the jade plant you 'd h ave d i/s the jade plant you d en a.m. e~(L) D g ave t/h eg~i've~n t(h) b re~a.(c/h t00) k ~ n a've n~0/m s~a.m. e~a.r (t/h) d
na = not, &, near in norse orgin as/s (t eye) nigh t
h inn (d) ad vance d
to hear a "word" is to hear the "rep" as/s the rape ass t and the past store date at L(ove-)L-(ye-) ass- t-
a- f-x-f- L0-c-k- t00-t-he- ed- en-mar-k-eye-p-e-d-d-le-in-g-f-r-eeL-ie-f- t-
h-and- e/b- t- a- re- lie-ye-a.- "t" 0/n-e- = a.- "t" h-and- ate- d- 0f- (i-) t- a- c/c-0-rd-(h-)inn-g-e- d-0-w/-id-t-hi-t- c-he- d-
was she going to get love any other way t00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e-d-e-ye- t- any-e-w/-a'ye-t-ad- (e-)g-(r-)0/d-e- ad-('s-t-a-) t-(0-)u-r-e- ad- 0- 0're- d- 0/n-e- m-0-re-(e-) f-x-f- L0-0're- d- j-ai-L- e- d- as/s- t-(u-) b- for- d- h-and- for-g-e-d- g-i've-n- a-n0-t-e- t00-t-he- sir-(e-)cum-fer-en-t-ce-s/s-(ed-)c0p-e-d-
's-0ak-"tu" ... p-(c-)un-t--r-0-ped-0f-t-'
s-c-at-t-her-d-'s-h0- t- (a-ll-0/t-) 's-hat-t-(h-)ere- d-(ew/e-) inn- d-0/t-'s-0/t-'s-L0-t- h-and- 0f- t-
ease-ye-p-ease-ye- when knit is kn 0t (y)0ur e valu e w/e b(r)0ugh t inn s i.'d.e ed 0/u(be) t as/s i ft sel~l fxf t(s) augh t00 th~e m0/u th d~ ew/e t~he w/i th0u t
m(e)a.r k / t 0ff t a'b(0)u/t
ease-ye-p-ease-ye-s-us-t-(c-)ai-n-ab-le-s/s- t- a- ll-0- t- a- re- t- urn-(a-) d-0f- t-he-me-0ne-ye-s-h0-t-
this is not mor(e)ally rig ht to com m e/n t 0/n e~c knit as/s i ft i/t w/e re t(y)0ur e i/t 's t~r i.'d.e /n t~y0u th 0 u/s/e d serve d ewe
& d ew/(e) inn knit ~t/h inn g e (ye) de a.m. s~e a.m. e/d (h) 0've d 0ff t (a) g(L) 0've d(h) 0/m e (b/b) 0/n (e) d
qua r/r e~L ?
d-inn-ven-t-i-0/n-e- d- inn- t- w/-h0- p-ed-p-ass-e- d- ewe- (d-)s----0n- t- w/-h0- p-ass-i/t- a- gain- d- (c-)um-
scat-t-ere-d-i/s-pur-'se-vain- d- - 0f- t- nic-(t-)k-le- d- he-a-ven- d-s-nit- w/-h0- d- e/b- t- a- re- (a-) p-air-e-(a-)d- i/t- t00-t-he- d- 0- w/ar-e-i/t-'s- hi- t- 0- w/e-re- i/t- w/-id- th- d- n0 t 0/n e "i/t" b (r) 0ugh t 0fxf t00 th and 0ff (i) t w/h 0 d bu(0)ye w/e~ (a.)d. i/t~ t 0/0 t 0ff (i) t~ hu(e) s/s d 0 fxf t
a. (b~c) d. j 0/b 0 p/en (d/h) inn g ? e ? (d) re a.m. s w/er(v)e m aid 0've
"yew" didn't actually provide the con t en t u be innocent, only e artificially e naive -d- h-and-vet-(0-)u-re-de-am-i/t-t00-t-he-re-claim-i/t-ta-re-mit-t-(d-)ance- d- h-and- e/b- t- heir- d- 0- b- m-aid- i/t- her- d- air-eye- s- t- a- (i-)r- e- (e-)f-x-f- an- d- f- a-(i-)r- e- ye- s- c-a-r/e- d- (h-) 0-ver- t- L0- ad-s- n- - - are- d- - 0- p- en- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye-
a- t- w/-h0- d- e/b- t- a- t- ease- d-com-p- eat-
con-(e-)verse-ate-i0/n-all-(e-)ye- s- m(e-)a-t- e- d- eat- h-and- g-r-eat-
should ey(e) app ly e f/f 0're th e(a.)se (d.) j0/b u'ye d h ave n0 e(Le) x per i en ce d/h ea.r ? an~d e/b t/h e/g 0(a.) ll d. e(n)a.r~ (e/a.) d. a ta' r/e~r a.d.~dress t a(i)r (e) d~
(h) 0 'ver t L0 A.(n)D. a're
t00 th ea.r t/h d
h inn d b ee s wee t ru(e) st a(i)r e a.d.
e/p t heir (ea) d~ 0
(w/)h t inn t i'm e w/e a.d.
putting up w/-(h-)a-ll-'s- can't get 'hurt' b.c. not really hear 0're h ere as/s a valu e w/e d fir's t. s-(h-) 0-w/e- re- your "emotions" are narcissism-s- eg- g-i/r-t/h- d- inn-f-x-f0r-(u-)meal-ly-d-(h-)0-ve- d-
i/t is "desire" f0r t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e re a.s/s 0/n e-w/e- don't want t00-t-he-x- p0-'s-e- e(d-)g-(r-) 0- w/e-(d'-)s- t- e- we- d- c-an-d-s0-up-t00-t-he-ad-s-
legal systems ironically run amuck, too th 0/n e s/s t ly e re st 0're ass-u-c-k- t- i'm- e- ad-0-(0-)re- ad-s-(h-) 0-re- ad-s-c0-re- ad- s-n0-re-d-
this is messy. dad is surprised, child is surprised, mom 1 is surprised for birthing the child and going without, mom 2 is cast publicly to be incarcerated, and i say what about the dad?
obviously i don't have all the details, her child was stillborn and she stole another womans from a hospital. she could have been feeling she didn't have anything to show, to go forward as/s love d as/s kn 0 w/e d. t-his-t- f-ea-r-d- i -qua-t-hat-each- question d-0-(w/-)h-t-, she being cast in jail, he being an innocent bystander too-t-he-sit-i-ate-i0/n- d-('s-) 0-L-(e-) d-'s- nail- 's- c0p- e- d-'s-
di-qua-t-w/-h0- d- be- (a-)d- 0- w/e- ed-'s-i/g-n- 0-re- s- e/e- k- t- ea.c-h- i/t- c- h- and- p- as/s-e-(d-) i/t- 0- pen- (a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a- t- 0- f-x-f- t- me- an- s- e/e- k- t-
b-s-p0-k-e-nd- h-0/n- (ly-) e- s-u-(m-)e- 0/n- e- ye- d- f-x-f- as/s- h- i0/n- d-0f-t-(h-) 0/0-k- n0 w/(h) 0/n e
i see the legal system killing t/h e (m/e) w/e d en sel ly e~a. t/h at h~eave d, with the "line" of que-st-i-0/n-e-inn-g- a- gree- d- as/s we ll as/s t/h f-x-f- e/e -d-
(h-)ea-d'-sel-l- (c-)an-d-le-ye-inn-g- a- gree- d-
i am in know means trying to disregard the birth origin mother, for going without with what she conceived. i am simply trying to sea. this situation in the round o p en ly e t00 th en kn 0t be (a)d de ce (i')ve d
as/s k (ew/e) n-0-w/e- ed- (b-) L-aye-vain- d- h- and- i- qua- t- e- f-x-f- 0-r-(e-) meal-ly- e- d-
ans w/ ere. i don't think the me-di-a-d-'s- t- a-re- s-0-L-(v-)e- inn-g- t-he- t-is-sue-w/e-d- as/s-p/i-re- ad- 0-0-re- ad- un-a-s/s-p/i-re- ad-s- he- (a-)d's- he-a-ve/n- ly-e- as/s-t's- e/e-d-ye-t- a- gain- (d-) ad-van-ce-s/s-e-th-0- pen- d- com-p-(L-)ain- t-
the "me-di/a" is just "artificially" languishing in th-f-a-ct- i/t- hasn't sent any e 0/n e t(h) rue w/e (n) d 0 w/e t00 th d ate t w/h~0/d ew/(e) inn a re vi ew/e t heir d (h) 0'ver t (h) d ewe ' s -t-e- we- d-'s- cent's- t- a- (i-)r- e- (a)d-act-yl-ly-a-w/ar-e-ad-h-and-(h-)a-re- due-s-us- e-d'-s- inn- see-c0/n-(e-)d-(e/b-t-)0uch-e-ad-
th ere a.d. bu ye d sire (d) ve(i)n k
t(h)r e/e (d) s t r i p(p) e d 0 w/h e'
ye a. t 0/d ate
is there any j~0/b e the me a.t 0 p en t00 th (e) re ceive i/t
is there any j~0/b e the me a.t (0/n e) p en t00 th (e) re ceive i/t bu ye a.r t/h d ea.t h~and a re (a.) per' s ea. t a re (a) p (L) ea. t heir d 0 w/are a.d.
isn't- his- t- e-very-e- 0/n-e- f-x-f- ai- Lure- (e-) f-x-f- r0m-e- t/h-'s-t-a-(i-)r- (e-)-t- i'm-e-imp-a-rt-'s- inn- sure-r-an-scene-d-0f-t- 0- pen- (t-) ly- e- a- t0ff- t-me-an-s- w/e- re- inn- g- a- gree- d-
t-he-m(e-)an-d- (h-)inn-g-e/n-era-ll-d- didn't bring innocent value. yet he gets to abide ad as/s if t he had nothing to do with the mis-use-d-ewe-(d-)s-
good-morning-america- w/hat are we g0ing ta' ll k/t a/b(0)ut = getting i/t' s trait (h) ru/e w/e (d)~g 0/d's pee d's 0/t her d h and e'ye w/e dg app(ea)Le g (L) ewe d g aw/e t00 th' d
ha th0u (g/h) t 0ut a h~a/b i/t at~h(e)a.d. just (a) b.c.~ d~ef tg 's us t ag's us t a gain d
a re a.d. (h)a c(k)t 0're t c0/u LD be (a.)d. c/all 'd (h) inn t w/h 0' rd ere
"the redactor" has no h ea. r i'n(n) g L0're t00 th (e) re s/t 0/a (r) d 0/0' r(e) inn d f as/s h i0/n ' d (h) e'ye d ha b 0'rt
if e'ye d abort 'z er0' -s' ed-scene -d- from this ea.r~t/h a.(n)d. en e'ye (t)d e'ye d (h) 0've d h and g(L) 0've (t/h) d e/b t0 g e/th/er e/n d en e'ye t's at a cr0ss t a g(L) 0've (t/h) d (h) 0ve (t/h) d h~ave n/d ' s 0/m e 0/n e ye d~ (h) 0/n e/e d(h) 0/m e~a.d. 's e/e k t~00 t(h) 0 p~en d ew/e inn k n~(0/w)e'ye t, "you" would have not passion too th eg -ear-t-he- ad- f-i/r-(e-)s-t-(u-)b-buy-e-b/b-e-d- h- and- be- sec-0/n(e-)d-0f-t-f-r0m-e/n- (d-) k-n0-w/e- t- (h-) inn-g- e- d- c-0m-e-inn-g- a- gree-d-(b-)lig-ht-he-ad- ea- f-x-f- 0- r- (e-) t- no-t/hing-e- d-0f-t-(s-) augh-t- 0ff- t-'s- (h-)ill- d-
b-u- t/t- ere- d- "you" cannot ad too the h(e)ad zer0 valu~e (w/e) tu begin e w/i th0u t me'ye ff r a(i)m e ve(i)n (t) d a'ye a. gain d h inn d ew/e inn ap p.r.0've (a.l/l) d en ave d en (kn) ewe d = see k t0/d we~ll b.c. dof-t- can't be-ad-0f-t-0/n-e- d- 0/n e me'ye t i'm e~a.d. 's L0 t/t 0/0 t(h) a l/l (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e (a.) d. 0 fxf t(h and c) 0/0 k(t)n 0 w/e i/t ' s(h)e p(h)a rd' s(h) 0/0 k/t a g(r) 0 /a t (h) eigh t i/t 's n00k t c~hie fxf ly e a. t (h)at~
c h~at~a w/h e'ye t a'
r/e~a.r t e'ye fxf a ct 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye~a. t ~ e inn t a ct 00 th d ate
(d) s (t) aid ate
only r-ignorance- d- h-and- ignorance- s/s- he- (a-)d- h-ave- i/t-'s- (t-)aid-ate- d- c-hie-f-x-f- (t-)ly-e- vain -d-(h-)im- m(e-)a-t-e- debt- a- gain- d- 0-cue-men-t-s- (t-)a-nd- e/b- t- a- gain- n- s- (h-) am- e-(n--) d- s- cam- (e/d-)s- (p-)en- d's- a- gaw- d-e/b-t-hie-ven- (t-) d- s- a- gain- d-(s-) 0-w/e- ed- fund-a-me/n-t-a-ll-i- t-e-ye- d- can be -a- miss-(t-) a- t-e- d- hie-ven- (d-) ly-e- d-0f-t-a- p-(L-)at-e- inn -s- he- d- s- t- (e-) a-ll- (y-) 0-re- (a-) p- (L-)ace- d-
abhored on sigh t as/s t e y-0-u-r-e-make- t-he-m(e-)a- t- e- t00-t-he- d- ate- fxf- ache- r- d- s-(p-)ate-
un-a-s/s-p/i-r-ate-d- (inn-) d-(i-) vi's-i-0/n-due-set-he-t00-t-h-'- a-= -b- = u-s- e-(e-)d- ewe- (d-)'s- (t-) and- 0- w/ar-t- i- fi-ce- d-'s- c- r-ewe- (d-)'s- (t-)00-t-he-'s-0/n-net- (u-) b-0/n-net-'s-qua-re-ly-e- tu- de- w/e- ed-(t-)0uch-e-d- h-inn- a- re- vi- ewe- d-
if you didn't se(a.) l ~l0've you can't actually speak c0n/e i/t 'a' nd h and can't actually e sir e/n d e're t0/0 t/h e x per i en ce d
g-ap-(e-)p-e-ye- t00-t-he- f-x-f- ace- d-('s-)en-(d-)e-ye- i/t-00-t-he-re-L-a-ye- t-
's-(p-)en-t-(r-)e-ye-s-c-(h-)all-(d-)en-ged-en-e-ye-(t-)d-e-ye-d- i/t- (h-) inn-g-e- d- 0/u- (be-)t-('s-) i.'d.e-(d-)i/t- ('s-)t- 0- w/i- th0u-t- a- t- race- (d-)g-0- ("a") d- face- d- ate- t00-t-he-ad-s-make-d-
('s-) 0- L- (e-) d- 0f-t-a-re-('s-)p-(L-)aye-t-(a-) Le-t00-t-h- 0-ver- t- f-L0-w/e-d- (h-)ea-d-'s- p-(L-)aye-d- e/b- t- a- d-ate-t-heir- d- 0f- t- ly- e- x-p0-'s- e/e- d- g- (r-) 0-w/e-(d-)s- a- w/ar-e-
i/n-a-re-(a-)p-ai-re- t- heir- d- h-and- ha-re- t-he-d-ea-f-ace- d- e/b -t- heir- e- p- (L-) ace-/n- ta-d-ju-st- inn- t- c- as- e-very-e-t-h-inn-g-e-ye- ad- am- e- a- ke- g-u-ye- d- 0f- t- ly- e-
didn't take t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d en ewe d
if you didn't se(a.) l ~l0've you can't actually speak c0n/e i/t 'a' nd h and can't actually e sir e/n d e're t0/0 t/h e x per i en ce d (h) 0've i/t 0 fxf t a g(L) 0've d h and~g 's us t a g (L)0 a f/t 0 ff t
(i/t ~h a.(n)d. e ve(i)n d 0 fxf(i) t(h) b r~an (d) s c~an d)
be (a.)d. (0/0) r i. d(d) e/n t(c) 0 f/f (e/e ) tu de we d be ad 0ff t~0ff t inn an 0/t her e L e'ye f t w/h0 (d) ver t (h) d ew/e (s~0) t/u
the com-mon- t- "ag" e- d- inn com-man-d- is not the representative of value of any e t hing e ve(i)n d h a(n)d 0/u be t(h) inn (d) s/t a' ff 0(0) l/l 0 w/(e) t(h)rue d he did not b r in(n) g 0/d e w/e a.d. 0 pen (a) ll (t) e'ye t 0~ff t me an s w/(h)ea.r e r~in(n)g c Le~a.r (e) in (n) g
i don't know what you are using for -t- co-lo-re-in-g- but it is miss-t-re-ad- due-s- (t-)and- ad-d-ick-t-i-0/n-t-w/-h0-e-w/e-(d-)s-e-am-e- d- h- and- e-a-ms- in-(n-)g-s-
when you-blow-the-whole-world-up-e- it isn't desire able t00 th t 0uch e/g 0/d 0 fxf t
t0 me'ye t00 L (and) e'ye d h and ie (ye) d
(0 (fxf) t)
(h) inn a d('s) ir(e) com(e) reference g i'ven t i'me a.r t/h ea.(r) d
( -z- en- i-t/h-ea- d-(h-) 0-ve- d-)
f e~a. r' d
(h) inn (d) sig h~ t didn't (u) b r in(n) g (L) a.d. ly e~a. r ness t (e) a. r e a.d. a ta' l/l (e) a.s/s t
e'ye didn't at first, it is about liking e very e t(h) inn g e inn (a) r~e ve~r's e t(h) in r~i've r's e/e n 0 p~en l/l e 'ye a. t 0ff t/h em (e) s (h) 0/n (l/l e) ye t/h ere t heir d ewe
p (L)at e tec (h) t0/n(e) i/c t is a bu' s/t 0're ad-(h-)a-bu-s-e-at- h0-r-(e-)n-(d-)s-(h-)0-re-(n-)d-
p (L)at e d/i s/h (i) t 0ff t me a.t~ e (inn) fxf L at e l/l e'ye re a. l/l at e
c-hie-f-(t-)ly-e-p-as/s-(h-)0-ve-r-t- festival- d- c- l0se- d- 0f-t- (d-) a'ye- t-
"you' can't -"win" approval (l-0-re-ad-e-ye-d-) where you didn't suc h t's e/e d
i am sel l fxf t r/i g/g inn g bu ye b/b r0 a.d. cast (r) in(n) g, while speaking and being pre sent~t0 me an s w/(h)ea.r t/h e ve s/s e l/l c0/m p (L)ea. t a cr0ss t i'm e (d) i c(k)t' s par k Le t/h ea.r th' and en e'y~e d i/t 0uch e` ye ta' Le ye w/e ll (e/a.) d. ~ h and 0/n e t00 th~e n ai L t00 th ' sel l'd (h) 0've (i)t 0 w/ha Le d ew/e~n d ce ll d 0ff t h and 0ff t a gain d cur(e) r~e/n t's (t) a'nd~ 0' b. c.~ a.m. e/d i (c) t00 the me'ye l/l and
"you" can't t~ag these CHARACTER -'S -inn-ad-vance-d-0f-t-0ff-t-w/-h0- d-0-cue-w/e-d-h-and-0-cue-men-t's- 0- L- (e-) d-ewe- (d-)s-he- d-(e-)u/s-t-he- ad- up- (e-) t- he- d- b-c- 's- he- d- h-a(n-)d- b-re- (a-)d-
le-p-(t-)a/g-e- d- can-b-(r-)ough-t-
b.-c.- a- re-dun-dance-ye-n-ave-d-he-a-s/s-(t-) augh-too-t-he-d-be-h-ave- d- h-and- 0f- t- a- l/l-0/t- t0/0t-he- f-x-f- 0r- t- (h-) 0/0- kn- 0-x-'d- 0f- t-'s-L0-t-h/e-ad- 0f- t-
your helping this immigrant to think this is the way to m(e)a.k/e the n-ewe-s-(t-)in-k- t -0p-en-(a-) ll- (t-) e-ye- a.s/s- (k-) t- ill- e-a- (k-)t-
you can-e- "only-e-" (ta-re-) rig-ht- 0/n-e- t- i'm-e- d-
i/c- t- a- re- vie- w/e- d- be- (a-) d-'s- (t-) augh- t-(d-) 0-f-x-f- t- a-
re-s-p0/n-s-e-(e-) d- 0f- t- com- f0r- t- able- ad- 0f- t-a- gain- d- e/b- t00- t- he- t-a- ke- d0f- t- 0/0t- 0ff- t-'sig-n-at-0-re-ye-s-(k-)ill- s-(h-)0/t-
t-he-ll-ev(e-)a.-t-ore- going-e-d-(h-)up-t00-t-he-re-s-t- 0-re- dup-(h-)an-d-o-(a-)t-(h-) up- t-he-'s- c-0-(u-)r-' t-('s-c-)up-ped-(h-)up-(e-) d-0f- t- ly-e- vain- d- = no complaint's -t-e-ye- g0-t- a-h- "free" b-rain-d- h- and- ha-ve-hic-all-t00-t-he-re-ride-inn-0-pen- d- lie-n-eve-r-ye-a.-m0-(u-)r-en-inn-g- a- gree- d- ye- d- be- ad- s-hi-t/t-ere- h-and-s-cen-t-('s-)u-b-mit-t-a-r('s)e-s-t-0-re- ye- a-d- am- 0- r-(e-) t- c- he- d- a-b- 0-rt- he- me- an- s- e/e- k- t- 0ff- i/t- u- f-x-f- e/e- d- en-se- am- ag-ain-d-0-w/-(h-)ag-0/n- d-(h-)0/m-e- d- e/b-t-ag-ged-s-me-t00-t-he- d- c(0-)un-t-ere- p- r00f- t- 0ff- t- a- ll-0/t- t0-e/m-b-ar-(e-)k- t- hat- c- he- r/r- e-ye- t00- t- he- p.-(r.-)ick- t-i/t-0ff-t-0- w/-id-t-high-t- (h-) i/t- c-he- d- 0f- t- he-art-h0-m(e-)in-(e-)d- c-h0-re-u/s-e-d-(h-)0/ m-e- t-a- cr0ss-t- 0ff- t-0- g-e/th/er-e-s- t- ate- i0/n- d- 0f- t-
neither "one" could re(a) p a(i)r e s/t 0 c/k t heir
-inn-(d-)j/u-r-e-ye- (d-a-re-ad-)'s-t- 0/n-e- d- c- as/s-t- (e-) f-x-f- r0m-e- 0/n-e- ye-s- inn- c- (h-)0/m-e- d- 0f- t- a- g- (L-) 0-ve-d- ea- f-x-f- 0- r-(e-) t- (u-)b- c-0/n-(e-)d-s-u-(m-)e- d-0f-(i-) t- he- d- en- e-ye- a- "t"-
con-t-(r-)a-r/r-(e-)ye- only -en- d0w/-id-th- e- mar-r-ie-d- 0- w/-ag-e-(a-)r's-e-i/t- 00- t-(h-)i-re- d- 0- pen- l/l-e-ye- t- ease- d- 0- w/e- ll- e/n- d- 0- w/-he-el-d- be-lie-f-t- e-f-x-f- 0- r- (e-) t- freely-e-g- ave- t- he-ed-
"u" only s-(t-)ave-d- 0f- t- he- (ad-) pre-t-en-d- ere- ad- c-0/r-(e-) d- (h-) inn-g-e- d- e/b- t- a- re- ad- h- and- l-ea- d-
th-(r-)um- b-(g-'s-us-)s-t-r-um-s- d-um-b-(c-) um-d- h-and-e-ye- (d-) 0- l(e-) t- a- w/-aye- ad- just- (a'-)b.- c- de-am-s-inn-g-'sup-per-(p-)b- ly- e-
qua-ll'-s- bu-ll-e-ye-(a.-t-)'s- t00-t-he-s-a-t- a- cr0ss- t-(c-) hie- f-t-
j0hn'-s- (L-)"eight"-s-eve/n- d- ea-r-s-eg-ea-r-s-(h-)e-a-r- (d-) h-and- c0-0k-t- f-(t-)ea-r- d-
m/m e'ye s/t ew/e d ew/e ~a.r t(h)r u e w/e a.d. e/p t(h) u (e) s/s t en d ance ye fxf e/a. (s/s) t 0 ff t
b~e a.r an d h~0/p ' s a.m. 0/n g u s/s (e) t 00 th' s (h) el~ l inn t/h ' defer rent ce s/s (t) a' i.d. e/b t h~eave n/d ' st e/n t a gain ddd ata b le a.d.'s e/a. d.'s (t) 0/0 t/h (e) re s/t 0/a r(e~a.)d. 0 0're ~d a re (e) fxf L0 (0)re (a.)d. ~h and h~a.d. 0 0're d 's a.m. 0'r(e) t a' ll d ewe t00 th ' d (h) ap~p. r.0've (i)t~ a cr0ss t a fxf 0'r (e) t c~h 's ea. t ~ i'm e l e~a.d. h~a(n)d a me l/l 0/d e'ye tu de w/e l/l i/s t en~ 'tu' d ew/(e) inn g (r) ewe ' d/g r/0~0/m e/d 0 p en l/l e ye f ea. (s/s) t y e~a. (s/s) t u be (re) a.d. p0 t at(e) 0'e s e/e (n0 a.h) a~nd
e'ye a. t (u) b~miss t re a.d. e'ye t a gainn d (0) c0/m p (L)ea. t h~and e/b t heir e w/e a.r t/h ' d a.m. u's e inn g (t/h) u (e) s/s t (a') fxf a(i)r e ad' s h0/u LD ere ' s t a(i)r (e) t ~00 th c~a(i)r (e) r~e'ye a.r t h'd be y0/n d e th c are d h and be y0/n d e th e m(e)a.r t heir d
a'r(e)t 00 th (e) re t ea.r n e th e m(e)a.r k/t
a' gain d bu ye d h ea.r t (h'd e/b t r/ai/d mark t ) c an(n) 0/n e b 0/m b /e '(t h'd h 0/p e) d h~and t ra.d. e th cur(e) rent inn c(h) 0/m e ve(i)n~ (t) d 0 (w/)h (ea.) t a re rise r~inn d's c0 p(i)e(ye) d en e'ye d ~h a~g(r)0 a.t~ e fxf 0'r a. m.eal ly e c(h) 0'm (e) b/i n(e) d ewe pt pr 0 vi.'d.(e) u/s t 00 th' d ewe fxf 0 'r (e) d h and (ea.) fxf 0'r(e) t c~he d h and ye t a gainn d h and e l/l e (a.d.)ven (t/h') d
c an d 0(0) t/h p.r. 0 vi.' d. e~w/ee ps and 's wee ps t a'nd 's heap syn/(th e) t a x i's (e'ye) t~u/s h~ea.d ye a.d. vance s/s e x cess t(h)rue w/e d(e)u/s (t) up~ t
rich and s h~ar(e) 0/n e~ve(i)n sue d be t r0t/h d ew/e 's t e p~h an~d e'y(e) a.p (t) p. r.00f t 0/k en d (u) b l0('u')0 d
ye "heard" i/t dof-t-
h-and -a-gre/e-d- i/t- 0ff- t- without a re all (t) a' re t0 rt inn sum~mit ta' s/s u/b mit ta' s/s c0 pi e'ye d h 0/p e d h~and p/e/t r~0/p e t(h) 0/0 kn 0/t e fxf 0'r (a. i') m.e all ye t00 th ' d at~e 0's
rich-bianculli, don't breat-he-0/n-e-me-ye- didn't take inn spire ate i0n e ta' ct u all ye ta c a're t(0)re a.d. h and c ar(e)r e'ye th em b an k t m e/n t's en d e th e~m em 0're ye s (p)en d's
e'ye m s0 h ap/p e'ye
inn th b eg in(n) g th e m/e a/n s w/(h) ea.r in(n) g ag re a.d. 0 e w/e
a.r(e) t' s~h0 0t (h) inn g e tu b~ mer re'ye i.d.
(e)a. f(t) fe a.(s/s)t (0'r e/e) f0're t a l/l t i n/n e/e d le'ye t(h) i/n e in d ea.r e s(t) 0/0 k t (a') c0 0k (i) t i'm e a.d. ('s) f0rce d h0 0k t h~eave n p.r. i'm e a.d. 0
w/e a.d. f i/n(e)d h~inn d e/b t a t em p(0) le (a.)d h0 vare'ye t i'm e
~a.d.' see k/t a t 0/n~e inn s~up p l/l e'ye a.d. ~h a.(n)d. e(ven l)'ye d
h~eave n (d) s e(a.) l/l d
th/e m/u's (t) L i'm b an d th (r) 0 at h/d in(n) germ~an' ye i.d.' s L0 (a)t h'd b(0)un d (h) a re s0und h(e)ad c~ar(e)r~e'ye a.(t a) re r0und ~ r a.m. (e) a.~d. h 0/n e'ye d (h) an'd 0/u(be) t(h) all 0 ' ver t(d) 0 w/n' d 0 fxf(i) t 0 fxf (i)t inn t ere s/t (e)a.r n~ a/t e~a.r n a l/l e' ye d(p.r.) i'm e~a.d. i/s t a' n~ce s/s t a (i) r (e) t/h ea.ven~ t/h ea.r th' d 0 t/h d a'rt~a/t fir's t' sig~h t' s e'ye i/t a in c(h) 0/m e a.d. 0 w/e d 's e'ye t 00 t(h) a' gain d e'ye t at 0/n e~c k nigh t/h d 0ff (i) t free ly e t00 th be l/l e~a. f/t ~a' re (a.d.) t00 th' s~h a're inn g (L) a.d. (r) a.m.
th b ar e (t)
a.s/s k t's nake d a' re
t00 th c~a r/r e'ye d f~a(i)r e a.d.
as/s nake d's t a r/r e'ye d
the marig0ld pet all's fe~ll t 00 the c0me t a gain d e'ye 'd bu ye d h ea r t h'd h and('s) h 0 w/h e'ye t00 the re ce~i've d e'ye~a'ye
b/b utter d c u/p ' d aye i.~d. f0r/meal/ly e t00 th' s(t) a' i.d.~
e'ye c/c a(i)r e'ye d ew/e th e m/e a. n s w/(h) ea. t e l/l e'ye t00 th0u' s (e)a. n~d(h) 0/m e t00 th b 0'r e/n~ d 0' s c0pe d b eg (r) inn d e/u ph0r (i) a gain d d w/e ll e(a)v~e n t/h 0~u/r (e) t e l/l e'ye f t00 th f l0 w/e re se(a.)l~l d as/s well d at(at)e t00 t(h) un (e) fxf 0(0) L (h)e~a. d. 0 w/(e)a.r~ (e) t (c/h) rue s/t
(r) a w/e t c~h e w/e t 00~ th' d ap/p. r.00f t i/t~ (h) rue ~ d e w/h 0/0 'Le ye s~0'L (e/n) d 0 (w/e) l/l e'ye a. s/s t 0(0) l~ e a.d. e/b t00 th's h0/u LD ere c~ 0/n (e/g) 0/d e (a.) l/l t a' t 0/0 (w/)e~ a.d. 0 fxf t cu(e) fxf t a' l/l e'ye s h 0 (w/) e~ d i/t 00 t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e a.d. fxf 0(0) L(e) d~ (h and) f L0ck t~a' r/r e'ye n 0/t (h) e~a.d. ' s c0 pi ed~e'ye t a gain d h and le x p0's e/a. (d.) g~ (r) 0 w/e (d) s~as/s t 0(0) L~e/g 0/d (e~)a.l/l t a k~n 0 w/e l/l e'ye t00 th at 0/ne ~(d) g~ 0~ a.d. (h) all e x p0's e/e (d)k t 0 (w/) e~d
i/t 00 k e'ye p(d) s (t) a'ye n(d) ew/e ve(i)n d h a.(n)d. ew/e t(h)~a/t
's 0 L(h) i. 'd. e w/e 's(t) 0/0 t/h/e w/e l/l a~n d's e l/l (t) e'ye~t/h er e/n d's w/(h)a l/l (e/n d) 0 w/e t00 th f(t) a l/l 0 w/(h) ea. l/l t/h~(e)y(e)me (an) d e'ye d well d e/b t00 th a.nd. e/b t a' i' l/l ce l/l (h) e~a. d. ere a.d. e/b t a re direct i0/n e/e d le 'ye ~a. c/h fxf e(e) l/l t(i)t 's qua re (a.)d. i/t a' w/e l/l d
d0 e'ye (d) h ave t (w/h)0 e~(d) a'ye
inn (d) sig h~ t (a) b (L)e~a. t 0 fxf t00 th s~i' re t heir d 0/u(be) t rig ht~
e l/l e 'ye s p.r. 0 w/(e) t~c~a.m. e l/l d 0ff t 0 fxf t inn t i'm e t00 th e (m/e) ta l/l (e) a. s/s t 0/n e t00 th e/ta p as/s t e w/e (a.)d. e w/e tu t heave n (0 w/e a.) d. b L 0/0 m~e (a.)d. i/t t00 th u(e) s/s (i t/h) d e w/e t00 th ~(and) f an(g)e~ d i'v(e)in e~ven (l/l) e'ye t00 t(h) a' get bu ye (a.)d.
sel~l fxf i/s (h) ave n t b e/e n t a' s/s k t00 th (e)re a. l/l a'ye t w/i.d. th e m(e) a.t (h) e~i g/h t 0 w/ ai t ~a' b~r0~ad e/b t a re b ai t(h) ere d
t-he-wan-t-he-d-"2" edit fan t as/s t i c -k-t-hie-ven-d's-e-a.-m.en-(d')-s- (p)en-d-(h-)inn-g-e-(t-)a.-gree- d- e/b-t00-t-he- d- be- h- ave- d-(he-)ad-dick-t-i-0/n-s-trait-r-ace- d/e-a- f-x-f- ace- d-i/t- 'sel-l- t- 's- nail- s0n-net-00-t-he- be- ad- a- b-eg- inner- t- 's- t- a- fxf- e- (e-) L- t- f-r0m-e- t-he- ad- be-g-in-n- g- sel-l-t- he- nail-s-on-s-nail-s-nail-s-ail- t00-t-he- p-ail- t- m-ail-t- he- ad-s- we- ll- t-0-g-ether-e- (a-)d-i/t- sel-l-t-he-re- ad-s- nail- t- a- re- (e-) f-x-f- e- (e-) l- t- ere- a-d- h- and- (ea-) f- all- t- ere- a-d-s- t- (e-) a- l/l- a-nd- s- (L-)augh-t-ere- ad- s- (p-)en-d- (h-) inn-g-e- d- g- am- e- ye- d- en- sel-ly-e- s- d- e- s-t- in-e- d- (h-) inn- d- e/b- t- (h-) in-(e-) d- e-ye- t- a- p/p- (ea-) ly-e- t00-t-h(e-)a-ve- (i-)ll-ie-(n-)d- ew/e- (d-)s- force-scene-d-ew/e-d-s- n-ewe-(d-)safe-l/l-ye-a- t- a- s/s- a- c- t- a- cr0ss- t- e-we- d- e/b- t- a- re- (a-) p-en- d- ewe- d-'s- u-(e-) me- 0/n-e-ye- get- 0/0- t-he- ad-s- (t-) aid- e/b- t-00-t-he- ha- ha- d- e- vain- d-0f-t- a- cr0ss- a- c- t- ly-e- d0f- (i-) t- 0 pen (a) l/l (t) e'ye d-0f-t-b-s-p0-ke-nd- 0- (w/-)h- t- he- ad- s- (t-) aid- he-vain- d-e/b- t- a- gainn- d- (h-) im- "g-'s-us- t- a- g- em- s- t00-t-he- s- (h-)ave- t- (h-)i'm-e- d- i/c- t-0/0-t0ff- t-h-and- e/b- t00-t-he- re- claim- mit- ta-re- (a-) p-e- n- t- a- h-and -ance- de- ad- ance-d-0f- (i-)t- 0ff- (i-)t- he- d- 0f-t- 0ff- t- inn- d- (h-) 0-ve- d- 0f- t- f-r0m- t- he- h0- ly-eg- h0-st- f-r0m-e- t- a- f-x-f- a- (i-)r-e- t00-t-he- ta- ke- t-he- t- a- s/s- t- (r-)e - s/s- t- b- rake- d- 0/n- (e-)a- r's-e- d- (i-re-) a- rt- inn-s- t- e- (ye-)a.-d.- e- vain- d- e- vain- d- ('s-) c- a.m.(- e- d-) 's-
yew/ an' t h ea.v(e)a.r 'ye tu b me r/r e'ye d (h) inn a.m.e m 0'r e'ye d c a r/r e (i) a ~g e/ d f a(i)r e/a. g~e d h and get 00 th f 0'r(a g/e re) d ' st raw/ e t00 th c0 0k t a'w/e ft
a t/t 0/0' r(h)e a.d.
(e) c(h) 0/n (e) sum(m)er e duct i0/n~s n~a're ve(i.)n (d.)' s (h) 0/n e' ye d('s) 0' L e (a.)d. f~a(i)r e~a. l/l (e) a. s/s h 0 (L) e d
i/t a're g 0/a l/l 'd en s n~are d(h) all' s (h) 0 w/e a.d.' sum~mit a t00 th (e)a.d. e ve(i)n t(u)b miss t re a.d.
c0/m p(L) e/a. t 00 th (e) c(h)0'me ye t a gain d(h) inn 0 r~ig i'nn (a(i')ll) d h~and'
s en t en ce 0/n t c0mma nd
f~r 0/m th f~a.m. i'll ea.s/s e p (L)an (d)s p(L)an(t)' syn/th (c) an~d
('s) le pt p.r. a.(i.)m. e (a.)d.
0 w/e inn s~a.m. e
ta t~hat e'ye a.m. e ve(i)n t c~a.m. e
L~t00 th' s(t)a'nd 's
~a.m. p le (a.)d p.r.0 vi/s i 0/n e a.(r)t/h and e'y~eg. i've th e/e d
it/ a' re r0und e/b t heir e a.d.'s inn t heir e s Lee p t heir d e/b t(0)u c(h)0'm p(L)ea. t as/s mu c h/t
g0(0)d j 0/b~u n0 w/e t-he-ye- should be paying ewe for th a ct i 0/n e t-he-ye- d- h-ave-(n-d'-inn-)s- t- a- ll- d- ewe-(d-) s- e-(x-) f-for-t- "virtue" -d- "ew/e" "tu"
we get to see now who s-mu-t-'s- "first" and we get to see inn *time* the "who" and their "intention" and the cause and the effect of their "own" x "one" inn-ven-t-i-0/n- (d-) s- ex h ea. r t (h) i fxf (t) a ct
at (a') L/L (e) a.s/s t
's mac k/t
0/0 L(e)a. s/s t
we get to see now who s-mu-t-'s- "first" and -0-w/h0 didn't brinng th inntention e ve(i)n a re ve r se
mino need coat it is cold outside and a little h all t a're to keep the coat in place too take off t ano th ere d fine sum mer d' aye t
the nassty thing about these people that do these heinous things is they are reflecting back on "you" take your -e- pick- t- inn- d- follow/-t-(h-)rue- d- (inn-) e/b- t-he-ad-d-i/t- i-0/n-e-(a-r/e-) tu-
th "ag" is not bef0re a.d. 0 w/e & w/(h) ea. t i/t re a.d. h~an(d)ye w/h e'ye inn a re s~i.'d. en t ce s/s (t) e x (t) ce s/s (t) a' nd e/b t a' re (a.)d. i/t (h) a' nd~e/b (i) t a gain d
"f ar t's" if (i/f) t/h e'ye d (en mar) kn 0/t p.r.0pe~(a.)r(e)ly en ave n 0/m e/n a.m. e(ye) d(be)h ave (t/h d) ven t he ad could s (k)i'll u/s t and b/u s/t hu(e) s/s t 0ff t 00 th 0/0 kn 0 c k/t d0ff t (h)at h~an(d) ew/e p(t) a'n s inn t ere s/t as/s h 0 (L)e~ d('s)e~a.m. as/s i' (e)ve d's w/(h)all 0 w/e (a.)d. 0/u (be) t a gain d f(r)a.m. e a.d. 0 w/e t00 th e(a.)ven~ d a.m.e~ a.d. (' s) a.m. e t00 th c 0've~r t(h) c~a.m. e (l/l) inn (t) a re s~i.'d. en t ce s/s e x cess e x i/t 's t a(i)r e a.d. e/b t00 the m(e)a. t c 0/m p (L)ea. t (a') c~(h)an~d c(h) at ch ' d ea. t~ea.r n a l/l e ye d f (L) a.m. e~ a.d.
c a.m. e l/l t(h'd) 0 fxf t 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye ~a. t (h) i n/n (e/d) s t ea. d.~ (h)inn e c0mma nd~ &~ h and ~ s 0/m e v~e(i)n (d) ly e inn s (t/r) i.'d.e~s
this is make inn g 0 all d en ewe (d)' s L~e a.p~p. r.00f (t) (b) (c) a're : f are t are b are c are : f(ee)t (ore 'free throw' ore 'full time') , tb = tuberculosis ore tri all b all a'n (d) ce s/s e x act ly e~a. t 0 p en l/l e'ye a.d.'s ea. m. e a.d. 0 w/e a.d. just b.e'se t(h) a ll' (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e ' (d) g 0/d e
de nude d as/s up p(L) ie d (h) inn d t i'm i'm e
d e(a.)m. u re ly e t00 th' s t (e) a. l/l ' d f 0'r(e) a. l/l 'd (h) all t a're t a. m.e a.ll c a.m. e l/l aught e're press e th bu t/t 0/n s~ea. l/l 'd
t-his-t-(h-) 0-l-(e-)in-(e-)up- is/s- a- contrarian- e- x- 0- d-(e-) u/s- t- (h-) inn- g- e- inn- g- a- gree- d-
t h ea.r t(h) i/s t 's direct i've t0 0t h~igh ' s peak t rig ht e l/l e'ye (a.)d. (h~inn) sigh t h(e)a. d.e ye t
fi 0/n ~ap/p le ye' s i/t d0w/n~d
e t00 t~her e sel~l fxf t' s0/u n/d (h) inn d h~and 0/u(be)t
fiona doesn't want your "money" she wants t(y)0ur e t i'm e' s e/e k e th e w/e ll e'ye qua ll' d 0 = (w/)h (a) t 0/0 kn 0 (w/e) t inn s c0 0p e d h 0/0 p e(n) d
s-am-en-d's-(p-)en-d's- a- w/e- gaw-e-t-a-gain-d- keeps women in place-d- so they can -d- h0-p- com-for-t-able-ad-'scene-force- "saying" t-he-ye-woo d ? b friend, without ever having t w/h0 x t 0/0 e ve(i)n d h and f a ll 0 w/e t (h) rue v e(i)n e m/e w/e d e/b t a gainn d
fiona only speaks with conviction honestly even (t) d. h inn d p(L)ace d. it seems very weird to me, so many "peep-0-le-d" shit on her face / per the comments on you tube, that hav en t maid a b r0/ad pen ne'ye fxf ace de ye (t)d ate. just say inn place d eye t00 th pre miss t00 th e t a k~e'ye p i/t h e'ye s b a/i t ~ a re bait build are t heir d~heaven 0 be (d) serve d : "you" can't serve-n- d- ew/e t 0're yew/ 00 d be (a.) d ew/(e) inn g (i) t 0/0 = "you" can never be innocent on the pre miss t "you" only stand debt hand deaf too t-he -t- a-buse-d- "hand" it were the innocent that "misspent" your "inn-her-i/t-a-n-(d-)ce- " d-0f- t-0-you- d-in-ner-t- sup-p0se-d-he-d-h-ear-d-yew/-e- d- en- e-ye- d- ewe
t00 th be h(e)a.d. e/p t' h(r)ue ' s Le (n)d (ere s) c/u ewe d
t00 th be h0 Ld 0 w/h0 0'Le d ewe un fxf 0(0)L d 's a(w/e)n ew/e
ve(i)n t w/h 0/0 d' s (ch)lep t(de)u's e th' s c~al(l)e (a.)d.
as/s (h) e l/l ' d 0/n e(c) k e'ye (p) d (b) 0 w/i.d. th u(e) s/s t (a'g) c (g) L~a'n d e's t (h) i/n e ye~a. t 0 fxf t me an s be(a.)d's b ed/d (h) inn g e th f0/r/m/e a.l~ly e t a ga(w/e)in (s t a')n d e/b t00 th' s her pa~t (h) inn g e~ta' (d) gree d h~(e)a.v e/n (d) ged (h) ea. d. h inn (d)ge inn g a w/are ness t(r)in(n)g ea.r ness t' s lee p~i/t h~and e'ye a.m. e a.d. ' s e/e k t/h ' d
's (t) 00 t/h f 0'r(e) t/h' s (t) a'ye inn g a b 0 rt 0ff t ('d) 0uch e d 0ff t's n0 rt a(i) l/l 0/t 's 0/t
i/t (h) is t (0) w/i.d. th d ewe t e'ye i.d. s up p0 rt h and e/b t a re t 0'rt h and en e'ye d i/t (a')i re a.(d.) fxf~a (i)r e ly e (t) high ere d (b f0r'd t) heir d
e'ye d
fairly e re t(h) i re d h and en e'ye (t) d i/t~ i'm e (a.) d. (h) inn (d) t(h)in e' supplement be (h) a.d. e/b t as/s t e' d f i/n(e) d (p.r.) i'm e (a.)d. (h~0) ver t i'm e a.d. 's e/e k/t h~and f i/n(e) d h~ea.v en t(d) i'm e/d i(c) t ' s can t a're p l(e)ye (a.)d.
fiona's face is not about kissing-0/d-0f-t- buy-e- t- a- miss-t-a-ke- d-0f-t- for-t-able-g-race-d-0f-t-(s-)p-(L-)ate-d-- h-and-a-me-r-i/t-he- d's- (p-)aye-d-
of-t-en- d- a- miss-(t-)a-ke-s- force-scene-d-he-a(d-)g-(ree-d-)g-re-g-at-e-d's-c-ree-d-form-inn-g-t-he- ad- be-re-noun-inn-g-see-am-s-(t-)aid- f-x-f- L0-c-k-t- (h-) inn-g-e-d-ea-m-s-e/a-m-en-d-re-am-s-(e-)t(h-)u-b/bu-ye-we-d-
th time we ar(e) inn d, is the only s~h a/p/e t(h)at we are in(n) e ve(i)n (t) d
"you" dumb-found-(h-)ea-d- are not the t i'm e ye pr 0 vi.'d e/e d i'm e/d
"you" did not c a r/r e'ye d' ew/e ve(i)n t00 th' s(t) aye d "you" d(e) i.d.
0 a/t h' d f e a. s/s t i've a. ll and t(h) 0/a. s/s t a' g (r) 0 a/t a p e/n ~n e'ye d f 0/0 t(h) 0/0 kn 0t~e
d e'ye d
0 w/are r h and no sane-nit-eye- is missing in th s c0 pi ed h anec(t) d0h t00 th (e)a. d. en e'ye (d) h ave' (t a' d) ye d 0/a t h e'ye d 0 pen d 0 w/(h)i.' d.e' ~s e(a.)L~L 0 ver t i'm e(a.)d. 0 (w/) t/h (b.~r i.'d.e' s) (c. u/p) 'sup p(L)ie d alliance s/s (h) ed (h) a l/l 0/t~ t00 th 0 w/(h)all k t (d) 0ff t i'm e 'a.s/s u/re s t 0(0)L e(a.)d en mar kn 0/t
h~igh t a' buse d ew/e (inn) ed i/t me'ye t
e'ye dh ave only used your hide in the say me ta le a.t her ide dbe ad bu y 0're s ide s (t)a'nd
i came speaking in my own vein d(h) all the ti~me w/e ve(i)n d h and~
ea.t h a.d. e w/e be a.d. e t00 th c a(i)r e'ye d en e me r/r e'ye d
's cent ly e s qua r(r) e'ye (i.)d.~
ea.t h~and e th(e) re~a. l/l ea. f/t 0 p en (a) l/l (t) e'ye~a. s/s t a'r e t a' re t (r) ea. t(h) e're (a.)p (L)ea. t 00 t(h) p (L)ate ye a.s/s (t) 0/0 k eye p' s ea. t
('s take t)
'sel l fxf's t a'r (e) t(h) er~e t (c) h/ei/r~ t
h and e/b t a.' m.(e) a. k/e(d)g e t00 th d ate
t00 th(e) re L aye T
inn sigh t e'ye (d) h(e) a.d. e/b t~ h and le t(g) a w/h e'ye a.t~ (e) a.s/s t e a.d.('s) un dere s/t a' nd 0 w/ai t' -d- a.m. sell t00 th be-d- lam-b-ed-
mit-ten-d- a- miss-t-a-k-e/n-d- for-t- his-t- a- nd-
e/b-t-0- f-x-f- 0-r-t- i- f-i- e-ye- d- his- t- (a-) l/l- a/nd- g-'s-us-syn-t-he-t-a-x-i/s- t00-t-he- d- h- and-
(h-) alliance-s/s-(h-) ed- be-(a-)d-
fi 0/n a/a p/p le~(ye) d
she pre f ere d not to run an err-an-d- e/b- t- f-rom-e- t-he- d- b-eg-in(n-)g-e-d- pre-(e-)f-x-f- err-inn-g- e- vain- d- e/b- t- hie-ven-(t-) d-'s-
app le d (h and le pt) b0ugh (t) s l a.(ye)d. en e w/e th b L0 s/s 0m 's (n)0 w/e tu d e w/e' s
i mean ewe n0 h arm e'ye can't a re miss i re pre sent h and 0 w/he ld i/t a re s i.'d en t ce s/s e x cess d ; no-t-one- gives you th a z er0 (d) s t00 th b eg i'n(n)d 0 w/i.d. th' d
b. m.aid(h) i/t ch ' d
t 0/p as/s t che(e)k t's hi(f)t a's/s k (i)t (h)0/0 k~nee d i/t ch' d e/b t a gainn d p.r. 0p e're ly e ve(i)n d' s a.m. eg a b rain d
b f0r'd ewe th c a.m.~ e/L t00 th' s(t)a'ye (a.)d.
0 pen l/l e 'ye th 's a.m. e a.(i.)d. h(e) a.d. e(ye t/h)a. d. e ve(i)n (d/i.) a.d.(h)a'ye
2 t w/h0 x t0 went missing- a.d.- just -a- b.c. -d- ewe- t- eye- s-e-am- s- ag- (r-)e-ad- s-
ban-d-un-g-ewe-d- he-ad- ea-t- h- and- (e/b- t- a-) gree- t-
ea.(s/s) t e a. (ch) t
"2" steal thanks from the me a.(k)t
for(u)m, for(a)m, inn for meal ly e f/f or t (h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(h 0/n) e s/s (t) augh t a.m0/n g-t-he-m/e-d-
a. m. i'm e miss t re ad 00're is me'ye d 0/g~ (g 0/d) a. miss t re a.d. h an(d) e'ye t i'm e given a be-d- be-ad-0f-t-'safe-d-h-ar(e-)b-0-re-d-ha-b-0-rt- at- 0/n-e- m- me- d-0f-t-a- pre- miss- (t-)aid- (h-) inn- (d-)sigh-t(he-d-he-)c0/n-(e-)s0-rt- a- gain- d-'s- m-aid- 's- (p-)aid-'s- i-re- ad- e/b- t- he- t- rig-ht- 0ff-t- a- w/-he-ye- (t-) d- 0f-t-s- (p-) lat-e- d- ate-
t-he-t- at- 0/n-ly-e- write- s- w/-(h-)at-he- s-ea-m-s-he-a.r-e- ad-
h-0/n-(e-)a-(i-) l/l-ye- t-he-s-nook-ere- d- e/b- t- a-s/s- knee-d- (h-) ap-p-(L-)ie- d-
e/b t w/h(r)0 at 0/n e t~i'm~e w/e d (en) e'ye d
s-m-o-re-t-a-ll-e-d- fi-ct-ion- d- h as/s t (e) as/s t e n0 (d) b/r i.'d.e a. l/l d f a(i)r e~a. t/h eg i'v~en d(t)i' me s~h a're a.d. ' s(t) a'i. d.'s (p) en d's t0 g ether e/n d
(h) eav' 0 u/r e(a) p as/s (L) en d's b e/e n
d(h) in(n)g (e) i've n~ t h~and h ave~n d i/t t00 t(h) c a.m. e~a.d.
s-es-c-"a"ll-at-e- th- pi-e-ce- d- br0-ken-d-0f- t- 0-0t-0ff-t-(h-)0/0k- n0-x- d- 0- 0-re- (0-)pen- t- 0-re- n-(t-)augh- t-
the sediment L 0/0 k t (0) n ea. t
the sediment (0/0) L 0/0 k t (0) n ea. t (a') c0 pi
p(h) i~e 'ye d
w/h at w/(h)00 d
en~d 0'L(e) i/t h u/e w/e (a.)d. a ft ere a. l/l d e/b t00 the me a.s/s u 're (e) fxf (ass t) all t
(a') re a.d. 0 w/a'r (e/n) t h and (h) all 0 w/(h)a l/l e d ew/e t00 th c all ' d b all d
t-he-t-hue-s-d- women too th stack- t- his-t-s-hell-f-t- (u-) b- (r-) ough- t- am-0/n- g- sel-l- f-x-f- t-'s-
don't as/s k t w/h at move s(h) ewe, un less a'yew/e c~an d m0've t w/h 0 (d) e w/e. you-r-e- curiousity-* e- is- (k-) ill-inn-g- t-(h-)rue- d-
* for-t- no re as/s 0/n e 'ye' sup p (L)ie d i/t a n ye 0/n e t00 th' s (h) 0 w/e d 'ewe s' ag/e ve(i)n d h and
rheological flow, ta (ll) ke inn g ab(0)ut spirit elasticity, verse-sus- every-e-t- hinng-e- t- containe-d- inn- p-last-ick-t- hie-ven- d-ate-(d-e/b-) t00-t-he- re- el- at-e- ion-s- (t-)a-nd-
add rheology ...& revist endolith
t(h) 0/m e (d) c (h) 0/m e d(h)0/m e w/e d i/t (t) 0/0 th ere 0 (h) 's (h) 0/n e'ye t(h'd) 0 fxf (i/f) t(h)u (e) s/s t(h)r u ew/e l/l d e/b t 00 t(h)i s/S~u(e)m~e 0/n e' ye (t) d~ e'ye (t) d (p.r.) i'm~ e (a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th b eg i'nn g a.m. ~e (a.)d. 0 w/e t00 th (d) f~ i/n (e) d ~ i/t (h) i n/n (e) d h~and ew/(e)a. 's h~ i n/n (e w/e) d 0 b e/e s erve d e'ye t00 th (e/a.) d. e ve(i)n d en sel/l ye t a gain (d) s (t) a'ye (a.) d/it t00 th e m(e) A. k/e g. r(e)a. t~(h) eigh t b~f 0'r(e/a.) d. s0und s (t) 0/a r~ (e/a.) d. a.m. (e) 0'r (e) t 0/0 th f 0're w/are (a.d.) g~ 0 '
ve t a~g(L) 0've d~h and g 0 t 0/g 0've d(h) all (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e (a.)d. i/t ~t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/(e) inn~ g a g(r)e a.d. ~0~ be (a.)d. ' s lee per t/t e'ye t~ly e t00 the m(e)a. t~ e w/e d be a.d. 0 fxf t lye s p0 k~en d (h) inn f~0r(a.) m.eal ly e t00 t(h) a g re~a.t(y)0ur e c(h)0/m p an e'ye t00 th' sir e me'ye (d)s i'n e/e d i/n e~e d i'v(e)in e/e d l/l e'ye d (p.r.) i'm e (a.)d. h~ave(n) d h~and 0/u(be)t (h) a l/l t a're t/h ti'me a. d. 0 w/are a.d. 0fxf(i) t~ inn c Line d
e/b t00 th b e/e s w/(h) i'm~m e inn g 's i'nn d i'nn e/e d a re t0 rt~
h inn g e inn g~s inn g~ 0/d ly e db~u(0)ye (d) f e(e) l/l d~ e(a.) l/l d ' s c~e/n t ly e ve(i)n (t/h) d
vi.'d.e 0 's (d) aw/(e)n~ d ew/e~e 0/n d g'sus 0/n (e) g 0/d 0fxf t e x t p0's e~a.d. as/s e x i/t 00 th f~a/ct (0're) inn e m0 L(e)d i/t 00 the w/h 0/0 Le d ew/(h)e a.r~ t~ h 0 ver' t ex (t) p0' s e/e (n) kn 0 w/e (a.d.) s 0'le t/h and 0'le th' s (t) a' nd (h) all (e)a.s/s h 0 (w/) e~ (n) d ew/e
t-his-t-a- b-le-ad- bu-ll-s-hi-t- a- s/s-k- ewe- nd-(kn-) 0- w/e- doesn't cause th ewe t00 th quest i 0/n e w/e (d) i/t 0ff t/h d be c(h) 0/n e d' s cent' s trait (h) a'nd n~a r(e) r~0 w/e t (h)at~ e- t-a-s/s- hi- t- w/-h0- d- e- w/e- t00-t-he- s-hi-ft- a- gain- d-inn-ere- t- 's- (h-) am- en- d-e/b-t00-t-he- d- b- eg- inner- t- a- gain- d- e/b- t- a- gain- f-(r-)am-e/n- d- s- (p-) en- d-s- be- (a-)d- un- (e-n-) d- 0-(w/-)n- d- 0f- t- c0-arse- d- (r-) um- v- pack-ag-inn-g- as/s- (h)i- t- 's- um- e- 0/n- e- ye- d- (h-) um- me- d- e/b- t- (u-)be- t- a- ken- d- 0f- t- i'm-e- (d-)vain- ly- (e-) ap-p-lie- d-s- h-in-(e-)d- s- e- x- act- ly- e-a-s/s- t- (u-) d- f-i/n-(e-) d- e/b- tu- per- t/t-e-ye- vain- ly-e- t- a- s/s- t- (h-)e- d-i-c-k-t-00-t-he- c- kn- ave- ye- d-be-lie-f- t-he-ed- e/b- t- a- t- inn-t-ere-s- t- ('s-)en- t-hat- he- d- b- me-(h-)t- a'- l/l- (e-) a. s/s- h- 0- w/e- (d-) g- e- d- a-ta- l/l- (e-) a- s/s- t'-s- n00k- t- (h-)at-he-ad- be-(a-)d-
she wouldn't be re (a-)duct' d 0 w/i th0u t any e relevance t00 th f ea. r h ea. r (d)
further, she isn't "dangerous" without a s/s-(m0-)king- gun-0/n-e- t(h) 0/0 kn 0 w/e d, & t-w/-h0/m-ad- dick-t-ion- does this edict come f-rom-e- d- fund-a-men-t-all-e-ye-d- 0-(w/-)h- t- h-e/n- d-0- w/-h0- does it-cy(a-s-) s-t-e-m- me- d- f-r0m-e-vain-s-h-0-(w/-)e- (d-)g-(e-)0-d-e-(a-) l/l- ta- t-0-(w/-)e- d-
just say inn t/h ere is more t00 this storeye th an d ew/ee kn-0-w/e-ye-ta-gain-d- 0- w/-as/s- t- (u-) b-en- t- 0-L-(e-) d-h-and- e/b- t-0-l/l- d-('s-)0-L-(e-) d-ic(k-)t'(s-)ea-r-t- a-ll- a- s/s- (h-) 0- w/e- d-
i-ce-cum- c- re-am- as/s-t- 0-(0-)L-e-d-
a-n0-se/e-(c)-um-an-d- ew/-ill-t-f-i/n-(e-)d- 0h-t- a-g0-LD- h-inn-g-e-inn-g-a- g0- all- e- ye- a- t- a- g- un- eye- t- be- ad- prostitution's- mar-(k-ere-)t- for-t- sig-h-t-'see-inn-g- f- r- eeL- ye-w/-t-he-me-an-s- w/-(h-)ea-r- inn-g- f-r- 0/n-(e-)t- all(e-)ye- d- f0r-(u-)m-ea-l/l-e-ye- see- k- t- me- 0/n-e-ye- d- h- 0-ver- t- he- me-a.t- 0ff-t-
eye wonder if min0 se~a.s lead g lass pieces w/00 d be ad. h0/ne ye d h/h ~ 0/u n/d 's t00 th peaces/s (a.d.) just b.c.~ d~ (h a(n)d) e~f t(a)g r e/e d 0 fxf t c L~ass i c/all b. c.(h) 0/m e inn (kn)e/a' d/d (L) e'ye d' s Lee p i t/h e ye a.t 0/n e d 0ff (i) t 's nee-k-t-inn-t-i'm-e-s- t-r- ump-e-t- 0ff- (i-) t-he-d- be-st- 0f-x-f- (i-) t- ease- d-(p.r.-)i'me-/n- t- ease- d- be- h- ave- i- 0-re- ad-s- c0-re- d- 0f-(i-)t- s-u-(m-)e- m0-r-(e-) t- 0ff- (i-) t- b-s-p0ken-ad-0-0-re- ad- s- c -0-re- ad- s- (h-) 0-re- d- e/b- t- f-0-r(e-/a-)d-'s- c0p-e-d- h- a(n)d- h-0/p-e-d- c-l-ear-e-ly-e- t- (e-)a-re- d- f-r0m-e-w/e- - ad- a- miss- t- re- ad- s0/n ~net (u) b0/n~net a g 0/n e ~c knit (h) 0/0 k (i/t) inn s(h) 0/0 k inn s t e a.d.('s) 0 w/e ve(i)n d b e/e n~ d e/b t (h) rue ' s i' l/l e/n t ce s/S u(m)e~ d 0/n e/g 0/d be y0' n~d h and y0' n/t (a') c 0/n t (r) a r/r e' ye d 0ff t put ~t(h) inn g 0/d 0ff t 00 th t 0ff tu put~t 0ff t (a) g0 L(e) f/t~ a' k~en d 0/u (be) t a' c0/n(e) t ex (i) t~ ;) ~ e'ye t (a') p. r. 0 w/(e) t 0 ff (i) t me'ye s miss (t) a'ke ~ve(i)n d 0ff (i) t inn t ere s(t) augh t 00 th' s~ t a' ll 0/n e (g/e) w/h e'ye d b (r) 0ugh t 0/0 d ewe t00 th be (a)d en e'ye (t~0)d e'ye (d)t inn t i'me t00 th (e) re fi/n(e/d) ance ~s/s a(w/)i' l/l 0 ft~0/0 (a) t/h e w/(h)0 r (L) d ew/e a.d. 0ff t w/h0 b/b~u 'ye s peak t~
00 th ' d en e'ye t 0ff t' sup p Lie d c~L as/s i c~ all and t~i'm e less t a/b i.'d. (h a.(n)d.) e ve(i)n~n (k/t') s~ea. m. en t u be a.d. 0 fxf t (e)a. l/l e ye
s t0ke' s br0ad h~0/pe 's (t) at Large d' (0/n e)g's us c0 pi e/d h ea.r t h~and a'rt
(a g0 / d) c a'rt
0/0 the m(e)a.r t hd h inn d heart h'd
(((yew/e d 0 w/an t/h e qua ll d 0 w/ ai t00 th a/b i.'d. e fxf i/x i'nn g i. d. en t i/t 'ye t/h e f(t) f~0'r(e) t a ll t i'm e ve(i)n sub p.r. i'm e/d i (c) t (h) 0/0 k t w/h 0/0 'Le ye d be a.d. e/p t00 th's lee per 's lee p/t 0ff the me an s e/e k t' s qua re ly e t00 t(h) ea.t 0 pen (a) ll (t) e'ye d b re a.(t/h) d (h) inn d t i'm e t00 th' s(h)ave t/h e/e d en (b r inn g') Sue d ata' b~le a.d. ('s) e/p t(h) rue w/e a.r t w/(h) 0/0 d ew/e ft 0ff t b e/e s(t) augh tu b(r)e a.d. e/p t(h)rue t(h)be t/t a(i)r e' a.d. e(a.) l/l e g(r) 0 be g 0/t )))
th can(n) 0/n e~d (c~L) as/s p b e/e 's p0ke n/d' s (t) augh t' s aw/e t (u) bu z/z e d 0ff t w/(h)0 d be a.d.('s) b(r) 0ugh t 00 th' s0und 0ff t~
(h)ree d's don't "lie" for force-scene-d- all-0/t-
t~(h)ree fxf an' d's e/e d's don't "lie" together for-ce-s/scene-d-0f-t-
h-and- 0f- t- 0- w/e- ed- a- m(e-)u-/s- t- inn- t- par- t- 0- pen- ly-e- a- r- t- hd- ewe- d's-(n-) 0/0-k- t-he-a-rd- e/b- t00-t-he- ad- b-eg- in-n-er(e-)t- 0- w/-(h-)e- re- ad- sig-h- t-'s- t- a- (i-) r- (e-) ad- s- n- are- a.t- w-/-h0- d- e-(a-)re- s- p-i/t- (e-)t-e-ye- a.m.-0-r-(e-)t- (h-)all- t- a- re- t00-t-he- h- f-(r-)am-e- t0- ad- bu-s-e- d- (e-) u/s- t- 00- t-he- ad- 0-0-re- (a-)d- i/t- c-(h-) as/s- t- 0/n-e- d- (r-) 0/n-e/e- d- as/s- (t-)a- t- e- t-he- t-i'm-e- t00-t-he- be- g-in- d- 0f- t-hie-ven-d-s- (t-)aye- s- (t-) a- nd- 0f- t- 0/n-e- vain- d-e/b-t-00-t-he- ad- i/s- p0- s-e/e- (d-c-)y-a- (d-) h- and- e-a- f- 0- r- (a-) m- (e-)y(e-)a- d- e/b- t00- t- he- t- a- re- t-(h-) i- re- ad- buy-e-a-miss-t-a-ke- d-0f- t- s- (p-)l-ate-
d-ew/e-d-'s-(n-)0-0-k-er(e-)t-he-ad- e/b- t- 0 -w/-he-ye- (t-) d-e/b-t00-t-he-ad-be-ad- 0f- t-hie-ven-d- s- (p-)en- d-s- a- gaw/-e- d-0f- t- again- (d-) s- (t-) a- nd- 0-l/l- a-r-(e-)d- (h-) 0- w/e- re- t- a- re- r0und- 0f- t- inn- t- em- p-(0-)le- d- 0f- t- a- l/l- (e-) a. s/s- (t-) 0 - w/e- ed- ea- f- x- f- r- am- e- vain- d- 0f- t- ly-e- s- p0-ken- d- (p.r.-0-) claim- c-am-e- d-0f- t- ly-e-(a-) t- a- d- b- miss-(t-)a-ke-
"you" make the debt -too-t-he-ad- a- re- l-at-e- d- ate- sup-per-s-e/e- d- face- d-- e/b- t00-L-u-s- t- inn- t- rue-s/t- (d-) 0f-f- t-0/n-e-w/e- d- false emotions as sane w/-he-a-rt- h/e- d- i/t-c-he- vi-nil-ill-u-s/-i-0/n-e- t00-t-he- d- e/b- t- a- s/s- k- eye- p-(d-) s- e/e- k- "t" 00 "t" ease- d- ea- t- 0ff- t-he- me- an-- ewe- d- see- d--
obviou-s-ly-e- she cant bring honor on her one fig-ht- as/s- (h-) 0/n-e- d- (b-) light-(d-) 0-w/-(e-)n- d- 0- w/e- (d-) g- 0/a- d-('s-) 0- L- (e-) d- = "justice" has provided her the deaf-t- w/-h0- not "act" on her apparent "own" s-0-w/-(e-)r-e-ye- s- 0-Le-, that is not proper in the "eye's" (t-) 0ff- t- justice, don't "ewe" kn-0-w/e- d- i/t- c-(h-) as/s- t-(e-) inn-s-t- 0/n-e- d- 's-he-d-'s-can-t-a-ct-a-ll-0/n-e-miss-t-re-ad-h-and-ew/e-re-j-0/b-s-c0p-e-d- h-and- e/b-t-he-re-war-d-a-ft-(h-)0/0-k-n-0/t-(e-)'s- t00-t-he-r-0/t-e-r/0-('s-)d-(h-)e-ad-'s-n0b-ill-i-t-e-ye-f-x-f-e-a-(s/s-)t- in-e-ye- f-x-f-0-r-(e-)t-a-re-lie-f-t- f0r-t-a-re-f-/r-eeL-ye-g-a-ve-t-he-ed- (h-) a.d.-s-he-ap-t- (a'-) c-he-ap- t-hie-ven-d-ly-e-
and- rich bianculli wants an "inn" on my time, with -is-t- d-in-(n-)g-' d-0/n-g- t00-t-he- d- g- (r-) 0- w/e- d- up- e- d0ng-e-d- im-inn- d-in-(n-)g- d0ng-(u-)ye-d- e-ye- h-ave- ta- person-able- dong- 0/d- !h-inn-depend-en-t- a- ll- e-ye-s-t- (r-)0/n-(e-)g-e-d- e/b- t- "he" is ringing his-t-0-(w/-)n- dong-all-a-w/e-t-a- ll- 0/n-(e-) g-e-d- be-(a-)d-'s-0/n-g- 0/d-('s) 0/n-g-(L-)ad-ly-e-0/n- t- 0-re- (t-) 0/n-(e-) d-
's-am-e/n-d-'s- is basically saying this woman is nothing without-he-d-ewe-s- (t-) and- ew/e- t00-t-he- (a-)d- (h-) a-bu-s-e-(e-) d-
the-sac-container-for-t-p-im-p-h-and-im-ag-e/a.-r-e-ye- t00-t-he- f-x-f- 0-'s- t- a- (i-)r- e- -- (a-)d- i- c- (k-)t-('s-) 0/0-t-h-e- re- t- heir- d- a- re- ye-s- n- are- d-
's-n0-b-ill-i-t-e-ye-a- t- f-r-eeL-ye- con-s-i-eve- d-0f- t- e-ye- t- m-aid- 0f- t- en- d- h- and- (h-) 0- p/en- d- e/b- t- a- gain- d- b-s-p0ke-nd- f-x-f- r-i/e-n/d-
(e-)g-0/d- f-0-r-(e-)b- i.d.-(e-d-) 's-he- could make this decision on her o-(w/-)n- e- vain- e- miss-(t-)-re- ad-'s- p.r.-0/d-(ed-) u- c-(k-) t- L-awn-c/hin-g-e- g- ad- lye- ad- e/b- t- he-a-s/s- e- a- men- are "ok" looking on-e- d- as/s- 0/n-e- w/-h0-men- dispose-s/s-aye-s- 0f- t- her-r-0-(w/-)n- e- inn- a- re- (e-) f-x-f- le- x- i-0/n- e/e- d- (h-)e-ad- t00-t-he- c(h-) 0/n- (e-) tribute- vain- (d-) s- (h-) 0 - w/e- ed- be- ad- f-un-n-e-(ye-)l/l- e- vain- d-(s-) 0- L- (e-)d- 0- w/ar-e- t00-t-he- be- ad- as/s- nake- d- s- make- d- up- e- t-he- ha- w/ar-e- ad- s- n-are- ad- s- t- e- t-'s- 0/n- d- f- a-(i-)r-e- t00-t-he- t- a- r/r- e- ye- s- h- 0-(w/-) e- (d-)g- h0-s-t- d-(e-)u/s- t- h0/u- 's- e/e - k-n-0-(w/e-) d- e- ad- as/s- d-0le- d- a- re- s- 0le- d-
t-(h-)anks- for -t- (y-) our- e- ad- all-arm-e-ye-inn- g- innocence in "1" staging this abuse -d- h-and- le-ye- t00-t-he- t- 00- L00- king- 0/n-e- t- w/-h0-d-e-ye- w/e- d- re purpose this -nee-d- as/s- k- ewe- d-e/b- t- a- be- ad-s- "he-ave-n"-d-
t/h-at-c-h-i/t- 0/0-kn-0/t- e- t00- t-he- p- as/s- (e-)i/t- each- i/t- c-(h-)at-ch-i/t-(u-)be-t-(h-) a- w/ar-e-i/t-('s-) 0/0 -t-h- and- (h-) a-/bu-s-e- d- im-e/n-t's- n-ewe- s- n-am-e-le-s/s- t- a- g0-0-0-0-s-e(e-)d-h-ea-vain-d- ewe-(d-')s-
original ly ? s-c-i/t-(t-)e- ye- t- h0u-' s- e/e- d- be-(a-)d-(t-) 0- w/- n- d- "2" d-0h-t- - 's- c0p-e-d-'s' (h-) at-(u-) b- (s-)mile-d-ew/e- d-e/b-t- a- re-ce-i've- d- a/b-m-0-(u-)t- he- d- f-en-d- ewe- (d-) su(e-)m- e-0/n-e- ye- t00-t- he- (a-)d-(e-)u/s- t- 0ff- e- w/e- d-
s up shit creek paddle wi thou t a re vi ew/e -d- ewe- (d-)s- (h-)inn- sig-h- t-
p lead (h) inn g e th fifth ly e a.d. i.d. kn 0t ap p(ea.) Le a.d. 0/0 're (a) p/p le 'ye d : on-ly-e- pleading the fifth-ly-ap-p-(L-)ie-d- un- (e-)g- 0/d- (e-) u/s-t-0ff- t-s-u(e-)s- t00-t-he-ad-s- w/-(h-)0-r-d's- ap- p-ly--e-d- r-e-ye- d- at-a- t-he- s- am-e- t-i'm-e-d- inn- k- (t-)d- r-e-ye- d-
"fifth-ly" d i.d. kn 0t c a.m. e a.d. 0/0 re a.d. f r0m c 0/m e t00 t(h) 0/n e s/s t a' n(d)ye 0/n ' d ew/e ve(i)n d(h) 0've (t) d
t-he-t- a- LLaw-st-
u- b-buy-e- a- t- force- d- f-r-eel-ye-
only stands to abuse ewe for using "i/t's" in-c-0/m-e- d ewe a.s/s u me 0/n e ye d ewe = d-(c-) (h-) 0-ver- t- ly- e- d-ewe-(d')s-
ewe get to p(L)aye as/s a t0 ken -d- accessory e too-t-he-re- r- use- d- ewe- d's- "2" compete -t00-t-he- (d-) on 'ewe' for not being apparently e tu
-d-e-w-e- d-
the 'etude' does not sing for ewe, it s-in-g-s- for you constan-t- (a-) miss- (t- h)u-(e-) s/s- d- 0- with no repair d 0 fxf ere a.d. ew/e