kn 0 w/(h) ea. d. e/b t00 the ta(i') l/l (e~)a.n d (h) 0' ver t a re s(t) e l/l inn g' s u/s t (c) a (i) r e~ a.d. e/b t heir d
t-he-ad- (a-m-) u-s-t- (h-)e-ad- e/b- t00-t- h-ave-n- d- h-ad- (i-)vi-s-(t-) a- b- le- d- a- re- sull- (t-)00-t-he-miss-(p-)en- t-(h-)i/t- c-h-i'm-p- (t-) a- r(e-) in- nit- heir- d- 0f-t-s-e/e-k- t-(h-) 0- w/e- ll- d- f-a-(i-)r- e- ad- s -qua- r-(r-)e-ye- d- e/b- t- heir- d- e/b- t- high- e-r/r- 0/d- (h-)e- ad- s- t- a- (i-) r- (e- ) ad- e/b- t00-t-he-ad- s- t-a-r- t- heir- d- (i-) visible- g-ged- (a-)f-(t-) f- a-(i-)r-e- ad- a- miss- (t-) 0/0- k- i/t- heir- d- (h-) 0-ver- t- (a-i-) L-0/0-k- t- hie-ven- (d-) a-re- ad- s- nare- t00-t-(c-) he-a-pt-(a-) p0-c-(k-)t- he-ad- (h-) a- re- ad-dress- t- a- (i-)r- (e-) d-
s(t) em per f i.d.e l/l i/s t~ a (i) r (e) t/h ea.r t/h d a rt~h e're~ a.r t/h d (r) a ft ere~ a.d. ar(e)k t.
these are not your words faith full ye t00 th 0 (d) b e/e serve d in(n) e~r(e) t
"you" h-ave- t- im-p-ar-t-he-ad-g-ea-r-t-he- d- i/t- he(a-)r-se- d-(h-)e-ad- be-en-(t-)e-a-r-e- ad- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- be- lie-f- (i-)t- 00- t-he- ad- s- nake-d- a- re-eL-a- t- c-h-i/t- 00-t-he-ad- s- (k-)ill- d- 0f- t- 0/n- e/e- d- L-e-ye-s- t-(h-)e- a(i-) d- e -(a-) ll- d- h- and- ill- d- 0-h- t- b- c- am- e- d-0f-t-hie-ven-d-s-(e-)a- men- d- s- (p-) en- d- s-u/s- t- (u-d-) p-en-d-s- a- gaw/-e- ed- 0- w/-ag- 0/n- (d-) ad- ag- (r-)e- ad- e/b- t- in- e/n- e/m- e-ye- a- s/s- (t-) u- b-e- (a-)d- s- (t- ) e- x- t- en- d- s- he-a-ven- d- f- (r-) i- en- d- s- cent- s- (h-) ave- n- d- 0- w/-ag- 0/n- d- s-(t-) e- n- t- a- miss-(p-)en- t- 0- re- cull-e-ct- i/t- re- ad- a- miss- i've- t- a- (i-) l/l- (b-) e/n- t- 0ff- (t-) inn-(e-)a-r-e- s- i.'d.- e/n- s- e- (t-he-) l/l- ye- a.- l/l-0/t- he-ad- b- (r-) ough- t- 0ff -t- he-ad- e/b- t00-t- (h-) a- nd- 0f- t- (s-) augh- t- 0ff- t-(u-)b- (r-) e- (a-) d- (b-) all- d- 0f-t- h-and- (r-) a- ft- ere- d-(h-)e-a-r- d- f-0-re-war- d-
" i have a quest i 0/n" ?
= "you" h-ave-(n-) d- e/b- t- a- s/s- knee- d- e/b- t-he- "necessary" e- d- con-vi-ct-i-0/n-d- 0f- t- hie-ven- d-
sull -ye -d- (f-r0m- ) 0- b-(u-)y- e- serve- d-
(t) u x 0/r (e) i~ (c i) d a l/l (b) e/n d e/b t00 t(h)~ a l/l t(h) ar e~ a.d. (e/b t) a r(r) e'ye t/h ere t heir d serve d 0 pen d i/n(n) e re v~e r 's e(e) d (g) ea.r t/h d (h) ea.r ~ d
b 0/m b f e/a. r ~(e t/h ere~ a.) d (a.) m. a n/n (a) d~ea.r
u x 0/r i~n/n a(i) l/l d
u x 0/r i~n/n d (h) a l/l ' d (ea.) fxf 0 'r(e) t 00 th f all d (h) 0'ver~ t (h) a l/l ' d~ just (a.) b. c. (e'ye see d.) all ~E ven (t) a s/s m(e) a. l/l t
u x 0/r i~all ~u x 0're (i) a. l/l d(h) 0/m e
u x 0/r i all d (i) vi~ce s/s (t) 0/0 t(h) b e/e n (d) i ce s/s t(h) e a.d. (h) e'ye r(e) inn (d) a.d. van ce s/s (h) e x~ a ct a ct 0/0 th f a ct (h) 0're u/s e~ a.d. h inn g e t (h) in (e) d at(h) a/t c~h in d p.r. 0 vi s i 0/n ' s(h) at~ t00 th (e) a.d. e ve (i) t (h) at
e' ye D 0nt (a) re ~a. l/l y e g/g et i/t (inn s) he a.d.
t-he-ad- s- (h-) 0-w/e- d- her- d- his-t-(a-)b/i- g- 0- pen- i/s- t- a- nd- e/b - t- ass- k- t- her- e- t00-t-he-re s- (p-) 0/n- d- 0/n- e- t-(h-) en- d- he-l/l- d- her- re-sponse-(t-) a- b-le-ad- e/b- t- (h-) 0-re- ad- s- cent- s- a- f- e- a- r- d- a- f-f- a- (i-)r- e- ad-
please notice the judges stability for-t- oo-k-n-0-w/e-re-a-s/s-0/n- d- e/b- t- inn- t- (h-) in- (e-) d- he- ad- as/s- k-e- w/e-d- 0f- t- in- e- t- inn- c-(b-) line- d- goes -un- e- mar-re- d- 0 with no one accountable among t/h ere a.r~ t
(u) be t/h ea.r t/h
please understand what is at "stake" n-d- men would lose their illusion of said, hand staid "g-race-d-" and there pen i/s -t- (h-)e- ad-0- would lose the redemption t00 th s (h) 0 /n e s/s t e valu e w/e ve (i)n ~ d.
frankly, i think t- (h-) 0- p-en- i/s- t- (h-) e-ye- d- would be seen as not desirable. not desirable debt tooth a re s id e/n t ce s/s t(h) at (h) 0/0 kn 0/t a re~ a. l/l e (ye) f/t (h) s (p) 0/t
s-nake-d- e- m0-n-e-ye- t00-t-he-(a-)s/s- (t-) a-ye d? "money" without a re ~a. l/l (e) debt 00 t/h e're s i.d. e/n t ce s/s e t (h) e a.d. (f) inn knit
s-nake-d- e- m0-n-e-ye- t00-t-he-(a-)s/s- (t-) a-ye d? "money" without a re ~a. l/l (e'ye) debt 00 t/h e're s i.d. e/n t ce s/s e t (h) e a.d. (f) inn knit (0) w/h0 d (h and) f (L) i/n t 0 re t/h ere n/d d f(t)(h) (0) (w/) (s) i re a.d. i re ct i 0/n a(i) l/l e(ye a.) ve (i.)n d.
e/b t00 th s t a (i) r e~ ve (i)n d' s (t) (r) e a.m. e/n d
u x 0'r~e (i)~a l/l d f eve r/t (h) 0/m e'ye s (h) e l/l fxf t(s) augh t a s~ (s t(h)e a.d.)~ s w/e ll d e/b t(h) in (e) d p.r. 0 v(e) i s~ i0/n a i'll (e/a) d e/b t00 th p( c) a s/s t 0/n e/n (em) (e'ye) a i' l/l d
e/b (i) t (e) f/f r0m th b eg (r) inn (d) ere inn (d) p a i' l/l d e/b t (h) at (h) inn k (i) t(h)' s a i' l/l d e/b t 00 t(h) en (d's) a i' l/l c0 a s/s t a s/s t (h) e a.d. (h) e'ye w/e l/l d c0m f0r t a/b (e) l/l e' ye~ (i.) d. (ea.) f e/a (s/s) t 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye~ a. t e fxf 0 r(e) t/h f~(r) e/e d(h)0/m e inn c(h) 0/m e inn g ag(r)e a.d. 0 w/are t00 th b e/e h ave (n) deam s (L)inn g' s p a r(e) r 0 w/e n (em) (e'ye) a. r/r 0 w/e d bu ye ~a fxf a (i)r e~ a.d. 0~0're a.d. a.m. 0'r(e) t a (i') l/l (e'ye) d e/b t00 t(h) 0/0 k inn g 0/d hum d bum c~ s~ea.t s 0/m e~ a.d. h and s 0 m/m e l/l ie r e ve~n d' s0und a re g r0und h eaven d f0und
f-a-i/t- f-u-l/l- t00-t-he-ad-ewe-d-s-(t-)u- d-ye-w/e- d- e/b- t00-t-he-(ad-)be-en-t-0ff-( t)- a- (i-) l/l- e/n- (t-he-) d- e/b- t00-t-he-me-/n-d-s-a-g-a-w/e- t- a- gain- d-
just be in (g/0) d serve d ew/e
t00 th (e) re serve d ew/e ve (i)n t(h)r u e (w/e) l/l a~n d 0 w/e n/d en ew/e d(h) ew/e n' d h d
you can only deal off the currency e w/00 d se l~l t