

w/(h) e (a) ve , have only been confronted- e/b-t- w/- "i/t" emotionall inn-fan-see-d-. to get 0 u r e ve/r e'ye t min(e) d's a cr0ss t (h) 0 p/en (a?) ll e ye a. s/s t ' sneak-t- 0- pen- (a-d- 's-) l- e-ye- inn - (d/i-) re- lie -f- t-

up set t e/e t/h t00 th e m/e t a ll e(ye) a. d. 0 w/i.d. t/h i/t


t-he- w/-(h-)ron(e-)g- 0- p.-r.00f- t- m-(e-)ark-t- he- d- (-) be- h- ave- (n-) d- inn- e- miss- p-(L-) aye- a- gain- d-(g-)im-me- d- e/b- t- a'- c- h/i'm- e- d- all- t- he- t - i'm- e- d- h- and- on-ly all the "time"...

up set t e/e t/h t00 th e m/e t a ll e(ye) a. d. 0 w/i.d. t/h i/t c0m f0r t ab~le a.d. ea. t~ h' s~e(a.) t~ h and ' (inn) s~i/t e w/(h)e a. t at c0mma nd

e(b) t~a.' t ' s~i/t ew/e inn (d~0 ) be l/l e~a. f / t~at h~at w/ee k / t e fxf a (i) r e d a(c)ta b~e st b ere d f0r/m/e (a.) d. p.r. i'm e r/r e' ye c/c a(i)r~e d h and c a r/r e'ye d th' d ate

just a -i- lllll- 0t- going- (n)on-e- d- i/t s ' (L)0'ng ... i have a fewe hours before my next appt. ... t00 Le t g0 f/t d/i 's ap~p0 in t m e/n t 00 th f0're ward (h) 0/h t

t- r- e/n d- ing- 0nly b-lin-(e-)d- 0p-t-i'm-is- m-e- d- h-as/s a. d- ate-

p0-st-(h-)as/s-t- e-

"debt" w/-id- th- in-nit- 's- ai- defer-rent-ce- s/s- e-t-00-t-he- make- (t-) d-

buy-e- de-sig-n- ere- (e-) f-x-f- ace- d-

the "time" s-L0-t- force-d- t0-me- m(e-)ate- debt- w/- id- th- 's- t- r-ai-t-

= no capacity inn act u all place = s-pea-k-t- b-r-ave- lie- d-'s- if- t- ewe - d- 0- wan t -pre-t-en-d- ew/e-re-t- h-e-ye- t- 0- m-aye- k- eg - r- (e-) a- t- e- , all the "time" "ewe" put off -t- as/s- ai- d- 0 -w/rit-e- t0- f-x-f- ake-d- 0f- t- en- d- as/s- (h-) at- he- d- ate-

s-ai-L-e-d-0f- t-0-(0-) th-ere- s- t- 0- f-x-f-t- mu- t/t- he-r-s-e- d-


"ewe" -d- h- ave - t-'see-t-he- d- at-a/b-le- d- as/s- (t-) ab-le- d-

n0 a.r e w/e t(h) 0/0 k eg ab~le a.d.

coo-k-t-('s-c-)u-p- t- f-x-f- able- d-

"ewe" w/00-d- only deny s-0-w/e- d- you can appear e t able a.d.


mike pence "ewe" have no re all 0 pi/n i 0/n e t00 the make th as/s ai difference 0f t' 0 p/i nn i 0/n e inn ate

jack ass -t- force-d-face-d-

t00-t-he- w/- (h-) 0- r- (L-) D- , for-k- t- a- b- le- ad- inn- vain- d- 0h- t- a- gain- st- r-ai-n- d-0f- t- hie-ven- d-s- ay- me- d- e/b- t- b- rain- d-, and pass judgement for -t- no reason, "inn" the same jack ass' aye- -d- g-am-e- d-

this is not a struggle you can w/inn mike pence, b.c. "ewe" h ave d no virtue "ewe" b(r)ough t w/id. th ewe

& it is certainly not a struggle for brains that have clearly departed t-w/-h0 -d- buy- inn- t- w/-h0- d- sell false lie t00-t-he- d- "ewe" -d-

the only way to close the gap of you-r-e- p- imp- ass- t-, is to shut the fuck up t. "ewe" honest ly h ave nothing too th e(a) s/s a ye t

& "ewe" mike pence h ave no true w/ i'll debt 00 th b/ring t00 the re a.ll a w/heeL and e a. ll t w/h ea. L~L t/h y / me an s

e/e n inn 0 b ill i t e'ye a. s/s t 00 t (h) e/a. T. your money is force-scene- d- virtue you didn't make the me r/r e'ye debt 0/0 d ewe . you have false face, false virtue, false a ware ness -t- ake -d- , your money su-c-k-t- 0-f-x-f- (i-) t- "a" "wake" -d- you have not re p en t en ce s/s e t00 th e may k/t inn e me'ye pre sent ce s/s ewe d f all t 0 w/i th0u t a t~race d ("ewe" can f-all-t-(h-)rue- the c-rack-t's- of your -o-(w/-)n-e- f-x-f- ace- d- tu- b/i- t- e- w/e- d- 0f- t- 00- t- he- s-=-up-p0-r-(e-) t- w/-h0- d- false sell lie eye for eve r e'ye 0/n -d- ew/e- d- = dud-e-d- i.d.- "we"-d- ud-e- d- e- vain- (d-) t- (h-) r-u-e- w/e-= d- inn a jack-t- ass- t- e- w/e- d- of- t- your own "w/-on-e- " lack of virtue. ver-t- hue- d- , only passes the time ass if t "ewe" had the pre sent pre tense t00 the see d i/t r/u e w/e d. butt "ewe" and eye kn 0 w/e t-h-at- is-n0-t- rue- we- d-

ver-t- hue- d- , only passes the time ass if t "ewe" had the pre sent pre tense t00 the see d i/t r/u e w/e d inn - min- (e-) d- ew/e- d- : t heir is kn 0 w/e t-urn-ing- at- b- (L-)ack-t- through- 0- d- a- f-(t-) f- a-(i-)r- e- d- i/t- rue- d-

"ewe" have no reward to make going for e ward, as/s if t "ewe" care and carried ewe = go "a" h-ea- d- as/s- h-u-e-d- i/t- a- gain- d-(g-) im-me- d- cue- w/e- d-

s-pea-k-t- h-and- ew/e-a-r- e- x- p0- 's- ai- d- as/s pea king - (L-) ew/e- d- as/s - pea-king- ewe never t g ave th e r a/t e t00 mate 2. i give you my time, you t-urn- nit- inn- t-0-w/-h0- d-e/b-t- a- t-(d-) i'm-e- f-x-f- 0r-t- no reason e w/e d 0bviou/s ly e-purs/e-w/e-d-

we ll it is ab(0)ut i'm e w/e f(t)f e/e L / d, w/hat your -e-s-nail- (t-) d- as/s- (h-) 0/n- e-d - inn re ver/se th' s t e t00 th as/s t inn c(h) 0/m e / d

let your stupid ass anguish-t- carry rue h0 me. it is your -e- s- 0- (w/-)n- e- d- e- valu/e tu b 0'r e/n d

your money cannot save your efface, ass aye d your money did not b/ring value at a fxf a(i)r e t/race s/s e t00 th ' d ate t heir d

you-r-e- money- stand for -a- pe- d- p0-st- par- t- (d-)um- b- c- are- d-

"ewe" h ave never n ai L e d inn be (a.) d. f a(i) r e (a.) d.... just-force-d-e/b-t-00-t-he- (a-)s/s- aye-inn- g- t- he- d- ('s-) can ? d

le pt p.r. a.m. e/d up t (y) 0ur -as/s p (L) an (e) d

I'd inn v/i t/e w/e inn, however you would have to eat your own s-hi-t- as/s- t- a- g- e- d- g- i've- n- (t-) d- just force-d- the saying "ewe" d- be- com-e- inn- g- a- gainn d ?

it 's ha rd to sell th fxf all s/t a r t, w/i th0u t~a s/s h ea.r t~h ' d

e/b t00 th 0 (w/) e d 0fxf t c0urse d

this is a face -d- you should force sake t a s/s -n-0-w/e-d-

e vain -d- (t-) as/s-k- n-0-w/e- d-

as-s- h- 0- w/e- d- as-s- 0- L- (e-) d-

as-s- t- 0- L- (L-) e- d- i/t- ('s-) 0- L- (e-) d-

di vine " ' s" mu-t-e- d- ew/e- t- a- d- ud- e-

"inn" solitary -e- re- put- hie- ven- (t-) d-s- (p-)en- d- e/b- t- 0- fx-f- 0- r- t- his- t- no reason d -e-ye- t- a- gain- d- s-am-e/n-d- s- c- h/em- en- (t-) d-


"ewe" maid "debt" up-t- 0 make d- ewe- d- up-(e-) t-


s-0we- you could always miss represent -(y-) our- e- mu-f-x-f- t- he- t- u- (r-) f-x-f- t- ' d-


man-u-all - a- man-u- "well" scene- inn- 0- rig- i/n- g- (L-) in- t00-t- he- d- e/b- t-a- t/t- e- ll- (e-) d-


"ewe" -d- h ave a constant appearing t rig ht, as/s (L) 0ng as/s t ewe d0n't f ai L (e) d

re-t-r/i-b/u-t- i-0/n- e- d- i/s - n-0-w/e- necessary e t00 t-he-s- ai- L- (d-) direction for-t- no reason t00 t-he-n- ailed- as/s- e- am- e- inn- g- e- t's- n-ai-L- t-

"ewe" only have en-force-d- miss-con-d/u-ct- 00 -t- he- s- (h-) e- ll- (e-) d- as/s- (p-) e- ll-(e-) t- me- ll- (e/a-)d- inn- d- 0-'- bu-ll-e- t- huss- (h-) inn- d-


buy desire "ewe" would n/eve/r e t (a) g~i've n/ d

"ewe" force-d- se/am/ing- as/s- i -(f-)t- be-lie- f-/i- n-

be-lie-feign- d- 0- w/-he-ye- p.r.-0- te- in- e- f-x-f- ace- d- 0- w/- an-0- w/-he-ye- t-

paul drinan as/s -eve-r-e-ye- man-d- st-ill- thinks- he can s pea k/t as/s -p0-ke- (n-) d- in(n)- e're- lie- f- t-

t is kn 0 t me'ye fxf all t 00 th 0/0 kn 0 w/e d 0 w/h at is true w/e ll y e/n i ce d, rather gat h-and- gat-her- d- s- lice- d-

force-d- a- re- per-p- 0se- inn- g- 0- p.-r- i- ce- d-

f a (i) r e (e) f/r0m t heir d

serve d as/s h are d h and (h) 0 ver her d

d 0 w/are d h and b/ring (u) y 0're p ai L e pt m ai L (e) d a~ft ere

d h and r~a ft ere ce d~ c/r a ft ere d 0 w/are ven are d as/s m(e) a. s/s t a r e (a.) d.

don't bring your "body" x "guard" when you don't 0 p/en 0/n e a. t~ L ar(e) g e d

it is kn 0t me'ye f/f a ll t, you do not en large d, as/s "ewe" coun-t-sell- d- 0- w/ar-t- , -h- and- e- s/s- e- rt- as/s- if- t- "ewe" would make the choice inn a.d. vance s/s ai d ewe f-t-f-r0m- t- he- m- as/s- k- t- w/-id- t-he- no heart

t00 t(h) a ct u all (e'ye) d b(L) e/n d inn (a) par t

nap = same direction, jack ass- t- of no mother of t inn ven t i 0/n e, "ewe" wouldn't - 0- f-x-f- t- 0- put- a- d- 0f- t-

t0/0-s-qua-re- ye- t- mu-f-x-f- t- 0- s/s- 0/d- 0f- t-

ano-t-her-e- force-d- s- h0-ok-t- c00k- t- (h-) 0-ver- t- l00-k-t-be- g00d- as/s- t- u- b- (r-) ough- t-

"ewe" only have a wit-ness-t- u- b- mu-f-x-f- t- 0- f-x-f- t-

0/0- c00k- t- h- and- carry-e-0n- d-

"0/h" b-r0-ad-s- ides- h-ab-u-s--e-d -

see-d- e/u-ce- inn re veal inn g 0 ve d ver t hu(e) s/s ' d ? see-d- e/u-ce- d- e/b- t- w/-i- se-ll- ('s-) lice- d- 0f- t- en- t- a(s/s-) t- 0/n-e-s- in- nic-(t-)ed- eye- t- as/s- f-x-f- i/n- (e-) d- duece-d- be- h- ave- i- 0re- (as/s a force -d- show of -t- crime- ) d- "0/h" t -0- w/-ere- how your spirit climb-s-, re(e)f -i/n- (e-) d-, with n0 w/ h0/n e s/s t ' d 0/n 0're (a.)d. 0n/e bu ye l/l in e/d c0m b i/n(n) e /d

inn the same time given d primed e'ye a.m. th p.r. a(i)m e/d fxf i/n (e) d "ewe" only stand to detract f/r0m thy/me

"ewe" only stand too t- as/s -k- inn- d- you-r-e -r-use-d- be- h-ave-i-0re- d- 2- trite - d- ab-u-se-d- s-0we- your - ass- cam(e-) d- can be- ad- 0f- t- he- very- time- d-

Make "noise" n 0 w/e, on the pretense you can mime t-hat- he- d- 's-t- (r-) 0- ye- d- h-and- (re-) s-t-0-r-e-ye- d-


i h/ea/r (k) n0 w/e~e k/ t an(n)0 y's - 0t- 0- f-x-f- (t-) ea-r- t-w/-h0- d- fake- b-(u-)o-y' -s- (h-) am- e- t/h 0 (L)y ... for-t- your "need" to -ad- just make "noise" for -t- no reason- only for -t- a- p-L0-ye- d-


i h/ave to go shit s 0 w/e ye can e ven ly e re p. r.e sent i/t ;)

inn d ewe t i'm e d

e'ye d h/ave to go shit s 0 w/e ye can e ven ly e re p. r.e sent i/t a gain s t's nit~ t00 th ' dep l0 y e/i t

f0r/t a'n0 t/h ere t i'm e ye a.s/s t cheek (t) d i'm e /d 's hi (f) t~ d fi/n (e) d~ f0r/t a'n0 t/h ere t i'm e ye a.s/s (k/t e'ye i) t w/00 d b min(e) D

un/d ere st 0/0 d i~ e'ye h/ave t0 shit as/s if t0 fxf i/n (e) d i/t (h) 0/0 k/t 's~ k inn d i/n e(ye n) d~ e/n em i/n(e) d

e'ye d e tu t~an(n) 0' de a. ll (e'ye) d 0ff t ' steeL ' seen (d) inn th(e) re all 0 w/ n d h and as/s~h0 t a'i L 0/t~t 0 (w/) n~ e nd feeL ' d ' s c e/n t me a.ll d / g'sus k~inn d g~0(0) d h and g'sus t 0/0 k inn d' s~h0/u LD

debt a s/s k~ t pre sent ly as/s a' ye fxf ace d0 w/00 d

be(y)e h ave i 0're (a.) d. und ere st 0/0 d

h-and- ewe- wouldn't have to for-t-i-fi-e-ye- a- d- fen-'s- e-(e-) d- 0f- t- 's- inn- defer- rent- ce- s/s- e- x- cess- t- a- g- e- men- t- b-rake- d- 0f- t- he- x- e- d-

"b.c." he brought no comfort n ear, "he" has no problem tossing it away from- ear- d-e- scent- a- g-ear- d-

with - e- re- vi-s- i-0/n-e- t- hat- can only s-n-ea-r- as/s- me-a-r- d-

s-0we- d- 0f- t- s- c-an- d- rule- without f-ea- r- d- as/s- t- he- ye- t- maid- 2- pre- fer- d- (h-)ea- r- d-

as/s - (h--) 0/n-e- d- 0 w/h0 ? could mirr0'r e d i/t c(h) 0/m e w/e d ew/e (i)t w/i.d. th0u ' s t~0/ne d as/s h i(f) t as/s w/h~0/n e (n) d 0 w/i t (00) c~ a s/s t 0/n e b~ m e r/r e' ye inn d e/e d

th e/n e/e d le ye t00 th's lee p/t

pi/n e d e/e p i/t h~ d

e/b t a' re p (L) ea. t a w/are d 0 p/en ly e~ a. s/s t 0/0 t~h (e) r~e a. T

p.s. me'ye a.s/s t is t b e/e 's~p0 ken d f 0're p (L) en t ye d ew/e 's e/e d

mic pen/ce t c . ewe don''t get to climb on d b0ard un(e) less ewe pro claim your s(h) ave i 0re d 0'ver t b0ard as/s a'ye fxf (L) ave 0're d

th eg/g r~ea. t e'ye A.M. i s/s thy / m(e) a. k eRe & I did not need "ewe" t0 cur(e)r(e)ye me'ye 0(w/)n e fxf (L) ave 0're (a.) d. "just" as/s "ewe" despise - d- (y-) 0-u-r- e-n-ei-gh-b-0-re- d-

f-r0m- c- h-arm- e- d- 0f- t- f-ace- d-

e/b-t- a- gain- d- 0f- t- p- (L-)ace- d-

designere-d- h-arm-(e-ye-)d- as/s- m- ate- debt- 0/0 t- 's- ai- d- ate-


an at 0m i c/ally e inn c 0'r(e) re ct all t(h) 0 ver t "he" p-c- t- p- (L-)ace-d- 0f- t- s- p-(L-) at-e- & c h/em i c al~ly e d una w/are d 0 w/h0 re ally e r~e L at e 's t~ a.m. e/n t 00 th d ate

-as/s-e- d- he- x- p0- s-e- (e-) d- "m-ate"

ass-a'ye d 's (h) 0/n e d -0f-t- s- p- (L-) aye- t- as/s- t- he- w/-0n-e- d- i/t - w/-h0- d- 0f- (t-) ewe- d-

"ewe" don't get a gain th en t ran ce inn scene-inn-re-vi-s-i-0/n-d- ew/e-d- i-c-t- 00- t-he- d-

h- a.(n)d. n0 h0nest re vi ewe f-t-f-r0m- 0- u- t- h- ewe- d- i/r- t- as/s- h- i/r(k-)t- high-ere- d- in-e-rt-

constant lie s-h- irk-t- f-i/r-s-t- 00- t-he-n- force- d- in- ne/ed- as/s -p- ai- d- i/r- t- 0- p0ck-(e-) t- m-i/r-t-he- d- h-and- f- lock- i/t- s- ai- d- g- i/r- t- he- d-

e'ye ll t ea. ch ew/e ye t 0 d en e'ye me t-hie-ven- (t-) d- w/h0 v~e/n t (be) get h~eave n (t/d) s

s~e a.m. en (d) s

k~n ew/e s p.r. i/n t ' s t a nd 0 fxf t "ewe" only inn-s-pi-re- t- w/-h0- d- s-t-a- nd- 0f - t- 0/n -e- d- (h-) i-re- d- i/t - 0- n- ai- L- 0f- t- he- ad- 0f- t- 0- re- p- re- sent- as/s- m0-t- (e-d-0f- t-b-u-t/t-ere- d- e/b t- a- t- w/-h0 -d- 0- w/00- d- n't - ass aye a. s/s mu-c-h-t- 0-f-x-f- t-)

too-k-eye-p-as/s-e- inn- g- a- b- rain- d- e/b-t- a- d-d- 0f- t-

s- 0- w/e- t/h- ink- s-(h-) e- d- con-s- pi-re- a- L0- t- '- s- L0- t- t00- t- -h- and- 0f- t- s- l0- t- he- d- en- mar-k- t- 0/0 t- 0- f-x-f- (i-) t- en- d- 0ve- d- 0f -t- 's- (t-) a- f-x-f- t- ere-(a-) d- 0f- t- s- mu-c-h-t- a- m- (e-) as/s- t- a- r- e- d- only dof-t-s - at - your amazing -e-d- h- and- 0f-t-'s-

force-d- buy- e- desire- to - w/- h- ave- d- all-0- t-, but didn't b/ring th b 0/n e m0 t~ t 0/d 0/t h and 0 (w/)h t 0 fxf t en d inn sig h/ t (h) a.d. e ven a s/s h a.d. 0 w/e 0f t/h b rain d 0 fxf (i) t

d-0f- (i-)t- b-s- p0-ken- d- basic- ly- e- d- i/t-(d-) 0- f-x-f- (i-) t- a- cross- t- u - b-buy- e- l/l- 0- w/e- ll- e- d- 0f- t-

can a specter be tissue d- of-t- ? this quest i 0n e is pretty much ad/dress the force-d- spirit - 0- f-x-f -(i-) t- he- h-inn-d- com- e- d- "ewe" pro-see-d- 0f- t- re- lent- l- as/s- t- 0/n-e- d- b-c- augh-t-

to be on "one" side of the force-d- for -t- no reason, moneye-d- p-ag-e- d- 0f- (i-) t- 0- f-x-f- t-, to po-in-t- at- the other - d- ewe- d- put- 0f-t- pee- d- 0f- t- : t-he- p0- in - t- "ewe" can't replace the honest value "ewe" t- 0- s/s- 0- d- 0f- t- constant lie in the wake of t- u- b- 0-re- n-augh-t-u-b-m0t-

as/s -pro-vi-'de-d- e/b-t-0-u-r-e- s- L0- t- h - and- 0f- t- .

employe-d- e/b -t- a- d- ate- t-0-f-x-f- t-

hie-ven- (t-) d- s- e-a- men-(t- en-) d-s- t- ea-m- e- inn- g- for- t- no reason = dof-t-'s - emotion- are- t- out- a- w/-h-ac-k-t- on every female that would point that out in a reasonable conversation, the jac-k-t- d- 0f- t- w/00- d- s- p.-r- out- e- d- 0/u- (be-)t- inn - t- his- t- pre- sense- t00- t-he- mount-

b-0/n-e-d- ad- 0-0re- "we" w/-ill- d- 0 - w/-hyp/e- w/e- d- 0ut- your ass as a woman b-f0r(e-) d- & for-e-war- d- "h0" t00 th - d- 0- (w/-)h- t- 0- a- t-

t heir is no com p lain inn g inn t-he- h- inn-d-u-s-t- r-e-ye- d- he- ha- s/s- e- d- s- 0 - (w/-)n- e- d- bone -drye-d- as/s- the print before ewe c-a-s/s-t- 0/n-e- d- as/s a'ye s-hie-ld- be- con-e- d-

mic-t-pen-ce- d- he-a-ven- a-s/s- cent- of- f- (i-) t-t- d- 0f- t- it- inn-re-side-n- t- ce-d-e-

t-he- d- ap-p- (ea-) le- d- 0f- t-

strict -lie- 0n- e- me-r- w/-r- i/t-(h-) e- s-a- w/- t-

f 0' (L) c u/s the w/e t(h) is~su/e w/e d i(c) t 00 t(h) ap/p. r. 0/0 f~t

wit(h) a w/are inn knit h~eave n(t) d's (p)en d's a.m. e a. gain d 0 b/ rake th b re a.d. 0/n e t w/h0 ~ d ew/e

sat is fxf a ct 0 're ly e t heir ' d


f 0 u r e s qua re (a.) d~ e ll ta ll e(a) ve n~ a're d

only the v/en/a can eg (c) able a.d. 0 w/are a.d. just for t/h 's aye inn e'ye A. M. c~ p.r. a.(i.)m. e/ d. e/b t00 th p0' s/t (y) 0'k e d ab(0)ut ~ h city e p.r. 0 w/(e) t


t w/h 0 ha s/s (h) 0/n e


purpose ful-lie- d- -s- c-0-ver-t- inn- g- ill- t- a- p-(t-) up- constant- lie, is b.c. "ewe " cannot reduce t00 th/e valu/e w/e inn sig h/t

"ewe" cant reduce t 0/n e & zer0 d~e / b m use d 0 w/e (ll e) t 0/0 - &- s-t- ill- d- h- ave- t- a- s/s- t- ai-n- ab- le- p-t- p0- in- t- 0- f-x-f- ree- vi- ewe- d- force- d- inn- f- r- 0/n-(e-) t- w/-h0- d- s- pea-k- t- for- t- (i/t-) u-d- e-s- t- u- d- h-and- u- d- ly-e-s- p- r- ig- ht- 0- w/- ea- r- t- buy- e- rig- ht- 0- f-x-f- (i-) t- 'd- 0f- t- inn- 0- p- en-(t-)- a- re- d- 0- b- line- d- as/s- ig-h- t- heir- d- 0f-t-s- n- are- d- e/b -t00 -t-he- re- (a-) p-ai-r- e- d-

e/b t- e-ye- t-as/s-h-u-e- d- a- re- t- urn- a-ll- e-ye- see-d-e-u-ce- d-


she b lank / t ('s) n ewe s inn th' s am e t(h) is~su/e w/e d 0fxf t en (d) ewe



we can all be a t-r-ump-e-t- augh-t- m0-c-k- t- h- and- ump- i/t- cur-(e-) rent- 00- t- he- m- (e-) all- e- d- 0f- t- w/- (h-)all- d- nail-e-d-0-L-(L-e-)a.-r- d- a- ft- e're- f- all- t- 00- t-he- s- h"a.d."-0- w/-e- t-he- m(e-)ar- t-

t-heir- is - k-n0-w/e- g- L0-r-e-ye- we/- d- p-ass-up- p- as/s- (t-) un-ea-r-t-he- d- 's-t-0-r-e-ye- d-


p-ill-a-r(e-)d- a/ss- a-ye- d- b- scene- d-p-ill-a-rd- e/b- ('s-) t- 0- p- 0- 's- t- heir- d- e/b- t- w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- d- 0- b- scene- d- -'s- an- e-w/e- inn- c- t- d- (r-) in- k- t-


e'ye d i.d. en mar kn 0/ t put f ea. r inn d ewe. "ewe" d- i.d.- t0- re- mark- i/t- 0f- f- t- h- and- e-re- s0- rt'-s-L0-t- h- and- 0f- t- a- w/e- ll- t- 0f- f- (i-) t-en- d- 0- ve- t- L0- t- 's- t- a- f-x-f- t- ere- a- Law/-st- ar-k- t- b0/n- e- m0-t- as/s- (h-) i- f-t- h- and- p- as/s- i- f(i-)t- b- (r-) ough- t-

con-(e-) t- ex- t- u- all- (a-) t00-t-he- m-(e-)ark-(e-) t- 's- 0/t- h- and- s- a- w/e- t- a- w/-he- ye- a- t- he- d- aye- t-


"ewe" donald trump - (h-) ave'- d- no h ea. r t 0 fxf e/e L ye a. r~ t

"ewe" h ave n eve r eg/g a've t0 x b/i t e w/e d ~ par t 's t a r~ t

mic- t- pen-ce- d-, why be-am- e- naked- ly- e- ag-ree-s- i'v-e- n- d- 0 -w/e - d- as/s k~n 0 w/e d


h and e/b t/h 's e l~l fxf i re t00 th (e) re claim mit~ t/h a.d. e ve(i)n d 0' b rain d

0ff (i) t~ h's a.m e~ d en se l ly e t c ~halve t/h fxf r~a.(i.)m. e~ d 0ff t/h and ~ c a.(i.)m. e d. i/t inn ave d h and e/b th e/n ave 'ye d g'sus~ t ai n ab le a.d. fxf (L) a.m. e ~ d (h) 0 ver t c(h)0 / m e a.d. just b.c. ~ e'ye think f0r t a re living ai n d en t r~an ce s/s (p) en t h~eave n (d) s a g a/i nn eve r e~ve(i)n~ d

t 00 Le t me s~h 0 w/e re w/e d 0 w/ all your -e-me-on-eye-s- can- t- d- ewe t00 th~ t (h) r u/e w/e . "ewe" weed- e/b- t- buy- t- w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- d- for- t- no re ass 0/n "e-w/e" s-can-t- h- ink- i/t- (h) r u e w/e ~ d en t all e' ye w/e inn fxf r~0/n (e) t 0 fxf ewe

"ewe" weed- e/b- t- buy- t- w/-h0- d- e-ye-re-s-i.'d'-en-t- ce- s/s- e/e- d- 0- w/ar- e- d- full- t- w/e- ll- t-


a'i- L- e- (a-)ve- n- (t-) d- s- (p-) en- d-'s- t- e- t- ai- L-L- e-ye- d- 0f- t- ye- t- h0-p- fully- e- too-t- he- d- per-ce-(i-)ve- d- c-are- d- e/b-t- 0- w/-ere- only t- heir- t-00- t- he- d- up- e- ye- t- a- gain- d-(g-)im-me- d-

b-m-use-d- force-d- i/s- inn- con-t-inn-en-t- a- re- round- e/b-t- 0/0- t- (d-) 0- w/ar- e- d-he- 's- c- up- t- 0-f-x-f0rce- s/s- i/t- e- inn-s- pi-r- i/t- i/t- d-0f- t- br0-ad-s- i.'d.-e-s- e-x- ce-s/s- cour- ag-e-d- e- f-x-f- i/n- (e-) d- "one" st-e- p/p- e- st- at- a - t - 0/n- e-- t- i'me- d- 0f- t- inn- a- s/s- t- e- ye- s- t-rait- line- d-

0f-t- en-d- e/n- am- e- force- s/s- (t-) ake-(n-)d- as/s- if- t- ye- carried e/b t00 th eave n ave ve(i)n ~ t00 th eave n~ a. (i.) m. e~ d en t~ c a.m.~ e t a gain eve r eve (i) n~

k~ n 0 w/e inn c~ an s~ inn k / t 0 me an s e/e k / t 0 pen (a' i.) l/l e'ye t~ e 'y e

k~ n 0 w/e inn c~ an s~ inn k / t 0 me an s e/e k / t 0 pen (a' i.) l/l (t) e'ye

inn th' s a.m. e t a cur(e) rent s e/e d 0' b~ f 0r(e) d ' s e/e d (c/L) as/s p ( as/s ) t b e/e ' s p0 k en d~ 0~0 're (e) fxf 0 're w/are a.d. ew/e a.~ r an d e w/(h) ea. r~ t /h ere t heir e~ve(i)n k / t c ~ a.m. e r/r e' ye t00 th~ s (t) a'ye t ('s) h~at a w/h~e'ye t a~ w/ (h) ave (n) d~ a ft e're a. ll~ (e' ye ) d' (s) 0 L e~ d / d ye a.r ~ t h~and 0fxf t~ 's mar~t

inn e min(e) d as/s~ h (ea) d's p.r. 0ut~ e inn sig h~ t ' h~ a.d. e ven ly e t a~gain d h~eave n ly e a. t/t ai n~ d 0 ' b/ring (u) y 0're t~b/rain d 0 fxf t en (t) d~ ew/e b/b e/e h~ ave n~ a.m. e (A.) i.d.

a-voi.d.- ab-le- t- if you only didn't have a brain for t w/h0 d bu ye t w/h 0 d be c~a.m. e /d h and be c0n(e) d a'ye a. gain d 's a.m. e r~e c0 rd 's (h) 0/n e ~d ate w/e~e kn 0 w/e d h as/s k~n ew/e d 0 w/ h0/u LD 0 (w/) e~' s~h 0 (w/)e g 0/a~ ll d


e'ye s e/e t-he- ha- s/s- t- c- r- a-c-(k-)t- s- inn-the- miss- (p)en-t- a-ll- a- re- ad- e- ye-d- s- c-e/n-t-his- t- a- f-x-f- t- a- p- as/s- t- inn- t- i/t- a- ped- 0f- t- f-r0m -t-h- be c0/n e / d 0/n e w/e re c0n e d/g~ (L) 0 ve d h~and 0 ve (t) d t00 th d ewe t 00 t w/h 0 've th~ eave n s h 0 (w/) e~ d ('s) 0 L e~ (a.) d. 0 w/t~ h fxf 0'r (e) tu ne g~g ave th p.r. a.(i.)m. e~ ven ly e A.M.~ s~ (h) 0 w/e t u ~ b/i t e w/e d c~ an (d) b e (a.) d. ewe t w/h0 / d 0' be w/e d be a. t~i tu d~e a.ll~e. g. (r) 0~ w/e d 's cent 's 0 i'll~ e~ d h 0' p~e d

"ewe" don't give me the freed 0/m t0 0t h t a ct (ye) as/s (t) e ye

b/b e h0 Ld i n(n) e~ 0 w/e d

(h) 0 ver t L0 A.D~ h and 's hi (f)t~ d ('s) 0 L (e) d

e/b t~ a c(h) 0/m e t a gain e w/h0 0'Le~ d 0 (w/) h~ t

inn t i'm e t00 th b~rake th b re a.d. as/s h u e w/e t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d

f x f as/s t ' s (h) 0/n e~ d

sir(e) c0m(e) s c~r i/b e~ d, i fxf ewe t w/an 't me'ye t i'm e~ d 0 fxf t w/h~ at inn e min(e) d~ e'ye can d0ff t 0/n e inn e me'ye 0(w/)n~e s/s w/h~ ea. t i'm e t~ au~ g ht ('d) e w/e l/l e pt 0/n e d a ft ere a. ll ' d


a.d. e/ p t~(h) r u/e w/e ~ d en s~ e l~l ye w/e d en e'ye t i'm e d0fxf 0 r t e' w/e n~d

en ewe d 0 w/are t b.c. e'ye g/g ave ye w/e b/b~ar e a. s/s a' ye (d') s~nake d ness (t) 0 0 t/h/e~ a.(d.) ven~ t u re ~ p. r.00f t~ he ' d at~e w/e inn e ve(i)n~ (t) a cr0ss t~ raw/ i.d. th~ a.d. just b.c.


e ver (e) ye 0/n e c/an s~ t a' nd -verse-sus-cam-e- d- 0 -w/- no re all a re pre sent ate i 0/n e & didn't d ew/e ve(i)n (t) d

w/-ai-t- 0- w/e- re- p- 0- w/-ere- d- 0- w/ar- e- -n- t-s- mug- ness- t- 0 - w/e- re- pub- lic- t- a- re- d- 0f- t- f-r0m- mit- t- sum- mit-

d- h-and- 0f- t- ad- just- u- b- c.-au-s-e-d- i/t-

t0-f-x-f-(i-)t- a- g-(L-)0-ve- ye- t-

he- d- h- and- fi-t- mu-f-x-f- t- i/t- w/- id- th- inn- d- be- (a.-)d.- 0f- t- bu- ll- s- hi- t- b.- ('s-) c. -am-e-d- 0f- (i-)t- 0-0t- 0f-x-f- (i-) t- a - gain- d-

e-ye- a- s/s- t- u- b/buy- e- t- a (i-) m- e- d- false sell lie eye, b.c. dof-t- has not currency with his own b rain d. "he" can't think without a b/i-g-0/t- r- ump-e-t- up-his-t- as/s- t00-t-he- d- i-c-k-t- eye- s- e/e- d- s-peak-t- 0f- f- (i-) t- 0- pen- ly-e- t00- t- he- s- h- all- (0- w/e-ed-) e- ad-

inn-fan-t- see-d- first- lie- ye- n- e/e- d-

e/b-t- he- d-0c-u- men- t- be- t-/h- 's- c- ree- d- 0- w- n - f-x-f- all- t- inn- g- a- gree- d- 0f- t- putting- as/s- k- n-e/a- d- e/p- t00-t-he- d- ea- t- h- and- 0f- t- a-c(t-) co-rd- ing- lie- d'-s-

"ewe" as/s - am-en-d-s- (p-)en-d-s- a- gain- d- (g-) im- me- d- inn- d- h ave n eve r h a.d. e/ b th rig ht 2 any e p (L) ace d ew/e d -0- w/-i-thou-(g-h-) t- h/r eve n / d

"ewe" cur(e-)rent- ly-e-ye- d- are not d ewe, cannot carry d ewe, and only serve to make up -s- hi-t- pre -t-en-d- 2- d- ewe- f-t-f-0-r-t- "ewe" would some day d- ewe- on the same pre-miss- t- u- b-buy- e- w/e- ll- d- (s-h-) 0- ve- d-, ew/e n eve r t d sire d ew/e n d ye t a g'a inn dependence s/s h~a.d. 0 w/e pt p.r. a.m. e ~ ta cr0ss t a' nd e l(l) ta l/l e/n t~ h and e/b t a'i l/l e~n d

0 w/e (n) d' sur~ e Ly e ve(i)n~ t~ L e/n t~h and inn knit 00 th b. c. e'ye c~an & s~ w/(h) ea. r~ inn d h~ and

e/n a're r0und f~ a(i) r~ e (a.)d 0' bu ye d' sire d serve d e'ye r


e'ye think people have 'emotional' support a/nim/a l/l ' s 0 they can have a relation ship for competion as/s cent see n 0 w/e re inn knit. i dont think it is the-ref-0re- t- heir- ig-no-ran-t- rig- ht- to judge f-rom- the - currency see -d- "ewe" haven't actually given d (g/L) 0 ve d 0/n e 0/n e inn f x f a ll 0 w/e t(h) r u / e w/e ve~n t w/h 0 d e w/h0've d 0fxf t

"ewe" haven't s 0 l e d e/b t ' a l/l 0 ve, the-ref-0-re- d- "ewe" should stand to solicit - a-s/s- lice- d- 0f- t- p- (f-) u- dg-e-d- t0- g-ive- t- he- co-r-e- re- ct- anec(t-) d0-ht- ye- d-0f- (i-) t- 0- f-f- t- mu- f-f- le- d- 0-ve- d-


mic-pen-ce-s/s- c- an- (d-) only be- (a.s/s-)t- re- a- "t's" - t- e- - - t- ease- d-

he- t- (h-) is- su- e-w/e-d- 0f- t- com-man- d-

e/b-t-0- purs/e- w/e- d- he- t- ease- d- e/b - t- a- gain- (s-t- a- 'n-) d- ewe- n0 0ne t hat ap par e/n t ly e/n k n0 w/e d c~an d h and


w/h 0 d c~ a(i)r ~ e s/ t heir d? c-hin- a- b- r- ave- d- as/s- hi- ft- (a-) g- ave- d- 0- (h-t-) w/-he-ye- d- only to get a better par-t- of-f-t- he- miss- (t-) ake -d- - - he- on-ly-e- s- (h-)ave-s- d- ew/e- d- f-rom- e- w/e- d- e/b- t- a- tup- awn- d- h-and- be- c0/n- e- d- h- and- "0" - be- c- all- me- d-


donald trump look's like he has a pip-(h-)and- p-rig-ged- up-(h-) is- t- rump- e- t- 0/0- t- h- and- 0f-(i-) t- 0-0t- 0f-x-f- (i-)t- 's- k- inn- d- g- (L-) 0-ve- -d- e- f-x-f- 0- r- t- no reason -e- vain- d- 0f- t- ' s- l0 -t- h- and- 0f- t- r-ig-n0-r-an-ce- s/s- (h-) am- e- a- s/s- u- re- d- 0f- t- 00 -t- he- s- t- a- nd- s- nu- f-x-f- t- h- and- mu- f-x-f- t- cur(e-)rent- s- e/e- d- e/b- t- a- s/s- t- (r-)0p- e- d- 0- ft- le-ft- 0/n- i'm- b- al-lance-s/s- l0- t- h- (e-) d- 0f- t-

t-he- d- c- all- s- force- d- h- at- e- t00-t-he- d- ate- d- 0f- t- : would any of this "vi's-u- all-d-" dialogue be necessary, h-ad- e/b-t- he- d- "kn-0t-" t00-t-he- d- 0f- t- inn the first place- d- e/b- t- u- be- (a-) d- 0f- t- h- and- "n-0-w/e" he is offering re-p-en-t- en- ce- s/s- l0- t- h- e- maid- up- e- t- carry-e- 0n- d-

his- p-(L-)aye- t- h- as/s- i- ft- he- wouldn't -s- k- inn- d- g- (r-)inn- d- 0- w/ar-e- ad- e/b- t- a- gain- d- (g-) im-me- d- s- cent- u- b- scene- inn- for t-hie- vain eye t-hat- (e-) re- m-ai-n-s- (t-) at- e- d- e/b- t- for re all e fxf 0 r t 0/n e ve r e s (p) en t

(h) 0/0 k~ t carry e s 0/n (e) g

= we are all force -d- to me-r/r-e-ye- t- 's - t-r-um-p-e-t- as/s- k- a- s/s- t- 0/n-e- d- 0f- t- (re- b- a/i-t- 00 -t- de-) b-a/i-t- b- 0/n- e- d- s-t-r-um- (v-) p-e-t- f-x-f- am- ill- e-a.- r- d- ('s-) 0- le- d- he- t- h- ink- "t's" he- b- (r-) 0ugh-t- he- valu/e-w/e- d- (h-) 0/m-e- d- inn- ('s-) t-0/n-e- d-


u-r-(a- m-) aze-d- i'm e ' maze d ye never b(r) 0ugh t (a n~)are as/s t 0 re ye w/ h 0/n e d

s-0-w/e- you-r-e-r-use-d- s- t- r- um-p-e-t- can be re- t- h- r - 0 - w/- e- (n-) d- is all the "matter" of "speak-t- ab- (0-) ut- he- d- 0- w/- n- e- d-

h- and- e/b- t- 0- w- n- -d- r- 0ne- d- 0f- t- a- ll- as-s-h- 0- (w/-) e- d- ('s-) 0- L- (e-) d- 0f- t- 0/n-e- d-

"ewe" only have a pi-g-s-t- e- ye- circumscribe-d- as/s-a-y- ('s- ) 0ur-e- s- (h-) 0/n- e- d-

"toff-t" is only capable -d- 0f- t- h- and- f- e- (e-) d- of - t- aborting a w/0 men d 0/n e pre miss (t) 0 L (e) d -inn-f- (L-) ave-0re- d- 0f- t- his-t- 0/n-e- d-

"toff-t" cur(e-)rent- lie- d's- t- a- ll- k- t- 0 w- n- d- 0f- t- 's- (p-) aid- all- as-s- h- 0- (w/-) e- d- = s- tall- king- for -t- no reasson, dof-t- actually knowes t00 the s 0 w/e d = t-he-d - doesn't (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d e/b t00 t(h) a ct u al~ly e b/b (L) e/n d in(n) e w/e d. t-he-d- force- d- fake-s-i/t- e- ye- t-w/-h0- d- (h-) ab- u-s-e- d-

debt that he h a.(n)d. carry e t(d) 0/n e. what can t-he- (a-) s/s- a- ye- ? "he" never care d e/b t 00 th ' d ate, he never carried value too the re late, he never carried value with his see n 0 w/e f(t) f ace d, he doesn't actually care to re late, he only cares too t-he- mit- eye- g- (r-) ate- d- e/b- t- 00- t- his- t- a- f-x-f0r-ce- s/s- (t-) aid- e/b- t- 0/n e ve r~ e late face t00 th face d en d 0 w/e t~ (a) g race s/s (h) ave d inn th first p~(L) ace ~ d "0/h" t (h) 0/0 kn 0t e~ tu b~bu ye t be (a.) d. c~e(i')ve d

t- he- s- imp- ly- e- f-force-d- e- ye- t- 0/n-e- very-e- b- 0/d- e-ye- a. - s/s- t- a- ll- as/s- h- 0 - w/e- ed- 0f- t- s- 0/m-e- (n-a-) m0- re- d- 0-0're- d- em- 0ne- ye- t- men-ace- d- a/ss- h- (e- ) d- en- force-d- e/b- t- hr-e-a- t- as/s- t- u- d- ud- ud- e/b- t- 0- r-e- d-

"i/t" s-inn-g-'s- i- "t-'s-" t- a-f-x-f- 0- re- war- d- inn solitary tribute too -t- he- d- ab -0- rt-, b.c. t-he- didn't actually eve/r t b/ring value t0 re (p0re) t 0 rt

t-he-men-ace- d- is simple vain-nit- eye- t- hinge- inn- g- 0/n- e- t-he- pre- miss- t- e- ye- d- constant lie -d-'s- lid- (s-) e-ye- d- to be the pre sup pose d speak ere f/rom 0/n e ye sounding 0/n e (d) high d

"he" only speak's pre sum e ab ly, too-t-he- d- en- ye-

his t as/s be t0 ken -d- eye- t00- t-he- d- eye- t- a- gain- s- t- i'm-e- d- (h-)e'ye -d- he speaks the w/(h)0 rd 0 be serve d -he- doesn't sup p ly, and -he- can't with his -eve-r- d- e- ye- t- 0/n-e- t- lie-n-nit- inn- t- he- ha- b/i- t- h- and- 0- b/i.- '- d.-e-b- t- b- min-(e-) d- 0f- t- habit- he- ha- s/s- all- a- w/e- s- t- u- b-s-p0ke-n-d- alliance-s/s- lie- d's- inn- s-i-g- h- -t-

-he- never b(r) ough t i'm e 0/n s~ i.'d.e~s 0 w/e t ('s) hat h~e'ye t can (d 0) be(a.)d. b(r)e(a.)d. 's 0(p) t 0 g e/th/er e/n d a ll 0/t


i'm agitated, i can't get th sound of th 's-h- cit (-h- e-)ye- ... and i can't keep ahead of my kn 0 t e.

got new orthotics, it is possible remodeling can occur before my next appt. with the toe spacers. the orthotic's guy, ken, values the toe spacers i bought, didn't know about them, will pass the info one, b.c. they are weight bearing, they can be used best when the foot is in motion, rather than the splints at night. their fore, it is possible to remodel thru the motion that put them in the position too th ass- k- ewe- s- t- (h-)e -men-d-s-

not that the bunion and bone growth and soft tissue growth will recede, it may be possible with bigger shoes to get the comfort i need.

it may be possible with bigger shoes to get the comfort i took in need.

knowing 0t 0 /0 k n0w/ hat = com for t as/s (d) 0 L e~ t00 th (c/L) as/s~ p (i) t m(e) a. s/s t (0) p~ 0 ' Le pt 0/n e~i g(ate t) h~ b 0're ve inn k~n 0 p/en (a) ll (t) e' ye d serve d i/ t w/(h)inn e ve(i)n~(k) nerve d 0 fxf (i) t 's w/erve th~e ve/r~ve t 00 th ink t un e/d un e d0ff inn un e/x pe~ct r~ib u t/t e tu be c0/n e~ d 0 ve d

juris- prudence- d- be- t0-k-en-d- inn- c0-ll- a- g- e- d- sounds like "college- t- w/-h0- d- t- h- r- ewe- t-he-w/-(h-) inn- d- 0 - w/e- tu- ne- f-x-f- 0- r- tune- r- an- t-(h-)r- u/-e- w/e- d- i bring this up only b.c. i am soliciting a second opinion on my foot with a surgeon named juris. i went to his office in 2010, and left, after i waited for more than an hour. they at the office keep thinking i have been their before, and want to schedule me on a different time line for a previous patient rather than a newe one. and i have to keep reminding them, i waited an indignant amount of time ,and walked off t. each time i am reminded of having to remind them, it makes me think i shouldn't make this frustrating arrangement to appointment ea- ss- 0/t- it seems that way, just difficult to get thru the phone rep and foyer. any way i put the appt off, until january, to give time to see if my foot moves / remodels actually.

i'm not shooting for a mir~a~cle d/g e d just a better co ll a~g i/s t

0/n e pri(n)ce~ ye pal and pal~l(e)ye as/s we ll ~ d current directi0n e t00 th~s a(i) L~t hat f~ (L) ave 0're ~ k eye p's n~ai L / t 0uch e` d en sel~ly (eg) e w/e ll d 0ff (i) t 00 th t ai L~ t 0 fxf (i) t~a s/s e ll c~ a s/s t Le ye s~c a t/t ere d 0ff (i) t at a' ll c(h) 0 ' s t's e tu t~ 0 s/s 0 (d) t b.m. use d all 0/t b(r) 0ugh t

0ff (i) t

it may be possible with bigger shoes to get the comfort i took in need (h) a.d. e/p t w/h 0/d ewe th e/n e/e d ewe s~ tick t e w/e d

0 w/e nd 0 w/e w/e t a gain~ s t e a.d. e'ye ve(i)n ~ t


i have th same itch on my back, in amost the farthest difficult place to reach to scratch it.

g0/d t~hinge ye practice sell fxf le x i/b i'll i t e'ye a. s/s can a ct 0fxf t 0/0 k inn d ness t00 t(h) a ct w/t~h pre sent ce s/s e(e) x a ct


g0 t a g~0 t h/ei/r d all as/s h 0 (w/) e d 0 w/00 d ew/e s ~ t a nd ew/e t e'ye tu~ de a.d. 's e t(h) is~s u / e w/e~ d e/b t a re th e're r0und s cent (h) a're

the keen boots from rei garage, were perfect inn almost every way. they were winter weather boots, so practical, basic black, goes with every thing, the price was super, in that i got them in the garage, = already reduced price, and with a 20 off coupon. = super nice price. however, the boots, the stiff fabric at the shape of the where the heel and calf meet, the curve & stiffness, pushed me forward in the boot, no matter the boot size, my toes stubbed against the front. so these boots although practical to desired spec t, were not the one for my shape too the past. i sot to scent them back, and ups would cost $32 ! . the boots are light, the box is big, $32 bucks almost represents half of the boot price. usps = $22 is-h- t- : i elected to send them back with a note, i am not buying from th eg-ewe- (e-)d- e/b- t- a gain -s-t- a- ke- t- 00- L- 00- K- t- (d-) 0-f-


i am looking at or have been looking at ech0 boots : i think the brand spelling is ecco. i have seen them for a few years, same style, and they do not go on sale. nice pebbled leather, look all weather, rugged sole, soft liner comfort. some where in bet ween the price of top pragmatic quality and designer. those are the ones i have my eye r 0n eye 0n e f(e~r)t h purposes t0 w/(h) ave 0/n t

they don't g0 0n sel l for all "practical" perp-pose-s- t- e- t- hem- me- d- we- ll- d-

the value now is going the the shoe house that can fit too th b(L)end inn 0/n e per ea. c/h t per's 0/n e / d (h) 0 've d

it w/00 d se a.m. t'h uss h~at (a) g (L) 0' ve d

t hat is 0/a k~ t w/ee k~ t g0 t ya w/e fxf e ll as~s

d 0 (a.) l/l e ye d e/b t00 th (r) 0 w/e d

"ewe" as-s-am-e-n-d-s- (p-)en-d-s- can only decorate th eg-imp-as/s-e- d- he-dg-e-d- as/s- h- i.'d,-e-scene- force- scene- f- r0m- c-r- i'm- e- d-

debt-u-be-(a-)d- 0-b-scene-d- all- t- he- t- i'm-e- d- s-c-ree-d-s-e/e-c-hi'm-e-d- 0- b- (r-) 0ugh- t- 0f-f- t- le g un s aw/(e) t

00 th e mu's k e(g) t mu fxf (le-d-0f-) t- 0- r/r-e- ye- no-t- b- (r-) 0ugh- t- his- t- 0- r- e- ye- s- w/-am-p- t- a- ll- 0/t- t0- w/e- pt- a- p-a-rd- 0/n-e- d- 0f- t-

so "we" can sel-l t- he- s- t- 0- r- e- ye- inn -ad-vance- s/s- 0/t- u- s-h-e-ye- l/l- 0t-


is the only way "ewe" can use bone inn g as/s m-0-p- s- tup- id- of- t- 0- f-x-f- (i-)t- he-0-r-eye- d- 0-ve- d- bu-ll-s- hi- t- s'- t- a- nd- e/b-t- a- t-(h-) all - e- d- s- can- t- stand on/e b rain d of -t- b- maid- 0f- t- en- d- a- ft- e-re- el- d-. the only "conceivable" s/s- ai- d- s- w/ay- to -ad- vance- is too keep (r-) eel- inn- g- i/n - p- (L-) ace- s-s- us-s- t- a- (i-) ll- e- d- for -t- no reason e th- e-g-nat- (h-) all-e-d- e/b t he 0 r~e'ye doesn't e x (t) p L ai n ~e th' sub ject 0 fxf t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d~ u c~ate i 0/n inn-nit-s-um-e- t00- t- he- d- (s-) 0- w/e- 0n- d- i'm e a.n. nit can't explain where nit is f/r0m without speaking "2" another nit "even" h-and- s- can- t- ad- vance- s/s- nit- s- i/t- u- ate- i-0/n- e- d- un- e- d- um- b- um- me- d-

politics is the theater to entertain nit for e all season s- h-e- ave- n- d- un-e- d- 0f- t- un-e-d- h- and- e/b- t- 0- w/-h0- a- t- sum-m0n- eye- d- f- rom- mit- too-t-he- d- (r-) um- t- h' - be- at - 0/n- e- d- "2" n-0-w/e- n- (d-) ad- 0--0re- b- 0/n- (e-) d-

d-(b-)um-me-r- inn- d- 's- eve-r- e- ye- s- ea.s-s- 0/n - e-d- un - (e-) f- i- t- 0- re- claim inn t? re as/s 0/n e ~ d

i.d. not d 0've ve(i)n k~n 0 w/e~e k / t 0 pen (a) l/l e ye t

a gain e t00 th ea. ve~n (s) a. m. e ve(i)n~ t a' l/l a f/t (h) inn g e/m en t g ave d

... t-re- r-ich-a-rd- just -s- cam-e-d- b/b- 0- re-inn - vain - : just saying, w/ "h" y all the audible grunting to pass as/s a'ye g~ am e / d?

e'ye b/b e t0 k en t' me'ye ve(i)n s~ miss (p)en t 's (p) en d's a.m. e r~ e pen (a're) t en t heir is t a.m. en tu b. maid

0 (fxf t) b~r ave d 0 fxf (i) t's (h?) a.m. e / d ?

0 wit h e/n s c0 re t00 t(h) a ct u ally e a. re p ly e t 0~0 (d) h ea. r (d) e 'ye ... w/e : n0 w/ h0/n e s/s t 0 w/(h)0 rd h as/s p~ en t 0' me A. ke g ~ t i'm e t a cr0ss t 0 fxf (i) t a ct a w/are~ c0m p (L)e~a. t 0/n e~a. t 0/0 th ' t e l/l e ye 0/n t me~ a. t 0/n e m' s t~ re~a. t 0 w/(h)inn d 0 w/h~e/a. t he t(h) 0/ 0k t a cr0ss t~ a. m.e~ an s w/(h)ea.~ r ing b/ring ' s (t) inn g's h~0w/'s inn g's a w/are d h and c0m f~0're' s t ab le~ d 0ff an d e'ye c~0/0 k t(y) 0 u r e meet

b' f0r'd y~0ur eg~greet 0fxf t~ b/al~lance s/s inn g's


it's esp intensive if e'ye n a.m. e w/e -d- vain- d- ly-e- w/e- would not a 're pen t 00 t heir iff i didn't make you eat your-e-ad-meet-0-b-serve-able- ad as/s "ewe" cut me'ye s t 0're ye A.(i)M. e a.d. 0 w/e inn g "ewe" come too take what you see -t-he- Miss i RE Pre Sent ate i 0/n ~ai L L e'ye d : p0 in t f/r0m th e w/ i'll ~ e a.d. if t~he n e/e d b e/e

h ave n t0 me~ an s e/e k t 0 pen l e ye~ a.

rt f/r0m as/s th -cur(e-)rent- s- can- d- le- ye- 0nly sell -ewe- d- um- b- an- d- ump- as/s-(t-) 0/n- e- d-


th-(e-) inn-jur(e-)ye- has no h0-arse- it - (s-) can- t- con- course- d- e/b- t-00-t-he- me- w/e- s- t- a- f-x-f- as/s- t- 00- t- h(e-) f-x-f- 0- r-t- force- scene- d- con- course- scene- nd- 0- (r-e-) f- (L-)ing-0-ing- a- gree-d- set- u- t-0- s/s- hi- t- 0f- x- f- t- for- ad- just - u- b- buy-e- b/b- ein- g- 0/d- ly-e- a- t- inn- g- s- tee- d- s- t- a- ll- i/e- on-d- e/e- d- s- e/e- king- 0/d- e/e- d- s- t0 - re- p- lie- c- a"t"e- as/s- (e-) t- 0/n-e- ed- ab- (h-) 0-rt- m- arr- 0- w/e- g0-fi-g- u- y- 0- -re- d- h- and- 0- 0-re- d- s- c0p-e- t- rump-e-t- s- co-re- t- - ease- s- qui-rt- 0- w- n - d- 0 -w-n - d- ea- f- L0- 0-re- d-


e'ye could only re-(a-) pen- t- if fe ye h-ad-a- b- rain- d- e- vain- d- a- mo-re- inn- am- e- d- e/b t hat i~e'ye w/00 d th en kn 0 t u s~h e ye t00 th inn re st 0 re d as/s (h) ave 'ye w/e 's d


h a.d. e'ye ven ly e been pre sent ' d ewe


d 0 w/00 d~ not re p re sent -ab-u-s-e- d- set - too-t- he- d- con-(e-) t- in- "ewe" - d- just - force- t- he- (a-) s/s- a- ye - inn- g- a- gree- d- inn- ah- r- ab- i.d.- e- potential-l- d- e/b- t- h- all- (ea-) pre- sent- lie- f- f0r-king- all- d- h- and- e/m- all- s-


no ste t ' s 0/n e d never h ave d. he may have thought he (be) h ave d, but he didn't have th ave inn follow/ t (h) r u/e ve in as/s (t) e ye d ew/e d among no virtue buy e ver t hue d can (e) d a('ye) s/s a ye t0 me fxf a'ce s/s (t) a nd inn g through ly e t00 th (e) re p (L) ace~ ss (t) aid ate

"ewe-r-" confidence has only -e- s- cam-e-d- through- every e miss (p ) en t (d) ew/e : Miss (i.) RePreSent At/e i0n e t 0 w/h~ as/s t me t i/t 's m(h) at~c h 0 w/t set 00 th catch ' d e/b t0 w/ee~ k ('s) well e(a)ve n d0f? t ' a p 0'r(e) t it~ ai L 0f t


a gain st~ cur(e) rent 's i e ve(i)n ~ d g a.m. ~ e /d


i/t c (h) 0/m e fxf 0 rt e`a.~ d.


c0m f0r t~ (0) n~0 w/e d h~as/s a.m. 0 le t 0 le w/e t00 th circumference s/s (t) 00 t / h (e) fxf ea.(s/s) t ewe th e m0 le a.s/s e s/s u c h t 0/n en up t

-ass-u-c-h- t- has no currency inn nit - s- nee- (k-t- ) d- as/s u c h t 0/0 c0unT'er e p. r.00 f t an~g le d p0 in t 0 fxf ewe t w/h up~ t (pan d) 0uch e` d paid h~up t

h~ea.ven t'h (e) fxf ete d c~an t 0(i) Le t c0m p (L) ea. t e / d ' s 0 i'll e t c~ a(i) r ~e t h/ei/r~ d 0 w/are d 0'bserve d a'ye a.r~ t high ere d f~ a(i)r~ e

ad.dress t a(i)r~ e (a.) d.

city as/s pi r e/n t a' re d en e'ye re s~ qua re A.D.

e/p t 0' Le s/s h~ea. t en t a're d e/b t hat g'sus qua re d e/b t00 t(h~and c) 0/0 k~ t c~ a(i)r~e' ye t a.' d. h air t00 t(h) ea. t 's hi t' s~ m0/u th f/r0m (inn) th inn ' s i. ' d.e 's h0/u t~ debt 00 th and 0/u (be) t

c0m f0r t w/inn knit' s p.r. 0ut e' s

t(h) all a re a.d. e ye p~ b(L) e/n d i.d. as/s th f0unt 0 a.d. e/b t up awn sir e m0unt. eye sup p0s/e we c0/u Ld e/b t0 w/ a.d. f/r0m e 0ne ye ve(i)n d 0 0're w/e c0/u Ld e/b t 0 w/h~a.d. e ve(i)n th' s(h) i t/t ere' s (t) ake ... sit' sup t a'u ~g/h t 0fxf an~n e'ye w/h e'ye 0/t (h) 0/0 k t's hi t up t a'(i) l/l 0/t hat can't c0me f/r0m s-l0-t-h- ere- nd- 0-w/-e-d as/s (h-)0-ve- d-up -t-p- a-(i-)d- 0- lt- d-0f-(i-)t- 's- p0- ke- nd- h-anec(-t-)d0-h-t- 0n?ly- e-inn-s- c0p-e-d- s- 0- w/e- ye- can throw away more s-lo-t-h- and- a- m0-re-s- c0p-e-d- e/b-t- re-al-lie- f-en-d-0f-t- r-0p-e-d-s-


re-s0-r-t- me'ye as/s t w/h ere w/e d0nt g0 t0 get b-0m-b-as/s- t- uck-t- (c-) up- as/s- t- a - g- i've your signature a.r a re all e f(t)f ace ve(i)n c~ L e a. r~ e ly e~a. r~ e actually (re-) d serve th f ea. r th at is kn 0 w/e a.r~ an ea.r d serve d 0 p lein d en d 0w/e th ea. s e l/l e tu be th p~aint a're a.r' s eg ea. r's e t00 th di's ap peer~ d 0 w/rit e' t inn t w/h 0 v(i) e'ye w/e d ea.r t/h r e w/e t'h en d0 w/e d e/b t 0/d ew/he t00 th ' d a re s0 rt as/s k / t ~h and e live r(t) d inn e m(e) ass~ t

a're p ain' t ' d 0/n (e) a're t'h be c0/n e d 0/n e d (h) 0/m e d as/s t a' r e~ (d) a. r e~a.d. a ft e're all inn (t') sig h t's (t) aid

e th e/m(e) as/s t 0 p 0 Le t00 th 's (h) ave (n) d~u s/t e fxf a ce s/s us~ t

Lay e fxf le x i/b le t00 th e/n 0.d~e/b t00 th en t/h em aid u/s t

re a.d. e'ye t0 0t~h cut (e) d~ h and p as/s t e t/h

0's c0pe d e/b t a're r~ai. d. u/s t 0/n e mu s/t a're t00 th e w/h eigh (t) d u~s/ t heir an~d h~ t/h ere

f/r0m th further inn-jur-e-ye- t- hat- ass-a-ye- t- "mare's" but doesn't actually c are t00 th s(h) ave (n) d u~s /t as/s a' ye t a "mare's" 0/n ne t maid u /s t? only maid u s/t are, for -t- no reason e t heir d h~and 's can t re can t, & and 's can t re claim nit -0-f-x-f- (i-)- t- hie- vein- d-

only b-0m-b- as/s- t- p- as/s- t- h- as/s- t- e- t-'s- 0/n- e- d- 0/n- k- eye- as/s- t- a- g- (r-) 0- w/- (r-) 0/n- g-e-d- , keeps going too keep face ass sole (d-) sowe vain nit eye c-an- d- all-a-we- 's - tu- be- ad- inn- con-t- roll- d-

s- eve-r-e-ye- t- h0 ur -e- s-0-L-(e-) d- for- t- he- perp-p0se- d- 0f- t- con-t- roll--d-


t-he-ar-g-"u"e-w/e-d-0f- t-'s eve r e'ye time t-he-w/(h-)as/s-put- 0f-x-f- t-hie-ven-d-('s-) 0- L- (e-) d- he-miss-le-d-(h-)0/m-e- d-

0- w/e- d-


"ewe" n ever e maid me t a c~a(i)r~r e'ye w/(h) a t/t a (i) r~ e c0m f0r t ab le~ a.d. 0 w/are (A.) D. e/b t~ h(f) air ' d

"ewe" debt t-(h-)are- t00 c0m f0r t "ew/e" nit f-rom- force-s-scene- d- a-par- t-he-d- s-he- re- s- t- a- r- t- he- d- f0r- t- no reason d a ct yl ly e a.r t (h) f/r0m e~ a.d. 0 w/ t0 0t/h i'm (V) par t w/ i.d. th ea.r~ t /h ' d (h) a.d. e sig~n e're 's t a' (i) r~ (e) t c~ he ' d b e/e n ew/e d' s~nake d as/s p be t w/h 0 / d a'rt

circumference s/s mar~ t 00 th ' s ~h (e) d


the re all a. m.iss le w/00 d n (d) s un/d ere st 0/0 d e'ye t a~ g~ga'in ce s/s (hr) inn k/t c 0ur ag e/d t00 th's pea k / t

rather-e-gat-her- d- sowe the 'she' can all -a-w/-aye-s- e- b-miss-(t-)read- for- t- nob-0/d-e-ye- s- e/x- a- ct- u - all- a- ye-men-e/e-d- s-

e'ye n~ kn~ ew/e i/t w/e ll~ d e/b t00 th t ai L 0/n e me~r i/t e ll ' d 0/u (be) t~ c (h) a~ t ch ('s) h~ at inn t~h and inn e'r e/n d i/t i0/n s~up p Ly e 0n e c0mma nd~ 0h t0 me'ye sel~l fxf t a w/are a.d. just b.c. e'ye c~ a(i)re 'ye d dof-t-hie-ven-d- 0- w/- ai- t- hie-ven-d-s- c0p-e-d- e/b- t-00- t- hie-ven-d-s- cent- s- (h-) e- ll- t- ere- scale- t- ere- d- 0f- t- charge-d- f-r0m- mit- t00-t-he- re- g- (L?) 0ve- d- 0/u- (be-a-)t- ere- inn-s-i-g- h- t- (p-r-) 0-f-x-fer- d- 0f- t- s- l0- t- h- and- 0f- (i-) t- w/-h0- w/-ad- bu-s-e- i/t- s- i/t- e-


s can t a're a.d. 0've i/ t

he' s h0 rt is/s h~ea. r~ (t/h~' d ('s) ire ct ly e re (c0/n e) p (L) e~a. t 0/n e~ve(i)n ly e t00 th' s leep i/t~h ' d


t 0' Le (w/are t00 th ') d e'ye w/e ve in t w/h 0 d e w/e d 0 w/00 d (h) 0've r t (d) ewe ' s -he- t-0- l- (e-)d- 0 -w/ar- e- ad- s- 0- w/e- th- back- war-d- 's- lie-d--s- ad- e/p- t- for-e-war- d- a-ct- yl- ly- e- t00 -t-he- per- s- i- eve- d-


paul -dri-nan- force-d- f-(ed-) his- t- & makes all you "men" ass- cent- as/s- eg- ave- d- "i/t"


g-(L-) "ewe" f-t- force-d- t (h) a g i/0 t00 th -b-(L-)e/n-d- inn- a- ve- ye- f-x-f0rce-scend- ew/-h- inn- d- b- ag- inn-com-man- d- s- (h-)am-e- d- s- t- e- t-he- s-(c-) am-e- n- t- 00- L- e/n- d- e/b- t- a-re- gain- n- d- 0f- t- is- a- w/- ai- t- inn- g- f-0-r- t- e- w/e- d- g- e- w/e- n- d- inn- c- all- (a-)m- (s-) can- t- com-man- d- inn-he/r-r/ent- s- n- are- d- e-vain-d- 0f- t- i- f-x-f- (i-) t- 0-f-x-f- t- - h-and- s- cam- e- d- 0f- t- en- d- e/b- t- a- re- gain- d- en- force-s/s- h- (r-) e- d-


b/b e (a.) d. fxf i/n (e) d ew/e d 0h inn d 's lee p i/ t h~' d a.d. 0~0' re a.? d 0' bu ye t h (y)~ea. r~ t/h u / e w/e d e/b t 0/0 d e w/e t 00 t(h)r u / e w/e b eg (r) inn inn g~ag rea.d. (0) ba~a~nk ' s~e a.d. 's e/a. t' huss t le d ew/e 0/n d(t) un e t i'l(l) e re t e~a. r n~a. d. t high t~ h ea.ven s up ped d~le d 0ff t(d) in e inn sig~h t (d) 0 w/e re th ere a. t. ~ L as/s t b~rig ht a w/are a.d. all as/s (h) 0/n e (ye) d u/s t~ s p~ark le d i'v(e) i'n e

c (L) 0've~r t hear t e'ye fxf a ct (h) 0 re a.d. 0 fxf t en t00 th (e) re st 0 r'e ve n a.~m. e t c0n (e) s e/e k w/(h) en t ce~ s/s h e~a. ven t(d) 0 w/ n ~ e /g utter e t00 th b(L)e/n d c0n (e) s e/e k w/(h) en t ce~ s/s a g a w/~ag 0/n e inn d 0/u (be) t~ (h) 0/0 k n~0 w/e d 0 ht a w/are a.d. e' ye t/h e(i)r e/e fxf a(i) re t/h~ s c a t/t eRe v~ i/s i 0/n 0 w/are a. ll a ' ye b/b 0 're c0/n (e) cur(e) r e/n t~ ce ll ' s e l~l 's c e/n t f/r0m mit t00 th ('d) 0 'ver t p~c~ L0 ver t (h e/n) a.m. e / d as/s~h0/u Ld ere bu ye i/t~h' d' 0 b 0/u Ld ere a.d. h and b rain d a.m. 0' (ve) r e~ c0/n e c L i'm (b) e (a.) d. ' s u p/p er ' d ' s (h)e par d 's t i'll b 0/n e tu d e'ye 0(w/)n e ~ d 0fxf r0m e w/e~e kn 0 w/e' d ( ) be t/t a(i)r~e (e) fxf 0 're a. l/l as/s t (r) inn g i'nn ri 'le a. f~ ea. t e fxf 0 re' w/are a.d. a ct yl ly e s p.r. e/a p~a(i)r~e d 's can t a're t w/h 0/u s e / e d ewe inn s~ L ee p t(h) r u/e w/e


w/ h0/n e s/s t e a. l/l th ea.ll th ye a.m. en d- 's i` re vi~s i 0/n e nd fi/n ai l/l i t e'ye w/h ea. l/l th ye b/b (L) e/n d b eg an~ d ' s (p) en d ' s nail , pail, mail, buck~e t h~and b(L) en d i's c 0ur ag (u) e s/s t a gain d


th ere is n0 gam e in pursuing's- nit- . i a.m. describe inn g s-nit- t00 k n0w/e be see n ' d h and maid 0 w/are t0 get 0 fxf th (e) fxf ace 0 fxf i/t

0 w/(h)ea.r~ th c hair e s/t a~b le a. f(t)f a(i)r e t(h) 0/0 k e'ye n e/e d le t 00 l/l 00 k/ t h/ei/r~ d ew/(e ) inn e tu ~de b m. use d e/b t a(i) l/l e/n t le ft rig ht (h) ag i/0 ly e inn

k/t e fxf t w/inn s a ga'inn s a w/e g. a w/h e'ye d at~e fxf t00 t heir e L ate n (t) d


the -s- nit- s- ai- l- d- 0f- t- 0/n- e- with no residence inn nit even s(h) 0/n e / de lig ht, nit has no s 0' L e d h and n0 w/h 0/n e s/s t (hr) 0' le d e/b t00 th' d 0' L e d ewe inn cur(e)rent see d's c0p(i)e d ver t hue w/e d b(L)ack/ t 0/n e w/hit e'ye t can e b~re a.d. just f 0r~t h' say inn s(t) aid e/b t (a') re a.d.

e'ye h ave no re-g-(r-)et- hat has been e c0/n(e) c0urse (e) d. "ewe" h-ave- t- c-(h-) 0/n- e- f0rce-d-s- he- d-s- 0 w/e- ed- e/b- t- a- gain- d- b- rain-d- ea- d-, raise the spirit off th e lan d 0 w/t 0/0 k n0w/ th 'spirit d-ea-d- -s- can- t- actually e speak force scene inn g- r- a.m.- me- d- h- and- r-am- iss- p- en- t- sen t en ce s/s h e d e/n eve r e a. l/l e(a)ve n th 0/u r "ewe" st- eeL- curency ' see d f fr0m -e- a- ll- e- ye- d- e- a- ll- d- 0 -w/ar- e- t00- t- he- d-s- cam- e- d- force- d- e- all- eg- gain-d- a- me- al-l- d- bar-e- gain- d- e/b - t- 0- f-x-f - (i-) t- can' t me r/r e'y e ve(i)n (t) d~ i/n(n) e're inn her 0(w/)n e fxf r~ a.(i.)m. e /d h and e w/e see t-his-t- c- h- arm- s- tu- be-(a-)d- 0 -w/ar-e- a- d- e- ye- d- inn-de-pen-d-en-t- ly-e- t00-the- t-h-ink- t- w/- "i/t"

ewe c0uldn't s qu'a re ve/n (k) ni f e w/e t a w/an ' t hat a w/h e'ye d, w/i th0u t~h e/n e/e d le ye t00 th's lee p i/t~h ye t' h0use inn sync t me r/r e'ye l/l e 'ye a. t w/h~ea. t~ e fxf 0 're t/h break fxf as/s t ate m e/n t w/inn k~ t

the cur-rent issue is-ue-w/e- d- e/b-t- w/-h0-d- force-scene-d- speak-t- f0r- t- w/-h0-d- force-scene-d- 0f- t- 0-0t- 0-f-x-f- (i-) t- force-scene-s-m0t- e- d- 0f- t- 0f-x-f- i/n-dust-r-e-ye-s- p0ke- get- 00- t- he- "b-at-tell-" e-ye- a-r-n- e- pat- t- urn- d- for- t- no reason d's erve d


w/h at d ewe th e l/l a' ye re d c0 L 0're s t/h ink : te~ll p(L)ace d e/b t a p~ag/e t00 t (h) re a.d.~ c re d i/t 's inn k/ t


y-0-r-e b i.d. h and b r/i. d.e , h as/s k n 0 w/e t currency e t00 clim(b)e inn y-0-re- t- i'm-e- d-


s- "n-ai-L" e get in k/ t line d. th cur(e)rent see d i/s just fi/n(e) d

e/b tu be(a.)d. 0ff a(i)r~ e (a.) d.


ewe-r-e- force-scene- inn- sig-ht- 0ut- a- s/s- m0-t- e- a's/s- e- am- e-ye- t- b- s-p0-ke- d-


s~he(a.)d. inn g (0/a) l/l ig ht 0/n e w/h et (h) is~s u/e w/e d 0fxf (i) t~ inn s (L) e/n d a'r e/n d~0 fxf (i) t 0 fxf t~ a gain s/t e w/e inn d (g) ew/e ll e(a.d.) ve ~n t 0 pen l e'ye

"ewe" only e g0 t w/h at e'ye s-can-t-a- re- p- ly-e- a- t- ' a - re- p- (L-)ea-t- "heir" - d- 0f- (i-)t- 0-f-x-f-(i-) t- 0- w/ar- e- in-nit- &- make- (n-)d's- love -s- inn-s-t- inn-k- t-w/-in-nit-


c-hub-buy-e- tub-buy-e- a-r- t- b- utt-ah- s- a.d.- mam-mary-e-g- land-

t heir is kn 0 w/e t/h inn k i/n g~ i'nn e v0' l/l 0 v'e d c-(0-)un-t-ere- con-t- r0ll- e- d- a- (h-)ire- d- a.m.- e- d- 0 w/h en ewe d h ave n~ t as/s i re d h and f a(i) r e d(c/r) a ft (h) ere th en d 0 w/th inn k /t as/s h /i t00 th r~0 w/e d en ewe d as/s h 0 (L) e d ewe

i re a.lly e think "ewe" should stop force-scene-d-iss-u-e-w/e- s- , w/h en ewe d h ave n 0 w/h e t(h) i s/s u e w/e s t00 th e ve(i)n p.r. 0 claim mit- f-r0m- an-0- th-ere- b-rain-d- e- vain- d- 0f- t- as/s- (h-) 0/n -e- "none" to re claim "ewe" used the son, the son net, the sun the s un d ere 'ye b/b 0/n e d 0've d~ as/s h u're as/s t~ (h) inn k /t ye w/00 d h ave t 0/n e d


c- lay- e- re- ce- d- coun-t- e-ye- s- (t-) a- nd- b-L-ea-k- t- me-an-s- e/e- k- t- forge- re- g- i've-nn- nit- a's/s- a'ye- a- t- e- th- ere- t- w/-he-ye- d-

these are just pee-pull- t- hat- sit on their asses, forg- inn t i'm e t a p ass aye s, with - g- imp- ass-a-ye- s-

their work is not purpose full, and neither is their interior relationship i/t h ' d

can-cel-le-d- e/b-t- a-' mar-r-e-ye- d- e/b- t- a-ye- t- a- gain- d- if can't tell a w/h ere i/t c a.m. e

inn-vain-d-0f- t-s- c-ree-d- 0f- t-hie-ven-d-s- our are t ' kn 0t (de) b~ r i.d. e /b t as/s u c h t augh t

"t-hie-ven-t" d0ff (i) t 0 fxf (i) t ' d0ff~ t



D-all-a-s/s- t- a- t- e- men- t- h e/n eve r e(g~g u/ e) st a.m. en~ d. h e/n eve r eg ave t~ L and H and H n (d) p.r. a.(i.')m. e d en se~ll e ye s~ nake d force- saking- s-t- ake- scene- d- 0f-t- f-r0m- s- t- eel- d- 0f- (i-)t- 0/n-e- com-man-d- 0f- t- 0/0t- 0- f-x-f- (i-) t- his- t- a- nd- 0f- t-

u- s- h- e- ye- w/-h0- 0le-d- bu-ye-a-r- t- bu- ll- 's- hi- t- 0/n-e- inn- re- serve- d-

e/b-t-hie-v-e-n-erve- d-

"a"-ye- w/-h(0)-r-d-

(g-) ew/e-d- g0- d- 0f-t- 0/n- e-ye- (a.-t-) d-

d ew/e ye (d) h ave t0 w/h 0/n e s/s t ly e 0-b-serve- d- ye- a-("r") t- raipe-s- t- p- as/s- t- h- as/s- a'ye- g-g- e-d- inn- ad- vaince- 0f- t- (d-) 0-u-r-e- for-(ce- d-) e- p- (L-)a-ye- per- d- a-ye- t- ('s-)can-t- s- e/e- d- 's- trait

t-he- d- i/n(n) e-re- d- h- as/s- t- as/s- t- e- t00- t- he- d- serve- d-

"ewe"-d- "ewe" are not pure , inn pure ly e d serve d

t-he-d- (s-) 0/n- ly-e- t- r- ump-e-t-0-f-x-f- (i-) t- c0-h0- s-t-

0-0- le-t- s- t- r- uck- t- d-0f- t- w/-id- t-he- pre- sense- t- he- d- par- t- w/i.d. th every miss (p) en t 0ff (i) t 00 th 's trait en T i/t

're ad. as/s h i. d.e re pre sent (y) 0 u r ~ h a.d. e ve(i)n as/s cent (d) 0 w/h eigh t

~h' d at~ a ll e c(h) 0 's t (r) e~ a.m. e inn g as/s (p) e/e inn g's

w/e ll s(p) en t inn t i'm e ta t00 th d 0 cue m e/n t

honestly "ewe" have not earned the real love to give love to be & be d 0ve. "ewe" have not given the real love the descent ce s/s ee d t0 worth t(h) rue t0 fxf (i) t hu(e) s/s d : "ewe" are -ad- just- a- d- jack-t- of-t- 00- t- he- d- stand- 0f- t- w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- d- 0- w/ar- t- s-0- w/-he-ye- can- (d-) be- st- s- c- r- ewe- d- for- t- no reason, for -t- no re all a w/are t00 th e work t heave n~ (d) s~ e a.m. e/n ?

"silence" h-as/s- h- a(f-) t- he- d- i- re- s-i.'d- en- t- ce- s/s- h- all- 0- w/-e- 0n- d- (y-) -0- u-r- d- 0/n- g-

0/d- (s-) 0- L- (e- ) d- (p-) awn- d-

the problemis-h- is- t-, not the c0 L 0're of the skin, nit is "ewe" -s-k-inn- d- 0f- t- reas0n -force- d- f(or-)t- no reason - t- w/-h0 - d- care-ye- d- 0/n- g- for- t- no reas0n d ' s eve r y 0/n e t00 th 's (h?) a.m. e d ' s e~a. s/s 0/ n e (d) fxf r a.(i.)m. e (n) d ~ 0 w/ th ' s a.m. e b/b rain d i.d. e/b t~ he b~ p.r. 0 cla(i)m~ e inn g~ a gain s/t 0 p en t00 th ' (d) be Lay e ~ d


basically "white" supremacy is -ad- s-a-c-t- 00- t- ad- just- he can't come. he can only come- d- 0f- t-. and force- t- his- t- he- w/-ill- continue- on-t-his- t- 0-put- up- t- 0/0 -t- put- 0f-x-f- (i-) t- "reason" as/s- cent- b- (r-)0ugh-t- his- t- pre-sent- 0/0-t- he- re- p(r-) e- sent- i/t- re- ad- (h-) 0ve- d- i/t- inn the pre sent ce s/s 0 ft (h) 0/0 k~n 0 w/e d 0 (w/) n e = the jack-d-of- t- can- s-pea-k-t- w/- id- th- e - re- liberty- e- t- he- d- jackt- dof- (i-) t- w/- id- th- "i/t" . "b.c" t-he- d- put every 0ne inn a s-s- a- container- d- 0f- (i-) t- h- and- s-(t-)ea-ll- e- ye- d- 0f- t- (on- ly- e-) 0/n-e- com-man- d- can- ewe ap par e /n t ly e be a.m. ~ an -d-


jack-t-d-0f-(i-) t- w-ill- cut- ewe off -t- he- d- i- c- k- t- h- ink- s- h-e- e- d- s- cam-e- d-


d i.d. ~ kn 0t ~h t~ i'm e d ~h as/s p en d e/b t00 th (e) re (b) L e/n d e/n e~ve r~ b e/e n d 0' b(r) 0ugh t buy-e- a- m- en- d-'s- (p-) en- d-'s- a-(i-)d- e/p- t- 00- th- 0/0 -k- n0w/ (h) 0/n~ e p .r. ~ a.m. e/ d


obvious ly, jack-d-0f- (i-) t- s- can- t- a'-re- pack- ag-e- d- he- d / i. d. tit m~i'll k / t bu ye t~h at de sir(e) d~ f0r/meal/ly~ e inn pre sent c0mma nd ~ s (t?) inn k th (e) ye d~h and


"ewe" didn't come even though e'ye A.M. 0/n g~ ew/e nd ~a.d. a.m.

it-s- a- c- t- g- am- e- d- of- t- he- d- posit-inn- g- fait-h- and- positioning- nit- u- b- re- ad- face- t00- t- he- d- (e-) f--x-f- ace- d- all- (i-) a- re- ad- e- ye- s- n-are- d- : ewe are in a "container" inn the market place that competes for -t- no reason, on women and animals , miss-t- i- fxf- e-ye- d- buy- a- ft- ere- f-(t-) a- ct- t- hat- is maid up in the first place, to dup more "free" c-h-ump- in-nit- to f-f-x-f- en -d- f0r-e- f-x-f- ace- d- all ready inn place -d- all- a- we- st- u- buy- e- ano-t- her- e- f-x-f- ace- d- force- d- e/b- t-oo-t- he- t- carry and mar-r-e-ye- face- too-t-he- p- lace- d-


nothing honest ly e g0/ d~ 0 w/-ill- t- h- arm- s- , will eve r t c(h) 0m e th is a w/h e'ye fxf 0 r e w/are a.d. a'ye t


"ewe" silent for -t- no reason. only speak to miss -t- re- pre- sent- hie- ven- (t-) d- sig-n- if- i- can- t- inn- t- i'm- e- d- s- e/a- m- en- d-s-

s- w/-h0- 0- L-e- (d-) ye- t- h-ai-r- e/n - t- L-ai-r- t/h- ere- a-p- par-e/n- t- s- n- are- d- in-nit- no matter what "god ly " things are spokend too the d aye t apparent ly. the competitive market place tu b-scene-d- for -t- no reason, yet knee ding reason to get what nit to-ken- (d-) ly- e- a- s/s- knee- d-'s- , needs reason innherent ly too the support ' -s- n-it-s- be-lie-f- i/- t- -s- e/e- d- s- all ready e- s- (h-) ave- n- (t--) d- never from d ewe, never for d ewe.

d ew/e r(e) a.d. i~ c (t) all e ye t00 th be h~ ave d a.d. m~e'ye r~ ab le y(e) a. w/are a.d. ~ e c (k/t ') s t a't i c/all e ye inn defer~ rent ce s/s e x ce/e d 0 w/th e x~ cell e/n t h/ei/r e i/ t rig ht b. m.e w/e t ~a. m.u s/t b rig ht f0r t~ Life 'ye d en see d en sig~h t 00 th (d) 0/n 0 ' re t(h) 0/0 k nigh t


t heir is nothing "ewe" can honest ly e (a) s/s a ye tu buy- e- t- w/-h0- d- s- L- e- ye- t- he- d- your cur(e-)rent-s- e/e- d- / i- s - t00- t- he- d- be- t- r- a-ye- m/e a.d. fr0m- en- force- d-(h-) e/e- d- e/b- t- a- gree- d-


the court of-f- t- law-st- u- b- buy- e- a- ll- 0- t- s- l0- t- ' h- and- 0f- (i-) t- with no real c0untenance d-(g-)ewe- s- l0- t- t- he- d- 0f- (i-) t- he- d- e/b- t- a- gree- d- s- l0- t- h- and- 0f- t- e-a- c/h- s- hat- ac-c0-rd- inn- g- ly- e- a- t- h-and- force- d- fee- d- & claim women are inn knee -d- of - t- 0- u - r- e- d- h-and- ed- s- him-s- t- a-nd- e-ad- e-b- t- u- b- m- in- t- w/- id- th- as/s the only way to be "seen" d as/s have ing e t a're pass t inn -t- he- may-king- e-d - for- t- no reason e -t-he- d- all-a- w/e- s-t- -'s- cam-e- d- p-r- aye- in- g- & t- he- n - d- p.r.-ate- d- up- awn- d- women name -ly- too take -d- his- t- 0-r-e- ye- d- s- hi- t- and make something "come" from -mit- i- g-ate- d- negligence- s/s- e- x- ce- ll- en- t- ce- s/s- h- a- (f-)t- p- as/s- t-


e'ye w/00 d i'm ag i'n/n ~ w/h0 c0/u Ld e/b t~ L a'ye i/t c0/u Ld t h/ei/r e claim mit t~a g~ lance d ew/(e) inn t w/h 0 / d e w/e d 0 w/i th0u t~ h ea.ven (d) s ~ p.r. 0ut e (d) s 0 L i tarry e m~ 0/u t~h and 0/u (be) t

so, it was funny today, took min 0 fora walk inn the really nice fall day, and eye let him follow his nose, he prefered the grass at the park behind the museum. taking several passes, circlular eddying, nose too the ground settling. we ran into a young woman, mixed race, i don't know, colored, yes, colored, how to be pc., is she 'african american' eye don't know, she is black / t 00 th e me'ye re c0 L0're se t/t (h) ing (e/d) s. she really liked min 0 inn advance inn g see n. min0 knows when people delight inn him, and he gets super ecstatic, and responds same sight for being seen. he does like to jump up on people that express a happiness inn seeing him d ewe. we talked a bit, then she said just ass ironic and enthusiastically to me, that she much prefers animals per relating than people, and i said e'ye n knew what she means, and that we, with a smile, would let (min 0 the d0 g) mediate for us t? for use d ? f0r e st w/ee d be(a)d (p.r.) 0 f/f (h) er~ d significant ly e we d

"ewe" -d- r ag 0/n e w/ith t 0uch e ' d ewe ? b ei~n g i'll t(h)ru/e w/e ?

g0/d j 0/b u

h0nest ly, the more i try to get thoughts off my p(L)ate l/l e t~h and (h~ey) e ff ace i/t. the more thoughts i make. even in i'm inn slee p t00 par t a' ke~g

ey'e d 0h t me 0/n e ye inn e me'ye s lee p / t par t w/i.d. t(h) 0 w/e inn g~s w/h ea. t~ ly e t00 th 0 be ad. i/t u'de ser~ve inn g b less 0/n e inn g a g0/n e s/s t rait 00 th e fxf ace d

t(h) par t e'ye w/00 d e/n eve r e/n d

d e w/e d e/n erve d 0n' ly e serve d a ye t00 th d serve d e/b t w/(h) 0~0d serve t heir d un/d e're serve d ' s cent ' s t a(i)r (e) t/h eRe

a.d. g0/ d~ d0 g~ged ly e

what makes me angry about the police officers treatment of me spending time with my dog, is "1" they interfere with re all paying t' are of t attention earnest inn 0 f/f . "2" they stand to enforce a reflection of things seeming "g0/d" but they bring no g0/d d s cent sense of t heir 0/ne t 0/d ew/e 0f t. "3" part of me understanding min0 ' s likes and abilities, is buy being able to have him off leash. if he likes frisbee, which is his most singular ambition, we do play tug a w/are inn the apartment with the wool sock he started on their, so i gave him the other side of the pair. frisbee, first, though d0 h/t. for t min0. we get good sensibilities bu ye d h ave inn g the space & place s/s e x a ct (f) a ct according t00 the pre miss (p) en t. i spend time with my dog. po-lice- standing dim for -d- of- t- 0/0- t- 0f- f- (i-) -t- a- cross- -t- is standing dishonestly dof-t- on -e- me'ye t i'm e d (p.r.) 0 ff er~ t~ L0 t~ t0 w/(h) all~k t 0 fxf as/s t e w/e d t~a' ke n~ 0'se inn re L ea. f~ t heir d.


"4" t heir is kn0w/e l/l e~a. r n inn curve t 00 th te ll a'nd 's mu ch t less ~ t00 th' se(a) l~l t among stage-inn- g- t-(h-)a-re-l-ate- i-0/n-s-hip- t00 - t- he- d- e- s-s- ir- (e-) t-


b.c. min 0 is off leash occasionally, and sometimes near traffic ass-f-all-t- , i of course need to pay extra attention, however, i get too learn the ways and means of t well getting too know him etc at different stages, and with what direction i can lend for him, to be better prepared, like a young dog / person thinks they are immortal, and yet, i don't want my dog meeting the grill of a car, b.c. it thinks it will stop for his lovely charm and nature all enthusiasm to share upon are' s well pre par e/ d as/s hin e f/f a(i)r e' s. bu ye b/b ein g of t leash concertedly, we get to partake of each other's presence purpose ful ly e.


staging pretense for -t- no reason, st-iff-en-s- ai- d-e- fen-ce- s/s- e- x- ce- s/s- a- ye- s- un- dress- t- .= s-am-e- w/- it- (b-) less- t- "ewe"


t h/i s not "you-" re a. ll a'n d i/t is min(e) d


(0 ff t bu ye d h and 0ff t~a ll p/h~ at b ran d 0ff t~ r /i e'ye a. ll at/he 'd h and : k n0w/ e inn kn 0 w/e ve (i)n a b eg inn~ea.r~ t/h/c an d)


h~a.d.e (d) g i'v e/n t i'm e a. d. i'm e~ d. 'st a nd 's e~a.m. e/n (d) a.m. e ve(i)n~ ly e a. r t~h and (h) 0' me(A.)i.d.


staging pretense for -t- no reason, st-iff-en-s- ai- d-e- fen-ce- s/s- e- x- ce- s/s- a- ye- s- un- dress- t- .= s-am-e- w/- it- (b-) less- t- "ewe" &- s-t-a-g-e-d- a re L ate i0/n s hip force-scene-w/e- t0- me- a- ke- (g- (r-) ewe- )d- ewe-

(0 ff t bu ye d h and 0ff t~a ll p/h~ at b ran d 0ff t~ r /i e'ye a. ll at/he 'd h and : k n0w/ e inn kn 0 w/e ve (i)n a b eg inn~ea.r~ t/h/c an d~ le a.r~ a gain d 0ff t'h~and c~u fxf t~ h~ea.ven (d) s c e/n t a gain st i/t 00 th (e) re pre sent i/t~ re a.d. as/s -h- 0- e- s- "ewe" - t- as/s- knee- d- e- ad-

t h/i s not "you-" re a. ll a'n d i/t is min(e) d

h~a.d.e (d) g i'v e/n t i'm e a. d. i'm e~ d. 'st a nd 's e~a.m. e/n (d) a.m. e ve(i)n~ ly e a. r t~h and (h) 0' me(A.)i.d. (0) b ran d ew/e t(h) rue w/e d

t h/i s not "you-" re a. ll a'n d i/t is min(e) d

h~a.d.e (d) g i'v e/n t i'm e a. d. i'm e~ d. 'st a nd 's e~a.m. e/n (d) a.m. e ve(i)n~ ly e a. r t~h and (h) 0' me(A.)i.d. (0) b ran d ew/e t(h) rue w/e ve (i)n~ ly e tu~ d e/n e w/e d

e'ye A.M. Kn 0t as/s k inn (d) g~ 0 per miss i0/n e t00 th' s0und 0ff t


f0r- t- no reason "ewe" don't actually e stand t00 th eg i'v e/n d e/b t w/h 0 w/(h)~ ea.v e/n (t) d s~ e a.m. inn g's

it- w/00- d- s-ea.m.- "ewe" can only re place -d- "ew/e" d- i.d.- i/t- t0-w/-h0- d- e-ye- w/e- g- L- ew/e- d- as/s- t-0-0-d- t0- g- et-her- d- but not one d act yl ly inn sel~l fxf t he d inn e're t(f) a ct d serve d

s-0-w/e- you can only stand -0f- t- put-t-(h-) ing- s- 0- w/e- d-

S~t r i.d. e/n t 00 th f(t) f(t) a ct i/t re a.d. a.m. s (p) en t ran ce~ (s/s 0/t) inn s t e a.d. 0ff t' s~ c0 p(i) ~ Le 0/t e/x t~ r a.d. 0 rd in a're ly e t00 th' d~ a~ d0~0're t a cr0ss t~ e a. ll ~ e'ye de~ live R e'y e/m e~ t ((h~and em~ et)) e~r e s/t i'l(l)e d ( 0 ) be(a.)d. awn d s~ ex (d) u/s t up a(i) d 0/n e/n erve d i'm e d' s~him mer d e w/(h) e t~ c(h) a t ch~(t) as/s t e fxf r0m t~h fxf a(i)r e~sum mit t (w/)high~ light' d h~ ave d s~him me r/r in(n) g's a.m. e d 0 th ' s(h) ave d e/b t00 th p as/s t a' re r0und~ 0 w/n e t 0 w/ n knit~ inn d/i g "nit" e'ye a.s/s t~ 00 th b e/e s' e/e n e w/(h) ea.r ~r in(n) g 's (p) en t b~ f0r'd as/s knee d 0 w/00 d~inn g r~0 w/e inn t i'm e i'm

standing-0-d-of- (i-) t is kn 0t (a) g0(L)d e(s)n u ff t f~ 0 rt a re all i t e'ye~ Miss (T)at e~ d a'ye a. gain d i'm e d a ft f 0r d bu ye t/h em c~h ar d 0ff en d's t ~a g e/m a g/i~ (nn) c(h) 0/m e d(h)0ve (n) d a.m. e/n d 's a ga w/e d0ve

mic-t- pen-ce- s/s- e- x- ce-s/s- e-d- can only stand force-scene- re-pen-t- (h-) an(d-) ance- vain- d- (s-) 0- L- (e-) d- 0f- t- hie- ven- (t-) d-im- me- d- perfect for representing - w/- inn- d- h- and - 0- w/-h-inn-d- im- me- d- perfect- min-(e-) d- "house" s- e/e- k- "c(t-)are-s-" par- s- e- d- 0f- (i-) t- 0- f-x-f- t-00-t- f-a(i-)r-e- t- heir- d- e- sir-e- "a"n-0-n0b-ill-i-t-e-ye-s-t-(r-) 0--k- en- d'-s-(w/-)erve- d-e/b- t-00- t- he- d- e-a-t- h- and- 0/u-(be) t- mar-r-e-ye- t-he- me- as/s- knee- d-

b0und a(i)r(e) ye s~ t 0/n e d en 'y e/n d e/b t (h) r u/e w/e th~ c~ h ew/e s ( t e'ye s) up~per d(h) e'ye d ewe ~ d 's e/x 0/d u~s t a' ll (e' ye) d's~ i` x~ i val~e/n t ce ll and s a (w/h ~a) ll t (a') b~i. ' d.(e) u/s t~ russ~ t n ly (e) a. p/p ar t 0 g e/th/er e (e) fxf 0 r t~ (h) 0~ ver t(h) a're w/00 d e/b t00 th (e) re ally e be t w/h 0 d ew/(e) inn ~ d h and t~r e/n d t00 th ' d~ 0 d/d eRe a.d. 0/u(be) t~ 0ut a re Lie f t 0 u r e a. r~ t/h in(n) g e tu~ t~ e/th/er e/n d lie fxf (e/e) d~en 0/u e/m e/n t~ p. c. (L) 0'ver (e) d~ (he) a~ rt inn a t e/n t i 0/n e~ be h0 Ld e/b t00 t(h) a ct a cr0ss t as/s p~ f a ct s m0t~ t0 fxf (i)t~ i.' d. (e) u~ s/ t 0/0

le ye w/00 d ew/e

d 0'v~e 'ye w/e

d 's e/x 0/d u~s t a' ll (e' ye) d's~ i` x~ i' v(e)a.ll~e/n t a (w/h~a) re miss' (p)en t/h/c t 0/m e (d) h 0/m e (d) c 0/m (b) e (a.) d. 0~0'r e~ miss le ye (d) ve(i)n~ t miss t c0n j un ct i 0/n e t00 th~ 'd (s) 0 L e d~ ea.f t~ he' a.d. ate~

a. m.iss (p) en t 0/0 d en e'ye ~ d

J i/g ' s a w/e inn t w/h 0 (d) p~ (L) a ce s/s (t) a'n d h~and fxf 0(o) L~ (e) d~ alliance s/s h(e) d~e puT (T) e'ye d g's us t~ 0(0) L e d ew/e d awn d~h and e puT (T) e'ye d e'ye d~ par t i/t~ re a.d. 0 fxf t i'm e~ d

e/b t00 th' d e(n e)'ye t


b(ea.)m. e/ t inn t(h) p as/s t (a.) m.iss (p)en t 00 th (e) re g 0/t i/t b(L)a~c(k) / t


th e/m ag i g 0/t 0 fxf (i)t gif t (a) g~0 a. ll d en (t')d frank inn sense th's (t) a'nd mirr0r e (m~ea.r 0/r e) X pe~ct ate i 0/n s~hank t b(r) 0ugh t re l~e v ate i0/n e s/s (t) c0 pi ed t~r ump e t ' d (e) u /s t up s 0L 0 ~a.d. b. m.e(a)i.d. ' si` r~ e si.'d.en t ce s/s t up pet be/e h ave d h and sum mit ta

(re) m~0're i/t w/00 d be (a.) d. nice t00 th e/m e/a. t (h) e w/e at the same ta t(d) i'm e inn re L ea. f~ t(h) r ewe d ewe th c~0'r(e)r~i.'d. (e'ye) 0'r e t00 th ' s c0're ve(i)n~ns inn ew/e ve(i)n~ d 0've d

en d0w/ e/e d

h and en d0w/h (e/e) d

i'm making a parallel in the sense, 'lie' is thought you know, even in my use to be b-ad-. you and sharon gave me time, quite honest ly ? at some point, to watch me hang myself on my own phone-ye lie- , giving me 'ye time, hasn't stopped me from giving me me'ye time inn my own theoretically free time. so now, the weight of responsibility of being a comfortable spectator, waiting for the shit too come too the end of its own ly-ing rope, has now shifted. spectator ship is now at the very least an ardent rope t0 watch im pass cope : d hand carry eye t00 th anec(t)d0h t inn t his t 0/n e/n a.m. e ta t 0/0 t/h ' d ewe d if i re f le ct ' d c up awn d h i'm t00 (th) bu ye s pea k inn g f0r t his(t) a've ad ver t hue ve(i)n b ra(i)n d


inn c0m p an e' ye inn knit

& lie = n0w e ll ie s inn the ver t hue 0f th c0 L 0re t hat he' d ewe

th c~h ap s t~i c/k/ t (u) L~ip service t w/h 0 d ewe

ll put up


en d 0 w/e d e/n s~e l ly e a.m e~(s) me~a.r 0 r 0 r 0 r e (a.) d b~rig ht' a re a.d. ea. f t00 th pack~a/g e inn g f~(L) a.m. e~ r~0le d 0'v e/i t~ a.m. 0 re ve(i)n d un/d ere st a' n~d inn g~ a gai'nn d

bringing gif t (f) t (f) t ' s (t) 00 t/h f(i)t c0 h0 'st inn c~h ang e'd

h and g i/g 0 t(a) g~ race (s/s (t) ake) d inn p(L) ~a ce d e fxf a ce d all a/b (0) ut~ a'r/r ye w/00 d ewe

t as/s h(e)d 's hank t/h and le t00 th b~a nk t b~r0ad i'n(n)e d ' sig nd 0(w/)h t

-he- d- hank-t- w0re-st-e- d- for- t- a - lie- furniture -d- all- t----- -


t h~e x i (s) t 0 g e/th/er e ve r e/n (t00 th e r e/n)d break d 0 w/n e(ye) a. r~ t00 t h~ d' h and le ~a. t h~er e s~ k inn d 0fxf t a.m. 0 're (a.) d. 0 fxf i/n g ere inn g 0 p0~t en t i all (e'ye) d~ e (ye) a. r/r 0 w/e d a ta (p) c0mma nd ~ye t a gain d ye a.m. ~ e/ d~d ye t p.r. a.m. e/ d

b/ring u y 0're t be st a' fxf t00 th cap i/t a~ll a s/s f (r) 0nt a' l/l ~ 0~ t

t(0)n eve r t/h ink t f/r0m t00 th' d en e'ye (t)

d 0 w/n sir e c0m e s~i' zed

f(i)t 0 0t 0 s/s i/t as/s (h) i.' d.e~s

t0 s/s i/t as/s (h) e'ye d's

par e/n t (h) inn g e d's k i ? ll s inn t russ t

00 th ' d 0/m in an(d) t L ai r

e t00 t(h) a re

0 p/en f(t) i re d th ere

inn t ere st a. m. en t make en are

t c~h0se y 0ur e~ s t 0 r e'ye d

bu ye a. r~ t (a) g e less eg L 0're ye a.s/s t a. m e/n a.m. e (a.)i.d. e/b t~ (a) l/l 0 ve (i)n (t) d


de a.m. e~ t (past)

de a.m. e~ t e (measure d)

de a.m. e~ t e r (poetic / rhythm ... measure different ly e w/i.d t(h) ea.r~ e (e) fxf t~he w/h ea. t 00 th b(L) e/n d(h) 0've d h~and e' ye r 0/d e d 0ff at hat all sir e r0und ' d' ate t00 th be l/l a'ye b/b (L) ack/ t~ 's t a l/l i0/n ~ d 0/u (be) t a're r0und t hat 0 w/n de me t ere d act yl ly a w/are inn spirit heir d f(t) a ct

th 's~he p/her d ce ll e x a ct c0/m p (L) ea. t e ll e ye s w/h ea. t ' s w/h e'ye s erve d e s(s) ir(e) t f/r0m e w/h 0/n e ye d(h) 0/m e d

c re s/s t ~ 0

c re s/s t ~ h0/u ' s e/a. t d(e) u~s t 0 fxf t

be-ll-e-ye- a-king- a- me- rd- e- m-ar-r0w- ee- n- d- e/b- t00- t- he- p- (h-) air- 0/d- e- d- he-d-s-lee-p-i-t/t-e-ye- w/- i.d- t-he- a- t- debt - 2- rep-(l-)ea-t- inn- be- t- ween- t-he-s-he-a-t- s-

a-p- (L-)e-/n- t- e-ye- a- r- t- i -f- a- c- t- he- d- g- i've- t- he- ha- w/- he-ye- d-

0/u-(be-)t- cha-chin-g-

i was s tink inn g about his presence t heir ? and if whole foods needs police protection (a "whole" ano- n-d- st 0 r e'ye ...fxf 0 rt an0 n knot 'h 0ther time) b.c. people are stealing their product and not paying apparent ly. the irony is whole foods is paying for protection to make money apparently an honorable right to choose too the p(L)aye for the virtue you can make 0/n e = apparent ly strong with inn and with 0~u t you hand out the e/x a ct price, virtue has been agreed too the date, representation all as/s L ai d ate. = s late d ate even d.


the thing is po-lice- pre-sense- d- is not honorab le per i0d. "i/t" represents a distance -d- lack of (t) act u all d (h) 0/n 0 ' re t00 the f-f- ill- k- t- 2- c- up- t- . the irony, th en, i bet whole foods doesn't lose ass much -t- money-e-d- to pay for police protection (set -too-t-he-d-s-c-r- ewe- d- for-e-war- d- ewe- s- d- e/b-t- 00- t-he- b-m-use-d- "i/t") : i be the attrition is less in product cost if wholefoods, let people -d- wholefoods force-scene- inn-t0- w/- h0- compete- d- e/b- t- 00 -t- he-at- e- d- ? - the attrition is less t00 k ' s c0re d 0ff t n0-b-ill-i-t-eye- inn- re- s- inn- d- the attrition is to let those steal a gree d. rather eg- at- her- d- police protection -d- 0f- (i-) t- 0- f-x-f- (i-) t- re- s- t-0 -re- d- (g-) im- me- d- pip-an-d- p.-r.ig-ht- com- for-t- ab-le- ad- e/b - t00- t- he- x- p.r.ess- i've- t- h- ink- t- pay-per- d- we- ll- d- kind countenance s/s -l0- t- h- and- get- a- w/-he-ye- d- force-scene- c- kindness un sustain able inn knit ' s~e(a.) ll~ inn g~ a gree d all a t/h (e) t i'm e ye / n d 0 ve t/h e w/e ~ t make ti'me at lie d 0 w/(h) inn knit sel~l fxf at hat~ i/t c 0/0 k / t c~ a.m. e re (p) Luck t a' (i)n~t e'ye d i'm e /d at a t 0 s/s 0 d 0ff a~t her d 's h0/u Ld ere bu ye b/b (r) 0ugh t b~ 0/u Ld ere d (h) 0 ve~r t

t-he- p-c- (L-) 0- ve-r- t- for- t- no re as/s 0/n e ve(i)n k~n 0 w/h ( 'd) 0 v~e i/t (h) 0/0 k t/h i/n k~ t at 0/n e inn ri Le a. f~ r0m eg a p(h) 0/n e~ d

d(h) 0/m e d 0've re c~re a. t e 'd p. r. 0 w/~ (e) t

(hr) 0 a~t 0ut


you can feel i am not doing enough for ewe, however you have already toss-0d- of- t-, so "ewe" ad- just- sit- back and go for the ride "ewe" debt ed my time too the tune, of not 2 x too, at all c0 h0 st' 0 fxf t

your "stall" is preconditione-d- buy the fact, you don't rust any one you have lent time too -d- be con e d ove d, now that that time has come for your image inn the competitive market pal ace b on/ e. my stall ? is countenanced un e 0n e w/e r e-g- 0 ? w/-ai-t- too the x p(L) 0're t ? 00 th e' d en e ' ye d ?

s i/t as/s we ll d as/s h (r) ewe l~like t00 th p Lu m/m e t~r ump pet rite tissue-d- s- nail- t- sig-h- t-

sea. t/h c r~a.d. le d h and c r~ai d le d h and sea. th ' d(h) 0'v e/ d : spiritual direction different inn s (h) 0 w/e d

a ft ere a. l/l 0 / t

e w/e b/b u ye de sir e d h~0 pe d ewe

the p-aid- ('s-) p- ass- t- 0- r-(e-) t- can only -d- en- e- ye- w/e- d-

the paid pastor- t- doesn't d serve d ewe, that is why "he" is a passtore with no actuall representative t are, p a(i)r e, n are , the pastor-t- only representationally re-pre-sents- being- s-0-L-(e-) d- 0/u-(be-)t-


all the "time" he is tell you he is t heir, and th ere. out pacing his-t-weak-ness- t- u- b-buy- ewe- d- , doesn't bring anyon e ven thru e. the pastor-t-, the reveren-d-, the rab-bi-d-eye- d- , are not the second be st a t/t ai n able. they-ea-r- t- "second" be-st- u- d- ewe- d-


"buy" inn - t- w/-h0- re- t- heir- e- be- lie- f- t- rue- d- buy speaking, without an actual l corridor t00 th b c 0/m e t heir e t ai l t00 th (r) ew/e

d we ll e/n d 0 w/e th ability e t00 th be (a) d. sel~l fxf t~ a t/t ain able w/e d 0' 0re d b~ le a.d. as/s (h) e~ ll fxf t~ c0n t/r a ct i0/n f 0're c as/s t ewe d

the past0re-d- 0-0-re- p- as/s- t- 0rt- didn't ever hand out w/he t (h) is~s u/e w/e d e/b t00 th (e) r~ a p/p 0'r(e) t a ct u ally e b/b (L) e/n d -b-for-d- his-t- s- n0- rt- . when "he" "here-s-" what i am doing on line inn my own g0/d g~i've/n (t) d e'ye a.m. the "pastor" is a p.-r.ig- 0/n- ad-s-t-e- m- e-g- a- g-(c-) r-a-ft- e- d- a -ft- that will always "be" comfortable ass long as it is d-a-ft- per-p-et- u- ally- e- d-


i am saying the "pastor" is a fien-d-, dressed meak ly. he probably has a small pen-i/s- t-. honest ly, b.c. that is why men choose to be scene -d- as/s being the rational-l- s- 0/n - d-.


let's think of the other possibilities. he is weak. he sees any easy way to earn a living representationally. i am the "meak- t- weak- t- buy- e- t- weak- t- " : only p-lent-eye- d- 0f- (i-) t- tit- d- a- ft- 's could comfortably compete among his-t- br0-0d- with no reason inn them to cause act u all sel l fxf alarm -e - d- ?


if he doesn't have a small penis, for which to proclaim his f(L-)ame-d-, and he is not weak just to carry eg- imp- ass- e- d- ass- a- ye- s- t- all- t- he- time- d- 0f- (i-) t- nasal- l- ? what else could "he" be to get bed-de-ad- p.-r.0p-er- e- ly- e- ? he is proud, for -t- no reason, t heir isn't really around c -him- e-d- . he is-him-s-hin(e-)d-


what else. why do people falter about on their own -d- , and why do they do it in couples -0- (w/-)n- e- d- ? money to forge- re- giving- the - kink- d-(h-) 0/m-e- d- , more money can apparently buy -e- a little more freedom of space to be at least separated from sitting among the street level crimes where the s-0/d-0f- t- 0-f-x-f-t- s- hi- t- ap-p(h-)en-d-'s-


money buy e s the vi-ewe- , so we can shape "i/t" apparent ly as/s ew/e a.r n e -d- ap par e/n t ly, however no one in the competitive market place -d- is going to question your ass-knee- d- joint- 00- t-he- ye- jack-t- join-inn-g- a- gree- d-

all-a-we-st- on notice too t-he- t- a- gree- d- 0f-(i-)t- in- e/e- d's -h- irk- t- h-and- j- irk-t- inn- con- sir- t- per-ce-(i-) eve- d-

t heir is kn 0 w/e con vi ct i 0/n -inn- the- pastore- d-. that is why "he" can d--eye- d-af-ford- pomposity. inn his -t- u- being- e- d- binged- being- 0/d- ly-e- with ? e very e b 0/ d e ye.


if it isn't in "god's " dactyl ly irrelevant bi-b-le- , the pastore-d- sees no relevance too the difference s/ she w/oo d s~h(e a)d.


the bi-b--le- d-, provides "conviction" mis sap p ly e d inn the time it is b-re-ad- inn -his-t- u- b- born- d-re-ad- . i am saying, he is not t heir, he does kn 0t carry the c0m f0r t heir (ore he would just be doing what i am without the moniker of pastor to claim ass curry the f-x-f- (L-) ave 0're -d-. he would stand on his own frame ass u/r e d flame too thy e neigh b 0're d.


current-ly- e- his christ has never risen thru "him" in meye s, inn min(e) d, and "he" doesn't make the time to give the time for t heaven d -ad-verse-s-us- t- hie-ven- (t-) s- a- ga- inn- maid-up-(e-) t- fi-ct- i0/n- e- d-

he would stand on his own frame ass u/r e d flame too thy e neigh b 0're d0b (d) serve d 0 pen ly, with the pastore- d- neither feels th e/n erve t00 th d e a.lla w/t~he me an s t a nd capably e re a.d. e'ye

t00 th (e) receive nature ally

"he" ha s nothing to be lie f, unless he makes his pen-i/s-t- speak-t- c-up- t- without any actuall p a.(i.) d. inn g. he is selling his delight full dong on perpetuall-a-d- pretense, to never follow thru even (t) d

s0/n g = s- ire- on- nic- ally-e- wrong-e-d-

e-ye- d-

the song sings of t heir = male. and t heir is not actuall representative among your species f x f a(i) r e a.d. ewe . so the song is a forcing - scene- d- sung, primarily buy-e- woman- d-

ewe- d- 0ng- for- t- no reason, this nit situation took no actually thinking nit thru ewe.


h 2 0/m e a.d. 0 (w/) e~ s