e'ye a.m. t(h) 0 w/e ll e x e cu~t(h) e a.d. a ft ere a.ll (e/a) d ew/e l/l e(a.)ven d (0) b e/n d (0) b re a.d.
e/b t a re t ea.rn knit in(n)e s t(h)e a.d. (0)(h)(t) bu ye (a.)m.is/s (ta) re a.d.
h and h inn g e (t/h) d h and h ea.ve(n) d
it is kind 0f a bum-mer-an-d-(a-) b-u-s-t-i-f-x-f- t- all- t- 0- ye-w/e- d- h-ave- t- is- inn-(t-)ere- d- be-au-t-e-ye-t-he-m-(e-)u-s-t- - a- g-e-t- 0ff- t-
i don't (c) a' re
(a.) pack ag/e t/h ere ve(i)n d (a) f(t)f(t) a(i)r e a.d.
d ew/e' s(m) a'ye w/e (a.d.) be (a.)d.(h)e a.d. h inn g (e) inn g a g r(i)eve d
put the s e/e r a inn t/h f 0r(a.)m. e t00 th e(a.) s/s (t) a'ye (i.d.) a.t e
s (e)a. r(a) h and e/b t00 th d e l/l (i)b eRe a.t(h) e~a.r (e) t(h) 0/0 k t (h) in (e) d' s t (h)e a.d.un e w/e a.d.
t-he-ye- use-d- e/b- t00-L-t-he-m0-d-e-l-(l-)s- t0-(w/-h-) e- x- plain- i/t- hie-ven-d-(s-) 0-L-(e-) d-
email' d e/b t 0/d ate
i have faith in you as much as you have faith in you. in that you do not have faith in you, you cannot claim t(0)w/h0 d e/b t(0) w/h0 d bu ye w/e (a.)d.
i have faith in you as much as you have faith in you. in that you do not have faith in you, i have faith in me t 0/m e (a.)d. h and you have know kin(d)g & you do not have the capacity e t(h)u(e) s/s (t) make t(h) 0/n e'ye (i.d.) a.t e ~ a. s/s i ft 0 w/h0 d' (as) s (t) a'ye (i.)d. : ye-w/e- d- h-ave- t- (0-) w/-h0-d- (as-)s- (t-)a-ye- d- i/t- in- e/n-(d-h-) ave- (n-)d- g- (r-) ave- (t-h-)d- e/b- t-(y-)our-a-n0-t-her- d- aye- t-
"you" do not lend on principal that you g/ave d. neither for the man 0're the w/(h) 0/m e/n d h ea.ven t e l/l e'ye (i.d.) ven t(h) at~ ch d' s t(h)e a.d.
A L/L e v e L/L e t00 t(h) a p/p ea r (d) h ere~ a.d. ' s0und (h) as/s t(h)e a.d. s (t) i g h/t p0 l/l (b) e/n d
h inn (d)g (e)r(e) 0 un d ew/e a.d. ew/e
g er(e) un (t00 t/h) d
0 w/are (a.)t 00 th d
e/b t a gain a.d. mit ta' n d(s't) an'ce s/s t (e) a s/s t(h)e a.d. (a) p. r.00f (t) inn t(0) w/h0 d ew/e a.d.
basic lie, you do not believe in virtue, you speak 'i/t' to get money, for -t- no reason, you never really support h ea. d. i/t h and you apparently never cared, but not creating any one aware, inn your wake-d-full-d-ness-t-a-(i-)r-e-d- you can't be called on your through-0-d-f-a-(i-)r-e- d-
you "vet" no one, you "stand" for sum-e-0/n-e-ye- d-(s-)0/n-g-am-e-t- (s-) 0/m- e- t- (h-) in-g- e- t- (a-) b-r0-ad-
are you having a conversation with yourself? why are you so polished per "expertly crafted, lyrical prose, glides over the pages as smoothly as a spitfire across a cloudless sky." Is it to get laid, but you do not know why e w/h i'd.e s.
Is it to draw attention to your name, that you do not want to give it a t re 'ye (i.)d.
= my-t-he-making-f0r-t-he-w/-(h-)ea-l/l-t-he-ad-ea-l/l- t-he- d-hat-(h-)in-g-e/n-ave- d-e/b-t-(a-)b-rain-d- f-ache-r-(e-) inn-g-a-w/-he-ye- d-
b.c. another m(e-)an(d-)s-(t-)a-ye- d-
e/b- t- a- t/t-e- l/l- e-ye- a- d- s- (p-) a- id- 0- w/-ill- k- t- (h-)a-nd-be-ad- (0-ft-) b- r- ave- d-
attention-d-e/b-t00-Less-t- a'(s/s- t- e-) g- ave- (n-)d-0-w/-t-'s-c0p-ed- e/b- t-(u-)b-s-p0-k-e-(n-)d- he-a-ven-d-ate-t-he-s-(h-)am-e-g-ave-t-he-ad-0f-t-e-l/l-e-ye-i-d-be-ad-0f-t-he-miss-t-a-ke-(n-d-)g- race- d-e/b- t-0-re- (a-)p-(L-)ace-d- all- t- a- re- ad-(h-)e-ye- d- h-inn-g-e-t-(he-)a-re-t-race- d-
your destination d-is- t-he-mo-men-t-(a-g-)0/n-e-/e- d- 0f- t- b-s-p0ke-n-d- 0f-t- you maid-up-(e-)t-in-(e-)t-ru-(e-)s/s- t- 0ff-t-he-ad- 0f- t- (h-)en- d- 0f- t- 0/0- t-0ff- t-hie-ven- d- all-i-an-(d-)ce-s/s-(h-) 0/t- 0ff-t-he-ad-0f-t-(d-)a-l/l-0/t-be-(g/0-)t-0ff-t- bi-g-0/t-be-gat-her-d-0f-t-i'm-e-
f-x-f-0-re-s-t-(h-)e-ad- 0f- t- 0/m- e-(a-)n- (d-) s-(t-)u-be-(a-)d- s- c- an- d- a- re-(a-)p-air-e- t-hie-ven-d-(h-) 0/m- e- d-0f-t-in-c-(h-)0/m-e- d-