T0/u/r e fe~a.t e
the fe a.t~her e is knea.(d.)t lig~ht u`be/e's p0 ken igh t (l~ye) r/i~g.ht
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: October 1, 2015 5:35:34 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: October 2, 2015 8:33:16 AM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
n0.m~a.d.~e nem ein'~s a.m.~e s/(h)ave~s
From: Angela Cook <xubrnt@me.com>
Date: October 2, 2015 1:24:47 PM EDT
To: "xubrnt@mac.com" <xubrnt@mac.com>
From: MacHighway Tier 3 <support@machighway.com>
Subject: [Ticket ID: 725302] From MacHighway: Notice of Potential Copyright Violation
Date: October 2, 2015 2:28:35 PM EDT
To: Angela Cook <fabric8@mac.com>
Angela, We received the below DMCA complaint. We ask that you take action to remove the content within the next 48 hours, or we'll regrettably be required to do so according to the Digital Millennium Copyright Act. ================================================================== Abuse Department MacHighway 240 S Broadway STE 206 Denver, CO 80209 To Whom It May Concern, Good afternoon. My name is Rich Roat and I am the owner of House Industries/Brand Design Company, Inc. (“House Industries”). A website that your company hosts (according to WHOIS information) is infringing on registered trademarks and copyrighted material owned by House Industries. The following site is clearly displaying the registered Trademark "Photo-Lettering" which is owned by us. It is also displaying copyrighted images from our website http://www.richroat.haus/richroat0me.html This page displays our Registered Trademark and copyrighted material (scroll to the bottom) http://www.richroat.haus/everyethinge.html This page displays copyrighted material taken from our website houseind.com http://www.richroat.haus/richroat.html The same user is displaying our Registered Trademarks on the following website: http://holliesprague.com/addendum.html For your reference, here are some trademark registration numbers for the items mentioned above: PHOTO-LETTERING (Reg No. 3,021,706) HOUSE (Reg. No. 4,263,205) HOUSE INDUSTRIES (Reg. No. 1,993,033) This letter is official notification under Section512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”), and I seek the removal of the infringing material from your servers. I request that you immediately notify the infringer of this notice and inform her/him of her/his duty to remove the infringing material immediately, and notify her/him to cease any further posting of infringing material to your server in the future. Please also be advised that law requires you, as a service provider, to remove or disable access to the infringing materials upon receiving this notice. Under U.S. law, a service provider, such as yourself, enjoys immunity from a trademark or copyright lawsuit if you act with deliberate speed to investigate and rectify ongoing trademark or copyright infringement. If service providers do not investigate and remove or disable the infringing material this immunity is lost. Therefore, in order for you to remain immune from a trademark or copyright infringement action you will need to investigate and ultimately remove or otherwise disable the infringing material from your servers with all due speed should the direct infringer, your client, not comply immediately. I am providing this notice in good faith and with the reasonable belief that rights House Industries owns are being infringed. Under penalty of perjury, I certify that information contained in this notification is both true and accurate, and I have the authority to act on behalf of the owner of the copyrights involved. Should you wish to discuss this matter, please contact me directly. Thank you for your prompt attention and have a wonderful day. Sincerely, Rich Roat House Industries/Brand Design Company, Inc. 1145 Yorklyn Road, P.O. Box 166 Yorklyn, Delaware 19736-0166 ======================================================== Please let us know if we can be of further assistance. :) -- Thanks, Zachary T. Technical Support Manager, MacHighway Get status updates, notifications and service & feature announcements: MacHighway on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/MacHighway MacHighway on Twitter: http://twitter.com/machighway MACHIGHWAY TIP: Do you have a recent backup of your site? MacHighway recommends downloading a copy of your web content to your hard drive for safe keeping. More info here: https://customers.machighway.com/knowledgebase.php?action=displaycat&catid=90 -- Answers to many common questions can be found in our Support Center by clicking on this link: http://www.machighway.com/support-center/ If there is any additional information required for us to completely resolve your concern, please reply to your support ticket by visiting: https://customers.machighway.com/viewticket.php?tid=725302&c=s728ttsx -- Thanks, MacHighway Support http://www.machighway.com/
---------------------------------------------- Ticket ID: #725302 ----------------------------------------------
this is how r-ich -w/-rote- feels about me, ironic don't you t(h)~ink
as-sit-is- claiming my virtue is the on-ly-e-w-aye- "i/t" c-an-s-ave-f-ace- for just bein/g~r ace 0 pen l ye t00 the re lay T
this is my story, this is what i see, this is the lay of the land, this is the response s neer t~0/m~e
in p.r.i'me t i'm e w/e ll an/d f/a(i)re f/un~c t~i 0n e
delaware, how do you feel about your le-ad-er-e-?
i don't see how a juvenile be-h-ave-i-o-u-r-e- can raise k i.d.'s except on a fall-s-e-e- pre miss b-aye- b/b-e-a-t00-the-re-p0-0r-t-
has intention been Miss Re~a.d. aye.g. a i/n/n eve n (t)d's ;) 0h~ my b~a.d. e/b t00 the f~all0w/e in c re~a.d. e
i used hi-s-im-age- of value, and now he wants My face for-t- his-p(l)-ate- b-ye- s-imp-u-ll-i/ar-e-duct-i-on-e-w/t-wit-a-ke-&-ke-ar-n-a-re-vi-ew/e-g-r/ate-
your "ill" us(e) i 0n e' safe with mi c0n tu` si`~0n e w/e b~0/n e~cessary e
w/hat ah~ave t~c an say e t0/me~a.d.e re all y e
it would appear you are -one- be's-p0-ke- sh0rt 0f all the rest in t0 ken
how is "your" will, and your to ken
shirley temp le pt 0/ne man~s c~an s wear 0ne t~c~'h'arm all "A" L~ 0/n~e f/air~e & rec 0/n~s um as s~0wn e t/her~e
you are s-imp-ull-eye- p-(l)aying-a-f/f-in-er a war-e- with no L0 ve in s~t/0r~e
"0/re" you would take your c-l0-a-k-an-d-ag-ge-r- s0/m mi/t with all else t0 play e
be a.ware or e b-ye-a. war-e-
you are not getting t-anks f/r0m e ye c~0nt fun~n/ye t~h~0/u~sys and syn the in/n e w/h~ap par/e l~l e & l~aid e.g.g~ race ful~l ye & meye's cup an/d tu`p r~un e th 0 ver t(i.) d.y~e
s~0w(e/a.)keep sucking t i'll you c 0nt up
n0' s~(h)a.m.~e (i/n) den eye i/n~g
it would seem for all your "bespoken" fin-ness-e- apparent ly e with y ears interest, you h/ave only brutish maneuver's e.g. r0t-en- if your actions Pea -k- fir-st-e- 0n e my T i'm e b e.g. 0t~ten (t)d's
t00 the f/ace f/0re ward, you have nothing but your f-ears-in-ner-e-ye- t0-w/ar-d- um-my-ap-h-ear-t-
i have work to do, to tie up lose ends from sis t'earn ... i never finished the "house" mes-s-age- with your "b" "s"p0-ken- s"h"ape's
yes your shhhhhhhh"ape"-s-
that is all you "h"ave to re lay t apparently
i will be using the original photo lettering , or let me know directly, like any truly bespoken agency that advertizes a contact. you "po"king, only sets my work back. with your un patient "kn0-wing-"
if you c-h-ang-e- your min-d-, i have no problem taking this all down in no t i'm e. = stay off my back with your inter-re/st-at----e- b.c. it would prominently be your f-ache- t00-th/e-m-p-l0-ye-w/-h-eigh-t-up-s-t-ag-e-& g-u-y-r/ate-
you can be a(re) noun when you p(L)ay e p.r.0 f0 und 0/ne X u/s e.g. r~0/und 0/wn~e at e fxf/r0m e a.d. 0 w/hey~e
btw st-ringing g-ram-mat-i-c-ally-e- co-r(e)-re-c-t- words together does not make p~aid~aye "even" if your w/-in-g- man- are scene-in-n to-g-ether-e- & i/t doesn't may/k~ i/t be t~ta(i)re b (u) ye & be 'h'~ave t'g~r a.d. e
it is like the "man" the called me a cunt and a bitch for driving past him and parking illegally, ie he fought me for an illegal parking spot, all the while i am pointing out, there is a freshie right in front of the door, no, he just wanted to re-peat-(h)im-e-sel-l-f0/ne my/e : take the le a.d. ifyou p~L e/as/e or are you t-inking like a-"men" / "man" that k-n(e)a.d's- too-the-fight-for-a-write- t hen you w/-ill be w/h-eigh-t-ing f0r n0 0n e-g-lig-en-t-a-day-t-ye-t-i-
you preening grammatically correct words for no re as 0/n e = no worth, but you have money, so w hat does the te ll you x me, that you are selling my worth from above, for no reason 2 see. d~ (e liberate ly e)
& you p-lace 0ur too the p0-0r-e- & p-0-u-r-e s-0-u-r-e- 0n d-0wn-
n0t hap pi about your pre-o/c-cue-p-ate-i-on-e- looking good for no reason. it is like my beef about "m.o./d-el-l's" w/here is your fucking an0 ! selling an image for no reason is damaging too the pr0 vi/s~i 0n e = compete direction-ally-e- vs comp(l)eat e 2 sup~p0r(e)t i/n~g r~a.c.~e 0 fxf u ll ye see b um t a~ll 0 w/e~ in c'~s~ink w/0re s(h)i.p.~s h ea. r t b~ea.~t i/n t~en t~i 0n e(a.l~l ye)
sPeak f0r/t~(h)e re p.r.~i eve t(a)~0r t a/ke the l~e a.ve's
0m~g you were competing~
your g-am-e-s-am-i-g0- don't work b ye t-werk on this e g/r.a.d.e inc line h0/me me a.d.e
all a we have is 0w/ere are t~ defenses 2 freely e. g. i've
you have to overcome your biggest f-/-ear to make the g~r/a.d.e ve(i)nk 2 b~f reel ye b/be(e)s~p0 k/en t~l ye
the greatest f-ear is~l0ve & g(L)0ve b.(h)c. it isn't (h)ear~e gardening the w/(h)aye(t)* p~A.(i)D. ate
the last' st~raw is the tp~t00 th(re/a.)d. ay T (2) F/ace See/n~0w/e
s~aid~ate 2 s(h)ave fxf ace in 0 pen d/i lat e
your "text" is -e-X- p0-s-e-d- negligent 2 any growing facade of h0~pe
i am sure you can craft and graft an upshot to follow up your -e-l0-t- re a.d. 0te n0te
b.c. i w/ 0nt be ans wear~ing -2- any-e-r-0p-e-d-0-p-e-ye-c-an-d-ye-p.r.-0-d-ue-x-i/t-in-g-f0r-t-het-re-e-n-te-ring-
ps. your "wonderful"day, you h-ave on-l-ye-p.-r.00f-e-d-
you were angling for a promo, you t-here-f-0re- h-ave "shit" for peripherial vision.
se-l se-l s-ail my w/-ord-ye-w/-h-ell- imp.-r.0v-i/s-i-0n's-un-dr-ye- t-ail-
f(L)ave 0re
ps this re a.d.ing ist not for r-ich- on ac-count- o-f/f know hap parent lie -2- t-r.i.p.-i/the w/(vi)per's is T den eye w/(h)it : vipers bring forth alive b~ear/th r/0ne mi~st and b~r0/a.d.ly e ar~0~und e/b t~re e pr0fun/d her essay e tu` b~r00t e`a.t~with as p.r.e sent c0/m p~an (y)e
f(L)ave 0~r/e ve~n a. M.is~s Und e're St 0/0 d
f(L)ave 0~r/e ve~n a. M.is~s Und e're St 0/0 d'~st and i/n~g a gr0 und (0ne) b/0~ und fi~e L(0!R)D = L0 r0~a.d. 0/wn e t0/wn e ve(i)n'~ s0/wn e w/H(i)D~E a~ll 0 ver t~g/r~0wn 0b~serve (t)d's~en d's~ i` e ve/n's~ag/(g)a i/n c~i/t~y e w/(h)it e 0/ne w/k~nigh~t l~ig.h~t
notes in my sleep from last night's~0~b-lea-k-
se~e a.r0und c0rners e the c0rner we in r~0d/e & s'h0~w/e (L)Le a.ve~s fL0we~r(e)in~g 0
funny, last night i meant 'corner' but i wrote coroner, so i thought i would check t/hat: see definition a bi de t00 the si`de t0 me a.d. : c~r/0wn p~ea.s L~0ve t(h)e a.s e~e d en s~e l~ly e
the c0rner f/0re (t)me is in/n w/ha~rd g/r0und 0/wn e in recapitulations (e/a.) de a.d. z/0ne w/eb b/right en t~d aye ar/t c~ar/t re~e.g. a~rd en~i/n/n~g e/a.~ring's~0~0~0~L0~0~ve/n ly e w/t~ea.t~l~e a.ve~s e/e de~ed
t-heir-ich- selling im(-p-)age of love with no w/het toothe 2 restore compleat ly e
mov-i-e orchestrated to show he has "value" before he shows he has love tg(l)ove ve(i)n t hr u e 2 m(e)ye re a.d. er asp r.0~0f/e(e)d ye w/e t(h)ea.t er e in st/e a.d.~ in/si`d(e)/0~u/t 0 ven tw/h0('s) te~ll an/d y0u~t/h as pi re all 0/ne fi re a.d. 0/ne t0/ne c~k/nigh t~c ar/t a w/ay e w/ave tw/(h)0 c~a.d. (ie) ye w/e t (h)re~e/d's we'l~l e
re c/ap i/t u` l~at~0/r(e) ye a.ga~i/n/n f/0/r/m~e a. l~l y e t(h)re e d's ~e/e d's ep t em b ere. g.A i/n/n f~all 0w/e in p~lace~s lain p~lain bi. p.~(L)an~e b/i b~Le tc~le a.ve~s e/ed e/b t~f/0re's~ e/e in g's~p/r~0ut e c~a.d. ie t~0ut~s l~umber's l0 t~h
(t00 the) quick L ye th0u se a. l~l an/d' sel~l a c~r/0' s/s 0p f(L)ave 0r(t)e n~0re b/0 und e/b t~h en either e r~un' s~p0/k e~n (t)d's~en d's i.p. t~ga i/n/n
"co-o/king" people in a con-cent-ration-c-am-p- does not proper e ly e di's~p0's e/e 0/f/f a(i) re lay T ~i 0n e's h~i.p. i/the w/(h)inter est ~(2)~g/r~0w/e t/wit~h eaves and s heaves 0/und~
en d0w/ n~et (a) n0'~s e
b~0/m~b m(&h)atching the qui LT w/(h)0re b(u) ye b/b ein g c~u/p 0' l0 ve t 2 b/all e t0/u/r~e (e) fxf~0re s~h0/r~e el and's~nake d's a.(i)m.~aye vane pane signaT0r(e)ye b/ran~ch's~kye w/(h)eigh t (h)r u e st~ew/(h)e tu`b/rig.h t0 me a.d.~e b/t~w/(h)~0 re c~0 ve~r t/(e)up b(u)ye (h)d~e si`g.n~e re p.r.i'm~e m~0nt i'm~e
b~re a.d. b~rake b(u)ye b/b re a k i/t~f/ast er~e mat~h (r) u e. g.r~a.c.e syn/the t(au)t i'm e a. l~l i'v~e
a/u~s~pi c~i/0/u~s a w/are'~s un'~s(h)in~e a.r~e b(u)ye b/bi r(0/a.)d.'s t~0k~en d's~e/e b(um)s~p 0/k~en d's~and~0(0)ve b/be~le a. fi/n~p*(L~a.c.~e) 0' le pt c0/m p(L)eat l~ye
p*0'le t~c(i)t(ye)0/n(e)~igh t f0r/m at(e)i've l~l ye f/r0m~(e)a.d.e t00 the re lay T
n~(0w/(h)eigh~t c up an/d~r e lay T0/ne ve(i)n~0d(d)e b/~t(h)0re~a.c.hin~g a w/are &'s~hare s~w/h~ea.t k(n)0~w/t(h)ing e ve/n i/n~g'~s e.g. i've i/n/n's~en d's~i even t w/h0 p~(b)e le~a. fi/n ger un d/i n~g t00 the re~s t0r~e ye renega.d.e b~a.c.k m(e)as~tar ~t/e ven (d's)end's~fx f~aster(r)a i/n/n~s~e c(h)0/n d's just b.(h)c.~ i c~an/s w/hale ye th0u se t/he den f/0re sha.d.0w an/d f0re s/hare 0n e tu`d0(0)r e b(u)ye s~p0 ke~n fxf/0/u/r~an~dye a.sp b f/0re
de's cent c~u p(2)ut up'T in tre(e) verse ally & g's ig n.i fi/(g) c an/s e/a. t0's se/e @ t~em p* l~e
afghan (d's) w/hi.g('s) 0~ver t i'm e (t)qui et qui L/T(e)ye t0'0 le a.d. e/b t(h) c/r~a ft e r's~l~0ve 2 th e.g. able's's e. g.rafter e.g.(r)0ve
my 0n~l ye de f~en's~e.g.
i/n/n e my defense : i am i/n/n defensible k now/e step(pe)i/n t0/0 t(h)e ye 0/f t(h)e ne/e d l~e a.d.~we'l~l i/n~g
i am i/n/n defensible for a/p/e d be~t/t~a(i)re t~ w/-h-ord of the h-ack-in-2-a-bout-u`-g-ran-t-e-vain-st(r)ea.m~i/n~g w/ake
m(e)ye tel~l is t(m)y e circumference se t (h)rea.d. 2 back w/(h)in las/st~e a.m. in e (h)d. en~de~a.v/0/u/r e. g.a i/n/n s~t/e tu`
ei= egg
ein= one
b~l a.c. k~0/n e w/hit~e t00 the s(h)0w/e = w/(h)ea.t~0 e & t0w/e ave/n & t0w/(h)e~a.ven (t)d's~0w/n~0/un d e're t/hat'~ g.0 all an/d 0/0~ve n (t)d's~(e.g.)l0ve & g~0ve n eve r e last(r)ing~en/e 0/f/f~e/te tup rig~r/ace fully e 0ver e fl0w/er(e)in~g cup
t)- p-rig-ht-ether-eve-r-e-l-eve-r-t-e-
-h-e? r? 0/d e "value" x (a v-ail-ewe-) 2- s0-d-d-
the"man"a-m-ark-/-arc-am-as-set-m0-re- & set his tooth on per/p/ose -2-re-as-says-it's-/t-0re-t-0r-t-e-
-h-e? r? 0/d e "value" x (a v-ail-ewe-) 2- s0-d-d-f/0-r/e-war-d-
t~er/ra.d. i