yew/e d ar' kn 0t (h)e i~r, if ew/e ar t(h) 0/0 kn 0 t/h ere s(t) i'll e(a.)ven (d) 0 w/are (a.)d. i/t inn t(h) a'nd e/b t 0 w/(h) ere t(h)rue w/e d you are not e t/heir un less t you are t/h ere ve(i)n t(0) w/h0~ d (h) e'ye d(h) ew/e d e/b t(h)ru~e/n d 0 w/(h) i/t(h)u e s/s (t) a i.d. (h)~ues |
re-ad-he-vain-d-h-and--e/b-t-a-b-(L-)e-ad-0f-t- a- gain-d-inn-t-ere-s-(t-)en-t-inn-eg-lig-en-t-ce-s/s-(h-)e-x- cess- (t-)a- id- e/b- t-he- (a-)d- i/t-(he-ad-) 0ff-t- miss-t-re-ad- buy-e-l/l-0/t- c0m-man-d- c(h-)0-st- 0ff-t-be-ad-s-be-ad-0f -t00-t-he-d- carry-e-s-l0-t-h-and-0f-t-w/-h0-d-be-ad-0f-t-a-l/l- e/n- t-(s-)augh-t- 0ff- t- |
a. t~ 0/0 th f ace a.d. (h) 0 c(h) ew/e th u(e) s/s t a' g~ (e) i've n (d) a.m. e r/r e ye~ (fxf l~ag e) l/l a t e l/l e'ye s (t) 0/a r~e'ye d |
I listened to the "asian trump supporters crushes liberals and identity politics" and it certainly didn't sound like trump supporters to me, so I went searched for the context by going to the person that tweeted this "navy brat" and found a person that absconds images in her name, ie images of females in scantily clad "bathing suits" and looking at the content she bloviates, wile digging di-gnorance- d- h-and-a-re-r-ignorance-d- i sent her one tweet and she shut me down ie blocked me from sending her another tweet, so I sent tweets to people she tweets w/-id-th-d-. please understand, "one" bloviating for -t- no reason "and" changing the "frame" to suit your too-t-he-ad- e/b- t-hie-ven-d- he-vain-d- is a very l-am-e-g-a-m-e- d- this is insolence at is be-(a-s/s-)t- "0" "m" e-a-n- debt -a- s/s- k- n0- t-(he-)ad- act yl ly e parking machine guns on the ocean, on peoples emotion, standing to paid dupe to bloviate th-r-use-d- b.c. you "desire" to get paid dof-t- 0-get- s-paid-all-0/t- 0/0-t-0ff-t-(h-)rue-n-d-0-w/e- t00-t-he-ad- e/b- t - inn- t- w/-h0-d- honestly, doesn't shouldere any real tare wt, and honestly shouldn't be speaking 0've t. particularly when you "stand" for turning time into "complete" dof-t-he-ad-ad-z-one-d-he-r/r-0-d-(h-)0-ver-t-(L-) 0- AD- i presume the "c-r-own-d-" imp-le-d-as/s- k- t- pr-in-ce-s/s- d-0f-t- has a very large dimpled ass, quite different from the picture she "uses" to represent her apparent ... "L0-T" T-0-f-x-f- t- please understand, "joy" "villa" h-and- le- (ye-) x-i-con-d- house- d- didn't bring "t-0ff-t-" any e 0/n e d (h) 0/n e s/s t inn t(y) 0ur e s e l/l fxf t(s) aught as/s k/t (h)at 0/n e t00 th e/n ai L (t) be/e f e(e) l/l t "essentially" "navy-b-(r-)at" can use words, "frame" t-he-m-en-up-ped- h-and-0/u-(be-)t- (h-) inn- k- t- a-n0-t- buy rignorance s-(t-)augh-t- she would also have you b-(r-)ough-t- 0ff- t- he-ad-d0f-(i-)t- inn-as-s-mu-c-he-t-0-get-0ff-t-0-wile-d-being-0-d-0f-(i-)t- he-re-(a-) p-0-s-e/e- (d-)g- (r-) 0-sed- alliances-s-(h-)0/t- she gets "money" for no reason, "value" that is actually unsale able, false emotions to front her "need" of "just" "being" comp-eat- she gets to sit on her fat dimpled ass -k-t-, inn tone another bi-prod-u-ct-, and tool a living -i-ft- only buy being unnecessary "0" pen- ly-e- you don't get to "pay" for a privilege you didn't keep toff t(y) 0ur e vi ew/e th e w/(h) 0 r(L) d (h) a l/l 0/t --0-w/-id-t-h-(y-)our-e-time-s-l0-t-h-and-0f-(i-)t-inn-t-ere-s-(t-)augh-t-0ff-t- "your" privilege, is you don't have to actually pay attention wile you sling -s-us-hi-t- h-and-c-all-i/t- "ethic's" (h-) 0- w/e-ed- i/t- t- 0- w/-(h-)ad-dic-t-s-(L-) a-we-ll-t00-t-he-t0-0t-i/t- i/t- e-ye-t-a- buy-e- i/t- a- gain-d- (s-) imp-le-d-0f-t- a- re- duct- i-0/n-e-t-hie-ven-d- |
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |
sunday in the park reminded me of george seurat, pointillism and the great book i have of his drawings. i found a note to myself in the book, michallet paper, that is what he used, i thought it was integral to his fantastic gritty texture of using paper and crayon to achieve the high / lows in contrast & muted form in nuance, and playing with the nuances of basically black and white, a mark and the evacuated em pt e'ye palate . the word 'chiaroscuro' came to mind, in looking at the origin, it means, clear,bright + dark, obscure. to me this is a playing & intercoursing of integrity t00 the re st 0're ye a.r th f 0'r(e) d (0/h) be a.d. as/s h ea.r d a ft (0) w/h0 w/are a.d. |
t-he-(ad-)s- p- (L-)ace- g-0/t- he-ad-e/b-t00-t-he-r-0-t-he-d- h-and- 0f- t- |
r-ate- time for t no reason, for t no place set h eg(u) e s/s (t) at e |
all-t-h/e-m/e- w/-id-t-he-x-p0-sed- re- g- 0- (d-)s- |
(s-)0-L-(e-a-)d- g- 0- (a-)ll-d- |
(h) ea. l/l ' d (h) 0 pen l/l e'ye~ a. t 0/n e t00 th f~0'r(a.)m.~ e w/h 0/0 l e'ye t0 g e th er~e/n d e/b t00 th c~a(i)r~e ye d(h) ew/e s a w/are t00 th d ew/e t~(c) h ew/e d(s) 0' L (e) d. i/t ~t 0/0 th e~m 0/t i 0/n e t a g0 ta g0~ a l/l d(h) 0' ver t (a') l/l 0~A.D. d h~and e/b t00 th cir c~le (a.)ve n t(h)(c) 0/n e/e d le ye t00 th be c(h)0/n e/e d le'ye inn t(h)in(e)d s u g/g (u) e s/s t i 0/n e s(t) 0/a~r' d (h) 0/m e (a.) d. 0 w/e t00 th f~L0 w/(h)ere t00 t(h) a~ g i/0 d(s) 0' Le (a.) d. i/t~t(0) w/h0 me ta t(h) i s/s u e~n d 0'l (e) i/t (h) a w/(h) e'ye d ate t(h) a nd 0 w/(h)ake inn d(h) e/e d ' s(h) e l/l fxf t(s) augh t a's/s t e w/e i/t (0) w/00 d be (a.)d. e/b t(h)rue w/e t(h) be l/l e (ye) a. f~ t a'g~race a.d. 0 pen l/l e'ye~a. t 0ff the me an s~ |
t00-L-inn-g-a-t/t-en-t-i-0/n-e-t00t-(h-)u-e-s/s- (h-) ave- t- (b-) a- re- (r-)use-d-(y)0u-r- not the m(e)use d h and e/b t(y) 0ur kn 0t/h em (e)u/s i c t(0) w/h0 d(h) ew/e d
me'ye 0/n e 'ye s pea.k t (h/d) e fxf 0 'r (e) t (0) w/h0 (d) per use t/h ei r d ew/e t(h) c~ a (i)r e t00 t(h) b ere th ere ve(i)n (k) n ewe (a.)d. i/t ~t(0) w/h0 |
p- (L-)a-ce- s/s- e- t-he- ad- bu-l/l-e-t- inn- t-he-ad- c-(h-)am-b-ere- d- 0f- t-he- g- un- d- e/b- t- a- re- (a-) p-air-t-he-s- 0/n- d- h- and- s- 0/n- e-g- be- g- un- d- h- and- be- gat- a- g-0/n-e- tu-get-a- l/l-0/n- (e-)g-e-d- e/b t a s/s t a (i) r e/n t(h) 0/0 k th en eve r t (h/d) a ll i've d e/b t a ke th c~a(i)r~ (e) inn d' sig h/d (h) all (e) a.s/s (t) 0 w/e a.d. ate th fxf a'ce (a.)d. (*h*) 0've d e/b t a l/l 0 (w/e) ve d |
the patients a w/(e)a.r e t c h pre sent ly e th ere ve(i)n (d) 0/n e d(h) e'ye d 's e/a. m. e/n d (h)0've d 0 w/are (a.)d. i/t~ch' s t a(i)r e a.d. h~and s~i' re a.d. f a(i)r e (a.) l/l e' ye~a. t 0/n e me a.t~ e'ye p.r.e s/s en t ly e~t/h ere |
" |
" |
t(h) en d 0'L (e) i/t (h) a t00 t(h) a's/s a'ye t00 th s(t) a' i.d. e/b t00 th' s pea.k t00 t(h) be (a.)d. (h) 0 p~en (a) l/l (t) e'ye~ a. t e fxf 0 r(a.)m.~ e ve(i)n (t) ly e~ fxf 0'r(e) t c/h ea.r (0) t/h d (t/h) d 0 w/e a.d. 0 w/(h) a t/t a(i)r e ve~n d en e'ye t a' l/l e(a.)ven (d) s (h) 0 w/e (d) g (e) 0~ d e(b) tu de(b) tu de (b) t(h) u~e s/s t e t w/ee d be (y) 0/n d 0/0 re 0/n (') t (h) f~0're g 0/t a l/l 0/t ~ t 0/0 th t 0/0 Le~a. k/t 0ff t un (e) i que |