d 0 w/e t 00 t'h~


ta p.r.~00 f r e/e rise t00 th b e/e ye A.s/s t b re a.d. e/b t 'a' st e ye w/h0 n/e ye re p(L)e a. t a s/s a y'e the me an s t00 the m(e)A ke ye p f0r/meal/lye s w/ee p t00 th put t~inn tee th s w/(h)ea. t


(h) a w/are c(h)0/m (e) fxf 0'r~t ab/le tt ai re a.d.


ju st' s p~ea.K t00 th~e m/ea. s/s u 're (a.)d. h/ea/d's


sharon "loves" projecting-(L-)ove-


i am seeing the "we'd" that needs ten ding


be it known, i do not appreciate s-n0t- in re p0's e-(g-)r-0s-s-


i find a real problem with sharon only wanting to put on a s-s-h0-w/e-g-0-d-e-all-t-a-t-0(w-)e-ye-n-0-w/e-d-0-w/e-t-00-t-e-ll-


never the size of your writing x rig ht i/n g t00 th eave n/d w/e ll d~irectly too th an0ther 0ne t 00 th t ai l b(L)e n/d welling's ai ll's~e/e ll's~


please understand, rich gets no value b(L)ack out of being a real zer0 f-0-rt-u- sharon.


im taking the day off your d-0-ft- and tan docke-t- oo the even "think" your "feeling's" cast a ll 0 t


you sit with your lies and friends and their lies you cirmcumsize-d- right bu ye ass i.'d.es -inn- 0-t-i'm-e- all-t-h-e-t-i'm-e- "too" h-ave- the b-ride-all-t-i'm-e-


what is the basis of sharons belief's to stand courageou-s-ly-e-


only too t-au-(n-)t- 0 pen -ly-augh-t-


I am not in writing x rig ht ing, b.c. i knew of your b-lig-ht- too the c-a-st-0-f-x-f-


i am in writing x rig ht i/n g b.c. e'y~e value r/ich inn (d) 0 ve


i am not hear for you to judge me bu ye -a-r-s-e-w/e-a-r-t-e/a-r-s-e-


I have no impetus for w-h-a -t- ye a-s-s-say-e- nee-d-'s- ee- K-


you are an ass-


i came volitionally in love, and you st-a-nd- too -th- t-re-p-ass-t- 0n e me'ye w/are


t00 th be ye volitionally a w/are


if you are going to place a judgement on me, do s 0 w/e & d0 w/e as you h/ave h/ad, do so on me, with the space you occupy in re all i t e'ye


i am not he(a)re sharon so you can piss-on-ne-t- on me to pr-r0ve- with your emotions for no reason for/m/e t 00


i am choosing t 00 l0ve rich, 0bvious en/0ugh 0 w/i.d. th


with out that motive, i don't have anything to say. particularly to you, mutating a pre miss s-0-w-e-ye-c-an-ta-g-it-y-0-re-w-h-at-e-


your feelings for no reason, that you project on me, come from your one mu-st-


you compete with all women, if they even look like they can offer rich inn t e're st 00 th t0uch = you value your friends because they are precisely vain t00 th be see k w/e ll's 0 ft inn fxf r 0/n(e) t


so le t's just be c-le-a-r- about w/ h at & w/h ye give e/vain in the g ap/pearances o ft "trust" you h avent ear.n (inn) d0 ve = h ab i/t = h a.(d.)ven t


0 fxf (i) t


in n a.m. e cc a.m. e


as is, me -cc-a- is pro-f-an-e- , in the competitive marketplace, just another side show thrill for profaning disgrace with em-pt-(e-)ye- consumerism ran-g-a-g-rate-d-in-k-n0-n-e-st-i-p-u-ll-ate-d-ea-t-oo-t-h-d-e-fi/n-e-d-i'm-e-t-i'm-e-d-




e-f-x-f-ace- ss- f-x-f-0-r-t-he-ta-king- un-d-e're-st-i-p-u-ll-ate-d-ea-t-h- t00 the "fac/e" ye w/-id-th- d-




"a" "luxury" of mispen-t-ai-l-ie-n-g-("L")0ve-t-i'm-e-


awn any d0-t- t-'d- bu-ye- t- line-d- um-p- d-e-f-x-f-i/n-e-d-


my bike ride yesterday, a couple of young women were doing sprints on the back bay, and the woman in front of my bike, as i was passing on the trail, had great form, even though she was a bit more of the clydesdale body weight. i bring this up because depending on your orientation, and location, let's take hollywood for instance ie the i'm-age-f-a-ct-0 -r/r-e-ye-in-differ-en-ce-ss-t-a-ke-re-st-e-ye-d-0-ft-b-ran-c-h-in-g-f-x-f-i/n-d-s-l0-t-'d-i'm-e- t-he-s-0'-le-t-00-t-he-t-de-fi/n-i-t-e-d- e/b-t-a- i-n-c-line-d-


a person may judge the person sprinting as "too" ungainly ie she may be judged by how she looks verse sus how she feels.


and how it feels too the be discipline f 0're all e.g.(r) 0 at' s K i'll d


ass sits in the competitive marketplace, it is the per-fe-ct- petri dish -t-oo-t-he-t- make judgement-s-0n-e-mistake, "thinking" he makes the keg great, and there fore "he" in imaginary uni-son- can there fore be the e.g. r-ate-t0r-t00-t-he-ye-a-s/t-ill-b-rake- f-x-f-ace-


t00-t-he-re-make-(d-) f-x-f-a-ct- f-rom-e-ye-a-st-con-vi-ct-i/on-e-a-t- 00-t-he-t-ai-n-t-


it seems sharon is the g-rate-t0r-e-(e-)f-x-f-ace- on your e p(L)ate inn your pal ace 0 ft l~ate


she only bur-d-en-s/t-e-ye-w/e- t with mistakes un earne-d-


= a container for no reason e too the "a" = "b"u/-s-e- w/e-0-ft-oo-t-he-f-x-f-0-r-t-u-




feelings for bu ye and with 0 w/i.d. th t00 th actually be observed, with no reason too th deserve d


it is quite possible sharon, that you/r ob/servation for no reason has qui-te- stipulate-d- th' -d-aye in any see as/s 0n-d-


ye pretend for no reason to carry eye upon d


funny, now i see where you actually can work together ing


f (r~0/ne) t with 0/n e st miss t(h) 0'0 k


e ' ye pal~a/ce ss f0r/ce s/s e t(h) 0'0 k e'ye p(L)a/ce ss n 0'0 k


re ce ss t(u) b 0/0 k w/0rm 0ve re ('a') l0 0k t'd c ai r~r e'ye re 'a' ll s n0 0k t00 the m(e)ar (e) K e/t p(L)a~c/e tu p~al a/ce ss (h) a'k~e t00 th(e) r~e late th d ay' t


the me an s w/(h)e'a.'r~t(h) a w/h e'ye t00 th(e) re p ai r~e ve(i)n s qu/a re a.d. e 'a.' ll tar~e th c ai r~r e'ye 0/n e 'a.' ll e.g. 0 t0 (w/)n e t0 fxf 0're all.




the me an s w/(h)e'a.'r~t(h) a w/h e'ye t00 th(e) re p ai r~e ve(i)n s qu/a re a.d. e 'a.' ll tar~e th c ai r~r e'ye 0/n e 'a.' ll e.g.(r) 0 t0 (w/)n e t0 fxf 0're all d~r 0 t 00 t i'll d' s0 i'll e'ye i nk ne 'a' ll d ass e/e bum ass k i'll d k~ne 'a.' d. b~re a.d. e a ll e d



inn measure as/s t re a.d. f/0're all d


inn e me/r~r e'y/e me ass~u're st (e)a ll d


inn measure as/s t (r)e a.d. f/0're all d~e ye 'a.'r th e n/a.m.e 'a' ll d e/b t00 th c ai r~r e'ye w/h e'ye t fxf 0're 'a' ll


a s/s k i'll s~ 0/n e me/r i't 00 th b e/e th fxf a(i)r e t~(a) p(L)ea.s e/e (sure's) d's


c as h an/d c ai r~r e'ye th e m/iss deed's fa(i)r e 'ye as(t) e


mu st ru(s)t re t 00 mar e t


00 th e sys-t-em- that didn't w/(h ea.)r i/t -with- care t00 th' b(eg)i/n e fxfreed0m e c(h)0 m/p ass i/0 n e


*mar is a blemish on the surface, it is also sea, as is, 'mare' in italian actually e/as(t)e


t/h'e r0s/e (p0sessing it's kn0w/e')th c h0 i ce s/s h~e('a')re s/s ay'e a.re's e/e k's w/ee p's t(e)ar e


mu st ru(s)t re t 00 mar e t


00 th e sys-t-em- that didn't w/(h ea.)r i/t -with- care t00 th' b(eg)i/n e fxfreed0m e c(h)0 m/p ass i/0 n e


*mar is a blemish on the surface, it is also sea, as is, 'mare' in italian actually e/as(t)e


t/h'e r0s/e (p0sessing it's kn0w/e')th c h0 i ce s/s h~e('a')re s/s ay'e a.re's e/e k's w/ee p's t(e)ar (e) c~ (L) e~'a'~r e ve(i)n d~0 ve th ing(L)~0 ve t ai l~an/d b~e c(h)0/m e t00 t(h) u~b 0/n e.g.~'a've a'll tar e in re p0's e.g.(r) 0 w/e n's n~ar/e n/t 0 (w/)e~ta t(h) 00 k~n 0 w/e's f/r0m w/h eigh t e fxf a(i)r e t(h) a w/h e'ye t 00 th e/m at'e ye t a/n/d ye fxf ra.(i)m.e in knit w/i.d. th' sum mit ta t ex t f/0ra sup per t in t it



f-x-f-r0m-e-w/-h- i -t- c -h- u-s-s- ju-dg-e- 'heresy' e tu b e(e) n 0 b e t/t ai re inn er t her e/n t p/h ea.r t~(00 t)h p(L)a~ce a.r t(w/)h 0/n e 0 fxf t

"=" you-r-e-g-0-c-a-rt- has an e vain -s-um- & narcissism is you-r-e-st-a-ll-(e-)d-um-p- awn- me'ye fxf ace, s-0-(w/-)e- you look 't/up' with insurance you "h"ave s-0-(w/-)n-up-f-x-f-0-re-t-he-marrie-d-g-ive-n-t-as-s-mu-c-h-

~(b) re('a'.)d.~'s w/ (H ea.)r i/t in k~n ave (t)d e w/(h) ave (t)d e/b t(hc) l~an d


t i/t re t00 t(h) c L i'm(b)e d/h a.d.~e /b t00 t(h) g i've t(h) a w/ h e'ye. g. (L) a.d.~


are you sug g(u-)est ing rich, that sharon can't use her eyes too tooth h(er) ear's, to watch you being in g love, and e x press f/r0m r un (t)d


yes, i get from a r-un-(t-)d-ta-t-ouch-e-d-0-ft-


the matter is copy p/rig ht, in the competitive marketplace, "i/t" is trademarking without f air e'ye & reason too the weight the con t en t w/i.d. th in (k) nit, "i/t" is trademarking in a system unfair too the eye tu be gi n nit.


donald trump can stir anger across the nations, yet an artist with her own hand can't make a painting resembling the affects of his image he is promiscuous-y-e- par-a(i-)d-ing- "on" her tu be seen as not adding anything of value f-rom-e-t-he begining-0-d- f-rom-e-t-he-s-pe/ct-a-c-l-e-g-g-ing-0-pen-is-ly-e-0-we/-d-awn-d-


yes, i get from a r-un-(t-)d-ta-t-ouch-e-d-0-ft-


the matter is copy p/rig ht, in the competitive marketplace, "i/t" is trademarking without f air e'ye & reason too the weight the con t en t w/i.d. th in (k) nit, "i/t" is trademarking in a system unfair too the eye tu be gi n nit.


donald trump can stir anger across the nations, yet an artist with her own hand can't make a painting resembling the affects of his image he is promiscuous-ly-e- par-a(i-)d-ing- "on" her tu be seen as not adding anything of value f-rom-e-t-he begining-0-d- f-rom-e-t-he-s-pe/ct-a-c-l-e-g-g-ing-0-pen-is-ly-e-0-we/-d-awn-d- 0-ft-


he can also "re-claim" in -t- being scene pensively undertaking the t-as-s-k- i/n-g- c-he-ap-t- carr(e)y e ff 0r/mea/lye re st ate i/n g & g(u)e s/s t ate i/n g


verse-sus- get-a-gree-d-get-a(i-)-life-in-de-ad-


ad- s/t- ill -e"a"ve- f-all-s-e-ll-ye.-("A" )g.-ree-d-0h-t- 0-me-ns-ee-d's-

women are therefore "maid" to be looked-up-e-on- &- jud/ge-d- for no reason ye men put up your nares with fair air too the re pre sent your h/ea/d a(i)re s~ e/e & say with what is re all ye t00 the me an s e/e k 's

s e/e k nigh t as/say'e present (e) ye

if you as a man are the container, then make it the maintainer d

0 w/e the w/0 rd's e/e b e/e bum p~lu met be t0 k en d's

i ft ye t/c ai r~r e'ye th e/n erve i/n g's i/n k~ f/0're me a.d.'s e/e k t0 me an s 0/n ly e

& quite ironically, as none of you men gave birth too the 'son/e' in any nave. just for the saying' sum / mit~tit re a.d. e ye t00 th d ate g0 fi/g f/0're b~re A k fxf as/s t as/s tet h' fxf i've dh~an/d 0 fxf the ma'a.m.

take off your w/"h"at & t e'ye c~a.m./e

r~e p0 st~ing your f-x-f-am-ill-(e-)ye-p-(L-)an-d-

0-ft-d han/d's = s-h-a.m.-e- on-e-w/e- b.c. you though-t-e-ye-c-an-d-le- -a-war-ness-too-t-he-s-(h-)ave-d-


0-ft-d han/d's = s-h-a.m.-e- on-e-w/e- b.c. you though-t-e-ye-c-an-d-le- pt-(h-) -a-war-ness-too-t-he-s-(h-)ave-d-f-0-re-may-king-c-an-d-

#sourrinsetides you now

@ you n0w t a~go too the 'replay' link t00 the re p/age ye. g. ave

wasting t i'm e t "h"inking you have the right too the revolve t(h) a w/(h-)in d 0 w/e t 0/n e t(p.r.) i'm e a. s/s u're rin(d')se t(h)i.'d.e~s (t) 00 th~c ai r~re'ye 0nt fxf i/n e t a. m.er~r e'ye d i'm e t(h) a p/p l/l e ye d


i am having a hard time shaking being tired today. i picked up the remainder of my claudio reyes hand hammered iron bed frame, the canopy, aka baldacchino in italian where it is designed or made. i wasn't sure that i wanted it, so left it in andy's basement. the house is ready for sell and a new occupant, and i thought i might like it. sat with the idea in my apartment as last time i erected it, i thought the frame kind a boxed the apartment space and clear view too the large frame window.


now i feel differently. i kind of like the idea of a bare frame den marking a space opposite the bed, however still f raime i/n g' stead. luckily, the decorative bolts and screws and k/n0b that go with the canopy, i kept, and found them easily in my other stored items.


the canopy has a little rust on it. i'm looking forward to erecting it this t le time, can't say why, it just feels right. in my apartment, i keep wanting to rearrange the furniture, however it seems the best position for the bed, to make the other items fit well, and see out the window which is a major point of visual sail. the frame while bare, seems to give me a vision of bare concertedness k/n 0 w/in/g ar(e)b e t/t ai re ~r e'ye fxf a(i)r e i/n g's~w/ee p's~



standingcorerect #

@ you n0w t a~go too the 'replay' link on the p/age

bed frame is complete ly e M/iss Re~a.d. 0 b e/e t'h'~serve d~0 p/en ll e'ye b(0)u'ye (t)~desir/e m/(e)'a' K(t) ea.r~n' se(e) c0/nd's e X p0's~'d

it took longer than expected however music accompaniment is nicely rendered for being a wash in the experience. hot in the apartment (curls my hair) and for some reason, no hot water in the apartment = a modest spit bath.


do you think i am talking about you;)


that's funny;) the frame feels right. last time i put the canopy on when i first moved here, visually it didn't feel right, like too much, planes like lines, breaking up the air space. now with know it feels a welcome frame, a construct inn dependent 0f for(u)m. gave the palm plant its own spot light next to the bed, to see if it will plump up and be able to hold its branches of flanges again...


i really like the bare frame however I may accent later with a colorfull swath of sillk(s)


is it worth asking how work is going


that is encouraging~


it has been a nice mild day, in a reverie listening to music, contemplating the frame, and then diving inn. i am looking forward too rolling tm.


i'm glad i decided to keep it. after moving stuff from andy's after andy did i.d'. died 0 pen e mu s(t) i/r e time, it seemed like too much to/w t off hand


inn trying to find another place, for my seeming ly "x" cess' that keep mul-t-i-p lying




have you been bicyling


i sense some f(r)iction


i have enjoyed looking at yohji yamamoto's y3 label for adidas. pricey. however what i like, besides first glance as it seems not tuned into skin tight active wear, it is literary, his collection, his vision speaks, like an agile samurai poet. he envisions movement i think in a different way. i like looking. i would have to change everything about my attire to dress in 'a' yohji yamamoto. i do like his items are somewhat offensive to the eye, and what i mean by that with no offense to yohji's designs, is that low crotches, billowing potato shaped tops, not the flattering eye catching trend so much of the market place is representing. that, and he always said he doesn't make clothing for the masses of women to ware.


i like one active dress with a color blocked 'y' from the front side and back and an asymmetrical hem. it is not an easy articulation to color block, ie sew, rather than screen print those corners of the 'y', on a knit, and have it hang / drape correctly ie articulately without bulges and puckering.


one thing i would like to do, is make a mock form in cotton woven, size it to me, and see if i want to make it in linen, as i have a surpluss, and i like the very modern approach to designing an item in linen.


we'll see.


tm th en



june 8, 2016

h e'ye, um, my website software or host isn't working. sent an email too the u.k. software company, before i contact the website hosting company in iceland. the problem is when i upload, i get the passive, automatic and non passive options, (i have tried them all) and then that asks me a final question check with a click on the button, and then an activity bar, usually pops up, where i can see files being read and uploaded t 00 zer0, however this activity bar is not popping up, and the website isn't uploading...

and having refined my process over time, i prefer to upload in words and definitions segments, so i can place and position in a concerted fashion, & g0/ne, rather than trying to make 'am/mend's' with too much on the plate to contend with...

:) i figured it out, i am at max height my website software will allow, and i had a string of definitions running beyond the frame. sigh. that is nice. to fix it. i haven't come a cross an empty activity box. and nothing in the software definition or website support.

rich you only wait ass long as you stay your one 'h' an d

"too" re-t-urn- too-t-he-se-l-t-ag-ai-n-

sharon is using you to compete so w/e it is your t-urn-a-g-ai-n-

i am using you to complete in time too the re t r~e a.t w/i.d. th inn sig/n i fi can ce ss an'(d) s~e th d ate


the po in t, is sharon is inclined to want her independence too th, and she can have it, butt not thru you on the competitive marketplace, w/i th0u t 0(me) t0 w/~e w/e d e w/e

if sharon "choose's" to sit on her ass until it turns into a ripe zit in t-re-p-as-s-t-it-

she can always return to her vain friends, she doesn't care too the dis em b/ark , as she always thought she had the p0 w/(h)ere

vain friends, -e-valu-e-w/e-d- b.c. not one cast a foot in front of "h"er -e- ap-parent- virtue, be-he-ld- bu-ye-vi-e-w/e- d- ot-e- & - d0- t-e- & -

= "i/t" is where her security lie-s-


& - w/e-nd- inn-d-0/u-(be-)t- "for goodness sake" are you s-n0-t- lu-c-k-e-ye-p- form- f-0re- no-b- 0d-e-ye-s-

eye hay t p.r. eye, her -s-e-g- r-asp- b-at-e your -e- l-as-t- i/n-g-ran-d-

i/ng-t-/r-a.(i-)d- i/t-i-0/n-ai-l-e-ave-n- d-

h-a-nd- e-ye-p.r.-a.m.-

with no raiment inn s ta nd en t a ll e ye s p0 k en a s/s c e/n t s~tar t

i think sharon as your young bride, doesn't fully have a scope of reality contrasting the competitive marketplace she herself doesn't have to bear the burden of competing on her own seen shoe. she reflects of your frame which is buy-all-rig-ht-s-t-a-ll-e-pt-bu-ye- im-age- d-

with no desire in the conversation that is w/0 rt~h speaking with desire as ye~a s/s t b e/e & be a.d. ~

& b re a.d. as/say'e rig ht p lig ht d~e w/e t(h) e ye

your loyalty is t00 th -f-x-f-0-ld-

looking as/s i ft you are capable in sum e t00 th contribute

eye say, you only have imp-art- in the cur-rent-00-t-he-s-tar-e- n(d-) ea-r-s-e-g-0--c-a-rt- oo-t-(h-) 0-0- k- ee-l- an-d-e-all-


e-f-x-f-0r-e/e-l- up-0n-are-s-


up-0n-up-im-p-age- t00-t-he-tur/n-it-a-ll-t-i'm-e-


x-is-t- aye-


w/-0- r-(L-)-d- l-ye-


"a "h"ouse with no name -x-ce-pt-louse-t-hou-s-e-vain-(t-)d-


a.m. eye responsible for a "h"o-me- that doesn't wan 't r e/e st 0/'a' r~e d act yl : ly e "A" s/s-t- ill -e-per- as -s- pre-fer-d- 0 -w/an t - 0 - pen- l-ye- tu- per-t-w/ar-t- a -w/-h-e-ye-t- (too-k- & carry the weak, you maid e vain-d- with a "pip" from a perfect pip-prig-too-t-he-c-up-d-0-ft- t00-t-he-s-pea-k-up-t- aw/-n-e-w/e- due- with ignoran-ce-ss- an-dance-ye-0-ft-


in-n-ven-t-i/n-g-a(i-)n-e-w/e-g-am-e-n-t-d-ea-r-an-d-s-0-w/e-g-le-ad- with n0 chance & no choice 0f t in the re c 0ve r e'ye inn t rue st c rust


in-n-ven-t-i/n-g-a(i-)n-e-w/e-g-a(-R-)m-e-n-t-d-ea-r-an-d-s-0-w/e-g-le-ad- with n0 chance & no choice 0f t in the re c 0ve r e'ye inn t rue st c rust


b re a.d. 0-ft-lu-st- ill-u-min-ate-i/n-g-l0-cuss-t-0/m-e-r-s-


with no view of merry in all their -am- marrie-d-e/b-t-00-t-h-e(a)-r-s-e-


"ll" ing f-x-f-ea-r-s-e-g-b-rig-ht- t00-t-he-c-are-s-t-00-t-h- -d-e-lay-e-pre-t-en-ding-all-a-w/-st-(r-)a- w/-h-e-ye- t "h" at d0n't up p~l (e) ye inn c ai r ~r e'ye in g t'h' d~ate


t00 th' st aye


ye w/ their 0/n e w/(h)~is d~0m e t(a)u


ye w/ t~heir 0/n e w/(h)~is d~0m e t(a)u


ye w/ t~heir 0/n e w/(h)~is d~0m e t(a)u g*ht 00 t~h eave n & m(e)ark st an d i/n e t i'm e t(a) u~ t00 th e.g. i've in g 0/d~t(h)rue d 0 fxf e w/e d e w/e


remember sharon, you will need to do something with i/t 00


& you have already determined your scope and circumference to be independent in the market place inn e'ye.


you can't get t'h' at buy plying on rich with no real relation ship 0re t00 th ta give ye t at L a s/s t


w/i.d. th inn knit 00 th p~ass t


maybe you are the one that is supposed to make this decision and make a break, which would be get rich to get off his t in er t i a "h" t00 this brain, in a specu-l-ate i've st ? ate



0-re-g-0-/n-e-w/-id.-th-e/n-i'm-r-0/d-e-ye-n-k-n-0-w/e- d- 0 - w/e- st -0ut-


me thinks nimr0d e n/eve/r e met a h0 , f/0're all n0 a 'h' pr0 c(L)aim i/n g's (t) 0 w/e


t r0t~h t rut h in ri nd & re verse s~t e/a. d. a/ct yl:ly a w/are t~h a(nd)le a.d.

i thought this was interesting -


i woul/d ai re (a.) s/s ay e, the hie fen (d-) signifiies the b0/n-d- between the t-w/-h0-d- in followthru without meaning t w/h0 fxf t c0(u)r(s)e


that said, yohji is not carrying on a marrie-d- tradition in his - h-ea-d- , apparently, & he has a dog too th ad vision too company e speculative ly e t a.d.




w/ h en, we ar talking about follow t(h)re inn t i'm e


w/ 'h' i 't' c 'h' fxf(h) ea. r do you think i am afraid to i let g0 ve, rich 


eye can 00 se your head, for some else to see th e value of t me'ye g/i nn e pt p~(L)an t a gain d, for th d0 f~ t00 th f~(t) a ll 0 w/ee bum 0 fxf t~


& inn stan(d)t ly e b(e a.)miss re a.d.

w/het-her- d- you do or e "a" k-n0-t- 


th/e values of transaction honestly committed = 1 & 0 re 0/n e w/h0 n/e t c~ap i/t a ll an d 0/n e d~un e 


when you f ee l you no longer want tu be ad ju st a zer0, make the le ap ass a'ye p(L) e/a.s/e a. t w/h0 d e'ye t00 th(e) re p (L)e~a. t 0/n e t'h 0/n e st (L)i/n e 0 p/en l e ye t00 th t ee t~h


you only have mistrust in re-verse-g-e/a-r-t-h-


-&- you only have false-ll- solution-s- at-h-an-d-


inn-your mar-rie-d- uni-0n- t00-t-h-st-em- rig-ht-man-d-


huh, funny inn sig h t


denying has become a way of life, and it only really works as/s t~ar t f0r(u)m, on my b(0)u ye (w/e) ll i/n e d


n0, i get it, you did it as the only inn dignity for ce ss (h) e ll 0 p e d e ye t~h'0 p e'ye st y le d a.d. h a.d. , away from c-h-arm-s- te(n-)t- a-re-a-c-h- inn side of t ye


p-awn-pu-t- her comma-nd- 


p-awn-(u-)pu-t- her comma-nd- 




on the other "h" an-d- , which you haven't been able to change on your own in the competitive market place, sharon c-r-aves- attention for no reason too th d ate 


"i/t" 's-a-w/-h- a -n0- w/-(h-)in-sit-u-ate-i-0/n-e-


you are both incapable of changing your s-0-(w/-)n- direction-d-


"friends and family" are just posterior in-t-ere-ven-t-i-0/n-e- c-as-t- in-t- f-(r-0ne-)t- 0-f-x-f- e- w/e- so you don't actually "lo-ok" or have too l00k, ass-t-re-t-a-rd-e-ad-as-s-ay-e-t-(h)-a.d.


- no honest re vi e w/e d


you make "th-em" feel nice, on the time t a/b le, to further enhance your sincere lack of (e) value d e w/e 


r-i-c-h- e s-e/e-k-syn-th- re-lie-f-


you have been m-utter-ring-0/n-e- f-0re-ar-s-e-


why do you think i lack restraint, when you have been passing the b-uck- too the city-d-uck- ass your h-ea-d-0ve-t-0-f-xf-t-


just b.c. e'ye pinned you, doesn't mean you have elevated status to c-a-st- me w/-h-0ve-d-0-ft-


precisely not woven the d-0-ft- a foot or imp-ass- on my l0 t, is e X a/ct ly me'ye t make r' s~c up which you don't d ai re t0 0 th t 0uch e`


f 0re the obvious t-reason- you lack as-s-mu-c-h-d-




did you watch me erect my bed frame / canopy / baldacchino on you now


did you like the felt pad's i needed to get to make the mast / p0les the same even l (e) ye 


it was un scrip(t) d 


it was what i realized i needed in process too complete the project 


t00 (k')screw b0th rods to gether e , the y had to be L eve L


i had previously put a pad on the head 'board' and foot end posts, too knot mar the floor / tile. inn time, i forgot. i also forgot, putting the canopy on, that i didn't use washers in the bed frame assembly that sturdily would hold the mattress, so i got to tighten those screws with split washers, so the screw will have tension over the course of time and not back out


too (k) serve mit(t)'s purpose t00 the end's & ten d's & me(a)nd's a w/are ass/ the intenti0na~(i) ' ll relation s hip between related ness 0 ft s~peaK's f0r i/t's e ll fxf ~t00 th ' d well d


at (e) a. t ab le a.d.


s t ai d as/say e A s/s t ea. d.


you are a si~le/nt '0' /n e in me'ye t~h 'd


en e ye fxf 0 r(t) h~an/d's t an d's


en e ye fxf 0 r(t) h~an/d's tet 's 0/n e's (t) an d's : ne ce ss ai r ie s e/e (K) e w/e ll


t00 the te ll ass aye w/e (a') ll th en


d 0 w/e d 0/u (be)t~c'h' & 'a' chin/g~


why is rich dragging his chin


well you can have unlimited options as limited as the sand you stand, of the sho(r)e of n0 is lan d, that you w/an t in t -0-w/e- d-


&- be-am-miss-(L-)e-d- for what you cant h/ave and don't h/ave in your be-d-e-ye-


like a ("win-d") f-al-se-ll-ye- pregnancy in your g-ea-r-s-e-


mu-st-a./m.-en-d-t-h0s/e-a.r-s-a-cr0ss-t-00-t-h-0-(w/-)e- n0-is-e-d-




win-d-t-0-r-n-a/d-van-t-ag-e-d- in-k-om-e-



w00d inn and 0ve t' self d0 t(h) 00 kn0t c0m press a. c.r0ss light ly e t 0s/s0 d~0 fxf i/t~ig~ht ly e w/i.(L)d. th' tit~a w/h~inn (d')s in knit 0 p/en d

's~par (e)~r 0 w/e' s~ e/a.~m. a p~ar t 00 th e n/~e/e d's e/e ' s k (e(ye) inn d~ e ye~ a.d.


w/ea~r (t)it rig ht a w/aye




h/ave a c~h ang 0 f~r ump e ye


f/0 're the p~lea sure 0 ft a ct i/n g 0 c~a rt




june 9, 2016


w/ 'h' a 't' reality are you speaking of-t- inn-dignant-l-ye- : you seem to think my work man ship is "s-h-0d-d-e-ye-"


net t00 th (e) re g/ai/n d's ~ a.(i.)m.e d.


with no real representation on your pre- sup-p0-sit-i/0n-e-g-ave- your feelings-(h-)am-e-


unexcuse ab le pt 0/n e me'ye fxf r a.(i.)m. e d.


ye-t- you a-ct- as-s-i-ft- you "christ" came to re de-em- your desire for ignorance to walk on women as-s-c-e/n-t- a - w/-h-at-t-ai-re-g-ave-n-t-a-in-a-me-&- maime-d-


so you can think your spirit is free of blame, by looking the part, with no heart actually & know real hearth ex-ce--pt- what you ta-ke- with imp-ass-t-


a.m.-0-(0-)r-e-t-00-t-he-re-st-0-are- miss-pla-ce-i/n-g-sir-c0m-e-s-cri/be-d-


c-r-i'm-e-in-all-i-z-ed-'s-t-a-rt- 00-t-he-re-c-(L-)ai-m-(e-)a-rt-

t he ye~a.r~ th d 0 f(e)t e ye t(0)u(r)


walk with desire as reason e ve(i)n and we ' ll talk about the necessity of guns upon your thinking you are the living b (L-end to w/ an -0-t-her-d-


your relatedness as men are built on re-f-use-t-oo-t-he-re-st-o-re- (Mis/s Us/e as your -e-b-0-rt-


your -e- me-one-ye- is too pre ten d too l-s-ai-l your wife or missus across c-ape-(t-)ab-le-ad- in-y-0re-f-(L-)ave-i-0're-d-en-/neigh-b-0-re-d-




e w/e. g. 0/d e/b t(h) 0/0 k~n 0 w/e d~0h