is this a re all mac app le t/hat ? t-0re-t-hat-e- at-0/n-e-p-rig-ht- a-ll-on-e- ";)" t0-a.d.-b0r-t-e-
the "furniture" you rest your as/s on has ten0n's p-aid by di-me-0n's-
the joints you have no right x write to F~Le X und 0/ne a. r~un 0/n e c0m(v)p(L)eat ly e
so let me get this-ta-t-s-t-en-t-s-t-rait-
i am -aid to give for no re as on at be ? st ? e? and if i per sis t e
i am -aid to re work what i have all ready freely e.g. av(i)e w/h~ey e
& if i per si/s t e i am tol-e-d- i have no place to g-host-me-w/-i/t-
oh- but the money i have paid will be refundead. with no place to go foreward, de-b-t-or-e-0-pen-an-d-s-en-d-s-0-pen-is-t-he-w/-aye-
welcome to the pen-is-t-ye- high -way-e-
the "0"ther "thing" re-noun-ap-parent-l-ye- is I have no choice now to stay or not stay, i just must pack my b~ag's us ten an(d)ce & g0 w/here 2 d/ate ?
z-ach-t- is an ass-(h)-0le- with n0 Wh0le 2 b f0und -um-b-e-di-g-d-0w-n- negligence is his- (h)im- and' s(-h)0/n-e-t0gether-as-t-0ne-
do you see, with this tech-ni-qu-e- "Mac-high-way" can r-un- people thru their bi-w/-ay-e-g-at-e- & have no need of my money (as they know i have know where else to go, even virtually b(u)ye t-here ver-t-u-al-ly-e- vain -t-h-ea.r-e-s-0w-e- t-here-g-0-t-a(-i-)re- (e) f-a(-i-)re-
plastic, some day we should talk about plastic elastic and spirit, with the deb number formula w/h~i/t
*there is something important her e to be understood, z-ack-lie-k-e-t-hat-e casts a stone around the world, on one un seen and un bespoken ie woman and nature, at the very le a/s t e-ther-e-t-0wn-e-t00-th-and-f-r-0-m-e-
honestly i think r/ich should lea.d. the p.r.0p~e(a.)r e ly e fi/le d~ c0unter c~la.(i)m. iff t he is t u`b/rain 0.g./g A i/n/n (an0') sec0nd's ay i/n~g's~ e bu/m e w/(h)it b~less i/n g's h(r)e(a.)d. e ve/in an/d's end 's a.(i)m.e. g. A.(i)M.e w/heel an/d e all e pt i'm(e)bu s/he (') ll e tu` g a w/(h)ey e w/(h)eigh t (h)r u (l)e
p.s. dave 0 ware, sow/rye, your work is de layed as i t~rye 2 ke(y)ep the r-0p-e-d-0p-e-s at bay e fxf/0 r/t e n0~ther e a.d. aye. g.(h)~ave ye
stub b0rn b/rain ye w/hi~m ust y(i)e l~d th' day e f0r/m/e~ w/c0mplimentary e c/c 0nt a/in e(a)r~e ly e.g.(h)ave t~g a.m.(b)e c a.m. e
apparently when i upload my website, the offending material i saw, but can see to speak about, as it my T-re-fen-d-r-ich-
i am meant to take off ie more work for me for using as 2 reference my sel~l fxf i/s~h e w/hit.
my b~a.d. -&- the website is sus-pen-di.d.- i spoke with ryan, and i am meant to call him tomoorow after 3:30 , well see
i thought t-hey-e- w/-e-re-s-up-p0-se-d-2- remove w/hat-e- t-hey-e- didn't w/-an-t-, instead, i am meant to do the-i/r-e- work f-or-t-heir-pen-is-t-re-a-p0-s-e-n-t-a-n0-se-t-he-in-st-0n-e- (t w/hi see)g.~
the veil is vile if it is misread~
the best way to read these twitter posts is from the bottom up, as that would be the order they were L~aid t~up
please go to the blue bar below, to start upward t0w/e
the best way to read these twitter posts is from the bottom HERE up, as that would be the order they were L~aid t~up
please start(here f/0re)t upward t0w/e
prime can't divide into a f-r-action in "time" misread